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Contract 47349-CO9
CFW Change Order Approval St-COApp14 Page 1 of 3 0 Routing �� CITY� �.CRETARY�73y�._ Assigned To: JoAnne Kamman coc�'imCTN0- Due Date: 12/19/2018 Assigned By: Michael Weiss Due Time: 2:34 PM Links 7 fortworthgov/Infrastructure Proiects/02238 - N. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order No. 9/beach time request- dec 2018.pdf fortworthgov/Infrastructure Projects/02238 - N. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order No. 9/4.5.2017 schedule update.pdf fortworthgov/Infrastructure Proiects/02238 - N. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order No. 9/Beach Street- completion schedule, 2.16.2018.pdf fortworthgov/Infrastructure Proiects/02238 - N. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order No. 9/change order- additional time requests.xlsx fortworthgov/Infrastructure Proiects/02238 - N. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order No. 9/Oncor Issues - Schedule 12-18-18.docx fortworthgov/Infrastructure Projects/02238 - N. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order No. 9/electrical permit request 5892 N Beach Street.pdf fortworthgov/Infrastructure Proiects/02238 - N. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek/Contractor/Change Orders/Change Order No. 9/Change Order C09 additional time for Oncor delays - 12-18-18.xlsm Attachments ff)1 No Attachments have been added to this form. R�cErq 219 -_ FEB G1T( SCRE AOCVN OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT WORTH,TX https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz web/Forms/ForniPrint.aspx?SiteId=51500&ProcessId=7226&ActiveF... 1/30/2019 CFW Change Order Approval St-COAppl4 Page 2 of 3 CITY SECRETAR FORT WORTM) City of Fort Worth CONTRACT NO. Y 47 3 401- C-09 Change Order Request Approval (Change Order Breakdown Available in Links) For Change Order Submittal No.:19 1 Change Order No.: St-COApp14 �� Date Started: 2018-12-18 City Sec. No.:147349 ^� � Date Due: 2019-01-18 Project Name:JN. Beach Street from NE Loop 820 to Fossil Creek Project Numbers: 02238 IDOE Numbers: 7237 Project Widen North Beach Street to a 6-lane divided arterial street Description: with concrete paving, storm drain, streetlights, traffic signals, sidewalks, and shared use path. Project Manager:IMichael Weiss i City Inspector:ITom Miller Contractor: JLB Contracting, LLC COUNCIL ACTION (If Required): M&C Log Name: M&C Number:�— �� M&C Date: COST AND DAYS SUMMARY: Requested Department: Cost($) Fund Account Center: Days: TPW 11$ 0.00 734014 0200431 5740010 E0_2_2_3_8_C 1216 � 7 C. _� Total Cost: $ 0.00�� Total Requested Days: 216 Aroval Status: Approved: Yes Comments: User: Sam Davis ,Date: 2018-12-18 2:22 PM Approved: Yes Comments: OFFICIAL4rr(7nPr1J User: Michael Weiss Date: 2018-12-18 2:24 PM CITY SE111 FT WOK n, https://projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz web/Forms/FonnPrint.aspx?SiteId=51500&ProcessId=7226&ActiveF... 1/30/2019 CFW Change Order Approval St-COApp 14 Page 3 of 3 Action Required: BY: CITY OF FORT WORTH Susan Ala n6is Assist:t 0 Ci Manager Date: ATTEST: IF OR 7� TO FORM AND LEGALITY ................. Aoto *u4c. V- WWju W.Black,Sr.Assistant City Attorney V Mary J. Ka�+ y City Secretary AS APPRPVAL RECOMMENDED: to e Cooke Interim Director,Transportation and Public Works Department Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract,including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. 44? OFFICIAL RECOKP Michael Weiss,P.E. Senior Professional Engineer CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH,'T https://Projectpoint.buzzsaw.com/ bz web/Fonns/FonnPrint.aspx?Siteld=51500&ProcessId=7226&ActiveF... 1/30/2019 FORT WORTH. City of Fort Worth "'111� Change Order Request Breakdown ProjectNamel N.Beach Street from Fossil Creek to NE Loop 820 City Sec# 1 47349 Client Project#(s)l 02238 Change Order Submittal# 0 Date 12/18/2018 Dept. T/PW Water Sewer Contract Time Totals CD Original Contract Amount $5,867,174.94 $89,335.52 $82,214.26 $6,038,724.72 541 Extras to Date $258,878.05 $0.00 $0.00 $258,878.05 28 Credits to Date Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $6,126,052.99 $89,335.52 $82,214.26 $6,297,602.77 569 Go to ADD&DEL Tabs to Enter CO Backup $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 216 Revised Contract Amount $6,126,052,99 $89,335.52 $82,214.26 $6,297,602.77 785 Original Funds Available for Change Orders $488,154.00 $6,250.00 $5,750.00 $500,154.00 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $229,275.95 $6,250.00 $5,750.00 $241,275.95 Additional Funding(if necessary) CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 4.29% MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+25%) $7,548,405.90 Change Order#9 is required to provide additional contract time to perform previous Change Order Nos.2,3,6,and 8 in the amount of 21 calendar days and account for Oncor's delays in providing power for the traffic signals and streetlights in the amount of 195 calendar days.The total additional contract time increase for this change order is 216 calendar days.The traffic signals were originally scheduled to be complete on July 31,2017,but Oncor's failure to provide electrical services delayed the traffic signal completion until February 10,2018. 9-7_ JLB Contracting, LLC PO Box 24131 Fort Worth, TX 76124 December 10, 2018 Mike Weiss City of Fort Worth Transportation & Public Works Capital Delivery Division 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Re: Beach Street — Construction Time Dear Mr. Weiss: Please accept this as our request for additional construction time on the Beach Street Reconstruction Project from 820 to Fossil Creek. As you know, there have been several challenges and unforeseen circumstances that have led to the project lagging behind schedule. As previously discussed, throughout the course of the project, we (JLB) have been asked to perform and install additional work, but haven't done an adequate job requesting additional construction time for the extra work. I have attached a list of change orders that should have included additional days but didn't. In summary, we are requesting 21 additional days as a result of additional work requests. Also, as we have thoroughly reviewed in the past, there have been a few major franchise utility conflicts that have caused severe delays to our construction schedule and critical path. You generously stopped counting time during the 3+month delay with the gas line relocation at the NE quadrant of the project. Unfortunately though, we encountered an even greater delay in getting electrical power for our traffic signals. Our electrical subcontractor, Mel's Electric, reached out for clarification regarding the electrical supply both the traffic signals and street lights on April 28, 2017. Through conversations with the city, JLB requested a change order on May 10'h for the additional services (At that time, change order requests were transitioning from City generated to contractor generated, so there was confusion on getting it submitted). On June 24'h, Darryl Ruffin (Fort Worth electrical contact) and Mel's Electric had correspondence over the power supplies, and acknowledged that a change order was required (and in process) for components that were to be furnished by the contractor. On July 3rd Oncor "red tagged" the transformer that we were supposed to draw power from, virtually shutting down all talks of electrical service until they found a new way to serve the project. JLB, Mel's Electric, City of Fort Worth and Oncor met on-site in August to discuss the new power requirements for both traffic signals and street lights on the project. Our hopes were that while Oncor was installing the required infrastructure for our electrical service connections, we would be Beach Street—Construction Time December 10, 2018 Page 2 finalizing the south bound paving, and have everything ready to switch and finalize the project last fall. Unfortunately, Oncor hadn't fully cleared our conflicts until the very end of last year. Once cleared though, we needed to get the electrical services for the traffic signals redesigned, as the transformers that provided power weren't set according to the plans. Traffic signals weren't functioning until February, a full 10 months after we began questioning the services, which were shown on the plans to be provided by others. Additionally, while finalizing the traffic signal improvements at the Beach Street/ 820 intersection, we were asked to provide audible pedestrian signals which were never shown on the plans. We ordered and installed the units when they came in, but the change order which paid for these improvements wasn't fully approved and available for funding until this past August. We strongly feel that had it not been for the Oncor conflicts, the electrical service redesign, and the addition of the audible pedestrian units, we would have completed the project last winter, within the allotted time. We are hereby requesting 195 calendar days be added to the contract to cover the franchise and traffic signal delays. Had the new services been immediately available to us as indicated on the plans, then we could have begun working on the permanent signals in May, and had all three intersections under permanent signal controls by the end of July, 3 months later. 195 calendar days takes us from July 31 st to the middle of February, when the signals were finally fully functional. With the 195 days for the utility delays, and the 21 days for the extra work, we are formally requesting an additional 216 calendar days be added to the project. The original contract had 541 days, and we had already been granted 28 additional days, for a total of 569. With the 216 added, total contract time should be 785 days, of which we used 773. If you have any questions, concerns, or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at (817) 261-2991. Thank you. Sincerely, Sam Davis President JLB Contracting, LLC Beach St 820 05-Apr-17 09:56 Be h8t8 t35, 322 11311Ja 16A 0".P-17 1 0.78% ep- es B hSlreet lcv) 607:.....0 15T'11Ja 16A 0B ,,-IT ^~--0% Beach Slre JW.) M Trerck t Pb Bound lsrrea _... 0.1 0 0:05APit �... 0% •Pm P j-C mPlete ... Op_... 0 0' :08S ff _ 0% lecl Ca,gHe v _ _.....-_,. S bdram 8, 8 031-0ct 18A .,i05AP iT 100% �^�.'..• , .,.. ._. 0OT-N216A 176Ap,17- Iw% Concrete FlaMork(OHsile ane onsite Sitli 18'.. 18 O.OTNov-16A 105-Apr-1T ' 100% .OjMNT 16A 05,4.17 _.1.00% Backfill,ImgeSon,Grass Oi 0'. OjOS0eo-i6A OS-Apr-1] 100% ....q.'r"' ._..._ g- RT—d i2-0ez.16n_ _I�SAgr.Ez_ T Porary Sg 0� 0 0'12-Oeo-1fiA ',05APr-1T 100% 085ep17,Geacn phase2 S—aId Water Or 0 0',13Feb-1TA OSAp 1T 100% _ ....... 212 3 r-17 ;S - _....... .—.._ ..._._9J EB.attt/7AS 45.�gciL EGpfik 6 Su0dram 0,.. 0 0',I rl7A OSAp 17 100% -_8t _.bmim __ ...._,. 0_.... 0y 0 164.117A 05-AP 11... .. 100% .6�91 fllz" iT L12{Ixu _.. ! .._... _._ ... ._._ ....._... .... .... Berra can - s o s 1z-Av 1r iBAp n ox ... �wna Pa�loa a.ara �eeaaik) _.� Q ao 16-May tr 3oJ n ox v ito6-Mere ._ 0%io0 70 zA iuig oL Sub . 7.oM rr 1M rtTx ._.__ ...... ..... ..__ ,saTgi�ltlt�iz 3+JaFv _ r`StreM LightsT rc Signeh Q,. 0 43 DiJ tr 31J i] 0%: a�►.iitar..er• - .... „( _... A 17,Clea ane P 9 T � ��t7 za p ana L g ._0 15,1ak1T I lam.. Imga oa ana c a a�.n IM I'm M Grass 35..... 0 35 16.1 I tr 24A » 0%. _ 1oL... 9_ ao�v re g e COS D 17 Pavement Marki eM Si na e Sloping 8 g 10:. 0� 70 28- V, OBSep-1T j 0% St Wng 8 sgns _ _. PrimaryBaseline E=1 Remaining Work Actual Work ® Critical Remaining Work Vmmmmr ©Oracle Corporatio Beach St 820 16-Feb-18 15:0 ivityName At Completion Apn12018 May 2018 oration 08 15 22 ZZ 29 06 13 Beach St 8r 820 595 7 21-Apr-1 e Beach Street(CD's) 782- Move Traffic to North Bound Lanes T j Project Complete 0 saomr Drain Phase 1 s Subdrain 6'. Paving Phase 1 _ 18 Concrete Flatwork(Off-site and on-site Sidewalk 18 caerwp and i.anaaeaping — 0 ---------------------------------------------------------•------------•-------------- Backfill,Irrigation,Grass 0; Tearportay signals 0' Temporary Signals 0, 21-Apr-18,Be 3ch Phase 2 lldlitles 0 j Sewer and Water 0' Sion Drain Phase 2 ! 50 j Storm Drain 0 bdrain 59Yworh Phase 2 1 -------------------------- L< Demolition 1 Paving Phare 2 Lime Subgrade remix 13 nLine Paving(intersections and tum lanes le� 212 Hand pours(Driveways,sidewalks,medians,stn 157 ' stamped concrete) sr,edUghis Apr-18,Str t Lights 55 Street Lights-Traffic Signals-PED signals 55 Street Lights-T affic Signals-PED signals cleanup and UrrdseephV 160 21-Apr-18,CI anupand Landscaping l Irrigation 1 ; --- _ i Cleanup and grass Cleanup and rasa .__ Pvvernerd Marldrag and signage Striping&signs 11 Primary Baseline g Remaining Work 4 — Actual Work ® Critical Remaining Work Vennsaw ©Oracle le v Y E m o c m m 3 =p v v c v L � 3 0 v � o � L v a N "O n a � - J O 3 C ry O v C E m O `1 u Y p v C p C J C U c OU O O O 011 C O y 3 - v M. a au C ry a+ O C C � O O E O c !0 L � d C � a3i N O O c O E T 0p a j � n C p E � a m c m 3 L c v c - m c o m m � v vt j � 0 m N O O � O n ry v in o N p u Y v N v Q m � `v m � D O 0�0 T C N T L U p o n O O n O O ti 0 Y O 3 v 3 � v 3 c m L C 3 � � w o c o v � Im o v - v z c c v f0 Y Y 76 c 0 o v .- ^ o v o m v m m x 3 v a X N ` N io W W p YJ C > Yi N Q 0 N > O p O C m a y v E c S a p z up Jo �n ¢ n. v m v c � ti ry m v vi � n o0 m O 02238 - N. Beach Street Construction — Oncor Issues (12/18/18) Oncor Delays were from 7/31/18 to 2/10/18— 195 Calendar Days Electrical Permit Issued for Fossil Creek Blvd. Signal 2/8/18 Fossil Vista Signal turned on 2/4/18 Sandshell Signal turned on 1/31/18 Fossil Creek Signal turned on 1/25/18 Site Meeting with Suzanne Greene of Oncor 1/19/18 Streetlight permit submitted with wrong address by contractor 12/15/17 Oncor responded with map and email 11/17/17 Larry Baldwin of Oncor emailed Aaron Ramos 11/16/17 Aaron Ramos of Oncor was notified about power 11/1/17 TPW Inspectors notified Aaron Ramos of Oncor power 8/23/17 JLB's Original Traffic Signal and Streetlight Completion (4/5/17 Schedule) 7/31/17 Oncor Red Tagged their transformer where power was to be supplied from 7/3/17 Page I 1 FoRTWORT Electrical Standalone Permit Permit: PE18-01519 Application Date: 02/08/2018 Status: Issued Expiration Date: 08/07/2018 Permit Technician: Tina Green Date Issued: 02/08/2018 Address: 5892 N BEACH ST Legal Description: FAIRWAYS OF FOSSIL CREEK,THE Block A Lot 2 Mapsco:50A Insp District:59 Zoning:A-5 Description of Work: ELECTRICAL PERMIT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL SERVICE POINT Proj/Business Name: MELS ELECTRIC, LP Applicant: DAVID GONZALES, MELS ELECTRIC,LP, Property Owner.SILVER BAY GROUP LLC 2140 E SOUTHLAKE BLVD STE LZ0 SOUTHLAKE„TX 76092 Contractor: MELS ELECTRIC, LP P.O.BOX 40 WILMER, TX 75172 1 hereby affirm that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,and agree to conform to all regulations of the City of Fort Worth as described in the Fort Worth Municipal Code. 1 understand that failure to comply with these provisions may result in the revocation of this permit. In accordance with the State of Texas Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act(Utilities Code Chapter 251), 1 hereby affirm that before performing any excavation 16"or deeper using mechanical equipment, I have or will have contacted 1-800-545-6005 for proper Identification and location of underground utilities in the area. Signed: r Date: Sexually Oriented Business (In ) Yes No Under the Penalty of Law and Pursuant to Senate Bill 509 of the 77th Legislature of the State of Texas, I hereby certify that an asbestos survey has,when applicable, been done in accordance with the Texas Asbestos Health Protection Act(see Texas Occupations Code Section 1954.259)and the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the area(s)being renovated and/or demolished. I understand that substantial penalties may result from failure to conduct a proper asbestos survey. All driveway access or street cuts require a separate permit and inspection from the Transportation and Public Works Department(817-392-6526). Signed: Date: TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS CALL(817)352-6370 (If Permit is 3rd Party Inspections,contact your designated 3rd Party company to schedule inspection) N.V-V-- -S�C - mss 1'S d�