HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/04/27-Agenda-Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) FORTWORTH AGENDA FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 TUESDAY,APRIL 27, 2010 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 10:00 A.M. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mike Moncriet;President Carter Burdette, Director Jungus Jordan,Director Zim Zimmerman,Vice-President Sal Espino,Director Frank Moss, Director Joel Bums, Director Kathleen Hicks, Director Danny Scarth, Director Staff Liaison-Tom Higgins,Assistant City Manager I. Call to Order II. Approval of Minutes from the March 23, 2010 Meeting III. Written Reports A. Status of Heliport/Helicopter Purchase B. Crime Lab Update C. Facility/Capital Plan Update D. CCPD's Marketing and Public Information Program E. Distribution of Community Based Program Services in Relation to Crime Patterns F. 1"Quarter Performance Measures and Annual Objectives G. Fund Balance Definition Clarification H, FY2011 Community Based Programs Request ror Proposah(RFP) IV. Action Items A. Consideration and Approval of Mid-Year Budget Adjustment and the use of Projected Savings in Lieu of the Fund Balance to Balance the CCPD Mid-Year Deficit. I. Staff Report 2. Public Hearing 3. Action B. Overview and Approval of CCPD Goals and Mission Statement I. Staff Report 2. Action C. Consideration and Approval to Proceed on Advertising for the FY2011 Community-Based Program Funding Policies and Request for Proposals (RFP) Distribution not to exceed S2W,000 1, Staff Report 2. %ction % IS. Discussion on Proposed CCPD Board Calendar of Meetings/E%ents V Citizen Comments Future Agenda Items Adjourn This facility is wheelchair accessible. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please call the City Manager's Office at 817 392-6143, 48 hours in advance. "' CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 23,2010 Present: Mike Moncrief, President W. B. "Zim"Zimmerman, Vice President Salvador Espino Danny Scarth Frank Moss Jungus Jordan Carter Burdette Kathleen Hicks Joel Burns City Staff: Tom Higgins, Assistant City Manager Charlene Sanders, Assistant City Attorney Marty Hendrix, City Secretary Rhonda Robertson, Executive Deputy Chief, Police Department Christy Rodriguez, Senior Planner, Research and Planning Division, Police Department Sasha Kane, Senior Contract Compliance Specialist, Police Department Shallah Graham, Senior Administrative Services Manager, Police Department Other City Staff in Attendance: Jeff Halstead, Police Chief Monique Lee, Director of Administrative Services, Police Department William (Bill) Read, Deputy Chief, Special Services Bureau, Police Department With a quorum of the board members present, Acting President Mike Moncrief called the meeting of the Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Board of Directors to order at 1:00 p.m., on Tuesday, March 23, 2010, in the Pre-Council Chamber of the Fort Worth Municipal Building, 1000 Throckmorton, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. Swearing in of the Fort Worth Crime Control and Prevention District Board (Agenda Item II) Acting President Mike Moncrief advised that the CCPD Board Members would receive their oaths-of-office at this time. 0 CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23,2010 Page 2 of 20 Legal Overview of the Board's Duties And Responsibilities (Agenda Item III) Assistant City Secretary Ronald Gonzales administered the oaths-of-office to all of the members of CCPD Board of Directors. The statements of appointed officers had been previously signed by all of the board members. Assistant City Attorney Charlene Sanders provided a legal overview of the board's duties and responsibilities. Using a PowerPoint presentation, she advised that the controlling legal authority was Chapter 363 of the Texas Local Government Code. She stated this code governed the creation of the Crime Control and Prevention District; the administration, powers and duties of the district's board; and district responsibilities and limitations on expenditures. She explained that the statute required an election of a president and vice president. She added those officers were required to be board members. Ms. Sanders advised the statute also required an appointment of a secretary, who was not required to be a board member. Ms. Sanders advised that the Local Government Code, Section 363.151 stated that the district may finance all costs of a crime control and prevention program, including costs for personnel, administration, expansions, enhancement and capital expenditures. Ms. Sanders provided the funding areas as follows: Police and law enforcement related programs, Community related crime prevention strategies, Specific treatment and prevention programs, Court and prosecution services, Jails,jailers, guards and necessary staff. Ms. Sanders pointed out that the board was required to hold a public meeting to take action on the budget and any amendments to the budget. She provided a chart of the statutorily mandated deadlines (based on an October 1 fiscal year). The chart showed that a public hearing on the proposed budget needed to be held no later than June 23 by the board and no later than August 17 by the City Council; the adoption of the budget needed to occur no later than July 13 by the CCPD Board and the budget had to be either approved or rejected by the City Council no later than September 1. Ms. Sanders concluded her presentation. Acting President Moncrief opened the floor for discussion and/or comments. There was no discussion or comments. This concluded the presentation and discussion on this agenda item. CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23,2010 Page 3 of 20 Election of Officers: President and Vice- President (Agenda Item IV) Acting President Moncrief opened the floor for a motion on the election of officers. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member Jordan and seconded by Board Member Burdette, the board voted nine (9) "ayes" and zero (0) "nays" to elect by acclamation Mike Moncrief as president and W. B. "Zim" Zimmerman as vice president. The motion carried. Appointment and Swearing in of Secretary (Agenda Item V) President Moncrief opened the floor for the appointment of the secretary position. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member Espino and seconded by Board Member Burdette, the board voted nine (9) "ayes" and zero (0) "nays" to appoint by acclamation Marty Hendrix as secretary. The motion carried. Assistant City Secretary Ronald Gonzales administered the oath-of-office to Mart Y Hendrix. The statement of appointed officer had been previously executed. Approval of Minutes of the November 12, 2009, and December 17, 2009.Meetings (Agenda Item VI) President Moncrief opened the floor for a motion on the approval of the minutes of the CCPD Board's previous meetings held on November 12, 2009, and December 17, 2009. Board Member Jordan requested clarification on the approval of the minutes by the new board. Assistant City Attorney Sanders advised that the minutes before the board were prepared by staff in the normal course and scope of business and in the manner normally followed for minutes of this board. She stated that the minutes were nothing more than records of the proceeding of the meeting. She stated that the staff believed that the minutes before the board accurately reflected the subject meetings and that it was appropriate for this board to approve the minutes. She added that upon approval the minutes would be posted to the City's web page. She stated that should credible evidence of inaccurate material facts be brought forth, these minutes could then be amended. CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING-MARCH 23, 2010 Page 4 of 20 Approval of Minutes of the November 12, 2009, and December 17, 2009,Meetings (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member Jordan and seconded by Board Member Espino, the board members voted nine (9) and zero (0) "nays", to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2009, and December 17, 2009, Crime Control and Prevention District Board meetings. The motion carred unanimously. Written Reports (Agenda Item VII) Christy Rodriguez, Senior Planner, Research and Planning Division of the Police Department, spoke before the board on the following written reports, which had been provided to the board members in their agenda packets: A. First Quarter Program Report FY 2009—2010 B. First Quarter Financial Report FY 2009—2010 She advised that in the future these written reports would be provided to the board as a matter of information and there would be no associated presentation. She added that City staff would be available to respond to questions, if necessary. A. First Quarter Program Report FY 2009-2010 She pointed out that the First Quarter Report was for the period of October 1, 2009, through December 31, 2009. She added that pages 1 through 13 of the report showed the various funds, with the funding allotted for those programs, list of expenditures, list of accomplishments, and the annual objective set for each year. Those funds were: Zero Tolerance Teams $5,915,733 Strategic Operations $819,864 Expanded Narcotics $1,063,387 Gang Unit $1,291,009 Gang Graffiti Abatement $500,936 (Parks and Community Services Department) Crime Prevention Agency Partnership — Safe City Commission $175,000 Crime Stoppers Call Center $75,000 Homeland Security(Intel Section) $1,245,450 Comin Up Program (Parks and Community Services Department) $358,011 Neighborhood Patrol Officers (NPOs) $6,146,401 CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23,2010 Page 5 of 20 Written Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII) Neighborhood Policing Districts(NPDs) $2,814,984 Citizens on Patrol Equipment/CODE BLUE $394,499 Police Storefronts Program $75,984 Parks Community Policing $768,988 Community Based Programs $200,000 School Security Initiative $6,590,919 After School Program (Multiple ISDs) $1,600,000 Safe Haven $478,554 Recruit Officer Training $2,162,519 Training Staff $216,005 Recruitment Budget $25,000 Civil Service Pay Plan $5,329,547 Increased Jail Costs $2,667,979 High Mile Vehicle Replacement $4,614,171 SOD Vehicles $530,891 Police Cadets $102,008 Special Events Overtime $675,374 Technology Infrastructure $2,685,925 In-Car Video Cameras $120,000 Mobile Data Computers(MDC) $195,500 Helicopter Lease and Equipment $128,914 Stockyard Detail $102,574 She indicated that pages 14 and 15 showed the summary of the community-based programs, with the CCPD allocated funds approved for those programs along with a description of those programs. Those programs were: Community Based Programs Allocations Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas $37,357 Cassata High School $20,000 Catholic Charities Diocese of Fort Worth, fnc. S43,645 Gentlemen's Society $20,000 M.E.T.R.O. Ministries 556,770 SafeHaven $22,228 CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23,2010 Page 6 of 20 Written Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII) She explained that in future reports the board members would see the expenditures that have occurred. She added that information was not available for this quarter as the contracts have just finally been executed. Ms. Rodriguez stated the information shown on pages 16 and 17 was the quarterly financial report. She pointed out that the information was on each of the programs, the adopted FY 09/10 allocation, the unaudited expenditures and the remaining balance. She advised the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) with the crime report and crime rate ending in December of 2009 was on pages 18 and 19. She indicated that this was the same information that was also shown in the Police Chief s quarterly reports. Ms. Rodriguez concluded her presentation. President Moncrief opened the floor for discussion and/or comments. Board Member Moss pointed out that he had several questions. He referenced the information shown on page 2 of the report under the information shown for Expanded Narcotics, the Gang Unit and Gang Graffiti Abatement. He explained in those areas the funding was either at or exceeding the goals for the year in the first quarter. He expressed his concern as to what was going on there, i.e., a problem with setting the goals and/or exceeding expectations. He wondered whether it was an issue of concentration or more was going on than anticipated. Ms. Rodriguez indicated that with each separate program there could be a different reason for that occurring. She indicated that the annual objective could be looked at and adjusted by the board. At this time, Deputy Chief Rhonda Robertson provided further explanation. She pointed out that with some of the goals, it was difficult to set. She added that staff looked at past performance and past statistics and then tried to set reasonable goals. She explained that in certain situations the goals were exceeded in the first quarter by an unforeseen flurry of activities. She indicated that this could throw off the expected goals. She reiterated that the board could review those goals and make adjustments where necessary. Board Member Moss reiterated that his question was "why" there had been this much activity in the first quarter. He pointed out that goals had been set for the year and now just in the first quarter they were being met or exceeded. Deputy Chief Bill Read, with the Special Services Bureau, appeared before the board to respond to the question. He indicated that he could not give a specific reason for these increased 5� CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING-MARCH 23,2010 Page 7 of 20 Written Reports(cont'd) (Agenda Item VII) activities. He provided information about working with their federal partners and stated that a lot of the investigations that have been ongoing for several years have culminated in the quarter referenced. He explained that for an example this could affect the Expanded Narcotics' goals. He indicated that if there was a spike in narcotic activity then it would affect those goals. He stated that those activities ebb and flow and he could not be more specific than that. Board Member Moss stated he had the same question on the SafeHaven's goal. He pointed out that unless they have significant activity, they would not be meeting their goals. Deputy Chief Read indicated that he did not have any information on SafeHaven. President Moncrief requested clarification on what page of the report contained this information. Board Member Moss referenced page 2. Board Member Moss requested a written response to his questions. Ms. Rodriquez indicated that staff would gather the information and a response would be prepared. President Moncrief interjected that if other outside agencies were involved then perhaps this could explain the increase in activity. He requested that the written response be provided to the entire board. This concluded the presentation and discussion on this agenda item. B. First Quarter Financial Report FY 2009—2010 Shallah Graham, Senior Administrative Services Manager in the Fiscal Services Division of the Police Department, spoke before the board on the First Quarter Financial Report FY 2009 — 2010. She explained that she would just be reviewing the information that was found in this report and that in the future there would be no presentation of the report and it would be provided to the board as a matter of information. She advised that this report reflected financial information from October through December of 2009. She added that this report was required by state law in the Local Government Code, and one of the City's financial management policies. She explained that what makes this report different was that this report had to provide for the projections at the end of the year. Ms. Graham referenced Agenda Item 9 and advised that since this was a quarterly report, ending December 2009, City staff had some more updated financial information which would be presented during Agenda Item 9. Ms. Graham explained the contents of the report. She pointed out that the first table showed the revenues, with columns reflecting the program name, approved budget amount, the re-estimate amount and whether the program was over the budget figure or under. She added that the revenue categories were: sales tax, school security, miscellaneous, salary reimbursement from other agencies and interest. CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23, 2010 Page 8 of 20 Written Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII) She advised that the next table showed the expenditures in the same format as the revenues. She pointed out that it reflected the four(4) key program areas. She stated those areas were: violent crime and gangs; neighborhood crime; school safety and youth and Police Department enhancements. Ms. Graham concluded her presentation. President Moncrief opened the floor for discussion and/or comments. After reviewing the report, President Moncrief pointed out that it reflected that the fund was $3.8 million short of revenues at this time. Ms. Graham concurred with that statement and added that the requirements of the financial management policy indicated that the revenue estimates have to be considered as well as the projected expenditures. She added that there would be more information presented on this issue under Agenda Item 9. Assistant City Manager Tom Higgins reiterated that in the future these written reports '' would be provided as a matter of information in the board's agenda packets and there would be no formal presentations on them. He stated that City staff wanted to provide these presentations today just to explain to the board members the contents and formats of these reports. This concluded the presentation and discussion on this agenda item. Staff Reports (Agenda Item VIII) A. Presentation on Community Based Programs Sasha Kane, Senior Contract Compliance Specialist in the Police Department, spoke before the board on the CCPD Community-Based Programs and the FY 2011 Request for Proposal (RFP) funding options. City staff provided handout information to the board members on background and information on the CCPD Funded Community-Based Programs for FY 2007 through FY 2010. Ms. Kane referenced that document and explained that she would be reviewing portions of that document. Using a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Kane reviewed the contents of her presentation that included: CCPD Community-Based Programs Overview Previous Community-Based Program Funding Future Funding Options for Community-Based Programs (FY 2011 and beyond) Program Selection — Award Requirements CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23, 2010 Page 9 of 20 Staff Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII) Ms. Kane explained that the CCPD Community-Based Programs were executed and managed differently from the other CCPD programs. She stated that the other program service providers remain the same year-to-year, for example the After School Programs (at four ISDs) and the School Security Initiative (at seven ISDs and Lena Pope). She stated that this program funding was awarded to different service providers through an RFP and competitive scoring process on a yearly basis. She added that the past CCPD Board preferred to fund programs for only two(2) years. Ms. Kane advised that CCPD funding was provided to non-profits for community-based programs that address one of the three CCPD goals as follows: 1. Increase CODE BLUE participation, 2. Support law enforcement efforts, 3. Provide a safe environment to obtain an education She pointed out that for the last two years their priority was given to programs that address "youth and family violence." She stated that those programs were funded annually at $200,000.00. Ms. Kane advised that previous community-based program funding initiatives started in the summer of FY 2006 with two(2)pilot programs and then in FY 2007 nine(9)programs were funded. She added that in FY 2008 nine (9) programs were funded; FY 2009 four(4) programs were funded and in FY 2010 six (6)programs were funded. She pointed out that for FY 2010 the six (6)community-based programs were: Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Texas $37,357 Cassata High School $20,000 Catholic Charities $43,645 Gentlemen's Society $20,000 M.E.T.R.O. Ministries $56,770 SafeHaven of Tarrant County $22,228 Ms. Kane presented information on the future funding options for community-based programs for FY 2011 and beyond. She indicated that the City staff was evaluating funding options for future recommendations to the board based on projected revenue for FY 2010. She added the funding options and recommendations would be presented to the board at a later date with possible options based on current budget constraints. CITY OF FORT WORTHr'�" CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23, 2010 Page 10 of 20 Staff Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII) Ms. Kane reviewed the next steps for program selection. She stated on April 20, should the board elect to continue funding for FY2011, the City staff recommendations would be: • RFP wording and terms • Evaluation process and scoring committee (members of the Community Development Council, Parks staff, the ISD representatives, and police personnel), ■ Application schedule She added the board's action items would be to approve the funding amount and to approve the release of the RFP. She stated that on August 24, the City staff would present the funding recommendations and the board would take action to approve the recommended programs. Ms. Kane concluded her presentation. President Moncrief opened the floor for discussion and/or comments. He requested further clarification on the three(3) goals of the CCPD funding and whether they represented the overall goals of the CCPD or just the community-based programs. Ms. Kane clarified that the three goals were the goals for the entire CCPD. She reiterated the fourth goal that was reflected in italics had been identified by the previous board members as a special emphasis area for the last two years. President Moncrief recommended that the City staff look a little closer at the goals and determine better definitions for the community-based program goals and what was clearly expected from those goals and programs and how they were performance measured based upon results. He also suggested that the board look at the three (3) overall goals for the CCPD. President Moncrief pointed out that this was a new responsibility for the new board members. He added that he wanted to make sure the goals were reflective of what the public expected to receive. He indicated that he was not sure the current goals were reflective of what this program currently provided. Board Member Moss requested clarification on the funding period. He pointed out that City staff had indicated that it was for a two (2) year period. Ms. Kane indicated that was correct, however, the agencies had to compete both years. Board Member Moss requested clarification on after the agencies go off of the funding for a period of two (2) years, then do they have the ability to come back and apply for more funding. Ms. Kane indicated that the previous board had determined that was not an option. She clarified that the same service provider could reapply, but not with the same program to be funded. Board Member Moss explained he had met with various citizens in the community that have expressed their concerns with more funds 45 1r. CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23,2010 Page 1 I of 20 Staff Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII) being made available under this component. He explained that he just wanted that placed on the table. President Moncrief expressed appreciation to Ms. Kane for her presentation. Board Member Hicks requested information on whether the community-based programs were working in areas where there were "hot spots" for the police and areas of concern. She referenced an area brought up in previous City Council discussions by Board Member Burdette which were problems at Las Vegas Trail. She requested a map to see where the dollars were going geographically and if those areas coincided with where the police were having increased issues. Board Member Burns requested to see other projects that had been funded since 2006 to see what had been done historically. City staff advised that this information had been included in the agenda packet of information. This concluded the presentation and discussion on this agenda item. B. Revised FY 2010 Crime Control and Prevention District Board Calendar Executive Deputy Chief Rhonda Robertson spoke before the board on the proposed board calendar that identified future CCPD Board meetings on the following dates: • March 23, 2010(1"'quarterly meeting of the new board) • April 20, 2010(budget meeting for action on mid-year budget reductions) • May 18, 2010(2"d regular quarterly meeting) • June 15, 2010 (Public Hearing take action n the proposed FYI 1 budget and conduct public hearing. • August 24, 2010(31d regular quarterly meeting) • November 16, 2010(4`h regular quarterly meeting) The calendar identified that these meetings would be held immediately following the 10:00 am. City Council meetings, the meeting location was in the Pre-Council Chamber, contained items that were necessary for consideration on the agenda and the associated state law deadline requirements. Chief Robertson explained that due to the board members' busy schedules, the staff wanted to get these dates on their calendars. She added if there was no need for a regular CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23, 2010 Page 12 of 20 Staff Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII) meeting, the board members would be notified early in order to take the meeting off of their schedules. She also asked that if any revisions were needed to the calendar, to let staff know. President Moncrief opened the floor for discussion and/or comments. There was none. This concluded the presentation and discussion on this agenda item. C. CCPD Citizen Appreciation Day—May 15'h Executive Deputy Chief Robertson advised the board of the upcoming date of May 15 for the CCPD's Citizen Appreciation Day to show the citizens appreciation for renewing the CCPD tax for another five (5) years. She explained that this event would be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the parking lot of Montgomery Plaza and Target Corporation had signed up to be a community partner in this event. She added that this event would be similar to the "crime fairs" that the board members have attended in the past. She pointed out that the police wanted to showcase police equipment that the CCPD funding had purchased for the Police Department as well as equipment for the Fire Department. She added the police wanted to showcase the units that have been funded, i.e., gang unit, narcotics unit, etc., and there would be a recruitment booth for the Police Department as well as the Citizens on Patrol. She added that this would be a family-oriented event. Chief Robertson indicated that the staff was still in the planning stages of this event and offered the board members an opportunity to add anything that they felt should be part of this event. Chief Robertson explained that the police were trying to get a stage area to showcase some of the after school programs as well as skits by the Police Department's historical society. Chief Robertson stated that the City staff would send out a notice to each board member for a"save the date"to put on their calendars. She concluded her presentation. President Moncrief opened the floor for discussion and/or comments. There was none. The concluded the presentation and discussion on this agenda item. Discussion Item: Review of Budget Shortfalls and Current Financial Policy (Agenda Item IX) Using a PowerPoint presentation, Shalla Graham, Senior Administrative Services Manager in the Police Department, spoke before the board on the budget shortfalls and the current financial policy. She reviewed the board's general budget responsibilities as follows: UP CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23, 2010 Page 13 of 20 Discussion Item: Review of Budget Shortfalls and Current Financial PolIcv(cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) • Adopt the budget, • Monitor the budget, • Pay attention to any revenues or expenditures that were exceeding the budget and take any action necessary • Update the Financial Management Policies, which the staff administers Ms. Graham reviewed a chart showing the sales tax history from years 2002 to 2010, with information on the actual revenue,proposed revenue and year-to-date revenue. She pointed out the revenue shortfall from FY 2009 to FY 2010. She then presented a chart showing the FY 2010 revenue overview that showed the following information: Adopted Projected Increase/ FY 2010 Revenue Budget Budget (Decrease) Sales Tax $45,654,866 $42,237,825 ($3,417,041) School Security $ 4,090,074 $ 4,090,074 $0 Misc. $ 164,274 $ 164,274 $0 Interest $ 906,971 $ 413,165 ( $493,806) Total $50,816,185 $46,905,320 ($3,910,865) Ms. Graham provided a chart showing the FY 2010 expenditure overview and provided details of what was included under each program as to funding as follows: Programs Budget A.P. Sworn Civilian Violent Crimes and Gangs $11,546,965 102 94 g Neighborhood Crimes $10,400,856 78 64 14 School Safety& Youth $ 8,669,473 68 68 0 Police Enhancements $20,008,632 2 2 0 $50,625,926 250 228 22 Ms. Graham provided a pie chart showing the breakdown of the expenditure overview of the $50,625,926 by certain budget categories as follows: Supply Cost $ 3,630,949 or 7%of budget Contractual Services S 16,716,274 or 33%of budget Capital Equipment S 3,485,758 or 7%of budget CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING-MARCH 23, 2010 Page 14 of 20 Discussion Item: Review of Budget Shortfalls and Current Financial Policy (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) Salary Cost $26,792,945 or 53%of budget Ms. Graham provided information on the FY 2010 projected gap as follows: Plus: FY 2010 Projected Revenues $ 46,905,320 Less: FY 2010 projected Expenditures ($48,754,038) Projected Deficit ($ 1,848,718) Ms. Graham reviewed the FY 2010 projected fund balance information as follows: Unaudited Fund Balance 9/30/09 $30,246,108 Less: Rollovers ($3,674,956) Less: Projected Deficit ($1,848,718) Projected Adjusted Fund Balance 9/30/10 $24,722,434 FY2010 Target @ 60% $30,375,555 r She explained that the rollovers funding was related to the timing of vehicle purchases. She also referenced the projected adjusted fund balance and the financial target fund balance and stated that the reason for the difference was related to the new crime lab that they were building. Ms. Graham presented an overview of the CCPD Financial Policy as follows: • "Expenditures shall be budgeted .... so not to exceed current revenue plus fund balance." • "The District shall take immediate correction when expenditure and revenue projects a deficit ...corrective action can include expenditure reductions or use of fund balance." • "Undesignated Fund Balance should be at 60%of current year operating budget." • "Fund balance shall be used only for emergencies, nonrecurring expenditures, or major capital." Ms. Graham advised that due to the projected deficit of$1,848,718.00, she was providing the following mid-year deficit options for the board's consideration and action: • Reduce expenditures • Amend policy and use fund balance • Combination of reducing expenditures and using fund balance CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING-MARCH 23,2010 Page 15 of 20 Discussion Item: Review of Budget Shortfalls and Current Financial Policy(cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) Ms. Graham stated the next step of the process was the FY 2010 mid-year budget process which would be considered at the CCPD Board's budget meeting to be held on April 20. She stated from that meeting the City staff would take necessary action. She reviewed the FY 2011 budget process as follows: City Staff Process April 8 Meet with POA Representative April 12 Meet with CODE BLUE April 14 Meet with community May 11 Present funding application to Council CCPD Board Process May 18 CCPD Board Public Hearing on Proposed FYI I Budget June 15 CCPD Board take action on Proposed FY 11 Budget City Council Process July 13 City Council Public Hearing on Proposed FYI 1 Budget Aug 3 City Council take action on Proposed FYI I Budget Ms. Graham concluded her presentation. President Moncrief opened the floor for discussion and/or comments. He requested clarification on the deficit figures and which one was correct, the $3.9 million revenue deficit as it stands now for the year or the $1.8 million, which included the expenditure figure. Ms. Graham explained that per the financial management policy, the staff had to consider both the revenues and the expected expenditures. She pointed out that the result of that was the $1.8 million deficit. President Moncrief requested clarification regarding that the fund balance which was a figure of 60%, i.e., $30.3 million. Ms. Graham concurred that figure was correct. She added that at any time the board could consider changing that policy practice. President Moncrief stated that he wanted to make some observations, one of which was to take a serious look at that policy and consider making the change to use some of the fund balance to address the deficit. He added that at the same time, the board needed to consider moving some of the salaried positions out of the CCPD budget over to the City's General Fund budget. He added that it was a better way of keeping house and it would clearly delineate what the CCPD was (� CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23,2010 Page 16 of 20. Discussion Item: Review of Budget Shortfalls and Current Financial Policy(cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) supposed to be doing. He pointed out that over the years when times were tough, the City was able to make substitutions that were done. He added that he was not saying that was bad or that the City had a whole lot of options, but the fact was that they needed to begin that paradigm shift of process. Board Member Hicks requested clarification on when the City's crime lab was due to open. Ms. Graham indicated that the project was 80% complete so it would be some time in the summer. Board Member Hicks indicated that she hoped that everyone would be available for that event. She added that event was going to be huge for Fort Worth as well as the surrounding areas. She also requested clarification on the public meeting with the community scheduled for April 14. Board Member Hicks requested information on how that meeting would be conducted. Ms. Graham advised that the meeting would be held in the Council Chamber on that date at 6:30 p.m. and the City staff would present the budget priorities that were gathered last year and the citizens would be asked if those were still the priorities. Board Member Hicks requested that Ask meeting information be provided to the board members so that they could get this information 0 out to citizens. Board Member Burns advised that today the City Council received the Consolidated Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the City of Fort Worth. He requested to know if a similar report was required for the CCPD and who would put that report together. He also asked who handled the internal auditing of the CCPD. Ms. Graham advised that the City's internal auditors reviewed the funds as well as the external auditors. In further discussion, Ms. Graham clarified that it was the same audit firm that the City used for their annual CAFR. Board Member Burdette requested clarification on the 60% fund balance that was required, when the City's fund balance was only 10%. He also requested to know if that 60% fund balance had been maintained over the last six years. Ms. Graham responded that it had basically been maintained but was down recently due to the construction of the City's crime lab. She explained that the 60% figure was a result of the fact that these funds were voted by the citizens on a five-year basis, thus to protect the personnel that were being paid by these funds. She added that the fund balance acted as a conservative buffer just in case the CCPD does not get renewed. She indicated that it used to cover two-years of the civil service pay plan costs. The costs of the sworn personnel were to be moved out over a four year period as stated in the CCPD financial policy. CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23,2010 Page 17 of 20 DIscussion Item: Review of Budget Shortfalls and Current Financial Policy(cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) Assistant City Manager Tom Higgins indicated that this was one area that the staff was going to ask the board to look at when the board met again on April 20. He pointed out that the concern was to have the 60% at the beginning of the CCPD cycle, when in fact it made more sense to have the 60% nearer to the end of the cycle. He reiterated that the City staff was going to bring back a recommendation on this issue at the next meeting. Board Member Jordan interjected that he felt there was a difference in terminology used in the City's budget and the CCPD's budget, He stated that there was a difference in the use of "fund balance" and "reserve fund." He pointed out that this issue needed to be clarified. He stated that the 10% figure in the City's budget that was referenced by Board Member Burdette was the"reserve fund." He referenced several undesignated fund balances that could be found in the City's General Fund budget. He emphasized that from an accounting standpoint, the terminologies needed to be the same before the board moved forward. In further discussion, Board Member Burdette pointed out that his point and Board Member Jordan's message were that the funds could be used for difference purposes, thus the need to clarify the tenninology. Board Member Jordan interjected that what he was hearing from the City staff was that in the CCPD fund, they were using the undesignated fund balance as a reserve fund commitment at 60%. Ms. Graham indicated that was correct and the figure was the $24.7 million. Board Member Jordan responded back that City staff was actually holding those funds for payroll or other obligations that became apparent. He added that while the funds were undesignated, the funds could be appropriated. He reiterated that the board needed to make sure that the terminology was correct. Board Member Jordan then requested that this issue be reviewed by the City's Chief Financial Officer. Board Member Moss requested clarification about any amount over the 60%. He pointed out for an example at the end of FY 2009 there was a$7.3 million surplus and those monies were placed back into the reserve fund. He requested to know if that was correct. Ms. Graham indicated that was correct. Board Member Moss explained that he understood that any surplus achieved at the end of the budget year could not go back and address any shortfalls in the CCPD budget. He added that those funds had to be transferred and placed in the City's General Fund to address the needs of the City's Police Department. Ms. Graham stated that requirement was not in the Financial Management Policy. Assistant City Attorney Charlene Sanders interjected that all of the CCPD funds (surplus or otherwise) had to remain in the CCPD fund and could not be transferred to the City's General Fund under the state law provisions. Board Member Moss requested clarification if the funds then were only available for police related activities. Ms. 0 CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING- MARCH 23, 2010 Page IS of 20 Discussion Item: Review of Budget Shortfalls and Current Financial Policy(cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) Sanders responded by stating that the funds would be available for all of the uses that had been identified in Section 363 of the Local Government Code. President Moncrief reviewed again the 60%requirement and reiterated that amount could be reduced on the front end of the five-year process in order to cover the experienced deficit. He added then the amount could be built up as long as it was available on the shorter end of the process. Ms. Graham pointed out that the Financial Management Policy would have to be amended to determine how the fund balance would be rebuilt in that situation. Board Member Jordan advised that this was the point that he was making was that different terms were being used for the City's budget process and the CCPD process. He pointed out that the CCPD funds could not be co-mingled with the City's General Fund monies. Board Member Jordan pointed out that the different terminologies were being used interchangeably and thus there needed to be review of that terminology to determine the correct words. President Moncrief expressed appreciation to Ms. Graham for her presentation and advised that she would be bringing back to the board's next meeting how these issues could be addressed. This concluded the presentation and discussion on this agenda item. Action Item (Agenda Item X) There were no agenda items listed for action. This item was passed over. Citizen Comments (Agenda Item XI) There were no citizen comments. Future Agenda Items (Agenda Item XII) President Moncrief opened the floor for future agenda items. Board Member Burns advised he had talked with numerous people in the Fort Worth community, who were informed, smart folks, but who really had serious misperceptions about the status of the CCPD. He stated that the comments he had heard were that the CCPD funding CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING-MARCH 23,2010 Page 19 of 20 Future Agenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item XII) had been eliminated; that the sales tax collected for the CCPD was now going into the City's General Fund; that the programming for the CCPD was not what it once was prior to the change in the CCPD Board composition; and that the current board was utilizing those funds in a matter that was not approved by the voters when they voted in the CCPD for another five(5) years. He indicated that he felt there needed to be serious communication to the community on this process. He added that there had been so many instances where people had made comments to him and other board members that he was recommending that a communication plan be developed in order to educate those folks with the facts that the mission had remained the same, that only the composition of the board had changed and that the funding would still going to the same programs. Board Member Burns requested the City staffs input on how to do a better job of informing the public about what was going on. President Moncrief suggested that Assistant City Manager Tom Higgins and Jason Lamers, the City's Communication Officer, develop a mini public information program utilizing the City's web site, City Page in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, Clear Channel Communications with a billboard, etc. He explained that the message should be that the CCPD was still in tact, that the fiscal house was in order even though there was a budget short fall and the CCPD Board was working diligently with the City staff and had every intention of addressing the challenge. Board Member Zimmerman suggested that one or more meetings be changed to night meetings in order that the citizens might attend and provide input and would not have to take off work to do so. Board Member Jordan referenced the four goals presented for the CCPD and that the goals appeared to be very broad items. He requested that the staff provide more specific targeted objectives and goals focused on the initiatives to achieve in the community. He pointed out that one of the goals was to wean off the number of police personnel funded by the CCPD. He indicated that this goal needed to be one of the stated objectives. He reiterated his request that there be more defined goals and objectives. Board Member Espino referenced the Police Chiefs presentation of the Police Department Strategic Plan and that as a part of that plan was a capital plan for facilities. He added he was aware that there were many capital needs for the Police Department and Fire Department. He pointed out that north of Loop 820 there were plans for a police substation. He requested to know more about that project. He pointed out that in the process of transferring CCPD funded police personnel back to the City's General Fund, there should then be funding that could be utilized for the Police Department's capital projects. He indicated that he did believe that the state law would allow for that use of the funds. CITY OF FORT WORTH CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING-MARCH 23, 2010 Page 20 of 20 Future Aeenda Items (cont'd) (Agenda Item XII) Board Member Scarth requested either a staff report or presentation on information on the helicopter funding, acquisition, where the helicopter would be located and when it would get into the air. The discussion of items for a future agenda was completed. Adjourn (Agenda Item XIII) With no further presentations or discussions, President Moncrief adjourned the regular meeting of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors at 1:50 p.m., on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. These minutes approved by the Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors on the 27`h day of April, 2010. APPROVED: Mike Moncrief, President Minutes Prepared by and Attest: Marty Hendrix, Secretary