HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35190-A1 AMENDMENT NO. 1
(M&C Needed)
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (City) and Dunaway Associates,
L.P. , (Engineer) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No.
35190, (the Contract) which was authorized by the City Council by M&C C-
21995 on the 6th day of March 2007; and
WHEREAS, the Contract involves engineering services for the
following project:
Hammond Street Drainage Improvements and Hopkins Court Flume
Reconstruction, Project No. 00988: DOE No. 5428.
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to
said Contract to include an increased scope of work and revised maximum
NOW THEREFORE, City and Engineer, acting herein by and through
their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following
agreement which amends the Contract:
Article 1, of the Contract is amended to include the additional
engineering services specified in a proposal letter dated December 29,
2009, copies of which are both attached hereto and incorporated herein.
The cost to City for the additional services to be performed by Engineer
total $76,155.00.
Article II, of the Contract is amended to provide for an increase
in the maximum fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services
performed under the Contract,, as amended, so that the total fee paid by
the City for all work and services shall not exceed the sum. of
All other provisions of the Contract which are not expressly
amended herein shall remain in full force and effect.
EXECUTED on this the VN day of 2010, in
Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.
�*° aco° Z
Marty Hendrik %�
City Secretaryn ad� i ",
William . Verkes , Fernando Costa
Director, Department of Assistant City Manager
Transportation and Public Works
Dunaway Associates, L.P. �,
Engineer aL�koz
Contract Au`t�hori zatioR
By .-
Name: Stephen R. James, P.E.
Senior Principal
550 Bailey Avenue, Suite 400
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Assistant City Worney
DA No. 2005041
December 29, 2009
Mr, Chad Simmons, P.E.
City of Fort Worth
Transportation & Public Works Department
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Reference. Amendment No. 9 —Revision #3
Hammond St. Drainage Improvements& Hopkins Ct. Flume Reconstruction
City Project No.00488
Mr. Simmons:
This letter constitutes our request for supplemental authorization for tasks outside the scope
of services of our current contract. The additional work includes the following tasks.
1. Hopkins Court Drainage Demon — The approved Conceptual Design Report for this
project recommends removal of the existing curb opening in Hopkins Ct. and
construction of a new 10-foot inlet at the low point along the curb line and 150 linear
feet of 21-inch RCP from the new inlet to the existing concrete flume. Our principal
contract does not include design services for this work.
This amendment is for the design and preparation of construction documents for this
work. It is anticipated that this design will be bid along with the Hammond Street
Drainage Improvements project and will not be advertised and bid as a separate
project. The following is a summary of additional tasks (See attached task
a. Meetings -Attend one (1) neighborhood meeting
b. Surveys - Subsurface Utility Engineering (Quality Level B) for at least 3
utilities in general accordance with the recommended practice and
procedures described in ASCE Publication CD/ASCE 38-02 (Standard
Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data).
c. Easement Parcels
1) Drainage Easements (2)
2) Temporary Right of Entry Agreements (2)
d. Construction Plans — It is anticipated that the following plan drawings will.be
1} Drainage Area Map '
2} Plan/Profile Sheets CITY SECRETARY
150!Merrlmoc Circle,5ufte 100 G Fort Worth,Texas 7007 —'-- Tel:817,335.1121 S Metro:817,429,2135 S Fax:817.335.7437 S www.dunawcyassoclotes,com
Amendment No. 1
December 29, 2009
Page 2
3) Landscape Plans (to replace existing bushes along property line)
4) Erosion Control Plans
5) Notes & Details
e. Quantity Take-Off&Opinion of Probable Construction Cost
Note--Topographic surveys were obtained during the Conceptual phase.
2. Hammond Street Drainage Improvements
a. Additional Topographic Survey, Subsurface Utility Engineering, and Easement M
Our original contract was prepared assuming the proposed replacement storm
drain pipe would replace the existing pipe in the same easement at the car
dealership site between Did Burleson Road and the 1-35W frontage road,
However, the recommended alignment at this site follows the perimeter of the
property, which will require approximately 500 feet of additional topographic
survey, subsurface utility engineering, and one drainage easement.
1) Surveys
a) Topographic Survey
b) Subsurface Utility Engineering (Quality Level B) for at least 4 utilities
in general accordance with the recommended practice and
procedures described in ASCE Publication CD/ASCE 38-02 (Standard
Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface
Utility Data).
2) Easement Parcels
a) Drainage Easement (1)
b) Temporary Right of Entry Agreement (1)
b. Additional Concept Engineering -At a subsequent review meeting, Dunaway was
asked to examine the possibility of implementing detention on the eastside of
Interstate Highway 35 West to reduce the hydraulic grade line elevation
immediately upstream of IH-35W. Our principal contract does not include study
services for this additional work.
1} Data Acquisition - The data to be collected for this phase of the Project
includes existing information possessed by CITY in the form of studies, maps,
engineering construction plans, and digital files as well as information
generated in the field specifically for this project. Information to be collected
for the evaluation of detention storage east of IH-35W include:
a) Obtain available topographic maps, zoning maps, and land use maps
within the study limits from CITY.
b) Obtain "As-Built" plans for existing culverts, paving, grading, and
drainage construction within the study limits from CITY.
c) Obtain digital copies of latest versions of digital aerial topographic
(LIDAR) and photographic data from CITY.
Amendment No. 7
December 29, 2009
Page 3
d) Obtain available documentation, including hydrologic and hydraulic
models, from CITY for this project area.
2) Field Work
a) Site Visits
o Perform two (2) site visits to verify the study limits to verify
subwatershed boundaries, and identify hydraulic parameters
including existing flooding and erosion problems, condition of
pipe outfalls, and potential structural improvement locations.
b) Field Surveys
o Field surveys will be obtained for the project within the limits
shown on the attached exhibit. The topographic survey shall
be taken at 100-foot grid and at all grade breaks within the
project limits. The topographic survey shall include, but not be
limited to, locating existing features such as water valves, eurb
and gutter, asphalt, medians, sidewalks, fences, driveways,
storm and sewer manholes, top/toe of slope, sanitary sewer
cleanouts, tree lines or trees 6" and larger, power poles,
mailboxes, signs, telephone risers, and other visible features.
c) SUE (Subsurface Utility Engineering)
o Delineation of underground utilities will be performed. Level B
SUE investigation will be undertaken to identify the
approximate horizontal location of existing facilities within the
street ROW. This task includes acquiring "as-built"
documentation from utility companies and making initial
contact with their representatives,
o if elevations of the utilities are required in order to determine
the feasibility of a concept, a separate proposal for Level A
SUE will be submitted.
37 Hydrologic Analysis - This scope includes the tasks necessary to develop
hydrologic models of the study area. Study discharges will be obtained for the
5, 25, and 100-year storm frequencies, assuming fully-developed watershed
a) Prepare a drainage area map of 1" w 200' scale from available
contour maps.
b) Delineate sub-watersheds using LIDAR and survey data to analyze
existing drainage patterns within the study area, as well as to identify
and define proposed improvements.
cy Compute hydrologic parameters for each sub-watershed including
precipitation data, time of concentration, and land use category.
d] Create a fully developed hydrologic condition model.
e) Determine runoff for 5, 25, and 100-year storm frequencies.
4) Hydraulic Analysis - This scope includes the tasks necessary to evaluate the
possibility of utilizing detention storage east of IH-35W to lower the hydraulic
grade line for the drainage system on the west side of IH-35W, based on fully
Amendment No. 1
December 29, 2009
Page 4
developed watershed discharges, consistent with criteria in the City of For[
Worth Storm Water Management Design Manual, March 2906 edition.
a) Existing Conditions Analysis
o Develop digital terrain model (STM) based on cross-sections
and LIDAR data for use in preparing the present day
conditions model at the project site.
o Develop a hydraulic model
o Record drawings obtained from the City will be used in
conjunction with field data to model existing drainage
by Analysis
o ENGINEER will provide CITY with results of analysis in both
digital and hard copy format. Eight (8) copies of the detention
option plan & profile exhibits will be prepared for GWNER's
review and comment. An opinion of Probable Construction
Cast will be provided for the detention scenario east of IH-35.
5) Project Development
a) Conduct up to four (4) project status meetings with CITY during the
course of the detention analysis phase. These meetings shall be used
to update CITY as to status of project and to determine CITY's
preference in recommended improvement options,
b) Conduct up to two (2) site visits to project site with CITY, upon CITY
3. Standard Professional Engineering Agreement Changes
The following items are required due to changes in the standard professional
engineering agreement.
a. Meeting -Attend one (1) ConstructabiMy Review meeting
b. Traffic Control Pians - These will utilitize the City of Fort Standard traffic control
details. If additional traffic control plan layouts and details are needed (other
than standard details), Dunaway will submit a separate request to perform that
c, Bid Assistance
• In lieu of 50 copies to City,
0 10 full size & 10 half size copies to City.
o Upload construction documents to Buzzsaw.
■ Plans will be distributed from the Dunaway office.
• Dunaway will maintain a plan holders list.
d. Record Drawings
• Record drawings shall be prepared from the information submitted by the
Amendment No. 1
December 29, 2009
Page 5
A summary of the total project is as follows'.
Basic Fee
1. Original Contract $119,461
2. Amendment#1
Hopkins Court $16,850
Hammond Street $48,685
Engin. Agreement Changes $10,620
Total Amendment#1 $76,15576,15
Please review the enclosed information. Do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions
or require additional information regarding this proposal.
Stephen R. James, P.E.
Sr. Principal
Director, Public Sector Services
2000049 Amendmeat#1 Cover Lettter bsd 09-12-29.doc
Hopkins Court Drainage Improvements 10/19/09
City of Fort Worth
Task Description Dept.Mgr Eng. Tech.
Billing Rate $160 $iia $90
Drainage Design
a. Neighborhood Meeting(1) 2 2 2 $720
b. Subsurface Utility Engineering-MWBE subconsultant $2,500
c. Easement Parcels
1.Drainage Easement(2)-MWBE subconsultant $1,600
2.Temp.Right-of-En try Agreements(2) 1 1 $200
d. Construction Documents
1.Drainage Area Map 0.5 4 8 $1,240
2.Plan 1 Profile Sheets(2) 2 16 32 $4,960
3.Landscaping Plan 0.5 4 12 $1,600
4.Erosion Control 0.5 4 12 $1,600
5.Notes i}Details 0.5 4 12 $1,600
e. QT0 and OPCC 0.5 1 2 $370
Task Totals 6.5 36 81 $16,390
Total Hours 6.5 36 81 123,5
Misc.Expenses(reproduction,mileage,postage,deliveries) $50
Administrative Fee(10%)for Subconsultant firms $410
Non-Labor Totals $460
Total Budget $16,850
Hammond Street Drainage Improvements 12129109
City of Fart Worth
Task Description Dept.Mgr Eng. Tech.
Billing Rate $160 $110 $90
Additional To o ra hlc Survey,Subsurface Utility Engineering,and Easement
1 Surveys
a.Topographic Surveying-MWBE subconsultant $3,500
b.Subsurface Utility Engineering-MWBE subconsultant $2,500
2 Easement Parcels
a.Drainage Easement(1)-MWBE subconsultant $800
b.Temp.Right-of-Entry Agreement(1) 0.5 0.5 $100
Task Totals 0 0.5 0.5 $6,900
Additional Concept Enigineerino
1 Data Acquisition
a.Obtain land use maps from City 0.5 $45
b.Obtafn as-builts for culverts,paving,grading,and drainage 1 $90
c,Obtain LIDAR contour data from City 0,5 $45
d.Coordination w/subconsultant for topographic survey and SUE 2 $220
2 Field Work
a.Site Visits 2 2 $540
b.Topographic Surveying-MWBE subconsultant $12,150
c.Subsurface Utility Engineering-MWBE subconsultant $8,800
3 Hydrologic Analysis
a.Prepare drainage area map 6 $540
b.Define watershed using LIDAR and survey data 1 6 $820
c.Compute watershed parameters 3 12 $1,800
d.Develop hydrologic watershed model 2 12 $1,640
e.Determine runoff for 5,25,and 100-yr storm 2 $220
4 Hydraulic Analysis
a,Existing Condition Analysis 6 32 10 $5,380
b.Evaluate detention basin option 6 24 12 $4,680
5 Project Development
a.Conduct 4 project status meetings with City 2 8 $1,200
b.Conduct site visits 2 2 $540
Task Totals 24 102 30 $38,710
Total Hours 24 102.5 30.5 $45,610
Mfsc,Expenses[reproduction,mileage,postage,deliveries] $300
Administrative Fee(10%)for Subconsuttant firms $2,775
Non-Labor Totals $3,075
Total Budget $48,685
Standard Professional Engineering Agreement Changes 10/19/09
City of Fort Worth
Task Description Dept.Mgr Eng. Tech.
Bf[ling Rate $160 $110 $90
a.Conduct 1 site visit with City(Constructibility Review) 3 3 $810
b.Traffic Control Plans
Advance Warning 5ign Layout Sheet 0.5 8 12 $2,040
Street Closure Pians for Hammond Street 0.5 8 16 $2,400
TCP for Single Lane Closure on Old Burleson Rd. 0.5 4 8 $1,240
d.Record Drawings 2 8 32 $4,080
Total Hours 6.5 31 68 $10,570
Misc.Expenses(reproduction,mileage,postage,deliveries) $50
Non-Labor Totals $50
Total Budget $10,620
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Gorrondona & Associates, Iiic.
r December 28,2409
Dunaway Associates, Inc.
1501 Merrimac Circle, Suite 100
Fort Worth,Texas 76107-6572
Attn: Mr. Brian Darby, P.E.
Dear Mr. Darby:
Gorrondona & Associates, Inc. (G&AI) has committed to perform the design/topographic
survey and SUE for the above referenced projects as required by the design engineer
(Dunaway Associates, Inc.). The total fee for the design/topographic survey and SUE for
the project is$31,850.00.
If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at (817)496-
W.Truett Wilson,RPLS
Survey Manager
6707 Brentwood Stair Road•Suite 50-Fort Worth,Texas 76192.817A96.1424•Fax 81 ,496.1768•www-ga-wc nd
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 411.312010
DATE: Tuesday,April 13,2010 REFERENCE NO.: **C-24168
Authorize the Execution of Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of$76,155.00 to City Secretary Contract No.
35190,an Engineering Agreement with Dunaway Associates,L.P.,for the Storm Water Utility Project
– Hammond Street Drainage Improvements and Hopkins Court Flume Reconstruction(COUNCIL
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City
Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 in the amount of
$76,155.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 35190 with Dunaway
Associates,L.P.,thereby revising the total Contract cost to
The Storm Water Management Program was established to reduce
flooding in Fort Worth,preserve streams, minimize water pollution
and to operate the storm water system in a more effective manner
to fully comply with State and federal regulatory requirements.
This will be accomplished by infrastructure reconstruction and
system maintenance,master planning,enhanced development
review and increased public education and outreach.
A request for qualifications to provide drainage design was issued
by the City in January 2006, and 24 design consultants submitted
statements of qualifications,including Dunaway Associates,L.P.
On March 6,2007,(M&C C-21995)the City Council approved an
Engineering Agreement with Dunaway Associates,L.P.,for the
design of Hammond Street Drainage Improvements and the
conceptual design of Hopkins Court Flume Reconstruction(Project
00488)for a lump sum fee of$119,461.00.
On September 22,2009,(Ordinance No. 18838-09-2009)the City
Council approved the issuance and sale of$45,000,000.00 in
revenue bonds in Storm Water Revenue Bonds,Series 2009,to
fund a two year Storm Water Capital Project Program.
Amendment No. 1 includes an evaluation to determine if a
detention basin is feasible for the Hammond Street Drainage
Improvements project,continuation of preliminary and final design
for the Hopkins Court Flume Reconstruction project based on the
recommendations from the conceptual design,development of
traffic control plans and additional bid and construction phase
services for both projects.
Dunaway Associates,L.P.,proposes to perform the services of
Amendment No. I for a lump sum fee of$76,155.00.City staff
considers the fee to be fair and reasonable for the scope of services
Dunaway Associates,L.P.,is in compliance with the City's
MIWBE Ordinance by committing to an additional 42 percent
MIWBE participation on this Amendment No. 1. The City's goal
for this Amendment is 8 percent.
This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9,Mapsco 91J
and 75Q.
The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds
are available in the current capital budget,as appropriated, of the
Storm Water Revenue Bonds,Series 2009.
TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM n
P2531200. 209280048831 $12.335.00
P227 531200 209280048832 $24.672.00
P227 531200 209280048833 $4.112.00
P227 531200 209280048851 $35,035.00
Submitted for QjX Manager's f Fernando Costa (6122)
Originating Department Head: William Verkest (7801)
Additional Information Contact: Chad Simmons (8 178701129)
1.00488 mwbe com lip ance.1df
4.Map 00488.pddf