HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1152.1 - 1 APPLICATION To THE FEDERAL. M E9d£RVE ADANK Or DALLAS FOR TH9 94GfLC9MG OF SECU' RI IZZ ANT ffiA PING adi C 9 d ` ?u v i Al 't , Macrame, the oviienfgaod Depository has ban dub wbd and Me dvae aA Wage amd pa'forioed at acts, 6samaa17 to QUalifs as the ypubuc depository of UK fao& of the undersigned Depositor: and Where". to secure the ttteids deposited with it, the Dapomftor7 Anna, to secor"ace with lave, pkftvd with the Depositor tbm follcmiag ameeirWom: DBBCRD'MON FAR VAE U.S. Treasury Notes, 6 1/2%, Due 11y-30-67 Cusip 912927SW3 $ 30,000,000.00 (to the above apace give oocaplete description of ammitism camcmd for !shat aefskmopft. If Ebls spans is am ouglefemit. ooUUVW deneriFticm no tever:e aids btsood.) AM wba lm% athea and additional oscaritiea mop be Visited by 00 D with the ameafta at seems ftatt:me "ear: WA Whams, both Ike Depositor mind Depository desire and bereby rsetunt tM1 the To6eral Rmsm B"k of Dallas sempt the %ifturitias abuve.desocribed. or aaar itaranfter %aderld. to bt befd by it or sonverted to bank entry mearitim is, the iaEnt a maim of ghee Depositor and DepoeftmY. . Now. therefore, in eatmidermmMon of the premises, and an an ffi t to t M Federal Rome m Bunk of Dallas ttrataltanatfl to bold to joint safe keteping tba above described securities or any other additional or substftoted meeuritka which easy bermalvw be Wiltretd to ft, At is agreed by and betereet+ the Depositor and DoPealtory for the benatt of themselves aDd of the Federal Reneros Beat of Ballet alift d h 641ae to act fa the ampteelts sevaeated, at folfovs: Y. The aerma ent of the Federal' Reserve Bank of Dalian to act. trader thb appileatlaa lh The oapachy Te?;naetod *he'll be evidenced by the Imumsice of ftse Joint Safekeeping Receipt. for definitive seacaritim or Adtrtet of TVanmetim for honk eaU7 smearithm6 and it m sm cratood sand wrread that ovetb racorlpt or advis aha? be eablact to the terms mad conditions imelsisher was met. t. The Federal Rameave Bank of DaIIas shall net am)g^ as a gratafftoaa Vahan It dull chv the me ritim bmeissbmve described, or any taken In sobAltation theredor or in addition thereto, the same earn that it giesa to ila aura prapeafr of Bea bind. hat o4berwine it seiaall be l3strlt toilet for $m onto safteaem or for Womra to toatpb with. the i s of this arrea t. D'. The Federal Ettaerve Bank of Dallas and act maintain any foram at tmsarsama for *a aomooat of the Depeallor madfor Depository as the socirmtkA placed acith It under tkus agrmemeat. The Depositor and DOpoollim a shall emr'ry toes tbdtr mom smw=t eat h Immimmam an tba dam afoaamyy or desiasb!®. l.(a. Mxcept ea provided in paragraph 4(b) mabetkittione =47 be mrida for asty of the abaft described eaeaddam,t err any additional securities which may bro tendered and aceeptod', or for securitim which have been yrseiaassl.T febKituted Under tom. tire" of thin ;;;a t'apa: upon rut r".4st of the Devon- hor and Dapodltos7 wben aaeompamind br suthorittr give& wader. preM. VWQI M CC the GoveiriihM Body daelitnaisd Aniker. &We dabntitcsrd or a"tlmw asturitism sbsll, be amhNeet to the terms nerd mosditfoas of thlt etglemmmat. (ti) Effective after November St. 1977. subattatitiona. for asetfritiea wtkb are r!bw eblimSiraa of I& United States Gaveftememt or its Ameacim may be toads with securities wbicb are direct obligations of the Unitesd Staten or 44te Ja¢affiei a sith ennui $dr attttoaate or ytr}a ter wpm the Iola mnot of the Depositors fm proper form: Such subetituted or additional seetaritiae, taefndhig emew"Amt *W& haw heft s*s*toaair etthautated asnder the td700 of tlkie pmraffirapb, abalf be @obiect to the termu and conditions of thin agreeoeent d.(a} The, ereuritias above daseribed. or any additleinal ascurldsm wbfioit as, be sma6maud sad manimp d„ ek any fakeer fm subdtittrtbn thartfor, shrill be surreodertd apOti the Seim rt ov at at tae DOoaiutr a DagMftary. and dina tn$ what aneno"M by, aatharfss•. iii Under ;prance avao]omtii n 30l ih,r Governing ROdy dattisn awe below. (b) Effective rafter November 30. 1477, the ascarhias above described, or any eddltiaamal emearltise vbkh Wray be teadnled end aoeefited, or lama is cmOt:tion thersier abaft b- sarrendertd to the Depository apse Amt sole r.aamt to aoaoa with the 161iorv4ng: the Diticatsorr aball mmake !te r"U"t onrrender on the FedoHil P.,Aervo Bank o4 Dallas" appiopriato form Upon rica3ot by the Fedeeral Rsaerva Nank of D ilaa'of stteb alppropriatt rm hot loot. .: will send raotfee of the Y"uaott, including the date surrender will be made. ley opts isteteid mafl In the DeDOSitat at US address sheers .helo_ : tie neetiritis listed on the appropriate reeuest form will be surMdered to the Dspwf,iDn as the fifsb baatkizt dos toliaming a%W*t, of the reeitniat buttes an strtiarisrt official ei for Depositor suomer give Dotfee to as officer of the imi;;;al Rasait+s Aait' at Bsi®s mat 1k+ mid end " Wat'eade'r; if *04: *aties id given 07 Rte Depositor, surrender will be nude only In, accordance wltb paeastrspb #(a).. oa. The Fodorsil Rameree Bast of Dalisw shall in Do macaw be respaasible for tiffs: tsasetsabtiits, aaaept,abWt . or exgtbility at tae eacoritfsa iverv%t to it under tits application. Its omly raspoiAlhi ty So to hold or eoneart to batik JUUY saah mfmaNiese as t®ay be rfsifear+ed to it. to neaordatios tePlth this atgrotmemk. . 7. 'glib feral Rtse:rvo )lank of Dallas is autiorlard to e:5p the aaawrtu fatierm empew an pie deffiniliWt arearltine tirbiah it. bob"is under this os -00- cheat and deliver then or credit their proceeds, under advice to the. rvoerve accapmt of the Dapastlary lrbirss other iD>?aetieaa attic ioaosd it, erritinif :br tale Deveel'tor_ Internet pa7menta on book entry iecaritim *M be eikWitted tender a+lrtma to thin mater" amt of fdo Ifapoddt"7 ten the inta"a , do* data twheYs other isatmetfbns arc issued in. wtWns by the Dtpanlwr. 8. Mbe Ftdewal ltea:rra Bank of Dallas it aatiotiaad to amt apoD fisptzaetiou ti•Iv,ai execs fbe.stgaa ture,of ens eOer ad the Depost'iozy ten ilie wills. lt.'Blbt sisumvre of the Depositor Is that appem&-A to tilts "7101rent stud the raid Federal Rsaeret 'Rank is a'thorised to net Upon iaatlte0ons ofven over this- signature. If there sbouid be it wat eaaor to anyone authorised to sign for the DeVesttor ttafaed bsfstm Won the frill dtu+srt u$ ail atearitieeL tooered by asi r Joint Sarekeapimg Reeei'pt andfor Advice of 4lanaatSiou leaned Rpom this applfemtian, iiecltding tsstmatititf` ow it SUB be tie dat7r of tat troferuing Ifodr deer 1gmated below to certify, the tame card ofirmatmr, of oscb aseo?ar or ammemeears to the Federal Rwe,*e norm of Dallas, and am:tmaitsa paid beak athalA be authorised to art up" this eiraature to the sat" =tart as widen the &Wman are at the . Dtposdsar:aaa'mad :iasa4n.. fl The Govrrmfutt. Bodr r&Vred to in 'tits iratt"Mas" is sad said body by proper rtemnl%tfoo spread upon Its raimtttaa, faille miraorimed the mizarad" of ibis firro"Prat by time Ddp"&,or. In -Item -tarvof. title agromma-rat is esmtaenttsd in trtabledta; a desfg befntc eared for eseab the Dftomihor.. tits Ds om and tint 7"tral: Jtemem Dark 6 aS' Dalitts., on thin MAY City o Fort Wortlh, 3000 Throckmorton Street "drmta. Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Judson Bailiff, 'City Treasurer MBank T'ort. Worth N.A.,, P.O. Box 910 Fo Worth;, Texas 6-101 BzY Gregory, Sr. Vice Vesid?r In ?+est l?t:s Ely Thimit fa ft eartitt that tbm abuao and' former ac' *" was datr mi ad l Air tiro Ganamias Sodr aauvmd is the appAIe%Uft at a mMftg held on ae,e: "?" r of « Afp::e.,..,....., n 9rt sad fibst tanid Ding ' %whoriaed, and ordarAmd,. the application. tai. be a4teft"d aa" eneap%ef math.: a:, ar trbf tatt+etiar vxtitb: ,?. mmigry oriia faPf# ?'.tieesae. to of amid nXtoftax. (less 9raesarr or f -" Rvr. del ng_? FortWorth Senvey, vsc e Pvas teem ane PJ .^g" r Kay 16, 1986 r e f ? ? .fi S Y :fir b Judson Sa l3'..ff City 111.reazvrer City of Fart Worth 1000 'k"nrec-IMOr. Ur' Deer t'., s4a_3_.S.ifI ;,i?e, are; ej cjoss:j?.g release: forms 6 ea:1,ng the f'.o,11owii sevarit es pledges b .y ink tea tZe- u:. y O V6 2 b F: Cuap- IN- IIA19 VA= .5125Z71S, U.S, Treasury Notes, 8, 1/2% Vle*se vxe e the enclosed , to=, s and, .re6'urr, them to our Offit ite. we will ,'af :a'f ',u.L",r Vice i iyk l I.." l u F. ?S ?...., ,. '.'q'.r ?`Y.,M?'•?4+PM++N"'?tieH"?.:+>..'wn.,..,.?,??..=.=_?`? ,. _ ._. ..: .,...., ., _, ... ?Yi6p11'iYe?Ml911? a1.2".i?G'_'G[sl ..al??MY