HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35458C/lT'�Y ���`'�;Ei,q�yC�Y' ��"•.1��`� � e ,i"i,''1C� �� �!q D _ t CONSENT AGREE11rIF��IT FOR TEMPOIZr1IZY USE OF PUBLFC PROPERTY STATE OF TEXAS COTJNTY OF TARRANT THIS AGREF_,MF,NT is made �cnd entcred into by and behveen the City of Fort Worih, a rr�unicipat co�poration of Tairant County, Texas, acting herein by and through its du[y authorized Building Official, hereinaf4er referred to as the "C^ty" and VNE�"7-'i-- (�"0'Nl Acting by and tl�rough its du(y authorized agent, , Hereinafter re%rred to as "Grantee". Wl`l'NE��ETH: For anci in consideration of the payment 6y Grantee of charges set out be(ow and the trne and fair.hfiil performance of the mutua! covenants herein contained, City liereby gratits to Grantee permission to temporarily encroach upo�i, «ses and occupy portion of the space under, o�t and/or above the s�treets, alleys, sidewulks or other public rights-of-way as t'ollows: __ " S-v �,/ti,�..✓ "l'he location and dcscription of said encroachment is more p3t�ticularly descrihed in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a pa��t hereof for all purposes. 2. All use and occupancy of public strect, flllcys, sidcwalks or other public rights-ot=way under this agreement shall be in strict comp(iance with the Charter, Ordinances and Codes of the City and iu accordance �vith the directions af the Building Offtciai and the Director of Transportation aud Pt�blic Works of Cii.y. 1 �'. CONSENT ACR EEtAENTior Temporary us= of pubfc propertyl. Coc i S.`� J �'� I: l ".:J J i, - � 1 "�'I Il �J �U'���_• �il lc �i,''''� ;j'11�; � i4� �-;�;'j:�i I'.��'IIU Cf'fI�`1'� . Vir �, � � `:/ a l� '�t' � . ✓i: , — —�w._.�d-�. J 3. IJpon ex��iration of this a�•eement and the privileges gc�anted hereunder, there shall be v� enc�•oact�inent by Gr•antee in, tinder, on or above the surface of the public rights-of-tivay invol�c�ed. 4. Grantee agrees to pay in advance an encroachment fee for the temporaty privilege of encroaching upon a poriion of the pubtic rights-of-wap as described in Exhibit "B". Said fee is calculated in the manner and amounts prescrihed by the Building Code of the City of Fort Worth Por temporary use or occupancy of piiblic property. 'Phe estimated total amount ot said Cee is: s,o cwa-�..k ( o i sY�� (� r�� 4+.o� ,�� s. Grantee, at no expense to City, shall make proper provision for the relocation and/or installation of any existing or futw�e Traffic control devises or other impr•ovements affected by sucl� encroachment, use and occupancy, including the securing of approval and consent from the appi-opriate agencies of the State and its political subdivisions. In ihe event that any itistallation, reinstallation, relocation ar repair of any existing or future traffic control device or improvement owned or constnicted by or on behalf of the public or at public expense is made more costly by vi►-tue of the existence of sttch encroachment and use, Crantee sha11 pay to City and addifional amount equal to such additi�nal cost as determined by City. 6. The tenn of this agreement shall ba for �� days, from _ 6�� to 6 Z,�j , Provided, however, should the need for the encroachtrents granted hereimder at any time cease, Grantee agrees to immediately notify City of such condition; and, upon receipt of such notice by the Building Of�cial of the City af Fort Worfl►, tllis agreement sl�all terminate. �. It is expressly �nderstooc! and agreed tt�at tl�is Cansent Agi�eement is for a temporary enceoachment in, uncier, over and npon the public pcoperty as located anci described in Exhibit 2 CONSFNT AGR cEAAFNfror 7ernporary use of puh'ic properiyl.doc i j 1'1 lvi S } � i `V����� ���t ��'t i'�� :�i'��:c:���UU� G'.., � _�_..:�._._.� _r.. � . _ __ ,. �.� "B". This agr•eement shall not be constcued as the grantirig of a permanent easemenf, encroachment or license apon City's pu6lic streets, a(leys, sidewalks, or othei• riglrts-of-way. �. City, thi�ough its duly authorized representatiaes, sl�all have the fiill and unresh-icted rigl�t �o enter upon alt public rights-of-way for the purpose of ma(cing inspections to determine compliance with the tern�s, covenants and c�nditions hereiti. In the event that aus� inspection shottfd reveal a breach of any terms, covenants or conditions herein, City shall give Grantee noCice of such breach. Should such breach not be corrected by Grantee within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the notice, or within such shorter period of time �s deemed necessary by the Building Official for the protection of public healtli or safety, City may terminate and cancel this agreeme�it. 9. Upon expiration or termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever, Grantee sha11, at no e:cpense to City, restore tha public rigl�fs-of-�vay and ac�jacent supporting struct�u-es Lo a condition acceptable to the I�irector of Transpor�ltion �nd Public Woi�ks or his cit►ly authorized representative and in accord�►ice with then existing City specifications, and Grantee shall remove all barricades, equiprnent, supp(ies, materials or other property fi•om said location. Grantee fici�thex• covenants and agrees that foi• a period of one (1) year after the tecmination of this Consent Agreement, Gt•antee �vill repair all conditions or damnges to the sh•eets ancl sidewalks or other rights-nf-way that have resulted from Grantee�s use or occupancy of the streets and sidewallcs ar other ri�lrts-of-way, 1s determined by the Dieector of Transportation and Public Works or his dcsignee. Grantee agrees to begin such repairs �vithin thirty (30) days of receipt of noiice from the llirector of Trznspoi�tation and Pitblic Woj�ks or his designee. All repairs shnll be per�ormed in an expeditious and worlcmanlike manner and shall comply with all applicable laws, codes, ardii�ances and City specifications. In the cvent tliat Grantee fails to comply r��ith the covenants fierein contained with respect to sach rer�ioval or restoraefon, the City s1ia11 have the right io remove or dispose of arty barricades, equiprnent, supplies, materials or other pro�erty and repair any conditions wtlicli in the opinion of the City are necessary to bring the pu6lic rights-of-�vay io t[�e condifion prescribec( herein, and City shall not be responsible for teespass or any othei- damage or liability in connection with stich removal oy restoration. Gratrtee shall reimburse City for tlle cost and e:cpense of such removal ancf/or i-epairs iitlenediate(y following billing For same by City�. 3 C�NSEM' AGREEP.fENTfor Temporar� us= of pu6!ic properiyt.doc '�./���1��'JIL ��.�..��.�.+�1��� �: ! � �i"'7�'�i ;'I���,'y'��Sl�t!�L'��� � ' V u �' c . . .. rr� `�.�:��1� ?��� � J�O� „� II�� 1,.�...3 ��.__ ---._,.___ ..�_ Notl�ing herein shall be construed as a waivec by City to enforce penal sancYions prescribed by the Code of the City of Fort Worth and the laws nf the State of Texas for Grantee's continued encroachmeirt upon the public ri;hts-of-way following eermination of this Consent flgreement. 10. It is fiirther under�stood and ageed bet�veen the parties hereto that City holds tlie cit}� streets, alleys, sidewalks and other pubiic rights-of-way, including the portions of such streets used and e�icroached upon as describe� herein, as trustee for the public; that City eYercises such powers over the streets as have been delegated to it by the Constitution of the State of Texas or by the Legislati►re; and the City cannot contract away its di�Ty and its legislative power to control thc streets for the use and benefit of the publia lt is accordingly a�•eed that if tlte goveiming body of City, to wit, its City Council, sl�all at any time dm•ing the terrn I�ereof determine in irs sole discretion to use or cause or permit to 6e used for any public purpose tiie said encroactied portion ofthe streets, then this agreement shall be automatica(ly canceled and terminated. 11. Urantee agrees to comply fiiIly with all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes or regi�lations iu connection with the construction, operation 1nd mai�rtenance of said encroachments and uses. 12, Grantee agrees to pay promptly tvhen due all fees, taYes or rentals provided for by this agreement or by any federal, state or locat stahie, law or cegulation. 13. Crai�tee covenants and a��ees that it shall eYercise all rigl�ts and privi(eges �•anted hereunder as an independent contractor, and not as an oFficer, agent, servant or employee of City; that G��antee shall l�ave exchisive control of and the exch�sive right to control the detai(s of its ope�•ations and activities on said describecl public property and all persons perForming same, and shall be soiely responsible for the acts and omissions oi its officers, agents, servants, etnployees, contractnrs, subconii•actors, licensees a�id invitees; that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between City and Grantce, its o�cers, agents, servants, employees; contractors and subcontractors, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a pas-inership or joint enterprise 6etween City and Grantee. ` i 4 � � CONSENF AGREEPAENTfw Temporary use of pucfic propert��.doc � € 14. GRA�1T�� C�i7�i�1E1N3'S A��1D �,�IaEES TO Il�E�1�i iFY, AND D�ES HEREB'Y INDEI��'Y, HOLD AARIVILES� A"TD D�;F�NI3 CITY, I'� 5 �� FICERS, AG�NT�, SER��ANTS �TD ��IPLOYE�,�, I*`ROIVt AtYD AGAi�i 1ST �I�tSt �1IVD ALL CLAildIS t)l� �UiTS FOR PROPERTY DAiI�IAGE OR LOS� AND/OR PERSONAL Il9T.7UR�', CIVCLUDING I)EATH, TO AI�tY AND ALL P�RSONS, OF �YHAT�OEVER I�IND �R CgIARACT`�R, VVHE'i`HER REAL OR A�SE121'�,D, AIZI�llVG OUT OF OR �T �OI�IiVECTION WITH, DIRECTI.Y OR I�DIItECTLI', TH� I�IAIi�IT��T��E, OCCiJPANCY, TJSE, EXISTE7ITCE �R LOCATION oF SAID E1�TCROACI3IVIENT E1Nl) US�S CI{A1�1TED I�1dEI7�i;R, W�IETH�R OIg �O�" CAUS�, IPd WHOL� OR P�,RT, BY ALLEGED iV�GLIGENCE OF OFFIC�RS, AG�1`1TS, S�RVAATTS, ��LO���, C�NTRACTORS, STJBCO�ITRACTORS, i,I�EPTSEES OIa Ii�iVITEES OF CITY; A YD GRANTEE H�R�BY A�SiJi�iES ALL LIAI�II,IT�l Ai�l] RE�PONS�IILITY O� CITY, IT� OFFICEi3�, AGENTS, SERVANT� AivD GNll'LOYE�S, I+OR SUCH CLAIMS OR SUIT�. GItAN'T�� SHALI. LII{EWI�E A��iJIdiE ALL 1.,iA�3ILiTY A.I°Ill ItGSPOI+iSIBILI'1`Y AlAID SH�LL INIDE�IlVIFY CITY FOR ANi' AN73 AL�L IlYJ€TR�' OR �AMAG� TO �ITY PROPERTY, ARISING ODT O�' OR iid CnNiVECTION WITH APdY E1.I�TD ALL A�;Tu OIt ONIISSIQNS OF GRAI>1`i'L+'E, I'�S OFFIC�I2S, .�GENTS, SERVANTS, �NfPI,04'�ES, COiVTRAi:TORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LIC�SNE��, I1�IVITE�S OR TR��PASSERS. 15. Grantee 1aC28S to fiirnish City with a Certificate of Insurance, naming City as certificate holder, as pi-oof that it l�as secured and paici Po►- a policy of pub(ic liabilily insurance covering alI public risks related io the proposed use and occupancy of public property as located and described in E�ibit "B". The a�nounts of such insarance shall be not tess that the follo�ving: Property damage, per occtu-rence $100,000.00 Bodily injury, perperson $250,000.00 Bodily injnry or death, per occarrence �SOQ,000.00 With the uuderstanding ofand agreement by Grantee thaC such insurancc arnounts shall be revised «pward at City's option and that Grantee shall so revise stich amount immediately following notice to Grantee of such requiremeiit. Suoi� insurance policy shall provide tilat it cat�ttot be canceled or amended without at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the BuitdiFig Official 5 COMSENT AGREELIENTfor 7emporary use oF puhiic properh�l_A�c + , . � � 1I I I., ,i i� -�. .� i �JY i JL.�JJ1L �01�1� . _. .. tti,�CI��1/ ilr�I�;���/�--� . �`J l Y Y CI:� l'.J Yi.'.: li�," _.. � ��� I' ^�•Iy illi:,� �.�i�.f �11' ::) �,`' ' !] v ::�1:��/��1 4��U � � of tlie City of Fort Woriti. A copy of such Cei•ti�cate of Insurance is attaclied as Exhibit "A"_ Grantce agrees to submit a similar Certificate of Insuj•ance annually to City an the anniversary date of the eYecirtion of this agreement. Grantee, agrees, binds and obligates itself, it successors and assigns, to maintain and keep in force such public liability insurance at all times during the term of this agreement and until ehe removal of all encroachinents and the cleaning and restoration of the city streets. All insc�rance coverage z�eqEtired herein shall include cove�•age of alf Gt•antee's contractors. 16. G�•antee covenants and agrees tl�at it will not assign all or any of its riahts, privileges or duties t�nder this contract without prioc written approval of City, and any attempted assignment without siich prior ��ritten approval shall he vnid. 17. This ag��eement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successof•s and assi��s. 1 S. Should �ny action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the terms and conditions of this agreement oi• out of tl�e use and occupaucy of City property as permitted hereunder, venue fot- said action shall be in Tacrant County, Texas. 19. In any action brought by City for tlle enForcement of the obligations oCGrantee, City st►al1 be entitled to recovei• interest and reasonable a#�orneys' fees. EX�CUTED this _I�day of Z_ GRANTOR: CITY OF FORT WORTH Butiding Official _ G� _ _ >�-e�a.' � GRANTEE: S o`T .✓ JT�. _ /_�__JRc�Si�o� Title CONSENT AGREEMENTforTemocrry use of puHic proparlyl.doc AP�Ij,OV�p T(l FORi AND LEGALTTY: r V `,,�1,�t � h�1'`'4� (;Q/I�I'��5� Assistant City Atiome r ,, . ��; ��,�� �� City S retary ...�...-.-A�i ��vc� ��L� �i�������_�� - _�_ __- Date � ��� �. r -� � i Date� �T� CONSENT AGREEME�I"Tfor Temparary use of FLblic propertyl.coc ,. .._.. --..,.-.___._ _.`..,_.__ _ . i� i f G'��i��,I�� i'"' !�, .���;�ii=`.,%:,, :� �:- u'� J v Ji=: l.�:� V'��� l�?� i. 'i�'1( ' �l; ,�'� i !''l. ���;7 �� c�� ,.� �. i'4j. s::.;rv`'��;5??�j jI7�� "�7 3 U �G�4s ,.;'7'A7'E (�F 7'�%AS' �'�U1�TTY �1�' 7'A.�tic'f1.1l�7' B�'FO�ZE ME, tlie uyadersigste�l �rraiho�ity, �s Notnfy Public in r�nrl F i e St�at Te. s, ora iltis rl�ay pefsotar�lly appearerl ) ,knofv� to nTe to be t�ie persvn ev{zase nrarne is sr�bscriberl to tlae foregoirag insiYr�ment, and racknnwle�l;e�l to nze thc�t he/she executed tlte st��ne fbj� t�rrrlvnses �tnd �ottsidet•�rtiofl therein expyessed, rrs f12e �rct �rarl rleed of , aritl in tl�e crcp�cciey tfierein sttited. G1'VEN ZTNDER MY NAlY� A� S`EAL ()F DI�'FICE thi.s �.�_��luy of 20 � � ���� Affic�nt �U i r�CG <<K r C./'1'S� C �¢� Title r NataNy Publrc rn anrl, for ?'he State of 7'er�rs 8 =l; ����;, ; - - — --� ;�o.aa<<�p;�; R. G. NAREZ , Notary Public, State of Texas ; ��iti,�� My Cammission Fxpires ��.;��7�E..' 5eptember 10, 2009 �,,,������ ,..�"TATE ��" TE��A»S" C'��Ili�7'I' ��` �`A�IlAIV7' BEFORE1�fE, flte un�lef�signe�i ar�thoYity, �r Notrrry Pctblic in and Fof• t1ze.Strtte nf �'extrs, on tlars day pe�:sofcrrlly apperererl SGati-9' �r�vRrr3�'r ,Ir�zown to me to be the pejsosi w6zose izt�jne is srtGscribe�d to tlte foregning instrutne�it, «nrl �cicnowlerlgerd to rne trzat lre/she exectitetl t/ie sartae for tl2e pra�^pases rtnd cnnsfrCet�ntinn tlie��ein expressed, us i�te n_ct and �leerl af �o�t' ID�++��" �trn�s�. , C111CI C)L t{te Cll�ltC1�1 lltei�ein .st�rte�l �IVF_ r UIV'D�R t�ill'�IAND �lIVD SEAL OI' OFFICE �'his �� rlay of ' Z0� A, ffirc�i !/ /a �/D !�'w/' Tille `�>�8,, JANELLE MCELYEA ;,� �: _ Notary Public, State of Texas N'�;� c My Commission Expires ; �F'�E;.`� August 21, 2010 -�������� �Y ry Pr�blre in ri��l for ?' ae Sf�tte of Texas 9 ____ -__ -: ;_ , �, ,-, � , - � �;��J ;�Jt�:i ;�,��_, ; . �;��„I= ;a�-��ic1�., �;,L��;,, ; �:� : U 'uJ u � ��.; :`!. �u� ��,;, j��; '� � ��•-j :,.1 r��7� Sr, � f �I 'v.'��� �..( II ' �j�\',1 q p�� �: �:/ ��i�. L IJ I. e b e� st � � � _-_..��.-.. ��� 9 � �� No � � ����� Mr�-� N �n.�-s r � 4�. �' � � , < <�,� ; �_ � ,�T - . � Q .� � ���>>��� � _ - � �i + li , , � � i rii A1VJ���- � i � .nrr �<� �• _� { r y^3? '; �'.. . il: i�`'} .t tc { � ���� � � �� ��,.� ��" a ;iPj - - � _�, ::1 r.dn;e-�+• Contractors Name: ��`R � �=(i. t1 �-`�� Point of Contact: � ' Phone Numbzr: � � t Z � l - �% � (�_ Buildiug Pernut Number: � i -- ) d Purpose for Closure: • � " , Begin Date: ��;i .i.�• ;`� `i End Date: 1� ------ -.-- _ _ _ Type of Taper according to posted speed limit: Tap�s @ 30 MPA 10$ Offse# 30ft minimum 'Tapers @ 35 MPH l Oft Offset 35ft min;mtw� Tapers @ 40 MPH 10$ Offset 401� mini rm�m %'�� 7 �- � 4 7 / / �'i��-�-�" i � �� �� � � c��e.�.'�''� I� ���1X � �iCOr'�D„a CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 05;o2,a;°'Y""Y' PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION 817-347-7069 ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Hi inbotham & Assoc., inc. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 99 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. P O Box 908 Fol't Wofth, TX 76101 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURED iNsuReRa.: Republic Lloyds �92�8 Scott Dennett Construction, LC �r,suReR e: Republic Underwriters Ins Co 24538 2313 Cullen St. INSURER C: Fort wortn, TX 76107 INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IN R DD' POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MM/DD/YY DATE MMIDD LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY TXP564640801 04/30/07 04/30/08 EACH OCCURRENCE 5� QQQ QQQ X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED $� OO OOO CLAIMS MADE � OCCUR MED EXP (Any one person) 5rj �00 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY S� OOO OOO GENER4LAGGREGATE SZ OOO OOO GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG S? OOO OOO POLICY jE�a LOC B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY TCA564640901 04/30/07 04/30/08 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT ANYAUTO (Eaaccident) 51,000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X SCHEDULEDAUTOS (Perperson) S X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY S X NON-0WNE� AUTOS (Per accidenl) PROPERTY DAMAGE S (Per accidenQ GARAGELIABILITY AUTOONLY-EAACCIDENT 5 ANY AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC 5 AUTO ONLY: AGG 5 B EXCESSNMBRELLA LIABILfTY UM6564641001 04/30/O7 04�30��8 EACH OCCURRENCE 5J� ��� 0�0 X OCCUR � CLAIMS MA�E AGGREGATE 5S OOO OOO S DEDUCTBLE � RETENTION $ � WC STATU- OTH- WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNEWEXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT 5 OFFICERlMEMBER EXCLUDED9 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 5 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES / EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION c�ty of Ft wortn 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, TX 76102 ACORD 25 (2o01/os) 1 of 2 #S200344/M200342 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL �p._ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ffS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE O ACORD CORPORATION 1988 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affrmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-5 (2p01/OB) 2 pf 2 #S200344/M200342