HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 7359O 11� i� Vl'i �s � l.�t � — — Alel ORDIIVANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COST OF IMPROVE- MENTS AND OF AIVIOUNT� TO BE ASSE�SED FOR IMPBOVEMENTS ON A PORTIQN OF EVERMAN RU4D __ _----- ND PORTIONS OF Si1NDRY OTHER STREETS, 1�VENUES AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTIi, TEXAS; FII�LING TIME Al`tD PLACE FOft HEARING T� THE OWN�RS OF �iBUTTING PItO�EftTY AND TO .�I.I. OTHE�tS INTEftESTED; DIRECTING THE CITY SECftETARY TO GIVE NOTICE O� SUCH HEARING; ANI) DIftECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ENGR05S .�ND ENROLL THIS ORDINANCE BY COPYING THE CAPTION OF S1�iViE IN THE MINIJTE BOOK OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BY FILING THE CO1ViPLETE ORDINANCE IN THE AI'PROPRIATE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF THE CITY; AND PROVIIiING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, has heretofore ordered that each of the hereinafter described portions of streets, avenues and public places in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, be im- proved by raising, grading and filling same and by constructing thereon the following, to-wit: EVERMG�N RQAD From Y. H. 35-W Service Road to Oak Grove Road, known and designated as Project No. 104-23000-149, a seven-inch thick reinforced concrete pavement on a six-inch thic�t Iime stabilized subgrade with seven-inch high superimposed con.crete curb. Six-in.ch thick con- crete driveways wi11 be constructed where specified. The roadway will consist of two thirty-six foot traffic ianes with a twenty- eight foot �dian. together with concrete curbs, gutters, driveways and incidentals to such improvements on proper grade and line where same �re not already so constructed, to�eth�r with storm sewers'and drains and other necessary incidentals and appurtenances; all of said im- provements to be constructed as and where shown on the P1ans and in strict accordance with the Plans and Specification� the�efor; c�ntra�t th�refore has been made a�l entered into with _ Austin Road Company ; a nd WHEREAS, the City Couacil of the City of E°ort Worth, 'texas, has caused the Public Works Director to prepare and file estia�ates of the cost of such improvements and estimates of the amount per front foot proposed to b� asses�ed a�ainst abutting property and the owners thereof, and such estimates have been examined, N 9 Li1L'.IiEFOdl�y BE IT ORD.4INED BY T�iE CITI' . C�UNCI L QF THE CI�Y 0� FORT ie10RTH, TEXAS , THAT ; � Such estimates be, and they are hereby adopted and approved. � It is hereby found and determined Chat the cost of improvements on each portion of streets, avenues, and public places hereinafter described, with Che amount or amounts per £ront foot proposed to be assessed for sueh improvement� against abutting pro- perty and the owners thereof, are as follows, to-wit: EVERM�N R4�1D From I-35-W 5ervice Road to Oak Grove Road, known. and designated as Project No. 104- 23000-149. The estimated cost of improvements is $ 1,164,490.04 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed agafnst abutting propex°ty and the owners tliexeof forsuperimposec concrete curb �� i,s $ 1.00 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for pavement is $ 23.50 � the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for - 0- wide concrete sidewalk is $- �- ; the estimated amount per square foot to be assessed against abuttin� property and the owners thereof for six-inch thick concrete driveway is $ 1,28 per square foot; the total est�.mated amount er front foot to be assessed against abuttin� property and the owners thereof is $ 2�•�� , plus the cost incurred for concrete driveway construction where specified. �� A hearing be given and held by and before the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Te�as, to all owning or claiming any px°opert}r abu�ting upon said portions of highways, streets, avenues and public piaces, as well as �o all owning or c,laiming any �.nterest in any such property. Such hearing shall be given and held on the 28�h day of June , 1976 , at 9:30 A•M• , in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and the City Secretary is hereby dir�cted to give o�_cause to be given notice;of the time and place of such hearing and of other 'matters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions of an Act pa,ssed at the Fxrst Ca11ed Session.of the Fortieth Legislature of �he State of Texas, and known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Se�sion,.now being known �s Article ilOSb of Vernon's Te�as Civil S�atutes as amended by'AcC.s 1967, 60th Legi�lature9 Page 365, Chapter 176, Sect3on 1, emergency effective May 12, 19670 �u�h nc��i�e shall be.by advertisement'insexted at least three (3) times in a newspaper published in the �ity of Fort Worth, Texas, the first publica�ion to be made a� leas� �wenty-one (21) days before the date of said hearing; Said no�ice staall comply with and be icx accordance with the terms and provisions of said Act as amendede The City Secretary is further directed to give or cause to be gfven.personal notice of the tim� and place of such hearing to a11 owning or claiming acxy property abutting ori said portions of `l�ighways, streets, avenues and public places, as well as to all owning or claiming any interest in any such propertyo Such p�rsonal no�iee shall be in writing and shall be given or caused �o be given by the City Secretary by deposi�ing such written notice in the United..S.tates, Mail at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the hearing, po�tage prepaid, i�1 �nvelopes addressed to all pe�sons awn�.ng or claiming any interest in the respective proper�ies abutting �he hfgh- ways, streets, avenue� and public places or portions thereof to be improved, as the names nf such persons are sh'own on the cuxx°en� rendered �a�c rolls of the Ci'ty of Fort Worth and at the addresses so showri, or if the name of such respective owners do.not appear on su�h rendered ta�x rolls, then address to,such owners as their names are shown on the current unrendered tax rolls of the City of Fort Worth at the adciresses shown thereon, In those cases in whi�h an owner of property abutting a highway, s�reet, avenue or public plaee or portion or portions there- of which is to be,improv�d is listed as "cznknown" on ,the then.current City of Fort Worth tax rolls, or �he name of an owner is shown on the City of F'ort Worth tax rolls.but no add�ess for such owner is shown,�no notice need be mailedo In those cases where the owner is shown to be an es��te, the mailed notice may be addressed to such estaCe, In this connect�.on, �he Ci�y Secre�ary shall prepare and file or cause to be p�epared.and filed with these proceeding� a list of the_ prope�ties to be as,sessed,, the names of those, persons ow�iiig o�e claiming �ny interest in said properties to whom the notice was mailed,. �ogether with the las� known addresses determined as aforesaid of the respec�ive owners and those per-� sons owning or claiming any in�erest in said prop�rty, The City Secretax�y sha11 �ertify that each of the pazties in said list whose address is shown on the then current re.ndered or unrendex°ed tax ro1�,s of �he City o.f Fort Worth was mailed a copy,of the notice of he�ring and �hall further certify the date or dates,on whieh said notice was mailed. A copy of each no�ice shall be attaehed to such'certificateo �he certificate of the �ity Secre�a�y will be con- clusive evidence of the facts therein recited. , IV. The City Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption of same in the Minute Book of the City Council and by filing th� complete ordinance in the appropriate Ordinance Records of this City. V. This �rdinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after �he date of its p�ssage. Passed and approved this �� day of � �, 19 ��. A�PROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALI7Y: ;��"� ��,:.x _"� � � � �. . �� ,.�'_ ___ _ i � ' � � � . . ,: : �, , , , `,; .` i, �, E VE� /i� AIV RO�� I-35W Service Road �o Oak C�rove R�ad CITY OF FORT WORZZi PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISTON On May 17, 1976, the Engineering D�,vision of the Public Works Department scheduled a Neighborhood Meeting, for the Assess- men� Paving on Everman Road, Project No, 104-23000-149, Members of the Engir►eering Division staff were present attlie appointed time; however, none of the property owners app�ared for the maetingo FORT WORZ'H, Z°EXAS .Ti7NE 1 � 1976 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF FORT WORTH, T.�XAS GenClemen and Mrs. Rimmer: In accordance with the proceedings of your Hono��b1� Body, T have prepar�d �s����.��� o� the cost of streeC improvements as shown b�iow; Estimates of the total cost of improvements on ��aoact�An of Ev�rm�n Ro�d �n� �����,c�n� of sundry other streets, avenues and public place� i�n the Ci�� of F��°t GJo��h� ��x�,� ���.c� estimated amounts pex front foo� Co be �s��ssed �g�inst abutting p�op��°�� �r�d ��a� a�a���� thereot, on each portion of street, �v�nne �.nd p�sbl�,c pl�c� a�e as fol�.axa� � tomi��t o PROJECT NOQ 104-23000-149, EVERMAN RCIt�� FROM I-35W SERVICE ROAD TO OAIZ GROV� Ra.4Ii� �� b� improv�d by constructing a seven-inch thick x�info�ced concret� p��r�m�n� can � six-in�h thick lime stabilized subgrade with seven-inch high sup�x�imposed eonc�°��� cu�b, S����n�h thick concrete driveraays will be construct�d where sp�cified. �he finished �o��,r��� wil�, consist of two thirty-six foot traf£ic Ian�s w�th a twenty-�ight foot m�dian, The foilowing assessment rates have beer� establish�d; Seven-inch reinforced concr�t� , (Comonercial and industxi�l zoning),,,,,aoaaoa$�3,50/L,�'o Seven-inch superim�osed conerete cu�b.,oqe.e..,oa..oae$ 1.�OOlL,F, Six-inch thick concrete drivew��ys,,.,,.,,sasa..e.o°o.o$ ��28IS,F� The asse�sments result in the follo�aing divi�ion of cost: TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS (ASSESSMEN7.'S),.a„,a,a,eoaQ9J�m$ ���,�86��+� TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH (STREET IMP�tOVEMENI°S ) a a p o 9 0,$ 30�, 2894 4� TOT�1L ESTZNfATED COST (STREET IMPROVEMENTS),,,,oe.....o..00000$ 535,875,52 TOTAL ESTIM�ITED COST (DRAINAG�)a.o..a�soeova000<.eoa000���.a$ 628,614,52 T0�1L ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST..e.aa.�Q.aoQ..,00000n=oa��.$�-,�-6G�,490�04 c--c�. �Y� l�-�- ��r=-i��-. -_ JACK Mo GRAHAMq Pa E� CTTY ENGINEER PROJECT NOm iO4m23000-149, EVERMAN ROAD FRON[ T,IH, 35W S�RVTC� aZ�D �0 QPiIZ �RO� ItC�I�9 �o la� improved by construc�ing a s�ven-inch thick reinforced c�ncret� p�v��n� mri � sixminch tixick liem� stabiliz�d subgrade with sev�n-inch high su��impos�cl conc��te c�rl�e S�xm�n�h th�.ck concrete driveways wil�. be construc�ed wher� sp�cified, �he ro�clw�y will �onsi�� of �r�� thi�ty�s ix foot traff ic lanes with a'�wenty�eight foot m�df�n, BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRON7I�GE 1LA� A.NIOiJN`� ASS�SSNI`�N� NORTH SZDE � CAR�R INDUSZ'f.tIAL PARK Beginning at the souChwest corner of Lot 5, Bloek 5, Caxte�s Industri�l P��k. - Building Management Corp. 5 5 Ii.61,34' Pa�ement $23,50 $27g291,49 E dward T, Hayes Ind, 1141,34,' Curb 1,00 1�141,34 3201 Randolph $28y432,83 Beliwood, I11. 60104 RA ILRCIAD CROS S ING Freigh� Mas�er Div. 1 c/o Hailiburton Services P, 0. Box 1431 Dunc�n, Oklahoma 73533 WILL ROGERS BOULEVARD INTERSECTS Carter Found�tion Production Co, P,O. Box 1036 Fort Wor�h, 1"exas �K (YROU'E RUA.D I1�TTERSECTS S 0[JTH S IDE G. J. Ca Fo�um Prop�rgi�s, Inc, s�.�t� 144 611 R}ran Pl�za A�elington, T�xas 76014 4 Ind, s• 8 Ind, 50° i200a5 ° Pavement 1190,5' Curb 450 Sq, Fto Driv�w��r 2463,6' Pavement 2423,6' Curb JESS� T�A� SiIR�Y a Tract 1 i465s15° P�vern�nC Ind, 1425 015 ° Crsrb No As�essm�nt $23a50 $28�211,75 1,00 1,190,50 1028 576,00 $299978,25 $23a50 $57n894,60 loo0 294z�,6o $�i0,31�,20 $23,50 $348431,03 1.00 1,425015 $359856.18 1, CT NOo 104-23000-149, EVERMAN RQAD,�,Con�inued; BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRON�AGE S OUTH S IDE Od1K GROVE PARK City of For� tJorth E210' of 1 210' Fire Station ��28 1 G. J. C. Forum W312,7� Properties, Inc. Suite 144 611 Ryan P1aza Arlington, Texas 76014 FORUI�S WAY INZ�ERSECTS 1 312.7' Pavement Ind. 312,7' Curb G�arhart-Owens 1 2 197,35" Pavement Employ�es Trust Fund Ind. 187,35" Curb Marvin F, Poer 7540 L.B.Ja Freeway, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75240 ��arha�ct-Owens Tract 1 A Employees Trust Fund Ind. I�Ia�rvin Fa Poer i54p L.B,J, Freeway, Suite 600 1?al.las, Texas 75240 �ii�ssouri & Pacific Tract 1-A R�ilroad Co. Ind. c%o Tax Co�ission �OS Fidelity Union Tower Da11as, Texas JESSE TEAGIJE SURVEY 300' Pavement 300' Gurb G. M. TEAGUE SLIRVEY 1227,63" Pavement 1217,63° Curb RATE AMOZTIVZ' ASSESSMEi�`� No Assessm�n� $23,50 $7,348,45 i,00 siz.7o $7,661,15 $23,50 $4,637.73 1,00 187,35 $4,825e0� $23.50 $7�050,00 1,00 300,00 $7y350.00 $23,50 $28,849,31 1,00 1,217e63 $308066,94 2, PRO,TECT NOB 104-23000-149, EVERMAN RQ4D, Continuedg �..i�� .' 5 OUTH SIDE RAILRC�D CR06STNG Gearhaxt-Owens Employees Z°rust Fund Marvin Poer 7540 LoB.J. Freeway nali8s, ��Xas �s24o E�erman National Bank Ps �e 17�}� 40450 Fori Worth, T�xas �xxon Corp. P, 0, Box 53 Houston, �.'exas �LQCK LOT ZONTNG �RO1v�AGE i G, Mo TF'AGUE SURtTEY 110,47° 12ATE AMOtJN7C ASS�SSMENT No Ass�ssm�n� GEARHAR'T�OWENS INDtTSTi2.I�.L ADAIT�ON i 761,91° Pavement $23050 $17,904,89 Tnd. 751,91' Cuxb 1,00 751a91 543 sq, Ft, Drivew�y 1,28 695004 $19,351,84 A 1 Comm, Tract 2 Comm, EVERMA.N NATIONA,L BANK ApD��ION 256.93' Pave�n� 256.93' Curb 466 Sq, Ft, Driveway G. Ma 1�AGITE SURVEY 63,53' Pavement 63.53' Curb 233 Sq, Ft. Drivew�y $23.50 $ 6�037086 1,00 256,93 1,2$ 596,48 $ 68s9Lo27 $23,50 $ 1,492,96 1,00 63,53 1,28 29�024 $ 1,ss4e73 Td'�i COST �0 PROP'ERTY OWNEYtS (AS3�SSMENTS),,,,,00„0000000$ 232,586,47 TO�L COST TO CI7`Y OF FOR7C WORTIi (STREET TMPRO�EMEN�S), Q, so$ 303,289,05 TOT�AL ESTIl�IATED COST (STREE� I1�IIPRO'VEMEN15 ) e e o a e O�a o 0 0. o 0 o s o o$ 535, 875 0 52 TOTAL ESTIlKATED C06T (I3T�AINAGE),,,„Qo,004va000000000000000$ 6�8,614,52 1°07,'AL EST?1�TEA CONSTRUCTION COSTovee000a00000000voaeo.oeoo$1916�+a490�04 3b �i�� of ' IFo�� �U��°t�'�,, �C�.��.� �llz����r ���1 c���uc��c�� c���,��c�����t�c�� DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: L�WdY`CI Of Contract - Everman R03d PAGE NUMBER Pavement and Improvements, 1976 CIP 6/1/76 C-3417 Po B-24 and B-25 l�f 3 City Council. action is requested on Project No.� 10�+-23000-i49 a� dE�aribed belcw: Prcjeet Description Street Limits Everman Road I-35-W to Oak Grove Road Initiation of Project Roadway Width-Fee� 2-360 lane� w/28` median R,O.W, Wid�h=Feet 120 The 1976-78 Capital Improvement Program (Page B-24 and B-25) pra�ride5 f:;r tt�e construction of two 36-foot roadways with a 28�fc�t m�dian and d_�-ain�g� facilities as requiredm Improvements The existing 24-foot wide county-type roadway with bo�rew ditch�� an either side will be improved by const�uction of major thcYoughfa�e grade ccncrete pavement with superimposed concrete curb and c�n�rEt� driv�way appr�aches on two 36-foot traffic lanes with a 28-foot median_ Al".^ included are 12-foot wide left-turn lanes at intersections and d�signa�ed c�y:;�sovers� The storm drain improvements will consist of 5,342 t�e� of 72-inch ta 96-inch corrugated galvanized metal pipe and appurtenances to b� �^nstruc.ted under the south traffic lane of Everman road from �ast �f I-35-W to 650 feet east of Oak Grove Roado Receip� of Bids The fallowing bids were received on April 27, 1976: Street �cStorm Drain Facili[.ies Bidder Improvements Alto 1 Alt, 2 Alt� 3 A�stin Road Co.. J_ L. Bertram Con�truction Texas Bitulithic Coo Brown & Bl.akney, Inc< Charles Cohen, Inc, H.. B., Zachry Co. Navarxo Constr, $487,159056 463,602066 529,366a60 529,870<29 529,366.60 585,964a46 547,217.05 $594,213,18 $571,467,75 $642,318�3+ 760,990039 714,590-77 616,669:64 821,377�80 793,825�80 707,285050 835,450.80 779,351�75 15024,706 00 No Bid No Bid 768,658.,50 No Bid 812,262�99 Nc Bid No Bid 781,478.40 No Bid *Storm Drain Facilities Alternate 1- Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe Alternate 2- Corrugated Galvanized Metal Pipe Alternate 3- Reinforced Concrete Box Structure DATE 6/1/76 REFERENCE NUMBER C-3417 Working Days Allotted: Alte�nate Bids 220 sue�ecr: Award of C�ntract - Eve��ma�� R:,ad Pavement and Improvements, �976 G�P P� B-24 and B-25 PAGE 2 __ or 3 Al.t�rnate bids were tak.en for three �ypEs cf starm d�-�.i� faci.li�iEs tc obt.ain thE lowest and be�t prices � AI.1 thr�ee ty�pes ar�e can�id���.d Er�ua`l in regard to drainage capacity and quality� Conseq�ently�� it is t�c.�m= m�nd�d rhat the contract be awarded to the low bidder� fo� st�`�et imp��v�e� ment� and Alternate 2(Corrugated Galvanized Me�al Pip�) fo-;� _°���m drain fa�.ilities � Prcject Cost and Financing Ba�ed csn the l�w bid and standard policy, �.pp�oximatEly $232,586_47 i� p�oposed to b� as�e�sed against abutting propEr��ie�, wYaich wi.11 be g��= vided for by a bond fund transfer from the Revalv�i.ng Fund UnsF�ci�i.ed, Cost. ta the City for street construction is estimated t� bE app�axi.- mately $303,289005 and $628,614052 for st.orm drain con�t�ucti���. It i� recommend�d that a bond fund transfer of $932,000,00 from Eyer-man Road (Futu�e Sales), Account No, 104-23000-149, be approved �o f�n�,nce t�-iis pr�ject� Recamm.endations It is rec.ommended that: l� The following bond fund transfers be approvecl: Amoun� From To R�asan $232,586047 Unspecified Revolving Eve�man Road To p�av�ide fund� Fund 042-09000-901 042-11000-149 fo� th� p�oper�ty awne�s ° �ha�re of c�n��ru�ti�n e���s $932,000>00 Evexman Road (Future Everman Road To pr�a�r3de funds Sales) 104-23000-149 for the Ci�rq's 104-23000-149 �ha�E of const�uction costs 2� An ordinance be adopted: a� Declaring the necessity fo� and order�ing cf the imp�ove- ments; bo Making provisions for levying asse�sments;