HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 34153+ � ' __ : (' �� A ��I �� k� . � . . .; d ° ��%" , ..._�.__-.__ —=--' INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATIQN IN FORT WORTH'S ENVIRONMENTAL COLLECTION CENTER HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAM THI5 AGREEMENT is entered info by and between tMe City of Fort Worth, 7'exas, a home-rule �municipai�corporation situated. in Tarrant and Denton Counfies, Texas, hereinafter called "Fort Wortfi," acting her�in by and through Libby Ut/afson, its duly.authqrized Assistant City Manager, and Tarrat�t County, situafed 'm Tarrant County, Texas, for services in Unincorporated Tarrant County hereinafter calfed "County" �cting herein liy and thr,ough Tom Vandergriff its duly authorized County Judge as directed,by fhe Commissioners Couct of Tarrant County, Texas. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, authorizes the formulation of inierlocal cooperation agreements between and among local gov.ernments; and WHEREAS, Texas Governmenf Code, §791.011 provid�s that a local government may contract wifh another to perform governmental functions and_ services, and §791.003(3)(H) defines waste disposal as a governmental function and service; and WHEREAS, Texas G'overnment Code, §791,025 provideS that a Ivcal government may agree with another local government to purchase services; and . WHEREAS, Fort 1North and County desire to enter into an interlacal agreement whereby Fort Worth will purchase the services of a waste disposal/recyc{ing firm or firms and will administer a household hazardous waste collection program within Unincorporated Tarrant County; and WHEREAS, Fort Worth and County mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, also known as the Interlocal �ooperation Act. NOW THEREFORt, it is agreed as follows: 1 � DEFINIT(ONS . A. Unless a provision in this Agreement explicitly states otherwise, the fpllowing terms and phrases, as used in this P�qreement, shall have the me�nings he�eirtafter designated. Act of God means an act occasioned by� the direct, immediate, and excluSive operation of the fiorce� of nature, uncontrolled or uninfluenced by fh�e power of humans and without human int�rvention. ' � ' Bi1F of Ladin4 lists the contents of the mobile .collectiQn unit. Coun mPans 7arrant County, Texas. , Environmental Collection Center (ECC) means the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management facility locaied at 6400 Bridge Street, Fort Worth, Texas, C �O�r r�6� �I9�, @����l�a� �.�������:�D �i��l� 1�VR� iliflj;, � L �;�'�'���:�,�� ��n j �'��'!, a '✓ which is to be used by Fort Worth for the aggregation of household hazardous wastes that have been brought to the facility by participating cities' households for subsequent recycling, disposal, and/or reuse. � Environmental damades means all claims, judgments, damages, losses, penalties, fines, liabilities (including strict liability), encumbrances, liens, costs, and expenses : of investigation and defense of any claim, whether or not such, claim is ultimately defeated, and of any good faith settlement or judgment,. of whatever.kind or nature, contingent pr otherwise, matured or unmatured, fores�eable or unforeseeable, including without timitation reasonable attorney's fees and disburserrients and consultant's fees, any of which are incurred subsequent to the execufion of this Agreement, as a result of the handling, collection, �transporfation, storage, tlisposal, treatment, �ecovery, anc!/or reuse of waste pursuant to this Agreement, +�r the existence of a violation of environmental requirements pertaining to same, and including without limitation: (a) Damages for personal injury and death, or injury to .property or natural resources; (b) Fees incurred for the se�vices of attorneys, consultants, contractors, experts, laboratories and all other costs incurred in connection with the investigatiorl , or �emediation of such wastes or viofation of environmental requirements irtcluding, but not limited to, the preparation of any feasibilify stutlies or repo�ts or the performance of a�y cleanup, �emediation, removal, response, abatement, containment, closure, restoration vr monitoring work required by any federal, � state or focal governmental agency or political _ subdivision, or othenrvise expended in connection with the existence of sucti wastes or violations of environmental requirements, and including without limitation any attorney's fees, , costs. and expenses incurred in enforcing fhis Agreement or collecting any sums due hereunder; and (c) Liability to any third person or governmental agency to indemnify such person ar agency for costs expended in connection with the items referenced in subparagraph (b) herein. Environmental reauirements means all applicable present and future statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, codes, licenses, permits, orders, approvals, plans, authorizations, concessions; franchises, and simila� items, of all governmental agencies, departments, commissions, boards, bureaus, or instr�mentalities of the United States, states, and political subdivisions thereof ,and all applicable_ judicial, administrative, and regulatory decrees, judgments;�and orders relating to the protection of human.health or the environment, including withbut limitation: (a) All requir�ments, including but not limited t� those pertaining to reporting, � licensing, permitting, investigation, and remediation of emissions, discharges, releases, or threatened releases of hazardous materials, pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic substances, materials, or wastes whether solid, liquid, or gaseous in nature, into the ai�, surface water, groundwater, storm water, or land, or relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport, or handling of pollutants, contaminants, or hazardous or toxic substances, materials, or wastes, whethe� solid, �liquid, or gaseous in nature; and � (b) All requirements pertaining to the protection of the health and safe#y of employees or the public. . . . Force maieure means decrees of or restraints. by a governmental instrumentality, acts of God, work stoppages due to labor disputes or str'ikes, failure of Fort Worth's contractor(s) to. perform pursuant to their agreements with �'ort Worth for the, conduct of the collection of househdld haiardous waste; fires, explosions, epidem'ics, riots, war, rebellion, and sabotage. , , Household hazardous waste (HHW) means any solid waste generated in a household by a consumer which, except for the exclusion provided for in 40 CFR § 261.4(b)(1), would be classi�ed as a hazardous waste under 40 GFR Part 261. . Manifest means the uniform hazardous waste manifest form(s) furnished by the TNRCC to accompany shipments of municipal hazardous waste or Class 1 incfustrial solid waste for waste transported to a site in Texas, or the comparable manifest of the receiving , state if the waste is transported out of Texas. , �Mobile collection event means a hqusehold hazardous waste,collection event by County utilizing a mobile�collection unit. - _ � ' Fort Worth Mobile collection unit (MCU) means a non-self-propelled vehicle used for the periodic collection of household hazardous waste from Unincorporated Tarrant County by County, off-site of the ECC, which is transporfed to the ECC to dispose of the household hazardous waste collected at the mobile collection event., The Fort Worfh Mobile Coflection Unit is designed to hold the hazardous waste of approximately 50 to 75 households. Participatin4 Cities, when used in the plural, means �art Worth, Unincorporated Tarrant County, and all other entities which have entered into interlocal agreements with Fort Worth, for the ECC househald hazardous waste collection program.. Person means an individu�l, corporation, organization,� government, or governmental su.bdivision or,agency, business trust, partnership, associationT.or any other legal entity. Waste, has. the sanie meaning as."solid waste" .as tha,t term. is define�l in `Texas Health and Safety�Code §361,003; and including hazardous substances. ; B. Unless a proVision in . this Agreement explicitly states otherwise, ; the following abb�eviations, as.. used in this Agreement, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated. ' - CERCLA - Comprehensive �nvironmental�Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. c;PR - cardiopulmonary resuscitafion. 3 DOT - United States Department of Transpoitation. ECC - Environmental Collection Center. EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency. HAZCAT - hazardous categorization. � � HAZWOPER - hazardous waste operations and emergency response. _ HM - hazardous materials. HHW - household hazardous waste. MCU - Mobile Collection Unif. � ..�2. , . � . .. . PURPOSE The purpose of this interlocal agreement (hereafter "Agreement") is the provision of services by Fort Worth to County whereby, subject to the terms and conditions specifed below, Fort Worth will administer and supervise a regional household hazardous waste collection program, which will be available to househalds within Unincorporated Tarrant County. ' 3 . � TERM ' ' This Agreement shall be �effective from the _dafe'the last party has signed this Agreement through September 30, 2007, � 4. � SERVICES OF FORT WORTH � • - . � Fort Worth agrees to perform the following services for Unincorporated Tarrant County in connection with the ECC household hazardous waste collection program: A. Fort Worth will'administer a regional househola hazardous waste collection program. This program will include the operation of the Environmental Collection Center, which wilt accept for disposal and/or recycling household fiazardous waste from'households located within Unincorporated Tarrant County. Fort Worth shall not accept compressed flammable gas containers; radioactive materials; explosives or potentially shock sensitive ma�erials; '6iological, etiologic, and infectious materials; wastes from businesses; and any o4her vvastes that Fort Worth has determined are unacceptable. B. Fort Worth will employ or retain personnel to provide the services necessary. to perForm Fort Worth's obligaiions in this Agreement. " � 4 C. Fort Worth. will enter, into a contract(s) with waste .disposailrecycling firm(s) for the handiing, collection, #ransportation, s�orage, disposal; treatment, recovery, and/or reuse of household hazardous waste, which is collected at the ECC. D. Fort Wo�th will, if,requested in writing by County, provide County with copies of waste manifes#s for shipments of waste.from the ECC. �� , E. Fort V1/orth will, if requested in, .yvriting by County, provide County a monthly report of the households in Unincorpo�ated Tarrant County, who disposed of household hazardous waste at the Environmental Collection Center or�a Mobile Collection. Event. F. Fort Worth wil� issue �a report and a bill at the�end of each quarter detailing the numb�r of households in Unincorporated Tarrant County that disposed of household hazardous waste at the Environmental Collection Center or at a mobile collection eve�t. G. Fort Worth will act under.this A:greement in- accordance_with all applicable state and federallaws. � H. Non-Fort Worth Mobile Collectio� Unit �� �. Fort Worth agrees to�acGept househo(d hazardous.waste from Couniy's MCU in accordance with Section 5., of this Agre�ment. �. 2. Fort V1/orth agrees to restock the items it removes from Gounty's MCU, however, Forf Worth shall only restock items�, listed in Exhibit "A", attached and incorporafed herein as if set fortM. I, . Mobile Collection Events —Usinci Fo�t VVorth's Unit �. If County would like to schedule a mabile collection event with the Fort Worth Mobile Collection Unit, Fort Worth will send County a list of availaale dates. County will contact Fort Worth as soon as possible to schedule the'date, time and location agreeable to both parties. . (a) L'ocation � ; If County chooses to Hold the Mobile Collection Event on private property, County shall obtain a signed waiver from the pwner of the property 1 _ � week prior to the event. The waiyer shall be in tne form ofi Exhibit B or � sirriilar'form approved by Fort Worth: The signed waiver must be sent to Fort V1/o'rth 1 W�ek� before the Mobile Collection �vent. If the. signed waiver �is not sent to Fort Worth 9 week before tlie ' Mobile Collection �vent, Fo�t Worth will nof send tfie Fort Worth Mobile Collection Unit to the e�rent and �ounty will, in .no event, be entitled to any damages of recovery' of any �costs, except as provided herein. ' (b) ' Available Dafes ' � County ackno�rrle�ges fhat'�Fort Worth confracts with ather muricipalities and that Fort Worth will . be accommodating each Participating City's requesf .on a first come first served . basis. .Therefore, Cour,y acknowledges #hat its chosen date to schedule a mobile collection event 5 may be reserved by another City and County will have to choose another date. Counfy will; in no event, be entitled �a any damages or recovery ofi any costs, except as provided herein. ` 2. At the Mobile Collection Event, County acknowledges and agrees that Fort Worth shall accept household hazardous waste firom the first 50 housefiolds fhat show proof of residency in Unincorporated Tarrant Caunty at the Mobile Collection Event. After the first 50 households, Fort' Worth will determine in its sole discretion how much more waste it can' accept and store properly. If more households arrive at the event than �ort Worth can accept, County will in no event be e�titled to any damage of recovery o# any costs, except as provided herein. . 3. Due to the IacK of storage space at the ECC, County acknowledges and agrees that if it requests the Fort Worth Mobile Collection Unit at a mobile collection event, a County Non=Fort Worth Mobil� Collection Unit shall not also be at the event. � � 4. City, in its sole discretion, will determine whether to send the Fort Worth Mobile Collecfion Unit to County's Collection Event during adverse weatfier or the threat of adverse weather including �uf not limit�d to sleet, snow, rain, mist or hail. In the event Fort Worth dete�mines not to s�end the Fort Worth Mobile Colfection Unif, Fort VVorth sliall notify persons listed�in Section 5, Paragraph A and shall send a Fort Worth employee to the County°s event to tell any residents of Unincorporated Tartant County that come to dispose of household hazardous waste; 1) that the Fort Worth Mobile Collection Unit will not be coming to the event, and, 2) that the resident can go to 'the �CC to dispose of the �waste and provide a map to the ECC. Loan of the Special Mobile Collection Unif 1. County may request the loarr of Fort Worth's Special Mobile Callection Unit, which is a specially designed and equipped thirty-six (36) foot gooseneck box- trailer and one (1) ton pickup, free of charge for use in�a Household Hazardous , Waste collection _ event when available. County may use the Special Mobile Coll��tion Unit to transport Household Hazardous Waste to Fort Worth's , Environmental Coflection Center or another collection center which may lawfully receive Household Hazardous Wasfe. County shall �provide Fort Wprth with a � written request, facsimile or e-mail at least�thirty (30) days prior to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event for which the request is made. Fort Worth shall `� have sole determination . whether the Specia� Mobile Collection Unit is ' available for use by County and. shall notiiy. County as soon as is reasonably practicable of such decision. Fort Worth shali not participate nor be responsible for any part of the Counfy's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event unless and except by writt�n mutual agreement. 2. The Special Mobile Collecti��� Unit shall be in good working condition and Fort Worth shal� disclose �ny kn�wn problems the S�ecial Mobile Collection Unit may have in performing the tasks necessary for the Household Hazardous Waste Coliection Event. Prior to issuance of the Special Mobile Collection Unit, a pre- trip, inspection for potential maintenance problems vi�ill be preformed by Fort VVorth. Also, both parties wili compiete a pre-aes�thetic assessment. �ounty shall be responsible for all certific,ations, and insurance necessary for the proper operation of the Specia! Mabile Collection Unit. �. 3. County agrees to maintain artd retu�n the Special Mobile Collection Unit in�� as good condition as it was in when County took`possession for use. County shall return the.Special Mobile Collection Unit to Fort Worth in a timely manner and as mutually ag�eed upo�. ; � 4. County shall be responsibte for all work-relatetl property damage, personal injury or death caused by County's employees or volunteers and arising out of the use of the Special Mdbile Collectioil Unit during the term of this Agreement. . . ..� 5. It is expressly untlerstood andFagreed that, in �the execution of this A�[eement, neither of the parties waives, nor sFiall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arisin� in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. By entering into this /�yreement the parties do not intend to create any obligations, expressed or implied, other than those set forth herein and this Agreement .shall not create any rights in parties hot signatories hereto. . , 5. _ . DUTIES OF COUNTY � County agrees to perform the following duties in connection with the household hazardous waste collection program in Unincorporated Tarrant County: � A. County will designate one of its employees; and another as an alternate, to act as its household hazardous waste collection coordinator for Unincorporated Tarrant County to interact wifh Fort V1/ortfi. ' Designated person is: Robert Berndt Pager number or 24-hour number where he or she can be reached: 817=319-8473 Atternafe pe�son is Renee Lamb Pager numbei or 24-hour numbe� where he or.she can be reached: 817-991-2194 B. County will coordinate and funtl all program advertising .tar.geted to its residents in Unincorporated Ta1'r�nt County, as�it deems necessary. Such advertising shall include the type of wastes that wilt be accep#ed at the ECC, the .requirement of proofi of residency and weather cancel(ation inform�i#ior�. C. County shall n,otify its residents in Uni❑corporated Tarrant County of the ECC hours of operation and dates it is closed as provide� in 8ection 9°The Ertvironmental Cotlection Center Hours of Operation." . �;����'Ll� � �:s..���:�.� �, 1 �(`' '�, 1 ..�. �'!'�'1 i�',�� ��i� C�J7�l' v��V'���u�l��!1��' ,: l, ,-. � ��, ��:�����1:��, ��t,�. � County may choose to utilize a voucher system for its reSidents in Unincorporated Tarrant County in order for them to bring HHW to the ECC. If County chooses to use suct� a system, it shall notify Fort Worth of the decision,. and, shall 'provide Fort Worth with a copy of the official voucher. In addition, if a citizen from Unincorporated Tarrant County that utilizes a voucher system comes to the ECC or a mobile collection event without a voucher, County acknowledges and agrees that Fort Worth will not accept the household hazardous waste until County authorizes the acceptance in vvriting. E, County may submit a written request for a monthly report listing the number of the households in Unincorp�rated Tarrant County that have disposed of household hazardous waste at the ECC or a mobile collection event. F. County shall provide traffic control and signage for the mobile collection events, and shall provide personnel to assist Fort Worth with the survey and screening of persons dropping off household hazardous:waste. ?he parties prior to the event shall agree upon ttfe details of the traffic control, signage, and personnel assistance. G, Countv's Mobile Collection Units Col!ectinq Household Hazardous Waste 1. County shall adirise'the ECC program manager at least 72 hours in advance of its mobile` colfeetion events, County shall collect only HHW during a mobile collection event. Wastes from aommercial, agricultural, and industrial sources shall not be accepted. County. shall not accept compressed flammable gas containers; radioactive materials; explosives or potentially shock sensitive materials; biological, etiologic, �nd infeotious materials; and any other wastes that Fort Worth has determined are unacceptable. 2. In accordance with the latest DOT requirements, County's MCU operators will properly categorize, package, mark, label, and load into the MCU, all wastes received at the mobile collection event, Recyclable products (used oil, used oil � filters, latex paint, recyclable anti-freeze, lead-acid batteries, and fluo� �scent lights) will be segregated into containers for recyclables. 3. After accepting wastes, County's MCU operators shall thoroughly check each contairter for proper labeling and identification. If a container is properly identified, the material will be segregated according to hazard class and prepared fc�r packaging. If a container does not have adequate labeling to permit identification, the MCU ope�ators shall then attempt to identify the material from its physical characieristics using HAZCAT analysis and from information provided by the household presenting the waste. 4. T`he County's MCU operators shall package all hazardous materials in accordance with United St�tes Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) � requirements, and all other applicable federal and sta#e requirements. After all the wa'stes have been properly identified and segregated, the MCU operators will reexamine the wastes for compatibility, list them on the containe!- c�ntent sheets, and pack them into drums. Oil-based paints and latex paint: ��all be bulked separately in 55-gallon drums, or if the paint is left in its container, the paint can be packed in a lined cubic yard box, and packed and labeled according to federal and state regulations. County shall not.transport waste that is.,not HHW to the . ECC.<County agrees to make ifs own arrangements.to dispose of any non-HHV1/ :; wast� collected at fhe evenf. . , : 5. Prior to transporting the HHW from the collection event site(s), County's MCU operators shall complete a Bill" of Lading, and shall keep the Bill of Cading in the cab of the truck haufing the MCU during transportatian of the HHW to the ECC. County shall require that a. minimum �f one copy of the latest North American Emergenay Response Guidebook be kept within the cab of the truck. 6. During transportatian, , County's MCU� operators shall placard the MCU for #ransportation of hazardous waste in accordance with federal and state law. � 7. Upon the return �of the MCU to the ECC, County's MCU ope�ators sha11 follow the instructions of �ort Worth regarding the placement of the MCU for unloading. Fort Worth shall take possession of the MCU from County. after the MCU has been prope�ly parked'for unloading in accordance with Foit VK/ortFi's instructions and all requiFed documents h�ve been delivered to the EC� program manager or his des'ignee at the ECC. Fort Woith sha(I, within a reasonabfe amount of time,. unload the HHW from the non-Fort Worth MCU and store the HHW at the ECC. 8. If For�� Wor�fi, �Iin.� .its . sole discretian, defermines tf�at County'$ MCU operators improperly` packaged any of the��HHW delivered to the� �CC,� fort Worth shall repackage such ,waste, and County shal! reimburse Fort Worth as set forth in Sectibn 10., Paragraph B.� 9. If a spill �occurs at the ECC while the MCU is still in County's possession, Fort Worth shall take control of the spill response and County will reimburse Fort Worth for its response costs,as set forth in Section 10., Paragraph C. 6. . . : USE OF W�STE DISPOSAL/REGYCLING FIRMS FOR HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOU� WASTE A. Fort Worth will enter iRto a contract(s) with waste dispo3�l/recycling firm(s) for the handling, collectior, transportation, storage, disposal, treatment, recove,ry, and/or reuse of household hazardous waste, which is collecfed at the ECC. "� B. Such firm(s) shall be required pursuant to the contraCt(s) fo assurrie generator sfatus for the waste co(iected, (excluding used oil, (ead-acid batteries and antifreeze) to choose a � disposal site for the waste subject ta Fort b�orth's approval; and to indemnify Fort Worth and County agai�st any and all environmental damages,and the vio.l�tion of any and all environmentaf requirerrzants resulting from ttie han�lling, . co(Cec�ion;_- transportation, storage, disposal, treatment, recovery, and/or recycling �of waste co�lected piarsuant to . �his Agreement, when. said environmental damages or the.. violation of said environmental requirements was t!�� result of any act or�omission of contrac#or, its off��ers, agents; employees, or subcontracfors, or.the joint act or omission. 'of ����ractor, its officers, agents, employees, or subconf�actors and any other person or'entity. � C: THE PARTIES RECOGNIZE THAT ALTHOUGH THE FIRM (S) WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASSUME'' GENERATOR STATUS, THIS ASSUMPTION WILC NOT RELIEVE COUNTY OF LIABILITY FOR THE WASTE UNDER FEDERAL L/�W AND STATE LAW. Fort Worth will arrange for recycling vendors for used oil, batteries, antifreeze, and other materials, as it deems appropriate. . 7. REUSE OF COLLECTED MA�ERIALS A. From time-to-time Fort Worth will make available to residents and businesses of Fort Worth, as well as, residents and businesses of Unincorporated Tarrant County for their use, collected household hazardous waste materials that are suitable for reuse, such as paint, fertilizer, motor oil, and antifreeze.. Fort Worth shall not charge for any materials �tliat are picked up for reuse.� ��. B. Some materials made available for reuse may h,ave been conso(idated and filtered by Fort V1/orth prior to being made available, Used antifreeie vuill fiave been consolidated in '`_ a barrel; filtered, and pH balanced, and new antifreeze may have beeh added to the " barrel. . � � C. In regards to materials accepted by County, FORT .WORTH MAKES NO REPRESENTATIO,NS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTIES THAT: 1. the container contents are what the label indicates;� ,� 2. the container contents are those originally placed into the container by the � manufacfu�er; . ' 3. the product is of the quality intended fo� its use; � 4. the contents of the container have been stored properly; 5. the instructions on tlie container fabel for use, storage, and first aid are current or , correct; ., . , � , 6. ttie container is in unimpaired conditio�; . 7. the product is stil( approved for use (i.e., it has not been banned or recalled); and � 8. tfie producf can be used withaut risk to persons, property or the environment. ' FURTHERM�RE, bLL VlIARRAN7IES, EXPRESS AND, IMPLIED, ARE SPECIFICALLY.DENIED. � � � � D. � County. shall contact.the ECC program manager to arrange a pickup. time to obtain `materials. County agrees that i# �hall: not return to Fort Wor�h, directly or indirectly, any materials it obtains frQm Fort W�rth under this paragrapfi. 10 E. fN REGARDS TO MATERIALS ACCEPTED BY COUNTY, COUNTY DOES HEREBY WAIVE ALL CLAIMS, INCLUDING PRODUCTS LIA6ILITY CLAIMS, AND RELEASES, AiYD HOLDS HARMLESS THE CITY OF FORT W�RTH, AND ALL OF ITS OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND VOLUNTEERS, IN BpTH THEIR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CAPACITIES, FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY; CLAIMS, SUITS, QEMANDS, EXPENSES OF tITIGATION, OR CAUSES OF ACTI�N WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON_ OF 1NJURY TO PERSONS, LOSS OF PRQPERTY, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, OR LOSS OF USE QF ANY PROPERTY , OCCASIONED BY THE TRANSPORTATtON, STORAGE, HANDLING, USE, AND DISPOSAL BY COUNTY; OF ANY MATERIALS .ACCEPTED BY COUNTY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FROM FORT WOR'TH. F. In regards to materials accepted by residents or businesses of Unincorporated Tarrant Counfy, `FOP.T WORTH MAKES NO �2EPRESENI�ATIQNS, 1NARRANTIES OR GUARANTIES THAT: " 1. the container contents are what fhe label indicates; 2. the container contents are those originally placed into the container by the manufacturer; . " . , , . 3. the product is of the quality intended for its use; 4. the contents of the container have been stored properly; 5. the instructions on the contain�r label for use, storage, and first aid are current o� correct; ` 6. the container is in unimpaired condition; . 7. the product is still appro,ved fpr use (i.e., it has.no#_been banned or recalled); and 8. the product can be used without risk to persons,.,property or the environment. FIJRTHERMORE, ALL WARRANTIES, �XPRESS � AND , IMPLIED, ARE SPECIFICALLY DENIED. � G. County shall attempt to inform its residents and businesses of Unincorporated Tarr�nt County that if they go to the Environmental Collection Center to pick up household hazardous waste for reuse, a release of liability must be signed to accept the household hazardous waste for reuse. ` . 8. . RIGHT TO REFUSE WASTE 11 County agrees that Fort Wo�th shall have the righf_to refuse ta accept waste at the ECC from County's residertts of Unincorporafed Tarrant County and to eject such individual from the premises of the ECC, if in the reason�bte judgment of Fort Worth:. A. The waste is not household hazardous waste; , B. The waste fails to meet other established :criteria esta6lished .by this Agreement, or that have been established by Fort 1Norfh subsequent.to the execution of the Agreement; C. The individual does not have sufficient identification to. establish that helshe is in fact a resident of Unincorporated Tarrant County; � D. County.has implemented a voucher system for its residents to dispose of'waste, and the individual does not have a valid voucher; or E. The waste or the individual presents a.hazard to the ECC or to persons or property at the ECC. � � ' 9. _ . ENVIRONMENTAL COLLECTION CENTER HOURS AND DAYS OF OPERATION , . . A. Hours of Operation During the term of the Agreement, the ECC's hours of operation are as follows: Thursday and Friday 11 :00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. B. Days the Environmental Collection Center will be closed During the term of the Agreement, fhe ECC will be closed on the following days: Thanksgiving Holiday, November 23-24, 2006 Christmas Holiday,�'December 25, 2006 � New Year's Day,.lanuary 1, 2007 , M.L.K. Day JanU�ry 15, 2007 . Memorial Day, May 28, 2007 ' Independence Day, July 4, 2007 Labor Day, September 3, 2007 '� ` C. ' Notifying Residents County agrees to notify its residents in Unincorporated Tarrant County of the ECC's hours of operation and dates it will be closed. County may advertise the 24-hour Environmental Collection Center telephone number to give its residents in Unincorporated Tarrant County the Environmental Collection Center's hours. The number is: (817) 871-5257. 10: COMPENSATION 12 As fair comp.e�sation for the services .provided by Fort Worth pursuant to this Agreement: A. County agrees to pay Fort Worth .the sum of $ 46.00. per household per visit ta the. �CC or per k�ousehold for pa�ticipation in a Mobile Colle�ction Event to dispose of househofd hazardaus waste. ' B. If Fort Worth determines that Gnu�ty's MCU operators improp�eriy packageci .ariy of the HHW defiverect to the �CC, :Fort Worth shall repackage such waste, and Gounty sha(I reimburse Fart Worth for it staff tirtie at $20,00 an hour and the cost of suppli�S.. . C. If a spill occurs at the ECC while the Non- Fort Worth MCU is still.in County's ' possession; Fort Worth shall take cohtrol of the spill response and-County`will. reirnl�urse �ort Worth for its response cosfs of $60.00 pei� hour staff time and the cost of supplies. D. The amount due to Fort.Worth� far.services provided uncter this Seciion;` Paragraphs A, B, and C, shall be 6illed to County quarterly. County shall pay Fort Wo�th..within. 30 days of.receiving a, bill from Fort 1NortN: If Fort 1North does not receive payment. within 30 days, �Fort Worth `shall.� info�m County in writing tftat it wili not accept any household hazardous waste from residents of Unincorporated Tarrant County and that Fort Worth will not participate in a mobile �collection event or provide a mobile coflection unit until paid. E. At fhe end of the term of this Agreemertt, Fort Worth shall provide a final accounting to Coun.ty, which will incfude the total number of households in Unincorporated Tarrant County'which participated in the program, repackaging fees, if any,, and:the tofal cost of spill response cliarged.to County, if any. � _ : F. `'�Pursuant to the requiremen�s of Government Code §791.011 (a)(3), the amount due fo Fort Worth under Subparagraph D. above shall be paid from revenues currently available to County in the present fiscal year. 11. AKTINORK, "CAPTAIN CRUD AND THE CRUGGIES," AND PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS LICENSE AGREEMENT ` � - � ,. _ Fort UVorth is the owner o� "Captain Crud" and the Cruddies ("Bloorr�er," "btto," "Pestie, "Scrub," and "Van� Goo") and fhe �Recycling` Buddies {"Scrappy", "Juggles", and "�ana Nana"), "Conquer Your Crud," and "Crud Cruiser", and iherefo�e all ownership rights belong to Fort Worth. Fort Worth has registered these marks as service marks with the Secretary �f State. A. Fort Worth hereby grants to Caunty a non-transferable, non-exclusive licertse to use all the arlwork and.promotional materials that may be provided by Fort Worth to be used solely in the conduct of ��ie business of County's dispbsal`and. recyclirg of househo[d hazar�nus w�ste prQgrams in Unincorporated Tarrant Counfy. If County �ishes to use to I�icensed Art and/or Promot9�nal Materials in other.limited situations,'C.o�!�tx must �rst obtain exp.cess written cortsertt.from Fort �1�rth. 13 B. Fort Worth may provide licensed Artwork and Prorriotional Materials to County pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. County acknowledges that by virtue of this License, �County acquires only the right to use the original and permitted dyplicate capies of the Licensed Artwork and Promotional� Materials and does not acquire any rights of ownership in the Licensed Artwork and Promotional Materials, which rights shall remain exclusively with Fort Worth. If County wants to modify ,or change ,the artwork and/or proinotional materials in. any, manner, County hereby agrees to contact Fort Worth in " writing fo obtain written cons�nt before modifying or changing any artwork and/or promotional materials. C. If County desires an actor to portray "Captain Crud" for an . event, County shall use actors approved by Forf Worth_to port[ay "Captain Crud" since "Captain Crud" is owned by Fort Worth. County shall be solely responsible for compensating actor for the services provided to County. County will contact Fort Worth as soon as possible with the date and time of the, event agreeable to both parties to obtain approval for the chos.en actor and to request and .pickup the "Captain C'rud° costume for its events: Foit Worth will provide the "Capfain Crud" costume. However, Co'unty agrees to. be liable to Fort Wo�th for any damage to the costume or if County`fails to. �eturn th� entire costume to Fort Worth or if the costume.is not retu�ned in the same condition as received. 12, . , .IMMUNITY. County hereby expressly waives any and all protections it �may be affo,rded as a political subdivision of the State of Texas under the doctrine of governmental or sovereiga immunity. The County does this as consideration for the City's offer to enter into the subjecf contract with the County. The County realizes and states that ifi intends for this waiver to be a waiver of immunity from suit and liability. ' 13. FORCE MAJEURE A delay or failure of Fort Worth to perform serVices purs�ua�t fo this Agreement shall be excused to the extent that the delay or f�iiure to perform resulted from a force majeure event, and the delay:.or failure was beyond the control of Fort Worth and.not due to its fault or negligence. County, shall r.ot have, and heceb.y waives, any, claim whatever `for any damages resulting from delays or faiiure to perform caus�d by a force majeure event. . � 14. TERMINATION The parties shall each have the right to terminate the Agreement for any reason, with o� without cause, upon thirty (30) days.written notice to the otlier,party. Upon termination, the parties shall be released from �all contractual obligations .to the other party excluding "USE ,OF WASTE DISPOSAL/RECYCLING FIRMS FOR HOUSEHOLD �HAZARDOUS WASTE" (Paragraph 6) `'REUSE OF COLLECTED MATFRIALS° (Paragraph �7) and "ARTWORK, "GAPTAIN CRUD AND THE CRUDDI�S," APdC PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS LICENS` AGREEMENT' {Paragraph 11). 14 15. . . NOTICE Any notices required to be given under this Agreemen# shall be del'ivered as follows: If to Fort Worth: Brian� Boerner, CF1MM, Director � � � ' Department of Environmental Management � � City of Fort Worth � - 1Q00 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas 76102 If to Countv: G.R. Maenius Tarrant County 100 E. Weatherford St. - Room 404 Fort Worth, TX 76196 16. . � ENTIRETY � � ' � This Agreement cantains all commitments and Agreements of the parties hereto, and no other oral or written corrtmitments shall have any force or effect if not contained herein, except.that this Agreement can be amended or modi�ed by the parties if such amendment or.modification is in writing and signed by County and Fort Worth. � . . 17. SEVERABILITY In the event anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, o� unenfo�ceabls in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof ard this AgreemEnt shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or u�enforceable provisions had never been con±ained herein. • � � 18. VENUE Should any action, real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the terms and coi��;:ions of this Agreement, venue fo� said action shall be in Tarrant County, Texas. 19. P,;;THORITY 15 ���'�'�;1�',� �:��� i��; �� U �r :i'�'<,'';'� iLr;':'�``�1 R �^ sf''U 4 ` �� �Uo ..�;,��J'1:Cn� tl��✓�:a f This Agreement is made for Fo�t Worth and County as an Interlocal Agreement, pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 791. 20. AUTH�RIZATION The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are properiy authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf,of the parties hereto, and each party hereby ce�tifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. ` " EXECUTED IN TRlPLICATE C1TY OF FORT WORTH By: " (.-rr ,. l % � LibB�� atson � Assistant Cit Mana er„ , Date: �G' � / � G}- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: �"wv� R . Assistan ity Attorney ATTEST: �� �� v Y ` � Marty Nendrix City ecretary - � G = Contract authorization � �� Date TARRANT COUNTY By�---f�-�`-�I�'��--!-�"-�' � / -� --- � � Tom Vandergriff�;' f County�udge ( � � �� � , , � ,�. :. , Date:----- r �' , -�---�� ----------------- APPROVED A FORM'` / ------- - ----------------� Assistant ' trict Attorney *By law, the District Attorney's Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval and should seel< review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). % � ' � � � �• ��_ - -_. _ � - ; `'�-� a B -_--�.�x-°--�f - ��--------------- Auditor's Office 16 C�C�rU�FU'i�s �#'3Zza'�� �����'1�� �a���� ��� �������� �'. �:�� ���, ���. Exhibit "A" RESTOCKING LIST FOR THE MOBILE CQLLECTION UNIT Arlaterial Amount Restocked Special Needs Remarks 55 gallon open top Amount taken off.the -� � drums (open top�for trailer � � loose acks � ` - 55 gallon drums �P�mounf iaken off the � � (closed top) (oil, trailer antifreeze, buik � : • � � flammable materials and one extra Fibertlrums (55 or 30' ' - gallon) Aerosols, Amount taken off fihe acids, bases and #railer • � � � � oxid izers Gaylord box liners � � (plastic) - Amount taken off the � • � , trailer : . . � . � 55 gallon drum liners ' � ' � ' � � Amount taken off the trailer �. . . . . 5 gallon buckets � � � ' � (filters/haz chemicals) Amount taken off the �� � trailer Survey Forms - � - Amount taken off the trailer � ' � Labels/drum placard Amount taken off the trailer � � Gaylord boxes Amount taken off the trai(er Absorbent pads Amount taken off the trailer Vermiculite Am�unt taken off the trailer Oil dry Amount taken off the trailer Promotional Materials � 3� Brochures Amount needed 17 y �! ��� ,! r�� � pa „,� � �n^i� 1:i 1V ��.i: �i�l7l�JJ�L�1 �' p. a F, �� f ����� � ��?� �=I �� �,,:.:„.�, �' �:,�;�,�� �,�';U �i�� � r �% r� � c�, Exhibit "B" WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY FOR COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE I being the owner of property located at . have been asked by Tarrant County to allow a mobile collection event on my property to collecf household hazardous waste on the , 20 . I hereby give my permission to Tarrarit County and the City of Fort Worth to hold a household hazardous waste collection event on my property in which Tarrant County has asked the City of Fort Worth to send its� mobile collection unit to collect the household hazardous waste that is brought to the event. � Therefore, in consideration �f , I hereby RELEASE, DISCHARGE, HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY the City of Fort Worth, its officers,.agents, and employees and Tarrant County and its officers, agents, and/or employees for any and �all.claims,. demands, liability, causes of action, actions or suits af any charaeterthat I may have against the City of Fort Worth, its officers, agents, and/o� employees and Tarrant County, its officers,. agents, and/or employees for any properiy loss or damage, for any and all personal injury including death or any other damage of any kind or character whickt may arises or that arises from allowing Tarrant County to hold a household hazardous waste collection event, in which: the City of Fort Wo�th sends its mobile collection anit on my property. ,, : I have read this Waiver and Release and fully� understand its terms and conditions. I have not been influenced in any extent whatsoever by any representation or statements nof confained in this Agreement. . _ . Signature Witness Date 18 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 9/26/2006 DATE: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 LOG NAME: 52ECCFY07CITIES REFERENCE NO.: **C-21729 SUBJECT: Approval of Interlocal Agreements with Various Municipalities and Other Governmental Entities for Participation in the Environmental Collection Center Household Hazardous Waste Program RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute interlocal agreements with various municipalities and other governmental entities for their participation in the Environmental Collection Center Household Hazardous Waste Program DISCUSSION: The City's Environmental Collection Center is now in it's eighth year of operation collecting household hazardous waste from the citizens of Fort Worth and surrounding communities on a year round basis. In order for NON-Fort Worth citizens to participate at the center, each entity is required to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Fort Worth. The rate per household for the period covered by these agreements (October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007) is $46.00 per household. It is anticipated that approximately $588,724 will be collected under these agreements. During FY 2005-2006, 31 area entities signed participation agreements with the City of Fort Worth. For the upcoming year we expect all of those to participate and have already had interest expressed by other entities. This agreement outlines the responsibilities of each party, establishes the rate for participation, details procedures for loan of mobile collection unit, and delineates the usage of service marked public education materials. The City of Fort Worth is responsible for overall operation of the center including contracting with a hazardous waste disposal company for transportation and disposal of materials collected. The following entities have expressed an interest (*) or are expected to execute an agreement to participate for the period October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007: Arlington Benbrook Cleburne Edgecliff Village Grapevine Hurst Newark River Oaks Sansom Park* Stephenville Waxahachie* Azle Burleson Colleyville Euless Haltom City Keller North Richland Hills Roanoke Sherman* Trophy Club Westworth Village Bedford Cedar Hill Coppell* Grand Prairie Hood County Mansfield Richland Hills Saginaw Southlake Watauga Logname: SSSPINKS RAMP Page 1 of 2 Tarrant Regional Water District Texoma Council of Governments* Un-incorporated Tarrant County Upper Trinity Regional Water District FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that the Environmental Management Department will be responsible for collection of the funds due under these agreements. TO Fund/AccountlCenters FROM Fund/Account/Centers R103 488220 0521100 $588,724.00 Submitted for City Manager's Office b� Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: Libby Watson (6183) Brian Boerner (6647) Brian Boerner (6647) Logname: SSSPINKS RAMP Page 2 of 2