HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 7464ORDINA�CE NOp � 4-�p �- O�DINANCE ACCE��I�� IMPRO�ME�i� 0� A POR�IO� 0� MA PLELEAF STRE�T AND FOR`TIONS 0� SLTIVDR� OTI�R STIt���S a AVEI�UES AI� �tJ�Y�IC I'i,AC�S Altl lilli l.�il1 0� 1°0603 riod\&R9 L�L1ta59 lJ�aleAs[i�Jel'1iT i,iB&:s `1e�atltlF.t�LS, W11L1 AUSTIN ROAD COMPANY �OR �� CON�TRUCTION 0�° SAID IMPRO�MEN`TS �'ULLY COMPL��`i�D A%�F� �It�ORI��9 DII��`�IN� `Tl� ISSiJ.4N�E s E�CU`TIOI� AI� i9ELa��Y 0�' CEit`T�FYGA�S Il� EVIDENCE 0� SPECII�L A���SSMEIV`T� LEVIED AF`T�R �YV�NG ���CT `TO S�JNDIti� CREDI`TS I�I2�IN AtFT'HO�tI��D AND AI.LOir�D A��,Yt��T SOA� 0'� SAID ASSE�S�fiE1VTS, DI1��TIP�� �� CI� SECi�TA�2Y �0 �NGROSS A� EI��OL� `TiiiS OItDINAIVCE �Y COFfiYII�� TI� CA�TIOR� 0� �Al� TN �'HE rIi �OOK 0� THE CI� COUNCIL 0�" �°O�t� ta0�`�He TEXAS a A�Y� }�� �'��I1�G TI� C01�iPi�� OItiiINANCE iN APPRO�'RI.A`fi� t�iZfl3�P�NCE it�CORD� 0� SA,YD �I`T�� A� P�.OVYDYNG AN E��CTI� DA`I"�, �It�A� 9 ttt� Ci�y of �°ort 4Jorth9 T�xa� 9 h�� heretofore �sat�red into a contract e,�ith Austin Road Comnany � for th� m�kin� �r�d con�truction of eertain street improvem�nt� o� �h� hereina�'t�r eie�crib�d p�rtiora� of �treet�a av�naae� and public pl�ce� in �aid Citya to=i�rito Mt�PLELEAF' STREET From Northeast 35th Street to Northeast 36th Street, known and designated as Project No. 104-24Q00-258. LvHEREAS9�by sundry proceedin�s her�tofore passed by the City Council of th� Gity of Fort Worth9 Texa,s9 including Ordinarice No, 7402 � a portion of the cost of said improvements was l�vic�d and assessed against th� r�spective properti�s abut�ting on �ach of the abovc d�scribed portions of streets9 avcnues and publ�c places and against the real and true owners thereof; andy �iHENEAS, the City �ouncil of t�hc �%ity of Fort �rorth, Texaa 9 has � upon review9 iound and determined that9 in som� instancess in order to effect substantial juat�c� and equality9 it is desirable and necessary to grant and issuc certain credits against some one or more of the assessments levied by Ordinance No, 74Q2 8 and WHEREAS, th� street improv�ments hereinabove mentioned hav� been completed upon each oi t h� portions of streets9 a venues and public plac�s hercinabov� described9 and have been inspec�ed and found to b� in com�].ete accordance with the contract therefor; N04•J, THEN�;F'OREy BE IN ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TF.XtlS, THti.T e Ie The improvement�s on each of t he portions of streets9 av�nues and publ�V places hereinabove described be9 and they are hercby, accepted; and th� contract with reierence thereto be9 and it is hereby, found and declar�d fully completed and perfos�m�d, II, The Nlayor, b�9 and hc is hereby, directed to issue and �x�cute in the name of th� City, certificates in �vidence of the special assessments levied against abutting property and the owner th�reof for such improvem�nts� and thc City Secretary is direeted to attest same and impress thereon the corporate s eal of the Ci.ty9 all in accordance with the proceedings �elating to such improvements and assessm�:nts, The certificates shall be numbered, sha1.1 deseribe the property against which the assessment has been lev��de shall9 where known9 state the name or names of the true owners of th� r�spective par�els of prom perty assessed andshall be issued in an amount equal to the differenc� between the principal amount oi the assessment and the amounts of any credit issued �hereon, Th� numbers of the certificates, with the prop�rty descriptions to be shown on the resp�ctiv� certificates9 together with the names of the owners of' said propei�ty9 the prineipal amount of the assessment, th� respective credits, if any Urhich are h�reby authorized, granted and allowed against the principal amouht of some one or more of the assessments her�tofore levi�d, and the principal amount for which each certificate is to be issued after �iving effect to such credit9 if any, are h�reby enumerated and i�temized as follows: When each of the certificates h�s been duly executed �s hereinaibove provided, s�m� sha11 b� deliv�red to the Tax Assessor-Collector as part p�ymen� of the contrac� pric�o iV, The City Secre�ary is hereby direc�ed to engross and enroll �his ordinance by co�yir� th� cap�ion of s�me in the Minute Book of the City Council of �ort Worthg Texas� and by filing th� compl�te ordi�ance in t�e appropriate Oxdinance Reco�ds of said City, Ve This ordin�nce shall take effect and be in fu11 force and effect from �nd �f�er th� d�te of its passagee PA�SED AND APPROVED THIS ��7tn day o� pprP�hpr � 1976 @ Al'PItO�D .4S TO FORM ANA LEGALI7"°Y: ci�y A�torn�y PROJECT �t0, 1Q4-24-�J00-258, MAPfLELEA� STP.��T FROM NE 35TH 3TREET `�"0 N�° 36'SH �TR��T, �o be improved by constructing a seven�inch thick reinfo�ced concrei�e pavement on a s�x-inch �hick lime s�ablized subgrade wifih seven-inch high superimposed concrete curb nn a forty foot x°aad� way. Six�inch thick ccnerete drivet,�ays C�ri�l be constructed eahere speczfied. B��CK OWNER I.,OT ZO�IING �'RQNTAGE RATE AMOU�IT ASSESSN�N'l GTEST SiDE ,Te�l, LAIVCASTER IiVDU�TI�IAL SUB, Beginning at the northw�st corner of Ivtapleleaf Street and NE 35th Street Ra� Steel Co., Inc. � 3 408` Pavement $37,69 $15,377.52 �',Oo Bo� 703 Ind. 408' Curb 1.82 742.56 �'ort Worth, 'Texas 380 Sq. �'t. Driveway 1.75 665.00 76111 $16,7�5.08 �E 36th Street intersects lu ���ti�1 @ Curtzs Thomas Tnv., Inc. 1& 4 1507 lst Nat'1 Bank Bldg. 11 Ind, F'n�t GJor�h, 'iexas 76102 AtLn: Mr. Curtis Thomas 408' Pavement $37.69 $15,377.52 40�' Curb 1.82 742.56 $1b,120.08 $s,1�o.ao ReducPd by Council Action to; TO`iAL COST TO PROPER'TY OWNERS ......................e$24,94-5.08 �o�ar C05T '�0 CITY 0� FOR'� WORTH...e..........e.....$r4,�4�4.54 TO'CAL CONST.RiTC�ION COS'�....e .................<......$39,689.62 c�;��� ��� I�'a��r� ������, ��.��� , .�L ��;��D' �'G�� ��'�,�"�''��� � ��7�'���.lG�'IG?G��IG��G�� DATE 12127;' %6 ���=�aEracs � su�.�t�:Y� 'r ni � P y�Y�_zt - A���ssment IJl1NBER r�o�-�� o� _�r�____i �tr�ec irom 35th FP-1198 i�, r- �r r,� �It 3hr n� r rE�r Fro-;:,�r Nc. �04-24000-258 F�ndl Counvil a; t_an :�n �he Pi ;s.:r ct�,� �2b�,,7 b���� is r��ue�t�d_ PYoject Descri tp ion Name: C,�ntr�.�t,�T: C�7ntz�c� A�ra�rded: W�rk Ord�r I�=ued: W�rk Order Ettecti�e: Wrrk Began: Pr.:� �c t ���bvra�t�3aiJ.y �cmpi �t_ an:t � in�� in�pE.ri�nc , FiRn1 �O*`_� �I"UD�L1'�P_ Appra��a�: W.�ri<�r,� Tirr.� Bid: Wor�t=nb T1rr;F U �ed: Pr�j�-_ �- `-��_r �nd Financin OYi��n�_Z B�d Pr-c2: Fi��+ r_,r _ ____- CJ_�= ParF-i�I ra� :r,.=r��= Previ����s, ���d=�: Ama��rT - . Fina1 s= ����: A_�,���in�nt �a,;�;�� �t Map�e].��r Str�ct xt�m 35�h �tirc�._ �_ N.�_ 36�t� �c�4�t Pr� ��cr Ns 'i;'�-2'00�-258 Au.s�i�t R��cC C�rr���r.iy J'uly 12', 19;6 �i�&� C-3=+55j �z�c�a�b�r 8� 1��6 JE�4EfI1��2� ��i ���0 "seprember 2�+� 19 �6 lv ; 4 4: �i� �1 � i "�S j i J ��7 De=em7�r �; 1976 2� tv�_K�,7g �ay� 15 w �7 =kin� Day � a3ti,�%0,35 $�i4. � ! �- 2 s3a;�sa �a $3, iZ3 4? Suffi��__+_ i��:a:� ar� ac�Qi'��bl� ��� fiza t��=-.i payme�t t� b� m�d� trom Proj Gc r .�� _ :�ber 104--24000a258, PAGE � of 2 Deviar_i�n _-c�m Bid Price: I'tic. zin�.i ,_::_r,�.,_r a��� ;;f this ptoje4t i� $95? _ 6' �r_d=4 �he 7id pric� Th _a _ ����= w: re r��.liz�d b2c.ause i� wa� n:�r nF;_F�_a.ry r_ cr�n=�x��:t ��y �uh-drs_n �nd n� i��ility �djus�meni�s wer¢ r�qu:_��c