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Ordinance 6165
L ������� �� o =�� l � � ORID3NAN�E A���P'��N� I�'R��I��T�S 9�7 �, �'i�RT��N �l� NIILLER �,VENUE � PORTI�I�TS 0�' S�Ib� OT'E��R 5���'�� a A�1�N[F�� A�TY� i�tdB��� �I���S IN �IiE C�`��° 0�° �°�I�T iJ�&t�� ����; ���C1��iV� ��� �ON�Rt��� W�'�d� ERNEST LOYD �°�R �E CONSTRUCTYON OF SA�II� IMPROV�MEN�S Fi��� ��rIPI��`T�%� � F'�ItL����; �DIRECTIN� `iHE I�Si�AI�CE� EX�C�J�aON ANYD IDEL���1�Yt� �� ��RT�iEI�A"�'ES iN �I�ENCE ��° SPEC�AL ASSESSI�dEN�S ����b� �`��R ���7��1� ���'��`� �� Si�I�I%��� Ch2E�D�T n �IE�$��N AU�HORIZE� AAI�II) t����II� A�A�TJ�� S�NI� �l� SA�� ASSESSI�NTS; fl�]CIiE��I�i� T�dE CI� SE�1���ARY �(5 EN�R�S� t�Nd� �NR03�I� THTS �R�DINAI�TCE B� CO�Y��TG THE CAPTION OF° SAM� YN �1dE NLaN[T�� I���I� �F ti°HE CI� COUNCIL 0�° F°ORT WORZ`H a TEXAS � AI�T&� B�� �I�,�N� �i� C�I�F'L���� �RDINANCE IN A.�L�RO� PRIATE ORII)INAI�TCE RE��RIDS �� SA�II� �I��; ��'ROV�IDING �4ziT E�FE�'�bW� DATEo W1iEREASa the �ity �f ���� Wa���taa `�����9 �a�� h��et�foge e�����eY isn�� ��������� wa.�h Ernest Loyd f�� �h� m�.k�ng an� e:oxn�t�u��i�ra of c��tain street impravement� on �h� ta��ein�f��� de�c�ib�� p��ti�ns of str�ets, a�s�a��ues ��d public places in _said Cit�9 �������.�o MILLER AVENUE From the south property lines of Lot 21, B1ock 7, W. S. Keller Addition and Lot 3, B1ock 4, Homewood Addition to the north property lines of the S. 160' of Tract 11-G-2, R. R. Ramey Survey and Lot 4-A, R. Kruger Subdivision, known and designated as Project No. 104-27000-138, Unit 1. W�����a by �un��y proc��dings he�e��fo�e passed �y the City �o���il mf the ���y �f �o�� Wo�th9 ��x�s9 i��l�di�g �r�x����� Noo 6042 , a p�rtion �f th� ���� of s�i� i����v�m�n�� ��� l��ie� ��� ass��s�� ag�inst ��� r�spective pro��rti�� ab��ti�g �� ea�� �f th� above ���c�ib�d porti��� of str�ets9 av�nues and publi� �la��� ��� agai��� t�e r��l ��� tr�� o�ne�s �h��emf; and, Tn�i�RF�S9 th� Ci�y �o���i� �f th� �ity �f �ort Wo�thB �eX�Sy hasy u��� ���i��, ��und and �e�e�mi��d that� i� s�me in�t����se in ����r t� effe�t sub�tan��al ju�ti�� ��d equality9 �t i� d�sir�bl� ammd n���ss�r� to �ra�� �n� issu� certain cr��i�� a�ai��� ��me one or m��� of t�� ������ment� l�vi�d by �r�i�a�ce Noo 6042 a��d W�R�A�9 the str�et imp�ove�ents he�einab�v� mentioned hav� bee� co��l���d �po� ea�h of the p��tion� of st����s9 aven��s �nd publi� pla�e� herein�b�v� d���ri���e �nd ha�e b�en i��p��t�� an� fou�d to b� in c�anplet� a�c��dance with the c�ntr��t ��e��fo�; I�TO�+T � �I3�It�� �ItE a BE I� �1t�A�N�� �� �I� ��T�' ��➢IdNCIL 0� �F� �3� 0�' �OIiT i+�OR�Ha T��1S a �T 8 �� The imp��v�m�n�s or� ��.�h o� tia� p�rtioa�s of str�etsy avenues and publi� �la��s her�inabov� d����ib��i b�9 ancl th�}� a�e Ye��:eby, accepted; . and th� c�a��r��� a�i�th �efere�a�ce thereto be, �.nd i� is he�eby, f��ua�ci ar�d de�la�re� fu11y completed �nd ��:rf�rna�alo IIo �he Mayo�, b�9 a�.�l h� is h�r�by9 dir�ct�� to issue an� exe�u�t� i�s th� r��me af th� Ci�y� certifie�t�s fn �vid�x��� �f th� s���i�1 �ssessments l�vied �gai�n�t abut�i�g ��op���y aa�� �he o�r�.er �her�of f�r such i�np��v�a����s, and the City Se���tary i� ¢�i�e�t�si �� �ttest �am� at�� �.mpress �h�r�on tFa� �o�gr�r�.t� s��l of tta� City9 a11 in a��o����c� with �h� proc�ee�i��s r�la��n,� to s��ta im���vean��t� ax�ei ass�ssmenreso �`h� cex�tificat�s sh�lY �� num%ered� sh�l� describe the prop�rty again�� �hi�h the �s�e��tn�nt taas bee� 1evi�de sh�119 r,ah�r� lcr�own9 st��� th� �a�.m� or a�am�� of tff�e true own�rs �f �h� �eesp�ctiv� pa���1s �� proa pe��y ass�ss�al axael st�alY� be �.�sued in aaa �m�un� eqv��.l t� th� differ�rc�e b�t�e��a th� p�incipai �mount of the as��s�mer�� a�� the am�rar��s of any credit issueci th�z���no Th� �nuz�be�s of tthe �ertifi�at�s e wi�h th� ���sg�rty d�scription� to be staown �n ���ie ��sP��ti�r� ��r�ifa.cat�sa t�g��he�c wi�h th� r�ame� o� th� �caraers �f saie� prope�ty, the p�i�n�ip�l aan�unt of ��e �.��ess���nt9 th� �espec�ir�� �r���.��9 if �ny which �.�� hereby authmri�ee�a gr�a���� �xnd a:i�.ar��d ag�.ia��t �h� ���,nc�p�l am�unt o� s�m� on� �x� m�re of the �sse�smen�s ta�r�����r� l.��riesi� and th� ��in��gral amaun� f�r e�tai��n ea�ta �ertifi���e is to b� iss�ed after givi�g �ff�c� t� sueh �redita i� �.xxy, a.re h�r�by �a�uin�r�.teci �n� i�.emized a� foll��so Whexa each of the c�xtifiact�s lnas been duly executed as hereinabotre pr�vi��d, ��m� shal�. b� deliver�d to ttn� Tax AssessAr�Collector as part payment of the con�r�ct �r�ceo zv e �he City Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this oraii�ara�� b}r ��pying the caption of same in �he Minute Book of the City Council of For� Woz°t9v, Tex��9 �.�nd by filing the complete ordinance in the_appropriate Ordinance Recoxds of sai¢i Ci�yo �o This ordinance shall �ake effect and be in full force and effect from and aft�s the date of its passagea PASSED AND APPR�VE� TIi�S l� J�lc , day of .i�r.��c:: c" a 19�0 AL�I'I�OYIEFD AS TO FORM AND �.EG�LT�°1'o p. � �.� j��-�� � �� I �, � City Attorney PRdJECT �0. 1d4-27000-138 U�IT �0. i: MILLER �VENUE FRO�i THE SOUTH PROPERTY LiNE� 0� LOT 21 BLOC� 7 W. �. KELLE� �DDITIQN �1VD �OT 3 BLOCK 4 HOMEWO�D �DDITiON TO THE NOR'�H PROPEKT� LIIVES OF THE SOUTH 160° 0� TR�CT 11-G-2 R. R. R�Y SURV�Y AND ZOT 4-�, R. I�RUGER SUBDiVI�ION, to be improved by reconstruc�ion consisting of a two-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete surface course on a seven-inch thick cemen� stabilized gravel base an a six-inch thick iime stabilized subgrade; by �ecnnstructing existing curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveways to proper alignnient and grade u�here specified, and by construc�ing seven�inch high concxete curbs and two-foo� w�de concrete gut�ers, five-inch �hick concrete sidewalk and six�inch thick concre�e driveways where specified, so tha� the finished s�reet will consist of one sixty-foot wide roadway. BLQC� O�N�R La� �dNING �RONT�GE R�T� �MOUNT ��SESSI�NT BEGiN�ING �� T�E NORTHG7E�T CORNER OF MILLER �VENUE �N� F�IRT.�:NE STR�ET ON THE WES� �EST SIDE �F �TREET I}elmar J. C�ood 21 4125 Fairlane �tree� I�uis �'I. Mueller 11 3725 Summercres t Drcive KNOX STREET iN'I�RSECTS ,Tarnes P. Mo�°ehead Aaron Rashti 1159 �. Seminary 1?rive Mary J. David 921 Lorno 3ireet m 16 7 �es. �a. �. x���,��. �nz�rzo� 1.36. 6' �,d justed �o 100' 3ide�+�alk $2.97 $297.00 4. 171. 5`,�d justed to �tes. 100' Curb & Gut�er $Z.50 $250.00 H9' iide�ralk 2.97 264.33 96 5q. �'t. Driveway .80 76.$0 3 1�1.7' Adjusted to �tes. 100' Curb & Gutfier $2.50 100' Sideuralk 2.97 192 Sq. Ft. Driveway .80 B Comm. 9 Res. KAYWOOD HEIGHTS Ai7AI'�lON 416.6' Existing Facilities No A,ssessment $250.00 297.00 153.60 1�.5.3 ° Ad justed �o ioa� Curb and Guttex� $2.50 $250.00 10Q` Sidewalk 2.97 297.00 $ 297.OQ $ 591.13 �1E $ 547.00 1 CONT. RECONSTRUCTIO� 0� MILLER AttENUE, PROJECT N0, 104-27000-i38, UNiT N0, 1 BLOCK p�� LOT ZONING FRONTAGE R,ATE AMOUNT ASSESSMEI�T HOWARD STREET IIaTERS�CTS IZAYWaOD HEIGHTS ADDITION Sellers Dean 0. Cochran 26 8 150.6' Curb & Gtr. $2.50 $376.50 6345 Inca Road Comm. 103.6' Sidewalk 2.97 307.69 Bu er: 411 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 328.80 T. L. Hun�er $1y012.99 4129 Howard S�reeC Mid-Texas Trust & 6 Zns. Securities Corp. Professional �ldg. 1216 Pennsylvania g 125.7' Adjusted to Res. 100' Curb & Gutter $2.5Q $250.00 100' Sidewalk 2.97 297.00 $ 547.00 CHICKASAW STREET INTERSECTS 0. B. Stennett 6 A 4129 Chickasaw Street Res. F. Jo Hoffman 7 A 3460 Cardinal Ridge Road Comm. Lester C. 4Jeatherby 14 10 1306 Trans American Life Bldg. Comm. R. C. Hampton 4508 Miller Avenue Earl E. �ates 1955 Milam 76112 John B. Stewart 1201 Hill Street Grand Prairie, Texas 13 113' Adjusted te I00' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $250.00 100' Sidewalk 2.97 297v00 $ 547.00 59' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $147.50 59' Sidewalk 2.97 175.23 $ 322.73 IIOMEWOnD ADDITION �0' Curb & Gu�ter $2.5�J $200.00 80' Sidewalk 2.97 237.60 $ 437.60 10 80' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $200.00 Comm. 69' Sidewalk 2.97 204.93 g6 �q, �t, llrive .80 76.80 $481.73 12 10 Comm. 11-B 10 Comm. 78' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $195.00 78' Sidewalk 2.97 231.66 $ 426.66 Z37.5' �xisti�tg Facilities No Assessment $ -0- corrro x�co�s�xucTzo� o� Mz��E� av��, �Ro.�cT �oo io4-27000-i38, u�z� Noo 1 szacx OWNER LUT ZONING FRONTAG� RATE AMOUN�' ASSESSMENT COLLIN STREET INTERSECTS S'TOP CONSTRUCTION STATION 24 + 28 KTLLIAIV STR.EET INTERSECTS RESUME CONSTRUCTION STATZON 33 + 29 Mobil Oil Co. P.O. Bax 900 Dallas, Texas 75201 Claude Boshart 4009 Vaughn Blvd. 14 11-R TRUEACRES ADDITI(?N 10 160' Adjust�d to Comm. 7' Sidewalk $2.97 $ 20.79 131 Sq. E't. Drive .80 104.80 $125.59 9 312' Adjusted t4 Comm. 97' Sideeaalk $2.97 $2��>09 131 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 104.80 $392.89 HARDEMAN STREET INT�RSECTS Roye Etta Brewer 1 Route 1 Comm. Greenvil�le, Texas 3. P. McNatt 3-A 2401 N. Johnson St. Comm. Greenville, Texas J. P. McNatt 2401 N. 3ohnson S�. Greenville, Texas Harry �yson 4132 Miiler 3 -B Comm. 4 Res. Albert C. Smith S. 73.9' of 1906 Mayflower Drive Tract 1-B-3 Dallas, Texas 75208 Resm W. E. Prescott 4004 Miller Avenue MARLER SUBDIVISION 120' Existing Facilities No Assessment E� 60' Curb � Gutter $2.50 $150.00 60' Sidewalk 2.97 178.20 $328.20 96.5' Curb & Gutter$2.50 $241e25 96.5' Sidewalk 2.97 286.6i $527.86 100' Adjusted eo 89' Sidewalk $2.97 $264.33 $264.33 C� T, HILLIARD SUR'VEX 73e9' Curb & Gueter$2.50 $184.75 73e9' Sidewalk 2,97 219.48 $404.23 S. 73.9' of 73.9' Adjusted to N. 147.8' of 62.9° Sidewalk $2,97 $186.81 Tract_1-B-3 96 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 76.80 Res, $263,61 3 CON�. RECONSTRUCTION OF MILLER AVENIJE, PROJECT N0. 104-27000-138, iJNIT N0. i BLOCK OWI�ER I�dT ZONING �'RONTAGE RAT� AMOUNT ASSESSPIEN'� C, To HILLIARD SURVEY Albert C. Smith N. 73.9' of 73.9' Sidewalk $2.97 $219.48 1907 Mayflower Drive Tract 1-B-3 $219.48 Da11as, Texas 75208 Res. Joe L. Stewart 5 3920 Miller Ave. J. W. Woodard 4 3918 Miller Avenue Raymond L. Bell 3 3904 Mi11er .Ave. Mrs. Effie G. �ell 2 390/+ Miller Ave. Mrs. Ef£ie G. Bell 1 3902 Mi11er Ave. BAYLOR STREET TNTERSECTS Continental Nat'l. 4 Bank P,O, Box 910 c/o Auditing Dept. GiT�i E , VANCE AD�ITION 8 60' Adjusted to Res. 49' Sidewalle $2,97 $145.53 $i45.53 � � 8 Res. 8 Res. 8 Res. 60` Adjusted to /�9' Sidewalk $2.97 $145.53 $145.53 60' Adjusted to 49' Sidewalle $2.97 $145.53 $1/+5.53 94' Adjusted to 72' Sidewalk $2.97 $213.84 $213.84 50' Sidewalk $2.97 $1.48.50 $148.50 1 57.4' Adjusted to Comm. 41.4' Curb & Gutter$2.50 $103.50 57.4' Sidewalk 2.97 170.48 $273.9� Continental Nat'l. 3, 2 1 �ank & 1 Comm. PoO. Box 910 c/o Auditing Dept. M. L. Winget 4 3850 Mi11er Ave. 9 Comm. 150' Curb & Gu�ter $2.50 $375>00 150' Sides�ralk 2.97 445.00 $�20050 203.4' Existing Facilities No Assessment $ -0- !� CONT, RECONSTRUCTION 0� MILLER AVENUE, PROJEG� N0. 104-27000-138, UNIT N0, 1 BLOCK OWNER L0� ZONING �RONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT C. T, HILLTARD SURV�Y Stella Mitchell No 49.8' of 49.8' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $124.50 3812 Miller Ave. Former 38.8' Sidewalk 2.97 115.24 Tract 1-A 96 Sq. E't. Drive .80 76.�0 Res. $316.54 R, R. 1�MEY StiRVEY Ste11a Mitchell '�ract 11-A 157.4' Adjusted to 3812 Miller Ave. Res. 141.4' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $353.50 157.4' Sidewalk 2.97 467.48 $�20.98 'True-Vine Saptist Church c/o Church Finance, Inc., Trus�ees 5. 139' 17 P.O. Box 64800 of 19 Res. Dallas, Texas 75206 True-Vine Baptist Church c/o Church Finance, Inc., Trustees N. 70' 17 P.O. Bax 64800 of 1.9 Res. Dallas, Texas 75206 C. A. Tatum 20-A 17 3712 Miller Ave. Comm. BURTON ACRES ADDITIOI3 139' Curb & Gu�ter $2.50 $347.50 89' Sidewalk 2.97 264.33 438 Sq. E°t. Drive .80 350.40 $962.23 70' Curb & Gutter $2,50 $175.00 59' Sidewalk 2.97 175.23 96 Sq. Fte Drive .80 76.80 $427.03 �0' Existing Facilities No Assessmeng $ -0- C, A. Tatum 20-A 17 56' Adjusted to 3712 Miller Ave. Comm. 7' Sidewalk $2.97 $ 20e79 96 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 76.80 $ 97.59 C. A. Tatum 21-R 17 100' Adjusted to 3712 Miller Ave. Comm. 89' Sidewalk $2.97 $264>33 $264.33 T. G. J'ones, Jr. 22-R 17 109.1 Curb & Gutter $2.50 $272,75 3700 Miller Ave. Comm. 98,1 Sidewalk 2.97 291.36 96 Sq. Fte Drive .80 76.80 $640e91 5 CONT. RECONSTRUCTION OF �ILLER AVENiTE, PRO.TECT N�o I04-27000-138, UNIT N0. 1 BL�CK OWNER LOT ZQNING �RONTAGE RATE AMOiTNT ASSESSMENT BtIRT�RT ACRES ADDITION T. G. Jones, Sr. 23-5 17 60' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $150.00 Route 7, Box 4�41-D Comm. 60' Sidewalk 2.97 17�.20 $328.20 Troupe G. Jones 23-A 17 60' Curb & Gvtter $2.50 $150.00 3700 Miller Ave. Comm. 49' Sidewalk 2.97 145.53 96 Sq. Ft, Drive .80 76.80 $37.2.33 American Petrofina Co. 24 17 P. 0. Box 2159 Comm. Da11as, Texas 75221 RE�D S'�REET INT�RSECTS American Petrofina Co. S. 100' 18 F.O. Box 2159 of 9 Comm. Dallas, Texas 236.2' Existing Facilities No Assessment $ -0- 100' Adjusted to 2S' Sidewalk $2.97 $ 74.25 656 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 524.80 $599.05 Texas Land & N. 78.7' 18 78.7' Adjusted to Investment Co., Inc. of 9 Comm. 58' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $145.00 1918 Coma�erce S1dg. 66' Sidewalk 2.97 196.02 $341.02 W. J. BARRETT SUSDIVZSION Texas Land & 1, 2 205' Adjusted to Investment Co., Inc. & 3 Camm. 92' Curb & Gut�er $2.50 $23Q.00 1918 Commerce �ldg. 92' Sidewalk 2,97 273.24 $503.24 R. Re R,AMEY SURVEY W. 0. Ross S. 135.7' o� 135.7' Adjusted to 3701 Reed Street Tract 11-G-4 124.7' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $311.75 Comm. 124.7' Sidewalk 2,97 370.36 $682.11 Ernest Geeslin 3204 Eastland N. 50' of Tract 11-G-4 & S. 30' of Tract 11�G-3 Comm. �0' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $200.00 69' Sidewalk 2.97 204.93 96 Sq. Ft. Drive .�0 76.80 $481.73 6 CONT, RECONSTRUCTiO� OE MILL�R AVEtQUE, PROJECT N0. 104-27000-13�, UNIT N0, 1 BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAG� RL�TE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT Re R. RAMEY SURVEY E. D. Plotts N. 1$6.7' of 186.7' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $466.75 Pro-Shar-Plan Tract 11-G-3 1�6.7' Sidewalk 2.97 554.50 3015 Hansboro �Comm. $1,021.25 Da11as, Texas 75233 Lianal W. Bevan, Sr. S. 160' oi 6395 Camp Bowie B1vd. Tract 11-G-2 Comm. R:CCI�ARDSON STREET INTERSECTS EAS'T S IDE OF STR�ET Cecil 0. Coomer, Jr. 4-A, 3-A 4108 Crenshaw Ave. & 2-A Comm. George �,. Mallick,.. Jr. 1-A 1500 W. 5th Street Comm. 160' Adjusted ico 120' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $300.Q0 160' Sidewalk 2.97 475.20 $ 775.20 R. KRUGER SUBI?IVISION 150' Adjusted �o 9' Sidewalk �2.97 $ 26.73 $ 26.73 50' Adjusted to 13' Sidewalk $2.97 $ 38.61 $ 38.61 G. ,7. ASHABRANNER SURVEY Hugh S. Holmes Tract 18 70' Adjusted to 3252 Cockrell Ave. Comm. 30' Sidewalk $2.97 $ 89.10 $89.10 Sidney L. Cohen Tract 18-B 70' Adjusted to 3411 Miller Ave. Comm. 2' Curb & Gut�er $2.50 $ 5.00 20' Cu�b Only 1.25 25.00 68' Sidewalk 2.97 201.96 $231.96 Sidney L. Cohen 3411 Mi11er Ave. Tract 18-C 70' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $175.00 Comm. 70' Sidewalk 2.9? 207.90 $382.90 Diamond-Shamrock Oi1 Co. Tract I8-A 117.8' Existing Facili�ies P,O. �ox 631 Comm. No Assessment Amarillo, Texas � 7 CONT, RECONSTRUCTIO� OF MI�LER AVENtiE, PRdJEC� N0. 104-27000-138, UNIT N0a 1 BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONZNG FRONTAGE RATE AMOUN� A3SESSMEN� EMEIZSON STREET iNfiERSECTS MIDWEST ADDITIDN Fannie Mai Cofer 15 E 114.6' Existing Facilities 4200 Emerson St. Ites, 1Vo Assessment -0� A1ice Be11 16 E 114-.6' Existing Facilities 4201 Reed Streeg Res. No Assessment -0- RE�D STREET TNTERSECTS Robert Montes 15 F 114.6� Existing Fecilities 4200 12eed Street Res. No Assessment -Op Jack Amos Itollins 16 E' 114.6' Existing Facilities 4201 Wiman Drive Res. �to Assessment -0- WIMAN DRIVE INTERSEC�S WHITEHALI� ADDITIp�1 James Brown 1 2 12�'` Existing Facilities 4200 taiman Drive Res. No Assessment -0- I. J. Baker 24 2 120' Existing Facilities 4201 Comanche St. Res. No Assessment -0- COMANCHE STItEET INTERSECTS Cecil F. Johnson 1 3 120' Existing Facilities 3829 Wayland Drive Res. No Assessment -0- Warren C. Foust 24 3 120' Existing Facilities c/o Amer. Gen. Inv. Res. No Assessment Corp. 1321 �allinger St, -0- t�HITEHALL STREET INTERSECTS Richard E. Cofer 1 4--� 120' Existing Facilities 4200 Whi�ehall St. Res. No Assessment �0� CONT. RECONSTRUCTION OE' MILLER AVENU�, PROSECT NQ. 104-27000-138, UNIT N0, 1 FLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT tdHITEHALL ADDITION D. C. & E. R. 24 4 119.5' Existing Facilities G]hi�ehall Camm. No Assessment 6378 Greenway Road --q� EASTLAND STREE'� II�'L'ERSECTS G, J, ASHAT�RANNER SURVEY Pack-Rat Surplus Store Tract 22 120' Adjusted �o 3851 Miller Ave. Znd, 100' Sidewalk $2.97 $297.00 175 Sq. Ft. brive .�0 140.00 $437.00 Macon �. Banks Tract 22-A 65.5' Adjusted to P. 0. Box 3301 Ind. 4�.5' Sidewalk $2.97 $135.14 175 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 140.00 $275.14 PL�ASANT GLADE A�DITIdN Jack S. McLamore 19 1 6]..4' Adjusted to 3401 Eastridge Dr. Ind. 14' Curb Only $1.25 $ 17.50 6I.4' Sidewalk 2.97 I82.36 $I99.86 BAYLOR STREET �NTERSECTS Phillips Pe�roleum Co. �. & 2 182' Adjus�ed to Lessee of Reproco, Ince N. 35.9' Comm. 27` Curb & Gutter $2,50 $ 67.50 P.O. Box 1967 of 25 93.9' Sidewalk 2.97 278.�� Houston, Texas $346.3� E. M. Meacham S. 30' 2 30' Sidewailc $2.97 $ 89.10 3829 Falcon Street of 25 Comm. $ 89.10 Johnnie T. Clark 24 3909 Mi11er Ave. QUAILS LANE INTERSECTS H. W. Lisby 25 P. 0. Box 3371 (76105) 2 75` Existing Facilities Comm. No Assessment 3 70' Existing Facilities Res. No Assessment � � 7 CONT. REC�NSTRUCTION OF MILLER AVENUE, PROJECT N0. 104-27000-138, UNIT N0. 1 BLOCR OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMEI�T I'LEASANT GLADE ADDITION A11en L. Leamon 24 3 65' Existing �acilities 3955 Miller Ave. Res. No Assessment _p_ R. E. Brosius 23 3 60' Existing Facilities R.R. ��1, Box 67-E Res. No Assessment Burleson, Texas -�-' Leslie D. Weeks 22 3 60' Existing Facilities 3963 Miller Ave. Res. No Assessment -0- John F. Schneider 21 3 60' Existing Facilities 4750 Norma Street Res. No Assessment -0- Mark J. Spakowslci 20 3 60' Existing Facilities 4005 Miller Ave. Res. No Assessment _p- Wm. David Wade 19 3� 60' Existin� Facilities 4009 Miller Ave. Res. No Assessment -0- Murphy Norris 18 3 60' E�isiing Facilities 4013 Mille� Ave. Res. RTo Assessment -0- Sammie L. Taulton 17 3 60' Existing Facilities �a101 Miller Ave. Res. No Assessment _p_ �ranklin D. Burleson 16 3 60' Existing Facilities 4105 Mi11er Ave. F.es. No Assessment -0- � corrro x�co�s��uc�zo� oF Mz��Ex Av�rru�, pRo.rEc� �ao io�-Z7000-lss, �Nz� No, 1 �Locx Ot�INER L(3T ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUDTI.' ASSESSMENT PL�ASANT GLA�E AI7DI�ION J. L. Tingle 15 3 60' Existing Facilities 2309 Clearview Res. No Assessment -0- J. L. Tingle 14� 3 122' Adjusted to 2309 Clearview Res. 111' Sidewalk $2.97 $329.67 656 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 524.80 $�54.47 HARDEMAN STREET INfiERSECTS CAi'TON SUBDIVISION Sabor Investment Corp. 3 75� Exis�ing Facilities 7i0 Ft. Warth Nat'l. Comm. No Assessmene Bank Bldg. Sabor Investment Corp. 2 50' Adjusted to 710 Ft. ttorth Nat'l. Comm. 7' Sidewalk $2.97 $ 20,79 Bank Bldg. Sharp Street Realty 1 Co., Inc. P. 0. Box 34489 Dalla�, Texas 75234- � $ 20.79 50' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $125.00 Comm. 50' Sidewalk 2,97 148.50 $273.50 G. ,T. ASHABRANNER SURVEY Sharp Street Realty 'Tract 25-C 54' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $135.00 Co., Inc., P.O. Box 34489 Comm. 54' Sidewalk 2.97 160.38 Da17.as, Texas $295.38 Edna Gregary Tract 25-b 96' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $240.00 3522 Avenue I Comm. 71' Sidewalk 2.97 210,87 219 Sq. Ft. Drive ,�0 175.20 $626.07 Roy Hyde Tract 25-G�1 1.9.5' Existing Facili�ies 4012 Fairway Court Comm. No Assessment Arlington, Texas 76010 � 11 CONTm RECO�STRIICTiON 0� MILLER AVENtT�, PROJECT N0. 104-27000-138, UNI� N0, 1 BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRON�AGE RA�E AMOUNT ASSESSMENT G. J. ASHABRANNER SURVEY C. �. Caswell Tract 25-G 40.5' Existing Facilities c/o Citizen�s Savings Comm. No Assessmen� & Loan Association 715 E. Main St. Grand Prairie, Texas C. B. easwell 1 1 c/o Citizen's Savings Comm. & Loan Association 715 E. Main Sto Grand Prairie, Texas KILLI�;N STREET INTERSECTS STOP CONSTRUCTION STATION 33 + 29 BOWMLIN SPRINGS ROAD INTERSECTS RESUME CONSTRUCTZON STATION 24 + 2� HYDE ESTATES 60' Existing Facil.ities No Assessment G. J, ASI�iAB1ZANNER SURVEX Flossie Jeanette Bradley Tract 37 86' Existing Facilities P. 0. Box 3352 Cornm. No Assessment Flossie Jeanette Bradley �ract 37-B 90' Adjusted to P.O. Box 3352 Comm. 3' Sidewalk Flossie Jeanette Bradley Tract 37-A 90' Adjusted to P. 0. Box 3352 Comm. 57' Sidewalk HOMEWOOD A�J�ITION Flossie 3eanette Bradley 85' Adjusted to Po 0. Box 3352 1 1 45' Sidewaltc Comm. $2.97 $ 8.91 � � � $ 8.91 $2.97 $169.29 $169.29 $2.97 Flossie Jeanette 2 1 85' Existing �acilities Bradley Comm. No Assessment P. 0. Box 3352 $133.65 $133.65 � 12 CONT, RECONSTRUCTION OF MILLER AVEIVUE, PROJECT N0, 104-27000-138, UNZT N0, 1 BLOCK OWNER LOT ZdNING �RONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASS�SSMENT HOMEWOOD ADDITION Flossie Jeanette 3 1 85' �xisting Facilities Bradley Camm. No Assessment P. 0, Box 3352 -0- �lossie Jeanette Bradley 2221 Glencrest Dr, 4 1 85' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $212.50 Comm. 65' Sidewalk 2.97 193.05 175 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 140.00 $545.55 CHICKASAW STR�E'T INTERSECTS Flossie Je�nette 1-R 2 94' Curb & Gu�ter $2.50 $235.00 Bradley Comm. 94' Sidewalk 2.97 279.18 P. 0. �ox 3352 $514.18 Maude Mitchell 2--R 2 93' Adjusted to 4603 Miller Ave. Camm. 50' Curb & Gu�ter $2,50 $125.00 50' Siiiewalk 2.97 148.50 $273.50 Natiottal Mortgage Inv. Co., Inc. 3912 Clayton Road E. 76116 Kenry P. Graham 4609 Miller Ave. H. C. Dial 3405 Miller Ave. Herbert L. Tuchin 705 Commerce BJ.dg. 3 2 93' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $232.50 Comm. 82' Sidewalk 2.97 243.54 96 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 76,80 $552.84 4 2 93' Existing Facilities Comm. No Assessment � 5 2 93' Curb & Gutter $2.50 �232.50 Comm. 73' Sidewalk. 2.97 216.81 175 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 140.00 $589.31 6 2 94' Adjusted to Comm. 78' Curb & Gutter $2,50 $195.00 94' Sidewalk 2.97 279.18 $474•. l� 13 C�NT. RECON�TRUCTION OF MT�LER �VENUE, pROJECT N0, 104-27000-138, UNiT N0. 1 BL�CK OWNER LOT ZONIiVG �'RClNTAGE RATE �MOUN� �SSES�I�iENT PZERCE STl2�ET IN�ERSECTS Community Planning, 1 Incorporated i159 East ;eminary �xive H4M�Wd0A Al7�ITI0N 3 94' Existing Eacilities Comm. No t�.ssessment Comrnunity ��.�z��aing, Z & N• 3 Incorgorated 9' of Comm. r159 �ast ieminary Drive 3 Vernon I.ewis 4629 Miller Avenue Jack S. Payton 3715 �as� Lancaster Scott G. Sherrnan 5717 Whitman GJ. G. Ralston 5834 Penrose IJxive Dallas, Texas 75206 S. 84` 3 of 3 ComGn. 102 ` A�cl justed to 3' Curb & Gutter $2.50 1°' Sidewalk 2.97 84' Curb & Gutter $2.50 73' Sidewalk 2.97 96 �q. F't. Drive .80 � $ 7.50 53 . 4-6 $ 60.96 $Z10.00 216.�1 76.80 $503.61 4& N. 3 116' Curb & Gutter $2.50 $290.00 23' oi Comm. 1.05' 3idewalk 2.97 311.85 5 96 �q. Ft. Drive .�0 76.80 $67�.65 S. 78.8' 3 70.8` Curb & G�r. $2.50 $177.00 o£ 5 Comrn. 70.�' Sidewalk 2.97 210.28 $357.2� r� 3 9�� �,djus�.ed to Gomm. 7g° Curb & Guttex $2.50 $195.00 83' Sidewalk 2.97 246.51 96 Sq. Ft. I3rive .80 76.80 $518.31 F'�IRI��:NE �TREET INTERSECTS Harold T. F'itzgerald 1-� 4 125' Existing �acilities 3600 W. Pioneer Comm. No A,ssessment Parkway .t�rlington, Texas � 14 co��, RECONSTRUCT�ON 0� MILL�R �V�NUE, �o��c� Na, za�da7000-�3s, u��� �o. 1. BLOCK �II�tER LOT ZaNING �'RONTAGE �?,TE AM�UNT HO�OOD ADDITION Harald T. �'itzgera�.d 1-B 4 62` Adjusted �o 3f00 W. i'ion.eer Comm. �.0' Sa.dewalk $2.97 $ 29.70 Parkway Arlingt� n, Texas James C. Gorman 3 3438 Meadowbrook Drive 76103 4 93' Adjusted �o Comm. 50' Cur�i & Gu��ex $2.50 $125.00 68' 3idewalk 2.97 201.96 219 Sq. Ft. Drive .80 175.20 TaTt�L CO3T TO PROPERTY (X�TIdER,S - AS�E�SI�IEN'T To��� cos�r �o cx�r o� �o�.�r wax� TOT�I, E��I1�1,T1�D CON�TRUCTION CO�T ' __ $ 29.70 $502.16 $ 29,093,85 148,5�+9.74 $177g643.59 25 �ity of 1For� Vb��rth, �e.�ocas rvtonnAwiArv , . . LIME .�ll����- ��� c������lC c���,�,��a���a�� MORPHIS Final Pa ment - Reconstruction PAGE DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: Y • NUMYER of Miller Avenue R.&B; 9/15/69 FP-658 (CIP A-155) � ot — GRAHAM �� �� Final Council action on the project described below is requested. Project Description Name: Reconstruction of Miller Avenue from Fairlane Avenue to Richardson Street, Project No. 104-27000-138 Contractor: Ernest Loyd Contract Awaxded: December 9, 1968 (M&C C-1372) Work Order Issued: February 19, 1969 Work Order Effective: March 3, 1969 Date of Final Inspection and Approval: July 23, 1969 Working Time Bid: 120 Working Days Working Time Used: 70 Working Days Project Cost and Financing Original Bid Price: $184,421.50 Change Order No. 1 + 1,106.25 (3/25/69) Revised Contract Price: $185,527.75 Change Order No. 1 added $1,106.25 in construction costs to this contract for construction of additional driveways requested by owners of adjacent property after construction began on this project. This additional cost and related engineering costs ($45.97) will be assessed to the benefitted property, necessitating a bond fund transfer of $1,152.22 from the Assessment Paving Fund to the Miller Avenue Reconstruction Project - Property Owner's Cost Account. Final Contract Cost: Partial Payments Pre- viously Made: Final Payment Due: $161,494.17 4 Amount: $145,237.90 $ 16,256.27 Final payment will be made from Project Account Number 104-27000-138. Deviation from Bid Price: An underrun of $24,033.58 resulted in part because estimated quantities of the items listed below were in excess of quantities used: Undercut Excavation Utility Adjustment Lime for Subgrade $12,037.50 3,781.52 2,443.50 Total Savings $18,262.52 DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: F1ri11 Payment - Reconstruction PAGE NUMBER 9/15/69 of Miller Avenue 2 2 FP-658 (CIP A-155) of The remaining $5,771.06 of the nnderrun occurred due to minor variations between quantities estimated in the contract specifications and quantities actually measured and used at the job site. Complian�e with Specifications During testing on this project, 17 corings were made with the following results: Exceeds Specs Surface 7 Base 16 Even with Specs � Under Specs but Within Tolerance 2 0 Below Tolerance .� � On the entire project, the average thickness of the hot mix asphaltic concrete is 2.14 inches compared to the 2 inches specified, and the average thickness of the cement stabilized base is 8.13 inches compared to the 7 inches specified. Tests made during construction show that materials used were in compliance with con- tract specifications. Recommendations It is recommended that: 1) A bond transfer of $1,152.22 be approved from Account No. 042-09724-901, Revolving Fund to Account No. 042-10427-138, Property Owner's 3hare - Reconstruction of Miller Avenue; and, 2) The above project be accepted by the adoption of an ordinance and final payment of $16,256.27 be authorized to Ernest Loyd. HDM:jp SUBMITTED BY: �C i � � CITY MANAGER DISPOSITI01�81� COUNCIL: ��APPROVED ,� PROCESSED BY ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE) � lo � l��- �'��� Y DATE