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Ordinance 8075
ti:~ n ~'~ , .. ORDINANCE NO ~ Q AN ORDINANCE VACATING ABANDONING AND CLOSING A TEN FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT IN LOTS 2 3 AND 4 BLOCK "D COUNTRY DAY PARK ADDITION EXTENDING FROM THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF BRYANT IRVIN ROAD SOUTHEASTWARD ALONG THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE OF LOTS 2 3 AND 4 BLOCK "D " COUNTRY DAY PARK ADDITION TO THE WESTERN BOUNDARY LINE OF A 20 FOOT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BEING LOCATED ADJACENT TO AND WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF LOTS 2 AND 4 BLOCK 'D COUNTRY DAY PARK ADDITION REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS SECTION 1 n ~, That the ten foot wide utility easement in Lots 2 3 and 4 Block "D Country Day Park Addition extending from the east right-of-way of Bryant Irvin Road southeastward along the common property line of Lots 2 3 and 4 Block "D," Country Day Park Addition, to the western boundary line of a 20 foot sanitary sewer easement being located adjacent to and west of the east line of Lots 2 and 4 Block "D Country Day Park Addition be and the same is hereby vacated abandoned and permanently closed as an easement for utility purposes SECTION 2 That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are dismissed SECTION 3 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and it is so ordained APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY .~i 6 ~S/a~~ ~ City Attorney ADOPTED EFFECTIVE i AREA MAP E H BURKE SU R I\ ~n ~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z 'O j j ~/ © R i ~ ,[ f~ R _~ 3 ~- Q °~ ~~ Pp C ~ 1'.> ~ L A N .~~-..~.r 0-r h H' _ ~ ' ~ .yFN ~ ~! F- ~2- ~ 6900 40 Z, ~ v W .HOUSTON G I .~ m 3 \_ a 4 ~./ ~ 'til -1 I S.U.R HA NSBORO'UGH b SCALE 1" •00~ !, SU lT ~~ 0 200 400 MOIITM 0 ~ BCALE 1 100' 0 2 ~ 1 ~ ~ 60 100 ~o ,, IITR iv 1v ~ ~r ` ~~ ~"J .~ 9SFMF ~ NT 1 ~'° ~"' ~ ~ ~ ~~ w 3 4 ~,~ Q c/' ~ v ~m ~ ~, \ 3 R Q . ~ ~' ° Soa ~ \ P r Fsr ~ o ~~ e~L ~ ~ oJZ 4 1 ; v PROPERTY MAP APPLICANT DATE FILED LEGEND MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOC May 7, 1979 T ~~APPLICANTS PROPERTY YPE OF REQUEST ^ STREET ~ ALLEY ~ EASEMENT LOCATION •~~~ ZONE BOUNDARY EASEMENT COUNTRY DAY PARK, Block "D", Lots 2,3 & 4 ryant Irv n oa Wort o Sout west~lY~! REQUESTED VACATION COMMISSION MEETING ORDINANCE NUMBER SECTOR ~~~~ ~~ o n ITY PLANNING OE-ARTMENt -ORT WORTH TE%AS ^ _ ~!/ Mayor and ~oun~~l ~~~am.~,cn~~a~~.on DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT ~ahaatiOn of Easement COUntry PAGE NUMBER Day Park Addition Lots 2 3 &4 1 2,pI/gin ~~<PZ-95~ Block "D" (V-79-25 >or Mutual Building and Loa. Ass;~ciation owner of Lots 2, 3 & 4 Block "D' Country Day Park Addition has requested that the City vacate a 10' wide utility ease- ment in Lots 2 3 & 4 Block "D" Country Day Park Addition from the east right-of-way of Bryant Irvin Road soT~theastward along the common property line of Lots 2 3 & 4 Block 'D" Country Day Park Addition, to the west boundary line of a 20' sanitary sewe~e easement be:~ng located adjacent to and west of tl~e east line of Lots 2 & 4 Block "D", Country Day Park Addition as shown on the attache map The subject easement acquired by dedication is not in use and contains no publi utility facilities Reviewing City departments and private utility companies have offered no objec- tions and recommend trAat the subject easement be vacated Recommendation It is recommended that, an ordina~,.ce be adopted ;vacating the subject easement VS plg Attachment APP~ov~® ~~ CITY CO~EL ~~ tea , s~ SUBMITTED FOR THE CITY MANAGER'S DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL: ~~ ~~ "'PRUC~ BY OFFICE BY: .~ ^ APPROVED ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT HEAD: ,J®Ea Bilardi ~~~~,~~ ^ OTHER (DESCRIBE) ~, ~ r '~ X D ~ S~ CITY SECRETARY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT Tom Lake, Ext 8024 DATE