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UNZT 2: BRAI3L�Y STR.��T Fx'om Texas and S'acitic itailroad tn Hampshire Bou�.evard, kno�can and designatec� as Unit 2, Project Nn. 104�-24000�219, to be improved with sixminch thi.cic hot-mix asphaltic concre�e Pavernent on a si��inch �hick 1i_me ��abilized subgrade, seven-inch high concrete curb and eighteen-inch wide concrete gut�er, so t�hat the finished road�aaay will be thir �y feet ��zde and by construci:ing siX-inch thick concrete drivec,�ays �ahere speci�ied. The above, together with combined concrete curbs and gutter on proper grade and line where same are not already so constructed, together with storm drains and other necessary incidentals and appurtenances ; all of said improve- . ments are to be so constructed as and where shown on the plans and in strict accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefor: and contract has been made and entered into with L. Gr1_mes. and Compan�, Inc. for the making and construction of such improvements on the above said portion of streets, avenues and public places. WHEREAS, estimates of the cost of the improvements of each-such portion of streets, avenues and public places were pi epaz ed and fileci and appi•oved and adopted by the City Council of the City, and a time and place was fixed for a hearing and the proper notice of the time, place and purpose, of said hearing was given and said hearing was had and held at the time and place fixed therefor, to-wit, on the �ih day of_1�o�mb�r_ , 19 71 � �' : 30 ��i�i. _, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and at such hearing the following protests and objections were made, to-wit: ted that tliat ted that that protested that -protested that -----_--- _ _-------protested that protested that - —__protested that protested that anci saicl hearing• was continued to the present time in oi•der to more fully accomplisll tlie puri�oses thei•eof, and all ciesiring to ue hearci were g•iven full and fair opportunity to be heard, and the Cit,y Couneil of the Cit,y having. f��llv consic�ereci �ill proper matter, is of the opinion th�t the sai-d hearing should be elosed and assessments should be macle ancl levied as herein ordei•ed : NOW TII�P��FORE: I3E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNC�IL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, 7'F,�iAS, '1'HAT: I. � Saic� heai•inn� l�e, an�i the s�ime i5 l�ei�eb��, closed ancl the s�iicl pi•otest �iud objections, and any and all otl7er pi•otests anc� ol>jection�, whethei• herein enume�•ated or or� not, be and the same �i•e hei•ebv, overruled. II. '1'he Cit�� ('ouncil, 1'rom the eviclence, �tiilcis thz�t the assess►i�ents herein levied slloulc� be made and levied ��g�linst the reti��ective parcels of �n�opert,y al�utting upon t�he said portions of streets, avenues and public places ancl against tl�e owneis of such propertti, and that sucl� assessnlents and ch�lroes are right and proper and are subst�lnti�lll� in ��i�<���oi•tion to the I�enefits to the resl�ective parcels of propei�t�� 1��� means of tlle improvements in the unit for whi�•I� such �Lssessments ai�e levied, and estaulish stil_�stai�ti�tl justice and equ�tlitv a�nd uniformit,y I�etween the respeetive owne�•s of the respective properties, <lnc� between all parties concerned, consiciering the ��enefits receive�i anci hurc�ens imposed, �ind furtlier finc�s that in each case the abutting• propertv assessed is speciall�� 1�ei�efitect in enh�lncecl value to the saic� propert�r u�� me�ins of the saici improvements in tlle unit upon which the ���trticul<n� propert�� al�uts zincl for ��hic�h assessment is levied anci charge n�ac�e, in a sum in exeess of the saicl �issessn�ent anci ehai•ge nlade ag�iinst the same 1��� this oi•clinance, �inci furthei• finds tl�at tlie apportion- n�ent of the c��st of the improvements is in accordanee with the la�v in force in this Citv, ancl the ��roeeedings of the Cit}� lieretofore h�ici ���ith �•eferenc�e to saicl improvements, ancl is in all respeets vZli�i ancl i•eg•u12r. Tl�ei•e sl�all l�e, xncl is hei�el���, le��iec� �lnc� assessecl ag<iinst the pai•c•els of pi•oZ�ert�� l�ei•ein below mentioned, �ind against the �•eal <in�i true owners thei•eof (�vhethei• such ow�ne�•s he correctl�� named lierein oi• not) the sums of �Z�one�� itemizecl l>elo�� opl�osite the clesci•i�tion of tlie i•es��ecti��e parcels of 1>i•opertv and the several amounts �issesseci <i�•ainst the s�i�ne, �inc� the ow�nei•s the►•eof, as f�ii� as sucl� ownei�s �u�e l:nown, ueing as follows: � Whei•e moi•e than one person, fir•m or cot�poration owns an interest in any property above desci'ibed, each saici persoii, firm or corpoi�ation shall be personall,y liable only for it�, her or his pro rata of the total assessment against sucli propei•ty in proportion as its, his or her� respective interest bears to the total ownership of such Z�roperty, a,nd its, his or respective intet•est in such pt-opert,y ma,y be released fronl the assessment lien upon pay- ment of sucll proportionate sum. � The several sums above mentioned and assessed against the said parcels of property, and the owners thereof, and interest thereon at the t�ate of six l�er cent (6�� ) per annum, togethet• with reasonable attorney's fees and costs of collection, if incur�•ed, ar�e hei�eb,y declared to be and ai�� made a lien upon the i•espective parcels of pt�operty ��gainst which the same are assessed, and a pet�sonal liability and chai•ge against the real and true owners of sucll property, whether such owners be correctl,y nanied herein or not, and the said liens shall be and constitute tlle first enforceable lien and claim against the propert,y on whicli such assessments are levied, and shall be a first and paramount lien thereon, superior to all otliet� liens ancl claims, except State, Count,y, School District anci Citv ad valorem taxes. The sums so assessed against the abutting pz•opert,y and the owners thei•eof shall be and become due and pa,yable as follows, to-wit: in five (5) equal installments, due respectively on or before'chirty (30) days, one (1), two .(2), three (�), and four (4) years from the date of completion and acceptance of the improvements in the respective tznit, �nd tlie assessments against t11e propert,y abutting upon the reznaining unit� shall be and become due and pavaule in such installments after the date of the comi�letion and acceptance of such respec�ive units, and shall bear interest from said date at the i�ate of six per cent (6�� ) per annum, payaule annually with each install- ment, except as to tl�e first installment, which shall be due and payabie at the maturity tliet�eof, so that ttpon the completion and acceptance of the iml�rovements in a I�az�ticulai• unit, assessments against tlie propei�ty abutting upon sucll comZ�leteci anci accepted unit shall be and become ciue and pa,yable in such installments, and with int'erest from the date of sucl� completion and acceptance. Pl�ovic�ed, however, tllat any ownet• shall Ilave the right to pap the entire assessment, or anv installment thereof, bef�re maturity by payment of principal and aeet•ued intei•est, anci pi�ovic�ed furtllei• that if c�efault shal] be macte in tlle pavment of principal oi� inter�est promptly as tlie same matui•es, then tlle entiz�e amount of the assessment upon wllicll such default is made shall, at the option of s�id Citv of Foi•t V�%orth, or its assigns, be and become imnleciiatel,v due and payable, and shall be collectable, together with reasonable attorne��'s fees and cost of eollection, if incurred, PROVIDED, however, that acting• through its dul�� authorized Director of Public ��orlcs tlle Citv of Fort Worth retains the right to autlloi•ize payment of the sums assesed ag•ainst abuttin� propertv ul�on such eompleted and accepteci unit in not more than fort�--eight (48) equal rebular monthlv installments of not less than $9.00 each, the first of such installments to become due and pa,yable not more than thirtp (30) da��s after the completion anci acceptance by the City of the particulzlr unit. PROi�IDED FUPTH�R, that t}�e Cit�� Atto��ne�- is herebv empowered to authorize payments of said sums of lesser installments and/or over a longer periacj of time in cases in wl�ich the Dii•ector of Publie VVorks has previouslp cleterminec� that an eatreme financial hardship ul�on the �aroperty owner• will � otherwise i•esult; and �'P�OVIDED FUP�THER, that such metllod of l�a��ments shall be autllorized only in instances w11e��e the ownei� or owners of propert�� abuttinb upon sucll completed and accepted L�nit s11a11 11ave executed and cielivered to the Citv of Fort Worth a lawful, valid anci binc�ing note ancl mechanic's and materialman's contract upon foi•ms supplied b�- the Citv g•ranting a n�eehanic's lien iapon ancl conveping� tlle saicl abutting property in trust to secure the pa��ment b�� said ownei• oi• owner�s accoi•ding� to tl�e terms thereof of tlle sums assessed against sucll pi•o��ert�-, If clefault shall l�e made in the pa�•n�ent of ant- assessment, �collection thereof s11a11 be enforced either by t11e sale of the pi•opei•t�r b�� the Assessor and Collector of TaYes of saicl Cit�� �s near as ��ossil�le in the same man- ner provicleci for the sale of ��ropertp for tl:e non-pnpment of ad ��alorem ta:�ea, o�� at the option of tlie City of Fort Worti�, or its assigns, pavment of said sums shall be enfoz•eed bv suit in an,v court of competent jurisdic- tion, or as provic�ed in anv mechanic's or materialman's contract as aforesaid, �nd saici City shall exercise all of its lawful powers to aid in the enfoi•cen�eiit anci collection of said assessments. � The total anlaunt assessed �bainst the �•especti��e parc�ls of a�utting ��t•o�el•ty, and the owners t}lereof, is in accardai7ee witli tlie l�z�oceeding�s of ��1-�e �ity t�el�ting• to said im�r�ove�r�e�t� and assessnlents thereof, and is less than the pi�oportion of the cost allowed an<� p�rmit�e� b,y tl�� law in fot�ce in the �'it,y. ►� Although the aforementioned cl7arg•es have been fiXed, levied, a�1d assesseci in the ��espective amounts hereinabove stated, tlie City Coune�il does 1�iereby �°eserve unto its¢�(f ihe i•igllt to reduce �he afor°ementioned assessments bv �ilawinb� ct�edits to cez�tain pt�oper•ty owne��s w11er•e �leQmec� a�3��}�o���iate. Notwiihstanding the City Council has herein reserved the i�ig•}1t to issue cr•�dits, it 5ha11 noi Ue r�equi�•ed to issue credits, and will not do so, if same would i•�sttlt in any equiiy and/o�• unjust cliscf°imination. Tl�e principal anlount of each of the seveY•al assessnzent cer�tificates to be issued the City of �'ort Worth, Texas, as hereinafter l�rovidec�, shall be fix:e�d aY�d deternlined by c,eclucting irom the amount of any assessment hereinabove tevied such amot?nt or a,mounts, if any�, as may hereafter� be allowec� b,y the City Council as a credit against the respective assessments. � � For the purpose of eviclencin;• the see�er��l,sul��s assessed ag�ainst the respectia� �arcels of abutting prop- erty anci the owners tl�ereof, and the time and tern�ls oi' pa,pment, �ncl to aid i�i tlle enfol�ePment and eolleetion tller•eof, assignable eez•tificates in t1�e p3•incipal amount of the res�aeeti��e ��:�se�slnents less tlle aniount of any re- spective eredit allowed thereon, shal] be issued by the C;ity of Fort ���o7�th, '�exas, ��pan compl�tion and accept- ance bY the City of the impr�vements in eaeh unit of improvenlent as the worlc in such unit is completed and accepted, which cei•tificates shall be execlate�l by tlle ma�ror in tlle r,al�le of tl�e �it� and attested by tlie City Secretal-y, with t11e corporate seal of the Citv im��ressed t}�ei•eon, <2nr� sl�all k�e ��a��able to the City of Foi�t Worth, or its assigns, and shall cleclai�e the .saic3 alnoun'ts, time an� � ez•rns of I�at�ment, rate of interest, and the date of the eompletion and acce��tance of tl�e inzprovemer.ts ab�it9;ing t�l�on such ��ropert�� for which the certificate is issued, and sllall cont�in t}1e n�ine of the owner ot° ownel's, if l:no��n, clesei�iptic�n oi the���rope��ty k�,y lot ancl block utinlbe��, oi• front feet tliel�eon, oi• suclt othei• clesci��ti�n as n�a�r otfle����ise identify il�� same; and if the said p�•opertti� s17a11 Ue o�vned b�r an �estafe, thel� the ciesc��iption of �a1�le as so owned shall Ue st�f�icient and no error or mistake in desct�il�ir�g anti� propert�r, ar in �ivin�� �he nan�e of t17� owner, sl�iall int�aliciaie or in anvwise impair such cert.ificate, to the assessments levied. The certificates sl�a�l provicie aubstat�tiall�- t��at 7f san» shall not be paid pror�ipt�y upon maturity, then they sh�all be c�llectable, with reason�l�le attorne��'s fees �tn�l co�ts of coll�ction, if incnz�r�d, and shall provide substantiall�r that the �m�t�nts evicleneec� thei•el��� sl�all be ����ic� to tl�e �ssessor and Collector of Taxes of the Cit�~ of Fort �h'orth, 'I`e�as, who shall issue his i•eeeipt the��efor, wllich sl�all be evide�ice of sue11 payment on any denz��ncl for the same, and the �iss��sor anc� C'olleeta�� of `I'a�es sh�ll de���sit �he sun�s so reeeived b,y him far•tli- wit11 with �11e Cit;� '�'z•easure�� to 13e l:ept 2nc� 11e3ci b�� him in a, se��araie futici, and wl�en any payment shall be made in tlle Citv the Assessoi• and Caliector of Ta�es upozl sucl�i certific�te sllall, 2.tpon pi•esentation to him of the certific2te by tl�e l�older thereof endol•se sai�l pati�ment thereof. �f such cez�tifie�.te l�e a�signed then the holder tlier�eof sll�ll 1�e entitled to receive frotll ti�e Citti� 'Tl�easul�er the amc�urit 1�aid upo� t.he p�•esentation to him of sz�ch �ertificate so endorsec� ancl credited; ane� st�ch endo�•�ement anc� �z�eciit shall l�e tlie Treasure�-'s Waiz�ant for m�king stleh pa���lei�i. Suc�h t��yments b�� ti�e �"reasurer sl�ali be rec•ei��ed f�r� tl�� ilolde�� of such certificate in w�riting anri bp sur'render the��eoi .vhe.1 tl�e ��rinc:���l, too�etl���� «;iti1 accri�ed ir�terest lncl 211 c�c�sts of collection �ncl }•easonable attorne�-'s fees, if incur�t�ec�, h�v� be�n l�aid in fzill. � Said certificates shall further recite substantially tliai t11e proceedin�s witl� reference to making the inlpi•ovements l�ave been �•e��t.11nrly hac� in compiianee with tl�e la�v, a�l�d tl�at all prereqnisites to tl�e fixing of tlie assessment iier� against tl�e Ta��ope�•t�r descrii�ec� irz stFcI� certific�nte r�ncl the persor��l iiability of tlle ownei•s thereof have been pertormed, and such recitals shall be l�z°i�z�a facie e>>iclence of z�ll t17e 17�tltters ��zcited in siich certificates, anc� no furiher ��roof the��eoY sl��ll I�e �•eq��ired in �nl� court. � Said cei•tificates n�ia�� ha��e cou��ons attacl�ed thereto in evici�nc�e vf e�el� oi� anti� of tlie several installments thet•eof, or mav have coul�on� for eaci; of tl�e first four installn7ents, 1���ri.ng the n�iain certificate to serve for the fifth installment, which eou7�uns matr l�e pa�=�lble t� tll� Cit�� af �'ot�� 4�rot�tl�, o�� it� ��ssibns mav be sig�necl with t}1e faesimile sign�itut��s of the 1�Ia,�ror anci Citv �ee��etai���. Said certificates shall further i•ecite that the City of Fort Worth, Texas shall exer.•cise all of its lawful powers, when requested so to do, to aid in the enforcement and collection thereof, and may contain recitals sub- stantially in accordance with the above and other additional recitals pertinent or appropriate thereof, and it shall not be necessary that the recitals be in the exact form above set forth, but the substance thereof shall be sufficient. The fact that such improvements may be omitted on any por•tion of any of said units adjacent to any premises exempt from the lien of such assessments shall not in anywise invalidate, afiect or impaii• the lien of such assessments upon other premises. X. Full power to make and levy reassessments and to correct mistakes, errors, invalidities or irregularities, either.• in the assessments or in the certificates issued in evidence thereof, is, in accordance with the law in force in this City, vested in the City. XI. All assessments levied are a personal liability and charge against the real and true owners of the premises described, notwithstanding such owners may not be named, or may be incorrectly named. XII. The assessments so levied are for the improvements in the particular unit upon which the property described abuts, and the assessments for the improvements in any unit are in nowise affected by the improve- ments or assessments in any other unit, and in making assessments and in holding said hearing, the amounts assessed for impi•ovements in any one unit have been in nowise connected with the improvements or the assess- ments therefor in any other unit. XIII. The assessments levied are made and levied under and by virtue of the terms, powers and provisions of an Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session and now shown as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, which Act has been adopted as an amendment to and made a part of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. XIV. The City Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption of same in the Minute Boolc of the City Council of Fort Worth, Texas, and by filing the complete Ordinance in the appro- priate Ordinance Records of said City. XV. This oidinance shall take efiect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage and it is so ordained. � �?�� �'�'-�°y12-�c.C'/� PASSED AND APPROVED this_�—day of �; ���` � APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: �" -�"�' �' .� , � _, � _� � `� � .,� � �1�1 � � .�. 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Project Description Unit Street 1 Jamaica Lane 2 3 Bradley Street Chapman Street Limits Hampshire Boulevard to Panola Street Texas and Pacific Railroad to Hampshire Boulevard Edgewood Terrace to Amanda Street Roadway Width-Feet 30 30 30 R.O.W. Feet 50 60 40 4 Sunshine Drive Edgewood Terrace to 30 40 582 Feet East 5 Sunshine Drive Langston Street to 543 Feet West 30 �+S 6 Edgewood Terrace 35 Feet South of the 30 60 South Line of Lot 1, Block 5, Fair Havens Addition to 28 Feet ilorth of the iQorth ' Line of Lot l, Mary A. Willig Subdivision Units 1, 2, 3 and 6 were initiated by petition, whereas Units 4 and 5 were initiated by polling adjacent property owners. Units 1 and 2 wi�.l be improved with six-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six-inch thick lime stabilized subgrade. Units 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be improved with six- inch thick hot�mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six.-inch thick cement stabilized subgrade. Six-inch thick concrete driveways will be included where specified. It is the opinion of the Public Works Department that each parcel of property is benefited in an amount equal to or in excess of the amount recommended for assessment.