HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 47922-CO1 J. CITY SECRETARY/ l �'� FORT WO TH® City of Fort Worth CONTRACT NO. L(� Change Order Request Breakdown ProjectNamel CONCRETE RESTORATION(2016-1)AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS City Sec# 1 47922 Client Project#(s)l CPN#100064 Contractorl Cheyenne Construction PM Tariqul Islam Inspector Mike Flute Change Order Submittal# 0 Date 2/9/2017 Dept. T/PW Contract Time Totals CD Original Contract Amount $1,118,470.00 $1,118,470.00 180 Extras to Date Credits to Date Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $1,118,470.00 $1,118,470.00 180 Amount of Proposed Change Order $207,247.50 $207,247.50 72 Revised Contract Amount $1,325,717.50 $1,325,717.50 252 Original Funds Available for Change Orders $0.00 Remaining Funds Available for this CO Additional Funding(if necessary) $207,247.50 $207,247.50 CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 18.53% MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+25%) $1,398,087.50 JUSTIFIG4TIGN (REA +ON's) FQR cHX-NGE ORDER This change order is needed to add additional funds to the contract to cover the cast of overrns on concrete paving,sidewalk and driveway installation.Overruns on concrete paving are due to additional pavement replacement due to voids found as concrete was being removed.The street that required more concrete replacement include Bently Ave.,Big Horn Way,Catlow Valley Rd.,Lake Arrowhead Dr.,Mesa Verde Tr. and North Park Dr.Weatherford Ave.and Belknap Ave.was also added to the contract due to pavement failures.Driveway overruns are associated with having to adjust drive approaches due to paving replacement. Overruns on sidewalk quantities are primarily due to upgrades on wheelchair ramps and eliminating dangerous trip hazards in the sidewalk caused by tree roots.An additional 30 days are being added to the contract to allow for time to complete the additional work.Additional time is also being added to the contract because the contractor had to stop work until TXDOT completed their work on the guard rails on the bridge east of our work on Belknap.This is to avoid having multiple lanes closed and creating traffic delays.Thus,42 days are being added.Additional funds are needed to pay for HMAC installation for the area behind the curb on the eastbound lane of Weatherford where the curb was adjusted due to street settlement. AUMstlod by �aL` �� �•l �. S , C Secretaq �- •IF OR I- .o 1. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARYXAS FT.WORTH,TX _ � J FORT WORTH City of Fort worth Change Order Additions Project Name I CONCRETE RESTORATION(2016-1)AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS City Sec# 47922 Client Project# I CPN#100064 Contractor Cheyenne Construction PM Tariqul Islam Inspector Mike Flute Change Order Submittal# F1 Date 2/912017 ADDITIONS nitni os Total Remove and Replace Concrete Driveway Remove oncrete and Replace with oncrete Pavement HE W 5.0 0 0 .7 Remove and Replace 4"Sidewalk T/PW 220.00000000F 7 Flex Base,Type A, / W --57T70-0600 New Install 2 1/2 inches of Asphalt on 3 1/2ex base material at Weatherford T/PW 7 . Y T/PW $207,247.50 Sub Total Additions --3M-7,7,T7-5U. Change Order Additions Page 1 of 1 i FOR' WORTH City Of Fort worth = Change Order Deletions Project Name I CONCRETE RESTORATION 2016-1)AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS City Sec# 47922 Client Project# I CPN#100064 Contractor Cheyenne Construction PM Tariqul Islam InspectorF Mike Flute Change Order Submittal# 0 Date 21912017 DELETIONS ITEM DEPT Qty unit unit Cost Total T/PW $0.00 sub Total Deletions Change Order Deletions Page 1 of 1 M/SBE Breakdown for this Change Order MISBE Sub Type of Service Amount for this CO na $0.00 Total $0.00 Previous Change Orders CO# DATE AMOUNT Total $0.00 CFW Change Order Approval St-COApp01 Page 1 of 3 Links 2 fortworthgov/Infrastructure Proiects/100064 - Concrete Restoration (2016-1)/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order 1 Breakdown.xls fortworthgov/Infrastructure Projects/100064- Concrete Restoration (2016-1)/Contractor/Change Orders/M&C - Change Order 1.0f Attachments(0) No Attachments have been added to this form. https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz web/Forms/FormPrint.aspx?Siteld=51500&ProcessI... 4/20/2017 GFW Cl3ange Order Approval St-COApp01 Page 2 of 3 FORT WORTH. city of Fort Worth --- Change Order Request Approval (Change Order Breakdown Available in Links) For Change Order Submittal No.: St-COSubb01 Change Order No.: St-COApp01 Date Started: 3/30/2017 01 City Sec. No.: 47922 Date Due: 4/8/2017 TMI Project Name: 100064 - Concrete Restoration (2016-1) Project Numbers: 100064 DOE Numbers: Project Concrete Restoration at various locations Description: City Project Mgr.: Tariqul Islam City Inspector: Michael Flute Contractor: Cheyenne Construction COUNCIL ACTION (If Required): M&C Log Name: 2000NCRETE RESTORATION 2016-1 CHANGE ORDER 1 M&C Number: C- 28157 M&C Date: 3/28/2017 COST AND DAYS SUMMARY: Department: Cost($) Fund Account Center: Requested Days: TPW $ 207,247.50 30100-0200431-5740010-- 72 100064-003380---- Total: $ 207,247.50 Total Requested Days: 72 Approval Status: https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz_web/Forms/FormPrint.aspx?SiteId=51500&Processl... 4/20/2017 GFW Change Order Approval St-COApp01 Page 3 of 3 Approved: Yes Comments: User: Jonathan White Date: 2017-04-03 8:31 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Tariqul Islam Date: 2017-04-03 9:01 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Riad Nusrallah Date: 2017-04-03 4:44 PM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Richard Martinez Date: 2017-04-13 10:14 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Doug Wiersig Date: 2017-04-13 8:44 PM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Doug Black Date: 2017-04-14 10:48 AM Approved: Yes Comments: User: Jay Chapa Date: 2017-04-20 11:10 AM Action Required: https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz web/Forms/FormPrint.aspx?SiteId=51500&ProcessI... 4/20/2017 4 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 3/28/2017 DATE: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 REFERENCE NO.: **C-28157 LOG NAME: 2000NCRETE RESTORATION 2016-1 CHANGE ORDER 1 SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 47922 with BDD Enterprises LLC d/b/a Cheyenne Construction Company in the Amount of$207,247.50 for Additional Panel, Driveway and Sidewalk Replacement on Various Street Segments for a Revised Contract Amount of$1,325,717.50 and Provide for Project Management Costs in the Amount of$130,000.00 for a Revised Project Amount of $1,455,717.50 (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 4 and 9) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of Change Order No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 47922 with BDD Enterprises LLC d/b/a Cheyenne Construction Company in the amount of $207,247.50 for additional panel, driveway and sidewalk replacement on various street segments for a revised contract amount of$1,325,717.50 (City Project No. 100064). DISCUSSION: On June 7, 2016, (M&C C-27756)the City Council awarded City Secretary Contract No. 47922 in the amount of$1,118,470.00 to BDD Enterprises LLC d/b/a Cheyenne Construction Company for Concrete Street Restoration at Six Locations (City Project No. 100064). Change Order No. 1 will provide funding of panel replacement for additional failures on East Belknap Street and East Weatherford Street from North Pecan Street to North Nichols Street. Installation of asphalt behind the curb, due to change of elevation of East Weatherford Street is included in this change order. This change order also includes additional panel, driveway and sidewalk replacement on Bentley Avenue, Big Horn Way, Catlow Valley Road, Lake Arrowhead Drive, Mesa Verde Trail and North Park Drive. Project budget is as follows: Original Contract $1,118,470.00 Change Order No. 1 F$-207,247.50 Revised Contract F$-1,325,717.50 Project Management, Inspection, Material Testing $ 130,000.00 and Contingencies Project Appropriations $1,455,717.50 The estimated completion date will be extended to May 2017 as a result of the additional work capacity added by this change order. Logname: 2000NCRETE RESTORATION 2016-I CHANGE ORDER I Page I of 2 M/WBE OFFICE—Cheyenne Construction Company agrees to maintain its initial MBE commitment of 15 percent that it made on the original contract and extend and maintain that same MBE commitment of 15 percent to this first change order. Therefore, Cheyenne Construction Company remains in compliance with the City's BDE Ordinance and attests to its commitment by its signature on the Acceptance of Previous MBE Commitment form executed by an authorized representative of its company. The project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 4 and 9, Mapsco 35M, 36G, 36K, 36L, 36P, 36R, 36T, 36 V, 62M and 63W. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the General Capital Projects Fund. FUND IDENTIFIERS (FIDs): TO Fun Department count! Project ProgramAct Budget Reference # moun �_.__ ID �_ ID ( Year _ _ ._(Chartfield 2 FROM Fun Department ,Accoun Project Program ctivity Budget Reference # 7 m 06 y ID ID Year ` (Chartfield 2) CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Jay Chapa (5804) Originating Department Head: Douglas Wiersig (7801) Additional Information Contact: Tariqul Islam (2486) ATTACHMENTS 1. 100064- Concrete Restoration 2016-1 FID Identifier.xlsx (CFW Internal) 2. APCF CR 2016-1.pdf (CFW Internal) 3. Form 1295 Concrete Restoration 2016-1 CO1.pdf (Public) 4. Map 01 CR 2016-1.pdf (Public) 5. Map 02 CR 2016-1.pdf (Public) 6. Map 03 CR 2016-1.pdf (Public) 7. Map 04 CO CR 2016-1.odf (Public) Logname: 2000NCRETE RESTORATION 2016-1 CHANGE ORDER I Page 2 of 2 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Tariqul Islam/ Title