No To the Mayor and Members of the City Council March 21, 2017
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The purpose of this Informal Report is to apprise the City Council of service delivery
improvements which have been implemented in the mowing program managed by the Park and
Recreation Department for the 2017 growing season.
The Park and Recreation Department (PARD) manages contract mowing for 1 ,524 locations
which include: 1,391 acres of parks, 162 miles of traffic dividers (medians), 362 miles of right-of-
ways and 222 corner clips (intersections). The PARD also maintains 369 acres of properties
occupied by city departments including Information Technology, Library, Police, and
Transportation and Public Works.
In Calendar Year 2016 the Customer Care Call Center recorded 793 calls for service for the
PARD. The call load came primarily in the five months May-September (486/793 or 61%); over
half (404 or 51%) of the calls were received in the four month period from May-August; and
almost a third of the calls (230 or 31%) were received in the months of May and June.
The spike in calls can be attributed to the following factors: deferment of seasonal start date
(budget cost savings), 21 day mowing cycles for traffic dividers (budgeted service standard), a
wet spring, contractor termination due to non-performance, extended times between mowing
cycles at the end of growing season during normally dry months (budget cost savings) and above
average rainfall in late summer.
As reported to the City Council in October 2016 (I.R. 9947), in an effort to improve conditions on
traffic dividers and ROW's, the PARD conducted an assessment of the contract mowing program.
The objective was to enhance service delivery effectiveness in order to realize improved
conditions throughout the growing season. As a result, seasonal start and end dates and mowing
frequencies have been adjusted, traffic divider mowing contracts were re-bid and contract
compliance and expectation measures have been implemented.
Mowing Season Start/End Dates
The contract mowing season which typically begins the first week of March commenced two
weeks earlier on February 20, 2017. This includes all traffic dividers, parks and city properties.
The mowing of corner clips and ROW's (which are maintained on a monthly basis in accordance
with budget standards) began on March 1 - one month earlier than previous years. The earlier
beginning of season start and extended end of season through November is projected to incur an
additional expense of $158,000.
4 To the Mayor and Members of the City Council March 21, 2017
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Mowing Frequency for Traffic Dividers (Medians)
In prior years the majority of service complaints have related to the high grass conditions on
traffic dividers/street medians. To address these conditions, mowing services have been
increased from a 21 day cycle to a 14 day cycle. This service level improvement will incur an
additional cost of $189,000.
Contract Rebid Cost Increases
This year traffic divider mowing contracts were re-bid and cost increases over previous contracts
amounted to $130,000. The increase is reflective of increased cost of mowing such as labor,
insurance and equipment.
Contract Inspections and Accountability
PARD contract staff met with each mowing contractor to review contract terms, performance
expectations and possible actions if expected performance is not achieved. Contractor
performance will be addressed by adding seasonal employees to increase field inspections,
maintain completion sheets and monitor schedules and complaints. The goal is to schedule
inspections within 3-4 days after receiving notice of completion by the contractor. In addition,
contractors are currently expected to address performance callbacks within 48 hours and submit
photographic evidence. However, any future contracts will include stronger compliance language
including the 48 hour call-back requirement. These actions will result in a performance score
card for each contractor that will be used to determine future contracts.
The total budget impact for FY2017 is projected to be $477,000 which the department will
endeavor to absorb in its current budgetary appropriation. The City Manager's Office will monitor
the expense with the fiscal month six financial forecast and recommend necessary adjustments in
the General Fund as appropriate. During the FY2018 budget development process the PARD will
work with the Budget Management Office to determine the level of appropriations necessary to
permanently implement the mowing changes listed above including start and end dates, mowing
frequency for traffic dividers and compliance, inspections and performance monitoring.
If additional information or clarification is needed, please contact Richard Zavala, Park and
Recreation Department Director or Susan Alanis, Assistant City Manager.
David Cooke
City Manager