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Contract 48115-A1
RECjV AMENDMENT No. 1 CITY SECRETARY >' EQ CONTRACT NO. 2018 S"0,7rw, TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT C�A9YrF! WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and CDM Smith, Inc. , (ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 48115, (the CONTRACT) which was authorized by M&C C-2873 on the 24th day of August, 2016 in the amount of $580,149 . 00; and WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the following project: Twin 96-inch (M280/M-338) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Improvements; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee. NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement, which amends the CONTRACT: 1 . Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional engineering services specified in a proposal dated June 29, 2018, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer totals $93,380 . 00 . 2 . Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall be an amount of $673,529.00 . All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory, below. CITY Z;L-CRETAP.Y Page -1- FT.WORTH,TX APPROVED: ENGINEER City of Fort Worth CDM Smith, Inc. , ��UVVy Jesus J. Chapa J. Danny Shannon, P.E. Assistant City Manager Senior Vice President DATE: ® ✓p DATE: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: A ti L Chris Harder, P.E. Director, Water Department Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. � .� pe- Walter eWalter Norwood, P.E. Senior Professional Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: M&C: N/A 9- W— Date: N/A Douglas W. Black Senior Assistant City ATTEST: U 2� rJ. ar .. ,... City Secy ry A5/. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY Page -2- FT.WORTHO TX CDM Smith 801 Cherry Street,Unit 33,Suite 1820 Fort Worth,Texas 76102 tel:817 332-8727 June 29, 2018 Walter Norwood, P.E. Fort Worth Water Department 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth,Texas 76102 Subject: Twin 96-inch (M-280/M-338) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Improvement Revised Amendment No. 1 Proposal for Inspection of Walker Branch and Riverside Equalization Structure A and Structural Rehabilitation of Riverside Equalization Structure A Dear Walter: Enclosed is CDM Smith's proposal for structure inspection of Walker Branch and Riverside Equalization Structure A and engineering services for structural rehabilitation of Riverside Structure A.This proposal includes the following scope of services for a lump sum amount not to exceed $93,379 for basic services.Additional funds under current contract will be used to fabricate of stop logs if necessary to isolate flow at the TRA/NRH No. 1 Equalization structure upstream of Walker Branch. 1.0 Structure Inspections Ace Pipe Cleaning will perform structure inspections utilizing IBAK 360 panaramo inspection equipment per the requirements of the project listed below. Walker Branch Inspection ■ Field verify existing stop log dimensions and fabricate temporary stop logs to isolate flow one side at a time. ■ As an added precaution,Ace Pipe Cleaning will isolate both lines separately at an equalization point upstream of Walker Branch using stop logs provided by the City,if available. If stop logs are not available,Ace Pipe Cleaning will field verify existing stop log dimensions and fabricate temporary stop logs to isolate flow.This cost is included as Additional Services and will require written authorization from the City to proceed. ■ Dewater each isolated side of the structure sufficiently enough to perform inspection. ■ Conduct video inspection using CCTV. i0 WATER+ENVIRONMENT+TRANSPORTATION+ENERGY+FACILITIES CDM Smith Walter Norwood, P.E. June 29, 2018 Page 2 ■ Document condition and dimensions of separating wall containing the stop log guides (the middle of the structure with the wall stub-outs) ■ Document condition and dimensions of stop log guides. ■ Scan structure walls to determine the condition and thickness using Ibak Manhole Scan technology. ■ Determine depth of floor debris. Riverside Structure A Inspection ■ Inspection will be conducted with full flow through structure since there are no isolation capabilities. Inspection will be as thorough as possible without bypass pumping. ■ Remove concrete blocks for access to structure and put back blocks upon completion. Please note that concrete blocks appear to be severely corroded and fragile. If blocks break while lifting them,Ace Pipe Cleaning will provide temporary plywood cover until Contractor permanently replaces them as part of the rehab scope of work. ■ Conduct video inspection using CCTV. ■ Document condition and dimensions of sluice gate at the opening to the M-280 line. ■ Document condition and dimensions of top opening and concrete blocks. ■ Scan structure walls to determine the condition and thickness using Ibak Manhole Scan technology. ■ Determine depth of floor debris. Once structure inspections are complete,JQ Infrastructure will evaluate the data and provide structure rehabilitation recommendations for Riverside Structure A and confirm structural rehabilitation quantities for Walker Branch.Preliminary Design and Final Design scope of services for Walker Branch rehabilitation are already included in the project scope of work. Riverside Structure A rehabilitation scope of work includes the following major components. ■ Bypass pumping M-280 dry and wet weather flow(37.1 - 102.3 mgd). ■ Structural repairs and protective coating. ■ Replace concrete beams on top of structure with new concrete beams or cover plate. A iJ Amendment 1 Rev 1 Proposal 20180629.docx CDM Smith Walter Norwood, P.E. June 29, 2018 Page 3 ■ Remove inoperable sluice gate and replace with stop logs.Add stop logs at M-389R pipe entrance and interconnect between Riverside Structure A and B (three total stop logs). 2.0 Preliminary Design (60%) Engineer will prepare and submit preliminary design plans and specifications (60% completion level) and preliminary opinion of probable construction cost(OPCC) for rehabilitation of Riverside Structure A. Engineer will conduct design submittal review meeting with the City. 3.0 Final Design (90% and 100%) Engineer will prepare and submit final design plans and specifications and OPCCs at 90% and 100% design for rehabilitation of Riverside Structure A. Engineer will conduct design submittal review meeting with the City for 90% design. 4.0 Bid Phase Services Engineer will provide the following additional bid support to the City for the scope of services under this Amendment. ■ Answer bidder's questions and issue addenda. ■ Prepare conformed drawings. 5.0 Construction Phase Services Engineer will provide the following additional construction phase services support to the City for the scope of services under this Amendment. ■ Conduct project site visits.Engineer assumes up to two site visits @ 2 hrs each site visit. ■ Address contractor's RFIs and change orders. ■ Review shop drawing submittals. ■ Prepare record drawings from Contractor's asbuilts. i0 Amendment 1 Rev 1 Proposal 20180629.docx CDM Smith Walter Norwood, P.E. June 29, 2018 Page 4 Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Amy Robinson, P.E., BCEE Senior Project Manager CDM Smith Inc. w iJ Amendment 1 Rev 1 Proposal 20180629.docx & ; © : �§;J[6 _ _ 892—o § o . )2\2 - 3 § f;;® » 2 ■/ § } k\ 14 Ill - ! � ) � } § ) ) 10 k � _ | § E -z �k `§§ � �« ■moo - § mkbf E §§7§/ o�m \ \ - �&o�§ / � m,■§# R� § - � K§K k k / � ;!■o )y1/ \j} j� gag )E � \»G �k ) ;§ , §, k!2 \! 2» | - _ §\§ /) \ f !/7+k,: ƒ{\{ 2)\}f!§ f 2 {I(\ kƒ) ) I \� iL)) .. , §f \k%§1:�t I I II.R1 : 4£f City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 9/11/2018 - Ordinance No. 23371-09-2018 DATE: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 REFERENCE NO.: "C-28840 LOG NAME: 60T96SSRAICDMFUNDING SUBJECT: Adopt Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of$123,380.00 for Increased Project Costs for the Twin 96- Inch (M-280/M-338) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Improvements Project(COUNCIL DISTRICTS 4 and 5) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water and Sewer Capital Fund in the amount of$123,380.00 from available funds for the purpose of funding for Twin 96-Inch (M-280/M-338) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Improvement(City Project No. C01286). DISCUSSION: On August 16, 2016, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C C-27873), the City Council authorized the execution of an Engineering Agreement with CDM Smith, Inc., in the amount of$580,149.00 for the preparation of plans and specifications for Twin 96-Inch (M-280/M-338) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project. The additional appropriation will fund costs associated with Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $93,380.00 to provide inspection and design of new sanitary sewer junction structures and rehabilitation of existing structures at Walker Branch and Gateway Park. In addition, funding in the amount of$30,000.00 is required for project management and material testing. This action will have no effect on the Water Department's operating budget when complete. The project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 4 & 5. This M&C does not request approval of a contract with a business entity. FISCAL INFORMATION /CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Water and Sewer Capital Fund. The Fiscal Year 2018 Water Operating Budget includes appropriations of$29,022,689.00 for the purpose of providing Pay-As-You-Go funding for Sewer Capital Projects. After this transfer for Fiscal Year 2018, the balance will be $3,184,952.00. Appropriations for Twin 96-Inch (M-280/M-338) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation: Existing Additional FUND Appropriations Appropriations Project Total* Water& Sewer Capital Fund $0.00 $123,380.00 $123,380.00 56002 11 IF http://apps.cfwnet.org/ecouncil/printmc.asp?id=26095&print=true&DocType=Print 10/1/2018 Water & Sewer 2016 Bond Fund $750,000.00 $0.00 $750,000.00 56005 Sewer Capital Fund - Legacy $1,852,243.00 $0.00 $1,852,243.00 59607 Project Total $2,602,243.00 $123,380.00 $2,725,623.00 * Numbers rounded for presentation purposes. FUND IDENTIFIERS (FIDs): TO _ r�� partment ccoun Project Program ctivity, Budget Reference# moun ID ID Year (Chartfield 2 FROM Fund Department ccoun Project Program ctivity Budget Reference# moun ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office b)L. Jay Chapa (5804) Originating Department Head: Chris Harder (5020) Additional Information Contact: Walter Norwood (5026) ATTACHMENTS 1. 60T96SSRAlCDMFUNDING Map 1.pdf (Public) 2. 60T96SSRA1CDMFUNDING Map 2.pdf (Public) 3. 60T96SSRAICDMFUNDING 60 AO 18.docx (Public) 4. 60T96SSRAICDMFUNDING FID Table (Dan).docx (CFW Internal) http://apps.cfwnet.org/ecouncil/printmc.asp?id=26095&print=true&DocType=Print 10/1/2018 v O E Q X X ' m Im m Cl) cl) CA O O O � • c • c E E I E E E E 0 o m o •L WUNI'111"1' LLL UN " W ami C ,N N 70-0 d 0 !:3 'm m m Y Z N > p Q Q 11 • 0 d • • • • • • N U .• .• .• U .• .• .• r U op op 4) .op a • • • a • • • LL a ... c • • C • • • 0 C � � • O oil LL loll 1