HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 49555-A1 CITY SECRETARY
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and HDR Engineering, Inc. ,
(ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 49555, (the
CONTRACT) which was authorized M&C C-28288 on the 20th day of June, 2017
in the amount of $400, 000 . 00; and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the
following project :
101014 - Avondale-Haslet Road; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to the
CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee.
NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their
duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement,
which amends the CONTRACT:
1 .
Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional
engineering services specified in a proposal dated August 24, 2018, a
copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to
City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer
totals $843, 000 . 00 . (See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, Page -3-)
2 .
Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in
the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under
the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all
work and services shall be an amount of $1, 243, 000 .
3 .
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly
amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect .
EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory,
City of Fort Worth C�? C) OFFICIAL RECORD
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template oC CIT SECRETARY
CFW Official Release 9/19/2017 Rt
Page 1 of 3 "' U '•,` FT.WORTH,TX
City of Fort Worth ENGINEER
HDR Eqgineering, Inc .
Su an Alanis LucaBathurst, P.E.
As tant City Manager Vice Q esident, Managing Principal
DATE: I l, (9 DATE: 1 '
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Doug W. Wiersig P.E.
Director, Transportation and Public Works Department
Contract Compliance Manager:
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i*el Weiss P. E.
Sr. Professional Engineer
Date :
D ugl`as W. Black (Zt 2, 18-3 -oiS 3
Assistant City Attorney
ATTEST: fl •' a
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City Secret ry �� OFFICIAL RECORD
City of Fort Worth
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template
CFW Official Release 9/19/2017
Page 2 of 3 ^�
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City Secretary No. 49555
Amendment No. 1
Department Fund-Account-Center Amount
0200431 34018 - 0200431 - 5330500 - 101014 - 002330 - $843 , 000 . 00
Total : $843 , 000 . 00
City of Fort Worth
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template
CFW Official Release 9/19/2017
Page 3 of 3
August 24, 2018
Mr. Mike Weiss, P.E., PMP
Senior Professional Engineer
City of Fort Worth Transportation & Public Works Department
200 Texas Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
RE: Avondale-Haslet Road (101014)
City Secretary Contract(CSC) No. 49555
Dear Mr. Weiss,
Please accept this letter proposal for additional services to provide PS&E design for the Avondale-
Haslet Road project.
The original not-to-exceed contract amount for this contract(Task Orders 1 —3)was $400,000.
With approval of Amendment No. 1 the contract will increase by$843,000 to a total not-to-exceed
contract amount of$1,243,000. HDR's original SBE commitment of 25% is applicable to this
If you have any questions, please call me at 817-333-2806.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Lucas` . Bathurst, P.E.
Vice President, Office Principal
600 West Sixth StreetSuite 200Fort Worth,TX 76102-3684
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COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 6/26/2018
SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of New or Amendments to Existing Engineering Services
Agreements for Design and Construction Management Services for 22 Major
Thoroughfare, Arterial and Intersection Projects Identified in the 2018 Bond Program
(COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9)
It is recommended that the City Council authorize execution of the following engineering contracts or
amendments to current engineering contracts for design and construction management services for
major thoroughfare, arterial and intersection improvement projects identified in the 2018 Bond Program
as indicated below:
Contract Amendments:
1. Amendment No.1, in an amount not to exceed $425,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC) 49226,
an Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for design of transportation
improvements along Bonds Ranch Road from Hawks Landing Road to Blue Mound Road/FM 156
(101009), for a revised contract amount not to exceed $1,295,000.00;
2. Amendment No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $90,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC) 49227, an
Engineering Agreement with Halff Associates, Inc., for design of transportation improvements along
Westport Parkway, from Alta Vista Parkway to Beach Street (101019), for a revised contract amount not
to exceed $565,000.00;
3. Amendment No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $843,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC) 49555,
Engineering Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for design of transportation improvements along
Avondale Haslet Road, from Willow Creek Drive to Haslet County Line Road/FM 156 (101014), for a
revised contract amount not to exceed $1,243,000.00;
4. Amendment No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $595,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC)49024,
an Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for design of transportation
improvements along Harmon Road, from Golden Triangle Boulevard to US HWY 287 (100459), for a
revised contract amount not to exceed $2,395,000.00;
5. Amendment No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $750,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC) 49229,
an Engineering Agreement with Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc., for design of transportation
improvements at the intersection of Kroger Drive at State Highway 377 and Basswood Boulevard at
State Highway 377 (101015), for a revised contract amount not to exceed $1,150,000.00;
6. Amendment No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC) 49556,
an Engineering Agreement with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., for design of
transportation improvements along Cromwell Marine Creek from Boat Club Road to Old Decatur Road
(101012), for a revised contract amount not to exceed $1,900,000.00;
7. Amendment No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $230,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC) 49225,
an Engineering Agreement with Carrillo Engineering, LLC, for design of intersection improvements at S.
Hulen Street and Granbury Road (101017) for a revised contract amount not to exceed $630,000.00;
8. Amendment No. 1, in an amount not to exceed $360,000.00 to City Secretary Contract (CSC) 49228,
an Engineering Agreement with Lee Engineering, LLC, for design of intersection improvements at Park
Vista Boulevard and Keller Haslet Road (101020) for a revised contract amount not to exceed
New Contracts:
9. An Engineering Agreement with Wier & Associates, Inc., for design of intersection improvements at
Golden Triangle Boulevard and Harmon Road (101013), in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00;
10. An Engineering Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for design of transportation improvements
along W. 7th Street from University Drive to the Trinity River (101555) in an amount not to exceed
11. An Engineering Agreement with Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc., for design of transportation
improvements along Riverside Drive from Golden Triangle to Keller Hicks in an amount not to exceed
12. An Engineering Agreement with Cobb Fendley & Associates, Inc., for design of transportation
improvements along the University Drive Corridor from Trail Drive to Park Hill (101588), in an amount
not to exceed $900,000.00;
13. An Engineering Agreement with AECOM, Inc., for design of intersection improvements at Crowley
Road and N. Crowley Cleburne Road (101578) and Alta Mesa Boulevard and Crowley Road (101579) in
an amount not to exceed $594,580.00;
14. An Engineering Agreement with Multatech Engineering, Inc., for design of intersection improvements
at E. Seminary Road and Mansfield Highway (101590) and McCart Avenue and Altamesa Boulevard
(101572) in an amount not to exceed $690,778.00;
15. An Engineering Agreement with Pape—Dawson Engineering, Inc., for design of intersection
improvements at Beach Street and Basswood Boulevard (10 1582) in an amount not to exceed
16. An Engineering Agreement with JT Engineering, Inc., for design of intersection improvements at E.
Northside Drive and Cold Springs Road (101584) in an amount not to exceed $442,886.80;
17. An Engineering Agreement with Bridgefarmer & Associates Inc., for design of intersection
improvements at W. Long Avenue and Angle Avenue (101583) in an amount not to exceed $455,985.00;
18. An Engineering Agreement with Hayden Consultants, Inc., for design of intersection improvements at
S. Normandale Street and Las Vegas Trail (101591) in an amount not to exceed $528,013.00;
19. An Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for design of intersection
improvements at NW Loop 820 and Marine Creek Parkway (101585) in an amount not to exceed
In preparation for the 2018 Bond Program and to advance delivery of projects, engineering contracts
were executed on 13 potential Jump Start Projects (Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) C-28288
June 20, 2017) to further define individual project cost and identify possible risks that would impact costs
and delivery schedules. Funding for these Jump Start Projects (*) was authorized on May 16, 2017 in
the amount of$10M (M&C G-19009). The following summarizes the contract awards for the 2018 Bond
Program 11 Major Thoroughfare and Arterial projects, and 11 Intersection Improvement projects:
2018 Bond Program Major Thoroughfare and Arterial
Project Name Engineering Consultant NTE Contract
*Bonds Ranch Road- Hawks Landing to Kimley-Horn & Associates, $425,000.00
Blue Mound Road/ FM 156 - CD 7 Inc.
*Westport Parkway- Alta Vista Parkway Halff Associates, Inc. $90,000.00
to Beach Street- CD 7
*Avondale Haslet Road- Willow Creek HDR Engineering, Inc. $843,000.00
Drive to Haslet County Line Road - CD
*Harmon Road- Golden Triangle Kimley-Horn & Associates, $595,000.00
Boulevard to US 287 - CD 7 Inc.
* US 377 at Basswood Boulevard and Pacheco Koch Consulting $750,000.00
Kroger Drive- CD 4 Engineers, Inc.
*Cromwell Marine Creek - Boat Club Burns & McDonnell $1,500,000.00
Road to Old Decatur Road - CD 2 Engineering Company, Inc.
*Golden Triangle Boulevard and Harmon Wier& Associates Inc. $250,000.00
Road (New Contract) - CD 7
University Drive - Trail Drive to Park Hill Cobb Fendley & Associates, $900,000.00
(New Contract) - CD 9 Inc.
Riverside Drive - Golden Triangle Schrickel, Rollins & $700,000.00
Boulevard to Keller Hicks Road (New Associates, Inc.
Contract) - CD 7
West 7th Street - University Drive to HDR Engineering, Inc. $750,000.00
Trinity River (New Contract) - CD 9
2018 Bond Program Intersection Improvements
Project Name Engineering NTE
Consultant Contract/Amendment
*S. Hulen Street and Granbury Road - Carrillo Engineering, $230,000.00
*Park Vista Boulevard and Keller Haslet Lee Engineering, LLC $360,000.00
Road - CD 7
Crowley Road and N. Crowley Road AECOM, Inc $306,375.00
Cleburne Road - CD 6
Alta Mesa Boulevard and Crowley Road AECOM Inc. $288,205.00
- CD8
E. Seminary Road and Mansfield Multatech Engineering, $350,900.00
Highway -CD 8 Inc.
McCart Avenue and Alta Mesa Multatech Engineering, $339,878.00
Boulevard - CD 6 Inc.
Beach Street and Basswood Boulevard - Pape-Dawson $398,195.00
CD4 Engineering, Inc.
E. Northside Drive and Cold Springs JT Engineering, Inc. $442,866.80
Road - CD 2
W. Long Avenue and Angle Avenue - Bridgefarmer $455,985.00
CD 2 Associates, Inc.
S. Normandale Street and Las Vegas Hayden Consultants, $528,013.00
Trail - CD 3 Inc.
NW Loop 820 and Marine Creek Kimley-Horn & $432,000.00
Parkway - CD 2 Associates, Inc.
Available resources within the General Fund will be used to provide interim financing for expenditures
incurred on projects within the 2018 Bond Program until debt is issued. Once debt associated with these
projects is sold, bond proceeds will reimburse the General Fund, in accordance with the statement
expressing official Intent to Reimburse that was adopted as part of the ordinance approving the bond
election and authorizing the appropriation of funds.
M/WBE OFFICE —All firms being awarded new engineering contracts/amendments are in compliance
with the City's BIDE Ordinance.
These projects are located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, funds are available
in the current capital budget as appropriated, of the 2018 Bond Program Fund. Prior to an expenditure
being incurred, the participating department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds.
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Susan Alanis (8180)
Originating Department Head: Douglas Wiersig (7801)
Additional Information Contact: Kim Arnold (2552)
All 1295 Forms.pddf
Maps 2018 Bond Proa Proposition A.pdf
C gr7
FORM 1295
i of l
Complete Nos.i-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY
Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 it there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING
1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number.
of business. 2018-370153
Dallas,TX United States Date Filed:
2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that Is a party to the contract for which the forms 06/19/2018
being filed.
City of Fort Worth Date Ack le
3 Provide the Identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contr ct,and provide a
description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract
Professional Engineering Services
4 Nature of interest
Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check appllcable)
Controiling Intermediary
HDR,Inc. Omaha,NE United States X
Meysenburg,Galen Omaha,NE United States X
Felker,Brent Folsom,CA United States X
O'Reilly,Charles Boston,MA United States X
Keen,Eric Omaha,NE United States X
5 Check only N there is NO Interested Party. ❑
My name Is Ramon F.Miguez,P.E. and my date of birth Is 312&1951
My address is 17111 Preston Rd Dallas TX 75248 USA
(atreet) (dty) (state) (zip code) (country)
I declare under penalty'of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed li i Dalian County,State of Texas on the 19th day of dune Y0 18
(month) (Y-0
Signature of autho ed agento onl cling business entity
Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.5523