HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 957 REVISED ORDI14-ANCE FOR THE EXAZUITATIOF ANDA.TAI,IFI CATION OF PLUMBERS AN ORDINANCE Revising that portion of Chapter lv, Title 4, of the Chaster and Revised Ordinance of the City, codified by Hugh Bcxdin and adopted by the Board Of Corrm:issioners of the City of Fort Worth on January 26th, 1915, Tela.tive to the appointment and duties of an EXAMI NI NG AND SUPERVISING BOARD OF PLUMS for the City of Fort Forth, Texas. AN ORDI Y4XCE. Defining. Master Plumbers and Journeyman Plumbers; Creatine: a Board for the Exzmination of Pimmbers; Fixim the number of the members of said. Board, and their terms of servi_cE; Prescribim the duties and definir the ow+srs of said Board; Provia� uEr ltv, and Declaring an ernergency. PREAMBLE. WHERI.AS the City Of Fort Worth has recently greatly increased its city limits and WHEREAS many extensions and ex to ns ive improve.- dents a.nd additions must be made , in the gws, waster and sewage systems, to properly serve the city, and WHEREAS much building and improvement, both of & private and a, public nature, is being, and will be, carried on and made in the city, and WHEREAS as the Lzxs of the State of Texas requires, and the Board of Corrnnissioners deem it imperatively nec- essary to secure the public health MW TF:' M FORF, - BE IT ORDAISdZ.+,D BY THE BOARD OF COIVMj,,c!:i OhMRS OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS - SECTION I. DEFINITIONS. �. As used in the ordirances of the City of Fort Worth - (a) The term "person" means and includes Partnerships, associations and ccrporatioris, however fo?med .. (b) The term "Mb.ster Plumber" (or "Employi rg Plurrlber" ) means one who is expert in the knowl- ed,g)e of the strength, durability and quality of the ma.teriE1 and devices for perfect work in t8mks , pipes, traps , fittings and fixtures, making taps and conrec- tions in such manner ws will prevent the escaping of noxious vapors, gases , odors, etc. , for the conveyance of gas, water and sewage, but '&io does not holdhim- self out a.s intending to actually do the work of such 1 insta'-4tions, but proposes to make and carry out contracts for , and to properly a.nd carefully super- vise , the work of a.11 such installations. Provided that, if a Master (or Employing) Plumber, as herein defined, shall intend to personally do the work of plumbirg , on eortzacts made by him, or others, he shall also pass the examination as Journeyman Plumber, as herein defined. (c ) The terms "Jour neyran Plumber" means one whose principal work is manual; one skilled and experieVced in the actusl physical labor of ilstalling tanks, pipes , traps, fittings and. fixtures , making taps , and conr*cticns in such manner as will prevent the escapirg of noxious vapors, ha.ses, odors, etc. , in all buildirgS and in making proper and sanitary conr�.ctions for same, and who holds himself out Gs intendir.ig to act- ually do such work under the employment and supervision Of a. Diaster (01 Employing) Plumber, as herein defined, but not as intending to c0 nt-ra.ct for rand cause to be done such work as a. Master or Employi rig Plumber, as herein defined SECTIOY II. EXAM UNG AND SISING BOARD OF PLUKIERS. i (a) There is hereby created and estab- lished a, Board to be known as - THE- IMAYINUG AND SUPERVISIIJIG BOARD OF PLUMBERS OF TIS CITY 014' FORT WORTH, TEXAS. viz; (b) Said Board shall consist of five members, - One member of the local Board of Health of the City to be designated by the 'Board of Commissioners of the City Of Fort Worth, Texas; The City Engineer., of the City of Fort Worth, Texas; 1he Inspector of 'lumbing of the City of Fort worth, Texas; These three to EX OFFICIO Members of the Board hereby created and to continue as such members while hold- ing their respective offices. One Master Plumber resident of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, of at least ten years experience as such; One Journeyman Plumber resident of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, of at least five years experience a.s such. These two to continue as members of the Board hereby created for a period of two years from the dates of their lespect-ive_&ppaintmenGs and until their sue cessors are -- -dull GFpointed. Prodded hog=ever, th&t if any of the five members of the Board, above provided for, shall die, or become unable to act, for any reason, or shall resign. from their respective positrons, or shall be removed far any c ause, as herein- after provided, then the Board of C.Ommissior„ers of the City Of Fort Worth shall appoint a successor, ox sttccesscrs ,who shall fill out the unexpired term until their respective successors shall be dull- appointed. 2 SECTION III. DUTIES OF BOARD. it shall be the duty of the Examining Board, herein Provided for, to meet as soon after their appointment as is practicable and within ten days , and organize by selectirg one of their members as Chairman and another a-s Secretary, who shall keep a, full record of the proceedings of said Boss d. And it shall be the further duty of said Board to provide itself with proper books of record blank forms, stationery and supplies, proper and adequate for the con- duct of its business , which shall be paid for out of the fees for examination s,s hereinafter provided for. It shall be the further duty of said Beard, from time to tip:e, a.s it may deem proper, to submit to the Board of Commissior?ars of the City of Fort Worth, its written suggestions and recornmenda.tinns for the improve- ment of the plumbing ordinance: of the City of Fort 'North. SECTION IV. NO CCLEPENSATION. All members of the Board herein provided fcr shall serve the City of Fort Worth without any compensation whatever. SECTION V. POWERS. The Examining and Supervisirg Board of Plumbers , herein provided for, shall have power, and the seine is hereby granted to them, as follows;- (a) ollows;-(a) To adopt rules and xegulz tions for the conduct of the business of the exFminationof appli- cants a.nd f or its own government in carrying out its duties under this ordi ne nce. , provided the same shall not be inconsistent with any laws of the Stetf! of Texas, or the ordinances of the: Citi; of Fort Worth, Texas. (b) To provide proper forms , in its discre- tion, fcr- app ac�.rts for examination as Master Plumber, Inspector of Piumbirg or .iou.rneywa.n Plumber and to re- quire a.11 appli.ca.nts to peoperly fill out arld file same wAh s ald Board. c) To fix reasonable times for the examina- tion of applicants , under the terms of this ordinance, and to specify the hours therefor, and the -place where such a6anination shall be held. (d) To provide suitable exz.aninations for Mas- ter Pl-=bears , Inspector of Flt:nbi rg, and for Jourcey- ma.n Plumbers, and to determine whether they shall be all or•£,l, or a.11 written, or psstly oraul and partly written, and to make all rules necessary for the fair, speedy and sufficiert examination of all applicants under the provisions of this ordimnee.. 3 SECTION X. PLUMBING INSPECTOR. All persons desiring to apply to the Bo and of Com- missioners of the City of Fort 'forth, Texas, for: -`he position as Inspector of Plumbing, a.s defined herein, shall first apply to, and be examined by, the Examining Board , herein provided for , and obtain a Certificate of Qualification, and a license to act as such Inspector, from said Examining Board, as provided for Master Lumbers under the terms of this ordinance and said applicants for the position of Inspector of Plumbing, of the City of Fort worth shall fila with their applic;6-tions their 8e+rtifica.tes of Qualification, and license, as herein provided. No person not holding such Certificate of Qualification and license, and piesenting sz.-cie to the City Secretary, shall be permit- ted to file an application for the position of Inspector of Plumbing for the City. SECTION XI . gUOLMATIVE. This ordinance shall be considered az cumulative to all other ordinances now in force touching plumbers within the City .of Fort worth, Texas , -provided however th&t all acts, or parts of acts, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION XII. SAVING CLAUSE. If any section of this ordinance, or any part of a• section, shall, by any Court of competent jurisdiction be held to be invalid, the same shall not affect any part, or other parts , of this ordinance,.. but the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION XIII. PE NAL TY. Any person violating this ordi ninc e, or any section thereof, or attempting to do plumbing, either as a Master Or lourneZrma.n Plumber,,, as defined herein, without first obtaining the Certificate of Qualification, as herein rro- vided for , shall be deefied guilty of misdemeanor and shall befined in the sum of not lass than w'20.00, or more than w 200.00 , in a.ny Court of competent jurisdiction, includirg the Corporation Court of the City of Fort worth. Each day shall be considered as a separate violation of this ordinance and the penalties shall be applied ac- cordirgiv. SECTION XIV. EMERGENCY. WHEREAS the State Law requires the pass&-qe of an ordinance of this character andV WHEREAS the City Commission is of the opinion that such ordinance should be effective immediately snd WH.-REAS the public swfety and health xequire that -this ordinance should be immediately effective. TH.I IEFORE the sat fie shall be and become effective,_,- iminediately upon the passage and publication of this ordinance as provided by the Lew OF the State of Texas and the Gaster of the City of Fort North, Texas . 6 since this ordinance constitutes a revi- sion and digest of parts of title 4, chapter 4, of the revised ordinances of the City of Fort Worth , as codified by Hugh Bardin and adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fort Worth on the 28th day of January, &. D. 1915 , it shall become a law and be in full force and effect after it has been a.,A- published in pamphlet form, as :required and provided by the charter of the City- of Fo Yt Worth. Approved: Corporation Counsel. kc- y"Jj,