HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1770CITY COUNCIL CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS IN APPRECIATION OF DEDICATED SERVICE WHEREAS, ~.n 1965, Ruth Howartd 1oi.ned the C<.ty ob Font worth and became a member ob the admtni6#hattve e#abb ob the C.c,ty Seene#arty'a Obb.iee, whi.eh i.e ehartged w.i..th the a,P.e-~.mpontant dutiee ob main#a%ning City Counci_E rtecortda, C.i#y Counei.2 meeting m.inutea, condue#i.ng C.rty eQeetiona and numertoue othert chittca~L muniei.paX. #aeka; and, WHEREAS, Ruth hae canrt~,ed cut hen. admini,atrtative rteapone.ibi.?.iti.e~ in an auto#anding mannert, which earned hert a prtomo#~.on #o Aaele#ant C,i.ty See2e#any by City Counci_E on Apni.E 1, 1976; and, WHEREAS, when the Ci.#y See~:.e#arty poe<.ti,on became vacant to 1983, the Font worth C.i#y Counei.C eQee#ed #o prtomo#e Ruth #o one ob the moat tmpontant poets in the C.i.ty; and, WHEREAS, since taping abb.ice ae C.%ty Seehe#arty ob the Ctty o% Font worth, Tezaa, on Maneh 1, J983, Ruth hae made a~,gru.6.icant contnibu.ti.one #o the eb6eetive opertat~.one ob the City which hae #ouched each and every c,iti,zen ob #h.i.a C.i,.ty. Frtom compu#ertizing the Ci.ty'a e~eetion aye#em, expanding the abaentee vo.ti.ng prtoeeae, rtevamping the v.rtat obb.iei.aZ city rtecortd Si.J:i.ng eyetem to cataQog.ing and prteeertving old Ctty rteeortde, ehe has aEeo a.P,~ the wh.iee, conducted the many vani,ed day-to-day duties and nesponaibi.Gittea pEaced on the U6bice ob the C.i.ty Seertetarty 6y C-tty Counei.P. in the cowcae o6 eartnyi,ng out #hoae duti.ea, Ruth hae a#ood as the bedrtoek on whtieh the pni.nci.pQea ob democ~caey .is baeed: a Ghee peopCe who have the rtigh# 06 aeKb-de#eum+.nati.on .through an open and eompe.tit.ive efeexi.ve and govertnanee prtoceae; and, WHEREAS, Ruth hae cleated #o rte#i2e bnom .the City o6 Fon.t Worth a6#en 26 yean~s ob dedicated aertv.ice; - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: #hat the City Counei,2 ob the Ci#y ob Fart Worth ezpneaaea ith ai.ncerte and deep appneei.ation #o Ruth Howard tort 26 yewrs ob ou,ts#anding aehviee #o the City Counei.2, the C.iti,zene and the Ci,.ty S#ab~ o% the City ob Font worth and 4on pert dediea~ti,on Cn .a,'~i.ng the City a bet#eh eommun<#y; and, 8E IT FURTHER RESOLVED: .that we aP~o gLve Ruth's bamtiCy and bni.ende our eCneerte apprteciatCon bon aP,eowi.ng Ruth #o e#ay w-ith ua Pong hourta #o conduct eandi.date be,P,i.nge, e2eatione and o#hert xaaka that insured #hat democracy, as our. bortegatherta env.%aioned, .lived .i.n Font worth, Texae; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEV: #hat we w.wh Ruth the verty bee# in the days and yeane #o come. ~. ~~/ . No. ~77a T 1i' .~ ;. A Resolution I N APPREC I A'I' I ON OF D E D I C A T E D S E RV I C E WHEREAS, in 1965, Ruth Howard joined the City of Fort Worth and became a member of the administrative staff of the City Secretary's Office, which is charged with the all-important duties of maintaining City Council records, City Council meeting minutes, conducting City elections and numerous other critical municipal tasks; and, WHEREAS, Ruth has carried out her administrative responsibilities in an outstanding manner, which earned her a promotion to Assistant City Secretary by City Council on April 1, 1976; and, WHEREAS, when the City Secretary position became vacant in 1983, the Fort Worth City Council elected to promote Ruth to one of the most important posts in the City; and, WHEREAS, since taking office as City Secretary of the City of Fort • Worth, Texas, on March 1, 1983, Ruth has made significant contributions to the effective operations of the City • which has touched each and every citizen of this City. -. From computerizing the City's election system, expanding the absentee voting process, revamping the vital official city record filing system to cataloging and preserving old City records, she has also all the while, conducted the many varied day-to-day duties and responsibilities placed on the Office of the City Secretary by City Council. In the course of carrying out those duties, Ruth has stood as the bedrock on which the principles of democracy are based: a free people who have the right of self-determination through an open and competitive elective and governance process; and, WHEREAS, Ruth has elected to retire from the City of Fort Worth after 26 years of dedicated service; • QTY OF FORT 1i08TS ~ ,~ _ _ :ti Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the City Council of the City of Fort Worth: Expresses its sincere and deep appreciation to Ruth Howard for 26 years of outstanding service to the City Council, the Citizens and the City Staff of the City of Fort Worth and for her dedication in making this City a better community; and, Be It Further Resolved, that we also give Ruth's family and friends our sincere appreciation for allowing Ruth to stay with us long hours to conduct candidate filings, elections 'and other tasks that insured that democracy, as our forefathers envisioned, lived in Fort Worth, Texas; and, Be It Further Resolved, that we wish Ruth the very best in the days and years to come. Mayor Kay Granger CITY OP FOST WORTS