HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 61641 ' �IB��N�T�� �T� o ,�� ORIDINAN�E A���P'�][N� I�R�YI�i�N�S �� A��RT3�N �� TRF,MONT STREET t�ND PORTI�I�1S 0�' SI�EIRTIIDF3�.' �T'Eb�R S�'���� a e��1�Ni��� Ai�Y➢ �iJ�II��C �I�1�E5 IN �`iiE CI�X 0� �tORT W�It�`f�a ���; ����.IN� �� �ON'�RA�"� Wa`��. 1�USTIId ROKD C0. & WOR7.'H COA�STR. CQ. �°�g� °� GONSTItUGT�ON OF SA��D iMi'ROV�MENTS FtJ2�&Y �O1rI��`T�� A� �'�RL�°°���; fi9IItECTIN� TIiE IS stVAI���� EXE�tJT�ON � �EL�W�RY �� ��RT��ICA`��S IN �I���N�E �� S�'�C��41� ASSESSrIENTS &����D �'`��R ��:��N� �,����`� �� SIYN%R�` CRE�3T� &iEI€E�N AU�'HORIZ�� AND A:[���t+T�� A�A�NS�' S�I�S� �1� SA7C� AS�E�SNi�NTS; ��RE���N� �idE CI7.`5� SE���T.4RY �� �N�R�S� AIT� �NYtO�� �HTS �RIIDINAI�TCE BY COPYING Z`I�E GAI'TION 0�° SAI� IN �iiE I�i�N�� ���I� ��° 74HHE Ci°I°� COUNCIL 0� FORT WOR�`H a°�EXAS � AI�T&2 B�' F°IL�I�� �I� C�i�d�E"�� �Ii�INANGE IN AE'�R�m PRIATE ORII)INANCE REC�RE➢� 0�° SA1�IIb �I�; � F'ROVIIDIIJG �eI�T E�°F'EC���1E DATEo WFiER�AS fl the �ity �� ��r� W���ka fl����� 9 fl��� h�re�w�ore ent���ei ��u�� ��������t wi�h Austin R.oad Co. & ti�orth Construction Co. fm� th� m�ki�ig an� ��rn�t�uc��i�� of c��t�in street improvemen�� on i���� ��re%naft�� d����'�%�a� p�rti�ns of streets, a���a��� ar�d publie places in _said Ci��9 ���_��'��o 1 o TR�N10IdT STREET From Lovell Avenue to Curzon �lvenue, known and designated as Unit l� Project No. 10�.-2L�000-1£36. 2. LOVELI, AVEi�iUL From Kimzey (Trinity) Street to DeGary Street� kn.o�m and designated as Unit 2, Project No. l0�.-2�.000-ls6o 3. FLETCHER STREET /�. KENLEY STREET From Sanguinet Street to Hulen Street, known and designated as Unit 3, Project No. 10%-2l,.000-1�6. From Bonnell kvenue to Fletcher kvenue, known and designated as Unit 4� Project No. 10%-2L,.000-186. 5. S�AIGUINET STREET From Alley south of Houghton Street to Alley south of Fletcher Street� known and designated as Unit 5, Project No. 10�-2L,.000-1g6. 6. HELMICK AVL+;IVIJE From Prevost Street to T•lerrick Street, known and designated as Unit 6� Project No. 10�-21a.000-1g6. 70 ?�AROIV STRE�T �. LOVELL AVEI�� 9. LI`I'TT�E;PAGE STRGET 10. GU�DAZU�'E R�1�D 11. CLOVIS ROAD Zz. R�zaz.�Z Bouz�vaRD From Ca�raont kvcnue to Birchnian Avenue, knot�rn. and designated as Unit 79 Project No. 10�.-2J�000-1&'be From I,ittlepage Street to Ha�_loran Street, kno�rn and designated as Unit g' 1'roject No. 101��-2/�000-1�6. From Camp �oUrie Boulevard to Lovell �venue, �.own and designated as Unit 9, Project No. IOL,.-2L�OOO�l�b. Fram �� £ee-t west o�' Coronado Cour-� to Cul-de-sac, known and design.ated as Unit 1n, Prajec� I�o. 101�.-21a.000-1�E The making and construction of street improvements in this una.t oraly as set ou�t and described in Ordinance No. 60�,0' d�.ted December 30, �96�, with Benefi.t Hearing set for January 27, 1969, when it was determined b� the City Cou.ncil to delete this uni� from �he contraet as provided for in Sec. 109 �lrt. 1105b, oz the Revised Civil Statute of Tex�.s as am��ided. From Gu.adalupe Road �0 125 feet nor-thJ knaGm and designated as Unit 11, Froject No. l0%-2�,000-1$6. The malcing and ec�nstruetian of street improvements in this unit only as set out and described in Orclinance No. b0%0, datec� December 3d, �-968, with Benef i� Hearing se�t for Janu�.ry 27, 1969, when it was determined by the Caty Council to de�.ete this unit f�om the eantract as p-r.ovided ior in Sec. 10, Art. 1105b, of �the Revised Civil S�atute of Te�as as amended. From Brooks-Chapin Road to 766 feet nc�r�h, known and designated as Unit 12, Project 11io� 101�-2�.000-1�6, WHE���� by s��d�y proc��dings here��fo�e p�s��� by �h� Ci�y Co�n�ii m� the �ity �f �ort Wortha ��xasa i��ludi�g mrdin���e Noo 60�1 , a p�rti�n of th� ���� of sai� im��ov�m�n�� ��� l��ie� ��� a�s��s�� ag�ins� ��� re�pective prop�rtie� ab��ti�� �� �a�h �f th� above �e�cri��d porti��s of str�ets, �v�nues and.publ3� pla��� ��� �gai��� th� r�al ��� t��� owners �he�emf; and, �R�Sa th� Ci�y Cou��i3 �f ��� �ity �f �ort Wo�th, �exas, hasy u��� ������, f�un� �nd �����ined tha�9 i� s�me in��a��esa in ���er tm effect subs�ant��l ju�ti�� ��d equality9 �t i� d�sir�bl� a�d �����sar� to ��a�� an� issue c�rtain cre�it� agai��� ��me on� or m�r� of the �s����m�n�� l�vi�� by Ordin�nce Noo 6051 a a�� �R�A�n th� str�et imp�ov���nts h��ei�abov� m�n�foned have b�e� co��l���d upan ea�h of the por�ions of ��r���s� aven��s and publi� place� hereinab�v� de��rib��� and �ave b�en i�sp��t�� an� fou�d to b� in c�anplete a�c�rdance with the c��tr��� ����efor� LtlVMN y d, .C�b° t�3aS Qdt�J.o° 9 �E I� ��A�D7�� B� "�I� �I�'�' ��ZTN�IL 0� �$Z� ��� 0� �OitT P�TOR�gi� ���A� a �1�' 8 �� The iinp��v�m�nts on �a�h of th� p��t�.o�ss of str�ets9 avenues anct publi� � p�la��s hereinabov� d���rib�d b�9 anci th�y a�� h�reby, acc�pted;.and th� cma��r��� w�ith refer�ra�e thereto be, and it is %ereby, fo��d ��ad decls.re� fu11y c�mpletecl an� p�rf����o IIo �'he I�iayo�, b�9 ��� h� is h�r�by9 dir�et�d to issue an�i exe�u�t� in th� �a�e �f th� City� certif�,�at�s in ��ricl�era�e of �fie s���ial �s��ssments le�ied �g�iaast at�ax�ting �a��p�r�y a�� �he owra�r �her�of for su�ta ixnp���r�tre�nts, an� ttae City Se���tary i� dlire�t�ei t;� $ttest sam� an� impres� th�r�on tiae �o�°gs�r�.�� s��.l �f th� City9 all in a��or��.�c� with tl�� procee�i�gs ��1a�ing to s��h im�rovean�nts �xad as�essmenS�so �he ce��ifi�at�s shabl b� numbered9 sh�iY d�s�x�ibe the prop�rty a�ains� �hi�h the as�e�smen� has been levi�dg sha119 �al��x°� lca�owrn9 . st��e th� r��.m� or a�ar,�e� of t�ie true oe�n�rs �f �1�� r�sp�ctive pa����.s o� p�eoA per�y assess�s� anel sl�alY be issu�d in an �m�un� �q�x�.l to the differ�n�� b�t�ae��n th� p�incipal �mount of the ass���me�t a�� �he am��am�s �f any credit issued th�r�o�o �h� rnum���'s of tYc� ��rtifi����se wi�h th� ��a�s�rty descrip�ion� to be shown �n��h� �esPe�ti�� ��r�ifacat�s9 ta�ge�hex° eaith th� �am�s o� tla� �wners �f sai� grope�ety, the preixncip�l aan�unt �f ��e assessm��nte �h� ���pec�iv� c�°���,gs9 if any whi�h a�� hereby auth�rizee�, gr�.a�t�� �xad allo4a�d agai�ast th� prir�ci,p�l am�un� o� s�m� on� �r more of the �sse�smen�s h�r���f�re l��ried 9 and th� ���n�ipal amaurn� f�r whi�� e��t� �er�ifi�ate is to be issueed a£t�� givi�ng eff�c� t� suc�h cre�nit, i� a.a�y, a�e h�r�by ea��m�r�t�ci �.n� itemi�esl as f�ll��rso - .` � • ' . . � IT.I a Whex� each. of the c�rtifiact�s k�as been duly execut�d as hereinabov'e �pr�vis��c3, �am� shall be delivered ta tive Tax Assessc�r=�ollector as part payment of the con�r�c�. �����o zv o �he City Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this or�iaaarn�� by �,snpying the caption of same in �he Minute Book of the City Council of Fort Wort�vy deX¢I.�g �.z�d by filing the complete ordinance in the. appropriate Ordinance Records of sai� Ci�yo Vo This ordinance shall take effe�t and be in full force and effect from anei aft�r the date of its passageo /� � �,� ' �' , A PASSED ANID APPR�IEID �FI�S� ��-� �/i . day of %I. r� �� a 19 v� o Al�FRO`UEiD AS TO FORM AND LEGAI,I�°XS :� �' � `�-�� � ��=- - City Attorney UNIT I: TREMONT S TREET FROM LOVELL AVENUE TO CURZON AVENUE, p, 104-24000-186, hot-mix asphaltic concretbSP and two-footi widelconcrete pROJECT N With six-inch thlck h concrete cur to be improve rade, seven-inch hig feet wide, and by reconstructing thick lime stabilized subg will be thirty- ecified� gutters, so that the finished roadway s where sp _ t wide sidewalks and six-inch thick concrete driveway SSMENT four foo qrqOUNT ASSE BLOCK RATE _--- ZONING FRON� �E- LOT __-- OWNER GINNING AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF KIMSEY AND CURZON I�HTS 4TH FILING BE ARLINGTON HE NORTH SIDE OF STREET 23 125' Adjusted to �2a06 $206.00 39 — 100' Pavement 130,90 J, J, Driskell Res. 1.54 � g36,g0 4117 W. Rosedale gs� Gutter Only D, �, Hornburg 1 4301 Lovell Avenue LOVELL STREET INTERSECTS SOUTH SIDE 0� STREET 19 J, D, Mitchell 4237 Lovell Avenue Cecilio Rodriguez 21 4236 Curzon Avenue 125' Adjusted to 23 Res. 100' Pavem�n� 85� Gutter Only 125' Adjusted to R�- lpp� pavement 83� Gutter Only 22 125' Adjusted to Res 100' Pavement 72� Gutter Only TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS - ASSESSMENTS TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH TOTAL ESTIMA'I'ED COST - UNIT N0. 1 $2.06 1,54 $2,06 1,54 $2.06 1.54 $206.00 130.90 $1,324.50 �,�s $206.00 127.82 $206.00 110�88 � 336.90 � ":�3 <82 � 316.88 �7,1g�..z6 rROJECT N0. 104-24000-186 UNIT 2: LOVELL AVENiJE FROM KiticYconcreteYpavement on aesixY STREET, to be improved with six-inch thick hot-mix as�ha roadwa will be forty feet wide, and by construct- inch thick 1ime stabilized subgrade, aeven-in�h high concrete curbs and two-foot wi e concrete Rutters, so Chat the finishe Y ing six-inch thick concrete driv.eways where specifiedo BLOCK �Tg AMOUNT ASSESSMENT ��R �,pT ZONiNG FRON'�AGE BEGINNING AT THE NORTfiEAST CORNER OF KIMZEY (TRINITY) STREET AND LCJ�IELL AVENUE NORTH SIDE OF STREET BROOKLYN HEIGHTS ll ' 8.33 $333.20 40 Pavement $ 6�o6fl Howell Instruments,Inc. 8 Ind. 40' Gutter Only 1.54 3479 W.,Vickery $394.80 �1 , 8,33 $666.40 7& 6 80 Pavement $ 58.52 p. Pulido Ind. 38' Gutter Only 1.54 3476 Lovell 42' Curb & Gutter 3.07 128.94 $853.86 11 40' Pavement $8.33 $333.20 Maria B.E. Garcia 5 122.80 3474 Lovell Ind. 40' Curb & Gutter 3•�� $456.00 , 8.33 $333.20 4 11 40 Pavement $ �22.80 Carmen Chairez Znd. 40' Curb & Gutter 3.07 2204 N. Farola Dro 96 S.F. Drive a74 71.04 Dallas, Texas- $527.04 8.33 $333.20 3 11 4p' Pavement $ 122,g0 J. L. Reid Ina, 40' Curb & Gutter 3.07 7240 Normandy ,74 96.94 131 S.F. Drive $552,94 11 80' Pavement $8033 $666.40 Howell Instruments,Inc. 2& 1 245.60 Ind. 80' Curb & Gutter 3.74 3$.�+8 3479 W. Vickery 52 S.F. Drive $950.48 ,; CON`T o UNIT 2: LOVELL AVENUE FROtYi KIM2EY (TRINITY) STREE`T TO DeGARY STREET BLOCK AM� ASSESSMENT OWNER LO°� Z0� FR(?I3�A�E RATE DeGARX STREET INTERSE�TS SOUTH SIDE OF STREET BROOI�L,YN HEIG�S Howell Instx'ument�s Inc, 280' Paveme�t $8,33 3479 Wo Vickery 16 6 �30' Curb & Gutter 3a07 t�ru 10 indo 45' Gut�er Only 1054 • 525 S4F� Drive o74 Mary J< Rivera 3479 Lovell 9 6 40' P�vement $8,33 Inda 40` Curb & Gutter 3007 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWI�TERS � ASSESSMENTS TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTi�i TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - UNIT N0. 2 $7,6$7.42 I.993•¢� $2,332a40 70bo10 69,30 ��$.50 $3,49�•30 $333020 122.80 $ 456e00 .� ��(�Q�� . a b 9 a m PRa.lEeT NO- 1�4-2 4000-1.86, t1NI'� 3< F�:ETCHER AVENUE FROM SANGUTNET STREET TO HULEN STREET9 �to tse improved with six-inch thic�. hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on six-inch thick lime �tabilized subgrade, seven-inc� high concrete curbs and two-foot wide concrete gurters, so that the finished roadway will �e thirty-Gi.x feet uJ��e and h�r ��nstructing four-foot wide concrete sidewalks and six-inch thick concrete driveways where specified. BLOCK QWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT �EGINNIN� AT NORTHEti,ST CORNER OF SANGUINET STREET AND HULEN STREET NOR�ti SIDE OF STREFT CHAMBERLIN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 2ND FILING Iiulen �evelopment C�rp, l, 2 27-R 1185' Pavement $7.41 $8,780.85 3400 Hu1en & 3 Apt. 1185' Curb & Gutter 3.07 3,637:95 HiJLEN STREET IN�'ERSECTS SOU�I S"IDE OF STREET Sunset Heights Baptist Church 4535 Fle�cher Sunset Heights Bap�ist Church 4535 Fletcher Ma So Knox 25�3 Jennings Ave. Rofie: t E. Lee y�'r � 7r4-A Tierney Road 14 thru 34 20 & Res, Part of 13 1 thru 8 33 Res. 9 & '10 3 � Res. 1.1 & I� �33 Res, i�.u��r�: Hcabbs, L:,�c:u�:er 13 & 33 22U Fort Worth Clu� Bldg14 Res, 185' Pavement 114' Curb & Gutter 260' Pavement 260' Curb & Gutter 240' Sidewalk 175 S.Fe Drive 50� Pavement 50a Curb & Gutter 50� Pavement 50' Curb & Gutter 50' Pavement SO° Curb & Gutter $2.33 �431.05 3.07 349o9g $2,33 $605.80 3.07 798.20 2,54 609,60 ,74 129.50 $2,33 $116<50 3,0� 1s3.so $2.33 $116.50 3.07 153 50 $2,33 $116.50 3.07 153.50 ASSESSMENT $12,418.80 �7g1.03 $2,143.10 $270.Od $270.0� $270.00 Rober� Habbs Executer 15 & 16 33 50' Pavement $2.33 $116.50 220 Fort Worth Club Bldg. Re3� 50' Curb & Gutter 3.07 153.50 $270.00 {_ CONT� UNIT 3o FLETCHER AVENUE FROM SANGUINET STREET TO HULEN STREET BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT CHAMBERLIN ARLINGTOi' HEIGHTS 2ND FILING Lois Ann Pipes 17 thru 33 100' Pavement $2.33 $233.00 4912 Geddes 20 Res, 100' Curb & Gutter 3.07 307.00 $540:00 KENLEY STREET INTERSECTS R, B. Trentman, Trustee 1 thru 32 150' Pavement $2.33 $349.50 3501 Blue Bonnet'Cfrcle 6 Res. 150' Curb & Gutter 3.07 460.50 $810.00 Trentman Co. 7 thru 32 150' Pavement $2,33 $349.50 3207 W. Sth 12 Res� 150' Curb & Gutter 3 07 460.50 $810.00 W. T� Rollins 13 �hru 32 100' Pavement $2.33 $233.00 4737 Fletcher 16 Res. 100' Curb & Gutter 3.07 307,00 96 S.F. Drive .74 71.04 $611,04 Howard W. Ottum 17 thru 32 100' Pavement $2.33 $233.00 5�6� Tracyne Dr. 20 Res, 100' Curb & Gutter 3.07 307.00 . $540,00 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY 0'�TNERS - ASSESSMENTS $19�733.97 TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH � g17e40 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST — UNIT N0. 3 ��� l� ry, PROJECT NO„ 104-24000-186 UNIT 4: KENLEY STREET FROM BONNELL AVENUE TO FLEfiCHER AVENUE, to be impruved with six-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a sfx-inch thick lime stabilized subgrade, seven-inch high concrete curbs and two-foot wide concrete gutters9 �o that the finished roadway will be thirty feet wide, and by constructing six-inch thick concrete driveways where specifiedo BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONIN� FRONTA�E RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT BE�INNING AT TiiE NORTHWEST CORNER OF KENLEY S�REET AND BONNELL AVENUE WEST SIDE OF STREE'� CHAMBERLIN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, 2ND FILING Re B. Trentman, Trustee 32 125' Adjusted to 3501 Blue Bonnet �i.rc].e Res. 100' Pav�ment $2.33 $233.00 lOD' Curb & Gutter 3.07 307.00 , $540v00 FLETCHER AVENUE INTERSECTS EAST SIDE OF STREET Lois Ann Pipes 20 33 4912 Geddes Res, 125' Ad justed to 100' Pavement $2.33 100' Curb & Gutter 3.07 Boyce Dean Worley 21 33 97' Curb & Gutter $3.07 4636 Bonnell Res, TOTAL COST TO PROFERTY OWNERS - ASSESSMENTS $1,377.79 TOTAL COST TO.CITY OF FORT WORTH 3.43� TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - UNYT N0. 4 $233.00 307.00 $540.00 $297.79 $297.79 � 812.0 PRO.J��T N0, 104-24000-186 UNIT S� SANGUINET S�RE�T FROM AL�EY SOUTH OF HOUGHTON STREET �0 �L�EX SOUTH OF �LFTCHER STREET ho be improved with six-inch thick hot-mix asphal�ic co��rete pavement on a six-inch�thick lime stabi?ized subg�a�e, seven-inch high concret:e c��r�h� an� two-foot wi�e �onc�rete �;ur.t.ers, so that� �he finished zoadcaay will be tl a�;: ty feet:�.aide, and b� r.onstruciing six-i.�ch t.hicic co=�crett drivewa�s where specified. BLOCI� vWNER I�OT �C�NING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUN'� ASSES�M�ATT B�GTNNING 145 � SO�,TTii 0� HUIJGHZON STREET E��'P SIDE OF S7`RE�� CHAMBERLIN ARLTNGTON HEI�HTS 2ND FIL�IvU Yulen Developmer�t; C;oYp: 3 26pR 131' Pavement $5.75 $753.25 3�00 Hu1en Apt.. 131' Curb & Gutter 3.07 402.17 $1,155,42 WEL:�E5LEY STREET INTERSEGTS Hulen Development Cor�. 3 .�4GQ Hu1en �I.ETCHER STREET INTEIiSGCTS H::ward W� Ottum 20 5761 Trac�ne Dxive WEST SIDE OF STRE�T' H����r� Developmen� �orp. 1 3�QU HU3.�n F�ETCHER STRE�T TTTTER����S Hulen Development Gorp. 40 34�J0 Hu1en t�ri:le�! DeveYop�e!7� C�r�e 1 �4Gr� �i�xlPn 27-R. Apt: 32 Reso 31 P.e s . 28 Re�. � im Rese 281' Pavement $5.75 2�1' Curb & Gutter 3.07 125' Adjusted to 100' Pavement $2.06 100' Curb & Gutter 3.07 125' Adjusted to 100' Pavement $2.06 100° Curb & Gutter 3,07 125' Adjusted to 100' Pavement $2006 100' Cc�rb & �utter 3,07 ��5° Ad�usred to �O0' Pavement $� � 06 100' Curb & �utter 3.07 $1, 61.5. 75 862,67 $206.00 307,00 $206.00 307,00 $206.00 307.00 $206000 307 00 M�; $2��+7Fi. f>2 $513:00 $5�3,OC� $513 , 00 $513.G0 CdNT, UNIT 5: SANGUTNET STREET FROM ALLEY SOUTH OF HOUGHTON STREET TO ALLEY SOUTH OF FLETCHER STREET BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSES�MENT WELI2ESLEY STREET INTERSECTS CHAMBERLIN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 2ND FI�ING Hulen Development Corp. 40 21 125' Adjusted to 3400 Hulen Res. 100' Pavement $2..Q6 $206�00 100' Curb & Gutter 3.07 307.00 $513. t)0 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS - ASSESSMENTS TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - UNIT N0. 5 $ 6,198.84 g,332.71 ¢.t PROJEGT Na� 104-24000-146 UNIT 6� HELMICK AVENUE FROM PR�JOST STRE�T TO 1�IERRICR STRF.ET, to�l�e imgroved with six-inch thick hot-mix asPhete�curbs`andetwoVfo t�wideaco crEtehgutrers, lime stabilized subgrade, seven-inch high concr so that the finished roadway will be thirty-six feet wide, and by constructing six-inch thicic concrete driveways where speci.fied. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT BE�INNTNf� A� NOR1`HEAS'T CORNER Ok HEI2MICK AVENUE AND PREJOST STREET NOR�T Si�E U�` STR�ET CHAMBERLIN ARL,INGTON �iETGHTS 2NA F�LTN� G�atiam & Moates 21 & 22 12z 35' Pavement $7.41 $259.�5 2Q0 Houston � Comm. 35' Curb & Gutter 3.07 107. 5 R� B, Tre�;�t.man 23 & 24 .12_�'. 350`1 B�ue Bonne�. �'�i.rr..',�e �e�mni� Ls,xi.h Robinson. 25 & 26 122 , 5?28 He�mick Comm. p.. B. �rEntman, '�ru�tee 27 thru ].22-- �5C1 Blue Sonnet C��'ele 30 Res. i3e.7 n��r C'�rdner ��04 Calvez �f . F , J�nkins �T� 3 �'letcher 3:i & 32 �2� Res. 33 & 34 122 _ Res. �. Fs. Trentman, '�rust:ee 35 thru 1� 35G1. Blue Bonnet Ci�c1e 38 Res� � 50' Pavement 50e Cu.r.b & Gutter ASSESSr'IEN� $:366s84 $7,41 $370.50 �,07 153i50 �5?.'�. �)G 50' Pavement $���1 50` Curb & Gutter 3,.0'1 228 S�F. Drive ,74 100' Pavement $2,33 100' Curb & Gutter 3,07 50� Pavement $2��� 50' Curb & Gutt.er 3.07 22$ S,F. Drive .74 5C1° Pavement $2.33 50` Curb & Gutter 3.07 228 S�F6 Drive �74 100' Pavement $2.33 100' Curb & Gutter 3.07 $370.50 153.50 168072 $233.00 307.00 $116; 50 1.53 , SO 168072 $116.50 153. 50 168,72 $692.'2 $540.00 $�3$.i2 $43i: , .�2 $233.00 307.06 ' $540.00 . ,� r b F 4 e CONT. UNTT 6� H�LMICIC F�VENUE FKOM PREVOST STREET TO MERRICK STREET BLOCK ()WNER LOT ZODIING FRON'TAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT �_�.�. — CHA,MBERLIN ARLINGTON HEIGATS 2ND FILING �rentman Co 39 & 40 122 50' Pavement $2.33 $116..50 3207 W. Sth Res, 50' Curb & Gutter 3,07 153,50 $270-00 MERRZCK STKEET INTERSECTS SOUTH SID� OF STREET R_ B Trentman,,Trustee 1 thru 131 3501 Blue Bonnet Circle 4 Res� Joe D; Johnson 5& 6 131 Continental Life B1dg, Res- Henry Y� Davis, Sr. 7 thru 131 1409 Missouri 14 Res. 100' Pavement $2_33 100� Curb & Gutter 3..07 Sd' Pavement $2.33 50' Curb & Gutter 3.07 200' Pavement $2�33 200' Curb & Gutter 3,07 228 S.F� Drive .74 Ro ?3 Trentman, Trustee 15 thru 131_ 100' Pavement $7,41 3501 Blue Bonnet Gircle 18 Comm, 100' Curb & Gutter 3,07 Fentecostal �ible 19 & 20 131 35' Pavement $2.33 Mission Church Comm., 35" Curb & Gutter 3.07 5629 Curzon 415 S F. Drive 74 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS - ASSESSMENTS TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH TOTAL �STIMATED COST - UNIT N0. 6 ' ! $7,413.78 6 1 0. $233.00 307.00 $540..00 $116�50 153.50 $270.00 $466.00 614.00 168,72 $1,248.72 $741 00 307,00 $1,048�00 $ 81.55 107. 45 307.10 $496.10 a w u b . y � z . p ' a PR�.TECT N0� 104-2�000-186, UNIT 7: FARON STREET FROM CALMONT AVENUE TO BIRCHMAN AVENUE, to be improved with six-inch thick. hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six-inch thick lime stabilizeii subgrade, seven-inch high concrete curbs and two-foot wide concrete guttiers, so that the finished roadway will be thirty feet wide and by constructing six- inch thick concre�e driv�ways �ailere specified.. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMEI�T BEGINNING AT NORT?�[dGST CORNER OF FARON STREET AND CALMONT AVENUE (STATION 5+ 52) WEST SIDE OF STREET CHAMBERLIN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 2ND FILIDT.� Texas Highway Dept, 40 109 105' . -0- James T. Gaddy & 1 A1 Sankar�� 5601 BirchT�n �3ikc:i�rlHN AV�I�UE INTLRSECTS EAST SIDE OF STItEET Gandy Taylor, Trustee 20 Market Investment Trust 705 First Nat'1 Bank Bldg, George W. Plumly 21 5532 Calmont 109 Apt.. 108 Apt 108 Com;n _ 125' Pavement $6.02 125' Gutter Only 1.54 125' Pavement $6:02 125' Curb & Gutter 3,07 105' Pavement $6.02 105' Curb & Gutter 3.07 151 S.F. Drive .74 TdTAL COS1' TO PROPERTY (��NERS - �SSESSMENTS TOTAL COST T'0 CITY OF FOFiT WORTH � TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - UNIT N0. 7 $3,147.44 �0� • Q7 $752�50 192.50 $945.00 $752.50 383�75 $1,136,25 $632,10 322.35 111.74 $1,066.19 �6 1 s 1 PROJECT N0. 104-24000-186 UNIT 8 LOVELL AVENUE FROM LITTLEPAGE STREET TO HALLORAN STREET, to be improved with six-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six-inch thick lime stabilized su�grade, seven-inch high concrete curbs and two-foot wide concrete gutters, so that the finished roadway will be forty feet wide, and by constructing four-foot wide concrete sidewalks and six-inch Chick concrete driveways where specified. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT BEGINNING AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF LdVELL AVENUE AND LITTLEPAGE STREET WEST SIDE OF STREET C. W. Rowlett & Robert W. Lynn 208 Treadway Plaza Dallas, Texas CHAMBERLIN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS 2ND FILING 21 thru 30 �500' Pavement $8.33 $4,165.00 40 Comm. 93' Curb & Gutter 3.07 285.51 407' Gutter 1.54 626,78 HALLORAN STREET INTERSECTS EAST SIDE OF STREET Texas Wesleyan College 9 thru 32 Attention: 14 & 14' Ind. Mr. Roach of 15 H�rris HosPital I300 W. Cannon Attention: Mr. Kelley 16 thru 32 20 & 11' Ind. of 15 225' Adjusted to 118' Pavement $8.33 $982.94 136' Pavement $8.33 $1,132.88 136' Curb & Gutter 3.07 417.52 136' Sidewalk 2.54 345.44 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS - ASSESSMENTS TOTAL COST TO GITY OF FORT WORTIi TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - UNIT N0. 8 $7,956.07 �5, 15.02 $5,077.29 $982.94 $1;895.84 �l 771.0 t � � 1 •• p�o,;�cT rro �04-24000-186, UTJIT 9, LITTLEPAGE STREET FROM CANI�.' BOWIE BOULEVA�tD TO LOVELL AV�:NUE, to be improved with six-inch thick hot-mi:t asphaltic concrete pavement on a six- inch thick lime stabi.lized subgrade, seven-inch high conerete curbs and two-foo't wide concrete �utters so that the finished roadway wi11 be thirty feet wide, and by cons-�ruct-� ing four-foot wide concrete sidewalks and six-inch thick concrete driveways where specified, BIACK OWN�'R UJT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT BEG�NNING AT NORTFiWEST CORPT�R OF CAMP BOWIE BOULEVARD AND LITTLEPAGE STREET WEST SID� OF S!T'RT'ET CHANNffiERLIN ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ADDITlON Griff's of Texas, Inc. 4& i 33 195' Pavement $6.02 $i,173.90 700 Tower Petroleum Bldg. Apt. 125' Curb & Gutter 3.07 383•75 Dallas, Texas , 70' Gutter 1.54 107.80 23' Sidewalk 2�54 58•42 I,C)VELL STREET TNTERSECTS EA,ST SIDE OF STRFET Harris Hospital 20 1300 W. Cannon Attention: Mr. Kell.ey 32 183' Adjusted to Ind. 157' Pavement $6.02 80' Curb & Gutter 3�07 142' Sidewalk 2.54 COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS -.ASSESSMENTS COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH �OTAL ESTIMATED COST - UNIT N0. 9 '4P��2lJs27. 2 7, g5.96 $945 • 1.4 245 .60 360.68 ASSES�MENT $1,723.g7 $�, 55� ,�+2. ��b.o61.25 • PROJECT NO 104-24000-186, UNIT 12: RENZEL BOULEVARD.FROM BROOK-CHAPIN ROAD 'TO 766' NORTH (STATION 27 + 66.6), to be improved with six-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six-inch thick lime stabilized subgrade, seven-inch high concrete curbs and two-foot wide concrete gutters so that the finished roadway will be fortyfeet wide, and by constructing four-foot wide concrete sidewalks and six-inch thick concrete drive- ways where specified. BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT BEGINNING AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF RENZEL BOULEVARD AND BROOK-CHAPIN ROAD WEST SIDE OF STREET L. W MOORE SUBDIVISION Church of the Apostle, B 726' Pavement $2.33 $1,691.58 Episcopal Apt. 726' Curb & Gutter 3.07 2,228.82 9100 Chapin Road 696' Sidewalk 2:54 1,767.84 563 S:F.Drive .74 416.62 $6,1o4' 86 EAST SIDE OF STREET Diocese of Dallas A 726' Pavement $2.33 $1,691.58 P.O . Box 19507 Apt. 726' Curb & Gutter 3.07 2,228.82 Dallas, Texas 726' Sidewalk 2,54 1,844,04 55,764.44 COST TO PROPERTY OWNERS - ASSESSMENTS $11,869.30 COST TO THE CITY OF FORT WORTH 11,299.43 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - UNIT NO 12 $23.168.73 "'`""' " City of Fort Worth, Texas LINE MRO. RPH'S Mayor and Council Cmm nication &B. DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: Final Payment - Assessment PAGE GRAHAM 9/15/69 NUMBER Paving of 12 Locations on 1 of 2 FP-657 the West Side Final Council action on the project described below is requested: ' Project Description Name: Assessment Paving of 12 Locations on the West Side, Project No. 104-24000-186 Contractor: Austin Road Company and Worth Construction Company Contract Awarded: December 30, 1968 (M&C C-1392) , Units 10 and 11 were deleted following the public hearing on January 27, 1969 (M&C G-1335) . Work Order Issued: January 31, 1969 Work Order Effective: February 13, 1969 Date of Final Inspection and Approval: June 20, 1969 Working Time Bid: 125 working days Working Time Used: 64 working days Project Cost and Financing Original Bid Price: $172,039.25 Change Order No, 1 - 1,320.00 (12-30-68) Change Order No. 2 - 17,983.81 (M&C C-1335, 1-27-69) Delete Units 10 and 11 Change Order No. 3 - 254050 (3-17-69) Revised Contract Cost: $152,480,94 Final Contract Cost: $122,269.69 Partial Payments Previously Made: 5 Amount: $108,316.63 Final Payment Due: $ 13,953.06 Payment to be made from Project Account No. 104-24000-186 Deviation from Bid Price: The final cost of the contract was $30,211.25 less than the adjusted bid price (after change orders) for the following reasons: Savings occurred because estimated quantities on the items listed below were greater than actually required. Utility adjustment $ 2,786.19 7 inch Curb and 2 foot Gutter 3,447.92 6 inch HMAC Paving 5,450.90 HMAC Transition 1,660.00 Total Savings $13,345.01 DATE 9/15/69 REFERENCE sus�Ecr: Final Payment - Assessment NUMBER Paving of 12 Locations on FP-657 the West Side PAGE 2 of �_ The cost of a 6 inch metal sub-drain was less than estimated because during plan preparation for this project a visual inspection i,ndicated that the sub- drain might be necessary; however upon completing excavation of the streets, the anticipated seepage was not encountered, and the sub-drain was not constructed, This resulted in a savings of $15,000.00. Minor variations between quantities estimated in the contract specifications and quantities measured and used at the job site resulted in a savings of $1,866.240 Compliance with Specifications During testing on this project, 35 corings were made with the following results: Exceeds Specs Paving 22 Sub-grade 3 Even with Specs 12 32 Under Specs but Within Tolerance 1 0 Below Tolerance �1 On the entire project, the average thickness of the hot mix asphaltic concrete paving is 6.17 inches as compared to the 6 inches specified, and the average thickness of the lime stabilized sub-grade is 6 inches as was specified. Tests made during construction of sub-grade and pavement show that materials used were in compliance with contract specifications. Recommendation It is recommended that the above project be accepted by the adoption of an o�di- nance and final payment of $13,953.06 be authori�ed to Austin Road and Worth Construction Company. HDM : j p SUBMITTED BY: , �/,f /�/���� DISPOSITION COUNCIL: APPROVED ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE) .�. i %,� ��.�'> l i �s ����-�.:�.. � �� / y'� . /.� /� PROCESSED BY C� SECR�RY DATE CITY MANAGER I I �� � � ��