HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1499CITY COUNCIL CITY OF FORT WORTH, TE~iAS ~~ ~~®~ ~~~ -, ~ ~Q. I ~ 9 q WHEREAS, Gene 1. ~au.LltneK has been empX.oyed by the fedenaX Av.cati.on AamLn.i.a#nati.on ~(on oven 30 yeana; and WHEREAS, on Deeemben 3], 1989, Gehe L. Fau.2hnen ne#.i~ced nom - the `redenaC Avi.a.Li.on A~,n,i,s#icati.or.; and • WHEREAS, the 'redenaC Av.i,ati.on Admi.n.i.bxi,.ati.on has been a pan#nen w<,t1i the C.ety ob 'ror,# worth. i.n bu,ild.i.ng a #hnee-c,inporw sys#em; and WHEREAS, Gene L. 'rau,Cknen, #hnough h.i.6 dedi.ecti.on and exper,~i.ee a6 marea_gen o$ the A.ucpont Y.F.ann.i.ng Branch, ha6 g~.ven un#~,n.i.n_a.Cy os h.i,b #~.me and energy #o ass.ca# the City o~ 'rarw War,#h ~.n the grow#h and deveCopmen# os Mearnam A.vcponti and the bu.i,Cd.i.ng o~ bo#h Sp~.nRS A.vcpont and AY,Ei.ance q,ucpor,#; and WHEREAS, the City o~ 'rarti WontJi appn.eci.a#ea Gene L. Fau,f,2ner~'s con#ni,buti.ona #o the av.i.ati.on Indus#ny, ~.n genena.e, and #o the City o~ °rov' Wor,#h, apec.i.~~.aa.P.Y.y: NOW, THERE'~OR=, ' BE IT RESOLUEi; BY THE .CITY COUNCIL Or Tf{_ CITY 0-r EOfZT WORTH, TEX/tiS, #hati , fEhr L. 'rAULKNER be commended ~Oh h.i.6 ded.i.ca#~i.on and devo#.i.on #o au.ta#.i.on and congnatuEa#ed on the occas~.on oa h,i,a ne,',vicemerx. nom the 'redena.C Av.i,a#.i.on Admi.n.iaxnaii.or.. ~~ ~Q~„ n ~ ` ] 1 Cl ~ C~ -_~ ~. ., APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL , ~ ` y„ '^' JAN 23 1990 A ~dax~ Citq geccetaxV o! the ~ - Citp dPon Wont. Taxoa