HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 34796CONSENT AGREEMF��1T FOR TEIvIPORARY USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY STATE OF TEXAS COTJNTY OF TARRANT �IY1� SEC�Ei�R� � CONiRACT �p ,. �_ _ � ; I T.HIS AGREFMENT is made and entered into by and beriveen the City of Fort Worth, a inunicipal corporation of Tairant County, TeYas, acting herein by and through its duly authorized Building Official, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and (.-�1� t�rLk �env �t�, I �- Acting by and throunh its duly authorized agent, V� � c+t,4�.L �j o�so,� , Hereinafrer referred to as "Grantee". WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the payment by Grantee of charges set out below and the true and faithfiil perfoi•mance of the mutual covenants herein contained, City hereby grants to Grantee permission to temporarily encroach upon, tises a�td occupy portion of tlte splce under, on and/or above the streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public rights-of-way as follows: �o�,r-�r4-T�u� �b x ZZ� b'Y L►1-+�+� W'fZ ��, �� dEw wt.�� � o��c 5zS .� D � .r 225� r� � �. fi�. The location and clescripfion of said encroachment is more particuiarly described in Exhibit "B" atfached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof for afl purposes. 2. All use and occupancy of public street, alleys, sidcwalks or other public rights-of-way under this agreement shall be in strict comp[iance with the Charter, Ordinances and Codes of the City ' and in accordance with the directions of the Building Official and tlte Director of Transportation and Public Woi•ks of City. CANSENT AGREEIAENTfar Temporary use ot pu6ic prope:tyt �, ,-, , ,_> , , � �: , � D '�;� f� �'�,, J;;,� � �i'ss''v�'�u v��'�l J��i°?l� �`��'� ��nn ,,I I� � �':�.'��%�UC`�,�IJII) �6;�� 3. " IJpon expiration �f this agreement and the privileges granted hereunder, there shall be na encroachment by Grantee in, under, on or above the surface of the public rights-of-way involved. � 4. � - Grantee agrees to pay in advance an encroachrnent fee for the temporary privilege of encroaching upon a portion of the pttb[ic rights-of-way as described in Exhibit "B". Said fee is calculated in the manner and amounts prescribed by tlie Bui(ding Code of the City of Fort Woi-th for temporary use or occupancy of pubfic property. The estimated tola( amotmt of said fee is: �-�rzE �- �FN,-,4-L =�� x z 2 S x, 0 3� 3� =�`�1,Z`f l� , o v S; �r1k-����,� �z5 ,c . O� S x 3� r' � Z,�Z,S o �.... L i � l _ .a-.�kt� � i .� � .. Z Z� ... � `� ,� "'�� � � 7 D7 � � � �. Grantee, at no e�cpense to City, shall make proper provision for the relocation anci/or installation of any existing or future traffic control devises or other improvements affected hy stich encroachment, use and occupaucy, including the securing of approval and consent from the appropriate agencies of the State and its political subdivisions. In the event that any installation: reinstallation, relocation or repair of any existing or future traffic control device or impro��ement owned or constructed by oi• on behalf of die piib(ic or at public expense is made more costly by virtue of the existence of such encroachment and use, Grantee shall pay to City and additional amount ec�ual to such additional cost as determined by City. 6. The term of this agreement shall be for 3 D days, from �_�' b io �'�% t�-7 , Pr�vided, hou�ever, should the need for the encroachments granted hereunder at any time cease, Grantee agrees to immediately notify City of such condition; and, upon receipt of such notice by the Building Official of the City of Fort Wortli, t(iis agreentent shall ternlinate. , 7. It is expressly understood and agreed that this Consent Ab eement is for a temporary encroachment in, under, over and upon the public property as located and described in £xhibit 2 COMSF.NT AGREEIAENTIor Temporory use d qtiic propertyl.doc "B". This agreement shall not be construed as the granting of a permanent easement, encroachment or license upon City's public sti•eets, alleys, sidewa(ks, or other rights-of-�vay. 8. City, through its duly atithorized representatives, shall have the fiill and imrestricted rigl�t to enter upon all public rights-of-way for the purpose of making inspections to ciete�7nine compliance with the terms, covenants and cnnditions he_i•ein. In the event that aiiy inspectioii shoufd reveal a breach of any tei�rns, covenants or couditions herein, City shall give Grantee nolice af such breach. Shonld such breach not be corrected by Grantee �vithin twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the notice, or within such sliorter period of time as deemed necessa�y by the Building Official for the protection of public health or safety, City may terininate and cancel this agreement. 9. Upon e;cpiration or tei•mination of this agreement for any reason �vhatsoever, Grantee shall, at no e:cpense to City, c•estore the public rights-of-tivay and adjacent supporting structures to a condition �cceptable to the Director of Transpo►-tation and Public Works or his duly atrthorized representative and in �ccordance with fhen existing City speeifieations, and Grantee shall retnove alI barricades, equipment, supplies, materials or othei• property fi•om said location. Grantee fiu-ther covenants and agrees that for a period of one (1) year after the termination of this Consent Agreement, Grantee will repair all conditions or damages to the streets and side�v111cs or other i•ights-of-way that have resulted from Grantee's use or occupancy of the st��eets and sidewallcs or other rights-of-way, as determined by the Director of Transportatiou and Public Works or his designee. Grantee agrees to begin such repairs within thirty (30) days of receipt of no[ice fi-om the Director of "Transpor�tation aud Public Works or his designee. All repairs shall be performed in an expeditious and �vorkman[ike manner and sha(1 comply witll all applicable la�vs, codes, ordinances and City specifications. In the event that Grantee fails to comply with the covenauts herein contained with respect to such removal or restoration, the City sfiall have the riglit to re�l�ove or dispose of any barricades, equipment, snpplies, materials or other property and repair any conditions �vhich in the opinion of the City are necessary to 6ring the public rights-of-way to the condition prescribed herein, and City shall not be responsible for ti•espass or any other damage or liability in connection with sz�ch removal or restoration. Grantee shall reimburse City for the cost and e:cpense of such removal and/or repairs immediately following billing for sa�ne by City. 3 CONSEN7' AGREEkiENTfor Temporary use of pub'ic propeltyt.doc Notliing herein shall be construed as a �vaiver by City to enforce penal sanctions prescribed hy the Code of the City of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Texas for Grantee's continued encroachment upon the public rights-of-way following termination of this Consent Agreement. 10. It is fiii�ther understood and agreed beriveen the parties liereto that City holds tlle city streets, afleys, sidewalks and other public rights-of-way, including the p�rtions of such streets used and encroached upon as described herein, as trustee for the public; that City e�ercises such powers over the streets as have been delegated to it Uy the Constitution of the State of Texas or by the Legislattire; and the City cannot contract away its duty and its legislative power to control the streets for the usa and benefit of the public. Ii is accordingly agreed that if the governing body of c�ry, to wit, its City Council, shall at any time dm•ing the terrn hereof determine in its sole discretion to use or cause or permit to be used for any pub[ic puipose tf�e said encroached portion of the streets, then this agreemenl shall be automalically canceled and terminated. 11. Grantee agrees to comply fiilly with all applicahle federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes or regulations in connection with the consh•uction, operation and mai�rtenance of said encroachments and uses. 12. Grantee agrees to pay promptly �vhen due all fees, taxes or rentals pr-ovided for by this agreement or by any federal, state or local staiue, law or regulation. 13. Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall exercise all rigl�ts and privileges granted herewlder as an independent cont��actor, and not as an officer, agent, set~vant or employee of City; that Grantee shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive right to control the details of its operalions and activities on said described public propei-ty and all persons performing same, and shall be solely t•esponsible fof• the acis and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, eFnployees, cotrtractors, subcontractors, licensees and invitees, that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall not app(y as beriveen City and Grantee, its o�cers, agents, servants, employees, contractors and subcon�ractors, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Grantee. 4 CONSENT AGREEMENTfor Temporary use of puWic propert�l.doc � 14. GRANTEE COVE�IANTS A�D AGREES TO INDE�u�IIFY, AND DOES HEREB'Y f INDEMIF'Y, HOLD HARA�ILESS AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, j SERVANTS AND ENIPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAPi 1ST ANY AND ALL CLATMS OR ,! � SUITS FOR PROP�RTY DAiYfAGE OR LOS� AND/OR PERSONAL l�JURY, ; CNCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERS�NS, OF WHATSOEVER KIIVD OR ; CI3ARACTER, WHETI3ER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING OUT OF OR II�1 i � COIVNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDiRECTLY, TH� I��AII>1'1 E�AiVC�, ;' i OCCUPANCY, USE, EXIST�NCE OR LOCATTON OF SAID �NCROAC��M�N'T AND � US�S GI2ANTED I�EREUNDER, WHETHER OI� NOT CAUSE, I�i WHOLE OR PART, i BY ALLEGED NEGLIG�NCE Or OFF'IC�RS, AG�NTS, S�RVANTS, �I�LOYE��, � CONTRAC�ORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES OR IiPIVIT�ES OF CITY; Al\TD � GRANTEE HCR�BY ASSUNIE� ALL LIABILITY AND It�SPONSIBILITY OF CITY, � ITS OFFICERS, AGEI�ITS, SERVANTS AND ENiPLOI'EES, rOR SUCH CLAIl`✓IS OR i SUITS. GI2ANT�� SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUME ALL LIABII,ITY ANll ' ItESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL INDEMIVIFY CITY FOR ANY ANi) ALL IN,TCTRY OR � i DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OT OR L�7 CONNECTION �VITH � I ANY AND ALL ACTS OR ONIISSIONS OF GRANTEE, ITS OI�'FIC�I2�, AGENT�, � SERVANTS, EMPLOYE�S, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICESNEES, ! INVITE�S OR T12�5PASSERS. � is. Grantee lgrees to furnish City with a Certificate of Insurance, naming City as certificate holder, as proof that it has secured and paid for a policy of public liability ins�irance covering all public risks related to the proposed use and occupancy of public property as located and described in Exhibit "B". The amounts of such insurance shall be not less that the following: Property damage, per occurrence $100,000.00 Bodily injin•y, per person $250,000.00 , Bodily injnry or death, per occurrence 5500,000.00 With the understanding of and agreement by Grantee that such insurancc amounts shall be revised upward at City's option and that Grantee shall so revise such amount immediately following notice to Grantee of such requirement. Such insurance policy shall provide that it cannot be canceled or amended without at least thirty (30) days' prioc written notice to the Building Official 5 CONSENFAGREE�AENTlor 7emporary use of pubGc properryl.Mc of the City of Fort Worth. A copy of such Certificate of Insurance is attached as E�ibit "A". Grantee agrees to submit a similar Certificate of Insurance annually to City on the anniversary date of the execution of this agreement. Grantee, agrees, binds and obligates itself, it successors and assigns, to maintain and keep in force such public liability insurance at all times during the term of this agreement and until the removal of all encroachments and the cleaning and restoration of the city streets. All insurance CQV�r1ge T�4L1��C_I �'1_el'�11� C�1a�� 1n��17tjP rnyPraaP Cf all C�rarZtaP'g �nntr,aw�r,tnTS. 16. Grantee covenants and agrees that it will not assign all or any of its rights, privileges or duties under this contract without prior written approval of City, and any attempted assignment without such prior written approval shall be void. 17. This agreement shall be binding upon the pariies hereto, their successors and assigns. [E:� Should any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the terms and conditions of this agreement or out of the use and occupancy of City property as permitted hereunder, venue for said action shall be in Tarrant County, Texas. 19. In any action brought by City for the enforcement of the obligations of Grantee, City shall be entitled to recover interest and reasonable attorneys' fees. EXECUTED this � z day of ,��/ , 200�. GRANTOR: GR�ITEE: CITY OF FORT WORTH h'`� � � � �� �� � - � ��,�,��-� �_ ,�o��So,� �� . Build� g Official � �/ � Title 6 CONSENT AGREEMENTfor Temporary use of publlc property APPRO TO FOR1b1 AND T,EGALTTY: Assistant ' Attorney �� City Secretary _�__--_--- --- — �.__-. = -,, ,�-�.- ���: `�' � . ��—t�i�,��; ��.d°��,a����,�i —`� Date �,�� 1,.� ,-� , ��. , � ' CONSENT AGREEMENTtor Temporary use of Fiblic �rr -;, ;;������;lv�',l ;1����� � � ,,+ n G, i ip 'v��'�� ����� !1�1. ��. `.r.��n;;,;��; ��� �� , STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, tlte undersigned autltot�ity, a Notary Public in and For the State of Te�ras, on this day personally appeared C`-u�� % �d�`7�,b�t%�''� ,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoi�zg i`tstru�nent, afzd acktaowledged to fr:e tltat Ize/she executed the safne for tlze purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of _��� . �,�2:�. D�'—/Gi��C- , afzd in the capacity the�ein stated. �� GIVEN UNDER MYHAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this Z Z day of � �l' 20.�. ,� i � � , ,/�`��ii�' L Afft t � : �`?�� .��iCiH1- Title �` � .� � , , r,. ��.- Notary Public in and for Tlze State; o,f__TexRs__ __ _ , --;,,,����;,- _ _ _- >;��,�� '•,,,��., I;, C. NAREZ ; << : °,'� �[�-> `'= Notary Public, State of Texas ;,��:�; My Commission Expires ��.,',; �� ;;;��'� September 10, 2009 8 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TAR_RA.NT BEFOIZE ME, tlae u�adersigtaed authority, a 1Votary Public ifz and F r tlze State o,�'Texas, on this day perso�zally appeared ����- �• Jo�-+��'��-- ,known to jfze to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me tlzat he/slae executed tlae safne for tke p �rpo�ses and consideratiosz tlzerein expressed, as tlae act and deed of ►--�v`� ���_4<--- , and in tlie capacity thereifa stated. GIVEN UNDER MYHAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE tlais ��� day of �wP.�-c_.�, 20L� . � Affiant � Title � � � �`LL��,; Notary Publi i i and for Tjie State of Texas 9 ,,,���,,,, .`arru'., BETTY E, SAUBER :°=°t�� e�^= Notary Public, State of Texas ;�;�r�; My Commission Expires �'%.'„��f��,'.•'` September 22, 2009 Q !0 C _ _<a �; . � a � �� �, �y� � �, ��� �.�w. _�., ; Z't'4 � � `;.:j �.( i T`F _ � ._.�: '. ; -� �m � �-� ii � C7 �.1 •, �! '- �, !,i .%a� � .",�� i ��' e \ � � _-_ , �— c� ' ( _� _ ��'� C._- U�' "�'1 "4 1:' - y � "�!. ': �. � � I, � .,C x r O p i _, G v� �.o _,;' ),� '�'�, �� i �-.� :`. �I, , a ;� . t>il `,' 't �,�r r 0 � y` 1, j `� � 1 � G. � �y t� � i � � � �+ i� . � _ � ; ; � . `� ; .I�� ` � � { i � I �: --------------------- - ,� � �• � - _ � �z�a r � � m LAMAR 8TREET � � c�n " p � � I D ���5 X'�a �� � m i� a� � 0 � � m c � � �• ; a m � � 0 0 '�o � � '-i: i. 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I � - Y � ^� = '€ o �! � CARNEGIE BUILDING I � �Ori'OW EQRl�iiil@Ilt �i _ y f T�S st gR�s" � � FORT WORTH, TX i c o r e w N T, L 4 c. N � ^� . � ���,�::;;�;�,�,w.;,,:;;; ,..�.�...�:�:.�:::� Fs _ �� ; COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR DD' POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MM/DD/YY DATE MM/DD/Yl' A X GENERALLIABILITY GL0209090508 Zi�iO�iOO6 Zi�2O�2OOi DAMAGETORENTED $ 2 OOO OOO j{ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILIN PREMISES Ea occurence $ 1 O O O O O CLAIMS MADE � OCCUR MED EXP (An one person) 5 1 O O O O PERSONAL&ADVINJURY $ 2 OOO OOO GENERALAGGREGATE S 4 OOO OOO GEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG 5 i OOO OOO POLICY X JECT LOC A X AUTOMOBILELIABILITY BAP209090308 Zi�2O�2006 Zi�2O�200% COMBINEDSINGLELIMIT q� ��OOO�OOO (Ea accident) g ANYAUTO ALLOWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ (Perperson) SCHEDULED AUTOS HIREDAUTOS BODILYINJURY $ (Per accident) NON-OWNED AUTOS PROPERTYDAMAGE � (Per accidenl) AUTOONLY-EAACCIDENT 5 GARAGE LIABILITY ANYAUTO OTHERTHAN �+ACC 5 AUTOONLY: AGG S EACH OGCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIABILITY OCCUR � CLAI�dSMADE AGGREGATE g 5 5 DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ WCSTATU- OTH- A WORKERSCOMPENSATIONAND �� �WC209090208 �.Z�ZO�2OO6 12�20�200% X TORYLIMITS - ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY _ - - E.L EACH AGCIDENT $ 1 O O O O O O ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNEWEXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE 5 1 O O O O O O If yes, descnbe under EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ ]. � � � � 0 � SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVI510NS For all City of Fort Worth Projects. Workers Compensation Coverage: THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE ARE: INCLUDED CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION sxoePt �o naya toz Non-Paymant SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3� DAYS WRITTEN The City of Fort Worth 311 W. lOth Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. UTp yORIZED REPRESI T�f� � ,r % � � IS 'w'os � ACORD25(2001/OS) Co11:1836919 Tp1:576334 Cert:8266613 �OACORDCORPORATION1988 �ATE W1] 1S CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE page 2 of 3 12/19/2006 PRODUCER 877-945-7378 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE willis North America, Inc. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 26 Century Blvd. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P. O. Box 305191 rrashville, TN 372305191 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED Linbeck Group, L. P. INSURERA:Zurich American Inaurance Company 16535-003 P. O. Box 22500 INSURERB: Houston, TX 77227 INSURERC: MSURER D: INSURER E: The City of Fort Worth, its Officers and Employees are Additional Insureds on the general liability and automobile liability policies, but only to the extend of the indemnity of the contract and further subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy. Wavier of subrogation in favor of the certificate holder(s) on the general liability and automobile liability policies, but only to the extent of the indemnity of the contract and further subject to the terms, excluaions and conditions of the policy. Co11:1836919 Tpl:�"/b.s.sY uerz:u�000i� Page 3 of 3 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD25(2001/08) Co11:1836919 TPl:S'/63d4 CerL:tlL6b01.S