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Contract 35029
�2I�7f2007 11:29 $173928359 �AYJS� N0.1�X�182921-04 �,ARI:�Y Il�. �.AM1V��R V. '�'�E Ci'�'Y U�` k'�R'�' WOI�'�'kI� AI�� �N�1 X�tSUR.A,,�iCE �OMI'A�c:. � § § § § § � PAGE 04/14 �iTY �ECI�E�fA1�Y �ONT�AC1" �4. — XN TT�� DIS�RIC'�' �fJTJR'�' '�.ARRA,NT COUN'TX, T�+ KAS �.41�� JX.TDICX.AL DZSTR��',[' SETT�,�MEN"�' ,AGl�',EEM�N'�' ANI) �EI��,P�SE Thas Scttlem�nt A�reex�a�n+t ��id �tElease is made ar�c� �ntear�d into this dc.� daY o�', �� � , 2007, by aan.�. between Ba�ry D. Kaxxa.mcr and the City of F�irt Wortla io settl� th� claims, contro�;rearsi,es, azad disputes among 1:�aem arising aut o#� th� �acts made �h� k�asis a:� t}ais lawsu�t, �ECZ'�.ALS A. �,amtn�r has presen.ted c1��iins a.gainst the C�ty in �k�� 141 St Jud.iczal Dist�ict Cou�z-t r� of �axxant Couz�ty, Te�a�:. Cause I�'o. � 4I -18292 �-Q0, a�'xsix�g au�ti a� a claana tliat �1i� ��ty failed to pay me�iacal bi11s �axn�rrer inc��•ec� as a xcsult a�' �n on-tl�.e job ix�jury susxa�an.ed on Jax�a�.x�y 27, 1995. Even th.ough I�an:�xx��r named ��TA In�uxa�ce Cozxzpany (CN.Ia,) as a dc£�ndant, �arruner n�v�r saught xs,�u�.n�e ox service o� citation on CNA.. Conseq�cntly, CI�TA is z�.ot before ��te �ar�rt. '�'k�� parl;ies d�sire �;o ��zt.�:r into this Set�lement A.gxeament to d�seh��-g� a.�l the rexxxaining clax�rr�s that ax-� �t�ae sul�j eci o� the Iawsuit u�on t�ac paymex�.� of the u ����'�.>�,',',� Ia���l:��_'':�J � 1" J . 'N� � +�� ; i: s 1 iC ���A �% 1`/ V�� h Cl��> �kL`;�'L'1: J ��� �?':'�J'1:071i ��r?' _� 02117/2007 11:29 8173928359 PAGE 05114 set��xnent amo�ua�.ts on #�1� t�zrns an�l cozaditia��as a� s�t fQxth h�.rein an�. �.Greby avoid foxcver �,ac risks and ��n�ertaanty o� litigaiiQn. AGk�EEIV�ENT The parties �ereby ��re� as� follows: 1. Re��a�e an�i Disch.a��e �n �.onsxdcrat�on of the x�citals s�t f�rth abave a�d t1�e payment to be zx�ade un.dct• �la� tcrms o� t1�i.s Scttlem�r�t Agre�z�xen� as describcd belaw, I�a�zner h��eby compl�t��y r��cases and �'are��z discliaxgcs th�a Czty, its ag�nts, sezva��s, em�laye�s, execu�ors, axzd all p�rsons, natuf'a� ox co�ozat� i�'icl��td�n,g CNA. antl Co�tinental Lvss A.djusting Scroices, ir� �ri�zty with tilxe City firom. all past: pr�senti ox �ture claims, de���c��, ob�igatiio�a.s, actiio�s, causes o�' action, rxg��ts, da�aag;'s, costs, expe�sEs, aiad co1npens�tion o.f any nature wk�atsaever, whcther based on a. �t�rt, ��n�ract, b� O�7.Br ti1�01"y O� r�COV�Xy, �nd w�h,ether for co�np��sat�ry ar punitive da�raages, vvh�ck� K�rnnr��x naw has, Or w111G� Xn�,y i��x�aftET accrue or otk�erwise be acquired, o�a acco�xnt o�, or in any way growang o�ut o�, or that a�r� t�e subj ��t of r�is �awsuit inc]uaing, vvxtl�out 1imi1:ativn, any ar�d �11 known a�' �in�anown claitxas that Kamax�ex mi�ht asse,rt, and. ik�� cor�sec�u��n.G�� tl�erea�, that h�v� resulted or may xGs�1t froz� tk�c City's a.�l.cge:� acts az vrnissioz�s. This releasc shall Ue a fu11y bi�nding and co�ap�ete sett��x�acnt betvveen Kamnaex and the City ax�d all pa.�txe� r�pr�scnted by oz� claiming �xough Kazx�ex and tl��.e ��ty. 2. P��,n�xents �za coy.xsid�ration Q£ the re;l��sc set �orth abt�ve, the City hex�by �grees to pay to �anvner'�k�r�� Th��xsazad, Onc-TI�xndr��., �'en Dollazs ($3,l I0.U0). SFTTLFMENT' AG�FMENT A1VL).]2.�a��ASE �'�"�*� � a2/'1712007 11:29 8173928359 l. l. Rc res�ntatiox� of C��rnprehensioz� of Document PACE 08114 In ez�tcring inta thzs �ettl�°men� �l�re��ent, S�am�xaer re�xesents tha.t hc is ��xQre �han ei�k�fi�cn y�ars of ag� and h,a,> r�Ixed u�vx� the a.dvice o�' personally sclect�d couxasel �t�d tJaat tlie tcr�ns o�F the SettX�rner�t .ltigreex�nenti hav� been �om�l�tely rca�1 and e�cpla�r��d and t�.at he �"u��y unc�ezstan�s a.�ad �rolu�atarily a�xees ta xts terms. 12. Additxax�al Docuzx�e�nts A11 parti�� agxec to coop�r,�tie �'ully aaad �xecute any and all docu.ments azld to ta.ke alI addi,tional actions tk�at rn�,y Ue necessaxy or ap�xapriate ta give fu�l force a�►d effect to �ae basic t�zxxas and inte�n.t vf this �i�ttl�ineni �greernent. l�. �ntire �1.�zcement This Settleme�at .�green�ez�t cantai�as the entix� agr�em��a.t b��'w�cza Kamna�.t� �tnd t�ie �ity regarr�xzag the matt�xs s-�t fo�ikz herein. Th�re ar� z�4 �ther ur��.erstiaaa�iings ox a�reezx�cx�ts, verba� or otherwzse in �elat�a�a thereta, bctween �h� p�.rties excc�t as harein �xp�ess�y s�t forl:k�, 1�. �ff'ectiv�zacss T�axs S�ttleinex��t .Agreert�reza� shall b�corne e�"��ctivc iir�zz�edi�,te1� :fo�iowing ex�c�tion by all a� t�.� paa�ties. S��LEMENT AG'iF`.EEZV(�NT J1NY71�Z.�.(�SE PACr� 5 �2r'17I2a07 11:29 8173928359 PAGE e��1a �XECUTED ix� duplicatc o��.�iginals on the datc h�rexx�afiez indicat�d. BA.�Y D. �1MIV�ER , � ` - � �7�-r���'it-6 � a,rry . Kaax��r � '� a' - � �21.��: ,�� ` �. � - � ,�PP1�OV�D: ��.�- ' � LON�{I� MA,� �BEID�1 � At�oxza.cy at Law State �ax �10. 1516 � 50� ,l�ttorney �or B�.r�y Il. IKa�x�ner 2$12 C�ov�rm�adow Urive I'orr VVorth, Te�as 7�►123 (S 17) 292-249� ($17) 292�SS52 FA.� Datied: =�' - � . � f,/ l�� ���, � �:'������ SETTL�M�N�CA�'?REENi�NT ,(1�D REI�,�AS� 'X"�E CY'x'X OF �'ORT W(�R'�k� � ;-� _ � �;� , -� � �� � � �, � � �l ' '` � ,/ r r �/�- � � Y� ' 1 � , � A,ssistar�� Gitiy� N��nage�r/�� � ,; ,')/�, �'� i ��,t�: .r__ � - (� ��'�� � I]AVZ� L. YE'�T Citi� A.ttorne� �tatc Sar No. 2215324� T��ODt�� �. G(�R�S�I, JR. A,ss�stant Citiy .�ttorney �tatc BarNo, 4$221a00 Attaxxacys for Dc�en�l�.nt CIT"Y" 4F FORTI� WORT'H 1000 Tl�racicannorton �tr�ei �'oz-t Wor�-i, T�xas 76102-6311 ($Xi}39Z-7600 ($l7) 3�2-8359 (�A,7�) Dated: ���r.�,� s�: �� � � - -- =-" l ',r:ti�,: ;;_; :�,' �(i,�C� ��i:�ti L�'_i_.l:'-. ��;inC,C � ;�� Cj�r�����0 p ; �'fJ`v�:;�.. �:��;li�.0 X II �' ;.a �,���5 i� ����� 4 � `����C� �'�':;!������}�'J � `,;:i, �, �,�7 tr� ��2'� . � �7��� :��:���:i�iUJl'y ���a� � PAC`iE 6 a21171200? 11:29 8173928359 S'�.l�TE OF T�XAS CQUNTY (��' TAI��ANT PAGE 1�I14 S��QRE N��, tlie undersxgmed auth�rity, a Na�axy Pub��c in a�d far s�id �aunty az�d State, Qn t1�is da.y personally appe�ared Baxry D. Ka.�me�, ��own to me tQ be thc person wl�os� name �s subsc�b�d to tk�e ;for�goin� ixastrunl�z�t, and ac�n�vv��edg�d to me t�,at h� exccuted �a� same ifo�r t��e puxposes �x�d eonsideration tlaarcin e�cpr�ss�d. GIV��T UND�R M� �A�'�Tb �.ND 5�.<4L OF OFFIC� this, �h� -� d.�.� a�' ,� �' �;, �� � , ''1 ��-' � �,, Z007. ��r pG =_,._ �_.—,-_ �_- _ — �o�` �, Sylvia F�r�n Pizana �', .. . � ti�y Commission Expires ��+ 03/'?E�/2009 ��� .�-.�-,___..._ -- �., ` `°1`�,,� �l. -/ � �` _ n 1 �� 1Vota ' ublic in aa�d fpr �1�e Sta#e of '��x� s b My Cc►rnxr�assion Expires, �J� -- � �'---C��� SET'TLF�,v(FNT AGIZE�M��'� AND RETi.,�AS� �'1�GE'1 �2!i7120�r 11:29 8173928359 ST�TE� 4F TE�AS C�UNTY OF �'AItk��NT PAGE 11114 BE�'�}RE N�E, the unders�gmed authorxry, a Natary Public i� and foz' said �aux�ty and �f % ; �tate, on. this daY persa�a�Il� a�peared � l�: << ,; �%1� l� !;� ��= ,. � , kr�u�w�a to rr�� , ,i to be the persox� whos� z��ne �s s�nbsc�.bed �o the faxeg�ing xnstru�cnt, a�d acknowle�lged to �xxe that 1�e �xecuted the sar,n.e �'vr' the pi�rposes a��d considex�tion i;h�rein express�d, GIV�N LJNDE� MY' �,!-lr1I� A.�1I� S�,I�L �F C�FF�CC this, �h� -J /a _ day o� I( (,�� �,�^ �� �_ _, 2007, . - , ;- ;�O�P�Y'P+e�'•, JONI R JACOBS t*� ��;*: NOTARY PUBLIC `•N-�� "'; State of Texas 5 �9�.'•...... }?: '^�.Fo���' Comm. Exp. 05-27-2007 , ���,�)-. � � � _ . � � Nota.ry, Public �n �nd �'o�r�th� Stia1;e of Te�as „ My Camt�iiss�on �xpires: - ? :% � ' S,�TL�MLNT �IGR��M�N�ANi7 �1w�,l1SE PAC"iE 8