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Ordinance 7794
ORDINANCE NO o �% ''% �` j C� AN ORDINAN�E DETERMINING TH� NECESSITY FOR AND ORDEAING AND PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENfi OF L� PORTIOI� nF` MORRTSON DRTVE AND PORTIONS OF SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVENUES AND PUBLiC PLACES IN THE CI`TY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS; LETTING CON- TRACT TO S.R.O. ASPH.ALT, T�NC . AND FOR �IiE MAKING AND CONSTRUCTION OF SiJCH IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING IT� EXECU- TION; MAKING APPROPRIATION."p F'OR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE INDEBTEDNESS THEREBi' INCURRED; MAKING PROVISIONS FOR THE LEVYING OF ASSESSIyiENTS �iGAINST �,BUTTING PROPERTIES AND THE OWNERS THEREOF FOR A PART OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND THE ISSUEINCE 0�' ASSIGNABLE CERTiFICATES IN EVIDENCE OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS; DIRECTING THE PUBLTC WORKS DIRECTOR OF THE CITY TO PRE- PARE ESTIMATES; DIRECTING THE CITX S�CRET�IR�' TO FILE A NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE WiTH THE COUN"TY CLERK OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; DECI.AR- ING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL SUBSEQUENT PROCEEDINGS RELATING 'TO SAID STREET IMPROVEMENT ARE AND SHALL BE PUTtSUANT TO THE ACT OF THE FIRST CALLED SESSION OF THE F"ORTIETH LEGISLATLTRE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, CHAPTER 106; COMMONLY KNOWN AS P,RTICLE 1105b OF VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTE� AS AMENDED BY ACTS 1967y 60TH LEGISLATURE, PAGE 365, CHAPTER 176, SECTION l, EMERGENCY EFFECTIVE MAY 129 1967; AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ENGROSS AND EN- ROLL THIS ORDINANCE BY COPYING THE CAPTION OF SAME IN THE MINUTE BOOKS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BY FILING THE COMPLETE ORDINANCE IN THE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF THIS CITY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6dHEREAS, the PubTic Works Director for the City of Fort Worth, Texas, has prepared Plans and Specifications for the improvements of the hereinafter described portions of streets, avenues and public places in the City of Fort Worth, Te�as, and same having been examined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and found to be in all ma�ters and things proper, NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDATNED BY THE CITis COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, THAT: Ia The hereinafter described Flans and Specifi�ations are herebq approved �.nd adopted. There exists a public n�ce�sity described portions of st�eets, Fort Wnrth, Texas, to-wit: MORR�SON DRIVE II„ for the improvement 6f the hereinafter avenues and public places in the City of k'rom ,Tohn T. White Road to 1,435' soutlz, knot�m and designated as �roject No. 104-36000-470. III Each 'of the above d�sc�ibed portions of streeis, aven�es and public places in the City of Fort Worth, � Texas, shall be improved by x•aising, g�ading, and filling same and by constructing thereon the following, to-wit : MORRTSON DRTVE �rom .Tohn. T. White Road �0 1,435' south, known and designated as �'roject No. 104-36000-470, a. seven-inch tl�.i.ck h_ot-mix asplialtic concrete pavement on a six-inch tl�.ick lime stabilized subgrade witIi seven-inch high concrete curb and eighteen-inch wide concrete gutter on a forty- foot roadcaay. Six--incli th.ick concrete driveways �aill be constructed where specified.. � `: ��� ������� �������� ���� ������t� c����9 �utters, driv�wa�� a�d in�id��t�l� t� ����� ��q������������ �� ��op�� ����� �nd 1in� wh��e ��me ar� not �����d� �� ������������ffi �������� �i�� �t� ��wers and dr�i�s ��d oth�� n����s��� i�������.���� ��� �����������e�a �11 v£ ���� f�p�ov�m��ts t� b� �onstru�t�d �� ��� ������ ����� �� ��� ���ns �nd Sp�cif�c��ion� ���r��o�. �°`�� ���� �� ���� �����v���n�� �� h�rei� d�fi��d ����1 �e p�id f�r �� �������� ������a �. ��� �������� �������� �� ���� ��r�i�� af t�e �tr���, �ve��� �r ��bbic pl��� ��� t�� ���� ��� ���� � ��� th����� ���1� ��y a11 �f the �ost �f cu�h� ��d ��t���� �� ����� �� ���.��� ������t� ��� n�t e���e�i�� xiA���t�nth� (�/lOt��� �f ��� e��i����� ���� �� ��� ��������� �� ���� i��r��e�en��e �m °��� ����� �� ��r� ����� ���i� ��y �il a� t�� r��ain�e� �f ��� ���� �� s��d i������������ ����� ������f�� ��� ����n�� �����n �p�c�f��� to b� pa�d �� t�e ���t���� ���������� ��� ��� ���� ��d t��� a����� �h�r��� �� ��� ��t �� �������t��� �Q ��� ��������� ������� �� ��� ������n� ���p��ti�� ��d th� r��f ��d ���� �w���� ���r��� ��a���.'�� �������� ������� ���� ��������e� ��d ��� ���1 ��d ���� ������ ������ �f ��d �h��� �������a��� � �i��� ��d ��io� �ie� ���� ���� p��������� ��d � p������� li�bili�� �� ��� ���� ��� ���� ������� ����� �� ��� ��p�I1 b� �����1� ����i�s ��=��� ��� ������������� ��� ��������� ��� �������� �� ��� ��t� �� � p���i��l�r �ni�g t�� ���� �������� ������� �������� ��u����� ���� ����� ����1���� ��d �c������ ����� ����� �� ��� ������ ������� �� ���� (�� ����� ����������t�� ��� �����c�i���y �n �r ��f��� �������� ����� ���� � ��� ��� (�j � tw� ��� � ��re� ��� � ��d �a�� �4� ye��s ��w ���. ��� �. � �� � �aa.aa`� �.�e� s,s���: �i ����,a� �,�a�e��.�m�z.€��� ���� �e::%:���.�����° ����� ���� ��������ae�� ���a���� i.�e� �iea = ���°t� �������a� ���� ��� ���s�i���� ���.�� ���a�l�. �� ��ad ������ du� ��� p����I� in ��a�� in��a�������� ����� �F�� ���� �� ��������.�� ��d ���e���n�� �f �e��� �-���e�ti�� uni.�� e e�����, � ��� �������� �����:��� ���� ���°���°u��� ��r��l� �� �������,� ����� ���r i�t�r��� ���� ��� ���� �� ���� �������3�c� ��� ��c�����ac� �� ��� �c����v������ �� ��� exnit �a��� ������. ��� ���������� ��°������ ��as�� �� ��� ���� �� ��.�s (�%� ����e�t g�r ����.�� ����'�e� �������.� ���.��� �� �� ���e���� �� ��� �i��� 3_����:�i��n�.� �'�a�i� ���s.� be d�s� ��� ������� �� ��� ���� ���� ���t��,1�s��°, ��t�r�� �������� �h�� �e�� ����� �l���� ���� ��� ������ �� ��� ��� ��� �1� �� ����; �����3.�e���t a� ��� �i�� ����re ��t��°�.�� �� ������ ��������� ���� i������� ������� to t�� ��t� �f p���s�nt �nd faa��d��� p��v�d�� �� ������� �� ���� �� ��� �������� �� ��� ������1���� ������?; �� ��5� ���s� c��t����� ����a �� ��� ���;��� c�£ �;�� ���� �� �`�r� . ��°t4� �a� �t� a��i�ra�s t�� ���i�� ��c���� �� ��� ���������� ����� ����� �a���a ������� �� ���� �h��l b� �nd b����� � e��� �t��g� ��� ���� �������� ��� �� �,� ����iff�;�ll� p�°o�si�ed ���� �o ������r���►�� �t��b� in �ny ���� �� �xi��� ����.��� ��u� ����5���� ��° ��� ��ner �t������ �n ������ �f ��a� ������1 ���s�fit� �� �������� �� ���� �������� ��1�� th����� L�� ����� �� ��f� i�����a��sent� �n t�� un�� ���� ����°� ��� ���������r �����re� �b���g �� ����������� �t th� ����i�� �r�� �i��e� �� ��� ��� ��� ����� �� �;�� ����� ��� �h��4 �n� ���e������ �� m�d� �n �r�� ���� u��i�. ����� ������� �f �����,� �� pr���,��� b� l�w� ��id a�������r�v� ����.��� tk�� re�p������ ���� ��� ������� �� �������� �r�d ������ tF�����af �h�ll b� �a��de���d ts� c��t�.�f����� �� � ������� ���������� �t�f�� �h��� be �������d ir� �F�� r��m� �� �Y�� �i�y �f �°��t ������ ��������� �������� ���� ���in� ����s��� i�� d�r�.� ���l���ized D�.���t�� �� ���5��� ���°��� ��� ��.�� �� ���t ���� ����i�i�� tk�� �i�t�� t� �utho�i���i p�y���� �� t�a� ���� ����$��� ������� �����i�� �o��rt� ���� ��nc� �o�p3et�d �nd ��c�p��d �snit in r�o� ���� ����� ����������� ����i �°���1�� ���t�al� in���Il���t� �f ��t le�� �ta�n $9.�0 ���`�� ��� ����� �� ����� ������2���t� �� ��c��ae d�� a�d p��able c��t �o�°� t��� . �: ,� � ' � = . °. r r 9� Ek -e � � x � ':. 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' . , , � ,^ � � ,w � S+' � ' �' . • i � ; � • 1 � � � ' ` -.. " , r � '- � : �., ', .Ni � �.. �: , �' ,... . ,_ ,.; � :.. • �. . . � �.... !: � �: � • .• ' . � •: � . •, ... i 1, , : .� . � . ; «� J .�: '- i: � � •�..: � � ':� • • .:_ . •� � • 1 1 � `-i. . :. � 1 A �' � , � :: �:'; � _ •�: � ' XTV � This o�dinance shall �ake e�'fe�t and b� in f��l force and e�fect f�om and after the date of its pa�sage, PA�SED AND APPROVED �lilS_ -. �� `�'��=- i - DAY OF ���,�.t.� �-�-_ , 19 ' i � . APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney �a�� of 1���� �����, ��.��� �WERCHERT ,(� o p a o BAILIFF •/ V11 u.�W lLJO LL.I` U �4iW (! IY� �� (LiIV U W��� �lil' I/ 0 t!�!/ // lV (LJ1V���i,/�LW ���� o.�� �SMIT!-3 DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: �w'�.�d �� G.OI1�7C�.�� - MOY�1$�Il PAGE NUMBER �uon•;,�e; I3°�i�re P��ra�ng �aad D��.in�.ge �mp�ov�ments 2 8i'29a�� 78 C-�4�07 �x97b-78 � � S� P a, Pa�es G-3 �.nd G-4) i of _ C�ty C�ov�n�i�L a�tian is r�que��t�d �n P�oj�cit N�� 013�036-G70-00 CT04-36000-4%0�, a� �e���°�.bed ��7L��a: S��e�� Mo��is�n D�ive 0�`ig�n �f F��ject Roadway i��d`th-F�et ���n 7�,, �a�it� R�ad 40 tr� 1, � 35 Fee� ��uth RoO,W, W�dth-Feet This p��j��t �r�s �n�tiat�ci in ���nj�xnct�on �aYth C�smmunity Facilities Gon�ract �Toe 965� appr��ed f�� �he d����lopment af Cob�lest�n� Sq��r� Addition on De�embe� 27, 19i7 (M&C C-40��►)o M�rr�s�n D��ve is � border �tr��t �o the deveYopm�nto Impr�vemen�s This po�°�i�n �f M�Lr�����z� Dr��re �� a c��n��-type r�adcv�y �ri�h penetration pav�- ment and 1�����w ���che�m �imp��vements raill incluc�e construction of collector g��de hot-m�� a�pl��ltic con�re�e pa�rement on a 40-foot wic�e res�ciway with �on- �r��� cu�b, gut�e� �nd driveea�.�r appr���he� o St��rm d�ain improvements will c�nsiste �f apgro���n�ite�� 424 fee+t of reinforced �onerete culv�rt pipe and appurten�ncesa Recea.g� �f Bids �he �o1l�wing t�ids� �r��e receive�i on p,ugust 1%, 1978, w�ith 50 wmrking days a�llo�at�ci: Bidde� A��t�n Ro�.� C��np�n� S�R�Om �spha��c, Inc. Tex�s Bitulith�� Company Pro�e�t Cc��� and F�nancing Am�unt $119,054<60 123,578.i0 124,066.20 Bas�d �n the lcaw l��.d �nd s�t�.ndard p�Yicy, app��ximately $38,390e14 is proposed to be a�����ed ag�in�t �ba�tt�ng pr�pe�ties, which wi]eT be provided for by a bond fu�� t��.n�f�� f�om the Re�oYving Fund Unspec�fiede Cast �o the Csty for stree� ��n���t�c���n, in�luding engineering, is approximately $71,786099 and $26,735066 f�r ��orm d�ain facilities, Bond trans�ers are required from the A�se�smen� Paving TJn�p��ifsed A�coun% No. 013-024-901-00 fo� �he Gity's con- str�c�ion �o�t �nd fro�n th� Engineering Unspecified Account No� 013-095-9d1-00 �o suppl��n�nt the enginee�ing funds available in the project aecounto DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: :�Wry,�°(� of Cont�a�ct - Morri�on PAGE NUMBER Dr�.ve Pa�ring and D�°ainage Imprd�r�ment� 2 or � $/29��8 C��3C�? (�976�78 Co�,P,, Pages G-3 and G-�+) Re��nunend����n� %t i� �°e��mm��s�ecl ��aai� o 1) 'T�� ������r�r�g b�n� fund ��ansfers b� app��ved: A�n�unt F�om To Reason $38,390�14 R�v��v��g Fua��l Rev�l�r�ng Fund To provide funds f�r Un�ge������d Mor����n D�ive propert}r owners' �42-�009�.4'0�-00 042-Q15-470-00 sha�� of const��ction costs� $80� �00,00 t����:��m�t�� P����n� ���P��m�nt Pavin� iJr�,�g��if�e� M���ison Drive 0'���OZG��301�(�0 0�3-036-470-00 $ 3, �+60 0(�i➢ Eng�.n���.� �ng A�ses�ment Pav�ng U�n�p��if �ed Mo�rison Drive O�L3-095�901z00 013-035-470-00 2� �n c��din�n�c� b� ad�p���: To provide funds for the City's share of �onst�u�ction costso To prdvide funds for City's �ngineering costsa a� De��a�in� �he rae�:e��ity for and orc�e�°ing the improvemen�s; b) M��Z�r�g prov�sions �ar �.evying asse�sments; c� I?�re���ng th� F'ubY�� Works Depa�tment to prepare estimates �f c��+�� �.nd am�unt t� be ass�ssed; �5, (� : L�� �.s�wAc.�;� �;� � , �) �i�r��ding �fie ��ntra�� to in an �.mount �.�f �9� ba�ed on tn�ir low bid; and `�F i��l 5`P s�. � G e) IrI�Tc�ang ��pr�gr�ataons �o �o�rer the indebtedness thereby �n�����d ���r ��ngrovemenits �f the project named abovea 3) An o��i�a�n�e �e �.clop��d: a� Appr���ing the est�mate� mf �osts and amounts proposed to be ���a�sed; aZd b� Se�ting Septembe� 26, 19%8, as tfie date for the Benefit He���ngo GG;ms At�achment SUBMITTED BY: �1� a l, y I *�6� CITY MANAGER DISPOSITIO Y COUNCIL: � APPROVED [�OTHER (DESCRIBE) �� � cs,--•�:4..��.�:_2 c-C.� F .�./ �^�� - ��7.r�' I _ . "._ •-,�,. .., _.. _ . . - �l.E�- e PROCESSED BY G � S�� ARY DATE � ,��, /-�,� � � • , � � � � � •', =, � , ; � � � � � � � � �' :� � � .' � � � . ' . , •` � I ! � .� � , � , FORT �7GT�TFf � � �n�..� �'i.rGtiST %C� , '�..'�%`, TO T��E HONOR.ABLE CITY C�tJNCIL OF T_RE CITY OF �'(��T t,+��i,.`bl�, TEI�AS � L�dies a��d Gentlemen: Ir� accordance with the proceedings of yaur Ho�o�:abie 8����r� I h�«r i;, �;��� = e�timates of the cost o� street improvements as sh�wn b�low: Estimates of the total cost of improvement� r�� � portian �f �tf�R�' � 3�'� f;� Y,� �,�� portioliS OS SdIR(�Y�J 0��1@Y S�i'2E.'tS' 2V2ilU2S �TIC� 13Ut311.0 ���C�S iTl �`x"t!� �'7.�:�t ��� ta���. �ss�ix �. `—i � Texas, anc� estimated amounts p�r fron� foo� ta R�e ass��s�d agai�i.s� a%s����_��;� r.�����v�°:r �nc� ��e ow��ers thereaf, on each port�an of stre��9 ¢v�rLue and pu�l�,� �;I�c� �-r� �� `��.� ��>sTv, to—wzt: PROJECT N0. 1Q4-3600�-470� MORRISODI DR.I�7E FROM .IO?�N Ta tA1HI.TF; Rf�t�T� `�C� �a� �' ��sC,°�1�� �_t� ��e improved by constructing� a s�ven-inch thic�C ho��-mix as�sh�lts.c c�:-�cr� e.�* t��4��m���.,- �r-,? rr_ ,��_s��-� ii,ch thick lzme stab�.li2ed subgrade with seven-�inc� h��� con.creL� c���� �.�,.s� �:-��;������::����-���,.�ig wide concrete gutter on a farty—foot roadway. Six��.Y�cti thick cc�cret€� �r��yr-ra�:,;r;� ��-�.=�1 i��= consrruceed where specified< The fallowing assessment rates have heen establ�sYiedo Seven—inch hat—mix asphaltic c,ancrete pavement Commercial zoning...o.o,ae<oso,an�sosv.�gm<�:?7..�3�_%I„?:r Residenti�l ��nin�m.....a.a...o..e.e<�.oree�S ?��3J�,,_=.. Residential zoning le�s rear l�C crc�i�4 � r ri:? ? �!�%i-,w'�`, Seven—inch cvrb and eighteen—inch gutter.,ao,soe�saa� $ St�Z,�L�;�� Less rear lot credit.e,m..�.r,..e.s..�saoe4� ��7�/L< a Six—ynch thick concrete driveways....a��0e..,.o>ms.,9$-> v�9/S..J'�`„ Th.e assessments result in the following division of_ rc�st; �° >a9s�S ��%�:��}�.";4 Tatal cost to propertq owners Asses�men.ts �.,mam , Total cost to City of �orL- Giar.th �Streets} , e e m� a a e.„�� %�,'��3� �"�;� T_'ota,l cost io City of Fort faorth (Storn� Draira) e... . a,�? �C�r���:•�=� TOTAI� E5TIMATEn CONSTRUG�ZON COST>...�,.ee,ae....$a:�a$�42,114�R? .�. ,�..__ KFITF� �, �r�il7'�x„ � ._ i�, . CIT'Y F,N';INFF'R PROJECT N0, 104-24004-470, M,ORRISON DRIVE FR0�7 JOHN Tm TN�ITF ROAD TO 1,435' SOUT_u, to be im- proved by constructing a seven-inch thick hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six-inch thicic lime stabilized subgrade with seven-znch high concrete curb and eighteen-inch wide con- crete gutter on a forty-foot roadway. Six-inch thick concrete driveways will be constructed where specified. OWNEF EAST SIDE Ray Rothwell 2Q15 LBJ Freeway Room 240 Dallas, Texas 75234 Ray Rothwell 2915 LBJ Freeway Room 24�J Dallas, Texas 75234 Ray Rothwell 2Q15 LBJ Freeway Room 240 Dallas, Texas 75234 Ray Rothwell 2Q15 LBJ Freeway Room 24� Dallas, Texas 752.34 Ray Rothwell 2915 LBJ Freeway Room 240 nallas, Texas 75234 BLOCK LOT ZOi`?ING �'RONTAGE RATE AMOU3vT ASSESSMENT COBBLFSTOrTF SOUARE Part of 3 87?_' Adjusted to: (Depth factor) Gomm. 698p Pavement $27.81 �1�,411.38 n9?3° Curb & gutte-r 5.52 3,85,2.96 �23,264.34 � ?.7 2.8 3 Res. 3 �es. 3 Res. 3 Res. P�ear lot ?_� ° Pavement ?_2,` Curb & gutter Rear lot 70` Pavement 70' Curb & gutter Rear lot 65' Pavement 65' Curb & gutter Rear lot 65' Pavernent 65' Curl� & gutter �1049 � 32.78 ?.7h 6Q.7� S A3.5Q 51.49 S 1�4.30 2.76 193.20 S 297.5J S1o49 fi pb.85 2.76 179.4� S 27(�.25 $1.49 � 96.85 2.76 179.4�J S 276.25 l. PRQJECT D?0. 104-24000-470, rRO�RRISOTT DRI�IE FP.Ori JOHAI T. �,THTTF 'ZOAD TO 1,435' SOiJT�?, continued: BLOCK Oj-JNER LOT 7.ONING FRONTAGF. RA'�'E A�!�LTNT ASSESSMEr?T EAST SIDE COBBLFSTON� SQUARE Ray Rothwell �0 3 Rear lot 2915 LBJ Freeway Res. 87` Pavement $le4Q Sl?_9.63 Room 240 87' Curh & gu�ter ?_.76 ?4�.12 Dallas, Texas 75234 � 3h�.75 BLUE CARRAGE ZANE INTERSECTS Ray Rothwel.l 35 1 120' Side 1ot adjusted ta: 2915 LBJ Freeway Res. 100° Pavement $7_.Q8 $298.t�0 Room 240 l�0' Curb & gv�ter 5.52 552,(10 Dallas, Texas 75234 $ 85�'�� MORRISOZd ACRES W. P. T4orrison 1 1 110' Pavemen.t $2.98 $327•80 48�1 E. Rosedale Res. 10�° Curb & gutter 5.52 552.0(1 Fort Worth, Texas 761�5 $ 879•8� WEST SIDE BURTON PLACE H. E. Krutz, Jr. 21 1 1f10' Pavement $2.Q8 $�Q�•�n 1605 Clover Lane Reso 1�0' Curb & gutter 5.52 552,�0 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 $ 850.0� H. E. Krutz, Jr, 2� 1 1�0' Pavement S2„QS S2��i.�� 1605 Clover Lane Res. 90' Curb & gu�ter 5.52 496.8� For.t Worth, Texas 761.�7 $ 79�+.8n 2, PROJ�CT NOm 104-24000-470, MdRRISON bRIVE FROM JOHN Ta CaHTTE ROAb TO 1,43�' SOUTH, cantinued: BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING HRONTAGE RATE ArROUNT ASSFSSMENT WEST SZDE BURTON PLACE H. Em Krutz, Jr. 19 1605 Clover Zane Fort Wort�, Texas 76107 H. E. Krutz, Jr. 18 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76107 H, E. Krutz, Jr. 17 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76107 1 100' Pavement $2.98 S 298.00 Reso 100` Curb & g�tter 5.52 552,0� $ 85�v00 1 100' Pavement $2.98 $ 298.00 Res. 100' Curb & gutter 5.52 552,00 S 85�.�0 1 100` Pavement $2,98 $ 298.0� R�s. 100' Cur� & gutter 5.52 552.00 $ 85�.0� Tesco 15 & 16 1 200' Pavement $2.98 $ 596.00 �. 0. Box �70 Res. 20�` Cur� & gutter 5.52 1,104.00 Fort Worth, Texas 761.01 155 S.F. Driveway 3e29 S�Q.95 $2,209.95 H, E. Krutz, Jr. 1.4 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76107 H. E, Krutz, Jr. 13 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76].07 H. E. Krutz, Jr. 12 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76107 1 100' Pavement $2.98 $ 298.00 Res. 100' Curb & gutter 5.52 552.0� $ 85�.00 1 100' Paveme�,t $2.98 $ 298.00 Res, ].�0° Cu�b & gutter 5,5� 552,�� $ 85�.00 1 100' Pavement $2.9$ $ 298,00 ReS. 100' Cur� & gutter 5.52 552,On $ 850.00 3. PBOJBCT NO . 104-24(i00-470, rZORRISON DR�VE FROM �,70HN T w G,1�?�TE ROAD TO �����" :'�ti'�t7"C��? � BLOCK Ot,�i F� LOT ZdNIN� FRONTAGE RATE A�iC9T�T�Ti �����r.��.`.���1 ��'T 6�TEST SIDE BURTON PLACE H> F. Kurtz, Jr. 11 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76107 H. Ea Kurtz, Jr. 10 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 761f17 H. E. I�urtz, Jr. 9 1605 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76107 H. E. Kurtz, Jr. 8 16Q5 Clover Lane Fort Worth, Texas 76I07 1 10�1' Paveme�t $2_.98 $ 2�Srt�� Res. 10�` C�rb & g�tt�r 5a52 SS2m�Cr � ��� u :��C 1 100 ` Pavement $2 e��8 ? 298 01� Res . 100' Curb & gut�er 5„52_ �52 .�i0 S �_`i€73�"i!i 1 I00' Pavement S?_qg8 S?�SaO� Rese 1�0' Curb & gutter 5052 5��m!i� c, �4;�°„ f;�; ,. _. a _ 1 68r Pavemen� $2.98 $ ?�%�C�4 Res , 6R' Curb & gritter 5 0 52 375 a 3E> S 57�,00 TOTAL COST TO PROPERTY OWNFRS (ASSESSMENTS).e......e<..do.ea$ 38�3�Oa�4 TOTAL COST TO CITY OF FQRT WORTH (STREETS)m.,.,..e...a.o.�.a$ 75,2�5,�3 TG`TAL COST TO CITY OF FORT ZaORTH (STC?RllT P,R�4IN� . . , . . 4 „ . . . . m . . $ ?R g 4.3� . � � TOTAL ESTIMA�ED GONSTRUCTIpN C05T....m...<...d.,.:A..„a..a.w����291�_L;.�r�' �