HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 26817 CITY SECRETARY p I STATE OF TEXAS § CONTRACT NO. D J COUNTY OF TARRANT § THIS contract is made and entered into by and between the City of Fort Worth ("City"), acting and through Charles R. Boswell, its duly authorized Assistant City Manager, and Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth ("Contractor"), by and through Mr. Louis Zapata, its duly authorized President. Contractor's business address is P. O. 4260, Fort Worth, Texas 76164. WHEREAS,the City of Fort Worth has been notified that it will receive grant monies from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development("HUD")through the Community Development Block Grant("CDBG")for Year XXVII; and, WHEREAS,the primary purpose of the CDBG Program is to benefit low and moderate income citizens of Fort Worth; and, WHEREAS,the citizens of Fort Worth,the Community Development Council,and the City Council of Fort Worth have determined that Public Services Programs are needed by low and moderate income citizens of Fort Worth; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT FURTHER WITNESSETH: THAT, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services a. Contractor will administer Youth services to citizens of the City of Fort Worth under the program name Theater Skills Program("Program"), for the term 1 June 2001 to 31 May 2002. b. Contractor will provide the services and activities delineated in Exhibit A-Program Summary in accordance with Exhibit B-Program Services Schedule. c. Contractor agrees to meet the National Objective of activities benefiting low and moderate income individuals and to maintain full documentation supporting fulfillment of this National Objective in its files. d. City will monitor the performance of the Contractor against the goals and performance standards required herein. Substandard performance as determined by City will constitute non-compliance with this Agreement. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by Contractor within a reasonable period of time after being notified in writing by City, contract suspension or termination procedures will be initiated. 2. Compensation and Method of Payment a. City will disburse CDBG Year XXVII monies in an amount up to $25,000 to Contractor on a reimbursement of expenses basis. XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 1 CNNleGA ply I?Ilo uu G�ll�,'i1f Il U9 UL�411n b. Payment will be processed by City following receipt from Contractor of the following monthly financial documents: (1) Attachment I-Sub-Grantee's Request For Funds, (2) Attachment II-Detail Statement of Costs, and (3) Attachment III-Expenditures Worksheet Report. Reimbursement for the payment of eligible expenses shall be made against the line item budget specified in Exhibit C-Program Operating Budget and in accordance with performance specified in Exhibit B-Program Services Schedule. c. Contractor agrees to utilize all disbursed CDBG funds for the benefit of the Program. Contractor agrees that funds will be expended in accordance with the Program Operating Budget. Contractor may not increase or decrease line-item amounts in the approved CDBG Program Operating Budget without prior written approval by the City. d. It is understood that the total cost for operation of this program is $32,236 and that Contractor will obtain the remaining funds in excess of the CDBG amount as detailed in the Program Operating Budget. Contractor will notify City promptly of any additional funding it receives for operation of the Program, and City reserves the right to amend the Program Operating Budget in such instances. e. Contractor agrees to keep all CDBG monies on hand in interest bearing accounts.All interest earned shall be reported to City on a monthly basis, at the same time as submission of the monthly report following the end of the contract month during which the interest was earned. Interest in an amount of $25.00 or less per month may be used for authorized program expenses. These amounts must be reported on the monthly financial statements filed pursuant to this contract.Interest earned in excess of $25.00 per month is subject to remittance to City as directed by City. f. Contractor will not commingle CDBG monies with any other funds in any manner which would prevent City from readily identifying program expenditures for operation of the Program. 3. Uniform Administrative Requirements and Program Management Standards a. Financial Management i. Accounting Standards The Contractor agrees to comply with OMB Circular A-110 and agrees to adhere to the accounting principles and procedures required therein,utilize adequate internal controls,and maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred. ii. Cost Principles Contractor shall administer the Program in conformance with OMB Circular A-122, "Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations"and attachments and revisions thereto,regarding principles for determining costs for the Program. b. Documentation and Record Keeping i. Requirement Contractor shall maintain all records pertinent to the activities to be funded under this Agreement required by HUD regulations specified in 24 CFR§ 570.506. In addition,Contractor agrees to keep records to fully document all expenditures charged to the CDBG program.The documentation must support the amounts charged to Program and demonstrate that the expenditures were appropriate to the stated goals of the Program and allowable under applicable federal, state and City guidelines. ii. Retention (1) All records pertaining to Program shall be retained for five (5) years following the date of termination of this contract. Contractor may destroy Program records at the end of this five(5)year period if no outstanding audit finding exists. (2) Contractor will retain Program loan records until five (5)years after the expiration of the loan. XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 2 �� Il] �(��,G��j[� �� I � '�➢ TE. iii. Property Records The contractor shall maintain real property inventory records which clearly identify properties purchased, improved, or sold. Properties retained shall meet eligibility criteria and shall conform with 24 CFR § 570.505. iv. Close Outs The Contractor's obligation to City shall not end until all close-out requirements are completed. Activities during this close-out period shall include,but are not limited to: making final payments, disposing of program assets(including the return of all unused materials,equipment,unspent cash advances, program income balances, and accounts receivable to City), and determining the custodianship of records. v. Audits and Inspections (1) City, HUD, and the United States Comptroller General, or their representatives, shall have access to any books, documents,records and papers relating to the operations of Contractor under this Agreement for the purpose of audit,examination,exception and transcription at all reasonable hours at all offices of Contractor. (2) For all contracts in which Contractor is cumulatively receiving federal monies in the amount of $300,000 or more,Contractor must submit to City an annual audit prepared in accordance with 24 CFR Sections § 570.502-570.503 generally, with specific reference to OMB Circulars (with attachments)A-122 and A-133 as appropriate. The audit may cover either Contractor's fiscal year during which this contract is in force or cover the period of this contract.The audit must be prepared by an independent certified public accountant, be completed within twelve(12)months following the end of the period being audited and be submitted to City within thirty (30) days of its completion. Contractor's audit schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit D -Audit Schedule. Costs of preparation of this audit may be an allowable expenditure of CDBG funds in an amount proportional to that of the CDBG funds used in contractor's total agency operating budget. (3) City reserves the right to perform an audit of Contractor's program operations and finances at any time during the term of this contract, if City determines that such audit is necessary for City's compliance with OMB Circular A-128. Contractor agrees to allow access to all pertinent materials. If such audit reveals a questioned practice or expenditure,such questions must be resolved within fifteen (15) days after notice to Contractor. If questions are not resolved within this period, City reserves the right to withhold further funding under this and/or future contract(s). (4) If as a result of any audit it is determined that Contractor has misused, misapplied or misappropriated all or any part of the grant funds described herein,Contractor agrees to reimburse the City the amount of such monies so misused,misapplied or misappropriated,plus the amount of any sanction,penalty or other charge levied against City because of such misuse,misapplication or misappropriation. 4. Reporting Procedures a. Program Income Contractor agrees that all program income from operation of the Program in proportion to the amount of CDBG funds received hereunder will be expended prior to expending CDBG monies and that any such program income is subject to the terms of this contract. CDBG monies may be expended by the Contractor only if program income is insufficient to meet all eligible program activity expenses. Contractor agrees to return to City at the end of the Contract any remaining program income earned from operation of the Program in proportion to the amount of CDBG funds in the overall operating budget. b. Progress Reports c ��Q� XXVI1 CDBGCNT May 29,2001 3 U U CCLLS"r1(�'U�k`1/f i. Contractor will submit monthly Attachment IV-Program Services Report to City for services and activities undertaken by Contractor in performance of this contract. The report will be signed by a duly authorized agent of Contractor and submitted by the 15" of the month following the month which is reported. The City is under no obligation to disburse funds for expenditures which occurred prior to the first day of the month for which the report is submitted. c. Procurement i. Compliance The Contractor shall comply with City policy concerning the purchase of equipment and shall maintain inventory records of all non-expendable personal property, as defined by such policy , procured with funds provided herein. ii. OMB Standards The Contractor shall procure all materials,property,or services in accordance with the requirements of OMB circular A-110,Procurement Standards,and shall subsequently comply with Attachment N, Property Management Standards as modified by 24 CFR 570.502(b)(6), covering utilization and disposal of property. 5. Reversion of Assets a. Contractor agrees to return to City any CDBG funds remaining on hand at the end of the Contract. b.All property purchased with CDBG funds under this contract will be used solely for operation of the Program. Contractor agrees to obtain City approval prior to purchase of property. Contractor agrees to notify City upon receipt of property so that it may be properly tagged and inventoried. Title to such property will be vested with the City, and, at the termination of the Program for which CDBG funds have been received, Contractor will deliver all such property to City for disposition at City's sole discretion. 6. Applicable Laws a. Federal Contractor agrees to comply with the following laws and the regulations issued thereunder as they are currently written or are hereafter amended during performance of this contract: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d et seq) • Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 USC 3601 et seq) • Executive Orders 11063, 11246,as amended by 11375 and as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (41 CFR, Part 60) • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1973 (29 USC 794) • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794) • The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99-603, 100 Stat. 3359 , as amended), specifically including the provisions requiring employer verification of the legal status of its employees • The Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 (Pub. L. 100-242, 101 Stat. 1815, as amended) • The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq) b. Other Laws Contractor covenants and agrees that its officers,members,agents,employees,program participants and subcontractors shall abide by and comply with all other laws, federal, state and local, relevant to the performance of this contract, including all ordinances,rules and regulations of the City of Fort Worth XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 4 ARCC�11�,d P'IN VU'U �t! yU'J1L�Uc'�JUp ��o and the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-383, 885 Stat. 633,), as amended,and all regulations pertaining thereto. Contractor further promises and agrees that it has read, and is familiar with, terms and conditions of the Community Development Block Grant under which funds are granted and that it will fully comply with same. It is agreed and understood that,if City calls the attention of Contractor to any such violation on the part of Contractor or any of its officers, members,agents,employees,program participants or subcontractors,then Contractor shall immediately desist from and correct such violation. 7. Nondiscrimination a. Contractor,in the execution,performance or attempted performance of this contract and agreement, will not unlawfully discriminate against any person or persons because of sex, race, religion, age, disability,color or national origin,nor will Contractor permit its officers,members,agents,employees, subcontractors or program participants to engage in such discrimination. b. In accordance with the policy of the Executive Branch of the federal government, Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members, agents, employees, program participants or subcontractors, while engaged in performing this contract, shall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms, conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the basis of bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. c. Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members, agents, employees, subcontractors,program participants,or persons acting on their behalf,shall specify,in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification,retirement plan or statutory requirement. d. In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public,nor in the availability,terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with Contractor,or employees of Contractor or any of its subcontractors. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA's provisions and any other applicable federal,state and local laws concerning disability and will defend,indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors'alleged failure to comply with the above-referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement. e. This agreement is made and entered into with reference specifically to the ordinances codified at Chapter 17,Article III,Division 3 ("Discrimination in Employment Practices"),of the City Code of the City of Fort Worth,and Contractor hereby covenants and agrees that Contractor,its officers,members, agents, employees and subcontractors, have fully complied with all provisions of same and that no employee, employee-applicant or program participant has been discriminated against by the terms of such ordinances by either the Contractor or its officers,members,agents,employees or subcontractors. 8. Prohibition Against Interest a. No member, officer or employee of City or its designees or agents; no member of the governing body of the locality in which the Program is situated; and no other public official of such locality or localities,who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the Program funded hereunder during his or her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or subcontract,or the proceeds thereof, for work to be perform e 'hereunder. or shall ."uNCINA1GDlcED XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 5 Nu`J Rc ^ incorporate, or cause to be incorporated, like language prohibiting such interest in all contracts and subcontracts hereunder. b. No member,officer,employee,or program participant of Contractor or its subcontractors shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or the monies transferred hereunder or be financially interested,directly or indirectly,in the sale to Contractor of any land,materials,supplies or services purchased with any funds transferred hereunder,except on behalf of Contractor,as an officer, employee,member or program participant. Any willful violation of this paragraph with the knowledge, expressed or implied,of Contractor or its subcontractors shall render this contract voidable by the City of Fort Worth. 9. Minority and Women Business Enterprise Commitment Contractor agrees to abide by the City of Fort Worth's policy to involve Minority and Women Business Enterprises(MWBEs)in all phases its procurement practices and to provide them an equal opportunity to compete for contracts for construction,provision of professional services,purchase of equipment and supplies and provision of other services required by City. Therefore, Contractor agrees to incorporate City Ordinance No. 11923,and all amendments or successor policies thereto,into all contracts and will further require all persons or entities with whom it contracts to comply with said Policy. 10. Non-Assignment Contractor will not assign any or all of its rights or responsibilities under this contract without the prior written approval of City. Any purported assignment without such approval will be a breach of this contract and void in all respects. 11. Independent Contractor a. Contractor shall operate hereunder as an independent contractor and not as an officer,agent,servant or employee of City. Contractor shall have exclusive control of,and the exclusive right to control,the details of the work and services performed hereunder, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, members, agents, servants, employees, subcontractors,program participants,licensees or invitee. The doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between City and Contractor, its officers, members, agents, servants, employees, subcontractors, program participants, licensees or invitees, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Contractor. It is expressly understood and agreed that no officer, member, agent, employee, subcontractor, licensee or invitee of the Contractor, nor any program participant hereunder, is in the paid service of City and that City does not have the legal right to control the details of the tasks performed hereunder by Contractor,its officers,members, agents, employees, subcontractors, program participants, licensees or invitees. b. City shall in no way nor under any circumstances be responsible for any property belonging to Contractor,its officers,members,agents,employees,subcontractors,program participants,licensees or invitees, which may be lost, stolen, destroyed or in any way damaged; and Contractor hereby indemnifies and holds harmless City and its officers,agents,and employees from and against any and all claims or suits. -01.1D XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 6w0 ; '�y�� y � Y Uo VV�✓��'tlUU� ��o 12. Insurance and Bonding a. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, City and its officers,agents,servants and employees from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss or damage and/or personal injury, including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising out of or in connection with the execution, performance, attempted performance or nonperformance of this contract and agreement and/or the operations, activities and services of the Program described herein,whether or not caused, in whole or in part,by alleged negligence of officers, agents, servants,employees, contractors or subcontractors of City; and Contractor hereby assumes all liability and responsibility of City and its officers,agents, servants, and employees for any and all claims or suits for property loss or damage and/or personal injury,including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kinds or character,whether real or asserted, arising out of or in connection with the execution,performance, attempted performance or non-performance of this contract and agreement and/or the operations,activities and services of the programs described herein, whether or not caused in whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officers, agents, servants, employees,contractors or subcontractors of City. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to and does hereby indemnify and hold harmless City from and against any and all injury,damage or destruction of property of City, arising out or in connection with all acts or omissions of Contractor, its officers, members,agents,employees, subcontractors,invitees,licensees,or program participants,or caused,in whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors or subcontractors of City. b. Contractor will maintain a blanket fidelity coverage in the form of an insurance bond in the amount of$25,000, to insure against loss from the fraud, theft or dishonesty of any of Contractor's officers, agents,trustees,directors or employees. The proceeds of such bond shall be used to reimburse City for any and all loss of CDBG monies occasioned by such misconduct. To effectuate such reimbursement, such bond shall include a rider stating that reimbursement for any loss or losses thereunder shall be made directly to City for the uses and benefit of Contractor. c. Contractor shall furnish a certificate of insurance as proof that it has secured and paid for policies of public liability and automobile liability insurance covering all risks incident to or in connection with the execution, performance, attempted performance or nonperformance of this contract and agreement. d. The amounts of such insurance shall not be less than the maximum liability which can be imposed on City under the laws of the State of Texas. Contractor understands and agrees that such insurance amounts may be revised upward at City's option and that Contractor shall revise such amounts within thirty (30)days following notice to Contractor of such requirements. e. Contractor will submit documentation to City that it has obtained insurance coverage and has executed bonds as required in this contract within thirty(3 0)days of the execution of this contract and prior to payment of any monies hereunder. 13. Waiver of Immunity If Contractor, as a charitable or nonprofit organization, has or claims an immunity or exemption (statutory or otherwise) from and against liability for damages or injury,including death,to persons or property; Contractor hereby expressly waives its rights to plead defensively such immunity or exemption as against City. This section shall not be construed to affect a governmental entity's immunities under constitutional, statutory or common law. XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 7 L11 UV'J PICT 119 WVa. 14. Termination a. In addition to,and not in substitution for,other provisions of this Agreement regarding the provision of public services with CDBG funds,pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, it is expressly understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this agreement is wholly conditioned upon the actual receipt by City of Federal CDBG Year XXVII funds; that all monies distributed to Contractor hereunder shall be exclusively from Federal monies received under said grant and not from any monies of City; and that if such funds under said grant are not timely forthcoming, in whole or in part, City may, at its sole discretion,terminate this contract and agreement and City shall not be liable for payment for any work or services performed by Contractor under or in connection with this contract. b. City may terminate this contract whenever such termination is determined to be in the best interest of City, in event of Contractor's default, inability or failure to perform or to comply with any of the terms herein, or for other good cause. c. The parties acknowledge that CDBG funds paid hereunder are intended to provide only partial funding for Contractor's program operations. If non-CDBG funds included in the Operating Budget are not forthcoming to Contractor during the contract term, City may terminate this contract. d. CDBG funds provided hereunder may not be used as collateral for loans to Contractor to defray program operation expenses, and any attempted use of CDBG funds for this purpose will result in termination of this contract by City. e. Termination will be effected by written notice to Contractor, specifying the portions of the contract affected and the effective date of termination. Upon Contractor's receipt of such termination notice, Contractor will: • Stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified by City; • Cease expenditures of CDBG monies, except as necessary for completion of the portions of the contract not terminated; and • Terminate all orders and contracts to the extent that they relate to terminated portions of the contract. f. Contractor will return to City any unused monies previously advanced by City under this contract within thirty(30)days of the effective date of contract termination. City will have no responsibility or liability for Contractor's expenditures or actions occurring after the effective date of contract termination. 15. Certification Regarding Lobbying a. The undersigned representative of Contractor hereby certifies,to the best of his or her knowledge and belief,that: No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of Contractor, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract,the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. Contractor shall require that the language of this certification be included in all subcontracts or agreements involving the expenditure of federal funds. b. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement, Contractor shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 8 M-1 PDY 16. Miscellaneous Provisions a. All terms of this contract shall apply to any and all subcontractors of Contractor who are in any way paid with CDBG funds or who perform any work in connection with Contractor's program. b. The provisions of this agreement are severable, and,if for any reason a clause, sentence,paragraph or other part of this agreement shall be determined to be invalid by a court or federal or state agency, board or commission having jurisdiction over the subject matter thereof,such invalidity shall not affect other provisions which can be given effect without the invalid provision. c. The failure of the City to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of this agreement or to exercise any right herein conferred shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment to any extent of City's right to assert or rely upon any such term or right on any future occasion. d. Should any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the execution, performance,attempted performance or nonperformance of this contract and agreement,venue for said action shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas. e. This written instrument and the exhibits attached hereto, which are incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract for all purposes, constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto concerning the work and services to be performed hereunder,and any prior or contemporaneous,oral or written agreement which purports to vary from the terms hereof shall be void. Any amendments to the terms of this contract must be in writing and must be approved by each party to this contract. XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 9 IN IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed four copies of this contract in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas,this day of , A.D. 20 0/ CITY OF FORT WORTH Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth 1 By: By: Charles R. Boswell Mr. Louis Zapata Assistant City Manager President APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: y me Date ATTEST: ity Secretary .g-0) contract Authorization Date XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 10 ( {°� a p�(�5����N STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Charles R. Boswell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the City of Fort Worth and that he/she executed the same as the act of said City of Fort Worth for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. ((�� GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ka day ofkIL-1f, , A.D. 20 D ------------------------ ROSELLA:BARNES NOTARYLICNo ary Public in and for state oas the State of Texas omm.Exp. 1-2005 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Mr. Louis Zapata, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he\she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed for Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth and in the capacity therein stated as its duly authorized officer or representative. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of A.D. 20 Nota Pub is in and for the State of Texas " Frank Marrero *, *`lotary Public,state of Texas `'4 r My Commission Expires JANUARY 11, 2005 Do XXVII CDBGCNT May 29,2001 11 F �r� � ���U 'J161% TEL EXHIBIT A CDBG XXVII PROGRAM SUMMARY Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth AGENCY Theater Skills Program PROGRAM 1 June, 2001 to 31 May, 2002 $25,000 CONTRACT NO. PERIOD AMOUNT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A multi-disciplined performing arts theater dedicated providing opportunities for the community through student internships that focus on job shadowing of theater functions as well as hands-on experiences in overall theater management. Internship pool will be focused in CDBG designated areas. The intern must demostrate his or her mastery of skills by performing, without assistance of the Mentor/Teacher, for a minimum of one performance. Council District(s)2 PROGRAM GOALS To create healthy communities by providing community-based art and cultural education programs for at-risk youth (10 students).These educational programs will provide job skills necessary for future employment in the private sectors. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Provide individuals with theatrical training, in technical lighting,acting performance and theatrical management skills. PROGRAM SERVICES and ACTIVITIES GOALS Number of interviews-Recruitment of program participants 10 Number of Theater skills internship/training session 22 Number of Theatrical performances 4 Number of participants recommended for job placement 10 Number of workshops 4 EXHIBIT B CDBG YEAR XXVII PROGRAM SERVICE SCHEDULE Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth AGENCY Theater Skills Program PROGRAM Activity Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Total 6/1 7/1 Recruitment of program V 0 10 interviews Participants 7/5 7/24 8/25 9/15 10/9 1/5 1124 2125 3115 4/9 Theater skills intership/training V_1_0 0_2_00_3`0 V_1_0 V_2_OV_3-0 22 sessions 10/27-29 12/15-16 5/12 Theatrical performances V_0 V 0 V 0 4 performances Recommendation for job 5115--- placement V_ 10 participants 10/13&20 4/12&19 4 workshops Workshops V V V V Notes: V=Start <s1 0=Finish 1=Lighting g; 2=Acting 3=Directing Rehearsal times not included on schedule for clarity. 0� CITY OF FORT WORTH EXHIBIT C CDBG BUDGET 2001-2002 Page 1 of 3 CONTRACT PERIOD From: 6/1/011— To: 5/31/02 Name of Sub Grantee Name of Program Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth ILAA Internship Program Program CDBG Cost Category Budget Funds [a] [b] [c] [d] PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries 16,320 14,400 1,920 FICA 3,593 3,215 378 Life Insurance Health Insurance Employment Tax-State Employment Tax- Federal Worker's Comp 1,082 986 96 Retirement SUPPLIES Office Supplies 200 50 150 Postage 15 5 10 Teaching Aids Food Supplies Other Operating Expenses CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone 720 360 180 180 Electric 4,320 2,160 1,080 1,080 Gas 1,440 720 360 360 Water/Waste Disposal 720 360 180 180 Rent[Building] 1 1 Custodial Services 250 125 125 Office Equipment Rental Printing Repairs Fidelity Bond 200 119 81 Liability Insurance 900 450 225 225 Legal &Accounting 600 300 150 150 Private Auto Allowance- Local Advertising Conference& Seminars Contractual Services Miscellaneous 1,875 1,875 CAPITAL OUTLAY Ice urniture Computer Equipment Other: [Described] TOTAL 32,236 25,000 4,855 2,381 - - MATCHING FUND SOURCES [a] Lease of theatre [b]Gala fundraiser [c] [d] 'u 011 Jr Cr�jrr��W U BUDGET DETAIL Page 2 of 3 PERSONAL SERVICES Hourly Annual % of Position/Title Rate Hours Time Amount 1 Supervisor/Facilitator 20.00 240 4,800 2 Teacher/mentor 15.00 240 3,600 3 Teacher/mentor 15.00 240 3,600 4 Teacher/mentor 15.00 136 2,040 5 Secretary 8.00 45 360 TOTAL STAFF SALARIES 14,400 FRINGE BENEFITS %of % Paid % Paid CATEGORY Payroll Amount by Agency by CDBG Amount FICA 22.00% 3,593 10.5 89.50% 3,216 Life Insurance Health Insurance Employment Tax Worker's Comp 6.60% 1,082 8.9 91.10% 986 Retirement TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 4,201 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 18,601 �A,I PEC0QQ i('Uo �UI r'�Wp �LSWo BUDGET DETAIL Page 3 of 3 UTILITIES AVERAGE COST PER NUMBER OF MONTHS AMOUNT CATEGORY MONTH Telephone 60 6 360 Electric 360 6 2160 Gas 120 6 720 Waste/Water Disposal 60 6 360 Other Total Utilities 600 24 3600 BUILDING LEASE BUILDING COST PER SQUARE LOCATION NO. SQUARE FOOT FOOT AMOUNT 1 Roseland Marine Theatre 2 TOTAL BUILDING LEASE OTHER EXPENSES CATEGORY TOTAL CHARGE %CHARGED TO CDBG AMOUNT Custodial Services 250 0 0 Fidelity Bond 200 60 119 Liability Insurance 900 50 450 Legal &Accounting 600 50 300 (Other) Miscellaneous 1875 100 1875 TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS EVENT TOTAL CHARGE % CHARGED TO CDBG AMOUNT 1 2 3 TOTAL CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS SUPPLIES ITEM TOTAL CHARGE %CHARGED TO CDBG AMOUNT 1 Office Supplies 200 1 251 1 501 2 Postage 15 33 5 3 TOTAL SUPPLIES 55 � �CQ EXHIBIT "D" AUDIT SCHEDULE INDEPENDENT AUDIT REQUIREMENT BUSINESS/AGENCY NAME: Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth PROGRAM: Theater Skills Program CDBG YEAR: XXVII AMOUNT FUNDED: $25,000 Name of Independent Auditor who will perform agency audit: Independent Auditor to be contracted during CDBG contract period. Date audit is to be performed: Within 60 days of completion of CDBG funded project. The following language is a condition of your contract with the City: (1) For all contracts in which Contractor is cumulatively receiving federal monies in the amount of$300,000 or more, Contractor must submit to City an annual audit prepared in accordance with 24 CFR Sections § 570.502-570.503 generally, with specific reference to OMB Circulars (with attachments) A-122 and A-133 as appropriate. The audit may cover either Contractor's fiscal year during which this contract is in force or cover the period of this contract. The audit must be prepared by an independent certified public accountant, be completed within twelve (12) months following the end of the period being audited and be submitted to City within thirty (30) days of its completion. Contractor's audit schedule is attached hereto as Exhibit D - Audit Schedule. Costs of preparation of this audit may be an allowable expenditure of CDBG funds in an amount proportional to that of the CDBG funds used in contractor's total agency operating budget. This form is to be completed and submitted to the Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Management Division at the beginning of each contract year. Signature COUP APPENDIX C—CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION Contractor represents that it is, or may be deemed to be, a religious or denominational institution or an organization operated for religious purposes which is supervised or controlled by or in connection with a religious or denominational institutional or organization. Pursuant to Title 24 CFR CH.V§ 570.2000). Contractor agrees that in connection with this contract: a. It will not discriminate against any person applying for such public services on the basis of religion and will not limit such services or give preference to persons on the basis of religion, and; b. It will not discriminate against any person applying for such public services on the basis of religion and will not limit such services or give preference to persons on the basis of religion,and; c. It will provide no religious instruction or counseling, conduct no religious worship or services, engage in noreligious proselytizing, and exert no other religious influence in the provision of such public services,and; d. It will not use CDBG funds to construct, rehabilitate, or restore any facility which is owned by the Contractor and in which public services are to be provided, except minor repairs, that are directly related to the public service, and are located in only incidental portion of the CDBG expenditure for the project. U�L511Gi1Q H Jv'�r'� EX LATIN ARTS ASSOCIATION Community Development Block Grant Program CERTIFICATION OF INCOME STATEMENT AGENCY:LATIN Arts Association Name of Child: PROGRAM: LAA Internship Program I, do hereby certify that: Applicants Name ❑ My household consists of number of persons;and ❑ My monthly or yearly household income is or, My household income is between: ❑ $17,000-20,000 ❑ 40,000-43,000 ❑ 20,000-23,000 ❑ 43,000-46,000 ❑ 23,000-26,000 ❑ 46,000-50,000 ❑ 26,000-29,000 ❑ 50,000-53,000 ❑ 29,000-32,000 ❑ 53,000-56,000 ❑ 32,000-36,000 ❑ Other ❑ 36,000-40,000 See*Note I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and understand that I may be subject to prosecution for providing false or fraudulent information. *You must provide proof of income to participate in this program by submitting to the agency a copy of one the following documents: letter or certificate from the Department of Human Services verifying assisted living or food stamps,W2-form,letter from employer stating rate of pay,SSI or paycheck stub. Applicants Signature Date Street Address City Zip Warning: Section 1001 of Title 18 of the U.S.Code makes it a criminal offense to make willful false statements or misrepresentations to and Department or Agency of the United States as to any matter within its jurisdiction. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... For Agency Staff Only: ❑Family Income does not exceed the applicable income limit ME❑Family Income does exceed the applicable income limit ��j U�/�/DLhtYI EDDetermined to be low-mod income based on HUD's income criteria DStaff Name: Date: I Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Management Certification of Income CITY OF FORT WORTH FINANCE DEPARTMENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANT MANAGEMENT DIVISION HUD INCOME LIMITS 2001 VERY- VERY-LOW FAMILY MEDIAN VERY-LOW INCOME LOW INCOME(2) SIZE INCOME(1) (0%-30% of Median) (31%-50% of Median) (51%-80% of Median) 1 $42,070 $12,600 $21,050 $33,650 2 $48,080 $14,400 $24,050 $38,450 3 $54,090 $16,250 $27,050 $43,250 4 $60,100 $18,050 $30,050 $48,100 5 $64,910 $19,450 $32,400 $51,950 6 $69,715 $20,900 $34,850 $55,750 7 $74,525 $22,350 $37,250 $59,600 8 $79,330 $23,800 $39,650 $63,450 Note: (1) FY 2001 Median Family Income for Fort Worth,TX is$60,100. Yearly incomes listed above are percentages based on the Median Family Income. (2) For the purpose of monitoring income guidelines,Low Income column represents the"moderate" income scenario. BASIC INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The following items represent basic insurance requirements or standards. Exceptions of the insurance requirements may be permitted, depending on the risk exposure in regards to respective services, products procured, or contractual terms, to name a few. The only constant is Number 3, Statutory Limits of Workers' Compensation. Statutory Workers' Compensation is applicable for all public projects. 1. Commercial General Liability(CGL)Insurance Policy $1,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate limit 2. Automobile Liability Insurance Policy $1,000,000 each accident on a combined single limit basis Or $250,000 Property Damage $500,000 Bodily Injury per person per occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate A commercial business policy may be required as coverage on "Any Auto" (owned, hired and non- owned). 3. Workers' Compensation Insurance Policy Statutory limits Employer's liability $100,000 Each accident/occurrence $100,000 Disease- per each employee $500,000 Disease- policy limit 4. Policy Endorsements as follows: • The City of Fort Worth, its Officers, Employees and Volunteers named as an Additional Insured. Exception... the additional insured status does not apply to Workers' Compensation policies • Thirty (30) days notice of cancellation or non-renewal. It would be advantages to the City to require the following clause: "This insurance shall not be canceled, limited in scope or coverage, cancelled or non- renewed, until after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the City of Fort Worth. • Waiver of rights of recovery(subrogation) in favor of the City of Fort Worth. 5. The insurers for all policies must be licensed/approved to do business in the State of Texas and have a minimum rating of A: VII in the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide or have reasonably equivalent financial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of the Director of Risk Management. 6. The deductible or self-insured retention (SIR) affecting required insurance coverage shall be acceptable to the Risk Manager of the City of Fort Worth in regards to asset value and stockholders' equity. In lieu of traditional insurance, alternative coverage maintained through insurance pools or risk retention groups must also be approved. 1 f � Ins. Requirements PEDOE vised April,2001 7. Environmental Impairment Liability(EIL)&/or Pollution Liability $2,000,000 per occurrence 8. Professional Liability The minimum insurance requirement for this line of coverage should be sufficient enough to coverage the completed operations of the construction project. The Texas Statute of Repose, §§ 1608-9, of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, requires a claimant to bring suit for a defective or unsafe condition of an improvement to real property or equipment attached to real property, or deficiency in the construction or repair of an improvement to the property within 10 years of substantial completion. The statute applies to property damage, bodily injury, wrongful death, contribution, or indemnity. Errors & Omissions coverage is an integral part of the Professional Liability policy. The coverage protects the insured against liability (financial loss) should an error or an omission occur in the performance of his professional duties Professional Liability limits should be consistent with other requirements. The recommended minimum should be no less than: $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Policies are to be written on an occurrence basis or will provide a minimum of a five (5) year tail coverage for policies written on a claims made basis. Subcontractors policies should follow the same minimum requirements as described above. 9. Bonds Fidelity Bond-for honesty and faithful performance of duties and for acts of dishonesty Surety Bond—Guarantees the performance of another Please note: Exceptions to the above may include requiring higher limits or coverage or a specific line of coverage, like Professional Liability or Builder's Risk coverage. The insurance requirements referenced above are applicable in most construction contracts. Insurance requirements differ for other types of coverage. For instance: Liquor Liability (blanket policy vs. "host" liability coverage), Fire and Extended Coverage, Special Events Insurance, insurance requirements for Lessees/Tenants If you desire assistance with insurance requirements,please contact Sue Haupt,Sr. Risk Management Analyst at 871-7761 '�'C-UPLD 2 Ins.Requirements Revised April,2001 ATTACHMENTI CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT REQUEST FOR FUNDS AGENCY: Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth 1440 North Main Fort Worth,Tx 76106 PROGRAM NAME: Theater Skills Program CONTRACT NUMBER: CONTRACT AMOUNT: $25,000 CONTRACT DATE: DATE OF REQUEST: SECTION I(AGENCY) CURRENT MONTH CUMULATIVE I. Reimbursement Request 1. Expenditures: $ $ 2. Income A. Program Income $ $ B. City of Fort Worth $ $ C. Interest Earned CDBG Funds $ $ 3. Reimbursement(1 minus 2) $ $ II.Advance Pay Requests/Repayment $ $ III.Reporting Interest 1.Interest over$25 per quarter returned to City of Fort Worth $ $ SECTION II(CITY) I.MARS—Purchasing Request A. MARS INPUT:Vendor/PO Number/Requisition Number: B. Fund/Account/Center: GR76/539120/013206697360 C. Total Amount of this Request: $ SECTION III I. Verification A. Contract Manager Frank Marrero (Name) (Signature) (Date) B.MARS—Purchasing (Name) (Signature) (Date) C.Accounting (Name) (Signature) (Date) II.Authorization A. Agency (Name) (Signature) (Date) B. Contract Compliance Supervisor Deidra Emerson (Name) (Signature) (Date) C. Assistant to the City Manager (Name) (Signature) (Date) DISTRIBUTION: White -Accounting Blue -IAGMGreen -Agency (17�Ry u `'O UUP^�I1.�UUp �L7!/110 CITY OF FORT WORTH ATTACHMENT II INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT DIVISION DETAIL STATEMENT OF COSTS Latin Arts Assosociation of Fort Worth AGENCY CONTRACT NO. DATE Theater Skills Program TO PROGRAM REPORT PERIOD PROGRAM MONTHLY CUMULATIVE COST CATEGORY ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPENDITURES TO DATE BALANCE PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries 516 010 FICA 518 010 Life Insurance 518 050 Health Insurance 518 060 Unemployment Tax-State 518 090 Worker's Comp 518 040 Retirement 518 070 SUPPLIES Office Supplies 521 010 Postage 521 020 Teaching Aids(Equipment) 522 030 Food Supplies 522 030 Other Operating Supplies 523 300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Telephone 535 040 Electric 535 020 Gas[Utility] 535 010 Water/Waste Disposal 535 030 Rent[Building] 537 010 Custodial Services 539 220 Office Equipment Rental 537 030 Printing 533 030 Repairs 536 010 Fidelity Bond 538 210 Liability Insurance 534 020 Legal&Accounting 538 050 Private Auto Allowance-Local 532 130 Advertising 533 010 Conferences&Seminars 531 180 Contractual Services 539 120 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture,Fixtures 541 330 Office Equipment, Computers 541 370 Other Equipment 541 320 TOTAL Contractors Certification: I certify that the costs incurred are taken from the books of account and that such costs are valid and consistent with the terms NAME and TITLE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICER SIGNATURE and DATE PREPARE ONE FORM FOR EACH SOURCE OF FUNDS DISTRIBUTION: White: Accounting lu'lFRvI AA ����OQQD Blue: IAGM 1�• �( ATTACHMENT III CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT EXPENDITURES WORKSHEET Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth Agency Contract Number Date Theater Skills Program TO Program REPORT PERIOD NO DATE CHECK PAYEE DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 1 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 TOTAL TITLE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICER SIGNATURE and DATE DISTRIBUTION ME White:Accounting ,�,, DBlue:IAGMUGreen: /,` j�J Agency ATTACHMENT IV CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT CDBG XXVII Youth 1.NAME AND ADDRESS OF SUB-GRANTEE 2.PROJECT NAME: Theater Skills Program Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth 3.CONTRACT NO: 1440 North Main 4.DATE OF Fort Worth,Texas 76106 REQUEST: MONTH&YEAR 5. PROGRAM SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES CURRENT MONTH CUMULATIVE Number of New Households and/or Persons Served 6A. DIRECT BENEFIT DATA(New Household and/or Persons Served) American Total White Black- Hispanic Asian Pacific Indian Female- Non- Non- Islander Alaskan Head- Hispanic Hispanic Native Of Household CURRENT MONTH CUMULATIVE 6B. DIRECT BENEFIT(CONTINUED) Low/Mod Low Income Beneficiaries Beneficiaries CURRENT MONTH CUMULATIVE 7. AGE 0-4 5-17 18-24 25-54 55-64 64+ CURRENT MONTH J� ( /e lei r�,^ ,;(1 l h Nva: CUMULATIVE 8. CERTIFICATION: The undersigned hereby gives assurance that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the data included in this report is true and accurate, and if a non-profit agency, has been approved by the governing body of the organization prior to submission. Date: Submitted by: Phone Num: IAGM/IDIS-RPT FORM 3 ATTACHMENT IV CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT CDBG XXVII Youth 1.NAME AND ADDRESS OF SUB GRANTEE 2.PROJECT NAME: Theater Skills Program Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth 3.CONTRACT No: 1440 North Main 4.DATE OF Fort Worth,Texas 76106 REQUEST: MONTH&YEAR 5. REPORT NARRATIVE: USE THIS SPACE TO EXPLAIN HOW LONG YOUR PROGRAM HAS BEEN IN OPERATION, WHAT PERCENTAGE OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME PERSONS ARE BEING SERVED,AND SUMMARIZE YOUR PROGRAM IN DETAIL. ri e C L:UUJ'� 0 8. CERTIFICATION: The undersigned hereby gives assurance that to the best of my knowledge and belief,the data included in this report is true and accurate, and if a non-profit agency, has been approved by the governing body of the organization prior to submission. Date: Submitted by: Phone Num: IAGM/IDIS-RPT FORM 3 ATTACHMENT IV(A) CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT 1.Name and Address of Sub-Grantee 2.Project Name: Theater Skills Program Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth 3.Contract No: Contract Date: 1440 North Main Contract Amount: $25,000 Fort Worth,Texas 76106 4.Date of Request: MONTH&YEAR 5. PROGRAM SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES: CURRENT CUMULATIVE 6. SCOPE OF WORK NARRATIVE: 7. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED/SOLUTIONS PROPOSED: 8. ANTICIPATED ACTIVITY DURING THE NEXT MONTH: 9. CERTIFICATION: The undersigned hereby gives assurance that to the best of my knowledge and belief,the data included in this report is true and accurate,and if a non-profit agency,has been approved by the governing body of the organization prior to submission. Date: Submitted by: Phone Num: IAGM/IDIS-RPT FORM 7A AT-IVA.frm r h � �ir,' )VIlei' ���C!) ,. CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT CLIENT DATA REPORT 1.Name and Address of Sub-Grantee 2.Project Name:Theater Skills Program Latin Arts Association of Fort Worth 1440 North Main Fort Worth,Texas 76106 3.Contract No: Contract Amount:: $25,000 4.Date of Request: NAME AGE SEX RACE H(C #FAM INCOME FHOH STREET ADDRESS ZIP o �a $.CERTIFICATION: The undersigned hereby gives assurance that to the best of my knowledge and belief,the data included in this report are true and accurate,and if a non-profit agency,has been approved by the governing body of the organization prior to submission. Date: Submitted by: Phone Num: [AGM/IDIS-RPT FORM 9 CLIENT DATA REPORT (CONTINUATION SHEET) AGENCY PROGRAM CONTRACT# NAME AGE SEX RACE H(C I#FAM INCOME FHOH STREET ADDRESS ZIP S21 7 I _ij rt�� yob s �5-� City of Fort Worth, Texas qVriffole And Council Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 4/17/01 G-13207 13BLOCK 1 of 4 SUBJECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XXVII, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) YEAR 2001-2002, AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS HOPWA YEAR 2001-2002 CONTRACT ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute CDBG Year XXVII, ESG Year 2001-2002 and HOPWA Year 2001-2002 contracts with the following organizations to administer their respective programs, contingent upon approval and receipt of adequate funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, for a term beginning June 1, 2001, and ending May 31, 2002: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) Contract with the listed agencies for an amount not to exceed the following: A. DA Village $ 36,838 B. Habitat for Humanity $ 20,250 C. REACH, Inc. $ 24,300 D. Communities in School $ 36,045 E. Southside Area Ministries (Sam's Kids) $ 6,324 F. Boys and Girls Clubs (NINOS) $ 27,200 G. Boys and Girls Clubs (KEYS) t $ 25,510 H. Boys and Girls Clubs (PASS) $ 24,300 I. East Fort Worth Montessori $ 30,705 J. Latin Arts Association $ 25,000 K. Booker T. Sparks School of the Performing Arts $ 32,400 L. Bridge Emergency Youth Services $ 40,500 M. Stone Soup Connection $ 18,108 N. Camp Fire $ 24,300 (list continued next page) City of Fort Worth, Texas ImAllor And council col"I"unication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 4/17/01 G-13207 I 13BLOCK 1 2 of 4 SUBJECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XXVII, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) YEAR 2001-2002, AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS HOPWA YEAR 2001-2002 CONTRACT ACTIVITIES O. YWCA of Fort Worth (AIM) $ 28,787 .P. YWCA of Fort Worth (Child Care) $150,000 Q. Child Care Associates (formerly Day Care Association) $130,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT R. Fort Worth Housing Authority $ 30,000 S. YMCA of Fort Worth $120,375 T. Clayton Child Care $ 60,000 U. Man Made Mentoring $ 22,500 V. Southside Area Ministries (Seniors) $ 2,570 W. Senior Citizens Services of Tarrant County (Como) $ 17,597 X. Meals on Wheels $ 33,696 Y. Senior Citizens Services of Tarrant County (Riverside) $ 15,271 Z. Mental Health Association (OMBUDSMAN) $ 17,500 AA. AMISTADES $ 17,100 BB. NSEAM $ 17,100 CC. Women's Center of Tarrant County $ 10,692 DD. Job, Inc. $100,409 EE. Fort Worth SER $ 99,071 FF. A-Prep Center of Tarrant County $ 98,415 GG. Summerbridge Fort Worth $ 37,500 (list continued next page) City of Fort Worth, Texas " �ofilm »r»unkationCoun DATE REFERENCE NUMBER ILOGNAME PAGE 4/17/01 G-13207 13BLOCK 2 of 4 SUBJECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XXVII, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) YEAR 2001-2002,,AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS HOPWA YEAR 2001-2002 CONTRACT ACTIVITIES O. YWCA of Fort Worth (AIM) $ 28,787 .P. YWCA of Fort Worth (Child Care) $150,000 Q. Child Care Associates (formerly Day Care Association) $130,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT R. Fort Worth Housing Authority $ 30,000 S. YMCA of Fort Worth $120,375 T. Clayton Child Care $ 60,000 U. Man Made Mentoring $ 22,500 V. Southside Area Ministries (Seniors) $ 2,570 W. Senior Citizens Services of Tarrant County (Como) $ 17,597 X. Meals on Wheels $ 33,696 Y. Senior Citizens Services of Tarrant County (Riverside) $ =15,271 Z. Mental Health Association (OMBUDSMAN) $ 17,500 AA. AMISTADES $ 17,100 BB. NSEAM $ 17,100 CC. Women's Center of Tarrant County $ 10,692 DD. Job, Inc. $100,409 EE. Fort Worth SER $ 99,071 FF. A-Prep Center of Tarrant County $ 98,415 GG. Summerbridge Fort Worth $ 37,500 (list continued next page) City of Fort Worth, Texas "avow AndCouncil Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 4/17/01 G-13207 13BLOCK 3 of 4 SUBJECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XXVII, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) YEAR 2001-2002, AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS HOPWA YEAR 2001-2002 CONTRACT ACTIVITIES HH. JMAC Youth Center of Tarrant County $ 25,000 II. Northside InterChurch Agency $ 35,815 JJ. Fort Worth Economic Development Corporation (Micro-Loan) $ 18,225 KK. Fort Worth Economic Development Corporation (RLF) $ 51,908 LL. Mental Health Association (Mental Health Advocate) $ 24,750 EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT A. YWCA $ 15,000 B. Cornerstone Assistance Network $ 15,075 C. Presbyterian Night Shelter $151,308 D. Bridge Emergency Youth Services $ 7,862 E. Women's Haven of Tarrant County, Inc. $ 24,092 F. Salvation Army $ 9,730 G. MHMR of Tarrant County $ 12,500 H. YWCA (My Own Place) $ 21,993 HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS A. AIDS Outreach Center, Inc. $432,550 B. Tarrant County Samaritan Housing, Inc. $212,470 C. AIDS Resources of Rural Texas—A.R.R.T. $ 74,720 City of Fort Worth, Texas "ayor and Council Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 4/17/01 G-13207 13BLOCK 4 of 4 SUBJECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XXVII, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) YEAR 2001-2002, AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS HOPWA YEAR 2001-2002 CONTRACT ACTIVITIES DISCUSSION: On March 27, 2001, the City Council approved and adopted the budgets and the appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations for the Twenty-Seventh Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), (2001-2002) Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), and (2001-2002) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), as part of the City's Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan, as adopted by the City Council, included program descriptions for each of the above funded programs. The above programs are consistent with the City's approved Community Development Plan and Priorities and meets the requirements 6f the Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning "eligible activities". FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that upon approval and receipt of funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund. CB:k Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CITY SECRETARY Office by: (to) Charles Boswell 8511 AnROVED Originating Department Head: CITY 00 „ Joe Paniagua 6168 (from) b PR 17 2001' Additional Information Contact: .t;#le••�/ Cicimtary of the Joe Paniagua 6168 Ci!t . cart worth,Texas City of Fort Worth, Texas "allor oiledcounc l Communication DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 4/17/01 G-13207 1 13BLOCK 4 of 4 SUBJECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) YEAR XXVII, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) YEAR 2001-2002, AND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS HOPWA YEAR 2001-2002 CONTRACT ACTIVITIES DISCUSSION: On March 27, 2001, the City Council approved and adopted the budgets and the appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations for the Twenty-Seventh Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), (2001-2002) Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), and (2001-2002) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), as part of the City's Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan, as adopted by the City Council, included program descriptions for each of the above funded programs. The above programs are consistent with the City's approved Community Development Plan and Priorities and meets the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations concerning "eligible activities". FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that upon approval and receipt of funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fund. CB:k Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CITY SECRETARY Office by: (to) Charles Boswell 8511 *PROVED Driginating Department Head: CITY COUNM foe Paniagua 6168 (from) APR 17 2001' Wditional Information Contact: oe Paniagua 6168 C Cit? c& '� rtk T"M