HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1844 RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A PIJBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT THE MUNICIPAL 6UILDING • IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, ON SEPTEMBER 15, 1992, AT 10:00 A.M., FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE PROPOSED CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE N0. 3011. AS AMENDED. WHICH IS THE COMPP.EHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID HEARING MAY CONTINUE FP,OM DAY TO DAY UNTIL EVERY INTERESTED PARTY AND CITIZEN HAS HAD A FULL OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: That at 10:00 O'r_lock A.M,,, Tuesday, September lb, 1992, the City Council of the Cit.v of Fort Worth, which is the legislative body of said City, will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers at the M~_micipal Building for the purpose of considering changes and amendments to Ordinance No. ?011, as amended, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of ;aid City. The purpose of '~ald 'i'i?~ar.l ng 1.~ tG detcrmlrie Whether' ~lr ilOt Sald Ordln3 nre NO. 3011, as amended, should be amended so that *_he zoning classification of the following areas shall b:- chan,_Ted as hereinafter described. Z-92-036 TEXT AMENDMENT =;f•I ORDINANCE AMF_NDING THE COMPREHENSIVF_ BONING VROINANCE OF IHE CITY. OF FORT WORTH. BEZNG ORDINANCE Nt?. 3011. AS Ah1EIdDED. CODIFIED AS APPENDIX "A" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT I~lORTH, TEXAS (19£-36), AS AMENDED, 3'( AMENDING SECTIOPJ _' "F" COMMERCIAL DI°,TPICT; SECTION 9A, 'FR" ~°r~hiMERCIAL DISTRICT; °=.ECTION 10, F" COMMERCI~gL f.'~I`.TRICT. AND SECTIOPI 11. "G" COMMERCIAL DISTF:IC~i~ TO F'.cPMI-I OUTSIDE =,"IORAGE AND OI'~1='I__AY rtl- PIERCHANOISc WITH RESTRICTION: PROVIDING Ti-1AT THIS r~ROIr•lAfdCE SHALL BE C:Uh1ULATPJE: PROVIDING ;='. ~Et~ERAt7ILIT'r t_LAIJSE; PROVIDING A ~•AVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDINr; FOR ENGROSSMENT AfdO ET`dROLLMEI`IT: PP,nVIDIfdG FOR F'UBLICP.TiUN TN PAMPHLET FrJP.M: PROVIDING A PENALT'(; 1='ROVIDING FOR PURLIC,aTION ICI THE ~=~FFrr?,,L NEWSPAPER; =,ND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Z-92-049 Lot 9C. dock S, Lake !JOrth Leases Addition Recommended from 'A" rtne-Family to "PniSti" F'lannad D~welopment •;•pecific. Use for ~ marina and re=:taurant Wlth a1GOh01 3a1eS laS t,JUnd 1n eCtlOn 9.A .5Q O1' the !:omprehensive :°oning ordinance). Waiver of site plan recommenderi. 14000-4100 Ntarins nri'~~ i Z-92-O50 Lots 33R, 34R, 35R, 36R, 37R 38R and 39R, Block 2, Parkside Addition Recommended from "B" Two-Family t_o "ER" Restricted • Commercial (3209 Stalcup Road) Z-92-052 Lot 3R, Block 18, Tucker's Addition Recommended from "ER" Restricted Commercial to "ER/HC" Restricted Commercial/Historic and Cultural Subdistrict (656 .S 664 St. Louis Street 306, 308 & 310 W. Cannon Street) Z-92-053 Lots 17 & 18, Block 9, Ryan Place Addition Recommended from "A" One-Family to "A/HC" One-FamilviHistoric and Cultural Subdistrict 12517 Rvan Place Drive) Z-92-054 Lots 13 and 14; Block ,'8. Worth Heights Addition • Recommended from "E" Commercial to "pD/SU" planned Development Specific Use for' =.17. uses in "E" Commercial plus furniture refinishing, upholstery, and, car upholstery and fabric toys. Waiver of Site Plan recommended, (3840 South FreewavJ Z-92=055 Tract 1 ~_ OmmenC L ng 8 t ti ie f00St 5~7U t he7" ). v °,OUthea~,t ~`Or nel" Of Blo~~k E, P•tira Vista Addition to the CiY•; of Fort Worth: THENCE South ~2°45'00" blest, 399.24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of t_he herein described zoning tract; THENCE South 22°4°x'00" West ,•:'43.81 Feet; THENCE North 7?_°13'51" West, 73.49 feet to the beginning of a curve r_o the right, said curve having a radius of 550 feet. and a long chord which bears North 26°47'.`_.-J West, 783.87 feet.; • THEN('E along said curve to the right. an etc length of 87~.?4 feer_, r` Z-92-055 (CONTINUED) THENCE South b7°55'01" East, 38.60 feet; • THENCE North 79°42'24" East, 129.02 feet; THENCE South 74°40'00" East, 64.24 feet; THENCE South 49°24'41" East, 151.61 feet; THENCE South 29°33'08" West, 256.06 feet; THENCE South 46°47'33" East, 104.58 feet; THENCE South 67°15'00" East, 247.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract, and tract containing 4.81 acres or less. Recommended from "C" Multi-Famil•, District to "CR" Multi-Family District Tract 2 • BEGINNING at the most southerly southeast corner of Block E, Mira Vista Addition to the Cit'r of Fort Worth: THENCE ~,vutii 22°45'00" THENCE North b~°15'00" 'THENCE i••lort.i-i 46°4?'""'" THEfdCE fJorth ~9°'3'08" THENCE F!or tfi 49"^4 '41 " THENCE N~irth 74°4G'00" THENCE South 79°42'24" THEME North 67°55'01" non--tangent cur+.~e to t radius of 550 feet and 28°40'59" East, 191.?3 West. :99,24 feet: lJest, 247.12 feet: ,lest . 104. "~8`"eet; West, _'56.06 1-aet~. West. 151.e.1 feet; West, F,4 .24 feet; West, 129.0"=~ feet: tAest. 38.60 feet to a point on he right, said curs.%e ha~~~:i.ng a a long chord which bears Nort;, feet; • THENCE along said curve to the ri:~ht to an arc length of 192.92 feet to :~ point in the :=out.hwest line of Block D, Mira Vista Addition to the City of Fort worth; THENCE South 44°00'OG" Eas*_., along the south line of Block n, 79.3? feet; Z-92-055 (CONTINUED) THENCE South 15°20'00" East, along the south line of • 81ock U, 79.37 feet; THENCE South 77°40'00" East, 237.91 to a point in the center of existing Desert Highlands Drive, a private street, said point also being the southeast corner of Block D and located on a non-tangent curve tb the left, said curve being a radius of 250 feet and a long chord which bears North 30°43'32" Easr_, 39.13 feet; THENCE along the centerline of Desert. Highland and the curve to the left :an arc distance of 39.17 feet ro the soutl-~west corner' cf 81ock E; THENCE Soutl-~ 64°00'00" East, 32h.93 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. a=_id tract containing 3.~t• acres more or less. F:ecnmmended from "C" Multi-Fami7.v District t0 "CF^ Cornmunit; Facilities District_ Tract BEGIfd~~lIl~lG: .at the most southerly southwest c rner of 8Lx h D. Mira ~.~ista addition to the City of Fort. Worth; (HENCE. South 74°4~'On" East, .along the south line of 81ocl: D, 10(1.00 feet; THENCE 5~uu tii _~'~°00'00" East. L9f.~.00 fc-et: THENCE South 44"00'00" East. 30.63 Feet to the ~_~eginning of a non-tangent curve to the laft_, ~_,aid CUY V'c' ha`.J1 ilg a 1-&~~lll8 oY 550 feet atria & lO Ra '~: hord which bears South :_8°40';9" We.=_a_. 191.9 feer_; THENCE along said curve to the .left of arc distance of 1a2.ti2 feet; I"HENCE r~lnrth ~.7"t~5'01" West , _8,75 feet; THENCE North 38"_'_7'49" East, 155.b2 feet: • THF_NCE i~lorth 1.'°O8'°0" East . 154.0; feet t_o the ~'OINT OF BEGTP~!NING ~:~f the herein described tracr_, >ai<-; tract containing l..r,Es acres of land mere or less.. t7ecomm2nded (torn "Ck~" Mult.i-Family District tc "CF" Cnmmunit;- Fa~::iliti.v~ District- X6501-6551 Mira ~Jist.a Boulevard) • Z-92-057 All that parcel of land situated in the J. ~. Hansborough Survey, Abstract No. 748: and the W. Houston Survey, Abstract No. 745, City of Fort Worth. Tarrant County, Ta_xas, being those certain tracts of land conveyed to John P. Ryan, by deed recorded in Volume 7025 Page 213, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said 65.397 acres being more particularly described by metes and bounds, as follows: BEGINNING at a monument in the south line of said Ryan tracts and t_he east line of Bryant Irvin Road (R.O.W.) varies), said point being the most southerly ~:outhwest corner of Block 2, Rvan Southwest Addition. an Addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 388-212, Page 52, Tarrant County Plat Records; THENCE along t_he east line of said Bryant Ir.~in F,oad, as follows: North 02°01't5 Lat. 61.7/ feet to a monument; North 88°40'28" West, 20.68 feet to a monument at the beginning of a curve to the right whose radius :is ''. X17.83 feet; Along :aid curve to the right, in a nort.herl'; direction, through a central angle o1= 22°55'31" a disaance of 887.40 feet to a monument. at the end of said curve; North 25°~+5'47" cast, 423.,"=~ feet .*_o a monument at the int.arsection of the east line Gf said Bryant Irvin F.oad and the ..=_:outh line of 'c,tate !?iJhway Nn. 183 i F;.O.W. varie_ i; • TNENGE alon<a th 18.3 , as f~~l lows North h9°03'56 mouth 64°11'53" jQUtli {_,6on6 ,~7u South 64`11'0 „' `_~~ut_h _?"18'::10" Sa!~th %4"13'40" ~OUt 'a :t ., East, East, r.j Jt , East. r.a ~t . h line -; -, 47 422.65 300.1' 699. ?~~ .60.10 '~'~'~ ~'.~ 3 ~~f said feet to Peet to 1 ~'et t0 reef r~, feet to feet Yp 5ta~te Hi.rhway No a monument; a 1/2" iron; a rnonurmanr_ ; a my nll nlent. a mO nUfne pt.: 1%2" iT"V ll: f ~_ Z-92-057 (CONTINUED) THENCE South 02°51'48" East, 512.31 feet to a 1/2" iron • at the southeast r_orner of said Ryan tracts; THENCE South 89°52'18" West, along the south line of said Ryan Tracts, passing the southeast corner of said Block 2, and continuing, along the south line of said Ryan tracts, in all, 2,347.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 50.7 acres of land, more or lass. Recommended from "C" Multi-Famil>~ and "E" Commercial to "G" Commercial 432E-4x01 Br•;ant Irdin Road) Z-92-058 TEXT AMENDMENT AN OF:DINANCE AMENDING THE ~~UMPREHENSI~iE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CIT"( OF FORT WORTH. BEING ORDINANCE N0. 3011, AS F,MENDED, CODIFIED AS APPENDIX "A" OF THE CODE OF • THE CITY OF FORT IJORTH, TEXAS (1986), AS AMENGED, BY AMENDING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS TO CLARIF`( AND EXPRESSLY PROVIDE T HAT HEIGHT AND AREA REGULATIONS APPL.'r' TO 80TH EUILGIPJGS AND STRUCTURES: SECTION 'C, "MH" M08ILE HOME DISTRI~:T. °~UBSECTIO(`J II. MOEILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS; SECTION 2D. "IP" INDUS-TRIAL PARK DISTRICT; SECTION 3, "A" ONE-FAh1IL`( DISTRICT; SECTION ?A. "A-P." RESIDENTLAL DISTRICT: SECTION =i, "8" P.JG-FAMIL'i DISTRICT; SECTION 4A, "R-1." RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; 5='~:TION ~+8, "R-~"' F;ESIDENTIAL ;iISTF.ICT; SECTION `_ "C-F'" I`lU L'~I-1=AMILY LEIS'"RIOT; SECTIOPJ -, "~:" i•1UL~i~I-FAMILY' i?ISTRICT~ ~,ECTIOfd "~" MULTI-FAMILY O15TRICT; i>ECTION ~A. "D-HRl" iItJLTI-1=,GMILY :-?IGH-F'ISE '!I~TRICi; SECTION ~B.. "~~-FIR.2" MULTI-TAMIL( HICFi-RISE DI=;TRIC'T: SECI-ION 8, "E-'?" RESTPICTF_ D COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: `.•ECTION G8, "C~-t~1" OFFICE MIDRISE DI'.,TRICT: 3ECTIOtd 9. "i=" ~~OMMERCIAI__ DISTRICT; :,ECTION ':'A, "F-R" I'ESTF'ICiEC, Ci~h1MEF.CIAt_ DISTF:P~T; `_~ECTION 10, "F" ~=OMMEF;CIAL DISTRICT; SECTIC~R! 11. "G" COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; SECTION 1L'. "H" 8U5•INESS DiSTF:ICT: SECTION 13, "I" LIG HT INDIJSTRIAL DISTRICT' SECTION 14. "J" LIGHT IiIDUSTRIA I_; F'ROVIDIPdG THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATP/ E: PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY C.LAIJSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS ' CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR EF~IGROSSMENT AND ENRULLh1E~IT; ' ' ' ROVIDTNG F FC!F PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET CORM . PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICAiIOfJ IN -THE OFFICIAL iVEWSPAPER ; AND PRO'•JIDIIVG AN EFFECTIVE GATE. That the proposed amendments and changes at this hearing will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 211 of t_he Texas Local Government Code. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution, when published in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, which is a paper of general circulation, one (1) time, shall constitute a notice of hearing, which publication shall be made at least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing, and all interested parties are urgently requested to be in t_he Council Chambers at the Municipal Euilding at the time hereinabove set forth to make any protest or suggestion that may occur to them, and this hearing may continue from day to day until every interested party and citizen has had a full opportunity to ba heard. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY APPROVED CITY CQUPlC!L k1iG 18 1a ~/ ~~ czar ~r r«: v~~~m. tex,~ C~ J