HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35311��'' � ,� �=�7"a `r ��C�E�'��Y����l ,i, 1\.1 r4hit � a�i�. -r.-,—.�.�-__—_� — _�i � i', �1(..��� CC��FS��TT AG12��iu�ENI' - � FO� TEIvII'ORARy US� OF FUBL�C PRO�'ERTY STA'�`E C�F TEXAS COUTITY O�' TA�RANT THIS AGREFIVIENI' is made and en#ered i�rto by agd bet��een the City of Fo�fi V�orth, a rt�unicipal corporariou of TaRant Cotu�ty, Texas, acting herein iiy and tiirough its �uly authoi�zed ' Building O�Ficial, hereina#�er re�'efred to as t�e "Czty" a€�t� ( TN6�CIG G(� � L. F�, Acting bY and through zrs duly aut�lorized agei�t, f�`1 tC �-1 A� l_ ....� D H NSD N T�erein�.fter referred to as "Gralrtee". wrr�v�ss��: For and in consideration oftl�e paymegt by Gran%e of charges set out be(ow and the true and F4_�' ;-� nA ,� ^ �.,. , ' iu.=u= �, T'.C','�„Z.;,C� vi �i�c iiiiiiud.� C0V8Ilr111i5 I'leTeFTI corttatne CY liereb � �Y y grants to Gra�ltee permission to temporarily encroac� upon, tzses alid oecupy poi�ion of th.e space t7nder, on ancl/or above tIle s�treets, all�ys; sidewa�ks or otl�er public rights-of-u��y as fo�lotists: I, (oNE� Tµ=p� �- TRA�c L►�,n��. Bt��,�l I�Ar�A� �p TAyco� A,s W�u.. AS SEcrror� aF c�-D� l/� L SrDE�,J�t� _ q►�D Pi��YS�1G L�N� Ot�l Tf'.yt-C�R �T 5� O� SZ'�'� �SY."'E �rr��r�-�� The location and deserzpfion af said encroac�vnent �s rimore particuIaFlp described in Exhii,it "R" attac�ed hereto, incorporated herein �nc� Fnade a part b�reof for atl p�t�-poses. . 2. A11 use a�d occupancy of p�blic street; alleys, sidewaII�s or otltcr p�iblic ri�its-of-way under �}zis a�reement shall be En strict co�np�iance with fhe Charte��, Ordi37ar�ces a�d �oc�es of tlle City a�d �n accordance with the directions of the $uilding Q�eial and �he birector of Transpor'tation aud Fi�biic �o�-ks of City, ` - �, =- t : i �� , s ,Sr�!'I 't iti' �r.,)�%,1' � `-:i J '� 8 `�, j r.,: � o`•; u `'c; ���' ,!`, �� �^ It 2" •�� � �' r�i�,� S /,l �71',? COUSEt�IT AC-RE€d�lE�lTior i empQrary vsa ofpu6Gc ra e doe �� ��� ���� L� [�"1�� ���L �' ;� � P P �� , a .- , . ti. ;,^' ( i' 1 f � i i rl S�i :'G'J,���� J_.;'�:� �i 6 � 3. �Jp�n expiration of this agreement and the �riviieges aranted hereunder, there s.hall be no encroachment by Grai-�tee in, under, on or above t�e suciace oi the public rights-of-tivay invol�c�ed_ 4. Grantee agrees to pay in advance an er�croach�nent fee for the temporary privilege of encraaching upon a portian of the �ptiblic rights-of-�,vay as described in Exhibi� "B"_ Said fee is cafculated in the manner and amounts prescribed by the Building Code of tlie Ciiy of Fort Worth lor temporary use or occupancy of pubizc properry, The estimated lotal amount oCsaid fee is= ��T �Z�AL = 18t� 5� x. 03 X ZZ� ��' I � I Sb �Q,�Sa1G Lt� R��tr'�al. = Z83.Ss� x. 03 u ZLS = 8 1g �`'� 5�.,.�►���-. Qr��� = Z5Z s� �c . Ols x ZZS ��� 851 — -� To-rc,� =�Iy.91� �5� �. Grantee, at i�o expense to City, s(1a11 make proper provision foi- the relocation and/or installation o�' any exi�ting or future traffic control devises or other improveme»ts afrected hy such encroachment, use and occupaucy, including the securulg of approual and consent from the appt�opriate agencies of the State and its political stibdivis�ons. In the evenf that ai�y itisfallation, reinstal�ation, relocation or repair of any e�sting or futt�re traf�c contral device or impro�reinent owned or coi�sfructed by or on behalf of the pub[ic or at public expense is made more costIy by virtue of the esistence of such encroachment and iise, Grantee shatl pay t� City and additional ainoi2nt equa( to such addi�ional cost as determined by Ciiy. b. The term of this agreement shaIl be for ZZ's days, from S/r°�, l �7 to �Z�� �o%� Provid.ed, hou�ever, shouid the need for the encroachrnents granted hereunder �t any t�rne cease, Grantee agrees to immediately notify City of such conditzon; and, upon receipt af such notice by the �uilc�ing Ofrcial of the City of Fort �i%ortli, tllis agreer��ent sI�all termivate. �� Tt is expressly u{iders�ood and agreed that tllis Consent A�-eement is for a temporary encroacl�ment in, under, over and upon the public property as located and descr'tbed in Exhibit 2 C�DlSFt�IrAGREE1+1F1�tTrorTemporary useof p�olic pmpeityt.dec � "B". This agreemeni sha11 not be construed as the granting of a permanent easement, encroacllment or Iicense upon City's p1��lic streets, atleys, sidewalks, or othe�- rights-of-�,vay. S. City, �l�rough its duly authorized representative�, shall h�ve the ft�ll and unresfricted right �o enter upon ��1 p�blic rights-of-�vay for the purpose of making inspections to determine compl.iance with the ternls, covenants and co�ditions herei.n. In �he even# that any inspeciian should reveal a breach of any teims, cot�enants or conditions herein, City shall gi��e Grantee aotice of such breac[�. Sl�ottld such breach not be corrected by Grantee ��ithin twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the notice, or within such sfiot-�er period of �ime as deemed necessary by the Burlding O�cial for the protection of public health or safety, City may terininate and cancel this agreernenf. 9, �Upon expiraiion or tei•mination of tliis agreement for any reason tiVhatsoever, Grautee shall, at ii0 2<'i}�ci1Sc iv �iiy', CZSiOiZ iiiZ YiiuiiC ii�liiS-vi yJ3y �7.ilu a(�r�aCciti Si3�ri0iii21� SifLiCiuTcS i0 a condition acceptable to the Director of Transportation and Public WorEcs or his dtily authorized representative and in accordance �.vith fhen exis�ing City specifications, and Graniee shall remove aI[ barricades, ec�uipment, supp(ies, maferials or o�hei• prope-rty fi-om said location. Grantee fttrtIler covenants and ab -ees thaf for a period of one (I) year after the termination of this Consent Agreeineni, Grantee will repair all conditions or damages to the streets and side�va]ks or other rights-of-way �hat have resulted from Grantee's use or occupancy of the stt�ets and sidewaiks or other rights-of-way, as determiued by the Direc�or of Transportatiou and Pubiic Works or his designee. Grantee agrees to begi❑ such repairs within thirty (30) days of receipE of notice frocn the Director of Transpo�-tation and Pub{ic Works or l�is desiguee. Atl repairs shall be performed in an espediiious and �vorkmanlike manner and shalI comply with all applicable larvs, codes, ordinances �€�� City specifications. [n the event that Grantee fails to compl}� �ith the covenaufs herein contained with respect to such rernoval ar restoratton, flie City shall have the r.igilt to remove ar ciispose of any barricades, equipment, supplies, rtlaterials or other property and repair any conditions which in the opinion of I t�e City are necessary to bring the public rights-of-�vay to the condition prescribed herein, and � City shall not be responsib[e for trespass or any other damage or liability ir� connection wieh stiich ; removal or restoration. Grantee shall reimburse City for the cost and expense of such removal and/or repairs irnmediately following billing for sa�ne by City. -__ --- _ _ � , � � ,' �� ��:T(�',i�.iL'1 ��;, 3 r� �/� � �' I CONSENTAGREEIAENTtorTempararyvseafpublicpropestyi�doo � �� � �S �i!��'� � : i - _, . . .; S �� .... .. . . . � . � .,�5� '�.'i ; � �\ LI I, � .I+. , - �.�1 J� . ��: ,� ; � Nothing herein shall be construed as a�vaiver by City to enforce penal sanctions prescribed by t�ie Code oi the City oi Fort �jorth and the la�vs of the State of Texas for C�rantee's continued encroachinent upon the pt�bIic rights-of-way folIowing terminatiom of this Consent Ab eement. lfl. It is fiu-ther undei-stood aild agreed between the parties hereto thai City holds �1ze cit}� streets, alleys, sidewall:s and ot.her pubIic rights-of-way, including the portions af such streets used and encroached upon as described herein,�as trustee for the public; that City e;cercises sucf� powers over ��ie streets as have been delegated to it by the Constitution of the State of Texas or by the Legislaiure; and tiie City cannot contract away its duty and its legislative power to cont�•ol the streets for tlze use and benefit of the public, It is accordingly a�eed fIlat if the bovet�aing body of City, to Evit, ifs City Council, shall at any time dui•ing ihe term hereof determine fn tts sole discretion to tise or cause or permti to be used for any public purpose tize said efleroached portion of the streets, then this agreement shall be automatica{ly cancelecl and terrttinated. tiy 11. Grantee agrees to co7nply fiil3y �vith aIl appiicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes or regttlations ii� connection with the consfrucfion, operation and maintenance of said encroachments and uses. 12. Grantee agrees to pay pramptly �vhen due all fees, taxes nr rentals p►-ovided for hy this agreeinerrt oE� by �ny fecferal, staie or (ocal stai�ie, law or regaiation. 13. Grat�tee covenants and ab ees that it shall exercise all rights and privileges b anted hareunder as an i��dependent contractor, and not as an o�cer, agent, se�vant or employee of City; tfiat Grantee shall have exc(usive control of and the exclusive right to control the cfetails of its opera(:ions and activities on said described public pro�erty and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions oi ifs ofFicers, agents, servants, e�ployees, contractors, subcontractors, licei3sees and invitees; tbat the doctrine of respondeat snperior shall nof apply as between City and Grantee, its o�cers, agents, servants, employees, contractors and subcon�rac�ors, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise bettiveen Ci�y and Grantee. 4 CQNSENT AGREEb7ENTfcr Temporary usa of public prooertlt.doc i � ` , ., ,_ � G r ^:, :����� 1�, �����,��:��; �' � ! � (;� :,r �� i5s'', ; �., '� � 6 v S e t., i 5� ;r'Y i�j U; "f; �.�.J �� ..;ri'1:Ldi'y j1._, ��. �RANTEE COVENAR'TS AIi�D AGIZEES TO II�IDE[��1i �'Y, Ai1ID DOES HEI2EBY �i �EN�'Y, HO�,D HARi�ESS Ai�ID DEFEND CITY, ITS {)F�'ICERS, AGEIVTS, � SERVANTS IiNI3 E�'L�YE�S, FROIVI AND AGAL�TST ANY ril+£D ALL CLAIiY�S Ol� 1 �UITS FOR PROPERTY DAlY1AG� �R LOSS AND/OR P�RSflNAL IlVTURY, CiVCLUDIl�IG I��ATH, TO ANI' AND ALL PERSON�, OF WHATSOEVER KIlYl� OR i C�IARACT'�R, `VHETI�ER REAL OR ASSERT�D, AR�S�IG OUT OF OR IlY � �ON�TECTION W�TH, DIItECTI.Y OR ]NDIRECTLY, THE NIAii�'IcEN�TCE, = OCCUPANCY, U��, EYIST�NCjE OR LOCATTOlV OF SAID ENCROAC�NT AND ( USES GRANTEi) HEREUNDER, WHET�-IER OR NO'� CAU��, IN WHOI,E OR PAl2'I', BY ALI,EGED NEGLIGEI�TCE OI' OFT'IC�RS, AG�NTS, S�RVANTS, EV�LOYEE9, ; CONTRAC7'ORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LIC�I�SEES OR PIVITEES OF CTTY; AND GRA.NTE� H�R�BY ASS�T�Y�S ALL LIABiLITY AND It�SPONSIBILITY O�' CITY, ITS OFFIG`ER5, AGEIVTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEE�, I+OR SUCH CLAIlVIS OR E SUITS. GItA2VTEE SHAL�, LIKEWLSE ASSUME ALL LIABiL.�TY ANll LZt;S�'VI`tS1li1L'1lY P.1'Vl� Jti?,LL 11V1JL1Y1I�11i{�Y LI1 Y FC3tC AiVY t�1V1� ALL LLVJUIIY GtC i i DAMAG� TO CITY PR�PERT`Y, ARISII�G OUT OI+ OR L�T C�NNECTTON WITH AiVY A'�ID AI,U ACTS OR �NIISS30I+TS OF GRANT�E, IiS Or+'�'yC]CRS, AG�NTS, S�RVANTS, E11�TPLf3YE�5, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICESNEES, ; INVITLES OR �'12�SPASSERS. ! f5. Grantee agrees to furnisli Clty with a Certificzte of Insurance, naming City as certificate holder, as proof t�at it has secured and paid for a policy �f public tiability ins�irance covering aIl public risks related to ihe proposed use and occupancy oi pubtic properry as located and described in Exhibit "B". The amounts of st�ch insurance sliall be not Iess that �he following: Property damage, per occun-ence $1 QO,OOO.t�O i Bodity tnjury, per person $250,000_00 � Boc�ily inj�try or death, per occurrence �500,000_00 . W ith tfie understanding of and agreement by Grantee that such insurancc amounts shall be revised ; up�vard at City's option and that Grantee sY�al1 so revise sttch amount immediately foIlowing notice to Grantee of such requirement. Sucl� insurance policy sha1I provide tUat it cai�not be � canceled �r amznded witflout at least thirty (30) days' prior writ-�en notice to t�e BuiIding Ofr�cial � ' � _� � r ; •� 5 ! J J"vl� ;' i CONSEi�'TAGREEFdENTforTempararyuseofpuhficpropert�l.dncE ��ti(',' c�,' I I� �., � r'_, � r . . -�:i2 i�f � I� :i of tile Ciry oi Fort Worth. A copy of such Certificate of Insurance is attached as EYhibit "A". Grantee a�-ees to submit a similar Certificate of Insurance ai�nualiy to City on the anniversary date of t1Ze eYecution of this ab eement. Grantee, agrees, binds and obligates itselr it successors and assigns, to maintain and keep in foFce such public iiability insurance at all fimes during the term of this agreement and uiiti? the reu�ovai of afI encioachments and the c3eaning and restoration af the city streets. AII insurance coverage reqtiiired herein shal I inclutl.e coverage of all Grantee's contractors. 16. Grantee covenants and agrees that it �vili not assign ail or any of its rights, privileges or duties under this contract without prior written approval of City, and any attempted assignment without such prior written approval shall be void. � � 17. TIlis agreement sha(I be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 18. Should 1ny action, whether real or asserted, at ]ativ or in ec�uiEy, arise out of the terms and conditions of this agreement or out of the use a�td occupaucy of C[fy property as permitted hereur�der, venue for said action shali be in Tarrant County, Texas. 19. In any action brougl�t by City for t�ie enforcement of fhe obligations of Grantee, City shall be entitled to recover interest dnd reasonable atfomeys' fees. /� �1Dor1 EXECUTED this �. day of / 1� , 298� GRANTOR_ GRANTEE: ( � CITY OF FO�ZT �VORTH -- � //cfis��' � � V�fi`rY.�Y Bui lding Official � � � !/• l• Title 6 CONSENT AGREEMENTfor Temperary use o( public Oroper(ytdoc A ROV�D TO FOR��`f�ND T.EGALTTY: � � � ��'i��'�U��� Assistant Ci'ry Attorney �� . City Secretary I�t� �t�c� �t�;(�I1Ikt�� i.e � � �� .� D ate �� � � � Daie € __,. �I� ,— ,� -�, ..�� _�I �� � :�'r�� �v��.�� �?�'ul)�1'u�� (�„ N 1 iFi �,n5�� n. CONSENTAGREEMEKTforTgrporaryuseo£G�bl�proq@�i'Y�.�'oc���lJ�41�/�II/tl�;`� � IFi1: � � �� °:�U n� � °�?i:,,1 'I R j �L� �'' �J�1• fC� Y�G o � f . . .�--_� ""'"--�e.r_ ,. : -. . STATE OF TEXAS CO UNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE NIE, tlte ai�ic�erszg�ie�l aa�tfao�•ity, a Notary Public i�i �i�id F/�r lie S,J�n e of Texas, o�i this day persorially appearetl L�,�� ����v�J ,k�iowri to nie to be tlie perso�z tivhose �1m�re is saibscribetl to tlte for�egoiizg i�zstruilie�zt, a�ad ack�lowledged to tne tltcrt Ire/slze execirterl the sa�rte for ta pitrposes aizd co�zsideratio�i tltef�ei�z eYpressed, as the �ct �cud deed of `_ ' �� ' �zn�l in tlze capacit�� therei�z stated. GIVEN UNDER MYHAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE tlzis _�—`� ��Y o� 20�'. � �� Affiartt , , �%I ( � n �c� Title � � � �� Nota�y Ptrblic i�i c�nd for � Tlte State of Texas 8 �_�-�__�����-�_ ,,,�„�,,,, ,olParrue��., t�. G. NAREZ '�:' ": Notary Public, State of Texas ' � ' ° My Commission Er,pires '''�i�F�F�E��```` September 10, 2009 /� Illll���` , , , � J1 � i I�'., i�.�L��. ..� �.+� �" ,i,!7+11'�� l��'�i"c� ii I� i� .'�1�i � I!;._�, �al �i Vi�� .�-- � ��� -�:����a�f�l �Ct\q` � �i� �o ...����t•:G�ill� �IuG',1� } .S'?��1T1�'' �.��' :r�.��i��f�f�``i �t:�U�7'�G�Ii "1',9RIc'.�fIVT 13Ela�ifl'd'[l;�Is. iire u,�r.l.�fSlj��T/�lf fil�i�f���fzt�, c, �Intrr���j ��1/t'1IlC It! n141f .�'O/° «lC' �i'�(�tf'. `)i �1G':CC1S� r7Fi! 1fi75' f�fLV j'7G'Y�`(lFlf�flj7 (L�1�7��(lY(.'.!� � '� �', . : �T,_ � ---- s%i11e51i�l1 !O 3YfC� �fJ I1C l��lL? �:�L�F';�OPI -UIl.'73'C� n�a�ne r,s' suli,scr�rCier! i�� t]'ae,�bt��n�ot.rt,; itzstratt'r�<�rit, tcr�rl rrc/tr��n�i�l�ri�e�l to rtze :'fl (lt jlE'�SjLP F.'.t'C�Ci{IE:I �{tE! Sfiil-'.C�� (}Y i'fae ��r�,�vnst�s rcyirf cnn,sirte�•�tientc tlr.e����ifz � ., •�X�JYNSSL'[�, US �`.KI'tf :�Li�l (f�''i(f �fC('l� .��� . v �,��,;. �,ut::-:`,� — —.zr :ZiF.lI Kt7. f{L{i C(LliilC'I�Jl CIIE'YG'LP! ,1P!/.IC4j- ���1.r��i:�,�v:�t;r� n��v��Fin�►� f�rv��,s�:��: t�� f�t��t���rrh��� 1e,�'���«y �? f _� ' � - 1(1.� . � � � .____...._..._.._ !I%�tcsti . , ------ _�_�`� /' - "1'ille t � `���nrruS� � DONNA fREEMAN �� _ `' : Notary Public, State of Texas � _ ,;,�� - My Commission Expires I t; ����'�'� February Q6, 2010 � � ,y_ . -�, ,\iofr���y �'r�i�lrc z�� rey►tl. fnr 7'�ie.�taie of 7'e;:ns n M � N N � �I o; +' I m olJ N � � n vi I U � w O p 'S v a I � W i � j � � I_ i t � O N � y� CD /�L � � J � ( � rt � rn � O � � u1 ln N II � II �n J � tv II F- �� X � �- lf1 0 N N ,� N X X � � �n O m x N N O �� �n O � N � � II �� � � � J � Y rn � � 3 � m ci a in N N � � -,::� j�j 1^��,��_ ,f -���J�:.�IG�!!` 1is�r~�;/.�;�t c% � - i�:+'p'I'21� ;\;;��';�i���is1�I�U� �;; Y I! \°�4��]SuL � Jy��' ^ �•ii i` ���lUl II'I�^�� _ l.`,'1.��3 ��G�:� � ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILiTY INSURANCE page � of 3 12/19/2006 PRODUCER g77-945-7378 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AINEND, EXTEND OR willie r�orth z.merica, znc. ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 26 Century Blvd. P. O. Box 305191 NAIC# Nashville, TN 372305191 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED Linbeck Group, L. P. P. 0. Box 22500 Houeton, TX 77227 INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURERD: INSURER E: Zurich American 16535- COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR DD' POLICYEPFECTIVE POLICYEXPIRATION LIMITS LTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MMIDD/YY DATE MMIDD/YY A X GENERALLIABILITY GL0209090508 ZZ�ZO�iOO6 ZZ�ZO�200% �CHOCCURRENCE $ i OOO OOO DAMAGE TO RENTED j[ COMMERCIAL GENERP,L LIABILITY PREIdISES Ea occurenca 8 S O O O O O CLAIMS MADE � OCCUR MED EXP (M one person) $ 1 O O O O PERSONAL&ADVINJURY S 2 OOO OOO GENER4L AGGREGATE S 4 O O O O O O PRODUCTS • COMP/OP AGG 5 4 O O O O O O GEN'L AGGREGATE �IMITAPPLIES PER: POLICY X JECT LOC A X AUTOMOBILELIABILITY BAP209090308 ZZ�ZO�ZOO6 ZZ�ZO�2OOi COMBINEDSINGLELIMIT $ ].�OOO�OOO (Ea accident) }{ ANYAUTO ALLOWNEDAUTOS BODILYINJURY � (Per person) SCHEDULED AUTOS HIREDAUTOS BODILYINJURY $ (Per accident) NON-OWNED AUTOS PROPERTYDAMAGE � (Per accident) AUTOONLY-EAACCIDENT S GARAGE LIABILffY ANYAUTO OTHERTHAN �+ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG 5 EACHOCCURRENCE S EXCESS LIABILITY OCCUR � CLAIMSMADE AGGREGATE � $ $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ WC STATU- OTH- A WORKERSCOMPENSATIONAND �WC209090208 �.Z�iO�iOO6 Zi�2O�i00% X TORYLIMITS ER EMPLOYERS' UABILITY E.L EACH ACCIDENT 5 1 O � O O O O ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. DISEASE- EA EMPLOYEE S 1 O O O O O O OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED7 � If yes, desaibe under E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPECIAL PROVISIONS below OTHER • DESCRIPTION OFOPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED 8Y ENDORSEMENTISPECIALPROVISIONS For all City of Fort �4orth Projects. Workers Compensation Coverage: THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE ARE: INCLUDED n\Il�CI I ATI(ll.l .,_.___. • �..e fn. Nnn-Pavment ___ CERTIFICATE HOLDER The City of Fort Worth 311 W. lOth Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 ACORD 25 (20D1108) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION �ATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILI. ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3� DAYS WRITTEN NDTICE TO THE CERTIFIGATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. UT ORIZEDREP{�ESE A ! � � I"'� � � Co11:1836919 Tp1:576334 Cert:8266613 OACORDCORPORATION1988 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED �3Y tNuuKstmtn iiar��iN�rrtvrw��+�.� The City of Fort Worth, its Officers and Employees are Additional Insureds on the general liability and automobile liability policies, but only to the extend of the indemnity of the contract and further subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy. Wavier of subrogation in favor of the certificate holder(s) on the general liability and automobile liability policies, but only to the extent of the indemnity of the contract and further subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions of the policy. C011:1CSb7t7 1Yt:.�iv.�oz �=i�..,�........_.. Page 3 of 3 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in fieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD25(2001/08) Co11:1836y1y '1'pt:�/e.s.ss �erL:aa000i�