HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35089AMENDMENT NO. 13
(M&C Required)
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (City) and LopezGarcia Group,
(Engineer) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 24883,
(the Contract) which was authorized by �he City Council by M&C C-
17334 on the 23th day of March, 1999 and subsequently revised by
twelve previous amendments; and
WHEREAS, the Contract involves engineering services for the
following project:
Water and Sanitary Sewer Line Relocations for Rosedale Street
(U.S. Highway 287 to Forest Park Boulevard).
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 13 to
said Contract to include an increased scope of work and revised
maximum fee;
NOW THEREFORE, City and Engineer, acting herein by and through
their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following
agreement which amends the Contract:
Article I, of the Contract is amended to include the additional
engineering services specified in M&C C-21975, adopted by the City
Council on the 20th day of February, 2007, and further amplified in
a proposal letter dated December 29, 2006 copies of which are both
attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the
additional services to be performed by Engineer total $104,565.00.
Article II, of the Contract is amended to provide for an
increase in the maximum fee to be paid to Engineer for all, work and
services performed under the ContraCt, as amended, so that the total
fee paid by the City for all work and serviCes shall exceed the
sum of $698,486.50. '� c;� �,;
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All other provisions of the Contract which are
amended herein shall remain in full force and effect.
EXECUTED on this the �"-t'• day o ,
Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.
Marty Hendri
City 5ecretary
A, glas Rademaker, P.E.
Director, Department of
BY : � � ,
Name: Douglas C. Mikeworth, P.E.
Principal �
100 E. 15 Street, Suit� 200
Fort Worth, TX 6102
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City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Councif Communication
COUNCIL ACTfON: Approved on 2/20/2007 - Ordinance No. 17408-02-2007
DATE: Tuesday, February 20, 2007
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REFERENCE NO.: **C-21975
Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 13 to Engineering Agreement with LopezGarcia Group for
Water and Sanitary Sewer Main Line Relocations for Rosedale Street (U.S. 287 to Forest Park
Boulevard) and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (City Project No. 00138)
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize the transfer of $118,765.00 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital
Project Fund in the amount of $53,925.00 and Sewer Capital project Fund in the amount of $64,840.00;
2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Water Capital Pro}ect Fund in the amount of $53,925.00 and the Sewer Capital Project Fund in the amount
of $64,840.00; and
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 13 to City Secretary Contract No. 24833 with
LopezGarcia Group in the amount of $104,565.00 to provide additional engineering services, thereby
increasing the contract amount to $698,4$6_50. Subsequent amendments, if necessary, will be processed
administratively up to a$25,000 total.
On March 23, 1999, (M&C C-17334) the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an
engineering agreement with LopezGarcia Group in the amount of $412,908 for the preparation of plans and
specifications for water and sanitary sewer line relocations for Rosedale Street (U.S. Highway 287 to Forest
Park Boulevard).
The relocations are necessary to facilitate the pavement reconstruction of Rosedale Street that is being
managed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). In order to expedite construction, the water
and sanitary sewer line relocaiion project was divided into three par#s, Contracts 1, 2 and 3. Contract No. 1
(I.H. 35W to S. Main Street) and Contract No. 2(S. Main Street to Forest Park Boulevard) are complete,
while Contract 3(I-35 to U.S. 287) will be advertised for bid at a future date.
The agreement was subsequently revised by 12 previous �mendments totaling $181,013_50 as follows:
• Amendment 1(M&C C-17867, February 22, 2000) in the amount of $40,765.00, provided
design for the replacement of several connecting severely deteriorated water and sanitary
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• Amendment 2(Administratively approved by the City Manager on August 8, 2001) in the
amount of $9,830.00, allowed for increasing the size of some project water mains in order
to provide increased capacity;
• Amendment 3(Administratively approved by the City Manager on October 19, 2001) in
the amount of $3,660.00, provided additional sewer design to accommodate new
development within the project area;
• Amendment No. 4(Administratively approved by the City Manager on October 19, 2001)
in the amount of $12,500.00, allowed for the preparation of a master traffic control plan
for the project;
• Amendment No. 5(Administratively approved by the City Manager on January 20, 2Q02)
in the amount of $14,775.00, allowed for the redesign of a project sewer main in order to
accommodate proposed conflicting 72-inch storm drain pipe at the Rosedale Street/12th
Avenue/9th Street intersection;
• Amendment No. 6(Administratively approved by the City Manager on March 13, 2002)
in the amount of $23,203.00, provide survey and design for the relocation of an existing
30-inch water main located between 9th and 12th Avenues and the incorporation into
this project, a segment of TxDOT's storm drain plans into this project;
• Amendment No. 7(Administratively approved by the City Manager on May 8, 2002) in
the amount of $10,742.00, allowed the project plans and specifications to be revised for
the relocation of a segment of sanitary sewer main M-30; and
• Amendment No. 8(Administratively approved by the City Manager on August 19, 2002) in
the amount of $12,076.0�, allowed the project plans to be separated into three independent
contracts for bidding and construction purposes;
• Amendment No. 9(Administratively approved by the City Manager on September 4, 2002)
in the amount of $5,034.75, provided design for increasing the size of a project water main
as wetl as the addition of extra gate valves in order to better isolate water systems within the
hospital district;
• Amendment No. 10 (Administratively approved by the City Manager on September 26, 2002)
in the amount of $23,415.00, provided design for increasing the sizes of three project mains
to provide increased capacity for projected development;
• Amendment No. 11 (Administratively approved by the City Manager on October 18, 2002)
in the amount of $11,057.75, provided for additional design and survey to extend some
project water mains beyond the original projects limits and the relocation of a project
sanitary sewer main; and
• Amendment No. 12 (Administratively approved by the City Manager on May 12, 2004)
in the amount of $13,955.00, allowed for the incorporation into this project, of some
connecting water mains that had been designed by another consultant and the preparation
of storm water pollution prevention in plans.
Amendment No. 13 will provide the design changes for the additional water and sanitary sewer line
relocations due to TxDOT's decision to reduce proposed 28 feet wide median to 16 feet and the elimination
of right-turn lanes and bus tum-outs. The revised paving limits extend further north and south along several
intersecting streets necessitating increases in the replacement lengths of existing water and sewer mains.
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Additional survey and design is also necessary for the replacements of these lines.
It has been determined by staff that it is necessary to separate the Contract No. 3 plans into two separate
plans in order to expedite construction of the remaining project.
LopezGarcia Group, proposes to pertorm the necessary design work for a lump sum fee of $104,565.00.
City Staff considers this fee to be fair and reasonable for the scope of services proposed.
In addition to the contract amvunt, $�4,200 (Wafer $6,150; and Sewer $8,�50) is required for project
management by the Engineering Department.
LopezGarcia Group, is in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 24 percent M/WBE
participation on this amendment. The City's goal on the project is 13 percent.
This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 5 and 8, Mapsco 77M, 78J, K, L, M, 79J, K, L and M.
The Finance Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the
attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, af
the Water and the Sewer Capital Project Funds.
TO Fund/Account/Centers
1_. &2�
P253 472045 6081700138ZZ
1 &2�
P258 472045 7081700138ZZ
P253 531350 608170013832
P253 531200 608170013832
P253 531350 608170013833
P253 531200 608170013833
P253 531350 608170013$42
P253 531200 608170013851
P253 531350 608170013860
P253 531350 6Q8170013873
P253 533010 608170013881
P25$ 531350 708170013832
P258 531200 708170013832
FROM FundlAccount/Centers
$53,925.00 �
P253 531200 608170013832
$6�,840.00 3
P253 531200 608170013833
3 000.00 3
P253 531200 608170013851
$29,033.00 �
P258 531200 70817Q�13832
$1,500.00 �
P258 531200 708170013851
$12,-0�42.00 1)PE45 538070 0709020
^ 1)PE45 538070 0609020
$500.00 �
P258 53'1200 708170013833
6 300.00
$ 7 2,442.00
$64, 840.00
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P258 531350 708170013833
P258 531200 708170013833
P258 53135Q 708170013842
P258 531200 708170013851
P258 531350 70$170013860
P258 531350 708170013873
P258 533010 7081700138$1
Submitted for City Manager's Office by:
Originatinq Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
Marc A. Ott (8476)
A. Douglas Rademaker (6157)
Liam Conlon (6824)
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L 0 P E Z
December 29, 2006
Mr. Liam Conlon
Project Manager
City of Fort Worth - Engineering Department
Engineering Services Division
900 Monroe Street, Suite 201
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
RE: Request for Supplemental Agreement
(Amendment No. 13)
Rosedale Street Improvements
Contract No. 3- I.H. 35W to U.S. Hwy. No. 287
Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacements
Water Project No. PW77-060770153580
S�w�� Fr�ject N�. FS46-0704n� i 3344G
D.O.E. No. 3141
LOPEZGARCIA GROUP Project No. 198005.00
Dear Mr. Conlon:
This letter is in response to design changes and scope modifications that have been requested
by the City of Fort Worth for the above mentioned project.
Project Summary
The Rosedale Street Improvements project was awarded to LOPEZGARCIA GROUP
(LGGROUP), previously Garcia & Associates, Inc. on March 23, 1999. Though awarded as one
design contract, the project was to consist of three (3) construction packages:
Contract No. 1— I.H. 35W to S. Main St.
Contract No. 2— S. Main St. to Forest Park Blvd.
Contract No. 3— I.H. 35W to U.S. Hwy. No. 287 & S. Riverside Dr.
(Rosedale St. to U.S. Hwy. No. 287)
Contract No. 2 was later split into three (3) smaller construction contracts in order to allow for
more competitive bidding. These three construction contracts consisted of:
Contract No. 2, UNIT I— Forest Park Blvd. to 9th Ave.
Contract No. 2, UNIT II — 9�hAve. to Alston Ave.
Contract No. 2, UNIT III — Alston F�ve. to S. Main St.
Iggroupinc.com Water Gardens Place,100 East 15th Street, Suite 200, Fort VUorth,Texas, 76102 (817) 390-1000 (817) 882-9462 Fax
' I_ ' � P � � � .4 � � I � I� � � I� �
Mr. Liam Conlon
City of Fort Worth
December 29, 2006
Page 2
With the construction of Contract No. 1 and ali three UNITS of Contract No. 2 complete,
Contract No. 3 is the only portion of the original Rosedale Street Improvements project
remaining. The 60% submittal for Contract No. 3 was submitted to the City on October 24,
2003. This project has since been put on hold by the City and review comments for the
Contract No. 3, 60% submittal were never received by LGGROUP.
Design Changes
The previous Rosedale Street roadway improvements included a 28' wide median along with
right-turn lanes and bus turn-outs. These roadway improvements are currently being
redesigned to reduce the median width to 16' and eliminate the right-turn lanes and bus turn-
outs. As a result of the proposed changes in the median width, M-22R*, which was not included
in LGGROUP'� erig6na! �co�e of ser�ices, is ne�v ir cenf!;ct �r✓ith the north curb line of the �en#er
median (See Exhibit 1 for conflict location).
Additionally, the revised paving limits extend further north and south along several of the
crossing streets increasing the replacement limits for both water and sanitary sewer facilities
(See Exhibits 2-9 for locations).
The above mentioned roadway modifications, along with the associated storm drain changes,
will require a redesign of several of the proposed water and sanitary sewer improvements
making previous engineering efforts for these line segments nearly obsolete. See Table '1 —
Additional Services for a listing of the water and sanitary sewer line segments and associated
The previously designed roadway improvements were created in Microstation V7 using the
metric system of units in accordance with TxDOT requirements. The revised paving plans are
now being converted to Microstation V8 ana English units in accordance with TxDOT's revised
requirements. Though the Rosedale Street Improvement utility plans were previously designed
using English units, all of the utility files will need to be updated to Microstation V8 in order to
reference the revised paving and storm drain files. In addition to converting all of the CADD
files associated with the utility improvements to Microstation V8, LGGROUP will be required to
convert a�l construction drawings from the previous 24"x36" format to the new 22"x34" format in
accordance with the Ciiy of Fort Worth's current requirements.
The additional fee to provide the above mentioned design changes is $ 41,880.00. See Table 2
— Cost Proposal Summary and Detail for a breakdown of the fees and man-hour projections
associated with each of the above tasks.
L ' � i' � � � ,a� � � � A � � � �1 4�'
Mr. Liam Conlon
City of Fort Worth
December 29, 2006
Page 3
Additional Survey/Field Reconnaissance
Due to the age of the survey for this project (performed in 1996-1998), it will be necessary to
verify the accuracy of the survey data by comparing the current survey data with actual field
conditions and surface features observed_ Changes are anticipated to have occurred due to
development and other infrastructure improvement projects within the area.
In addition to changes within the current project limits additional topographic survey will be
required at locations where the replacement limits have been extended beyond the current
survey data available (See Exhibits 9& 10 for locations).
The additional fee to provide the above mentioned surveying services is $ 12,600.00. See
Tah�le 2— Cost Proposal Summary and Detail for a breakdown of the fees and man-hour
projections associated �,�ith �ach of th� above tasks.
Scope Modifications
Contract No. 2, Units II and III - In addition to the design changes mentioned above for Contract
No. 3, LGGROUP also performed additional design services for Contract No. 2 with the
understanding that these services would be fairly negotiated at a later date and included within
this amendment. These additional services were documented and are included as Exhibit A.
See �fable 2— Cost Proposal Summary and Detail for a breakdown of the fezs and man-hour
projections associated with this task.
Multiple Construction Contracts — The City has requested that the remaining Contract No. 3
portion of the project be separated into two (2) separate construction units/contracts. This
separation should allow for more competitive bidding and provide more flexibility in the
construction scheduling. See Table 2— Cost Proposal Summary and Detail for a breakdown
of the fees and man-hour projections associated with this task.
Traffic Control Plans — These design services for Contract No. 3 were not included in the
original scope of services. Construction of Contract No. 1 occurred when the contractor was
required to provide these services. Contract No. 2, UNITS I, II and III were amended by
Amendment No. 4 in October of 2001 to add these services to LGGROUP's scope of services in
the amount of $12,500.00. Since many of the intersection types and traffic control details will be
similar to those required for Contract No. 2, LGGROUP proposes to provide these services for
Contract No. 3 for a reduced fee of $5,000.00.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) — These design services for Contract No. 3
�vere not included in the original scope of services. Construction of Contract No. 1 and Contract
No. 2, UNIT I occurred prior to a SWPPP being required. Contract No. 2, UNITS II and III were
amended by Amendment No. 12 in October of 2001 to add these services to LGGROUP's
scope of services in the amount of $3,000.00 and $2,500.00 respectively. Due to the larger
design limits of Contract No. 3, LGGROUP proposes to provide these services for Contract No.
3 for a fee of $5,000.00.
L ' O � E � � A � � � .� !� F� � �9 6�
Mr. Liam Conlon
City of Fort Worth
December 29, 2006
Page 4
Summary - Amendment No. 13
The additional fees to provide the above mentioned additional services are as follows:
Proposed Fee LGGROUP ANA Consultants M/WBE
Descriqtion Water Sanitarv Sewer Fee (M/WBE) %�
Design changes $ 21,170 $ 20,710 $ 31,410 $ 10,470 25.0%
Additional Survey/
Field reconnaissance $ 6,300 $ 6,300 $ 12,600 0.0%
Scope Modifications $ 20,305 $ 29,780 $ 35,055 $ 15,030 30.0%
Total Fee $ 47,775 $ 56,790 $ 79,065 $ 25,500 24.4%
* Tize original contract identified the M/WBE participation goal to be 25%.
Contract Summary
Original Contract Amount $412,908.00
Amendment Nos. 1-12 $181,013.50
Amendment No. 13 - Requested herein $104,565.00
Total Revised Amount $698,486.50
If you have any questions or need additional information concerning this request, please feel
free to call me at (817) 390-1000.
i� <�j2��1. ` + c�`-Gw�----,
Brent E. Lewis, P.E.
Project Manager