THE STATE OF TEXAS 5 City Secretary
COUNTY OF TARR.ANT � Contract No. ���Ct.��
WHEREAS, One Woodland Springs, LTD., a Texas Limited Partnership, by
Centaintai- Tei-ras, L.L.C., A Texas Limited Liability Company, its General Partner,
hereinafter called "Developei", desires to nlake certain inzprovements to Villages Of
�Voodland Springs, Phase VII, Offsite Sanitai•�� Sewei•, addition to the City of Fort
Worth, Texas; and
WHEREAS, the said Developer has requested the City of Fort Worth, a nlunicipal
corporation of Tan-ant, Wise, and Denton Counties, Teaas, hereinafter called "City", to
do certain work in coiulection with said improveinents.
That said Developer, acting herein by and through Mehrdad Moayedi, its duly
aut]Zorized Manager and the City, acting herein by and through Marc Ott, its dLtly
authorized Assistant City Manager, for and in consideration of the covenants and
conditions contained herein, do hereby agree as follo�vs:
I. General Requirements
A. _ The Policy for the I�lstallatioil of Comiminity Facilities ("Policy") dated
March 2001, subseqnently amended and approved by the City Cotulcil of
the City of Fort Worth, is hereby incorporated into this Cornintulity
Facilities Contract as if copy herein verbatim. Developer am-ees to
comply with all provisions of said Policy in the perfonnance of its dtrties
and obligations heretulder.
B. The requireinents of the Policy shall govern this Comnninity Facilities
Agreement, provided, however, that any conflict between the tenns of this
Community Facilities Agreement and the Policy shall be resolved in favor
of tlus Agreement.
C. Developer shall provide financial secLlrity in conformance with paragraph
6, Section II, of the Policy.
D. The Developer shall award all contracts for the constructio�i of commnnity
facilities in accordance with Section II, paragraph 7 of the Policy. ���, ,�,� �,;��r ., :
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Villa�es O� Woodland Sprinos, Phase VII, Of(site Sanilary Sewer � �`✓���� ���7�1�L5��1��
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E. The conh-acts for the constniction of the pnblic infrastruchu-e shall be
administered in coi�foi-�nance with paragraph 8, Section II, of the Policy.
F. The Developer fiuther covenants and agrees to, and by these pi�esents does
hereby, fillly indenulify, hold haniiless and defend the City, its officers,
agents and employees from all suits, actions or clauns of airy character,
whether real or asserted, brought for or on accotu�t of any injuries or
damages sustained by any persons (including death) or to any property,
r-esulting fi-om o�- in corulection with the construction, design, pecformance
or completion of any work to be perfonned by said Developer, his
contractors, subcontractors, officers, agents or eillployees, or iil
consequence of any failure to properly safeguard the worlc, or on account
of any act, intentional or otherwise, neglect or misconduct of said
DEVELOPER, his contractors, sub-contractors, officers, agents or
ernployees, fvlietlier or �iot sarclz injin�ies, decrtli of• dai�ia�es rr�•e c�aarsed,
in �vlrole ot• zn pt�rt, b>> tlre alleQetl �r�e�li,�e�rce of'tlte �Cit�� of Fort Wof�t1�,
its officers, servrr�its, or e»rplol�ees.
G. Developer shall install or adjust all of the required utilities to serve the
development or to consh-uct the improvenzents reqtiired herein.
H. In the event that City participation exceeds $25,000, Developer agrees that
no street constillction or stonn drainage will begin prior to City Cotmcil
approval of this Comnntnity Facilities Agreelnent. (Article 104.100,
Ordinance 7234).
I. Developer agrees that no lot shall be occupied under a certificate of
occupancy until the improvements required herein have been constructed
(Article 104.100, Ordinance 7234).
J. Developer hereby releases and agrees to indemnify and hold the City
hartnless for any inadequacies in the preliminary plans, specifications and
cost estiinates supplied by the Developer for this conh�act.
K. Developer agrees to provide, at its expense, all necessary rights of way
and easements across property owned by Developer required to constnlct
current and fiiture improveinents provided for in this agreement.
Villases Of Woodland Sprinbs, Pha'se VII, Offsite Sanitary Sewer
P��Rc ? ul �
L. Developer agrees to construct proposed improvements as sho�vil on the
exhibits attached hereto. The following exhibits are made a part hereof:
Water (A) ; Sewer (A-1)attached; Paving (B) Stonn Drain (B-
1) ; Street Lights and Signs (C).
M. City shall not be responsible for any costs that may be incun-ed by
Developer in the relocation of any titilities that are or inay be in conflict
with uly of the conu11tu1ity facilities to be installed hereunder.
II. Sewer Facilities �
A. Developer shall install sanitary inains as shown on Exhibit A-1, the
estimated cost of which is $369,449. The City a��ees to record the
location of each said sei-vice line in respect to the corner of the lot served,
and to retain said records in its possession. The Developer and City sizall
share in the cost of the sewer improvements as follo�vs:
Estimated Estiinated City Estimated Total
Developer Cost Cost Cost
Mains within Developnlent $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-
Approach $ 356,324 $ 13,125 $ 369,449
Easements* $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-
Services $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-
Engineering $ -0- $ -0- $ -0-
Sub-Total Sewer $ 356,324 $ 13,125 $ 369,449
*To be dedicated by the developer.
The costs stated herein may be based upon constrtiction estimates rather
than actual cost. The final cost to Developer and City shall be based upon:
1. Unit prices contained in City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 14552;
SEWER COST SHARE (Developer pays for 8" sewer pipe. The City pays for
15"/8" sewer pipe.)
15"/8" sewer pipe ($28-$25)
4,375 L.F. x $3 = $ 13,125
Villaaes Of Woodland Springs, Phase VII, Offsite Sanitary Sewer
Pagc 3 of 5
Unit Price from
Pay Item Unit Description Developer's
1 LF 6" Sanitary Sewer Pipe $ 24.00
2 LF 8" Sanitar Sewer Pipe $ 25.00
3 LF 10" Sanitar Sewer Pi e $ 26.00
4 LF 12" Sanitary Sewer Pipe $ 27.00
5 LF 15" Sanitar Sewer Pipe $ 28.00
6 LF 18" Sanitary Sewer Pipe $ 38.00
7 LF 21" Sanitar Sewer Pi e $ 45.00
8 LF 24" Sanitar Sewer Pipe $ 48.00
9 EA Standard 4' Diameter Manhole $ 1,293.00
10 EA Standard 5' Diameter Manhole $ 3,125.00
Estiinated Estiinated City Estimated Total
Developer Cost Cost Cost
Sub-Total Sewer $ 356,324 $ 13,125 $ 369,449
Total Sewer Construction $ 356,324 $ 13,125 $ 369,449
Construction Ins ection $ 7,126 $ 263 $ 7,389
Grand Total $ 363,450 $ 13,388 $ 376,838
V�ill�i�es Of \-Voodland Springs, Phase VII, Offsite Sanitary Sewer
Paee 4 of �
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the City of Fort Worth has caused this insh-�unent to be
executed in qliadruplicate in its name and on its behalf by its Assist�nt City Nlanager,
attested by its City Secretary, with the coiporate seal of the City affi�ed, and id Developer
has e�ecuted this instrument in quadr�tplicate, at Fort Worth, Texas this the �ay of
, 200�'�
Approval Recorninended:
Water Departnlent
-�% S. Frai�lc Crumb
City Secretary
Marty Hendrix
Approv� to Fo�n7:
/ � = �`.__
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Assistant ity At orney
Coi-porate Secretary
\%illages Ot bVoodland Sprinds, Phase VII, Offsite Sanitary Sewer
Page � or �
C�nt act Authox i z�� i�a`�
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City Of Fort Worth
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Assistant City Nlanager
Marc A. Ott
One Woodlaild Spi7ngs,
LTD., a Texas Limited
Parhlership, by Centamtar
Tenas, L.L.C., A TeYas
Liinited Liability Company,
its Gener�l Partner
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City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 3/6/2007 - Ordinance No. 17439-03-2007
DATE: Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Page 1 of 2
Authorize Execution of a Community Facilities Agreement with One Woodland Springs, LTD., by
Centamtar Terras, L.L.C., its General Partner, for Construction of Offsite Sanitary Sewer Services to
Serve Villages of Woodland Springs and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize the transfer of $13,388.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Sewer Capital
Projects Fund;
2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $13,388.00, from available funds; and
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Community Facilities Agreement with One Woodland Springs,
LTD., a Texas Limited Partnership, by Centamtar Terras, L.L.C., a Texas Limited Liability Company, its
General Partner, for the installation of offsite sanitary sewer services to serve Villages of Woodland Springs,
a single-family home development, located in far north Fort Worth.
One Woodland Springs, LTD., by Centamtar Terras, L.L.C., its General Partner, the developer of Villages
of Woodland Springs, has executed a proposed contract for community facilities to serve a single-family
development located in the far north part of Fort Worth, south of Timberland Boulevard and east of Old
Denton Road (see attached map).
The total cost for sewer improvements for this development is $376,838.00. There will be City participation
in sewer pipe (15"/8") oversizing to increase pipe capacity in drainage area. The Developer and City
estimated costs for sewer improvements are subject to construction inspection fees.
7 126.00
This development is zoned A-5 and located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 2.
7 389.00
http://www.cfwnet.org/council�acket/Reports/mc�rint.asp 03/07/2007
Page 2 of 2
The Finance Director certifies that upon approval and completion of the above recommendations, and the
adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budgets, as
appropriated, of the Sewer Capital Projects Fund.
TO Fund/Account/Centers
P274 427045 7021400543ZZ
P274 539140 702140054383
P274 531350 702140054385
FROM Fund/Account/Centers
$13,388.00 � PE45 538070 0709020
$13,125.00 P274 539140 702140054383
263.00 P274 531350 702140054385
Submitted for City Manager's Office b�
Originating Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
Marc Ott (8476)
S. Frank Crumb (8207)
Carrie McBeth (7585)
http://www.cfwnet.org/council�acket/Reports/mc�rint.asp 03/07/2007