HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35416�:iT`r' � ��;F��i'A�Y
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Tarrant County
Sub recipient shall provide weatherization program services to complete a
minimum of 52 dwelling units @$2,885.00 for DOE during the allocation term
excluding health and safety expenses without prior written approval from the
EFFECTIVE: 4/O 1/2007
BY: Jerome C. Wallcer on � � �,1�----� Q
FORT WORTH, CITY, GRANT ADMIN. ecutive Director Dat���
BY: Michael Gerber
Michael Gerber, Acting Executive Director
This contract is not effective unless signed by the �xecutive Director
of the Department of their authorized designee.
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Additional funds may be abliga�ed via Amendment(s?. Funds may only be obligated
and expended during the current contract period. Unexpended fund balances will
be recap�ured.
FrscAL Aunxx
* Denotes that the subrecipient must request in writing any adjustments
needed to a budget catego�y before TDHCA wz�� make any adjustments to
the budget cateqories. The only categories that can be�reduced are
the Administration, Insurance, FisCal Audit and/ar in the Health
and Sa�ety Categories. Subrecipien�s are limited to (2) requested
budget revisions during the current contract term. On1y those mritten
reques�(s) from the sub�eeipients a� least 90 days prior to �he end of
the con£ract te�m (by December 31, 2007) will be �eviewed. TDHCA may
decline �o review written requests received during �he �inal 90 days of
Gontract term, ,
** Deno�es maxzmum for administration based on 10� of the �otal allowable
expenditures excluding travel for training. .
*** Deno�es $1,500 for liability insurance and �he remaining balance �or
pollution oacurrence insurance.
**** Deno�es �he maximum €or Health and Safety expenditures.
***** Department approved training / travel only.
Subrecipient's service area consists of �.he following Texas counties;
Tarrant Coun�y
Subrecipient shall pxovide weatherization program services sufficient to expend
the con�ract funds during the contract term. WAP casts per unit, excluding
health and satety expenses, sha11 no� exceed $2,885 without prior writ�en
approva]. from the Depar�ment.
EFE'ECTIVE: 04/01/2007
BY: Jerome C Walker
BY: Michael Gerber
Michael Gerber, Executive Director
Thi.s contract a.s not effec�ive un].ess signed by the Executive Director of the
Department or their authorized designee.
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This contract (hereina�ter "Contract") is rnade by and between the Texas
Depar�ment of Housing and Community Affairs, an agency of the State of
Texas (hereina�ter the "Department") and
"Subrecipient"). The term of this Contrac� shall be for the period
identified un�er A�tachment A- Budget and Performance Document
(hereinafter A��achmen� A).
The period for per�ormance of this contract, unless earlier
terminated, zs Apri7. 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008 (liereinafter the
"Contract Term").
Subrecipient shall, on an equztable basis throughout i�.s service area,
deveZop and impl.ement d Weatherization Assis�anCe Prqgram (WAP) in
accordance wa.th A�tachment A of this Con�ract. Subrecipient shal.7.
develop and impl.ement the WAP to assist in achievinq a prescribed 1eve1
of energy efficiency in the �wellings of�low--income persons. WAP
services will be provided to owner occupied uni.ts as weii as rental
units. Pra.ori.ty wil.Z .be given to households wa.th elderly, persons with
disabili�ies, househol.ds with young children under 6 years of age,
and/or househo].ds wi.th a high energy burden and households with high
energy consumption are also given pziority. Subrecipa.ent sha1.1.
irnplement WAP i.n accordance with the provisions of Part A of �he Energy
Gonservation in Exis�ing Buildings Act of 1976, as amended (92 U.S.C.
Sec. 6$67. et seq.); the U.S. Departmen� of Ene�gy (DOE) regu3.ations
codified in 10 C.F.R. Parts 490 and 600; any applicable Office of
Management and Budget (OMB).CirCulars; the Texas WAP State P1an; State
weatherization regul.ations; the Tit1e 10. Community Development, Part
I.. Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Chapter 6. Energy
Assistance Programs, Subchapte� A. Department of Energy Weatherization
Assis�ance Progxam (DOE-WAP) 10 TAC Sec. 6.1.- Sec, 6.21; The 2000
International Residential Code; 2000 International Energy Conservation
Code; and the terms of this Contract.
A. In consideration ot Subrecipient's satisiactory per�ormance oP this
Contract, Department sha11 reimburse Subrecipient for the actual
allowable cos�s incurred by Subrecipient in the amount specified in
Attachment A o� this Contract.
B, bepartment's obligations under �his Contract are contingent upon
�he actual receipt by Departmen� of adequate federal funds. If
sufficient funds are not available, Department shall notz�y
Subrecipien� in writing within a reasonable tim� after such fact is
determined. Depar�men� shall then terminate this Contract and wi11
no� be liable for the faizuze to make any paymen� to Subrecipient
under this Contract.
C. D�partment is not liable for any cast incurred by Subrecipient
(1) is incurred to weatherize a dwelling unit which is not an
eligible dwalling uni� as de�ined in 10 C.F.R. Sec. 990.22;
(2) is �ncurred to weatherize a dwelZing unit which is designa�ed
for acquisition.or clearance by a federal, state, or local
program within twelve months from the date weathe�ization of
the dwelling unit is scheduled to be completed;
(3) is incurred to wea�he�ize a dwelling unit previously
weatherized with WAP �unds, except as provided for in 10
C.F.R. Sec. 490.18(e)(2);
{9> is For Subrecipient's administrative costs incurred in excess
of the maximum limita�ion set torth in Section 8 of this
(5) is not in-curred during the Contract term;
i6) is not reported to Depar�ment on a WAP Progress �xpendi�ure
Report/Monthly Funding Repo�t (hereinafter "�unding Report"),
within sixty (60) days of the �ermination of the Contract
(7} is subject �o xei.mbursement by a source other than Aepar�.ment;
(8) is made in violation of any provision of this Con�ract or any
provision ot tederal. or state law or regula�ion, inclpding,
buti not limited to, those enurnerated in this Cdntract.
D. Subrecipient shall refund, within fifteen (15) days of Department's
request, any surn of money paid to SUbrecipient which Department
determines has resul�ed in an overpayrnent or has not been spent in
accordance with the terms of this Contract. Department may offset
or withhold any amount otherwise owed to Subrecipient under this
Contract aqainst any amount owed by Subrecip�ent to Department
arisinq under this or any other contract between �he parties.
A. Each month,"Subrecipient may request an advanos paymen� o� WAP
funds under Attachment A by submitting a Fun�ing Report to
Department (thrpugh the electroniC reporting system) at its oFfices
in Travis County, Texas. Subrecipient rnust maintain and follow
written procedures to minimize the time elapsing between the
, transfer o� Eunds from Department and the disbursemen� o� such
funds by Subrecipient.
B. Subrecipient.'s requests for advances shall be �zmited to�the
minimum amount needed to perform and tirned to be in accordance with
• actual, immediate cash requiremen�s o� t�e'Subrecipient in cazrying
out the purpose of this Contract. The timing and amoun� of cash
advances shall b� as close as administratively �easible not to
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axceed a 30 day projection of the actual disbursements by the
Subrecipient for direct program costs and the propor�ionate share
of any allowable indi�ect cos�s.
C. Subsection 9(A) notwithstanding, Department reserves the right to
use a cost reimbursement method of paymen� �or all �unds it (1)
Department determines that Subr�cipient has maintained excess cash
balances; (2) Departrnent identifies any deficiency in the cash
controls or financial managemen� sys�em maintained by Subrecipient;
(3) Depar�ment determines that a cost reimbu�sement m�thod would
benefit the progxam; (4) Department's funding sources require the
use o� a cost reimbursement method; or (5) Subrecipient fails �o
comply with any o£ the repor�ing requirements of Section 10.
D. All �unds paad to Subrecipient under this Cantract are paid in
trus� tor the exclusive benefit of the sliqibLe recipients of the
weatherization assistance proqram and for the payment of the
allowable expenditures identified in Section 8 of this Contraat.
Except as expressly modiEied by law or the terms of this Contrac�,
Subrecipient sha11 comply with tha cost principles.and uniform
adrninistxa�ive requirements set forth in the Uniform Gran� and Contract
Management Standards, 1 T.A.C. Sec. 5.191 et seq. (the "Uniform Grant
Management Standards"); a11 references therein to "local government"
sha11 be construed to mean Subrecipient. Uniform cost principles for
local governme�ts are set forth in QMB Circular No. 87, and for non-
profits in OMB Circular No. 122. Uniform administrative requirements
foz local governments are set forth in OMB Circular No. 102 and for
non-profits in OMB Gircular No. �10. ,
None oi the funds provided under this Contract sha11 be used for the
payment of salaries to any employee wha uses alcoholic beverages while
on active duty. No funds provided under this Contract shall be used
for the purchase of alcoholic bevexages.
A. Department may terminate this ConCract, in whole or in pax�, at any
time Department determines that �here is cause for termination.
Cause �or termination includes bu� is no� limited to Subrecipient's
failure to comply with any term o� this Con�ract, with the
Department's "Criteria and Procedures for Termination or Non�enewal
of Weatherization Subgrantee Con�rac�s" -- Policy Issuance #95-
12.8, any state weathexzzation regulation and the WAP State Plan.
Department sha11 notify Subrecipien� in writing at least thirty
(30) days before the da�e o� �ermination,
B. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to 1imi� Depar�ment's
authority to withhold payment and immediately suspend �
Subrecipient's perform'ance under this Contract if Department
identifies possibZe instances o� �raud, abuse, waste, fiscal
mismanagemen�, or o�her serious de�iciencies in Subrecipient's
performance. Suspension shall be a temporary measure pending
either corrective actian by Subrecipient or a decision by
Depaxtmen� to terminate this Cori�ract.
C. Department shall no� be liable for any costs incurred by
Subrecipient after te�mina�ion or during the suspension o� �his
Contract. The termina�ion or suspension of �his Con�ract
notwithstanding, Subrec'ipien� shall not be relieved o� any
liabili�y for damages due to Department by virtue of any prior or
future breaah of this Contract by Subrecipient. Department may
withhold any payment otherwise due to Subrecipient un�il such time
as the exact amount o� damages owed to Departmen� by Subrecxpient
is determ�ned and paid.
A. The al�owability of Subrecipient's costs incurred in the
performance of this Con�ract shall be determined in accordance with
the provisions of Section 5 and the reguzations set �or�h in 10
C.F.R. Sec.�990.18, subjec� to the limitatipns and exceptions se�
forth in this Section. •
B. To the maximum extent pract�cable, Subrecipient shall utilize tunds
pxovided under this Contract tar the purchase of weatherization
materials. Al1 weatherization materials instalTed mus� have an
approved S�ate of Texas Energy Audit SIR oE one (�) or greater
unless otherwise indicated. All measures related to the insulation
of ceilings, exterior walls and floors are included as proposed
measures in the approved State of Texas Energy Audit on all units
not previously insulated to prescribed standards and suitable to
�eceive �hese measures. weatheriza�ion measures ins�alled shail
begin with those having �he greatest SI� (on approved State oP
Texas Energy Audit) an� proceed in descendinq order to the
materials wi.th the srnallest SIF2 or unti]. the maximum allowabl:e per
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unit expenditures are achteved. Subrecipient shal� weatherize
eligible dwelling units using only wea�herization materiaLs which
meet or exceed the st�ndaxds prescribed by DOE in 10 C.F.R. Part
440, Appendix A and are installed in compliance with �he Texas
Weatheriza�ion Field Guide and Texas Mechanical Systems Field
Allowable WAP expendi�ures under Attachment A include:
(1) purchase and delivery of wea�herization materials as defined in 10
C.F.R. Sec. 440.3, but not to inc2ude sto�m doors;
{2) labor aosts for doors, primary windows & storm windows tha� will
result in approved energy savings with a savings to.investment
ratio of one or greater in accordance'with 10 C,F.R. Sec. 440.19;
(3) weatherization materials and labor for heating and cooling system
�une ups, repa�rs, modification, or replacemen�s if such will
result in improved energy efficiency as demonstra�ed by savings to
investment ra�io (SIR) o� one (1) pr better in �he approved State
of Texas Energy Audit and, whenever available, heating and cooling
systems must have an Energy Star rating;
(9) �ransportation of weatherization and �epair materials, tools,
equipment, and work crews to a storage site and to the site of
weatherization work; ,
(5) maintenance, operation, and insurance of vehicles used to
transport weathe�ization materials;
(6) maintenance of tools and equipment;
(7) purchase or lease o� tools, equipment, and vehicles (purchase ot
vehicles must be approved in advance by DOE);
(8) employment of on-site supervisory personnel;
(9) storage of weathexization ma�erials, tools, and equipment;
(10) incidental repaixs (such as repairs to roofs, wa11s, floors, and
other parts of a dwelling unit) if such repairs are necessary tor
the effective performance or preservatiori of weatherization
materials (T� incidental �epairs a�a necessary �o make the
installation of the wea�her•ization materials effective, the cost
of incidental repair mate�ials charged to WAP funds awazded under
Attachment A shall no� exceed �he cost of weatherization materials
charged to WAP funds and sha�l have a whole house SIR of one (1)
or greater on �he approved S�ate oE Texas Energy Audit.);
(11) allowable health and safety measures; and
(12) allowable base load measures. Heal�h and Safety funds not
expended may be moved to the labor, materials, and program support
category. These changes wz�l require a contract ac�ion;
the�efore, Subrecipient must provide written notification �o the
Department at least 90 days prior �o the end of the Contract term
before these funds can be moved.
C. Administrative costs incurred by Subrecipient in per�orming this
Contrac� are to be based on actnai expenditures and shall be
aliowed up �o the amount outlined in Attachmen� A. AllowabXe
administrative costs may include reasonable costs associa�ed wi�h
Subrecipient's administrative personnel, �ravel (out of service
area), ofPice space, equipment, and supplies which are necessary
for the administration of WAP. Administrative cos�s are earned
based upon the allowabZe percentage of total allowable
expendx�ures, excluding the allowance �or Depar�ment / DOE Training
Travel or spec�al equipment purchases. Subrecipient may use any or
all of the funds allowed for administrative pu�poses under this
Contract for the purcriase and delivery a� weatherization materia�s.
These chanqes will requi�e a contracti action; therefore,
Subreaipient must provide written no�ification �o the Department at
least 90 days prior to the end o� the Contract term before thess
funds can be moved.
D. The cost oP liability insurance tor the weatherzzation program for
personal injury and for property damaqe, not to exceed Fif�een
Hundred Doilars ($1,500.00) shall be an allowable WAP expendi�nre
under A�tachmen� A. Subrecipien� may.request in writing a waiver
' ot �he limit on liability insurance. xhe waiver request must
provide price quo�es from at least three (3) insurance carriers.
If subrecipien� is allowed to waive the liability insurance limit,
amounts in excess o� ths $�,500 may be charged �o the
administrative or program support category. The liability
insurance category has increased to enab�e subrecipient to purchase
pollution occurrence insurance in addition to the general liability
insurance. Generally, regular liability insurance policies do not
provide coverage �or potentzal e�fects o� many health & safety
measures, such as lead disturbances and other pollu�zon occurrence
items. Subrecipi�nt should review existing policies to ensure that
lead is covered and if no�, secure adequate coverage for all.units
to be weatherized. Subrecipients' insurance mus� cover the
pollution ocourrence insurance coverage tor their independent
contractors ar the independent contractors must obtain the
coverage. Note: The pollutian ocaurrence insurance has been based
on the number of units the subrecipient plans to weatherize with
a11 of the different funding sources, i..e., ZIHEAP and DpE.
E. Fiscal audit expenses �or the wea�herization prograrn not to exceed
Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) shall be allowed under Attachmen�
A, subject �o Section 15.
F. To the maximum ex�ent practicable, Subrecipien� shall secure the
services of (1) volunteers, (2) training participants, and (3)
public service employment workers assisted pursuant to the Job
Training Par�nership Act, to wea�herize dwelling units under the
direction of qualified supervisors.
A.� Subrecipient shall comply with the record keeping requirements set
iorth at 10 C.�.R. Sec. 490.29 and with such additional record
keeping requirements as speoified by Department.
B. For each dwelling unit weatherized with funds received from WAP
under this Contract, Subrecipient shall maintain a file containing
the fbllowing informa�ion:
(1) comple�ed Applica�ion for Weatherization Services indicating
the ages of the residents, households with children under 6,
and persons with disabilities;
(2) 12 month customer billing history for utilities / consumption
release form;
(3) eligibility documen�ation (proof of income eliqibility shall
consist of ch�cks, check stubs, awaxd letters, ernployer
s�a�ements, or other similar documents znc�uding total income
and public assistance payments); no dwelling unit sha�1 be
weatherized without documenta�ion �hat the dwelling unit is
an eligible dweiling unit as dePined in 10 C.F.R. Sec.
490.22. All proof of income mus� reflect earnings from
within 12 months ot the start date indica�ed on the SWR.
Proof of income documentation requixements are the same for
both single and multifamily housing; effeCtive January 1,
2005, al� new applications must have proof of income or
affidavit of no income for the previous 30 days;
(4) Building Weatherization Report to include certification o�
final inspection;
(S) invoices of materials purchased and/or inventory removal
(6) invoices of labor;
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{7) if a rental unit, Landlord Agreement Form (including Exhibits
A and B), Landlord Financial Participation Forrn and
Permission to Conduct Energy Audit Forrn (Department formy;
and all forms as required by wAP Policy�Issuances #04-11,30;
(8) Self-help Ce�ti�ication {Aepartment form), it applicable;
(9) Notice of Denial (Department form), iF applicable;
(10} Signed and da�ed Building Assessment form;
(11) Attic znspection (local design allowed);
(12) Wall Tnspection (local design allowed);
(13) Justi�ication for Omission of Priorities (1oca1 design
allowed), if applzcabie;
(19) Documentation o� pre & post-weatherization carbon monoxide
readings for a11 combustibie appliances used in the
conditioned space;
�(15) Blower poor Dat'a Sheet;
(16) Copy of the cover sheet, SIR page, and Sugqested Repairs_and
Measures page for the approved State o� Texas Energy Audit;
(17� A complete approved State of Texas Energy Audit on disk and a
disk back-up for alI units weatherized {unless using compu�er
based audit); and,
(18) Other forms as may be required by Policy Issuances.
WAP unit files �or this Contxact shall be.kept separate trom ZTHEAP
WAP files and each shall be identified with contract year number
fO110Wed by "DOE-WAP".
C. MateriaZs standards documentation £or weatherization materials
purchased under this Contract must be main�ained. These standards '
must meet the requi�emen�s as per Appendix A of 10 CER 490 and the
Texas Weatherization �ield Guide and Texas Mechanical Sys�ems Field
D. Subrecipient shall give the federal and state funding agencies, the
Comp�roiler General of the United States, and Depar�ment access to
and the right to reproduce al� records pertaining to this Contract.
All such records shall be maintained for at least three yeaxs after
final payment has been made and all othez pending matters are
Clpsed. Subrecipient shall include the requirements of this
Subsection in all subcontracts.
E. Al� WAP records maintained by Subrecipient, except records made
contidential by law, shall be available fpr inspection by the
public during Subrecipient's normal business hours to the extent
requi�ed by the Texas Public Zn�ormation Act, TEX, GOV'T CODE ANN.
Chapter 552.
A. Subrecipzent shall electronically submit to Department no later
than fifteen (15) days after the end of each rnonth of the Contract
term a Performance Report listing demographic information on al1
units completed in tihe previous month and an �xpenditure Repor�
listing all expenditures of funds under this Contract during the
previous month. These reports are due even it Subrecipient has no
new activi�y �o report during the month: Both repox�s shall be
submitted electronically.
B. Subrecipient shall electronically submi� �o Department no later
than six�y (6d) days a�ter the end of the Con�ract term of this
Contract a final expenditure and programmatic report. The failure
ot Subrecipient to p�ov�de a full accounting o� all funds expended
under �his Contrac� may result in ineligibility to receive
addi�ional funds or additionaZ con�xacts.
C. Subrecipient shall submit to Depaxtment no later than sixty (60)
days after the end of the ContraC� term an inven�ory of all
vehicles, tools, and equipment with a unit acquisition cost of
$5,000.00 or more and a useful liEe o� more than one year, if
puxchased in whole or in part with �unds received under this or
previous weatherization assistance progxam contracts. The
inventory shall reflect the vehicles, tools, and equipment on hand
as of the last day of the Contract term.
D. Subrecipient sha11 submit other reports, data, and in�orma�ion on
the performance of this Contract as may be required by DOE pursuant
to 10 C.F.R. Sec. 490.25, or by Departman�.
E. If Subrecipient fails to submit, in a timely and satisfactory
manner, any r�port or response required by this Contract, including
responses to monitoring reports, Department may withhold any and
ai� payments otherwise due or requested by Subreczpient hereundex.
Payments may be withheZd until such time as �he delinquent report
or response is received by Department. I� the delinquent report or
response is not received within forty-five (95� days af i�s due
date, Department may suspend or terrninate this Contract. If
Subrecip�ent receives Weatherizatzon Program funds from the
Department over two or more Cont�aats of subsequen� terms, funds
may be wi�hheld or �his Contract suspended or terminated by
Subrecipient's £ailure to submit a past due report or response
(including a repor� of audit) from a prior Contract term.
Any change in the �erms o� this Contract required by a change in s�ate
or federal law or regulation is automatically incoxpora�ed herein
effe�ctive on the da�e designated by such law or regulation and
subrecipient is on,constructive notice oF this change whether actuai
notice is pzov�ded. Except as otherwise speci�ically provided herein
any other change in the terms of th�s Con�ract shall be by amendment in
writing and signed by both parties to this Contract or by a Letter of
Notification (LON) signed by Depa�tment. .
Department may issue information action i�ems which serve to interpret
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and clarify the terms of this Contract. Such information Action Items
or Memorandums shall not alter the terms of this Contract so as to
reZieve Depar�ment of any obligation of reimbursement of an allowable
cost incurred by Subrecipient prior to the effective date of the
information Action Item. All in�orma�inn ac�ion items issued by
Department, whether before or after the date this Contract is executed,
shall govexn khe performance o� this Contrac� until speci�ically
rescinded by Departrnent. Durable program rules and o�her teatures
described in issuances will become incarporated into the Texas
Administrative Code - 10 TAC Sec. 6.1 - 6.21.
It is agreed that Department is contracting with Subrecipient as an
indepandent contractor. Subrecipient agrees to indemnify Departmen�
aqainst any disa�lowed costs or other.ciaims, which may be asser�ed by
any third party in connec�ion with the services to be performed by
Subrecipient under �his Contract.
A. Subzecipient shall develop and implement procurement procedures,
which con�orm �o the uniform administrative requirements referenced
in Section 5 of this Contract. Subrecipient shali not procure
supplies, equipment, materials, or services for this Contract
except in accordance with its procurement procedures and WAp Policy
Issuance #02-10.2. Aii p�ocu�enlent cantracts, other than "small
purchases" as de�ined in WAP 8olicy Issuance #02W10.2, sha�l be in
writing and shall contain the provisions require� by WAP Policy
Tssuance #02-10.2. Subrecipien� mus� obtain advance written
permission �xom DOE thxough Depax�ment beFore purchasing any
vehicle. Subrecipient shall include Language in any subcon�rac�
that provides �he Department the ability to directly review,
monitor, and/or audit the operationaZ and financial performance
and/or records of work performed under this Contract. �
S. Subrecipient shall ensure that its subcontractors comply with all
applicable terms of this Contract as if the perfarmance rendered by
the subcontractor was being rendered by Subrecipient. Subrecipien�
shall inspect all subcon�ractors' work and shall be responsible for
ensuring that it is completed in a good and workmanlike manner.
Subrecipient shall make no payment to subcontractor until a11 work
is complste and has passed a final inspection.
C. It is the sole respbnsibility o� Subrecipient's authorized
weatherization staff to perform every initial assessment, every
approved State o� Texas Energy Audit, and e"very final inspection.
In an emergency si�ua�ion, Subrepipient may request in writing that
the Department waive this requirernent. The Depaxtment wx�l review
each request separa�ely to determine whether a waiver will be
granted, the condi�ions for the waivex, and the maximum time
allotted for �he waiver. Under no circumstances will a waiver be
granted for longer than six months. �ai�ure to s�ric�ly adhere to
� this policy wil� xesult in disallowed cos�s.
A. Subrecipient shall arrange for the periormance of an annual
financial and compliance audit of funds received and performances
rendered under this Contract, subject to the following conditions
and limi�a�ions:
1. Subrecipients expending $500,000 or more in federal financial
assistance for any fiscal year ending on or af�er December 31,
2003, shall have an audit made in accordance with Department's
supplemental audit guide,.�he Single Audit Aot Arnendments of
1996, 31 U.S.C. 7501 et seq. and OMB Ciraular No. 133 - Revised
June 27, 2003, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-
Pro�it Organzzations." For purposes o£ this Section 15,
"federal financial assis�ance" means assistance provided by a
federal agency in �he form of grants, contracts, ioans, loan
guarantees, property, cooperative agreemen�s, interest
subsidies, insurance or direct appropriations, but does not
include direct Eederal cash assistance �o individuals. The
�e�m includes awards of federal financial assistance received
directly Prom federal agencies, or indirectly thrpuqh other
units of state and local government.
2. Subrecipient shall utilize funds budgeted under this Contract
to pay far that portion of the cost of such audit services
properly allocable �o the aotivities funded by bepartment under
this Contract, provided however that Department shall not make
paymen� for the cost of such audi� services until Department
has received a sa�isfactory audit report, as determined by
Departmen�, Erom Subrecipien�.
3. Subrecipien� shall snbmit two (2) copies of the report of such
audit to Department within thirty (34) days after the
completion of the audit, and no later than nine (9) months
after the end of the audit period. However, tor fiscal years
beginning on o� before June 30, 1996, the audit shali be
completed and submitted within the earlier o� 30 days after
receipt of the auditor's repo�t or 13 months after �he erid of
the audit period. Subreczpient shall ensure that the audit
report is made available for public inspection wi�hin thirty
(30� days after completion of the audit. Audi�s per�ormed
under this Section 15 are subjec� to review and resolution by
Department or its authorized represen�ative.
4. The audi� repox� must inc�ude veritication ot all expenditures
by budget category, in accordance with the final Funding Repart
aubmitted to close out the contract year.
B. Subsection A notwithstanding, Subrecipien�s expending less than
$500,000 in Federal financial asszstance may arrange for the
performance of an annual financial statemen� aud�ti. Such audit
should include verification as required in Sec. 15(A)(9).
C. Subsection A notwithstanding, Department reserves the right to
conduct an annua� financial and compliance audit of furids received
and performances rendered under this Contract. Subrecipient agrees
to permit Department or its authorized representative to audit
Subrecipient's records and to obtain any documen�s, ma�erials, or
information necessary to facilitate such audit.
D. Sub�ecipient understands and agrees that it sha11 be liable to
Department for any costs disallowed pursuant to financial and
compiiance audi�(s) of funds received under this Contract.
Subrecipient further understands and agrees that reimbursement �o
Department of suah disalZowed costs shall be paid by Subrecipient
from funds which were not provided,or otherwise made available to
Subzecipient under this Contract.
E. Subrecipient shall �ake such action to facilitate the performance
of such audit or audits conducted pursuant to this section as
Departmen� may require of Subrecipient.
F. Subrecipient shaii procure audit ,services through an open,
competitive process at least once every four years. The auditor
shall retain working papers and reports for a minimum of three
years after the date of issuance of the auditor's repor� to the
auditee. Audit workinq papers shall be made available upon request
to Department at the completion pf the audit, as a part of a
quality r�view, to resolve audit findings, or to carry out
oversiqht responsibilities consistent with the purposes o� this
part. Access to working papers includes the r�ght ta obtain copies .
of working papexs, as is xeasonabl@ and necessary.
A. Subrecipient acknowledqes Cha� any vehicles, tools, and equipment
with a unit acquisition cost of $5,000.00 or more and a useful 2ife
a� more �han one year, if purchased in whole or in pa�t with �unds
received under this or prevzous weatherization assistance program
Contrac�s, are not.asse�s ot either the subrecipient or the
Department but are held in �rus� for the Weatherization Assistance
Program and as such are assets o� the Weatherization Assis�ance
Program. Any equipment, tobls, or vehicles having a use�ul life of
more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000.00 or mare per
unit must receive pzior approval from the Departmen� before the
purchase is made.
B. Subreci�ient shal� develop and implement a property manaqement
system, which conforms to the unz�orm administrative requirements
refe'renced in SeCtion 5. Subrecipient shall not use, transxer, or
dispose of any property acquired in whole or in part with funds
provided under this or a previous weatherization assistance program
con�ract except in accordanoe with its own property management
�system and Department Issuances.
C. Subrecipien� shalZ establish adequate sa�eguards to prevent ioss,
damage, or �heF� ot property acquired hareunder and sha�1 pramptly
report-to Department any loss, damage, or theft o� pxoperty with an
acquisition cost of Five Thousand and no/100 Dollars (55,000.00)
ar more.
D. In add�tion to the inventory of vehicles, tools, and equipment
required under Section 10, Subzecipient shall take a physical
inventory of a11 WAP ma�erials and shall reconcile the results with
its property records at least once every year. Any differences
between quan�z�ies determined by the inventory and �hose shown in
the proper�y records shall be investigated by Subreoipient to
determine the cause of the difference. .
Subrecipient shall maintain adequate personal injury and property
darnage liability insurance or, if Subrecipient is a unit of local
government, shall maintain sufficient reserves to protect against the
hazards arising out of or in connection with the pe�formance of thzs
Contract. Subrecipient shall aiso maintain adequate pollu�zon
occurrence insurance in addition �o the general liabilzty insurance.
GeneraZly, regular liability insurance policies do not provide coverage
for potential effects of many health & safety measures, such as lead
disturbances and other pollution occurrence items. Subrecipient should
revietia existing policies.to ensure that lead is covered and iP not,
seaure adequate coverage for all units to be wea�herized. Note: The
pollution occurrence insurance has been based on the number of units
the subrecipient plans to we�therize with the foZlowing di�Perent
funding sources, i.e., LIHEAP and DOE. If subrecipient requires
additionai funding for liability insurance, they mus� first proyide the
Department with three price quotes. When approved, additionai
liability insurance casts may be paid from administrative or program
support cateqories. The Department strongly recommends the
subrecipient require their contractors to carry pollution occurrence
insurance to avoid being liabie for any mistakes the contractors may
make. Each agency.should get a legal opinion regarding the best cou�se
to take �or implementing the pollution occurrence insurance coverage.
If Subrecipient is not a unit of local government, Subrecipien� shall
provzde Department with certificates oi insurance evidencing
Subrecipient's cu�rent and effective insurance coverage. Subrecipient
agrees to noti�y �he Department immediately upon receipt of
notiiication of the termination, cancellation, expiration, or
modification of any insurance coverage or required policy sndorsemen�s.
Subrecipient agrees to suspend the performance of all work per£orrned
under this Contract until Subrecipient satisfies the coverage
requirements and obtai.ns �he poJ.a.cy endorsements, and has delivered to
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Department certificates of insurance evidencing that such cove�age and
policy endorsements are curren� and effective, and has been noti�ied by
Department �hat such performance of the work under this Contract may
recommence. Subrecipients must aiso require all contracting
independent subcontractors to have general liability insurance. �
Subrecipients' insurance must cover the pollution occurrence insurance
coverage for tiheir independent subcon�ractors or the independent
subcontractors must obtain the coverage.
Subrecipient shall give Department immediate written notice of any
C1aim or action filed with a court or admznzstrative agency against
Sub�ecipient and arising out of the per�ormance o� this Contract or any
subcontract hereunder. Subrecipisnt shall furnish to Department copies
of all pertinent papers received by Subrecipient with respect to such '
action or claim.
Departmen� or its designee may conduc� periodic desk and on-site
monitoring to evaluate the eEficiency, economy, and effectiveness of
Subrecipient's performanae o� �his Contract. Department will advise
Subrecipient in writing o� any deficiencies note� during such
monitoring. Department may provide technical assistance to
Subrecipient and may require changes in Subrecipient's accounting,
personnel, procurement, and management procedures in order to correc�
any deficiencies noted. Subrecipient may be required by Department to
return to dwelling units to correct identified problems. Department
may further review and assess the e�forts Subrecipient has made ta
correct previously.noted de£�cienoies. Departmen� may withhold funds,
place Subrecipient on a cost reirnbursement basis, deobligate funds,
suspend performance, terminate this Contracti, or invoke other remedies
in the event monitorzng reveals material de�ic�encies in Subrecipient's
performance or i� Subrecipient fails �o correct any de�iciency within a
reasonable period of time.
A. Subrecipient represents that it possesses the practical ability and
the 1ega1 authority �o enter into �his Con�rac�, xecexve and manage
the funds au�horized by this Contract, and to per�orm the services
Subrecipien� has obliga�ed i�self to perform under this Contract.
B. The person signing this Con�rac� on behal� of Subrecipient hereby
warrants that he/she has been authorized by Subrecipient to execute
�his Con�ract on behalf of Subrecipient and to bind Subrecipient �o
all �erms herein se� forth.
C. Department shall have the right to suspend or termina�e this
Contract if thera is a dispu�e as to the legal authority of either
Subrecipient or the person siqning �his Contract to enter into this
Contract or to render perforrnances hereunder. Should such
suspension or termznation occur, subrecipien� is liable to
Department for any money it has received ior performance of the .
provisions of this Contract.
A. Subrecipient shall establish, maintain, and utilize internal
control systems and proce�ures suff�cient to preven�, detect, an�
correct incidents of waste, fraud, and abuse in the WAP and to
pravide for the proper and ef�ec�ive mariagement of all program and
fiscal activities funded by this Contract. Subrecipient's internal
control systems and all transactions and other significant events
must be clearly documented and the documentation made readily
available for review by Department.
B. Subrecipient shal� give Department complete access to a11 of its
records, employees, and agents for the purpose of monitoring or
investigating the weatherization program. Subreoipient shall fully
cooperate with Department's efforts to detect, investiqate, and
prevent waste, traud, and abuse. Subrecipient shal� zmmediately
notify the Department of any identified instances of waste, fraud,
or abuse.
C. Department wiil notify �he funding saurce upon identiiication of
possible instances bf waste, �raud, and abuse or other serious
D. Subrecipien� may not discriminate against any employee or other
person who reports a violation of the terms of �his Contrac� or of
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any Law or requla��on �o Department or to any appropriate law
enforcement authori�y, if the report is made in good faith.
A. Subrecipient represents that neither it nor any member o� its
governing body presently has any interest or shall acquire any
interest in, directly or indirectly, which would conflict with the
performance of this Contraa� and that no person having such
interes� shall be em�loyed by Subrecipient or appoxnted as a membex
of Subrecipien�'s governing body.
B. Subrecipient shall establish safeguards to prohibit its employees
from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives the
appearance of bezng mo�ivated by a desire �or•private gain �or
themselves or others, particularly those wi�h whom they have
famiLy, business or other.ties.
C. Subrecipient agrees that it wi1� comply with TEX. GOV'T CODE ANN.
Chapter 573 by ensurinq that no afficer, employee, or member of the _
governing body ot Subrecipient shaLl vote �or or confirm the
employment oP any person related within the second degree by
aftinity or third degree by consanguinity to any member of the
governing body or to any officer or employee authorized to employ
or supervise such person. This prohzbx�ion shall not prohibi� the
continued employment of a person who has been continuously employed
for a period of twa yesrs prior �o the election or appointment of
the officer, employee, or governing body member related �o such
person in �he prohibited degree. �
A. None of the �unds provided under this Contract shall be used ior
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influencing the outCome of any election, o� the passage or defeat
of any legislative measuxe. Th�s prohibition shall not be
cons�rued to prevent any ofticial or employee of Subrecipient from
furnishing �o any member ot its governinq body upon request, or to
any other local or state otficial or employee or to any citizen
information in the hands of the employee or official not considered
under law to be confidential in�ormation. Any action �aken against
an employee or o�ficial tor supplying such information shall
subjec� the person initiating �he actzon to immedia�e disrnissal
from employment.
B. No funds provided under this Contract may be used directiy or
indirectly to hixe employees or in any other way fund or support
ca�ndidates for the legislative, executive, or judicial branches o�
government o� Subrecipien�, the S�a�e of Texas, or the government
of the United States. �
G. If any funds other than �ederally appropriat'ed funds have been paid
or wzll be paid to any per5on for�influencing or attempting to
inFluence.an ot�icer or employse of any agency, a member of
Cong�ess, an otficer or employee of Congress, or an employee o� a ,
Membe� of Congress in connection with this Contract, Subrecipient
shall complete and submi� a Certification Regarding Lobby�ng Porm
in accordance with its ins�xuctions. No s�ate funds may be qiven
to pexsons who are required to register under TX GOV'T CODE ANN.
305. • •
D. None of the funds provided under this Contract shall be paid to any
oPficial or employee whp violates any of the provisions o� this
No person sha11 on the ground of race, color, religion, sex, nationa�
origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief be exCluded
from part•icipatzon in, be denied the benefits of, be subjected to
discrimina�ion under, or be denied employment in the administration of
or in connection with any program or activity funded in whole or in
part with �unds made available under this Contract.
Subrecipien� shall comply with the requirements of all applicable laws
and regula�ions, includzng �hose specified in 10 C.F.R. Part 600,
Appendix A. .
A. Training and �echnical assistance tunds shall be used only for
Department and/or DOE training events.
B. Allowable travel costs under this Contract shall be de�errnined in
accordance with OMB Circulars A�122 or A-87, as applicab�e, any
Department Tssuance on travel, and with Subrecipient's written
�ravel policy. Subrecipient's written travel policy snazl
delineate the rates which Subrecipient sha11 use in computzng the
travel and p�r diem expenses of its board members and emp�oyees.
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P�ior to incurring any costs for travel, subrecipient must provide
Depar�ment with a copy of its �ravel �olicy and evidence that such
policy has been approved by Subrecipient's governing body. I�
Subrecipient has no established written travel policy, the travel
regulations applicable to Department employees shall apply.
C. Department may, �rom�time to �ime, provide tunds in �his category
that are £or the sole purpose o� purchasinq designated
weather�zation equipmen�.
�unds provided to Sub�ecipient under �his Contract may not be
subs�ituted for funds o� resources from any other source nor in any way
serve to �educe the funds or resources, which would have been available
�o or provided through Subrecipient, had this Contract never been
(1) Subrecipien� must no� make any award (subgrant or contract) to any
party which is debarred or suspended or is otherwise excluded from
or inel�g�ble for participation zn Federal assistance programs
under �xecutive Order 12599, "Debarment and•Suspension 45 C.F.R
Part 76". Subrecipient shall include in any subcontrac�s tha�
failure to adequately per€orm under this Contract may result in
penal�zes up to and including Department from performznq
additional work for the Department.
(2) Subrecipient sha1Z certify Chat neither•it nor its principals is
presen�ly debarred, suspended, proposed fo� debarment, declared
ineligible, or voluntarily exc�uded from participa�ion in this
transaction by any Federai departmen� or agency.
(3) If Subrecipient is unable to provide the certifica�ion required by
this Section, such prospective participant shall attach an
explanation to this Contract.
No right or remedy given �o Department by this Con�zac� shall preclude
the existence of any other rigrit or remedy, nor shall any action taken
in the exercise o� any righ� or remedy be deemed a waivex of any other
right or remedy. The failure of Department to exercise any righ� or
remedy on any occasion shall not consti�ute a waiver of Departmen�'s
righ� to exercise that or any other right o� remedy a� a Zater tame.
All prior oral or written agreements be�ween the parties hereto
xelating to the subject ma�tex of this Contract have been reduced to
wri�ing and are contained herein.
T� any por�ion of this Contract is held to be invalid by a court of
competent jurisdiction, �he remainde� of it shall remain valid and
BY: Jerome C walker
BY: Michael Gerber
Michael Gerber, Executive Director
This Contract is not effective unless signed by the E�ecutive Director
of the Department or their authorized desiqnee.
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 4/3/2007 - Ordinance No. 17470-04-2007
DATE: Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Pa�e l o�(� �'
REFERENCE NO.: **C-22031
Approve Acceptance of Weatherization Assistance Program Grant Funds and Authorize
Related Contracts with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Authorize a� �
Interfund Loan and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Accept Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Grant funds in an amount not to
exceed $850,000.00, and authorize the City Manager to execute two contracts with the Texas Department
of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), for the Program Year April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008
as follows:
Department of Energy (DOE)
Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
2. Authorize the City Manager to amend, extend or renew the contracts in accordance with the City of Fort
Worth policies and regulations upon mutual agreement with TDHCA;
3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Grants Funds by $850,000.00, subject to receipt of the grant; and
4. Authorize a non-interest bearing interfund loan from the General Fund to the Grants Fund in the amount
of $255,000.00 for interim financing of this grant project pending contract execution.
The City has operated the WAP funded by TDHCA on a grant basis since 1982. The program serves low-
income residents in Tarrant County, primarily the elderly and persons with disabilities, by weatherizing their
homes. Weatherization measures include attic insulation, weather-stripping, caulking, window and door
repairs and/or replacement and other minor repairs. A maximum of $2,826.00 in weatherization funds c���
be expended on each house for Program Year 2007-2008.
Administrative costs are restricted to 10.526 percent of the DOE grant and 5.26 percent of the LIHEAP
grant based on the total allowable expenditures for the WAP. Housing Department staff will target 225
homes in Fort Worth and Tarrant County, 140 units under the LIHEAP grant and 85 units under the DOE
grant. Contractors will not be paid until work is inspected by Housing Department inspectors.
The total 2006-2007 grant was $760,221.00 and City Staff estimates that it will expend up to $850,000.00
for this program in 2007-2008.
Interim financing is requested in order to provide for a smooth transition from one grant funding program to
http://www. cfwnet. arg/council�acket/Reports/mc�rint.asp 6/ll /2007
Page 2 of 2
the next.
The program is available in ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS.
The Finance Director certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, and adoption of the
attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of
the Grants Fund. Upon execution of the grant contract, interim funding will be returned to the General Fund.
TO Fund/Account/Centers
GR76 488954 005200177000
(2)GR76 5
(VARIOUS) 005200177010
� $500,000.00
GR76 488954 005200178000
(2)GR76 5 $500,000.00
(VARIOUS) 005200178010
� $105, 000.00
GR76 220001 000200177000
� $150,000.00
GR76 220001 000200178000
Submitted for City Manager's Office by:
Originating Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
FROM Fund/Account/Centers
(3)GG01 136076 0000000 $255,000.00
Dale Fisseler (6140)
Jerome Walker (7537)
Carl Wagner (7374)
http://www.cfwnet. org/council�acicet/Reports/mc�rint.asp 6/11 /2007