HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35395-A1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 STATE OF TEXAS & CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO- (M&C Needed) COUNTY OF TARRANT S WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (City) and Stream Water Group, Inc. , (Engineer) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 35395, (the Contract) which was authorized by the City Council by M&C C- 22160 on the 5th day of June 2007 ; and WHEREAS, the Contract involves engineering services for the following project: Storm Water Utility Project - Raider Channel Improvements, Project No. 00660 : DOE No. 5684 WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to said Contract to include an increased scope of work and revised maximum fee NOW THEREFORE, City and Engineer, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement which amends the Contract: 1. Article I, of the Contract is amended to include the additional engineering services specified in a proposal letter dated March 30, 2009, copies of which are both attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional services to be performed by Engineer total $100,242.40 . 2. Article II, of the Contract is amended to provide for an increase in the maximum fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all work and services shall not exceed the sum of $150,547 .00 . 3. All other provisions of the Contract which are not expressly amended herein lshia�l�l. remain in full force and effect. "� L HEWN C�SECRETARY ORIGINAL FT.WORTH,U QEXECUTED on this the day of , 20�j) , in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas . ATTEST: _a ' Contract Authoxiaatio�r �`�V C Marty Hen ix J LIML -�. . City Secretary Date APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: William A Verke P. Fernando Costa Director, Department of Assistant City Manager Transportation and Public Works Stream Water Groin+, Inc. Engineer By: � . Name: Shamsul Arefin, P.E President 6737 Brentwood Stair Rd. , Suite 230 Fort Worth, TX 76112. APPROVED AS T FARM AND LEGALITY: 1 Assistant City orney OFFICIAL RECORD CiTYSECRETARY F'T.WORTH,TX March 30, 2009 Mr. Michael A. Owen, P.E. Project Manager Transportation & Public Works Department City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton St. Fort Worth,TX 76102-6311 Reference: Amendment No. 1 Engineering Design Services: Raider Channel Improvements City Project No.: 00660, DOE No. 5684 Dear Mr. Owen, We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal and fee schedule for your consideration. Attached please find construction cost estimates, schedule, and exhibits depicting the scope of work. We propose to complete the proposed work in accordance with the following fee schedule: Estimated Construction Costs for Drainage Improvements=$708,846 1. Basic Engineering Fee based on%of construction(T.S.P.E. Curve%) (T.S.P.E. Curve 8%X 0.85)= $48,201 Basic Services $48,201 Basic Engineering(%of Construction Cost) $48,201 Special Services $52,041 Topographic Surveying Services(approx 425 LF and misc. area) = $ 1,750 Easement Document(4 @$600 ea) = $ 2,400 Model update = $ 4,860 Right-of-Entries(60$100ea) = $ 600 Erosion Control Plans 1 SW3P = $ 3,900 Preparation of 404 Permit Requirements Determination = $ 9,440 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment(by mlwbe) = $ 4,965 Geotechnical Investigation(by mlwbe) = $ 8,150 SUE(Quality Level B)(by mlwbe) = $ 1,700 Structural Design = $ 4,500 Traffic Control Plan = $ 1,215 Public Meeting = $ 1,480 Meeting&Reports = $ 1,200 Prepare and Upload Plan and Spec to Buzzsaw = $ 585 Field Visit with City PM at 60% Plan Submit = $ 765 Printing&Reproduction Subtotal = $ 2,625 Administrative(10%)Fee on MIWBE Firms = $ 1,906 Additional Services Subtotal = $ 52,041 TOTAL LUMP SUM $100,242 Iireriiai-od �f:0r RJt 'SiiiIC ?3V• IJrl iV.,rIh. I I I, • 1'hon t' til-' 4 4'I • IS€' 1-'r�-1;; tu. MN•itilVI:Mer,l'«up-nom { Amendment No. 1 Raider Channel Improvements Mr. Owen,P.E. March 30,2009 Page 2 We will be using HVJ and Associates ($13,115) for Geotech and Environmental Site Assesments, Spooner and Associates{$3,350}for Surveying services,Gorrondona and Associates ($1,700) for SUE and L.A Blueline Inc. 900 for printing and reproduction services.This will result in an 19% portion of the contract that will be performed by approved MIWBE firm which will meet or exceed the target of 19%. The current status of the contract between Stream Water Group,Inc and City of Fort Worth for the above referenced project is as follows: Original Contract Amount= $ 50,305.00 Amendment No. 1 Amount= S 100,242.00 Total Contract Amount including Amendment No. 1 = $ 150,547.00 Please process Amendment No. 1,to the Raider Channel Drainage Improvements City Project No. 00660, DOE No. 5684 in the amount of$100,242.00. Please note that the task is not included with amendment las the the detail scope of work is not available: • Environmental Lien and • Chains-of title(COT) ■ CLOMRILOMR If you require any additional information or have any questions regarding this matter,please give me a call at 817-445-4171. We appreciate the opportunity to provide engineering design services for the City of Fort Worth. Sincerely, Stream Water Group, Inc. Shamsul Arefin, P.E. President 6 7 lift!f1p+,•rii S[ais- ft,1• I)triI,: 3U• 1q,It W.,rIh, I X 'c+l It • I'h4mu: if 7,446.41'1 l axI? .46-4t35 wwY. ;treauiwater:;rnuh.cotn EXHIBIT "A-9" SUPPLEMENTAL SCOPE OF SERVICES (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT"A") DESIGN SERVICES: PAVING AND/OR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The following is a clarification of the tasks that the ENGINEER will perform under ATTACHMENT "A". Work under this attachment includes engineering services for paving and/or storm drain improvements for the following: Engineering Design Services: Raider Channel Improvements City Project No.: 00660, DDE No. 5684 SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENTS Project Locations g Council Existing Cond.ISirs Approx. Culvert Channel improvements Storm Map District Proposed Size Length(ft) (ft) Raider Channel Improvements 5 Open Natural 45'X5'Box 60'Ea 750 2108-416 Channel Culvert Upon receipt of notice to proceed, the ENGINEER will perform the following tasks: PART A—PRE-ENGINEERING 1. Initial Data Collection a. Pre-Design Coordination Meetings ENGINEER will attend and document meetings, as required, to discuss and coordinate various aspects of the project and to ensure that the project stays on schedule. For purposes of establishing a level of comfort, two (2) meetings are anticipated. These include the following: One (1) pre-design kick-off meeting, (including ALL departments that are impacted by the project). One (1) review meeting at completion of the City's review of the conceptual engineering plans. EA2-1 Rev 02/05/09 b. Data Collection In addition to data obtained from the City, ENGINEER will research and make efforts to obtain pertinent information to aid in coordination of the proposed improvements with any planned future improvements that may influence the project. ENGINEER will also identify and seek to obtain data for existing conditions that may impact the project including; utilities, City Master plans, CITY drainage complaint files, existing applicable drainage studies and property ownership as available from the Tax Assessor's office. C. Coordination with Other Agencies During the concept phase the ENGINEER shall coordinate with all utilities, including utilities owned by the City, TxDOT and railroads. These entities shall also be contacted if applicable, to determine plans for any proposed facilities or adjustment to existing facilities within the project limits. The information obtained shall be shown on the concept plans. The ENGINEER shall show the location of the proposed utility lines, existing utility lines and any adjustments and/or relocation of the existing lines within the project limits. ENGINEER shall complete all forms necessary for City, to obtain permit letters from TxDOT and railroads and submit such forms to the City. City shall be responsible for forwarding the forms to the affected agencies for execution. 2. Schedule Submittal and Monthly Progress Report The ENGINEER shall submit a project schedule after the design contract is fully executed. The schedule shall be updated and submitted to the CITY along with monthly progress reports as required under Attachment B of the contract. PART B -CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1_ Conceptual Engineering i. Surveys for Design a. ENGINEER will perform field surveys to collect horizontal and vertical elevations and other information needed by ENGINEER in design and EA2-2 Rev 02/05/09 preparation of plans for the project. Information gathered during the survey shall include topographic data, elevations of all sanitary and adjacent storm sewers, rim/invert elevations, location of buried utilities, structures, and other features relevant to the final plan sheets. Existing drainage at intersections will be verified by field surveys. Spot elevations will be shown on intersection layouts with cross slope to fit intersecting grade lines. The minimum survey information to be provided on the plans shall include the following: 1. A Project Control Sheet, showing ALL Control Points, used or set while gathering data. Generally on a scale of not less than 1:400: 2. The following information about each Control Point,- a. oint;a. Identified (Existing. City Monument #8901, PK Nail, 5/8" Iron Rod) b. X, Y and Z Coordinates, in an identified coordinate system, and a referred bearing base. Z coordinate on City Datum only. C. Descriptive Location (Ex. Set in the centerline of the inlet in the South curb line of North Side Drive at the East end of radius at the Southeast comer of North Side Drive and North Main Street). 3. Coordinates on all P.C.'s, P.T.'s, P.I.'s, Manholes, Valves, etc., in the same coordinate system, as the Control. 4. No less than two horizontal bench marks, per line or location. 5. Bearings given on all proposed centerlines,or baselines. 6. Station equations relating utilities to paving,when appropriate. 7. Engineer shall perform Level B subsurface utility engineering. Ext-3 Rev 02/05/09 b. Drainage calculations and hydraulic computations. C. Preliminary project plans and profile sheets which will show the following; Existing channel centerline, existing left and right top of channel bank, existing utility crossings and existing right-of wayleasement. Proposed top of channel backs, channel flowline (existing and proposed), 100 year water surface profile along with water and sanitary sewer line adjustments to accommodate the proposed channel improvements. Culvert upgrades and roadway pavement replacement. Typical channel details. Limits of right-of-way or easements and temporary construction easement. d. Existing found property corners (e.g. iron pins)along the existing right-of-way shall be shown on the plans. Profiles for existing and proposed storm drain mains and leads shall be provided. e. Existing utilities and utility easements will be shown on the roadway plan and profile sheets. ENGINEER will coordinate with utility companies and the City of Fort Worth to ascertain what, if any, future improvements are planned that may impact the project. f. Preliminary channel cross-sections will be developed, from the survey notes, at intervals not-to-exceed 50 foot along the project length and will extend to the right of way or easement line on both sides of the channel. Additional cross-sections at important features including grade breaks in the channel fiowline retaining walls, etc.,will also be provided. g. Maintenance ramps if appropriate. h. Proposed plantprofile sheets will conform to City of Fort Worth construction legend. Adequate horizontal and vertical control shall be provided on the plan sheets to locate all proposed and existing facilities. Legal descriptions (Lot Nos., Block Nos., and Addition Names) along with property ownership shall be provided on the plan view. i. Furnish as a function of final pians, six(6) copies of the final cross-sections on 24" x 36" sheets. Scale will be V = 20' horizontal and 1" = 2' vertical. Hydraulic EA2-4 Rev 02/05/04 computations and profiles of all storm drain outfalls into the channel shall be provided. ii. Public Notification and Personnel/Vehicle Identification a. Residential notification is required for field surveys on this project, mail- outs will be prepared for approval by CITY T/PW staff. The mail out shall be on company letter head and shall include the project name, study limits, DOE project no., brief description of the project, and consultant's project manager name and telephone number. -OR- If Right of Entry acquisition is required for field surveys or other work on this project, mail-outs will be prepared for approval by CITY TIPW staff. The mail out shall be on company letter head and shall include the project name, study limits, DOE project no., brief description of the project, and consultant's project manager name and telephone number and a place for the property owner to sign giving permission to access the property. b. When conducting site visits to the project location, the ENGINEER or any of its sub-consultants shall carry readily visible information identifying the name of the company and the company representative. iii. Drainage Computations ENGINEER will review and document the storm water watershed drainage runoff area and existing street, right-of-way and storm sewer capacities for the subject site. A drainage area map will be drawn at 1" = 200' scale from available contour maps. Calculations regarding street and right-of-way capacities and design discharges (5-year and 100-year frequencies) at selected critical locations will be provided. Capacities of existing storm drain will be calculated and shown. The ENGINEER's responsibility includes recommendations for improvements of the existing system as deemed reasonable and consistent with City standards. All calculations and design shall conform to the City of Fort Worth Storm Water Management Design Manual, March 2006. iv. Conceptual Engineering Plan Submittal EA2--5 Rev 02/05/09 a. Conceptual plans shall be submitted to City 90 days after Notice to Proceed Letter is issued. b. The ENGINEER shall furnish seven (7) copies (11"X17") of the concept engineering plans which include layouts, preliminary right-of--way needs and cost estimates for the ENGINEER's recommended plan. The ENGINEER shall also evaluate the phasing of the water, sanitary sewer, street and drainage work, and shall submit such evaluation in writing to the City as a part of the concept phase of the project. 2, Preliminary Engineering Upon approval of Part B, Paragraph IV, ENGINEER will prepare construction plans as follows: a. Drainage area maps with drainage calculations and hydraulic computations. Information shown on the plans will be consistent with Part A, Paragraph 1.b.for proposed condition. b. Preliminary project plans and profile sheets which will show the Property Ownership and shall be on 22"x 34" sheets. C. ENGINEER shall execute the applicable hydrologic and hydraulic models, prepare detailed hydraulic analysis for.existing and proposed channel conditions. The ENGINEER'S responsibility includes recommendations for improvement of the existing system as deemed reasonable and consistent with City standards. d. The ENGINEER shall also submit a brief letter report outlining the findings of the hydraulic study and recommendations ENGINEER shall advise City on the need for additional permits or licenses which may be required. e. Where the stream channel improvements is shown as a designated floodplainlfloodway in the City's Flood Insurance Rate Maps and upon the City's concurrence with the ENGINEER's recommendations for improvements, the ENGINEER will prepare the necessary documentation for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). The ENGINEER will respond to the RL7-6 Rev 02/05/09 Federal Emergency Management Agency's review and resolve all issues. f. ENGINEER will submit copies of the proposed project information necessary for the Corps of Engineers to make a determination for permitting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act as applicable ENGINEER will compile permit requirements and will prepare necessary documentation to respond to requirements of the permitting authority. g. Proposed roadway profile grades and elevations along each curb line; elevations at all p.v.i.'s; pYs half stations; high and low points;vertical curve information; and pertinent AASHTQ calculations. Profiles for existing curbs (if any)and existing ground at the left and right-of-way lines shall be shown. Existing found property comers (e.g. Iron pins), along the existing right-of- way shall be shown on the plans. Profiles for existing and proposed storm drain mains and leads shall be provided. h. Existing utilities and utility easements will be shown on the roadway plan and profile sheets. ENGINEER will coordinate with utility companies and the City of Fort Worth to ascertain what, if any, future improvements are planned that may impact the project. i. Preliminary roadway cross-sections will be developed, from the survey notes, at intervals not-to-exceed 50 foot along the project length and will extend 10' past the right of way line on both sides of the street. Additional cross-sections at important features including driveways, p.i.'s of intersecting streets, (minimum distance of 100' along cross-street at each P.I.)walks, retaining walls, etc., will also be provided. Profiles of centerline of driveways will also be provided where necessary. Scale will be V = 10' horizontal and 1"=2'vertical. j. Street and intersection layouts. k. Proposed plan/profile sheets will conform to City of Fort Worth construction legend. Adequate horizontal and vertical control shall be provided on the plan sheets to locate all proposed and existing facilities. Legal descriptions (Lot Nos., Block Nos., and Addition Names) along with property ownership shall be provided on the pian view. EA2-7 Rev 02/05/09 I. Geotechnical Investigation/Pavement Design The ENGINEER shall prepare a detailed geotechnical engineering study and pavement design in conformance with the City of Fort Worth Pavement Design Standards Manual, 2005. M. Right-of-Way Research The ENGINEER will conduct preliminary research for availability of existing easements where open-cut construction or relocation of existing alignments is probable. Temporary and permanent easements will be appropriated based on available information and recommendations will be made for approval by the City. n. Riclht-of-wavlEasement Preparation and Submittal Preparation and submittal of right-of-way, easements and rights-of-entry will be in conformance with "Submittal of information to Real Property Division for Acquisition of Property". o. Utility Clearance Phase The ENGINEER will consult with the City's Transportation and Public Works Department, Water Department, and other CITY departments, public utilities, private utilities, private utilities and government agencies to determine the approximate location of above and underground utilities, and other facilities that have an impact or influence on the project. ENGINEER will design City facilities to avoid or minimize conflicts with existing utilities. The ENGINEER shall upload the approved preliminary construction plans to the City's Buzzsaw site to be accessed by all utility companies, which have facilities within the limits of the project. P. Preliminary Construction Plan Submittal Fn?-8 Rev 02/05/09 i. Preliminary construction plans and specifications shall be submitted to CITY 90 days after approval of Part B, Paragraph IV. ii. The ENGINEER shall deliver eigW (8) sets of preliminary construction plans (11"X17") and two (2) specifications to CITY for review. Generally, plan sheets shall be organized as follows: Cover Sheet General Layout and Legend Sheet Drainage Area Map and Computations Plan&Profile Sheets Preliminary Cross Sections Standard Construction Details Special Details(If applicable) iii. The ENGINEER shall submit a preliminary estimate of probable construction cost with the preliminary plans submitted. Engineer shall assist City in selecting the feasible and or economical solutions to be pursued. q. Review Meetings with Ci The ENGINEER shall meet with CITY to discuss review comments for preliminary submittal. The CITY shall direct the ENGINEER in writing to proceed with Final Design for Final Review. r. Public Meeting After the preliminary plans have been reviewed and approved by the City, the ENGINEER shall prepare project exhibits, provide the CITY with the database listing the names and addresses of all residents and business to be affected by the proposed project, and attend public meeting to help explain the proposed project to residents. The CITY shall select a suitable location and mail the invitation letters to the affected customers. S. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) For projects that disturb an area greater than one (1) acre, ENGINEER EA2-9 aev 02/05/09 will prepare the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) required for the project for use by the Contractor during construction. Engineer will prepare drawings and details for proposed SWPPP improvement that the Contractor must use during construction. Contractor will be responsible for filing the SWPPP with appropriate regulatory agencies, t. Traffic Control Plan The ENGINEER may utilize standard traffic reroute configurations posted as "Typicals" on the City's Buzzsaw website. The typicals need not be sealed individually if included in the sealed contract documents. In the event that the "typicals"(as described above) cannot be utilized on the project, the ENGINEER shall prepare a signed and sealed Traffic Control Plan for review and approval by the Traffic Division of the Transportation and Public Works Department. 3. Final Construction Plan Submittal a. Final Construction Documents shall be submitted to CITY 60 days after approval of Part B, Paragraph 2 (b). Following CITY approval of the recommended improvements, the ENGINEER shall prepare final plans and specifications and contract documents to CITY(each plan sheet shall be stamped, dated, and signed by the ENGINEER registered in State of Texas) and submit seven (7) sets of plans and construction contract documents within 15 days of CITY's final approval. Plan sets shall be used for Part C activities. b. ENGINEER's Estimate of Probable Construction Cost The ENGINEER shall submit a final estimate of probable construction cost with the final plans submitted. C. Furnish as a function of final pians,two(2)copies of the final cross-sections on 22" x 34" sheets. Information on these sheets will include centerline station, profile grades and centerline elevations, roadway section (existing F 2-10 Rev 02/05/09 and proposed), right-of-way limits. Scale will be 1" =20' horizontal and V_ 2' vertical with cross sections plotted with stationing from the bottom of the sheet, and will include laterals and inlets. CITY policy with regard to parking design shall be maintained. Excavation and embankment volumes and end area computations shall also be provided. d. Mylar Submittals The ENGINEER shall submit a final set of mylar drawings for record storage as follows: 1. Street and storm drain plans shall be submitted as one set of plans. Street and storm drain plans shall be separate from water and sanitary sewer plans. All sheets shall be standard size (22" x 34") with all project numbers (TPW and waterlsanitary sewer)prominently displayed. 2. For projects where water/sanitary sewer improvements occur on a TPW Department funded project with no Water funding involved, a separate set of mylars with cover sheet shall be submitted for Water Department. 3. Signed plans sets shall also be submitted as an Adobe Acrobat PDF format (version 6.0 or higher) file. There shall be one (1) PDF file for the TPW plan set and a separate PDF file for the Water plan set. Each PDF file shall contain all associated sheets of the particular plan set. Singular PDF files for each sheet of a plan set will not be accepted. PDF files shall conform to naming conventions as follows: I. TPW file name example — "W-1956_org47.pdf" where "W-1956" is the assigned file number obtained from the City of Fort Worth, "_org" designating the file is of an original plan set, "47" shall be the total number of sheets in this file. Example: W-0053_org3.pdf and K-0320_org5.pdf KA2-11 Rev 02/05/09 II. Water and Sewer file name example — "X- 35667_org36.pdf"where"X-35867" is the assigned file number obtained from the City of Fort Worth, "_org" designating the file is of an original plan set, "36" shall be the total number of sheets in this file. Example: X-12755_org18.pdf Both PDF files shall be submitted on one (1) Compact Disk, which will become property of and remain with the City of Fort Worth. Floppy disks, zip disks,e-mail flash media will not be accepted. 4. For information on the proper manner to submit PDF files and to obtain a file number for the project, contact the Department of Transportation and Public Works Vault at telephone number(817) 392-8426. File numbers will not be issued to a project unless the appropriate project numbers and fund codes have been assigned and are in the Department of Transportation and Public Works database. PART C-PRE-CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE Administration a. Bid Documents The ENGINEER shall upload all plans and contract documents onto Buzzsaw for access to potential bidders. Hard copies of documents will not be made available to potential bidders. Contract documents shall be uploaded in pdf files and the plans in pdf and dwf files. b. Bidding Assistance The ENGINEER shall assist the CITY during this phase including preparation and delivery of any additional addenda prior to bid opening to plan holders and respond to questions submitted to CITY by prospective bidders. The ENGINEER shall upload all FA2-12 Rev 02/05/09 addenda onto Buzzsaw. The ENGINEER shall attend the scheduled pre-bid conference. The ENGINEER shall assist in reviewing the bids for completeness and accuracy. The ENGINEER shall attend the project bid opening, develop bid tabulations in hard copy and electronic format and return four (4) copies of the bid tabulation, along with the contract documents to the City within three (3) working days after bid openings. C. Construction Documents The ENGINEER will make available for construction, upon request by the CITY, up to twenty (20)sets of the final approved and dated plans and specifications and contract documents for the projects to the CITY for distribution to the contractor and City personnel. C. Assistance During Construction The ENGINEER shall attend the pre-construction conference for the project. The ENGINEER shall also consult with and advise the CITY on design and/or construction changes, if necessary. . The ENGINEER shall make periodic site visits during construction and provide documentation of the observations made, as requested by CITY. The ENGINEER shall attend the "Final' project inspectin and assist City with preparation of final punch list, as requested by CITY_ PART D — CONSTRUCTION STAKING (OPTIONAL) (PART D TO BE PRINTED ONLY IF APPLICABLE): Not Applicable Rn?-13 Rote 02/05/09 ATTACHMENT'B" Contract Amendment No. 1 COMPENSATION AND SCHEDULE Engineering Design Services: Raider Channel Improvements. City Project No.: 00880, DOE No. 5884 1. Compensation A. The Engineer shall be compensated a total lump sum fee of$100,242 as summarized in Exhibit"B-3". Payment of the total lump sum fee shall be considered full compensation for the services described in Attachment"A"and Exhibits"A-1"for all labor materials, supplies and equipment necessary to complete the project. B. The Engineer shall be paid in four partial payments as described in Exhibit"B-1"upon receipt of four individual invoices from the Engineer. In this regard,the engineer shall submit invoices for four partial payments as described in Exhibit"B-1 ", Section 1- Method of Payment. II. Schedule Final Plans and Contract Documents for bid advertisement shall be submitted within 300 calendar days after the"Notice to Proceed"letter is issued. A. Conceptual Engineering Plans—90 Calendar Days B. Preliminary Engineering Plans and Contract Documents—150 Calendar Days C. Final Engineering Plans and Contract Documents—45 Calendar Days D. Final Engineering Plans and Contract Documents for Bid Advertisement— 15 Calendar Days EXHIBIT"B-1" (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT"B") Contract Amendment No. 1 METHOD OF PAYMENT Engineering Design Services: Raider Channel Improvements City Project No: 06666, DOE No. 5684 I. Method of Payment Partial Payment shall be made to the Engineer monthly upon City's approval of an invoice from the Engineer outlining the estimated current percent complete of the total project. The aggregate of such monthly partial fee payments shall not exceed the following: Until satisfactory completion of Exhibit"A-1", Conceptual Engineering plans submittal and approval by the City, a sum not to exceed 30 percent of the total lump sum fee. Until satisfactory completion of Exhibit"A-1", Preliminary Construction plans submittal and approval by the City,a sum not to exceed 60 percent of the total lump sum fee,less previous payments. Until satisfactory completion of Exhibit"A-1", Final Construction plans submittal and approval by the City,a sum not to exceed 90 percent of the total lump sum fee, less previous payments. The balance of fees, less previous payments,shall be payable after all of the pre-construction meetings for the Project have been conducted. Il. Progress Reports A. The Engineer shall submit to the designated representative of the Director of the Transportation and Public Works Department monthly progress reports and updated schedule covering all phases of design in the format required by the City. B. If the Engineer determines in the course of making design drawings and specifications that the opinion of probable cost of$708,846(as estimated in Exhibit"134')will be exceeded,whether by change in the scope of the project, increased cost or other conditions,the Engineer shall immediately report such fact to the City's Director of the Transportation and Public Works Department and, if so instructed by the Director of the Department of Transportation and Public Works shall suspend all work hereunder. EXHIBIT B-2 (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT B) Contract Amendment No. 'I HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Engineering Services: Raider Channel Drainage Improvements City Project No.: 006610,OCE No. 5684 Employee Classification Rate/Hour Principal $150 Project Manager $135 Project Engineer $120 Staff Engineer $75 Draftsman $70 Clerical $45 Reimbursable Cost+ 10% Auto Milage $0.50 Per Mile EXHIBIT B-3 (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT B) Contract Amendment No.1 Raider Channel Drainage Improvements City Project No.: 00660, DOE No. 5684 Prime Consultant Scope of Services Fee %of Contract Stream Water Group,Inc, Engineering&Proj.Mgmt $81,177 80.98% Proposed MlWBE 5ubconsuitants Spooner and Associates Survey,Easement Document $ 3,350 3.34% L.A Blueline,Inc. Reproduction $ 900 0.90% HVJ Associates Geo Tach and Environmental Site Assesment $ 13,115 13.08% Gorrondona&Associates SUE(Level B) $ 1,700 1.70% Total For Professional Services $ 100,242 100% Actual MIWBE City's MIWBE Prolect Description Scove of Services Total Fee MNUBE Fee Percen Percent Goal Engineering Services Channel Improvements $100,242 $19,065 19,02% 19% EXHIBIT B-3A (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT B) Contract Amendment No. 1 SUMMARY OF DESIGN FEES Engineering Design Services: Raider Channel Improvements City Project No.: 00660, DOE No. 5684 Estimated Construction Costs for Drainage Improvements= $708,846 1. Basic Engineering Fee based on%of construction(T.S.P.E. Curve%) (T.S.P.E. Curve 8%X 0.85) _ $48,201 Basic Services $48,201 Basic Engineering(%of Construction Cost) $48,201 Special Services $52,041 Topographic Surveying Services(approx 425 LF and misc. area) = $ 1,750 Easement Document(4 Q$600 ea ) = $ 2,400 Model update = $ 4,860 Right-of-Entries(6@a $100ea) = $ 600 Erosion Control Plans 1 SW3P = $ 3,900 Preparation of 404 Permit Requirements Determination = $ 9,440 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment(by mlwbe) = $ 4,965 Geotechnical investigation(by mlwbe) = $ 8,150 SUE(Quality Level B)(by mlwbe) = $ 1,700 Structural Design = $ 4,500 Traffic Control Plan = $ 1,215 Public Meeting = $ 1,480 Meeting&Reports = $ 1,200 Prepare and Upload Plan and Spec to Buzzsaw = $ 585 Field Visit with City PM at 60% Plan Submit = $ 765 Printing&Reproduction Subtotal = $ 2,625 Administrative(10%)Fee on MIWBE Firms = $ 1,906 Additional Services Subtotal = $ 52,041 TOTAL LUMP SUM $100,242 Total Lump Sum Fee for Drainage Improvements $100,242 We will be using HVJ and Associates ($13,115) for Geotech and Environmental Site Assesments, Spooner and Associates($3,350) for Surveying services,Gorrondona and Associates($1,700)for SUE and L.A Blueline. Inc. ($900) for printing and reproduction services.This will result in an 19% portion of the contract that will be performed by approved MIWBE firm which will meet or exceed the target of 19%. a ■ ] n � F E � 5' 2 7 -V ( C t () G ■ 2 f • § 7 E co � � \ o i $ 2 2 g � $ R k � T § :3 M / 3k ® « § § /\/ o C= axg EE . 2f � \ m @2 [ gic . \ � ( q 2 ƒ a k c § d B ® 2 E » \ o E J $ » Em CP z] z 2 £ s o o ■ P ic B Z1.0k � k ® - --- m , _ { CO � $ @e� ro3 ■ cn E � 2 7 E / � § \ � � ƒ EXHIBIT B-36(cont.) (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT B) Contract Amendment No. 1 Raider Channel Improvements City Project No.: 40660,DOE No. 5684 Part A-Conceptual Design and Part B-Plans A Specifications Transportaion and Public Works: ( Construction Cost X ASCE Curve"K'X 85%) ($708,846X8%X.85) Culvert and Channel Improvements = $48,201 Basic Services Total $48,201 Additional Services: Transportaion& Public Works: Topographic Surveying Services(approx 425 LF and misc.area) _ $ 1,750 Easement Document(4 @$600 ea ] _ $ 2,400 Model update = $ 4,860 Right-of-Entries(6@$100ea) _ $ 600 Erosion Contral Plans 1 SW3P = $ 3,900 Preparation of 404 Permit Requirements Determination = $ 9,440 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment(by mlwbe) _ $ 4,965 Geotechnical Investigation(by mlwbe) _ $ 8,150 SUE(Quality Level B)(by mlwbe) _ $ 1,700 Structural Design = $ 4,500 Traffic Control Plan = $ 1,215 Public Meeting = $ 1,480 Meeting& Reports = $ 1,200 Prepare and Upload Plan and Spec to Buzzsaw = $ 585 Field Visit with City PM at 60% Plan Submit = $ 765 Printing&Reproduction Subtotal = $ 2,625 Administrative(10%)Fee on MIWBE Firms = $ 1,906 Additional Services Subtotal = $ 52,041 Total Project Lump Sum= $100,242 0 O LO 47 O O 0 O 0 d O 0 0 0 N 0 Hl u'i chi cv M M 00 � N rn n o m A r n ui n Q _ m N V m N W � bi r r� LL W O 69 6% 6% 6R #A W V! 69 60 69. 61-f 6R 6R N N W H Yi W H O 0 O O O ❑ 0 Y7 ry N N U tc) o 'fj ca m m d 6q V! 6R vs,LO 69 N N N U Ln a W d M N N LD 00 U m M co 6% O rn r N m to W r � al Z C O O C W � Q1 Z � o N N CD W � Cp 7 � � ? � ❑7 � � N C7 d W a U a.� > Q oa a d M d r a p o c r N Cl) Q = vs a 0► G moa d Va. e IL z Qr�} �Q '0m �` O S X G -- ❑'F U] �, ❑ C w a coo •S° a N m a c c N A m Ck CL E .8 `o E °p a c e '0 L 3 a E m2i 2a `r� v c d w np O m m e a c c Q '3 A O 4 vi y C L C 0 N y 'Tj FF V m G m y c •� m m a ❑ C a v c c N a m c c N E N w u: coe V u a W [J c Q+ c L7 m 2 v z. m Y d U' E c a `o n V e m a U m -y III Q m a 7 7 0 w H Q Z, Y c m m c G ❑ _� m c cj U m c m a m ❑ c E a n `0 3 « m 7 LO W W ' o W aii y Q! c iR O C. N �' ` 'i u°1, c v p a r = c •N E 'S w U a F a s ul w d LU w 3 E LL ti w a a' a m LL Yee EXHIBIT B-3C (SUPPLEMENT TO ATTACHMENT B) Contract Amendment No. 1 Raider Channel Drainage Improvements City Project No.: 00660, DOE No. 5584 Fee for Reproduction Services Printing & Reproduction Conceptual Plans 7 Sets(11"X1 7") _ $ 70 Preliminary Plans = 8 Sets of Construction Plans(11"X17") _ $ 80 2 Sets of Specifications = $ 90 Final Plans - 7 Sets of Construction Plans(11"X17") _ $ 70 7 Sets of Specifications = $ 315 Bid Documents = 20 Sets of Construction Plans = $ 720 20 Sets of Specifications = $ 500 Mounted Exhibits for Public Meetings - 5 Drawings = $ 380 Final Mylars for Record Purposes = 1 Set of Plans = $ 300 Printing and Reproduction Subtotal = $ 2,625 *Estimated using 20 sheets per plan and 1 part Houston 4200 King Arthur Dr. Austin oallas.TX 75247-3610 214.678.0227 Ph Dallas 214.678.0228 Fax A S S O C l AT E S San Antonio www.hvj.com November 4,2008 (Revised November 5,2008) Mr.Arefiin Shamsul President Stream Water Group Inc. 6737 Brentwood Stair Rd,Suite 230 Fort Worth,Texas 76112 Re: Proposal for Geotechnical Study&Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Raider Channel Improvement Project Owner: City of Fort Worth HVA Proposal No. DG0818540&DE0818541 Dear Mr.Arefin: HV] Associates,Inc.is pleased to submit this proposal for providing a geotechnical study for the above-mentioned project. It outlines our understanding of the scope of the project and presents our approach and our fees for providing the study. This proposal combines the scope for geotechnical study and environmental site assessment. It also separates the cost to provide additional project specific insurance coverage to our standard insurance policy. This project will involve drainage improvements along Raider Drive in Fort Worth,Texas. These improvements will include: • Improve approximately 250 LF of natural channel with concrete lined channel just north of S Pipeline Rd within the City of Euless. • Replace existing 54 inch diameter culvert with 4-5'X5'box culverts at S Pipeline Rd. • Improve approximately 420 LF of downstream portion of natural channel from the culvert at S Pipeline Rd with concrete lined channel within the City of Fort Worth. It should be noted that using a combination of Gabon and earthen channel improvements instead of concrete lined channel improvements will be considered during the design phase of this area once a detailed survey and the results of geotechnical report are available. • Install energy dissipaters at the downstream section of Phase I improvements to minimize erosion at this area. GEOTECHNICAL STUDY At the time of writing this proposal, the exact depth of the proposed structures was not available; however,we understand that the maximum depth of these structures will be less than 10 feet. The purpose of this study is to perform a geotechnical investigation and provide design and construction recommendations for the proposed improvements. lair.Arefin Shamsul HVJ Proposal No.DG0818540&DE0818541 November 4,2008 (Revised November 5,2008) Page 2 We propose to drill three(3) soil borings to a depth of 20 feet below the existing ground surface to obtain sufficient geotechnical information for the project. The borings will be sampled continuously to a depth of 10 feet and at 5-foot intervals thereafter,to determine site stratigraphy and to obtain samples for laboratory testing. All the field and laboratory tests will be performed according to ASTM standards,where applicable,or with other well established procedures. Results of the field and laboratory data will be used to develop recommendations for the desi and construction of the project structures. All borings will be backfilled with bentonite chips and of soil cuts after obtaining ground water measurements. The laboratory testing program will be developed once the field boring logs have been reviewed and the general site stratigraphy developed. The laboratory tests will include: moisture contents, Atterberg Limits,percent passing No. 200 Sieves,unconfined compressive strengths,dry unit weights,sulfates,pH,and chlorides tests. A report of our study will be prepared by an engineer specializing in soil mechanics and foundation engineering after reviewing available structural,geological,boring,and laboratory data. In general, the following items will be included in our report: 1. Boring logs, 2. Laboratory and Field test results, 3. Regional and site geology, 4. Generalized groundwater and subsurface soil conditions, 5. Recommendation for box culverts G. Global slope stability analysis for the channel, 7. Disperssive potential of on-site soils, 8. Site preparation and structural fill requirements,and 9. General earthwork recommendations. We expect to complete this assignment in approximately four weeks,following our receipt of your written notice to proceed and all the right of entries required to complete the field work. If requested,verbal recommendations can be provided throughout the progress of the investigation as testing is completed. In our fee estimate,we have assumed that the site is accessible to truck-mounted drilling equipment and all access and permit issues for private properties (if any) will be addressed by Stream Water Group. Also the boring locations are assumed to be outside the roadway and there will be no need for traffic control. PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT As required by Federal Regulations 40 CFR Part 312 and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, section 104(k)(2)(B), HVJ Associates will perform a Phase i Environmental Site .?assessment (ESA) for the Raider Project area, All Phase I ESA work will be conducted in accordance with ASTM E-1527-05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Environmental Site Assessment Process. Environmental Liens and Use Limitations and chains-of-title(COTS) charges are not included in this proposal. The Phase I ESA report will be presented in a format consistent with the report outlined in Section 12 ASTM-1527-05 and any City of Fort Worth standard practice or guidance document(s) for a study of this type. In conducting Phase I ESA work, emphasis will be placed on the following activities: Mr.Arefin Shamsul HVJ Proposal No.DG0818540&DE0818541 November 4,2008 (Revised November 5,2008) Page 3 • Review and validation of historical data prior to site visits(primarily federal,state,and local government agency records concerning generation,use, storage,and disposal of hazardous wastes and/or regulated wastes); • Review of federal and state spills,and local HAZMAT response files in immediate vicinity; • Review of historical aerial photographs (1940's through 1990's); • Review of historical city directories and Sanborn Maps; • Review of current and available historical USGS topographic maps; • Review of available FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM} maps; ■ Site visit observations based upon historical use; • Provision of sufficient site photos to describe and support all recognized environmental conditions; • Provision of observations and distances from property lines for all Phase II work recommendations based on adjacent properties; • Documentation of all visual evidence(or lack of visual evidence) of features associated with underground storage tanks when historical data indicates their presence; • Review of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) files as required or warranted;and Our Phase I ESA will also include conducting a review of the local/regional hydrogeology and soil conditions, conducting interviews with knowledgeable parties and conducting a follow-up site reconnaissance if necessary. Because of the urban nature of the project area, no water well search will be conducted. Further, to the best of our knowledge, this area has historically not been an oil and gas field;therefore,a review of state oil and gas records will not be conducted. Following our initial review of data, site reconnaissance and data analysis, a report will be prepared summarizing our findings and conclusions. In general, the following items will be included in the report: • Field observation data; • Plates, figures and drawings depicting general and environmental conditions; ■ Potential for soil and/or groundwater contamination to impact the site;and • Recommendations for further environmental studies (if necessary). If a Recognized Environmental Condition ('REC) is identified, HVJ Associates will promptly notify Stream Water Group. HVJ Associates will submit two draft paper copy reports and one electronic file (.pdf file via e-mail or on CD) for review. Asbestos containing materials and lead based paints suspected within residences and small structures along the alignment(if any)will be considered incidental and will not be the basis for recommending Phase II investigations. Asbestos containing materials and lead-based paint found in large commercial structures (if any) will be considered a significant environmental concern that warrants consideration for a Phase II investigation. After receiving Stream Water Group or the City of Fort Worth's comments to the draft report, HNU Associates will submit four bound copies and one electronic copy(.pdf file via e-mail or on CD) of the final Phase i report. The report will be signed by a fully qualified Environmental Professional and Registered Professional Geologist (PG) in the State of Texas. We request that a User Questionnaire be completed by the user for the project area to assist the user and Environmental Professional/PG in gathering information from the user that may be material to identifying recognized environmental conditions(this questionnaire will be provided under separate Mr.Arefin Shamsul HV] Proposal No. DG0818540&DE0818541 November 4,2008 (Revised November 5,2008) Page 4 cover). In addition, according to the ASTM guidance document,a search of available recorded land title records and lien records should be conducted by the user to identify environmental liens and their use limitations that are imposed by judicial authorities. We can provide this information as an additional scope item. Chains-of-title should they be required will also be an additional scope item. Charges for Environmental Liens will be approximately$140/parcel and charges for COTS will be approximately$200/parcel. Because of the location of the project area,we will also address wetland issues (if any) as an added scope item. FEES AND CONDITIONS Based on the scope of work outlined, the lumpsum fee for our geotechnical services is $6,900 and for our environmental phase I site assessment is$3,71.5 (Environmental Lien and COT document charges are not included in this total). Our standard insurance policy for professional liability provides $1,000,000 per claim and$1,000,000 annual aggregate. We understand that this project may require professional liability coverage up to $2,000,000 annual aggregate. Our fee to provide such coverage will be additional $2,500. Our accounting procedures call for the submittal of invoices on a month-end basis or at the conclusion of project should its duration last less than a month. Our credit terms are net 30 days. The scope of work described is appropriate for the project configuration presented to us. If anomalous soil conditions are encountered, or if the project configuration changes significantly, a change in work scope may be required. HV] Associates will recommend such changes when and if it is deemed necessary. Laboratory samples will be held for no more than a period of 30 days following completion of the final report,or 120 days following completion of the draft report. Stream Water Group will be responsible for providing a site plan suitable for use as a base map for our plan of borings. In addition,Stream Water Group will be responsible for surveying the horizontal and vertical boring locations upon completion of drilling,if this information is needed. HV J Associates Inc.will use the Texas One Call System to locate buried utilities. We will coordinate the boring locations with the Cities to eliminate conflicts with identified utilities. If this proposal meets with your approval,please sign and complete the indicated spaces below and forward a copy of the proposal to us. Mr. Arehn Shamsul HVJ Proposal No. DG0818540&DE0818541 November 4,2008 (Revised November 5,2008) Page 5 HVJ Associates,Inc.is pleased to be of service on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, HVJ ASSOCIATES,INC. (�j:ajt SIA Fadi Faraj,P.E. Sr. Project Manager Agreed to this day of 120 By: Title: Firm: Date to Start Work: Exhibit B-3D-2 Contract Amendment No. 1 Raider Channel Improvements City Project No.:00660,DOE No.5684 October 13, 2008 Mr. Chris McCoy Stream Water Group 6707 Brentwood Stair Road Fort Worth,Texas 76112 RE: Subsurface Utility Engineering Raider Channel Fort Worth,Texas Dear Mr. McCoy: Gorrondona and Associates (G&A), is pleased to submit a cost proposal for Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) required for the above-referenced project. This proposal is based on information contained in your email dated October 10,2008. Introduction G&A will perform the SUE work required for this project in general accordance with the recommended practices and procedures described in ASCE Publication CIIASCE 38-02 (Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data). As described in this ASCE publication, four levels have been established to describe the quality of utility location and attribute information used on plans. The four quality levels are as follows: ■ Quality Level D(QL"D")--Information derived from existing utility records; • Quality Level C (QL"C") - QL"D" information supplemented with information obtained by surveying visible above-ground utility features such as valves, hydrants, meters,manhole covers, etc. • Quality Level B (QL"B") -- Two-dimensional (x,y) information obtained through the application and interpretation of non-destructive surface geophysical methods. Also known as "designating" this quality level provides the horizontal position of subsurface utilities within approximately one foot. • Quality Level A (QL"A") — Three dimensional (x,y,z) utility information obtained utilizing non-destructive vacuum excavation equipment to expose utilities at critical points which are then tied down by surveying. Also known as"locating", this quality Mr.Chris McCoy Oclober 1.3.1008 P:{ge 2 or 3 level provides precise horizontal and vertical positioning of utilities within approximately 0.05 feet. Scope of Work Based on drawings provided by Stream Water Group (SWG) depicting the work areas, G&A has developed a preliminary scope for the SUE work required for this project. The scope of work may be modified, with your concurrence, during the performance of the SUE fieldwork if warranted by actual field findings. The scope of this proposal includes Quality Level "B" SUE activities. Quality Level "B" SUE will include designating pipelines and communications lines located in the vicinity of the proposed drainage improvements at each of the three locations. Based on our site visit,G&A expects to encounter various utilities crossing the proposed improvements that require designating for. G&A will perform surveying that is required for collection of SUE field data. Designating Procedures Prior to beginning field designating activities, G&A's field manager will review the project scope of work and available utility records. Once these initial reviews are complete, the field manager and technicians will begin designating the approximate horizontal position of known subsurface utilities within the specified. project limits. A suite of geophysical equipment (electromagnetic induction, magnetic) will be used to designate metallic/conductive utilities (e.g. steel pipe, electrical cable, telephone cable). Based on the information provide, G&A has assumed that all utilities requiring designating as part of this project are tonable(FOC and pipelines). G&A will establish routine/ordinary traffic control (cones and free standing signage, etc.) whenever required as part of our standard pricing. If non-routine traffic control measures are required (barricades, flag person, changeable message board, etc.), these services will be considered extra. Accurate collection and recording of designated utilities is a critical component of the SUE process. G&A has developed a proven method of collecting and recording survey information once the utilities have been designated in the field. G&A's field manager will produce detailed sketches depicting each utility as well as relevant surface features such as roadways, buildings, manholes, fire hydrants, utility pedestals, valves, meters, etc. Each utility will be labeled with a unique ID code. For example, if two buried electric cables exist on the project, one will be labeled El and the other E2. Paint and pin flags will be used to designate the utilities in the field. A labeled pin flag or paint mark will be used to mark each location where a survey shot is required. Shot points will typically be placed at 100-foot intervals on utilities running parallel to the alignment and at 50-foot intervals on utility crossings. The locations will be numbered sequentially for each individual utility line. For ..,-".'Y"'6-'.1".h'a I'd:S,.Nh-k�$y Ik-A1;L :h U&I r'i F;LI %Ir.Cbrk McCoy Oc sober 13.008 llaue 3 of 3 example, if there are 50 shots required on buried electric line El, the points will be numbered El-1 through El-50. Preliminary field sketches depicting the designated utilities will be prepared for use during subsequent surveying activities. These sketches will also be used to check the survey information for completeness and accuracy. Deliverables G&A will produce a utility file in ACAD or Microstation format and a summary sheet containing test hole field notes. Schedule G&A estimates that the designating/locating work can be completed in two workdays. We expect that the work can commence within 1 week of receipt of a Notice to Proceed. Estimated Fees Based on the assumptions stated herein, G&A proposes to perform the work for: Raider Channel: QL"B" SUE= $1,000.00, survey$700.00 We look forward to working with you on this very important project. If you have any questions or require additional information,please contact me. Sincerely, Gorrondona & Associates,Inc. Jeffrey K. Vick Division Manager ATTACHMENT"C" CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS TO STANDARD AGREEMENT AND ATTACHMENT A WATER AND SANITARY SEWER REPLACMENT CONTRACT Engineering Design Services: Raider Channel Improvements City Project No.: 00660, DOE No. 5684 Contract Amendment No. 1 There are no changes and amendments to Standard Agreement and Attachment A. V p rs. i I d ' ❑ v m cA ❑U D t� a a ID 7 - — -v 6--.0 o o :o o .o a :o a a o a 7 a s s �3 3 4 2V 3 w LL 'I W $ j LL 3 3 r F € 3 : 3311 i _ S x Iii 3 3 1 a a 8 3 S g H s So Ad LLa - `s z d Y a a a vai _ c� a n` a` a` rr $ o x a" u U i f 3 C I^ En r ^ o z � O [a.., �^ f N �} CW7. 41 O O ca H v6 pi W 0 M-9 _..... .- C a0 ... ....._. ... .... ........ --_ _ g,e d �pp € �s 5 5 5 A 41 II ks f € 4 € w N a n p a a a a & s s y 3 CL -4 0 0 U ` � e �d a __ A.- x � a i arT i n. -._ ._ .... _ .... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ._ y nl� � 2' co 71 co 41 O LO Lij Q S o o r o U U � a y� U a 441 _.y...-- - .- .. _ .. n n n :n n n n n_ r� p SSra yC pG ,F�i A ,c S 7 S!' rd s ?r A 5 N 5 E f 8 � w m !! a co a E m w e 3 $ $ s G .s aodg Y2 c I � { � � ) 4 ( ! ! � a \ ] * � c E 22 ) CL / CL | | } } f ƒ | � ; } a � � CL ) � ! . I d ■ � i ,! Lj�] E- LD -1,t� LI ERO .. k. \_ •• .,1.::-M1:-�.1—fes+.,� _ 11 -- - 77 .. yf co `W �� ..,iii' , ii. ♦ - .. f i QRST�f./ 'Ir :r - IMPROVEMENT r AREA 7r. S; I ■ NE. i -- — — — �... ry ;t FOIg', J . pt T r ATTACHMENT E "` LEGEND URT WART CITY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS WATERSHED AREA MAP IAIBI�hBd (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) RAIDER CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS STREAh1 WATER GROUP,INC. -=.m FIVA Imprav EiJGINEERS PLANNERS•SURVEYORS CITYMAPNO.210B-4181 MAPSCO PG 54 u„ , i3j 4 p wa�n 1w•! .w�n r!�_ mow..•.'" __ _ _ � -3 jrlt DESIGN LIMIT ir• ` ` '•i�', `` CJLVERTCOSSING 4-51X5'BOX ir LJ ,— S. PIPJ50NE RD.` -1 �f• ,5.3a t _ r ask .. dew �',� f - f ••s �■ CONCRETE LINED rm�rr1 B'90TTOh1 iNIDTH Y 21 SIDE SLOPES r - n `�' �;� " -- �• � f. `� �`�,• ., rte.. �,� kL Lu :• , �NSIDESLOPE :/ TION j I 4 -4 '� - - •=yam :, __•" '�_— I� .F �� . CT s 4. ,.�::� ' ., �'�� '' �;. '•�ti-yam �:��:�''. .. . .. '� . : - �. n til• x.� '��k; t -- -,. _ - - •- - • --��' - - — r '' '' ��'�� f ATTACHMENT E9 LEGEND PROPOSED FORT WART CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS Prop.Channel (COUNCIL DISTRICT5) IMPROVEMENTS r Pmp•Gshbn RAIDER CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS STREAM WATER GROUP,INC. Prop•C'�� CITY MAP NO.2'108-418/MAPSCO PG.54 } ENGINEERS.PLANNERS•SURVEYORS un`....r srWswm City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 5/26/2009 DATE: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 REFERENCE NO.: C-23551 LOG NAME: 20AMENDI RAI DERCHANNEL SUBJECT: Authorize Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of$100,242.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 35395, an Engineering Agreement with Stream Water Group, Inc., for the Storm Water Utility Project— Raider Channel Improvements RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 in the amount of$100,242.00 to City Secretary Contract No. 35395 with Stream Water Group, Inc., revising the total contract cost to $150,547.00. DISCUSSION: The Storm Water Management Program was established to reduce flooding in Fort Worth, preserve streams, minimize water pollution and to operate the storm water system in a more effective manner to fully comply with State and Federal regulatory requirements. This will be accomplished by infrastructure reconstruction and system maintenance, master planning, enhanced development review, and increased public education and outreach. On October 16, 2007, (Ordinance No. 17840-10-2007) City Council authorized the issuance and sale of $25,000,000.00 in Storm Water (Drainage) Revenue Bonds, Series 2007, to fund a two year Storm Water Capital project program. There have been instances of flooding of the properties along the existing channel that runs parallel and to the east of Raider Street, specifically where the channel crosses South Pipeline Road. A request for qualifications to provide drainage design was issued by the City in January of 2006 and 24 design consultants submitted statements of qualifications, including Stream Water Group, Inc. Stream Water Group, Inc., was selected to study the drainage in the subject area and provide subsequent design services for drainage improvements. On June 5, 2007, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with Stream Water Group, Inc., (City Secretary Contract No. 35395) in the amount of$50,305.00 for a study of the Raider channel and the culvert crossing at South Pipeline Road. It was anticipated that the study project would be expanded to a design project. The study has been completed and channel and culvert improvements have been recommended. Amendment No. 1 will provide the design and preparation of engineering plans and contract documents for the bidding and construction of the recommended improvements. Logname: 20AMENDI RAIDERCHANNEL Page I of 2 Stream Water Group, Inc., proposes to perform the design services for a lump sum fee of$100,242.00. City staff considers the fee to be fair and reasonable for the scope of services proposed. In addition to the contract amount, $28,354.00 is required for project management by the Transportation and Public Works Department. Stream Water Group, Inc., is in compliance with the City's MANSE Ordinance by committing to 19 percent MANSE participation. The City's goal on the project is 19 percent. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 5, Mapsco, 54X. FISCAL INFORMATION ! CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Storm Water Capital Projects 2007 Revenue Bond Fund. FUND CENTERS: TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers P229 531200 205280066031 $38,728.00 P229 531200 205280066032 $51,226.00 P229 531200 2052800660338 5$ 38.00 P229 531200 205280066051 $1,750.00 CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office bv: Fernando Costa (8476) Originating Department Head: William Verkest (7801) Additional Information Contact: Michael Owen (8079) ATTACHMENTS 1. BFT- 114-_1.15.pdf (CFW Internal} 2. MAP 20AMEN61RAIDERCHANNEL.pdf (Public) 3. MWBE 20AMENDI RAIDERCHANNEL(3).pdf (CFW Internal) 4. PMP 20AMENDIRAIDERCHANNEL(3).pdf (CFW Internal) Logname: 20AMEND 1 RAZDERCHANNEL Page 2 of 2