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Contract 42109-FP1
CITY SECRETARY FORTWORTH -CONTRACT N0. & _M!- AVIATION DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Regarding Contracts#43563,43185,43088,43535,42897,42233,42944,42967,44781, 45512, 43516,43542,42109,43415,35219,43538,42624,43303,43452,44057,43272,42905,43275, 46339 for utility relocations for the Alliance Runway Extension Project at Alliance Airport as requested by the Aviation Department as approved by City Council through various M&Cs. The Department of Aviation has accepted these projects as complete. Original Contract Amount Charged to 3-48- $9,206,509.85 0296-40-2009 Amount of Refunds: -$1,777,369.68 Revised Amount: $7,429,140.17 Total Cost Work Completed in Grant 40 $7,429,140.17 Less Deductions: Liquidated Damages 0 Days @$210.00/Day Pavement Deficiencies $0.00 Total Deduction Amount: $0.00 Total Cost Work Completed $7,429,140.17 Less Previous Payments $7,429,140.17 Final Payment Due $0.00 Recomme ded for Acceptance Date anon Department Director Date 7 ' I`k ssistanf ity Manager Date y �pFF�P�(P� «s�� OFFICIAL RECORD f�; i FAA Agreement M 3-48-0296-40-2009 Grant Name: 2009 Alliance Runway Extension(Discretionary) COSERV Electric GR74 539120 055218339700 CS 43563(M&C Not Required) PO-12-00073684 _ - 6004181 9/12/2012 $ 25,162.76 TotalacpBndltures :': � _- a. u. r - Total Remaining $ - Cowtown Pipeline Partners,L.P. GR14-539120-055218339700 $ 916,300.00 CS 43185 C-25585 PO-13-00075433 2/4/2013 $ 916,300.00 Totat Facpenditurss;: r n Expe�lslitures .< %16,800.00 Total Remaining $ - Cowtown Pipeline Partners,L.P. GR14-539120-055218339700 $ 228,100.00 CS 43088 C-25423 PO-13-00076778 43088-040513 4/10/2013 $ 228,100.00 Total ggt Sure. Totafl�ema�ning - Devon Energy GR14 539120 055218339700 ; 1,932,559.00 CS 43535 C-25412 PO-13-00075135 C-25969 Advance Payment 1/16/2013 $ 1,932,559.00 Contract Refund 11/20/2014 $ (1,324,429.40) TofaC.Expend ,, Total Remaining Southwestern Gas Pipeline GR14 539120 055218339700 $ 1,729,315.00 CS 43535 C-25412 PO-13-00074793 C-25969 SWG 43535-12102012 12/17/2012 $ 1,729,315.00 Refund $ (450,000.87) Total . Eicpendr4itres t Total Remaining Southwestem Bell d/b/a AT&T Texas CS 42897 $ 51,010.03 CO-1 $ 21,500.37 CO-2 $ 8,932.37 Total Contract $ 81,442.77 Paid from FAA#33 $ (51,010.03) Paid from FAA#40 $ 30,432.74 1922T11 2/27/2012 $ 21,500.37 42897-CO2-13 12/4/2013 $ 8,932.37 TotaLExReedituies: {x Total Remaining $ - Tri-County Electric Cooperative GR14-539120-055218339700 $ 78,627.67 CS 42233 C-25099 PO-12-00071047 920389 8/5/2013 $ 78,627.67 Jot4l.Expanditures. `PO 12-0QQ71047--'. Total Remaining $ Southwestern Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Texas CS 42944 C-25323 218187 PO-12-00071006 $ 100.040.84 CS42944-COl Not Required 218187 PO-12-00072823 $ 5,589.22 CS42944-CO2 218339 PO-12-00073672 $ 16,044.70 1 of 4 CS42944-CO3 218339 PO-13-00074118 $ 33,479.30 $ 155,154.06 Paid from FAA#33 $ (105,630.06) Paid from FAA#40 $ 49,524.00 1865T11amd1 $ 33,478.30 CS42944-CO2 $ 16,044.70 Tnta4 ,pendittunis - $ A%al.00 Total Remaining McLeodUSA DIWA Paetec CSC-42967 $ 118,157.62 PO-12-00073620 Paid from FAA#33 $ (110,521.61) Paid from FAA#40 $ 7,636.01 R0512065** 5/25/2012 $ 7,636.01 #QtaF EXpqoakMPE »3 1 7r6YBW-1 Total Remaining $ - Millennium Telecom GR14 539120 055218339700 $ 25,000.00 CS 44781 PO-12-00072956 Relo-091813 9/18/2013 $ 25,000.00 Total,EXpoodituras $ 25,000.00-- Total Remaining $ Southwestern Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Texas $65,350.31 GR14-539120-055218339700 PO-14-00082905 ATT2014-01 4/28/2014 $ 65,350.31 CSC-45512 Refund 660 14U-6515 311 1/7/2015 $ (2,939.41) C-26711 #To 4,#penditires. , a r' $ 42,410.90,,; Total Remaining Verizon GR14 539120 055218339700 $ 84,575.18 CS 43516 C-25699 PO-12-00073802 TX8MP1AC0713 7/13/2013 $ 31,172.10 Total Remaining Verizon Southwest GR14-539120-055218339700 $ 119,218.60 CS 42109 C-24998 PO-11-00067536 TX8XP10AB0812 8/28/2012 $ 65,420.07 totalxpen t ures- 05,42U.07- Total Rerttaining Millennium Telecom GR14 539120 055218339700 $ 201,885.70 Not equire 01 (;-L5/UU (PO-14-00082287) 2of4 PO-14-00081053 A13-020 12/12/2013 $ 201,895.70 A14-006 2/12/2014 $ 6,000.00 Total Expppidthos, 207,895.70 Total Remaining $ Sunoco Pipeline L.P. GR14-539120-055218339700 CS 35219 C-26742 CHANGE ORDER# 4/1/2014 $ 42,283.72 C-21922 PO-14-00083101 B683702M1 (FINAL) 1/3/2014 $ 42,283.72 TotaC jchendituies z` _ 'S 42,283.72, Total Remaining $ - Sunoco Pipeline L.P. GR14-539120-055218339700 CS 43538 C-25412 $ 501,100.00 PO-12-00073801 C-25953 C01 9/17/2012 $ 572,020.00 $ 1,073,120.00 B683702A1 (FINAL) 1/24/2014 $ 998,223.78 TgtExp@Etdituces A:7.: ;~ =:S s 998,223J8 Total Remaining ATMOS Energy $ 158,122.02 CSC#43303 PO-12-00072677 Paid from 218187 $ (135,505.90) C-25633 Paid from 218339 $ 22,616.12 C-26548 PO-14-00081990 C01 -1111212013 $ 56,590.02 GR14-539120-055218339700 Paid from FAA#40 $ 79,206.14 Invoice# Invoice Date Invoice Amount 2012-001 7/5/2012 $ 22,616.12 175777(FINAL) 6/13/2013 $ 56,590.02 -( pendltures Expenditures E.. 7%206.14. Total Remaining Oncor Electric $ 153 560.00 CS-43452 C01-7128114 $ 27,697.20 C-25765 $ 181,257.20 PO-12-00073571 Invoice# Invoice Date Invoice Amount GR14-539120-055218339700 ESDO100230 ESD0111685 t$/1/'LU14 $ 2/,tiy/.2U res k Total Remaining NuStar Utility Relocation $ 704,352.40 CS 44057 C-25471 44057-COl $ 124,598.08 GR14-539120-055218339700 $ 828,950.48 PO-13-00076677 CS44057-042013 4/17/2013 $ 200,000.00 Partial CA-2014006(FINAL) 10/23/2014 $ 456,027.12 Total Remaining Bamett Gathering(XTO) $ 40,000.00 CS 42905 No MBC Req 3of4 PO-15-00085887(11/25/14) PQ- 12 00074792 GR14-539120-055218339700 2014.011.001 11/19/2014 $ 23,159.39 �Totl to nai_r114 r.: .� ���. �� � '�`S "� ,Re"��"`)!?�'g �°�' "� �' `�y �'�• Enbridge Utility Relocation $ 346,376.00 CS 43275 C-25470 PO-13-00074311 M&C NIA PO-13-00074311 C01-4/29114 $ 33,628.83 GR14-539120-055218339700 PO-14-00083092 CO2-6/20/14 $ 6,680.55 $ 386,685.38 2238755 7/31/2012 $ 173,188.00 2242253 5/13/2013 $ 198,850.40 10323 1/17/2014 $ 7,966.43 Total Remaining Qwest Communication(CenturyLlnk) CS 43542 C-25511 $ 1,274,844.51 pa 42 00073009 C-25954 C01-1/15113 $ 159,069.00 PO-i5-00086946(2121/15) C-26743 CO2-4122/14 $ 241,903.38 Contract to Data $ 1,675,816.89 GR14-539120-055218339700 A241288 11/261201? $ 318,711.13 A268655 7/17/2013 $ 12,131.66 A278362 10/28/2013 $ 212,147.36 A284687 3/7/2014 $ 35,428.50 A291573 4/17/2014 $ 122,886.63 A293874 5/13/2014 $ 334,983.19 A297238 6/23/2014 $ 73,941.66 A312162 12/2/2014 $ 195,405.89 A323577 4/27/2015 $ 5,547.00 A351550- 3/14/2016 $ 126,001.69 Tso !LE?�' d� s � .w�k EXuendltU�es Psm19�3.�' 6`4 A Total Remaining Southwestem Bell d/b/a AT&T Texas $ 24,346.60 CSC-46339 No M&C Req PO-15-00086503(1/21/15) 1/26/2015 1283T14 $ 24,346.60 GR14-539120-055218339700 fotal'Ez endit�ies w nE;? �¢¢,°? Ex ericltii�_es miff kT ragii TOTAL EXPENDITURES Total $ 7,429,140.17 4of4