HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18541-04-2009
Ordinance No. 18541-04-2009
That in addition to those amounts allocated to the various City departments for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 and
in the Budget of the City Manager, there shall also be increased estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Grants Fund in the amount of $10,964,965.04, subject to receipt of the Consolidated Action Plan Grant from
the U.S. department of Housing and Urban Development, far the purpose of funding the City's Consolidated
That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void
for any reason by a court of compotent jurisdiction, such decision, opinion or judgment shall in no way
impair the remaining portions, sections, or parts of sections of this ordinance, which said remaining
provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect.
That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance No. 17749 and ail other ordinances and appropriations
amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict
with such other ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior
ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed.
This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption.
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ADC7PTF_r; AND E`= FEfu'? I3'E: Aur?I 7. '<UOJ
City of Fort Worth
20(19-2010 Annual Action Plan
Fxecntive Summary
I. Gencrat
QRDINANCE NO. 18541-04-2Q09
A. Executive Summary
"The 2009 -2010 Amtual Action Plan describes how [he Ciiz~ of Fort Worth intends to use Community Development
Block Grants {CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership funds -including American Dream Down Payment
Initiative (.~.DDI), Frnergency Shelter Grants {ESC), and Housing for Persons with AIDS (130P4'tr'A} to meet
community needs. "The ,fiction Plan also series as the application for fiords to the IS.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) for the period June E, 2609 ihrou,h May 31.2410. Priorities include addressing
affordable and decent housing, homelessness, senior services, affordable childcare, and community development
TheAction Plan describes the use of funds farthe fifth year of the five-year Consolidated Plan, including activities
and budgets that address the needs and priorities established in the Consolidated Plan. Priorities include activities
addressing affordable and decent housing, homelessness, and community development issues. Partnerships with
neighboring jurisdictions, the private sector, non-profit organizations, and other City departments will provide
support for fhe successful implementation of this plan. Copies afthe City of Fort Worth 2005-2010 Consolidated
Plan can be requested in accordance with the Citizen Participation Plan.
Al'lisrdable and Dew Housir
~ccordi ng to the 2000 census, 16 percent ofpersons in Fort Worth livcxi belowtJte poverty level, uersus ] 0-8 percent
Poi the overall C onsotidateci Metropolitan Statistical Area. Many of these persons Iiveci in older, deteriorated
housing traits. tlnatysis of the HL,`D data also indicates that there are particular haaschuld types that are likely I
to have significant housing problems such as excessive cost (relative to the family's income), overcrowding,
and substandard ph}°sicat conditions. 'These household types include I:u~ge families, particularly those with taw
incomes; renters with inwmes under 50 percent ofthe area median (over 70 percent reporting housing prob[erns);
and eery low income owners (69 percent in this categoiS~ reported housing probtemsj. Minority and disabled
populations <u~e particularly likely to have dif6cuhy finding quality affordable housing to rent.
'fhe City of Fort tiy'orth proposes to make decent housing more available artd accessible 11s directl} assistint~ the
production of at least 15 new affordable rental unit; (and leveraging the production or preservation of as many
as 240 a{Tiardablc rental units}. and by directly supporting the construction of at Icasf nets single-lamih mill
11:t' 1t 't}' hr'f)l?attiC` t~) I.. :Lt`.r il~t" iSS~tC)fc~: bilFi} st ~lic'"+SC 1 is IL in?-',, lit t~SY,;?S 1d E1}~ i5ittt tttE i}33V i:i` :3<sistallCS5 '.' `€i? a
1•rr"}rules at,., ~. g i":i ~.,~ 5..)}Y 3 ~:{3d l:=}u4 1t ~ ."t ,TlAat~ I,ib SE it `}~. iii`'"V°in£7 anlM b!, tf it lri. t,..4 iF,}it~. o;elr S3?f 3,. t7Cr"i kirla
11:1{'e :171.3.
r,,c C=.t•. pt.,l*~>~cs tc :ncrca~c tic ,u,r«r,,<rr,iity of de4wri. Itf+::su1_F bl tt~cxvidint trt a'.,?r !7.;sne repairs ~n Ltcrciel
13inck areaw and €,n a ct[y-wide basis (thrt?ugh the lit+using Trust Fund) w at least 33 le}u i>r nutderate incot2~e,
h[)1TI L'oSVnCrS; 1)Y piilkid]St_' CmergenC}s reparl's. S~s'eatheri?.atir5lt a547Statti ~:, and e1ti:1'toC palllt it? .1~f ~'eY'ti' 1{}i§'
,[ s. i.:imli::. 1tt'fn~.rili!Set ., b rertl<: 1~:° ii dd°~?..~`~c ti s7sllE.! i,.7l~tC~"i '~ !7 .i;}n,`is Yi ,.,it: ly f t3l ht,~+':; ",~t ~, ,..sp i£•"3 l~}~ iE r3'~ JSis
., <lty v..w ,s...e t,v 3'} ,ti...,° . 1}~. .' ,, pit€x'7 c. a. _I;q*. „.wtE.e7~i P.#i iEr.r is „&'8~ .'? e.3t,~,.at. .{.~ a,:r ,°~ ~'.. #... ,; ai£._3k s3 ::: .'1 ;'
t ~ l.:a!w fr..I v.3 ..;.Y lETM . ",„re-:y x t: t:.7tih ss'}.'' t ':;',.=i=r.,t. t.. U.i3 t U .,.:yy ,~. .:.~t#e1}.~.. 1sEGK ~:. ,ta ,"SS.Y.
1lamelessness Prevention
For the homeless, the city wiIl maintain and increase the avaHabiiity and accessibility of decent housing by
f-unding emergency shelter providers fof 73Ci t^mergancy shelter bed,, and by suppos-tin~ funding Itroposals for
transitional and permanent supportive housing. The City wilt also further this Baal by ftmding direct homeless
prevention services and hottsin~w and suppnrtrtie services t<~e persons 4vithllt7S, t"he availability and accessibility-
of decent housing will he continued through the policy development, funding and advotiacy activities of the
Ylayor's Commission on t)uality AfFordable Accessible Housing:, by participating in the County-wide Continuum
of Care platminr, process to obtain Homeless grant fiutds: by supporting the work ofthe i4la.ror's Commission on
Homelessness in implementing the "Directions F[ome'' pIa<t adopted by City Council on Lune 17, 2008, and by
supporting tax credit appEications for special needs and senior housing.
Community Detie)opntcnt
1'he City will increase the sustainability of suitable living environments for 2004 residents of Fort ~rorth's (ow and
moderate income neighborhoods by improving hghti€tg, sidewalks, signage, or other infrastructure improvement
and by improving 4 public facilities andJor community facilities in low income areas. The City will also increase
the suitability of low and moderate income neighborhood livhig enviromnents= by providing youth services to
9506 youth, by providing services to 475 low and moderate elderly residents, and by providing ether needed
social and public services Yo 6500 low and moderate income residents {includes disabled and Limited English
Proficient Persons). In addition. the city wit( increase the sustainabiCity of economic opportunity for low and
moderate income families by providing subsidized child care to 6fi0 children.
Action Flan goals are summarized on the fo(Iowing page. F3udget details are provided in AttachmentA and project
information by program type is providui in Attadvnent B. The Action Plan also reports on the availability of
private f""ands being leveraged by the federal grant funds.
The budsret included in this Action Plan is baseel on the entitlement fitntls as documented in the notice ofallucation
amounts firm HUD. The total amount of funds budgeted for CDE3f;, Hf~!'YlE, E5G, and HOPt~v'A including
reprogrammed (ands and anticipated program income, is summarized in the follavving table:
Source ~Ci1t3G ~}{O11[tAl)llt~t PSt= ' FIOPWA 'TOTAL
2009,•11louauun ! $6 614, i}r8 $2.90 630_ `~ 93 "'+7_ SR6~.000 X10 64}i} t3(,5
Program [ncome . $ ]70,000 , ~; 10{}.000 ! 111
m-__ ~ __ t .._.._.._ - - _ _~ __.._.._
Total ~ 56.784,078 53.0~0.63t) 5243 s7 ~ '586 i t)QO ~ S 10,960,965 I
Program k'ear 2009-2010 Action flan (;Dols Sumtnarv
~~_ `:nnx - - of Fnnciv__~__... F'erfnrmunce Urttirsxtnrc !'cur i
lf#'rrrdahic rnrl taecent }tnnairs - ~ ?
Xera?eel Nc%ur~xrrS,x ~ '; j
'x YCi.SC" cG ~ ~ d?$t P... u._ .¢i'.S4:f i tit}M1, s',?r E ~, k t~ .: Es.. E :;;- a ... F,E~ _
u x !
..+ ;.y_ ._.. _... _.__.~.. _._..___.__~_ ~„.:..~.c.sr___. _..___~ .F..rL..LSui.s~:._..... ._....... __.. .f. _. _...._ ~ _r
t'u r er ffrrtestr'y _ ._....
_... ... . u.~_. _._.. __ ._.~_._ _ ~......_..
=t !..§*.i i==>e c.,"ro+.Lt S! L=i!i=.:xe:. ~f~.tl 4.!bi,~~ ~?d to .t~s A•". GO..i.e.tr, ~, :.!~~ U }:,.
t ~,!~ nM1 ~~~ mav~tlnti I tv ~ ,SCLnr C~~das. I pi !~ 5~~55 ¢;. 'ti!r15ct
.!xs:r ^=.su :_!~-!.!~€} . ,t!<,ir~:r p¢3{}r;(t ~ ti .`e?t=f'.1C ! .=~.bte
fi , .k: t3S'. .~: d,'t E<< f ..:. _! Je'. I t c s .. .. y};. °Ua ~,;;}
Inc cease atiordabil tty tYi hamemt~nership LiOMf-: NurntKrr.~thomeotti Warship 75
by providing c€esing cost attd down assistance units
Sustain quality oi~homc;ott'net~ units {:I)13G, ti0~4} , HGD Number of owner units X42
th}7>ug0 emat*gancy. weaiherization,
~ ,, heed Grant. `t'DPICA recetcing repairs
S}IStain quality of homet7wner units l {ORII _ General Number of otuncr units E3
o ,..
Homelessness Prevention - -
Provide rental assistance payments t'or FIOP~VA Number of households with 99
{irons Leith H l V1A IDS HI ViAIDS rccziving rental
h4airt;in and increase emergency shellac F,SG Number of emergency shelter T6
r•• '
Fund at (east one direct homeless ESCi. (:'D13O Numt}er o1' households ~6
prevention service program per year benetlting Fnxn direct
Commnlilt~ Devela meat
Youth Services tPubl a. ticrvie,esi CDBG \umber of 1aa- to modcrnte 9506
F;1derly Services {public Services) Cl3I3CI Number of lou' to moderate 47j
Speoia] Nex:ds -Including disabled CDBG Number of lots to moderate 660
and Linuted English Profteietll Peons income pnrsans served
Lighting, sidetta(ks, si=Wage. and CDBG Number of krw to moderate '_OUO
other infiasttvcYUee imp#t>rem<aYt inunne persons served
Imprate parks ~ commtmttr 3aci(ities in CDBG Number of parks & facitiiics d
1'r<,vide subaidizxd childcare to give C'I78G Nwnber of ohi(dren in low> b6t?
poi eats oppm wnity lu t i..c,< edueittion. tts rnuderate income families
fuk [rain fig. plaaemc"t7t se.ti #ces, and plot #dc.J gttbstd#zui eltildcarc i
~.t.... ,
.isi'L',~.tlaC€?I77ent ~' fC51' descriptions Ot Z~tt}J-Z€1 [(} Cntkst7lldafed p~.iri [. tStlnt; Ot PCOJP.CtS.
As suntn7arized in pre~'ions year's Consoli<laud .Annual Perforrnance and Ft=ah[ation Reports (Cra~ER}, the Citv
o€ E art Gbc~rth flan succesfttll? utilise€I tederall} grln7l Iinuls as tsllows:
~ supported a Fvide range erf t7ott-profit aeeneir~ f>ri provide stxial ;ervices to thousands of luw stnd moderate
inc,x7le vor[tll, children. senior citizens, disabled, and hulneless *csidents;
w t3rz}}ICied „t(i~7 l7£'n9tIlg rel"r1trS pet` tti°aI` tt"# Hitt' IitGCsFni. htrnSChPl:1a (predt,n71n4.dYdt Chrc',i[~€] n1c5C~L'nC~',
1^>t.,3b ic.E'.Y~"tE r..}. .#,,.5 ?S.ItA a „Ut1 si' fs„} ,7 it !'}rC ~t ~.n:~v~,
E. ~ . .4„
lis.# Lx' ?si3 txi ["< ,.?? i wY 'y c`i2' a. I3av. [` llrN~; ,~,:}e# i;ri:.YrE ilc }r": Ctt tt~,tt'c.'.t#'.': Sa '•*t51~,. v`lz7 d Cf;ttt7r•tt dti tbC;?e
~StyiBa."ilillsl4 #?+. #Irg n'=I:"[ t Itt' 1.71?1:0.i:C'..>:
• (7#'tt rf~i#1'-.,'i~ Tstl •...r.. Gi n1t;I~)t€}3#t?c;t?i Itl?pi £,s. ^.Id,... Stn tic€t7t.#~.:ti l~'i:: 'k~33i~Kt I~Ii)L"ii:.~ pi` :~4`<3:1i its *Yl#5.~;~t€'..?rl~ftt{.t7?: ?*~'a(Ci
ai..Cttti WnZt',tl ~,ri#i3 p'a t x.3t EIG.:~Itfe tllf: n"+)ii'tt € rs 4?rt3iY?;+ Ct;s S{itll"4".i5 t. tli7.43.-iiECI7tSSlt't} Y`i'Eta~Slaatit3YY (li"lt}['8t1#;al
tar~~taed a Isiph }~crcenta_c cif its tx~usinl rest}assets t.~~~ard dis<~dt xnta~eci nzinc7rit}' I~eneficiarti ~~upc;Iatic>ns
tl~>,,r Vk}titz. ~S°`n 1I'aspanSc. tit}" r, lI'ritan-#arsrericai?}.
4 ~': #x . "r,.Y-,::, .._." [.. t.~x%~..G'. list -.3flt? i~t.rU(f5£'=sT$.'[.. ..i: ii #s ?k. i,. €, ~.~7t. ~ ,f...t:x3~<...el:c?>, }: ,': ~ ...,siYS ei} a ?? i,.x";lt?:{"
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Ciudad de Fort. WcYrth
Plan Auual de.0.ecioo 2009-2010
~esumeu Ejecutiva
(~cucral;;ciadu_ _
A. Resumes e,jeeutivo
I:1 Plan Anuai de ~ecibn 2409-201{7 describe Como la Ciudad de Foet Worth time pensado utilizar eI paquete de
sub~xeneiones Para desarrollo comunitaria {CDSG), los fondos HOME de asociacion de inversiones Oue inetuyen
Ia iniciativa del enganche para ci sumo amaricano (,yDI7I), (as subveneiones pant refugios de emergencia (ESC;} ~
y viviendas para personas con SIDS {HOPWA} para satisfacer (as necesidadcs comunitarias. E] Plan de Accion
tambien sirve para solicitarle fondos a1 llepartamenta de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbana (}ICI3} para eI periodo
nomprendiclo mire el I° de jwtia de! 2409 y el :71 de mayo de] 2010. C,as prioridades de las cuales se ocupa
son viviends economics y digna, perdida del hogar, servicias para sncianas, servicio econotnica de guarderia y
euesfiones de desarralla eamunitariu.
El Plan de <lecion describe la utilizscibn de los fondos para el quinto any del Plan Consolidado de cieno atios e
incluyc actividadesypresupuestosqueseocupandelasnecesidadesyprioridadesqueestableeeelPlanConsolidado.
que son vivienda economics y digna, perdida del hogar y euestiones de desstrollo camunitario. Asaciacianes can
jurisdicciones cecinas. el sector privada, Ias organizaciones sin fines tie lucro y otros departamentos municipales
brindaran su apoya para la implementation exitasa de este plan. Puednn solicitaxse e;opias del Plan Consolidado
2005-2010 de la Ciudad de Fo{K Worth confarme al Plan de Partinipaeion Ciudadsna.
_vivienda econbtnica v_~na
Segiin el tenso del aBo 20017, el l6 por ciento de ]as personas eat Fort Worth vivian por debajo del nivel de
pobrerza, en tamparacibn ei771 el ifl.$ por ciento para Ia sons estadfstica metropolitans consaHdada. Muchas de
estas personas residian en vivicndas antiguas ~ deterioracias. lin antzlisis de las dams del ] ICID tambien irtdiccs qu:
niertas tipos de hogares Bran mss prapensos a toner grapes problems, en sus viviendas tales Boma a>st<~ c~cesivc>
(nn comparacion con k7s inernsos ftmiliares}, hacinamiento } atndini<~nes fisitas deficientes. En estos tipas de
viviendas residian grandes famdiss, especislmentn de bsjos ingrnsos, inquilinos con ingres#~s par debajo del 50
por tienti7 del pramedio ctel area (mss deI 70 par ciento reportando prabteroas non la vivienda} k~ prapietarios de ',
muy bajos mgre~os{69 por oianto reparfari~n pratzknttu cn suti v Yvi~~das}. Se les hate panic ullt mend, di~nil s Ias'
poblaeioncs de minorias e incapscitados encantrar v i4 iendas do calidad a un al~urler de prcclo acnesible.
La Ciudad de Eort Worth propose mayor disponibilidad v acnesibilidad de vivienda; digrtas al ayudar diretTamente
en la proclucn ion de pc~r to mends (5 viv~iendas nucvtks <ie slyuiler {apalannattdo ]a production a canservacion de
hasty 244 v"YViendas de alquiler a preeia etonimitaj y alga}"<tnda direetsmentn [a coltstYUncion de por la nte,nos 5
nut vas ra4rls unifaYt7i(iaY'es nn late; de rellenn.
~...i ~. m~7xld I?r.S?.; r€e , twr,. t. i=. z't.tE .,.E ti..?Petet 1.,. _; i~,~e 7 j"7:'. i73=?nix 7,. tt"~==p31{,,, }~irYY? ~a15r..#" a.7 tSiz€i a 5~w 'tsY33l Is t t*,t_!S Ct Le't;
,€ ,_7 y aEY 'wa `v kl ier3+.1a 35Ct4,.:?4t=7..1=..1sI Sit 11131?F'trltb`r, 3,ixtcl £:;7nt}".#.~ .Ift 1!T. °E-11daS pa Y`7 'YJ ~. "~;}}:.;~ i,;tt. t7 C{.3EinS}ti dL'
13,31{:S 1`CC` ttir}"C,ttJ C~ rTtiC'f~l#{7Ax EtCti'}Cp ~S7I~+"{.
I a Ctttc9ad pis}pone Itinren72Y7IaY is tt }t75i`YL aCft~it il[. 1'EVitfi7das dlgnas 3i hater rnl7ikraClUttns n7.k?'t..?Y'eS C31 Iati aa'nEt
ilei Ir%~}tC ~tOdE`I? Y Cn tfatla Ii} CnitlaCl (pt+i":nc'dtr) dC1 t`C5t};,{-s l~l{{tri'Sa?'tc5 para la ~"r(1'IC:p41,31 I'.IE'a I?[~7' It7 nt~`Ila1t ~?
t+ a et.'°,?Ttr •* iii 3's};,?,3 `~ ta:i£?S ." ,3s•+... wE'?tt£S, ,.i ~.:SI„1..:~ 2ig5+tt c:e.l#,'t{r.. £!x". c., <'iCkxutt}t a :f..Y'iiititr Criq; it 2tC i?n:e,E C.... 7t+=`}
.,..w Ht,r't.'.~Fl .t~,i 'r ~. ".,< r.~£aka.tft try.&frri„ iJ w="+EG ,F m::„Ya*' ~ * r.i.+t}.=.iats ,.. :. ~!k3 4,..:ki 3 #Ytz„3 ... £:"S ,3. tit. ift"'.
;)t ,at n "} '. s£ 8s~x..#?tEaf '€,=.a.r ,,. rxt t ro- ¢ - ;.
ii x,... ,. E ~., .i :~. ,,s.'t,. 460.: t. .( 7P.z. f$s: I .:xt,F t. ):-$a ?c;gdpr...,,"a, k'j:'S aw. :s+>k,'.4 e,«, t?t,:. {k i?t....r iS ',.
it.e}{3...,P ,t?i4, z, .31 ~.x72?P ?t YSiiti7df, S,cli !iarTCS`t-+ rtrit _pt@:eL t£rF'vlt <"¢S k?at xt I:3 ~tV iL7~?„k.t5 ~*' i:i ei€xx'auar 43. rYi7S i7titt'3nt~S tYk4t6iYi1"e~'.
para 36 prapietarios de ingresos bajos a moderados en las areas del Bloque Modelo.
Preven_cion de la Perdida dt] hozar
Para }as personas sin honor, la Ciudad data mautenimiento e incrernentara la dispanibilidad y acceslbrlidad de
viviendas dignas mediante la financiacit5n del refiagio de emergencia Para sus 730 camas e el apoyo de propnestas
de financiacion Para las viviendas de ayuda permanentes y de transici5n. L.a Ciudad tambien Promovtra este
objetivo a1 finantiar tos servicios director de prevention de la Perdida det hagar y }os servicios de ayuda y
vivienda para Ias personas con SID,. La disponibifidad y accesibifidad de viviendas dignas tontinuaran por
medio de tar actividades de implementaeiort de po3[ticas, finantiacion y defense de la Comisic'rn deI fllcalde
entargada de Viviendas de GaCidadlccesibles y Econtimicas; cn la particrpaci6n en la contimridad deI proceso de
planificacion de todo el Condado para obtener fondos de la subvencicin para aquel(os- que hen Perdido sus hagares;
en eI apoyo deI trabajo realizado por la Comisign del Akalde sabre Ia Perdida del Hogan, en el apoyo a la Labor
de to Comision del Alcalde sobre la Perdida del Hogan en la implementation del Plan "Instrucciones para Ilegar
al liogar" adoptado por el Consejcr Municipal el 17 de junio deI 2008 y en e] apoyo de solicitudes Para obtener
credito f seal Para necesidades especiales y l~ ivicndas para antianos.
Desarrolto comunitario
La Ciudad incrementara la conservation de entornos residenciales idoneos para 2000 residentes de los barrios
de ingresos bajos y moderados de Fart Worth a! mejorar la iluminacion, tar aceras, Las seE}alamienros y otra
intiaestructura, asi comp mejorando 4 instalaciones publicas ylo camunitarias en zonal de bajos in[,~resos. La
Ciudad tambien aumentara Ia idoneidad de los entornos residenciales de los barrios de ingresos bajos y moderados
al brindarles servicios a 950{) jbvenes, a g75 residentes mayorts de recursos bajos y moderados y al Preston otros
servicios sociales y publieos necesarios a 6500 residentes de recursos bajos y moderados (incluye a Personas
ineapatitadas y a~}uellas : an conocimientos Iimitados del ing(es}. rAdemas, la Ciudad aumentara la conservaeion
de la oportunidades ttonomitas para Ias fami(ia dt ingresos bajos y moderados brindando sen=icio de gnarderia
subsidiado a 660 nitios. I
[.as metal de( Plan de Accicin se resumen en la siguiente paging. Los der<tltes presupuestates se prcxparcionan en
eI dotumento adjunto fy, mienu•as que la information sobre provectos por tiPo de proyecm se da en el documento
aijunto H. I=1 Ptan de ,~Lccion tambien in[i>nna sobre [a disPonibi[idad de fondos peivados que estan siendo
apalancados par los fondos de Ia subveneion federal.
E;I presupuesto intluido en estt Plan de ~ttion se base en los fondos par asignzicion, tat y coma se documenian
en el aviso deI i-31113 sobre distribution de cantidades. l:a cantidad total dt 3i~ndns prtsupuestados para CD[3G,
HC3'V1E, ESG }~ HOPty'r~t. inchtyendc? fondos reprogramados e ingresos del progrsma anticipado, st rtsumen en
la sittuiente table:
Puente C°I}13( 1[{!V}i.;.<117I1[ Ptit:
e , F1{?['14:~ '1'{:}"['GIs
I) t@'tt~E}'.. ~.. i7 4i7.
ivt~ i " t ~ __... ---_ .
`Y, ~p7£3 i3 } -
~ ta. r, 4: ---___......
~ i
~s ~'. tp{ #)trtt ' 'k Ett-4.`}{~., $,`#?~~i
1Y'k:xi C>c Lei
tt } t1.1~~}~
~ i:i{}. tti7a i
3'. t)itr3tYia
Itttx[ yE~."8-3,0 $ :'~:>.ft?t)~630 *i'r}+,'c ; S8G'i-IiE}{t $It},y6t?.t}65
AtZo ctei t~rogeama 2009-201!) - Resamea de tas metes det Ptah de Accicin
L" ~i [
Ina-ctnentar Ia dispr..}niHiiidad de HOME. Fonda `t~umelo de nuevas viviendxs dr
~ ,.
}' 41%H.A.. } [t ~I~
Fneremen[ar vi~iendas prapias 4umera de c6entes a,csorados
iubeencion pare 100
mcxiiante asesoria de vieienda comprirrcta una case
fncrementar viiiendas propias
mcdiantr Ix cansiruceion y-?u , tumcra de mlevas t iviendas de
1It7M1 ~
finenciaci6n pxra tanstruccidn de propierarios producidas
~,'~ ,
Cncrementar las opottunidaies Para
adquirir dtviendas ecancimicas Nuroero de civiendas con au}da
proporcionando apuda et} to I-3011.8:;
financiera Para adquiririas 7i
'oncetvar la caiidad de Ias ,
, lubveno~~o
civiendas de prapict211os mediantc"
ac.Iimatacidn tie emeruencia. principn( del HUD, Numea do civiendas propias yue
reduccitin en pintura exterior y del Subvenelon de newsi tan reparaaiones
aelimatacion de Ia
petigro del plump
('unset'cal Ia catidad do Ias ivumero de ~ iv iendas propias yue
Ht)ME. E ando
} is icndas ue prupietscwv me<Iiante i ett,in ru.ibieodo reparacioncs Cti3
.. _; ~.~e621$I.LD[~ft
I'revenoion tle la p@rdida del
I ti:ctuar pa~os de asi4tcncia pare \umero do hocares con Y)! I'SIIJt1.
['+a~ar cl atc[u Jcr a Ias pcrsonxs con Hf)PW~,. yue recrben ay"u~ia Para p~u:ar el ~
~, 40
titantent*r e. increment }r Ias u;unas A~inncty de camas mantenidas en los
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1'in;v}eiat pt^ lu mends un i Numero de hu~,ares` goe,e 0eneficia~}
ISroeran}a dircek} de p~~ct enci?n de E`iCi. C'DBG ~ do k/s scn Seias dirc~:tos pie 40
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I'roporcinnar yen icios 5uhsidindos
do gur,~x3eriu Sara darter a less V`umern de nrnos de familial de ',
padres la oparafnidasi de recibir
CIJBG in~rzso> hajo~ a modcradx~s que 6(~
edacacidn. cspacitacio;i taboret. rc+:ibicnm servicios subsidiaries de
acreieius cfe eolcrcacimz F empleo euardcria
spies. -, . ~ ~
Cansulte el d<?cumento adjunto F pare ver tan descripciones de la iista de proyectos del Plan ConsoEidado 2005-
Como se resume en (os informer de evaluation y desempeno det Flan Anual (:'ansolidada {C,1PER~ pare el ana
anterior, Ca Ciudad de Fort 1~'Qrth ha utiliaado con exit« less fondas de la subvencibn federal Como sigue:
• apoyo a una amplia gema de agencies sin fines de tutro pare brindartes scrvicios sociales a mites de
jbvenes, ninon y' antianos de bajos ingresos, asi Como a residentes sin hogar;
• efechao 4fl7 reparacioncs anuales a viviendas do personas de bajos recursos {cn general por medio de
programas de emergencies, aelimatacion y reparacioncs domcsticas rnenores~;
~ ayudo a que fib hogares al a~io lograran eI suer~o amtricano de ser prapietarios de una cases siendo la
rnayoria de (os Itogares de familial de minorias;
promociono mejoras dirigidas a los barrios mediante et Frog ama de Bloqucs ?4lodclo a aqucllos barrios
con grupos ciudadanos activos que tonciben sus propios programas pare ocuparsc de less prioridades
rdentifitadas por Ion ciudadanos;
dirigio un alto porcentaje de sus recursos pare viviendas a Ian poblaciones beneficiadas de minorias
desfavorecidas (I5°% blancos, <.~%'o hispanc>s. 60°,fo afro-americanos).
• apalaneci programas de eonstrutcion de viviendas ecanbmicas y de revitalization de ba~7-ios Para alentar
]a maxima inversion no federal mediante el Programa7.onal dt Fotenciaei6n de Barrios, el Frogrtnna de
Crediu? Fiscal pare Viviendas de Personas de Bajos Ingresos. Fannie V1ae y la parfe firrtntiada lacalmente
del Fonda Fiduciario Para la Vivienda.
_---- --- -- REClUESTS 2449-2414
! Funds Awarded ands aquested
PUBLIC SERVICES 2048-2449 2008-28t8 COC 2-25A9 I
:513 Pro<uikions, Inc.. "°xpi2am{p the Artist in h-0e" SO $60 v^JO
}A& Chrlstlarr leaming Cantar __
StoG 51x Cmmmnntri Go Ca4Ker _
50 $50;p0p 524.OOp`
Churrhkaer{o Far
~ r. 58:d+ers Yaufhlterxtefir ~. m $43_x003--~ea0-p£N} -.. F.r1-4,,58E1
7uoh t,orrmuni2 0 --
A- --
r' Afler-sctxxtl Pnogram
~~ $0 $50,OOC i
iBcys & Girs CLibs of Greater Fort W`o2h Es'rallas yta,4GG 512.560 $14.404
Ttre Bmtarftv Cemealerr
109. O7 nal EdtiSi Snrdic/Oavetot~enent S ace $t} $25,009_
Breakthrough Fort'NCrth Country Day Schcoi
Breakthroc nFOrt'Nnrth - }- $p 354A00
~~~ !
Cathaitc Chartt;ts CY.ocese of Fort 1`dorth Flara4x:ial 5tabiNtY _ ! Sp _ $27,31
Cenikar Foundat+on Substance Abusa Svcsi Homeless ~
$42.Op0 $21,000
Child ^are AsSOriatas Child tare
--- __
y117.46G ~
~ -~ $117,400
Cu's Studio s;fi PeVOrtnlnp Rrts _.~ partca Stutlio
_ _
_- $t 8888 $95-000 $10.$86
Clayton Yes -GreenbrierPre-Sci{ool A?8.000 $24.006 $18,000
Ctyxymn Yes! -Srtxroi A e G9td Cara $54,Opp $5n,90u $64,000
Ceak Childmn's Heai#h Care Sysem ~, Save a gmile $21,&70 $50,ODD 521,$70
Cultural Cerrar of the Americas 'GEO?Adutt iiterac -InS anish $?8,0':7 $45990 $18,Q70
Day Resourca Canter far the Han+eioss .Coorurelln Serotces 50 $50.",09 S50,OOOj
Easter Seals cf North Texas __ Nome of Vour Own 50r $42.953
EFW Moniassori SCh001 Ine MOrnessod Ch7Id Care 50- 550900 $20,400
Fort Worth NOUSing AutfwdtY Amaka ChOtl Cat CerQar __ 527,9 548.350 527,000
Girls U4c. of Tarrant Ceurdy Gitl Power ___ $0- 531,590 $12,600
Help Is On The Vday, tw. Financial Literac $0 S;A.ppp
Humandas CDC Pro ect Home Save $0 $50,OOp
Imaglnadon CeiebreHon Fnrt Ydnrfh CCC ARTS. Ce e0rate Ch inren's Geativlty ~p $50,000
krtematlOr4al hdeltl Ethnic Charnt{er efi
Commerce Business Develo meat & ueB Frainx{ Pooram
_._ E___.."2_ p $50.000
Jh1AC YOUth CanteroFTarrasrt Cauntq
,7ry1AC Sala Haven
525,000 $60.000 _
The Ladder Alliance __ Ernn_O~erd Trainiru7 $0 $-04559
-_.__ $20,000
Latin Arts Assac. dkur Artes Gc is Resa ANer Schanz D ama Pro3rarrm $0 S5G 000 $20,000
I Meals on rVhaeis, Inc. of Lar*ant C any ! 4ome Dehuered trA¢~ai5 $93.646
$33 o9H 533
,rypenlal Heap Ass4xiafi0 of arra n COU ti Lora Turin Care Ombudsman Program #
$?=,7501 -
Saa.aps $15,750]
i&Aernaf Health ASSOdatlet of arrant ~-ourrty _
~ Merrtai Heath AdvoePte 522275 $38.408 522.275
tJOdhside rrde Crumh AyUrxy, Ire. I Gocd 4MOrks 6ienas Oh.-4s $21.092; ---$+8,4x3 S21.fl92
Parents and t,hiidrGn Toye2t`6r, [nc. SKIP FSuppci2 nq Kids wAiu:a~ceraied Parents} b0) __
( 5? 8,000
IReca~aerr Rasaurae Caursil _ ~Stbstaiu:S P,buse Services ~
_ $0 $A^i't5
e Sah'nhur ++rmV __ __ ~ T R R. T. $p $a0 000 $20_004
aouth aide Vert Fss>c;aticn__ h N '.Y __ ~
$x9!_0 SS r00 --- ~ i
SeniorGr e Serrces C inn SSriOr Ce ter .._
$ sFi 3 avu9--_- ^~
- _ _ _
5 nrcr Citrzcn5urv aes - `,tnd Hrl 5t ninr~ rnfer _
-o 'gyp s+a'h.0 $18000
73en sr Cat ze i Our i fi _ l -
u be Slorr Sen gr nantur I a 1 2! $it3 ~,p0 _
t< O U N.D Nr Rr as or Pass 9e vu rtI Dave: ~..'erd r 56~ eF<pOp _
{i an.Ama f ocN ° rn4 -
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Est3r?tx os3 Tnf. t4 Pv€23tc Sera ss F'urans
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to Be Avaaiatio% ~
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$990 (?{3{~!
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CL78G~ NCSUSING PRGGRAMS ~. . ~ _........_
REACH Ro~atr~ Een[~sfc§t lPr-ter Ramp _ $ SC_0 _ $3F 000 -- ~ --- ~5 ,
TnnRy Hab tot fia~ Nurna+ ty 4ftortlabie Hanaerwnarsinp 50 $5G'700
(F J;HU sux R Econn¢vr Cev~eic+Grnent ~Reh3kllGgns+n.+..t on :vtanaq moo- { Prcq,7 Dsllvorp _ £9&a ~ ai y93 23fi ~~3t~~'3fj
CFt Moc si &E nc,+~D :o ent Housmc 5e :cas3tnt +manon aro 0eii4ttry gNYi.35t7 n b $3p $521,16$
C,fr lYlH6 s`n hECOn:}-1C Czveia„±ne+d +Emargenc} ome Rzpair _
$275000 1 - ~+OOAt)0 $450,0001
_._ _ ~ apment C nvtawrz Brusn +p incl. P~a9ram 7z7ivery,
C. NIHa~n48 FC~mtmir Devol,_, _ LL ___
S+2tl 23i
__ $?16,657
__,_,.__...... _ __ __~
CFW/Haus:._ SE:^onsanlc Daveleparo+rt S,ouw~rrus; Furvi HOnloowner Refutb LOans
S55Q,€+OP i
! _
$2,877,832 _._..~y
Ne4ghhorhood Ptapground. Ccc Sessions
! -- ~ --
:Patks 8 Cam'" ComrcunitV r'ei ter
- ¢p $75t7,CCC X150,000
( T ar~-_ted Inf tv[^wt:ere lMOUaI Blocks (incl.
? ~ --'~
CFVJ m'ous(. SEG4YIDrnHDOVl3le moot
F___ Pm .Gefve + $500,000 5855.320 $450,000
ParksR Crmt}e~~Servi:xS^ RrHParrel lnsialta4oa.It CommunlF Carders 50 5275,ti0tl
-Parks& emC muni*. Services Ccmmunit Cente!'Secuet im ruvements S0 5rt0000 $100.000
~ _
$600,000 $1,520,329 $700,400:
CFN'lNOrsln dEat}nornie 6eveiG4ment i
Gvrvbra3 Administratiar
$9.175,106 _
City DepartmaMS: Finance, intema(A+xlit, , i _
Plannt+xg $ 0eveiopmettC, Community i
RmisFOns .^,ent_rza C,ItyiFair Hna~slnq Gri+erei AAm(nistrn5on 52C?9,50i $2t?.955 $212,955
ADMINISTRATION $1,389,654 $1,388,061 $1,353,061
CF'NtHOOS7r,a&Econom7c Cevelo ment
fte a meat of Saet7on tO8 i_aac UeCt Serylce
_$?GtA53 _
DEVELOPMENT $791,053 $791,053
Estimated Entitlement GFant __ $6,600,000!
Estimated Program Income $'(7Q,QQQ
j Estimated_T_otal CDBG To Be Available) _ _ _
$6 774 Od0
Amount Available for General Administration (20%I ~ $1,354,444
_ _ _
~______ _
~ 1
E7rke &('mnnxnt~Senr ces Emr~e.my 5hetter GranN3Hi P -_ _ -~~.~. ~i nf7 $15000 $50[7 C70
Fme, envy $t+e ter (y '[t;5ta4re Abusz ~ i
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A ;o~ Plan B.rdget 2999 2010 Cc,w rpaYn errGS uP a $~~,£irFJ fu l z v?tad
HomehuYer ACS Stance Pm ram Buyers ~ $ 78263 $r7742b; 7 $8_74,263
f~9mebuYer Ass+sG.nce PCU~sA3C?I) __ Ar7e "san `Jrgar Dmvn P2ym~rc Ass Ctasn _
heigFtashced Targeted Afforaabie NuuCing ( ___ $2 731-
...-. $26,131
' _$2x,737
Mudei Blark.Pm~m _ Pm nc{s ~ __
l 1o- Hu
r ^i
U _... `$~BUt}ppp'
-~ 5600 {k7a
(-~- 3,540,L1QQ~
- 1
Huusfng Trust FUrxi g
Rsnab L02t`v ~ $6:?6.9b7~ 5696-9f~7 5898,907
-Qperatsona4 Costs for CHGG Non-Prnfit ~ '
CHQOO erd•,( Funds Co-mloGers ~ F109.G00 StOG.OQG 3144,60
d;E)A§B~tsrn AtlrnerY~eaiiae Gfda{ Acr~m}r8si2#hJrt GE>6i6 $PN3.389 5°83-3239 523fl;46
5UBT4TAl HOA4E $2,924,fi34 $2,924,634 $2,924,534
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
COUNCIL. ACTtt7N; Approved an 41712009 -Ord. Mo. 18541-04-2009
DATE: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 REFERENCE NO.: G-16513
Approve the 2009-2010 Action Pian far Use of Federal Grant Funds from the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development under the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investments
Partnerships Grant, American Dream Down Payment Initiative, Emergency Shelter Grant, Housing
Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Programs and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Conduct a public hearing to allow citizen input and consideration of the City's 2009-2010 Action Plan for
use of federal grant funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development under
the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investments Partnerships Grant, Emergency Shelter
Grant, American Dream Down Payment Initiative and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
2. Approve the City's 2009-2010 Action Plan for submission to the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development, including allocations ofabove-listed grant funds to particular programs and
activities in accordance with the attached listing;
3. Authorize the use of 5170,000.00 in estimated program income from Community Development Block
Grant funds;
4. Authorize the use of 5100,000.00 in estimated program income from HOME Investments Partnerships
Grant funds;
5. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriation to the
Grants Fund in fhe total amount of 510,960;965.00 06,614,078.00 in Community Development Block
Grant funds, 5170,000.00 in Community Development Black Grant program income, 52,894,893.00 in
HOMF Invest=vents Partnersh€ps Grant fu€rds. $100;000.!J0 in H0~1E investments Pattr?erships Grant
~rs..nf?71C"'." w~w3, 9~i.tfit'.J ':n Amer~flart Drea??`t DL,"4'Vr~ Pay?T?`c=r?€ Sr'>tt,.#?L'°E; fun s; ,C`; *3 5,25~i.f7fl r`: ER?:-'.~erClen{"5'
i5heiter bra r?t flin#~r~ and 5?~'C73,t~r,~rt. vti ', C? Huuslr:g rJtapnr'tu€Slrie"s faJr Persflris 'v'"~~til AIDS rr.nds?. aIi 5€JbiPCf tG
refleipt flf these grants; acrd °
6. Apply indirect cast rates as applic;abie. for the Grants Fund, in accordance ^vvith the City`s Administrative
.I"€C~ 1..~Es°.'y .,.".Gt?aP"f E }ci:"4 ''S. w'4 z: ..x; r..x>a t ~ ..:w"es::?3" P4<.)t..l`+~°.° t u,Ed t...x rr:53i ..~i .:iwa?:'?wiC1~3."~tK',"3°?t .x.. i. J!t E£:"°'a ,~d5€~
Lc~prr:aanc: 1?AC:'I1C7~PLNtiglfl Page 1 «f'4
proposed expenditures from the above listed grant funding sources for the program year beginning June
1, 2009, and ending May 31, 2010. The purpose of these funds is to primarily benefit low and moderate
income residents throughout the Gity, with Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG} and Housing Opportunities far
Persons with AIDS (HC}PWA} grant funds primarily benefiting homeless persons and parsons with
HIVIAIDs respectively. The City's Action Plan must be submitted to the United States Department of
Housing and Urban flevetopment (HtJU} by April 15, 2009.
This public hearing before Council on the Gity's Action Pian will be the first public hearing for the HUD-
required citizen participation process. A summary analysis of the funding recommendations of the
Gommunity Development Gouncil (GDC} is provided below and a spreadsheet of all specific funding
recommendations is attached.
Foe 2009-2010, $6,784,078.00 in Community Development Black Grant (CDBG) funds {including
$170,000.00 in program income) is recommended to be allocated as follows:
Puhlic Services
This item includes child care, youth and senior services and other social services to low income disabled
and disadvantaged populations.
Housing Programs and Services
This item includes emergency repair, Gowtown Brush-up, $550,000.00 for the Housing Trust Fund,
$50,000.00 to construct ramps for senior andlor disabled individuals and related project delivery costs for
these programs.
Community Facilities and Infrastructure
This item includes funding for a neighborhood playground, infrastructure in eligible areas and community
center security improvements.
CDBG Economic Development
This item includes Section 108 loan repayment.
CDBG General Administration
This item includes costs for administering the grant, including allocations far Financial Management
Services, Internal Audit, Planning and Development and funding far a Fair Hausing Coordinator in
Community Relations.
For 2009-2010, the .$2,920,630.00 in HOME Investments Partnerships Grant (HOME}lAmerican
Dream Dawn Payment Initiative (ADDt} funds is recommended to be allocated as faltows:
Homebuyer Assistance Program
This i`em inciuttes the $25;7v~7.t?0 in ADDi fu~r~;s fc~~r dur~c C;ayrner=t assistance for e~tg<bie hamebuyers.
Community Development Housing Development Organizations (CHDO)
This item includes the HUD-required 15 percent of HC)~tE allocatia=, for nas~-profit affardabEe housing
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Targeted Infill
This item includes funding far targeted neighborhood affordable hauling projects.
Housing Trust Fund
This item includes funding for yet-to-be determined projects which may include housing rehabilitation,
single-family infill housing in targeted development areas and permanent supportive housing.
HOME General Administration
This item includes costs for administering the grant. (A portion of the HOME program administrative costs
are also included in the CDBG housing project delivery costs above}
For 2008-2010, the $863,004.00 in HOPWA grant funds is recommended to be allocated as follows:
Nan-profit Service Providers.
For 2009-2010, the $293,257.00 in ESG grant funds is recommended to be allocated as follows:
Nonprofit Service Providers.
The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations,
adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance and receipt of grant funds, funds will be available in the
current operating budget as appropriated, of the Grants Fund.
TO FundtAccounUCenters
GR76. ..451727 005206352XXX $25,737,OQ
GR76 SXXXXX XXX2Q6352XXX 525.737.C1b
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GR76 _51727 C1052t76354XX $3~3,Q00,00
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FROM_ Fu ndlAccounttCenters
[.ot;namv: 1'r1t" T1C7'~'Y[~ ~t191 t7 €':igc 3 of 4
GR76. 451727 005206351XXX $2,894,893.{Jd
GR76 5XXXXX XXX246351XXX $2,894,893.40
GR76. 451727 005206350XXX $6,614,078.40
GF?76 5XXXXX XXX206360XXX $6,614,07$.44
Submitted for City Manager's Office by; Thomas Higgins {6144}
Originating Department Head; Jay Chapa {8192}
Additional Information Contact: Charlie Price {1381}
_ _ __
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