HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1072:'REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION OF NON-U.S. GOVERNMENT OR AGENCY SECURITIES AND/OR IMMEDIATE WITH- DRAWAL OF ANY SECURITIES HELD BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS IN JOINT SAFEKEEPING The findUsigned Depositor and Depository Jointly request the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to substitute or permit a withdrawal of the securities which it holds under Joint Safekeeping Receipt or Advice of Deposit issued by it to the undersigned, in - rdaaee with the terms of the resolution hereafter quoted. and to deliver the securities substituted for or withdrawn to the party named in such resolution. , }t 1pt rill, MBank Fort Worth, The City Of Fort Worth Depository Bank Depositor P.0 ox 910, Fort Worth, TX 76102 1000 Throckmorton, Fort Worth, Tx 76102 Address By RESOLUTION "Whereas, heretofore, under date o* . 19 the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas issued to The City Of Fort Worth Depositor, and MBank Fort Worth Depository its joint Safekeeping Receipt or Advice of Deposit or receipts covering certain securities. and "Whereas, both the Depositor and Depository now desire the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to permit a substitution of certain securities, or a with- drawal of securities, which it now holds, as hereinafter more fully set forth and "Whereas, the securities, it any, hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties desire to substitute in lieu of those heretofore placed in safe- keeping with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, meet with the requirements of law and have been and are hereby approved and "Whereas, the securities, if any, hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties wish to withdraw are entitled under the law to be withdrawn 'Now, therefore, be it resolved That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dalls be and it is hereby requested and authorized to currender the following securities heretofore placed with it for safekeeping by the above named parties, to-wit RECEIPT NO. DESCRIPTION CUSIP# WITHDRAWAL PAR VALUE 912794hk3 U. S. T-Bills Due 8/8/1985 5,000,000.00 (Here describe securities to be substituted for or withdrawn. If above mwee is not sufficient. continue description on reverse side hereof.) and to receive in lieu thereof the following securities, which are hereby in all respects approved DFSCREMON SUBSTITUTION PAR VALUE 912827sj2 U. S. T-Notes 8.50% Due 6/30,/1987 5,000,000.00 • (Here describe securities to be taken in substitution or in the event this Is a withdrawal without substitution write in the word "None." If above space is not sutDcient. continue description on reverse aide hereof.) "Be It further resolved That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be and it is hereby authorised to deliver the securities described herein to the substi. tuted for or withdrawn to MBank Fort Worth or its order." Tub is to dsrtify that the `above and foregoing resolution was duty passed by n t (_ ( u ?iM 11G i OT ?Df p?? ?LyQ? (Here insert name of Goveratns Body) at a mistiest aroW, tv hdd o 3rd day of ?' 1 a quorum batng present. am of which fully spvsas lp this minutes of meeting ` rs 1 (FILL) SEC-19A Nov. 8-77 ?RLCUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION OF NON-U.S. GOVERNMENT OR AGENCY SECURITIES AND/OR IMMEDIATE WITH- :.CRAWAL OF ANY SECURITIES HELD BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS IN JOINT SAFEKEEPING Themadersigned Depositor and Depositors Jointly west the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to substitute or permit s withdrawal of the securities which It holds under Joint Safekeepins Receipt or Advice of Deposit issued by it to the undersigned, in accordance with the terms of the resolution hereafter quoted. and to deliver the securities substituted for or withdrawn to the party named in such resolution. MBank Fort Worth.'` Depository Bank The 9 Warth- Ix 26109 1000 dk, Address s FeA&rth, TX 761 7-5 i,?? B8'--Bub Cregury VICE President A. Judson Bailiff Citik Treasurer RESOLUTION "Wharsa, heretofore. under date of 19 the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas issued to --- he-°Gity AA Feet Wei-ice Depositor. and Depositors. Its Joi ix of Deposit or receipts covering certain securities; and "Whereas, both the Depositor and Depository now desire the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to permit a substitution of certain securities, or a with. drawal of securities, which it now holds, as hereinafter more fully set forth ; and "Where", the securities, if any, hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties desire to substitute in lieu of those heretofore placed In safe. keeping with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, meet with the requirements of law and have been and are hereby approved and "Whereas, the securities, if any hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties wish to withdraw, are entitled under the law to be withdrawn; 'Now, therefore, be it resolved That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallzs be and it is hereby :equestad and authorised to enrrender the following securities heretofore placed with it for safekeeping by the above named parties, to-wit RECEIPT NO. DESCRIPTION CUSIP#i 912794hk3 WITHDRAWAL U. S. T-Bills Due 8/8/1985 PAR VALUE 59000,000.00 (Here describe securities to be substituted for or withdrawn. If above space is not sufficient, continue description on reverse side hereof.) and to receive in lieu thereof the following securities, which are hereby in all respects approved DESCRIPTION SUBSTITUTION 912827sJ2 U. S. T-Notes 8.50% Due 6/30/1987 PAR VALUE 5,009,000.00 (Here describe securities to be taken in substitution or in the event this is a withdrawal without substitution write I. the word "None." If above space is not suMclent, continue description on reverse side hereof.) .+ "Be it further resolved That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be and it is hereby authorized to deliver the securities described berein to the substi. toted for or withdrawn MBank Fort Werth ^r its order... ?his is to certify that the, kbove and foregoing resolution wan duty Dosed by the- Cl ' 0'f 1' Or A (Here insert name of Governing Body) Tems, at i m?etin? property held on the 13 (A d? o 19_9: _, a Quorum being present. all of whiob fully f- SA appears ins' the minuti of said waiting. CK Secretary or Clark. r (SlJL) SEC-19A Rev. t-" 1 A I r, IV') miLwusesr rwrw wtowwwerteiivre ur, 1eum-u7. UQVCIMPRCret %ot 1%%B0fini.¦ arsr?.asssist? 0ssireitit7 rRipalksilil8 i911R- DRAWAL OF ANY 39CUil,ITIES HELD BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS IN JOINT SAFRICURPINO x The undersigned Depositor and Depositors jointly rawest the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to aubattWb or permit s withdrawal of the aW,,t Ma which it holds under Joint Safekeeping Receipt or Advice of Deposit issued by k to the undersigned. in accordance with the terms of the resstaton hereafter Cmatgd. and to deliver the securities substituted for or withdrawn to the party named in such resolution. MBank Fort Worth, Depositor, Bank P.0 ox 910, Fort Worth, TX 76102 The City of Fort Worth Dspcaitor 1000 Throckmorton. For_ Wnrthe TX 7F1n9 Address RRBOLUTION "Whereas. heretofore, under date of . 1a . the Federal Reserve Sank of Dan issaad to The City Of Fort Worth Depositor. and MBank Fort Worth , Depositors. Its Joint Safekeeping Receipt or Advice of Deposit or receipts covering certain securities; and "Wberw. both the Depositor and Depositor, now desire the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to pewit a aalrtitntfoa of eataia securities. or a wBh- drawai of securities, which it now holds. as hereinafter more fully set forth; and "Whereas, the securities. It any. hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties desire to substitute to lieu of tboas besabotore placed to safe. keeping with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, meet with the requirements of law and have been and are hereby approved; and "Whereas. the seeurities. if any. hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties wish to withdraw are entitled under the law to be withdrawn 'Now. therefore. be it resolved That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be and it is hereby rsquested and authorized to surrender the following securities heretofore placed with It for safekeeping by the above named parties, to-wit RECEIPT NO. DESCRIPTION WITHDRAWAL FAR VALUE CUSIP# 912794hk3 U. S. T-Bills Due 8/8/1985 5,000,000.00 (Here describe securities to be substituted for or withdrawn. If above %vace is not sufScient. continue description on reverse side hereof.) and to receive in lieu thereof the following securities, which are hereby in all respects approved r DESCREMON SUBSTITUTION PAR VALUE 912827sj2 U. S. T-Notes 8.50% Due 6/3&/1987 5,000,000.00 (Here describe securities to be taken in substitution or in the event this is a withdrawal without substitution write in the word "None." If above space is not sumeient. continue description on reverse side berect.) "Be it further :solved That the Federal Reserve Dank of Dallas be and it is hereby authorised to deliver the securities described berein to *a subst- tutedfororwithdrawntoMBank Fort Worth kaorder." Y This is to astifs that the above and foregoing resolution was dab passed M-?Mt (...1? u Cll1111G1 I Ot I Of w4 k _g ( f J (Rue ingest name of Governing Body) -• at a tpeeti? g properly held on 1M o7 3 A day of 19- a worms bins premt. sit of 'IN law epyears In the minutes of said meeting. t `t / 1 V ? llilALjL r A or WC-19A IL?. 4-" , , HIGUEST FQX BPiIISTITUTiON OF PIOR wa; GOva"M6nl vas aevl[ntri 0IL%dt\Ill11M-AMU*jVt% iMMUSIAi¦ V[1114- MAWI?L OF ANY SECURITIES HELD BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OR DALLAS IN JOINT SAFRICI PIN; The undersigned Depositor and Depository jointly request the Fedora Reserve Bank of Dallas to subseto a or panic a wkhdrawal of the sieardtles which it bolds under Joint Safekeepine Receipt or Advice of Deposit Issued by it to the undersigned. in seeordsom with the terms of the resolution hereafter Quoted4 and to deli the securities substituted for or withdrawn to the pasty named in such resolution. MBank Fort Worth, The City Of Fort Worth Depositors Bank Dr Noor P.0 ox 910, Fort Worth, TX 76102 1000 Throckmorton. Fort Worth- Tx 76tro Address RESOLUTION "Wberees, heretofore. under data of . It- the Federal Reserve Bank of D&Hm issued to The City Of Fort Worth _ MBank Fort Worth , D.patitor, a . Its Joint Safekeeping Receipt or Advice of Deposit or receipts covering certain securities; and Depositor!. •'Wherss, both the Depositor and Depository now desire the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallis to petnsit a substituting of eartain owwttk% or a wick. drawn) of securities. which it now holds. as hereinafter more fully set forth; and "10wress. the 'securities, If any, hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties desire to substitute in lieu of those baetatore visa" In safe keeping with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. meet with the requirements of law and have been and are hereby approved and "Where". the securities, if any, hereinafter mentioned, which the above named parties wish to withdraw are entitled under the law to be withdrawn; "Now, therefore, be It resolved That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be and it is hereby uequsted and authorized to surrender the following securities heretofore placed with It for safekeeping by the above named parties, to--wit RECEIPT NO. DESCRIPTION PAR VALUE WITHDRAWAL CUSIP# 912794hk3 E U. S. T-Bills Due 8/8/1985 5,000,000.00 'f (Here describe securities to be substituted for or withdrawn. It above "wee is not suflcient, continue description an reverse Bids beraof.) and to receive in lieu thereof the following securities, which are hereby in all respects approved DESCRIPTION SUBSTITUTION PAR VALUE 912827sj2 U. S. T-Notes 8.50% Due 6/34,/1987 5 ,000 ,000.00 (Here deseribe securities to be taken in substitution or In the event this Is a withdrawal without substitution write in the word "Nose." If above space is not sufficient, continue description on reverse aide hereof.) "Be it further resolved That the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be and it Is bereby authorised to deliver the sesuritis described herein to the substi• toted for or withdrawn to MBank Fort Worth ?r ha order.- This Is to certify that the above and foregoing resolution was duty passed by he, (_Iiu Cbtan?, 1 OT GA Ofi{T ? . -fe-yaj (t ? `s 1 I(iHaeinaert name of tioveming Bob) - at a meeting PAVW Ily held on (u- a 3 r d or of " u 19?p a etooram btlng pteseat. an at whleh faBy app" in the sumutes of said .meeting. 1 r ? J ! P j Beer to, or CbWL ? i (ELL1 ? t. ' ? ! r ,r A 9ZC-19A Rev. W" l i t