HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 8394ORDINANCE NOe g �7 ���-' AN ORDINANC� DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING AND PRO�IDING FOR THE Ir�Rov�EN� oF � Pox'rro�1 0� EAST FOURTH STREET �ND PORTION� OF' SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AVENUES AND PUBLIC PL[�CES IN THE CI'TY OF' �°ORT WORTH, TEXAS; LETTING CON- TRAC� To �_L.BERTRAM CONSTRU�TION & ENGINEERING, INC. � FOR 'THE MAKING AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORI2ING ITS EXECU- TION; MAKTNG APPROPRIATION�u F'OR THE PURPOSE OF PI�YING THE INDEBTEDNESS THEREBY INCURRED; Mt�KTNG PROVISIONS FOR THE LEVYING OF ASSESSI�fENTS .d,GAINST .d,BUTTING PROPERTIES AND THE OWN�RS THEREOF FOR A PART OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND THE ISSU�,NCE OF" ASSIGNABLE CERTIFICATES IN EVIDENCE OF SUCH ASSESSMENTS; DIRECTING THE PUBLTC WORKS DIRECTOR OF THE CITY TO PRE- P.4R.E ESTIMATES; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE t� NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE WITH THE COUNfii' CLERK OF T.�RRANT COUNTi', TEXAS; DECLAR- ING THAT THiS ORDINANCE Ar1D ALL SUBSEQUENT PROCEEDINGS RELA''TING TO SAID STREET IM1'ROVEMENT ARE AND SHALL BE PUTtSUANT TO 'THE ACT OF THE FIRST CALLED SESSTON OF THE FORTIETH LEGISLA�URE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, CHAPTER 106; COMMONLY KNOWN �S ARTTCLE 1105b OF VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES AS AMENDED BY ACTS 1967, 60TH LEGISLATURE, P�,GE 365, CHAPTER 176, SECTION l, EMERGENCY EFFECTIVE MAY 12� 1967; AND DIREC`TING THE CITY SECRETARY TO ENGROSS AND EN- ROLL THIS ORDINANCE BY COPYING THE CAPTION OF SAME IN THE MINUTE BOOKS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BY FILING THE COMPLETE ORDINANCE IN THE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE RECORDS OF THIS CITY AND PROVTDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the PubTic Works Director for the City of Fort Worth, Texas, has prepared Plans and Specific�tions for the improvements of the hereinafter described portions of streets, avenues and public places in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and same having been examined by the City Council �f the City ot Fort Worth, Texas, �nd found to be in all m�tte�s and things proper, NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY '�HE CI� COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, THAT: Io The herein�fter described Plans and Specifi�ations are hereby approved �.nd adopted. There exists � publie n�cessitq for the improvement of the hereinafter described portions of streets, avenues and public places in the City of Fort Wc��th, Texas, �o-wi�: EAST FOURTH STREET From IH-35 to l2iverside Drive, known and designated as Project Nos. 013-23143 & 021-23143. III Each of the above described portions of streets, avenues and public piaces in the City �f F"ort Worth; Texas, shall be improved by raising, grading, and filling saine and by constructing thereon the following, to-wii e EAST FOURTH STREET From IH-35 to Riverside Drive, known and designated as Project Nos. 013-23143 & 021-23143, a seven-inch reinforced concrete pavement on a forty-eight foot roadway with'attached concrete curb and concrete driveway approaches where specified. �h� eb�v�, tog�th�r with concrete cur�s, �utters, driveways and inci�e�tal� to st�ch im�rovem�nt�, bn pr�per. gr��e and line where s�me are not alrea�y se conatrueted, t�geth�r with etorm sewers and drain� �nd ot�er n����s��y incidenkal� and appurt�n��c�e; ��.1 af s�id imprQvements to b� co��tru�t�d aa and wh�r� �hawn �n th� Pl�ns �nd Specifzcatia�s th��efor. � Th� co�t of sai.d impravement� as herein defin�d shall l�e paid for as fallo�g, toawit: A. �he prapexty ebukting a� th�t p4rtion of the st�eet, avenue nr public pi.ace and the real and tru� own�ra ther�of �ha11 pay all of the �ost of. eurbs �nd guttere in front of their �roperty and not e�eeeding nine-te�th� (9/ZOths) of r.hP �stimated c�at of the re��fnder of such improvements. B. Th� �ity of Fort Warth �hsll pay all of the remaind�r of the c��C o� said im�rov�ments after deducting ��� a�ou�ts h�rein specified to be paid b_y r.he abutting properti�e and the real and true ownera thereof. aa s�t out in subsQction A. The amounta payabl� by the abutting properties and the real ��d tru� ��r��ra thereof ahall be aasessed againet such �roperti�s and the r�al and true own�r� ther�- of.and sh�ll c�n�titute a firs� and p�iar Aien upon such pr�perti�a and a per�onsl liability of the real and true ownera there of and shall be pay�ble to-wit: When the improvements-ar� c�mpleted and accept�d by th� Cit� an a p�rticu�ar unit, th@ eum� at�eea�d ag�inat property abutting �p�n suc� co�pleted a�d accepted uni�e ahall b� an� bec�m� p���ble in £ive (S) equa� in�taliments, due re�pectively on or befor� t�frt� (30) daya, and one �1), Cw� f�)� ��g�� (3), ��d f��x ��� y��r� from the d�te of auch com�l�tio� and �cc�pkance end the eeeesem�nts egainst t�e p�o- perty abuttin� upon the remaining units ah�l� be and becnme du� and payable in auch inskallment� efter the dake o£ �ompletfo� and acceptance of such reap�cti,�e unit. Tlhe e�tire ��ount eeeeaa�d agsine� the p�rtieu��r parcela of property ehell bear intereat from the dAte �f such co�plet�on and eccepta�ce of th� impravement� on the unit upan whi�h t�e �erCi�ular psoperty abute at the rate of eight (8%) pexcent ger annum, p���b�� �nnu�lly e��ept a� to intereet on tha fixet inetaxlment, which eh�11 be due a�d p���ble an the date eaid �n�tallmen*. meturee p��vided that e�y owner �h�ll have t�� right t� p�� a�y �n� �1� of �Ueh 3nst�ilm�nk at �ny ti�� be£��� m�turit� b� �a�ing pxinci�el with int�r�st ac�rue� �o the dat� of ���me�t ��d iu��h�r provid�d if d�fault be made i� th� pay�sn� o£ any inst�llm�nt �ro���1� �s t�� a�me m�tures, then at the option ef �he City of Fort.W�rth or it� ���igne, the entire amount of the a�aess�ent u�Q� �hic� a�eh defm�lt is ��d� ��ali b� ��� ���a�e i��di- ately due a�d payable; but it ie specifically prav�ded that no �seesam�nte shall in any case be msde ag�inet a�y property or �ny ow�er th�reaf �n exceas of the �p�cial b�nefit� t� prop�rty in the �nhsnced v�1ve thereo£ by mesn� of �aid i�provemenee in th� unit up�n which the particular property abuts, ae aacertaiaed at �he h�aring pro- v�ded by the law in force in t�e City, nor eh�ll any e�eea�ment be made in any c��e until after t�oki�a of hearing �s provided by law, Ssid ae�ee�ments ag�in�t the respective Iot� and par��l� of pro�erty and owrier� thereof ehall be evidenc�d �y certificatee af a apecial aeae�em�nt �hich ehall be execute� i� th� n�me of the City of Fort Worth, �ROVIDED, hawever, th�t ecCing t�r�ugh it� duly �uthorized �irector of. Publi� W�rk�p the City of �ort ���th �etain��� kh� rig�t t� �ut�orize� payrment of the aume as�e��ed against abuttin� prop�rty up�n auch �o�pleted and �ccepted unit in �ot more th�n f.arty-eig�x. �qual r��ular �o�thly inetallm�nt� of not le�� than $4.00 e�eh, th� first of atach i�s�all�en�s to b�co�e due and Fayable n�t ��re then y� � � o- , � a . �, „� � �, . � , _ r� � � , �.� �, �� . ., � � . � < � , l' ��:)` ; a� �� e. � r , � �;k= �- -x-�� �i �:r• � ^ • �I � s,_ . •�. � � . , � a:.: e �,,,. : .�' �,�; ,. � ,.�`� .:-�� =�,.� �� r.. „ � .- �� •• � •. :: , � .... r .�r. . � : ', Y � , �-:,� , "� * � � - � ; , . :' , , .. ' � �' i , .. � . n , „ �� � .�. ,, � ;►� f. ; � :Y ,. T _ �! �:, ; ,, . . .- -.- . ;, , � -,t�; � �Er. t�; � "1 ! 1 �J � � � � � ; ; . _ , ._ ,_ � . � . ., _ .. o � � .�,., �,,� � � r � � ^��r a , � .�� y r � , r.. v y, ��� ,' s , � � � s�� ; � � �. � :� .' . . �� �i . 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(���� �' �r�r �� i �� 'u�---� � �:�������� ��:��'��� : -� .�M's�, L��}.� �i ._ :. � � /, � C�� �� :r� �� �! FORT WORTH, TEXAS Auqust 11 n 19 81 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, Gentlemen: In accordance with the proceedings of your Honorable Body, I have prepa�red estimates of the cost of street improvements as shown belowa Estimates of the total cost of improvements on a portion of East Fourth Street and portions of sundry other streets9 avenues and public places in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and estimated amounts per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof, on each portion of street, avenue and public place az°e a� follows, to-wito PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & 021-23143, EAST FOl1RTIi STREET FROM IH-35 T0 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, to be improved by reconstructing and widening existing roadway to forty-eight feet with seven- inch thick concrete pavement with attached curb and concrete driveway approaches where specified. The following assessment rates have been established: Seven-inch concrete curb and eighteen-inch concrete gutter...$5.94/L.F. Six-inch thick concrete driveway appraaches ..................$2.30/S.F. The assessments result in the following division of cost: Total cost to property owners (assessments) ................$ 24,431.90 Total cost to City of Fort Worth ...........................$957,527.73 Total estimated construction cost ..........................$981,959.63 A' GARY . SANTERRE, P.E. CITY ENGINEER : PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & �27-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM IH�35 TO RIVERSTDE DRIVE, to be improved by reconstructing and widening the existing street to forty-eight feet with seven-inch thick concrete pavement with attached curb and concrete driveway approaches where specified. OWNER NORTH SIDE I. V. Thomas Langham 2728 Carnation Fort Worth, Texas 76111 CLOVER intersects I. U. Thomas Langham 2728 Carnation Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Continental Nat'1 Bank J. L. Goolsby Est. Po Oo Box 910 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 MAPLE intersects Continental Nat'1 Bank J. L. Goolsby Est. P. 0. Box 910 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 BLOCK LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT BUDDIE THOMPSON ADDITION 1 l 155' Curb & gutter $5.94 $920.70 Ind. 32 3 2 Comm. 2 Comm. VALLEY SUB. 110' Existing facilities 92' Curb & gutter $5.94 $546.48 S. J. HIGGS SUB. 6 1 100' Curb and gutter $5.94 $594.00 Comm. 747 S.F. Driveway 2.30 338.70 W. A. Brents Est. Tract 77 C/0 Annis I. Brents, Ind. Ind. Ex. 7645 Skylake Drive Fort Wor�h, Texas 76179 B. F. CROWLEY SURVEY 85' Existing facilities -1- ASSESSMENT $920.70 �i $546.48 $932.10 � PROJECT NOS. Q13-23143 & Q21�23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM IH-35 TO RIVERSIDE DRTVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE A�OUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE BRENTS STREET intersects MASTIN INDUSTRIAL PARK Circle M., Inc. 1 2 798' Curb & gutter $5.94 �4,740.72 P. 0. Box 2079 Ind. $4,740.12 Fort Worth, T�as 76101 Investco, Inc. Quisenbury et al 2601 Airport Freeway F�rt Worth, Texas 76111 Tarrant Water Control Board Charlie & Don Reynolds Route 1, Box 103 Gordon, Texas 76453 JERO�E INDUSTRIAL ADDITION 1 2 166` Curb & gutter $5.94 $ 986.04 Tnd. 194 S.F. Driveway 2.30 446.20 615' SCHAFFER-BILLINGSLY SUB. 7 435' Curb & gutter $5.94 $2,583.90 Ind. 599 S.F. Driveway 2.30 1,377.70 SYLVANIA intersects Mrs. N. Blinderman A& B 95' Existing facilities 4412 Ledgeview Road Ind. Fort Worth, Texas 76109 Meyer & Sam �linderman C 59.5' Existing facilities 4412 Ledgeview Road Ind. Fort Worth, Texas 76109 =2- $1,432.24 � $3,961.60 � � PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & 021-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM IH-35 TO RIVERSIDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRDNTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION Alley 20' Romie Allen W56-7 28 56' Existing facilities -0- 2613 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Sentroy Lee Meadows Mid 57-7 28 57' Existing facilities 2617 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Pearlie Baker & E57-7 Charles Wooden 2627 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 28 57' Existing facilities Res. PARADISE STREET intersects Mrs. Versia L. Williams 6 27 140' Existing facilities 221 Paradise Stre2t Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Alley Ida Bolds Real Estate C/0 James Cr�sson 220 Baurline �ort Worth, Texas 76111 20' 7 27 140' Existing facilities Comm. BAURLINE STREET intersects Argie A. Burton 11 & 12 26 100' Existing facilities 5617 Goodman Comm. Fort Worth, Texas 76107 -3- � � � � � PROJECT NOS. O13-23143 & 021-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM IH-35 TO RIVERSIDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION Argie A. Burton 10 26 50' Existing facilities -0- 5617 Goodman Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76107 Jeff Watson 9 26 5�' Existing facilities 2816 E. lst Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76117 Opal Turner Jackson 7& 8 26 100' Existing faci1ities 2817 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76177 JUDKINS STREET intersects A. L. Session 11 & 12 25 100' Existing faci1ities 2901 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 A. L. & Thelma Session 10 2901 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Sanford T. Hobbs 9& 2-8 2915 €. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 You Wu Fang & 7& 2-8 Geraldine Houwy 2617 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76171 25 50' Existing facilities Res. 25 75' Existing facilities Comm. 25 75' Existing facilities Res. -4- � � � u � � PROJECT NOS. 073-23743 & 021-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FRDM IH-35 TO RTVERSIDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK �WNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION RETTA STRE�T intersects Jesse Miller 12 24 50' Existing facilities -0- 3001 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76711 Annie Laurie Browning 9, 70 & 25 3016 Bright 11 Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76105 Wm. E. Brackeen, Jr. 7& 8 24 5901 Maceo Comm. Fort 4Jorth, Texas 76112 150' Existing facilities 100' Existing facilities CHANDLER STREET intersects Joe Tabet Est. 12 23 50' Existing facilities C/0 Mrs. Joe Tabet Comm. 4901 N. Sylvania Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Minnie Ray Owens 2917 Gipson Fort Worth, Texas 76111 11 23 Res. 50' Existing facilities Ada Stovali 10 23 50' Existing facilities 3109 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 -5- � � � � � PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & OZ1-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FRO� IH-35 TO RIVERSIDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE ANIOUNT ASSESSMENT NORTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION Kenson Natcher 9 23 50' Curb & gutter $5.94 $297.00 113 N. Judkins Res. 70 S.F. Driveway 2.30 761.00 Fort Worth, Texas 76171 $ 458.00 Lewis W. Graves 7& 8 23 100' Curb & gutter $5.g4 $594.Q0 922 Shady Creek Lane -- Ind. 341 S.F. Driveway 2.3Q 784.30 Bedford, Texas 76021 RIVERSIDE DRIVE intersects SOUTK SIDE Billy Bob Thompson 10 & 71 34 301 Riverside Drive Ind. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Billy Bob Thompson 12 301 Riverside Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Ira Rose 3108 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 7611a Marie Jackson 3104 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 3 � l00' Frontage 194 S.F. Driveway $2.30 $446.20 34 50' Existing facilities Res. 34 50' Existing facilities Res. 34 50' Existing facilities Res. � $7,378.30 $ 446.20 � � � PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & Q27-23143, EAST F011RTH STREET FROM IH-35 T0 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, �ontinued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION J. G. Lewellyn 1 34 50' Existing facilities 3537 W. 7th Comm. Fort Worth, Texas 76107 CHANDLER STREET intersects Grand High Court 10 & 71 33 100' E�cisting facilities Heroines of Jericho Comm. 3016 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 James T. Williams 12 & 5'-3 33 55' Existing facilities 3014 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Augusta Jones 45'-3 3008 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Andrew Harreli 3004 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Edgar Conerway 3000 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 2 1 33 45' Existing facilities Res. 33 50' Existing facilities Res. 33 50' Existing facilities Res. -7- � � � � � � PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & 021-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM IH-35 TO RIVERSIDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION RETTA STREET intersects Edward S. Newsome 10 & 71 32 100' Existing faci1ities -0- 2920 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Louis F. Bell 12 & 3 32 100' Ex�sting fac�lities 2908 E. 4th Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Arquilla H. Gardner 2 32 50' Existing faci1ities 5312 Goodman Res. Fort Worth, Texas 761Q7 Marcoleta Langston Jackson 2900 E. 4th Fort Worth, Texas 76111 1 32 50' Existing facilities Res. JUDKINS STREET intersects Finis & t�Jillie Smith 10 & 71 31 100' Existing facilities 122 N. Sylvania Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Lloyd Jackson 12 31 50' Existing facilities 300 Paradise Res. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 : � � �i � � = PROJECT NOS. 073-23143 & 027-23743, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM IH-35 T4 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AM011NT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION A7mita S. Jones 3 31 50' Existing facilities -0- 122 Melody Lane Res. Jacksonville, N.C. 28540 Golden Harris 2806 E. 4th Fort bJorth, Texas 76111 Earley M. Richardson 2709 Galvez Fort Worth, Texas 76111 E 1 31 Cortm3 . 31 Comm. 50' Existing faci1ities 50' Existing facilities BAURLINE STREET intersects Bert Graves 12 30 740' Existing facilities 300 Baurline Comm. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Al1ey You Albert Huey 301 Paradise Street Fort Worth, Texas �6111 20' 1 30 740' Existing facilities Comm . PARADISE STREET intersects Lloyd Jackson 13 300 Paradise Street Fort Worth, Texas 76111 29 169.5' Existing facilities Res. -9- � � � � � PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & 021-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM �H-35 Tp RIVERSZDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE RIVERSIDE ADDITION Al1ey 20' Harold McGeehee 1 29 144' Existing faci1ities -0- C/0 Elliot Gorsek Comm. 612 Baker Bldg. 110 W. 7th Fort Worth, Texas 76102 SYLVANIA intersects David & Mary McMi7lan 310 S. Sylvania Fort Worth, Texas 76111 1 1 Apt. James Williams 12 1 3074 E. 4th Comm. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 R. B. Williams 11-A 7 1550 Edison Corr�n. Dallas, Texas 75207 RAYNER STREET intersects City of Fort Worth 1 4 Tarrant County Water Control Circle M. Inc. 5 1 P. 0. Box 2019 Ind. Fort Worth, Texas 76101 BASSETT ADDITION (SUB) 92' Curb & gutter $5.94 $546.48 57.5' Curb & gutter $5.94 $341.55 63' Cur6 & gutter $5.94 $374.22 140 S.F. Driveway 2.30 322.00 205' 874' GRANGERS TH�RD ADDITION 287' Gutter on7y $2.�7 $852.3� -70- $546.48 $341.55 $696.22 � � $852.39 s PROJECT NOS. O13-23143 & Q21-23143, EAST FOURTH STREET FROM IH-35 TO RIVERSIDE DRIVE. continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SOUTH SIDE B. F. CRp�lLEY SURVEY Circle M. Inc. Part of tract 171` Gutter on7y $2.97 $ 507.87 P. 0. Box 2019 13 & 14 Ind. 362' �urb & gutter 5.94 2,150.28 Fort Worth, Texas 76101 794 S.F. Driveway 2.30 446.20 $3,704.35 0. W. Boggs Tract 77-A Route 5, Box 218-A Comm. �ort Worth, Texas i6116 0. W. Boggs 3, 4, & 5 Route 5, Box 218-A Fort Worth, Texas 76116 MAPLE STREET intersects U7ysses Williams 272] Galvez Fort Worth, Texas 76111 1 1 Comm. 709.8' Curb & gutter $5.94 209 S.F. Driveway 2.30 S. J. HIGGS SUB. 100' Existing facilities SHADY PARK ADDITION 2-A 154' Curb & gutter $5.94 Comm. 194 S.F. Driveway 2.30 $ 652.21 480.70 $1,�32.97 $ 974.76 446.20 $1,360.96 CLOVER STREET intersects R. B. Williams 1 1 l00' Curb & gutter $5.94 $ 594.00 1��0 Edison Comm. 171 S.F. Driveway 2.30 393.30 Dallas, Texas 75707 $ 987.30 ROCK ISLAND ADDITIOPd Irene Guyden 1 E 100' Curb & gutter $5.94 2704 Galvez Comm. Fort Worth, Texas 76111 -11- $ 594.00 $ 594.00 PROJECT NOS. 013-23143 & 021-23143, EAST FOURTN STREET FROM TH-35 TO RIVERSIDE DRIVE, continued BLOCK OWNER LOT ZONING FRONTAGE RATE AMOUNT ASSESSMENT SCOTT STREET intersects Total cost to property owners (assessments)........$ 24,431.90 Total cost to City of Fort Worth ...................$ 957,527.73 Total estimated construction cost ..................$ 981,959.63 -]2- �ity of' ���t ��rt�., �l`�.��s .�ll���� ��� ������ll ����,�uc�����a�� DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: HW�iC'd Ci$ CQ;iY1�"tic'l'°.L -�'d�� �'QL&��il PAGE NUM'BER ���e�� gmp�a�r�m�r���, �-35 �� Ra�����d� 8; �1 �81 ,�;<�-5SY.8 D�x�� C�.978-8�. ��P. P. ST-29� i of —__ �'i�y C�A.����i� �.�.��i�r� is ��q���1��d mn Pr�je�� N�se 0�3-02��-��+3-00 �Engix�,���ing) a OZY-023=143-00 (G�ms�ru�.�i�nj �s d�scr��ed t�elow: R���.dt��y ROW Un�x '����et �imi�� T�T�d�i�-F"�F� Wid�h-F��� �I E��� F;uf,�-rr �I� (i���i�a �i Pb=�iE�� Eas� S���ri�e Tc�ad �� I-3�W �� 48 � 60 �0 1�48 &iv�r��d� D-�iv� a� B�idg� On 3�ne 6, �978 (M&� G-383�j, �h� C�.�y C�a�r���Y ap�i��s���d ��� 119�8-8� C�p��a� Imp��ti4E:msn� Prdg��.m (CI�1 �rhi�h iru��.ud�d ��� x�pgxad��Ag �i �h� ���s�ing �a�dw�y �.o pr�vz.d� i�� tc�u� mo�ia�g ����.� wY�h �urr� x�.n�� wh��� .ra�����a�y�� Tl�e e�is�ing bi�dge o�e� ��� T�i���� Ri��� Y� ta rem�in� Th� p�aje�� �� .9 mi.�.�� �n �.�ng�h� Th�s fa���.ii�y ����r�� �� t�h� on�y c,or�n.c���i�n �o ��� G�r►��a� B���ix����s� �i���i�t from an a��a lo���ed b��w�era ��e A��po�� F��e�a�r o� �1�� nr����l� ��i� I-30 a� �Fae ���th, Thi� impi��v�in�r�t wilY a�t �� a r��Li�f s�s+��m za ba�h f���w���n lmpro�em�x���� im���vem�i�Ls wi1:e an���da �e���i�t��a�:�ar�g �czd u�id�rx��g ��t� �a�i��ar��; �aad�.�ray f�om 40 �� 48' w�d� �r�t�-� ��n��e�e p�v�m�rc� �nd �urb �h� leng�h c�f t��� p�oje�� and ��x�c���� d�i�r��a� �pp����hes wh�re �p���fi�de C�r������ ��d��,�aa�lc will b� �e���st�:xa:��d �.nd�"o� �c�n��r���ed �n bo�h sid�� af the �,��e��� S�o�m drai� imp���r�m��i�s �w��l� ���r��i�� ,�f 2,6�5 �.ir�ea� f�e� ��f �an����� p�p� �nd �p�u���rn�xa��s Receipt, �i Bids Th� p�oj��� w�.� �dv���is�d ��� bid� on Jann� 18 ��d 25, i,98�, �x�cl tn� f���a�ing bid� wE�`e �°E��ivEcl �n J��y �.6, i98�., wi�h 3�i0 caQ�king dav� �����red ta� �ompl��e �I�� pr��y�r�> B�.c�c���' Ja Lm 8�����ti3 Co�s���x��i�xa a�.d Er�gine�ring, �� H� ���y C�, AP[�C-T��� � 9 �n � � Ed Bel� G�ns��u�N���ri C�� H�.st�.n l��ad C�mgany U�ra�d� Ca��ic���.�.iu�r� �'�o P��j���. C��i� �.atd F�x��.���ng Aznc��x�� Ir��� S 926,3��001 $ 963,34�-40 $ 986,0.55e25 $�,00.3,619a85 $�.,009,�9��25 $Y,C1863259e90 S�and��d Ci�y p�T����� �t�t��� �ha� unde� ��r��t r�e�n���'����or� ��� widening, x°e��- dEn�i�.��y z��nEd p�ape�ty �nci prope�ty o�ca�pied by nan-p�mfit� ��g�.a���a�i�ns, �uch as ch���h��, will n�� be �.�s����d any pc�i���n �f �I�� ���� ����gt fo� n�n-�xi�ting c�xb, guf�•�� and d�-ivew�.y app�o��he�� C�mmer�i�ll� t.��r��d prepe��y �ha11 be a�ve��Ed �c� n�,�-�;�i��irzg c:u��, g�.�i�er �nd d�it��way �+.pp�Q��h�s ��,a.� wider�.ing, �xcept fJ� �l��.t p�r�ica� �t wicl�r�ix�g nec��sa�y ���.��y° ta� ���ffi� �h�nn��:�za+�ione DATE I REFERENC�E NUMBER 1 I *� C�58�8 sus�Ecr: A�ard of Can��a�t - E�� Fou�°�h S�re�� Tmprovement�, �=35 t� Ri��rsid� D�iv� (�.9a8-8� CIP, P.ST-29) PAGE 2 of 3 P�op�r�y zonEd o�h�r than residenti�l which �on�air�� �n owraEr-accupied residence shall �e ��se��ed fox° non-existing cu�b, gu�t�� and d�iveway app��aches, plus one-half th� �°ate for street wid�ning. This segmen� �f East Fourth St�ee� is being widera�d f�am 40' to 48' ir� widthe The ass���ment policy f�r new s�re�t �onstruc���n limit� �h�: �am�u�ts to be assessed dm a 48' stre�� tm 20' of paving fr�m �he fame of �he �u�be Since �he existing street is 40' wide and adja�ent pr�p�rty owr�ers w��e previously assess�d for 20' of �he streEt, th� c�nly assEs�ments �n �hi� gro�e�� wi11 be fo� �urb and gut�er a�d driveway app�oaches where none now e�as�. B�.sed on the asnit prices of the 1ow bid, app��xima�ely $24,431e90 is p��po�ed to be ��sessed again�� thca�e pr�p�r�ies, �nd�eat�d on �h� �s���smen� r�ll, for none�isting c�rb and gutt�r and��r d�ivewa� appr�acheso F�sndirag f�r the p�aper�y mwn��'s s�ar� or ��nstruction �ost wi1�. b� p�o�ide� by � bond fund �r�.�asfe� from the "RevoYvircg F�snd Unspec�.fied"� Cost t� �he Ci�y f�� �.�nstru��ic�n �� approximat�ly $90�,945.11, plus engineeringo S�f'fs�ien� fumd� ��e� avai��ble �n �he p�ca�ject ac�o�nts zo provide fo� the Ci�y'� �o�ns��a�e�ior� a�d �ngi.nee�ing �osts Due t� the Yaw bid being less than tl�e Engin���'s estimate, ���e�s t�and� a�locat �o �on�tru�ti��n �ost will be �eturned �o �he Un�pecified [i��.���n�o �ddi�ionally ex��ss right-c�f-way funds a�Lloca�ed in the 1976-78 ��.pital imp��v�men� Program (CIP) will also b� re�urned to the Unspe�ified L�ccoa�nte The �xcess �ight-of-way funcis resu.l�ed from �he Eas� �s�urth-East First conne��Ycan b�i�ag ��hedul�d t� be construvt�d �etw��n Rive�side Drive arn.d Bed�h S�re�� i� �h� �978-8�. �agi��i Yaip��vement Prog�ama REco�rim�ndafiiori� I� is �ecommended that: lo The follawi.ng band fund traa�.�fers be approved: From To Amdun� R���on 094-009-901-00 Revolving F�nd Unspe��.f ied 02�-023-143-00 East Fdcx�th S��eet I-35 �o Riv�rside Dri�e 09�+-023-�.43-00 $24,431A90 To provide fund� for East Fourth S�re�t p�ope��y owne��` share f�om I-35 �o Riverside of �or�str�ction cost 021-023-901-00 $100,000 To �ransfer excess c;on- Major Tho���ghfares �����i��on allocation to Unsp�cified Un�pe�ifi�d u13-023-143-00 0�.3-023-90:]L-00 $�+00,000 T� ta�an�fe� exce�� ROW East F`mur�h Street Majo� Thor�ughfares al�.o�ation to I-35 �o Rive��ide Dre Unspecified Unspe�if��d DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: AW3YCl Of Contract - East Fourth PAGE NUMBER Street Improvements, I-35 to River�ide —3— of �_ 8/11_/81 ** C-5818 Drive (1978-81 CIP_ P. ST-29) f, 2. An ordinance be adopted: ADOPTED ORD�NANCE N0. �� "��'3 a. Declaring the necessity for and ordering the �nprovemen�s; b. Making provisions for levying assessments; co Di�ecting the Tx°ansport�tion/Public Works Depa�tment �o prepare estimates of costs and amounts to be assessed; d. Awarding the �ontract to J. L. Ber�ram Constructian and Engineering, Inc, in �he amount of $926,377°01 based on their low bid; ee Making appropriations to cover the indeb�edness the�eby in�ur�ed for improvements of the project named above; and 3. An ordinance be adopted: ALOP��� ����NAi�CE rJO. ���� a. Approving �he estimates of costs and amounts propos�d to be assessed; and be Setting Septembex° 8, 1981, as the date for the benefit hearing. GG:plg Attachment SUBMITTED FOR THE C- �� CITY MANAGER'S ,1�-� OFFICE BY: //%/ rL7�rc� ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT HEAD: GaYy FOR ADDITIONRL INFORMATION CONTACT: (l� o l ; �������� �f�l ��� �'��z�l1t�'��a Y,,. ! ,��r-� -� ��-.�. � , , ; ��y �� �sa, —= . _, - �,... DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL: PROCESSED BY '-'-- ❑ APPROVED ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE) CITY SECRETARY DATE