HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 49972-A1 Ll RECEIVED P -7Y r ^RTraRY MAA 12 2018 FIRST AMENDMENT TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. 49972 C11Y dF FORTWORTF1 CITY SECRETARY WHEREAS,the City of Fort Worth("City")and Tarrant County Samaritan Housing,Inc.(hereafter "Agency")made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 49972("Contract"); WHEREAS, the Contract provides funding to Agency pursuant to a grant received by City from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") through the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program ("HOPWA"), Program No. TX-H-17-F002, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 14.241; WHEREAS, it is the mutual desire of City and Agency to amend the Contract to change the submission method of required monthly reimbursement requests; WHEREAS,the City has entered into an agreement with ZoomGrants to provide an online database for Agency to submit monthly reimbursement requests; WHEREAS, submission of monthly reimbursement requests is now required through Zoom Grants and will be effective with the January reimbursement request that is due February 15, 2018; WHEREAS, paper submission and submission to the psakfortworthtexas. ov e-mail address or contract administrator's e-mail address will no longer be accepted; WHEREAS, Agency requested additional funds for their Tenant Based Rental Assistance(TB RA) Program to aid with the increased costs of beneficiary subsidies due to lost off employment/financial resources and the need for larger, more expensive units; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the 2016-2017 program year, Agency had remaining funds in their budget in the amount of$30,075.60; WHEREAS, these funds will be reallocated to Agency's TBRA program to assist with the gap in funding. These funds are eligible For reimbursement as of December 1, 2017; WHEREAS, it is the mutual desire of City and Agency to amend the Contract to complete the Program and meet Contract objectives. NOW,THEREFORE, City and Agency hereby agree to amend the Contract as follows: 1. Section 9,2,4 Overview Report is deleted in its entirety, and replaced with the following: Agency shall submit the Overview,Report,attached hereto as EXHIBIT"H"—Overview Report, quarterly with the December, March, June and September Reimbursement Requests. Section 9.2.5 DeliveLry of Reimbursement Re uest is deleted in its entirety, and replaced with the following: Reimbursement Requests will be submitted tt LQuizb ZoomGrants on the designated due date. OITICIJLL RECORD Amendment No. 1 to CSC No.49872 CITY SECRETAWFT-1NORTFI�TX 1 Tarrant County Samaritan Housing, Inc. (HOPWA) II. Exhibit"A"—Program Summary and Exhibit"B"—Budget attached to the Contract are hereby replaced with the attached Exhibit"A"—Program Summary Revised 0212018 and Exhibit"B" —Budget revised 0212018. III. This amendment is effective as of the Effective Date of the Contract. IV. All terms and conditions of the Contract not amended herein remain unaffected and in full force and effect,are binding on the Parties and are hereby ratified by the Parties. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Contract. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Amendment No. 1 to CSC No. 49972 Page 2 Tarrant County Samaritan Housing, Inc.(HOPWA) ACCEPTED AND AGREED: Tarrant CounZPr�ident Ho g,Inc. CITY OF FORT WORTH By: By: No r#Wand O Fernando Costa, Assistant City Manager ATTEST: APPROVE AS TO FORM AND �aR ........ LEGALITY: B y: S7 City Secretary uPa a Mebane,Assistant City Attorney M&C: 5-f8-?4I`3 `v ...... C> 1295 Certification o. 2016-6 • Date: August 1,2017 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements " -N Barbara Asbury Compliance and PlaOing Manager vIFFiCM RECORD CITY SECRETARY Fr.WORTH,Tx Amendment No. 1 to CSC No.49972 Page 3 Tarrant County Samaritan Housing, Inc.(HOPWA) TARRANT COUNTY SAMARITAN HOUSING, INC. EXHIBIT "A" Samaritan House Supportive Services PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAM SUMMARY (HOPWA) October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 $553,419.14 PERIOD AMOUNT Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have meanings assigned them in the Contract. PROGRAM: The Program provides supportive services and Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) to HOPWA Eligible Clients living in the Samaritan Villages Apartments,the Samaritan House Single Room Occupancy ("SRO") Facility, and in scattered-site rental-voucher supported housing. The supportive services include case management and housing counseling. Program services may also include congregate meals; medical case management; substance abuse counseling; medical transportation; recreational and social programs; educational programs; and life and job skills programs. TBRA includes long-term monthly rental assistance. Clients must be Income Eligible according to HUD guidelines, live in a rental unit that passes habitability inspections, and have an identified housing need as determined by the client's case manager. HOPWA Funds will pay for direct assistance for TBRA ciinets. HOPWA Funds will be used to pay for a percentage of supportive service salaries and fringe benefits,associated with the Program. HOPWA Funds will also be used to pay for the operational expenses of the Agency's SRO Facility located at 929 Hemphill Street, Fort Worth, TX 76104. Operational expenses consist of salaries and fringe benefits for property management and maintenance staff. No more than 7% of the HOPWA Funds will be used to pay for administrative costs, including salaries and fringe benefits and City-required insurance associated with the Program. Agency's office and Program services will be available at 929 Hemphill Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76104, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Program services may also be provided at clients' homes. The SRO is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Program will provide services to HOPWA Eligible clients residing in Tarrant, Johnson, Parker, Wise, Hood and Somervell counties. HOPWA PSA CONTRACT 2017-2018—EXHIBIT"A"—PROGRAM SUMMARY Page 1 Tarrant County Samaritan Housing,Inc. REGULATORY CLASSIFICATION: IDIS matrix Code(s)and Service Category: 31D HOPWA Project Sponsor Administration 3 1 C HOPWA Project Sponsor Activity Regulatory Citation(s): 24 CFR 574.300(b)(10)—Administrative Expenses 24 CFR 574.300(b)(7)—Supportive Services 24 CFR 574.300(b)(8) Facility Based Operations 24 CFR 574.300(b)(6)—TBRA Agency will maintain documentation which verifies that 100% of clients served by the Program are eligible under HOPWA Regulations. PROGRAM GOALS: Minimum Number of Clients to be Served: The Program must provide Supportive Services to a minimum of 135 Unduplicated Clients. Unduplicated Clients must be residents of Tarrant, Johnson, Parker, Wise, Hood and Somervell counties as shown by the monthly reports on Attachment III. The Program will also provide Facility Based Housing Subsidy Assistance through the housing operations of 64 household housing units and TBRA services to a minimum of 18 households HOPWA PSA CONTRACT 2017-2018—EXHIBIT"A"—PROGRAM SUMMARY Page 2 Tarrant County Samaritan Housing,Inc. EXHIBIT "B"-BUDGET tif1-. - Lt�l k B Tg � AI)MI TI'STRAT Salaries 1001 $ 29,777.04 S 14,467.00 S 13,662.04 S 243,852.00 S 301,758.00 FICA 1002 S 2,278.00 S 1,107.00 S 1,445.00 S 18,655.00 S 23,085.00 Life/Disability Insurance 1003 $ 31.04 $ 145.00 S 137.00 S 2,439.00 S 2,752.00 Health/DentalInsurance 1004 $ 1,234.00 5 3,137.00 $ 2,502.04 $ 11,188.00 S 18,461.00 Unemployment-State 1005 S 566.00 S 275.00 $ 260.00 $ 4,632.00 S 5,733.00 Worker's Compensation 1006 $ 112.00 S 289.00 $ 273.00 S 4,877.00 $ 5,551.00 Contract Labor(Accounting) 1007 $ 11,500.00 S 11,500.00 Audit lees 1008 Insurance-Commercial Umbrella Liability 1009 S 1,578.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 12,542.00 $ 18,620.00 Insurance-Directors and Officers 1010 Insurance-Fidelity Sand or Equivalent 1011 $ 297.00 $ 297.00 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $ 34,295.00 S 20,998.00 $ 22,379.00 S 309,685.00 $ 387,357.40 %Administrative Cost 6% Nil 1PPfQ].R? A,F!4 R'1°`T"ta NNFL - Salaries 2001 $ 347,823.40 $ 13.0,204.00 $ 122,962.00 $ 185,971.04 $ 746,960.00 FICA 2402 $ 23,548400 $ 9,961.00 $ 9,407.00 $ 14,227.00 $ 57,143.00 Life,/Disability Insurance 2003 $ 730.00 $ 2,604.00 $ 2,459.00 $ 3,719.00 $ 9,512.00 Health/DentalInsurance 2004 $ 59,516.00 $ 28,099.00 $ 22,700.00 $ 18,319.00 $ 128,634.00 Unemployment-State 2005 $ 5,847.40 $ 2,473.00 $ 2,336.00 $ 3,533.00 $ 146189.00 Worker's Compensation 2006 $ 6,235.00 $ 2,604.00 $ 2.459.00 $ 3,719.00 $ 15,017.00 Office/Medical Supplies 3401 $ 598.00 $ 500.00 $ 11,842.00 $l^ 12,940.00 Office Equipment Rental 3402 S 704.00 $ 5,037.00 $ 5,737.00 Postage 3003 $ 2;338.00 $ 2,338.00 Printing 3004 $ 4,700,00 $ 4,700.00 Contract Labor-Nutritionist 4401 $ 8,797.00 $ 4,750.00 $ 7,424.00 $ 20,971.00 Food Supplies 4002 $ 80,754.00 $ 39,800.00 $ 27,590.04 $ 148,140.00 Client Transportation 4003 $ 10,221.00 $ 750.00 $ 10,971.00 Telephone 5401 Electric 5002 Gas 5003 Water and Wastewater 5404 Solid Waste Disposal 5005 _ Rent(City needs copy of lease before expenses can be reimbursed) 5006 Custodial Services 5007 $ 11,300:00 $ 11;300.u0 M aintenan cc/Rep airs 5008 Building Security 5009 HOPWA PSA CONTRACT 2017-2018-EX141BIT"B"-BUDGET Tarrant County Samaritan House,Inc. Page 1 LEGAL,FINANCIAL AND INSURANC Directors and Officers.Insurance 6041 5 2,500.00 S 2,500.00 TOTAL SUPPORTIVE SERVICE EXPENSES S 403,699.0€1 S 277,011.04 S 208,123.40 S 302,219.00 S 1,191,052.00 DIRECT ASSISTANCE-STRMU_ Short-term Rent Assistance - 7001 Short-term Mortgage Assistance 7402 Short-term Utilities Assistance 7043 Total Direct Assistance-STRMU Tenant Based Rontal Assistance (TBRA)* 8001 $ 43;215.14 S 245,10000 $ 248,215.14 Total Direct Assistance-TBRA S 43,2.15.14 S 205,444.00 $ 148,215.14 FACILITY BASED OPERATIONS PERSONNEL Salaries 9001 S 61,130.00 S 28,540.00 S 89,670.00 FICA 9002 S 4,676A4 S 2,1$-3.00 $ 6,859.00 LifelDisability Insurance 9003 $ 117.100 S 70:00 $ 187.00 Health/DentalInsurance 9004 S 3,601.00 $ 12,02100 $ 15,623.00 Unemployment-State 9005 $ 1,161:00 S 20,530.00 S 21,691.00 Worker's Compensation 9005 S 1,525:00 — $ 270.00 S 1.795.00 Insurance-Cornmercial Property and Professional Liability 9007 Telephone 9005 Electric_ 90039 - - Maintenance/Repairs 9010 Cleaning Supplies 9011 TOTAL FACILITY BASED OPERATION EXPENSES S 72,210.00 S 63;615.00 S 135,823.04 BUDGET TOTAL $ 553,419414 S 298,009.40 S 435,502.00 S 6751519.04 S 1,962,449.14 *TBRA costs may be incurred and are eligible for reimbursement beginning October 3,2017 FUNDING A:Tarrant County Public Health Department(Ryan White 1,II,&State Services) FUNDFING B:Tarrant County Community Development-HOPWA SNPSITBLA 15 FUNDING C:Fundraising/Donations 1 IOPWA PSA CONTRACT 2017-2018-EXHIBIT"B"-BUDGET Tarrant County Samaritan House,Inc. page 2 The following tables were created for the purpose of preparing, negotiating, and determining the cost reasonableness and cost allocation method used by the Agency for the line item budget represented on the first page of this EXHIBIT "B"-Budget. The information reflected in the tables is to he considered part of the terms and conditions of the Contract. Agency must have prior written approval by the City to make changes to any line item in the Budget as outlined in Scction 5.2.2 in the Contract. The deadline to make changes to EXHIBIT "B"-Budget is June 1, 2018. SALARY DETAIL - ADMINISTRATIV'E Est. Percent to Amount to Position Title Annual Salary Grant Grant Chief Executive Officer $ 1345078.00 9.0% $ 12,067.00 Chief Financial Officer $-- 100,000.00 9.0% $ 95000.00 Accounting Clerk $ 40,000.0€ 9.03110 $ 1600.00 Grant & Compliance Manager _ $ 56,782.00 9.0% S 5.110.00 TOTAL S 330,860.00 3.0% S 29,777.00 _ FRINGE DETAIL - ADMINISTRATIVE Percent of Est. Percent to Amount to Payroll Amount _ Grant Grant FICA 7.65% $ 23,085.00 9:9° $ 2.,2.78.00 Life/Disability Insurance $ 2,752.00 1.1% $ 31.00 HealthlDentalInsurance $ 18,061.00 6.8% S 1,234.00 Unemplownent-State $ 5,733.00 9.9% S _ 566.00 W'orker's Compensation $ 5;551.00 2.0% S 112.00 TOTAL $ 55,182.00 1 7.6%1 S 4,221.00 MISCELLANEOUS - ADMINISTRATIV'E _ Est. Percent to Amount to Total Budget Grant Grant Contract Labor (Accounting) $ 11,500.00 _ Audit Fees Insurance-Commercial Umbrella Liability S 18,620.00 Insurance-Directors and Officers - Insurance-Fidelity Bond or Equivalent $ 297.00 100.0% $ 2.97.00 TOTAL $ 30,417.00 1.0% $ 257.00 HOPWA PSA CONTRACT 2417-2018-EXHIBIT"B"-BUDGET Tarrant County Samaritan House, Inc. Page 3 SALARY DETAIL- SUPPORTIVE SERVICES — Est. Percent to Amount to Position Title_ Annual Salary Grant Grant Chief Programs Officer _ $ 84,619.00 40.0% $ 33,848.00 Food Sendee Manager _ _ $ 46,996.00 37.0% $ 17,389.00 Cook $ 32,967.00 34.0% $ 11,`09.00 Cook 2 $ 33,465.00 3 5.0% $ 11,713.00 Cook 3 — — — $ 13,339.00 17.0% $ 2,268600 Medical Case Manager S 43,680.00 12.0% $ 5,242:00 Life Skills Enrichment Coordinator $ 28,080.00 100.0% $ 28,080.00 Life Skills Enrichment Specialist(FT) S 23,795.00 101.0% $ 23,735.00 Life Skills Enrichment Specialist(FT) S 22,880.00 100.0% $ — 22,880.00 Life Skills Enrichment Specialist(PT) $ 11,898.00 - -100.0% $ 11,898.00 Life Skills Enrichment Spceialist.(PT) $ 11,898.00 100.0% $ 11,898.00 Life Skills Enrichment Specialist(PRN) $ 2,974:00 100.0% $ 2,974.00 Life Skills Enrichment Specialist (PRN) $ 2,974.00 100.0% S 2,974.00 Life Skills Enrichment Specialist (PRN) $ 2,974.00 100.0% $ 2,974.00 Life Skills Enrichment Specialist {PRN} $ 2,974.00 100.0% $ 2,974.00 Family Health and Education Manager $ 46,800.00 58.0% $ 27,144.00 Case Man ement Program MamI er S 49,920.00 65.0% $ 32,448.00 Patient.Navigator $ 28,500.00 60.0% S 18,810.00 Licensed.Chemical Dependency Couselor $ 18,200.00 80.0% $ 14,560,00 Social Fork Case Manager $ 8,736.00 40.0% $ 3,494.00 Social Work Case Manager $ 33,280.00 42:0% $ 13,978.00 Social Work Case Manager $ 40,560.€0 13.0% $ 5,273.00_ TOTAL S 591,509.00 52.0"/x; S 307,823.00 FRINGE DETAIL - SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Percent of Est. Percent to Amount to Payroll Amount Grant Grant FICA 7.65% $ 57,143.00 41.2% $ 23,548.00 Life./Disability Insurance $ 95512.00 7.7%, $ 730.00 Health/Dentallnsuranec $ 128,634:00 46.3% $ 59,516.00 Unemplo�rment=State $ 14,189.00 41.2.% $ 5,847.00 Worker's Compensation $ 15,017.00 41.5`;% $ 6,2.35.00 OTAL $ 224,495.00 42.7°/0 $ 95,876.00 I-IOPWA PSA CONTRACT 2017-2018 - F,XH1BIT"B"- BUDGET Tat-rant County Samaritan House.Inc. Page 4 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES - SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Est. Percent to Amount to Total Budget Grant _ Chant Office!Medical Supplies $ 12,940.00 Office Equipment.Rental $ 5,737.00 Postage $ 2,338.00 [Tinting $ 4,700.00 TOTAL $ 25,715.00 MISCELLANEOUS - SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Est. Percent to Amount to Total budget Grant Grant Contract Labor-Nutritionist $ 20,971.00 Food Supplies $ 148,140:00 Client Transportation – $ 10,971.00 TOTAL $ 180,082.00 FACILITY AND UTILITIES - SUPPORTIVE SERVICES Est. Percent to Amount to Total Budget Grant Grant Telephone - Electric - — Gas Water and. Wastew=ater Solid Waste Disposal Rent{Cit} needs copy of tease before expenses can be reimbursed) _ Custodial Senices _$ 11,300.00 Maintenancei'Repairs - Building Security TOTAL S 11,300.00 LEGAL,, I~INANC:IAL AND INSURANCE- SUPPORTIVE SERVICES - Est. Percent to Amount to Total Budget Grant Grant Directors and Officers Insurance. $ 2,500.00 TOTAL $ 2,500.00 DIRECT ASSISTANCE- STRMU Est. Percent to Amount to _ Total Budget Grant Grant Short-Term Rent Assistance Short Term Mortgage Assistance Short Terni Utilities Assistance TOTAL HGPWA PSA CONTRACT 2017-2018-EXHIBIT"B"-BUDGET Tarrant County Samaritan House, Inc. Page 5 DIRECT ASSISTANCE - TBRA - --- Est. Percent to Amount to Total Budget Grant Grant Tenant Based Mental Assistance* $ 248,21 15,14 17.4% $ 43,215.14 TOTAL S 248,215.14 - 17.4% $ 43,215.14 *TBRA costs may be incurred and are eligible for reimbursement beginning October 3,2017 SALARY DETAIL- FACILITY BASED OPERATIONS Est. Percent to Amount to Position Title Annual Salary Grant Grant Pro erty Manager S 57,482.00 86.0% $ 43,112.00 Driver/Maintenance Manager $ 41,584.00 _58.0% S 9,149.00 Driver,/maintenance Technician $ 21,632.00 65.0% S 8,869.00 TOTAL $ 120,698.00 50.6% S 61,130.00 FRINGE DETAIL - FACILITY BASED OPERATIONS Percent of - - Est. Percent to .Amount to Payroll Amount Grant Grant FICA 7.65% $ 65859:410 68.2% $ 4,676.00 Life Disability Insurance $ 187.00 62.6% $ 117.00 HealthlDentallnsurance $ 15,623.00 23.0% $ 3,601.00 Unemployment-State $ 21,691.00 5.4% $ 1,161..00 Worker's Compensation $ 1;79.5.00 85.0% $ 1,525.00 TOTAL I $ 46,155.00 24.0% S 11,080.00 MISCELLANEOUS - FACILITY BASED OPERATIONS - Est. Percent to Amount to Total Budget Grant Grant Insurance-Commercial Property and --- Professional Liability Telephone Electric Maintenance!Repairs Cleaning Supplies TOTAL HOPWA PSA CONTRACT 2417-2018-EXHIBIT"B"-BUDGET Tarrant County Samaritan House, Inc. Page 6 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 8/1/2017 -Ordinance No. 22814-08-2017 DATE: Tuesday,August 1, 2017 REFERENCE NO.: G-19056 LOG NAME: 19NS HUDACTIONPLANPY2017-2018 SUBJECT: Conduct Public Hearing and Approve the City's 2017-2018 Action Plan for the Use of Federal Grant Funds in the Amount of$10,778,461.00 to be Awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development from the Community Development Block Grant,HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergency Solutions Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant Programs,Authorize Collection and Use of Program Income, Authorize Waiver of Application of Indirect Cost Rates,Authorize Execution of Related Contracts and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Conduct a public hearing to allow citizen input and consideration of the City's 2017.2018 Action Plan for use of federal grant funds to be awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of$10,778,461.00 from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program,Emergency Solutions Grant,and Housing Opportunities for Person with AIDS grant programs, and for the use of program income from activities using prior years' federal grant funds; 2. Approve the City's 2017-2018 Action Plan for submission to HUD, including allocations of grant funds to particular programs and activities as detailed below; 3. Authorize the collection and use of an estimated$150,000.00 of program income which resulted from activities using prior years'Community Development Block Grant funds,for the City's Priority Repair Program; 4. Authorize the collection and use of an estimated$300,000.00 of program income which resulted from activities using prior years'HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds,for the completion of the Hardy Street and HFC Terrell Single Family Infill housing development projects and 10 percent for administrative costs as detailed below; 5. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute contracts for one year terms with the agencies listed in Tables 1,2 and 3 below,for Program Year 2017-2018 for Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Person with AIDS grant funds, contingent upon receipt of funding and satisfactory completion of an Environmental Review and all regulatory requirements; 6. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to extend the contracts for up to one year if an agency or department requests an extension and such extension is necessary for completion of the program or to amend the contracts if necessary to achieve program goals provided any amendment is within the scope of the program and in compliance with City policies and all applicable laws and regulations governing the use of federal grant funds; 7. Authorize a waiver of indirect cost rates as applicable for the Grants Fund in accordance with the City's Administrative Regulations; and S. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations to the Grants Fund in the total amount of $10,778,461.00 consisting of$6,526,863.00 in Community Development Block Grant funds,$2,047,626.00 in HOME.Investment Partnerships Program funds, $577,437.00 in Emergency Solutions Grant funds, and $1,176,535.00 in Housing Opportunities for Person with AIDS grant funds,plus any program income,all subject to receipt of such funds. DISCU$$ION: The City's 2017-2018 Action Plan summarizes the major housing and community development activities and proposed expenditures for the program year beginning October 1,2017 and ending September 30,2018 for use of federal grant funds totaling$10,778,461.00 from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)for Community Development Block Grant (CDHG),HOME Investment Partnerships Program(HOME),Emergency Solutions Grant(ESG)and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS(HOPWA)grant programs. It also summarizes the use of program income resulting from activities using prior years' CDHG and HOME funds,the primary purpose of which is to benefit low and moderate income City of Fort Worth residents. ESG funds primarily benefit homeless persons, and HOPWA funds primarily benefit low and moderate income persons with HIV/AIDS. Staff developed initial recommendations for the allocation of the estimated funding From HUD based on prior years' funding levels.A public hearing was held on April 19,2017 to provide citizens the opportunity to participate in the development of the Action Plan.The Staff recommendations for award amounts were presented to the Housing and Neighborhood Services Committee on May 6,2017 and were adopted by the Community Development Council(CDC) on May 10,2017. Following the publication of final funding amounts for FY2017-18 from HUD on June 14,2017,Staff recommendations were updated to reflect the actual grant amounts and these revised recommendations were forwarded to the CDC and presented to the City Council through an Informal Report at the City Council Work Session on June 20, 2017. Notice of a 30 day public comment period from lune 30,2017 to July 31, 2017 was published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on.lune 25.2017_in-La FsItetla on June 27,2017,and in La Vida News.The Black Voice on June 29, 2017. Any comments received are maintained by the Neighborhood Services Department in accordance with federal regulations. The City must hold two public hearings as part of the HUD-required citizen participation process. The first public hearing is scheduled to be held by City Staff on July 19,2017,and the second public hearing is scheduled for August 1, 2017 at the City Council meeting. A summary of Staffs final funding recommendations is provided below and in Tables 1,2 and 3. Additionally, a spreadsheet of all specific funding recommendations is attached.The 2017-2018 Annual Action Plan must be submitted to HUD by August 15,2017. A waiver of indirect costs is being requested to maximize program benefits. The CDBG program provides for 23 full-time positions with estimated salaries of S 1.3 million.Addition of indirect costs would result in reduction in Staff and services. The indirect costs that are being asked to be waived are estimated to be$215,386.00. CDBG For Program Year 2017-2018, it is recommended that the amount of 56,526,863.00 in CDBG funds, and an estimated amount of$150,000.00 in CDBG program income totaling$6,676,863.00 be allocated as follows: Public Services-$979,029.00 This item includes social services for low to moderate income,disabled and disadvantaged populations. Housing Program Services-$2,922,228.00 This item includes funding for the City's Priority Repair Program,Cowtown Brush-Up,homebuyer and housing services,accessibility modifications to the homes of senior and/or disabled individuals,the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Match,and related project delivery costs for these programs. Infrastructure Projects&Public Facilities-S579,255 00 This item includes funding for the Worth Heights Community Center Americans with Disability Act Improvements. CDBG Economic Development-$740,979.00 This item is the City's annual payment of its Section 108 loan from HUD. The Section 108 Program is a loan guarantee program which enables CDBG grantees to borrow up to five times the annual entitlement grant. CDBG Estimated Program Income-$150,000.00 This item includes funding for the City's Priority Repair Program. CDBG program income that is received which is over the estimated amount but not used for the City's Priority Repair Program will be allocated to priority activities in the City's Consolidated Plan subject to City Council approval, CDBG General Administration-S1,305,3 72.00 This item includes costs for administering the CDBG grant including allocations for Financial Management Services and Planning and Development Departments. HOME For Program Year 2017-2018,it is recommended that the amount of $'2,047,626.00 in HOME funds,and an estimated amount of 9300,000.00 in HOME program income totaling 52,347,626.00 be allocated as follows: Homebuyers Assistance Program (HAP)-$700,000.00 This item includes funding for down payment and/or closing cost assistance to low and moderate income homebuyers. Community Development Housing Organizations(CHDO)Set Aside-$307,x44.00 HUD requires that a minimum of 15 percent of HOME funds be allocated to CHDOs for affordable housing projects and CHDO administrative operating costs. These funds will be used by Housing Channel(formerly Tarrant County Housing Partnership),a CHDO,for the Riverside Single Family Infill Development(COUNCIL DISTRICT 8). The houses will be sold to homebuyers making at or below 80 percent of the area median income as set by HUD. Rental Housing Development–$835,720.00 This item represents gap financing for a portion of the costs of developing Columbia Renaissance Square,Phase 1I,an affordable multifamily senior development(COUNCIL DISTRICT 8). HOME General Administration – $204,762.00 This item includes costs for administering the HOME grant. HOME Estimated Program Income-9300,000.00 This item represents gap financing for the Columbia Renaissance Square, Phase II multifamily senior development.HOME program income that is received which is over the estimated amount but not used for the Columbia Renaissance Square,Phase II project will be allocated to the Riverside Single Family Infill development,or to priority activities in the City's Consolidated Plan subject to Council approval. HUD allows the City to take 10 percent of any HOME program income to be used for the costs for administering the HOME grant. HOPWA For Program Year 2017-2018,it is recommended that the amount of $1,176,535.00 in HOPWA funds be allocated as follows: Note-Profit Service Providers-$1,141,239.00 HOPWA Program Administration–$35,296.00 LsG For Program Year 2017-2018, it is recommended that the amount of S577,437.00 in FSG funds be allocated as follows: Non-Profit.Service Providers- $534,130.00 ESG Program Administration – $43,307.00 CONTRA C1 RECOA131ENDAT)— The.CDC.and Staff recommend that contracts be executed with the Iisted agencics for the amounts shown in the,following tables: Commugi flet=elapment Bloch Grant Contracts: Table I – CDBGA envies Organization Pro ram Amount B Christian Leaming Child Care Services $ Center 76,350.00 Catholic Charities DioceseEmployment/Job S f Fort Worth,Inc, raining 101,800.00 Girls Inc. of Tarrant Youth Services S County 111,980.00 Goodwill Industries of Employment/Job $ Fort Werth,Inc. Training 76,350.00 Housing Channel Housing Counseling 118,088.00 Services The Ladder AllianceEmployment/Job $ raining__ 94,974.00 Meals on Wheels, Inc. of General&.Special $ Greater Tarrant.County Needs 76,350.00 Presbyterian Night Shelter Public Service $ f Tarrant County Special Needs 14.4,487.00 Sixty and Better,Inc. Public Services: S Elderly 101,800.00 United Community Centers Child Care Services S _ 76,350.00 CDBG Public Service S Subtotal 979,029.00 _ Rehabilitation, Education Accessibility S and Advocacy for Persons 1021,000.00 with Handicaps,dba REACH, Total CDBG Contracts IS1,081,029.00 "REACH will be funded from the:CDBG Housing Programs and Services budget Housing Opportunities For Persons IfIth AIDS Con act's: Table 2–HOPIK4 A envies Organization Program Amount Tarrant County Samaritan Administration $ Housing, Inc. seven percent), 510,204.00 Supportive Services nd Facility Based housing Subsidy Assistance IDS Outreach Center, Inc. Supportive Services, $ Tenant Based Rental 631,035.00 Assistance(TBRA), and Short Term Rent Mortgage and-Utility ssistance STRTVIt} Total HOPI 4 Contracts 51,141,239.00 EmeraenC,y&Iudans Grant C.'antrac.•ts: Table 3–ESC;Ag errCies _ Organization Program Amount Presbyterian Night Shelter Shelter $ 126,625.00 f Tarrant Cour Operations/Services Safe.Haven of Tarrant Shelter S 75,975.00 County Operations/Services Lighthouse for the Shelter $ 95,343.00 Homeless dba True WorthOperations/Services Place The Salvation Army,a Homeless Prevention $ 126,625.00 Georgia Cqr poration .enter for Transforming Rapid Rehousing $ 109,562.00 Ives Total SSG Contracts IS 534,130.00 A waiver of the goal for MBE/SBE subcontracting requirements was requested by the Neighborhood Services Department and approved by the NVAIBE Office, in accordance with the MiWBE or BDE Ordinance,because the purchase of goods or services from source(s)where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. All figures have been rounded to the nearest dollar for presentation purposes. These programs are available in ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS. F[SCAL INFORMATION I C RTIFICATION-0 The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations,adoption.of the attached appropriation ordinance and receipt of grant funds,funds will be available in the current operating budget,as appropriated,of the Grants Operating Federal Fund. This is a reimbursement grant. The Neighborhood Services Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds prior to an expenditure being made. FUND IDENTIFIERS (F[Ils): TO Department Account Project Program Activity BAmount Budget Reference# Fund ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) Fw)m Fund Account Program Activity Amount Department Project Budget Reference# ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) E I Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa (6122) Originating DeRartment Head; Aubrey Thagard (8187) Barbara Asbury (7331) Additional ln n n t' David Reitz (7563) ATT HI ENTS 1. 19NS HUDACTIONPLANP-Y2017-201819N ] AO 17. x lie) 2. 2012-2018 UD All C t CFW Internal) 3. Fonn 1295i 4. 'HUD 2017-18AP Selected Slides.12df r„ i 5. MWBE Waiver.pdf (CFW lnternal) 6. SAM Search_-All Agencies,pdf Lm Internal) CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 loft Complete Nos.z-4 and 6 If there are interested panles. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested partes. CERTIFICATION[OF FILING 1 Name of business entity fit ing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's plaCe Certificate Number: of business. 2017-236118 Tarrant County Samaritan Housing,Inc. Fort Worth,TX United States nate Filed: 2 Nance of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 07/13/2017 being riled. City of Fort Worth fate Acknowle ed: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identity the contract,and provide a descriptions of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. HOPWAPY2017 Supportive service and facility operation services for individuals living with HIVIAIDS 4 Nature of interest Hayne of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. x 6 1 V T f swear,or affirm,undernal of u that the above disclosure is true and correct. Pe ty PeflrY, TED A LOVATd ---- * Notary Public Stale of Texas r ID#1041732.8 80F fty Comm.bxp,01.16•2020 urea titilorized agent of contracting busin ss entity ArFIX NOTARY STAMP 1 SEAL ABOVE Swum; and subscribed before me.by the said �`� f' &yq •S 20 w certify which,witness nTy hand and seal of o[fice --4 gn ture of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer ministering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.883