HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6764�. , ORDINANCE NOe � �% � � ORDINANC� ACCEI��IN� IMPRO�IEI��� OI� A POR�IOI� 0� EDERVILLE iZOAD .4ND PORTION3 0�° SiTNDRS� OT'Ii�R SfiI2�ETS e AVENiTES ANI3 PtTBI,IG Pi�AC�S �N TH1E CITSP 0�' �'OR� 6`IORTii9 T1EX.4S s DECLARI�I� TI� COI�RACT FTITI� AUSTIN ROAD COMPANY F'OR T� CONSTRiJCTION 0� SAID iMPRO�JEMEN°T� FUL�.Y COlril'LEfiED AN� �R�`�RMED9 DIRE�TING `THE ISStJANCE a EXEGiJTION AND i�ELIV�RY OF' CETtTI�iCAZ`ES IN E�IIDENCE 0�' SPECII�L ASSESSNYEI3TS LEVIED A�"`T�R �iV�AT� ��k�G'T 'TO SIJNDRY' CREDITS �12EIN AU�FiORI��D AND ALL�►�D �,�AiN��' SOI� 0� S�ID ASSESSI�NT�; DiRE�TIN6� �� ��T"� SEC�TARY T0 EN�R05 a AI�II� EN�OL� �HIS ORDINANCE �Y COP�III�G TI� CI��TION 0�° SAME TN `TI� MIIv1J�� BOOIZ 0]F T� GI� COt7NCTI, OF' FORT taOItTH� TEXAu 9 Ai�� $� Z°Z�,Il�G �I� COIKI'I�TE ORDIIVANCE IN A�PROPI2IA`I`� ORDINAI�CE R�CORI3� �� SAZD �IT�9 AI� PROVIDiNG AN EFF'ECTI'BlE DAT'� e i�I2EAS9 th� City of Fort Worth9 T�x��, h�s heretofore entered into a contract r�rith ATTSTTN RnAD COMPARIY � for the m�leing �nd con�tructior► of certain street improvement� o� the herein�fter cie��ribed portion� of street�9 av�xxues and paablic places in �aid City, to�i�ita EDERVILLE ROAD EXTENSION, UNIT III From 400' west oi Jill Lane ta Brentwood Stair Road, known and designated as Project No. 104-23000-117, Unit �II. S, by sundry p�oceedin�s heretofore p�.a�ed by the City Council of the City of Fort Warth, Texas, including Ordinan�ee Ato. 6561 , a portion of the cost of said impro�ements �vas levieci and assessed again�t the respe�tive propertie� abutting on each of the above described portions oi straet�, avenue� and public places and against the real and true ow ners thereof; and, WHr.�.FyS, th� City Counci7, of the Cit� of Pbrt Worth, Texas� has, npon re- view' found and det�x°mined th�:t, in sorne inst�.nces� in order to effeet sszbstantial justice and equality, it is desirable and necessary to grant and issue csrtain credits against some one or more of the assessments lev�ied by Ordinance No. 6561 , and 'nrH�AS, the stree� impro�rements hereina.bove mentioned have been compl�ted upon eaeh of the portions of streets, avenuea dnd pur�lic plaoes hereinabove described, and Y�.ve been inapected a.nd found to be in complete aCcordance with the contract therefor; NOW� TH�FOREa BE IT O£�DAI�i�D BY TFLF' CITY COUNCII� 0�+� T� CITY OF FORT WORTH, T?�XAS, T�kT t I. The improvements on each of the portions of streets, avenues and publie placea herein�bove described be, and they are hereby� accepted; and the contract with re- ference thereto be� and it is hereby, found and declared fully eompleted and performed. II. The Mayor, be* and he is hereby, directed to issue and execute in t he nam� of the City, certificates in evidence of the special assessmenta levied againet abuttiing propearty and the owner thereof for such improvements� and t he City Secretary ia directed to attes� same and impress thereon the corporate seal of the City, all in accordance with the proceed.ings relatin� to such im��rovements and assessments. The certificates shall be numbes°ed, shall describe the propert� against which the asaessment hae been levied, ahall, where known, state the na.�e or names of the true, owners of the respect3ve parcels of pro- perty aasessed and aha.11 be isaued in an amount c�ual to the difference between the principal amount of the aesessment and the amounts of any credit issued thereon. The numbera of the �ertificates, with the property deseriptions to be shown on the respective certiPi- cates, toL,ether with the names of the owners of said property� the principal amouut of the assessment, the respective credits, if any wti�ich are hereby authorized, granted and allowed against the principal amount of some one or more of the assessments heretofore levied, and the principal amount for which eaeh certificate is to be issued after �ivin�; effect to such credit, ii any, are herebg enumerated and itemized as followa; When each of the certifiactes has been duly executed as hereinabove provi�ed, ��m� shall b� delivered to �he Tax Assessor�Collector as part payment of the contract pr�cee IV . �he City Secretary is hereby direct�d to engross and enroll this orda.narace �y copying the caption of same in the Minute Book of the City Council of Fort t�iortl�, Te�as9 and by iiling the complete ordinance in the_ appropriate Urdinance Recoxds of saial Cityo V, This orclinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and aft�r the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPR�VED 7.`filS ��� day of ��%l a 19%�% t�PI'iZOVEID AS TO FORM AND LEGAIaI�o � City ACtorney pRosECT No, io4-2s000-iii uNY� zxz. EnEx�I�LE RoaD ExTENSION Fr,oM 400' wEs� o�_�i��__r�NE To BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD, �o be improved by construc�ing a six-inch thick reinfo�ced cancrete pavement on a seven-i�ch thick cement stabilized subgrade with seven-inch high conc�e�e superimpased curb, so that �h� finished roadway wiil be fo�t�-eigh� fee� wide and by con� structing sixpinch thick concrete driveways where specified. BLOCK OWNER �0� ZONING �'ItOI�ITAGE R.�.TE AMOtTN'� AS5E5SNtENT BEGINiV'ING AT A�OI�tT 400' W�ST 0�° �ILL NOR�H SIDE OF STREET Texas Turnpike Authority 91.0 G,latson Road Arlington, Texas BRENTWOOD STAiR ROAA INTERSECTS SOUTH SIDE OF STREET Tri-Cities Bldg. T.mc. c/o Harold Brocm 13th FZoor Schick Bidg. Bi11 J. Elliot 5500 Beaty, Apt. 1 76112 B�ir .r. Eil�o� 5500 Beaty, Apt. i 76112 8���. J. Ellio� 5500 Beaty, Apte i 76112 7 R.O.W. 5outh Side of Turnpike BRENTWOOD HILLS ADDZTION 4 19 17 5' Pavemert� $14� . 3 6 Apt. 135° Curb 1.17 200 Sq. Ft. Drive 1.01 10 �1 13 Res s 13 Rese 13 Res. 69' Pavement 69' Curb 69' Pavement 69' Curb 68' Pavemen� 6�� cur» $5.06 1.1% 1Vo Ass�ssmen.t as per Turnpike Agreement $2,513.00 157.95 202.00 $2,872.95 $349.14� 80.73 $ 429.87 $5.06 $349.7.4 1.17 80.73 $ 429.�7 $5.06 $344�e08 1.17 79.56 $ 423.b4 �1 PRflJECT N0. 104A23000-1i7. tJNIT SII. EDERVILLE ROAD EXTE�SION FROM 400' WEST 0� JTLL I�ANE �0 BRENTWOOD STATR ROAD. CON'C:LNUED OWNER �OT SOUTH SiDE OF STREET T.E.S.G.O. Seventh and Lamar 76102 BLOCK ZOI�TING FRONTAGE RAT� ANtOUNT ASS�SSMENT B1tENTW00D HILLS taDDI'�iON I2,Oo�a, 200' I'avement $5.06 $1,012.00 Res. 185' Curb 1.17 216.45 $1,22�.45 D e Mo 11Z+116•le7 CJ lJit V J'r 1 Roy L. Wise Tract 1 130' No Benefit 6201 Franwood 12es. No Assessment 761i2 CANTERBIIRY CIRCLE INTERSECTS W. D. Schwennsen. Tract 5 92.66' 1Vo Access Agreemen� 6241 Warri.ngi:on Res e No Assessment 76I12 .Tames 0. Muilin.s 6237 Warrington 7�iZz Cecil E. Huber 6233 Warrington 76112 W. R. Owen 6229 Warrington 76i12 Tract 6 �3' No Access Agreement Res. Tract 7 80' No Access Ag�eement Res. No Assessmertt No Assessment Tract 8 85' Pavement $1.95 $165.75 Res. 85' Curb 1.17 99.45 $ 265.20 0 PRo.r�c� �o. 1o�-zs000-�i7, trnrz� zzz E��RvzL�E �oA� ����szoN ��o� �oo' w�sT o� �zL� r�NE To B���wooA sTazR xoaDa co�Tztvu�� B�,ocx OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RA�E AMOtJNT ASSESSIHENT SOUTH SIDE OF STREET D. M. HEI,�S SURVEY John C. Gearheart Tract 9 90' Pavemen.g $1.95 $175.50 6225 Warringto� Resa 79' Curb I.17 92./+3 76112 165 Sqo Ft. Drive 1.01 I66.65 $ 434.5� M. D. Smith 6221 Warrington 761.i2 Charley W. A11en et ux Ola M. 6217 Warring�on 76112 F. F. A�ascorro 6213 Warrington 761i2 Robert Cecil Paul 6209 Warrington 76i12 Charles L. Lipsey 6205 Warrington 76112 Tract 10 83' Pavement $1.95 Res. �3' Curb 1.Z7 Tract 11 90 ° No A.ccess Agreemen.t Res. Tract 12 83' Pavement Res. 83' Curb 140 Sq. F't. Drive $I61.85 97.1i $ 25�.96 No Assessmertt $1.95 $161.85 1.17 97.11 1.01 141.40 $ 400.36 Tract 13 85' No Access Agreement Etes . Tract 14 90' Pavement $1.95 Res. 79' Curb 1.17 No Assessment $175.50 92.43 $ 267.93 �� � PROJECT NOp 104-23000-117. UNIT iiT EDERVI�LE ROAD EXTENSION �ROM �00' WEST OF JILL TO BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD, CONTII�iUED OWNER sou� sz�E o� s���T Mary Jo Shepherd 3463 Suffolk 76109 BiOCK LOT ZONII�tG �RONTAGE RA.TE BRENTWOOD HILI,S ADDITION L 8 No Access Res . W. J. BA.ILER SURVEY AMOtJI�t'T ASSESSMENT 1Vo Assessmex�.t OAKHILL ROAD INTERSECTS Meadowbroolc Industries, Inc. Tract 1-c L1�o� Pavement $14.36 $1.6,�01.20 Attn.: Bill E11iot Apt. 1170' Curb 1.17 1,368.90 5109 Ederville Road $18,170.10 76112 Meadowbrook industries, Tnc. '.'Part of 1038' Pavement $14.36 Attn.: Bi11 Eliiot Tract 1-H 103�' Curb 1.17 5109 Ederville Road Apt. City oi Fort Worth Part of 420' Tract 1-H Apt. Meadowbrook Industries, Znc. Part of 580' Pavement A�tn.: Bi11 Elliot Trac� 1-H 580' Curb 5109 Ederville Road Apt. 76112 $14,905.68 1,214.46 $16,120.14 No Assessment $14.36 $8,328.�0 1.i7 678.60 $9,007.40 4 ��o.�cT No, io�-Zs000-i�.7, urrzx zzr, EDERVILLE RQAD �XTENSION �'ROI� 400' j�s� oF ,���L r.�r� TO BIZE�TTWOOD S�'AIEt T�OAD� CONTTNUED BI,OCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE SOUTH SID� OF STREET W. J. BAI�R SURVEY .7I'LL L�� ZN�ERSEC�S Mea.dowbroolc Industri.es, Inc. Par� of 34�' Pavemen� At�n.: Bill Elliot Tract 1-H 348' Curb 5109 Ederville Road Apt. 76112 RATE AMOUNZ' ASSESSMENT $14.36 $4,997.28 1.17 407.i6 $5,404.44 TOTAL COST �0 PROPERTY OWIVERS . . , . > . o . . . . TO�AL COST TO CITY OF FORT WORTH ,,,.. e e.. TOTAL ESTIMATED COI�STRUC�ION COST . . . . . . . . . $ 55, 7]:3.89 293,315.55 $349,029.44 F� LiN� ��� �ity ��' 1F�rt ��rt�., �ea��� �M .�ll���� ���1 c���c���l� c�����,�c���c����� �� �. �.` j DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: F1Ral Payment - Ederville Road pAGE �� NUMBER from 400 Feet West of Jill Lane to 1 11/27/72 FP-915 Brentwood Stair Road, Unit III lof Final Council action on the project described below is requested. Project Description Name: Ederville Road from 400 Feet West of Jill Lane to Brentwood Stair Road, Unit III, Project No. 104-23000-117 Contractor: Austin Road Company Contract Awarded: October 7, 1971 (M&C C-2033) Work Order Issued: January 18, 1972 Work Order Effective: February l, 1972 Work Began: January 24, 1972 Date of Final Inspection and Approval: September 30, 1972 Working Time Bid: 220 Working Days Working Time Used: 147 Working Days Project Cost and Financing Original Bid Price: $296,000.03 Change Order No. 1 $ 13,186.00 (A.R. 1-15) (During the construction, it was discovered that an error had been made in calculating the quantity of Unclassified Trench Excavation for the proposed storm drain system. The additional quantity of Unclassified Trench Excava- tion results in a contract cost increase of $13,186.) Revised Bid Price: $309,186.03 Final Contract Cost: $317,299.49 Partial Payments Previously Made: 8 Amount: $276,658.17 Final Payment Due: $40 641.32 � Sufficient funds are available for the final payment to be made from Project Number 104-23000-117. Deviation from Bid Price: The final contract cost of this project is $8,113.46 or 2.62 per cent over the revised bid price. The cost difference is attributed to minor variations between quantities estimated in the contract documents and quantities measured and used at the job site. Compliance with Specifications Tests made during construction show that materials used and required thick- nesses were in compliance with contract specifications. Recommendations It is recommended that the project described be accepted by the adoption of an ordinance and final payment of $40,641.32 be made to Austin Road Company. RNL:ms SUBMITTED BY: DISPOSITIO �COUNCIL: PROCESSED BY APPROVE , ❑ OTHER (DESCRI�E) //,.��'�L� � T � ��'���C / � (� �� CI SECRETARY `G' ` ` . `� / �� ' �y% J DATE CITY MANAGER // � � ,Zs