HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 7665ORDIN�NC� N0, % �p �p � ORDINANC� A�CE��'IN� II�IIPRO�I�1N`�� OI� A POR`�ION 0� PENNS'Y'L'(7ANTA A't7EN[JE AND PORTIONS 0�° SITI�DRS� OTI�R S�It�ETS 9 A��UEs ANI3 IPiJ�LiC 1'��ES IN �'I� C T� 0� FOR� 6JbRTH 9 fiE�.� e D�CTSARIN� TY� C�IQ°TItPeG`T taITH TEXAS BTTULTTHTC COM.PANX' FOIt �� CON�TI�UC`TION 0� SAID IMPRO�i�N�S �Ui,LY COrRPL��D AND �R�OItI�D9 DIIiE�TI1�G `�� ISSUAN�� 9 E�CUTi�I� A1VD i9ELI3IEI�Y 0� CER`TI�IGA�S IN l�i%IDENCE OF SPECiL�L A�SLSSI�EIV`TS LEVIED AF'��R GYVIN� E��C`T TO S�iIJDR� CREDI`TS �ItEIN AUTHORZ�ED A1VD ALLOC�D �GA�N�T SOI� 0� SAID ASSESSI�NTS s DI�C`TIN� �Y� C�`1°� SECR.�TAitY �a �N�ROSS AI�Y3 E1�ROL� THI� ORDI�ANCE �Y COI�iI�� �"li� CA��IOI� OF �AME TN TI� NfIi�itT°� �OOig 0� T� GI� COiJNCIL OF �ORT 4JOYtTIi9 i°E3�AS g A%�D �Y �'Ii,I1�G `TFIE COI�II'I�� OI2DINANCE IN APPROPItIA`� ORDI1�41VCE It�CORD� OF SA�D CI`l`�g AAlYS PROVID�NG c4N E��CTIt1� DA� e i+t��.�� a tl�� City of �°ort GJorth9 T�aea� 9 h�� h���tofore �nter�d into a contract c�ith Tg��,�$yg�,�,� th� r f'.nmr certain str�et imp�covement� o� public pl�ce� in �aid Ci�y9 ta UNTT l: �'ENNSL'�,'�%AN�'A AVENUE UNIT 2�A: CALHOUN STREET � for th� m�king ,�nd con�truction of h�r�ira�ft�x�ele�crib�d portions of �treet�9 av�nues and ito �rom Hem�h.i11 Street to caest end o� �xo�osed ovex�ass and from east end o� �roposed overpass to �-35C�1, known and designated as �'ro j ect No . 104-23000--141, Una.t 1, a seven- inch th.ick rein�orced concrete pavement on a six-�.nch thick lime stabilized sufigrade Qti.th seven=inch f�.i.gh su�exim�osed concrete curb on a sixty�-foot roadway. Sa.x-incTi tfiick con- crete dr3.veways and �our-�oot �.de concrete sideraa.lk �rra.11 be constructed where speci�ied. From Annie Street to �'ennsylvania Avenue, kno�n. and de- signated as 1'roject No. 104-23000=141, Unit 2-A, a s3x-�.ncli tIv.ck Izot-mix aspha.ltic concrete pavement on a six-�.nch thick lime stabilized subgrade wi.th seven-inch high conca^ete curb and eigl�.teen-inch w:ide concrete gutter on a tfiirty-�oot xoad- way,�nding in an eighty-foot �ride cul-de-sac. UNTT 2-B: CALHOUN STREET �'rom 10' south of Cannon Street to �ennsylvana,a Avenue, kno�n. and designated as 1'ro�ect No. 104-23000-141, Unit 2-B, a six� a�nch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six--inch thick lime stabilized subgrade with seven-incFi high concrete curb and eighteen-inch wide concrete gutter on a thirty-foot roadway, ending in an eighty-foot wide cul-de-sac. Six-a,nch thick concrete driveways will be constructed wh.ere s�eci�a.ed. WH�?�AS, 'b�► sundry proceed3ngs h�retofore pa.sged b,y the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Tex,�s, iiacluding Ordinance P1o. 7360 , a portion of the cost of said improvements was levied a.nd assessed againat the respective properties abutting on each of ihe above described portiona of streets, �.venues and public places and against the real and true owners thereof; and, WH�RFAS, the C3ty Council of the City of Fbrt Worth, Texa,s, has, upon re- view� found a,nd determin�d th�t, in some inatances, in order to effeet substantial justice and equality, it is desirable and necessary to grant and issue certain credits a.gainst some one or raore of the assessments levied by Ordina.nce No. 736p , and iRH�EASo the stt°eet improvements hereinabove mentioned ha.ve been compl�eted upon each of ihe portions of streets, avenues and publie places hereinabove described, and }�ave been inspected and fotmd to be in complete accordance taith the eontract therefor; NOW, TH�FQRE� BE IT Or�DAI�%D BY T�LF' CITY COUNCIL OF TFL CITY OP' F'ORT WO�iTH, T�XAS, THAT: Y. The impravements on each of the portions of atreets� avenues and publia places hereinabove described be, and they are hereby� accepted; and the contract with re- ference thereto be� and it is hereby, found and declared fully cnmpleted and performed. ZI. The Mayox� be, and he is hereby, directed to issue and execute in the name of th� Ci.ty, certificates in evidence of the special assessments levied against abutting propexty and the owner thereof for such improvementa� and the City Secretary is directed to attest same and ie�press thereon the corporate seal of the City, all in accordance with the praceedings relatin� to such improvements and assessments. The certificates sha.11 be nwnbex°ed, shall describe the propertp aga.inst which the assessment ha.s been levied, shall, where known, state the name or names of the true owners of the respective parcels of pro- pert� assessed and aha11 be issued in an amount �qual to the difference between the principal amount of the assessment and the amounts of any credit issued thereon. The numbers of the certificates� with the property descriptions to be shown on the respective certiPi- cates, to�ether with the names of the ow ners of sa.i� property� the �rincipal amouut of the assessment� the respective credits� if any which are hereby authorized� granted and allowed against the principal amount of some one or more of�the assessments heretofore levied, and the principal amount for which each certifieate is to be issued after givin�; effect to such credit, if any, are hereby enumerated and itemized as follows: When e�ch of the certificates h�.s been d�aly executed a� hereinabove provided, s�me �hall b� delivered to the �ax Assessor-Collec�o� �s part p�yment ot the cont�ac� pric�o IV, Th� Ci�y Secret��y is hereby direc�ed to engross and enroll this ordina�nce by copyirr� th� caption of s�m� in the Minu�e Book of the City Gouncil of �'or� Wortkas Texas, aaxd lay filing �h� compl��� ca�dinance in Che a�ppropri��e Ordin�nce R�cord� of said C%ty, V. This ordin�nce sha11 t�ke effect and be in fu11 force and effect from �nd �fCer the d��e of its p�s�agee �'A�SED AND APPROVED THTS .� �— day of V- , 19 i � Al'PROVED AS TO FORM AND I�EE�ALI7°Y: � � Ci�y Attorn�y �ROJECT N0, 104-23000-141, UNIT l; PENNSYLVANiA AVENU� �ROM HEMP�ILL STREET TO WES� Et�D OF �HE PROP05�D OVERPASS AND FROM THE EAST END O� THE PRdPOS�D OVER�ASS TO I-35W, to be improved by con�tructing a seven-inch tihick reinforced concrete pav�ment on a six-inch t�ick lime sCabilized subgrade with seven-inch high superimpo�ed concrete curb on a six�y foot roadway. Six-inch thick concrete driveways and four-foot wide concrete s3de�alk will be co�structed where specified, OWNE R NORTH S InE Bar B Que, Znc. 602 I'ennsqlvania Fort Worth, Texas �LOC� LOT ZONING �RONTAG� RATE AMOUNT �SSESSMENT JENNINGS SOUTH ADDITION �40G150S 100-3 E50W100S100-3 W90Ei00-3 E10-3 & W50-4 37 Ind, 180' adjusted to: 172p Pavement wideni.ng $ 7,0� $1,217,76 60B Pavement widening 1J.,81 708.60 135 S,F", Driveway 1.31. 176.85 $2,103.21 Mrs. Rob�rt Lindsey 50° Pavement widening $11.81 $ 590.50 2906 Oakhurst E50W100e4 37 $ 590.50 Austin, Texas Ind. Family Sec�rity E50W150-4 50' Pavement widening $11.81 $ 590,50 In�. Co. of 37 $ 590,50 America Ind. 1200 Pennsylv�nia Ave. F`ort Worth, Texas 76104 Max Greenspun E50W200-4 50' Pavement widening $11.�1 $ 590,50 2249 Fairmount 37 $ 590.5� Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Ind. 1. PRO.7ECT N0. iO4-23000-1�1, UNIT l, P�NNSYLVANIA A�., Continued �LOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAG� RA'L� A�OUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE JENN2NGS SOUTH ADbTTION Big 4 Automotive, Inc, 99.92' Pavement widening$11.81 $1,180.06 512 S. Jennings S50E100-4 37 $1,1�0.06 Fort Worth9 Texas 76104 Ind, .iENNINGS IRITERSECTS City of Ft. Worth � : �.YY : �il�.� 16 TUCKER ADDITTO�I 199.9' No Assessment -0- W.3, Garrison S50N150W1/2 95' adjusted to (depth factor) 2604 Geraghty 1e�s R,OQWo 39.9' Pavement $23.73 $ 9/�6.€33 Aus�in, Texas 78757 15 39.9' Curb .93 39.1d Apt. 39.9' Sidewalk 4-.37 174.36 $1,16Q.29 Rosa Nell Gauthier S50N150E1/2 1.004 Pavement 4317 S. Adams 15 100' Curb F'ort Worth, Texas 76115 Apt. 100° Sidewalk ST. LOUIS AVEN[JE INTERSECTS $23.73 $2,373.00 .98 98.00 �.37 437.00 $2,908.00 Coca Cola Bo'ctling l. 14 210' Pavement widening $20.6b $4,338,60 PpO. �ox 1378 Ind, 105' Sidewalk 4.37 458,�5 For� Worth, Texas 76101 $4,797.45 2. PROJECT �0, 104-23000-1419 UNIT lg PE�NSYLVANT� AVE�, Continued �LOCK OWNER L(3T ZONSNG FRdNTAGE NORTH S ID�; TUCKER ADDITION GALVESTON AVENUE INTERSECTS Coca Cola �ottling 1 13 Pqp, Box 1378 � Fort Worth, Te�as 76101 Coca Cola �ottlzt�g W50� 13 P,O. �ox 13%8 of 7 � Fort Worth, Texas 76101 RATE AMOUI�T ASSESSI�IEIVT 200' Pavement widening $16.41 $3,282.00 $3,282,00 50' Pavem�nt widening $16,41 $ 820,50 $ F320. 50 City of Fort Worth E50g of 13 150' 7 & 8 Ind, SOUTH MAIN INTERSECTS WqRa Childr�sa Oil WS3 32 Ca., Znc. Ind, P.O. �ox 7496 Fort Worth, Tcxas 76111 Ido Assessment -0- �3� 1'av�m�nt wid�ning $14,17 $1,176.11 $1,176.11 F7.RA Childress Oil W5QE100 32 S5' Pavement widening $14.17 $ 779.35 Co., Inc. Ind. 20' Sidewalk 4,37 �7,40 P,O. Bax 7496 104 Sq. Ft. Driveway 1,31 136.24 Fort Worth, Texas 76111 $1,002.99 3. PR�:TEC� N0� 104�23000-141, U�IT 1: �EI�NSYLVANIA AVEp, Continued BLOCK OGiNER LOT ZONiNG FRO�iTAGE 1�ATE AMOUNT ASSESSM�NT NORTH S ID� TUCKER ADDI1'ION Joseph L. Moseley E50S100 32 S�' Pavecnent widening $14.17 $ 708.50 2016 Grandvzew Ind. 50' Sidewalk 4.37 437.00 Fort Worth, Texas 76112 $ 927.00 �RYAN AVENUE IhTTERSECTS Bobby G, Mitchell W100 35 IOQ� Pavement widening $14.17 $1,417.00 & George Mitchell Ind, 100' Sidexaalk 4.37 437.00 c/o Arrich Mitchell $1,854.00 5432 Chariot Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Mto Olive �aptist Church 100' Pavement widening $14,17 $1,417.00 2951 �van� Avenue E100 35 100' Sidewalk 4.37 327.00 c/o Rev, 3esse Lee Dacason Apta $1,854.00 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 CRAWFORD S�REET ZNTERSECTS City of Fort Worth City oi Fortc Worth City of Fort Wor_th .,�' 42 200 B Comm. 6 42 50' Apt. 7 42 45' Ind. No Assessment No Assessment No Assessm�nt 4. � � � PRO.TECT N0. 104-23000-141Y i�NN5YLV��IA AVENUE, Continued BLOCK (}WNER LOT ZONiNG FRONTAGE NORTH SID� TUCKER AbDITION CAZHOUN STREET INTERSECTS Wesley Cleveland III & Nancy Bob High 13735 Rolling Hills Lane Da11as, Texas OVERPASS Gulf Oil Corp. P.0> �ox 22808 Dallas, 'Texas 75222 SOUTH SIDE Roy .T. Fard 700 S. �re�way Fort Worth, Texas OVERPASS City of Fort Warth 0 45 110' Ind, � ��•) . � . i►1 -�� RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT No Assessment -0- Grade differential 13 154' adjust�d to (Grade differential) Znd. 60' Pavement e�i_dening $14,17 $ 850.20 $ 850.20 1 14 154' adjus�ed to (Grade differentiaL) Ir�d, 60' Pavement widening $14.17 $ 850.20 $ 850.20 TUCKER ADDITZON 4 46 110' Ind . No Assessment -0- 5. PROJECT NOQ 104-23000-141: P�NNSXL�ANTA AVEo, Continued BLOC� OWN�R LOT ZONIN� FRONTAGE SOUTH SIDE TUCKER ADbITION CALHOUN STREET INTERSECTS Eddie Terry NSON�i3/4 4�21.7 OLd Mansfield Hwy. Fort Worth, Texas 76119 Berkowitz Properties A 729 NW 28th Fort Worth, Texas 76106 CRAWFORll STREE'T INTERSECTS RA�E AMOUNT ASSESSMENT 41 95' Pav�mer�t widening $14.17 $1,,346,15 Ind, $1,346 15 41 9�' Pavement eaidening $14.1.7 $1,275.30 Comm. $1.,275.30 Joseph A. Wilson E60' 36 Owner occupied 212 E. Hattie of 2 Apt. 60' Pavem�nt widening $ 7.09 $ 425.40 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 60' Sidewalk 4.37 262.20 $ 687a60 Cylester Wi11i.�ms W35' 36 35' Pavement widening $14.17 $ 495.95 2201 Carruthers of 2 Apt. $�595.95 Fort Worth, Texas 76110 David Berkowitz �. 36 95' Pavement widening $14.I7 $1,346,15 2213 S�anley Ind. 95' Sid�walk 4,37 415.15 Fort Wor�h, Texas 76110 $1,761,30 Q �Ro,�c� No, io4-zs000-l�i, unzt i, p��s�LVA�� a�rn�, ca���nu�a SOUTH SIDE BRYAN AVENUE IN'iEItSECTS �LOCK LOT ZONING FRONiAG� `TUCKER ADDI'TION RATE AMOUN� ASSESSME� Sabino Lopez E100' 31 1.Ot�' Pavem�nt widening $14.17 $1,417.00 650 �ryan Ind 100P Sidewalk 4.37 437,00 �'ort Worth, 'Texas 761.04 72 Sq, Ft, Drivecaay 1.31 94.36 $1,948.32 Maxvin David Snodgra�s W8�' 31 8�' Pavemertt caid�ning $14.I7 $1,246.96 Wallace Paul Snodgrass Ind. $1,246.96 P.O, �ox 12413 Fort Worth, Texas %6116 SOUTH MAIN STREE'T ZIV°TERSECTS Coca Cola Bottling i P,O, Box 1378 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 GALVESTON STREET (CLOSED) Coc� Cola �ottling 1 PqOo �ox 1378 F'ort Worth, Texas 76101 J.9-R 425' Pavemer►t widening $16.41 $6,974.25 Ind. $6,974.25 19-R 235' Pavement widening $20,66 $4,�55.10 Ind. $4,855.10 !�! P�OJECT N0, 104-23000-141, UNYT l: P�NNSYL�ANTA AV�Q, Con�inued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE 50UTH S IDE TUCI�R ADDITION STa LQUIS AVENCTE INT�RSEC�S RAT� AMOUNT ASSESSMENT Frank Perez N50-E100 18 Owner occupied 650 St, Louis Apt. R8' �xisting facili.ties Fort Woreh, Texas 76104 $5 Sq. Ft. Driveway $ 1.31 $ 111.35 $ 1i1.35 Joe Jewel N1/2NW1/4� 18 100' Existing facilities -0- Belisario Roman Reyes 12 16 85' adjusted to (Depth factor) 608 Oak.land Apt. 27.2' Pavement $23.73 $ 645,46 Fort Worth, Texas 76104 27.2' Curb .9� 26.66 27.2o Sidewalk 4..37 118.86 $ 790.98 Frank Pint4 5150-W1/2 5509 Charlott Fort Worrh, Texas 76112 JENNINGS AVENUE INTERSECZ'S Thomas J. Maben N75E1/2 P,O. Box 845 Faxt Wor�ch, Texas 76101 16 99.95' Pavem�nt Ind. 99.95' Curb 99.95` Sidewalk GRAINGER'S ADDI'TION $23.73 $2,371.51 .98 97.95 4.37 436.78 $2,906.54 1. 110' Pavement widening $11.81 $1,299.10 Ind. 110' Curb .98 107.80 $1,406.90 � PROJECT N0. 104-23000-141, UNI� 1t PENNSYLVANIA AVE>, Continued �LOCK OWNER L0� ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMEI�Ti' SOUTH SIDE GRAINGER.'S ADDiTION Letais E. Cearley N90�1/2 1 110' Pavement widening $11,R1 $1,299.1(3 517 Pennsylvania Ave. Comm, $1,299.10 Fort Worth, Texas GRAINGER STRE;E'� INZ'ERSEC'T5 Loca 1 Union ��116 7 International Brotherhood of Elec�rical Workers 601 Pennsylvania Avenue W.B. Andrews 1 3812 �th Avenue Fort Worth, Te�a� i00' Pavement wid�ning $11.81 $1,181.00 $1,18I,00 80' Pavement widening $11,81 $ 944.80 $ 944.80 UNIT 1: TOTAL COST �'0 P1tOP�RTY OWNERS (ASS�SSMEI�"iS) , o a. o a., Q..$ 55, 76g e 11 TOTAL C05T TO CITY OF FORT WORTH,o.,..a„ m.9,.,,�,,,a.$403,331.01 TOTAL CO�TSTRUCTION COSTQ,,..�Bk,�4,,,,,.P,,..o.e.Q..,.$459p100.12 � PItOJEC'T N0. 104-23000-141, UIVZ'T 2-A: CALHOUN STREET FROM ANNIE STt2�ET TO �ENNS'YLVAI�IA AVE�[TE, to be improved by constructing a six-inch hot-mi� asphaltic concrete pavement on a six--inch Xine stabilized subgrade with seven-inch high conc�°ete curb and eighteenainch wide concre�� �u�ter on a thirty foot roadway ending in an eighty foot wide cul-de-sac. OWNER �AST SIbE OF" CUL-DE�SAC B�;OCIC LOT ZONING FRONTAGE TUCT�ER AbDITION �enny C. High Ga 3/4 of 4S 152� Pavem�nt 13735 Rolii.ng Hills Lane Znd. 152' Curb & gutter Dallas, Texas 75204 WEST SIDE OF CUL-I���SAC Mrso James V. Leito Nl/2SE1/4 nf 50' Pavement 3616 Jeanette 42 50' Curb & gutter F'ort Worth, Texas 76109 Ind. i�Irs. .7arnes V Leito S1/2NE1./2 50' Pavement 3616 Jeanette 42 50' Curb & gutter �ort Worth, Texas 76109 Ind, ,Juanita Osborne NSOE50 42 Owner occupied 600 S. Calhoun Ind. 50` Pavement F'ort Worth, Texas 76104 50' Cux•b & gutter RATE ANIOUN'T AS SES SMENT $10.13 $1.,539.76 4.83 734.16 $2,273.�32 $10,13 $ 506,50 4.83 241.50 $ 745.00 $10.13 $ 506.50 4.83 241.50 $ 748.00 $ 6.90 $ 345.00 4.83 241,50 $ 586,50 UNTT 2-At TO�AL COST 'TO PROP�RTY OWNERS (ASSESSMENTS)4P..eva..>o>..aa$�-,356,42 10. PROJECT N0._104-23000-141� UNIT 2-�; CALHOU� STREET �ROM 10' SOUT� OF CANNON STREET TO PENNSYLVANIA,�to be improved by cons�ructing a six-inch thick hot-mix asphal�ic concrete pavement on a six-inch L-hick lime stabilized subgrade with seven-i�ch high concrete curb and eighteen-inch wide concrete gutter on a thirty foot roadway ending in an eighty foot wide cul-de-sac. Six-inch thick concrete drive�ays wi11 be constructed wh�re specified. sLocx OWNER LOT ZONI�'G �RONTAGE RATE AMOUNT A3SESSMEN�' WEST SID� OF" CUL-DE-SAC TUCKER ADDITION Phineas E. White & S55SE1/4 41 100' Pavement $10,13 $1,013.00 3uanita White N45SE1/4 Ind. 100' Curb &�utter 4.83 4�3.00 315 �. Cannon 132 Sq. �t. Driv�way 1.31 172.92 Fort Wort�h, Texas $1,668.92 Eddie Terry S50NE1/4 4217 Old Ma�sfield Road Fort Worth, Texa� 76119 Eddie Ter�°y N50NE1%4 4217 01d Mansfield Road Fort Worth, Texas 76119 EAST SIDE 0�' Ct7L-bE-SAC 41 50' Pavement Ind, 50' Curb & gutter 41 35' Pav�ment Ind. 35' Curb & gutter City of Fort Worth 4 46 70' Anna �Teal Whitfielei N32.4-3 46 Owner occupied 659 Calhoun S21.6 Ind. 54' Pavement Forti Worth, iexas N54-3 5�a' Curb & gutter $10.13 $ 506.50 4.83 24i.50 $ 748.00 $10,13 $ 354.55 4.53 169.05 $ 523.60 No Assessment -0- $ 6.90 $ 372.b0 4 . 83 260, f32 $ 633,42 11, PRO.TECT N0,_104-230�0-141, UNIT 2-B: CAL�OU� ST�EET, Continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONZNG FRO�TAGE EAST SIDE OF' CUL-DE-SAC TUCKER ADDITIORT David �erkowitz 546-3 46 46' Pavement 2213 Stanley Ind. 46' Curb & gutter Fort Worth, '�exas Willie Jones &68 Calhoun Fort Worth, Texas Southern Pacifie Transportation Go. P �0. Box 1319 Houston, 'Texas 770Q1 S25' Stri.p 4� Owner occupied of 3 Ind. 25' Pavement 25' Curb & gutter 47 35A Pav�ment Ind. 35' Curb & gutter RAT� AMOUNT ASSESSMEIdT $10.13 $ 465.98 4.�3 222,i8 $ 6�8.16 $ 6.90 $ 172.50 4.83 120.75 $ 293.25 $10,1.3 $ 354.55 4,83 169.05 $ 523.60 UNTT 2—B: TOTAL COST TO �'ROPERTX' OWNERS (ASSESSMENTS) ................$ 5,078.g5 UNTT 2(A & B) TOTAL CQST TO PRO�ERTX OWNERS (ASSESSMENTS) ................$ 9,435.37 TOTAL COST TO CTTX' 0� �'ORT WORTH.....o .....................$ 11,741.49 TOTAL CONSTRUCTTON COST........a .....................e.....$ 21,176.86 UNITS 1& 2: TOTAL COST TO PRO�ERTY OWNERS (ASSESSMENTS) ................$ 65,2�4.48 UNTTS 1& 2: TOTAL COST TO CTTY 0� �ORT WORTH........a ..................$ 415aGJ72.50 UNTT3: TOTAL CONSTRUCTTON COST ....................................$ 921,783.21 TOTAL CONSTRUCTTON COST...e .....................................$1,402,060.19 12. rI�E � LINE 6AILIfF �it� of Fo�-i �Uorth, �"e�cas .�a���r ��� c������ll c������������� �M DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: Flrid1 Payment -- Pennsylvania Ave. PAGE NUMBER Overpass and Street Tmprovements -- 11/22/77 FP-1'269 Project No. 104--23141 1 of 1 Final Counc�.l action on the project described F�elow is requested. Proiect Description Name: Pennsylvania Avenue Overpass and Street Tmprovements Project No, 104--23141, Contract No, 8801 dated May 10, 1976. Contractor: Texas Bitulithic Company Contract Awarded: May 10, 1976 (M&C C�3406) Work Order Issued: August 9, 1976 Worlc Order Effective: August 9, 1976 Work Began: August 9, 1976 Project Substantially Complete and Final Inspect�on: June 14, 1977 Final Construction Approval: October 31, 1977 Working Time Bid: 200 Working Days Working Time Used: 183 Working Days Project Cost and Financing Original Bid Price: $1,308,168.75 Change Order No. 1: $ 0.00 (A.R. 1--15 Par. 2.3.1) No. 2. 516.20 (A,R. 1A15 Par, 2.3.1) No. 3: 2,903.68 Revised Bid Price: 1,311,588.63 Final Contract Cost: 1,298,203.88 Partial Payments Previously Made: 1 through 12 Amount: $1,147,854.02 Final Payment Due: 150,349.86 Sufficient funds are available for the final payment to be made from Project Number 104�23141. Deviation from bid Price; The fi,nal contract cost of ttzis project is $13,384.75 or l.l% under the revised bid coste This cost difference resulted due to minor deviations between quantit�es estimated in the contract documents and quantities measured and used at the job site. Compliance with Specifications Tests made during construction show materials used and requ�.xed thicknesses caere in compliance taith contract speca�fi,cations. Recommendations It is recommended that the project described be accepted by tfie adoption of an ordinance and final payment of $150,349.86 be made to Texas Bitulithic Company. GG:sm SUBMITTED BY: � CITY MANAGER DISPOSITIO Y COUNCIL: PROCESSED BY APPROVED ❑ 'OTHER (DESCRIBE) A(�Q� ���'� ��y� p&d`���'����� i�V�� � 4� 4� `-� CI� SECRETARY DATE ''ly �-1 -���