HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 34437�� s �� �E�REi'�i�`� � ry� r`� �'���`� �AC��. .�'`���,��� CONSENT AGREBMEiVT FOR TEIv1PORARY USB OF PUBLFC PROP�RTY STEITE OF TEXAS COtJNTY OF TARRANT THIS AGREEMF_NT is made and entered into by and bet�veen the City of Fort Worth, a �unicipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas, acting herein by and through its duLy authorized Building Offieial, hereinaf�er referred to as the "City" anc! - T UG� n�'� GZ a,✓',�'T-/L y c r/ P.✓ Acting by and through zts duly aufliorized agent, M.a r-ruEw P�1 P�iVf Uf , Hereinafter referred to as "Grantee". V6�ITNE��ETH: For and in consideration of the payment by Grantee of charges set out below and the true and faithfitl performance of the mutual covenants herein cantained, Ci�y (iereby grants to Grantee permission to temporariiy encroach upon, uses a��d oecupy portion of the space tmder, on anc�/or above the streets, alleys, sidawaltcs or other puhlic rights-of-way as foIlaws; �° 9 � o� ,��1' .S—r. . f'T l,,,�„ � T� X y 4/ o Z The iocation and description of said encroachment is more p<�rticularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, incorporated herein anct made a part hereof for atl p�iF-poses. 2. All use and occupancy of public street, aIleys, sidewalks or oelter public rights-of-way under tiiis aareement shall be in strict co�npliance with the Charter, Ordii�ances and Codes of the City and in accordance with the directions of the Building Offtcial and the Director of Transportation and Pt�blic Works of City. ������Ji;'�1 s����"� ���'� c��UG°?� �'��� , �pr�;:���; �, � �S7 Eo :^ �:�J�.�Ul'g � u1.c CONSEFlT A6REEPhENTfor Temporary use ot pubGc propertyt.doc 3. �Tpon expiration of this agreement and the privileges granted hereunder, there shall be no encroachment by Grantee in, unde�-, on or above the surface of the public rights-of-way tnvol�red. 4. Grantee agrees to pay in advance an encroachment fee for the temporary privilege of encroaching upan a portion of the pub[ic rights-of-wa�r as describecl in E�chibit "B". Said fee is calculated in the manner and amounts prescribed by the Buiiding Code of the City of Fort Worth for temporary use or occupancy oFpublic properry. The estimated total amount of said fee is: S►b,�w�,a�K tl I7S' X!o `+ �S� h l0 � 1- lGo'x /a '-i- /o'Xla' x � � l .f�X /p' � �'a. olS � ��%���"� �TkF�r = �l� � x /�f�� + % n l2�x �'G'� —'�O p .� � Sq �"o oT,4� _ �` !y�� � � �c � Z. � A v r .- � � 9� 11 �''. �o s. Grantee, at no expense io City, shall make proper provision foc the relocation and/or installltion �f any existing or future iraffic control devises or other improverr►ents affected hy such encroachmeut, use and occupancy, including iha securing of approval and consent from the approp��iale agencies of the State and its political subdivisions. In the event that a�ly icistallation, reinstallation, relocation or repaie of any e�sting or fuh�re iraffic control device or impro�.rement owned ar constrtiicted by or on hehalf of the public or at public expense is made more costly by virtue of the existence of s�ich encroachineut and tise, Ct•aniee shail pay to City and additional amoz2nt eqi�a( to sucii additional cost as determi�zed by Ciiy. 6. The tenn of tflis agreement shall be for � Z days, froEn ��1 Q to - 6 l �, Provided, however, shouid the need for the encroacl�n�e�rts granted hereunder at any time cease, Grantee agrees to imtnediately t�otify City of such condition; and, upon receipt of such notice by the Building Ofiicial of the City af Fort �Vorth, t(iis agree«ient shall tern�inate. 7. Tt is expres�ly understood and agreed that this Consent A��eement is for a temporary encroac[iment in, under, over and upon tae piiblic property as located and described in Exhibit _^ � ^ ,V 2 P ry �/���' J�' { 6 N'•'1 1 , �a �� FS�J�J�.�l�l C�NSF��ITA.GREF_tiiFNT*orTem ora ❑ � f' �cl(, ' � �.n— a'� �t1 0 `�7 '�'��'�' J���'��.;i��L���'�� � ; ��� :�',�''i; �'�i �'�'; � "B". This agreement shalt not be construed as the granting of a permanent easemenf, encroachment or license upon Ciry's public sfreets, a[leys, sidewalks, or other rights-of-way. � City, through its duly autharized representatives, shaI1 have the full and imrestricted right to enter upon all public rights-of-way for the purpose of making inspections to detennine compl.iance with the tenl�s, covenants and conditians herein. In the event that any inspection should reveal a breach of any terms, covenants or conditians herein, City shall give Grantee nol:ice of such breach. Shoutd such breach not be correcied by Grantee within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the notice, or within such shorter period of time as deemed necess�y hy the Building OEficial for the protection of publie hea(th or safety, City may terininate and cancel this agreeme.nf. 9. Upon expiration or termination of this agreement for any reason tivhatsoever, Grantee shall, at no eYpeuse to City, restore tha public rights-of-�vay and acfjaceirt supporting strnctures to a condition acceptabte to the Directo�• of Transportatiou and Public Works or his duly authorized representative and in accordance tivitFt then existing City spect�cations, and Grantee shall retnove alI barricades, ec}uipment, supplies, materia(s or other propert},� fi•o�z said location. Grantee fi�rther covenants and agrees that far a period of one (1) year af�er the termination of this Gonsent Agreement, Grantee �vill repair all conditions or damages to the streets and sidewalks or other rights-of-way that have resulted from Grantee's use or occu�arlcy of the st�•eets and sic{ewalks or other rights-of-way, as determined by the Dii•ecior of Transportaiio�l and Priblic Worlcs or kis cfesignee. Grantee agrees to begin such repairs ��riti�in thirty (30) days of receipt of na[ice from the I�irector of Transpo�-tation and P«blic Wor(cs or l�is desigi�ee. A!I eepairs shai( be pa7•formed in an expeditious and �vortcmanlike manner and shal� comply with all applicable Iaws, codes, ordinances and City specificatio►�s. Tn the event that Grantee fails to compl}� with the covenauts herein contaiued wifh respect to such ret7�ova1 or restoration, the City stiall have the right to remove ar dispose of any barricades, equipment, s�tpplies, materials or other property and repair any conditions which in the opinion of the City are necessary to bri��g the public rights-of-rvay to tt�e condition prescri6ed herein, anci City shall not E�e responsib(e for trespass or any other damage or liability ir� con��ection with sz�ch rernoval or restoration. Grantee shall reim6urse City for the cost ai�d eYpense of such remova( and/or repairs immediately following bilting for sa�ne Uy City. 3 � � �� �jj9 `t i� i�i ;=�f`, C�NSENTAGREEtVSENTforTemporary ise�fpu6licprooertyi.dac � �����y~!� ��v� � N l � �+ I� �'���'�' ���!°?[����s �y� _�r� �� �'�7 ' � �'��i �U� v:!:6J1� �La� Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by City to enforce penal sanetions prescribed 6y the Code of the City c�f For� Worth and the laws of the State of Texas for Grantee's cantinued encroachment �apon the public rights-of-way foliowing iermination of this Consent Agreement. 1�. Tt is fiirther understood and agreed 6eiween the parties hereto tltat City holds the cit}� streets, alleys, sidewalks and other public rights-of-way, including the partions af such streets rised and eneroached upon as descrrbed herein, as trustee for the public; that City exercises such powers over the streets as have been delegated to it by the Constitution of the State of Texas or by the Legislatttre; and the City cannot eoi�tract away its duty and its tegislative power to control the streets for the use and benefit of the public. Ii is accordingly agreed that if the govef�aing body of City, to w'rt, its Ciry Coimcii, shall at any time dw�ing the terrn het•eof deter�mine fn its sole discretion to ttse or catise or permit to 6e used for any pub[ic purpose fl�e said encroached portion of the sireets, then this a�eement shall be automatically canceled and ter�z�inated. 11. Grantee agrees to comply fiilly with all applicahle federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes or regltlations in connection with the construction, operation and maintenance of said e�lcroachments and uses. 12. Grantee agrees to pay promptly �vhen due alt fees, taxes or rentals pt-ovided for by this agreement or by any federal, state or loca[ statue, law or reg«tatian. 13. Graniee covenants and agrees that it shali exercise all rigl�ts and privileges b anted hereunder as an independent contractor, and not as an officer, agent, se�vant or employee of City; that Grantee shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive right to control the details of its operatior�s antl activities on said described public propeE-ty and all persons perforining same, and shall be soiely responsible for the acts and ornissions of its o�cers, agents, servants, ernployees, contractors, subconiractors, licensees and invi�ees; that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall noi apply as betwezn City and Grantee, its officers, agents, servants, employees; contractors and subcontractors, and nothing herein sha[l be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise [�eriveen City and Grantee. 4 � � n, ,;, ;o,;j';a ;^, o� ���9�:.,J�-!'� ����c�J� CONSENTAGREEMENTfcr Temporary use of public prooerbjl.doc � C' �^/' �; Il IO ���� � =�'��:; !�41��`,,��j �-;;�f;�.� � , _._.7 U� ;:il:�l�'G� ��G�, � 14. GRANTEE COVENA�TTS A,�TD AGREES TO IlVDE1��i ti�'Y, f11tTD DOES I�EEREB'Y iNDENIIFY, HOLD HARMLESS Ai�TD DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICER�S, AGEI�TS, SERVANTS AND ENiPLOYEES, FROlYI A��iD AGA�ST A.NY A.PID ALL CLAIVIS OI� �UITS FOR PROPERTY DAI�IAG� OR LO�S A1�TD/OR PERSONAL IlV.TURY, CIVCLUDING DEATH, TO EiNY AND ALL PERS�NS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHEZ�lER REAL �R A�SERTED, ARISIlVG OUT OF OR IN CON�ECTIOl�t WITH, DIltECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE NiAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXISTENCE OR LOCATTON OF SAID ENCROACI�MENT AND USES GRANTED HEREUNDER, WHETHEI2 OR NOT CAU�E, Ilai WHOLE OR PART, BY ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFIC�RS, AG�NTS, S�RVANTS, E�IPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LI�ENSEES OR PTVITEES O�' CITY; AND GRANTEE HGR�BY ASSUiVIES ALL LLABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY OF CITY, ITS OFFIC�RS, AGENT5, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FOR SUCH CLAIMS OR SUITS. GRANTEE SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUI�lE ALL LIABII,ITY Al>Ill RE�PONSIl3ILITY AND SHALL INDEMIVIFY CITY FOR ANY AND ALL INJ�JRY OR DAMAGE TO CYTY PROPERTY, ARISING OUT O�' OR I��1 CONNECTIOleT WITH A�iI' A.ND ALL ACTS QR OMI�SI�I�S OF GRAl�TEE, ITS OFFiC�R�, AGElV�TS, SERVANTS, ENiPi.�YE�S, CONTRAC`TOld�, SUBCO�TTRACTORS, LICESI�ES, INVITEES OR TR��PASSER�. I5. Grae�tee lgrees to furnisl� Cihy with a Certificate of Ins�irance, nan�ing City as certificate holcter, as proof that it has sec�ired and paid for a polrcy of public liability insnrai�c�cavering all public risks related to the praposed use aad occupancy of pub(ic property as located and described in Exhibit "B". The aino�tnts of such insurance shal( be not less that the following: Property damage, pec occun•ence $140,000.00 Badily tnjur�, p�r person $250,000_00 Bodily injury or death, per occurrence �500,000.00 With tI�e anderstanding of and agreement by Grantee that s�tch insurancc amounts shail be revised «pward at City's option and that Grantee shal( so revise such amoutlt immediatelv following notice to Grantee of such requiremet�t. Such ins�a-ance policy shali provide tilat it cat��lot be caElceled or amended witllout at least thirty (30) days' prior w�•irte�i notice to the Building Official �� � �, , � n, ;����;..*1Jti� �s�� � ,,. , �, CONSEtJTAGREEPd_NTfo� 7empa�ary use of puFtic propert,�t.dnc �.� �' � v��'u ��1;��,L�� ,,, , �/ ' 'Y'i:��'1' p; U` �( ,. ��a .: '✓ t.��l� C of the City of Fort �Vorth. A copy of such Certifccate of Insurance is attached as Exhibit "A". Grantee agrees to submit a similar Certificate of Insurance annually to City on the anniversary date ofthe eYecution of this agreement. Grantee, agrees, binds and obligales itself, it successors and assigns, to maintain and keep in force such public liability insurance at ali times during the term of this agreement and until the reinoval of aIl eneroachments and the cleaning and restoration of the city streets. A(1 ittsurance coverage reqtiiired herein shall include coverage of all Grantee's contractors. I6. Grantee covenants and agrees that it will not assign all or any of its rights, privileges or duties tuider this contract without prior written approval of City, and any attempted assignment without such prior written approval shall he void. 17. This agreement shaf I be l�inding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assi�ms. 18. Should 2ny action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the ternzs at�d conditiotis of this agreernent or out �f flie use and occu�ancy of City pro�et-�y as permitted hereunder, venue for said action shall be in Tarrant Co�lnty, Texas. 19. In any action b[-ougI�t by City for t��e enforcement of the ob[igations af Grantee, City shalt be entitlec� to recovef- interest and reasonable atiorneys' fees. EXECUTED this �� day of ����'� , 200fi. GRANTOR: GRAN`£EE: CITY OF FORT WORTH ��47Tti� !,/ �A P�N� v.1" ���Builr3ing fficial � ` VI GE �/�,f�/�,ef,U4' d� Title (�/%v��� c. /'1A n1,�Gfi� CONSENT AGREEMENTfor Temperary use of pubiic '�:;''����',, �,�,�Vl��'D� �t ,;`�l u 1: n '} ry ,r+ �\IvV�L�WY��V '���1� �: a ���; �., � U U �G�1 � ::�:���;�if,l, . APPROU TO Ri ND i�E��ALTTY: Assi ant Ci . Attorney � �; G "� -� � � ��.-�- � � � � �� Ln�� C i ty S{� retary ��+i`�� ������' �� �;1�;; �,�� � �� .�,a�o�. -.�� -- � Date �'�� -� ���!'� �� - Date m ` CONSENT AGREEMENTfcr Tctnpor�ry use of Ft�6tic prcpartyt.coc �fl��i��4� ��5%1��� v���� 1�L °r��'�`i��a ,, �. �i ��J .,^ , 'III ic?r �UnI �IJ r..�/:�,C'���� ������, S�`A�'� �F �'EXA�S �'� IINTY OF TA�1�At�7' BEFORE ME, the rcndersigned �racfhoYity, a Notnry Public in and For t/ie State of Texrrs, o�t tltis tlay persottaldy appeared G�/!l lb / rn�2`���7 ,known to me 10 be the persan whose name zs subscrzbe�l fo tfie foregoing instrz�me�t, anrl acknowledged to me thai helshe execute�l the s�sme foN the purposes �rnd considercrtion iherein e.xpPesser�, �rs the act and cCeed of ,f�,z% • /�LLY. i%%�/G�It , and in the ct�prrcity t6aeYeir� strzte�l Gl' N UNDER MY HAND,�� D SEAL DF OFFFCE this --�� �ltty af �• 20�. //.l�_ _ f�� �cu � � / f - �v.�� 1 I►1�.� . 1 �..n� �A�� � � E5IRADA � ` STA �� qS ���OF�'~ Mt�Cann. Exp.08/21/2007 f►5 � r. NatnNy I�teb ic r�e anrl fo� ?'he Sfate of Te.�as _�A�,._ _` l I ' I , - l ��} f I "v7 ���+J � j � J���y�., ���L� ��4�'����+y+��.L ��� `.�;�:,�. L:v� ��� � ,.,�'V 1� � � 9 STATE Ox�' TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRAIVT BEFORE ME, fdre untlerszgned authority, a Notnry Public in and FoY tl�n St�rte of Texas, on ihis day persanally appeared ",L �-�e--1-Lti` �� r✓, '�� '_ --�-� ' ,known fo me tv be the person whose name is ubscr e�l fo ttte foregoing instruinent, and acknowle�lgecl to rne tfeat helshe executerl the same for tlze puNpo,ces an�l consictePaiinn the�ein expressed, as the act anrl deed of I! i� c� �M , rcnd in the capucity [hef•ein stated GIVF_Rr UNDER tyIYHANDAND SEAL OFOFFICE thzs� � rlay of l�'��.H. .:',� , 20 r'� . M� rrH E� �A l��it/ rU,!' Affitaszt / �rC� /�i�E�,f'i �J�N'0- �' C�E�v"EA/i�- i'��4ivL�i�yQ Tiile ; + _ _ i G,/ !��- rVotaYy Pr ` Cic in �rn�l foy u� T�ae State of Texrrs '- �hr -�.�1 ' ! � ,�1 �� �. I . % l� , � + � ,� �e tv1Y ! r�iliPa W,� iCC�� ki°', ce: � ��i "l ��*l F,A�Y 2:�, 2Q'�; I' � �� �3�•�,.,- � _-����r��._�-- �����'J��`�.�� } �� �"'.,. v ��' . � � v�u'`' '�:�' ��,v���y"�i1'��,;,: � i�: ��� :�';� �� �� n �'� r , � - ACORDM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1ROBJ6D2 Dl2/(06/20�) PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Turner surety and rnsurance srokerage, rnc. ONLYAND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPONTHE CERTIFICATE so Tice sou�evard HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOTAMEND, EXTEND OR woodcliff Laxe, NJ o�6�� ALTERTHE COVERAGE AFFORDED BYTHE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED INSURERA:Liberty Mutual Insurance Company � Turner Corporation Turner Construction INSURERB:Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company 50 Tice Blvd. Woodclif Lake, NJ 07677 INSURERC: INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADD' POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MM/DD/YY DATE MM/DD/YY LIMITS A GENERALLIABILITY TB1-625-092815-046 11/O1/2006 11/Ol/2007 EACHOCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIiI' PREMISES Ea occurence $ z, 000 , 000 CLAIMS MADE X� OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) $ 10, 000 PERSONAL&ADVINJURY $ 2,000,000 GENERALAGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $ 12,500,000 POLICY X jE� LOC B AUTOMOBILELIABILITY AS2-625-092815-016 11/O1/2006 11/O1/2007 COMBINEDSINGLELIMIT ANYAUTO (Eaaccident) $ 2,000,000 X ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTOONLY: qGG S EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR � CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ A WORKERSCOMPENSATIONAND WC7-625-092815-036 11�01�2006 11�01�2007 X TpRY IAMITS �ERH EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E.LEACHACCIDENT $ 2,000,000 ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED7 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 2, 0 00 , 0 0 0 If yes, describe under SPECIALPROVISIONSbelow E.L.DISEASE-POLICYLIMIT S 2,000,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS /VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS LOCATION: LE BIJOU CONDOMINIUMS, 1-R, BLOCK 69, ORIGINAL TOWN OF FT. WORTH, FT. WORTH (TARRANT COUNTY), TX 76102 Job #1273700 ADDITIONAL INSURED: THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES WAIVER OF SUBROGATION APPLIES CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITY OF FORT WORTH 1000 THROCKMORTON FT. WORTH, TX 76102 ACORD 25 (2001/OS) .� ,� � r..� � i�� �� ��v �v � ': ���,, J,�� � r` Ir>;; d C� �:; It? I� u\�r:: Y��;..��U, �'�";'i •:t1'i: ��1 j�; � I � L+'. a � ,.:.;�1 11� CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATETHEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICETOTHE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMEDTOTHE LEFT. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATNE � `�_ _ /� i 7� �C ll� Page 1 of 1 O ACORD CORPORATION 1988 � F �� � i; k � r� '�" _ v�cn `�; ��.�.. � �� � �,., � r o �r��, �,� � � �._ E,.'. n�-_ � � ,�y„�.,a � �; � . � , � � �1 � ��� .. � �� � a � �� O r� � U �j � Z A; �� � }� � � � �+ I � z =�- � , � 4 y � ___F � • , _ � �.t_ . � ��L.l_ 1 � � � � • � � � �`� t'--' � I � � ��,� `.� s'�_:,_. —, _ _ . � Pj' ,;: � _A' LEFT Rcrftir ROAD �� (oa �Eroe) WORK �� .,,^ c�osm AHEAD � ",; z o�_o. �._a� � � � NCOMING TRAFFIC �J END ROAD W.ORK � OU�TGOING TFZ4FFIC � � � � � � � � Q 6/3 � �',y �,`o ,� � � � � �� .. � e'�_,� �'''� � � � `� � �� � �� ':' J�� �^�� 3 �� ` 1 -_ _:� f��' /� �� , � �' � // TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES �, �` J 1. All channeliang devices shaN be in eccordance with tfie wrteM edition of Me Texas ��, Manual on Unifurm Tratfic CoMrol Devices. _ - - - 2. All Tralfc Control Devices shail have xroAdng visible waming lights es required� in �' aarordar�ce with fhe curreM edition of TMUTCD. ,� . 3. fa Temoonrv Skuationa. when d a not feesiWe to remore and restwe pavemefR � meridngs, chenrrel¢etion must be made dominant 6y usng a very dose device spacing. This is espetially important in Iocations o{ confictirig infamafion, � as whefa tr�fic is Cirecled arer a daude yellow cenfeAine. In wch locations, fiannedring tlevice spaadrrig of � . 9 10 feet is requlred. � � � � . . � 4. �For Lorw Term Slatioeiaro wwk, all coriflicting pavement maAdngs musf ba tamoved sn6 - � � centeAine stripin9 P(avided where hvo wey 4affic is in adjacerd lanea . . 5. Contractor shall provide �dewaNc dowre, aosswalk ciosurs andfor walkway pypass � wheraver pedesh.i8n movamen5 ate efraGed by construction ectivities. Ail sider.aiks and crosswalks shall be access+bie nfien contrsctor is not worldng unless otherwise �praved by iha City Treflic Engirveer. . . � � . 8. The use of trailer rrwun� ARROW DISPLAYS mey be required on all lane das�res. The �� � � � contractor shall provitle one (7 ) stantl-by unft in gooA Hvridng mnCitlon at the jab site, readyr . \ fof uss, iF his operadon requires 24-houra day dosure set � � ��/ p -ups and 'rf required. � v 7. Contrador shall suhmit traffic control plan and p�ocedures to City of Fort Wor� TraRc , v Depar4nen; Mr. Rarttly Burkett, for approvel. City Trefic.Ergineer andor I�spedas may � - requira additiona4Traffic CoMrol Devices". 8. Refer tu. Uti6ty Construction sequendng notes sheet C1.02 for additional tratfic antrd - IMortnation. � � TRAFFIC TRANSITION LENGTHS AND SUGGESTED MAXUMUM SPACINGOF DEVICES Minimum Desiraple Tsper Supgested Maximum D' Suggested O � 1 Len9lhs (L) Feet Spadng Spatlng (Feet) x x x x x PO�� � �p � � �r- On a Teper- On a Ta�gen 'X' � � 'rF Speed Fainula' Lane Lene La�e . �� MPH p{(� Q�� pR�� (Feat) (FeeU Dimen�on , � �'�, 30 150 1&5 t&7- 30 60-75 120 --� — s — — — — ` �_�' �� 35 60 205 225 245 35 70-90 : 160 - . ao zss 2ss szo ao aa�oo zao 45 �_� 450 495 540 q5 90.1'10 320 , . 50 500 550 600 50 � 100-125 400 `L= Taper length in feet W=Width of �Fest in feet S=Posted spced Note: Buffer Zone will be 25 feet (maximum). 0 IXISIMG PEDESIRIAN SIGNpy. � 8 WIRING TO REMPIN� —�—�,. x � � IIOIE 1. lNE CiL611RE4 ql JOIES A 61N A 7IH Sf. NO CIq�E Sf. A110� q{,T �7M�1 AE IIOl�iS OF Y�0 IY MO �NO W mo i 7FE WE QDSURE QI 71M Sf. �1. !E M1Dr� lEY010 71ESE H0.R5 g �.�������� �����Q ���,�����. a iu u� aoa�s a�u ee �rr io � w��. \ _ �TRAFFIC SIGNAL OPER,4TIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH CI1Y TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, TYP �_ E. 6TH STREET �_ __v_�____-- �ONE WAY TRAFFIC � � � / i1 � _= — CONES � (l 1 I � �� �Z x x x x x x x x x� � � 2 � i �� ;� � � 1 R 5 6a'00'W, 50.30' Pr . � -� x �.::,m `�� ;�" , � . . � ea . I \�'S �N \\ �� r� �, ��� �w � �� N 60'00'6a 87.31' � ' J 4' S 6 7 � o � I LOT 3A � � � � � 3 I o A4LSONftY BUILDING '� I (GRNNGEft BUILDING) Z � I _ � , x � h � PROROSED LOT 1 —RI G. O' � � 14 �CO p� p�� 13 . _ S 60 "W. 132.37' :' - , ��I �i���'�.�J, � l �!��,���''��% „ , �, � �� �— �� ; , , ����' =�'s��i�� ��,�?15Y ; �Oa ��'.��`✓ � l'.IJ^,: c'�1n . inx: oxrcacrt saas mm� � aMwia x� lfg �S a . BHI� lIET1MD Fal Mal1@It111 16tI11Ydrs � 41M.L �E oEEA.I� Qu'. AiL AMJlTN4 � 7E Eall.aE PHNFAT 7' YQ1MItlk. MO ONR RLam lE NKIIIFA M0 NE IOf A � �I�'IIfFA1iC RV]14O 493WIkd BE LLgD � nGIF Ut flRf - NE M�IIY ff PE AIIMOJf 16 �IE55 ��qI1B1 � �q � . ��c oQm¢ mr��re¢ to avub¢x urun� us � �IEY qMMS A1 E 11E � lK 11EX 41WItAT �l1 EY - PESPU�IIT 6 M 080L �9H� K V311 W IF.9�. AD� TEMPOFtAftr wmw.m u rswnas sru. �nr mrc mkxr ar nc sroa S�cN ff,c,.m n wc aMx�aoa . rx�,�a,. . .-. oac ac �asv.x iaac . . � INFORMATIQNAL NOTES �� � ���o ��� \ � � PoqiT OF WAY � poyle Engineering Group PI1C �����-'` FOR CONSTRUCTION �"`�` �69 - 8350 LBJ Frec E � T ���. Texas 75240 '� 9-c�•r'-'- � �Faz 9J2 991 1192 I � � �',_�i � _ � 972 991 1188 � ' _" � � � '� `wo_��' _�� `�.—,��s�: wino� r x i wwc R aR� . �.� TRAFFIC CONES (n,P) � � _ -__.- EE NOiE RE LPNE ,..��.__ . .. _ , � X M � ... .� � , � .__� �te — — — — —�.— �T-+a —�E�— o e _ NES ,P --b O N E WAY _ —• «� � .,. I f4s-�7 �U �—� TRAFFIC SIG ERATIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH CITY "� TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TRAFFIC QEPARTMENT TYP 1 9GME1'� 0 t0 20 10 EO SGLE N FEEP �.vJ � L� �1�OU CONDOIViINNIviS E. 7TH STREET L0T 1-R, BLOCK 69 ORIGINAL TOWN OF FORi WORiH . TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS I, ■ itnaox nn . ■ � . ■ icv. a� . ■ �CHRUMBUF=iC� A R C H I T E C.T S ��..�re. �,�.� m _ �-mancun .�xm�ans,,,s a e .� � , TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN -- ■ mamer Y muc ■ sa.� oac KWL .01 9EP. 29� 200�J 0 aea� er 6 wozcr wu @ ags bo. Hf� 0435 �61.0�