HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 49671-A1 Cb � CITY SECRETARY Q 1 UN Q, ti �o�y CONTRACTNO. I LQ�1 OF FO WORTffA0g'& TCEQ CONTRACT NUMBER 582-18-80091 AMENDMENT 1 AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 �tCt�•�s��' �Yd L� The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, (TCEQ), and the City of Fort Worth (City), agree to amend Contract Number 582-18-80091 to revise the Scope of Work per General Term and Condition 1.2. The City will operate and maintain the air monitoring stations listed below in Table I.A, in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations(CFR) Parts 50 and 58, the effective Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ)quality assurance project plan (QAPP) pertaining to the State or Local Air Monitoring Stations(SLAMS)network, equipment standard operating procedures(SOPs), and the Preventive Maintenance Instructions(PMI)Manual. Documentation is available upon request. The following outlines the changes in this Amendment: The Original Contract Amount(FY18 -FY19) $ 206,934.00 Contract Amendment 1 (FYI 8) No Cost - Revise Scone of Work The Total Contract Amount $206,934.00 1. TCEQ has revised the Scope of Work, hereby included in its entirety by Attachment A of this Amendment. All other conditions and requirements of Contract Number 582-18-80091 remain unchanged. Texas Commission on City of Fort Worth Environmental Quality By: By: -- Authorized Sigrdture Authorized Signature Julie Eldredge FL�.ey,+Av,d cfr- Printed Name Printed Name Manager, Ambient Monitoring Section 1"—,y Titre Title � 13o�ao18 /raga Date Date y .1 OF FART AV by �2 C.y; :.p APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY Mary J. , Ci S • • - I` I AS Want icy Attome OFFICIAL.RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT,WORTH,TX City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK I. FACTS/PURPOSE The Performing Party will operate and maintain the air monitoring stations listed below in Table I.A,in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 50 and 58,the effective Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) quality assurance project plan(QAPP)pertaining to the State or Local Air Monitoring Stations(SLAMS)network, equipment standard operating procedures (SOPs), and the Preventive Maintenance Instructions(PMI)Manual. Documentation is available upon request. Table LA lists all equipment and air monitoring stations operated and maintained under this contract. Tab'.e I.A: Equipment Station Address Equipment Type Operating Schedule Keller Alta Vista Road, O, continuous AQS#48-439-2003 Fort Worth SR continuous CAMS 17 met continuous Arlington Municipal 5504 South Collins NOINOa/NO,, continuous Airport Street,Arlington 01 continuous AQS#48-439-3011 CAMS 61 SR continuous met continuous Eagle Mountain 14290 Morris Dido O, continuous Lake Newark Road,Eagle SR continuous AQS#48-439-0075 Mountain CAMS 75 met continuous California Parkway 1198 California CO continuous North Parkway North, Fort NO/NO,/NO,, continuous AQS#48-439-1053 Worth met continuous CAMS 1053 Stagecoach 8900 West Freeway, PM,o FRM 1/6 days AQS#48-439-3010 White Settlement NCAMS #-number AQS-Air Quality System CAMS-continuous air monitoring station CO-carbon monoxide FRM-federal reference method met-meteorological equipment with sensors for monitoring temperature,wind speed,and wind direction NCAMS-non-continuous air monitoring station NO/N0,/N%-oxides of nitrogen;includes nitric oxide(NO)and nitrogen dioxide(NO:) O,-ozone PM„-particulate matter of 10 micrometers or less in diameter SR-solar radiation 2 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 II. ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS A. Grants This contract is contingent on continued federal funding through grants awarded under Section 105 of the Federal Clean Air Act. B. Budget Change Request As needed, the Performing Party shall submit to the TCEQ Project Manager a budget change request with a revised cost budget sheet including a brief justification. The TCEQ will provide comments, deny, or approve the request. Budget changes are required for: • cumulative transfers among direct cost categories not to exceed 10 percent(%) of the total costs for the current year's budget; • transfers of funds allotted for training; • changes in key personnel in cases where specified in an application or grant award; or • subcontracting those activities which are central to the purposes of the award. C. Contract Amendments As needed, the Performing Party shall submit to the TCEQ Project Manager a request for a contract amendment with a revised cost budget sheet,if necessary. The TCEQ will provide comments, deny, or approve the request.If approved, a contract amendment will be initiated by the Project Manager.A contract amendment shall be required for: • cumulative transfers among direct cost budget categories that exceed 10% of the total current year's budget; or • when extra funds are available from other local program(s) to be used by the Performing Party. As needed, and as agreed upon by both parties, the TCEQ may perform a contract amendment to account for changes to the stations and/or equipment listed in Table I.A. Performing Party shall return signed contract amendment within 30 days of receipt. D. Purchase of Items Over $1,000.00 per unit • Prior to purchase, the Performing Party must submit a request and justification to the TCEQ Project Manager for approval to purchase items with a unit acquisition cost of$1,000.00 or more. • Within 30 days of the start of the fiscal year,the Performing Party shall submit an equipment replacement plan for all scheduled equipment replacement. E. This contract details work to be performed in fiscal years (FY) 2018 and 2019. • FY 2018 begins September 1, 2017, and ends August 31, 2018. • FY 2019 begins September 1, 2018, and ends August 31, 2019. F. Calendar quarters are defined as: • 1" quarter:January-March • 2nd quarter:April-June • 3rd quarter:July- September • 41h quarter: October-December G. Fiscal and seasonal quarters are defined as: • 19,quarter: September- November 3 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 • 2•d quarter:December-February • 3rd quarter: March-May • 41h quarter:June-August H. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Assessments On an ongoing basis,both the TCEQ and the United States Environmental Protection Agency(U.S.EPA)reserve the right to assess monitors operated by the Performing Party, which includes performance evaluation,inspection, surveillance, peer review, or audit. Such assessments are expected to be announced and coordinated with the Performing Party's staff. III. TCEQ RESPONSIBILITIES/DESIGNATION OF STAFF A. Provide all monitoring equipment,parts, supplies, and consumables needed for operation,repair, and maintenance of all air monitoring equipment, including replacement of unserviceable equipment. B. Provide the Performing Party staff with individual virtual private network (VPN) access accounts to check the site status remotely and update electronic operator logs via the TCEQ internal status report webpage during the term of the contract. C. Provide training for equipment operations and other activities designed to increase technical capabilities required to support this agreement upon request by the Performing Party. D. Provide limited technical support related to TCEQ air monitoring equipment by phone, email, or on-site visits, during regular business days between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM CST on standard business days. E. Conduct annual air monitoring station field audits. F. Designate staff to provide contract oversight. • Hannah Crews(512) 239-1828 is the Project Manager and point-of- contact for this contract. • Rhoshel Steib(512) 239-1733 is the Contract Specialist. • Heather Stewart(512) 239-5241 is the Air Quality System(AQS) Data Coordinator. Additional experienced TCEQ staff are available in the absence of those listed above. Contact information for technical staff is available upon request. IV.PERFORMING PARTY RESPONSIBILITIES A. Maintain, troubleshoot, and/or repair equipment at all monitoring sites listed in Table I.A. B. At a minimum, provide one primary operator with at least six months experience with ambient air monitoring equipment and one backup site operator with similar experience.These site operators must be electrical/mechanical grade technicians capable of operating and performing light maintenance on meteorological hardware and electronic monitoring equipment. Staff must be proficient in the use of digital volt meters and personal computers. C. Designate a project representative who receives communications from the TCEQ manages the work being performed, and acts on behalf of the Performing Party as an authorized representative.Participate in monthly phone calls with the TCEQ Project Manager. Calls will be scheduled as agreed 4 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 upon by both parties and documented in writing by the TCEQ Project Manager. D. Possess and utilize the information,practical knowledge, techniques, and skills to comply with federal and state air monitoring rules, including those listed in the effective Code of Federal Regulations. E. Communicate effectively and promptly with TCEQ technical staff to troubleshoot malfunctioning equipment.Address all warnings and failures as soon as detected, or no later than the next business day. F. At least one operator must be present during all TCEQ assessments or site visits.At least one assessment per year should be expected.More frequent assessments may occur if significant or persistent data quality issues occur. If the data quality objectives are not met, the Performing Party must produce a corrective action plan in writing,within 30 days of notification or set deadline, including: a. an assignable root cause for not meeting this specification; b. the programmatic impact; c. specific corrective actions taken or planned to address the nonconformance; d. specific corrective actions taken or planned to prevent recurrence; e. a timeline for completing each action; f. the means by which corrective action completion will be documented; g. the means by which corrective action will be verified as effective; and h. the individual(s)responsible for implementation. G. Operate monitoring equipment according to federal regulations, established applicable SOPs, PMIs, WPs, and any other guidance documents.This documentation is available upon request. H. Operate air monitoring equipment according to Table VIII.A and ensure the deliverables listed are performed adequately and on time.Document completion and submit deliverables in the manner listed in Table VIIIA. I. Monitor the site status remotely through the agency's internal status report webpage using the TCEQ-provided VPN access.Ensure individual VPN access accounts remain active.If VPN access is lost,notify the TCEQ Project Manager upon discovery.VPN access accounts are issued to individuals annually and must not be shared amongst Performing Party's staff. J. Reply in writing to all TCEQ requests by set deadlines.Promptly respond to and comply with verbal and written guidance from the TCEQ Project Manager and technical support staff K. Document all'site activities in the electronic operator log, including but not limited to requirements listed in SOPs,before leaving a site where access to electronic log is available or within two business days where site access to electronic logs is not available. L Ensure the date of certification all equipment and gas cylinders is current. Prior approval is required to use any expired equipment or cylinders. M. Document all equipment and gas cylinder changes in Hardware Tracker within two business days of the change. N. Request TCEQ approval prior to all travel related to this contract. Once approved,make travel arrangements and cover expenses for staff to attend all requested trainings, demonstrations of competency, and meetings. 0. Maintain and provide as needed: documentation of shipping expenses, insurance costs (required) whether using the TCEQ account or other, and any 5 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 additional information necessary to track equipment or be reimbursed for the activity. P. When visiting the TCEQ headquarters,all staff must enter through the front of the building, check-in with the security guard, and be escorted by TCEQ staff. Q Notify the TCEQ Project Manager immediately of any damages due to accident or vandalism.Provide pictures,police reports, and communications to provide remedy within 48 hours of discovery. The TCEQ is not responsible for damages due to negligence of the Performing Party or its subcontractors. The Performing Party must provide adequate replacement for equipment that is lost, stolen, or damaged due to negligence by the Performing Party or any subcontractor. R. Upon request by the TCEQ,provide guided tours of the monitoring sites to local school districts or governing agencies, not to exceed four hours per quarter. S. Complete the Basic Siting Criteria checklist every six months, and submit a copy to the TCEQ Project Manager, and notify the TCEQ Project Manager of any non-conformance or obstructions to the monitoring path upon discovery. T. Complete the CAMS Operator and Safety Checklists on a monthly basis and notify the TCEQ Project Manager about any non-conformance upon discovery. U. Identify, obtain, and document any necessary safety training annually. Ensure all training is documented and records are maintained for a minimum of five years and provided to the TCEQ Project Manager upon request. V. Provide logistical support related to relocating or establishing a new air monitoring site.This may include, but is not limited to, locating a new site, providing access to contractors and utility companies for site construction, and reviewing and documenting site construction activities. W. Contract with a TCEQ approved National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program(NELAP) accredited analytical laboratory using only accredited methods for analysis of non-continuous samples if samples are not analyzed by the TCEQ. X. The Performing Party must match TCEQ expenditures by contributing 33%of the total project costs. Each invoice must include supporting documentation demonstrating that the Performing Party is contributing the required match for the period specified on the invoice. V. DESCRIPTION OF DELIVERABLES The Performing Party must operate and maintain the air monitoring stations listed in Section I according to all applicable federal regulations and all effective TCEQ QAPPs, SOPs, and PMIs, as well as any additional guidance provided by the TCEQ Project Manager to meet existing, and future,federal and state air monitoring requirements.TCEQ documents can be accessed through the TCEQ Rhone page and are also available upon request. VI.ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The Performing Party is required to provide the TCEQ with at least an 85% monthly data return from all monitors and samplers. If the 85% data return is 6 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 not achieved, assignable cause must be identified within one week after each month end. Assignable causes may include acts of nature (tornadoes, hurricanes,hail, etc.), vandalism, or circumstances beyond the control of the Performing Party. Neglect of the site is not an assignable cause. The Performing Party must also meet each deliverable stated in this contract. Failure to meet the contract deliverables, and/or the 85%data completeness threshold,will require corrective action.Non-compliance issues will also require corrective action and include deviation from the documented procedures outlined in the current Performing Party QMP, TCEQ QAPPs, applicable SOPS, the PMI manual, and this contract. VII. ANNUAL VENDOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Failure to meet contract deliverables will be noted and documented in the TCEQ Project Manager's annual performance evaluation of the Performing Party, and may determine the continuation of this contract. VIII. SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES The Performing Party must provide the deliverables listed in Table VIII.A to the TCEQ in accordance with the noted timeframes. Table VIIIA: Contract Deliverables Deliverables Equipment Summai of Tasks and Timeframes Submit to: Quality NO/NOZ/NO„ . As part of the SLAMS network, TCEQ Project Assurance 03,PM,o FRM, participate in all reviews of the SLAMS Manager Project Plan met,SR QAPP. Submit revised/updated (QAPP)Review appendices detailing any deviations in the Performing Party's implementation of the TCEQ QAPP,or a certification that no changes were made,within 30 days of the request from the Project Manager. • By mutual agreement,the Performing Party and TCEQ may amend the QAPP as necessary to reflect changes in work to be performed under this contract to meet data quality objectives(DQOs). • Read all QAPP documents applicable to Performing Party's program and send TCEQ Project Manager an email "read receipt"agreeing to abide by QAPP- 7 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 Deliverables Equipment Summary of Tasks and Timeframes Submit to: Quality NO/NOWN0., • A minimum of 120 days prior to the TCEQ Project Management 0,,PM,,FRM, expiration of the most current TCEQ Manager Plan(QMP) met,SR approved Performing Party QMP, Review submit a draft revised QMP or a signed certification letter that no changes were made to the existing plan to the TCEQ Project Manager. • Ensure the QMP adheres to U.S.EPA Requirements For Quality Assurance Project Plans(QA/R2). • By mutual agreement,the Performing Party and TCEQ may amend the QMP as necessary to reflect changes in work to be performed under this contract to meet DQOs. • QMPs are reviewed on a biennial basis. Data NO/NO2/NO„ • Collect and monitor continuous LEADS via VPN or Collection 03,PM,o FRM, ambient air data and operate non- through the on-site met,SR continuous samplers according to data logger applicable Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)and the U.S.EPA Monitoring Schedule. . Review continuous data in Leading Environmental Analysis and Display System(LEADS)daily to ensure sampler function.Document this review in the electronic operator log on the day it occurs. Sample PM,o FRM • Package and ship collected non- TCEQ Air Laboratory Collection and continuous samples to the laboratory or contracted Shipping for analysis prior to the next laboratory scheduled sample collection or as defined in instrument SOPS.(Late shipments will not be tolerated) • Document collection and shipping dates in electronic operator log according to the requirements listed in Section N of this contract. • Complete required sample custody documentation with no errors. • Respond within 48 hours to any sam.—Ple issues provided by the lab. Equipment NO/NO,/NO., . Respond to equipment warnings, TCEQ Project Failure 03,PM,o FRM, failures or malfunctions by visiting Manager, Response met,SR the site on the same day if feasible, Equipment Support but no later than the next business Workgroup(ESWG), day. and • Notify TCEQ in writing within one Leads via VPN business day of problem resolution. • Document all equipment actions and subse uent resolution in the 8 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 Deliverables Equipment Summary of Tasks and Timeframes Submit to: electronic operator log and hardware tracker. Equipment NO/NO2/NO., • Report equipment failures or TCEQ ESWG,Project Failure and 03,PMI,FRM, malfunctions in writing the same day Manager, and Leads Sample Loss met,SR as discovered. Include symptoms or via VPN Report cause of failure and contact information for the Performing Party personnel immediately available to troubleshoot. • Report in writing within one business day if any continuous monitor fails to collect data for more than 48 consecutive hours or when two consecutive non-continuous samples are missed or invalid.Include reason for data loss and corrective action plan. Monthly PM,o FRM • Perform verifications monthly within pm@tceq.texas.gov Verifications first five business days of the month. and Reports • Perform verification procedures as defined by instrument SOPS. • For each verification, download a new worksheet from the TCEQ Rhone page at http://rhone4/cgi- bin/worksheet_docs.pl. • Enter all verifications in the electronic operator log according to the requirements listed in Section IV of this contract,identifying the sampler, and the date of the verification.The originator must review the worksheet for accuracy. • Verification reports must be independently reviewed by someone other than the originator prior to submission to the TCEQ to ensure accuracy.The independent review must be documented. • Submit verification report within two business days of completion. • If corrections are requested by the TCEQ Project Manager, the Performing Party will correct and return the worksheet within one business da. Quarterly PM,o FRM • Perform quarterly audits and pm@tceq.texas.gov Audit, calibrations by the sixth calendar day Calibration, of the quarter.Quarters are defined and Reports by instrument SOPS. • Perform additional audits or calibrations after instrument repair, modification or replacement. 9 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 Deliverables Equipment Summary of Tasks and Timeframes Subunit to: • For each audit or calibration, download a new worksheet from the TCEQ Rhone at http://rhone4/cgi- bin/worksheet_docs.pl page. • Enter all audits and calibrations in the electronic operator log according to the requirements listed in Section IV of this contract,identifying the sampler,and the date of the audit. The originator must review the worksheet for accuracy. • Reports must be independently reviewed by someone other than the originator prior to submission to the TCEQ to ensure accuracy.The independent review must be documented. • Submit reports within two business days of audit completion. . If corrections are requested by the TCEQ Project Manager, the Performing Party will correct and return the worksheet within one business day. Laboratory NO/N0,/N0X, • Perform eight LCCs per year, two per lcc@tceq.texas.gov Control Check 0, seasonal quarter, approximately 45 (LCC)and days apart per instrument. Reports . For each LCC,download a new worksheet from the TCEQ Rhone page at http.//rhone4/cgi- bin/worksheet_docs.pl. • Enter all LCCs in the electronic operator log according to the requirements listed in Section IV of this contract, identifying the analyzer, and the date of the LCC.The originator must review the worksheet for accuracy. • LCC reports must be independently reviewed by someone other than the originator prior to submission to the TCEQ to ensure accuracy.The independent review must be documented. • Submit LCC reports within two business days of LCC completion. • If corrections are requested by the TCEQ Project Manager, the Performing Party will correct and return the worksheet within one business day. Preventive NO/NO,/NO., • Execute the following: LEADS via VPN Maintenance 0,,PM,.FRM, 3-030,Replacement of Air Instructions met,SR Conditioning Unit Return Air Filter, 10 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 -Deliverables -Equipment Summary ofTasks and T' games Submit to: (PMD a minimum of every 30 days; Completion . 4-014,Analyzer Sample Inlet Particulate Filter Replacement(03, SO:),a minimum of every two weeks; • 4-360,Ambient Sample Line Replacement,a minimum of once per year; . 5-360,Exhaust Scrubber Charcoal Replacement,a minimum of once per year; • 9-180,Zero Air Module Charcoal Scrubber Replacement,a minimum of once every six months; 10-360, Calibrator Air Inlet Filter Change,a minimum of once per year; • 26-180, Climatronics F460 Temperature Boom Cleaning,a minimum of every six months; • 26-360,Replacement of Wind Direction and Wind Speed Sensors for Climatronics F460,a minimum of once per year and at failure; • 30-030,Epply Labs Black and White Pyranometer(Solar Rad)Cleaning, a minimum of every 30 days; 37-090,Andersen/Tisch PM10 High Volume Sampler Motor Brush Change,Inlet Cleaning, and Gasket Inspection,a minimum of every 90 days and at motor replacement; and • any future PMIs developed for this equipment with TCEQ notification. . Enter the completion of each PMI, and the date of completion,in the electronic operator log according to the requirements listed in Section IV of this contract. On-Site NO/NOz/NO., • Respond within 24 hours of receiving TCEQ Data Quality Quality 03,PM10 FRM, audit request to acknowledge that the Team and Project Assurance met,SR request was received. Manager (QA)and • Submit completed pre-audit Performance questionnaires by set deadlines. Evaluation(PE) . Assist TCEQ staff or U.S. EPA auditors Audits on-site during all TCEQ audits and assessments. • When the preliminary audit report is issued,produce a written response within two business days,for any warnings or failures. 11 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 Deliverables Equipment Summary of Tasks and Timeframes Submit to: • Provide a corrective action pian to the Final Audit Report within 30 days, as described in Section IV,detailing all actions to correct findings.In addition,provide a written response to address any comments in the report. Site site . Maintain site free of vegetation higher TCEQ Project Maintenance than six inches and trash or debris. Manager • Ensure site remains locked and secure when staff are not on-site. . Obtain written approval from TCEQ to change the site lock or combination. • Record all site maintenance in the electronic operator log according to the requirements listed in Section IV of this contract. • Ensure compliance with siting criteria in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)Part 58 Appendix I? • Complete the Siting Criteria Checklist every six months and submit to the TCEQ Project Manager.Notify the TCEQ Project Manager of any threats to siting criteria when threats occur, such as the growth of trees or construction of nearby structures. • Complete the CAMS Operator and Safety Checklists on a monthly basis for each site. Checklists must be kept at the site either electronically or as a physical copy.The checklists are located on the TCEQ Rhone page. • Notify the TCEQ Project Manager about any non-conformance or concern on the day of discovery. Invoice and NO/NO2/NOx, • Submit invoices at the following TCEQ Project Release of O,,PM,.FRM, intervals: Manager and Claims met,SR o September-November Contract Specialist Submission ■ due December 31 o December-February ■ due March 31 o March ■ due April 30 o April-May ■ due June 30 o June-August ■ due October 31 • Submit invoices according the requirements provided in the TCEQ Administrative Procedures for Contracted Operators document.This 12 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 Deliverables- Equipment Summary of Tasks and Tiriieframes Submlt`to: document can be found at http://rhone4/cgi- bin/worksheet-docs.pl. • Submit completed Release ofClaims form with final Contract invoice. • Late submittal of invoices will be noted and documented in the end of the year evaluation that may determine the continuation of this contract. • Invoices must include an organized and detailed breakdown of all expenditures. • Invoice submittal extensions must be requested at least one week before due date. • Any inappropriate expenditure, including items not related to the project,will result in the invoice being rejected. . In the event that an invoice is rejected, the Performing Party must submit a revised invoice within 10 business days of rejection date. Data NO/NO,/NO,,, • Track and submit data completeness TCEQ Project Completeness 03,PM,o FRM, reports with invoice submissions Manager and Leads Reports met,SR . Include description of how data via VPN completeness was determined and provide justification for data loss and corrective actions taken. Inventory NO/NO2/NO„ . Notify the Project Manager in writing TCEQ Project Management 0,,PM,,FRM, within one business day of equipment Manager and Reports met,SR or gas cylinder replacement or change. • Document any equipment or gas cylinder replacement or change in the electronic operator log and Hardware Tracker according to the requirements listed in Section IV of this contract. • Return inoperable equipment,with proper documentation of the problem, to the TCEQ within three business days of replacement. • Upon request,promptly assist the Project Manager with maintaining inventory control and with Inventory Management Database(IMD)data requests. . Track and submit quarterly TCEQ asset inventory reports on the following schedule with invoice submissions 13 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-18-80091 Deliverables Equipment Summary of Tasks and Timeframes Submit to: o September-November ■ due December 31 o December-February ■ due March 31 o April-May ■ due June 30 C) June-August ■ due September 30 Demonstration NO/NO2/NO., a Ensure all site operators demonstrate TCEQ Project of 0,,PM,.FRM, passing DOCS. Manager Competency met,SR e Submit completed DOC forms and (DOC) supporting documentation to the TCEQ Project Manager for all equipment and all current operators within 30 days after the effective date of this contract. •If an operator is hired after the effective date of this contract,submit completed DOC form within six months of the operator's hire date. Ensure the operator demonstrates a passing DOC. •Complete using DOC form,available upon request from the TCEQ Project Manager and submit within 10 business days of completion.Maintain copies of the completed forms and any supporting documentation for a minimum of 5 years.Make this documentation available upon request. •After one operator obtains DOC from TCEQ it is the Performing Party's responsibility to DOC other staff members within their organization according to the timelines above. FRM-federal reference method met-meteorological equipment with sensors for monitoring temperature,wind speed,and wind direction NO/N0,/N0,-oxides of nitrogen;includes nitric oxide(NO)and nitrogen dioxide(NO,) 0,-ozone PM„-particulate matter of 10 micrometers or less in diameter site-trailer,fence,electrical equipment,and site pad,and any encroaching vegetation SR-solar radiation TCEQ-Texas Commission on Environmental Quality U.S.EPA-United States Environmental Protection Agency VPN-virtual private network 14 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing this document, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. .r Anthony Williams NAME SIGNATOR Environmental Supervisor TITLE ❑ This form is N/A as No City Funds are associated with this Contract Printed Name Signature