HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 48806CI`1�P ��R�iA�iP /� � �� � CONTRACT N0, " l ' Developer and Project Information Cover Sheet: ' Developer Company Name: Banner Windsor Place Storage, LLC Address, State, Zip Code: ' S00 Skokie Blvd. Suite 600, Northbrook, IL 60062 ' Phone & Email: ' 847-656-5108, brian.coninx@bannerDevelopments.corn ' Authorized Signatory, Title: William T Hemy, Vice President of manager of sole member of manager of sole member ' Project Name: , Windsor Place Remainder Tract , Brief Description: , Stortn Drain Project Location: 8�'' Ave & Windsor Place '� Plat Case Nuinber: �� FS-16-091 ��� Plat Name: �� Tancor Addition #2, Lot 1R1 & 1R2, Block 1 Mapsco: '; 76Q : Council District: 9 ' City Project Number: 100838 ' CFA Nutnber: 2017-025 ' DOE Number: ' None To be co�npleted by staff.• � % Received by: / . � C : Date: v ✓ � � OFFICIAI, RECORp CITY SECREI'ARY FT. WORTN, TX City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Reinainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 1 of 11 C1N� SE RE �� ,' ' ti�� ('� STANDARD COMMUNITY FACILITIES AGREEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § City Secretary � ���COLTNTY OF TARRANT § Contract No. �} WHEREAS, Banner Windsor Place Stora�e, LLC ,("Developer"), desires to malce certain specific improvements as described below and on the exhibits attached hereto ("Improvements") related to a project generally described as Windsor Place Remainder Tract ("Project") within the City or the extratei7-itorial jurisdiction of Fort Worth, Texas ("City"); and WHEREAS, the City has no obligation to pai-ticipate in the cost of the Improvements or Project; and WHEREAS, any future City participation in this CFA is subject to the availability of City funds and approval by the Fort Worth City Council and shall be memoi-ialized as an amendment to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer and the City desire to enter into this Community Facilities Agreement ("CFA" or "Agreement") in connection with the collective Iinproveinents for the Proj ect. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants and conditions contained herein, the City and the Developer do hereby agree as follows: General Requirements A. The Policy for the Installation of Community Facilities ("Policy") dated March 2001, approved by the City Council of the City of Fort Woi-th, as amended, is hereby incoiporated into this Agreement as if copied herein verbatim. Developer agrees to comply with all provisions of said Policy in the perfoimance of its duties and obligations hereunder and to cause all contractors hired by Developer to comply with the Policy in connection with the worlc perfornled by said contractors. B. Developer shall provide financial security in conformance with paragraph 6, Section II, of the Policy and recognizes that there shall be no reduction in the collateral until the Project has been completed and the City has officially accepted the Improvements. Developer further acicnowledges that said acceptance process requires the Developer's contractor(s) City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 2 of 11 to submit a signed affidavit of bills paid and consent of Surety signed by its surety to ensure the contractor has paid any sub-contractor(s) and suppliers in full. Additionally, the contractor will provide in writing that the contractor has been paid in full by Developer for all the services provided under this contract. C. Developer agrees to cause the conshuction of the Improvements contemplated by this Agreement and that said construction shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all City standards and the City-approved construction plans, specifications and cost estimates provided for the Project and the exhibits attached hereto. D. The following checiced exhibits describe the Improvements and are incorporated herein: Water (A) ❑', Sewer (A-1) ❑;', Paving (B) ❑; Storm Drain (B-1) �X;, Street Lights & Signs �C) � • E. The Developer shall award all contracts for the construction of the Improvements in accordance with Section II, paragraph 7 of the Policy and the contracts shall be administered in conformance with paragraph 8, Section II, of the Policy. Developer shall ensure its contractor(s) pays the then-current City-established wage rates. F. For all Improvements included in this Agreement for which the Developer awards construction contract(s), Developer agrees to the following: i. To employ a construction contractor who is approved by the director of the department having jurisdiction over the infrastructure to be constructed, said contractor to meet City's requirements for being prequalified, insured, licensed and bonded to do work in public ways and/or prequalified to perform water/wastewater construction as the case may be. ii. To require its contractor to furnish to the City a payment and performance bond in the names of the City and the Developer for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract pr-ice of the infrastructure, and a maintenance bond in the name of the City for one hundred percent (100%) of the connact price of the infrastructm•e for a period of two (2) years fiom the date of final acceptance insuring the maintenance and repair of the conshucted infrash-ucture dui-ing the term of the maintenance bond. All bonds to be furnished before work is commenced and to meet the requirements of Chapter 2253, Texas Gover-nment Code. City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 3 of 11 iii. To require the contractor(s) it hires to perfoim the construction work contemplated herein to provide insurance equal to or in excess of the amounts required by the City's standard specifications and contract documents for developer-awarded infrastructure construction contracts. The City shall be named as additional insured on all insurance required by said documents and same will be evidenced on the Certificate of Insurance (ACORD or other state-approved form) supplied by the contractor's insurance provider and bound in the construction contract book. iv. To require its contractor to give 48 hours advance notice of intent to commence construction to the City's Construction Services Division so that City inspection personnel will be available; to require the contractor to a11ow the consh-uction to be subject to inspection at any and all times by City inspection forces, to not install or relocate any sanitaiy sewer, storm drain, or water pipe unless a responsible City inspector is present and gives his consent to proceed, and to make such laboratory tests of materials being used as may be required by the City. v. To require its contractor to have fully executed contract documents submitted to the City in order to schedule a Pre-Construction Meeting. The submittal should occur no less than 10 working days prior to the desired date of the meeting. No construction will commence without a City-issued Notice to Proceed to the Developer's contractor. vi. To delay connections of buildings to setvice lines of sewer and water mains constructed under this Agreement, if any, until said sewer and water mains and service lines have been completed to the satisfaction of the Water Depai-tment. G. Developer shall provide at its expense, unless otherwise agreed to by City, all engineei-ing drawings and documents necessary to construct the improvements under this Agreement. H. Developer shall cause the installation or adjustment of the required utilities to serve the development or to construct the Improvements required herein. I. City shall not be responsible for payment of any costs that may be incurred by Developer in the relocation of any utilities that are or may be in conflict with any of the community facilities to be installed hereunder. City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Cominunity Facilities Agreenlent - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 4 of 11 J. Developer hereby releases and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless for any inadequacies in the preliminary plans, specifications and cost estimates supplied by the Developer for this Agreement. K. Developer agrees to provide, at its expense, all necessary rights of way and easements across propei�ty owned by Developer and required for the constr-uction of the current and future improvements provided for by this Agreement. L. The Developer further covenants and agrees to, and by these presents does hereby, fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its of�cers, agents and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character, whether real or asserted, brought for or on account of any injuries or damages sustained by any persons (including death) or to any property, resulting from or in connection with the construction, design, performance or completion of any work to be performed by said Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, officers, agents or employees, or in consequence of any failure to properly safeguard the work, or on account of any act, intentional or otherwise, neglect or misconduct of said Developer, its contractors, sub-contractors, officers, agents or employees, whether• or �iot suclt i�iia��•ies, detctlz or dafna�es at�e caused, i�z whole or itt par•t, by tlze alle�ed ne,�li�ertce of tlze City ofFot•t Wot�th, its of�cers. se�•vants, or et�tploVees. M. Developer will further require its contractors to indeinnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all claims, suits or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, whether real or asserted, broughf for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property, including death, resulting from, or in any way connected with, the construction of the infrastructure contemplated herein, whetlzer or taot such iiziuries, t�eath or dama,�es �r��e cczused, i�t wllole ot� in pa�t, by tlze alle�ed ite�li�ence of the Citv ofFot�t Wortlz, its officers, servants, or enzplovees. Further, Developer will require its coutractors to indemnify, and hold harmless the City for auy losses, damages, costs or expenses suffered by the City or caused as a result of said contractoi's failure to complete the worlc and construct the improvements in a gooci and workmanlike manner, free from defects, in conformance with the Policy, and in accordauce with all plans and specifications. City of Fort Worth, TeYas Standard Community Facilities Agreenient - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 5 of 11 N. Upon completion of all work associated with the consh-uction of the Improvements, Developer will assign to the City a non-exclusive r•ight to enforce the contracts entered into by the Developer with its contractor along with an assignment of all wai-�anties given by the contractor, whether express or implied. Further, Developer agrees that all contracts with any contractor shall include provisions granting to the City the right to enforce such contracts as an express intended third party beneficiary of such contracts. O. Inspection and material testing fees are required as follows: i. Developer shall pay in cash water and wastewater inspection fees and matei-ial testing fees equal to two percent (2%) foz• a total of 4% of the developer's share of the total consti-uction cost as stated in the construction contract. ii. Developer shall pay in cash paving and storm drain inspection fees equal to four percent (4%) and material testing fees equal to two percent (2%) for a total of 6% of the developer's share of the total construction cost as stated in the construction contract. iii. Developer shall pay in cash the total cost of streetlights or if the city is not installing the streetlights, inspection fees equal to four percent (4%) of the developer's share of the streetlight construction cost as stated in the construction contract. iv. Developer shall pay in cash the total cost of street signs. 'P, COIvIPLETION WITHIN 2 YEARS i. Developer shall complete the Improvements within two (2) years, provided, however, if construction of the Improvements has started within the two year period, the developer may request that the CFA be extended for one additional year. ii. Nothing contained herein is intended to limit the Developer's obligations under the Policy, this Agreement, its �nancial guarantee, its agreement with its contractor or other related agreements. iii. The City may utilize the Developer's financial guat•antee submitted for this Agreement to cause the completion of the constiuction of the Improvements if at the end of two (2) years from the date of this Agreement (and any extension period) the Improvements have not been completed and accepted. iv. The City nlay utilize the Developer's financial guarantee to cause the completion of the conshuction of the Improvements or to cause the payment of costs for City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 6 of 11 construetion of same before the expiration of two (2) years if the Developer breaches this Agreement, becomes insolvent or fails to pay costs of construction and the financial guarantee is not a Completion Agreement. If the financial guarantee is a Completion Agreement and the Developer's contractot•s and/or suppliers are not paid for the costs of supplies and/or construction, the contractors and/or suppliers may put a lien upon the property which is the subject of the Completion Agreement. (REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) City of Fart Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsar Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 7 of 11 Cost Summary Sheet Project Name: Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA No.: 2017-025 !-�•T��C�i[IZI : �:3 An Engineer's Estimate of Probable Cost is acceptable. However, the construction contract price will ultiinately determine the amount of CFA fees and financial guaz•antee. The bid price and any additional CFA payments will be required prior to scheduling a pre-construction meeting. An itemized estimate coi7esponding to each project-specific exhibit is required to support the following information. , Items A. Water and Sewer Construction 1. Water Construction 2. Sewer Construction Water and Sewer Construction Total B. TPW Construction 1. Street 2. Storm Drain 3. Street Lights Installed by Developer 4. Signals TPW Construction Cost Total Total Construction Cost (excluding the fees): Construction Fees: C. Water/Sewer Inspection Fee (2%) D. Water/Sewer Material Testing Fee (2%) Sub-Total for Water Consiruction Fees E. TPW Inspection Fee (4%) F. TPW Material Testing (2%) G. Street Light Inspsection Cost H. Signals Inspection Cost H. Street Signs Installation Cost Sub-Total for TPW Construction Fees Total Construction Fees: Developer's Cost $ '. - $ s - $ - $ $ 62,968,00 ' $ - $ - $ 62,968.00 $ 62,968.00 $ 2,518.72 $ 1,259.36 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,778.08 $ 3,778.08 Choice City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Conmlunity Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 8 of 11 ACCORDINGLY, the City of Fort Worth and Developer have each caused this instiument to be executed i�i quadruplicate in each entity's i•espective name by its duly authorized signatoi•ies effective as of the date executed by the City's City Managei• or his/her designee. CITY OF FORT WORTH �� �/� Jesus J. Chapa Assistant City Manager Date: � � s'f ? Reconz�n�ended by: Wendy Chi-Babulal, EMBA, P.E. Development Engineering Manager Water Department (...). (,,., Dougl W. Wiersig, P.E. Director Transportation & Public Works Departrnent Approved as to Foi�tn & Legality: [.�� Richard A. McCracken Assistant City Atto ey M&C No. N��' Date: 3�� ��� Form 1295: NI� � �Pv�;�"� `'is �'. ���� ATTEST: � � .,�i , ` :� �/ � �:: '�� IVlary J.�yser" �*:�� �';�_�,..�� �� w' y t�. �04 *J r City Secretary �-�;� �..��" � DEVELOPER Bamier Windsor Place Storage, LLC / � � CiL Name: William T Heruy Title: Vice President of manager of sole member of manager of sole member Date: � Z " �� ATTEST: (Only if required by Developer) Signature Name: Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoi-ing and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. �► �!1_T 11�: G� �Y ��iY � ��i�c,, dJ� Name: Title: City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 9 of 11 0�l�I�IA� ft/COR� CI'1"Y �/�ft�'��RY' �'X'« �il'�i!'il�f � Check items associated with the project being undertaken; checked items must be included as Attachments to this Agreement Included Attachment �; Attachment 1- Changes to Standard Community Facilities Agreement 0 Location Map ❑i Exhibit A: Water Improvernents ❑ Water Cost Estimate ❑ Exhibit A-1: Sewer Improveinents 01 Sewer Cost Estimate ❑' Exhibit B: Paving Iinprovements ❑ Paving Cost Estimate �X' Exhibit B-1: Storm Drain Improveinents �I Stoim Drain Cost Estimate Q' Exhibit C: Street Lights and Signs Improvements �'I Street Lights and Signs Cost Estimate (Reniainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank) City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 10 of 11 ATTACHMENT "1" Changes to Standard Agreement Coimnunity Facilities Agreement City Project No. 100838 None City of Fort Worth, Texas Standard Community Facilities Agreement - Windsor Place Remainder Tract CFA Official Release Date: 01.03.2017 Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" PROPOSED DETENTION EASEMENT 0.8648 ACRES (36,372 SQUARE FEET) SITUATED IN THE E.S. HARRIS SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 688 & ADOLPH GOUHENAUT SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 612 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS BEING a 0.8648—acre tract or parcel of land situated in the E.S. Harris Survey, Abstract Number 688, and the Adolph Gouhenaut Survey, Abstract Number 612, Tarrant County, Texas and being part of a called 4.271—acre tract of land conveyed to Tandy MOB, LLC by Deed thereof recorded in County Clerk File Number D207120132, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said tract being the same conveyed to Tandy Corporation by Deed thereof recorded in Volume 6065, Page 247 of said Deed Records, the same tract also being Lot 1, Block 1, Tancor Addition #2, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 388-67, Page 14, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a five—eighths i�ch capped iron rod found for corner stamped '�HB INC," said point being the southwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 1, said point also being in the north right—of—way line of �ndsor Place (a 60—foot right—of—way); THENCE North 00 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds West, departing said north right—of—way li�e and following the west line of said Lot 1, Block 1, a total distance of 442.74 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 42 minutes 01 seconds East, departing the west line of said Lot 1, Block 1, a total distance of 7.40 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds West, a total distance of 173.38 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the northwest line of said Lot 1, Block 1; THENCE North 54 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East, following said northwest line, a total distance of 72.60 feet to a five—eighths inch capped iron rod found for corner stamped `�HB INC," soid point being the most northerly comer of said Lot 1, Block 1, said point being in the southwest right—of—way line of the Fort Worth & Westem Railroad; THENCE South 41 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East, following the northeast line of said Lot 1, Block 1 and of said Railroad, a total distance of 13.80 feet to a five—eighths inch capped iron rod found for corner stamped `�HB INC," said point being the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE in a southeasterly direction, following said common line and along said curve to the right, having a central angle of 11 degrees 17 minutes 51 seconds, a radius of 593.36 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of South 38 degrees 17 minutes 46 seconds East, 116.81 feet, a total arc length of 117.00 feet to a five—eighths inch capped iron rod found for corner stamped "BHB INC'; THENCE South 31 degrees 56 minutes 27 seconds East, continuing along said common line, a total distance of 103.26 feet to a point for corner; THENCE Due South, departing said common line, a total distance of 25.04 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89 degrees 42 minutes 02 seconds West, a total distance of 181.72 feet to a point for corner; 1}1ENCE South 00 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East, a total distance of 442.85 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the south line of said Lot 1, Block 1, said point also being in said north right—of—way line of Windsor Place; (continued) - BGE, ���. ❑� : � _ �., : r. . .� � :...............1... ,� {"'L s �k�l��iti- DAVID F. McCULLAH ; .................; . �.A 4023 �,.� DAVID F. McCULLAH, RPLS N0. 4023 `q�'��; fss���� �O� BGE, INC. Np ••....•• �l 2595 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 204 S U R � E FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 TELEPHONE: (972) 464-4800 EXHIBIT "A" (CONT'D) PROPOSED DETENTION EASEMENT 0.8648 ACRES (37,672 SQUARE FEET) SITUATED IN THE E.S. HARRIS SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 688 & ADOLPH GOUHENAUT SURVEY, ABSTRACT N0. 612 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS (continued from previous) THENCE Due West, following said common line, a total distance of 20.00 feet to a five—eighths inch capped iron rod found for corner stamped `�HB INC," said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing a total area of 0.8648 acres (37,671.75 square feet) of land. Bearing orientation is based on the Texas Coordinate System, North Central Zone 4202, North American Datum of 1983. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that this Boundary Survey and field notes represent an actual and accurate survey on the ground and that the corner monuments shown therein were properly placed and found under my supervision in accordance with Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Category 1A, Condition II, and that there are no conflicts or protrusions EXCEPT as shown. Dated this the 3rd day of January, 2017. E OF tiF: �( :� ..t ................t.. �w✓d� � L�'�� DAVID F. McCULLAH � ..� .................�.. ��A 4023 „�� DAVID F. McCULLAH, RPLS N0. 4023 � ••;oF �;••� BGE, INC. �9,�,D • f:5:� ��� 2595 DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 204 S U R � FRISCO, 7EXAS 75034 TELEPHONE: (972) 464-4800 � � � 3 R O � �0 T O O �" CI � � W e � O a0 r O O � RF �,� CURVE TABLE NUMBER DELTA RADIUS ARC LENGTH CNORD BEARIN� CHORD DISTANCE Ci 11'17'S1" 593.36' 117.00' S 38Y7'46" E 116.81' � TANDY GIOB, LLc EXHIBIT "B" INST. NO. D207120131 �g' D.R.T.C.T. � IRF �j �� �O L1NE TABLE � NUMBER BEARING DISTANCE � L1 N 89'42'01" E 7.40' L4 � L2 S 4173'00" E 13.80' �+ L3 S 31'S6'27' E 103.26' 89'42'02" W 18f.72 DETENTiON dc DRAINAGE ESW1T. 0.8648 ACRES (37.672 SQ. FT.) LOT 1. BLOqC 1 TANCOR ADDITION #2 VOI.. 388-67. PG. 14 P.R.T.C.T. ` � L4 S 00'00'00' E 25.04' L5 rv soroo'ao� w 20.00' E.S. HARRIS SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. 688 ADOLPH GOUHENAUT SURVEY, � ABSTRACT N0. 612 o too soo \ GRAPHIC SCALF IN U.S SURVEY FEET LEGEND aP.o.B.r I, the undersigned, hereby certify that this Boundary Survey and �eld notes represent on actual and accurate survey on the ground and that the corner monuments shown therein were properly placed and found under my supervision in accordance with Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Category 1A, Condition II, and that there are no conflicts or protrusions EXCEPT as shown. Dated this the 3rd day of January, 2017. CIRF CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND D.R.D.C.T. DEED RECORDS, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING VOL. VOLUME PG. PAGE °i : �F,���RF�'•,9S �:.......°:� ��,..�D� wl���'� DAVID F. McCULLAH `:A �4023����Y� DAVID F. McCULLAH, RPLS N0. 4023 "' BGE, INC. ''9�'�; FS5�0:' O� N� 3URv y 2595 DALLAS PARKWAY. SUITE 204 FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 TELEPHONE: (972) 464-4800 �, :, �-1 �� �:.�� �, � � ,r � ��, �,���� �_ � � � _ ,a ,�r E �;;� „ ,�� .- � �� ��� � ` ��'' , ,�;�� 1 prE � � IyntF' 't�[r ��.= I .�f � �_ �, , � ,i, , � �� � _> >� I t�y f I t �.� J[�ur J ] e>{ �� f � � � I 1 :'�g tl � oi_t ��t t - +� „ the , f��� ,� , �,,,, � .,r ,���� �.h , � JC ( �� JDNES�CARTER �, TexasBoardafProfessionalEng�neersftegistrabonNo.F-039 6509 W ndcrest Drive, Suite 60D • Plana, Texas 75024 972.4883880 - I __..__ _.__._ __.._ __... EXHIBIT B DETENTION POND WINDSOR PLACE REMAINDER FORT WORTH, TEXAS LEGEND — - F��� � ���� , , ,. .,.,+ � =�.�� � a� P �� �, �� �_:� � r — >� Fi F,-i � ui z � h - — F F'i5 I *F '-t N � �� o-r., rrF _�F eniai: 'i ' � ' _._11. ��i i� ' �� � Ft.... `r . 4 . - ._" _. `.�" s y— �— i l � I I I (� '.t� , ' L - _i (� _ 1 � � �� �a � ���,� � { W/NOSOR � _�� PLACE {, f�,. � -� REIdA/NDER � �� iRACT � �` � i, JANUARY 2017 .. . _ . --- , __� _.. ,. �_ - �,C� r .. � �.- .. -_.- _.,- � � _ ._ - �.� -�_ ARC� M U R R A Y EXHIBIT C Cost Estimate Project Name: Windsor Place - West Parcel Storm Drain Improvements Project No.: D105 Location: 1925 8th Ave, Fort Worth, TX Item Description QTY Unit Unit Cost Total Section A - Earthwork 1 Exc/Emb Detention Pond and Swale 1793 CY $ 5.00 $ 8,963 Section B - Storm Drain 2 Cannect to Existing 15" 1 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 3 Drop Inlet 3 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 7,500 4 15"RCP 18 LF $ 45.00 $ 810 5 24" RCP 180 LF $ 60.00 $ 10,800 6 30"RCP 144 LF $ 75.00 $ 10,800 7 36" RCP 69 LF $ 95.00 $ 6,555 8 36" End Treatment 1 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 9 Concrete Flume 720 SF $ 7.00 $ 5,040 10 24" Headwall 1 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 11 24" TXDOT Headwall 1 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 Section C - SWPPP 12 Silt Fence and Revegetation 1 LS $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000 Subtotal $ 62,968 Contingency (25%) $ 15,742 Grand Total $ 78,710 Prepared By: �� �� ric Fleps Project Manager asas c�t��,<<n F• n:<<�. s�E. iaso � or�.� 21a.377.6581 �.,a 214.377.tiG7�� � w�rw.ancoteunxaY.caa MCC��AIURRAY NATION:.I. DAllAS, INC