HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 26685CON RqCT Np Y (�
� C)RT WOlZT�I, TE��AS 76107
2002 T�IRO�JGH 2O04
THIS 1`iGRBEMENT and �lddenduin "A" attached an� incorporated �ierein are made
and entered into �his � day of ���''�.�' 2001, Uetween the CITY OF FORT WORTH, a
home rule inunicipal cozporation of the �tate of Texas, located in Ta7�ant and Denton Counties,
Texas, (hereiriafter referl-ed to as the "City") actin� by and through its duly attthorized Assistant
City Manager�, al��i North Texas Arabian Horse Club, located at 10811 Si:one Canyon Place, Dallas,
Texas 75230, (hereinafter rererred to as "Lessee,") actin� by and tlu�ough its duly authoz-ized
represelltative, Dr. Mickey �boussie.
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City agrees to rent to Lessee, for the purpose of holding the North Texas Arabian Horse
Club Pro-Am Challenge, (hereinafter referred to as the "Event") the Facilities �articularly
described in Addendum 1�, said Addendum being attached hereto and incorporated herein
by reference.
The tei-m and the rental amount of this Agreement shall be for the time period and amount
agreed upon between the parties as set forth in Addendum A.
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Lessee shall, at its expense, provide all necessary and adequately trained personnel,
including, but not liinited to, ticicet-sellers, ticket-takers, ushers, floor managers, stage
crews, electricians, technicians, carpenters, machine operators, and any and all other
personnel necessary in trie promotion and presentation of the Nortli Texas Arabian Horse
Club Pro-Am Challenge. Cit�� assiimes no responsibility for said persomlel and Lessee
hereb�� expressly releases and clischarge5 Ciiy ir�n1 any and all liability for any property
damage or loss and/or personal injury, ilicludizi� death, arisillg out of or in conneciion witri,
directly or indirectly tlze occupan.cy and/or use of the leased Facilities and any and all
activities conducted thereoii that are sustained by reasons of the occupancy of said buildings
under this Agreement.
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The City reserves all concessioil, food and beverage, novelty and souvenir rights. Any
matters not hc.:rein expressly provided for shall be left to the discretion of the Director of
Public Events or his designee with the exception of North Texas Arabian Horse Club
a�proved cominercial exhibitors and the resale of itei7ls related to the horse industry or
promotion of the North T�xas Arabian Hors Chib.
Lessee must comply with City of For�t Worih and Will Rogers Memorial Center food and
beverage i�equireinents arid znust contract with Ken Moore Enterprises to handle all
concession services as well as alcoholic and/or soft drink beverage services.
tiny org�nized reception, luncheon, party or function where food and beverages are to be
consunied must be �pp�-oved by City by no less than 48 ho�.�rs prior to fiir�ction. Faih�re to
do so will resuli in a$1,000 per function charge �lo Lessee.
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Lessee agrees that Lessee has examined the Facilities prior to the execution of this
Agreement and is satisfied with the physical condition of the Facilities for the Event.
Lessee's taking possession of tYie I'acilities for the Event shall be conclusive evidence of its
receipt of the Facilities in a safe, sanitary and sightly condition and in good repair, except
for those conditions that are not in good repair which the Lessee provided City written
notice of and which City failed to reasonably con�ect.
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Lessee, at Lessee's own expense, shall keep the Facilities and maintain all equipment and
other �roperties of City iii a safe, sanitary, sightly condition and in good repair, and shall
restore and yield said racilities, equipment, and all other pro��erties belonging to the City
back to City at the expiration or termination of this Agreement in good or better condition
as existed at the commencement of t11is Agreeinent and in which Lessee found them,
ordinary wear ancl tear (includin� dalnage by acis of Gad or other cai�ses beyond t}le colltrol
of Lessee) excep�ed.
Lessee will not do or permit to be done any injury or damage to any bu.ildin�s or part
thereof, or permit to be done anything which will dainage or chailge the finish or
appearance of the Facilities or the furnishings thereof or any other property belonging to the
City Uy tlle erection or removal of equipment or any other improvements, altera.tions or
additions. No decorative or other materials shall be nailed, tacl�ed, screwed or otherwise
physically attached to any part of the Facilities or to aiiy of the fiir�lishings or fixtures of the
City without the consent of the City
Subject to ordinary wear anci tear, Lessee will pay the costs of repairin� (to its condition
immediately preceding the occurreiice of such ciamage) any dalnage wliich may be done to
the Facilities or any of the fixiures, fuir�ittire or furnishings by any act of Lessee or any of
Lessee's employees, agents, officers, or anyone visiting the Facilities upon the invitation of
the Lessee including the patrons of the attractioil or function for which Lessee hereby is
leasin� the Facilities. The City sl�all determine wl�ether any dama�e has bee11 done, the
amount of the d.anlage and the reasonable cosis of repairing the damage, and �vhetl�er, under
fhe terms of the tlgreement, the T es�ee is responsible. City shall be ihe sole judge of tlie
quality of the maintenance and/or dama�e of the leased Facilities, iurnishiiigs, fi�.ture or
furnihire by the Lessee.
Tn leasing the Facilities, City does not relinquish the right to control the managemenc of the
Facilities, or the right to enforce all necessary and proper rules for the management and
operation of the same. City, ihrough its Manager, police and fire personnel and other
designated representatives, has the right at any time to enter any portion of the I'acilities
(without causing or constit�iting a termination of the privilege or an interference for the
possession of the Facilities by the Lessee) for any purpose, provided this shall not authorize
or einpower City to direct the activities of the Lessee or assume liability for Lessee's
`�. �QUIPMEl�T
Lessee and City understand that, depending on availability and at the discretion of the
Director of Public Events or his designee, there may not be a rental charge for some CITY
OWNED equipment such as chairs, stages, lights and/or sound equipment. There is a rental
charge for tables used at all events except those catered. Less ��uill� b�.11�� al labor
costs for set u and removal of all e ui ment. ���'�(� r'� r��% '; i:";, �l_,,� �C����
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City assumes no responsibility for any property placed in said buildings or any part thereof
by the Lessee or any agent, officer, andlor employee of the Lessee. Lessee hereby expressly
releases and discharges City from any and all liability for any property damage or loss
andlor personal injury, including death, arising out of or in connection with, directly or
indirectly the occupancy and/oi� use oF the leased Facilities and any and all activities
conducted thereon sustained by reasons of ihe occupancy of said buildiiigs under this
1�. R�I��`Vt��, OF I��SO�EP�,� P�I��OI��
City retains the ri�ht to remove fi�oll-i tlie Facilities any and all such employees, agents,
officers of Lessee and the right, with its officers and agents, inch�ding its police officers, to
eject any objectionable person or persoils from the Facilities or any other of its facilities. In
ihe event of the e�ercise of this authority, Lessee hereby waives any and all claims for
damages against �he City on account of said t•emoval.
15. ��ECT�Cr�a�,
City agrees to fui-nish, in the opiiiion of the City's designated manager (the Manager) of said
build.ings, irom onset of usage, the necessary light and existing electrical power ior ordiilaty
use including, but not limited to, heat andlor air conditionin� sufficient to make the
buildings coznfortable, and water for ordinary use of the appliances installed. City shall not
be responsible for accideni:s and unavoidable delays.
Tn regards to Colise�zm li�hting only, Lessee and Cit�� agree as follows:
a. Level 1 li�hting v�ill be usea fr�r exercise purposes;
b. Leve17_ lighting ��vill be used for sho�ta purposes,
c. Level 3 lightin� will be used for the final Saturday night show ONLY at no
additional cost to Lessee. At Lessee's discretion Level 3 lighting may be utilized at
an additional cost to Lessee of $300 per "set", set being defined as a time period of
12 consecutive hours.
It is understood that the City of Fort Worth enforces the 1996 National Electrical Code to
ensure the public is not exposed to electrical hazards. If extension cords are used at Will
Rogers Memorial Center, Ground Fault Circuit Inten-upter (GFCI) Protection is required.
These cords have a test and a reset button and have the words "GFCI protected" printed on
the cord. All 120 volt extension cords shall be three-wire grounding type cords. Extension
cords may not be placed through doorways. Frayed or dainaged cords may not be used� �
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16. SEATIl�G CAPACITY (� �,��r �� ��,,, ��,� �`�^ r��;��
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Lessee will not sell more tickets than the seating capacity of the Facili es a�Lt�, �ila�r�r a
allowed under any federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinance ����� � pr��`���
rules and regulations of the City of Fort Worth; including all rules, regulations and/or
requirements of the City of Fort Worth Police and Fire Departments.
Page 4
Lessee shall be responsible, at its own cost and expense, to provide such emergency
medical services at it deems necessary for its event. Any standby ambulance service must
be provided by Medstar, (or the City's licensed ambulance provider), in accordance with
City Code, Section 5-4. Standby ambulance service shall Ue required, at Lessee's expense,
for any event which iii the opinion of City requires such service.
13. ��C�J�'�'� �"����i`Tr�1���
Lessee shall fur�iish security personiiel in such number and manner as prescribed by the
Director of Public Events of the City of Fort Worth. Lessee liereby assumes sole
responsibility for any and all acts or omissions by its security personnel in the perfor�nance
of their responsibilities hereunder, and Lessee agrees to indemnify, hold harmless arid
defend the City from any and all claims or st�its for property damage or ��ersonal injuiy
rising out of, or in co�mection with such.
14. 1�OT�-SI�OY�l�� FAC�I�I7�"�'
Lessee understands that Will Fcogers Mernorial Center is a NON-SMOKING FACILITY
and agrees to make hourly announcements to that effect, if possiUle.
15. IN�EI�/�1`�i'�'�T
Lessee covenants and agrees Yo and does hereby indemnify, hold liarmless and defend, at its
ov�nl expeilse, City, its of_ficers, seivants azlcl employees, f7�oin and against any al�_d all claims
or suits for propert3� loss or damage and/oa� per�sanal injuly, including death, '�o any a11d all
persons, oi whatsoever kind or character, �vhether real or asserted, arising out of the work
and services to be perfornled hereunder U�� Lessee, its afficers, a�ents, e�nployees,
subcontractor�s, licensees or invitees, wYtetZze� Q�� �:o� c���ec�, fn whole op ii� ��rf, by the
alle�ed ue��i�enc� of t�ie officers, ser��an�CS, e�nployees, o� th� City; and said Lessee does
hereby covenant and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers,
seivants and employees for any and all claims or suits for property loss or damage andlor
personal injury, inchzding deaih, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind or character,
whetlier real or asserted, arising out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by
Lessee, its officers, agenis, employees, or subcontt�actors, whetl�er or not c�used, in whole
or in part, by the alle�ed r�egli�ence of the officers, servant�, or employe�s of %he City.
Lessee lilcewise covenants and agrees to, and does hereby, indemnify and hold harmless
City from and against any and all injui-ies, damage, loss or destruction to property of City
during the perfonnance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether
arising ou� of in whole or in paric, any and all alle�ed acis or omissions of officers, or
employees oi City.
If more than one Lessee is named under this Agreement, the obligation of all such Lessees
shall be, and is joint and several. T"-`—`....�`
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Prior to the time Lessee is entitled to any right of access to or use of the Facilities, Lessee
shall procure, pay for and maintain the following insurance written by companies approved
by the State of Texas and acceptable to City. The insurance shall be evidenced by delivery
to City of executed certificates of insurance andlor certified copies of policies as determined
by City.
Lessee covenants and agrees to obtain and keep in force during the term of this Agreement,
Comprehensive General Liability Instirance, Inchidin� Persoilal Injury Liability,
Iildependent Contractors Liability and Contracival Liability covering, but not limited to, the
liability assumed under the indemnificatioii provisions of this Agreement, with limits of
liability for bodily injury (including death) and properly damage of not less than One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000). Coverage shall be a Combined Single Limit Per Occurrence
basis and the policy shall include Broad Form Property Damage Coverage with an
ii�surance company satisfactoiy to City. The City of Fort V�Torth shall be named as an
Additional Insured.
'�'he insuraYlce policy shall include the following:
1) The term of insurance is for the duration of each Event, which includes the period from
the right of access to set-up through the period allowed for removal of propei-ty;
2) The. ��olicy shall require that thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation or any material
change in coverage, a notice shall be given to City by cez-tified mail;
3) Insurers shall have no right oi'recovery or subrogation against the City of Fort Worth, it
being the intention that the insuz�ance policy shall protect all parties to the �.greement
and Ue primary coverage for all losses covered by the policies;
4) Compar�y issuing t�ze insurance policy shall have no x�ecourse against tl�e City of Fort
Woz-�h foi� payment of any pxemiums or assessments for any deductibles which all are at
the soJe rislc of Lessee;
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S) The teims Owner , �,it�� or City of Tort Wortll shall include all authorities, Boar s,
Bureaus, Commissions, Divisions, lleparYments, and Offices of the City and the
individual members, employees and agents thereof in their official capacities and/or
while acting on behalf of the City of Fort Worth.; and
6) The policy clause "Other Insurance" shall not apply to any insurance coverage currently
held by City, to any iuture coverage, or to City's self-insured retention of whatever
Lessee hereby waives suUrogation rights for loss or damage against City, its officers, agents
and eniployees for personal injury (including death), property damage or any other loss.
Lessee shall not do or permit to Ue done anything in or upon any portion of the Facilities, or
bring or keep anything therein or thereupon which will in any way conflict with the
conditions of any insurance policy upon the Facilities or any part thereoi, or in any way
increase the rate of fire insurance upon the Facilities or on property kept therein, or in any
way obstiuct or interfere with the right of the other tenants of the Facilities, or injure or
annoy them. ��� _ .
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The City may terminate this Agreement immediately upon the failure of the Lessee to
provide acceptable documentation of insurance as required by this Agreement
It is agreed that Lessee will comply with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes including
all ordinances, charter provisioiis, rules and regulations of the City of Fort Woi-th; including
all rules, re�ulations and/or requirements of the City of Fort Worth Police and Fire
Depai-tments; and ai�y and a11 requiremerits specifically made vy the City of Foii: Worth I'ire
Marshal in comlection with the performances to be given hereunder. Lessee agrees to obey
any otller regulations of any municipal authority of the City of Fort Worth.
Lessee ��ill obtain and pay for all necessaiy permits, licenses, and taxes from any
governmental agency with jurisdiction thereof and to pay lawfiil taxes on tickets used in
connection with the performances hereunder. Lessee will not do or suffer to be done
anything on said Facilities duriilg the terms of this lease in violation of any such laws,
statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, chai�ter provisions, directives or requirements. If the
City calls the attention of Lessee to any such violation on the pari of said Lessee or any
person employed by or admitted to said Facilities by Lessee, Lessee will immediately desist
from and coi7ect such violation andlor vacaie the Facilities.
Lessee agrees to assurrie full responsibilit�� for complying with fhe Federal Copyright Law
of 1978 (17 IJ.S.C. 101, et seq.) and any Regulations issued thereunder including, but not
limited to, the assumptiori of any and all responsibilities for paying royalties whicll are due
for the use of copyrighted worlcs in Lessee's perfoi7l�ances or exhibitions to the copyright
owner.�, or l�epresentative or said copyright owner. Le,ssee agrees to defend, indemnify and
llold hanllless Cii.y, its officers, employees, and agents, for any clairz�s or dama�es arisi�ig
out oi Lessee's iilfringeme�it or violatiori of the Co�yi�ight Law andlor Regulatiolls. Lessee
uncierstands that tl�ey are resl�o�i�ible for securing any and all releases by artis�s/p�rformers
giving pe�mission for t1�e recordings. Lessee is responsible for boil� reporting and payment
of any music licensing fees that may be required by law.
1�. C�][A�'I'AI3I�E �R.GAN��ATI�I�
Lessee agrees that if it is a charitable organization entitled to any imniunity or limitation of
liability under the provisions of the Charitable Immunity and Liability Act of 19�7,
C.P,R.C., § 84.001 et seq., or other applicable law, that Lessee hereby expressly waives its
right to assert or plead defensively any such immunity or limitation of liability as against
any party other than City.
Lessee shall not assign this contract nor suffer any use of the Facilities other than herein
specified, nor sublet the Facilities or any part th�reof without the written consent of City. If
assigned per the written consent of the City, Lessee agrees to ensure that any assignee or
sublessee will comply with all terms, provisions, covenants, and conditions of this contract.
Assignment or subletting of this Agreement shall not relieve I>ess�e�_fYa.�an of its
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obligations under this Agreement. �> � �� .: � ��,�: `�U�
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The following events shall be deemed to be events of default by Lessee under this
1) Lessee fails to pay any installment of the rent when due or any other
payment of reiinbuxsement to City required hereunder;
2) Lessee attempts to assign this contract without the prior written consent
of City;
3) Lessee sha11 vacate any substantial portion of any building inclucied in the
Facilities as described in Addenduin A ox any substantial portioil of the
Facilities as described in Addendum A;
4) Lessee becomes insolvent or makes a transfer in fraud of creditors, or
makes an assignment for the benefit of creditars; or
5) Lessee fails to comply witl� any term, provision or covenant of this
21. 'T�RiO��l�AT'��I�
Upon the occurrence of any such event of default of the Ag-reement, City shall have the
option to termina.te this Agreement immediately. Lessee shall immediately sui-render the
Facilities to City and if Lessee fails to do so, City may, without prejudice to any remedy,
enter upon and ialce possession of the Facilities and remove Lessee and any otYier person
who may be occupying the Facilities by force if necessary without being liable for the
prosecution or any claim of damages therefore. Lessee agrees to pay to City on deinand the
amount of all loss and damage which City may suffer Uy reason of such tennination.
City inay, as a result of default a� described in Paragraph 17 above, and at its discretion,
relet the entire Facilities or relet any building or any portior.i of any building of the Facilities
that is detei7nined by the City not to be in substantia:l use by tlie Lessee and receive the rent
therefore, and Lessee agrees to pay to City on demand any deficiency that may arise by
reason of reletting. Lessee shall not be entitled, under any circumstances, to any excess
rental fees received by City as a result of reletting and Lessee hereby waives any claim to
such excess rental amounts.
No pursuit of any remedy by City constitutes a forfeiture or waiver of any rent due to City
or of any damages accruing to City by reason of the violation of any of the terms,
provisions, and covenants herein contained. No act or thing done by City or its officers,
agents or employees during the term of this Agreement shall be deemed a termination of the
Agreement or an acceptance of the surrender of the Facilities, and no agreement to
terminate this Agreement or accept a surrender of the Facilities shall be valid unless in
writing signed by City. City's acceptance of the payment of rental or other payments after
the occurrence of a default shall not be construed as waiver of such default, unless City
notifies Lessee in writing. Any act by City to enforce one or more of the remedies herein
provided upon an event or default shall not�be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of
such default or of City's right to enforce any such remedies with �e�p�ctt6 sA ult or
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All notices required or permitted under this Agreement may be given to a party personally
or by mail, addressed to such party at the address stated below or to such other address as
one pai-ty may from time to time notify the other in writing. If more than one Lessee is
named i11 this contract, service of any notice on any one of the Lessees shall be deemed
service on all Lessees. Any notice so given shall be deemed to have been received when
deposited in the Uiiited States mail so addressed with postage prepaid:
Kirk Slaughter, Director Of Public Events
Will Rogers Memorial Center
One Amon Carter Square
Fort Worth ,Texas 76107
North Texas Arabian Horse Club
Attn: Dr. Micicey Aboussie
10811 Stone Canyon Place
Dallas,�Texas 75230
23. �OIGk; AGR�EI��I�'�
This wi-itten instniment constitutes the entire Agreement by the parties hereto concerning
the lease of the facilities and obligatio�is of the parties and any pz-ior or contemporaneous
oral or written agreement which purl�orts to vary from the terms hereof, shall be void. It is
understood and a�reed tliat the aIl the provisions of this Lease Agreeznent are applicable
except where specifically modif ed Uy A ddendum A, in which case such Acldendum shall
24. A.1VI]END19�I�I�'�'
This Agreement cannot be modified or amended without the written consent of all the
parties hereto and attached and made a part of this Agreement.
25. �UCCES50RS A1�11� ASSI�I�tS
This Agreement shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the parties hereto and
their respective heirs, executors, administratoz•s, legal representatives, successors and,
except as otherwise provided in this contract, their assigns. „ _,, ._
26. YEl�U�
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Venue shall be in the state courts located in Tarrant Coun Te��a�s�-o��tl�.�' `:`�T�.i'�d ates
District Court for the Northern Distt-ict of Texas, Fort Worth Division.
Page 9
If the Facilities or any portion thereof shall be destroyed or damaged by fire or other
calamity so as to prevent the use of the Facilities for the purposes and during the periods
specified in this contract or if the use of the Facilities by Lessee shall be prevented by act of
God, strike, lockout, material or labor resh-iction by any governmental authority, civil riot,
flood, or any otlier lil�e cause beyond the cont�ol of the City, then this contract shall
terminate and Lessee hereUy vvaives any claim against Cit�� for damages by reason of such
tei-mination except t�iat any unearned portion of the rent due hereunder shall abate, or if
previously paid, shall be refunded by City to Lessee.
2�. Il�DEPEle1�E1�1T �Ol�'I'�CTORIl�� �A127['1�EI��HYP
The dochine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between the Lessee and City and .
notl��ing contained in ihis Agreement shall be deemed to constit�zte City and Lessee as
partners or joint venturers with each other, nor shall the Lessee be considered to be an
agent, representative or employee of the City. Lessee shall have the exclusive control of
and the ri�ht to control its employees and the details of its operation on the Facilities and
shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees,
contractors and subcontractors.
29. �EVERA�ILI7C'�'
In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement are held to be
invalid, illegal, or uiienforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or
unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and this contract shall be
considered as ii such invalid, illegal or unenForceable pi�ovisions were never containea
30. �_Z7'�I�Oh2I�'� O�' �,���EE'� AG�I�'�
By executing this Agreement, Lessee's agent affir�ns that he or she is authorized by Lessee
to execute this A�reement and that all representations made herein with regard to Lessee's
identity, address and legal status (coiporation, partnership, individual, etc.) are true and
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EXECUTED as of the date and year first above written at Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.
Approved as to fornl and legality:
David Yett, City Attorney
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Sarah Fu .nwider
Assistant City Attorney
l�t� �l ��C I� �?�t l R��Y�
Coiitract Authorization
ilce Groomer
Assistant Cit�� IV�lana�er
Approval Recommend.ed:
Kirk N. Slaughter
Director of Public Events
By: `y1/,�.
Dr. Mickey Abo �sie
Page 11
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Lessor agrees to lease and provide to Lessee the following facilities at the Will Rogers
Memorial Center (WP.I��IC) for the coni7acted dates listed Uelow for the years 2002., 2003 and
1. YEAR 2002
Lessor will provide the following facilities at the Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC)
for the contracted dates listed below for the year 2002:
(A) April 26-27, 2002
� If the Coliseum is availaUle, Lessee may pay the move-in rate of $500.00
per day in order for Lessee (or any vendor approved by Lessor) to Uring
shavings into the Coliseunl.
(B) Apri12"7, 2002.
� If the offices are available, Lessee may move into ihe offices in the Burnett
and/or Richardson-Bass Building. Lessor and Lessee agree that Lessee will
not be required to pay any additional fees in order to move-into the offices
on this date.
(C} April 28-30, 2002 - Move in and exercise
� Will Rogers Coliseum
� John Justin Arena
� W. R. Watt Arena
(D) April 28, 2002 - Move in horses or livestock beginning at 8:00 a.m
ti Charlie & Kit Moncrief Building Stall Area
� Burnett Building
� Richardson-Bass Building
(E) May 1- May 5, 2002- Show Dates —
� All Facilities listed in 1(A) through 1(D)
(F) May 6, 2002 - Move Out - Completed by Noon -
� All Facilities listed in 1(A) through 1(D)
(G) Lessee must notify City in writing of their intent to e�ercise any option to lease
said facilities no less than eighteen (18) months prior to the first move-in date in
the year of show to be contracted.
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2. YEAR 2003
Lessor will provide the following facilities at the Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC)
for the contracted dates listed below for the year 2003:
(A) April 25-26, 2003
� If the Coliseum is available, Lessee may pay the move-in rate of $500.00
per day in order for the Lessee (or any vendor approved by Lessor) to bring
shavings into the Coliseuin.
(B) Apri126, 2003
� If the offices are available, Lessee may move into the offices in the Burnett
and/or Richardson-Bass Building. Lessor and Lessee agree that Lessee will
not be required to pay any additional fees in order to move-into the offices
on this nate.
(C) Apri127-29, 2003 - Move in and exercise
� Will Rogers Coliseum
� Jolm Justizi Arena
� W. R. Wait Arena
(D) April 27, 2003 - Move in horses or livestocic beginning at 8:00 a.m.
� Charlie & Kit Moncrief Building Stall Area
� Burnett Building
� Richardson-Bass Building
(E) April 30 - May �, 2.003- Show Da.tes —
� All Facilities li5ted in 2(A) through 2(D)
(F) May 5, 2003 �- Move Out - Completed by Noon -
� All Facilities lisfed in 2(A) through 2(D)
(G) Lessee must notify City in ��vriting of their intent to exercise any option to lease
said facilities no less tllan eighteen (18) months prior to the first move-in date in
the year of show to be contracted.
3. YEAR 2004
Lessor will provide the following facilities at the Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC)
for the contracted dates listed below for the year 2004:
(A) Api-i123-24, 200�
� If the Coliseum is available, Lessee may pay the move-in rate of $500.00
per day in order for Lessee (or any vendor approved by Lessor) to bring
shavings into the Coliseum.
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(B) April 24, 2004
■ If offices are available, Lessee may move in offices in Burnett and/or
Richardson-Bass Building. Lessor and Lessee agree that Lessee will not be
required to pay any additional fees in order to move-into the offices on this
(C) Apri125-2,7, 2004 - Move in and exercise
� Will Rogers Coliseum
� John Justin Arena
� W. R. Watt Arena
(D) April 25, 2004 - Move in horses or livestock beginning at 8:00 a.m.
� Charlie & Kit Moncrief Buildin� Stall Area
e Burnett F3uilding
a Richardson-Bass Building
(E) Apri128 - May 2, 2004- Show Dates —
� All Facilities listed iri 3(A) through 3(D)
(F) May 3, 2004 - Move Out - Completed by Noon -
� All Facilities listed in 3(A) through 3(D)
(G) Lessee must notify City in writing of their intent to exercise any option to lease
said facilities no less than eighteen (18) months prior ta the first move-in date in
the year of shovv to be contracted.
�. YEARS ?.005 AND 2.006
� Lessee may e�:ercise the option to lease the exact same facilities listed in 1, 2, and 3
(to include the exact same number of stalls, pens, arenas, and any other ancillaty
facilities listed iYi the Rate Schedule) and in the years 2005 and 2006 during dates
nnitually agreed upon between the Lessor and Lessee. Any reduction or addition to
the number of facilities in this Addendum for the years 2005 and 2006 must be
mutually agreed upon between Lessee and Lessor.
a Lessee must notify Lessor in writing of their intent to exercise any option to lease said
facilities no less than eighteen (1S) months prior to the first move-in date in the year
of show to be contracted.
For rental of the facilities and setvices used pursuant to this Agreement for the years 2002, 2003
and 2004, Lessor agrees to lease and Lessee agrees to pay the rates for use of the facilities at the
Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC) for the contracted dates listed below as follows:
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1. YEARS 2002, 2003 AND 2004
a. Will Rogers Coliseum
�$500 - Per Move In or Move Out Day (No heat or air)
�$900 - Per Exercise Day (12 hours cliinate cont-rolled)
�$1,500 - Per Show Day (All show hours climate controlled)
b. John Justin Arena
�$250 - Per Move In or Move Out Day(No heat or air)
�$500 �- Per Exercise Day (12, hours climate conholled)
�$800 - Per Show Day (All show hours climate controlled)
c. Watt Arena
�$250 - Per Move In or Move Out Day (No heat or aii�)
p$500 - Per Exercise Day (12 hours climate controlled)
■$1,000 - Per Show Day (All show hours climate controlled)
d. Brown-Lupton Exhibit Area
e$100 - Per Move Iii or Move Out Day(No heat or air)
�$300 - Per Show Day (All show hours climate controlled)
e. Richardsoil-Bass Cattle Pen Area
�$2.5 - Per pen used. Any excessive clean-up will be invoiced to Lessee.
f. Burnett Building and Richardson-Bass Building Stalls
�$30 Per stall used in 2002
�$35 Per stall used in 2003 and ?00�.
� Lessee shall guarantec relital of a minimum of 420 pe7-�nanent stalls in
$uiilett and Richardson-Bass Buildings.
�'A here will b� �$15.00 per sta�l per day early i�ove-in fee fox• each �tall
occupi�d prior to �:OU a.m. on the �unday prior to ihe f�rst show da3� in
e�ch respective year contracied.
g. Charlie 8: Kit Moncrief Building Stall Area
� Lessee will not be charged a rental fee for use of Stall Area.
a Lessee shall guarantee i-ental of a minimum of 131 portable stalls in the
Charlie & Kit Moncrief Building Stall Area.
�'I'here will be a$15.00 per stall per day early move-in fee for each stall
occupied prior to 5:00 a.m. on the Sunday prior to tbe frst show day in
each respective year contracted.
h. Portable Stalls
� Lessee will rent portable stalls directly from Lessor approved vendor.
■ Lessee will pay for each portable stall ordered whether used or unused at
the cuirent contracted rate.
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i. Clean-up at conclusion of show
■ Lessee will be invoiced for labor, material and dumpsters necessary to
facilitate cleanup of Charlie & Kit Moncrief Building Stall Area upon
conclusion of show.
■ All fees must be paid prior to June lst following the conclusion of each
show contracted.
2. YEARS 2005 AND 2006
a. Burnett Building and Richardson-Bass Building Stalls
■$40 Per stall used in 2005 (If option to extend show is exercised.)
■$40 Per stall used in 2006. (If option to extend show is exercised.)
■ Lessor has option to increase required minimum number of permanent
stalls rented by Lessee in years 2005 and 2006.
■ There will be a$15.00 per stall per day early move-in fee for each stall
occupied prior to 8:00 a.m. on the Sunday prior to the first show day in
each respective year contracted.
b. Portable Stalls
■ Lessee will rent portable stalls directly from any Lessor approved vendor.
■ Lessee will pay for each portable stall ordered whether used or unused at
the current contracted rate
c. Clean-up at conclusion of show
■ Lessee will be invoiced for labor, material and dumpsters necessary to
facilitate cleanup of the Charlie & Kit Moncrief Building Stall Area upon
conclusion of show.
■ All fees must be paid prior to June lst following the conclusion of each
show contracted.
d. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit or restrict the Lessor from establishing
new rental rates for the Will Rogers Memorial Center in subsequent years beyond
e. Lessor agrees not to increase the current building rental rates as listed in this
Addendum by more than 25% in year 2005 or 2006.
3. In order to establish actual rental fees for each facility, Lessee will submit to City in writing
their confirmation of intent to lease the facilities and their intended use of each facility (i.e.
move-in, show, etc.) over the contracted dates no later than March 1 st of each respective
contract year. Lessee understands that the lease will be for the exact same number of
facilities listed in Addendum A and the Lessee's written confirmation is solely for the
purpose of establishing the Lessee's intent to lease the facilities and to establish the use and
respective rental fees of each facility. Any reduction or addition to the number of facilities
listed in Addendum A must be mutually agreed upon between the Lessor and-��ss�e.-� -_�
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4. City agrees to discount the total rental only in the amount of 10% for the term of this
Agreement. This discount will not be applied to any stall rentals.
S. If equipinent is available, Lessor will provide to Lessee equipment (i.e. chairs, tables, stages,
spotlights, sound equipment, aiid the like) owned by the Lessor at no rental charge to Lessee.
Any decision to charge for equipmenf shall be at the discretion of the Director of Public
Events or his designee. Lessee will be billed actual labor costs for setup and removal of any
equipment owned by Lessor and used by Lessee. All fees must be paid prior to June 1St
following the conclusion of each show contracted.
6, Unless othervvise agreed to in writing between the Lessor and Lessee, all fees must be paid
pi�ior to June 1 St following the conclusion of each show contracted.
1. YEAR 2002
Payment schedule for the year 2002 shall Ue as follows:
a. Lessee shall pay a$5,000 rental deposit by March 1, 200?.
b. Lessee shall pay balance of facility rental fees by Apri122, 2002.
c. Lessee shall pay in full any remaining balance prior io June 1, 2002.
2. YEARS 2003, 2004 (and if ap�licable 2005 and 2006):
a. Lessee shall pay a$5,000 partial rental payment by March lst of each
contracted year.
b. Lessee shall pay balance of facility rental fees owed by no later than ten (10)
days prior to first date contracted for show.
c. Lessee shall pay in full any remaining balance prior to June 1 st following
conclusion of each show contracted.
1. Off-duty police are required at Lessee's expense. The number of officers and
number of hours worked are to be negotiated by the Nortll Texas Arabian Horse
Club and the Fort Worth Police Department with final approval from the Director
of Public Events or his designee by not later than ten (10) days prior to first move
in date of each year contracted. `
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2. North Texas Arabian Horse Club will pay the entire off-duty police invoice by
individual checks and deliver to the supervisor in charge by no later than 5:00 p.m.
on Monday following the conclusion of each show contracted. A copy of the
invoice will be submitted to WRMC. Any amount exceeding $9,000 in contract
years 2002, 2003 and 2004 will be deducted from the f nal invoice ttp 1:o a
maximum of $6,000 per contracted year. All fees must be paid prior to June lst
following the conclusion of each show contracted.
3. This Agreeinent applies to the cost of off-duty police used for t�affic control only
during the following dates:
Apri128 - May 6, 2002
April 27 - May 5, 2003
April ? 5- May 3, 2004
4. Aiiy traffic control required due to "early move-in" (prior to 8:00 am. on Sunday
before each first show date contracted) will be at the sole expense of Lessee.
Lessor retains exclusive rights for the sale of all shavings at the prevailing rate.
Shavings may not be brought onto show grounds Uy Lessee or any pai-ticipants
except as follows:
a. Lessee may provide bulk shavings for the Coliseum, John Justin Arena ancl/or
W. R. V�Iatt Arena at their sole cost and at no expense to Lessor. Lessee further
agrees to pay for the installation, removal and disposal costs of all bulk
shavings placed iri any arena areas by Lessee or any Lessor approved vendor.
b. Lessee or any Lessor approved vendor may provide shavings for any arena. No
shavings shall be provided by Lessee or any participant for stalls or any other
c. Lessee and/or any exhibitor who brings shavings into show grounds or
facilities without the written consent of Lessor or in direct conflict with the
exclusive rights of Lessor; will be fined $2.50 per bag of shavings based on the
equivalent of a 3'/2 cubic foot bag. The fine amount will be in sole discretion
of the Director of Public Events or his designee. All fees must be paid prior to
June 1 St following the conclusion of each show contracted.
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Lessee will pay Lessor $1,500 for use of base dirt in the Coliseum for each year
contracted. All fees must be paid prior to June lst following the conclusion of
each show contracted.
Lessee will be invoiced $35.00 per designated inside commercial exhibitor/vendor
space and $100.00 per desigiiated otrtside commercial exhibitor/vendor space for
use by approved commercial exhibitors. This fee does not apply to commercial
exhibitors located in a designated "exhibits hall/facility" rented by Lessee for use
Uy commercial exhibitors/vendors. Lessor will not provide any tables and/or
chairs for use by cominercial exhibitor/vendor space. All fees must be paid prior to
June 1S� following the conclusion of each show contracted.
4. CLEtiN-UP
� Lessor will clean arenas and Coliseum once daily prior to start of each show
date contracted.
� Labor required for dirt work/watering will be invoiced to Lessee at the
prevailing hourly rate. All fees must be paid prior to June lst following the
conclusion of each sl�ow contracted.
� Lessor will clean the maili aisles of cont�actied livestock facilities daily.
� There is no charge to Lessee For use of fhe existing sound system owned by
a Lessee will be invoiced the prevailing rate at the discreiion of the Director of
Public Events for a WRMC stagehand to set up, monitor and secure sound
equipment daily when it is needed for show activity. All fees must be paid
prior to June lst following tlle conclusion of_ each show contracted.
a In the event Lessor is unable to furnish additional WRMC stagehands to work
events that use staging, lights or arnplified sound, Lessee must use IATSE
Local 126 Union Stagehands. Prior to the use of any union labor, a
representative from Lessee will be consulted as to the number of hours and rate
per hour.
� Lessor will provide barn paging as required in contracted areas.
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■ Lessee may use any available space for trailer parking as designated by the
Director of Public Events or his designee at no charge to Lessee.
� At the discretion of the Director of Public Events or his designee, RV spaces
will be provided as available and will be invoiced to Lessee ancUor Lessee's
exhibitors at the prevailing rate. All fees must be paid prior to June lsr
following the conclusion of each show contracted.
� Any matters that are not herein expressly provided for, including, but not
limited to, specific show dates and rental fees for the years 2005 and 2006,
shall be left to negotiation between the Director of Public Events or his
designee and the Presideni of the North Texas Arabian Horse Club or his
desip,nated representative.
a The illuminated sign above the clock in the Coliseum shall remain lighted and
visible at all times during the term of this Lease Agreement.
� All payments shall be made prior to June lst following the conclusion of each
show contracted, payable to the City of Fort Worth at office of the Director of
. Pubic Events or his designee at the Will Rogers Memoi7al Center.
Lessee and Lessor agree to promptly e�ecute an amendment(s) to this Lease in
order to spell out any additional terms agreed to between the Lessor� and Lessee.
Failure of the Lessor and/or Lessee to execute such Amendment t�pon request shall
be considered an ec�ent of default and tliis Lease may be terminated at the optior�
of the requesting paz-ty. No amendment or additional te1-�ns 5h�11 be effective
unless it is in �vritin� aYld signed by both p�rties hereto after the effective date of
this agreement.
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EXECUTED as of the date and year first above written at Fort Worth, Tarrant County,
ATT ST: - —
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city , ary� - i��0 /
Approved as to form and legality:
David Yett, City Attoi�ey
By: � `P�.
Sarah ul nwider
Assistant City Attorney
�r�'��C'� �'��.� r2��
Contract Authorization
Mi Groomer
Assistant City Manager
Approval Recommended:
Kirk N. Slaughter
Director of Public Events
By: ��
Dr. Mickey Ab sie
Page 10
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