HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1822ATTACHMENT TO M&C G-9618 ,~, des®Iu~®n NO. ~ ~~ WHEREAS, on April 14, 1992, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth accepted a Petition for Establishment of the Fort Worth Improvement District No.4; and WHEREAS, the City Council directed the City Manager and City Attorney to determine whether the Petition includes the necessary signatures and meets other requirements of Chapter 372, Subchapter A, Section 372.005 of the Local Government Code (the "Public Improvement District Assessment Act"); and WHEREAS, the City Manager and City Attorney reported that the Petition included the signatures of the owners of 100 percent of the area of all taxable real property that is liable for assessment under the proposal and the signatures of the owners of taxable real property representing 100 percent of the appraised value of the taxable real property liable for assessment under the proposal within the area of the proposed public improvement district, as determined by the current roll of the Tarrant Appraisal District; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and City Attorney reported that the Petition contains sufficient signatures and meets other applicable requirements of Chapter 372, Subchapter A of the Local Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the aforesaid Petition for Establishment of the Fort Worth Improvement District No.4 includes sufficient signatures and meets other requirements of Section 372.005 of the Local Government Code. 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to prepare the - following documents and information concerning the Proposed district and to file the same with the City Secretary: CITY QF FQAT TORTS 4L Tuesday, April 21, 1992 AYES: Hayor Granger; Mayoi Pro tempo re Webber; Council Members Puente, Silcox, Matson, NcCray, and Chappell FOES: None ABSENT: Cowcil Member Noods NOT VOTING: Council Member Meadows The ordinance, as adopted, is as follows: Ordinant¢ No. 11074 OADINANCH N0. 11074 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING HENEPIT HEARING AND LEVYING ASNEHSNENTS FOR PAAT OF THE COHT OF IHPROVING A PORTION OP fIAEATON DRIVE FROM WALTON AVENUE TO WEDGt40NT CIRCLE NORTH, AND PORTIONS OP SOPDRY OTAER STREETS, AVENUES AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OP FORT WORTH, TEXAS; FIXING CHARCEH AND LIENS AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY THEREON, AND AGAINST THE ONNERS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OP ASSESSMENTS AND TH8 ISHUANCE OF ASSICNABLe CERTIFICATES, RESERVING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE RIGHT TO ALLOW CREDITS REDOCIHG THE AMOUNTS OF THE AESESSMENT TO THE EXTENT OP ANY CREDIT GRAIfTEO; DIRECTIHG THE CITY SECRETAPY TO ENGROSS ANO ENROLL THE ORDINANCE HY COPYING THE CAPTION IN THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT WORTR, AND BY P[LING THE ORDINANCE IN THE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF THE CITY; APD PftOVI DI NC AN EPFECTIVE DATE. MAC G-9617 re There was presented Hayor and Cowcil Co~mnunica[i on No. G-9617 from the City Work authorization Manager recommending that a cork authorisation be authorized in accordance with AR3-3 for the sanitary serer replacement of L-556 by City forces located in the alley east of Ryan Place, Exam Elizabeth Boulevaed to Robert Street, for a total estimated project cost of $49,288.13, with fords available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, eE the Water and Sewer Operating Fund PE45. It was the consensus of the City Cowcil that the reconunendati on be adopted. MAC G-9618 re Thete was presented Hayor and Council Conmunication Ho. C-9618 from the Ci[y Fort North Improve- Manager, as follows: went District Ng. 4 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION REGARDING THE PROPOSED FORT WORTft IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 4 RECOMMENDATION: It is reco~mnended that the Citp Cowcil adopt the attached resolution. The resolution Fakes the fallowing ac tiros regarding the proposed Fort Worth Improvement Dist [i ct No. 4: 1. Finds that the petition Eor establishment of the district contains sufficient signatures and meets other xegui rements eE Chapter 372, Subchapter A, section 372.005 of the Local Government Code (The Public Improvement Disttict Assessment Act), and 2. Directs the City Manage[ to prepare the following documents and information and to file the same with the City Secretary as required by Chapter 372, Subchapter A: (a) A statement of the general nature of the ptoposed improvements/services; (b) Preliminarp estimates of the costs of the improvements/services; (c) A map showing the bowdari es of,the ptoposed assessment district, property to be assessed and ownership of property; (d) The proposed method of assessment; (e) The Proposed apps rti onment of costs betveen the public improvement district and the municipality as a whale; and (£) A statement of the probable maximum benefits to be conferred on each tract. DISCUSSION: On April 14, 1992, the City Council accepted a petition requesting establishment of the Fort Worth Improvement District No. 4. The City Manager and Ci [y Att ocney have reviewed the petition and find that it contains sufficient signatures and meets other requirements of Chapter 372, Subchapter A, section 372.005 of the Loca] Government Code. it the Cowcil desires to institute p[oceedings [o c[eate the proposed district, it should take the actions [ecoimnended above. Under Chapter 372, Subchapter A, creation of the district would not actually be considered by the Council ' wtil after fifteen days notice is given to property owners and a public hearing is held. This heating would be scheduled by Council at a Eufure date. MAC G-9618 adopted It was the consensus of the City Council that the [eco:mnendations, as contained in Mayor and Cowcil Commwicatian No. G-9618, be adopted. Introduced a Resolution Cowcil Member Chappell introduced a resolution and made a moli on that it be adopted. The motion uas seconded by Council Member _McCray. carrying with it the adoption of said resolution, prevailed by the Eol lowing vote: 4J Tuesday, April 21, 1992 AYES: Mayor Grange[; Mayor Pro temPOre Webber; Council Members Puente, Silcox, Matson, McC[ay, Meadows, and Chappell NOES: None ABSENT: Council Nember Woods The resolution, as adopted, is as Eollous: Resolution No. 1822 REEOLUTION N0. 1822 WHEREAS, on April 14, 1992, the City Council of the City of Port Worth accepted a Petition fo[ Establishment of the Port Worth Improvement District No. 9; and WAEREAS, the City Council directed the City Manager and City Attorney to deteemine whether the Petition includes the necessary signatures and meets other cequi cements of Chapter 372, Subchapter A, Section 372.005 of the Local Government Code (the "Public Improvement District Assessment Act"); and WHEREAS, the City Manage[ and City Attorney reported that the Petition included the signatures of the owners of 100 peecent of the area of al] taxable real property that is liable for assessment under the proposal and the signatures of the owners of taxable real pope rty representing 100 percenF of the appraised value of the Losable real property liable for assessment under the proposal xi thin the area of the proposed public improvement district, as determined by the curcent toll of the Ta[rant App[aisal District; and WIiERERS, the City Manager and City Attorney reported Lhat the Petition contains sufficient signatures and meets othe[ applicable requirements of Chapter 372, Subchapter A of the Local Government Code; NOW, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTR, TEEAS: I. The Ci[y Council hereby finds and determines that the aforesaid Petition fo[ Establishment of the Fort Worth Improvement District No. 4 includes suf Ci ci ent signatures and meets other requirements of Section 372.005 of the Local Government Code. 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to prepare the following documents and information concerning the Proposed district and to file the same with the Ci tp Secretary: (a) A statement of the general nature of the proposed improvements/services; (b) Preliminary estimates of costs of the improvements/services; (c) A map shoring boundaries of the Proposed district, and a listing of property to be assessed and ownership of said property; (d) The proposed method of assessments; (e) The proposed apportionment of costs between the improvement district and the city as a whole; and (f) A statement aF the probable maximum benefits to be conferred on each teact. 8C G-9619 re There was presented Mayor and Council Cononuni ca [ion No. G 9619 from the City ork authorization Manager recommending that a work authorixatien be authorized in accordance with AR3-3 n alley east of Ryan foc the water main replacement in an alley east of Ryan Place, from Eliaabeth Boulevard lace to Robert Street, foe a total estimated project cast of $46,249.42, with Eunds available in the cuc[enC operati ng budget, as app[opriated, of the Water and Serer Operating Fund PE 45. St was the consensus of the City Council that the recommendation be adopted. _ 8C G-9620 re There was presented Mayor and Council Communication No. C-9620 from the City mprovement5 to Fitz- Mana9ee stating that the 1986 Capital Improvement Program included Eunds Eoc the ugh Avenue from improvement of Fi [zhuyh Avenue fr om St al cup Road to Cass Stceet; that the street is in taleup road t0 Cass the Stop Six Target Area and has previously been constructed to City standards; that treet the project is located in Council District 5; that the total estimate of the assessment is S 445,500.00; and recommending that the City Council: 1. Dec]ace the necessity Eor and order the improvements to Pit zhugh Avenue from Stalcup Road to Cass Stceet, and 2. Authorize the assessment: of a portion oi' the cost of the improvements to Fitzhugh Avenue against the owners of the abutting prop e[tp, and 3. Approve the estimate of costs and amounts to be assessed as stated in the Engineer's Estimate, and ,~ _ :.. ,...,.[, v •,...•.Cf+^ ~-~Ys:iN.,.%~is „/t~F^d :r,,.Si IYd'^k"f4es A~:s s..ld'Y.ri%~?;rr s,, :.u.wwo.G,u:~}sSS~ ., ,: ~~ 1 ~.• .`~. ~~ , PETITION REQUESTING ESTABLISHMENT OF FORT WORTH PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 4 ~i • OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY 'FT. WORTH, TEX PETITION REQIIESTING ESTABLISHMEN'P OF FORT WORTH r :~ i • PQBLIC IMPROVE[~NT DISTRICT NO. 4 This petition (the °Petition") is submitted by Hillwood Construction Company and Hillwood/Park Glen,, Ltd. (collectively, the "Applicant") to the City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, (the "City") requesting the establishment of a new public improvement district to be known as Fort Worth Public Improvement District No. 4 (the "District"). This Petition is :submitted under the authority of Chapter 372 of the .Local Government Code of Texas, "Improvement Districts in Municipalities" and pursuant to the ".Policy Statement - Public Improvement Districts - City of Fort Worth" adopted September 10, 1991, by the City Council of the City. This Petition is ,legally; .sufficient under the .Local Government Code because it has been signed: (1) by owners of taxable real property representing 100$ -of the appraised value of taxable real .property fable.-for assessment -under the .proposal, as .determined by the cur 2nt roll of the Tarrant Appraisal District; (2) by record owners of real property liable for assessment 'under the proposal who constitute .100% of all,recor.d owners of property that is liable for assessment under the ;proposal, as determined by' the current roll of the - 1 - QFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTSE~~-63TEX . .. . ! / ]SnirX.~Y.k.~ti^lfbi30tf!l:~%Y ~~~t-~ • Tarrant Appraisal District; and (3) by record owners of real property liable for assessment under the proposal who own taxable property that constitutes 100 of the area of all taxable real property that is liable for assessment under the proposal, as determined by the current roll of the Tarrant Appraisal District. A'copy of the current roll of the~Tarrant Appraisal District (with original signatures of each property owner .shown next to each parcel that is liable for assessment) is provided as Exhibit A. 1. E~F.17F.Rnr. NATIIRE OF THE PROPOSID SERVICES: The District will not reimburse the Applicant for the initial costs of capital improvements within the District. -With the exception of a reasonable capital reserve for replacement {which. will be included.~in each annual. :plan of service .and budget), the District will ,primarily provide services that are aesthetic 'in .nature that enhance the lifestyle, -personal pride, enjoyment, .and property values within the District. Maintenance --of landscaping and special fencing. in and along boulevards, :pa~ks, and. open .spaces will be the primary services provided :by. the District. A. more detailed summary of the primary District .services is set forth on Exhibit B. Although the primary services of the. District are summarized on Exhibit B, the Applicant requests that the • - 2 - SHUPE:631 • District be authorized to engage in any. activity permitted under the Local Government Code, subject to annual approval by the City Council of the City. The manager of the District ~~~ will recommend each year, to both property owners within the District .and to the City Council, an annual plan of service and budget setting forth in detail the activities .proposed for the District. 2. ESTIMATID COST OF THE SERVICES: The Applicant estimates that the District's first year budget will be approximately $61,000, which equates to 'an estimated annual assessment of $150 - $160 for a home within the District with an appraised value of :$100,000. An itemized estimate of -the District's budget for the first five years is i set forth on Eshbit..C. :The five-year service. plan summary set forth on Exhibit.D estimates- the sources of revenues for the District; including subsidy revenues that the Applicant expects to provide.. The amount of the annual subsidy, however., is within the discretion of the Applicant. The .Applicant agrees that each `annual plan:~of service and ~~ budget for the District, although prepared and recommended by the District manager, will be approved in: the discretion of the City Council .after a public hearing. -The Applicant also _ agrees that each annual plan of service and budget will fully fund all costs incurred by the City in connection with the n LJ - 3 - SHUPE:637 • administration of the District including, but not limited to, the costs. for personnel, data services, appraisals, notifications, and collection fees. The Applicant further ~. agrees that the City will have the option to:"use in-house personnel or to contract with outside agencies to provide the same services .if it is more cost effective to do so. All funds of the District will be managed in accordance with accounting methods approved by the City. Each year the District manager will prepare and recommend -. to the City Council an annual plan of service anal. budget and ~-. an updated five-year plan of .service and budget. Prior to ~~~ presenting each annual plan .and .budget. to the.., City Council, f , .., . . ~.: the manager will conduct:~at: least:, one;,..public.hearing within ~~> the District at which the proposed plan :and :budget will be f presented and property owners will be given an opportunity for f -. ~.... public comment. The manager will give individual written notice to the office of the City Manager and to each property owner within .the District ;.not .less-than 15 days .befor.e the ~, date of each hearing, which notice will be accompanied by an - outline of the proposed annual plan -and budget or revisions thereto, as the case may be. This .public hearing is in addition to the. public hearing that will be held by the City • u - 4 - SHUPE:631 ~,>:. .: • Council before approving and adopting an annual plan of service and budget for the District.. 4. BOIINDARIES OF THE PROPOSID ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: The proposed District contains approximately 677.411 acres shown as Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" on the attached Exhibit E and more particularly described by metes and bounds on the 'attached Exhibit F. The proposed District includes the Tarrant Appraisal District parcels identified on Exhibit G. The proposed District includes four tracts totalling approximately 28.546 acres that are owned by the. City, however, none of the City's. property is liable for assessment. b. PROpOSED.METHOD OF ASSESSMENT :_ e It is proposed that:;.the-.method of_.assessment be based .on appraised values as determined by the current roil of the Tarrant Appraisal District. ~It is estimated that the :assessment rate for 'the first year will be $0.15 - -0.16 per $l00 of appraised valuation. • \ V ~.. 6. PROPOSID METHOD.'OF~ APPORTIONMENT OF COST .BETWEEECI THE PIIBLIC .IMPROVE~tJ'P .DISTRICT AND THE MIINICIPALITY AS A WHOLE: _ All -costs of the District will be apportioned to the • • • - 5 - SHUPE:631 ..... .. ,. ..~........... ~. ~.,; ,, .~, v.;:'..'.:J<Sdc§, ;irr_c G_<'_L'.18iX__rc _____.. ~. .'.ry. .'..,..u:i:«i:. • District and no City property within the District will be liable for assessment. Future participation, if any, of the City in the costs of the District will be at the discretion of ~~ the City Council of the City. 7. MANAGF2~tdT OF .THE DISTRICT: The District. will be managed by a private, corporation under a' professional services contract with the City in the form attached as Fbrhibit H. The term of the ,contract will be 'for one year, subject to year-by-year renewals upon the approval of both parties. During the first year of the contract, the manager will not be paid a fee. Management fees, if any, for subsequent years will be in accordance with the District's annual plan_.of service- and. budget approved by r .the City Council.... mha mana_g~~~-1~--oem~ly with -the non- discriminat' " City's "DBE" partici ~*~aioc_ any mirh the competitive bidding procedures of the City's Park -and Recreation Department. The manager will _carry liability insurance in amounts :and .covering .risks approved by the City and will .indemnify the City against .losses ,resulting from acts or omissions of the manager and those for whom the manager .is responsible. - 6 - SHUPE:631 ,.e.~:st: ~. -a '~ 8. ADVISORY BODY: The Applicant proposes -that the District be managed without the creation of an "advisory body" as permitted, but '~ not required by, the Local Government Code.' 9. TERMINATION OF THE DISTRICT: ' In addition to the termination procedures provided in Chapter 37.2 of -the Local Government Code, 'the Applicant agrees that on each 5th year anniversary of the creation of the District the City Council may terminate the District if the, Council, after not less than 30 days written notice to all property owners within the District and after a public hearing, determines that such termination is in the best interf:~sts of the property owners within the.:Dstrict. r 1'0. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION: F ~ ~.. e= The Applicant .agrees` toy create a property owners }_ ,. ~.:: F~. association that, in the event the District is terminated, ,. will have the authority to continue the services of the ~,_ -- ,.: - t.:; District. The extent to which such ervices;-will be. continued .. ~" r will be discretionary with the :association, as determined by i ;. its bylaws. The association will, .however, be obligated to ,•'- F remove or repair,. at its :expense., .any improvements that fall == _ ; ~ f: ~~~ into such a state of disrepair as to create a hazard to the j -~;~ public safety, as determined by the City. ~~ - 7 - SNUPE:631 fund or perform any District services, even if the District is terminated. 13. APPLICATION FEE: The Applicant agrees to pay to the City a reasonable application fee to cover the .costs of the City in evaluating this Petition and in verifying the signatures contained in this Petition. Any unexpended portion of the fee shall be reimbursed to the Applicant when the evaluation and verification is complete. 14. BENEFIT OF THE DISTRICT: The proposed District will use, operate, and maintain improvements (the or:.ginal cost of which. will be approximately $4,109;-000:) that: will be .located.-~..in.:_and _..along.:boulevards',.. parks, .and open spaces. -These improvements will directly benefit and enhance the 'value of property within the District. These improvements will also contribute to creating and maintaining a .sense of• individual and community pride within the District.• Taken bogethet these benefits will help to create, preserve, ~ and protect stable residential neighborhoods that will provide an enhanced tax_base for the City far into the future. • - 9 - SHUPE:631 ,.aye ...._. ._ :...<.. ..... .. ._.._:___. ~. - ~.. '.~:.f .., 'f ~~-::I -~: ',tiCL'S:%ssvr.~~'<r -c ~tgr ~C' .2<; • LIST OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit A: 1991 Tarrant Appraisal District Tax Roll with Owners' Signatures • Exhibit B: Summary of Primary District Se=vices Exhibit C: Itemized ,Estimate of Five-Year District Budget Exhibit D: Five-Year Service Plan Summary Exhibit E: Map of Proposed District Exhibit F: Metes and Sounds Description of Proposed District Exhibit G: Tarrant Appraisal District Parcel Summary Exhibit H: Proposed Management Contract , HILLWOOD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Title: 6f~r /'.~rs+De~%~ HILLWOOD/PARLKJ..GLEN, LTD. By; ffrtsc%.~ /~'~r.rb lazi''e'(~.a; r, i Title: /r~r wt5~~e+~T .. °.~ • • - 1 0 - SHUPE:631 • F;~iIBIT A 1991 TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT TAX ROLL WITH OWtZERS' SIGI~TURE: • • SHUPE:644 • ~~ '. ao-z> v9w> v•i _ asN- >oa s- o mrur- r m« r•mZ- <rVr1 fmT> r- T• sVED >ooo s Eno ON O~ N>D• NPDa~ C !D~ Nrmo~ rulr YTaw~ xa\- xNw- mV~ S rD9ni mZS rPm~ < Oz, i, xOD. a r o~ msz~ O <r~ Dr nNN~ • m. rr ~ -zi ni ann. 0 orr o~ < a. •P e m 9 PO[> ON O N O NO O P N N • • .• 0 - m • m N O P O M • N P P N V P m O m • m m ~ - O a ma a -) N> D •O VO .m Pw w •w 0 o e0 a -a a Vpm •ON Om D > P s > N n a' N LN L- LN DE 1D2 DE mp amE ~O ONO Nr NO n -ns n > r N ND N C CC C a aO 9 < <> < T T < <a i 0 wOmD D F- Emu Err ao rZ9P Z » rv~= x > Ti c. x~ V L P m ZO m ZY O <V P - P O O D -~ i Y D9 O£ a r LO PO >Nr o_a >G T K i C N C C N C 1 N O N O N O N m mT ~ T T T im C m• • 0- - 0- - ~- -n o- -n o• •o ~¢ mn • O O J O O .u No -o m av rN Na l0 Om NO Om NN 0.w -m .mT 00 O PO O ¢O O OO O m ~ n n ~ n >r-r- m-r-ru mr-ru er-ru oyZZ myZ2 myiz oyl2' LC 9m 9C 90 > > > > a S 9 9 9 YP' ~<N ~GN <N. 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KI o <m ~ mfg a mrs e~i o vm D o 0 U SI ~ q ~ P mt~ y-~ y D (il Y mN m- y _m0 W V ~ u m 1 O~ N O~ m r9i m on m O~ >-~ m -xi -2~ m J2~ V m ml m m m~ TI N TI, P <>I m xl m TI rr~ ~ 1 r( 1 • bl ~ O ~ m 02~ • O~ • 1 .mi • Ord Orl Orl U 1 >1 • • ~ _J E V UJ PJ ( -V • -J V _JOV VO.1 _V {J OJ r OJ wq z W Pm _PE PN PP W •~ wP O P O wP O OW wq wm o o- o w- o .w ro oN o D- o - ao eN • o N • o ' D.r: o e- a y_ o u- o O q O q O W~ rNWW • W O P r Y P P P Y P W _ W _ q - q V O• - • _ N aN O M _ O W Nm _ Y _ m • m Y m y q y m N 1 • N Y Y 1 • Vm 1 • 1 m 1 q 1 '4t - N DW w O Y wN m W m O r m >• N _ M • M q m P m Y m Y _ mq ' O m q • Y - m P O r- M w N - M m D N O • O Y O Cm O w' q - q • O' ~ V O O V y P y P Y V P V P O P V -0 D O O P • V P • • V O - O O D N • W • O • O L a O a a a O a n m b p a O n a wm Pm EPm Pm p4n fPm m NPm [pm CPm wm PT Pm qm qm Wm Wm Pm qm Pm NWT xmm xmm Wml m2 mi 02 PZ WZ m2 mZ m2 vmi Om2 PZ qZ mZ • A > > > . v a a rb9 (99 r9m .~9m ram •/9m 99 V99 (V99 (V99 VTD V9p r9a ax9 a ax a~ a~N axy a~N ~m a~ a~ ass aim m a axs m 9 a l : i x < rz rE rN rN rN rN rf r£ rE . r r r- r r r rm rE rE rE rE rm rm r rm r rm ro ro. rE ' e w o ° 9° a° vo ue ue : e . e x ~ u u 9 o Y o w p u ( •. w w uv No uv r m z T a T a m y - n v m m i m i v. 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YDDq N=P •Zq .YZW m=P OZW P mnq m>q rODW ounm' eonN -Dnq Wonq m " p >n • -O • O Y O V ' n • O Y 10 Y n u >O • >O • > r >q i >O i n9 O a O n P a W -n~.0~ ~ a W n9 .m~ m q na O na .e D G < D Cm m m m m m Om -m <m <m m m tm rN N N 'N N N .rN N rN rN rN rN rN O D O ' O O O O O O O N O 'O O N O O Y O O W m P M N N 4 V - m % m O m ~ q m y O m f m T m • P O P Y ~ i t m u _m c . m ~ Y - •t N .m O. O _ V D : > ~ > > O ~ • O O 'O t 1 O O ` t ~- s N J u w N m u m p W O m J O W m .m O _ m V -O O O 'Y O m -0 M O m y aL GO zc • C~ Fv ~/ v > ( > mD O •' p u 9 NO > •D a L n > m c r O e m n O a ea mn «> <o mz . ND no sv - 9m mr KN -> -N a o a z z a. i> e 9a ~ C•>• 9 9N ci a~ s. rN <p Cm ~ mD N t A Ij . m a O r s ~9 <p -• >L n rc Nm mN m KY m U W • 0P EXHIBIT B SIIPII4ARY OF PRIMARY DISTRICT SERVICES s Turf maintenance, which includes mowing height and cycles for the areas and grasses, specifications specifications for the application Horticultural maintenance which cultivation of shrubs and-ground-c. ..seasonal specifications for various types of landscaped for edging and trimming and of herbicides as required; controls the weeding and ever beds; Irrigation maintenance .which includes inspection schedules and management of seasonal watering schedules and repairs to the system as required; Seasonal color specifications'to control type, color, number, size of plants to be installed in applicable areas; Tree care which .includes tree fertilization, pruning, and insect disease control; Water and electricity costs for irrigation systems; Speci.sl.fencing.maintenance.and.repairs; 'Ground acid holiday--lghting<=.maintenance:;. Supplementary .security service provided by off-duty municipal law enforcement personnel; . Other services incidental to the .maintenance of landscaping; and ' Special fencing in and along ;boulevards, parks and open spaces. ~- SHUPE:641 EXHIBIT C ITEt4IZED ESTIMATE OF FINE-YEAR DISTRICT BUDGET • ~~ 1993 1994 1995 ],9,26 Landscape Maintenance Park Vista Boulevard $ $,500 $-8,500 $17,000 $25,500 $34,000 Basswood Boulevard 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Beach Street ~ 17,000 Parks Cluster Park 1 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,00( Cluster Park 2 2,:500 2,500 2,500 2,50( Cluster Park 3 2.,000 2,000 2,00( Cluster Park 4 4,000 Window Park 1.,000 1,000 1,000 1,00( Concrete Trail - .1,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 6,00( Nature Trail 2,000 2,00[ Natural Park ' Area Mowing 8.500 X0.000 15.000 15.000 15:00[ SUBTOTAL 29,000 35,000 51,500 62,000 85,501 Water 13,000 17.-.,000 20,000 24,000 32,001 Electricity 1,500 2,000 2.,500 3,500`' 5,OOi Fence Maintenance 5,000 7,500 10,ODi Repairs/Reserve 2,500 2,500 2,500 5,000 5,00 Holiday Lighting 2,500 2,500 2,.500 2,500 2,50 PID Operating Expense 2,500 2;500 3,000 3,5D0 3,50 City Administration 000 5000 5.000 10.000 10.00 TOTAL $61000 $661500 $92,000 $118000 $153,50 EXHIBIT D - FIVE-YEAR SERVICE PLAN SUMMARY BUDGET SUMMARY FORECAST `- FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 Assessment Revenues 8,280 29,775 63,555 96,810 130,065 Subsidy Revenues 52,720 36,725 28,445 21.,190 23,435 TOTAL RE4ENIIES 61,000 66,500 92,000 118,000 153,500 City Administration 10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 Maintenance 48,500 59,000 84,000 104,500 140,000 Operating Expenses 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,500 3,500 TOTAL EXPENSES' 61,000 66,500 92,000 118,0.00 .153,500 ~ ' EXHIBIT D - FIVE-YEAR SERVICE PLAN SUMMARY BUDGET SUMMARY FORECAST '- FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 Assessment Revenues 8,280 29,775 63,555 96,810 130,065 Subsidy Revenues 52.,720 36,725 28,445 21.,290 23,435 TOTAL REVENIIE6 61,000 66,500 42,000 118,000 153500 City Administration 10,000 5,000 5,000 10.,000 .10,000 Maintenance 48,500 59,000 84,000 104,500 140,000 Operating Expenses 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,500 3,500 TOTAL ERPEN6ES' 61,000 66,500 92,000 118,000 .153,500 ~~.. r1 U EXSTTJG PD N0. 2 1 1 At+iv S17E T M Pei EXHIBIT E MAP OF PROPOSED DISTRICT .,........ ,.....~.....~~.~_~..~........u..~:,i..a~u.~uieu.seia:.u ad vu.iwtiuetixsm~.iuin+tiuuui3i:. EXHIBIT F METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DISTRICT BEING -two parcels of land situated in the William Evans Survry,-Abstract No. 467, the 3ames C. Bradford Survey, Abstract No.140, the Heirs of W. W. Thompson Siltvey, Abstract No. 1498, the Nancy Ann Robert Survey, Abstract No. 1275, the' Phillip Green Survey, Abstract No. 566 and the Eli W. Shriver Survey, Abstract No. 1455, Tarrant County, Texas and being all or Tract 1 and a portion of Tract 3 of Hillwood/Pazk Glen, Ltd and recorded in Volume 9357, Page 344, County Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly desrnbed by metes and bounds as follows: PARCEL •A• BEGINNING at the most southerly southeast corner of Tract 3 of said Hillwood/Pazk Glen, Ltd.; THENCE S89.34'02"W, 1608.78 feet to the most southerly southwest corner of said Tract 3; THENCE along the westerly line of said Tract.3, Hillwood/Pazk Glen, Ltd., the following bearings_and distances. N00.03'00"E; 729:20 feet; N45.08'00"E, .210.48 feet; N40.00'00"W, 155.11 feet to the .beginning of a .curve to the right; 794.32 .feet along the arc of .said curve to the right .through a central `angle: 40 `08'00", a radius of 1134.00 feet and .a long chord of N19.56'00"W, 778.18.feet~ ~;. N00.08'00"E, 863:08 feet; N89.52'00"W, 425.00 feet; N00.23'10"E, 1101.68 feet; 91roo~~z,a Page. l ;,;. N89.46'34"W, 692.20 feet; N89.35'34"W, 304.93 feet; N00.07'54"E, 70.14 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; 398.15 feet along the arc of said curve to the. left through a central angle of 31.15'00", a radius of 730.00 feet and along- chord of N15`29'30"W, 393.24 feet; N31.07'00"W, 197.03 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; 306.14 feet along the .arc of said curve to the right through a centra] angle of 31.31'25", a radius of 556.43 feet, and a long chord of N15.21'18"W, 30230 feet; N00.24'25°E, 257.91 feet; S89.29'35"E, 2141.97 feet; N45.35'34°E, 23.37 feet; S89 •.29'35"E, .356.46 feet; THENCE:589•_29'35"E; 36.23 feet, leaving:the westerly line of said`.Tract 3, Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd. to a point in the westerly line of Phase I; Park Glen Addition as .recorded in Cabinet "A" Slide No. 391,. said .County Records; THENCE along the wester]y. line of said Phase I, Park Glen Addition, the following bearings and distances: S49.46'26"E, 88:43 feet; 555.31'05"E, 96:17 feet to the beginn~g of a non=tangent curve to the left; • 971oo14Ld Page 2 _. _..___..... _........ :. ~ ~ ~G.~_1%:L ~.,e~ , , , ... ::: ,5y5:SYci¢] ~ ,: a.8ui i : Jif; l _ 381.11 feet along the arc of said non-tangent curve to the left through a central angle of 14•]8'15", a radius of 1475.00 feet and a long chord of S12.54'30"W, 380.05 feet; N84.29'38"W, 10751 feet; South, 33138 feet; S39.21'39"E, 159.74 feet; S49.42'00"W, i68S6.feet; 518.19'20"W, 94.83 feet; S38.39'47"E, 16831 feet; S23.08'38"E, 198.69 feet; - 539 •.00'00"E, 11853 feet to the beginning of anon-tangent curve to the left; 429.12 feet along the arc of said non-tangent curve to the left through a.central ang]e of 65.33'51", a radius of 375,00 feet and along chord: of :S02.46'S5"W, 406.08 feet; $30.00'DO'~, 4.18 feet.to a point:in`the northerly right-of--way line of Basswood=.;.. Boulevard, he beginning:of a.non,tangent curve to_the.right; THENCE 135:98. feet .along -the; arc, of .said non-tangent curve'to ahe right through a central angle of 03.19'46", a radius of 2340.00 feet and a long cho;d of S64.00'36"W, 135.96 feet, '. THENCE S24.19'31''E, 120.00 feet crossing said Basswood Boulevard to a point in its southerly right-of-way line; THENCE 806'31'S0"E, 193:10 feet; °.~ THENCE S53 •.28'10"E, 249.80 feet; THENCE S30.00'00"E, 240.00 feet; vnro~<z.a Page 3 THENCE S08.4T38"W, 176.98 feet; THENCE S02 • S 1'51"E, 263.13 feet; THENCE S08.53'00"E, 297.47 feet; THENCE S33.00'00"W, 260.00 feet; -~ THENCE S15.20'00'~, .138.71 feet; THENCE S57.00'00"E, 12550 feet; THENCE S00.36'16"W, 176.77 feet; THENCE S 17.32' 19"W, 257.49-feet; . THENCE S44.10'24"E, 81634 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and . containing 170:776 acres of land, more or less. PARCEL •B" ' '. BEGINNING at a point in the southerly line of Tract 1 of said Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd., said point.beingN89'36'00"W 1444.82 feet from-the souther•st corner, of said.Tract. l; THENCE along the southerly, westerly, and.northerly boundary line of said Tract 1, the following bearings and distances: N89.36'00"W, 2539.97 feet; N00'28'S6"E,1100.60 feet; N00.13'50"E, 2643SS feet; ~~. S48.42'S8"E, 162.97 feet; N89.52'S1"E, 1141?A feet; . ~~ si~oo~<Zaa Page 4 ~~: N89 • SS'24"E, 1309.95 feet; N89.45'13", 139130 feet; THENCE N89.25'00"$ 1262.69 feel; THENCE N00.OS'S.1"W, 79837 feet to a point in the e~dsting southerly right- ofway line of Wall Price Road; THENCE S89.45'S4"E,1233.77 feet along said. southerly right-of--way line to a point in the easterly line_of Tract 1, Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd:; THENCE S00.01'21"W, 3207.34 along the easterly line of Tract 1, Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd THENCE S55.00'00"~'V, 642.90 feet to the `beginning of a curve-to the right; THENCE 568.10 feet along the arc of said curveto the right through a central angle of 25.50'00",.a radius of 1260.00-feet and-along chord of S67 55'00"W, 563.30 feet; • THENCE S80.50'00"W, 252.98 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE 9854 feet:alongzhe-arc of said-curve. to the left through a central angle of b2 ^44'02"; a radius of 90:00 feet and: a long. chord of; S49 `ZT59"W, 93:69 feet; - THENCE S76.19'10"W, 152.47 feet to'the beginning of a.cu;ve to-the left; .THENCE 9854-feet along`the arc of said: curve to.tte left through .a. cenrlal. angle`of 62.44'02"., a radius of 90.00 feet and-a loag chord of:N67'4T59"W; 93.69'feet; THENCE S80';50'00."W, 185:00 feet; ;~ THENCE S82'21'31°W, 83.69.fcet; „ THENCE N88'24'23"W, 127.88 feet; THENCE' S89.16'18"W, 39.ti6 feet; • suomazu Page 5 ' ,u..,u..vv...~.r~~v.rvvv.u.rr.ruvVY4...rvuv v~vLd.GUiSi.~u.4 v:rfa.ivw44'frF4.W4yW~'y{jrwrRV.u.Ww4ae ..G~a rt.u uLLia TfiENCE west 1062.61 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE 727.57 feet along the azc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 16.17'02", a radius of 2560.00 feet and a long chord of N81.51'29"W, 725.12 feet; THENCE S17.02'42"W, 24439 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; TIiENCE 417.48 feet along th'e arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 20.30'52", a radius of .1166.00 feet'and a long chord of S06.4T15"W, 415.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING -and containing 506.635 acres of land, more or less. C1 `~.. 91100142b Page 6 'y....'.......... lJ a.u.u~r:~uwf ~fi"'"[- '.4 ~.t r~~i: ( L{ t"~ ~{uWb.'Sav~xrtitiY~.~uuu~{en ~i146e+~ EXHIBIT G TARRANT APPRAISAL DISTRICT PARCEL SUMidARY Abstract 140, Tract 1C Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd Abstract 140, Tract 1D Hillwood/Park Glen., Ltd Abstract 140, Tract 1D1 City of Fort Worth Abstract 140., Tract 3A City of Fort Worth Abstract 140, Tract 3C Hillwood/Park .Glen, Ltd Abstract 1498,-Tract 2 City of Fort Worth Abstract 1498, Tract .2A Hillwood/Park Glen; `Ltd Abstract. 1448, Tract 2A1 City. of-. Fort..Worth . Abstract 1498;.Tract 2B Hillwood/Park Glen; Ltd Abstract .1275, Tract lA Hillwood/Park. Glen, Ltd Abstract. 1275., Tract aAl .Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd Abstract 1275, Tract iA2 Hillwood/Park Glen, htd Abstract 1275,-Tract SA3 Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd. Abstract 1275, Tract lA4 Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd Abstract 1275, Tracts lA4A, 1A5, 1A6, lA7 and lA8 Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd :4- , ~ SHUPE:640 ... ~. ........ .~ .~.. ~.. _. .:....:~~ . . ... W4.4uLiaUYsufwfsiu yti4 V4' ~ ~~ ~~ v....... ~...r:~.~F~.Ji f~~~:rw. .~s u.r wa..ru4. .: ..~ . -. .~ - ~wi'CY11 Abstract 1275, Tracts lASA, lA6A, lA7A, & lABA Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd Abstract 1275, Tract 1 Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd. -- Abstract 1275, Tract 2 (split) Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd ' Abstract 457, Tract 7 .Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd Abstract 566, Tract 1 Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd - - Abstract 56'6, Tract 3 (split) Hillwood/Park Glen., Ltd ' Abstract 1455, Tract 4 (Part) Hillwood/Park Glen, Ltd ~.: r ~. CJ SHUPE:640 EXHIBIT H STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT WHEREAS, on 19. 'the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, adopted Resolution No. which establi-shed a public improvement district under Chapter 372, Local Government Code, which district is known as the Fort Worth Improvement District No .. 4 (the "District"); and WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (the "City") is authorized to utilize the .District to undertake improvements and/or services that confer special benefits on the part of the City :within the District; and - WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to levy and collect special assessments- on property in the District, .based • on the special services conferred by the improvements and/or services., to pay the cost of such improvements and/or services;.and WHEREAS,, the,,City now:_,desire5 ,to.::enter.. _-into ,a. contract.. .for certain improvements and/or services .in 'the District, which improvements and/or services shall consist of maintenance of landscaping, fencing and irrigation systems;. and WHEREAS, Such, improvements and/or :services constitute a supplement to standard City services and an added increment of service to provide other special benefits -and-services -which will enhance the vitality and quality-of the District; and WHEREAS, Hillwood:Constructron ompany (the ".Contractor±') has: agreed to assist the. City by,.'rovidng, furnishing, or. performing the aforesaid improvements and/or .services;- and WHEREAS, the .City and the Contractor mutually desire to enter a contract whereby,-for- the consideration stated below, the Contractor will provide, furnish, or perform such improvements .and/or .services as further detailed herein. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: • That, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and agreements contained herein, the City; acting by and through David A. ivory, its duly authorized City Manager, and the Contractor, acting by and through Ronald H. White, its duly authorized Vice President, do hereby covenant and agree as follows: I. EnQaaement of Contractor The -City hereby engages .the Contractor, and the. Contractor hereby agrees to provide, furnish, or .perform the improvements and/or services to be provided in the District, as described in this contract and all attachments hereto. II. .Scope of Services by Contractor The overall scope and approach of the improvements and/or services to be provided, furnished, or performed by. the Contractor are more fully set forth .in the -approved Plari of Service and Budget on file in the office of the-City Secretary of the City and which is incorporated .herein by reference for :all purposes. Sueh improvements and/or services shall consist of the following; ,• (.a) Oversee. the bidding..-and ,..awarding of contracts. for the maintenance and/or repair of landscaping, irr.gation,<;and fencang., systems.;.::.:.. (b) Monitor work performed by subcontractors to ascertain- that all work is performed completely, :professionally., and with the appropriate .level of quality and to make whatever changes are necessary .to achieve these objectives; (c) Prepare annually a five=year Dian of Service and Budget .to be approved by the City-Council.;. and (d) :Maintain a full aad~°•accurate .accounting of disbursements for reimbursement from District revenues. The Contractor shall commence, carry on, and ;provide such improvements and/or services with all :practicable dispatch, in a sound, economical, and efficient manner, in accordance with this contract and its attachments and all applicable laws.- In providing such .improvements and/or services, the Contractor shall take steps as are appropriate .to insure that the work involved is properly coordinated with related work being performed by the City. - • - 2 - SHUPE:625 . _ ..........c_ ..c :.L. -.....:..::..ra..:.a....., ,. -''' ~ ~ -' uSUdmuih::i:6oa.na.x~u:(u:i.4a4us, i .... The Contractor represents that it has, or will secure at its own expense, all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, accessories, and services necessary to provide such improvements and/or services in accordance with aTl of the requirements of the Contractor's Plan of Service and Budget. The Contractor's personnel shall not be employees of or. considered under any contractual relationship with...-.the City. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein; all of the improvements and/or services required hereunder will be performed by the Contractor or under the Contractor's supervision, and all personnel engaged by the Contractor shall be fully qualified to perform such improvements and/or services: III. The City's Duties and Responsibilities A. The .City shall provide the following services in connection with operation of the District and with. the performance of this contract: 1. Levying and collecting assessments and recording the same in a separate revenue account; !~ 2. Making payments to the Contractor from special .assessment revenues; 3. Maintaaning the same• level of.. services in. the... District as that which. the. City provides .in a comparable .area of the• City; 4. Maintaining complete and detailed records -concerning any expenditures of special assessment revenues w2iich are made through City departments, boards., or agencies; 5. Retaining and expending -ievenues~ from ;special assessments,. penalties., ;a~nterest;.: and:•investmeht income thereon solely in the District; 6. Preparing an annual report of delinquent property assessments and liens thereon to be filed in the County Clerk's office; 7. Making regular reports to .the Contractor concerning delinquent assessments and making billings thereon as .necessary; and • 8. Producing an annual assessment roll of property owners and property within the District. - 3 - SHUPE:625 c __. . ... ... :._~~ ~..... _.... .:__~..a..~.:,...a~ ..:......:. ....a~ -...,d~~..e-' -.,..,...,.......,,au:kw.;.:~:aJ.:;wadS:...uwsU:;:u:v_s.~e~:.,4:z ~i:Gvz,inii;u,,.. .R~kaSsaltS ' B. The City shall have no financial obligation to the District other than levying and collecting the assessments levied by the District, except as provided in Paragraph A.3 above, and paying for improvements and/or services that the Contractor performs in the District, subject, however, to the provisions of Sections VI and VII hereof. IV, Amendments to Contract This contract shall .not be considered to be modified, .altered, .changed,. or amended. in any respect unless the'same is done in writing and is signed by both parties. V. Term The initial term of this contract will be for a period of one year, beginning January .1, 1991. This contract may be extended for additional one-year terms beyond the initial term upon mutual agreement of both parties. An extension shall be in the form of an amendment to the contract. The compensation for contract extensions may be adTusted in accordance with the annual Plar,._..of .Service and.... Budget approved by the City Council.. The agreement between .both ..parties to exercise the extensi.oa..option,:must. be .:completed at. .least ahirty.(3o) .days prior to. the end of the current contr-act term. VI. Payments to Contractor A.. The budget summary and .forecast for the District is as .follows: {to betprovid~d] B. :The City shall pay the Contractor on or about February .1 annually, when assessment revenue is collected; for all .appropriate expenses incurred by the Contractor upon presentation by :the Contractor, and review and approval by the City, of documents evidencing payments for District .services; .prov:ided, however, such payments shall 'not exceed assessments actually collected. C. Periodically, but not more frequently than monthly, the Contractor shall present to the'City an invoice, a report - 4 - SHUPE:626 ,,, of services rendered and documents evidencing payments made for District services, and the City shall pay the Contractor within 15 business days for District services within the limit of assessments actually collected. D. The Contractor shall make a periodic work report, no less than quarterly, to the City Manager or his designated representative. This work report shall detail all of the Contractor's significant work activities. The format of the report shall be mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the City Manager.. Payments 'to the Contractor may be withheld if the report is not received. The City Manager, or his designated representative, -shall have the right to verify that the report is complete. .and .accurate. ,E. The City and the Contractor acknowledge that the budget .summary and .forecast may be amended from time-to-time. As such amendments occur and are adopted by City Council resolution, the amendments shall be incorporated :herein by reference and shall govern payments made by the City to the Contractor. VII. ,~ Availability. of Funds if funds from spec-ial. assessments.<are :not available or are insufficient -.fore thee- City to:: make the payments due hereunder, the .City will immediately .notify -the Contractor of such occurrence. In the event .of such an insufficiency, the City and the Contractor shall..meet and attempt to .negotiate. an amendment to this contract so that the scope of improvements and/or services to be .provided by the Contractor may be reduced to correspond to 'the amount of available funds. 'If :such an amendment cannot be successfully negotiated, the Contractor shall have. the. right to pay the deficit {on a non-reimbursable :basis),.:in. which .ease this .. contract shall continue. If such .. an .amendment cannot : :be :successfully negotiated and the `Contractor does~~not elect to :fund the ..deficit, either- party -may terminatethis contract upon 30 days'. advance written .notice: VIII.. Discrimination by Contractor A. The Contractor, in the execution, performance, or attempted performance of this contract, will not discriminate. against any person or persons because of - S - SHUPE:626 ,. • sex, race, religion, color or national origin, nor will the Contractor permit its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors to engage in such discrimination. B. This contract is made and entered into with reference specifically to the ordinances codified at Chapter 17, Article III, Division 3 ("Employment 'Practices")~_of the City Code of. the City of Fort Worth, and Contractor hereby .covenants and agrees that the Contractor, its officers, .agents, employees. and subcontractors, have fully complied with all provisions of same and 'that no employee or applicant for employment has been discriminated against under the terms of such ordinances by either the 'Contractor, its officers, agents, employees or subcontractors: IX. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Policy The City has adopted goals for the participation of disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) in City contracts. Compliance by the Contractor with the policies designed to meet these goals is mandatory; failure by the Contractor to comply with such policies shall constitute a breach of this contract and shall be grounds for termination 'by the City. Any subcontracts to. be ;performed hereunder -shall also be subject to .provisions of the City policies concerning goals for :DBE ..participation in.City contracts... X. Contractor Liability The Contractor shall assume full liability fora any damages to any public or private property which is due to the negligence of Contractor, its subcontractors, agents, permitees or :assigns, XI, `$ Personal Liability of Publie Officials No employee of the City, nor any other agent of the City, shall be personally responsible for any liability of the Contractor under the terms of this contract. - ( - SHUPE:625 :, ,.... ~ _......_~ o.~n~~.._~.~n..~-~... 'yu..wwWi•G '.~ 2' ~ / i'd65 ~: die __ n.'a~-'~i,.., iu.u.:.ifoPia%.c XII. City Not Liable for Dela It is further expressly agreed that in no event shall ,the City be liable or responsible to the Contractor- or any other person for or on account of any stoppage or delay in .the work herein provided for by injunction or other legal or equitable proceedings., or from or by or on account of any delay foi any cause over which the City has no control. , XIII. Indemnification A. The Contractor covenants and agrees to; and does hereby, indemnify and hold harmless and defend the City, its officers and employees, from and against any and all suits or claims for damages or injuries, including death, to any and all persons or property, whether real or asserted, arising out of or in connection with any negligent act or negligent omission on the part of the Contractor, its officers, agents, servants, employees or subcontractors, and the Contractor does hereby assume all • liability and. responsibility for injuries, claims or suits .for. the damages to persons or property, of whatsoever. kind.or char acter;,:;_whether. real- or asserted, occurring during or arising out of the performance of this- contract. 'as a result> of° any. negligent: act or negligent gmission on the part :of the Contractor, its officers, agents, servants, employees or subcontractors. Such indemnification shall include -Workers' Compensation claims of or by anyone whomsoever in .any way resulting from or arising out of the Contractor's work, serv,'ices .and operations in connection herewith, including operations of subcontractors. B. Contractor shall likewise .indemnify and:: hold :harmless the. City for any and - all :;injury of~.~~damage: to City '.property arising out of oz `in connection with any and all negligent acts or negligent omissions of Contractor., its officers, agents., employees, contractor; subcontractors, licensees or invitees. C. Insurance coverage specified. herein constitutes the minimum requirements and .said requirements shall iri no way lessen or limit the liability of 'the Contractor under the terms of this contract. The_ Contractor shall .procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds and amounts of insurance that, in its own judgment, - ~ - SHUPE:625 may be necessary for proper protection in the prosecution of its work. XIV. Independent Contractor It is expressly understood and agreed that Contractor :shall perform all work and services described herein as an independent contractor and not as, an officer, .agent, servant or employee of the City; that Contractor .shall have exclusive control of the details of the services and work performed hereunder, and all persons performing the same; and shall be solely responsible for the negligent :acts and negligent omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors -and subcontractors; that the doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply as between City and Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors; and that nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Contractor. No .person performing any of the work .and services described .hereunder shall be considered an officer., agent, servant or employee of the City. ,,~ ~ Insurance The Contractor,... shall. not commence, work.. .,under .this contract until-it has obtained all the insurance required under the contract and such insurance has been approved by the City. Contractor shall.. be responsible foz delivering to .the City the Contractor's certificate of insurance -for .approval. Contractor shall indicate on the certificate of insurance whether or not its insurance covers subcontractors. 1t is the intention of the City that the insurance coverage required herein shall include the coverage of all subcontractors.. A. COMPENSATION INSURANCE:. The ~ontractor,.shala .maintain during :the lif.e•:of this contra t, Workers' Compensation insurance 'on a71 of its employees to -be engaged in. work under this contract .and for all subcontractors. In -case any class of employees engaged in hazardous woik under this .contract is not protected under the Workers' Compensation. .statute, -the Contractor -shall provide adequate employer's general liability insurance for the protection of such .employees not so protected. B. COMPREHENSIVE .GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the - $ - - SHUPE:625 life of this contract public, liability and property damage. insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 covering each occurrence on account of bodily injury, including death, and in an amount not less than $100,000 covering each occurrence on account of property damage. C. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: l~ne contractor snarl procure ana maintain, auring the life of this contract, comprehensive automobile liability in an amount not less than $250,000 for injuries including accidental death to .any one person and subject to the same limit for -each person in an amount not less than $500,000 on account of one accident, and automobile property damage insurance in an amount not less than $100.,000. D. SCOPE OF INSURANCE: The insurance required under the above paragraphs shall provide adequate protection for the Contractor and its subcontractors, respectively, - against damage claims which may arise from operations under this contract., whether such operations be by the insured or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the insured. All insurance requirements made upon the Contractor shall apply to subcontractors should the Contractor's insurance not cover the work operations of subcontractors. E., .LOCAL AGENT .FOR INSURANCE: The insurance company with whom the Contractor's .insur:ance is. :written.. shall. be represented .by an agent or agents having ,.an off-ice located within the :Fort Worth-Dallas metropolitan area. Each .such agent shall be duly qualified, upon whom service or process may.'be 'had, and .must have authority and power to .act on behalf of the insurance company 'to negotiate and settle with the City, or any -other claimant, any .claims that the City, or any other claimant., or any. property owner who has. been damaged may have :against .the :. Contractor. or ~ insurance -company: Tlie name of the agent :or :agents shall be :set for.-th.:on-.:a31 certificates .of insurance: Contractor shall keep the required insurance in full force and effect at all .times during the 'term of.- this contract and any renewals thereof. Contractor .shall furnish to City a certificate of insurance on a form furnished and approved by the City, .evidencing that Contractor has obtained the required insurance coverage. All policies must provide that they may not lie changed or cancelled by the insurer in less than five (5) .days after the City had received written notice of such change or cancellation. Such insurance amounts may be revised upward at City's - 9 - SHUPE:626 request, and Contractor shall revise such amounts within thirty (30) days after receipt of such request. XVI. Laws to be Observed __ The Contractor at all times shall observe and comply with all federal and state laws, local laws, ordinances, orders and regulations of the federal, state, county or city governments. The federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations which affect those engaged or employed in the work or equipment used in the work, or which .in any way affects the conduct of the work, and no pleas o.f misunderstanding will be considered on account of. ignorance thereof. XVII. Taxes The Contractor shall pay all federal, state and local taxes which may be chargeable against the performance of this work. ' XVIII. Permits Before proceeding with the-work .hereunder, the Contractor shall obtain and pay .for any necessary permits and licenses, whether issued by the estate, county or City, and furnish proof thereof. XIX. • Character of .Workmen and Work •' The Contractor and :..the-.•Contrao or's employees;.:. :including .subcontractors., shall be competent an~ careful workmen skilled in their respective trades. The Contractor shall not .employ any .person who repeatedly ,engages in misconduct or is .incompetent or negligent in the due and proper performance of his duties. 'The City shall retain the right to require the Contractor to remove any employee who is guilty of misconduct toward the public or is in any way discourteous to the public. This work is being performed for the public benefit and it is necessary that it be per..formed in an acceptable manner and at a satisfactory rate of progress. a - 1 0 - SHUPE:626 ~~ - .~ :,~ .... . :.. :..... . _..'. ..J•: "„LL ~avti.uLti~[~[{ ..t o-_ e'. " .. [.u O..m.,...444 J/ ~.:....e: wLrt M . Equipment The Contractor shall at all times maintain its equipment in a clean, serviceable condition.' All equipment shall be properly licensed and inspected and clearly marked with the Contractor's name. The continued use of unserviceable and improper equipment shall be considered a breach of contract. XXI. Assigning or Subletting the Contract The Contractor shall 'not assign its rights and obligations under this contract, The .Contractor may.; however, subject to all the provisions of this contract .and with written approval of the City Manager, enter into subcontracts. No subcontract shall under any circumstances relieve the Contractor of it's .liability and obligations under the contract; all transactions will be made through the Contractor. Such subcontractors will be recognized and dealt with only .as workmen .and representatives of the Contractor. Any subcontracts shall .be subject to the provisions of Section IX hereof. XXII. Breach of Contract All terms, conditions: and specifications :of the .contract shall be considered material.,: acid failure to perform .any part of the contract shall be considered breach of contract. Should the Contractor ;fail `to remedy and breach of contract within fourteen (14) days .after written notification to the Contractor of the violation, the City may, at its option and in addition to any other remedies available to it under law, terminate the .contract:... .This contract ....-shall ...note be terminated,' however;. if the ~.Contraator has commenced.,to-.:curie . the ,breach within sad:;fourteen"~(14) day period;_ and thereafter pursues .such cure with .reasonable diligence and .in good faith. XXIII. Contract Administration The City Manager shall designate a representative to administer this contract. The City assigns to the Contractor the responsibility to perform the administrative, supervisory ` 1 1 - SHUPE:625 ~;; -. ... ., ......_.. ... .. ~':::. ~~ ,~_... ..... .. ... .,:._u..~,,. .s.:..xsi~y:._.,wr:w:,~:,.~~i'.mus ~ ~:~sk~tsum~ '~ ~'d~'~N f and management tasks for the District as set forth in this contract and the Budget and Plan of Service which are on file in the office of the City Secretary. The Contractor shall be responsible for operation, oversight and supervision of the landscaping, construction, maintenance and management programs. XXIV. Information .The Contractor shall, at such. time and in such form as City may require, furnish periodic information concerning the status of the project and such other statements, .certificates and approvals relative to the project as may be requested by the City. , 7DCV . Books and Records .The Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to -costs incurred under the contract. All such records shall be maintained on a generally-accepted accounting basis and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. The Contractor shall provide representatives of City or its appointees free access to such books and records, at all proper times, in order that .they may examine .and audit the. same and make copies thereof.. -The Contractor shall further: allow the City and its::- representatives to make inspections of all work data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this contract. Such .right of access and, audit shall continue for a .period of three (3) years from .the date of final payment under this contract. XXVI. Performance Audit City shall have the right . to c~iduct: a performance audit and evaluation of Contracto= at such times as City deems necessary. The Contractor shall `fully cooperate with -any such performance audit. The City may employ consultants .at the City's expense to assist City in the audit. The Contractor agrees to give the City and its consultants access to all reports, data, schedules, etc.., which may be required to conduct said performance audit. • - 1 2 - SHUPE:626 ...... -1 • XXVII. Notices Any notices, bills, invoices or reports required by this contract shall be conclusively determined , t-0 have been delivered three business days after it is deposited- in the United States mail, in a sealed envelope with sufficient postage attached, to the addresses listed below: City of Fort Worth Attn: City Manager 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, TX 76102 Hillwood Construction Company Attn: Ronald H. White 12377 Merit Drive . DaT1as, Texas 75251 XXVI.II. Headings Disregarded • The titles of the several sections, subsections and paragraphs set forth in this contract ar.e inserted for convenience of reference- only and shall be disregarded in construing or interpreting any of the provisions of this contract. XXIX. Venue and Jurisdiction Should .any .action, whether real. or asserted, at law or in equity, arise. out of the execution, performance, attempted performance or nonperformance of this contract, venue for said action shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas. This contract and any action in connection herewith shall be governed, construed and .enforced by the laws of the State of Texas. XXX. SeverabilitV~ in case any one or more of ..the provisions contained in this contract shall, for any reason, be .held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision .of this contract; which contract shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. - 13 - SHUPE:-625 .~ 7 • X}OCI . Non-Waiver The failure of the City to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of this contract or to- exercise any right herein conferred shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment to any extent of City's right to assert or rely upon any such term or-right on any future occasion. }SCI I . Entirety of Agreement This written instrument. and all attachments incorporated herein by :reference constitute the entire.- agreement by the parties hereto concerning -the work and services to be performed hereunder, and any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements which purport to vary from the terms hereof shall be void. , XXXIII. Effective Date i. ~• This contract is made and entered as of 19_ WITNESS- the following signature and seals this day of ,...1.9_ ATTEST: Ruth Howard, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Wade Adkins, City Attorney ATTEST: CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Bp: David A. ivory, City ;Manager;:: " ` , °~. - Date: - 14 - SHUPE:626 HILLWOOD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: Ronald H. White Title: Vice-President - 15 - 3HUPE:625