HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6087< ` • - _ __ , , ' �: ; ;::� ►►�,�sn'��t T " ! i c :, :;�i►s.':. ��r,. ORDINI�NCE 1ii0. � � � AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING ESTIMATES OF THE COST OF IMPROVE- MENTS AND OF AMOUNTS TO BE ASSESSED FOR dMPROVEMENTS ON A PORTION OF SAI�IDY Ll�NE AND PORTIONS OF SUNDRY OTHER STREETS, AV�NUES AND PUBLIC PLACES IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS; FIXING TIME A1�iD 1'LACE FOR HEARING TO THE OWNERS OF ABUTTING PROIPERTY AND TO ALI, OTHERS INTEI�ESTED; DIRECTING THE CITY SECRETAftY TO GIVE 1l10TICE OF SUCH HEARING; AND DIRECTING THE CITY SECKETARY TO ENGROSS AI�1D ENROLL THIS ORDINAllTCE BY COPYING TI�IE CAPTION OF SAME IN THE MINUTE BOOK O�' THE CITY COUNCIL AND BY FILLING THE COMPLETE OftDINANCE I1oT TI�E APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE RECO1tDS OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE Dt�7[']E. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Woi�th, Texas, has heretofore ordered that each of the hereinafter described poz�tions of streets, avenues and public places in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, be im- proved by raising, grading and filling same and by constructing thereon the following, to-wit: S11NDY LANE PROJECT N0. 10L,.-23 000-1 1 9 From Meadowbrook Drive to b50' north, known and designated as Projec�l, No. 10L�-23 000-1 1 9: a seven—inch thic� hot— mix asphaltic concrete pavement on a six—inch thick la.me sta'oilized subgrade on a forty—four foot roadway, t.ogether with concrete curbs, gutters,.drive���� �nd incid�n��ls to such improvements o� proper grade �nd line where s�me a�� no� �lready so con��ructed, tiogether with storm �ewers and dr�ing and other neces�ary incidentals �nd �ppurt�n�nce�; �11 of said im- provementffi t� be con�tructed s� and �here shown on th� Plan� snd in etrict accordance with th� Pl�ns �nd S�ecificationa therefor; contr��t therefor h�� been made �nd entex°ed in�o with CHARLES COHEN, INC. ; and WHEREAS, the City Council af the City of Fort Worth, '�exa�, has caused the Public IJork� Directosc to prepare and file estim�te� of the cost of such improveanents and estim�te� of the an�ount per front foot proposed to be ass�ased ag�insC abutting prop�rty and the owners thereof, and such e�timate� have 6een e��mined, NOG7, 7'HEREFORE, �E IT° ORDA IIV�D �Y T'HE C IZ'S� COUNC IL OF TI� CITY OF' F"O�T iJORTH, TEXAS , TI�AT : � Such ���icnate� be, �nd they �re hereby adopted and approved. II. I� i� h�rei�y f�und �nd determined that the cost of improvements on each pr�r�fon of ���e�t�, aven�a�� and public pl�ces herein�fter described, with the amount �r amounta per front foot �ropo�ed to be ��ses�ed for such improvements ��ainst abuttin� pro- ��p��r a�nd �he oean�rs ther�of, are as follows, to-wit: SANDY LAI�E From Nieadowbrook Drive to g50' north, known and designated as Project No. 101,.-2,3000-119. �h� �stimat�d co�t af improvements is $ 109.b92.22 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be �sse�sed against abutting property and the owners thereof for cancr�te curb �nd gutter is $ 2e9g ; the estimated amount per front foot to be a�aessed �g�inst abutting property and the owner� thereof for p�vement is $ 10v06 ; �he e�tim�t�d amount per front foot to be assesaed against abutting property and the o�r�er� �hereof ior -0- wide concrete sidew�lk is $ -0- ; the �stimated ��.aurat per �qu�re foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owner� there- �f for 6«3.nch thick concretce driveway is $-0- per aquare foot; the total ���imated a�unt per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereo� i� $'12eqq , plu� the caat incurred for concrete driveway con�truction wher� �pecified, � A hearing be given �nd h�ld by� $sxd t��fer� the City Council of �he City of F'o�°� Glorthe `��xa�, �o �11 �r�in� dr �l�imin� �ny prope�°ty abutting upr,n s�.�d por�ions of hi�h�r�ys, stree�s, a�r�nu�s ��d public pl.aces, as well as td �11 ozuning or elabming �xty i�xterest in ��t� srx�h �rc�perty, Such he�ring shall be given and held an the 1�h day of Niav , 19 ,�� 9s'30 �.h�. , in the Councfl Cha�t�er in the Cit� 11 in the Cit� o� �ort t�Torth, Texas, �ncl �.he City Secret�ry i� hereby dir��ted to �ive or c�use to be given notice of the time and place of such he�rimg �.nd of othe�° m�teers and facics in aceordance wa.�h �he te a�d provisians of aa �c� p��sed �� the Firs� Called Session of the �ortie�h I,egislagure of the 5t�te of T`exa�, and kno�an as Chap�er 106 of gtte Acts of said Ses�ion, noc�r being known �s A.�ta.cle 1105b of Verr�on's Texas Civil S���u�es �s �m�nded by Acts 1967, 60th Legi�lature, P�.ge 365, Ch�.pter 176, Section l� emer�ency effeetive M�.y 12, 1967o Sueh notice sh�.11 be by advertise�nent in�e��ed a� 1 s� three (3) times in a n ��p�.per published in the Ci�y of ]Eort Worth, Texa�, �he fi��g publication to b� c1e �� 1e�.s� t�r�nty-one (21) days before �he date �f �aid hearin�o S�id noGi�� �h�ll camply with and be in accordance cait�i the te�nns and provisions of s�.id Act as �mended, The Cifi.y S�cre��r�r is fu��h�� dire�ted �o gi�re or c�.use to be �iven pe�sonal notice of �he �.ime �nd pl�ce n� such he�rin� to a11 �ning or clai�ing �ny property abutting on s�id portions of high*�r�y�� streets, �veaues and public pl�.���, as weli as to �11 o�rning ar cl�.imin� �ny interes� in �.ny► such propert�r. Such person�l no�ic� sh�ll be in cariting �nd sh�ll be �iven or c�used to be gi�ren by �he City Secretary by depositing such c�rit�en no�ice in �he United St�tes M�il �t leas� fourteen (14) da;ys befo�e tt�� date of the hea�ing, postage prep�id, in envelog�es addressed to �11 pex°sons ocaning or cl�iaiing �ny interest in �he respective properties abu�ting the high- uray�, s�reets, avenues and public pl�.ces or portions thereof to be improved, �s the names of �uch persons �re sh on th� cu�rent render�d tax rolls of the �i�y of Fort iaorth and a� tehe addresses �o sho�r�n, or if the n�nne of such. respective �anELs do a�o� �.g�i�a�- a� such rendered �ax rol.ls, then addres� to such ot,�ers as thei�° n���s �re �h on the curren� unrende�ed tax �olls of the Cit}r of Fort GJor�h �t �h� addresse� shoc�rn thereon. In those ca�es in which �n owrner of property abut�in� � highc�ay, stree�, aven�xe or put�lic pl�ce or portion or portions there� of whi�h is to be improved is iis�ed as "ut�knaran" on the Chen curren� Ci�y of F'ort t+Torth t�.x �°olls , o�° iehe n�m� of �n n�x° a.s sh�rn on �he City of �ort tJo�°�h tax rolls but no �dd�°ess fo�° such �� a� �1� n, no no�ice need be il�cla ��: thos� ca��s r�l�ere the owner i� sh n to l,� an ��t�te, th� iled notice y b� address�d �o �uch esta�e. In �hig c�nr��c�ion, tY�� City Secretagy sh�.11 prep��� �nd fil� or c�use �o be prep�.red �.nd fil�� �i�t► ichese proceeding� a li�t of th� p�°op�r�ies to be �s�essed, �he n�.mes of tho�e pe�sons ocaning or cl�.inling any ixx���est in ��id proper�ies to t�hm� �h� nratic� w�s mailed, �ogether wi�h the l��t known �deiresses de�ermined �s af��e�aid �f the x�espec�ive ers �nd �hase p��� sons in� o� cl�iming any i�ter��� in s�id gropertym The City Secr�t�� sh�ll c��°tifyr �it�.t e�e��. �f the p�rties in s�id li�t �rtios� �ddres� is shor� on the then curr�n� �°��d��ed or unrendered tax rolls of �he s.��.ty of F'ox°t %lorth ea�s iled � copy of tl�� nc��ic� of he�ring �nd sh�11 furthex° c���`e�_f� the date or dat�� on cahich said notic� �aa� iled. A copy of e�ch notice sti�11 t�� ��t��heci �o such certific�tea 1"`�e �er�ifi��.�e of the City Secret�.gy c�ill bc� ���� clus��r� erridertc� of the facts th��°ei� �e��.t�d. IV. The City Secretary is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying the caption of same in the Minute Book of the City Council and by filing the complete ordinance in the appropriate Ordinance Records of this Cityo Ve This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. Passed and approved this ;��`� day of L� , 19�. , APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: . � � ,7 -:'^�'�.:�b S6 _. ,�_� � , ' ' " � � � h �"�� � City Attorney