HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2135A Resolution ~ / ~ AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A NOTICE OF RESTRICTION COVERING APPROXIMATELY 100 ACRES OF LAND NEAR D-FW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DESIGNATING SAID LAND AS WETLANDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH U S ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEER REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, construction of the new Runway 16_/34 East at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport has caused displacement of certain existing wetlands located within the construction area; and WHEREAS, the U S Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) requires that new wetlands be designated to compensate for the loss of the existing wetlands {Wetlands Mitigation); and WHEREAS, the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Board, at its meeting on December 7, 1995, adopted a resolution authorizing the Executive Director to request that the Cities of Dallas and Fart Worth execute and file a Notice of Restriction on the newly designated wetland area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS SECTION 1 That the City Manager is authorized to execute a Notice of Restriction after approval as to form by the City Attorney, for the land described in Exhibits A and B , attached hereto and made a part hereof, to provide for Wetlands Mitigation in accordance with USAGE requirements at the request of the Executive Director of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Board SECTION 2 That the City Manager is authorized to file for record the Notice of Restriction far Wetlands Mitigation SECTION 3 That the City is authorized to make any necessary minor corrections to the legal descriptions of the land .prior to execution of the Notice of Restrictions by the City Manager SECTION 4 That this resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and the adoption of a similar resolution by the Dallas City Council ADOPTED this ~~ day of City Secretary APPROVED 199f3~ APP D A5 TO ORM AND L ALIT Assistant C'ty Attorney Date ~ ~ ~~2t~ ~ CITY OF FORT WORTH F~o~'!--'!' DEC-28-95 THU 12 13 DFW MITIGATION FAX NO. 2145740801 P 05 LEGAi, EPESCftIYtT®~I • WETLANDS IUIITIGATTON BEING a tract of land in the S Thompson Survey Abstract No 1733 and ~~ Wm. Winn Survey Abstract No i 6b I Tarrant County Texas and wing more particuiazly described as follows. CO1vtNiENCIlvG at I7alias-Fort ~Yorth Internailona! Airport monument GPr2; hav~no D~V Surface 8$ coordinates of North i fl32,945 530 and East 416,4(}4.853, sad potat v a aiutrunum cap in a access cover set in concrete iocated an the State Hwy ill to Intcrss3te b35 East entrance ramp located apprvximaaeiy 73 feet southwest of the southwest bridPe corner THENCE North 1579.37 feet and East 1595 15 feet to the PCIIrdT OF EEGLti'_~'LtG• THENCE East, 350.00 feet to a point far corner THENCE South l l degrees 26 irunutcs 58 secoa~ds East, 4Q3.Q2 feet to a point fa comer- THENCE South 48 degrees 31 minutes Sb second East, 573.85 feet to a point fos corner~ THENCE South 9 degrees 1 l nvnutcs 20 seconds East, 688 84 feet to a point for corner THENCE South 78 degrees 46 minutes 55 seconds West, 559 64 feet to a paint for corner • THENCE North 49 degrees 29 minutes DS seconds West, 440.0(} feet to a poems fer corner~ THENCE North 55 degrees 55 tnintates 22 s~onds West, 410.49 feet to a post for corr~r• THENCE South 52 degrees 25 minutes 53 seconds Nest, 82.Ui feet to a paint for cortex THENCE North 47 degrees 43 rnmutes 35 seconds West, 222.99 feet to a poag far comer THENCE North $ degrees 52 aaunutes 50 seconds East, 323.88 feet tv a point for eorner- THENCE North 38 degrees 58 minutes 42 seconds East, 842.57 feet to ~e POINT OF BEGINNING AND CON1'Af1VING 1,5I2,40Z square feet or 34.520 acres of land, none ar less $aszs of bearang for class d~escsipcion as ttie D~V Surface 88 coardmate system cstablaslned for DaI1aslFort WoRh International Airport. ~Il~t~e4 DEC-28-95 THU 12 13 DFW MITIGATION FAX N0, 2145790801 P 06 LEGAL ~3ESCR~TfAN ~t~sTLAI°tD IvHTiGAYYGN t,UCAL pitA~IAGE HEING a tt~t of ittad se ahe S. 'Il~oeetpson Surrey Absnact Na. 1?33 Dallas and Tarmac Cauncies, Taxes snd eye wm. WinA Survery Abseraec No. Ib61 1'~t Caaa6y Texas ~ being more garticakrlY deed as foitoars: C4MMFNCING u Daflu-Fc~c W~cth Inu~tiogal ~lirpoet sazoas~sat GPS~2d bating ®F~i' S~rfsce 88 caordiaeues of ~toeth 3 ,032,943 530 arud Fast 416.404 833 s~ paint is a alutair~ucn tag is a nonce cover see lac c~aacrCte PoCared oa the Stagy Nary i21 to Iaae~rmts 635 gnat e r:~ap io~aced fly 73 feat soathwe:st of tttc satach~rpi bridge Cortur' TIfENC£ North 3374 37 ~t and Fast 3815 15 fat to else PC>INT OF BEGINNING fcocu sad point of bsginnm8 a lr2-ins iron rod boars North 23 36 mites z3 ~rarsls Faaa a distance of S6 OZ fat; THf3+1CE South. STS 00 fees ~ s Pow for car~s• 71~€FNCE West, 330.00 feet 6o a point for Cotner' 'I"I3F1'iCE South 24 dog i7 mimites 24 sex~ads VVsst, 211.90 fat ~o a poina far corn~cr THENCE Seth b degrees 31 11 setcot3ds last. i05G.83 feat so a point for cocoar: TI~1CE Souuh dQ 21 taiantes 5Z sflW~ DJe~t, 252.49 fast co a poszrt fat coc~oes; T~Igi+ICE Nest. b30 ti0 ~ ~ s paint for corner; 'I'HgNCE Nom 62 degrees 29 mianrces 17 seaonat west, 541.20 feet ao a poi far corner: SCE North ~ 29 minutes OS aecveds aVe~, 723 46 fee m s point for aocnet• TI~iCE Torch SS dt-~es SS mutes 22 sew Wept, 414.49 fete m a poiffi for cormr- TI~[C£ mush S2 degrers 25 mimttes S3 Seconds West, 82.91 fesx m a poiua for ca~c` T1~tCE North 4? 43 33 seconds West,, 222.99 fce;t ~o a pow for coatxer; TfiE3+iCE North 8 SZ miauus SO secoaeds ~ 323 88 feat to a poias~ for exrmr- Tlil~MCE I+forth S9 d 4f1 IU saco~s ~. 115:52 fist m : pczune for c~orne!r• 'I'I1~1Cg gear. 380.00 fes~c ~, A pmt fa e:arnes; 'SCE Nsmlt 34 dsgteea 17 22 seconds wept. 284.25 feet too a point for '1~IgIdC~ j+1~ 3S d.S ffiirazeec ld s~.ands Eau, 308.06 feet oa a poim for corsecr• TII~NCE kit, 164.1)0 feaee eo : pomc for e~rper• THENCg Nortt- 62 degse~ ~ mimes 17 seeands ~. 2?0.6E1 fns vo s poiffi for corner; TIiENCE East, i7?CD 00 feet aD iht Fe?INY OF E~E~(sINNING AND COKTAINIl~iE"i 3 184,800 sq~iae fee=t or 85.$x8 aC~ ~ 1~, none or kss 13as~ of fcs ~ as ebe Dpw E8 - sy es3ablisP~ed for Datias-goR VYorC9 ~ Aupott ~~~~ • JAN-23-96 TUE 10 13 DFW MITIGATION `FAX N0. 2145740801 P 02 W u ~n Puri i lu L14~f4tfUb`~ JAN 23 96 9 49 Nrt Q01 P Q1 ®1~LY.~1S F'®~~' ~'Vt)R~i II~1"~'ERNA'i'IONA~. Ai~OR'3' ~~AIRA og>F~~Y~~ ~~ ~ca~t~~na>t~~~~,~rra®rr DaOr: Snbja~ FcaoMation of 'fidot~a of R~tPiction" on the D>; W Rcrolnt;on Nn.. 18-07-95 1~$sp4M Wctlends for the LJ.S. Arsvey Corps of Eng~nats 95-IZ-4QS Recnnaeneatied Act;oa: 'that the I;XGCUtive 0iredo: be authorized to rc~aest that rho Cider of Dtel;ae astd Font Worth exe+cuta Rnd ttlt in the County Dccd Rxords, a "IJotiee of Rcatriction" for the U.S. Army Corps of t3ngineers, ova and across a tract of Airport property D~crfption: A notice to be felrx! ifl the County vied Raords to naify any future purchaser or user and/or tale company that the pmFea'tY is a dedicated wetland. - Jartiticaliomm: The U.S. Array Corps of Etagitaeers t+equired tho Bomrd to enlarge the wMlanda at 1H h35 and Bcdte( Rosd to compensate for the 3os$ of wt;t;ands caused by the ltanway 16134E project. Addttloa>al Iafbrmadoaa: 'I'bis iiasitUtatctlt Witt ssrvc ss notice tQ all parries that prior authori~tis:ra by the Dcpartmteast of the Army must lje ~cutr~d before the property naay be converted to away use ottaer theta wetlyads. M/'WBE Iafearonetfon: N/A Se6odnlclY'erm: 'd'lai3 notice will ran with tlae Iaaopetty Fording Soorco(s~0(,crstiag aaod 1-xa;aEeaaaa~ iattp~~e N!A Coaaaaaalttee: Caatrnct No(a},: Aetloa Amaaant: p;~,.~..~~.~at~ N/A Pnrcbaae Vrder Na(r}.: Revhed Aeo~ooat: Far 3ut~asreatrt}ott cvntarct: Ag>teatt xo(r}.: R. Clay PaBlay 574-6719 t3 ~ JAN-23-96 TllE 10 13 DFW MITIGATION FAX N0, 2145740801 ~ c. r. Furl 1 L L 14J f 4~SV~y JAN 23 96 P 03 9 SO No n01 F Q2 Qs-az cos R1rSOLU~ION Nd.. • BE 1'!' RFS®1Ld1~8 HY ~ DA~.4Ag-F~~tY i~YpjETH INTEI~iATl[8P'aetLl, AEI~QR'~' Etl~: mat flat Execatie~ Divrccor or Otis ctesig~ec is l~reby ®ri r~ ~ a+r,~e~st that tits t~ities of ~s4i~s tad ~o~t Worctt execute ana! record In the Cnuxity Records, a ?+latloc of Rs~rfMten fmr the t1.S. /lersty Coma of Engineers, ovtr and across the tract of isnd rsttected oa iltt attached. This lCtsafvtion sbali take elfact immediately apmrt i8 pttrsage. Approved as ~ Fora: Geeo Coaeet ~d ~ r ~~ n.~ spa ,~paovwk,: Daa signed d,pp~~ as to 1Ftaadia~ (a® ,,lb8aector o! P'lasscx ~. Dsee Signed Aggravice~ as to A'i/1'i~E: ~DireeQe tersrit3r aid EsaraatnBc A4~it~t l~~~e s~~~d tt~e i ~.~'~_ _ ~~. st~,~d J JAN-23-96 TUE 10 14 DFW MITIGATION FAX N0. 2145740801 W ~ ~ ~ iu CL4Jf40VU7 ~~ry ~J yb ~~ P 04 9 50 NA 1101. P 03 •~~ ~AAilete n... ._ ~- a