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Contract 34095
{ 1 J C(N SECRMW q I I" FT CONTRACTNO. SPECIFICATIONS CPNMACTOR#$ 00tjoM co AND . rONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR 2004 6MI AL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 00160 CUIEW ROAD (CHESSER BOYE!R RD. TO I IMB RD.) r WESLEY STREET (FOSSIL DRIVE TO CI DY DRIVE) &t A, ILLIAMS PLACE C ES SER BOYER ROAD TO TOM ELLEN STREET YWW Project No. 00160 CD.O.E. No. 4873 UNIT 1: WATER IMPROVEMENTS WATER PROJECT NO. P2 3 541200 6041700 160 83 WATER DEPARTMENT FILE N©. X-18579 UNIT 2: SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SEWER PROJECT NO. P258 541200 7041700 160 8 WATER DEPARTMENT FILE No. X-1879 UNIT 3: PAVING ARIA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT T/ W PROJECT No. C200 54120 204 40 00160 83 T/PW FILE No. K-1934 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS May 2006 HARLes R.BoswEu IMIKE 11 O NCRIEF ity ManagerOFFICI a A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E. Cff 4sictivy, DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING FE ROBERT D. GOODE, P.E. f DIRECTOR, TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT" S. FRANK CRUMB, P.E. �'������� DIRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT �T1I .�. . . . Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. i KONSTANTMOAlal r�s° . . ® . . . . . 6300 Rllea Place, Suite 700 �. 67022 Fort Worth,Texas 76102 � ��'`•.Viz+ "�'�� Tel(817) 338-1277, Fax(817)338-9245 Sf` IIICVD M FORT V�0R�1� Employeeore DirectoryDepartments I Site Map Print MC COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 9/19/2006 -Ordinance No. 17166-09-2006 DATE: 9/19/2006 REFERENCE NO.: ""C-21689 LOG NAME: 30MESQUITERD160 CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT.' Authorize Execution of Contract with Gilco Contracting, Inc., for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Portions of Mesquite Road, Williams Place and Wesley Street (Project No. 00160) and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the transfer of$471,498.86 from the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of$219,227.70 and Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of$252,271.16; 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projects Fund in the amount of$219,227.70 and the Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $252,271.16, from available funds; and 3. Authori I e the City Manager to execute a contract with Gilco Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $945,941. 5 for Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Mesquite Road (Kimbo R ad to Chesser Boyer Road), Williams Place (Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street) and Wesley Street (Fossil Dr to Cindy Dr). DISCUSSION: On May 10, 2005, (M&C C-20714) the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc., for the design of portions of Mesquite Road, Williams Place and Wesley Street (DOE 4873), which consists of pavement reconstruction. The 2004 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes funds for pavement reconstruction of Mesquite Road (Kimbo Road to Chesser Boyer Road), Williams Place (Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street) and Wesley Street (Fossil Dr to Cindy Dr). Street improvements include pavement reconstruction, construction of standard concrete curb and gutter, driveway approaches and sidewalks as indicated on the plans. The Water Department has determined that severely deteriorated water and sanitary sewer lines should be replaced prior to street reconstruction. The project was advertised for bid on June 1 and 8, 2006. On June 29, 2006, the following bids were received: Bidders Alternate "A" Alternate "B" (As halt (Concrete2 Gilco ontracting, Inc. No Bid $945,941.85 McCI ndon Construction Co., Inc. No Bid $949,864.09 Stabil ,.`F &Winn, Inc. No Bid IF Ed A. Wilson, Inc. No Bid $1,133,494.75 Jacks n Construction, Ltd. No Bid $1,187,208.00 , "'J, Time of Completion: 130 Working Days. Bids were solicited on two alternates: . Alternate "A" consists of a 6-inch hot mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) pavement over 8-inch lime sta ilized subgrade with 7-inch concrete curb and 18-inch gutter. . Alt Mate "B" consists of a 6-inch concrete pavement over 6-inch lime stabilized subgrade with 7- inc concrete curb. Bids received consisted of only Alternate "B" the reinforced concrete pavement. Staff recommends the constructs n of the streets with reinforced concrete pavement. Funding in the amount of$44,024.86 is included for associated water and sewer construction survey, material testing, inspection and project close out (water$21,864.70 and sewer$22,160.16). The contingency funds to cover change orders total $20,355.00 (water$9,398.00 and sewer$10,957.00). Funding in the amount of$52,206.66 is required for associated paving and drainage construction survey, project management, pre-construction, material testing, inspection and project close out. The contingency fund for p ssible change orders for paving and drainage improvements is $25,000.00. MN/BE—Gilco Contracting, Inc. is in compliance with the City's MN/BE Ordinance by committing to 22 percent IV MBE participation. The City's goal on this project is 20 percent. This projE ct is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 Mapsco 50W, 63D and 64A. FISCAL I FORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Fina a Director certifies that upon approval and completion of the above recommendations, and ado ion of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current capital budgets, as appro iated, of the Water Capital Projects Fund, the Sewer Capital Projects Fund and the Street Improve nts Fund. TO.Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers 1&_tP253........472045 604170016OZZ $219,227.70 1)PE45 538070 0609020 $219,227.70 1&, P2.58 472045.7041700160ZZ $252,271.16 1)PE45 538070 0709020 $252,271.16 2)P_ 53..._531350 6041700160.10 $853.25 )P253 541200 604170016083 $187,965.00 2I_ 53531350.60417016020 $218.90 3)P258 541200 704170016083 $219,154.00 21 :M,531350 604170016031 $516.10 3)C200 541200 204400016083 $538,822.85 . ?53....53135060417001_6.032 $507.45 2)_F 253_ 31350 604170016033 $695.00 2Y_25 _531350___ 6041700.16052 4 080.00 2 _25 531350 60417001.6080 $306.00 2_ 253.531350 604170016082 204.00 a_253...._541200_6041.700.1_6083 $197,363.00 2 253 531350 604170016084 $2,040.00 2 253_._531350 604.170016085 $12,240.00 2YR,253 531350 604.1.7..0.....0..16091 $204.00 . . ... 2JR258 531350 704170016010 $533.37 2IRM 531350 704170016031 $226.87 2)R258 531350 704170016032 $407.30 2)P258 531350 704170016033 $501.62 2YR.Z58 531350 704170016052 $4,383.00 2)P'?58-,-53 1 350 7.0417 0916080 $329.00 2)P258-53..1350. 7.0. 6082 $219.00 2LP.25854. 1200 704170016083 $230,111.0 2jP258 53135.0 704170016084 $2,192.00 2)P258 531350 704.170016085 $13,149.00 2)PZ58531.350 704170016091 $219.00 ................ Submitte for City Mananer's Office_by_; Marc Oft (8476) ...................................... Originati g Department Head: A. Douglas Rademaker (6157) 1 Addition I Information Contact: A. Douglas Rademaker (6157) -------------- ATTACHMENTS 30MesquiteRd160,doc mom, 4 W y. UfIVt ADDENDUM NO. 1 to the General Contract Documents&Specifications 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM-CONTRACT 16 D.O.E.No.4873 MESQUITE ROAD(CHESSER BOYER RD.TO IRNMBO RD.) WESLEY STREET (FOSSIL DRIVE TO CINDY DRIVE) WILLIAMS PLACE(CHESSER BOYER ROAD TO TOM ELLEN STREET) Addendum No. I Issued:June Wh,2006 Bid Opening:Thursday,June 29f°,2006 This Addendum,forms part of the General Contract Documents&Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original General Contract Documents&Specifications. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in the spaces provided below,in the proposal and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of the Bid.Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification. The plans and specification documents are hereby revised by this addendum as follows: GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS&SPECIFICATIONS: - I- PART B—Minority and Women Busine"nterprises Specifications: �unD 1.Clarification:The MWBE participation goals have been set as follows: 21%for the Asphalt Alternate and 20%for the Concrete Alternate See Attached M/WBE Special Instructions to Bidders Form;this Form Replaces the Incomplete Form in the General Contract Documents and Specifications. signed copy of this Addendum No. I should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered"NONRESPONSIVE,"resulting in disqualification. ADDENDUM NO. I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: A.Douglasde er,P.E. Director,Dept.of Engineering Y: Co y: i L 40 01" T- C- low, Address: (l T- Approved: by, ena Johnson,PE CIP Program Manager .� City State:. Telephone 4i:. HEARDOFFICIll � � Addendum No. 1,Page I jt-ORT ORTH City of Fort Worth Minority and Women Business Enterprise Specifications SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS APPLICATION OF POLICY If the total dollar value of the contract is$25,000 or more,the M/WBE goal is applicable. If the total dollar value of the contract is less than $25,000,the M/WBE goal is not applicable. ;POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE) in the procurement of all goods and services to the City on a contractual basis. All requirements and regulations stated in the City's current Minority and Women Business Enterprise Ordinance apply to this bid. /WRE PROJECT GOALS The City's MBE/W BE goal on this project is 21%for the Asphaltic(HMAC)Alternate and 20%for the Concrete Alternate °h of the value_of the contract. COMPLIANCE TO BID SPECIFICATIONS On City contracts of $25,000 or more, bidders are required to comply with the intent of the City's.M/W BE Ordinance by either of the following: 1. Meet or exceed the above stated M/WBE goal,or 2. Good Faith Effort documentation, or; 3. Waiver documentation,or; 4. Joint Venture. SUBMITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION The applicable documents must be received by the Managing Department,within the following times allocated, in order for the entire bid to be considered responsive to the specifications. 1. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid met or exceeded: opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 2. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid Utilization Form, if participation is less than opening date,exclusive of the bid opening date. "statedgoal: 3. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid Utilization Form, if no M/WBE artici anon: opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 4. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, if you will received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid ,perform all subcontracting/supplier work: opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 5. Joint Venture Form, if utilize a joint venture received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid to met or exceed goal. I I opening date,exclusive of the bid opening date. m„ FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY'S M/WBE ORDINANCE,WILL RESULT IN THE BID BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE TO SPECIFICATIONS Any questions, please contact the M/WBE Office at(817)392-6104 Addendum No. I,Page 2 ADDENDUM NO.2 to the General Contract Documents&Specifications 2004 CAPITAL IMTROVEMENTS PROGRAM-CONTRACT 16 D.O.E.No.4873 MESQUITE ROAD(CHESSER BOYER RD.TO KMO,RD.) WESLEY STREET(FOSSIL DRIVE TO CINDY DRIVE) WILLIAMS PLACE(CHESSER BOYER ROAD TO TOM ELLEN STREET) Addendum No.1 Issued:June e,2006 Addendum No.2 Issued:June 23e°9 2006 Bid Opening-Thursday,June 29 b,2006 This Addendum forms part of the General Contract Documents&Specifications for the above referenced Project and modifies the original General Contract Documents&Specifications. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt ofthis ad�adum in the spaces provided below,in the proposal and acknowledge receipt on the outer envelope of the Bid Faail=to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualificaticat. The pleas and specification documents are hereby revised by this addendum as follows: G1NMAL Ct�GT ROCU1Vi M&W%CMCATIONS: 1- PART A-PREVAILING WAGE RATES&CONFUCT OF UfrEREST DISUOSURE 1. Following the Prevailing Wage Rate Table,included in the Contract Documents,add the enclosed Corwliance with and Eadoreen- t ofP3nfll g Wage Laws paragmphs(a)t mmo (i);a total of two( )pages. 2. Also add the Confict of Interest Disclosure Regime and the Conflict of Interest QwAioanaire,Form CIO:a total oftluee(3)pages. 2- PART B-PROPOSAL: 1. Replace,Bid Proposal Pages 12 and 13 with the Enclosed Bid Proposal Pages to Incorpaaafe the Following Corrections: Bid E=sal Page 12 Bid Item 17-Increase Storm Drain Line Size from 21"to 24" Bid Item 18-Increase Storm Drain Line Size from 18"to 21" Bid Empoaal EW 13 Bid Item 21-Specify Pro-Bid Amount of S350 for Manhole Adjuatment Bid Item 22-Increase Pro-Bid Amount from$11 to 314 for Top Soil Baclddl Bid Item 23-Modify Qcm*ty of 100 to 70 and Modify Unit f1rom LF to SY 2. On Bid Proposal Page 16,Modify"...and to complete the contract within 110 working days...",to read"...and to complete the contract within M working days...". ,gym A sinned copy of this Addendum No. 1 should be included in the sealed bid envelope at the time of bid submtittal. Failure to sck mawledge the receipt of thus Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered `NONRMSPONSIVE,"resulting in disqualification. Addendum No.2,Page i w ADDENDUM NO.2 AC KNOW3XDGEMENT: A.Douglas Ra&maker,P.E. ,DepL off B Y- CoagmMr i 4 G® G o o I-IZ Addmm. Azvo S_ [4vL.G7u ;rR., hl5► 3 A by D a Johnson,P.E. Fmw Chr T• )A-)a IZ Tt-f CiP 8tam M Tckphmm 1 Addend=Na 2,Page 2 TOTAL TMM APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT no QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 12 770 SF Construct 4'Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk: ' Dollara And Cents Per SF. S S 13 12,575 SF Construct r Reinforced Concrete Driveways: Dollars And Cents Per SF. S = 14 10 CY So Flexible Bass For Driveway Transition As Directed By Engineer. DoUam And Cents Per Cy. S S 15 2 EA Construct 4'Standard Square Manhole: Dollars And Cents Per Each, Z I is 2 EA Construct 10'Curb Inlet Dollars " Iwo And Cents Per Each. S i 17 205 LF 24"Class III RCP Storm Drain Una: Oolrra And Cents Per LF. 12 Addaodam No.2,Pap 3 I mm TOTAL ITEM APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH 810 UWr AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN IAIORDS PRICE BID 18 34 LF 21"Class ill RCP Storm Drain Lateral: Dollata And Cents Per LF. S E 19 49 EA Water Meter Box Adjustment To Proposed Grade: 1 Thirty Five Dollars JAnd Zero Cents Per Each. $ 35M S 1.713.00 20 2 EA Water Valve Adjusunsrrt to Proposed Grade: Three Hundred Dollars And Zero Cella Per Each. S 300-00 E__UQ2L 21 10 EA Sanitary Sewer Manhole Adjustment to Proposed Grade: Three Hundred and FNty_Dollars And Cwft Per Each. $ 350.OQ S 3.3Dm 22 1110 CY Provide&Place Top Soil Backfill Within Parkway Per CY: I i Fewfaan DONias i And "M _Certta Per CY. $ 14.00 $J " 23 70 SY Construct pertrmwt concrete pavement repair per figure 2000-2: Dollars And Cents Per SY. ' UNIT III: PAVING S DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS BASE MD 1T Ill i i i 13 Addendum Na 2,Paget 4 _ + Compliance with and Enforcement of Prevailing Wage Laws (a) to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code (Chapter 2258), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) Penalty+for Violation. A contractor or any subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall,upon demand made by the City,pay to the City$60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Goverrment Code 2258.023. (c) C_ omWaints of Viplations and City Determination of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker,concerning an alleged violation of 2259.023,Texas Goverment Code,by a contractor or subcontractor,the City shall make an initial determination,before the 31*day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the CWs determination that there is good cause to believe the contractor or subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258,the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and Of wages due under the prevailing wage rates,such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. (d) Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023,Texas Govc ►ent Code,including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker,shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act(Article 224 et seq.,Revised Statutes)if the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker do not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to paragraph(c)above. If the persons required to arbittaea under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required,a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on all pasties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction (e) Records to be Maintained. The contractor and each subcontractor shall, for a period of three(3)years Mowing the date of acceptance of the work,mahTtain records that show(i)the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract;act;and(ii)the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all qNp' (f) reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of the Audit section of these contract documents shall pertain to this inspection. (g)by Estimates. With each partial payment estimate or payroll period,whichever is less,the contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Govemment Code. (h)P_2 g of Wage Rates. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates m a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. (i) Subcontractor Compliance. The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its, to comply with paragraphs (a)through(g)above. v CQNF 1(;:'of INTEREST DIS94QI RE�tF Q-hash NT y Pmsuent to Chapter 176 of the Local Gov, vo en i Code,any person or agent of a perm who contacts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property,goods,or services ,wo with a local vanmenidd entity Era The City of Fort Worth) roust disclose in the Questiamwe Form CIQ ClZuestiannaae'j the pawn's affiliation or busimm relationship that might cause a cord ict-of interest with the local gove.cnunenta] entity. By law,the Questionnaire must be filed with the Fort Worth City Secadsry no later than seven days after the date the person begms di evasions or negotiations with the City,or subnnits an application or response to a request for proposals or bids, CMI espartd=w,-- or another writing related to a potential agreement with the Cay. Updated Questionnaires must be filed in damn with Chapter 176. A copy of the Queshorz=e Fawn CIQ is enclosed with the submittal documews. Tbo foam is also available at btlogtM a�.e fgw tytte.tx, Q0.odf. If you have any questions about compliance,Please consult your own legal,counsel. Complianca is the individual responsibility of each person or agent of a person who is to the filing Wit. An offww under Chapter 176 is a Class C naiademeano� O a , , m wVwPl�y wr�w, ,wrr . re CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIO NNAIRE FORM CIO Four vendor or other person doing business with local governmental entity This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with chapter 176 of the Local OFMLISEONLv Gcrvemrnent Code by a person doing business with the governmental entity. vet.ReCSIM By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local government not later than the 7th business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed_ See Section 176.006,Local Govemment Code. A person commits an affense if the person violates Section 176.006, Local , Government Code.An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. �J N:me of person doing btgirsss with local govemmental entty. I 2 IMP O Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed qu ndonnairs. (The taw requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriaba bang authority not later than September 1 of the year for which an a&Aty described in Section 17e.009(a),Local Government Code,is pa t& and not later than the Tth bums day after the date the orignrally filed questionnaire becomes incomplete or lmomnade.) 1 9 _ Describe each afRliatlon or business relktlonship with an ernployee or contractor of the locai governmental entity who makes re+comrresndatioes to a local government officer of the local governmental entity with respeotto expendides of money. 1 Describe each aAlflatlon or business relationship with a person who Is a local government offk:er and who appoints or employs a local government ofRoer of the local governmental entity that le the subject of this quesdomwkw irw�na�rotrrvsooe OONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIO For vendor or other person doing business with local govemmental entityMR Page 6 Dame of ww government officer with whom flier has of nNtation or business roWdonshW (Complete t his seedm only ff the ahswerto A,8,orC is YES.) This section, item 5 including subparts A. B, C & D, must be completed for each officer with whom the filer has affl W= or b'Mness relationship. Attach additional pages to this Form CiQ as necessary. A� 1s the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income from the filar of the quesflonnetre? F7 Yes Q 1I Is the filer of the quesdonnalrae receiving or likely to receive taxable income from or at the direction of the local government ofkm, named in this sectlon AND the taxable Income Is not from the locd govarrinvm l entity F7 Yes Q No ,yam Is the filer of this questionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other business entity that the local government officer serves as an officer of director,or holds an ownership of 10 percent or more? Yes F7 No Describe each affiliation or business relationship. any other of filfaMon or bust s reldionehip that might oauaa a eoreW of b tsrust. M 71 Signaf m of person doing business wlih the goYrmnrarkat enft DOW a i �,u ovtar�aos MY SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 00160 MESQUITE ROAD (CHESSER BOYER RD. TO KIMBO RD.) WESLEY STREET (FOSSIL DRIVE TO CINDY DRIVE) WILLIAMS PLACE (CHESSER BOYER ROAD TO TOM ELLEN STREET) Project No. 00160 D.O.E. No. 4873 UNIT 1: WATER IMPROVEMENTS WATER PROJECT No. P253 541200 6041700 160 83 WATER DEPARTMENT FILE NO. X-18579 UNIT 2: SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SEWER PROJECT No. P258 541200 7041700 160 83 � WATER DEPARTMENT FILE NO. X-18579 UNIT 3: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS T/PW PROJECT No. C200 54120 204 40 00160 83 T/PW FILE No. K-1931 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS May 2006 Ctl RLES R. BOSWELL MIKE MONCRIEF City Manager Mayor A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E. MR (RECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ROBERT D. GOODE, P.E. DIRECTOR, TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT S. FRANK CRUMB, P.E. F DIRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT ZF�EOFT... I� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. KONSTANTINE BAKINTAS 6300 Ridglea Place, Suite 70 ./ 0 67022 r'Q i Fort Worth, Texas 76102 � `'•fie �c�`'% Tel (817)338-1277, Fax(817) 338-9245 S-tS-ab TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 00160, D.O.E. No.4873 Mesquite Road (Chesser Boyer Road to Kimbo Road) Wesley Street(Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive) Williams Place(Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street) 1 PA T A NOTICE TO BIDDERS COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS PREVAILING WAGE RATE(T&PW&WTR) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS(T&PW Dept.)-BLUE- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS(Water Dept.)—Green- m PA T B PROPOSAL MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES SPECIFICATIONS-PINK- CONTRACTOR O PLIAC WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW PA T C GENERAL CONDITIONS(WATER DEPT.)-YELLOW- SECTION C-1®SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO SECTION C-WHITE- PART D SPECIAL CONDITIONS(WATER DEPT)-GREEN- SPECIAL PROVISIONS(T&PW DEPT.)-WHITE- PART E SPECIFICATIONS:REFER TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH(T&PW DEPT.) SPECIFICATIONS:REFER TO GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER DEPT.PROJECTS P TF CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PERFORMANCE BOND PAYMENT BOND MAINTENANCE BOND P TG CONTRACT(T&PW DEPT.) CONTRACT(WATER DEPT.) APPENDICES APPENDIX A-STANDARD CITY OF FORT WORTH DETAILS APPENDIX B—TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENTS APPENDIX C-LABORATORY RESULTS FOR TEST HOLE&PLASTICITY INDEX 1 i J ART A NOTICE TO BiDDEk omp EHF,Nsi 'E N®TICE To Mums PREUAjuNG'WAGE RATE(T&PW&'WTR) SMCIAL INSTRVCTIONS TO 13iDDERs(TA,PW Dept.)-Blue- SpEciAL i i i NOTICE TO BIDDERS Se led Proposals for the following: 20 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM - CONTRACT 16 D. E. No. 4873 ow M SQUITE ROAD (CHESSER BOYER RD. TO KIMBO RD.) W. SLEY STREET (FOSSIL DRIVE TO CINDY DRIVE) W LLIAMS PLACE (CHESSER BOYER ROAD TO TOM ELLEN STREET) Fo The Construction of: UNIT I:WATER IMPROVEMENTS,Water No. P253 541200 6041700 160 83 UNIT II: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, Sewer No. P258 541200 7041700 160 83 UNIT III: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, T/PW No. C200 541200 20440 00160 83 Addressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1:30 p.m.Thursday June 29, 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at :00 ., in the Council chambers. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be btained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. One (1) or more sets of plans and documents may be purchased on a non- refundable basis for Thirty Dollars($30.00)per set. A re-bid conference will be held on Wednesday June 21, 2006 in the T/PW conference room 270 at 11: 0 a.m. Bi ders shall not separate, detach or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract at any tim . Bidders must submit the complete specifications book or risk rejection of bid. Th water and sanitary sewer improvements included in this project must be performed by a contractor wh is pre-qualified by the Water Department at the time of bid opening. The procedures for pre- qu lification are outlined in the"Special Instructions to Bidders (Water Department)". Fo additional information, please contact Mr. Richard Argomaniz, P.E. at (817) 392-8653, or Mr. Ko stantine Bakintas, P.E. at(817)338-1277. Th a major work will consist of approximately the following: 2,465 L.F. 8"Water Line and Appurtenances 2257 L.F. 8" Sanitary Sewer, Manholes and Appurtenances 9,399 SY 6"Concrete pavement or 8,128 SY 6" HMAC pavement u Ac vertising Dates: 44' Ju a 1, 2006 Ju a 8, 2006 NTB-1 V COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the furnishing of all labor, materials, services and equipment necessary in providing a completely constructed project identified as: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 16 D. .E. No. 4873 M SQUITE ROAD (CHESSER BOYER RD. TO KIMBO RD.) SLEY STREET (FOSSIL DRIVE TO CINDY DRIVE) W LLIAMS PLACE (CHESSER BOYER ROAD TO TOM ELLEN STREET) PROJECT No. 00160 D.O.E. No.4873 UNIT I:WATER IMPROVEMENTS-Water No. P253 541200 6041700 160 83 UNIT II: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS-Sewer No. P258 541200 7041700 160 83 UNIT III: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS-T/PW No. C200 54120 204 40 00160 83 Ad ressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth,Texas,will be received at the ,, Pu chasing Office until 1:30 p.m.June 29,2006,and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m.,in the Council chambers. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. One(1)or more sets of plans and documents may be purchased,on a non-refundable basis,for Fifty Dollars($50.00)per set. All idders will be required to comply with Provision 5159a of"Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes"of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates and City Ordinance No.7278,as amended to Cit Ordinance No.7400(Fort worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 12-A-29),prohibiting discrimination in mployment practices. Apre-bid conference will be held on June 21,2006 in the T/PW conference room 270 at 11:30 a.m. Bid security is required in accordance with the Special Instruction to Bidders. The major work on the above-referenced project shall consist of approximately the following: 2,465 L.F. 8"Water Line and Appurtenances low 2,257 L.F. 8" Sanitary Sewer, Manholes and Appurtenances 9,399 SY 6" Concrete pavement or 8,128 SY 6" HMAC pavement 5510 L.F.Concrete Curb and Gutter, or Attached Curb Inc uded in the above will be all other miscellaneous items of construction as outlined in the Plans and Specifications. The improvements included in this project must be performed by a contractorwho is pre-qualified bythe Water De artment at the time of the bid opening. The Procedures for pre-qualification are outlined in the"Special Ins ructions to Bidders(Water Department)". CNTB-1 i I Bid ers,shall,if applicable,identify on the last page of the proposal section,the pre-qualified subcontractors wh shall install the water and/or sanitary sewer facilities. Fair re to list asub-contractor who is pre-qualified by the Water Department shall result in the rejection of the bid as non-responsive. Bid Jers are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents and acknowledging receipt of the adc enda by initialing the appropriate spaces on the Proposal form. Bids that do not acknowledge receipt of all adc enda may be rejected as being non-responsive. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obt iined by contacting the Department of Engineering at(817)392-7910. Bidders shall not separate or remove any portion,segment or sheets from the contract document at an time. Bidders shall submit complete book or risk rejection of bid. SU 3MISSION OF BIDS:Only one(1)contract will be awarded for the project which includes Units I,II and III based on the lowest total amount. The contract award will include either'Altemate A'— HMAC Paving or `Alt mate B'Concrete paving at the sole discretion of the City of Fort Worth. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all formalities. AWARD OF CONTRACT:No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety(90)days from the date bids are opened. The award of contract,if made,will be within ninety(90)days after the opening of bids,but in no case will the award be made until all the necessary investigations are made as to the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract. y In ccordance with the City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the pa icipation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Or(inance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the M/WBE UT LIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("D)cumentation"), as appropriate. The Documentation must be received by the contracting department no later than 5:00 p.m.,five(5)City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the contracting department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the Documentation was received by the City. The Managing Department for this project is the Department of Engineering. For additional information,please contact Mr.Richard Argomaniz,P.E.at(817)392-7949 or Mr.Konstantine Ba intas, P.E.at(817)338-1277. CHA,RLEs R. BOSWELL MARTY HENDRIX C11 Y MANAGER CITY SECRETARY A ERTISING DATES: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER,P.E.,DIRECTOR Ju a 1, 2006 Ju a 8, 2006 By: Dena Johnson, P.E., Manager,Consulting Services CNTB-2 , City of Fort Worth Highway(Heavy) Construction Prevailing Wage Rates For 2006 Classifil ations Hourly Rates Classifications Hrly Rts Air Tool Dperator $10.06 Scraper Operator $11.42 Asphalt laker $11.01 Servicer $12.32 Asphalt 3hoveler $8.80 Slip Form Machine Operator $12.33 Asphalt Distributor Operator $13.99 Spreader Box Operator $10.92 Asphalt :3aving Machine Operator $12.78 Tractor operator,Crawler Type $12.60 Batchind Plant Weigher $14.16 Tractor operator, Pneumatic $12.91 Broom c'r Sweeper Operator $9.88 Traveling Mixer Operator $1203 Bulldoz r ooerator $13.22 Truck Driver-Single Axle(Light) $10.91 Carpenter(Rough) $12.80 Truck Driver-Single Axle(Heavy) $11.47 Concret 3 Finisher-Paving $12.85 Truck Driver-Tandem Axle Semi-Trailer $11.75 Concret 3 Finisher-Structures $13.27 Truck Driver-Lowboy/Float $14.93 Concrel:3 Paving Curbing Mach.Opera $12.00 Truck Driver-Transit Mix $12.08 Wagon Drill,Boring Machine,Post Hole Concrel:3 Paving Finishing Mach.O er. $13.63 Driller $14.00 Concret 3 Paving Joint Sealer O er. $12.50 Welder $13.57 Concret 3 Paving Saw O er. $13.56 Work Zone Barricade Servicer $10.09 Concret 3 Paving Spreader Oper. $14.50 Concret 3 Rubber $10.61 Crane, lamshell, Backhoe,Derrick, Draglin ,Shovel $14.12 Electrici an $18.12 Fla er $8.43 Form Builder-Structures $11.63 Form Setter-Paving&Curbs $11.83 Founda ion Drill Operator,Crawler Mounted $13.67 Founda ion Drill Operator,Truck Mounted $16.30 Front End Loader $12.62 Laborer Common $9.18 Laborer Utility $10.65 Mechanlic $16.97 Milling Machine Operator,Fine Grade $11.83 Mixer Operator $11.58 Motor E rader Operator Fine Grade $15.20 Motor rader O erator, Rough Oiler $14.50 Painter,Structures $13.17 Pavement Marking Machine O er. $10.04 s Pipe La er $11.04 Roller, feel Wheel Plant-Mix Pavements $11.28 Roller, feel Wheel Other Flatwheel or Tampin $10.92 Roller, neumatic,Self-Pro elled Scraper $11.07 Reinfor in Steel Setter(Paving) $14.86 Reinfor in Steel Setter Structure $16.29 j Aw Source I AGC of Texas (Hwy, H ,Utilities Industrial Branch) oft www.a ess.gpogov/davisbacon/ 5/31/20 6 NC SPECIAL IN TRVCT£+(1►N TO BIT)T)EI S (TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS) 1. B_10 M MK T.,, ^, Cashier's check or an acceptable bidders bond payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than five(51%)per cent of the total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid,and is subject to forfeit in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the contract documents 00 within ten(10)days after the contract has been awarded. To be an acceptable surety on the bid bond,the surety must be authorized to do business in the state of Texas. In addition,the surety must(1)hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law;or(2)have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess ofSl00,000 from a reimsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City,in its sole discretion,will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein, 2. kADUNLIUREMMANCE AND N S, The successful bidder entering into a contract for the work will be required to give the City surety in a sum equal to the amount of the n contract awarded. In this connection,the successful bidder,shall be required to furnish aperformance bond and a payment bond,both in a sum equal to the amount of the contract awarded. The form of the bond shall be as herein provided and the surety shall be acceptable to the City. All bonds ftimished hereunrder shall meet the requirements of Chapter 2253,Texas Government Code. In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, the surety must(1) hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations tied'or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for y liability in excess of$100,000 from a reirsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer"in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City,in its sole discretion,will determine the adequacy;of the proof required herein. The City will accept no sureties who are in default or delinquent on any bonds or who have an interest in any litigation against the City. Should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at any time by the;City, notice will be given to the contractor to that effect and the contractor shall immediately provide a new surety satisfactory to the City. If the contract amount is in excess of$25,000,a Payment Bond shall be executed,in the amount of the contract,solely for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work, If the contract amount is in excess of$100,000,a Performance Bond shall be executed,in the amount of the contract conditioned on the faithful performance of the work in accordance with the plans, specifications,and contract documents. Said'bond shall solely be for the protection of the City of Fort Worth, All contracts shall require a maintenance bond in the amount of we hundred percent(100%) of the . original contract amount to guarantee the work for a period of two (2); years after the date of acceptance of the project from defects in workmanship and/or material. . LI UID< GE .The Contractor's attention is called to Part 1,Item 8,paragraph 8.6,of the"General Provisions"of the Standard Specifications for Construction of the City of Fort Worth, Texas,concerning liquidated damages for late completion of projects, 09/01/04 1 4. AMTGTJTT '.In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal,the City reserves the right to adapt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the proposal. 5. INRj-,O MNT:All bidders will be required to comply with,City Ordinance No.727$as amended by City Ordinance No.7400(Fort Worth City Code Section 1 -A-21 through 1 -a-2 )prdhibiting discrimination in employment practices. 6. WAGE RAT i" 4 Section 1i..8 of the tatadard Specifications fqr;Street and t�tdrm Drain Construction is deleted and replaced with the following: (a) The contractor shall comply with all requirements of-C;hWW225$,Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents.' (b) The contractor shall,for a period of three(3)years following the date of acceptance of the work,maintain records that show(i)the name and occupation of each worker employed by the , contractor in the construction of the work prodded for in this contract;and(i)the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of the special provision titled"Right to Audit"pertain to this inspection. (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs(a)and(b)above, (d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period,whicbever is less,an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code. (e) The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all tunes. Section 8,9 of the Standard Specifications for street and Broom Train Construction is hereby deleted. 7. M_ANCML STATEMENT.A current certified financial statement may be required by the Department of Engineering if required for use by the CITY OF FORT WORTH in determining the successful bidder. This statement,if required,is to be prepared by an independent Public Accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State Licensing Agency. 8. MMKANC_A,, Within ten(10)days of receipt of notice of awar4;of port act,the Contractor must provide,along with executed contract documents and appropriate bonds,proof cif'insurance for Worker's Compensation and Comprehensive General Liability Modily Tnjury-$500;MO each person, $1,000,000 each occurrence($2,000,000 aggregate limit);Property'Damage '$250,000 each occurrence). The City reserves the right to request any other insurance coverages as may be required by each individual project. 9. IDIT 1_0NAL EVIMAMUI REQUMEMOM a. The City,its;officers,employees and;servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor's workers'compensation insurance policy.. b. Certificates of ins shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth,contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 1000 Throck morton;Street,Fort Worth,TX 76102,prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. c. Any failure on part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. 0910//04 2 d. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation, al,and/or material change in pulley terms or coverage. A ten days notice shall be aoopptable in the event of non-payment of premium. e. Immers must be authorized to do businen in the State of Texas and have a current A.M.Best rating of A;VU or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. f' Deductible limits,or sel funded retention limits,on each policy must not exceed$10,000,00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. gr Other than worker's compensation insurance,in lieu of traditional insurance,City may consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures,through insurance pools or risk retention groups.The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage. U. Workm'compensationiusr r oe policy(s)covering employees employ l on the projeot-shall be ,endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. i City shall nut be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premiumeosts for contractor` insurance, j.' Coutractoes insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. In the course of the project Contractor,shall report,in a timely manner,to City's er ncially desigtrate d contract administrator any rowan leas occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property lass. Contractors liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. in. Upon the request of City,,Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. 10. S E T BIDDERS;Pursuant to Article 601g,Texas Revised Civil Statutes,the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a non resident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible sibie Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid it nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the;state in which the nowesidenfs principal place of business is located. "Nonresident binder"means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state,but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in flue state. "Texas resident bidder"means a bidder'whose p ° ipal place of business is in this state,and includes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in thins state. This provision does scot apply if this contract invol.ves federal funds. The awropriateblanIcs of the Proposalmust be filled out by all non resident bidders in order for its bard to meet specifications. The failure of a nonresident contractor to do.so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 11. xITV AND WOMEN RI a S EnWRIM In a accord with City of abort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation ofininotity business enterprises and women'business enterprises in City contracts, A copy of the Ordinance can be 09/01/04 3 obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder °shall submit the I.fl'LTZA.T O FORM l OAT 1`OR/SUP'"L IE UTILIZATION ION FORM B CONTRACTOR WAR FORM, and/or the , GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM f Documentation') and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate. The Documentation roust be received by the managing department no later than 5 00 p.m.,five(5)City business daysafteT the°bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the ruanagitig department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall;tender the bid non-responsive. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the Ownercomplete,and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a minority'business en 0413E).and/or women business enterprise (WBE)on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by 'an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts' (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination,of the contract and/or mitiating action under appropriate Federal, State or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements. Further, any such misrepresentation facts (other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will'result in the Contractor being determined to be "" irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for period of time of not less that three;(3) years. 12, AWARD OF CONTRACT:Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive bidder,The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all irregularities. No bid may be, withdrawn until the expiration of ninety(90)days from the date the MAVBE' IZATION FO PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM,GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM and/or the JOINT "DENTURE FORM a umentation")as appropriate is received by the City. The award of contract, if made,will be within ninety(90)days after this documentation is received,but in no case will The award be made until all the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract has been verified. 13. PA ; NT:The Contractor will receive full payment(minus inage)from the City for all work for each pay period. Payment of the remaining amount shall be made with the final payment,and upon acceptance of the project, 14. ADDEI DA,Bidders are responsiblefor obtaining ail addenda to the contractdocuments prior to the bid receipt time and acknowledging them at the time of bid receipt, Information regarding the-status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the plow desk of the Dep' . ent of Engineering Construction Division at(817)392-7910.Bids that'so not ackriowledge all ' licable a ` da may be rejected as om�r ive: 15. N LO. T WORMWS M N A.Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage a.Definitions: Certain of coverage("certificate").A copy of a certificate of insurance,a certificate of authority to self-unsure issued by the commission,or a coverage agreement("IVCC-81, CC-82, CC-83,or CC-84),showing statutory worker's er's compensation insurance, coverage for the n's or entity's employees providing services on a project,for the duration of the project Duration of the project-includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/ on's work on the project has been completed and accep,ted by the governmental entity. Pcisons providing services on the project("subcontractor"in 9406.,096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on 09/01104 4 "."� r the project,regardless of whether that person contracted direly with the contractor and regardless of whether that perm has employees. This includes,without limitation, independent contmotors,subcontractors,loasingcompames,motor cam ,owner-operators, employees of any such entity,or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project, "Services"include,without limitatim,providing,hauling,or 'delivering equipmentor materials,or pro iddin labor,transportation,or toner services related 44 to a project."Services"does not include actives unrelated to the project such as food/beverage vendors,office supply,deliveries,and delivery of portable toilets. 00 b. The contractor shall provided coverage,based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements,which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code,Section 401.011 (44)or all employees of the 1, contractor providing services on the project,for the duration of project. c. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. d. If the coverage period shown m the contractor's'current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the;project,the contractor must,prier to the end of the coverage period,file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental ental entity showing that coverage has been extended. e. The contractor shall obtain&otp each person n providing services on a project,and provide to the governmental entity: (1); a certificate of coverage,prior to that person beginning work can the project,so the govmuneutal entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for All persons providing serviceson the project;and (2) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor,a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage,if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. f. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter f i g, The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certifiedmail or personal delivery,within.ten(10)days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project, h. The contractor shall lost on each project site a notice,in the text,form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission,informing all pans providing services on the project that they are required to be covered,and stating how a person may verify,coverage and report lack of coverage. 6 I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project,to: 1 (1) provide coverage,based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements,which meets the statutory requirements of Texas labor Code,Section 401.011 (44)for all of its employees ll providing services on the project,for the duration of the project; (2) provide to the contractor,prior to that person beginning work on the project,a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project,for the duration of the project, F 09/0/104 5 (3) provide the contractor,prior to the end of the coverage period,a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage,if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends 4uring the duration of the mroj ; (4) obtain from each other person with whore it contracts,and provide to the contractor, (a) a certificate of coverage,prior to the other person beginning work on the project,and (b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage,prior to the end of the coverage period,if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration,of the prof (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter, (6) notify the governmental entity in wiring bycertified moil or personal delivery, within ten(10)days after the person knew or should have known,of any change that materially affects the provisionbf coverage;of any person providing serviceson the project,and (7) contractually require each person with whom it ci ntracts,to perform as required by paragraphs(1)-(7),with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. j. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the contractor is representuig to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project,that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts,and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate°insurance carrier or,in the case of a self insured,with the commission's Division of elf=Ismance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative,criminal,civil penalties or other civil actions. k. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is-a breach of contract by the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after'receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. B. The contractor shall post it notice on each project site informing all persons providing i on the project that they are required to be covered,and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by, the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas;Workers Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold tyke and text in at least 19 point normal type,and shall be in both English and Spanish'and any other language common to the worker population. The text.for the notices shall be the following text,without any additional words or changes: "'REQUIRED WE3 : {1Z'S COMPENSATION N CD E" The law requires that each person working on this site or prOvi" g services related to this construction project must be covered by worker"compensation` ce.Ibis includes persons providing,hauling or delivering equipment ent or materials,or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project,regardless of the identity of'their employer or status as an employee. Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission,at 512 40-3799 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage,to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an ployer's failure to provide coverage". 09/01/04 6 �. a ° 1 16. NON DTSCRVdM C11�1.The contractor shall not discriminate against any person or persons because of sex,race,religion,color,or national origin and shall comply with,the provisions of City Ordinance 7278,as amended by City Ordinance 7440(Fort Worth City Code'Sections 13A-21 through 13A-29),prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. 17. AGE DISCR_INMA.TXON. In accordance with the policy("Policy")of the Executive Branch of the federal government,contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers,members,agents,or employees,will engage in performing this contract,shall,in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms,conditions or privileges of their employment,discriminate against person because of their age except on the basis of a bona fide occupational qualification,retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers,members,agents,or employees,or person acting on their behalf,shall specify,in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this Contract,a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification,retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor warrants it will fully:comply with the Policy and will defend,indemnify and hold City harmless against any and all claims or allegations asserted by third parties against City arising out of Contractor's alleged failure to comply with the:above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this Contract. j 18, lJrl T l 11 P1 ll 11�In accordance with the visions t the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 C ADA"),Contractor warrants that it will notrr unlawfullydiscriminate can the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public,nor in the availability,terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with,or current employees of 1 Contractor.Contractor warrants it will fully comply with,ADA's provisions and any other applicable feral state and local laws concerning disability and will defend indemnify and bald City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties against City ansing out of Contractor's alleged failure to comply with the above-referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this Contract. 19. PROGRESS PAYMENTS.MAL PAYMMNT.PROJECT A a. The contractor will receive full payment(less r age)from the city for each pay periocl. Z b. Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project as being complete. c. The project shall be deemed complete and accepted by the City as of the date the final h list has been completed,as evidenced by a written statement signed by the contractor and the City. d. The warranty period shall begin as of the elate that the filial punch list has been completed. . Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming dice r and payable° f. in the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety have been delivered to the city and r there is a dispute regarding(i)final quantities,or(ii)liquidated damages,city shall make a progress payment in the amount that city deems due and payable.. . In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages,the parties shall attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days. 09/01/04 7 `4, SPECIAL INSTRUCT —ONS TO BIDDERS (Water Departinent) 1), PREQUALIFICATION REOUMENWNTS: All contractors submitting bids are required to be prequalified by the Fort Worth Water Department prior to submitting bids. This prequalification process will establish a bid limit based on a tethnical evaluation and financial analysis of the contractor. It is the bidder's responsibility to submit the following documentation-a current financial statement,an acceptable experience record,an acceptable equipment schedule and any other documents the Department may deem necessary,to the Director of the Water Department at least seven(7)calendar days prior to the date of the opening of bids. a) The financial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropfiate State licensing agency and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the financial status to the submitting company. This statement must be current and not more than one(1)year old. In the ,case that a bidding date falls within the time a now statement is being prepared,the previous e" statement shall be updated by proper verification. b) For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for a given project,it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and technical level as that of the project for which bids are to be received. c) The Director of the Water Department shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability for financial qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water Department project. d) Bids received in excess of the bid limit shall be considered non-responsive and will be rejected as such. A" e) The City,in its sole discretion,may reject any bid for failure to demonstrate experience and/or expertise. f) Any proposals submitted by a non-prequalified bidder shall be returned unopened,and if inadvertently opened,shall not be considered. g) The City will attempt to notify prospective bidders whose qualifications(financial or experience) are not deemed to be appropriate to the nature and/or magnitude of the project on which bids are to be received. Failure to notify shall not be a waiver of any necessary prequalification. 2. M SPOAM, : A cashie-es check or an acceptable bidder's bond,payable to the City of Fort 0" Worth,in an amount of not less than five(5%)percent of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid,and is subject to forfeiture in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the Contract Documents within ten(10)days after the contract has been awarded. To be an acceptable, surety on the bid bond,the surety must he authorized to do business in the state of Texas. In addition, the surety must(1)hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to quality as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law;or(2)have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of$100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a 00 rem surer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the trcasury to quaW as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City,in its sole discretion,will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 3 BONDS. A perfbrmance bond,a payment bond,and a maintenance bond each for one hundred (100%)percent of the contract price will be required,Reference C 3-3.7. 4. WAGERATES: Section C3-3.13 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following: (a) The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort. . 06/04/03 Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents, (b) The contractor shall,for a period of three(3)years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show(i)the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract;and(ii)the actual per them wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of D-3 Right to Audit pertain to this inspection. (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs(a)and(b)above. (d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period,whichever is less,an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code, The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. 5. AMBIGUITY In the case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the Proposal,the City reserves the,right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the Proposal. 6. BUDDER LICENSE: Bidder must be a licensed Contractor in the State of Texas. 7. , 119NUNMENT ARQ M; Pursuant to Article 601 g,Texas Revised Civil Statutes,the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the -lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresidenfs principal place of business in located. "'Nonresident bidder"means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state,but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state. This provision does not apply if this contract involves federal funds, aM The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for the bid to meet specifications. The failure of a nonresident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 8. rA_YAJKN J: If the bid amount is$25,000,00 or less,the contract amount shall be paid within forty- five(45)calendar days after completion and acceptance by the City. 9. AGE: In accordance with the policy("Policy")of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, Opp Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers,members,agents employees,program participants or subcontractors,while engaged in performing this contract;shall,in connection with the employment,advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms,conditions or privileges of theii employment,discriminate against persons because of their age except on the bases of a bona fide occupational qualification,retirement plan or statutory requirement, Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers,members,agents,employees, subcontractors,program participants,or persons acting on their behalf,shall specify,in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract,a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirements. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend,indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City 06/04/03 i arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors'alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. ent. 10. D1SADLL Y: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA'),Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public,nor in the availability,terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with,or employees+ of Contractor or any of its subcontractors. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA's provisions and any other applicable federal,state and local laws concerning disability and will defend, oft indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors'alleged failure to comply with the above referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement 1 11. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS�1N RPRISES» In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530,the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary.The bidder shall submit the MB E UTILIZATION FORM,SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM,PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORD and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM C' "th Documentation")and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate. The Documentation must be re:,ceived by the managing department no later than 5:00 p.m.,five( )City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing j department to whom delivery was made. Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non-responsive. J' Upon request,Contractor agrees to provide the Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise(MBE)and/or women business enterprise 00 (WB )on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books,records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts(other than a negligent 00 misrepresentation)and/or commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate Federal,State or local laws or ordinances f relating to false statements. Further,any such misrepresentation of facts(other than a negligent misrepresentation)and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be { irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three( ) C 12. 1�1NAL PA , NT,ACCEPTANCE AND W NTY: 00 a. The contractor will receive full payment(less retainage)from the city for each pay period. b. Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project as Mo being complete. c. The project shall be deemed complete and accepted by the City as of the date the final punch list has been completed,as evidenced by a written statement signed by the contractor and the City. d. The warranty period shall begin as of the date that the final punch list has been completed. e. Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming due and payable. f. In the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety have been delivered to the city and there is a dispute regarding(i)final quantities,or(ii)liquidated damages,city shall make a progress payment in the amount that city deems due and payable. 00 g. In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages,the parties shall attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days. 06/04/03 PART PROPOSAL AND WOM, 3'�BT 1SiISS �� 5 ' ` IfJ1Ti r i i � l J�. 1 MOB, PART B - PROPOSAL (T PROPOSAL MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THIS BOOK OF CONTRACT OU T ) TO: Charles Boswell City Manager Fort Worth, Texas PROPOSAL FOR: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 00160, D.O.E. No. 4873 MESQUITE ROAD(CHESSER BOYER RD.TO KIMBO RD.) WESEY STREET(FOSSIL DRIVE TO CINDY DRIVE) WILLIAMS PLACE(CHESSER BOYER ROAD TO TOM ELLEN STREET) UNIT I: WATER IMPROVEMENTS, Water No. P253 541200 6041700 160 83 UNIT II: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, Sewer No. P258 541200 7041700 160 83 UNIT III: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, T/PW No. C200 54120 204 40 00160 83 Pum,uant to the foregoing "Notice to Bidders", the undersigned Bidder, having thoroughly IMP exa fined the plans, specifications, General Contract Documents and General Specifications for ter Department Projects and the site of the project and understands the amount of work to be done, and the prevailing conditions, hereby proposes to do all the work,furnish all labor, equipment and material except as specified to be furnished by the City, which is necessary to fully complete the work as provided in the Plans and Specifications, and subject to tho inspection and approval of the Public Works Director of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. Total quantities given in the bid proposal may not reflect actual quantities; however,they are given for the purpose of bidding on and awarding the contract. RM Upog acceptance of this proposal by the City Council, the bidder is bound to execute a contact and furnish Performance Bond, Payment Bond approved by the City of Fort Worth for the performing and completing the said work within the time stated and for the following sums, - is IMP UNIT I BID SUMMARY-PAGE 5 y UNIT II BASE BID SUMMARY - PAGE 9 UNIT III BASE BID SUMMARY- PAGE 13 ALTERNATE `A' HMAC SUMMARY - PAGE 14 ALTERNATE 'B' CONCRETE SUMMARY - PAGE 15 PROJECT TOTAL BID SUMMARY-PAGE 16 1 UNIT I: WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL IT M APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT 00 N QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID ( Furnish&Install, including all appurtenant work,complete in place,the following items: 11 2465 LF `Construct 8"Water Line in Place (Includes removal or abandonment of existing water pipe): iDollars ---Cents Per LF. 2 3 EA 8"gate valve, including riser box&lid: I 4Dollars And VX0 -Cents Per Each. ',L 3 2.25 TON Cl/DI fittings: Dollars And —Cents Per TON. p 4 1 LS Furnish&lay 2"pipe and fittings for temporary service connection for Entire Project: J r-' 'OF Tk oll r And KO CentsPer Lump Sum. cv 00 5 1 EA Standard Fire Hydrant Assembly(3'- 6" Bury)per City of Fort Worth criteria including lead line and blocking: �3 ollars And YV0 —Cents Per Each. 2 TOTAL IT M APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 1 EA 6"gate valve, including riser box&lid, complete in pace: sDollars low And 0 -Cents Per Each. $ o 0 7 11 LF 6"Water Line C-900 CL200,including excavation and backfill: I Dollars And CentsPer Lump Sum. $ Cda $ ®0 27 EA 1"service tap to main for domestic water service: Dollars And V1 Cents Per Each. $4 o I 465 LF 1"Type'K"Copper Service line: Dollars Per LF. W 17 EA 1"service tap to main for domestic water service for Bullhead meters: tDollars And '�A_Q Cents Per Each $ $ ao 11 305 LF 1'Type'K'Copper Service line for Bullhead meters: —Dolla And ents Per LF i 3 i TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT JON NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 12 ; 17 EA Install Multiple Service Branches for 1"Copper Services for the"Bullhead" services: eDollars And Cents Per Each 13 61 EA Relocate EX. (Class A)Water Meter: Dollars And VAQ CentsPer Each. 14 27 EA Provide&Install (Class A)Water Meter Box: —CentsAnd 0 Per Each $ 100.00 15 17 EA Provide&Install (Class )Water Meter Box: Dollars And nts Per Each. $ c 16 10 LF Permanent Concrete Pavement Repair per figure 2000-2: Dollars And Cents Per LF. $ $ a 17 3103 LF Temporary Asphaltic Pavement Repair(6" Flexible Base&2"HMAC): Dollars And V10 Cents Per LF. ®00 D 4 TOTAL ITTE_� APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT No QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 18 10 CY Ballast Stone for Miscellaneous Placement as Directed by Engineer: —Dollars And �Cents Per CY. 19 10 CY Crushed Limestone for Miscellaneous Placement as Directed by Engineer: Dollars And V-LO —Cents Per CY. -—1)0 $AD,_0c) 20 10 CY Type B (2500#)Concrete for Miscellaneous Placement as Directed by Engineer: Vk R—Dollars And "'0 -Cents Per CY. L-o-0 $ —6)v 211 10 CY Type E(1500#)Concrete for Miscellaneous Placement as Directed by Engineer: 41 Dollars And Vk.0 Cents Per CY. $ I-OD $ 1 Won _227 10 LF Adjust/realign Domestic%"Type'K' Copper Service within Private Property by Licensed Plumber: &N2 �� .Dollars Cents Per LF. $100,00 $1W0.00 UNIT 1: WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS $—L�_l At the Contractor's option, unless otherwise noted, the price bid for water pipe shall be either Ductile Iron (DI) pipe or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe per City of Fort Worth Water Department's General Contract Documents and General Specifications. AM Type of Pipe Used (for 12" and Smaller) DIP Class 51 —Polywrapped _x PVC DR -14 5 0100 No UNIT II: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID Furnish &Install, including all appurtenant work,complete in place, the following items: 2261 LF Pre-Construction TV Inspection as Dir. by Engineer: Dollars And Cents Per LF. ®O ) 3 EA Demolish/Remove Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole: zg k e0c--1 Dollars And is Per Each. U50. 3 2257 LF *8"PVC SDR-35 sanitary sewer pipe by open cut including excavation and backfill (all Depths): Dollars And Cents Per LF. 4 50 LF *10" PVC SDR-35 sanitary sewer pipe by open cut including excavation and backfill (all Depths): El Eniq-Dollars And o Cents Per LF. WM 5 3 VF Extra depth for 4' Dia. Sanitary Sewer Manhole: Dollars And V\V Cents Per VF. 6 TOTAL IT,%M APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT ,IMP . QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 6 8 EA 4' Diameter Std. Sanitary Sewer g Manhole(to 6'depth): I Dollars And jD Cents Per Each. $ CVecno $ l 4 moo 7 1 EA 5'Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manhole (to 6'depth): Dollars And Cents Per Each $-N-00-ac 8 4 VF Extra depth for 5' Dia. DIP CL-51 sanitary sewer manhole: Dollars And Cen Per VF. $ 9 10 EA Concrete collar for Sanitary Sewer Manhole: ollars And----JNdD Cents Per Each. $ 10 9 EA Watertight manhole insert: Dollars And ents Per Each. 1 1 EA Sanitary Sewer Manhole External Drop Structure: Dollars Cents Per Each. $ . 7 WO TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 12 51 EA 4"Sanitary sewer service tap: Dollars And----JqjD—Cents Per Each. $ q 13 1270 LF *4"PVC SS service line: Dollars And Cents Per LF. $ ZD,Co $LZ-54-4w--Cr 14 51 EA Two Way Service Clean Out � (Including Removal of Ex.Clean Out if Present): ollars And Cents Per Each. u $l .c �15 2261 LF Trench Safety for Depth of 5' &over as directed by engineer: Dollars And QL_Cents Per LF. ! $ VC 16 9 EA Vacuum Test Sanitary Sewer Manhole: Dollars And in, Cents Per Each. $ ,oO $ 17 2257 LF Post Construction TV Inspection, as directed by Engineer: -Dollars And Cents Per LF. $ 8 TOTAL ITEA�I APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NOq QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 18 3016 LF Temporary Asphaltic Pavement Repair(6"Flexible Base&2"HMAC): -Dollars And Cents Per LF. t 19 10 CY Crushed Limestone for Miscellaneous Placement: Dollars And Cents Per CY. 100 0 10 CY Ballast Stone for Miscellaneous Placement: -Dollars And Cents Per CY. ®0 21 10 CY Type B(2500#)Concrete for Misc. Placement: Dollars And Cents Per CY. (® 2 10 CY Type E(1500#)Concrete for Misc. ,J, Placement: -Dollars And Cents Per CY. UNIT II: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS • ' At toe Contractor's option, unless otherwise noted, the price bid for sewer pipe shall be either Ductile Iron (DI) pipe or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe per City of Fort Worth Water Department's General Contract Documents and General Specifications. 1, * Type of Pipe Used (12" and Smaller) DIP Class 51 — Polybond Liner PVC SDR-35 win 9 UNIT III: PAVING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS BASE BID TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NOI QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID Furnish & Install,including all appurtenant work,complete in place,the following items: 2 EA Project Designation Sign: Two Hundred Fiftv Dollars And Zero Cents Per Each. $ 250.00 $ 500.00 2 1 LS Install&Maintain Erosion Control Measures per Plan&SWPPP: And 00 Cents Per Lump Sum. 00 $_a 1 LS Install&Maintain Traffic Control in Accordance with the Special Provisions: FIVO: 1_R0L2,1,Ax4> -Dollars And 00 Cents Per Lump Sum. $—576W-W 4 1 LS Miscellaneous Utility Adjustment: Five Thousand —Dollars And Zero Cents Per Lump Sum. $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 5360 CY Unclassified Street Excavation: T14 I Lo-c-;U;AJ Dollars And-Elf-rF-F Cents Per CY. -70 aeft$ 10 SO I TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT ,, NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 6 225 LF Sawcut Existing Pavement: tie Dollars And E 2L Y i eats Per LF. >7 7 5510 LF Demolish/Remove and Dispose of Concrete Curb and Gutter: Th -Dollars And 00 Cents Per LF. _ $ d6�� 18 10,692 SF Demolish/Remove Existing Concrete Driveways: 006 -Dollars And ` EF0 Cents Per SF. UW6 9 45 SY Demolish/Remove Existing Concrete Valley Gutter: Dollars And QO Cents Per SY. Se 0 10 619 SF Demolish/Remove Existing Concrete sidewalks,lead walks,&Wheelchair ramps: O��_Dollars And PO CentsPer SF. lo 11 10 CY Borrow(in Place)as directed by engineer: �Dollars ° And �JQ is Per CY. 11 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT w NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 2 770 SF Construct 4"Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk: Dollars And Per SF. $ o 0 $ t 3 12,575 SF Construct 6"Reinforced Concrete Driveways: ®V -Dollars And i r T CentsPer SF. $L � 7 ' 14 10 CY 6"Flexible Base For Driveway Transition As Directed By Engineer: rLv6AJrr f`tDollars And 0 Cents Per CY. $ 110 $ 15 2 EA Construct 4'Standard Square Manhole: L Dollars And V%O__jCents Per Each. $ $ 5Z.VD10V 16 2 EA Construct 10'Curb Inlet: kww Dollars low n Per Each. $ 17 295 LF 2V Class III RCP Storm Drain Line: CWLr Dollars And Cents Per LF. 18 34 LF WyClass III RCP Storm Drain Lateral: t liars n Per LF. I 12 TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT Iwo NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 18 LF 18-Class III RCP Storm Drain Lateral: "Oollars And Cents Per LF. S_ 19 49 EA Water Meter Box Adjustment To Proposed Grade: ThiLt�iye Dollars And Zero -Cents Per Each. 35.00 $ 1.715.00 20 2 EA Water Valve Adjustment to Proposed Grade: Three Hundred Dollars And Zero —Cents Per Each. $__i0_000 $_0_000 1 10 EA Sanitary Sewer Manhole Adjustment to Proposed Grade: Tisixor Pir-7-4 7- Dollars And V%10 -Cents Per Each. $ 3S0.00 s-35CO.00 �2 1110 CY Provide&Place Top Soil Backfill Within Parlwa,Per CY: P'CU0_Tqe;L—'LJ —ENWOR. —Dollars And Zqro Cents Per CY. 23 .4190 If. Construct permanent concrete -70 51 pavement repair per figure 2000-2: lift Dollars And Cents Per LF. $_Ak-_0_V $A�_Zo-00 4"' UNIT III: PAVING & DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS BASE BID ITEMS $ 13 UNIT III ALTERNATE A: HMAC PAVING TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID Furnish&Install, including all appurtenant work,complete in place,the following items: 9502 SY 8"Lime Stabilized Subgrade: -Dollars And Cents Per SY. $ 214 Ton Hydrated Lime for Lime Stabilized subgrade(45 lbs per SY): Do rs \AR To d Cents er Ton. 3 5510 LF 7*Can ete Curb& Gutter: Dollars And nts Per LF. 4 40 SY Reinforced Concrete NVafleutftler: wwwwDollars —Dollars And Cents Per SY. 5 81 SY 6"HMAC Pavement, in Accordance with Special Provisions: Dollars ZI And Cents Per SY. $ UNIT III ALTERNATE A: HMAC PAVING SUBTOTAL Oc)—s Lp 14 op UNIT III ALTERNATE B: CONCRETE PAVING TOTAL ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID UNIT AMOUNT NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 7 9502 SY 6"Lime Stabilized Subgrade: Mars And $6 06 Pr Flu6Cents Per SY. 167 Ton Hydrated Lime for Lime Stabilized subgrade(35 Ibs per SY): L►.11"T Mars And X90 Cents Per Ton. $ =w 5510 LF 7"Attached Concrete Curb: i Dollars And b� Cents Per LF $_fib_ $ I -0 4 9399 SY 6" Reinforced Concrete Pavement: �C tyDollars And e r T P1 VVCents Per SY. $ 77-3.t 11) 10621 LF Silicone Joint Sealant: oue Mars And 1 1" C CentsPerLF. $ 9 $14 2.1 -1 UNIT III ALTERNATE B: CONCRETE PAVING SUBTOTAL $ t 15 Within ten(10)days after notification by the City,the undersigned will execute the formal contract and will deliver an approved ure Bond and such other Bonds as required by the Contract. The attached bid security in the amont of % is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth,Texas,in the event the contract and bon or bonds are not executed and delivered within the time above set forth,as liquidated damages for the delay and additional work caused thereby. The undersigned bidder certified that he has been furnished at least one set of the General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects dated January 1, 1978, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all of the requirements and conditions of those General Documents and the specific Contract Documents and appurtenant plans. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors,or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No 7400. The Bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, and to complete the contract within working days after beginning construction as set forth in the written work order to be furnished by the Owner. TOTAL BID SUMMARY for Mesquite Road,Wesley Street&Williams Place(WATER,SEWER& PALING) UNIT I TOTAL WATER IMPROVEMENTS (P.5) I II TOTAL SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (P.9) UNII III SUB-TOTAL BASE BID ITEMS(P. 13) $ "` I SUB-TOTAL ALTERNATE`A' HMAC PAVING (P-14) I TOTAL UNIT III WITH ALTERNATE 'A' -ASPHALT SUB-TOTAL ALTERNATE 'B'CONCRETE PAVING (P. 15) $ 1 Z . TOTAL UNIT III WITH ALTERNATE 'B'-CONCRETE TOT kL AMOUNT BID(UNIT 1,11, III)WITH ALTERNATE 'A' -ASPHALT TOTAL AMOUNT BID(UNIT I, II, III)WITH ALTERNATE 'B' -CONCRETE 16 h (Comr lete A or B below, as applicable:) 0 A. The principal place of business of our company is in the State of Nonresident bidders in the State of our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by state law. A copy of the statute is attached. nonresident bidders in the State of our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas. Recei)t is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 (SEAL)If Bidder is Corporation Adde dum No. 2K 2 Adde'dum No. 3 Respectf ly ub itt By: f -I- Title: I 1- Address Ft . MarW T/. 7 P�q WAY#, 17 ATTACHMENT 1A Page 1 of 4 FORT WORTH b ---��, City of Fort Worth Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form PRIME COMPANY NAME: Check applicable block to describe prime y Gilco Contracting, Inc. PROJECT NAME: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO.00160 MNV/DBE NON-M/W/DBE Mesquite Road(Chesser Boyer Road to Kimbo Road) BID DATE Wesley Street(Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive) Williams Place(Chesser Boyer road to Tom Ellen Street) June 29, 0 0 6 City's MIWBE Project Goal: Prime's MNVBE Project Utilization: PROJECT NUMBER rA 1-t A&MC 2 0 0. 2 % DOE#4873 S � a Identify all subcontractors/suppliers you Will use on this project F. 11 'Ito col' Iplete ti�Is #ormy In Its el�tlrety nrlthdoturr�h n,:andrec tFle 1111a i � r%et�)lad or befo Po5.00 p m fijve.( ) DUSI _ . ;.a , -op ping, ex snr ld ope 8 n: "Min'the bid b_ sing conslderd fzon-fesponsly tlltit p 3 h lie nderslgned Offeror agrees to enter Into a fomi ri( ) listed Ift .; ��, �sr, iedule, condtoned :upon �xecx�tlon of;a,, �„tTaCt -� l��ty► of Fo� WQ 'the tnts��� " ' x° r andldf�k�owli�g misrepresentation�f fads Is:groun�fs fs�r riddrafldrr-�fir�dlsqualficaiyan aand uvill resial( m .; b d b�ii�g�'bohsiaered:�nor� lesponsl�e to,�lrci speclficatiQrt; ��, r - - MIWBIEs listed toward meeting the project goal must be located In the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing business In the marketplace at the time of bid. Marketplace is the geographic area of Tarrant, Parker,Johnson, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Kaufman and Rockwall counties. N, ' ' >�x diet I®vbi; T ' s=the Jeiof su�coritraoiL�r�g��I`kh� prime contracto�, I,e r �.° rortt the prime catfiaetr ofi a. bgotractbt�`ix3n ered� p a�aymen � t a,suboon ►, .ir is-�" nsldereci sa Uer ,•. r .v as rt ALL MNVBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD. Certification means those firms, located or doing business at the time of bid opening within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be bonafide minority or women businesses by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), or the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT), highway division. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise(DBE) is synonymous with Minority/Women Business Enterprise(MfWBE). 'rvic a# 1lH BE en MMI listed 2r rie d i#ttlro #o be w r tract T#% /VVBE�ce' D fy,G r �E e1r� tIve fu�ltM/8E it. _ unCIU.0ing,o WI my receave edit uit IIo � tffis>On — �a �, Rev.5/30103 t- )'Tunes are required to identify 9LL sulmataxtois/suppliam regardless of stews,Le,Mnosity,Women and non-M(WBE& Please list M/WBE Sans ftrst,use additional sheets if necessary. Certification (check ore) °. SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPUER T Con*nny Name i N T Detail Detail Addresse W C X t .. Subcontracting Work Supplies Purchased Lollar Amount Tel honelFax r B B T C -:W:: E E R c a: C T E: A Burnsc® ;Const. Inc. 200 S. Hulen St. uite 513 1 X Water & Sewer t. Worth, TX 76109 Installation $445, 994.00 { 17-738-�3200 ,; 1 -7 3 8--7B43 LXT & Associates 36 Co' my RD 275 Melissa T 5454 Water & Sewer , .00 1 - 44 0440 Pipe 21 -544 3684 P Truckin & Const. Co. of X, Inc. 2 X Gravel, Sand, Z-ene, o 951 p n i g base & 76059 Asphalt $ 63, 000. 00 817-558-0525 817-645-6441 Rico Fuel Distribqtors, Inc. 1 X Fuel " $ 15, 000. 00 1201 Royal Pkwy. Euless, 'TX 76040 817-268-w5910 2 X Fuel $ 20, 000 .00 1 -282-�7497 Supreme Sawing & Sealing P.O. Bob 800596 1 X Sawing and Balch Springs, TX Sealing $ 10, 62 . 00 5180 972-557-,9858 972-226-�-2418 K.E. Burns Const. P.O. Box, 783 Burleson, TX 76097 1 X Installation $' 19, 000. 00 17-47•-0292 of Water 31 -4 7-020 Rev.5/30/03 � m ames are required to identify ALL sukDnt:actom/supplieis,regardless of status,i.e.,Minority,Women and aoa-M/WBEs. Please list M/WBE firms fiss�use additional sheets if necessary. CertW=*Ion c SUBCONTFWCTOR/SUPPLER (check Of*) P° Company Name N T Detail Detail Address e M w C x ' o Subcontracting Work Supplies Purchased Dollar Amount Telephone/Fax r g g T D E E R O ;:E: C T A ebar Se vice & Supply C, ny 1 X Reinforcing 13, 000. 00 .0. Box ', 40584 Steel t. Worth, TX 76140 o17-483-•4603 17-483- 418 Centex SOeding -- .0. Box: 2077 1 X Erosion , 000. 0 eller, X 76244 Control 817-306- 510 17-306- 901 r n a Price rucking , 1 X Hauling , 000. 00 152 W. Main St. 1" le, TX 76020 17-444-0836 2 X Hauling $ 10, 000. 00 817-444- 639 niversal 1,im 1750 Brennan Ave. 1 X Lime $ 1 , 000 .00 Worth, TX 76106 17-378-9042 817-378-9452 Southern Star r te,, Inc. 1 X Ready-mix $130,000. 00 500 reeport Pkwy. Concrete Suite 200 ving, TX 75063 - 1 -0999 1 - 9-8473 R nnur ATTACHMENT IA FoR l'WO KY H Page 4 of 4 7 0 Total Dollar Amount of MfWBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ 190, 902. 00 Tobil Dollar Amount of Non-M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ 588, 994 . 00 TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS $ 779, 896. 00 The �ontractor will not make additions, deletions, or substitutions to this Certified list without the prior approval of the ' �o Mut. ity andVomen Busincss Enterprise Office Manager or designee through the subimittal of a Reque-Wfor Approval of Ch .. eAddilkon. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach'of contr act and may result in d ebarment in acco with the 1procedures outlitied in the ordinance. The contractor sliall subm&A detailed explanation of bow the c ��ill e/addifion or denill affect the cnimilted MI"F, goal. If die detail expWiation is not submitted, it m. ft et e6t the final,compliance determination. ............. By qffixmg a signature to this form, the Offeror further agrees to provide,directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including /DBE(s) arrangements submitted with the bid. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books,records and files held by dicir company. The bidder agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners,principals,officers,employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers/conuwtors participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work perl'onned by the /DBE(s)on this contract,by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or 1�nowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Anv failure, to comply "ith this ordinance and create a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsi Offeror and barred fi-oni participating in City work, fora period of time not less than one(1)year. om Dale Gilreath AuAhTrilzed Si nn ure Pdvftd Signatum �u President Jamey Burchett W f17ZT Conine Nam efritle(irdifferent) Gilco Contracting, Inc. 817-735-16001817-735-1613 i omjxany Name _"F.I—ep h'on e a n_d/o r Fa_x "Rp 4200 S. Hulen t® , Suite 513 jamey@gilcocontracting.com Xddross E-mail Address Iwo Fort Worth, TX 76109 July 7, 2006 City/StAteM,p 5.—t. sm Nev.5130/03 i c PART C GENE T -YEI,,,L W,- i i f f PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS NOVEMBER, 1, J987 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cl-1 DEFINITIONS Cl 1.1 Definition of Terms C1-1 (1) C1--1.2 Contract Documents Cl-1 (1) C1-1.3 Notice to Bidders Cl-1 C1-1.4 Proposal . Cl-1 (2) C1-1.5 Bidder . Cl-1 (2) C1-1.6 . General Conditions- C1-1- (2.) C1-1.7 Special Conditions Cl-l ,, 42.)° C1-1..8 Specifications C1-1 W. C 1. Cl-;I:, (.2)���- 9 Bond C -1:1.10 Contract Cl®1 (3). Cl-1.11 Plans C*-1,1.2 City �. r,Cl-I C1-1.13 ' City Council 1-1..(33 C1-1..14 M C1,�- 'Mayor -1 �. (3) • C1-1,-15 City Manager "C1 .1 (3) C1-1.16 City Attorney w Cl-$ (3) C1-1 17 Director of Public Works C1-1.18 Direotor, City plater Department C1- 1.• (41 Cl-I.19 Engineer C1-1 (4) C1-1.21 Soatractor e ties Cl-1®22. The Gl .1 (.4) Work or Pro % - -1 .. j sct d -1.23 Working Day, C1-1,24,. Calendar Day. 1-1 t4) . C1-1.25 Legal. Holiday C1-.1 (�) Cl 11 2�,. Abbreviations Cl-1.� ge Order, C1-1.. :*8 Paved streets and Al syis C1�-1 ( ) C1=1.29 Unpaved Streets and Alle s C1-1.�30 City Streets Cj-1.31. Roadway C1-1.32 Gravel Street a . C 2 INTERPRETATION AND: PRE p PARATION ' , " •, • ,. m OF PROPOSAL ,. C2-2 1 Proposal Form C2-2 (1-) C ..2 Interpretation of Quantities C2- 11 ' C�-4.3 Examination of Contract Documents C2- 4 Submitting and Site.. po C2-.2- 2 (23 m. • � g of Pro Sal - C�-2.5 Refection of Proposals C -2.6 Bid Security C2-2 (8 (1) C2-2.7 Delivery of Proposal C2-2 (4) C2-2.8 withdrawing Proposals C2-2 (4) C2-2.9 Telegraphic Modification of Proposals -C2-2 (4) C2-2.10 Public Opening 'of Proposal C2-2 (4) C2-211 Irregular Proposals C2-2 (4) C2-2.12 Disqualification of Bidders C2-2 (5) C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS Cam-3.1 Consideration of Proposals C3-3 (1) C3-,3.2 Minority -Business 'Enterpise Women-Owned Business Enterprise ' , compliance C33 (1) CX-4.3. Equal Employment Provisions -3 (1) C1-3.4::. Withdrawal of Proposals C3-3 (2) C3=w3 L 5 Award of Contract 0-3-3 ',4 2) C33 '6 �teturn of Proposal Securities C3-3, (2) . C .-3:7, Bonds C3-3. .(2) C34-3.8 ecution of Contract C3-3 (4) C3-=3 9-_ Failure to Execute Contract C3-3 (4) C3-3 0- 10 . Beginning Work C.3-3 (4) C3--3 11, Insurance C1-1 (4° '° ) C3-312 •Contractor's Obligations C3-3 (7) C1=3.13 ' ,,Weekly Payroll 0-3 (7) C3-,4:14 Contractor's Contract Administration C3-3 (7) 0 -3:15 `Vcnue C3-3 (BY C4--4 SCOPE OF WORK 'C4-4.1 ;Intent of Contract Documents C4-4' (1) C4-4 a 2 0 ecial creaaedrorisions Decreased bdan hied (1) C4 .'4..3 � tides C4-4 (1) 4.4 - .:Alteration of' Contract Doc - nts. -C4-t (2) C4-4.5 Extra Work ` C4.:4. (2) C.446 Schedule of Operations C4-4 (3 C4-4-.7 Progress Schedules for Wafter and TM Suer Plant Facilities" ",". "': q4-4 w° (4) C5�=5:.:� : .' :CONTROL OF WORK AND MA 'BRIALS C5-55 1 Authority' of Engineer mm °- C5-5 41) :Ponformiiy with Plans C5-5 ° C1) C$�-5 3 Coordination of Contract Documents -5 .(2) C5-5.4 Cooperation of Contractor C5.-5 (2) 0-5.5 Emergency ands®r Pt if ibation, 14oic �-5 (3) C5a5.6 Field office 65-5 (3) C5-. .5.7 . ,., r Construction Stakes 5►-5 (3) C5, ° -S:A authority and Duties. of- Insgeet�c)ra~ .. C5-5 (4 °C5-5.9 Inspection , C! -5 (5) VA rC5-5.:10: R val of Defective and Unauthorise Work C5®5 (5) 5.11: :Substitute Materials or e C5-5 (a) C5 Samples and Tests of Materials 05-5 (6) C5--:5. 3.3 Storage of Materials C5-5 (6) C5-;-5.14 E cisting Structures and Utilities C5-5 (7) C5-5.15 Interruption of Service C5- (7) C5-5.16 Mutual Responsibility of Contractors CS-5 (8) C5-5.17 Cleanup - C5'5 (8) C5-5.18 Final Inspection C5-5 (9) (2) 6 LEGAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY 06-6.1 Laws to be observed C64 (1) P6-6.2 .Permits and Licenses C6-6 (1) 06-6.3 Patented Devices, Materials and Processes C6-6 (1) 6-6.4 Sanitary Provisions C6-6 (2) 6-6.5 Public Safety and Convenience C6-!-6 t2i 6-4.6 Privileges of Contractor in Streets, Alleys, and Right-of-Way C6-6 (3) _ 06-6.7 Railway crossings C64 A) 6-CS Barricades, Warnings and Watchmen C64 4) 6-6.9 Use 'Of Explosives,. Drop Weighti' ' etc. C6'_6 (5). V^ 6-4.10 work Within Basements C6.4 °(6$ 6-6.li Independent Contractor C6-6 (8) 6-6.12 Contractor's Responsibility for Damage Claims 06-6 (8) 6-6.13 Contractor's Claim for 'Damages C6-6 (10) 6-6.14 Adjustment of oUPubJ Utilities, etc. C6_6 (10) 6-6.1 15 Temporary Sever Drain Connections C6-6 (10) , 6-6.16 Arran ement and Charges of Water Furnisghed by City C6&6 (11) 16-6.11 Use of a Section of Portion of the Work C6-6 (11) 6-6-18 Contractor's Responsibility for Work C6"6 (11). 6-6.19 No Waive"r of Legal Rights C6-6 (12" ), 6-6.20 Personal Liability of Public Officials C6_6 (12) 6-6.21 State Sales Tax C6 '6 (12) 7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 7-7.1 Subletting C7-7 (1) 0.7-70' 2 Assignment of Contract (1) 17-7.3 Prosecution of the Work C7-7 (1)' 1-7'.4 Limitations of -operations C7"7 (2) 7-70-5 Character of Workman and Rquip�*"t C7-7 (2)- 7-7.6 Work Schedule C7-7' (3.) 7-7.7 Time of Commencement and Completion 0-7 (4) 7-7.8 Extension of time of CoiVIetion C.7-7 (4) 7-7.9 Delays CT!,7 (4) -7.10 TL of Completion C7-7 OY 7,' ime. 7 7' 7 7 7 7 7 7r-T.11 Suspension by Court Order 0-7 (4) 7-7.12 Temporary Suspension (6) 7 7 to ,7.13 Termination of Contract due National Emergency, C7-7 (7) 7-7.14 Suspension , of Abandonment of the Work and Annulment of Contract- C7-7-1(7) 7-7.15 Fulfillment of Contract 0-7 19) ,7-7.16 'Termination for Convenience of the onwer C7-7:�A XO) 747.17 Safety Methods and Practices C 7o,4 (13) 8-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 8-8.1 Measurement of Quantities C84 (1) 8-8.2 unit Prices, (3) C8-8,.3 Lump Sum C8-8 (1) C8-8.4 , Scope of Payment C8-8 (1) C84.5 Partial Estimates and Retainage C8-8 (2) C8-8.6° Withholding Payment C8-8 (3) cg!4.7 Final Acceptance C8-8 (3) C84.8 Final payment C8-8` (3) C8-8.9 Adquacy of Design C8-8 (4-) C8-r8.1.0 General Guaranty C8-8 (4) CB-8. e r MiscellanousPlac t C `8 (5) of Material Record Documents C8-8 (5) n , 00 w e (4) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS Cl-1 DEFINITIONS SECTION Cl-1 DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS. OF. N • never in these Contract Documents t a fo low n terms or pronouns in Place of. .thee are _ used, the intent and meaning shall be u,sdaigtoa and interpreted as follows: „ the wr tten" and raven ocumeritBC®a ch�' aDocuments pe-aI are .a o 'of r C1-1,2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract D � � P: ficatfons , B e c. bonds.,1, o addenda, ans, etc � 'which govern the terns and act. These are contained in the c 4 ti b66 enegatl contract `Dt,1c is and the Im eC ill COntTa�lt:t Dt3Cu] n tS a: Documents GENERAL errn l Wat:e�CT TD+�pa � ea�tn goVe Projects and include the folloNing items; FART ^A NOTICE TO BIDDERS , M Via") White PART B - PROPOSAL (Sam_' * ') White . WITY) .Candy Y tJIS e.11ow �'AytT C - GENERAL CONDITIONS' :,".' _ . MeveloPer)'..'Braim . PART D SPECIAL CONDITIONS 'Green PART E - SPECIFICATIONS El-White R2-olden Rod .. 1�2A-1�tii�e PE +IITS/ PART F -- BONDS f . . le) Ohit:e PART G - CONTRACT 4:8 le) . Fite .b® SPECIAL CMTI.ACT DOCUMENTS9 the Sp► ci81a Centre t Document' a�e�, prepare fang +each og�eci�i� pacoIect. as include the fcrli it ar: t eats ` a . _Coatrac Doc me ncl A O PA BIDDERS tAdvert t) . Same It�'��� .� 1+1TICE TO E is � 'as above,PART B GEN$bMtAL ` RDsim d)ItIo -PART D : SPECIAL.CO ITION6 PART -$ = `SPECIFICATI.ONS P13164ITS/SiS81ttTTS -� PART:.F BONDS PART G = CONRACT PART H PLANS t Usual.l bou' sAparak - h tely) Aft Cl-1 (1) C1- 1. 3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS: All of the legal publications e ther actually published' in public advertising mediums or furnished. direct to interested® pa sties pertaining "to_ the work contemplated under the Contract Documents constitutes the notice to .bidders. PROPOSAL: The co'ni- pleted vrritten and " signed l off-er "or teader a a .bidder to perform the Vork-which the owner desires Pro oval, with the bid .security, constitutes the _. . binding upon th,e Bidder when it is to have done, together' wreceived. by b tamer,. has been pUblicly opened and which become official-lys " the read : d not re cted .by ths".t1ttier." w. e Y 1. rson, persons, .,f.ir1n, portnershi µ C1 1. 5 BIDDER:' Any pe. ' " � p,, compainy,-"assoc ation; co ation, acting directly orI through a ,duly .au thorized re reee.ntative �sub:r►ittin P' . .. .. r e g-. a proposal for .. p tract Documents, t`., Ito he Contract ecnstfltu.' a bidder. erfoi�ing the Mork Cone la da�r t C1-1.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS,: The General -Conditions are the usual constru dtion alii ` `contract 'requiripments whi n: govern the performance of the work .so th$t it NIl..tie .,carried on in andrenui�ren►e is of8the.--"=y procedure, the local statutes , . _ City , of Fort Worth' s charter and . p. gg a�tdnances. romnl ate W aat ev eat t.. here may be a . conflict between the General ou`s and Special Conditions, the Latter shall take pvnd� t�receden¢e a"�,� fidl era. r r. shall n g . � N D1TI1NS. Spa ,i al-;<". codons are theC1" 1 . 7 SPECIAL C ni specific requirements which are necessary for the. particular g covered -by t�►e Contract .DocUAditts eve not. ePecificelly co�iered set in:the General Conditions. When. ¢onsic�eared "with the 0 h.ldra:l � Cdiidi°tic'ns apd . o�thet , elements ` o ,the: Contract =dU :entsthey provide the 'information which tie Contractor tha project: " Qe, in order to gain. a :thorough. kn641edge of miner should ha -. The S ifcations is,th Cpl . T...6 SP8CI1�'IC1�Tr�CI�iB s .; - , at sec- � pec tics or art "o the Contract Documents whi dh vets forth. jn►. detail the requirements which must be s etY.by all Materials,als, :e0nst action,, "workminsh� project. " der a acorn letediandeusefulnt� o. Whenever re#er-e:ace "is ma p, q p and ser` is in order-to� reap standard specifications, regulations, require,Mi pPts," statutes, to P. p � totes, etc. , such referred to documents shall become a .apart of the Contract cureente°" ust as though" they were fed' therein. C1--1.9 BOND: The bond or, bonds are the written guarantee or secnr ty " urn i shed by the Contractor for the prompt and Cl-1 (2) faithful performance of the contract and include the following: a. ' ' Performance Bond (see paragraph C3=3.7) b. Payment Bond (see paragraph C3m3:7) c. Maintenance Bond (see paragraph, C3�-3...7) d. Proposal or Bid Security (pet Special 1hatiuctions to Bidders, Part A and C2. 1.6) dl-10, 10 CONTRACT: The Contract is the formal s..igned agreement etween the Owner and the Contractor covering the mutual g g Pie 'project t he com pleted under the Contract . umeatag abofitt t. s. uncersaandin of the two contracts® t aver PLANS: a�by The Owners re res nt$tiwc' �thc ,- p g reiar uction�a .. ---�5 ' p "ing in detaf 1 m the locatioa , dimension and position of the vari,ous. elements of the -pro...joct , inclu4 jn'g Stich prof! I— ypicmal cg a _s*-sections., layout diagrams., vorhing_ drawing`s pxelia in ary d ami�ags.. and such suppleaneatal drawing as the Ow ner .saii .:issue t °+clax fy :other drawings° or for the p ..of,. shawiAg cages ip .the work hereinmfter aiuthor i zed by the Omer.._ the p� ao .pare usually kiounc$ separately from other ..parrots of the Contract Documents, but they are a part "di, th-e Contract Documents lust -as thou h they were bound t�rere#m,. . C1 ;1.12 . CITY: ' , The City of Fort Worth, Ir A r a a4un#ci�al ce +oirat:om; "at thorf zed and charteaced uncles th eacaa State Situtes, a.ctiig by arld thrav�gh `ite 'giovesnicg F of its. City rr� Manger,. each of `whi'ch is required, by charCar to .pje.rfera specific duties . Responsibility for 'final eaf.orcement, of Contracts ihVolv.ing the City of 'Pori ,North i by Charter Y.. Y . g... ty: 'Aod:'Dwra`i -nre s n d ,the City Flans er. The ter'as C g �e4 C , 3 .CIT'f. �COUNCItI. The -duly" elec dy �#d,,qu�,l'iftd mil,,� = d ove ng c$�of t awe City of Fort Worth. VCL s w a uacm; the lrlsayor TFh-e of f i c i a .1.Y 'eale.c t ed 4 MAYOR: f itie City af: rert t ►, as. C1 1015�. CITY, MANAGER: The officiai),yw ap �i��ed y..sa�d autho�is auto ed arepiresent City of Fort' B'orth,, Te:;k fir, b.ia dl11y. Y g. atiVe. " Cl+:1.16 CITY ATTORNEY. The officially appo. l= ted" City Attorney "AIR C ty o€ Fort Worth, Texas R or his du�:y a herLZed. r�psesentative.m . . s Cl-1 (3) C1-1.17 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: The duly appointed official of the City of Fort Worth, referred. to in the Charter as the City Engineer, or his duly authorized representative. Ci-1.18 DIR$GTOR CITY WATER .DEPARTMENT: The duly appointed D rector' o the `C ty Water Department of the ' city of Fort Worth , Texas , or his duly authorized representative, assistant, or agents.. C1.-�=1:19 E'NGi tEER.: The_ .Director, of. Public `�orkn, tbe'Director ® o. t e `Fort Wirth City,° Water Department, or their duly su erintencnnts, a+ tin►, with in the ` p gr` authorized assistants_., agents, engineers; in►apectora, or d :o . o e rticul,ar ta! ias truate o tb °° c y oom�any0 CO mTRaesociaton�,'�r�c rpo�atioan$ � partnership:, entering into a dircectlt or throe h' 4ith the maeduf at�h ex+ cut on of the work.,. acting 9 . y . horiaed representative; A sub contractor ` i a persons f irrs, corporation, or others under p work atcth rsite ofythe j contract Frith the rfncipal r and y , - eot�, mat als or onl abor � for,,, G 1.21 SDRETI$S: The Corporate bodies Which are bound by e . i , . . . . aoractsec o® s are required. with nad- for C or . T4 the en sureti gs s � the -entire ebf titfu andand sasfaco "fll ., c Doc. all segmsa> the Contract nts. and ' ., .. w e� approved pp c ang egth . Cat and c TIIE WO tK.'OR PROJECT: The completed work,con laced over'. .- by the"e Contract 1Documents, i.noluding nut -not limited to the furnishing of all labor,. materials, tools, , ,. W oduc a oorp .leted a qu pment, nc dents toy p' ..e an :. ease s uec rat dd� iserv#ceable pro ect. . C1-1.23 WORKING. DAY.: l a w, calendar ay,7 not me nq S turc' iy#, Sundays, ,and .1 gal: holidiyy ti` µ fn which °thee weat�her or 'other condi. tions i►ot under the control of the 'Contractor permit, the per�fo ce of;..the;.:prfacipal snit of, woikw foie - pe"riod" o apt ,lesis 'than seven 17) Up► lugs bitmeea paragraph* 6 'a. .mi C7�7.6. 00 m. ,"awith" except#..onu as..�permitted in ?::4.Q a P� . *C1 1 2 CALENDAR .DA7[E: ► calendar day is ► day .of the week or: nth,' 46 °'44ys irg �c eptied. C1-1.25 LEGAL HOLIDAYS: Legal holidays shall be observed as prescribed y the C ty Council of the City of Fort Worth for observance by City employees as fold. s: Cl-1 (4) N 1. New Year's Day January l 2. M. L. Ringo Jr. Birthday Third Monday in January 3® Memorial y Fast Monday in May i Independence Day July •4 5. L&bor -Day first Monday. in September C. Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November ThanksgiVing Friday Fourth Friday in November , 'Chkisus Day December 25 9. Such other days in lieu of holidays as the City Council May determine, doclared b the City C named holidays or a special holiday is. f the abov .council., falls, on S*atur.dffiy s the holiday wh y o s a l be observed -on "the preceding" Friday or if it falls on® Sobdayrm.it shall be observed can the folio'wing Monday, .".by those e lbye.ea working on for ng day operations , Employees working calendar day operations will consider the calendar holiday as- the holiday. el-1 26 ABBREVIATIONS: wherever the abbreviations defined p . Meaning P , • tact Documents the n a ea_r n :Contract "" shl be as' -fol�lows. t and herd . intent ® :State Hi h`aa � Transportation �- y . ..can..Gsllons Per AASBTO .,. American Associaation of MGD Kill- at q y Officials � - N end. ACE can Society. o civil CFN Chi .. Foot per Engineers ® r Accor . c: With AeTM - American Society of n. Minimum L� h Testing Materials_ no..- Monolithic 40 A Americ n matter 'ork =.- P cohtum' .". on R014LUS -A eoccani Standar s des s" iakt ion ,I.D. - i s idtg: Di . " .. . r..XBI . o tYdraulr :ia,.tuto " : w Daneter t.a.i. :d _ ph Blev.-halt .evation .. Arc, - Avenue F Fahrenheit 4.vd. Boulevard C. Centigrade Cl Cunt` Iion. Lei. . . - gnoh Center 'Dine° ,r . V0et r 0 vaniiiA. iron, St. - Street ] n: - Linear or Lineal Cubic Yard Pound Yd. - Yard M - pinhole SY - are Yard Maximum L.F. - Linear Foot D.I. - Ductile Iron i LL m Cl-1 (5) C1-1 . 27 CHANGE ORDER A * Change Order" is a written supplemental agreement between the Owner and the, Contractor covering some addedeor deducted item or feature.which may be found necessary a d ,which° was not specifically milt dO4 in the scope of the project on which bids were submitted Increase in unit quantities 'stated In the t the subiect proposal .ar no,c more than 25% of 'the amount of the t arti cular A c'r decleaee is matter, of a Change W Or unless u p . i"t . ojr.� -itemsin the original proposal. all "Change Orders" shall bu prepared by the City ftam information s necessary fu rfnished ._by the'.Ca»taraetor.;. Ala 1 .2.8 kde Zba."eTH a s a s1►t ALixy s A let- ed. -- t .br agile 'street. or alley; p }q ey+� havf.ncr one of .th:e g,. i!. �k f011aw1- t'Yj)i t ".Qf �tear�n surf ed un3 raved ourfac natural. area;,. a Y over: them 1. Any type, Obadke of asphaltic te with or without . 'p , o. :sUrfa,ge txba, a 6tit se parate arate base material. 2�e in+cl di + a o>Lledlsurface , w ,t: eaA ii not p b; u;.t se arate base material. 3. 4. Coaarete twits. without. separate base tearial. i , . h o rsiitout sepagate a,aasteacial. 5 the: above. 3T o inatton bf Cl-1 29 VNiiViD. StkiiTS OH AI.T NYS s 'An u-nip449ds -4eto, alllOy, above for "Fax Str �e to and Alleys y ep Ae.f i-SO .. roadway or cr iva , ace s an sates elf", the ae u Cl-1.30. -CITX :STRRIRTSi ', A city str et ihpde Lned-as, that :ai + a betweeaa the r• g'ht-of .way lines as the. stie6r.. �s d+ c f al eci® Cl i" 33. too AY , The r:catadvey d a4 the aria bet e a 1 ne two (2 6 ) feet batik of this cwib 1 isa or f ouor w f pa� t teet bac o he .avers9a edge o AO exists. ,. treet J CO-1 3�hhas been a SST s o Add, onegravel averesa icLe n o ® �tel oX RAW, street surface foe any i , rov , . nt waq ;i�ad�o oa the similar material. other than the naturtl *at iad foand Cl-i (6) SECTION C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL m . SECTION. C27-2., INTRRPREVATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL d2-2eA ;.PROPOSALi,PORN: . The :Owner ",will furnish bidders with proposal orm, w c will contain an iteni sed list of the hems o work to be done or materials to be- furnish. d, and upon w ieh lbt.d prices . are requested The 'Prop6sal fo"rm will state the Bidder ' s general understanding of the project to be completed, provides a space for furnishing the amount of bid _a securit and state t.be basis f.or. entering- into 'a formal contract. . The ..Owns r will furnish farms for the Bfdtle�c' Y "I$�a er.iemt:±s Retard," 'Equipment Schedale, an'd "Financial P 6 atement,": all ;of which.--must be properly executed and .filed Fitly tithe Director of the' City y9'ater .Department one week prier to :thezhbur .for, -openincl of bids° 'N Tbo4eff�nanciml statement required shall have been .parepared. by an in,ependint certified public accountant or an independent pvblic accountant holding a valid permit. issued by . an apgi apr ate state licensiing he entay„ ► d sl A11 here been so s ant pre must be current and not more than t� year Th,i tired as, to reflect. the current fihancial stAtos In th q in the time old: .cane that a bidd:in date fella with n he a noar statist is bea�g. prepared, the, previous statement sha]tI be u'pd�itedr bx properp vertica:tion:. Lt�id aassaatss iai the amount A dent® _) petcent cif tti+e estas►ated pro feet cost will lie reau. ITwa rience record . Ppr as ape ecord to he...cohs4idered to tie waccept able for ° a w n .pro jest, it: must ref ect the `e periance of the 'firrrm ma b i e as t;Baat mt io n in e 0 - boththe eamm�. nature and se in u 1ic :. e C n anti: i3 ch ex egi �c�tti t Iia -e'- b so re to b : iro ects reified r p p J , c mt . aaot mare.. than five t S T :=Years prior to the date ba wh ,c are. to he rtt*v.ed : "fhe D reoto of the` deter dep-Am"X*eat °,shall be sole judge es to tb�e. acceptability of p! P qie t t�®r Nater P � ualif3+cation ~t . De rtme:nt roject .w ox , on an The psos.pectieem bidder shall .schedule the equ.ipment., he`. has avaallabl.e:, kor..the:..projpct atnd:. state that 46 will rent such AAA,iti.hual .equipment as i4 be required "to co iet�i the .projeot an which, he .submits a bid, 0-2 o'2 INTIMPRETATION OF QUANTITIES: The quantities of work an.. materials als to -be furnished, as may listed in the propos.al G2-2(1) forms or other parts , of the Contract Documents will be considered as approximate only and will be used for the purpose of comp-a-r-NTSIG son a uniform basis.. Payment will be made to the Contractor--for- only the actual t1ii antitf e�s. of work performed or materials furnish in strict accordance with the Contract formed. and :terf.��s�to. be .f�ma.nsi� The qugnfitie$ of eo�rk to tie d p ished may, be° increased �6r decreased inroalide in stherunit prices other reirementso f ter Provided, without in " any way g . . $ bid or any qu f. the Contract -Documents. C•2--2..3 EXAMINATIM.. .4F CONTRACT .DOCUMENTS.- AND SITE OF R03�CT%` Bidders are advised that lithe Contract Documeants " � the owner shall consti.t t+a a►ll of :tshe infc�►icmation Ntaich theta owner will: ll°.-furnish. .. Aadditional info ..�tioh, and data �t ldh the owner _v111 supply-. sfter ,;pronnu,lgatio� o the formal contract. documents shall be issued."in _the °tor, .iof�*r-itten addenda and. shall become part of the Contract Docuaghts, ivist, as .though such addenda: were actu l.y written= #.nito the °irij: anal' contract ? :fits: Bidder for to .the.ef s are required, :pr' fling. of. 0rop0sal; t&�-it ad and become familiar with' the. Contract Docl2men°ts,. to �rii4t"Ithe site of . the project . and eiarAine direfully a l licalm conditions, . t.o. inform themselves, b►y their .off iniapeaQ°dent reaearch as d in:v at.igat ins; tuts,. bt s n .° and by bilai T`b me�iur aai .Y be necessa p° to, gain.,�a :Qompl+et kuau3.ed� of the P. y g or themse�.ve r tht of the o ect The must judge f n conditfons �rhich will be. eneo44teted `ddriia tiae��.cob tructio difficulties of the work. and all attending circumstances affecting the coot of. doing the .work car th® .time '�rec�Alkid ic&l m its com letion, and obtain all info tion miredb�aiaake' gn P. intelligent proposals in€o n a�tiom �retn`try tie Ewme tik and representative'f the. Owa�aer _+oth erifid t. " that° ed>ata im` thearetotr�tj<all® uments and ..off,l+ iaily..�p�roir� tlgatd. ade�tdzh` u: be b:indiag. upon the :truer. Biddersha .l rsly +exClun a.ly an- so1e1)f up®n theiaC ,ca►miat est:iaaat s inve:stic atiora; wres�ea.. tasts-,.y erploi�ations;°r aagd otheg'" data which ike' 66tc- eaaary for full and complete 4informati.on v,06 a which ttie proposal is to be based. Itly.:�igred`that the submission of'a proposal is prima-facie evidea ce that., the 'bidder has, e the investigationa- examinait6ni aid,!tests" . Claims for. add i,tionalm oo pensatidn -:due ®th, hetein reQu1 . irea . var,in-t ;ons between. ecanditions; actually: eacc>unt.dr'ed in e®nstrvctian and as indicated in the Contk&c't :,0ocuunts mill not be allow The f Soil ' rings, if an shoiis . .he ` general "information only and may not be correct. picas ,are fhr g Neither the C2®2(2) - Owner nor the Bngineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of condi.tions. which actsaliy exist. C2-2. 4 SUBMITTING OF PROPOSAL.. The. Bidder shal.l submit his P oposail on the form furfi sh_Y y. the Other. All blank spaces applicable to the prmject cbotained` in the fora. shall be' correctly filled in and the Bidder', shall state the priceeh, written in ink` in both wordy , aad nWuaaarab$-, for which. ,he proposes 'to da the work contempd ar furnishe the materisr :s ofgdiscrepancy between the price �eritten n lejbly. In case All such v ices shall be writt In words avid the P tageous to the r icer -tten i:n ':ausaer advaa� , City sha"11. govern., als,. t4a pr _ce most_ µ must be signed ky hfm C 2near) or his (her :duly. authorised:agent s m if a proposal. is submitted.. b an individual, his or her name ,9 _ If a g. racp.©sal is sip i' fitted y. a irx as a_ otioAs or p rtnersh.3� ', t)ie namie and adc��resh of ..each Weseb,�z nst 1 . g� p . , p p . .. . g y . i° the firm, a.sso.ciat.ion , or partn.ershfp, or ley a person.. flai g van, and the ro os.al must be si reed b. a member �o ab of tion, the c` propos:ai is subm{fitted by. a., compsay wor.. I f ac ccr ora ompany , or corporate ..name andµ bus:ine-ss ad lresi must. be .c i;v-a, arnd. the proposal Big a .by an offici�sl or duly`authori.zed agent. The corporate sealmust pbwe,r ' of Attorney ai thorizin.g agents ""or other's to si.g'n proposal, must.. be. €o Writir and pr+a rly certif f ed` and fi* µ.. must: . suliritted with .the prop+ tarl. .. C 5. :pRBJECT� F P OPQSALS s Proposals _may .m.be r they,, e ow a.n a e>r ' o' at am o . wards al O e. acted..if y or fguges, addtfohs not facfielate �fds�nditer cures or fsreulartes ;�ftaurakt ' bids,, .. 9 y nd, ..or coAtan; urnbalarnce: valise of mayeims.or.opa�sag tendered..or u... delivered after the o►fficil aiaesgnated. cracept ;oof Pe®ed p 1 . e Bi.dde ~ shall 'be returned to th. o�osa�h ., � o. C2-2.4- BID SBCURITY-t 'etc► r is, will ba conside ed unless it p. �. s _accomapananty a .')? opoaml i��curtyW of the c$aracter. �rrtd in the Amount i nd cat+ad in the "Botice t B dde cs z mad-the, °PrapoBal ;,The Bid Security ,ip requi.rg, hy: the;. Owaor as , ev. egxaire of. f.y that sit) oA., the part of a Bid r,;,and by wmy goo_ , if awsded .th►e. contract# the '.idler will.. within the .r equtire(i t�one e►acectTtte a.: foal :.contract and €azrn ah t)iie required perfor> ance ,sad s¢ether b n to 4 The bid " security ;Qf the three lowest bid deirs sill. be:reta ae . "t l the coAtract- ii• awaided or other disposition is made therceof .' T.he `btd security of all other bidders may be, r..6turned promptly after the canvass of bias. a C-2-2 t 3) C2-2. 7 DELIVERY, OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is del vered, , accompanied by its proper -B d Security, to the City Manager or his m repr+eseatative in :the official place of business as eet fortP� is the "I�o.ti,ca to Bidders. ' it is the' Sdder's sole resnsihility to .deliver the proposal{ at the groper time to the proper pace; i. The =ere fact that a, .prop.oael Nas diazpatched. V -11' not" be ccnsidpe ced. ' The Bidder Joust have tie proposal actuaally T ,el verPP- , " Jsach proposal.� " a sealed +eoveidpe,,' leiOly maike th the Nord PROPOSAL, w , and then or descr �tcat� cif tb ro. eet as shall be ira' _ designated in the Zloti:ce to .Bidders. The eneelope eliall be addressed to the City Manager, City gall, Fort `1iorth, Texas. 2e 2 8 WYTHIDRAWIc ®toPOS t d posals a tusk. y fi1164 writ C ty nE er� Pfor 'to, the time::se' for oronosal must bei AiDewues for nop-ccinide=atf;ontf 9 p P„ 1Sana` er,w and filed wi titia�g; ° addse'seed . - the C"ity� g ter all proposals: IIofine Bet for " ''th Minn rior to the t opening- of proposalsi, ' t ''rgleBed ::for non-consideration are* opened iiid pvb_i16iy read aloud, the AMEN p�roposalsf -oriledw)na�8 at on r-pquest�3 have been unopened., _ ® opt ian 'oi .the tfaAaer, b(: ret irne� " C2 •2:.9. TFLEORAPHIC MODIFICATION OF - AT Fax Airy ]�iW4 . 04y prior t sthe time net forgopeeni.ngcp bp'0si. ffila,,pnC pa i.de d `such telegraphic comsnunfcat _on is rec�sivad ;by tti � e�ra� az prior to the said proposal openiAg time, ,aiad ;prt�:d � ier B that the ,Cite M a,na er ie sibs-f -44 tfiat" a ati,tit :n nd s7.g� ut2xent.3cated coral: mation. f, such eels-graphic .cc>a�mnunicatio . over 'the ai.gaeture of thebidder w►aeilec) pacior" to wtpe propossil. crpenin4 t.i e¢.� I itireh ci�n°f it tibn isi;.na�t .geCe ved: within forty-eight A-48) he alter t e rcpoea3. rope"ing. ti*e- nd , e:. .ro #+ ►le „ p f ,r . urther cons �de:rat on � given ib thp �8' PUB��Cpl�lilltrlG .(3F c n Iono . sa3�s vh ich hmve been . proper- y psdierat :Oki."Requet" the, City .Manager o iaE ate riae re"opened "mind `resid b . vpe p�re�sentatige" at the 'tip and plate ,indicated fa 'the." "Liotie tQ �tiddecs." Ali propsa+�hs, Owner,-,huntiliv4- been- ;the contrast Baas Bees A*ard�d. oS Met$ 4 r . which with the authorised representatfves are invited to p r e tBr :.sent og heir �capening, of bids.;', f . C2-2.11 IRRB m GtILAtt .PROPOSALS: Proposals shall lie o.asnidorerl as being "IrFe_4u ar" if t ey is ow any omissions alterations of form, additions, or conditions not called for, unauthorised, alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind. However, the C2-2(4) owner reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities and to make the award of the contract to the best interest of the City. Tendering a proposal after the closing hour is an ,rregularity which cannot be waived,. 5;,2-2 . 12 DIMALIFICATION OF BIDDERS : Bidders may be go-'alfied anc��ir proposals not considered for any of, but not limited to, the following reason: a. Reasons for believing that collusion exi sts s.ts among. b. Reasonable. grounds for believing ..that any bidder is interested in more than one proposal for work contemplateC c. Th e bidder being interested in scar lit g-a.tiop against the Ot�ner or wherethe Ownerfey. have a. claim Aga-inst or be engaged is litigation against the bidder. " d. The bidder being' in arrears on . y existing contract or having defaulted on a previous contract e. The bidder having performed a prior contract in,an unsatisfactory manner. " f. Lack of competency as revealed by the financialm statement, experience record. equipment schedule, and such inquiries as the aCKiner may see fit to make. q. Uncompleted 'Work .which, in tale uid .eht of the owner, 'will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded .. h. The bidder not . filing with° the Owner,. one- week In -.. advance of the hour of the aganing of a, pro post ls the following: 1. Financial Statement showing the financial A -- Special instructions, p n pert condition of-- the bidder as s ecif ed i "Am - . .. 2. - A cu rrent. experience record showing esp Tally the pro jeots of a nature iim lar -ti6 the. 4h6 under consideration , whioh have been Successfully co�aleted by the Bidder, 3. An equipment schedule 4howin.4 the equipinent the bidder has a.vail,abl.e f or use on the- projecte ProposalThe Bid ed under the is the judgment of the Engineer, is di b dde s. ua:lif i the re. ui�re�eei��tn statod eI . der requirements herein, shall be set aside °and not opened. Ma uM C2-2(5) w w m PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS SECT IOAI C3-3 AWARD AND EJECiJTION 'OF DOCUMENTS* C3=-3.1 CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS: After proposals.,"have been open an read :e oud, the proposa a 11. be tabulated oa tee bas is of k the quoted F!r f ces,` the quantities ;: sfiq!F is the proposal, and the application of such for iAas or otb methods of bringing items to a common basis as may be bliB led in the Contract Documents, , . The, total: obtained by taking the sum of- the 'pro _. Y px ,.prices quoted and° the estimated quantities plus an `3.x:m s. items and such other oted amounts as enter nto th oe1 ' y . o othe f bid tcompleted, 'project will be considered as thex .aaaunt of. until the award of the 'contract is aaai�e b tie Oi►ner tbe. right will sae reserved to reject -any or atn11 proposals and waive technicalities, to re-advertise for ,new proposes, ,or to ma bie . .n.. . poceed.with the work in an manner as ` Y c�nsi.der_ Eo . the best °.interest of the Owner. c3 -3 a 2. B.aNORITY' DnsaNEss . EI+iTBRPRI-SE/V B Q; RISE CE>WPL )4 : Contractor agrees to pre# o a: q p , y t +hrgas ., Upon re: u+sst Dots `late and accurate nfo and �or work; a', Wo0An�owned Business�E to p> isee ��on aet:a r. msM payment therefor. Contractor fhrthar , Sees. contract and theb r l�1aDw and au�8 .t �an,�/mar �t W upon request y Ona , to allow, a of Contrector that will idbstantfate the A' .ins t.ho p. ese exrrinetion of aim " books. records or file dual `w er by-the Mj6z or WBB. Any material misrepresentitioe of -Wa-y' nature, Ni91 be rounds for V ter atpidn of the contrast. fa g .. m al laws anal vrdinanees �+sgtlog to fare stents w lociatfn anyaction ender a ro riate federal, . st xDr y . p _ Y grodA f.arthe.r- .an such misre resehtatioD raa be s for ure Contracts Frith the`, q+as�er .for eaci n f-,f bidding on fut bf Contractor, at Owner.. s d.iangeti.o d°�.s.gnalification 0 of a time:of not legs`. . an six 6)a months, C --3.3 g E t1AL _EMPLOYMENT PROV.I SIOVIi i e 'The 64"t, ��i t®r sk�All comply with Curreht C ty Ordinance pro ibiLti " +"Lott Wi,tion innemployment practices. C3-3 (1) f , The Contractor „shall post the required notice to that effect on the project site, and, at his request, Will be provided assistance by the City of Fort Worth ' s Equal Employment Officer who will refer any qualified applicant be may have on belacquired from ice toto the Coetracto . .11ppx. rite notices �Y EqualLLto apt Offid0r. C3. .*3.4 W S.. to a roposal f . ITHDRAWAt.,• OF PRUPOS.AL � p has been rea y .t e- Owner t cannot be withdrawn by the Hodder within were ©penes. 45) days after the date o which the proposals C3-3.5- AWARD OF CONTRACT: The Owner reserves the right to x p time, 1tiot exceeds ford® e(:45 3 a ys 8a£tr the date of open Wing p op c salsX and .i .no event w', 1 an aware be mach, until after ipnvesti ' goons have, been made; as to the-:rep 9 . responsibility the ropnsd awardee.The,: a4ard of ons lailit of loxes_ d. the contract, if ,an a bldsler.w�rd ,. �► e to. the s de 11 b id of the .cobtact aball not hecoi �ef feOtivh untik the The der has natif.ied. the Contractor in,mr t*ng :su of ch. award. _aura C3 .3:.. RET.URI±d :OF :PJOPOSAL ,.SECURT-T1BS_z As. soon as .proposed pr °` t s ` :va to oar''�Compaisonf bids; tli.e m C!� ark ay, at its discretion ,s:, p m. ►. return the propaaal . security _;" .x - ® ,. . �t�a,tdl. � ._ 9 t, would , n wh bc�b atcd anie8 the arc the.whichm ip.All _.ether proposal enally thoa. of the. three loie�ty hicders ::�r#:11 be an be cjbhs dare. y s�ecurit3.es, . tY e $u a an the m owner iunti4g the req. for tract rhai been n c d bond furnished or tb�e ner e s otber:�ise Cat �ecetarthe,. ., t lc by the gyp, bids, a which tb , etus .hi. w ctorj64 ion and.. delivery;o the Can. C 3` BONDS s With, the axe utr and :f t e µ.-C tract qn urmish ta, . th the Owner in' the aimountsataereinrel iede the focnr. ohda:: oc a $ t D V'per orm.andeCE . ent 84 n an ego nstnlegs thsni 100. percent of the aim6un-t` of gthi + ontiact s evidenced by the. prap.o Sal t"abnlat ova or, athe,rw se , oft ® ciearanteeing the :fu11. and. f tbfUl 0_kA6 tt361 f the w p he protection ofmthe Owner eandnail other persons against ,damage, by reason of negligence of the Contractor, or improper ,execution of the work or the use of inferior materials. This performance C3-3 (2) bond shall guarantee the payment -for all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, and services used in the construction of the work, and shall remain in full force and effect until°provisions as above stipulated are accomplished 'and final payment is made on the project by the City. ,' b. MAINTENANCE. BOND : A ..good ,, an.d sufficiea. - a 0n tenance lbon , , n 'the amount,° of not lees tht an ma percent of °the amount Of the contract, as evidenced by th. e proposal tabulation or otherwise,gu`arantee`ing 'the prompt, full and faithful. performance of the, general guaranty which ii set for.th., in paragraph .C8-8.14. c. PAYMENT. $OlIDi ° A. g.®od and su�fficaent, payment bond, In . an ` amount not l.e.ns than, hod perce:nt of the amount of the c�oatract , ".as evidenced by the ., - t uulation o ® ua-cntePropo�alab r . h gaeing the l claimants,romt, full and,- f aithfui p t cfalymen as defined 1i . Article 5160, -Clv'i1 Statutes of Texas., 19-2.5, as amended by House- B.iri 344 !Acts 56th Legislature, .Regulair .&es ion, A, 59 .- F effective m' Apra 1. .Z 7, 19 5.9,._„ andtog the !attest. verslow,,thereof-... the o IL4bor'aaded f r a A n the prosecution f suppl i chest p the, cox tract, being up the" spe...., ►t -Ong i..° ,Payment Bond ^shall re�mitln iAw force na:til- all payments as ructe u above .stipulated: 'are made. d OTHLR -OWDS z Snch other, b nr s" as. may be t .ese `Coat required y Tact Documents a tAll- be -fut-wished by the Contractor. NO reties be ti ` euia defaultlor de Ce t - quest on - p � y hie Winer ;mhh aze at .the �� lin .air ° bonds or � Nhich are ° Y . ineested in. any litigation against the. own�ar.5 "All 'bonds s ia<ia e caatde on the- Yoh fidrnished by t A Ofter :a n ie]�a l be exi c�utt d by. an .approv,e surety company dating bo.diness_ in the- City of Fort fi�or.tb, .eacas, .and wlif,cb is ac.ceptible. to the ov i.er., In order .to be aeceptabler the naa►e of mt.he surety shall be ioclutded an..:t1te. enrrent r D.O. T:re.agnry list of aco"e table sureti;e , aind the aunt. of ,bond mitten by atiy on' s ac :table company sisal not exceed the a�eougat sboMa� on t)ie . Tr:asuir-y last for that company: Bach bond shall be properly executedby both °the Contractor and Surety -Company. . .. sh ul�d any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at time °by the Owner, , notice will be given the Contractor , t y P to 'that of f ec a -; rector shall immediately- rgvide°°a . . �atd the Contractor C3-3 (3) _ I new surety satisfactory to the Owner. No .payment will be made Underer r thec coontract until the new surety or sureties , as undve qualified and have been accepted by the Owner. ,The contract shall not be 'operative nor will any payments be due or paid .until approval of the bends by the Owner. 0,=3-3 8 EXECUTION OF CONTRAM Within tan (10) ..days after the Owner has y -appropriateo-appropriate resolution. or otherwise,_ awarded the contr,acc, the Contractor shall execute and file with the Owner y' the Contract Documents: 4 It he Contract 'and such��bcnds„ as`may be ire u ired in. . Now contract shall be binding upon "the owner, until it has been attested by the City - Secretary, approved, as to form. and legality: by-;the ty 'Attorney, and ekdcuited for the Owner by e :.. a. the Mayor poi, C' y : .g it t Amager. . heat, C3 -3 . 9 FALLRN K VO `9Xj9d TV CONTRACT: The' f ai.lure of the Awa dee toe x a the y ra u*red and or, mor bonds to si a the . . onsi er � d b , the wn r as ,'.n tract is »e+qured. contract within n tea w(14} days after the con ar�arded shill be c d. e y O� e. an. abandonment of hf ,µ`proposal, :and the termer.:may annul the Award. Sy reason of thaland b u t eia� ia►p ty of- the 'mairket pi3.ces of material asd .lahor, and difficult to accurately . ra.cticabl e d$termine the amount of dal *'ages• occur i.anQ `to the "Owner by reason Qf sari aw#rdee'n failure tc execute sa. d. bonds and C0 t,iat w��hiii to.ri I10-,! da.ys .. t;he pr.opos.a.1° security accompanying the proposal shalt be the agreed amount of damages which Owner will . suffer by reason of such failure on the :par. o€ the Awarde'e tied shall therevpah immediately be forfi�ited to -the°Owner.. of thf .a-pr gvts,ian by the 'idder. p ce The filing of a proposal will be considered as an aces tap. C. 3-- ..1 0 INC,,.WORK, 'fhe :Contractor 'shall .not. commence in rariting to :do s.o �by the Owner... Should the :Contractor fail" to 'coieace work at :the site,of,tithe , p-rd-jict . within- the ' tise s. ti a � ritt.'a Mated i R. " der" or,. _"Proceed p n t Ordt-t it oa reed that the Srnrety. Company *i.li, seth�or Y. Company within ten (14: days after' the :LLcommence'ae.nt date ..set forth. 3n .such wra,tten :LTithoris tion,. c nee.the pbysloal execution .0 ., the coat=aict� µ • commence work, . . . under .this contract u :tI1 he has obtained all the insurance required,.under.xthe Cont�cact Documents, and such insurance has been:approved -by , the Owner. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for delivering to' the Owner the sub-contractors' C3-3 (4) J! certificate of insurance for approval. The prime contractor shall indicate on the certificate of insurance included in the documents for execution whether or .not his insurance covers s' b--contractors. It is the- intention of the Owner that the i surance ' coverage required herein shall include the coverage o all sub-contractors. a. COMPENSATION INSURANCE: The Contractor shall ' mo nta. n , : during. the , life of this. contract , worker's I Conperisati in In"su --ance.;ois all of his t employees to be engaged in Ko'rk =oa the project under .this contract, .and for ill ub-;-contractors. In erase ahy class of employees -engaged .in hazardous work on. . the project under- thial -cobtiract, is not protected under the Workers' °Compensation Statute, the ..Con tractor shall provide adequate employer's 1 ° ° general liability insurance ,.for ° the.'protection of such of his employees not `so'protected. b. COMPRBHENS:IVL GENERAL bIABILITX .IVSU NCB: The Contractor -n a procure a�n ,"s a :_ ma n a n during the life of this contract C`ontractor ' s Co. rehensive General -Liability .Insuaranbe (Public Tyy amp bilinotand Prnoperty-- Da*ige Insprance) in an Y P acdbui 'nt ofthan bodily.irool incur g each a►:ccusYence 'on .,. including cr►.vearinOVA d in an amcaunt: .ncart less than 500,000 death., an .. Y g ° of. property each . occurrence �►n account damage with $2,000,000 umbkolla po sc. Wcoverage. c ADD.IT'IONAL... LIAB.ILITYx T. � p ne .�ontract.or shall. .. urea s nsurance . as °se agate,: policies or by add �i t ior.a.l endorsement. .t:o one of the above-meat pN.hlic liability , and zO amount as set policies, and ..in the -amount or th f or y. p -ty damage, the g. , :,following ins urance:, .:. . . 1 Contfugnt Labiltyeq�airs .General Contx`acto= ' s L$ ab`il �. :� hoar acts of m. ... sub-contractors). . ., .2. Blasting, prior to, ai:iy bla'"Ting "being done. Colla. se ofbuld 3. � � inga or staructuares adjacent to excavation ( if. ear 0avations. are to be perf ormed adjacent to same) Damage-: to ound �ilili p - undergr ` ies for $500,000. 9 't . Cok C3-3 (5) owl 5. Builders risk (where above-ground structures are involved) . 6. Contractual Liability ( covers all indemnification requirements of Contract) . d. AUTOMOBILE %INSURANCR - -SODILY INJURY AND..PROPERTY DAMAGE: ,m The Contractor shall procure", and ma nta n, during. the life of -this Contract, Coniprehensive Autoaob3 a Inability insurance in an amount not less,, thAti S 2 51,0 i 000, fok injuries including accidental death to any one person and 'Subject to the ,,same. °limit fok -eeach person an- amount not less than" a �0 .. account . accident , and sutomob�le property. .dasaje insurance in an amount not less .than $10,000.. e. , SCOPE OF. .INS.URANCE:..AND SPZCIAL ,,HI ZARD: The n�turance" toga �r "°uA r the, a`: ve paragrap s shall p.r�ovide adequate protectUin for the. Contractor and his sut-contractors,° rir sp�ctiv.ely against` damageANN ® claime, which may ar ,fie from. operations :under this contract;.m whether suc- ,operations be . the insured or by anyone"-directly or in'dikectl employed by himo, Rand also .agai.nst any of the following special ® t azarde .�rhich"may: he eacoedtered� in the performance. o the Coetrect. rr. f-. PROD OP OF -ARRIMB OF INSUR IC' B: The' Contractor s all furnish tho Owner ,*1th :$.at sfactory proof. of Doc a Q,me y In sinsuran aouints.ce :iiqul red in these Contract and by carriers satisfactory to the Owner. t Sample attached. ) All insurance requirements made -upon. the Contractor shall apply to the su6i-lcontractor , should the " Pr iae Contri tcr I s , maBur..ance . not cove.i 'the sub poaatractor•s 'a rk. operations. q. LOCA.L AGRNT FORINSUINSURANCEIC� AND BONDING- . The nsurence al on .`.nq compare es w t and h whom the Contractor 9 a 'insurance and performance, payment, maintenance and all such other bonds are written shall_ be represented by" an agent or agents having an office located within the city limits of the C3-3 (6) ° ` City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Each such agent shall be a duly qualified, one upon whom service of process may be had, and must have authority and power to act on behalf of the insurance and/or bonding company to negotiate and settle with the City of Fort Worth, or any other claimants any claims that the City of Fort Worth or other la or, any property owner who has been ® damaged r , may have against the Contractor ,,insurance-, and/or bonding company. If the local insurance representative is not so empowered.:by the insurance- ,or bonding companies, then such authority must ..be ,vested in a local. agent, of claims offioer residing ".in the Metroplex, 'the Fort Worth-Dallas area. The.. name of the. agent or ,agents: shall be -set Portia on al.l :of such bonds and certif•icate_s of .. insurance. C .-3,.12 CCy3TItACTfJR!S ORLIGATIOIOS: . Under the Contract, the dnezorshall shal� l y for . all materials., , labor and services 6.- 3 A3 WZVKLY:.FAYRO_LL: A certified co py- of each payroll, cover. ng payment. of wages,:to all person engaged in work can the p Co)Jici at 'the :.site. of :the project shaall be futnfshed to the. .Ooher°s-. representative- within seven (7) days. . after the close of each. payroll_ pe:r od. . A copy or- copiers of.. the' applicable Min LIWZ4...wa9e .:rates -sir set forth in the Contta.ct D-10"du Bents sbal].. be 'kept posted .in a cohspicuoua glace: at -the site rf: the pr®ie to€ttheli ��i�esrwil. beefurn:ishe d thi mtracto i Contract - wage C�p . r e..by tether; however, .posting -:anal .protection of the wagerates shall be the -responsibility of the Contractor. i: .-3.l4 . :CONTRACTOR"S CONTRhCT ADMINISTRATION; Any Contractor, asaociatione cor oration C-ompany,ova firm, p . p oIs, approved to do bnsiaiesa. �ritYa and enters into a cc�ntrect with the City for construction of water and/or sanitary sever faciliti4s; .will hake .or shall establish, a, fully operational business office within' the Fort Worth-Dallas metropolitan area: The Contr dtor shall charge, delegate, or assign this office (or Sao. may ® d-elegate his Project Superintendent) with -full mauihasity to transact all business actions . rieguired in' the wader local authority shall be p�er�for . . nuance of the Contract. This 1 esponsible. to' act for the Contr_a.ator in all, matters jo*taitain+g to the work governed by the Contract whether it be administrative or . otherwise and as such shall be emtpowered, thus delegated 'and. directed, to settle all material, labor or other expenditures, all clams against the work or any other " C3-3 (7) 4W matter associated such as maintaining adequate and appropriate insurance or security coverage for the project. Such local authority for a inissastration --of the. work under the Contract shall be maintained until al-1 . business transact ions executed as part of the Contract are conplete: m Should the .Contractar'-s principal base of operations be other than in; the Fort.:.Worth-.Dallas metropolitans ar`ea, ° notification .of, the -Oosntractor 's assignmi t'. of 16cal au..4grity shall be made in wri. Lag to the Engineer in- advrance of >aias� o work on the Project., ect., all apprOgiriatel g. a applicable, signed and ilsealedr. ash b the .Contractor s ress-pone ible off i'cer$ with the understanding that thiss� written asoj of authority to a local - . :. , .. :g�dent . _. represeiataltive -ith>dill becossae part 6f the project Contract as though bound directly into the project dicuments. The intent of these re uire isthat all with the Contra.ctor.'s wants ativn, matters I44hetheri.t be oriented in furthering the work- orffi _: other be governed digect by -local authority. This same requirement is Aposed on ins3i rssdnce and surety coverage. a Shoul.d the Coatrarctc r'a local r� presengtative fail- -tp perform to---the 'is.isfsctibn of iasginoer the Bn ineer. at his .able aiscretioa , may- demand . that anch AI discret tative -be-rre aaced *aadt h a new local ai3 his soli p p- . the 3�ngin+aer ssssssay, at .ion, sssstcep .all *ork un thmritym s.at:isf.scto:ry to the �-Rng-i.neer ,pie a*sigir"Aei® 6 i4d* it of i g , ichw.rrk sto gages xrre. - wb p� . workin time-mar ill be. for- per- odsss . n effect far this: "reason. - C3-a ' .1 RUB s iiue -of any adtian herssiWaraidor s.ha-ll be :ix- l.us rely n Tarrant County;; Texas: U C3-3 (8) L PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK OF . CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: It is the definite late, useful project which the Contractor under for a .intention o these Contract Documents to rov d yam'" c onp P takes to . intent of, the Contra t Documents i t it the st,ruct or f"urn is r quire�ents and T rector shall do 4�fizitely, understood that, the Cont all work as' provided; for i,n..., th.e ,.Contraact Documents., shall do .all extra or P r as necessary to cra�p3.et th y . e pr.o je.)t main-a�satfsfactore s�deae�e�itab�.e aanne�c. as may y 70wTte Con tractor shall, unYesa otherwise specificaally atatec in the6" atract Documents, furnish all labor; tools, i iterit�le, machinery, equipment, special. seirvi�ces,. and incidentals y rosecution and c he pro. m prosecution, ompletion of t project. . necessary to e. , Po C444. 2 ;S;PAC;IAr#, PROVISION: Should any war 'or 'conditions w are not thoroutghly `and s.atisfactori,ly 'stipulated or cc�vsrea by General.; os SPe__ a.l>Conc f bons of these 'contrsot Docu �$sbemnt;ip:ated or. shoulda there be any', additional prog�cns d W.grk : which . a.s nbt : cowercnver th Contract Documests.. then :'Special Pr-o*isions" . hg such`°' work p opo uch aorlc anii fuic,�n the t iete of rec�sivigag tries of r . snls or "s " to xi 3.1 be pr.+epareti by : tb►e Owner rev out i shed to t�ae B rider. in the ..for:m .of -Addenda: All such Special' .Provi616ba" shaalY be. con sder ied to ' be. a" part of the Contract T�ocuments just as though they -were. .origiaally written therein: C4.-!,C 3. INCREASED OR DBCR$ASED UANTITIES� The 'Owner reserves to alter the or@to e�cten4 - :' sh6tt.6nst netimpgvesnnen s at any ies_ of ' the work to ti" performed me ea d as. ® f to be .aecess ' a art aad the Coetr+ ctos shad perform the Miss asa aaltte�ced® $iper.eaaed �r decreased at the an it .prices. Sun c reased or deoree$ea - titi,shill not be`. More than 25 ps ±nent` of::.the c®nteap .ated �gaaantftym of s:nuch " tei. or items. Bgich ehanges fucr-eage _br :decrease the `or! no quantity or, r apy:�i tea o= :.i e na s hA °td' tie' done or, mater gals.`-to be f�tr shed hg the, =25I-.peseent or- *ore; -them- efthey paart y to tine drat ">shhal<1 ufsaa: rittea� request tone atktis•r party be *t"itl . to :a revised o ansi erat:ion �aposn to t portt.ion of the W bova- or .helavr: t at -.25 ercent of the or ' 'i iil uantit o a P, g quantity s etas =ia the . proposals Bench ° revihec coca®idera"tion to be d�etan-sni-ned >by: special ac3reeaent'�o"r as herein€tsr. provided for ***tra..Works" 06 ,Al 1owanGe will- be made €or aaty° chang_es in p d ;faicofits nor s hall such changes. be 'considered as ant ici _ate C4-4 (1) • I. waiving or invalidating any conditions or -provisions. of the Contract Documents. variations in quantities of sanitary, sever pApe»s 'in depth categories,. shall be interpreted herein is applying to the overall but-, not to theiva various .depthtcategories �iPa. is eaoh pipe..sire, q y sewer " C41r4.. .ALTERATION OF• CONTRACT DOC[� NTISJ- .. Byt order'Change . , the , owner, reserves t e r g t ,EO- ma e "such changes in the': Contract Docum nts ;and in 'the cha:ra"Oter .or quantities of- the work AS ,. may, -be .necessary .Ot -desirable to insure completAbn in' the' &lost satfsf a�ctory manner, provided » such chagiges dq not matek-ially alter the o�c:igial.�al Contract.„Dbc aments og c �auq:e iha g6' 1 nature o:f the -project. :as a _whole. Such. changes shall not be» cons.iderpd, as wtiv- ng or invalidating ha�ay co:nditi`oia�". o.r prov:ision, of the Contract DocuaI�nts. C4-.4:.5 -EXTRA WORK. Additional work made necessa ry .by changes an ..,alterat. ons o the Contract Docume nte. or:''�f a uantit ea. 6- . fo.� .vtl er reasons for, which. no pkices�. iFe provided- in the. Conttact Documents., shall be -defined as, aid sha1 . be; p :�rfornaet . by the Coatractar in a.Ccodance w#th-. tbese pp . . ditio4s ihori eto)_ ptovidtd.,. Contract Docuip►ents ,or , a roved ad howyes,. that before. any extxa,. rk is be goo a,»..!! a�rge :.Orders' shall be. executed .-pr wr aten .cinder 8sued 2 g t&a� O6a$r to ae ._ the. work f 6;r payments .or credits as 8ha1°1 bs' debermiaed by one or, aaoote" combin ti_Qpof she f ollovrtinq metheds r. -` a.„ Clnft bid .price p prevfoualy approved: b. An. agreed i suni. c'» The ,a6tuaal r.eappu0 e,.1 cash of E1 ! 'labor, . 42-- ynf a kel». of . .. ipment used On:.tbe extra work fc r. the time. "eo ,used at Aseooiated Gene=al.. Contractors --nt--:America curreut . equipment rectal .rates; C,3) .& te�rialt. eat"er.ing- porn anently into) the:.p=oject acid t4Y actual cost of :ins_a%:coca, tionds.j : .a.nd. e.aoial . secu,ri.ty.w as. determined 'by the Owtaer $jns a -,fixed fee to be.agrea�d upoh.but pot. exceed..10V ,of .the ,-,W actual.-,00st of.: such ext ra nor [,�: .. The f iced`fee. f s .e Y not to Contract nc&.ade asy adai.tl.oni profit to ` We • or rents .. .of equ pment ov ed k y:.hfm and ar used for the extra work . The »lee :tali.-,be full,- aid co»mple'te c:omp`en'sa:tion- t-6 -co-voV them cost --::of . superint+en,deoce, over'beod µ d-th6i .profit generh,1 p fn (13r `?) , (3a, sand t 43e. r ex aura not included above. The Goa tractor shall keep accurate cost records on the form- and' in the method C4--4 (2) suggested by. the owner and shall give the Owner access to all accounts , bills , vouchers , and records relaiting :to .,the -Extra Work. too ".Change Order" shalh become. off otiVe 4atil it has been approved and signed, by .each of the .Contractic�g �artfes. . No claim for Ex k ordered. in writing, by the ner . In ease any- orders s ioci Sri=11 a:be alloe�e eor . Ow ® instruction6, either oral or wri, Q appear to the _Contractor to n44lve Bxtra : W korh -h . u-�dre eive a„ inh Vak - eto 'request to the En nercon ens g � :. i�ork prior to begirnnin such �i®rDee sut�aori�. .. ch '� .. N 9 n . spa= x ra for .wr ea or ers Sh6-u I'd a dl f f er+ence a arfwse a what does , o=.. do . constitute .Extra. Work, or es not :. as to the payment - thereof and the Bingineer. iAsists upon its gerforti ►ace the Cantr;act6t shall proceed pith-, the work atter ii nkf ng err,itten► request for "4ritte�rn orders .apt. shall keep: an ,act ara�e j� ouft :-of ` the: °idtdal reaionable" cost. .°thereof: as prodded u®eler metkod `f Items C) . Malms. • fOr extYa w0'r.k will`- not; be actor, • a i)wa`e w$thin f ire days a c3 nn eas the Contr shell. file his elann .th :th before the tiaae. for maleles ng .tine €fret eat ter .such' work ddjie vQucher`snancinc t,ifa dlpayr.oxscoveringyaillabsrtany 'Extra y d upon. .. . Wb V k e.. ,. expendedpon ,the said materials u Tine Cot tra�;ctor_ s)aall furs idb t)ne. Qw. er ..such -:f.ns.LL tallest Ion records ,of all deviatfid ns from a cc fgi chant mct : ocumerits' #is =ay :be aneceseei:k to enable the Owner to, prepare for Pgmaa 3� 9 ept record a 0,orre..cted< 8e�, of- lasxs- s7�aor�ri�n the aetual i�►stall The coax eris.aion agreed- upon for #:e�t :a ' whether. o P.. p.. t not. irni tlated by a 'chi g'e order ' shall. be a fhl.1, ebaplete and , Meal r pe meat .� Qr 11, Eoe.te Cc:i t attar ffacora.:, Ai a,,, re8.ult o= relaing to tie chaarge or extra work, Wmter :san .d -cmcs ..ar+� N thout limi�tmt bnoieseaoa or unforeseen at that time, including y cQstas iEor c3lty, ssatteaded overhead, ripple or impact cost, or a4ey oth�r effry on o)naaged .or , 2` ec r work ua►changed work as a tresult o the chann go:,,or, ,sett' C4-4.6 SCHSDULU. OF OPERATIONS: Before commencing any,;�rorie under -.this an,A rtoeivontine t0'1wn-ems �,appycowa th--io6t la °°Sc�neduOe 'of °le of _ ®peretfoDs, '" vsho i_ung y aJ. ::straight line method the .date of commeiacing. mnd , f it �sa: .ng ±aachn`o€ `the. n+a�ar aesnets of the coxntract the ce_ msh;&lI, be <agaj' ,shc :r-thd:_eatlm*ttod. monthly cost of work or Nhieh estimates' are to be- ezpeoted. ° There C4-4 (3) shall be presented also a composite graph showing the anticipated progress of construction with the. time .being. plotted horizontally and" the percentage of completion plotted vertically. The progress charts shall be prepared on 8--1/2" g Ila sheets and at least five black or blue line priests shall be furnished to th e Owner. C4--4:-7 PR©GRLS'S SCHEDULES FOR WATER ANb SEWER PLANT FACILITIES: tel tb n ten ( 0? days pr or- to -su m a-s .on- o f rst. 'mo_nthly- -progress payment, the Contractor .shall prepare and. submit- to the 4fier' for , approval: siX copi•es of the schedule in which the Contractor proposes to carry on " the work, the date of which he will start the several, major e4ui . nt,) and " khe cont�m latednt of materlals,0m plans` `. activl�ties (including, rocnreme dates for com let h the P 1ng - . same The schedule `shall; be in the`fbrii of a time: schedule C,ritical Path Method (Ci*M) p iiatviork" dfa►gram A►s,. the work_ p og e' .Contractor shall eaten''oh -the d agram tine actual progress" at the end of -each p artial . a yment peroai or ,.at such ad d by -the 8ngiheez. The mW. Contractor shall� also srevise the 'Schedule tci .ref7.ect any adjustments'. in .contract time approved by .:the- Hagfnedr, Y at q0 Of pies, the u ate schedul. � bid° .�.'��:�ed " rected b .the r. ti $ucheisteicvals, e s a el as di. e. As a minimum, the construction schedule shall incorporate ail work eleatents-:and activities indfoakted in the gaeopoa Y an in. the technical specifica:tionisC. Pr-•ior, to£ the. final- dr-Aftin of the detailed stalled constxuctlon schedule, the Contractor shall review the draft sc`liedule with the Engineer to ensure the C,oft actor's standinq .mm of .the contract rAquiresbentir. guidelines- es sh4-11 e adhere d:. .� i npr con schedule: truc :. a a. Mit+es.tohe datAs'" attd wfisal. `project .:00mpi,eti6h dat.e.s. "'abal-1 be devwldpied -tin donform! to time co:Aastraints., -sequencing H requirem►en-t-s -,. rtiA completion ti me. b. activi:ties w�.i.thu `.lure da�r�a shall: b+e ciluided t"a�to m , a The, construction process rat of app o" ti`itely . fourteen .(14) days and eonsttuction al aegis hQt- to ;exceed. $50 ; 00'0'. Fabiioation", deliverp as mittal activities are exl6epti3O.h's to" thf guideline'. s,. C4-4 (4) low C. Durations shall be in calendar days . and normal holidays and weather conditions over the duration of the contract shall be accounted for within the duration of each activity. d. One critical path shall be shown on the construction schedule. . e. - Float time is ° defined as th . . . : nt of time . �. t start .date.a d "'the gate8t between the earlies start' daite of a cbain w of :acltivityies 6i the 'CPU, constru ction schiduleo Float time Is' 'not, f-o the . e clu iOwne se or benefit`-Of either the 'Contractor f- toei � unless di sharp be used for s�nbmity Thirty d otherwise s cif edThe d. i nto genera.3 ecategmgie t ras' i dicated nitbenim ul'ropos 9, i.A_Bd Techaacal Specifications and each general categcixy shall be biroken down into activities in enough. detail to achieve sw PP Y y, ,.,. ajctfvities of a roximatel fourteen (14} cla s duration;. For each general category, the construction schedule shall identify a.11 trades or subcontracts, whose work is r'epresented by activities that follow the g.udeliQes of this Section, - For each of the trades or subcontracta, the "construction schedule shall indicate the following, procuremment-s;. construction and pfeacceptance activities and 'events 'in their logical sequence for equipment and materials. 1. Preparation and transmittal of submittals. Z. Submittal review --periods. 3. Shop fabrication and delivery. A. Erection or installation. 5. Transmittal of manufacturer ' s operation -ai d m maintenance instructions. 66• Installed equipment and materials testing. T. Owner's operator instruction .(if applicable) . 6. Final inspection. ` C4-4 (5) 9. Operational testing. 10. Final inspection. If, in the opinion of the Owner, work accomplished falls behind that scheduled, the Contractor shall .take such action as necessary to improve his progress. .16. addition, the Owner- may require the Contractor ,to ,submit. a revised e dule demonstrating his program . 4hd proposed plan to makschedule UP lag in schedr�led progress and to : dL 'J"''e ot�ffipletion df 'the work rrithin�� the contract tim' e'. ' if .. 'the: Owner finds the proposed plan not acceptablef, he may require the Contractor to in.crease the work fo=r,e, the."constiCuct.ion overtime operations without additf.onal gcost to'i f t$ oir f h e lent and equi went, the nrmber of wor�C a the der. Failuke of the Contractor to ..comply, shall" considered rounds for d g eterminatiohe re�c�uir�ients with then. key -the that the Contractor is failing to prosecute the, wo-k with such d�fligpnce as will inn' ure' its completion thin the. time specified. m _1 C4-4 (6) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C.5-5 CONTROL Of WORK AND MATERIALS. SECTION C5-5 CONTROL OF,WORK AND-, MALS C 5.1 AT THORITY. OF ZVGINEBR.t The work 'shall be performa c o t e eat s act on<o this: Ea►g seer w and in strict cpliaance aaita the Contract :Documental. He shall " do'cide 4 1 eptions Mh kh ari_s,e: 4as ta' the qual4ity and acce�tabiii�y m� �naater�a�ia frniped ,..,Vork perfciiraed, rate -of, progress `oafth s{ o o�era�11 8 quence of the' construction, iAtergretaticDn o f that c9ritraclt. Dacumaents. acceptable °ful:f illffient of the +cmntT c muArig i or btweCntccapeasatiot x end r t)iese ContgmctocVYnents t aupervison of the work+ readon Of operastions i and a°ll other questions or di:sputeg which y m� m<.ns , meEn tod techxti of be ges�onsi� ala� for Contratotor° nstruc cues , . aegnenemes of psoceduge f <; th tion, or the isa►fety precautiota and proc, a�aumas incidtat c ereto and he will not be respoRsie for Cs�natcacto a .. he work i'n 'a�cco.rdance- with the contraact. a to; er�`�rna �t . . documents. He shall detera�eine the ammo u.nt and i�ua;lity° of ;;the t grl� completed .and msater ,als 'furn-ishedo and his ecis.ioe mta ; ea a c to sha11, be final. His estisaata_=s in. soh event 4 id etimaate die right of the Contractoa� to'. ga�oeive sao eg him . a . - under the .Contract. 'The O�►saer stp"all .have:; duehsions and orders :aid stake `ef"fed ve spe n�4CeBas" ae the Con act fails` to .carryt promptly: In the event.--of, apy `alspu,te b tmee"n the n+g atee r a dl Cntractq�c over., the de�ision 'f the fl`i o Ii eft, a��a Ma y as 4 matters 'E, the ngineer maust, iihin a�z reasa�..I . e t a .i. aye the own„request ®f the Yc�atr�{.Ptor, ender and de vet t� t written"' er aA actor, a written d eision on the m�at�er ;. COAtIOViersy. . C5-5.2°:C4NF }RM ' 'Y WITH PLANS: The fi'iaished p1t01ect iA a .1 cases sha 1 ca n bt a w t nes , `q�rraclea , cress-eeo ea : re. ire�atents c�h�ier�rise . describe -on tkte p�l�ane . ,cathar . Y :. . .: f inish° and dimme-nsions shore bed, is the Cotatttd mocum the Eta ine :r a fgomn the approved. Contr+�ct is rr .by y An de 9 at on during: conatructi.®b �eglm i n a�11. :cases he., determined by the Engineer a 0d authoeized by the* Oten byµ Ctr�h . qe Order, wa C5-5 (1) so C5-5 . 3 .COORDI'NATION OF CONTRACT DOCU NTS: The Contract Documentsss are made up of several sect ons, which, taken together, are intended to describe and provide for a complete and useful project, and any requirements appearing in one of the sections is as binding .as though it .occurred in all sections. In case of disckepasncieso figured 'dimension shall govsarn over , scaled dissensions., , plans ohal], govern .over p .. p govern over',"""geAer;e�l ss ecif scat ial conditiosas shall ® standards ep i.f ications and quantities' shown . condti s d s on the plins, shall .govern over :dense shown in the proposal. - T.he..Coatractor shall not t asa astvanta of 9. anp .apparent :error or om make uchacorr correct���ar terp-retatioss asa- ay- fission in the Con exm. tt+ed �to 4eemed: necessary for�_-the fulf1-11saent-_ of•.the intent ° of the . .pF i . . - - . . . y - ss an Contract.. Docusa�ents n., the event the Contrrasetor discover a anent error or discrepancy-, he ;aahall immediately call .`this coed_ tion to the attention of the .fin 3nesr. In ,the event of a 6gnflic"t m in ,the elit4ingt, specif i�nttons,*, or other .portions of the. Contrast Documents which were not.. re o.rted o the aw.a d o Contract, the 't6ntraac or -shall 'be. deemed oto have .w. quoted the: most +s sive resolution of the conflict-:, C5--5. 4 COOPERATION OF CONTRACTORt The Contractor will be -furnished with tree sets of the Contract DO'cements and. shall have available on the site oil the aro ect at a:ill. t s :one set of suoi v C6atractDocuments'., Jhe Contract shall give, to ;the the-constant. attention sbecesssai�ry to fas�ci�litate. '`the prggress - theo aeof nd -shall c®acpe�ete Nitih the Nng.ineer: ohis.. ianasagectr�. ascd 'othsr. Csai� trast®rs in every sasible �aiasssy�w The Contractor shall at. all times `.�h4v*- competent. persoPnel air i fable tc , the pr:ojeot > site for..pacoper performance -of the. more; xhe Contractor shall rr vide ae►n maintain 'at all times a:t the -mite - of. the :prb.Ject a cc►poeteat, , Bn.4l ssh-i3�e ►ki-ng., superiiatend:ent .and an ass.i>stasnt N.-he .are fully authorized to. >a°sat as" t.he Contractor'. s ag-exit on w-tt a work - Such superintendent and hisµ assistant shall be capable of reading And understanding the. Vontract Doc . is and ah l per uive and fuilf l ins truotioas. from the. own,:r; .the: a ineer, ,'or fiis austh; irised I represssentaitives. Pursuant this,- ress pone bility of: t"x -Contrmctor, the Contractor s�aall designate in-4iiting to .the project 3pper intendent, to®W abas:t as the •.:Contractor's ® , agetit -on the V®rk. Ouch. assista nt project stri°per� n`tendent - shh eo�he ' A s�esi n o Tarrrant County,.., Tex'as - a-nd .shall. be shall hewa resident o the project Superintendent, at any time of the day or night on any day , of the week on Which the Engineer determines that circumstances require the presence on the project site of a representative of the Contractor to C5-5 (2) adequately provide for the safety or convenience of the traveling public or the owners of property across which the project extends or the e safety of property contiguats to the project routing. The Contractor, shall provide all .facilities to enable the " reship andhma�ter ais entering into the �►ork• inspect t h e Engineer workma C5-5 : 5 EMERGENCY AND/OR, op RECTIFICATION When, in the non of the Owner or EDDeer n on of mergency exists' related to any part of the .wort ,. the Contractor, or .the contractor through his designated representative. sball res pond° with dispatch to. a 4erbal ,.request, maids key the Owner or 9 nees to alle'vieata Such th,e emergency condit- on", h a r s..ponse shall ° oc �r day or aright; !� h6r,th °flee p:*dje6t ii m du ._ scheles on a, calendar dad or. on qa vorkin day i4Shpsis Eno ld r to he C rectify- anyl to discrepaDc eea' a iss his' .Ost from toe Eno- r corYEctionB` necessary to conform with the ga guitements of the. prroject. spec �ficatioras" or plans! the 'Ongine4dr a. all , give the Contracctor varitten notice. that such work or changes are. to "be a rreP nt Tt� 4itic h aoind re Deaf the �ontr"tor too the. ice ®hall di�rect.:atteDtion t ramediai.:. action- to correet thecohditimn. In .the_ event' th ,... { .:. p - _ d '. .. t the writteD requ sees n,ot take osft w; . ste s to_ fu�.fill thing or doers not 0owr west .caua : for not t iD t ► .:`proper mction, within 2� .hours, the Cit may "=fie suet retaedial action, wvitla Gity.. forces or Npy" contracts .Thee: City r ecii 1" acoouctly� noun regal .I the ei�t .re °cost for siwen . s on Y the �,. r ne actor. �e�t.. p ea an �n. 8 OD r tg]te pro M1 C_ % . ntractor she.. . .. v ..�, ra®ids, at Y43» .m enS _ Ia � �� ��►� � The Co on. r. an acegnate field off ice ore o£ is g4}9 D+ if sii+�ci #e ►1gy..-balled for. ' Tea .f ell of be" 0.ot��I�ss that lox, y <l�Q .feet .ia floor areas ' su:� staatialy w ether p ocf, X10 8o that it conditioned, li9htesi, and. ..� doaHamente w�ill not ,.be dames ed y the m R eintn.. . C5 , 5.7 . C S tk�Ct DN . STAKES::: Thee. city.. `thiough its cl nne r.. w . far sh to • °Conttactbr with, kll lines.,- grades„j .' .and mq.asufejnniii necessary,. to, :the. groper .prosecur-1 n and. control o 'the_ wo tr rk con for under the senaettr .Yocaseeeta; ai:d." mitea8tar is. wri 11 be.. estabinned`.by area of � l�.nes,µ. LL, .. y :� " .. .g grades and consistentpwtith cool practice thud of ma=ki.n as may be found g , . u� C5-5 (3) These stakes or markings shall be set, sufficiently in advance - of construction operations to avoid delay. Such stakes or markings as may be established for the Contractor's usd. or guidance shall be .preserved by the, Contractor until he is authorized by the Engineer tom remove them, Whenever, in the opinion e Engineer, .any stakes or . ma�rk.ings have been carelesslyfor willfully destroyed., disturbed, or r v by tON he .Contractor or any of his employees , the -full caa�t of °� a sJ, i t the Con replacing svech ' stakes or 1a�atkB plus 25% will . bE c4.aiged. Contractor, deduoted w .° . ear�atractore full aseo t will dt�ee .th from ent. , C 5`-:5'. 0. AUT.:HORIT���IBD DUTIES OF CITY INSPECTORS: City b+es'dloner a d l all materials to nepect a► work ©he and tee Pe "an %. furnished, $uch i°nspectioi y tend to al er part mof the Mork, and 'the pr:eparati�5a os als to be v(S.e4 or equipment, to be in$t 11 d.ta'nufactur �k City tlnsppec ohe r map be aatetion:d `o the svarrk o v r. report .to the. Engiase :as to ,the prcfgsess of the work aiac the ironer °in which it is being performed to report ,.aa�y _evia�enc:e IE at the' materials being furnished or the work beiii perfokiied by'' the Contrecfdr faiJls to fulf ill the requir ients of. the Cunt actor to aa�esucti and to all th:e atte fit. on 4 the 3i" failure or. other in°fringe arts. VuC. inspe tion, or lack o Inspection ;will not rel ev1. t ae CoatrA':c' for ito"a ° any ' o6'1tgat.i-0 4Ito erforaa the work is acCc rdn.n6e with the requirem+en:ts c# the C:ontraact `Dta�ua nte`. Tn easy: °ef° any d ospnte' arising between Nthe Coma ctoie an tkae fit Ihspector= as to the miter ials. ore aiEpmmeni imp furais ©c the' man '.er of :perform►ing the tioork ° th�a City ][espectcas. a hive a �tho�city to reject mmaterials mos equipancnt tag s,`aspen+d work until the question at issue can be referred to. deCideii by the°,Engineer. The City Ins,pec:tak °.will. aot., J oWever; he `hut oriaxe� to revoke,, after,. �n1��r;ge,' or ra>iesa3e any,- r sirement of` these Contract Do_cn '►ts °noi to .�►pprt�ve or. postlon or 8etoion"ol tui: 'wor, ke nor. to iesUb, any amp ens coati ary to $ s cif they Goxa�tract instructs 6bumrtl oar He -will in no case act asF. superint'end(:a�t Docusa�ammts. per orm any other duties four the: Contractor, or. interfere with the management or operatf on.* of the 4q k e will not accept from the Contractor any compensation in any, form ":for petforaeinc� any duties.' Thi' Cohtractor sbhitl ega e..sions and instru6ifons of .t ie: ilitt lnO or e�. . ash obey, the d,f roc g t h the obli �itions or� 8n ii�eer t�heai the are consistent wit Contractor 'object tooen o=derprovided, 2so;�re®+fir, �hQald the s or instructions of. the City Isispeetot, the -Contractor may within six days make, written appeal to the Engineer for his decision on the matti�rin c ontroversy. --5 (4) C5-5. 9 INSPECTION: The . Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with every reasonable facility for ascertaining whether or hot the work as .performed is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If the Engineer so requests, the Contractor shall, at any time before acceptance of .tht wrork, remove or uncover, such portion of. the f i6ished work as may be said portions of the work . the Conttactor shall restore directed. After �exami to the standard, requi ed by the contract-Documents. work ,should the uncovering orremoving®and replacingnof he cbV4r n9 ,orlmakisg 1:oo:d. of . .the. parts removed , sha11 ba-Vaid for, as xtri ieork but should be work so exposed ; or exa-zlihed prove to �bie unacceptable, the uncovering -or .removing and ,the replacine� of ail adjacent defective or damaged parts shall mbe at the . contractor ' s ease. � ... ® :_ ^ . -. i�ais .its'... hall.��� � a.µor �a ter' a g napecoon. wthout suitable° su ervisionor i o C5--5.1�,.RSMOVAL OF. Dl�FECTM AND UNAUT] RM� ��4EOEEz' All- OW xorhv Bona -er a s, ...or +equ . pment c as een xe doted; shall &��► remedied or .:removed .and r+eplited in- '* aceel -able mo aner -bkt tieontrattr at his own expensed yiork done beyond tie li;ni�s and grades ..given or: as-. shbw.n -on th;e .plans,° ea�oept as "her,,ir specfficaliy provided, ;or shy tra.6lor moue iWtthaut, written a Y, _ -p � the will, be considered as unauthorized avid done a. tie p , t a o enc ens.e of the Con rector and ���i].1 aot�� be an,�d f ma b� .Q*:ner .w.o-r:k so , dome .may beu.ord�re�! _ra��ov;ed at` the CoA racto=° s eupeose`.. Utpon th's �f ailurle en the, par. , of the Contractor mto, comply Pith y order of the n+ er grade Hader the provisions of this p-era raper, the i ns�iseer 4111n have the a tbQrity to cause ef.ect1ve . prk -.tti. b!e rembed od ar reeoved thereof coe place anddeducted fry work to be reuaovved, a[nd the cost y- n. aeohe dine or to become due to the Contractor . Failure to raq.uire the remov-41 of a�iy. defective acceptanceµ., ed wrorkr uch MOr�kSp. ,ba1V�th .,: n . C�i�r' �. s �0� �ConB � .t. te�. . tt Of e CS:--.5 : 1'1 _'S'U-E:STITU-S. B-;:KATIR1.ALS: -1i = iti)"W " T:f tie soecifileatldnA r I% 1. 4, w or` aanc ;;' oc e# µoar r Su bIat ons jper miit Coaltzac:ter to furnfsth_ or aace aha7batit e gait is dal _40 any teriaal . propp. . os + radt'or arrisaes ,to ore i meat sp o" 4f aa�d f4rnish or use -a ®s-ed sub titnte he �tha�Y; p forPto pr:egpnstruct�ion coafdi�eude, make. *r t'tek' ap�alieati`on to for approvalµ +�►€ .such substitute certifin LINGIO ER imritimg ttiat the proposed suabetitiete wii1l performaeiaatelg °`tine fractions called for by the general design, be .sineiXgr .and of equal °substance to ,.that, 'spiec'ffied: aand.' a silt datb th.+ same use, and capable of `p4r-foraai�ig . the ¶same function as that p and identifying a1=Y variations of/` th.e g►r a Deed p . s ecif ed _ a, ,, .° CS-5 (5) substitute from that specified and indicating available maintenance service . No substitute shall be ordered or installed without the written approval of Engineer who will be the judge of the equality ,and -may require Contractor to furnish such other data abut the proposed substitute as he considers pertinent; No substitute shall be ordered or .installed without such performance guarantee -and bonds as . Owner may require which shall . be furnished at Contractor 's expense.~ Contractor .shall Indemnify and hold harmless, owner And Engineer . and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either "of them frost and i against the claims 0 damages ..losses and ease (including attorneys fees) a► ising out of the use of sostftuted.materialii or .equipment. - .. C-5. 5.12: .. SAMPLES AND .TESTS W.P9ATY"S: TRherer in the op$ni,on of the Nng neear, or s ca for. ;.in '.the Contr.aict Documents, tests .of materials 'or, equipment are necessary, sn.ch tests will be de..at the ex d, paid, for direct t the test,inq agenocy by the Ovine,r. un1 penBe o an The ailure� of . the 4Wner to : ` other rise specifically provided. ess e my tests o-f materials shall be -in , way relieve. the Contractor aif his responsibility,of fuatash$ng: �aatte:risl:Q and equipment fel,ly conforming to the k'.quiff 6ment�a of . � , e "Contract. m Document-'0. Tests and sampling of m1. ss therM:ise is 4cified, will .be _made in .. aaccordance with. ateria�s � -.un� .e . methods prescribed by the American . the.: latest Society. for Testit3 materials >or sp►ecif is°requirements of the Contract* :shall, pxQvide such facilities as the End :rec airm .:for evo�lleoti'nc� an►d forwasrd:ing. samipies° .and shah. .not ; without apec fic.°wrltten �erAissA6ft of :the P a inesac ° nose the. materials repxesented •b the _sa�otDles until t at a nave beeinv ]Pads and the: maaterials appr d fo"r use.° ^The:. eCo#itrectrriil :furnLoh. adcIlntaate; s . . ies . i,thout charge to the - ° In case. , °an am►ix.ln and . tra,nsportinhe euipeeaiteshal.i be approved . . ' gg g design minimum, d the.... . : . . . � . .�, � ._ � .. by the g F g p and_ the ,Coptactor Engineer before array concrete is pleced, :hall be red ,oea$b1e for rep�aac to lrh-ich dons 'snot .. p any-, concr asset the require"na_ts of the.�oratract: Documents. Tests sshAll be. *;4m at 1east- 9 .days_ irr: or, -to... the -placing of concrete d rieia ; saa� , ,eat fto*,.the. e�►. ggr .atei - cementswhich and ,mortar: g P . Should ,the.. source of su $ i _ change e new test#. shtll�ba made .prior. e of. � pS� .y g. , to th.. *he use , used in .the ;c hatru on r �p - 1 materials which are to be ,o. o.ti .. ope atio, shall ;be stored so as to ih�na..the p�tesetvvaation of the ality " t fitness of the wore. directed by the Engineer, they shall be placed on wooden platforms or .other hard, cyan durable surfaces and not on the C -5 (6) p ground,. and shall be placed under cover when directed. Stored materials shall be placed and located so 'as to facilitate proMf inspection. C5-5.14 EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES: The location and d mens ohs shown on the - Plans relat ve to existing utilities are: based on the best information available. ission from., or the inclusion of utility locations on the Plans is not to be considered as the nonexistence of, or a definite location of, g The location of many gals existing underground utilities, mains, water, mainaf conduits sewer lines and service lines for a-11 utilities, etc. ,. is unknown to the owner , and the owner assumes no responsibility for failure to- show any or all such 'structures and utilities on. the plans or to show them in their. exact location.. It is mutually agreed that such. failure rilI. not- -b.e conijidered sufficient basis for claims for" ` additional compensation for `Butr +e®er,. unless an reds obstruction a Work or for increasing pay iquamtiti"es in. any manner whatso ion encountered is such as to necessitate changes in the lines and grades of considerable magnitude or, requires the building of e ecial works, provision for Mhich- is not made in the Contract Documdats, - in which caste the prov-l"sion in these Contract Documents for Extra Work shall apply. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to +a►erify locations of adjacent and/or conflicting, utilities sufficiently in madvance of. that he may, .negotiate such locaY ad ustments construction, as necessary in t .. . . Fa s, The Contractor process to . take all he construction -provide' Adequate precautians in�order to protect all.,existing u . _ies ,'" straac.ttures and „service lines. 4gification of exsti> 1. .t.ixl�i�t notific tion of all , utility companies at least forty eig)at ilities structures and service lines shill include e c� ratf Q`in advance cr€ onetrt ct.fon noluding explorator.g #' ' � n i.f necessary. All verification, exi'atia s diar s auk. thei a�s r ment shall b►e consi�e.red CS4.e'15.,-jY Tf MUPTiOW,OF. SERVICE. r� osecution: 3.n P the., noripual r issnecessar: Normae�l. Fg . of-µservice . , of 46k w ere theInterruption t ° �-� -3l r the Contractor, at least 24 hours in advance . 's'hall be required ired tot . 1. y r De artzkent . . W � vision as t lint , ", D_�.ah,, __ , ",an. atif - at- on, t mc►e, ansl sc e dine . of sPrtice. interruption. - .1 C5-5 (7) 2. Notify each customer personally through responsible personnel as to time and schedule of the interruption of their service, or 3® In the. event' that Personal cation of a customer cannot-, be, made, a "picea. .p _ ed tag form shaldoor] be uebattached The tagthe shalltbe rdurable.in ble_ in composition# and in large holci: type shall say: � . m "NC=CZ Due to ofilit:k"Improvement, in your ,nei hborhood ujr pate r (swr) sreicee llbe inter ) r.upt'd .on .. .. betv►een the hours. o This ikc 6ii4enience .wi;l1.. he as short."aa nsrible. .. You r t. b :Zvk a ac s irk the event 8t .;an. fok-6seeW.sere n erru icon occu a, 'notice shali be. as a oae,b.nt immediate: C5-=5.16 MUTUAL':.-.RZSPONSIBILITY:.OF_ CONTRACT T(SRS s .If, throngh acts. r -deg :eat on "t a part o tee Contri -_EAr , ax y .other, Contractor or any sub contractor �s"ha13. auger loss p r, damage �, on the work, the Contractor agrees to settle With' 'eudh . oth.er Contractor or sub-contractor by agreeiakent. or arbitration. if against the. ®vrner won acc b-contractor .shah; assert .any .claim such ether Contractor or s ount of any daLmage alleged to: have been su,�tainer3� the. Owner,Yet Millesa the. thvAeac against any such o n .tify .the Cor�t:ractor,. xh sha11 inrde�ri # and an ►e. h i t*i ` ch of or accumulatedL$on the "job iteuduringu heu'prosecutio sof the tiara work 'under these coktrac't Docume.n' - s sb ill ; be" accomplished in keepih4,= *ithµ 'a d$i1y routine ,e$r ablfabed to the the satisfaction of the Engineer. Tiiinty-fou rs fours after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a minner unsatisfactory to the Engineer ; kf, 'th+e contractor fails to correct the C5-5 (8) unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action As the Engineer deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice, and the costs of such direct action, plus 25% of such costs, shall be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor. Dpon the completion of the project as a whole as covered by these Contract Documents, and before final acceptance and final payment will be made, the Contractor shall clean and remove from the site of the project all surplus -and discarded materials, temporary. structutes, and debris of every kind. Be shall leave the site. of all work in a neat and orderly condition equal to that which originally existed. Surplus and waste materials removed from . the site of the work -shall be disntra tot shall th roughlyosed' of at locations sclean all equipment atisfacto Engineer. The" 6o and materials installed by him and shall deliver over such materials and equ pmen't in a bright, clean, polished and new appearing con.di.t.ion . No extra compensation will be made to the Contractor for any clean-up rec juired on the project.. m_M 5 5.1E FINAL INSPECTION: under :theWhenever the work pro�rided for in nd contemplated tract Documents -has. been 0atis.factorily c®mpleted and final cleanup p►orformed, the rrequestrt atlthetFinal-inspection becn�ade.of uch inspection and g fY proper . such ins ction d wil be- made within 10 days after such notification. After mach .f final inspections, if the work and „materials And equipment rc_ are found satisfactory, the Contractor will be notified in writing -of . the acceptance of the same after the proper reso utlon has been :passed by the City Council. No time charge will be made against the Contractor between said date of notification *of the Engineer and the date 'of f inal µin : - m ,. pit - s ion of the. work C5-fir (9) m .w� . . . �,, . . e .. 6 „ ,. n.,�., d� y� � �. .. �, .. ,. � �,.•. m e ,. i„ u - .. .. .. �,. �� ,� m� .. m � � ,� ., ,gym �,� � .. v ��.��� .. ,. ,. ,, .. �w .. � a . �. a ., � m .... � .. .. .. ,�. ,. ..� �° a W BMW., A �. mN ...�� .» o m P ^'. .. .. . w. .. . .,, ,�� ..a w ^w „�, u w "µ.e� ,. �, F v .. .. .�' i e PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C6-6 LEGAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY " s CTF ION .C6.-6 LEGAL .RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY C6-6:1..LAWS .TO BE oBSzRVED: The:.Contractor. sfiill at all times o Berve and comply, with -all_ Feder° l...and `State Laws and City eg y in " any dray affect the conduct or`dinance �„ _ s and r ulations Nh ch shall observe and comply o the work, or his operations and iith. a11 or:ders., laws,, ordinances and : regulat ons which exist or , which- may be, enacted°.later by boc iea :having j�uiisdicti- or authorityw for psuoh enactment. No plea of mi$undarstanding or Sureties �hallrisdemnif andCsavea��r The Contractor and 'his W harness the City. and.. ail of its s�fgce"rs, , agents, end employees a�ganst any and all claiNo or _liability arising from or based onm .the violation of any sash lay , Ordinance regulation, or or.- 6k, whether it be by himself or leis. employees. C r�0 t$Pa�I , Pay all char'gesffictor shall p�"ocure. all TS AY+1D IwICENSE ... S 'fhe Contr , .costs and fees, and give sbl eotices necessary and incen:t .to the dote and la�rful cen s prosecution6. . the aaork.,. . `OO contractor , requ re o ,s res ti xaa,e any es n If the 3 AVERTED . DEVICES MATE$TAL.S AAiD PBOCE.SSES.a device, �aatsria;l, os proce$s cover+ d hy.: letter, . paint, or copyright, h "S.A.ll rovi$e ;for such rasa bysitah�e.¶ lec�al�ao=cement with p t e atenetes mlatuallcf1. su�clu anent letter opyrighted d�stgtu� :' y. agreed, aa ; nnc arstood that without e c ptioa tie contrac. -pricey shall include all royalties or cost. Arising',frov patent, , tradermat aad vcmpy righta in any shall in amnif and saves harm su thu ner and. hia_ "ihd is a w# .. involeed n tl�e work. : Coot o, or- y a oan$d all fro c aids ; fcx . r.: m an an. such f n f s in. esaa t b r�:a$Qn o : the ..use p :entail d.es ..ga.p,r , device ,.. m a t xi a�Z :or proees(a . or any t�ade�aa► it k eon copy fight io cony t3:e�n nth .the.: work agreed, to i��emni� r the Q�rner #o�� an.. �ontra 'Docu�enta , �nil ,sfiall 04y.A* ohriged to pay by r�ea o--.of:_ ouch 1 in r iagg men " any "me'. du_ring . the:: ps+ secution of theor�C.or after coapleti�pn of tt r px.ovide8, evar:, th t the oirnet will assu, m+e tlae. r sibi lit to. defrsnd any anti all suita brought for the V9 y . iu Yirigament afe. an: -pate nt t:lai ..: : to be 'infring upon. �y .the d.esi9n, typo of construction or wunaterlal or edu :paent specified in the Contract Documents furnished the Contractor b tha. :Oi+ner,W,and - ".Contractor harmless on .account Y of such auit$. to 0 .. e . � C6_S (1) C6-6 . 4 SANITARY PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall establish an en once among his 'employees such regulations in regard to prevent this ince tion and preadbofeiaf tioand e as will , i-, ti p p l of 9 . 9 . m ns or conta�fous cleanliness, an lapse diseases and- to effectively grevent the creation of.,fit :nuisance about the work on any property either public or .private,, an- such regulations as are required by Law shall be immedia .._ ies .µ use of ' leborers On , t.eces-eery properlditAitary sehe i'4 d fro�nop ibiic , obser�atiio!b , sba m , e. constructed , and maintained_ky the Contractor ead :tbeir:,ns�e faci.iiitoM shall be k ptc i a,Wiles an *- ' -*a shall bestrictl the Contr ry condition, free from. object ona_b.le odors so as not,, to cause a . nuiasinoe`: . Y J ., 1_. ., '.. „nµ alAd mu Ali sanitarylaws and re uita ions of the State. of •Teaas the City shall be strictlycomplied with. stored a. Qut EEO- wor AsDal ENC$: Materials, or iequ►ipnaent C6--6. 5� PUBLIC SAFETY I so. placed and wised, sad the work ahail-i at.w al �: aductec1 as. to eauare no greater ,obstruction tom nconvenie ce to the 0�bltc three is considered to be absolutely necessary by tK@ 8ngince The Contractor is required to matutain at' ally times all, Pbeses of convenience of the public, in not Iit �"�r� his work in sgch a manner ads .sot to mpir tine eefet or eluding, but and oonve ni en�t iHg e7ss wand e area gr�es-s to proper'_ ; :o i u ► n to the wor7c . The Contractor shill make_ ad ri ref n p b ri o a to renndr reaiBonabha ingress min d egress, for noiiia wear, boor ic"ii- exceatt dal drivew iLay cross.�.ngs .brStpch pros s# s ay include brid in r or �rav c►r suchh . incl g , g lacen�nt of c-rushed stpne ;.� .. ;M ,. ,� .. o er l, other meant of psovidieg propel ingreo an er sYstor the. property served by t2 a �d ittevay as th' $n oeoal: a rogrf ate: Sah :other moans ma #nl.�ide pp y, ars ►xx of. dziveway traffic, with ipecific pprc va tbe� ngipe' , . dipersi°on 'of traffic �,s approved` b tf�e. $rrgi4eer �xt tstxy . locetion, the Contractor shall Make arraugamaht an i faetcr m to ;the Ingi;neer.. at any location, the Codt ectQr shad made .arrangements satisfactory to the �ng�.neer for she ry��� rid J ana , and aha31, at' Mier ownY expense prorid$ ailer the cout-eiii6: ' "i aciae traffic- ll work me y.. .--necessary . . g � per.f Dines aof roadwa s aandbri�Qes four s cb di.i�e�s�.oa caf ;trafficna - , . o ® y... p 1 , of' the of be obst d exc s ucia permission he g eer.En- f n ewa� s must a rue e pip The mused in thexda�valk6d And construct ant of thetru worki shallon' matebeeplac d as.. iso as not to endanger the work or prevent free access to all fire hydrants; fire alarm bones, poli ce call boxes, water valves, C6-6 (2) WN gas valves , or manholes in the vicinity. The Owner reserves the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor as regards to public convenience an& safety which may come to its attention, after twenti-four hour's notice in weiting to the Contractor, -save in cases of- emergency 4hen it. shall have the right to remedy .any neglect .without notices :and ini "tber case, the cost. of� .such ,pork• done, or. materials furnished by .the Y -owner or .by the Cit shall be deducted iErom msniea due or, to become .due to the Contractor: The Contractor , after ,approval of the .Engineer, shall notify the Fire Department Hesdguairters, 7Craffic engines=, and lQic.,a Department;- when any"°'street- or. allele -is requested tia'.be closed -or obstructed far any fir a e- hydrnt is ti.o -be made iva�cessble and; when so directed. by the'Yangineero shall keep any---atreets streets.,: or highways., in c-ond tion for unohstructed use bk �f re appar-atus.. The Contractor shall promptx y n6tify� the isi�e g e P alle s.. - or .h drd ,uam are°..a sin laced'µ red.., s tr"m . r11c�4'�e aztment Hea such o st ee s Y . Y a . D+s an�a r eta when back ib� ser�r� b ere d the make other.-'*-for is re ufred to sou gg g tguct tennpaorary. s arran ements for crdaein ' over �ktebsa with, such ms` his responsibility for accidents 'in a isnnectw" g 4i oaches s h aros°sin s shall in the;, road J. . �. Y '�"appr' well as the structures of guch �c=osslri s. The 'Contractor shall .at all tees coedo,ctmopegatisn ha the ,use of cons.trvction anachinery so o-ffis not .to .dame +s &t destroy trees, ,hubs Id6' ited gn cics fp im'it. to cLr on` site of the=-woe sn a .the k.� Wher" r any such da ge a 5 e t ofi` teaatractor .s,hall imsd diately se<t'ia:fyl� slain of pacoperty owners; and no paymeaat will b+e meals by the ne m, ement sh+tnain tra'otorw r$halI t ire £L� t1ie $ng,ineez s written stag ,. call sac cla<ims$ duea settlement uch cla The Co �� Cfr6u.•6. :FRIiPI1,,- GES' OF °s C�Y+1T-RCT"OR E R BHT-CF WAT For the par f oraiance o t Y e'-afontr bt� e Contrractor` will p"ra- Itted ttb use a occep siach po do n of .`the ubl.ic struts mind a3:fleys, or othegeLlc atesy ®thee rights-of dray A. ;pro"vi°ded for in tLae og±�ii�a�cien`0of Cityg 'as. =show' n or, a as y Lie; speciffcilly- author�fsed fn:-Mri i ng " 1b1► tire;- Uq u sl. . ►` reasonable amount . of tools, mit.erials,, and ea;uipmerit fµQr, construction purposes may be store= in such _space, bud �a 'se tban .is. neceaeary tca avoid delay in t`Ail ,cons rn� ©s$ operations. RxCa,rvated and waste aateria b shall sacked in` such a dray 'as not to i`aberfere drith the use o spaces that ma<y..be designated to be left f'sce ens'! un`o ►stritc :aA. -.. p y �y alnts tacks.,� a t the wo J property:' and- so as not to inconvenience" oc If 'the street is occu fed b rail i acenrk shah:" be C6-6 (3) carried on in such manner as not to .interfere -with the operation of trains, loading „ or unloading of cars, etc. other contractors of the Owner. may, for all purposes, required- by the contract, enter upon the work and premises used by. the Contractor sand shall be provided -all reasonable facilities and .ass:istance for the completion of adjoining. -workJ.. Any,,. ,additional grounds' desired by the,Contractor for his ose shall be provided by him at his own cost and etpense. C6.-6.7 RAIL AT: CROSSINGS: then ,the work encroacher- upon any. r ,g t-o --way a . any railway, ' the City Vi i-11 s.ecure -the necessary . easement for -the workii , Where the railway :tracks .are the Contra-0-tor shall" obserrve a]li' the to be cross.e.d, -C regulations a:nd inztruct ;ons Hof-rthe, railway company as to the methods of. performing. the work and take,- all g�reca�at-i "no for safety .of property and the puub3 ic.« tootikt-ioni ,with .the raiiwiy compantea , for permits- shall be..done.by and through--the City. The„ Contractor shall give the City notice not less than five days prior- _:to the time of his intentions--ta Tbegin hNo=k�Mon that portion of the project„ Uh.-i--eb w -a kelatid td."the rail** properties ® the ,contr.actos -wt].1 not be' given e:itra or. additional, , compensation for,, h.u.0b .rail raiy°:cr,660 :n'' unless specif ically set forth in� the .Contract uyaants: : C6-6,.8., BARSICAT SG t ?BAR :]t 1± S AND ,XATCR t mere -thw work, 1A., -care 1.a _on .. n mr a _ Acen to .an st_rae -, 4,110 �+ c►r pul lily � place,..t11. _he -Contractor shall --slit h s can, .eapens+s fo rajah, .+erect; and mainta such . bar_r icades feces l i-eghke amid danger sign!k-,lpj, shall provide such'watchmerII, aAd Ahai.l,, take'all._-such u other ppgcaut ionairy.measureo for ,the -protection of pars-0 aps =or- propet d Q Brrr iead s and fences shall. b . painted in a c- o1or.",tb.at: rill a be vsib�l:e at night. From. sunset to sunrise -:the Contractor shall furnAsh and, maintain w,at -.e one eas3 iy nisi le uaa► agi i h *at:..,each .. al .be erectod b,�xric»tae� : :�A 8uffi'ciemt nues :ot.�bar�icades .sb from bei,,ng driven -on A� into. any. .work under c° and .vehicles r fed , to keep,. pedeatri�ana., a:wa from,>a�na ;®ainta . . r. �.. onstruct �n'�or . being. �t�3ned. 'X ii 4ntacaetor shall furnish watebmi�a and keep. .thow at.. therm, :xes'pnctive assiga ni to in ' sutficient numbera to pad t the work and.:pre�►ent accident or ' qe. grovission 1Betforth� procedures the, "19d0 Texa . Manual' oci s 411 roceduures -s all bew cobs Latent withthe O°uiform° Traffic. 'Control Devices for Streets and Rigb"ys" issued under t g f the -"State,_ of Tezaa 'Gni�form Ad ,t Regnlatiiag Tiamffic oon. Hyi hways" , codified as. Article 610ld ®eiroai«s .Civil 31. sect-ions being Sectioa,pos, 27, 29,. 30 .and tatutes,,., rt Went . - i; C6-6 t4) i �U The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign, or other sign. which has w been erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be removed" to permit required constncctlowe, the Contractor shall contact the Transportation and Public Works . department , Signs and -Markings ' Division, (ph6ne . number 8780-8075 ) , to remove the sign:. In the .case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must rep2asce the pesssanent sign with 's temporary sign sleeting th'e zeq'uisessets elf t.be a�bove referenced` manual and ..aueth temporary sign must the prior. to " the removal of the permanent sign: If temporal. sign .is not installed correctly or if it does not inset the required specif icat ions, the "permanent sign shall be ,left ie place until- the to==o ry sign requirements are met,. Wjje n constrnotioa work is. completed to the' extent that: the n_ . permanent sign can ' rsi-:installed, the .Contracto>r sb l azgai:n cdact ° tb:e Signs and; Ma"rkings Division to r."' it stall the permanent sign -a.n sba11 leave his '. temporary a. g""�i.n: pllac+e until such re-installation is.comp leted." The Contra,c for will b e held responsible• for rill d 9e. ta. t2a work or th.e Public due failure of failur of ' harricace�, siajns, fences , lights , or watchmen to protect them„ Whnuever evidence" is found of �such damage .to the Vork the 8#'.. L_ :r may order the damaged port o- i d at ]ly g ored and ragla►cad brli the Conntiactor at the Contrset,or ,° s ot�a expense.. .. The - A-or'4 s res3po Bihflity fog .thee a►aintenaaace. f barricadesg., Sighs'- fences ansi lights,. and for.providing *atC . lk i not case° until the pr®ject shall have been completed and' accaspte3. by, the owner. Contra to Doc mew, except as specifica3ay provde . in .geese arts, will be paid t0 the Contraoto : fps the"9 and itai giali involved of" 64, r cades�� gns,o fencesgi a� ightanor fc}r eai.ar.-1 oX"-. xatchiae: a, .or. the s ub�:equeant ruas�o ► . awl . dfsposa of such bmr`icades",. e.igns a or for "anytheg . fncidentala necessa Y. font w the proper protection, s�:AL6_1ty, and canyearience of the public during .the contract .peimd ash tbia . wor& ins coasidl,�reti to be isaabs$c iary. to the s�.evera .' temms ,.for i p requested. n ttYe psopo atl4 e which un t :or lug ssnam " rioes arc,rsa uessted i„ . C6 :6 9. DS"$. of �©g�aas�e egpiosDe�i;.. op�we. . t,.ietd�noun too . �: Ii& Contractor elect" g prosecution of the work, .tba utftost care shad be exerci e4 t. y 'P p p ii y cfiorss.ballnnoti.f the ro er re resentat: � pf any al� t " Contrs public service.__ cokVor�ation-- any camp�ny, fndi i4iil . -og t .�: y" ' ho11YS .. u " i lit an:d the owner not i,ess than tweet four C6-6 (5) advance of the use of any activity which bight damage or endanger their or his property along or adjacent to the work. Where the use Qf' explosives is to .be permitted on the projectµ, " specified in the Special Contract Documents, or the use of explosives is req'oested, the Contractor shall .submit notice.to the `Rngineer in writing twenty--four hours prior_ to Commencing and shall furnish evidence that he',has insurance coverage to p ' against any damages and/or injuries arising out of such use of explosives. All claims arising .out of the use- of explosives shall be investigated and a written report made by. the Conretractor'-s insurers to the Engineer within ten -11Q)- days after: ce1 .ipt of D written notice 'of the claim to ..thy: Contractor. trom .eiather the City 'or. the claimant. The City is-hall proceed. to give:.-notice to the Contractor of any` such claim. The use of exposfves may be suspended by the 8ngiheei any comphiint is received and. such use shall not be resumed .unto.-1 the 'cause of the c Taint hays been addressed. Whenever explosives are stored. or Dept, they sbali be st®red ins safe and secure.. manner ., and a�.1" storage^ pieces s.hiall` be plainly, marked ' - DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES" mand' ahail be under."the care of=-a comobtent watchman at all . times. A11, vehi les .in d p be p�.ainly marked. . ve shah asimentIbh d above and isgha �eotar° as moss.ible, hot use Mo heavy traffic routes. C6.4.10 MORX. WITHIN BASEMENTS: Where.athe:.work passes over, rough, ve I intd private- property.. the Owner i l.- provide such r .4ht ,o�f�,-way "or easement privileges ,"as tha: .City. nay deem necessary :for' the p�coa3eaut�on of tie .r ca`rDr.` nay additional rig ats=of-leak -O"r x#or.k a.r.6a onsi er.ed ..necassmry by the n ra6tor sha13. be `prov,d6a by )tm at his own csxpense:. Such additional ri+�hts--o.f. way or tr.bA area iha a be. acquired -for the benefit of the' City. %' Thai City shali.. be notified la wt tirroI ae .taw the rights Bo mcc ired before °fork. beg$a s in the affected asreai. The Contractor a.h' ;&l pot Wenter .upon. prtvato property for "ir purpo�sen without hi vi>A� pii �*Ibusi obtained permission from the owner of sacs -prppe�rty; The. Contractor wfJE not 'be silor�etl to store,equient.. or-,.material mon private property ui[les aind 'u,atil this speeif led approve; !o_f thee. ,property owner has. 'been secus+ed in t�ritixpg. by .a4e Contractor and. a.-copy furnished to the Zngin.eet. 10ni.esa ..s.pQcifi_c-ally picowided otherwise ,' the Cont,ga.etor . shall clear, all rights-Hof- aye oreaseentp a►p cahasaruoa .oaa .,mhich mus a be removed- to make possible proper prosecution of this work s a part .of the project construction operations. The- Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of and shall use C6-6 (6) low every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and all other types of . structures or improvements, to all water, sewer, and -gas lines, to all conduits, overhead pole lines; or appurtenances thereof, including the construction of tetipo r-ory fences, and to all other public or private prooerty along] adjacent' to fihe work. The Contractor shall notify the proper �repre'sentativ s of oI".ers -or. -. p cu ants of ublic or private lands or interest in lands which might b , y f the- 9 g l v. . e affected b the Ntork such notice shale es shall be applicable` to both . ublic®and . r at ,. least 64 ®ode 48 hours n. P P u work. Notices advance o at e utility companies or any corporation, company, isd vid ' or ry o her.; either as owners or .aicctapints.® hosb laud .di, iaterel4t in .land iigti't affected by tea work Thai o trad or shah be rca` o»sble fo.r al damage or in dry to- ro ert p ° g j y P P. y of any ch.taxacte ° re ultingr . f :oaa► any. $ neglect or .Q Act't' om i s s'i.on , misconduct in the manner or mmethod or execut bh of '"the"W fork, 4 or `at° and-ti ` due to defective r�or& ntiter a� , orequipment o Whblic or eprivatenpropert on "account of any-ect offiis'ision� and where direct indirect or i:n ur is done t consequence m sconduct the execution. of t'he tpalr pr, in. ne lect, or n a the non execution thereof on thq part of tb Contractor, " aucehal-1 restore or have rei�tored at his owr colt an :expanse h property ,to + coalition at #.fast` egl ,o . . "that e` ist:f�ngG ' _bef®r.e 'such' danaaaage or in nr was done, Y" r psiri`ng,. rebuilding, or oth ise 'replacing and, restorf 4 as in ur." in manner e $t: ble to; t 9 d su+ h_. m _ .; � � _v.. ._ n P..." a shawl a :. oo b y be direete. the owner, or a anus ace a . he . 'o ert and the near. er s or own. e AU t fad ro s,ancauntered` and removed c�urisxq wconstructy- 'of p j 11 oe restored to tieorfgtiaa a lbetter t)tffiA or ginei Con t on upon commpletio'n `f t pro ec an wire fencing, etaer Wire mesh or baxb is �o e cgssd', tide Contractorr sTaall .set cross bsa poste: col either side o ermmanen as ement befoke` tU f4nce is t. P: /� S yy/ 1p ■y'/� �� ' :. a cu a poca 4 r.M �.Y 1R )✓W/ trac rl r shah p ovic eicr¢B braced posts at poi-t f th+ Prop+�sad permanent easemeints ` fits 'before tte fepce` is cut. at .t e , cixt° in addt on.- to the cross braced pouts rovldedl Temporary "fens 'ag sh Il" be erected fa p. ac of :the few c ngt re�oved.whenever thie .work is "not ip progre�e anad When' the": sike is vacated overnight. grid/or at. ail," to j revea�t° livestock front`'eaaterinc °'the construction mares. T.he cost , for:m a., . Ernes removal, temmporary closures. an rrepi.acencent shah be" p r.:. j t =" r ions in he o e c stbaidiary to the' va hens bid ; C6®6 (7) i proposal. Therefore, no separate payment shall be allowed for ainy service. associated with this work, in case of ta;ilure on the part .of the Cantrac.tor to restore such 'property to make good such damage or injury, the Owner may, upon 48 hour written notice under ordinary circumstances, and, without eotice when. a nuisance or h,azardousa condition results, proceed to repair, rebuild, .or .otherwise restore such property'a4s may be determined my, tine Owner to .he . necessary,. and the. cost thereby will bo deducted,:.from; any..;manies d, e. or to besone due° to the Contractor under this Contrac-t.. C6- =, ,1.. g�nSPEND, T...CAI�I'TI�CTOIlt �t is .und+erstc�od .auesd agreed y ,t, a part es. hereto that Cont.Faotor e�all _perform ai11" �►or)c low end s0rvices� hereunder as .an ndepensiea:t contractors .:and ni t as an. .officerw . agent, servant :Or employee of the owner. Contractor shall ,have,.excluniv+e eontra l of and" the exclusive right to co.� trol the details ali- the work and, eervvices peicforned he.reu.nder, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely tespoaisibl,e for the a-eeta -.end omistio v of its . . off cars R ° agents 8_ servants, ', emgl.orye+to , c.outractors , sub oars actors,, 1ic.erise6s and invi`teea . „The .do:ctrine of ea.t supesfor ehall not app7� 3lts3 hetween . Owner and subeont C64trzactior; its affi.cers, agents a empls yetis, :cosatractors and d ®nothing hereiai shAl be :construed ao crestintra p rtn rah p or. point enterprise betw U Owner and. g :. C 6`.:.6..12. ;0ST ACTOR S. RESPONS -BILI 'Y ia`o R ,Oi �oS Cl,]�!t o � CdAttAbt6f, covenants and agrees to. 'an Y ,,does hereb . ndemn y,- hl. harmless and® defend Ovher, its' dtf. icers, agents. . servants,P ands ea �.oyy es w_fro e:and: agai.not+ an . .an wa.11 clams e�p: in "iu ath�._to any .and ell ,persc►a , of irh tjo veg kind �r ., , ,� � � ro ert damage- or '� , _ , . . :. . sulvj fg .. lass nd/or . a s�onal in. ury cha: ., er;- whethor real or stir s a erisingorit of or, in coni �ection. it , directly or:. indirectly, #lee work an services to hg �performe�3. he ennder by Contractor ;: its offi:cers,, aentsa, empl�y�+ s, contretoss, euboontrsctos, censees. or invitees; whethdr or-. n6i Oat s:ed, IA i aole '-ar, 3n par , by psi Ceg i neg .ince ore the. Part of offioers, ag.ents�, servants ,.,. eiaploiyees,"q.00astractors sulk ontrad ors, ..gicea s and invitee. ..3 of the Owner; .4' and '_ said Cos tract®n does hereby covenant aa�d " agree to assume_ all iiabilfty aid uesppns,ib lity.. of owner, it's. Off icers agents, sei v- m sand empxoyeea .�Eor property dasria a or leers, and/or perss sal amp riesr ip:c .ntiin ..death: to any and. all`persons :of :v a. s o.ever'..kind or ct ara►dter, whezther real .'or asserted arfs�ng Dot o� ;arf in �conaec s3n:.with" directly or indirectly, the a,` or`k aed servioe s tr be performed herenQder. by Contractor , its Officers, agents employees, contractors, subcontractors,, licensees and invitees, "4hether or not caus ed, C6-6 , (8) its whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officers, agents, servants , employees, contractors, subcontractors , licensees or invitees of the Owner. Contractor, likewise covenants and agrees to, and does hereby, indemnify: and hold hagml.ess .Owner, from and against any and all injuri,es,loss or 9 property g performance of an d' a es toof the .Owner Burin ` the y othe terms and conditions of this Contract, whether arising out of or in connection. with or resulting fro®, in whole or, in part,, any and, all alleged acts .or :omissions 1,.of 'officers, a ats, servants, employees,,, contractors- subcontractors-, ecenses, or invitees of the Owner. X0 the im- f.or... daitag�es againa.t the cQntractor�or its subcontractor':tort remafnswun$ettled at� the time ali' work on the project has bees: completed to .the. iatisfactio�n of the. Directory of ,the. dater Departiaent,. .as .evfd.enced by ° a f�:nal .inspectibn, final paymeot. to the contractor sha-11 n:of be recommended by the Director of the-Water V*-jpar:tmen.t for 'a Per:fod af: 3.0 ,,,.days after. -t.he date ,of such' fi ik-1 i�r�s� ction, . un.lei_s ,-the Contractor shall subaa t. wif ttenc ewi ence satisfactory to the. Director that, the claim-.has been. -settled ad n ,ar om release. has been obtained , the claimant -involved. claim. concerned remains u. ZI _ the-above ��Q' da . eriod-, lie' Contractor,. ma_m o€ ��the :e�cpiration of the - y p r t t Y m be dse sd to be entitled ;to a semi-final payment. far 'work completed., such s' mi final payment. to be in -an. ..amount equal -to the total cWar amount then due less thy: dollar value o - any written_ claims pending against trim Contractor arising out of the be reci bmended b .the Director; w `" p yatent may then rforioance of...such work and Such :semi .fin The- Director shall not acecoipaaend .fin°al payment-:-to -a .Contractor against whom such a .claim.f or::damages is. 'outstanding for* . 'a pgr cd.of, six months f of lowi - 'the. date o the: acceptance of t e ,work .Performed. unless: the, .Contractor°. su;bm, is tv d4ace in g aatisfactorY t!othe Di w #.hats w�rti rector 1: The claim has .been settled and. a release has been obtained from the c **Ant involved, or ? 2: Goo4, fa•ith ef: ortsa have been made to: *eitle such outstanding c arms; -and .such `good. =a#th efforts have, failed:. I'g condition (1.) above ,is stet at any ti me within the six-,month the nmtractozebe made on n IfCconM.®tion (33at hrabovteget At' to time within the six month any period, the .pfrector may recommend thAt the. f foal payment to the" Contractoi be made, at the C6-6 (9) expiration of the six month period the Director may rec nd that final payment. :be `.made if , all other work has been Y performed and all other obligations of the Contractor have been met -to the sattisfiction, of the Director. The Director* may, if he, de it appropriate, refuse to accept bids ,on other Water, Department Contract work from Contractor- ag�sinst -wh.o' a clain `for- damages is outstanding' as a result of work performed under, a City contract. C606.13: CONTRACTOR I S`-CLAIM FOR DAlfAGBS s Should the Contractor claim 7com' peni-T&Mn'7, r an; : a eqe amsge by reason of the 40ta ax, 'om asioas of tie Wiener,° h� shall within three days aer... a ctu ft t a al sustaining 'of suth alleged damage; make a written Ott -to:to: the Rngineer, setting,outYin. detail the . _ rs 'tune of 'the alleged damage- and on or before the- 2 5th day o f• the.month succeeding that is -which any such*damage is claimed ' to. have -been sustained-; the. Contractor shall file with th'a .. g �. � _. - 9 � � ive an a Rr�� � of En sneer an itemised statement of thq'ade g is n pup al. egQd lama a ands upon request, eei access to all books of account, °receipts, vouchers, bills of lading, .-and other' books or papers -containing any evidence as to, the a out t .of ,,&uch- Al-1 ed damage, Unless such statement's skal;l be filed as herei °. ve requiredd the Contractor's clafk fob compeasetiora shall be wAived, and he shall- not be entitled to- payment on socowit of such 4amagea,. CR LCDCATIO.N. OF PUBLIC: UTILITIRS RTC: n ' c'ase. ItAs necessary to c amge' . .-move, or alter In -any manner the 'propeity of a public utility or others, the said he eu --s have, be ovtd..orb i:aterfered with until, orders P y the, Engine-O.r.. The aright As resrahioa]. . iaaits. f ��tbe�� .. �the �eoggvpd tii Ae aa�►an -Contract for the. tpurp�e of king public n.tf�. such .changes or rep:a�. ze tb their :property- .that. day, be neuessar ` by. the® p.ifm�aance of this contract. sewer TEEi'CRP.l�,� • . nes° eve to tn� o�CDlle��thehContracta. p r sh.acll;,` at.; h a'. o cap. , .expoa�. -and coat, provide and maintain t orary outlets ;axed ;canenections for all ,private of ,public drains ails ee'rers . The Contractor, shall also take care ;,of all sewage and draiha "' which Vill -be received from these drains 0.4 suers . and for °°.this purpose 'he shall provide and msint�i ,, at 3>tia� *wen ,cost. and expense, adequate pumping f.ac,, lit es, and temporary .outlets or diversions.. The Contractoor, at his such troughs, pipes all. construct s own cast and ex en sh , of other structures necessary, .and be prepared at all times to dispose of drainage and sewage C6 -6 (16) deceived from, these temporary connections until such times as I he permanent connections are built and are in service. The existing sewers and connections shall be kept -in service and ,dantained under the Contract, except when specified or ordered to be abandoned by. the Engineer. All water, sewage, and other waste shall be disposed of in . a satisfactory 'manner so that. no., nuisance is created and so that the work under construction will be adequately protected. C6-'16 ARRANGEMENT. AND CRARGRS YOR M TER.SURSSSRED ,BY '. en the Contractor , es =es to use ZF ty` water n Connection-' with ,.any construction work, he shall maike.-completei snd satisfactory arrangements y r a r DepsrtMen.t for°,,so doing,. ate ; ran ememts vrith the port water f the �oritractoru . .; is eacistin .. .City, f row �a connection on an e°1] be.'° . deli�rered: to a shed to the Contractor sh g City :m�a i n-. 411 : pip�i.n.g required beyond the point- ,of a3eliv r shall °.be ns tilled by. the Contractor. at his own expense. he use of all ex e The Contractor . s responsibility in t � isti.ng fire. hydrant and/or valves is detailed in Sedtion 392-1. OR .. VALVES - Contract ". Documents. Aril$ A1VALVES in these � : 6(h:en meters are used be at , the sure the water n.. fbr., water 'will ed at h regular eethblishedera�arges,' if a.Y. 9 tes when mse.ter'8 are not used , the charges , . i:f any, is I -.be ``ts prescribed by the City ordinances or where no ordinance ,µme appYi.e,a , aymrent sh.al:l be made on. 'esima .t�e .and hates establ ,%tied „, by- th-e Director of tote-- fort Wott. ater Department, o ►--6.I GSA or.. -A .-SECT3t3Bi : R i?CDI i'IDN-:OY ' -lopR1C: iienever u is oplinli9a of: -he 'Sag i veer; . any,.eect omi.'or ..,portion' of 'the' wak or any atrructure " g mag # xt , i g -f n:aeitabi+s condition it, oto use upon the. written -order" of the En ineer, and s�ictz 4r11A9e fialel not be. :held :to.°beg n. and ,day an' kt eptance 'of amid wok C Qr structure. or any part thereof o at`w a:.;'waivet .:of any of, trtbe prov iions of� these -.Contra.c.t Documents -",: All Recessaky.FOR . ' rem B ar�d removals of ainp ,,section of tho' w°osk so #•peat into P us,e,s ;dome .to defective 'materials -.be vor � �ship�r aiea�t® or to deficient. operations on the part of the Contractor rmw 4ht-11 be performed se. " t sown m� -. .. e Contractor C6:-5.:1 8,,:COETRACTf3R!S RESOONS1R1L1TY FOR :TEE wz ttei acceptance by the Ovner-as P.ro*; e err n these ontrsct. �Documnents, `the work -shai.-1 be un`aier ° thre schagiie za care oi, the Contractor:,, uan be sh:sgl take every Wneccssa� cy recaution to iri a work or any part p prevent ur or -damage to th C6-6 111) mpa au ° low an PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SECTION..C7-7 PROSECUTION. AND PROGRESS: C7-7.1 SUBLETTING: The Contractor, shall perform with his own " organization- an with the assistance of workman under his mediate e0uperintendance, work of a -value of- not less than fiItty :(500): percent of the „value embraced in .the contract. if the Contractor sublets. any Fart of, the work to 'be done under these Contract .Docume»ts hie' will not under any circumstances be rel evad -of .the iresporisibility and o)aligation Asa under th s : contiact :Dwo°cumehts Ail t;raasa►c•tions:"of the :Enginear Null be;:'w-ith. th'e Coot.raotor . Subcontkactoics will be considered e only in the capaicity 'of� employees ,or workmen .,of the:, p y-, ,rhe.: bwnet w ']L1 no racogairo any character aad com etenc as to Contractor, and. shall .'be sub sect to the same r irements subcontractor onl-the. +work. The Contractor ,ehall at all times; when;::the:-:rotk w is;, in'operation, Vim'-repicuae:n"ted ditheic in person or' by a superirntendent ' or. other -desfgnuted` re resi tat va . C7�-7 .ASSIGNMENT OF;. CONTRACT: 'The Contractot shall not bir o . as a tram:. er, su :et, co�avey > 'tl�arwise aiiepoae cif the contract oil tia; .rt4bt6; _tithe, `or inteires't'Mi,n .oii: to t�ae s , or any part. thereof without the previou.i consent of the o adr of the City. Counoi andconcurredi . b e So t ey by--the sse resolution . P .. e' s q If the Ccsatrmctor aloe,. ith4 ►t�=aeuch 'pre °i bias corieeintW, aseign treAs.fez,' stisbl,et, cabgY.` b]r 'ttheree disuse of the ._contract or Al his xabt, titla,, or i>riitexe'ist taeiri n or -any part_ therreof, to tuy person qt per�r+oris; partmerss ipr co a any , fume of cor ra .ion Ok: does by.. banl rupii cy, : tail aata or iavc�iup, awry Or a 'sifna®ent uadae�r t➢ne_ iiekOlretn'cg `"la ►s Of at st."ate, attempt to dIapose of t ae bon xact iay ~ ant t as option b the. weer bye revolved Viand annulled, unless the Sureti l es nha " successfully complete said 'contract, sad in the. event of any s;uiea revocation of aE>n �.sbeato 'lay`morri ea; clue 'fir to becor due ue-r o iraict ' rtai.:aed by the as i . uf mated Panaac�es =for .tote reaoin that it :would he 9�et3 oalnle aa:d 46 txei�t�e y i if f.icult to iE �c tl a actuail .. d b"i . w COn `trt31C$ O�Y +Ri rat= �ii�:e t �."R� traL`t�r '" is C7-7. 3,-:PRO-SECt3TION OF Vats Wd*'X t Prior to l reg ipnia`g. as y . . . , w , 11 a bs►it to the. 1�etg nisei i:t £ .ee o h►or6 �opios if reques'Al ed by ,sae Xngin�eer.p a piarogresss _echedu3.e--parmfdra�� y n ch in big d ag�a farm.- .or -a w br +ef .outlining is d -tail"' and st ep by step .ttie mannesr of .low C7-7 (1) prosecuting the work and ordering materials and equipment which he pects to follow in order to complete the project in the scheduled time. There shall also be submitted a table of estimated amounts to be earned. by the Contractor durin' each monthly estimate period. The Co performed ntrac�t�ar shall commence the work to be under this Oontract within the time limit stated in these Contract Documents and shall conduct the work in a continuousmanner' and witty sufficient equipment.. materials,, and ' l,abok as is nepessary to insure .Its completion within the time-: iisit The at ell t enz meseasequested of .a �h onstruction operations shbli-IM 4 e, Speciasl Contract DocuRentax. Any,. deviat.i on ,from.. Acuh sequencing shall submitted tp the, any deviation, until p he has.-r4deivedrwritten approval fro with` Engineerh p m the 8ngineer. Such speQi€icat1on or approval .by the' .Bng: n eer': ofat]a -complete perfa►rm$nce -of Contract.Cotor ntract,tull responsfb lf.ty. C7 'contract time may -be: changed only as aet forth ip Secti®A .8 wExtens, o-a of ,Tfae of Completion" ..of tf3s Agreements.-- The and g ew.. not , constitute a.. dbin: e h contract tiia�. in t p.. g _dine shall , . . ess ache C7=7 . 4_ Ll ITATIOliS OF OPERATIONS: The working , operations ., shall at al times a conducted y the Contractor so as to an x°tf whe� mr the ju► cpnt of the Bnq#,eer, :the O ntr."- At crew to .the bli actor h a obstructed& or .closed...or .is: parrying on operation . in- a. po ttion...of :A street or, .public: May great+ r than i:a neces,sary for thy:, ¢roper executioin of,the Mork, thengineer may rre th+ setµ_'fi6p an:t roa*scs twor etot. f in f ehth s.e tfononwhichoena. fou are.t isco®menced on aiy additionale r eA . C77 T.5C)t+lACTR. OF.,, U1P1 8NTs„w Local 3ai r- .shall PIP uaserd"by the Contractor s ava, a .e. The Contractor may bring n from .huts f e the :City of � 4 t t o th ,0-0 key. meh and :n =int4ndett. II1 other, workmen, ncludi.ng:. egtisipment. exhausted. ma`if b'e imported only after empl yal supply °a4 % The Contractor shall o only such a Uperintendea.tojy foremen, and- .copNorkmen rho: a s s�rareful, metent, and fully 'qualified to perform this. hies: or. tasCs. assi'i+ n:ed ..to` them, and the 8ngineer .stay, demand and secura. the y person susmmar dsn►is-sa� Hof an or ,persons, emo;la►yed:-by ,tare Contractor in or abou.t. or on the y, . " o=�c who,., in. .the opinion of.. the Owner , shale misconduct himself or be found to be incompetent, disrespectful, intemperate, dishonest, or n C7-7 (2) otherwise objectionable or neglectful in the proper performance of his .or their duties, or who neglects or refuses =comply with or carry out the directions of the Owner, and such "person or persons shall not be employed again -thereon without written consent of the Engineer. All ' workmen shall have snff icient skill, ability,, and: exborience to properly perform the work assigned to them and operate -any , equ_ipstent necessary to properly carry out the performance of the -assigned dutieB Tie -Contractor shall furnish and -maintain' on the work all -su[ch equipment =as is considered to be. tiecessary for prosec.ut. n of progress. A11 equipment, toolan� dem china y used for the work in an acce table.manner handling mater.ia].8 and execgt�."nq any, pant t f`the. work 'JishalY.:be. sb jest to the approval of 'the y8ng f near and e'haal`1 be KK m nta:in:ed -in a satisfactory, cafe and efficient working, coaitioho ipmDen►t on., any"portion of the work s`haill be such that no a:in f ury tto the work, workmen or adjacent° pro rty' will reiult faro ' its use; ` st in r ith the f r. Elapsed working days shall be. computed w 7.6 TgORR.. SCHEDULE s . da _ - .. ._ :.g . . y ,of work comap completed as def used .in Cx,' .2:3 '�W0RETR.G DAYM or the date. Btippilated in .-the .iNVORK ORDER" ° g g , , Never comes first:. .£cr be nn n work, wh c . t6th ng'. in, th6A6 Con-tract Documen'is 'Shall be c natrued as pk6hi, it-ing :t6 Contractor from. working oa Saturday, Sunday or al Holidays, providing ttiat Tt�¢e. following rec uiremen are Legal Hold"da must be +dpeciii+� gaturday,� �na8ny or m . q. eW. g er uo hater g y e to the En ine than the .proceed#ag �'huredaay. b. Aa�y . fork to be aion on t 'project on such a sgecif is .Satnrdaay, S►u�nday o- or lg,� ; Holiday mush be y �g$neer ess`i �atinl" to the he op. nion Of the En; t.i�ael ct coup letion� of the ro The Engineer 's decision shall be final in response, to such a regn+�st. for agproval`` to work on `a spoc1.if c aturBAy 0 Sunday or Legal. Holiday,- ' and ho extra cpo eanation shall a al o c if to fig. mP m . . JI thde Contractor for an work erformed on such a. s e. wed to Saturday, Sunday or �Legal Holiday. a _. ,.- ontractor aeetres, a in c1-1.24 and the .G .calendar Days shalt be define may work as he so' C7-7 (3) f $ 500,001 to $1,000,00:0 inclusive $ 315:00 , $1,000,001 to $2,000,.000 inclusive $ m420.00 M 000,001 and over $ 630.0.0 The parties, hereto understand and agree that any barn-I to. the city caused by the Contractor's delay inv completinge the Vpxk hereunder in the time speoified . by the Cc x�tract• Docume its would be incaipable 'or .very .difficult of. ,acdukate est mI-tion, and that- the "Amount 'of Liquidated Uama.ges Per p �a�y'4� as set out above., is a reasonable forIecaast of uat com ensation due the City for harm caused by any delay-- suspenloirerat$os on such part orNSION 'BY COURT OpairteTof theractcrnamli, Y y work orderilid b any court , and will not be en .to addtti'Onal compensation by virtues of such court..order., ' Vei:the�r_*ill be. be liable to tie C�.ty ,,.in the event -the :woA is ssuspende ' by '-ai court' 'Ord ie.:ithe= wit1.1 tm.e t3tiawer be 3,ib3le.. to. the the t�wme or b Y virtue of any Court Ord, or act on t `solely res onsibie:. . Con rac . f s no to. suspend orl0operat on Nho owner shall have the right p p lly or ii� part for .such period or periods of time cams .hQ may .deem necessary due .to u ' a. itabl.e weather c.ond t ons or away othear. .un:ia PrAlbl,e condamtionB when in, the opinion 'of fhe Q3Nn,aa�mor - ngaeea :. auee further "prese cut 46A '+of the worli .to be u s,a 4.efactax detrim*me to the interest of the project� Y i 'mtem or y suspension of work covered by thin contract, for any reasons the Owner will make. no . .extra ,payment :for _stand -t mp cif. construction equip iaaei�t ,and/or ccraetrvtf oh crt�ea.. mm I.f_ it ifi6uld become. necessary ,..eto sass-pgft w"gr.k fp.r an- indefinite period, tl�e Contraic..os ��ell sbore. mrm�.l,-.nateriaals in a such manner thffit they. will, n0t.'.obstruct oat iaap�c�e .:tie_ pe$1 unnecessarily Ynor become damaged in any way;,. are+ he..shall tgi every preceut 'on pto pre�Vnt daammamgd: or .dat.+�rio catic n�u E - the viQrk performed; he: shaXJ provide ms f able drain te. :abcti t ...tote work, and erect temporary structures. where necessary, Should the Contractor not be able. to c late a . rity on.,of tithe project due to causes beyond the control of `aiad arthcat the fault or a:eg1 gene.e of. the Con�t,ract�or as set forth .in Paragraph C7 7 0- �XTSaB�xg Y� OF S T7#�S QF .0 1 PLBT101 ,; and `should it be `det41 miAe:d by rr►utua! conseptw of "the c6iiiicto,r, and the Engineer that- a .s-olu;tior to allow. construction to proceed .is not-' available w4bin a reasonable period of:t .. , then the Contrisetor _iaamy b- seia�bursed for the cost of .,moving his equipment o-ff the job and returning the necessary equipment to the job 'When 'it is determined by the Engineer C7-7 (0 that construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no Profit will be allowed. No reimbursement shall be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construction project for the City of Fort Worth. The Contractor shall wnot suspend work without written notice from the .Engineer and shall proceed .with the work operations promptly when notified by the Engineer to so resume o eritionsD. C 7-7.13 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT- IDOE TO NATIONAL EMERGENCY: ;eneverr because ;of National $mergene .iso ..deo -aced by the F'resident. of the. 6nit;ed .States or- other lawful authority, it becomes impossi4ie for the Contractor to obtain .all of the necessary labor, materials, and equipment for the prosecution of the "work with reasonable continuity for a --period of two months, he Conttrractor Shall within seven-days notify the- City in writing, giving a detailed statement of the :efforts which have been made and libting a_l.l necessary items of labor; materials , and equipment not obtainabXO' . if , after ij vestigat pps, the ,Owner" finds- that Buch conditions existing and that the inability of the Contractor_ .tc� proceed is not aktributab] e in �h:o.le or in part to the -fault or- neglect of the Contract, then if- the Owner cannot after .reisdo'kble effort assist the Contractor in procuring and making available the necessary'- labor, materials and equip-sent witbin thirty days the Contractor may, request the ewn,�r to teanstiaes�ite the contract and ,the'.Owner may comply:-with• the' request; and the "termination shall' b.e conditioned and based upom a fiAalsettlement acceptablemutual _ mm final �a :�aei7t ball be de in"'. and the ..Cozs<t�ractor and p y - tecordans 6 `4iith. the to of the agreed. settlement Mhichmshall included =but not- be limited to .. ..the p-a=y.me.nt ::for- all- fork executed tu,t ho anticipated profits on work which :has not been -performed." C7-°7a14, $MRRiSZ4bN.OR AIMPD,D OF THS.WORK AND AMULMM OF C - .TRACT: The. r►or open ::Vona en or any fort on or , section of the work under Contract o shall. `be suspended immediately on written order of the 8ngiri6or or the Contract mey .be :declared cancelled. by the City Council for any goad aacY sufficient cause. The following, by Nay of ekample, but not cancellation.:on i may b grounds for suspenssio�n or e considered round a a.- Fafiure of th-e Contractor .to commence work operastions .within, the time specified ' isa the Meirk order ia.sued by the Owner. C?-7 (7) D. AMOUNTS: Subject 'to the provisions of Item C_7-7.16(C) , the Contractor and owner may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to bye paid to the Contractor by 'reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant hereto; provided, that such agree:, asount or amounts shall never exceed the total contract price as reduced by the amount of payments dtberwise made and as further . reduced by-`the contract price of work not ter*igated .' The contrkot shall be amended accordingly, and- the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. ' No amount shall' be due for lost or antic-ipat"ed profits . Nothing in C7-7. 16(B ) hereafter, prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor by reason of the °tdr-kLpat-ion of work pursuant tothis` section; :shall be deemed to limit, WMP rests-ict, or° otherwise dete,rmi4a or affect the m . snnouat or aovnts Nhich 'ai$y be: agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor p1#4Uajnt to this paragraph. E. FAILURE TO AGRBE z In the .event of the failure of t e-.'Cont ,actid r a-`and' the .Owner to- agree as provided f n, C7-7.16 '(D*Y upon, the- Vbole amount to 'be paid to the °Contract**`-by reason of. the .termination of work pursuant: to,..t$i�g seetion m the �rrner sha►t1 determine on hire ba�s.i'e `o1 16formation "avai abila to it, the amount.t .i f�.:any, due* to: the Contractor by reason of the terminat �n and shalh pay to -the Contractor the amounts determined: -s-No" amount hall be due for lost. ore anticipated --prof its: F 0*tra to.r. und.er this `seett on tb:• contra NCNB::. In a:rriv#ng at the amount .due the .. o �' . ere shall be ,, deducted (a-) w all'�u.n-liquidate:,' awaace or other p:ay aentn. on�, aedeouht theretofore made to ..the Cont,raotor, . app4licabe to ttie terminated portion of ih i s' contract; (b) any claim which zthe Garner may have against the Contractor in connection with this contract i *ftd lia). the a `grw ed Fr ice t6r,";or the proceeds of . sale mof, any mat6rial's, 8upp►lies or, ,othex .thift' kept -by a:thd Eontratertor - or -sold, pursuant, to- :the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise- recovered by :or credited to -the Owner. G. A;DJUS. VENT : If. the termination hereunder be partla�-or td the settlement of the terminated portion of this contract, the -Contractor may file with the Engineer a request in writing for an C7-7 (12) equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in the contract relating to the continued portion of the contract (the portion not terminated by the notice of termination ) , such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices; nothing contained herein, however, shall limit the right of the Owner and the Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the continued portion of the contract when said contract does not contain° an established contract price for such continued portion. H. NO LIMITATION OF RIGHTS: Nothing contained in this section shall limit or alter the rights which the owner may have for termination of this contract under C7-7 . 14 hereof entitled . "Su'spension of Abandonment of the _work and Amendment of Contract" or any other right which owner may have .fear default or breach of -contract by Contractor. C�-7.17 .SAFETY METHODS ,AND PRACTICES: The Contractor shall be respons' ble for initIating, ma nta ring, and supervising all safety precautions and programsin connection with the work at all, times and shall assume all responsibilities for their enforcement. The Contractor shall comply with federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations so As to protect person and property from injury, -including death, or damage in connection with the work. i. a. C7-7 (13) e - .� ,m . � e e i .. ,. . ,. o � . e � '�.n a .. �:.. .v '. o m PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS CS-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SL'CTi+ON C8-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Cab.-8« 1 MEASUREMENT, OF . UANTITIES. The determination of q ant: mt e>ra .o ,work -per osmed by the Contractor and authoiized by the Contract Documents acceptably completed under the term o the Contract Documents shall be made -by the Engineer, based o measurements made by the Engineer. These measurements will be made according to the United -States Standard Measurements used in commcrn practice, and will. he -the actual length, area, solid contezlts., numbers, and weights of the 'materials and items installed.,. CS:-8.2 . UNIT PRICLS: When in the Proposal a "Unit Price" is sat . ort ; the said "unit. Price" shill include the furnisbi®g Y Appliancestor of ll 'finery, eq�u�ipme>ain . necessary for the c ns�truction of and the completion in a manner acceptable to t e -'En fneer, of all work to be done under these Contract I�cumentei,� �otectian of�iaverhead�lsurfacee and uenrmanent and temporary Toe .... Uni P P p derground struc patent P ceanu , f iiif.> hed, overhead: ea ense bond insurance Mlalys d royalties, risk due to the elements and other ceases; , profits , in juries, damages claims, taxes., and all. other ,it�ms:,pant.-s p. if irally meatToned : at" may. De required tc 00, - y y coradit on. for operation. in glace rind in a ;satissfactor worDc complete.f 11 construct each, item `of- the �` 9D : :' When yin' the Proposal a "Lump Sum" is aft 3, .LD�P e s.; Lump: Sum shall represent the total cost for tle Contractor to ,, ftarni��sh al-1 labor, "too3s,° materia . Wit, ngsry, Aegn i tsent, s purtenances i e ,nd alu�: subs f dart' work coa ].etion` of gall t�- k n cassary fQr the construction. and tailedt� ti - omplete and fnnctir�nal items as -de ew Spec al, ontradt: Documents and/or Plans " MW 1 ' - v The-Contractor shah, receiv r nd CAI � � -�3C.OPE :4�F PAY �T s� acceptw the compesasat n9 as- -, p d d,- 'in fill Payment for .fur.--nishing,,,ell .labor, -tools; materials, ai d inci&ft�ik i 9. 4 all -work coat fated and embraced under � gae fo rformin g Cc�t�rmact Documents, �for all loss and daaia a mrcising out.of t na Eiire of the okk,,or from the. action of the elements, for °any uni�grespeen defects or obstructions which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution of the work at any t 16e C8_8 t 13 before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in paragraph C5-5.14) for all risks of whatever description connected with the prosecution of the wgrk, for all expense incurred by or in consequence of suspension or ''disc®nti`nuance of such prosecution of the working operations as herein specified , o-r any and all 4pnfrinde',eats o.f pa.t.eota , trademarks, . copyrights or other legal reservations, and for coinpleteing.the work in an. acceptable man®er :according to the terms of.-the Contract Documedts. of the .w The payment . of. ..,any current or partial estimate prior to final acceptance work ,.by the Or�tner shall °in no way canstf t:ute an ackno rledgment of the acca�ptance of `-the �►e�t # mateacialsa or equipment; nor in any way prejudice or affect ttie obiigatioris of .the Contractor to repair, correct, renew, or, replace at his own and proper expense any de r fects o mp fecti--bi Lh the construction or in. the strength .or `geality 'of the%materi:el used or m e;qu�ipmnen�t . or machinery- furnished 'in or a� our the construction of .tine work under ,c®ntract and its m`4Lppurteninces or any damage due. or at:tribut.ed to -Such -d:efecte, Whic-h defects, imperfection,. or daunage shall have been discovexecY on or before the final inspection and acceptance of work or dune Oi�r.�uer shall year guaranty period. after final acceptance. 9 . ll be the sole .judge of auohW' df;seta , a a be liable iae► erfections, or damage,, and .the Contractor shall. to.. the Owxner. LLfor failure to . correct ' the na e` as; prmviaid herrein` .. 5thdey of teach �aontb the Contra°cto�r g between tutu 1st and 5 PART Ab RS`f1M TZ TA1VA ®ball s bmit to tree -Engineer a statement shoeing an estimate '-off theµ valuem°'of the work done during the previous month, or estimate period under , the Contract . Documents, Not later'mtba � tl .e 1;0h : ay.,of tine m6fiih .the. R ngianeer: sbaII verify . sueh Teti- its ss$)d i it fe found :too Rbe acceptable and the- valute of w6rk pe.AiDtied" sinnce the.`last part , al paymeant. wa►fs.made:.ecds oar huadrd dollars uch. the Q.Gontracto�if the �totai contstitedsum� +�il7l' one paid to raot :a�oobt isos.a tba» Con 0�080, or .95e of such estimated sun �n►i3.1 be. paid to' thy: $4. tractor if the total contract amount is w$4400, 00 or.greater. within twenty�-f ive ,(25) days. after the IOXeeti a e perriod Tine City mwi11 have the option of prepariig meti�stes on f�rysns fu, ni'sbed by, the City.: The partial .eatanate #isielude acceptable nongeacsbable. mxterals delivered: to the i►oriC *hi cb 'aXp to be 'incorporated i.Ato the- 4ork. ii*" a per aanent pert thereof,,.`but ;which at the the time of the estl*ate haee' not been installed. (sudh payment wihl--be allowed, on a basis .of 8SV of the net invoice value thereof.I The ;Contr`aetor- shall MR furnish the Engineer such information as he may request to aid C8-8 (2) %low, him as a guide in the verification or the preparation of partial estimates. it -is understood that the partial estimate from month to month will. be anePLC ximate only, and all partial, monthly estimates and . payment will be subject to correction in the estimate rendered following the discovery of an .er=or in any previous estima.te,and such estimate shall not, in any respect, be taken as an admission of the Owner of the anount of woad done or' of its quality of snf ficiency,. o.r as .an acceptance of the work 7WO done or the release .of the Contractor o-f any of his responsibilities under the Contract Dbcuments. Th 'thly estimPate if the. contractorifails�tohp payment of any e City re orlon erform the work strictly in accordance .,'With the apec*ficatiQnh far provisions . ,. �f this contract. CO,-8. S WITHHOLDING PAYMENT: , ce if nt o er�o�ypestis ate or Payment erst mates npay be held n a eyan P ' of the caanstruction operations r is not; in Accoru.dace with the e equfrnents of the Contract .Documents. t C;8-8.7 . FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Whenever the improvements. provided or ,y the Contract._.Documents shall have been. completed-. and a1.1, requirements Of. the Contract Docu mats shall have been fi*ifilled on the part of .the Contractor ar :the Cdntractor shell notify the Engineer in. writings that "+the i6eprovements are ready for, the. final inspection. The Eng.1i�o'er r�hal,l s*tjfy the Appropriate of g,icials off, the g Owner:, �rlll ii�thin a irea>aanable " tiaae mak.c sue.h f .nal ,inspeeatcn . aed. .i f the " sror.k is �,a � y, cceptabl.e ca�ndit on, w H!i. hae. be n s�a,ti�f.actor in -,nib ' a co-anpleted in 46ecoacdance with th.e teirms ° of .,;the Contract Documents and .all approved, if icatiiaah thereof� -the°Engineer Will initiate the q processing of tho Elam. ,e_s.timate :a:nA racoamend final a .cptance of the .pro: eot: ►ard fivai the" for as outlined .in Ct�B, beJ,or, .p t C$- 8.8 Flu" . PAYMENT s , `Whenever all the imprcnreimeints grovided or. y the Contras pocumests ,.and all approved",modif icatians Hereof shall have been completed aed all ac:. it is of the Conti&ct Documents haws been. falf Iled -ou -the par `4f' 'the Contractor, a.. f inai estimate shoviiiii., the oi�aoik will be prepared by the .Engineer as soon as the necessary measurements, .computat,ions, - and checks nicer,. *&46. es insubject to neeeesar s corrections or..irevisionsB been he 'f are u. ®a which a eut ha 3 y.. _ . in the 'f canal peYaent. CS-8 (3) i Awl The amount of the final. estimate, less previous payments and any sum that have been deducted -or retained under the provisions of the Contract Documents, will be paid to the Contractor within 60 days after final acceptance by the Owner on a groper resolution of the City Council, provided. the Contractor has -furnish to the - er satisfactory evidence of payment as follows: Prior to submission of the final estimate 'for payment, the C®ntractor shall ex4c* ute an affidavit, as furnished by -the City, certifying that all persons, °f irai i associations, corporations, or other or4anisations furnishing labor and/or .materials have been paid in fill., that the' wage scale establi-shed by the City Council in tfie City. of soft Forth has been paid, and thatthere are no claiiss pending tor ersonal its ury and/or property damn es. „ The )t final paypeut as aforesaid shall the last or., , final - � � elease the �3�aer• f�roin all olaimst or . liabilities under the Contract for anything done or fern' ished or gelatin to the work under Contract Documents or any act or neglect of said city relating to or connected- with the Contract. The the Contractor hef inal a nt b the Owner shall p yme y not ielieva any guarantees or other reguireiaents-'of-. the Contract. -Documents which specifically continue thereafter. C9,,4.9 .1 N UA Y pflFDESIGN.;ompetent s m unileret od that the e. :avers. . t has Engineers and des gnets to pre.pare the 'Contract Documents "and all mod f ic'ations' of the apprd ed-contract Documents. It As, therefore, a reed. -that the owner shall be responsible for the adequtcy of its own aon design' features; sufficiency of the Contract Docukinti, -the e:affe � of the stru►ctu�re, and t t. he, pract"liability of the gp j the Cont�tector eratic)ns .bf „ this c feted ro act, provided has coaplied with the re' uirements of the said Contract Documents4,nd alterationsptth thereto approved in writing b tieproved modifications thereof,, 4knd- er-additions - e bor.dem of proof of .such compliance shall be upon the. Covtr;kctor:=: o sho:i that be has comp 'ied with the said r it to. of-the Contract ' ", a0p rd'ved m odifi6it finis thereof, and all. .-approved additions and alterations thereto Cg-8.:10 GENBRATA.. GUARANTY& Neither the. final certificate of Naymren not any provision in the Contract Docummeots nor partial or entire occupancy or- use of the ptewises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work 'not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve' the Contractor of liability in respect to any eapress warranties or Xesponsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor, shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and C8-8 (4) pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified andshall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guaranty as above outline. The Owner gill mgive notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. C8-8 . 11 .SUBSIDIARY WORX: Any and all worry specifically g umentary requirements for the proept, such as conditions imposed by the Plans, the General Contract Documents or these Special Contract Documents, in which no s,peci£ic item for bid has been provided for in the pr � -mall shall be considered as a subsidiary item of work, the cost cf each bid item. Surface re toration,�irro.ck excavation which shall be includedp the Proposal, form and cleanup are general items of work which fall °in the category of subsidiary work. C,8-8. 1.2 MISCELLANEOUS 'PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: Haterial rosy be allocated under various bid, teas n the Proposal to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be used only when directed by the En inee'r, depending on- f ield conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of materiel will be made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearesst�eornne=tenth unit. 00 Payment for misplacementan6ous placeent of al shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents r, 'a&dlehe of the actual amount used for 'the project. C B®8.13 RECORD DOCUMENTS: Contractor shall keep on record e s copy of all specifications, plans, addenda, modifications., shop drawings and samaple,s at the site,, in good order . and annotated to show all changes made during the cons.tructfen process. These shall be delivered to Engineer upop-domplation of the work. N ti y{ C8-8 (5) m .. �, . - - m ,a� �. �� .,� a , , I � CA 40 f u SECTION Cl: SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO PART C-GENERAL CONDITIONS l General These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Contract and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. Provisions which are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and affect. . C8-8.5 PARTIAL ESTIMATES AND RETAINAGE: Page C8-8 (2), should be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Partial pay estimates shall be submitted by the Contractor or prepared by the City on the 5th day and-20th day of each month that the work is in progress. The estimate shall be proceeded by the City on the l Oth day and 25th day respectively. Estimates will be paid within 25 days following the end of the estimate period,less the appropriate retainage as set out below. Partial pay estimates may include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work place which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof,but which at the time of the pay estimate have not been so installed. If such materials are included within a pay estimate,payment shall be based upon 85%of the net voice value thereof. The Contractor will furnish the Engineer such information as may be reasonably requested to aid in the verification or the preparation of the pay estimate. For contracts of less than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten per cent (10%). For contracts of$400,000 or more at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent(51/6). Contractor shall pay subcontractors in accord with the subcontract agreement within five (5)business days after receipt by Contractor of the payment by City. Contractor's failure to make the required payments to subcontractors will authorize the City to withhold future payments from the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is accomplished. It is understood that the partial pay estimates will be approximate only, and all partial pay estimates and payment of same will be subject to correction in the estimate rendered following the discovery of the mistake in any previous estimate. Partial payment by Owner for the amount of work done or of its quality or sufficiency or acceptance of the work done; shall not release the Contractor of any of its responsibilities under the Contract Documents. The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the Contractor fails to perform the work in strict accordance with the specifications or other provisions of this contract. 1 Part C - General Conditions: Paragraph C3-3.11 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with D-3 of Part D- Special Conditions. D. C3-3.11 INSURANCE: Page C3-3 (6): Delete subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING" E. C6-6.12 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBLITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Page C6-6 (8),is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City's engineer and architect, and their Revised Pg. 1 10/24/02 personnel at the project site for Contractor's sole negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor,its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not anv such injury, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants, or employees Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers, servants and employees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not anv such iniury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants or employees In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or(b)provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. F. INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES: Part C-General Conditions, Section C44 SCOPE OF WORK,Page C 4-4 (1),revise paragraph C44.3 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES to read as follows: The Owner reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary,and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered,increased or decreased at the unit prices as established in the contract documents. No allowance will be made for any changes in lost or anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. Variations in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes in depth categories shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities of sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size but not low to the various depth categories. G. C3-3.11 INSURANCE: Page C3-3 (7): Add subparagraph"h.ADDITIONAL IMP INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS" a. The City, its officers, employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor's workers'compensation insurance policy. Revised Pg. 2 10/24/02 u b. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 1000 WWI Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102, prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. c. Any failure on part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. d. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation, non-renewal, and/or material change in policy terms or coverage. A ten days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. e. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a current A.M.Best rating of : VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. f. Deductible limits, or self-funded retention limits, on each policy must not exceed $10,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. g. Other than worker's compensation insurance, in lieu of traditional insurance, City may a consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups. The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage. h. Workers' compensation insurancepolicy(s) covering employeesto on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. i. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for contractor's insurance. . Contractor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by Cityshall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. In the course of the project,Contractor shall report,in a timely manner,to Ci 's officially designated contract administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss. 1. Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. m. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. C8-8.4 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: Delete C - . , Scope of Payment at page C8-8(1) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation as herein provided, in full evised Pg. 0/24/02 payment for ftunishing all labor, tools,materials, and incidentals for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these Contract Documents, for all loss and damage arising out of the nature of the work. or from the action of the elements, for any unforeseen defects or obstructions which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution of the work at any time before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in paragraph C5-5.14) for all risks of whatever description connected with the prosecution of the work, for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of such prosecution of the working operations as herein specified, or any and all infringements of patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other legal reservations, and for completing the work in an acceptable manner according to the terms of the Contract Documents. low The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to the final acceptance of the work by the Owner shall in no way constitute an acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work, materials, or equipment, nor in any way prejudice or affect the obligations of the Contractor to repair, correct,renew, or replace at his own and proper expense any defects or imperfections in the construction or in the strength or quality of the material used or equipment or machinery furnished in or about the construction of the work under contract and its appurtenances, or any damage due or attributed to such defects, which defects, imperfections, or damage shall have been discovered on or before the final inspection and acceptance of the work or during the two (2) year guaranty period after the final MW acceptance. The Owner shall be the sole judge of such defects, imperfections, or damage, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to correct the same as provided herein. I. C8-8.10 GENERAL GUARANTY: Delete C8-8.10,General Guaranty at page C8-8(4)is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the Contract Documents,nor partial or entire occupancy or use of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and pay for any damage to other work or property resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of two(2)years from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guaranty as above outlined. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. Any reference to any shorter period of time of warranty contained elsewhere within the specifications shall be resolved in favor of this specifications, it being the tity"s intent that the Contractor guarantee its work for a period of two (2) years following the date of acceptance of the project. In the Special Instructions to Bidders, TPW contracts place the following in lieu of the existing paragraph 2. Revised P . 4 10/24/02 ow I Part C - General Conditions, Section C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL, Page C2-2 (4) exchange paragraphs C2-2.7,C2-2.8 and C2-2.9 with the following: C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security,to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location'and stated time set forth in the"Notice to Bidders." It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL," and the name or description of the project ON as designated in the"Notice to Bidders." The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager,City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division,P.O. Box 17027,Fort Worth,Texas 76102. C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening proposals. A request for non-consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non-consideration are opened and publicly read aloud,the proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner,be returned unopened. C2-2.9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight(48)hours after the proposal opening time,no further consideration will be given to the proposal C3-3.7 BONDS (CITY LET PROJECTS):Reference Part C, General Conditions,dated November 1, 1987; (City let projects)make the following revisions: 1. Page C3-3(3);the paragraph after paragraph C3-3.7d Other Bonds should be revised to read: In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, the surety must(1) hold a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or(2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of$100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City, in its sole discretion,will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 2. Pg.C3-3(5)Paragraph C3-3.11 INSURANCE delete subparagraph"a. Revised Pg. 5 10/24/02 1 COMPENSATION INSURANCE". 3. Pg. C3-3(6), Paragraph C3- .11 INSURANCE delete subparagraph " . LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING". My L. RIGHT TO AUDIT: Part C - General Conditions, Section C8-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT, Page C8-8 (5), add the following: C8-8.14 RIGHT TO AUDIT: (a) Contractor agrees that the City shall,until the expiration of three(3) years after final payment under this contract,have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books,documents,papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall,until the expiration of three(3) years after final payment under the subcontract,have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents,papers and records of such subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further,that City shall to have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space,in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article. City shall give subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse the Contractor for the cost of copies as follows: a 1. 50 copies and under- 10 cents per page 2, More than 50 copies- 85 cents for the first page plus fifteen cents for each page thereafter M. SITE PREPARATION: The Contractor shall clear rights-of-way or easements of obstruction which must be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the work as a part of this project construction operations. The contractor's attention is directed to paragraph C6-6.10 work within easements,page C6-6(4),part C - General Conditions of the Water Department General Contract Document and General Specifications. Clearing and restoration shall be considered as incidental to construction and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the Linear Foot price of the pipe. Revised Pg. 6 10/24/02 i Reference P - General Conditions, Section C6-6.8 BARRICADES,WARNINGS AND WATCHMEN: 1. Wherever the word Watchmen appears in this paragraph,it shall be changed to the word flagmen. . In the first paragraph,lines five(5) and six (6), change the phrase take all such other precautionary measures to take all reasonable necessary measures. 0. MINORITY/WOMEN MINORITY/WOMEN BUSINESS T SE COMPLIANCE: Reference Part C(General Conditions), Section C3-3.2 Entitled "MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE/WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE" shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Upon request,Contractor agrees to provide to Owner complete and accurate information Jim regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise(MBE) and/or a Woman Business Enterprise(WBE) on the contract and payment therefore. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books,records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts(other than a negligent misrepresentation)and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal, state or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements; further, any such misrepresentation(other than negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from ici ati in City work fora period o time of not less than thee( )years. t , I WAGE TES: Section C3-3.13 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the follow` (a)The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with IWO Chapter ,Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b)The contractor shall,for a period of three(3)years following the date of acceptance o the work,maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and(ii)the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of Section -1, L. Right to Audit(Rev. 9/30/02) pertain to this inspection. (c)The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs(a)and (b)above. Revised Pg. 7 10/24/02 jowl 0", (d)With each partial payment estimate or payroll period,whichever is less, an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas MW Government Code. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of OR the project at all times. low MR "0 MR IM, MR Revised Pg. 8 10/24/02 I AW SMIALCONDITIONS(WATER, DEPT.)-GREEN- P I (T PW DEP:)- 4 00 i i i PART DSPECIAL CONDITIONS . µ D�1 GENE M-............. .............. ................................_.... .. ................... ..._®............................. D CQNTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW.... ........... ....4 D COORDINATION WITH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT..............-......................7 D4 5 CROSSING OF EXISTING UTILITIES...............................................................................7 D4 6 EXISTINO UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS..................................................................7 Der"7 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OVER;PIPELINES.. ...........................................................a D�8 TRAFFIC CONTROL............................................................................................................. 1 DETOURS..................... .................. .... . . ° ............................ ° ..... ..._.......... ........9 0 EXAMINATION OF SITE.................. .............................. ° .... ..... .........................9 11, ZONING.COMPLIANCE . D WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION...................I........ ....... . ...... ............-...................9' 13 WASTE-MATERIAL................................................................. . ' .x� ....®�. ....... , .9 ... 14 . PROJECT CLEANUP AND FINAL ACCEPTANQ"E . ..... 15 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AN3-SUENCINU C3F1{ R�....._., ....... ... ......1110 1�6 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES ..... ......10 BID(; UANTITIES... - 18' CUTTING OF COM�,CRETE . .11' [ - 19 PROJECT DESI!PNATION SIGN ..... .._..... .. ..11 2U CONCR SIDE ALK ANI MRI AY REPLACEM MIT .........,.. .-. ...................11 all21 MMSCELLAfEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL.............. ......... ...............,..............1 2 CRUSHED LIMESTONE MACK.FILL............................ 12 23 227 CONCRETE.. .12 SWA 24 TRENCH EXCAVATION. BACKFILL.AND COMPACTION ..... - --- ...:. ...........12 - 25 TRENCH PAVE ENT PERMANENT PAIR FOR UTILITY 5............14 2fi SITE SPI CIFI TRENCH SAFETY S"Y TEIVI 1 FPS ALL Pf 1J .' r.......... ...14° 27 SANITARY SEWER MANHQLES........ ................... ..,....._ ........ ...... . . ..........—.1! - 25 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES ,... .., 1$ 29 REM VALSALVAGE, AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING FACI S .19 aETECTAMLE WAFNMNG TAPES_....:.. ....,,. ....... . _.._... . ...... ..... ........,.... ...21 PIPE CLEANING'1 ..... ........ ..... . .. .:.. ....... ...._.__ _, . ....... ...... t ....... 32 SP—Q§jA—L OF SPOfUFILL MATERIAL 33 MECHANICS AND MATERIAL EN'S;LIEN. - . .22 g34 SUB TITU;TION$ .. ........ ..... ..,,_. ... .... ..... ........ ...... .. .. ... PRE-C(3NST it1CTION TELEV{SIGN INSPE(I N OF SANITARY ..... .22 :a 8 VACUUM TESTING OF SANIARY SEWER.MANkOLES ,2 w 37 SYPASS EMPMNQ ..._.......... z ....... ... ..................... ...... ..... 38 POST-CONSTRUGTIO TELEVI N I PECKIUN OF AI ITAR ER..........27 �-39► SAMPLES AND QUALff"Y M ,ROL TESTING..: 2I4 D-40 TEMPORARY ER SIGN SEDIMENT AND WATER LLUTION'G OL FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS TH'N L CRE) ..,..0 29 NGES D41 I ERE DRIVES ........... ............G 30 . iD-4 PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL D-43 SITE RE51QRAfiION 31 D-44 CITY OF FORT 1IflRTI1�STA1L3ARC)PRODUCT LIST..............._..........-.�.....:..........31 TOPSOIL SO—PPING SEEDING&H DR0MULCI-iING.. .. ... 31 D-" .... ..... . .4 JC CGM D-.47 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION/FINAL INSPECTION............................36 EXCAVAT'IOtj NEAR TREES OMRE IDENTIFIED ON THE PI..ANS. ....... ..............36 w CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OF SERVER PIPE 37 ..........37 0 D-51 EXPLORATORY VATION D-I°tOLE).................... .....31 D= 52 INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES._........®.................................................:.......38 '52A PobMny! Chlorides PVC)Wtt Pig ............................................... .............®..... .....38 1 SC-1 pq Y - PART D - SPECtAL CONDITIONS 52.2 ...®.. ..........:.... m . ...........®......®®...... ............. . ... ............... 38 591 T Of sl P ...................... .....................®. .....°.®............................................ 3� 52.4 T® Iris. ®....... ... ......................° ........®.... .................................................� .........39 52.5eaton of Exisb 'Mains.............................®......®.®..........®........®m®.._.............®®........39 5�,6 Valrr Ctat-ins. .................................®. ...........................................................®,,.,,,.39 - ..... 52, W ►t r �. ...................... ....................u........®......®.......................................®... 9 -inch Temporary : . .....®®..... 4152.8 2 ...,..®._®...... .... ®..................... 52.9Pir to and t. . of Water Ltres .... .... ..,.. ..®..................®,:.®...,...... .®..®.®...42 5 .10 Worts 14e6r E"r r r rl s......r......:...........®..... ,....................r..e.......,®.....4 52.11 'Water rWl SW on ion..........................................................,..................n.....................43 52.12 Ducble Iran and Grp Fiat ........._.........® ......... ........ ..............,®.... ............... SPRINKLING FOR®UST CONTROL p- DEWATERING................... ........ .... ....... ........, ........,.................................. ..44� 5 - FRENCH—EXCAVATION IRENCH-EXCAVATION ON DEEP.TRENQHES............ ...........................................44 UL Q -TREE PRUN! R ,�. . . , .,,,.,,...........................,......,, „ .,, ......,,...... JREE.F ICI OVAL,f......,...:....... ...r........ ................ .., ...,, .,, ......,.....4p MR pj58 TEST MQLES ....,. ................................... . , , ... ...,,.,_,45 .,.,,.. , .... .. ,.. , . ., .,t,,, .._, ...,. PJQT FI ATI PR H TQ BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, D "QTIFICATIPN QF.IWROR T R AM 81INTERRU . .N. UR1NG K; TfR QT1QM......................... . . . ®.... .. ....... ....... ......w.............® ......... ..........45 q-60 T tA,�..FPIQ BUTTON :r........... .... ................. .......... „ ., .. "a U ., 1 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE C QUTS....... . ......... . ....... .. ...........................AA D-52. TEiUIPQRAR PAUf=1V11 REPAIR-.— .. .......................... ,,,.r...... ... ......47 D- 33 CON TRUG1410 TA1" , 2 , .. [ -6.4. A: FMENT$ �itQTP RMITS, ,._................ ............. ,,,,,,,, ..... , 47 D-55 PR1iTftl1 N QHBCTF�t4o IAE C8 pho WAGE M ESE .........., ,... .. ; .�.»M .. .....,, ,... ::!67 REM AND.Qf P GAP'& E TM PIPE.... .., . .. ........ ...�3' PQ0AMONPR C►N FQ1 Vik QAR W-- _REATER TFIAN # AQRE1,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,_...,....... ,,.,,... ..,,... ..... ..,, ..., ..,,,.... 4 1 -69 ° C Q INATIC�N IN1TH E CITY'S R PRE ENTAT FQ QPE QNS OF EXISTING WATix R SYSTENtS ...., ,, .,,,r, ....,. .. . ,.... ,,,.. ., .....,..5 U=7.0^ A ITIQNA 'fit! 1`IT PtJ Q7+IT RA AW ,,,;I. D=?1 EARLY F .51 I3:72 AIR )Nam ,. . .. ,. 2 fi.., .. ... ,.. f 73 FE FOR STREET^USLj!jE s`S AN[YR -II EF'ECTIQN , ,..,. .,,, , ., .,5 . - .. fQd270C? SC-2 f PART ©- SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' This Part D — Special Conditions is complimentary to Part C—General Conditions and Part C1 — SpPlernentary Conditions to Part C of the Contract. Anything contained in this Part D that is additive to any provision in Park C—General Conditions and part C1 --Supplementary Conditions to!Part C of the Contract are to be read together. Any conflict between Part C — General Conditions and Part C1 —Supplementary Conditions of the Contract and this Part D, Part D shall control. FOR: 2004 CAPITAL_IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0.00160 Mesquite Road(Chesser Boyer Road to Kimbo'Road) Wesley Street(Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive) Williams Place{Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street) FORT WORTH,TEXAS DOE PROJECT NO.4873 WATER DEPARTMENT PROJECTS UNIT I:Water Improvements,Water No. P253 541240 6041700160 83 1 UNIT II: Sanitary Sewer Improvements, Sewer No. P258 541200 7041700 160 83 D 1 GENERAL. Te order or precedence in case of conflicts or discrepancies between various parts of the. Contract Documents subject to the ruling of the Engineer shall generally, but not necessarily, follow the guidelines listed below: 1. Plans 2. Contract Documents 3. Special Conditions The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to this project under the provisions stated aove, The Contractor shall be responsible for defects in this project due to faulty materials and workmanship, or both, for a period of two (2) years from date of final acceptance of this project by tlI a City of Fort Worth and will be required to replace at his expense any part or all of this project v"hich becomes defective due to these causes. r Object to modifications as herein contained, the Fort WorthWater Department's General ontract Documents and General Specifications, with latest revisions, are made a part of the eneral Contract Documents for this project. The Plans, these Special Contract Documents and t e rules, regulations, requirements, instructions, drawings or details referred to by manufacturers ame, or Identification include therein as specifying, referring or implying product control, performance, quality, or other shall be binding upon the contractor. The specifications and swings shall be considered cooperative; therefore, work or material called for by one and not shown or mentioned in the other shall be adcotnplished or furnished in a faithful manner as t ough required by all. .p. ny Contractor performing any work on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer facilities must be pre- ualified with.the Water Department to perform such work in accordance with procedures escribed in the current Fort Worth Water Department General Specifications, which general specifications shall govern performance of all such work. s shis contract and project, where applicable, may also be governed by the two following published pecifications, except as modified by these Special Provisions: 1. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - CITY OF FORT WORTH 7 SC- PART D - SPECK.. CONDITIONS r_ 2. STANDARD; SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION - NORTH CENTRALTEXAS Any conflict between these contract documents and the above 2 publications shall be resolved in favor of these contract documents. A copy of either of these specifications may be purchased at the office of the Transportation and Public Works Director, 1000 Throckmorton Street, 2nd Floor, Municipal Building, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The specifications applicable to each pay item are indicated by the call-out for the pay item by the designer. If not shown, then applicable published specifications in either of these documents may be followed at the discretion of the Contractor. General Provisions shall be those of the Fort Worth document rather than Division 1 of the forth Central Texas document. Bidders shall not separate, detach or remove any .portion, segment or sheets from the contract document at any time. Failure to bid or fully execute contract without retaining contract documents Intact may be'grounds for designating bids as "non-responsive" and rejecting bids or voiding contract as appropriate as determined by the City Engineer. .INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL.: A. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security, to the Purchasing Manager or his representativeat the official location and stated time set forth in the "Notice to Bidders". It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered'. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL", and the name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Bidders". The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager, City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division, PO Box 17027, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. B. WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing Manager _not be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening proposals. A request for non-consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set, for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non- consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposals for which non-consideration AM requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C. TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Purchasing Manager, prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is notrecelved within forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal. D-2 COORDINATION MEETING For coordination purposes, weekly meetings at the job site may be required to maintain the project on the desired schedule. The contractor shall be present at all meetings. 10127104 SC-4 r r - . PART.D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Certification of coverage("cert fic at4e) A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of -authority t6 self-insure issued`t y the commission, or a coverage-agreement (TWC6=81, TWCC-82 TWCC-83, or TWCC-84) showing-statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the,person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the, duration of the project. G . 2. Duration of the project- includes the time frorn-the beginning of the weak on the project until the contractor's/persons work on the project has been completed and accepted' by the governmental entity. - . Persons �providiriq`s'ervices on the project "subcontractor' in O96 includes all. persons or entities performing all or part of the services the,contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, .regardless of.whether that person contracted directly with the .. contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without Ilmitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, `owner, operators,. employees. of.any such:erit+ty, or employees of any-entity-Which furnishes persons to provide services"on the project " e- Mces".include,without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering,equip'mpnt or materials' or providing labor, transportation, or other serv%cces related to a project, 'Services" does not include.activities unrelated to . the project, such as food/beveragp vendors., ;office supply deriveries, -and delivery of portable toilets. The Contractor shall'provide coverage`, based on proper reporting of.dassifrcation codes and payroll amounts and filing . of any, coverage. agreements, which; meets the., statutory . rouire rents of Texas.labor 0666,.Section 401.011(44).or all.employees of the Coritcactor for the duration of:the projector providing services on the.project The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage t4 the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. . if the coverage'period shown on the contractor's current cerff"te of coverage.ends 'luring the duration of the project; the contractor must, prior to the end of the.c overage period, file a now.. certificate of coverage with the.gQvernmer"j.entity showing that coverage.had been extended. b The'Contractor shall obtain from'each person providing services on a project, aril provide the p governmental entity; . 1_. A �certificate'of coverage, prior to that p' sts,on'begintfing work ion the pro: , 'so the governmental entity will have on file ceMcates of coverage shevirir .cov ca a for all rsons evict' services on the e ect,and. Pe pr n9 pro j.., No later-thanLL seven days after receipt:by th 'contractor,,a new certificate'o t verage show'"" extension�of coverage, if the rlerage Period eshawn on the'Wirrentjceitificate.of, coverage.ends during the duration of the;piect. The contractor shall rhtairi-all required: . rotes covers a #or the duration of the'project- of g and for one year thereafter. The contractor.shah notify 'the governmental entity in writing by certified 'nail or.personal delivery'Within ten(1©}days after the contractor:lcnew or should have known„ of any change 'that materiailty affects the provision-of "rage.of any person providing services on the r project. s r SC=5 J PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS hi. The contractor shall past on each .project site.a notice, in the, text; fond and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation .Comrnission,inforrnirig all persons providing XW services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack.of coverage. 1. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whpm it contracts to provide services on a projecti,to: 1. Provide coverage, based on proper reporting-on classification codes and pa amounts and.fling of any coverage agreements, which meets,the statutory requirements.of.Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all :o#..its n play ' ink services on the' - `project,for the duration of the project,, 2. Provide.to the Contractor, prior to that person lnrting pn the proj a certificate of c©verage"showing.that cave k P�.' .y.. . rage is be_ vici�.for all."e � o-ees of the"-persop. .x providing services on the project,for the duration of the pt c# .3 Provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period; a ,new° rkatte of coverage showing extension of coverage, rage. e`"° . . 'coverage g n9 p ! � the current wing . ge, rf�the coyote .. shown p certificate of covers a ends dun the duration of the" °rdk 4. Obtain from each other person with whoro it contracts,and provide to the a ) A certifiicatc of coverage,prior to the other persdn.beginnin' 'work on the pry .. =and b.) A new certificate of coverage showing extension of"coVerage, pricer to the end of the coverage-period, if the coverage.,period shown an.the Glirrerit c ;rtificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project." 5. Detain all required certificates of coverage on file for the d, ..tion of the pr*ctl and for., one year therefterq .6: Notify the gcivemmental entity in wditing by curt fed ;mad or nil delivery, I6.1en: (10) days after the person knewor should have known of any change that mate.ially affects the provision of coverage of any person Rrovk. ng s_e. ivi-. onh pro and7. Contractually require each person with whom it contr , to peiforni es required by paragraphs(1)-(7),with the certificate of coverage to.be proylded to the for unshom. they are aroviding services. 8. By signing this contract or providing or causing tici be 'ro, d a certificate of*`mrage, the contractor is representing to the 9overnm(qM.enttty that a!1 ern ft of the contractor 'oft will 'provide services ,ran the W proj wiA ,be covered w+�iker's compensatiodc coverage.for the duration bf the project,that xiverag, 1 by spa on r reporting of classification codes rind a . - proper p yrolC ari ants, grid tha4"a`3't coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance conies or, in the.cafe of a If- lnsirred,with the coii►ioi ` n`s.C)ivision of Self-insurance R ila n. Pro'', ing false or misleading information ,may subject the contractor :to administrative, criminal, penalties or other civil actions. 9. The contractors failure to comply with any cif these provisions is a chi of co tiact.by the contractor which entities the governmental entity to declare the.contract void Jf the r S N F DART D SPEC,IAL CONDITIONS Apof' contractor does not remedy the'breach within ten days after receipt of'notice of breach from the governmental entity. J.( The contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they,are required to be covered, and stating :how a person May verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does'riot satisfy other posting requirements imposed by 1166 Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30.paint bold type and, rn at least 19 point normal type, and shalt be in'both English and Spanish and any other'langriage carr�mon to the worker population. The text for the no tes shall be the following text,without any additional wordsorchar►gese 'REQUIRED WORKEITS COMPEN ATION COVERAGE The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this " construction project must be covered,by workers compensation insurance.. is includes persons providing; haulinng; or delnrer*ing equipment or materials, or providing labor or transp6itati6n" br ether .servlce relate d' to� the project, `F .` dlc�ss bf the Identi y of their empboyer'or status as'an employee.": Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at(512)W-3789 to receive information on. legal requirement for coverage, to`verify whether your employer.has.provided the raga°rred coverage, or to report anemployers failure to provrdr covcre"ge". . 4. COORDIN ATION WITH FORT WORTH WAfilt DEPARTMEtyfi: LL w uring the construction of this. project, it will be 0eeessary to deactivate; for.a " of time, xisting Ones, The Contractor:shall. be required to, coordinate. with ft.Water Department to 16termine thei best times for deactivao. .trrrg and actrvatirg these 5 6R09SING-4F EXISTiNG:UTIUTiES ; . ,Wh .e ere a proposed.water dine cro . s over a sanitary sewer or sanitary sewer service-Brie and/or Proposed sewer One crosses over a water line and the clear=verticatdistanceis„less than 9 feet barrel to barrel, :the sanitary sewer or sanitary`sewer service Brie shall.be.made watertight or be constructed of.°cluctfle .iron pipe, Ttie Engineer. shall deterrmine :the- requ` length >f reptac�errien# :The material farsartitary.sewer mains and sanitary sevirer laterals shalt be.Ctess 51 bubble 4ron Pfpe`with polyethylen; apprnggy 'The.material for.sanftanr sewrear;serixice trries shalt f be-extra, strength cast iron soil:pipe,--�nrrthr,po�eth ►e-Wrapping.`Adapter-fittings shhall:I)e 'a urethane or neoprene coupling ASTM C-425 with series 300 stainless steep compression straps. Bacicfill, fittings, tie-ins and all other associated appurtenances required are deemed subsidiary work,the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for each bid item. D-6 EXISTING ununeS AND imPRow-MENTs The,plans-show the- tocations.of-all.known.surface and subsurface structures. fidwever the Owner assumes no responsibility•foT failure#o°show any-or all of these structures on-the Plans;or. to show°them,..in their`..exact location. _.�. is mutually agroed:that such faflure' shall-not be considered sufficient basis•for claims.fair additional compensation for extn�work or forincreasing the pay quantities.in any manner whatsoever.- The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying'the locations of and protecting all existing- utilities, service lines, or other property exposed by his construction operations. Contractor-shall make all necessary provisions (As-approved or authorized by the applicable utflity company) for the support, protection or relocation, and/or temporary relocation of all utility poles,'gas Ones, .w i Z104 SC-7 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS .. telephone cables, utility services, water mains, sanitary sewer lines, electrical cables, drainage pipes, and all other utilities and structures-both above and below ground during construction. The Contractor is'liable for all damages done.#o such existing facilities as a result of his.operations and any and all cost°incurred for the Prot i and/or temporary relocation,of such facilitles are deemed subsidiary work and the cost of same,and shall be included in the cost bid per linear foot of pipe installed. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLO'W11ED. Where existing utilities or service lines are cut,broken or damaged fine Contractor shall replace or repair the utilities or service lines with the same type of original material and construction, or better, unless otherwise shown or noted on the plans, at his awn cost ,and expense,. The Contractor shall 'immediately notify the"owner of the damaged utility or service-line. He shall cooperate with the Owners of all utilities to' to existing underground facilities and notify the Engineer of any conflicts in grades and al'ignmenL In c6s_4 it is necessary to change or move the.properly of any owner of a public qfirdy,,puch property shall not be moved or interferedwnth:untif ordered,to do,so=by.the Engineer.. Theht is reserved to the owner of public utilities,to enter upon tlie.limits of#he'pojec# floc.the par- 'pose of making such changes or repairs of their property that maybe made necessary by performance of this contract. The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are.not.guaranteed by the City of the Engineer to be accurate as,to extent, location, and depth; y'are:shown on, the plans as the best information available at the time"of design, from the owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground. D-7 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OVER, PIPE LINES a it's apparent that certain construct'or'vehicles could exceed the load boarir .capacity:of the pipe under shallow bury conditions. It will be #tie resiponsbilily of the Contractor to`protect the new line and the existing lines from °possibly excessive loads.. The onntractot shall nota at any time, cross the existing or new pipe with a truck delivering new pipe to the site ..,wry damaeae to-the.existing or new, pipe will be repaired or replaced by the°•Contractor, at ft Contractor's .expense; to the satisfaction of the City: ° .In locations where it is not-perirni sible to cross the existing or proposed pries without additional protection- the Contractor°may elect-to:provide additional'protection of-the pipes so that rnor+e'r frequent crossings of the pipes. are allowed. •.:tt still 's; however, -the,respo 41ri ity°of Contractor to repair any damage to the existing or proposed Inees,#the damage resautts from any° phase of'his-constructi6o operation_ D- 8 . .TRAFFIC CONTROL The contractor Will be required to obtain a-"Street Use Pemnit"priorto•starting work. As part of the "Street Use Perm1C a traffic control plan is required. The Contractor shall-be res le for provkling traffic control.during the construction of this project corisistent with-the-pr Visions set .forth in the "Latest Edition Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Contrail .Devices for Streets and ° 'Highways" issued under the authority of the "State, of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways," codified as Article 6701d Vemorfs Civil Statutes,.pertinent sections beingF.Section Nos. 27, 29, 30 and 31. A Me control plan shall be submitted for review to Mr. -R.Burkett gW Traffic Eri 'Weer 4LO171 871-8770 t the. reacons ` conference. work not bedin :" tril the 1077M4 SG_8 r I ntan has h--- 19is_fime will° i accor4qn&@ wftb thetim f tatsh atlas th � a � Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional,sign, street name sign or other sign, which has n erected by the City: If 'it is determined that a sign must be removed to p rmit required contfiW, ;ran,.the Contractor shad contact the Transportation and Public Norks partment, Signs and Marldin s.L3ivision, (Phone Number.87177738)to remove the sign. In the rase of regulatory signs,.the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a terraporery sign m' . "ng the requirements of the above-rr fpren d manual.and such,ternpprgry sign ,must be in tilled prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the tem . , ry s' is riot.insteNed rrectly or.if it does not meet the required specificatiorss, the permanent sign shall-be 'left"in pl'`ace until the temporary sign requirements are met,. When construction world is,completed to the w ent that the permanent sign can`be reinstalled? the Contractor shall t1goir� tact"the`Signs a;�d Markings iion to reinstall the permanentgign and shall leave his terrrQcarery sign in place pll such reinstallation is completed, m Work,, shall not be performed on ita n^ Iocatlonslstraets .during."-°` k traffec ^ems". as determination by the City=Traffrc Engineer and in accordance with the applicable ptoI-of the 1*,of Fort Worth Traffic Control Handbook for Construction and Maintenance WI Areas.'. cost of the tragic control is subsidiary work and the t,of same shag: -inck0ed in the p` bid for pipe:complete in place as bid in.the-Prc l and oo- r compensation will be 4 9 DETOUR :^ .. a e+ ntra)dor shy pros=te bis-vI is such a m- as tiob b bn . t c and pedestrian facilities and to the flow of veiucular. ° . . ect am& . . `. P . . : 10 E AMINATICN.OF SITE shall.be the responsibility of the prospective ,,Ptr to,Vlsit they l fa ect s. ancl. make,such sxa inat qns and explorations as may be,ne arty to deterrn*ne all co dr Iortia, thir h rnny.eff„ nstructn of this project. Particular attention should be grxen tQt ingress nd egress to adjacent private and^ public properties, procmdures for•protrg 'esng provements and dispos"fin of all materials to be remeved, tia!n laoul' be . °I Iven to,thesa deters during the-pr ration bf 111410r`©l _an#711 a trriusoal °a ay gyre, rise to.later Conti nOes.should be brought to the attentio of-the. r. to the submission of the 1. 11 BONING COMPUANCIP u =� wring theconstruction' of this prajeet, the Contractor oomaty present honing equirements of the City ofi W In t# :nse of vacant property for ram pU!po ' 12 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION Contractor at his own expense will furnish water for construction;, D-13 WASTE MATERIAL TM All waste material shall become=the property-of the�Contcactor and shall-be drs bf by the Contractor at locations e �`ved by the i "6 r. . All Material shall be eij.of in such a x w r&2r SC-9 n PART D - PECI manner as to present a neat appearance and to not obstruct proper drainage or to cause Wjury to street improvements or to abutting property. L?-'I4 PROJECT CLEANUP AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE The Contractor shall be aware that keeping the project site in a neat and orderly condition is considered an integral part of the-contracted work and as such shall be considered subsidiary to the appropriate bid items. Cl up work.shall be done as d°" by the Engineer as the work progresses or as needed. If, in the OPIM . 011 of the Engineer it is necessary, clean-up shall beedone on a daily basis. Clean up work shall include,but not be limited to: * Sweeping the street clean of dirt or debris Steering excess material in appropriate and organized manner * Keeping h-dsh of any kind off of residents' property If the Enopeer does not feel that'the.jobsit+ has been. kept in an orderly condition, on the.next,'. estimate payment(and all subsequent.payments until completed)of the appropriate bid itm(s)will be reduced by 25%. Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as all construction,has been completed. No more than seven days shall elapse after completion of construction before.the roadway right- of-way, or easement is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shag noke a final cleanup of all parts of the work .before acceptance by the City of Fort Worth or its representative. This cleanup shall include removal of all objectionable rocks, pieces:of asphalt or concrete and other construction materials, and,in general preparing.the site of the Work In an orderly manner and appearance. The City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering'veering shaft give -firial,a6ceptanca of the`completed project work. .D-15 CONSTRUCTION'SCHEDULE AND SEQUENCING OF WORK Prior to executing the Contract, it shall be the responsibility of. •Contractor to fury a. schedule outlining the •anticipated time for each phase of construction with starting and completion dates, Including sufficient time being allowed'for cleanup. The Contractor shag not commene with water and/or sanitary sewer installation'until such time thafthe survey cuf° is -been ... : yet from the. ° ` ` have b .w.... .. m . . . a . D- If$ SAFETY ReSTRICTIONS WQRK.NEAR 1:11GH VULT IMES The following pro ures.'will be followed regarding the subj6ct Item on this coritract° 1. A warning sign not less than five inches by seven inches,painted yellow with block letters that are legible at twelve feet shall be placed Inside and.outside vehides such as cranes.. derricks, power shovels, drillipg tags, pile drivers, I %ti �pqulprrrerct.or sirrnlllar ePparatus. The warning sign shag read as follows: ;;t�N - UI LAWFUL,TO OPERATE.THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET®F HiCH\lrpLL't AGE LINES.' .2. Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage linen shall have insulating . cage-type of guard about the boom or arm, except back hoes or dippers, and insulator links on the felt hook connections. 3. When necessary to work within-six feet of high voltage electric lines, notification shall be given the power company (ONEQRE) who.will erect temporary mechanical barders, de- energize the lines,or raise or lower the lines. The work dorms by the power company shall IM7104 SC-11 0 a.. PART D-SPECIAL CONDITIONS not be at the expense of the City of Fort'Worth. The notifying department shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to ONCORE, and shalt record action, taken in each case- 4. The Contractor is required to make arrangements with the ONCORE company for the, temporary relocation or raising of high voltage tines at the tractor's sole cost and expense. . 5. No person shall work within six feet of a high.voltage fine without protection having been taken as outlined In Paragraph(3) D��17 .BID-QUANTiTI'E ► B, quantities of the various items In the proposal are for comparison only and may not reflect the a ual quantities. There'is no limit to which a bid item can be increased or decreased. Contractor.shall not be entitled to r hegotiation.of unit prices regardless of the final measured quantifies. To the extent that C4-4.3 conflicts with this provision,this provision.controls.' No claim ,.. be considered for Lost or an profits based upon d°tff�r 4'estimated quantit s v taus actual quantities: 18 CUTTING OF CONCRETE . en existing concrete Is cut, such cuts-shall'be made with a concrete saw. all sawing shall be subsidiary to.the unit cost of the respective item. 19 PROJECT DESIGNATION SiGN Project signs are required at all locations. it shall be in accordance with the attached.Figure 30 Gated 9-18-95). The signs may be•mounted ova skids-or posts. "The inee�r shott pproato" e t locations.and methods of mounting. in addition,to the 4' x W prcj, tsigns, project ns. skac oli be attached to barricades used where manhole rehabilitation'qr rc pla`�ent is being c�ndueted . Signs suspended from ban-icading shag.be placed in such',a way'that signs o not interfere with reflective paint or-coloring on -the barricades. � Bamcade ski shalt .be in .. rdan with Figure 3p,..ex+cept'that.th+ y shall be v4r by -w in sane. T1 :�in t'ion:box s 11 have.the following inform1 abon ° r Questions on this Project Call: ° . (817)871-8306 M-F 7:30 am to 4:34m, .° .° • .°,. .& . or a (61-1)671-8300.Nights and. eek s y.and all cost for the required ma ter ; labor;and equipment necessary for the ftimishing-°of jest Signs shall. be c onsidered as a subsi '.ry cost of the project.and no. ado ". . :i no p aborr�will be allowed.m arts _ - 1 26 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND Q RIYE111fAY REPLACEMENT .• - . t locations in the project where.mains are required to be placed e(existing•sid " tics- or^ riveways;,•such sidewalks, ,andlor driveways'.shall be .completely replacedJor the- fult existing width, between existing.construction or,expansrori joints.with 3000 psi concrete with relrtfcir�irtg, teal on a sand cushion in accordance with City of Fort Worth Trait t~ . blic`VWorks 7epart rent Standard Specifications for Construction, Item 504. t locations where maims are required to be placid under existing curb and gutter, such currb and utter shall be replaced to match type and geometry of the removed-curb and gutter shalt,be &27 sell C - w - m PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS installed'in accordance with City of Fort Worth Public Works Department Standard Specification ,t for Construction, Item 502. Payment for cutting, backifill, concrete, forming materials and all other associated appurtenances required, shalt be Included in the square yard price of the bid item for concrete sidewalk-or driveway repair. D-21 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Material has been allocated under various bid items in the Pro I to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer, depending on field conditions.. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material wilt be made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearest one-tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the pro D-22 CRUSHED UME«ST4 E BACKFILL Where specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer, Crushed L`unestone'shall-be used for trench backfill on this project. The material shall conform to Public Works Standard Specifications for Street and Stone Drain Construction Division 2 Item 205.2- Mate" and m Division 2°Item,208.3- Materials Sources. Trench backfilt and compaction. shall meet•the requirements. of E2-2 Excavation and Backfill, Construction Spe' cifications, General Contract ' Documents. Paynnent for crushed limestone bakfill in place shall be made at the unit price bid in the Proposal multiplied by the quantity of material used measured in accordance with E2 2.16 Measurement'of Unction Specifications,. grid�General Contract Documents.- Backfiil Materials, - . D-2 '2z2?CONCRETE Transportation and Public Wyorks Department ty K At sections for Pavement and Trench" Repair,, for.;tlbTrty.Cuts Figures 1 through 5 refer to using 2:27`Concrete as base repair. -Sind this call-but . Includes:the word*concrete, the consistent interpretation''of the Transportation and Public Narks Department is that this ratio,specifies two(2)sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete.. D-24 TRENCH EXCAVATION,BACKFILL,AND COMPACTION- Trench excavation and back fill under parking lots, driveways,gravel surfaced roads,within easements,and within existing or future R.O.W.shall.be in . . .accordaricewith Sections E1 m Sa kfill and E2-2 Excavation and Backfill`of the Gbh al Contract _Documents and Specifications except as specified herein. 1,TRENCHEXCAVATION: 'In accordance with Section E2 2 E cavation and.Eladdill,.if the = stated maximum trench widths are exceeded,either through accident or otherwise,and if the Engineer determines that the design loadings of the pipe will be exceeded,the Contractor will be required to support the pipe with an Improved trench bottom. The expense of such remedial Ineasures shall be entirely the Contractor's own_ AN trenching operations shall be confined to the - width of perm t rights-of-rimy, permanent+easements*.and eny'tpmpdmry construction easements. All excavation°shall be in strict compliance with file Trench Safety Systems Special Condition of this document. ment: 2. TRENCH BACKFILL> Trenches which lie outside of existing or future pavement shall be bacfitled above the top of the embedment material with Type"C"backfill material. Excavated material used for Type"C" backfill must be mechanically compacted unless the Contractor can furiish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the P.I..of the excavated material is less than. 1027/04 SC-12 . r FART D - SPECIAL CONDff,IONS 8. Such evidence shall be-a test report from an independent testing laboratory and must include representative samples of soils in all involved areas,with a trap showing the location and depth of the various test holes. If ex .`vated material is obviously gran in nature, containing little or noplastic material,the Engineer may waive the test report requirement See E1 . ,T "C"or "©'� Backfill, and E2-2.11 Trench Backfill for additional requirements. When Type"C" fill rnterial is not suitable, at the direction of the Engineer,Type"B"backfill material shall be In general, all backfill material for trenches in existing paved streets'shall be I'accordance With Figure A. Sand material specified in Figure A shall be obtained from an approved source and shall consist of durable particles free of thin or elongated pies, lumps of clay,soil,loam or v ` etable matter and shall meet the following gradation. ° Less than 14°!4 passing the##209 sieve • P.I.- 10 or.less AAIditionally,the crushed,limestone embedment,"aciatiion specified in auction E1-3 Crushed tj tone for Embedment of the General Contract - is and Spe. III-cations snail be r "laced with the following: Sieve Size . . Petamrd 1" 0-10° ® t 1/2" 40-75 310" W 0. #4 Wi 04' #8 95-100 I other provisions of this section shall.remain the same.` . TRENCH COMPACTION: All trench backfia shall be ptac :d in fift per E2 Z9 Backfill. Trenches which fie outside existing or future pavements shad be compacted to:a minimum of %Standard Proctor Density(A.S.T.M. D698)by mechanical devices specifically designed for rnpaction.or a combination of methods sybjectto approv,a*f.by,thp EngirmW- m. enches which Ne under existing or future pavement snail be bacicfilfed per.F'cgure,A with 951%a tt� m6inWti6n-of andard Proctor. ity by mechanical devices specificallydesigned,for corn i n or a-. methods subj to approval by the Engineer.--BackfUtmaterfatto.be wmpacted. s described.above must be within+-40i6 of its optimum moisture content. The top two(2)feet of sewer line trenches and,the top eighteen(18)inches of waterl may be-rolled WW uipment tires,provided it is placed in lifts oppr " to to thematerial ; "rag . , and the E �peratc,n can bo perf witlx�ut damage to the Instalred p1 . finety. Cc at its own ex erase wig onn trench com tests .'p - pa �S�'Mr standards all anon basskfiti.-:Any retesting required as a result of failure to c'Wpact the b6 fill rnatenal to eat:the standards.will be at the ex a e of`"Comer pinto�l b� �at the cprrixirrercial rates as determined by the City. These soil de i*tests shall be per necl t tvvci(2)foot vertical intervals beginning at a level two(2)feet above the top of the 1 tailed pipe and continuing to the tap of the cornpleted�bac kfitl.at intervals i` the . not to exceed 300 (linear feet. The Cont or will be Fes pon ibfp for providing access ancf trench safety.4y.systemto the level,of trench backfll'tc be tested. No extra compe tion will be a� for exposing the backfill layer to be tested or providing trench safety system for tests conducted by the City. 4. MEASUREMENT:AND PAYMENT: All material,with the exception of T "B" backlili and labor coasts of excavation and backfill will be included in°.the price bid per'linear foot of wager and sewer pipe. Type"B"backfdl shall be paid for at a pre unit price of$15.00 per cubic yard. saris SC-13 ° PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-25 TRENCH PAVEMENT(PERMANENT)REPAIR(E2-19) FOR UTIUTII CUTS The unit price bid under the appropriate bid item of the proposal shall cover all cost for providing pavement repair equal to or superior,in composition, thickness, etc., to existing pavement as detailed in-the Public Works Department typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair for utility Cuts, Figures 2000-1 through 20 3 The results of the street cores that were conducted on the project streets, to determine 'HMAC depth`s on existing streets, are provided in these specifications and contract documents. All required paving cuts shall be made with a concrete saw in a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimum of twelve(12)inches outside the trench waif. 'The trench shall be backfilied and the top nine (9)inches shall be filled with required materials as shown on paving details, compacted and level with the finished street-surface. This finished grade shall be mainta`, in a serviceable„condition until the wing has been replaced. . All residential ' driveways shall be accessible at night and over weekends. It has been determined by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the strip of existing HMAC pavement between the existing gutter and the edge of the trench pavement repair will not hold up if such strip of existing pavement is two(2)feel or less in width_ Therefore, at the locations in the project where the trench wall is three(3)feet or less from the lip of the existing gutter„ the Contractor shall be required to remove the existing paving to such gutter. The pavement repair shall then be made from a minimurp distance of twelve(12)inches outside the trench wall nearest the center of the street to the gutter line. . The pavement, shall be replaced within a maximum of five (5) working, days, providing job placement"conditions will permit repaving. if(saving itions are not suitable for repaving, in the cep` ` of the the re�pavkig-shall be r at the earliest possible date,. A permit must be obtained frorui the Department of Engineering Construction Services Section by the Contractor In conformancewith Ordirtance No.3449 and/or Ordinance No 792 to ice utility cuts in'thes t:The-De-Department of ` g will inspect the pavingit after%cons ` ri. pe a This permit.requirement-may be waived if work is 'being done under a Performance Bond and° tcl by the Department of ,ErK neering. .=SITE.SPECIFIC TRENCH-SAFETY SYSTEM (COVERS ALL PROJECTS) -A. GENERAL; . This . requirements. .for. gill. spa ,covers the trench' safety . ... excavations exceeding depth of&i"(5)feet in-' er-te protect w from ve�-t The uirerme►its of this item govern all'trenches for mains, manholes, .vaults,'servic:e lines, and- all other appurtenances dt sl ri for the,trench safety shall`be.shied and Wiled by a, �� p �" fig each water an&t son tine Incl. in.the pr® cL red rofessional`E Weer,' in Texas_ trench sa tan B. STANDARDS. The ati Health Adminlstrationi ndard 29 CFR Part 192 Sub-Part P3st 4ers!QnO the U.S. Department of �- Excapaion , ar sty and e hereby = made a part of this specification and shall be the rninlmurrigoverning' requirements for trench nch safety. C. DEFINITIONS: 1027M4 SCA 4 C PART D SPECIAL. CONDITIONS . 'TRENCHES - A trench is referred to as a narrow excavation made below the surface of - the ground in which the depth®is greater than the width, where the width measured at the bottom is not greater than fifteen-(15)feet. " 2. BENCHING SYSTEM - Benching means excavating the sides of a.trench to form one or a wa series of horizontal level or steps, usually with vertical or near-vertical surfaces between " levels. 3. SLiJPING SYSTEM - Sloping means excavating to form sides of a trench that are inclined away from the excavation_ 4. SHIELD SYSTEM - Shields'used in trenches are generally referred to as "trench boxes" or"trench shields' Shield means a structure that is able to withstand the forcr.s imposed on it by a cave-win and protect workers witWin.the structure.' Shields can be permanent structures or can be designed to be portable and move along as the work progresses Shields can;be either pre-manufactured or job-built n . thSAsanad .i r - 5. SHORING SYSTEM - Shoring means a structure such as a.metal, hydraulic, mechanical or,timber system that supports the sides'of a trench and,which is designed to. prevent cave-ins. Shoring systems are .generally cpmpris,6d of cross-braces, -vertical' falls, (uprights), horizontal rails(wales)and/or shebtirig D. MEASUREMENT - Trench depth is the vertical measurement from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of embedment or bottom of excavation. The quantity,of trench safety Systems shall be based on the linear foot amount of trench depth.greater than five(5)feet, E PAYMENT - Payment shall be full compensation for safety system design,.labor, tots. materials, equipment and incidentals necessary for the installatio and removal of trench safety systems. 27 SANITARY'SEINER MANHOLES A GENERAL-, The Installation, replacement, and/or rehabilitation of sanitary sewet manholes Will be required as shown on. the,plans,`and/or.as rib desced' in these-Sp6ciial ,Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and+ identified:,,by the iryeer. All m anholes shall be in accordance with.sections E1-14 Materials for Sanitary Sewer Manholes, Valve Vaults, Etc., and E2-14 Vault andManhole Construction of the General.=Contract Documents and Specifications; unless amended ;or :superseded by requirements of this SpecialCondition. For new sewer One installations,the Contractor shalt temporarily plug all.. lines at.every open manhole under construction.in. order to keep debris'out of:the dry sewer fines. The plugs shall not be.removed until the applicable manhole 66mpl4e. with one aq section has been constructed andwthe lid,installed to'keep outudabris as a result of additional construction. CONCRETE COLLARS: Concrete collars wilt be required,on an manhol -specified as per Figure 121. -2_. WATERTIGHT MANHOLE. INSERTS: Watertight gasket. manhole inserts shall be installed Inall sanitary sewer manholes. , Inserts shall be constructed in accordance wiith Fort Worth-Water Department Standard E10"and shall�be fitted and installed,according to the manufacturer's' recommendations, ' 'Stainless Steel manhole inserts shalt be required for all pipe diameters I W and greater. a7ro4 SC-15 • ' - y 3... LIFT.HOLES: All lift holes shall be with a pie—cast concrete plug. The lift hole - shall be sealed on-the otjtsIde'o(,th6 manhole wnrith' am,44ek or an approved equal sealant. The lift hole shall be sealed on-the inside of the manhole with quick setting ment�grout. ° 4. FINAL RIM ELEVATIONS: , Manhole rims In parkways, lawns and other improved lands shall be at an elevation not more than one (1)nor less than one-Half(11 ) inch above the surrounding aground. Oackfill shall provide a uniform slope from the top of manhole casting for not less,than three(3)feet each direction to eAsft finish.grade of the ground. :The grade of all surfaces shalt be checked for proper slope and grade by string fining the entire area regarded neai'the manhole., Manholes 1.6 open fields, unimproved land, or drainage courses shall be at an elevation 'shown on the drawiirigs or of.6 in above grade. 5... MANHOLE COVERS: AN lids shall have pick slots in lieu.of pick holes: Manhole frames and covers shalt be McKinley,Type N.*Ith indented--top design, or equal,with pick slots. Po .Cowers shall set flush..with the drivof the ftamearid shall have no ldrger than 1184nc h gap between the frame acid.+cover. Locking manhole lids and frames will be r tridd to Ana withjn the 100-year floodp4aln and areas specifically designated on the pleas.. pertain feed Ductile Iron Manhole Lids and Frames,are acceptable for use where king lids arespedfled. 6. SHALLOW.GE NE MANHOLES: . . : _Ikyw manhole Ponstructioirt will be used.when manhole depth is.fc it (4 j feet.of i - All sluill6w c6ne'mariholes"shall be built I+ accord4rwe.wIth FJgure 105. AN shallowoone manholes shall have a cast iron lid and frar66 with pick slots. NOTE: MANH0t S PAR FIGURE 106 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 7. MANHOLE STEPS: No manhole steps are to be installed on any` sanitary sewer manhole. -8. , EXPER'IOR SURFACE COATING: Bdetibr surfaces of all manholes shalt be cdate4 with two mop coats of coal'tar'epoxy,Koppig.ft 1 t mastic Super Service'Black'Toem a'46- 450 Heavy Tnemecol or equail`te,a°irntnimunt or 14 mils dry f1kn thickness. .9. MANHOLE-J0114T SMING: All ulterior.andlor exterior joints on concrete manhole sections constructed'for the City :c Pert Wirth Water f3eparl�rieni,.nzcludng only the. joists using a trapped O ring;rubber.gasket steal! rewire f3ltuwmastl joint sealants as per Figure M. .sealant shall be presto and- °. sealant � #eowefaibt+e Bitumastic as manufactured-by Kent- Seat, Ram-Nek, E 2 Stuck, or equal. The joint sealer shall be supped In either extruded pipe loan or suitable c:rossssect' t areal or flat tape,and shall be sized as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by,#*:Engineer..The joint sealer shall be'prOtected by a suitable removable wrapper and shalt not In any way depend on oxidailorti evaporation. or any,other chemical action for.alther its adhesive properties or cohesive strength. The Jolrit -sealer shall.M remain totally w-flexible without shrinking, Hardening, or oxidizing regardless of the le of time,it is exposedtDthe elements.- The manufacturer shall furnish an affidavitattesting to the successful use of the product as a pre-formed'flexible joint sealant on concrete pipe and manhole sections for a period of at feast five years. B. E)(EGUTION: tawmi SC-16 w I m i 1. INSTALLATION OF .JOINT SEALANT Each grade adjus nt°ring and manhole frame shall be sealed with the above—specified-materiels. All surfaces to be in contact with the. ' joint-sealant shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, sand, mud, or other foreign matter® The manufacturer shall apply a primer to all; surfaces prior to installing-the joint sealant in accordance with the recommendations. The protective wrapper shall remain on the joint sealant until immediately prior to the placement of the pipe in the trench. After removal of the protective wrapper,the joint sealant shall be kept clean. 'Install frames and cover over manhole opening with the bottom of the rings resting on Bitumastic joint t sealer. Frames .and grade rings shall rest on two(2)rows(inside and outside)of Eitumastic joint sealer_ 2.- .SCALING ANDIOR ADJUSTING- EXISTING 'MANHOLES: Excavate (rectangular r full depth saw cut if in pavement) adjacent to the manhole to expose a the entire manhole frame and a minimum of 8 inches of the manhole wall keeping the sides—'of the trench nearly v 'cal'.,. Remove`manhole`frame from the manhole,structure and observe the condition,.of the frame and grade nags. Any frame-or grade ring that is not suitable-for use as determined.. by the Engineer shall be replaced. . Grade rings that are tonstructed of brick, block materials other than pre—cast concrete rings, or where necessary and approved by the = Engineer, shall be replaced with a pre-cast flattop section. P st concrete rings or a pre—cast concrete flattop section will ill be the only adjustments allowed. In brick or block manholes. replace the upper portion of the manhole to a point 24 inches below the.frame. If the walls or cone-sectioinbelow this level are structurally und, notffify the..Engineer prior to replacement of the grade rings and manhole frame. Existing .'brickwork, if damaged by the Contractor.shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense- Wire brush manhole .frame,and exposed man hole surfaces to remove dirt and "loose debris. Coat exposed manhole surfaces with an approved bonding agent followed.*by an. . pp � . qui p rde a smooth working surface ara` of u�ck tti h uc cement to rev' if the inside diametero#the manhole-is too large to safe su la . ° y pport new'adjustment rings or frames, a flat top section shall be installed. a. .faint surfaces between the frames- adjustment rings, and cone section shalt'be'.free of dirt, stories, debris and'volds to-:vpsure a watertight seat. Place'-fleAble gesket.joint material along,the"inside-and outside edge of each jo jnt, or use trowrelable material In lieu Hof pre-formed gasket mate". Posen the butt joint of each I M°of . . t mat 1 on .af "e:sides`of the manhole_ -No steel.shuns, , stones.- or,dnk:material not' a led b the E .Weer ma" be used to obtain fins# surface-elevation of the :,specific. aly Y ng' y : . ..:.manhole frame. a. In.paved.°areas or future paved areas; castings shall be!installed by using a straight ,e -n t less than ten (10)feet long so that the top of the casting volt conform to the Wope and -finish elevation of the paged surface. The tap of the casting shalt be, 1l8 inch below the . .finished elevation.- Allowances for the compression bf the joint material shall-be made to assure a proper final grade elevation. 3...EXPO SEE}.EXTERIOR SURFACES: All exposed exterior surfaces shall be coated with ° two mop coats of coal tar epoxy. tC " iturnastic Super Service Black" Tn c"46- Heavy minimum of 14 mils dry film thickeness. 4�Hea Tnemecol®,ore al,to a 4. The exterior surface of all pre—cast section joints shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush and then waterproofed with a- 1t24nch thick coat of trowel able bitunlastic joint f 1027M w SC-17 . e PAST' D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS sealant from 640ches bel iw to .above the joint..The dated joint shall then be wrapped with 6 ri it plastic to protect the sealant from damage during backf~illing C.- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: The price bid for new manhole installations shall include all labor;equipment, and materials necessary.for.construction of the manhole including,, but not limed to,joint'sealing, lift hole sealing'and exterior surface coating. Payment shall not include pavement replacement,which it required,.shall be:paid separately. The price bid for reconstruction of existing manholes shall,include,all labor equipment and materials necessary for construction of;new.Maghole,including,,but not limited to, excavation, backfiil,-disposal of materials, joint sealing, lift hide sealing. and exterior surface coating. Payment shall.not include pavement replacent,:which if required,shall be pain separately. The price bid for adjusting and/or sealing of existing, manholes shall "Intl all labor, equipment and materials nary for,adj , 'ng,andfor sealing the_manhole, inducfIng but not limited to,joint sealing,lift hole saeafirig;and.ext"i k sudfa 'coating.. Payment for concrete collars will.be.made p ' eadt-•Payment for Manhole inserts will be made per each. D-25 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES Any reconnection, relocation, wroutes,, replacement; or new sanitary sewer service shall be required as.shown on the plans. and/or as described in these. Special Contact Documents in addition to those located:in the field and identified by the Engineer as active sewer taps. The -service connections shall be constructed by the Contractor utilizing standard factory manufactured tees. City approved factory manufactured saddleltaps may.be usesi;-but only as 'directed by the En rrieer. The decision to use' le taps as opposed to iaeti shaN be--Made on a case-by basis. The Contractor'shall be'-responsible for coordinating tire's ung`of tapping crews with bu ldlr4 owners and the Engineer in order that the'work be.performed in an expeditious manner—,A minimum of-24 hours advance.notice shall be.given when=taps.wrllt be -required. Severed se ' connections shall be maintained as specified in seclion C".15. D. SEINER-SERVICE.RECONNECTION: ' When,sewer service rec on ' li' is icalWd for the Contractor,shall. vertically adjust`the existing sewer service line as.required for r` ction . and famish a crew #ap. The fittings.used for vertical ac jus#munt-shalt co,-' t of 4:maximum .bend of.46 degrees. The-tap shall be located sty Otis t6,",.u,p with the service line aaind-avoid any horizontal adjustment. For open cut,applicaticins, all sanitary sewer service nes:shali be replaced.to the.-property or easement line,-.,or.as.(fi. :by the Eng)"er tary sewer services on'sewers being rehabilitated.using .en went'mew shalt be topldced to the property or easement tine or as directed by the Engineer. Procedures Wed below for Sewer Service.Replacement shall-be adhered to for the mstaliation:of any sewerservice,frrie including, the incidental four (4) feet of service rune . ' -is-included.in'the - " for Sanitary Sewer Taps.. Payment for work such as^,bac kfill,saddles, ;,fittings Iiidental four (4)feet of e ' `..line and all other associated'appurtenances required shalt t)6,kv*jded in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Taps. E. SEWER- SERVICE REPLACEMENTS All,. building ,sewer services eh'co-itintered ~during construction shall,be adjusted and/or replaced by1be Contractor as directed by.the Engineer as requiredfor the connection of the sewer service'line., If the sewer serviceline is in such condition or adjustnnent necessitates the replacement of the:sewer service line, all work shalt be performed by a licensed plumber., The�Engineer shall determine the length of the replacement. All sewer services shall be installed at a minimum of (2)percent slope or as SC-15 ' e PART D - SPECIAL. CONDITIONS approved by the Engineer. For situations involving sewer service re-routing, whether on is or private rty. the City shall provide Brie and grade for the sewer service lines as shown on the LLProject-plans. Prior to it stallinq the tipplicable sewer main or lateral and the necessary service lines, the Contractor shall verify(by de-holing at the building dean-out)the elevations (shown on the•plans) at the building dean-out and compare the data with the elevation'at the proposed connection paint anothe sewer main, in order to ensure that the two (2)' percent minimum slope (or as specified by the Engineer) requirement is satisfied. Elevations shall also.be verified at all bend locations on the service re-route. All applicable sewer mains, laterals acid affected service lines that are installed without pre-construction de- fioling at the affected reside . � su(toverify design elevations)°shall be removed and replaced aIs-necessary at the'Contractdr's expense"in the event grade conflicts are brought to light after ae;hofirig is conducted: ` All elevation`inforrnati rn obtained' by the Contractor "shall° be submitted to the inspector: The Engineer shall be,immediately notified in the event that the two (2) percent minimum slope is not satisfied. If the Contractor determines"that a different alignment for the re-route is mare beneficial than shown on the plans, the Contractor shall obtain and'submit all relevant elevation'Inf tion-for the new alignment to the Inspector and shalt be responsible for ensuring' that die two minimum . O percent minimum grade (or as appprovrd by the`Engineer)is r?atisfed: Pncir to t 6ck-illing, the rttratior shall double-check the grade of 3lie`Ins talli service Iola and submit"signed documentation verifying that the line`has been m installed as designed td"the'Engineer.The Contractor,af.its sole expe.ti ,shall be-required to uncover any sewer service for which no grade vertticatlon has been submitted. All re-routes that are not installed as designed or fail to meet.. the City code shall be.reinstalled at the Contractor's expense.. Ttie Contractor,shall ensure that the service line is baddilled. and compacted"in a ' anc' %.V City Plumbing Code. Connection to the existing sewer se fine:shall be made with rip . � ate adapter fittings.. The fitting shall bda urethane or neoprene couPling XSJ.M. C425 vvith series 300,staifil6ts steel compression straps.' The ut and plug the abandoned sewer service .` Contractor slisrll remove the exlsfing clean-o.. , .. The contractor.shalt iiW"rze" sc edule 40 'PVC for-all sanitary sewer service utes°or relocations located on private property. Furthermore, the contractor shall utilize the services of a.licensed plumber for.all service line work on private property. Permits)must be o btained from ttie City of,Fort iiortlii t velopment Department for ail service line work on. private R to �v 1 pr toy acid'al{ work relet+ad t i the se I line must be 'approved by a tarty of Fort Vi rth ° Pliirribng Iricpector. A copy of the plumbing permit shall be prtovided to the Erigir►eel prior to ' inning work on the sanitary`sewer service re-route anrf proo# of firia[ acc+ ptanc by the Plumbing Inspector shall, provided to the Engineer.upon com et r.of the sanitary er" ° 9 Imo... P P1 Payment for"Work.arrd,materials such as haddill,.renieval of existing clean-outs, plugging 4fthe A; ,sewer service,fine double d7edong then grade of the'installed sp+s�rice linrw, pipe , . _ fitti�iigs, surface`re tor�a or'i"on pfi ate property. (to.niatch existing), and aril other associated' work for service replacements in excess of-four(4) linear feet shaft be inclrxfed in the linear foot price bid for sanitary sewer service fire merit on private property or cright of ,,. way® P " ant for all work and material ury fhp "tap. shall be in in:the. bid for sanitary sewer service taps, "m Di.29 °REMOVAL,SALVAGE,A,NDpp1BMI)OWENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES ° Arty removal', salvaging•and/or abandonment of oting facilities will necessarily be required.as shown on the plans, an dfor described,in Special Contract Documents,In addition to,those located In the field and identified by the Engineer:.This'work shall be done in accordance with. Section .E2-1.5 Salvaging of Material and E2-2.7 Removing Pipe, of the °General Contract Documents and pe ` cations; unless amended or superseded by.requirements of this Special end•• . 10&7X4 SCA t3 PART D - SPECIAL COMMONS A. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND METER BOX: m Existing Sauter ,meter and meter box shall be removed and returned to the. Water Delia . t ware se by the contractor in accordance with Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of Materials. B. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND-CONCRETE :VAULT .LID: EAsting water meter and concrete`vault• lid,shall be removed* and returned. to .the Water -Department warehouse by the Contractor in accordance .with ion E2-1.5 Sa. `ng of M terla The vault shall be demolished it place to a'point not less flirt 1t ,1 . final grade. The concrete vault shell then.bo bacI& ed and`;ompaeted in a with ba ll method as specilil . in S ction E2-2.9 Bafili: BackIM:material sholt.be suitaW excavated material approved by the Engineer. .Surface restoration shall be le.with a ting surroundl .surfa .and"grade. G ` .SALVAGE OF*EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS: . Existing i e hydrants shall be,rerltov+ and . cetu�nned to the,Welpr.Department warehetase by. ractor in coved w+i motion EZ 1.5 Salvaging of Mate i alsw The sha�,be.I��rlled�and impacted as.Se din with baddill me as �paci�d in , Sri E2 2.9 8a ll. 'l a l I6 l�'lt be suitable exi wated material approved by the -bV .`'Sijrfa.cd restoration shall,be e ' aurreunding surface and g e. w D. SALVAGE OF ISTINP' GATE VALVE. Existing gatp.valve a`nd arld.kshaIllbe remevcd and returned to the Water Department who by ft.,ContracW in'.e.: . rcippee with section E2-`I. 'Salt' "ng of Materials.. Th6 void. e e i ee -by valve �►�va-i shall be, r Hied.and compacte.d In.a rda . wiffibaddill method as specified ri , can 122. Backt'ull. Baclefill`.material shad be suitable.excavated 'material a ed the ,.xNo Engineer. 'Surface restoration shall be compatible existing i riding surface and grade. If the value is Ina concrete vault,°the vault shall be dernolls in pla�ce..to.a. t.no Tess th 1 . be f6al de. • E. 'ABANDONMENT;OF-EXISTING 0 VALVE .m ;ate v we `.LL llu _'be abandoned Eby f`irrst closir g the valve to the.fully and dim,o shung th®'�Ive box in plac a to a point not less n 15 inches below fin a`I grade G ru rc ate t1 ear lie wed as baddi material to match existing grade= F.• ABANDONMENT mOF EASTING VAULTS; Va .to be.dernoff in place shall tQo b slab.and rid removed.and vault walls demolished to a•point not* r 18" be , final grade. The void area caused shall then be ba"Id arid. pa in k with barn method. as scud in Section .E2 2.9a .,:: Y �abkfill " i shad, be stable .. excavated_material.,approved by fhra Ei7gi r. sor% .8:resl atien 4 . be npa* e the existing surtouu0ing grade ` G. ABANDONMENT OF MAN!ioLES:. Manholes tci f abandoned in- ce shall h s entering or exiting the structure plugged with lean mete. 401,0le ..or io"cHon shall be removed' W the top of the full barrel diameter sectibrt, or to p %t not less'. - 18 inches below final"grade s ire.shall r grad pacted. . .with baddill method ass cif in Section °E24., Ba ll. ' Mill . rru tenal rrnay k either clean washed sand of a n, suitable excavated a e ved by the`Eng1fi i=;~;Suifac;e restoration shall be corn atible with surroundintj service surface. ' " nt for vvoiik kw6IVdd In backfilling, plugging of pipe(s)and all other appurtenances required,shall be indkWed in the° appropriate bid item-Abandon Existing Sewer Manhole. H. REMOVAL OF MANHOLES. Manholes to be removed shall have all pipes entering or eieitirig -the structure disconnected. The complete manhole, including top or,cone section, aM full 10127M4 SC-20 PART,D- SPECIAL DITI S barrel diameter section, and base section shall , 'id ved.- The excavation shall then be backlilled and compacted in accordance a with backfill- -as-spedfie&itni E2 .9 Backfill. Backfill material may be with Type G Badcfill or Type B Backfill, as approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be pat"ble with surrotindingsuftce. 1. 1 CUTTING AND`PLUGGING EXISTING MAINS: At various locations on this project,it may be required to cut, .plug, and .block existing water mairis/services or sanitary sewer rnains/services in order to abandon these lines. Cutting and"plugging existing mains and/or services shall be considered as Incidental and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid pi":gf the pipeunldsss" tr6nchl.ng is rr ,wired. J< REMOVAL OF EXISTING PIPE: Where removal of the existing pipe Is required, it shall be w the Contractoes res ' ibffity to prc?p erly dispose of all 646d °pipe, All removed vatves, fire hydrants and`inter boxes shall be`delivered.to Water Eliepartrnent Field Operation, Storage Yard. C PAYMENT: Payment:fir"'all vwork and o� aterial invt� in salvaging, abandoning and/car removing existing facilities shall be included"in theLL lineal foci'bid price of the;pipe, except as foltowsw separate payment wrt=6, cle for teml of all hydrar gate valves, 18 inch and targei,'and�saniGarysewerles,,regard of Payment will be made for satwaging, aba' . nwlq and/or .;` yirig all other existing facilities ty'" ng. eplaeed In the °.sarYie tr ` Q.e .n 'removal requires a when said faaln is not bei r sepeiraite trench). ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING SEWER LINES: Where plans call for abandonment of existing sewer mains after-the construction of a,new sewer,main, the Contractor.shall be responsible for TV inspection,of 1 g(t of the e � ,° s-°: _ malr�6 be abandoned to make a T . final determination that all:existing .service connections.have been relocated-to tlae new main. J -Once this determination has.been, made, the existing m6in,wifl be abandoned as indicated above in item 1. . 0 DETECTABLE WARNING TAPES � n testable;.underground.utility warning tapes can.be located from surface by a pipe (Oegtor shall be lrrd Iled directly "abw, e : non-metallic water°and wsanftary-sewer'pipe. The ' detectable tape shall be "[)elect Tam" rn'- anuf. ` ...ed bir Allon Systems,°Inc:;or approved equal,° *_W'shall consist of a minimum thi�ess: ., rrt<ils: a . ium fait in a pro ive' heart plastic jacket that;k kn ervI6, .to:all � n;alkalls, acids,chemical tints and solvents i # and in the soon. The minimu -overall thickness of Die tape;shall be 5.5mils,and the widtli shall° t•be-166s.than iwo Incl es with a mirnirnum unit.weight of 2 2. 1 '..-,The tape shall` . for ended and imprinted With'the. - age'as fa `. - TM of tit Mffj tl tao bode Leae,114s, Water Safety Blue'. ;C6utiorit Waterline lie s °- 1 Sewer Safety Green' Caut and Buned a ewr lane Wows stallation of detectable tapes shad be'P+er manufacturers re mmer ttoos and shall be as use to the grade as is practical fo r c iflmurn protection and de bn�i y. .Allow-a m nimun»of 18 dies between the tape and the : raymetit forawork as. ackll; 'bedding, bi ing, electable to � so i , arxi:a�. .r . red rappurter�arl °n-edr shapm be'Included in the unit nce bid for thew to item s Z1 .. Nzrma � SC- PART D _ SPECIAL COMMONS . D-31 PIPE CLEANING Joints shall be wiped and then inspected for proper installation by.the inspectors. Each joint shalt be swept daily and kept dean during installation. A temporary night plug shall be installed on all exposed pipe ends during any period of work stoppage. D. 32 DISPOSAL OF SPOILIFILL'MATERIAL Prior to the disposing of any spoil/fill -material, the Contractor shall advise.the*Director of Engineering Department, acting as the City of Fort WodWs Florid .Plain Administrator ("Administrator"), of the locution of all sites where the Contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shag.not dispose of such,material until the p sites have. b6en nrit deterned by the Administrator to meet the;requirements,of the Flood Plain Ordin cif the City of Fort Worth ( No. 10056). AN disposal sites must be ap 'ect by the Administrator to ensure that filling is not occurring within a floodplain without a ppe init. A floodplain permit can be issued upon approval of necessary Engineering,studies; No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in°a floodplain. Approval Af"t✓or*aotoes disposal's,`disposal's,ites shall be eVidericed by a letter signedby the inistrator stt rting lust t ee°bite rs irl ;a k` plain or by a ' Plan Fill P rtre`it a 'ng fill within the: flood per. And a s .` Po associated.with obtaining the fill it, iriduding any ne ary Engineering studies; shall!be.at the ContradWs,expense. In the event that the Contractor disposes of sp(A °material.at a site without a till.permit or a letter from the "nistrator approving the dlspcp t site;, upon by the Director of E ring Department, ntractor shall remove the spoii/flll inat . .I at_its expense and dis of such materials.in accordance with the Ordinances of the City aid this section. D-33 MECHANICS AND ltl{ATERIALMEN's LIEN ' The Contractor shall-be required to execute a.release of mechanics,and material ` :liens upon receipt of.payment D 34 SUBSTITUT16NS The specifications for materials set out the minimum standard of quality:,which lbe City believes necessary-to procure a satisfactory project. No substitutions will be pdrmitted until the dtpr has received written permission of the Engineer to makee-a substitution for-the material,)+ihic s n specified. re the temp W equar,or`ouapp ed.. is d ,lE is unde ` °. ;„ that., ° a, material, act, or pace of ectu'rpment°bee" the me so used is 's 'it.tivilf be approvable, as the.particular trade name was used for the purpose of establishing a ; and:of quality acceptable to the City., If a product of any.-other'nathe Is proposed for use,the s ..approval thereof must-be obtained before the Contractor pies tta proposed s.Ub$ Ae: Where the term"or equar, or"or a equal"`is not used in the i ' M,this do66 not necessarily exclude Jude allemative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the Intended purpose-However, the Contractor shall have the,full.res lbility o p*r)g that the, proposed substitution is, in fact, equal, and the E 'near,;as the representa4ve of Clty, shall' be the sole judge of the acceptability of-substitutions. The provisions of this s n'as Mated to"substitutions'shall be applicable to all sections of these spe tions.. D- 35 PRe-C4NsFRUCTit3N TELEmSION tN PECTIEIN O,]F SANnAR1f SEWER A. GENERAL: Prior tc tip reconstruction, ALL sections of existing senittary sewer lines to be aba , rprncived (exodpt where being in the same `tin),, or *eWitslted (pipe enlargement,00ur lace pipe, fold sand. form , stir , eta.), It be and a television 66 "on performed to identify any r service taps, i 'sew+er- laterals and their locations Work shall consist of furnishirig,611 labor, rust , and equipment t _ SG-22 is - - PART ® SPECIAL, CONDITIONS j necessary for -the cleaning and inspection of the sewer lines by means of used drWit television. Satisfactory precautions shall be taken #o protect.the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipment. 1. HIGH VELOCITY JET (HYDR LEANING)-EQUIPMENT:: The high-velocity sewer'l"tne cleaning equipment shalt be constructed for easy and safe operation. The equipment shall also have a selection of two or more high velocity nozzles. The nozzles shad be capable of producing a scouring action from 15 to 45 degrees In all size lines designated to-be cleaned. Equipment shall also include a high-velocity gun for washing arid scouring manhole walls and floor. The gun shall be capable of producing flows from a fine spray to a solid stream. The equipment shall carry'Its own water tank, aukillary engines, pumps, and hydraulically driven hose reel. Hydraulically Propelled Equipment shall be of a movable dam type:and be constructed,in such a way that a portion of:the ddanfi may be collapsed at'any. orris during the cleaning operation to protect against flooding of the serer. The movable dam shall be equal in ( diameter around the outer periphery to ensure removal of geese;:If sewer cleaning balls or either equipment, which cannot be c6llapsed, is*tried; precautionq to:.prevent flooding of'the sewers and public or private properly shall be taken.. The flow.of ge present in the sewer tines shall be Olized to piovide:nececsary fluid-for.'hydraiil c;cleai ng devices whenever possible. " ..2. CLEANING PROCEDURES. The designated sewer r'manholes :shall be, cleaned using r . high-velocityjet equipment., The equipment shaft be ble,cif remoni�ig dirt, grease rocks, sand; and other materials and'obstructions oom_the sevvee kle� and nl .. If cleaning of an.entire section. cannot be {a .�� fully peiformed I f ror manhole, t ur e P .% ng atttrip fed. tf, again, f eq "prn nt shall be set upon the other manhole and cleans #o traverse the. a UUre . successful 'cleaning, cannot be performed or ui ant fails Manhole section, it Vill be assumed that a major b1o&age ists, s. aa.be abandd e-d. Whein additi at`qu�ii of er fro w' "its r necessary to-avoid delay in normal Woill�inig procedures, Ihp viate_t shall l '�er�+ed at�d i ir"it used unnecessarily, No fire hydrant shallnbe ob eci.in case of ai fire m'�area si tried by the hydrant. Before using any water- .from ttie City Water is 1d P_ the . Contractor shall apply for arid, receive permission from the-Water bepaei The .. Contractor shall be responsible for,the water meter and rela ,.. for the.setup, . irrciucfing the water usage bill. AN okpeoses;shell be cphsiftodkik o.ap • 3. dEBRIS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL: All'stiidge,turf,.sand.Fork,grease am o �solid, or semisolid material resultng "from fibs de nim .op ratiiein � tie rerrioved at them downstiearin manhole cif-the section being cleaned.- Pass 'mate al ` merle tion to manhole section, which could 'cause ilne stoppages, " ulatlons,of sand in wet wells, or damage pumping egquipment,shall not be pprmltted. w a.� 1 a . ( 4. .All solids or semisolid resulting from the cleaning.operations shall. be i' mo'�od;from the .site and disposed of at a`site designated by the Engineer. Alf-mat shAt bi"removed from the site no less often than at the end of each workday:and d►spo r d of:.at no additional cost to the . 5. UNDER NO C1R+CUMSTANCE SHALL SEWAGE OR SOLiDS REMOVED THEREFROM BE DUMPED (INTO 'TREETS OKINTO DITCHES, CATCH BASINS, f OR SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES. ' STORM [)RAINS 6. .TELEVISION INSPECTION EQUIPMENT. The television camera used for.the inspection shall be one specifically-designedapd constricted for suchT W27104 C-23 CITY W r PART D d SPECIAL COMMONS camera shall be suitable to allow a dear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. The' camera ;shall be operative in 100% humidity conditions_ The camera, television monitor, and other components of the video system shall be capable of producing picture quality to the'satisf ction of the Engineer, and if unsatisfactory,equipment shall be removed and no payment will.be made for an unsatisfactory Inspection. B. EXECUTION: 1. TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera„shall be moved through the line in either direction at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of any sewer service taps. In no case will the television camera be pulled'at a s greater than 30° feet per minute. Manual winches, power winches, TV cable, and powered rewinds or other devices that. do not obstruct the ,camera,view or interfere with proper documentation shalt be used to move'the camera through the sewer line. When manually operated winches are used to pull the television;camera through the fine, telephones or other suitable means of communications shall be up between the two manholes of the seen. being inspected to ensure good'communications between members of the crew. The i rtan of accurate distance easur em All television. inspection videota shall have a footage counter. Measurement.for location of sewer service traps shall be above ground by means of meter device. Marking on the:cable, or the like, which would require interpolation for depth of manhole, will not be allowed. Accuracy of the d'ista meter shall be checked by use of a walking meter,roll-a-tape, or other suitable dev ,and this ab6ureicy shall be satisfac tbry to the.'.Engineer. The City makes no guarantee that all of .sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera. The methods used far securing ppassage of the camera are to be at tt a`opt m of the ° tractor. cost of,reirk- j the Television-carnets,.under all : circumstances, when it--becomes es lodged -during inspection.- shalt be incidental. to Televisiion inspection. 2. DOW ENTA`fI©lei.. Tee Inspection ® Printed location ds shall be kept by tho'Contractor and wM clearly shove the location in r tieiin to an d icerit manhole of each sewer services taps observed during. inspection. In addition' other •points of sign° npia such as locations of unusual time,:roots,-storm sewer ctioris broken pipe, presenc6. of scale and� corrosion, and other discernible features 4041 be` re ° ed, acid a copy of:such records will be suppli l to the 3. PHOTOGRAPHS: Instant developing,-35 min, or other standard-size photographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken ,by the. Cor*acW upon request of the Engineer, as Iorlg as .such pliot pMing does not inlerferre with the Contractor., . operations. 4. VIbEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to supply a visual and audio record. of problem areas of the lines that may be_°replayed. Nrldeo tape recording playback shall.be at the same speed that it was re . The television tapes shall be furnished to the City for review immediately upon completion of the'television inspection and may be retained a 'mum of 30 calendar days.. Equipment shall be provided to the City by the. r for rev' of the to The w re to review. Tapes shall'not MUM SC-24 - PART D - SPECIAL CONbmow be erased without the permission of the Engineer.If the tapes are of-such poor quality that the Engineer;is unable-to evaluate the condition-of the sewer line or to locate service connections,_the Contractor shall be required to-re-televise-and-prop de a good -of the tine at no additional cost to the City if a good tape cannot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by the Engineer, no payment for televising this portion shall be made. Alse .no payment shall be made for portions of lines not televised or portigns where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television camera. THE TAPES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO' 'CONSTRUCTION FOR REVIEW AND DETERMINATION OF SAGS.. Upon. completion of review of the tapes by the Engineer, the Contractor will be notified as to which sections of the sanitary sewer are to be corrected. The Engineer will 'return tapes to•the Contractor upon completion of review. All costs associated with this work shall be. incidental"to.unit prices bid.for items under Television Inspection of the Proposal: C. PAYMENT" OF CLEANING AND PRE-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF j SANITARY SEWERS: The cost for Pre-Construction Cleaning and Television Inspection of sanitary sewers shall be, per linear foot of sewer actually televised. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer,with tapes of a quality that the-particular piece of sewer can be readily evaluated as to existing sewer conditions and for providing appropriate means for review of the tapes by the Engineer including collection and removal;- transportation. and disposal of sand and debris from the sewers to a legal dump site. Television inspection shall include necessary cleaning.(hydraulic jet or mechanical cleaner)to provide video image required for line analysis_ " The primary-purpose of cleaning is for television inspection and rehabilitation, when a-portion of a line is not or cannot be televised or rehabilitated;the cleaning cif that of Crne shall be incidental and no payment shall beumade. The City makes'no, guarantee that all of the sanitary sewers-,to be,.* it !,.are c'ig4 for the passage of a camera_ The-methods.used for secud-n-g pas�ge of tha pa dra are to b at the option of the Contfactor,,pand the costs must be�irnclud6d In;tF a bd price for TV tnspections. The exist of retrieving the TV.Cap*ra, under ati carcumstarices, r ahen-it becomes during ins n, shall be incidental to TV Inspection. �' .. ' '_The item-°shall alsoinclude all costs"of installing and inaintaining any bypass ppcnp�irig. required to urovide rel'iakle;regular seirver service to ttie area residents.;:All bypass pumping shall.be-Incidental to the project: I3.36 VACUUM TESTIId OF SAMTARY.aE1IWl=1i;f#llANl`1OtrE . . ° D GENERAL; This item shall goyem-the.vacuum testing of all newly constructedns,. ll ry sewer a - B. EKEmrno : e TEST PROCEDURE: Manholes shall be vacuum tested prior to.any interio r gro - i . with all connections in place. lift holes shall be plugged,`and ill efr -F.nr tions pd-gas , sealing connections shall be installed prior to testing- 10627/rT4 -SC-25 PAR" -'SPECIAL ONDI IONS The siewer_lines-.entering the manhole shall be plugged and braced to prevent the plugs . from being drawn into the manhole. The plugs shag be installed in the lines beyond the y drop-connections, gas sealing connections, etc. The test head shall be placed inside the frame at the top of the manhole and inflated in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. A vacuum'of ten inches of mercury (1 "Hg) shall be drawn and the vacuum pump will be turned off. With the valve closed,the level of vacuum shall toe'read after the required test time. The required test time shall be determined from.the TWO below in accordance with A STM D1244-93. "fable I .. MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED FOR VACUUM DROP OF I" Fig(16"fig-g"Hg)(SEC Depth of MK 48-Inch Dia. fU-Inch Dia.. (FT.) Mantiole, Manhole 0 to 16, 40 sec. 52.sec. 18' 45 sec. 59 sec. 2W 50 sec. 65 sec. 27 55 sec. 72 sec. 24' 59 sec. 7$sec. 26' 64 see. 85 sec. 28' 69 see. 91 sec. 33' 74 sec. t38 sec. For Each 5 sec. 6 sec. 1.1 ACCEPTANCE: The manhole shall be considered acceptable, if the drop in,"level of vacuum is less ,than one.-inch of mercury (1" Hg) after: the re mined test Any rinanhole, which fails to pass the.initl test; rr►ust be�irepaired by+tither pressure grouting #though the manhole vvat! or:digging to xpose,the eieterior well of thQ manholerki order to '166616 the leak and' seal it with an epoxy,sealant .°The manhole.stall be,refested as. described above unb`t It'has shssuly Follow0g. completion.o_f a successful°.test,_ the manhole .be'restored tar its normal condition, all temporary pluck stroll be rernovdd,all brace,a{u' nt de, .4 shall be "roved and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the C. PAYMENT. Payment for vacuum testing of.sanitary sew�+E r;faanholes. shall ba paid at the contract price per each vacuum'test. This price shall k clude,alt Fnater al,,labor, ` n6nt,° on -and all,incidentals, including all.bypass pumping; required'to complete the test labor,. specified -herein. D-37 i3YRASS PUMPING The Contractor shall bypass. the..sewage around the section, or sections of sewer to be rehabilitated and/or replaced_ The bypass shall by made by plugging existing upstream manhole and pumping the sewage Into a downstream manhole or ad ai ertt system.or other method as may be approved by the Engineer. The pump and bypass Mines shall be ofi adegetate rapacity and size to handle the flow without sewage backup occurring to facifiliesconriected to the sewer. Provisions shall be made at driveways and street crossings to permit safe vehicular travel without - Y PART D SPECIAL. CONDITIONS in rrepting flow in the bypass system. Under no circumstances will ttie Contractor be permitted to rge ,sewage into the trenches. Payment shall be incidental to rehabilitationq or rep asement of the sewer line. D- 8 'POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEI/IS14PI IIwISPE`CTKtNI OF S"TARY SEWER A. GENERAL: After construction. ALL sections of sanitary sewer lines shall have a television inspection performed by an independent'sir ctor hired by the- prime tractor. . Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for inspection of the sewer lines by means of closed circuit television:..Satisfactory-precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage,that might be inflicted by the Improper use"of clearting equipment. B. TELEVISION INSPECTION EQUIPMENT:- The television camera used for the inspection shall be one-specifically designed andconstructed for such inspecdon® Lighting, for the .camera shall be .operative In 100% humidity conditions.° The camera,televis Ion,monitor,and o �components of the video system shall be. capable of producing picture -quality to the. satisfaction of the Engineer, and if unsatisfactory; equipment shall be removed.and n©" payment will be made for an unsatisfactory-inspection. " C EXECUTION: 1. TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera shall be moved through -the line -in either direction-at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to-permit, proper documentation of any sewer service taps. In no case will the tetevisibn camera be pulled at a speed 9 reater than 30 feet,per ,minute. ManuaVwincbes power wkiches, TV cable. andpowered "p rewinds or other devices that do not obstruct the camera view or interfere-with I-proper documentation shall be used to move the camera-through the sewwer.fire. No more than J 2000 linear feet of pipe will be televised at-one time for rev` by the Erg .'When rttsaily operated winches are:used to pull the television camera thr9ugh,.the line, telephones or other suitable means of-communications shall be.set up between . two manholes. of the section -being in ed to- ensutey good°co0a mmgicaflons bee n members,of the crew. The importance of accurate distance ,measurements is em ' -All television inspection video tapes.shall have a footage counter. Measurement f©r; of sewer FIR service taps,shall be-above ground by means of meter device. Markingi on the..cable; or. the like, which would require-interpolation for depth of manhole, will not,be'.allowed... x Accuracy of the distance meter shall be checked by use of a walking meter",roll-a-tape, or other suitable device, and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to the Eriglk*er. The City makes no guarantee that alt of the sanitary sewers to-be ordered-are bfear for the passage of a camera.. The methods used for securing,passage of the,camera are to be at the option 'bf the Contractor. The.cost or retrieving the'Televislon camera,::timer all, circumstances, ewhen it becomes lodged during inspection, shall :be m® . a*l to. Television inspection. Sanitary,sewer mains must be laced with enough water to fill all low " ,s. The television in most be done immediately following the lacing of the min with no water'flow; all If :sewer is active, flow must be. restricted to provide a clear image of sower `being inspected. QY27� SC-27 OTT Z. DOCUMENTATION: T ' `ion Inspection Logs: Printed location records shall be kept _ by the Contractor and will clearly show the location in relation to an adjacent manhole of ' each sewer service tap observed during inspection. All television logs shall be referenced to stationing as shown on the plans. A copy of these television logs will be supplied to the City. 3. HO'TOGRAPHS: Instant developing, 35 mm or other standard-size photographs of the television. picture of problems shall be taken by the Contractor upon request of the Engineer, as l as such photographing does not interfere with the Contractor's operations. 4. VIDEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to supply a visual and audio recgrd' of m' areas of the lines that may be replayed_ tape recording playback shall be at the same speed that it was recorded. The television tapes . shall be fun-dshad to the City for,review tmmedlately'upon completion of the td6viision .1nspection and may be retained a maximum of 30 calendar days. Equipment shall'be „ provided..to the.City by the Contractor for review of the tapes. Tapes will be returned to the Contractor upon completion of review by the Engineer. Tapes shall not be erased without the permisston of the Engineer. If the taDeS are pf su l' that ft En i er i a evalu to a ition f• ..r fi m or o to se : " s e 4 s r lr to re- tc; a nd . a the i'of . at no a dill 1 t'; the if a good tape cannot, be' provided of such quality that cars be reviewed by°the 'neer, no payment for televising this portion shall be made. Also, no payment shall be made for "rtiond of fines not televised or portions where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television camera. D_ PAYMENT OF POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION .F SANITARY .SEWERS .The cost for post trUction Televisionjnspecfioh of sarfitary .". e rs shalt'be ' -.pei line6rrfoot of sewer t vised. The Contractor shall � the Engineer With tapes of a quality that theparticular piece of sewer can be readily evaluated as.to sewer conditions and for providing appropriate means for review-of the tapes by the Engineer.' fi ioiri Inspection shaA tnducie necessary Wing (hydraulic jet or ntcat r)to 0rovide video image required for fine analysis. The quantity of-TV-'inspection shall be .Measured as the'total length of new pipe installed.AN costs associated with this work shall be Included In the appropriate bid item.--Pos s 'on-Television Inspection. item shall also include all cats of installing and maintain'maintainirig any bypass ping required to provide reliable, regular sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be Inesdental to the OrojecL.. 39'-.°SAMPLES AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A° Tfie'Contraclor shall furnish, at its own expense, certif"fions by a,private laboratory for all Materials proposedto be used on the projed, including a mix design for any asphaltic and/or . Portland cement.concrete to be used, and gradation analysis for sand and crushed stone to be.used along with the name of" pit from,which the material was taken.' The contractor shall provide manufacturer's certifications for all manufactured items to be.used In the project on and volt beau any expense related thereto. B_. Tests of the design concrete mix shall,be mane by the contractces laboratory at least mine days prior to the placing of concrete using the same aggregate,cement.and mortar which are I`�'`ART D SPECIAL CONPITIONS to be used later in the concrete. The Contractor shall provide a certified copy of the test results to the City. C. Quality control testing of in-place material on this°project will be performed by tfie city at its own expense. Any retesting required as a result of failure of the material-to meet project specifications tions will be at the expense of the contractor and will be billed at commercial rates as determined by the City_ The failure of the City to make any tests of materials shall in no way relieve the contractor of its responsibility to furnish materials and equipment conforming to the requirements of the contract. D. Not less than 24 hours notice shall be: provided to the City by the Contract9ery for operations requiring testing. The Contractor shall provide access and trench safety systernw°(if required) for the site to be tested, and any work effort involved is deemed.to be included in the.unit price for the item being tested. E J The Contractor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket for each load of fill material delivered to j the''job site. ticket shall specify the name of the pit supplying the fill mrater;at. '410 TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENT,AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL(FOR D ST1URBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE) DESCRIPTION: This item shall consist of temporary soil erosion sediment and water pollution control measures deemed,necessary by the Engloper,.for the duration of the contract. These control measures shalt at no time be used as a substitute for the perm rient' , control: measures unless otherwise -directed by the. Engineer and they shah not include measures taken by1he CONTRACTOR to control conditions crated by his constn " i operations. 'The.temporary measures shall include.dikes,.dams, berms,. ediment bas'ms fiber mats, jute netting, temp orary seeding, straw mulch, asphalt mulch, plastic liners, rubble liners, leafed-hay retards, dices, slope drains acid other devices., ` B. .CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS:,M* ineer has the authoritYA6 defim erodible earth' and the authority,to limit-the surface.area. erodible-earth mate dal:ex" by..preparing. right-of-way, clearing and grubbing, the surface area.of erodible-eeith material°ex by excavation, borrow and to direct the CONTRACTOR, to provide ternary pollution-control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams,other water c 6u lakes;,.ponds or other areas of water 1mpoundrrrent. Such:work may involve th 'constr #ion'of temporary berms, dikes, dams, sediment I basins;,slope drains.and use of temporary mul` .,-mats, seeding., or other control devices-car methods directed by the Erig' . as n to, frol soil erosion. Temporary pollution-control measures'shall be; 'used to prevent or °corred erasion that may develop during constructlo .prior to installation of permanent pollution a control features, but-are,not associated-wW permanentt control features on the project. The -Engineer will limit.the area of.preparing-right=of- y, clearing and grubbing, excavation.and••.: borrow to-be proportional to-the CONTRA S CTOR' capability and progr+ in.keeping the finish. grading, mulching, seeding, and other such permanent °pollutio trot.measures .current in aceardance with the.accepted schedule. . Should seasbinail'conditiormmake such limitations unrealistic.. temporary so"rosion s sh-control measuream be.performe4as directed J by the Engineer. 2. Waste or•disposal areas and construction°roads°shall-be located and constructed.in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams 3. Frequent ford ngs of live streams will not be permitted; therefore, temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever an appreciable.number of stream crossings are necessary. Unless-other wise approved in writing.by the Engineer, mechanized equipment shall not be operated in live streams. W27104 :SC 29 PART D SPECIAL: CONDITIONS' 4. When.work areas or material sources are located in or adjacent to live streams, such ' areas shalt be separated .the streams by a dike or ether barrier to keels sediment from entering a #lowing stream. Care shall be taken during the construction and removal of such barriers to rnininiize the muddying of a strew m. 5. All waterways shalt be cleared as soon aS pracable of false work, piling, debris or other obstructions placed during construction operations that are not a part of the finished work. & The Contractor shall take sufficient pre i.rns to prevent pollution of streams,lakes and reservoirs with fuels-, ca ts,'bltumdn, caldwri chknride or other harrnful materials.. He shall conduct and schedule his operations o as to avoid or minimize saltation of streams,lakes and 'reservoirs and to avoid Interference with movement of migratory fish. C. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All work, materials and equipment necessary to provide tem` ry'erosion control shall be considered subsidiary to,the contract and no extra pay will u be given for this work. D-41 INGRESS AND GRE Y 013STRUCTION OF ACCESS TO DRIVE' Tile.I Contrpclor .shall prravide ingress and eg ',to the property being crossed by this cons . . .'and adjacent p ' When construction is not in progress and at night. Drives shall ba'lpft a', �'`ble at hi ht;on w koruis and during holidays. The Contractor shalt conduct his .ostler to.. manirinize tiro. of a to drives and property during the ens of construction. Np;` ti6ri shall be.mach o an o r prior to his driveway:being.removed and/or . v rebuilt,. ' D-42 PROTECTION OF TREESi PLANTS AND SOIL M- "�property-.a band..idjaceot.to-the Contra including. lawns, yards, bs, . ,'etc.;shalt be preserved or restoredom after nptiara of,the w a condition l to or; to . better than e i 6d-4 ' to start of work. Anytr6es,,or other,land p -features scanned or.daroaged by=the Contractor's operations shall be restored or replaced at the tractces expense. .Trimming or pruning to facilitate the work wr'It be `tied-only by experienced wb n-in an-approved manner No tram or pruning without Ahe, treated os as . slue with treed d _ _, o �` g property n* ' nibs of V 'a meter or r s t By. ordinance the#Contractor must obtain ,a perwAt Qfrom the City,Forester before-any,work t g, nova`i or,s of cart be done on trees or, shrubs c m rty includatng street�g1 lays awl aci . `['his it'ban be etini by the Forestay C)ftice.at:871a7 tree; shallb . In compliahce with ,pruning standards 'for Class it Pruning as dam." by the:N Arbor t As soda#t ra. A copy of °�tandaeds can be ico��ided,by calling the-above nu . .Any.damage to public trees due to , tigence by. . the Contrnctor small be assessed.usihg the,current formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the InternatforialSoclety of Arbori rk se. - a nt for negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Wy and may lad. f funds due the r ractor..by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wit fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately seated using a,comet,erc lat pnWing paint. No separate payment thrill be made for any of" Involved for this item and all costs Incurred will be considered a subsidiary cast of tine tare. SC-30 . a a PART SPECIAL CONDITIONS a D-43, SITE RESTORATION Jntractor shall .be responsible for restoring the slte to original grade and condition after pletion of his operations subject to approval of the Engineer. The basis for approval by the veer will be grade restoration to plus minus one-tenth(0.1)of foot. D> 44 CITY„OF FORT WORTH STANDARD PRODUCT.LIST Proposed products submitted in the bid documents must appear in the latest"City of Fort Worth " Stndard Product List,for the bid to be considered responsive. Products and processes listed in 0 "City 'Qf Fort Worth Standard Product Ust shall be considered to meet City of Fort Worth mTn"urri technical requirements. 1 45 TOPSOIL,SODDING, SEEDING&HYDROMULCHING T1 is*item shall be perfcxmed in accordance with the City of Fort Worth-Parks and,Community . �o S rvices Department Specifications for Topsoil, Sodding and Seeding. .;DESCRIPTION:This item will consist of furnishing and placing a minimum of six(6)inches of topsoil, free from rock,and foreign material, in all parkwayi and medians to the lines and . grades as established by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: Topsail Will be secured from borrow source's as required to supplement material secured from street excavation. All excavated materials froM'i'w streets . wJ ich�is suitable for topsail will be used in the parkways and medians before arty.topsoil is obtained.fr_om'a borrow-source. Topsoil material secured from street excavation shall be stockpiled at.locations approved by the Engineer, and at completion ©f grading and paving operations, topsoil.shall be placed on parkway areas -so asAo prvvrde a minimum six (C) lnches of compacted pacted depth of topsoil parkways. .. fSODDI,NG . DESCRIPTION: Sodding will consist of furnishing and planting Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augur no•grass-in the areas between the.curbs-andmalks, on terraces-,in.medi-in strips. d n : rnben ts. or cx�t alms..,or- in: such :areas as designated-on. the 'ngs and in accordance with. the 'requirements of:this ,$perm #inn. . °Recommend6d-'Ditffalo. grass ,vadet'ies for sodding are Prairie and fiUg. _ a MATERIALS. Sod shall consist of live and growing.Bermuda, Buffalo or St Augustine grass sewed from.sources where the soil is fertile. Sod to be placed during the dormant state of these grasses shall be alive and acceptable. Bermuda rend;Buffs "grac�cf hall have a healthy,virile root,system of dense, thickly.matted routs=throughout,a two.(2)":. minimum 40 thickness of native soil attached to the roots. St. Augustine grass sod shall have p healthy, virile root system of dense, thickly matted.roots throughout-a one (1)inch rninimutft thickn6is 1 of native soil attached to the roots. The.;sod shall be:free,,from obnoxious weeds or 'Other-grasses, shall not contain any matter deleterious to its growth or which might affects its subsistence or,hardlne t,"when -transplanted. Sod to be placed between curb and walk and on terraces shall be'the some - type grass as adjacent grass or existing lawn. ` . a 10MI04 SC,31 q PAR D - tPEOAL coNwmsOft ,. Care shall be taken at all times t.o retain native soil ion the roots of the sod during the process 'of excavating, hauling, and planting. Sod.matedal shall be kept moist from the time it is dug until- planted. When so directed`by°the Engineers-the sod existing at the source shall be . watered to the extent required prior to'excavating. Sod noate0ai shall be planted Within three , e days after it is excavated, 'CONSTRUCTION METHODS After the,designated areas have been completed to the lines;, grades, and cross-sections shown on the Dress air d:as Aded for in other items of the contract, soddingof the type s shag be one in accordance with' the' `�t pe ,.. m W w w "blow; requirements hereinafter described. Sodding shall. W. either spot or block ; either Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass. a. Spot Sodding Furrows parallel to,the curb line or si dWalka lines,al elvii(12)inchesIon centers or to the dimensions shown ont the bra " ,"-shall lie.© ` 'on areas. to be sodded. In all furrows, sod approximately three (3) inches square.shalt be placed on twelve (12) inch -centers at proper depth so that the top of the sod_ .shill not be more than one-half (112) inch .below the finished grade. Holes of equivalent depth and spading may be used instead of furrows- The soit.shall be firm around e9chbl6ck and then the entire'°sodded area shall'be carefully rolled with a heavy,hand i-�ftt-+developing 6 n(15)to twenty-five .., (25)pounds per square Inch compression. Hand-lampirig irway,be required on to b. Black Sodding. , At=locations on the.Drawings or where directed,,sod blocks',shail.be carefully,placed on the prepared areas. The sod-shall be so.placed that the'entire desigriated Brea sa11.be covered, and any voids left in the block sodwding.shalt-be Med with'additional soli and tamped: The entire sodded aria:shad be rdk d and t6m, to f®rm a thoroughly ' :":,pact solid mass: Surfaces of block sod,which,in the opin�n of the Engirir may,slime re jo the height or slope of the surface or nature of the soil; shall,. upon direction ;of.the Engineer, be pegged with wooden pegs driven.through the sod block to lhe'fliin earth, sufficiently close to hold the block sod firirtly in place. 'When necessary; the sodded areas shall be smoothed';after plan rig has beers,borrtpleted and shaped to confomn to the ixoss . n.preens.provided and exIs rig at the tlrne a4dding operations were begumt-Aiiy exce~ts,dirt iDM trlar�opeiratic s shall be spread Jim uniform over the adjacent areas or disposed '' y g` +o that the uniformly l peed of drr�l b ��the Eri sneer s completed surface will presents sig appearance, The sodded areas a . shall be ttioi ly watered'Immediatery after-they are planted and shall be subsequently.watered at such irnes and k'i-a rrt&ww and quantity directed by the Engineer until',oorrrpletion and final acceptance of the project by ft City of Fod Worth.,-' 3. SEEDING DESCRIPTION: "Seeding"'will consist of prepares ground, providing and planting seed'or a mixture of seed of the kind specified along and-arrow'such areas as may be des gnated on the Drawings and in accordance with.the a Specifications, , MATERIALS a. General. All seed used must carry, a Texas -Testing Seed label showing purity and germination, name, type of seed, and that the seed meets all requirements of theTexas IOWA>4 SC-32 Jl, -"PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Seed Laver. Seed furnished shut be of a.previous season's crop and the`�date of ar)aWs shown'on each.tag still;tie within rune(9)months of time of delivery to the, 'ect.- Each v ' 'ty of seed sfi all be furnished and deliveredin rate or containers. A sample of each variety of,seed shall be furnished for analysis and testing when directed by the Engineer. The specified seed shall ^equal or exceed the following percentages of Purity and germination: Commo are- " Pr Germination Common Bermuda Grass 95% 900/0 'Annual Frye Crass ' ' 95%Q 950/0 M �fa1l, escue - 950/0 90% Western Wheat rass 95% .90i/0 G gufFal4 `ass 1%arietiee Tap Gun`: m, 95°! 90"�/0 Cody 95°I© 90%low • . Table 1211:2.(2 . .o URBAN AREA W 4EA k SEEDINGRATE(Ibs.); Page Live Seed(PLS) Mixture for;Ctav or Trght Sorts Mtxture for �San�dy Boil ®ates Eastern (Western "Se ns) (A11 Beckons) Feb 1 Bermudagrass 40 B s. 80 Berrriudagrass 60. to Buflatograss 60 Bermudagrass 20 Buffalograss 40 Total. . 100 Total® 100 Total: 100 -. Table,.120.2.(2)b TEMPS . . .Y bL- EfJME1G FtA'fE; Ib.)Fore Dire; e+ed(PtwS) i Ws : °` Ie�nsl A091- T411 Fescpe` 50 to We #em Vyl iueat�grass 50 I�laiy.1 Annual Rye ^ :so otTal. 100 . � " P,m°• w " e. " m ° °"CC3NSTt3l�CTtbN iVIETI 00� 1 r'the:des naffed areas lia�re beam mp�1 tra. lines® K rade , a �r wse,0, sl v+n on me swings and as'prowled for in other'it ms.of this ° Ctrntract, seeding of the sp ed sttiA tie �pe!l in accordance rul err 'bernaer a. Watering. Seeded areas shalt be watered as directed by the Engineer so as.to merrent ° " vvashmg.ol the sloppy or did merit of tt d® b t=nrshirig °Wt ere°app"ble, the°sty '-sic s, and ditches shad 66 smooth. a after. " .. deed bed prepa f Mon", � t .6h com ted and�siaapett:to c nfarm to ttie, - s ` r a oirsty pr"ded ar►d 6160ng at thi time planting r�peratrons were 4egun. • , BROADCAST SEEDING: . seed or seed mixture in the quantity specified shad be uniformly.' ributed over the areas s on the drawings and Wb directed,. If the sowing °° arf'seecl..is` ,"ra r than by I m sN the seed shall be. sown in two directi at�right'angles 6e� other:4 Seed and fertilizer shah be di taributed at the same 10027/04' SC-33 --SPECIAL CONDITIONt PART D time proVi the specified uniform rate of appli ' for both is dbteinec . ✓�F" . in "� as spedfied in Section . trucli Methods, is not apo since no seed bed prepara'. is retturi, DISCED SEEDING: Soil over the area shown on the Drawings as directed lobe seeded shall be loosened to a minimum depth of three (3).inches and:all particles n the seed bed shall be reduced to less than one (1) inch in diameter or they shall be`removed. The area shall then be Finished to line and, grade as specified under "Finishing" In Section , Construction Methods. The seed,'or seed mixture, specified shall then be planted at the rate, requiredand the application shall "be made uniformly. If ethe. sowing of seedy is by hand re r than by mechanical methods, seed strap be raked or harrowed, 'into the soil. 'to. a depth of ° approximately o fight(1f8)inch. The planted area shop be rolled �+ith a ` gated roller of the"Gultipacker"type. All rolling of the slope areas shall be on the' tour. ASPHALT MULCH SEEDING,. The soil over the area shown on the Drawings,or as di' to be seeded, shall be loosened to the.mirpmum,d of three,(3)Wires and all pa in the seedbed shall be redo; to less than one(1.)i .in,diameter,. r may!ber removed. ° The area shall then be finis ` to line and grade as specified;under" lshing" in S .D-. 45, Construction Methods Water i shall then be applied to the cultivated area of the seed bed,until .mini a- mum depth of Pl six(6 inches is° h molst6ned� After the watering, when the ground has become sufficiently dry to be loose and-p aable, the seed, or seed mixture specified,shall then be planted at the rate required and the application shall be made dr0dimly. If the sov*V of seed is by hand, rather than mechanical methods, the seed shall be sown in two directions at right an '' s to each ach other; ' if II repay- be distribute at the same time,.proms tare sped uniform rates of awication felt both its , obtained. After plan .` , the seed shall be raged or,harrowedinto the toll,to a depth of approximately uarter(1/4) inch. The planted qce area and a:s:` surface, without ruts or tracks, In .between the Ume,c6cnpa is completed and. as is°.. applied, the planted area shall be watered sufficle"l, to assure-uniform moisture'from the. -surface to a minimum of six(6)inches In depth. The application of asphalt shall follow the last watering as rapidly as . Asphalt al �l ` be of the and grade as shown orr the Drawings and shall.confer:tof of the item 3t3Q, "Asphalts,°Oils and Ernuls c ns".. if a tapeof as h fi tQ; is not' own. on the Qrawings, or if, r+tiinc s.are not InOuded, tl r sfta lies the asphatt'shatl be at a rate*, thrte,-tenths'f1.3; alg I ly Grp a imjlbbpapfil i to the area in such a manner so that a complete film Is tpined ark the firrrislrecl urfac °sfi►all be comparatively smooth. - RE-SEEDING OF AREAS, PLANTED VlflfiH Q�I+ ° SiES Ares-where tPff vporary cool season species have been planted may. be .rreplanted,b rmi cry,l with warm season_species as Listed in Table 1 The r 1c#hieed'rwi the . following rm4pher. The c obi season species-shall be moored- dom, to a lrelight of one.T(V ''incl, to Insure that srd-seeding equipment will be able to dut through the turf and achieve adequate soil penetration. Slit-seeding, is achieved through the use of an implement.e whirr cuts a' ' . (slit).1h.the soil and places the seed,In the slit which:is then pre a cult rwheel. T SC-34 f ART--) --SPECI L WNEATIONS 4_ HYDROMULCH SEEDING:t ` i if hydro mulch seeding is provided, seed mix`shall have 950/9-purity of Bermuda grass and have a germination rate of 90%_. Contractor shall ensure that the grass establishes_ 5. CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PARK AREAS, y TURF RESTORATION OF PARK AREAS: FERTILIZER r DESCRIPTION: "Fertilizer" will consist,of providing,w�and distributing ferfilizzer aver such areas as'4e-designated on the Drawings and in accordance with these Spec` lions. MATERIALS Ali fertilizer used shalt be delivered in bags or containers clearly labeled showing the analysis. The fertilizer is subject to .testing by the City of 'Fort Vlfor#t in accordance with the Texas Fert`fi 6ilaw; 'A pelleted..or granulated fesbilizer shall be used • with an, analysis of 16-20-9 or 1li-5-8 or having the analysis shown pan The Drawings. The figures in the analysis represent the percent. of r►itrrigen,. phosphoric acid, and potash. nutrients respectively as determined.by the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists_ In the event it.is necessary°to subsftdeµa fertilizer of a different analysis,it shall be a pelleted or-granulated fertilizer=with a lower concentration.- Total emount`uf nutrients furnished and applied-per acre shall:equal°or exceed that spec ll6d for each nutrient. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: When an item fo fertilizer i in ed i�ri tfiie Drawrin and proposal, pelleted or granulated fertilizer shall be applied urn ' ly over the area spedftd to be fertilized and in the manner directed-for.the particular Item-ofwork.'Fertilizer shal be dry and in good. physical condition l`erMizer .that Is red to Faked will be rejected. distribution of fertilizer as.a particular item of work shall meet the a,` of the Engineer. �u •Unless otherwise indicated .on the Drawings, fertilizer sha* be applied un`iforrnly at the ` average rate of three hundred (300) pounds .pe acre•for all hyped.,of "Sodding" and four Hundred(40Q}pounds per acre.for`all types pf" . ..ing MEASUREMENT:Topsoil secured f oi�ri bdrrow sources will be measured by the square.yard in. lace on the ro'ect site Measuremer►t wilt be.irtade+all on to secured from. ow' P project. :.4 - ly psis sources. Acceptable maternal for"Seeding"will be measured by the tlne'ar foot,complete in place. Ac rri ceptable atenal for Sodding"will.be measured by.the liner font,.ctrnplete in`piace. Acceptable material for"Fertiliser"shall be subs`idi-a to.the price bt sodding or sewiw PAYMENT: All work performed as 6rder6d and Ineasureid shall be subsidiary to the contract Y unless and otherwise notpO in the plans and bid documents to be paid-`fbr at the bid t - for-each item of work_ `Its prig shah belufull compensation for excavating (6xceptl as noted w below), loading, hooting, plating and fumish'irx, all labor,:merit, tools, supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete work: i All labor,equipment, tools and-incidentals necessary to supply,transport,stocWile and place topsail or salvage;topsoil as sp ` shall be included in."Seeding" or '" diing7 bid items and will not be paid for directly. 1027104, SC-35 PART D - SPECIALCONDITION8 ng y " paid for at the contract unit "Spot sodding" or "bkx�cc sodding!' as the case.-may be, wIN be price per square yard, complete in place, as provided in the proposal and contract.- The . contract unit price shall be the total compensation.for furnishing and placing.all sod; for all rolling and tamping;for all°watering; for disposal of all surplus materials; and for all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work,all in accordance with the Drawings and these Specifications. The work performed and materials furnished and measured as provided under "Measurement` shall be paid for at the unit price for "Seeeding", or "Sodding"; of #w type specified, as the case may be,,which price shall each be-full compensation for Ing an materials and for performing all oPerations necessary to complete the work aged as follows. Fertilizer material and°application will not be.measured or paid for d`Wectly..but is considered subsidiary to Sodding and Seeding. .D-46, CONFINED SPACE ENTRY a PROGRAM It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to implement and maintain a variable °Ct3NFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM" which must meet OSHA requirements for all its employees and subcontractors at all times during construction.` AN active sewer manholes, regardless of depth,, are -defined by t)SHA, as `permit required 'confined spaces. Cantractoia shall st, acceptable 'CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAW for all applicable manholes-and maintain ° an active file for these manholes. The cost of complying with this program shall be sub ' iary.to the pay items involving work to confined spaces., D-47 S1jBST4NTIAL.COMPLETION INSPECTIONIFINAL INSPECTION 7. Prior to the final inspection being conducted fos the paw, #le . f.: lil.efact the city inspector in wilting when the entire projector a designated portion�of tie' . i substantially commplete. 8. The ins ector a with . p � long ap to City staff and the City's constrltan# N=make an inspection of the substantially completed work and prepare and submit to thecontractor a list.of items needing to be completed or Corr b. Th6 contractor shall lake immediate stepsio'reititifiyihiatsted d frc lent es and,no` the owner in Writing when all the items have`been completed leted or corrected. 10. Payment for substantial completion Inspection as Well `as final ins < .- pie` pegtiorr shall be subsidiary to .the, project price. Contractor shall still,be required to addri :.ail. otter deficiencies,which are disc yered"at the time of dal 11. Final inspection shall be in conformance with general condition' item 'Cf":18 Final Inspection"of PART C°-GENERAL PQNDM-ONS. . D-48 'EXCAVATION,NEAR TREES ONHERE IDENTIFIER"ON THE PLANS) 1. The Contractor shall.be responsible for taking measures to minimize -da' to tree limbs, tree trunks, and tree roots at each work site. All such measures thall .ba . considered as incidental work included in the Contract Unit Price bid for applicable pipe or structure installation except for short tunnelingilree angering. r SC-36 a ' PART D ;. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. Any and ait trees located within the e9piprent operating area-at each work Ae"thali, at the direction of the Engineer, be protected by erecting' '-'sno ,f ; "'a the drip line or edge of the tree root system between tree-and the 6xwtuction area. 3. Contractor :shall.ins ct each.work site in advance end arrange to have 1 pe rig any tree limbs pruned that might be damaged by. egwpment operations.. The Engineer ihall be notified at least 24 hours prior to any tree,trimming work. 'No trimming work will be pe tutted P within private property without written permission of the wner. 4. Nothing shell be stored over the:tree toot system within'the drip line area of.any tree. 5. Before ex nation(off the roadway)within the drip llne-area of ai . the'earth sball.be sawcut for a minimum depth of 2 feet. 6 At designated loc rations shown on the drawings, the"short tunnel" Wthoo,using Class 51 D.L pipe shall be utilized. 7. clearing Except in areas where .e P ring is allowed, all trees..up to 8'In.diameter'er'damaged during. construction shall,be removed and.repl with the same type and diameter tree at the contractors expense. 8. Contractor shall employ a qualfied landscaper for all-the work required for true care to ensure'utilization of the best agriculturat practices and procedures. 9. Short tunneling shall consist.of power augering or.hand excavation deter shall not be larger.than 1.71/2 times the outside pipe diartteter.� Voids ininog after pipe installation shall-be preNk ,re grouted. ENCASEMENT OF.SEWER PIKE 49 CONCRETE..ENCAS . m mete encasement of sewers shall be paid for at the C . U i`Pence per N leaf foot of oncarete encasement as measured' in place. along the' centerline of the pipe f pipe iac peter IrAca -The Contract Unit Price s Indlude aq is as ted b Calla and ein orcement of the i ete encaseniet t.W'� 60 CLAYDAIVI flay darn. construction shall be performed in accordance with the W9fastewater.Clay Dam, . construe on fujure in the Dswing Specifications, at - I , , bn the swings or'as d" ed try the Cifiy. flay.dams; . keyed into undiSti4w soil to:mime an rnpervious barrier to reduce groundwater percolation-throe&Ahe pipeline-trench,:, C-onstruction material shaft consist of compacted berrtonit�e;clay.or 2:27. . ,cite -,.I yea :for. such-as ` Ia tco the price bpi forpipeir>stalfatioet ..omu pn rig, plasm and fuashin shah be subsi ;6r:51 EXOLORATORY.EXCAVATION(D7"OIL ' the Icatiions of all eist The Contractor shall-be respons .Ible for ire rig _ 'rig utilities prior to construction, In accordance with ritem 136.At. . dons identified on the Wings; shall u conduct an a ra "excavation( le),-to locate"and.verify,the and elevation of the existing underground wtikity,where it may be In-potential conf l with a propoi�ed facility pt�giarraent llie expk>story excavation shell be ccinducted 'prier tv,+con. ,f the iarti lQJ only t at locations denoted ion the plans or as,d4ected by the ene irieer. Contractor`shall'submifa report of findings (including surveyed elevations,of existing`coratf" utilities) to the'City prior,to the start-of construction of the entire project- If'the contmclor determines an exis" u" .is in r SQ-37 1 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS conflict with the proposed facility, the contractor shalt contact the engineer immediately for appropriate design modifications The contractor shall make the necessary repairs at the exploratory excavation(D-Hole)to obtain a safe and proper driving surface to ensure the safety of the.general public and to meet the approval of the City inspector. The contractor shall be liable for any and all damages incurred due to the exploratory excavation(D-Hole). Payment shall not be made for verification of exisft utilities per item D-6. Payment for exploratory excavation (D-Bole), at locations identified on the plans or as, directed, by the Engineer, shall Include full cp mperisaUon for all .materials,.excavation; surface restoration, field surveys,.and all incidentals scary to complete the work, shall bee the unit price bid. ° No payment shall be made for exploratory excavation(s)conducted after construction has begun. 13-52 INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES 52..1 Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)Water Pipe POLYVINYL Chloride Plastic Water Pipe:and f n' gs on this Prood shall-be hi aoccarn+ ance with the material standard contained in the General Contract Documents. Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, blocking, detectable tapes and all other'associated appurtenant required,shall be Included in the linear foot price bid of the appropriate BID ITEM(S). 52.2 Blocking Concrete blocking on this Project will necessarily be required as shown on the Plans and shall be installed,InAcoordaince.with the General Contract Documents_- All valves shell have concrete blocking provided for supporting- No separate payment wig be.made for any of the work invoked for the item and all costs Incurred,will be or r ed to be Included in°the linear"foot bid prig of the,pipe or the bid price of the valve. 52.3 , Type of Casing Pipe 1,17VATER: ° .. The casing pi for.open hired or tunneled shaft=be A A G 2tK? . Fabricated'Electribally'Welded Steel Water Pipe, and shall conform to,the provisions.of ,E1-15, E1-5 and E1-0 in°Material Specfrcaflons of GorieiaC Contracct the ments and Specifications for Water Department Projects. The steel casing pipe shall.besupplied,as follows: For the Inside and outside of casing pipe,coal-tar protective coating Cn acrcordancg with the requirements of Sec.2.2 and related sections in AWWA G203. Touch-up after field welds strAll-pr6yide=atlng equal to"those specified above. C.Minimum thickness for casing used shall be 0.375 inch. Stainless Steel Casing Spacers (centering style) such as manufactured my Cascade . Waterworks Manufacturing Company or an approved equal shall be used` c� all non- ' be as mended by the Manufacturer. ° Installation she�N, ° .. concrete pi when costa m ca ns .P ° 2. SEWE,R. Boring used on this prpject shall be in'accordance with the materral.standard E1=15 and Construction starxiard E245 as per Fig. 110 of the General Contract Documents. 3. PAYMENT. Payment for all ernatedals, labor, equipment, excavation, concrete grout, backfill, and Incidental work shall be included in the unit bid per foot- low C-3 S g PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' 52.4 'Fie-ins The Contractor iMll be responsible for making tie-ins to the existing water mains. it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify the exact location and elevation'of the -existing line tie4ins. And any differences in locations and elevation of existing fine tie-ins, between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the field shalt'be considered as incidental to construction. The cost of making tie4ns, to existing,water or sanitary sewer mains shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. 52.5 Connection of Existing Mains rm in n ration and angulation The Contractor shall detei e the exact locatio ,elevation,configu of existing water or sanitary sewer lines 'prior to manufacturing of the connecting-piece. Any differences in locations, elevation, configuration, and or angUlation of existkV fines between the contract drawings and what may-be encountered the said work shall be ,considered as incidental. to construction Where;. ouritered In re,it isrequired1to,sW d6wri-6ftting mains in order to mako"proposed connections,' such.downt1iiie shall'be coordinitW with the, Engineer, and all eff6itsshall bemade to'keep,this, time to'arriVninium Incase 6f shutting d6wn an,existing main, the Contractor shall notify. the Manager, Cops Services,,Phone 871-7813, at least 48-hours prior to the-requ1irod shut down time. The Contractors attention is directe.d to Paragraph C CFP-5.1 5 INTERRUPTION" OFSEBVICE,, DITIONS OF THE WAItR, DtPARTM Page C5-5(5),FART C - GENERAL ,ON ENT GENERAL- 'CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND GENERAL -SPECIFICATIONS. The Contractor shall notify the customer both perso n*ally-arid in writing as to the location,time, and schedule of the service interruption. The cost of'removing any existing concrete blocidng shag be included in Wst of connection. Unless bid separately-all cost incurred shall be incitided,in.:the-linear foot price bid for the'appropriate pipe size. )J 52.6 Valve Cut-ins It may,be necessary to,out-in"gate valves to Isolate the water tiialn from 44ch the extension and/or replacement is to be connected. This mayrequire closing valvoes—in other to_ the� lines an p n oi#of se. for lhat'perbd'of Vime,,Oecessary , b0tin d' 'utti,g consumers new Valve; the work must be expedited to the utmost and all tudh odt4hp, must be coordinated with the engineer-in charge of inspection- All consumers shall.be Individually advised prior to the shut-out and 'd f& a' p unate 16 time they- be J se o, ngth Tay I i I . 1 1. . _ p !oxi without service Payment for work such a' bacldil, beddin ted s I g, fittings, btoddng and 41 otber ats9cm appurtenants required,'shall,ba'included in the price of the appropda .bld-jioms. 52.T Water Services, on cnpce , ne water services will-be,required,-,14$shownthe plans,,andlor as-de In these Special C Documants.kv,.-.a; blon to ontract' thosethe f identified by fl, Engineer. totaled in field and 1d' ti All serviWsshall be constructed bythe contrictoruhft ing approved fact6iy,6aaMjfaCIured -tap saddte-s (when required) and corporation stops, type K'c6pper water. .4 curb stops with,lock wings, meter boxes,and if required approVed,manufactured. service branches. All materials usectihanbe as specified in the Materl6t tia ri(ilards(El 17 &EI contained in the General Contract Documents. All water services to be replaced shall be Installed at a minimum depth of-36 iredies.below final grade. 1&27)04 SC-39 PART D - SPECIAL CONDMONS All existing 3l44nch water service limes which are to be replaced shall be replaced with 1-- inch Type K copper, 1-inch diameter tap saddle when required, and 14rich corporation from the main lime to the,meter box. All services which are to be replaced or relocated shall be installed with the services main tap and service line being in line with the service meter unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. A minimum of 24 fours advance notice shall be given when service interruption will be required as specified in Section C5-5.15 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. All:water service,meters shall. be removed, tagged, and collected by the contractor for pickup by the Water bepartment for reconditioning or replacement After installation of the water service in the proposed location and receipt of a rr a ter from the ;pfn 'i �,.pector the contractor shall install the,meter. The meter box shall be reset as necessary to be flush with existing ground or as otherwise directed by the E . r. All;s work on the oufief side of the service _meter shall be performed by a lice . .plumber. 1. WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENTS Water service replacement or relocation is required when the existing service is lead or is too shallow to avoid breakage during street reconstruction. Tile contractor shall replace the existing serviceline with Type K copper frcim the main to the meter,curb stop with lock wings, . and corporation sto, . Payment for all work and matey Ws.such as backfill, fittings, type 'K Wiper tubing, curb qoo with wings, service line adjustment, and any relocation of up to'U,finches from center line existing meter location to center line proposed.meter location shall be Included in the linear Foot price bid for Copper Service Line from ,M ain to five:(5) feet behind Meter® 4 Any vertical. adjustment of customer service line within the.5 fpoA area shall be subsidiarYto the service installation. Payment for all work and materials such as tap saddle(if regmi ), .CbFporption stops,and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service: Taps to Main . 1. WATER S WICE RECONNECTION: Water service reconnection is required when the existing- is cci � r .and at a � � pate.depth � ' `bra � � � street reconstruction. The contractor shall adjust-the existing Water service line as,required for, reconnection and furnisha new tap with corporation stop. "The core '. or will be.paid for one(1)Service Tap to Main for each service. recannecled plus-for;, , ,'' line used In excess of five(5)feet from Main to five(5)feet behind the Meter. 2_ WATER SERVICE METER AND METER Stec RELOCATIONS: When the *p{acemnent and relocation of a water service and rri+eter tdier6quivedand the .` . f} meter, and meter box is moved more.than twelvern(12)Inches, as u it center line w.of the existing,meter to 'location to the center` of thd prey ter mi,separate payment will be allowed for the relocation of service meter.and meter.box.. CL;-ntedine is defined by a iine extended from,the service tap,throiagh the meter. Onlyrelocations made; perpendicular to'this centerline will be paid'for separately. Relocations made along the centertim WIN be paid of In feet of copper service lime. ; When relocation of service meter and meter box is required.'payrrient for all work and . materials such as backfill, fittings, five(5)feet of type K topperservice and all materials, labor, and equipment used by and for the licensed plumber shall be-Included in the price r D R PRT D .' SPE IAL, N 11 IONS v .. bid for the service meter relocation. All other costs will be included in other appropriate bird item(s). This item will also be used to pay for all service meter and meter box relocations as required by the Engineer when the service fine is not being replaced. Adjustment of only the meter box and customer.service dine within 5 feet distance behind the meter wilt not justify separate payment at any time. Locationi with multiple service brans 'wilt be paid for as one service meter and meter box relocation. 4. NEW SERVICE;. When new services are required the .contractor shall install tap saddle (whenrequired), corporation stop, type K copper service line, curb stop with-lock wings, and meter box. Reinforced plastic meter boxes with cast iron lid shall be p dded for alt inch water meters or smaller.. The reinforced plastic water meter boxes shall_coMply with section E1-18A Reinforced Plastic Water Meter Boxes. Payment for all work and materials such.as backfill, fd#ings, type K copper tubing, and curb stop with.logic wings shall be included In the Linear Foot price bid for Service line from Main to Meter five(5)feet behind the meter: . Payment for all work and materials such as tap saddle, corporation stops, and fittings shalt be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Mains. Payment,for all work andematerials-such as furnishing and setting new meter.box.shall"be included in the price bid.for furnish and set meter box. 1. MULTiPLE, $ VIC :BRANCHES: When multiple service-branches are-required the b contractor shall fumish,approved factory,manufactured brand Payment for multiple service branches.will-Include furnishing,and installing the multiple service branch only and all other cost will beJnc4x1od in otherappropriate-bid i(srrn(s). 2. MULTIPLE STREET SERVICE LINES T4 S NGLE -SERVICE MECER , Any Multiple: service lines with.taps servicing.a single service meter encountered,.dunnj.c Ens ion 'shall be replaced with one:service dine that is applicable for the size of tt e.existing service, meter and approved by the Engineer. p ' ppbid ( ) Pa , ant shall be made at the unit bid. . rn foie a ro to item s ;, 52.8 .2 Inc li Tempociry Spivice,l . w A. 'ilk 2-I . . tam porary:service main and -3/4-irich semi'"lines,shall be,installed tip pr -` e temporary,water service to all build in will necessar yy be required 1o.have severed° water service during,said work,:The contractor.:shail be responsible fo inating the schedule of the tempsrary service connections and permanent service vreconnections with g F.,ugi ', 'in.order- that, the work be- o :- n-.an the. building owners ands m the expeditious manner.. Severed water service.'must be cecx�nnected, in::2>, of ._ A 24nrh tapping s.addle..and .2-inch corporation- stop or 2 inch.gate valve LL�with an Ail appropriate fire hydrant adapter fitting she# be u at the temporary service..pelnt of . connection to the City water. supply. The 1.2-inch temporary seance -again and.3/4iuch ? service r ws,shall be installed In accordance.to the .attaches! figures 1, 2 and.3: 20 temporary service line shall.be cleaned and sterilized by using chlorine gas or chlorinated lime(H'T°H)priouto installation. n-7M4 ,SQ-41 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS The out of-service meters shall be renwed, tagged and collected by the Contractor for ry,to the Water Department Meter Shop for reconditioning or replacem ant. Upon restoring permanent service, the Contractor shall reinstall the meters at the correct 'location. The meter box shalt be reset as necessary to be flush with the existing ground or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. -The temporary service layout shall have 'a minimum available flow rate of 5 GPM at a dynamic pressure of 35 PSI per service tap.This criteria shall be used by the ,tractor to determine the length of temporary service allowed, number of service taps and,number of feed points. When the temporary"service is required for more than one location the -inch temporary service pipes, 3/4-inch service lines and the inch meter shall be moved to the next successive project location. " Payment for work such as fittings, 314 nch service lines, asphalt, barricades, all- rvic connections, removal of temporary services and gull 'other associated appurtenants regtaired, shall:be included in the appropriate bld item, R. B. in order to accurately measure the amount of water used daring construction, the " =Contractor will,install, a fire hydrant meter for all tem ry service lines. Water used. during c ons .n for flashing new mains that cannot be metered from a hydrant will-be estimated as accurately as passible. At the pre-constuction conference-the contractor wr`ll advise the inspector of the number of meters that will be needed alone with the locations where they Will be used.m The inspector will deliver"the tvydmnt meters to the 'After installation, the contractor will take full for`bier for the meters until such time as the �aontractor returns meters to the inspetor: Any darrnage to.the meters will be the.so4e responsibility of the contractor. The Waiter Department. Meter ° Shop-will evaluate the condition of the meters upon return and if repairs are needed the Ap .. contractor will.receive an Invoice for those repairs. The issued meter is for this'specific and tion Any water that the cx n"dtor may ' for pe ' I use will • " n: require a separate hydrant meter obtained by the Contractor, at Its cost, from Water Mpartment. 52.0 Purging and Sterilization of Water Lines More belrq placed into service all newly constructed water lines shall. be ,purged and sterilized I in accordance with24 of th t" "e Ge ` merits an, l pet i tion exc to as.,modified! herein. The City will provide all water for''INITIAL 'deiarning and =: steri on °cif water.-Ii AN ring is for : "on of the projoi* .-Ir"Wing - pp �/ sized "pope cleaning ': chlorirwe gas or chlorinated Trine(HTi-I)m shall be w• furnished,by the Contractor. Chlorinated time(HTH)shall be usedin suffici6ritqUantities to: a urine residual'of f"iFty { 0) The r ` unit free '" shall.be ;%measured after 24 hours and shall not be lesse than 10 parts per mr`lrron cif fteb'chlodne. v " Chldrinaled water shall be disposed of in the sanitary sewer system. Should-a sandtary sewer not.be availaable, chlorinated water shell be "d lorinar " prior to disposal.. The Brie,rimy not be placed. In service until two successive sets of samptesAaWh,24 hours aparE,r1c^I,ave met the established standards of purity.• Purim and sterilization of the water lines shall be considered as incidental to the project and all costs incurred will be considered to'be included in the'linear foot bid price of the pipe. 52.10 Work Near Pressure Plane Boundaries a SC-42 i �m PART PIA , C)htITli►l Contractor shall take note that the water line to be replaced under this contract may cross or may be in dose proximity to an existing pressure plane boundary. Care shall be taken to ensure all *pressure plane" valves installed are installed cl6 and no cross connections are made between pressure planes 52.11 Water Sample Station GENERAL- mom Ali water sampling station installations will be per attached Figure 34 of as required in. 1 large water,meter vaults as per Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.. C The appropriate water sampling station will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge; ` however, the Contractor will be required to pick up this item at the Field.Operations w Warehouse. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 34 INSTALLATIONS: Payment fo_r all work, and rrmateriais� necessary for this installation of the-3/44nch type K.capper sei;�rice:Nile will be-shall be. included In the price bid for copper Service Line from Main to Meter. _ .. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation tap saddle (;If tequired), corporation stops, and fittings shall be included in the prim bid,for Servrioe Taps to�Main, Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station, concrete support block, curb stop,•fittings, and an, incidental 5-feet of type K Per service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for Water Sample Stations 1 PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 tNSTALLATiC1NS:-Paynnt for all .work and, materials necessary for the insteillationm tap saddle,.gate valve, and"fittirigs'shall`be includ6d,in the price bid for Service'taps to Main. Payment for all.work and materials necessary for.the ipsWa#ion-of the sampling station, J modification to the vault, fittings, and all type K copper service line ihl .sire required to provide a,complete and functional wat6rsampfing-statipii shall bye i , ludiedin-.1heprIbld . for Water Sample Stations. 52.1 ductile Iron and Gray.lron.Fi tings Reference Part.-E2 Construction.SpeEfcafions, Section .E2-7 installing,, t lion Pipe, i fittings;and Specials;Sub a n E2 7,11`Cast Iron F`ittits: E2-7A I DUG TILE®iR N ANO GIAY'IRON FITTikGS: All Aictile4oni and gray-inwt fittings shall be furnished with cement mortar,fining,as'stated in Section. El 7. The price bid per ton of fittin*s:shalt be payment in full for all.. ttins jai a ' . , potyeth . wrapping, horizontal concrete.bbockira ,:v; rtkoal If t c ncreie blocking» and c6nerete cradle necessary for construction as designed. - v A All ductile iron and gray-iron fittings, valves and speciaIs shall be wrapped with' :r polyethylene wrapping conforming to ;Material -Specification .E1-13 and. Construction Specification -13: Wroppirig shall piecet86 ontal . ncrete blocking. vertical tie-. . down-concrete blocking;, and concrete cradle. •Paympnt for the polyethylene wrapping, horizontal concrete blockiiM vertical tid--do'w' n concrete tr> andConcrete ►dle shall be included in'bid items for vales and fittings and no rather payments will be allowed. 4 SC-4S PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-53 . SPRtNKUNG.FOR DUST CONTROL All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, 'Sprinkling for Dust Control" shall' apply. However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered to this tract. D-54 DEWATERING' The Contractor shell be'responible for determining the method of dewatering operation for'the . water or ssewage .tows emoting maim and ground, water. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage of an npturr3sresulting from the dewatering operation. The -DISCHARGE from any d tering operation shall be conducted a approved by the Engineer. 'Ground water shall not be discharged into sanitary sewers. Mwatem9.shall be considered as incidental to a construction and all costs. incurred will be w considered to be Included In the project pdi peg D-55 TRENCH EXCAVATION ON DEEP WRENCHES Contractor to prevent.any water flowingg Into open trench dui construction. Contractor shall not leave excavated trench open. overnight Contractor shall fill any trench the same day of excavation. No extra payment shall be allowed-for-this specialco.ndition. ©�.:56. TREE PRUNING A. REFERENCES. I National Arborist Association's'Paining Standards for Shade Trees". B., RtPT PRUNING EQUIPMENT 1. Vibratory Knife -2. Va: . y: 1/9 FiC Rout C.`y .'NATURAL RRES 12 , QTE ON FENCE 3. Steel'T'=Bar stakes,6 feet 4 Srr oth N&6e-W6r. . 11 ( non }cr " b y e). 5. Surveyor s.Pia m ,Flagging. "Tend . r.welqht International fluorescent orange or red color. .. . wire mesh,backi14 as"shai�ici on the A .Y. 6 Comb�riation F� Chia w lion sod pastor fabric on D,, ROOT, PRUNING 7. Survey and stake location o .r t pruning , .as shown on `ngs. 8: -Using the opprov specified eclu pm nt makie'a cut a minimum of 361uches deep:in order to minimize d'aiirt to-tho uric mot zone, 9. Backfill and compact the trench immediately after trenching. ° - TR7t y . a m PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIO 10. Place a 3-foot wide by 4-inch deep cover of mulch over the trench as required by the M Engineers 11.Within 24,hours,'prune flush with ground and backfilt any exposed roots due to construction activity. Cover with wood chips of mulch in order to equalize soil ternperature and minimize water toss due to evaporation. 12.Limit any grading work within conservation areas to Vinch maximum cut or fill,with no roots over 14nch diameter being cut unless cut by hand or cut by speciffied ,methods. r equipment and protection. E.r. MULCHING:° Apply 2-inches to 4mches of wood chips from trimming or clearing operation on areas designated by the Engineer. r Tree Pruning shall be considered subsidiary to the project contract price. 57 TREE REMOVAL, T es to be removed shall be removed using applicable methods, including stump and root ball re oval, loading, hauling and dumping. . Extra caution shall be takers to. not disrupt existing 4iep,bo `overhead and b: l .- The Contractor shall immediately repair or replace any age, to utilities and private properly including, but not limited to,.water and sewer services, p 4errient, fences,walla, sprinkler system piping, etc., t no cost to'the Owner. All costs for.free r �rlOval, including temporary service costs, shall'be considered subsidiary to the project contract price and no additional payment will be allowed. ` f so TEST HOLES matter of subsurface exploration to ascertain the nature of the soils,Including the,amou. . . .. matter n#of rack, if any, throiugh which this pipeline installation is to.be made is the responsibility of any and ap pr spective bidders, and any bidder on this project shall submit-his bid under this condition. ether pr Clive bidders perform this subsurface exploration:jolnfly i�r indeperidenth►� and 40 hether they make such determination by the use of test hides or other means, shall be-left to t"discretion of such prospective bidders. I test borings have been made and are provided for bidder's Information,,,� at,the locations shown. w the logs of borings,in the appendix of this specification,it is expressiy:declared that neither the i#y nor the Engineer -guarantees the accuracy for the Information bt that: the material ricoiintered in excgvations is . same, ei#Fier In character, kicat n, or anon. as own.on boring logs: It shah ,be resonsibility elf' the �bldder to make such° subsurface e ti'66gations,LL as he deems necessary to deterimirie the nature of fibs rnatenal to t>e-excavated, . ntnc#or assume art responsibility for interpretation of'theae reex►rds and fOr, making and. aintlirting the required arlc affected by gcoiogy of fhe-c.,cs#of all rock removal and other.associated appurtenances,if required, shall be Included,_ in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. -.59 PUBt:1CNOTIOMATION" PRIOR TO BEGINNING CtJl STRUPT ON AI++D t+toT11 cATioN OF-TEmPGRARY*ATER BERvICE INTERRIIpT1oN DURING CONSTRUCTION Prior to .beginning construction'on any block in the project, the contractor shall, on-a block by black basis, prepare and deliver a.ponce or flyer of the pending coiistructiori to the front door of 'ea IdenceQorbusinoss that will be impacted by construction.The notice shall be prepared a PART D -. PECI :CONDITIONS The notification notice or flyer shall be posted seven(7)days prior,to beginnings,any construction ' activity on each block in the project Qarea. The flyer shall be prepared on the Contractor's letterhead and shall include the following information: Name-of Project, ©OE No,, .Scope of .Project (i.e. type of construction activity), actual construction duration within the block, the name of the contractor's foreman and his phone number, the name of.the City's inspector and his .phone number and the City's after-hours phone number. A sample of the 'pre-construction notification'flyer is attached: _loft The contractor shall submit a schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each block of the project to the inspector. In addition, a`copy of the flyer shall be delivered.to the City Inspector for his review prior to being distributed. .The contractor will not be allowed- to begin construction on any block until the flyer is delivered to all residents•of the block. In the event it becomes necessary, to temporarily-shut down water service' to residents or 'businesses during construction, the contractor shall prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the - pending interruption to the front door of each affected resident. The notice-shall be papered as follows: The notification or flyer shell be posted tv+ran four.( ) iris r to the ta>npomry intemxption. Thy flyer shall be prepared ian_the contractor's letterhead,and'shall riwde.the following information; Name of the.proiect QCI= nuniter. the date. of Ybe intetrupt�r ©f. servile, the period ethe interruption will take.place,the name of'the contrarto s foreman And his. e dumber and the narhe of the City's inspectoe aitd Yiis phone number: A sample of,the temporary water service interruption notification is attached. -A copy of the temporary interruption notification shall be delivered to the inspector,for his review prior to being distributed, The contractor shall not be permitted:to proceed With interruption of water service.until the flyer has been delivered to all affected residents and businesses. Electronic versions'of the sample flyers can be.obtalned ftm the struclion o (81T) p fly_ office at 871-8308: pe ry to the contract price', and no additional compensation shall.be.made: All work involved with..the notification flyers;shall be con subsidiary«tly considered su o D-60 TRAFFIC BUTTON&_ w The re I and.repiacemen#of trafflc.t3tittczns rs thresp � y of ttoa contractor and shall be ccinsidered a subsidiary i# m Iri"the event#hat the Victor,prefers for fhe. is Signs and. Markfhgs I?ivis on (SSM®)of the Trarist or #orill"ubiic Wrirks Depxarbr,4#o install the� s,LL the contractor shall° ita►t%t i3 a#.�8'l?)871-877d and ehallleimbucee SSIN©for..ail cx>sts inc u red both labor arxi'rnateriar� Vo addiitional rnpensation�ll be made.'to the contractor for this reimbursement D-81 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CLEANOUTS Whenever a sanitary sewer sere line•is installed or repriced,"tbe.Co'htractor shall install a Uo- way, service cleanout-as shown.In the,attached detail.' Cieanouts are:to be installed aut'of hicgh traffic areas such as driveways, streets, sidewalks, etc,o wh'enever possible.. When It Is not possible, the cleanout stack and cap shall be cast iron: Payment for-all work-and materials necessary for the ins.tale_ ' of the y service cteanout which are required to provide a,complete and functional sanitary, sewer cleanout shall be included In the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Service Cleanouts. 10127AW SG-46 l f PART D , SPECIAL CONDITIONS w D-62 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIR aw 11i Contractor shah provide a temporary-pavement repair immediately after trench backfill and compaction-using a minimum 'of 2-inches of hot mix asphalt over a minimum of 6--Inches of compacted flex base. The existing asphalt-shall be saw cut to provide a uniform edge and the entire width and length of the temporary repair shall be rolled with a steel asphalt roller to provide smooth rideability con the street as well as provide a smooth transition between the existing pavement and the temporary repair. Cost of saw cutting shall be subsidiary to the temporary pavement repair pay item: Th contractor shall be responsible.for maintaining the temporary pavement until the ,paving contractor has mobilized., The paving contractor shall assume maintenance responsibility upon su h mobilization. No additional compensation shall be made for maintaining the temporary pa ement. d)��463 'CON TRUCTION STAKES Te City,though its Surveyor or agent,will provide to the Contractor construction stakes or other c tomary method of markings as may be found consistent with professional practice, e�blishing tine and grades for roadway and utility construction,and centerlines and benchmarks. to bridgework.-These stakes shall be set sufficiently In advance to avoid delay whenever p ` ciical.One set of stakes shall be set for all utility construction(water, sanitary sewer;drainage et :),and one set of excavatkxVor stabilization stakes, and one set of stakes for curb and gi ttedfor paving. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to preserve,maintain, =tr irtsfoi,etc., all stakes furnished until completion of the construction phase'of the prolea.for w i1ch they.were furnished. f City or its agent determines that a sufficient number of stakes or markings providedby the hawe been lostdestrgyed,or disturbed,to prevent the'proper prosecution and contrail of the c�ontracted for in the Contract Documents; shall t3ethe Contractor's responsibility, at the ractor's sole expo nse,to have such stakes replaced by arc Indiviiduairegistered by the Texas d of.Professional Land Surveyor as a Registered LandSurveyor. No claims for delay due to it acx✓ordance with the Contract�Documents. . wipcontinue to be charged of replacement of construction stakes_ :will be accepted, and time 6�64 EAStMENTS AND PERMITS, 4h�.. pr: ance of this contract, requttresa -certain temporary constuction. right-of-entry �retrrnents. andfor pemCs to perform work on private properly. l City tiffs.at#empted to obtain the to ry c 6nstructiori_andfor right-o#entry agreernerits fcar rep. wh6ro construction activity is necessary on City owned facilities, such as sewer lines rnanttoles. For locations where the City was unable to obtain the easement or tight-of-entry, it had be the.Ccontractot's respgnsibi'litio.to obtain the agreement to beginning work on subject roperty °Thi* shah be subsidiary to-the .contract. The agreements, which the Ditty has,obtaihed, re'. rarlable to.the Contractor for.reviemr by contacting the plans desk at the.Depa t of gineer i g, Crty of Fort,Worth. ,Alsq t.shalt'be the responsibility of,the,Contractor to obtain iten permission from property:bWno.' to perf such work as cleanout repair`and sewer erce'M replacement .on .private property. Contractor shall adhere ttt all requirements of Ara 'the Gtie C. ntract Dotuments., The Contractor's attention is directed to agreement terms along with any special conditions that may,have been imposed on these greements,by the property owners. b LThe.easements indict private property shall be cleaned up a#ter use arx restored to ds nil ;rtondrbon or betlefr_ In event additioonat work room is required by the Contractor.., It shall tie the ram SC,47 PART D - SPEED CONDITIONS Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission.from the property owners invotred for the use of additional property required. No additional payment will be allowed for this item. The City has obtained the necessary documentation for railroad and/or highway permits required M for construction of this project. The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all provisions of such permits,including obtaining the requisite insurance,and shall pay any and all costs associated with or required by the permit(s). it is the Contractor's responsibility to provide the required flagmen and/or provide payment to the appropriate railroad/agency for all flagmen during construction in railroad/agency right-of-way. For railroad permits, any and all costs associated with,compliance with the permit(s)including payment for flagmen shall'be subsidiary to the bid Item price for boring under the railroad. No additional payment will be allowed for this item:. D-66 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING After the pre-construction conference has been held.but.before construction is allowed to begin on this project a public meeting will be held at a location to be determined by tie Engineer." The contractor, inspector, and project manager meet with,all affected residents and present the projected schedule, including construction start date," and answer any construction related questions. Every effort will be made to schedule the neighborhood m within'the two weeks Aw following the pre-construction conference but In no case widii construct oo, be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. 0-66 WAGE RATES The'labor classifications and minimum wage rates set forth herein have'been j*eiioterm" _ by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. in accordance with.statutory re uire.ments,,os being.the prevalling.dass`if~rcations and ,fates that.shall govern on all-work per for x�ed by the. Contractor or any Subcontractor on'the site of the project covered by these Contact 9"ments In racy event shall less than the following rates of wages by paid: (Alta ) D-f>7 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS CEMENT,PIPE A. It is the intent of the C" of Fort.11Vorth to comply with the dY plY requirements of the6 Asbestos National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants'(NESHAP) oirctd at CFR, Part 61, Subpart M, This specifiicaton:vvit{ estabCish :proceduaros k�e.`ust�ti by all Excavators in the removal and disposal of asbestos crernent�pipi. ACI') in connpliat with NESHAP. Nothing in this specification shall be construed-to vc�id any provision of a. contract or other Taw; ordinance. regulation °or whose tl Irerner►ts are . poky, ° . �r stringent. B. ACP is defined under NESHAP as a Cat 11, rron-friable material in its intp state bust which may become friable upon:reiracival, demolition and/or ' 1. Ccins ,If tfie removal/ disposal process renders ilia ACP friable;° It.pis meted under i6i disposal . . requirements of 40 CFR 61 r156. A NESHAP notification rarest be filed with, Texas Department of Health.-The notification must be filed t least ten dais prior to Terri ial of the material. if it remains in Its non- friable state,'as:defined'by the,NESkAP,"it can.-be disposed as a conventional construction waste. The Enviro_ru�enlat ProtectionAgency (EPA) defines friable as °material, when dry, which may be crumbled, putv6dzqd,or Pa reduced to powder by hand pressures. " C.. The Generator of the hazardous material Is responsible for the identification and pFoper, handling, transportation,and disposal of the material.Therefore,it is the policy of the City 'a=4 SC- PART_Ll = SPECIAL CONDITIONS of Fort Worth that the-Excavator is the Generator regardless of whether the pipe is friable or not. Dr It is the intent of the City of Fort Worth that all ACP shall be.removed in such careful and prudent manner that it remains intact and does not become friable._The .Excavator is responsible to employ those means; methods, techniques and sequences to ensure this -result. EI Compliance with all aspects of worker safety and health regulations.including but not limited to the OSHA Asbestos Standard 4is the:responsibility of the Excavator. The City of Fart Worth .assumes no responsibility foir coimplience programs, which are the responsibility of the Excavator. (Copy of forms attached) F The removal and disposal of ACP shall be subsidiary to the cost of installing the new pipe unless otherwise stated or indicated on the projectt.plar►s or.contract documents. `48. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION. !t DISTURBED ARt_AS,GREATER A 11 AcRE PERMIT:As defined by Texas Commission on Environmental'Qua}ity(TGEQ)regulations, a exas Pollutant.Discharge Elimination System(TPDES)General Construction Permit i required r aft construction activities that result in the disturbaiiee of one to five acres(Small Construction ©r ire,or more awes of hotel land, l ar a Construction Actnl The contractor is defined s an`operator"by.state regulations and is-required to.obtain a permit.Inforrnatibn conceming t e pernriit-can be obtained through the Internet at hWJ/www.tnme state:tk.cas/pormitthnjf wat r rrnh rii #cxxnstruct.htm3. Soil stabilization arid.Mry ral practl ea have bean selected and esigned In accordance with North Central-1'e�as Count Governmentsof Best Management' radices and•Eiostpn_Control Manuat;for Construction Ab�rit s tBMP�Mbrival) This-Manua�l can e obtained through-"Internet at ww.d%mtwmwatercoraVtunoff.htmL-Not-ail of ttie strueturat . - ontrotsdiscussed hn the BMP'Mancrah w l necessarilyapptjr to this project Best Mariagement F ractices are construction management techniques that,it piroperlyvthized, parr minimlze the I reE;d for physical controls and possible reduce costs°The rnethads of,controt shall result in inImum sediment-retention of not less than TMI, 8 . OTtCE OF, 1E T(NO if the project wlih re+ult-lri a total land clisturbaanre equal.te or greater han 8 acres,the contractor shaft-signal the pr tructron.meeting�a TCEO'NoU-ce of Intent Id0Q.-f ern prepared by the engineer.tt serves as a nc bficat on to the TCEQ of construction cdivity as well.;as a,cQmmitrnent,Mai S cd6ftdE m in&# st rids tie requirements,of the permit ° or storm water dischar -f om�consttuctb aetirri ies and thaat mde sur`es v+ ili be tarn to plement aril maintahn storm-water pollution prev 0crn�`af the's`ite The Nol shall be submitted ofthe�TCEQ at least 4&hours prwr:to the c ontractcrr moving on site And shalt Include.thhe required ppCicaticm fee o J The NOh shall be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quafity -Storm Water&General Permits Team,MG-228: P'.O. f36k,134 7 - Austin;:TX .78711 3087 A copy of the N01 shall be sent to City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management 101,2�%a S(;--49 PART D - SPECIAL OO'NDITIONS 5000 MLK Freeway Port Worth,TX 76111 NOTICE OF TERMINATION(NOT) For'all sites that qualify as Large Construction Activity, the contractor shall sign,prior to final payment,a TCEQ Notice of Termination(NOT)form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notice that the site is no longer subject to the requirement of the permit. The NOT should be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Storm Water&General Permits Team;MC-228 P.O. Box 18087 Austin,TX 78711-3087 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN(SWPPPj:A document consisting of an erosion control and toxic waste management plan and a narrative defining site parameters and techniques to be employed to reduce the,release of sediment and pollution frorr .the cans#r wlion. site. Five of the project SWPPP's are availabtelor viewing at the plans desk of the[a partment of Engineering. The selected Contractor shall be provided with three copies of the SWPPP after award of contract, along with unbounded copies of all forms to be submitted to'the Texas. Commission on Environmental Quardy. LARGE.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY—DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GR TE THAN b ACRE :A Notice of intent(NOI)form shall be completed and submitted to the TCEQ including. payment of.the TCEQ required fee.A SWPPP that meets all TCEQ requirements prepared by the . Engineer shall W prepared and implemented at least 48 hours before the commencements of construction activities.The SWPPP shall be incorporated Into in the'contract.d.ocuiments:The .contractor shall,submit a schedule for implementation of the SWPPP. Deviatons from the plan must be submitted'to the engineer for approval.The SWPPP is not warranted to meetaJ>tho condOitions of the permit since the actual construction activities may vary#roni those antic loatad-1 ,. . during the preparation of the SWPPP. Modifications may b� required to fully conform to. requirements of the Permit.The contractor must keep a.copy of the,most current'SWPPP at the. construction site.Any.alterations to the SWPPP proposed by"contractor MusUbe prepared and submitted by the contractor to the engineer for review and approval. A Notice of Termination (NOT)form shall be submitted within 30 days after final stabilization has been-achieved on all portionm'of the site that is the re ponsibility,of the permittee or,when another pemultted'operato 4. assumes control overall areas of the site.that have not been finally, bilizeri .-; SMA,L N L_A T V"-DI D—AWA EQU TO OR G ONE ACRE DIUT LESS TU N EI�IE ACRES:.Submission.of a NOI forrrr is riot required.HdWever, a TGEt I'Site No#ice form must be completed and posted at the site, A aQp}f of ft Stec Site Notice must be Sent to the City of Fort Worth Department of F-nvironmental Management.ant. the address listed above.A SWPPP, prepared as described above,shall be Implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP must include descriptions of control measures necessary to prevent and control sell erosion, sed n*nta ' and water pollution and will be included in thecontract documents.The ccmtrol_rneasinvs$11 be installed and maintained throughout the coridiuc Lion to assure effective and continuous water pollution control.The controls may include,but not be limited to silt fences,stray bale dikes.'rock berms.diversion dikes, interceptor swales,sediment traps and basins;.pipe stops drain,inlet protection,staMTumd construction entrances,seeding,sodding,mulching,soft retention blankets, or other structural or non-structural storm water pollution controls.The method of controi Shan result in a minimum sediment retention of 7E1%o as defined by the NCTCOG"BMP Manual." Deviations from the proposed control measures must be submitted to the engineer for approval. SC150 PART D - SPECIAL_ CONDITIONS' . PA MENT FOR- WPPP 1MPLEM NT --n Payment-shall be made per hump sum as shown on I he proposal as fuil,c:ompensation for all_items contained in the project. F DISTURBED AREAS:LESS THAN 1 ACRE, SPECIAL CONDITION D=40 SHALL BE IV AP LICABLE. D- 9 COORDINATION WITH THE CiTY'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR OPERATIONS OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS It it the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate any event that will require c gnnecting W.or the op` ration of an existing City water line system with the City's represenlative. The Contractor may . ob ain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use during the life of narned project. In he event the Contractor requires that a water valve.on an existing live system be turned off x a on to accommodate the construction©f the project,the Contractofmust coordinate this ' activity through-the,appropriate City representative.u The Contractor shall not operate-water line voves of existing water system. Fare to comply wilt render the Contractoi,in tion.of Texas Penal Code Title 7,Chapter 28.03(Criminal Mischief)'and'the Contractor will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,. In addition,the Contractor will assume all liabilities and responsiblittles as,a result of these actions: D-70 ADDITIONAL SUBMiTTALS FOR CONTRACT AWARD Tie City reserves the right to regulre any.pre-qualified c"o'ntractor who:is the.apparent low b der(s)for a project.#v submit such additional information as the t ,16' ¢is etion i riay . r quire, including but not limited to manpower and equipment records inl6im- ` "a rt key rsonnel to be assigned to the project,and construction schedule,to assist the.CRy.iin e es luating and asssing the ability of the apparent[caw bidder(s)to,deliver a qua*product and s i6cesAilly complete projects for the amount hid within. stipulated lrtno trarr►e Ba; ppprr t e itjr's assessment.of the submitted infarn�atron,a recommentlabon regarding"the awar�cl,of a contract will be made.to the C ty.Council.- ail tie to submit the additional- nfocmatron 1,reiluested ay be grounds fior'rejbcting the apparent low bidder as pon-re r�rire.'Affected contract®rs wr�1 notified in writing of a.recommerWbtion to the City Cciunc lm 1�-7'1 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION, line is of the essence in the completion of this:contract:, In order to insure t.the con is. t responsirre when notrf'rr d of tar►satrsfactory penbrmanoe andior of fire to maintain the biontraa chedule, the following process shall be applicable. e work progress©n.all construction prgects wiil Jt o closely.monitored;On a bi-monthly bad ' e percentage of work-completed wilt be:c6h10ared toalbs percentage of time chargedola•... ntract.If the amount of work parkxmed by the contractor is less than tile=per�erctagre�tirie- Okislowed by. 20%or more(example: 1 %of the r ►ork`cornpleted:.in 30%bf.the stated-c onlrai�time J ° s may be'amended by change.order),the fbilowim proactive surer gilt be taken. l. 'A letter will be mailed to the contractor by certified mail,:return receipt requested demanding that,within 10 days from the date;that the letter is rec df-ved;it provide sufficient equipment,rnateriols and labor to ensure corinpietion of the�work'withiR the contract time. In the event the contractor t&celvec stick a letter,the con or shall ` provide to the City an updated schedule showing how the project will be completed within the contract time. i PART D - SPECIAL ONDITIONS 2. The Pr " ct Adana er and the Directors of the Department nee ole . g •. pa of E ngi ring,:Water. Department, and Department of Tra rtation and Public Works will be made aware of the situation. If necessary, the City Manager's Office and the appropriate city council members may also be informed. 3. Any notice that may, in the City's sole discretion,be required to be provided to interested individuals will distributed by the Engineering Department's Public .information Officer. 4. Upon receipt of the contractor's response,the appropriate City departments and directors will be noted.The Engineering Department's Pubfic Information Officer wii1; if necessary,then forward updated notices to the interested" ' uals.; 5, if the contractor fails to provide an acceptable schedule or fails to perform satisfactorily a second time prior to the.completion°:of the contractthe boriding company will be notified appropriately: . D-72 AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS The Contractor.shall be required to observe the following guidelines relating to working on City' construction sites on days designated as.`A1R POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". .TyCpic W.,the OZONE SEASON,within the Metroplex area, runs from May 1,through OCTOBER 31,with 6 00 a.m. ' 10:00 a.m.being critical BECAUSE EMI S IONS FROM THIS TIME PERI0a,HAVE ENOUGH TiME TO BAKE IN THE HOT ATMOSPHERE THAT LEADSTTQ EARLY AFTERNOON ° OZO1 E FORMATiON. . The Texas Comriftslo ri on Environmental Q ality(TCEQ), in coordination with the National- Weather Service,will issue the Air Pollution Watch, by'3:00'p.rn.on the at'terrioon prior to the WATCH day. 'On designated Air Pollution Watch Days,the Contractor shall bear the responsibility of being aware°that such days have been.designated-Air Pollution Watch.Days and. as such shalt not begin work'untit 10;00 a.m.wherever constn+ction phasing reqe use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1:hour:.However,the Contractor,raay begin prior.td 1o:00 a.m. if use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour,.or if equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Errit#ing", or equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel(ULSD),diesel' ° emulsions,or alternative fuels such as CNG . if the Contractor is unable tr perform continuous work for a period of at least seven°how between the hours of.7:0tf a.m.-6:Oo p���rin.,'on a�leignat+ Aar"Pollution Watch fTayT t day will a be considered as a weather day and added onto h'a allowable weather days'of a' iven month. . D-73 FEE FOR STREET-USE PE6iMtTS AND RE-INSPECTIONS tlm A fee for.street use permits is in effect.n In addition,.-addition,.-d separate fee for re4nspecjJon,%4or pa ay, . construction, such as.driveways,sidewalks,etc.,will be y required: The fees areas folly: a 1. The-street permit fee is $5U:00 per permit with payment-due at.the tilmo of permit application.- 2. "Are-inspection fee of $25.00 will be assessed when work for which-an inspection called for is incomplete_ Payment is due prior to the, Ay performing re4nspectio Payment by the contractor forall street use permits and re-inspections shall be considered subsidiary to the contract cost and no additional compensation shall be made. 107/04. SC-52 PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS w , . ° . .a , . . " ° - , - m d • r a (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) DOE No:3176 LL PROJECT NAME.-Main ClC4B Sawitary-Sewer Drainage Area Part IS MAPSCO LOCATION-. 761.; L VWS OF CONST. West of 9*Avenue along FWVVR between Rosedale and Oleander . Estimated Duration of Construction on your Street:<MX days Alk THIS IS T4 INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH'�. w . CITE` OV FORT WORTH, CAI . °COMPA ILL REHABILITATE', SEWER LINES ON OR AROUND-YOUR PROPERTY, CONSTRUCTION WILL.s -I EGIIN ° AI'`PR©:XIMTELX :SEVEN -DAYS :.FROM' HE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. _ IF YOU HAVE.QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SEC TY!: SA.I+ T .OR ANY-OTHER ISSUE$PLEASE CALL: Mr.<coNTRAcrows suPE fxENDENT*AT<rELV", QNE NO.?- OR . AFTER 4 30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL, 87I-7 70 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HAAW Y WHEN Y+1U CALL PART 0 -SPECIAL CONDITIONS CITY OF FORT WORTH HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PREVAILING WAGE RATE FOR 2004 CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Asphalt Raker $1®_ 2 Asphalt Shoveler $9.7 Patching Plant Weigher 9.B5 - Carpenter(Rqugfi). µMW $13J64 Concrete Finisher-Paving $1U.16 e Concrete Finisher Helper(Paving) $9.70 Concrete Finisher-Structures- .. $13.44 . . . Flagger $7.00 Form Builder-Structures - $13 4.4. +Form Setferf'aviiig.8&CuFbs 11015 d. Form Setter-Structures Laborer-Common $1.64 Laborer-Utility $8 ' Mechanic $1 3`25 Servieer $1013` Pipe Layer $7. 5 . Pipe Byer Helper :75 ° Asphalt Distributor Operator $1IIA5 Asphalt Paving Machine Operator $11.03 Concrete Paving Saw $10Z3- C.+rane,`Clamshell,Bai*hpe,'Demck,Dragiirie,Shovel( .1 112 °$10.0Q CY) Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick,Dragltne, Shovel(> 1 "1/2 . .$11.52 CY) Front End Loader(21/2 CY.&less). Front End;Loader(over:21/?_Clf)+ = W $9.32 .W M#ling Mach6p Operator [Mixer $11.b4 Motor Grader Operator(Fine Grade) , $12.31` Motor Grader,Operat Pavement Mn .Machine Roller,Steel.Wesel Plant-Mix 01 avernents- $ 8t3 Roller,Steel WVheel Other Fietwheel or Tamping + $12.12 Roller, Pneumatic,Self-Propelled Scraper $8:02 _N Traveling Mixer ° :m $10_00 Reinforcing Steel Setter(Paving) $9.75 Truck Driver-Single Axle(Light)-, :: + $8.00 $ Truck Driver Tandem,Axle Semi4railer Truck Driver-Lowboy/Float $10.54• ° Truck Driver-Transit Mix $10_53 Truck Driver-Winch $9.8E1 + C + R'T,, now tm NO. Xl= "amft DUE TO UTII.I', IMPROVEMENTS IN YOUR: NFAGHBOIM"D :YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE INTERRUPTED ON BETWEEN THE HOME OF AND IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS SHUT-O Tr PLEASE Cam,: 1#lI LLC. 7•T.R ,.p+ -1,Um t. .yw �..r3° - - QUS RIN . . . . OR AT ITY I1�iSP OR HO B . THIS.INCONVENIENCE WILL BE AS SHORT AS POSSI�3I�E To Y4U, . CoNTRCTOIt ^ I'A T 0 - SPECIAL CONDITIONS own TE T3 DEPART'MEiI T OF 1 EA TH W D - U'nO,N I kMOVAIMN r ii;*TJON FOkM . , �wo r�vn�r�ca ` 1) Abatement g s DftMdAOnCWdraCWn 2) CMAsed 3) FwI*� -. ^ -04 4) room a p4t�►ref A#r�p�ri t�a� � - . i ,tow . ` o B I rt ;ja Pubes OWkUpo? QYES M NQ id s pYES D WO wA'- isik'WI 0 ,O O �w I . -COY i n'"YM 13 NO is sww� °; , 7j W ion TW CMCiC[?WY tME low !T Is an onwodo psi ► � � gar i�it ? I �t�' t w oq ^ , ~ P All n� ., :_ t#�i)Vl+ei°F3 t�L�M C7'TiM Aid 7'CfH L�bo� ili�N� r°T - llay.[eft►CW OWmed d at Mnqwatiop woor,,tpo of end mct B v be T" 6t) Dosaoton %wkpmtftftand i #naeF AN Of $1*0 . 71: „Wpr. w w ..v. .d"m°w ": m.. ... ., ..�w..» e. .,m wb ` ?tY27fid' 5G-57 , Pq SPECIAL CONDITIONS i:". its M# tM®must Iae W NQ ASOOS'TOS PRESENT+C WCK HM G W!of Check WA Of masswomm - W MOWN a '"m umift ROOM Cft . m - MAW' - '!'�� t�+r m���� t�a cbpyo� n ��r�Na►�1 mat +s F. • . . sa � n t ° .p ta�rr ' � ° 1e, t9 bid tt +df a►�. t . _ v W r. d ° Op"ICAUM C skim", "a m . A MWK pa so t .@T� TM fto d OM"r.Rae st cowpkftfmmcal t- /2 $. tt t SC-58 Jam„ SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Table 1. SCOPE OF WORK 2. AWARD OF CONTRACT........................................................................................................................ 3. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE.................................................................................................. 4. EXAMINATION OF SITE ......................................................................................................................5 -4 5 BID 5 6. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION.............................................................................................................SP-5 7. SANITARY FACILITIES FOR WORKMERS........................................................................................SP-5 8. PAYMENT................ ...........................................................................................................................5 -5 9. SUBSIDIARY WORK................ ...........................................................................................................5 -5 10. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TOTHE PUBLIC......................................................................................................................................5 11. WAGE ............. .........................................................................................................................5 -5 12. EXISTING UTILITIES ..S..... ..... .................................................................................................................. -5 13. PARKWAY CONSTRUC710N................................................................. - 14. MATERIAL.STORAGE......... .......................... ...............................................................................5 -5 15. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS.......................................................................................................................... .6 16. INCREASE OR DECREASE IN QUANTITIES...................................................................................... 17. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS.......................................................... 18. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS................................................................................................ 19. MINORITY AND WOMENS BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (M/WBE)COMPLIANCE................................m........................................................... P-7 ............................ 20. FINAL CLEAN UP............ ................................a...........,........................................................................5 -8 21. CONTRACTOR'S COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATIONLAW......................................................................................................................... 22. ....................................®...............................................................................................SP-11 23. MECHANICS AND MATERIALSMEN'S LIEN...................................................................................SP-11 �0 24. WORK ORDER DELAY 25. WORKING DAYS .........................................................................................................................®........SP-11 26. RIGHT TO ABANDON ............................................................. .................SP-11 27. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................SP-11 28. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT .......................................................... ..SP-11 29. DELAYS .................................................................................................................................SP-11 30. DETOURS AND BARRICADES ............................................................................................6..............SP-12 31. DISPOSAL OF SPOIL/FILL MATERIAL .............................................................................................SP-12 32. QUALITY CONTROL TESTING ................................................... ...............SP-12 ........................................ 33. PROPERTY ACCESS .............................................................................................................................SP-13 34. SAFETY RESTRICTIONS-WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES...............................................SP-13 35. WATER DEPARTMENT PRE-QUALIFICATIONS 36. RIGHT TO AUDIT .................................................................................................................................SP-13 37. CONSTRUCTION STAKES...................................................................................................................SP-14 38. LOCATION OF NEW WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS .................... SP-14 ...................................................... 39. EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION........................................................................SP-14 40. AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS.........................................................................................................SP-15 PJAW 05/27/05 SPA ELAR' d�, '' � � � SPECL&L PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION S: 41. PAY ITEM-UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION-,......................._._...............................SP-15 42. PAY ITEM-6"REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT...................®.........»..................................SP-16 43. PAY ITEM-SILICONE JOINT SEALING.......»..................................p........................»..................»...SP-16 44. PAY ITEM- 'CONCRETE.CURB,........,....,....,......,,,.,..,........,,,....,...,,....,.,..»... ......,,..,,,...,,,.,..»..».....................SP-20 45. PAY ITEM-RETAINING SP-20 46. PAY ITEM-REPLACE EXIST.CURB AND GLrrM..........».....................................................»»...SP-20 47. PAY ITEM-HMAC TRANSITION® ............®»,...»......................................................».......................SP-20 48. PAY ITEM-6"PIPE SUBDRAIN,.......................»...................... .»»®®»........................»........»..... »®SP-20 b 49. PAY ITEM-TRENCH S ...,.....................................».....»...........».»®.................®»®.............».®»®®®SP-20 50. PAY ITEM-8"THICK LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE AND CEMENT FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION.............................. ..»............».... ..».....................................».»»SP-21 51. PAY ITEM- 'HMAC PAVEMENT(THICKNESS TOLERANCES AND HMAC TESTING PROCEDURES)................................... .....................» ».® ...®.....................................SP-21 52. PAY ITEM-CONCRETE FLAT WORK , RB&GUTTER,SIDEWALKS, LEADWALKS,WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DRIVEWAYS)............................»...SP-22 3. PAY ITEM-REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK,DRIVEWAYS,STEPS, LEADWALKS AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS»....».............................. ...................».SP-22 54. PAY ITEM-REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTrER......,»®®.® ®»».».....,...®.....»....»....®®®..»»...»SP-22 5. PAY ITEM-REMOVE EXISTING CURB INLET...................................................................»..®®»...SP-22 56. PAY ITEM-6"REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY.......................................................»....»...SP-23 57. PAY ITEM-REMOVE AND CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEPS.......„......................»®................»,..SP-23 58. PAY ITEM-4' STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK,LEADWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP..............................................»................»...».....,»».»,....................SP-23 59. PAY ITEM-REMOVE AND REPLACE FENCE..................................................»»..............................SP-23 60. PAY ITEM-STANDARD 7"CURB AND 1 "GUTTER......................................................................SP-24 61. PAY ITEM-REMOVE AND RECONSTRUCT S ...........................SP-24 62. PAY ITEM-BORROW............a„.,..,,......................»..»..................»..................»...................................SP-24 63. PAY ITEM-CEMENT STABILIZATION.......................»................................,..................................__SP-24 64. PAY ITEM-CEMENT ............,,,.®.....,,,.....................»..»..».........................__..........................»»....SP-24 5. PAY ITEM-NEW C VALLEY GuTfER...........................................................».......»....SP-24 66. PAY ITEM-STORM DRAIN SP-25 67. PAY ITEM-TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLn...mWmmU......»...,...........»®...,........®»..».......... flm 0g1y»»�» FOR STORM DRAIN.....................................__................................................................SP-25 68. PAY ITEM-STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION(FOR DISTURBED AREAS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1 ACRE) ..SP-25 ' 69. PRE BID ITEM-PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN.........»......»»»®......................................................SP-27 70. PRE BID ITEM-I=TY ADJUSTMENT......................»............»....».........................»...»»,®»...»..®SP-27 71. PRE BID ITEM-TOP SOIL...............................m,»...........».........®»....................................»........»».SP-27 72. PRE BID ITEM-ADJUST WA VALVE BOX...........»......................».............................»,........... SP-28 7 . PRE BID ITEM-MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT»......................................................„.®........ »............... SP-28 74. PRE BID ITEM-ADJUST WATER METER BOX,...-........................................................ .............SP-28 75. NON-PAY ITEM-CLEARING AND GRUBBING..................................»,..........................................SP-28 76. NON-PAY ITEM-SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL..........».............._....................................SP-28 77. NON-PAY ITEM-PROTECTION OF TREES,PLANTS AND SOELS................................................SP-28 78. NON-PAY ITEM-CONCRETE COLORED SURFACE ......................................................................SP-29 05/27/05; � � � SP-2 SPECIAL,PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS Table of Comma 79. NON-PAY ITEM-PROJECT CLEAN-UP.............................................................................................SP-29 80, NON-PAY ITEM-PROJECT SCHEDULE,_____ ..SP-29 81. NON-PAY ITEM-NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENTS..........................................................................SP-29 82. NON-PAY ITEM-PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION..............SP-29 83. NON-PAY ITEM-PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING.......................................SP-30 84. NON-PAY ITEM-WASHED ROCK.....................................................................................................SP-30 85. NON-PAY ITEM-SAWCUT OF EXISTING CONCRETE..................................................................SP-30 86. NON-PAY ITEM-LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES ANDWATER VAL S...............m.........................................................;............,....SP-30 87. NON-PAY ITEM-TIE-IN INTO STORM DRAINS ........................................................SP-31 88. NON-PAY ITEM- SPRINKLER HEAD ADJUSTMENT.....................................................................SP-31 89. NON-PAY ITEM-FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSP ONS..............................SP-31 90. NON PAY ITEM-TEMPORARY EROSION,SEDIMENT AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL(FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE)...SP-31 Me 91. NON PAY ITEM-TRAFFIC CONTROL.............................................................................................SP-32 I u 05/27/05 SP-3 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR: 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 00160,D.O.E. No.4873, Mesquite Road(Chesser Boyer Road to Kimbo Road), Wesley Street(Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive), Williams Place(Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street) PAVING RECONSTRUCTION: D.O.E.NO. 4873 1. SCOPE OF WORK: The work covered by these plans and specifications consist of the following: Reconstruction of 2004 CIP—Mesquite Road,Wesley Street.&Williams Place and all other miscellaneous items of construction to be performed as outlined in the plans and specifications which are necessary to satisfactorily complete the work. . AWARD OF CONTRACT:Submission of Bids: Unit 1, Unit 2,and Unit 3 constitute a package. If the Contractor submits a bid on Unit 1, Unit 2,and Unit 3 and has the lowest responsive proposal price,the Contractor will be the apparent successful bidder for this project. The Contractor can bid either the HMAC alternate and/or the Concrete alternate. The additive alternate must be included in any bid. Bidders are hereby informed that the Director of the Department of Engineering reserves the right to evaluate and recommend to the City Council the best bid that is considered to be in the best interest of the City. . PRECONSTUCTIO CONFERENCE: The successful Contractor, Engineer, and City-City shall meet at the call of the City for a preconstruction conference before any of its work begins on this project. At this time,details of sequencing of the work,contact individuals for each party, request for survey, and pay requests will be covered. Prior to the meeting,the Contractor shall prepare schedules showing the sequencing and progress of their work and its effect on others. A final composite schedule will be prepared during this conference to allow an orderly sequence of project construction. As used herein,the term"Engineer"shall mean the design engineer who prepared and sealed the plans,specifications and contract documents for this project. 4. EXAMINATION OF SITE: It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder to visit the project site and make such examinations and explorations as may be necessary to determine all conditions that may affect construction of this project. Particular attention should be given to methods of providing ingress and egress to adjacent private and public properties, procedures for protecting existing improvements and disposition of all materials to be removed. Proper consideration should be given to these details during preparation of the Proposal and all unusual conditions that may give rise to later contingencies should be brought to the attention of the City prior to the submission of the Proposal. During the construction of this project it is required that all parkways be excavated and shaped including bar ditches at the same time the roadway is excavated. Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the Engineer. During construction of this project,the Contractor shall comply with present zoning requirements of the City of Fort Worth in the use of vacant property for storage purposes. . BID SUBMITTAL: Bidders shall not separate,detach or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract documents at any time. Failure to bid or fully execute contract without retaining 05/27/05 SP-4 contract documents intact may be grounds for designating bids as"non-responsive"and rejecting bids as appropriate and as determined by the Director of the Department of Engineering. 6. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION: Water for construction will be furnished by the Contractor at his own expense. 7. SANITARY FACILITIES FOR WORKERS: The Contractor shall provide all necessary conveniences for the use of workers at the project site. Specific attention is directed to this equipment. 8. PAYMENT: The Contractor shall receive full payment from the City for all the work based on unit prices bid on the proposal and specified in the plans and specifications and approved by the Engineer per actual field measurement. 0 9. SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifically governed by documentary requirement for the projects,such as conditions imposed by the Plans, the General Contract Documents or these special Contract Documents,in which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal, shall be considered as a subsidiary item or work,the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for each bid item, including but not limited to surface restoration cleanup and relocation of mailboxes. All objectionable matter required to be removed from within the right-of-way and not particularly described under these specifications shall be covered by Item No. 102"Clearing and Grubbing' and shall be subsidiary to the other items of the contract. 10. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE PUBLIC: The Contractor's particular attention is directed to the requirements of Item 7,"Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public"of the"Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction". 11. WAGE RATES: Compliance with and Enforcement of Prevailing Wage Laws Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code(Chapter 2258), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. Penalty for Violation. A contractor or any subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall,upon demand made by the City, pay to the City$60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents.This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. Complaints of Violations and City Determination of Good Cause. On receipt of information,including a,complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258.023,Texas Government Code, by a contractor or subcontractor,the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31 st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the contractor or subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258,the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and 05/27/05 SP-5 P" ON wages due under the prevailing wage rates,such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. M Arbitration Required if Volation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023,Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker,shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act(Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes)if the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker do not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to paragraph(c)above. If the persons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11 th day after the date that arbitration is required,a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. Records to be Maintained. The contractor and each subcontractor shall,for a period of three(3)years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show(i)the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract;and (ii)the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of the Audit section of these contract documents shall pertain to this inspection. Pay Estimates. With each partial payment estimate or payroll period,whichever is less,the contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Oft Government Code. Posting of Wade Rates. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. Subcontractor Compliance. The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs(a)through(g)above. (Wage rates are attached at the end of this section.) 12. EXISTING UTILITIES: The locations and dimensions shown on the plans relative to existing utilities are based on the best information available. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to verify location of adjacent and/or conflicting utilities sufficiently in advance of construction in order that he may negotiate such local adjustments as are necessary in the construction process in order to provide adequate clearance. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in order to protect all services encountered. Any damage to utilities and any losses to the utility City due to disruption of service resulting from the Contractor's operations shall be at the Contractor's expense. 13. PARKWAY CONSTRUCTION: During the construction of this project, it will be required that all parkways be excavated and shaped at the same time the roadway is excavated. Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the Director of the Department of Engineering. 14. MATERIAL STORAGE: Material shall not be stored on private property unless the Contractor has obtained permission from the property City. 05/27/05 SP-6 "t, 15. PROTECTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS: The Contractor shall take adequate measures to protect all existing structures, improvements and utilities,which may be encountered. The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the City or the Engineer to be accurate as to extent,location and depth,they are shown on the plans as the best information available at the time of design,from the Owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground. 16. INCREASE OR DECREASE IN QUANTITIES: The quantities shown in the Proposal are approximate. It is the Contractor's sole responsibility to verify all the minor pay item quantities prior to submitting a bid. No additional compensation shall be paid to Contractor for errors in the quantities. Final payment will be based upon field measurements. The City reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary,and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered, increased or decreased at the unit prices as established in the contract documents. No allowance will be made for any changes in anticipated profits or shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. Variations in quantities of storm drain pipes in depth categories shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities of storm drain pipe in each pipe size but not to the various depth categories. 17. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Contractor Covenants and agrees to indemnify City's Engineer and Architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractors sole negligence. In addition,Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and F defend, at its own expense,the City, its officers, servants and employees,from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of,or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents,employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not any such injury, damage or death is caused,in whole or in part,by the negligence or alleged negligence of City,its officers, servants, or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against any and all injuries to City's officers, servants and employees and any damage,loss or destruction to property of the City arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such injury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of City,its officers,servants or employees. In the event City receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment,final payment shall not be made until Contractor either(a)submits to City satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or(b)provides City with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. i The Director may, if deemed appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. 18. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS: Contractor shall comply with City Ordinance Number 7278 as amended by City Ordinance Number 7400(Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A-21 through 12- A-29)prohibiting discrimination in employments practices. The Contractor shall post the required notice to that effect on the project site,and at his request, will be provided by assistance by the City of Fort Worth's Equal Employment Officer who will refer any qualified applicant he may have on file in his office to the Contractor. Appropriate notices may be acquired from the Equal Employment Officer. 05/27/05 SP-7 PW 19. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE(M/WBE)COMPLIANCE: In accordance with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530,the City has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. The Ordinance is incorporated in these specifications by reference. A copy of the Ordinance may be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. Failure to comply with the ordinance shall be a material breach of contract. MIWBE UTILIZATION FORM, M/WBE GOALS WAIVER FORM AND GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM,as applicable, must be submitted within fine(5)city business days after bid opening. Failure to comply shall render the bidnon-responsive. Upon request,Contractor agrees to provide the City complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority or Women Business Enterprise(M/WBE)on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of acts(other than a negligent misrepresentation)and/or the commission fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal,state,or local laws or ordinances relating to false statement. Further,any such misrepresentation(other than a negligent misrepresentation)and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than three years. The City will consider the Contractor's'performance regarding its M/WBE program in the evaluation of bids. Failure to comply with the City's M/WBE Ordinance, or to demonstrate"good faith effort", shall result in a bid being rendered non-responsive to specifications. .Contractor shall provide copies of subcontracts or co-signed letters of intent with approved M/WBE subcontractors prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall also provide monthly ro reports on utilization of the subcontractors to the City's M/WBE office. The Contractor may count first and second tier subcontractors and/or suppliers toward meeting the goals. The Contractor may count toward its goal a portion of the total dollar amount of the contract with a joint venture equal to the percentage of the M/WBE participation in the joint venture for a clearly defined portion of the work to be performed. All M/WBE Contractors used in meeting the goals must be certified prior to the award of the Contract. The M/WBE Contractor(s)must be certified by either the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency(NCTRCA)or Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT), Highway Division and must be located in the nine(9) county marketplace or currently doing business in the marketplace at time of bid. The Contractor shall contact all such M/WBE subcontractors or suppliers prior to listing them on the M/WBE utilization or good faith effort forms as applicable. Failure to contact the listed M/WBE subcontractor or supplier prior to bid opening may result in the rejection of bid as non-responsive. Whenever a change order affects the work of an M/WBE subcontractor or supplier,the M/WBE shall be given an opportunity to perform the work. Whenever a change order exceeds 10%of the original contract,the MIWBE coordinator shall determine the goals applicable to the work to be performed under the change order During the term of the contract the contract shall: 1® Make no unjustified changes or deletions in its M/WBE participation commitments submitted with or subsequent to the bid,and, 2. If substantial subcontracting and/or substantial supplier opportunities arise during the term of the contract which the Contractor had represented he would perform with his forces,the Contractor shall notify the City before subcontracts or purchase orders are let, and shall be required to comply with modifications to goals as determined by the City,and, 05/27/05 SP-8 3. Submit a REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE FORM, if the Contractor desires to change or delete any of the MIWBE subcontractors or suppliers. Justification for change may be granted for the following: a. Failure of Subcontractor to provide evidence of coverage by Worker's Compensation Insurance. b. Failure of Subcontractor to provide required general liability of other insurance. C. Failure of Subcontractor to execute a standard subcontract form in the amount of the proposal used by the Contractor in preparing his MMBE Participation plan. d. ' Default by the M/WBE subcontractor or supplier in the performance of the subcontractor. Within ten(10)days after final payment from the City, the Contractor shall provide the 1 M/WBE Office with documentation to reflect final participation of each subcontractor and supplier used on the project, inclusive of M/WBEs. 20. FINAL CLEAN-UP: Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as the paving and curb and gutter has been completed. No more than seven days shalt elapse after completion of construction before the roadway and R.OW. is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make a final cleanup of all parts of the work before acceptance by the City or its representative. This cleanup shall include removal of all objectionable rocks, pieces of asphalt or concrete and other construction materials, and in general preparing the site of the work in an orderly manner and appearance. 21. CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW: A. Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage a. DEFINITIONS: b. Certification of coverage("Certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance,a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission,or a coverage agreement(TWCC-81,TWCC- 82,TWCC-83,OR TWCC-84), showing statutory workers'compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project,for the duration of the project. Duration of the project-includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons providing services on the project("subcontractor"in§406.096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes,without limitation, independent Contractors,subcontractors,leasing companies, motor carriers, City-operators, employees of any such entity,or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services"include,without limitation, providing, hauling,or delivering equipment or materials,or providing labor,transportation,or other services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors,office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements,which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)or all employees of the Contractor providing services on the project,for the duration of the project. c. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. 05/27/05 SP-9 d. if the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project,the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period,file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. e. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project,so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project;and (2) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor,a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage,if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. f. The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. g.. The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten(10)days after the Contractor knew or should have known, or any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. h. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text,form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered,and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. i. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project,to: (1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements,which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44)for all of its employees providing services on the project,for the duration of the project; (2) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project,for the duration of the project; (3) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (4) obtain form each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project;and (b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; (c) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 05/27/05 SP-10 qmw (d) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery,within ten(10)days after the person knew or should have known,of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (e) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs(1){7),with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. j. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage,the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project,that the coverage will be based o� ! on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self- insured,with the commission's Division of Setf-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative, criminal,civil penalties or other civil actions. k. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract y by the Contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten day after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity. B. The Contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered,and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the Worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text,without any additional words or changes: "REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by worker's compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling,or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project,regardless of the identify of their employer or status as an employee." Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage,to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage,or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage". low, 22. SUBSTITUTIONS: The specifications for materials set out the minimum standard of quality that the City believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. No substitutions will be permitted until the Contractor has received written permission of the Engineer to make a substitution for the material that has been specified. Where the term'or equal",or'or approved equal'is used, it is understood that if a material, product,or piece of equipment bearing the name so used is furnished, it will be approvable,as the particular trade name was used for the purpose of establishing a standard of quality acceptable to the City. If a product of any other name is proposed substitutes is procured by the Contractor. Where the term"or equal",or"approved equar is not used in the specifications, this does not necessarily exclude alternative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the intended purpose. However,the Contractor shall 05/27/05 SPA I t have the full responsibility of providing that the proposed substitution is, in fact,equal, and the Engineer,as the representative of the City,shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of substitutions. The provisions of the sub-section as related to*substitutions'shall be applicable to all sections of these specifications. 23. MECHANICS AND MATERIALMEN'S LIEN: The Contractor shall be required to execute a release of mechanics and materialmen's liens upon receipt of payment. 24. WORK ORDER DELAY:All utilities and right-of-way are expected to be dear and easements and/or permits obtained on this project within sixty(60)days of advertisement of this project. The work order for subject project will not be issued until all utilities, right-of-ways, easements and/or permits are cleared or obtained.The Contractor shall not hold the City of Fort Worth responsible for any delay in issuing the work order for this Contract. 25. WORKING DAYS: The Contractor agrees to complete the Contract within the allotted number of working days. 26. RIGHT TO ABANDON:The City reserves the right to abandon,without obligation to the Contractor,any part of the project or the entire project at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work authorized by the City. 27. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS:This contract and project are governed by the two following published specifications,except as modified by these Special Provisions: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS 00 A copy of either of these specifications may be purchased at the Office of the Department of Engineering, 1000 Throckmorton Street,2nd Floor, Municipal Building, Fort Worth,Texas 76102. The specifications applicable to each pay item are indicated in the call-out for the pay item by the Imp Engineer. If not shown,then applicable published specifications in either of these documents may be followed at the discretion of the Contractor. General Provisions shall be those of the Fort Worth document rather than Division 1 of the North Central Texas document. 28. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT:The Contractor shall be responsible for defects in this project due to faulty materials and workmanship,or both,f&a period of two(2)years from date of final acceptance of this project and will be required to replace at his expense any part or all of the project which becomes defective due to these causes. 29. DELAYS: The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the work, ON except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or material, if any,which is to be furnished by the City. When such extra compensation is claimed a written statement thereof shall be presented by the Contractor to the Director of the Department of Engineering and if by him found correct shall be approved and PW referred by him to the Council for final approval or disapproval;and the action thereon by the Council shall be final and binding. If delay is caused by specific orders given by the Engineers to stop work or by the performance of extra work or by the failure of the City to provide material or necessary instructions for carrying on the work,then such delay will entitle the Contractor to an equivalent extension of time,his application for which shall, however,be subject to the approval of the City Council;and no such extension of time shall release the Contractor or the surety on his performance bond form all his obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until the discharge of the contract. 05127/05 SP-12 i i t 30. DETOURS AND BARRICADES: The Contractor shall prosecute his work in such a manner as to create a minimum of interruption to traffic and pedestrian facilities and to the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area. Contractor shall protect construction as required by Engineer by providing barricades. Barricades,warning and detour signs shall conform to the Standard Specifications"Barriers and Warning and/or Detour Signs," Item 524 and/or as shown on the plans. Construction signing and barricades shall conform with`1980 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices,Vol. No. 1." 31. DISPOSAL OF SPOIUFILL MATERIAL: Prior to the disposing of any spoil/fill material,the Contractor shall advise the Director of the Department of Engineering acting as the City of Fort Worth's Flood Plain Administrator("Administrator'), of the location of all sites where the Contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall not dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to meet the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinance of the City of Fort Worth(Ordinance No. 10056). All disposal sites must be low approved by the Administrator to ensure the filling is not occurring within a flood plain without a permit. A flood plain permit can be issued upon approval of necessary engineering studies. No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in a flood plain. Approval of the Contractor's disposal sites shall be evidenced by a letter signed by the Administrator stating that the site is not in a known flood plain or by a Flood Plain fill Permit authorizing fill within the flood plain. Any expenses associated with obtaining the fill permit, including any necessary engineering studies, shall be at the Contractor's expense. In the event that the Contractor disposes of spoil/fill materials at a site without a fill permit or a letter from the administrator approving the disposal site, upon notification by the Director of Engineering, Contractor shall remove the spoilffill material at its expense and dispose of such materials in accordance with the Ordinance of the City and this section. 32. QUALITY CONTROL TESTING: I (a) The Contractor shall furnish,at its own expense,certifications by a private laboratory for all materials proposed to be used on the project, including a mix design for any asphaltic and/or Portland cement concrete to be used and gradation analysis for sand and crushed stone to be used along with the name of the pit from which the material was taken. The Contractor shall low provide manufacturer's certifications for all manufactured items to be used in the project and will bear any expense related thereto. (b) Tests of the design concrete mix shall be made by the Contractor's laboratory at least nine days prior to the placing of concrete using the same aggregate,cement and mortar which are to be used later in the concrete. The Contractor shall provide a certified copy of the test results to the City. (c) Quality control testing of on site material on this project will be performed by the City at its own expense. Any retesting required as a result of failure of the material to meet project specifications will be at the expense of the Contractor and will be billed at commercial rates as determined by the City.The failure of the City to make any tests of materials shall in no way relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to furnish materials and equipment conforming to the requirements of the contract. low (d) Not less than 24 hours notice shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for operations requiring testing. The Contractor shall provide access and trench safety system(if required) for the site to be tested and any work effort involved is deemed to be included in the unit price for the item being tested. NO (e) The Contractor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket for each load of fill material delivered to the job site. The ticket shall specify the name of the pit supplying the fill material. 05/27/05 SP-13 33. PROPERTY ACCESS: Access to adjacent property shall be maintained at all times unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. 34. SAFETY RESTRICTIONS-WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES: The following procedures will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract: (a) A warning sign not less than five inches by seven inches, painted yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve feet shall be placed inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks, power shovels, drilling rigs, pile drivers, hoisting equipment or similar apparatus. The warning sign shall read as follows: "WARNING—UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES.' (b) Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have an insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm, except back hoes or dippers and insulator links on the lift hood connections. (c) When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines, notification shall be given the power company (TU Electric Service Company) which will erect temporary mechanical barriers, de-energize the line or raise or lower the line. The work done by the power company shall not be at the expense of the City of Fort Worth. The notifying department shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to TU Electric Service Company and shall record action taken in each case. (d) The Contractor is required to make arrangements with the TU Electric Service Company for the temporary relocation or raising of high voltage lines at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. (e) No person shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protection having been taken as outlined in Paragraph(c). 35. WATER DEPARTMENT PRE-QUALIFICATIONS: Any Contractor performing any work on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer facilities must be pre-qualified with the Water Department to perform such work in accordance with procedures described in the current Fort Worth Water Department General Specifications which general specifications shall govern performance of all such work. 36. RIGHT TO AUDIT: (a) Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three(3)years after final payment under this contract have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate workspace in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this jowl section. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, under the expiration of three (3) years after iffift final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of such subcontractor involving transactions to the subcontract and further, that City shall have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article together with subsection (c ) hereof. City shall give subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. . 05/27/05 SP-14 (c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse Contractor for the cost of copies at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed. 37. CONSTRUCTION STAKES: The City,through its Surveyor or agent,will provide to the Contractor construction stakes or other customary methods of markings as may be found consistent with professional practice to establish line and grade for roadway and utility construction and centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. These stakes shall be set sufficientty in advance to avoid delay whenever practical. One set of stakes shall be set for all utility construction(water, sanitary sewer, drainage,etc.), one set of excavation/or stabilization stakes,and one set of stakes for curb and gutter and/or paving. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to preserve, maintain,transfer,etc., all stakes furnished until completion of the construction phase of the project for which they were furnished. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, a sufficient number of stakes or markings provided by the City have been lost,destroyed,or disturbed,that the proper prosecution and control of the work contracted for in the Contract Documents cannot take place,then the Contractor shall replace such stakes or markings as required. An individual registered by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying as a Registered Professional Land Surveyor shall replace these stakes, at the Contactor's expense. No claims for delay due to a lack of replacement of construction stakes will be accepted,and time will continue to be charged in accordance with the Contract Documents. 38. LOCATION OF NEW WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS, The Contractor will make every effort to protect existing trees within the parkway, with the approval of the engineer the Contractor may re-locate proposed new driveways and walks around existing trees to minimize damage to trees. 39. EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION: Time is of the essence in the completion of this contract. In order to insure that the Contractor is responsive when notified of unsatisfactory performance and/or of failure to maintain the contract schedule, the following process shall be applicable: The work progress on all construction projects will be closely monitored. On a bi-monthly basis the percentage of work completed will be compared to the percentage of time charged to the contract. If the amount of work performed by the Contractor is less than the percentage of time allowed by 20% or more(example: 10% of the work completed in 30% of the stated contract time as may be amended by change order),the following proactive measures will be taken: 1. A letter will be mailed to the Contractor by certified mail, return receipt requested demanding that, within 10 days from the date that the letter is received, it provide sufficient equipment, materials and labor to ensure completion of the work within the contract time. In the event the Contractor receives such a letter, the Contractor shall provide to the City an updated schedule showing how the project will be completed within the contract time. 2. The .Project Manager and the Directors of the Department of Engineering, Water Department, and Department of Transportation and Public Works will be made aware of the situation.If necessary,the City Manager's Office and the appropriate city council members may also be informed. 3. Any notice that may, in the City's sole discretion, be required to be provided to interested individuals will distributed by the Engineering Departments Public Information Officer. 4. Upon receipt of the Contractor's response, the appropriate City departments and directors will be notified. The Engineering Departments Public Information Officer will, if necessary,then forward updated notices to the interested individuals. 05/27/05 SP-15 Vi 5. If the Contractor fails to provide an acceptable schedule or fails to perform satisfactorily a second time prior to the completion of the contract, the bonding company will be notified appropriately. 40. AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS: The Contractor shall be required to observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS`. Typically, the OZONE SEASON, within the Metroplex area, runs from May 1, through OCTOBER 31, with 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. being critical BECAUSE EMISSIONS FROM THIS TIME PERIOD HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO BAKE IN THE HOT ATMOSPHERE THAT LEADS TO EARLY AFTERNOON OZONE FORMATION. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in coordination with the National Weather Service, will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. On designated Air Pollution Watch Days,the Contractor shall bear the responsibility of being aware that such days have been designated Air Pollution Watch Days and as such shall not begin work until 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 hour. However,the Contractor may begin work prior to 10:00 a.m. if use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or if equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting", or equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel emulsions, or alternative fuels such as CNG. If the Contractor is unable to perform continuous work for a period of at least seven hours between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., on a designated Air Pollution Watch Day, that day will be considered as a weather day and added onto the allowable weather days of a given month. CONSTRUCTION 1. PAY I - UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION: See Standard Specifications Item No. 106, "Unclassified Street Excavation" for specifications governing this item. Removal of existing penetration or asphalt pavement shall be included in this item. Operations necessary to windrow existing gravel base in order to lower or raise subgrade shall be considered as subsidiary to this item and no additional compensation shall be given as such. U During the construction of this project, it is required that all parkways be excavated and shaped at the same time the roadway is excavated. Excess excavation will be disposed of at locations approved by the engineer. M The intention of the City is to pay only the plan quantity without measurement. Should either contracting party be able to show an error in the quantities exceeding 10 percent, then actual quantities will be paid for at the unit prices bid. The party requesting the payment of actual rather than plan quantities is responsible for bearing any survey and/or measurement costs necessary to verify the actual'quantities. 2. PAY ITEM- 6`REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT: (a) All applicable provisions of standard Specifications Item 314"Concrete Pavement,'shall apply. The Contractor shall use a six (6) sack concrete mix for all hand placement in the intersections. The unit price bid per square yard shall be full payment for all labor, material, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. (b) Once an evaluation of the pavement is made to determine whether the crack is due to distress or minor shrinkage,the following policy will apply: 05/27/05 SP-16 (1) When the crack is minor and due to shrinkage(cosmetic),then no further treatment will be needed. (2) If the crack is due to distress(structural),the failed pavement must be removed and replaced a minimum of 5 feet. In no case should the remaining portion of the panel be less than 5 feet wide after repairing the failed panel. (3) Any crack within 12 inches of any joint must be removed and replaced a minimum of 5 feet to prevent future spalling of the pavement. (c) All concrete pavement not placed by hand shall be placed using a fully automated paving machine as approved by the Construction Engineer. Screeds will not be allowed except if approved by the Construction Engineer. 43. PAY ITEM-SILICONE JOINT SEALING FOR CONCRETE PAVEMENT: CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATION for SILICONE JOINT SEALING (Revision 1,October 18, 1989) (Revision 2, May 12, 1994) 1. SCOPE This specification for silicone joint sealing Portland Cement Concrete pavement and curbs shall supersede Item 314.2.(11)'Joint Sealing Materials"of STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION CITY OF FORT WORTH, and Item 2.210`Joint Sealing"of STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION-NORTH TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. 2. MATERIALS 2.1 The silicone joint sealant shall meet Federal Specification TT-S-001543A for Class A sealant except as modified by the test requirements of this specification. Before the installation of the joint sealant,the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer certification by an independent testing laboratory that the silicone joint sealant meet these requirements. 2.2 The manufacturer of the silicone joint sealant shall have a minimum two-year demonstrated, documented successful field performance with Portland Cement Concrete pavement silicone joint sealant systems. Verifiable documentation shall U, be submitted to the Engineer. Acetic acid cure sealants shall not be accepted. The silicone sealant shall be cold applied. 2.3 Self-Leveling Silicone Joint Sealant The joint sealant shall be Dow Corning 890SL self-leveling silicone joint sealant as manufactured by Dow Coming Corporation, Midland, MI 48686-0994,or an approved equal. Self-Leveling Silicone Joint Sealant Test Method Test Requirement AS SUPPLIED Non Volatile Content, %min. 96 to 99 05/27/05 SP-17 POW, MIL-S-8802 Extrusion Rate,grams/minute 275 to 550 ASTM D 1475 Specific Gravity 1.206 to 1.340 "*** Skin-Over Time, minutes max. 60 Cure Time,days 14 to 21 **** Full Adhesion,days 14 to 21 AS CURED-AFTER ASTM D 412,Die C Mod. Elongation, %min. 1400 ASTM D 3583 Modulus @ 150% Elongation, psi max. 9 (Sect. 14 Mod.) ASTM C 719 Movement,10 cycles @+100/-50% No Failure ASTM D 3583 Adhesion to Concrete, % Elongation min. 600 (Sect. 14 Mod.) ASTM D 3583 Adhesion to Asphalt, % Elongation min. 600 (Sect. 14 Mod.) 2.4 The joint filler sop shall be of a closed cell expanded polyethylene foam backer rod and polyethylene bond breaker tape of sufficient size to provide a tight seal. The back rod and breaker tape shall be installed in the saw-cut joint to prevent the joint sealant from flowing to the bottom of the joint. The backer rod and breaker tape shall be compatible with the silicone joint sealant and no bond or reaction shall occur between them. Reference is made to the"Construction Detail"sheet for the various joint details with their respective dimensions. 3. TIME OF APPLICATION On newly constructed Portland Cement Concrete pavement,the joints shall be initially saw cut to the required depth with the proper joint spacing as shown on the"Construction Detail"sheet or as directed by the Engineer within 12 hours of 0& the pavement placement. (Note that for the"dummy'joints,the initial 1/4 inch width"green"saw-cut and the"reservoir"saw cut are identical and should be part of the same saw cutting operation. Immediately after the saw cutting on pressure washing shall be applied to flush the concrete slurry from the freshly saw cut joints.) The pavement shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of seven (7)days. Then the saw cuts for the joint sealant reservoir shall be made, the joint cleaned, and the joint sealant installed. During the application of the joint sealant,the weather shall not be inclement and the temperature shall be 40F(4C) and rising. 4. EQUIPMENT 4.1 All necessary equipment shall be furnished by the Contractor. The Contractor shall keep his equipment in a satisfactory working condition and shall be inspected by the Engineer prior to the beginning of the work. The minimum requirements for construction equipment shall be as follows: 4.2 Concrete Saw:The sawing equipment shall be adequate in size and power to complete the joint sawing to the required dimensions. 4.3 High Pressure Water Pump:The high pressure cold water pumping system shall be capable of delivering a sufficient pressure and volume of water to thoroughly 05/27/05 SP-18 flush the concrete slurry from the saw-cut joint. 4.4 Air Compressors:The delivered compressed air shall have a pressure in excess of 90 psi and 120 cfm. There shall be suitable reaps for the removal of all free water and oil from the compressed air. The blow-tube shall fir into the saw-cut joint. 4.5 Extrusion Pump:The output shall be capable of supplying a sufficient volume of sealant to the joint. 4.6 Injection Tool:This mechanical device shall apply the sealant uniformly into the joint. 4.7 Sandblaster:The design shall be for commercial use with air compressors as specified in Paragraph 5.4. 4.8 Backer Rod Roller and Tooling Instrument:These devices shall be clean and free of contamination. They shall be compatible with the join depth and width requirements. u . CONSTRUCTION METHODS 5.1 General:The joint reservoir saw cutting, cleaning,bond breaker installation, and joint sealant placement shall be performed in a continuous sequence of operations 5.2 Sawing Joints:The joints shall be saw-cut to the width and depth as shown on the"Construction Detail'sheet. The faces of the joints shall be uniform in width and depth along the full length of the joint. 5.3 Cleaning Joints: Immediately after sawing,the resulting concrete slurry shall be completely removed from the joint and adjacent area by flushing with high pressure water. The water flushing shall be done in one-direction to prevent joint contamination. When the Contractor elects to saw the joint by the dry method,flushing the joint with high pressure water may be deleted. The dust resulting from the sawing shall be removed from the joint by using compressed air. (Paragraph Rev. 1, October 18, 1989) After complete drying,the joints shall be sandblasted. The nozzle shall be attached to a mechanical aiming device so that the sand blast will be directed at an angle of 45 degrees and at a distance of one to two inches from the face of the joint. Both joint faces shall be sandblasted in separate,one directional passes. Upon the termination of the sandblasting,the joints shall be blown-out using compressed air. The blow tube shall fit into the joints. The blown joint shall be checked for residual dust or other contamination. If any dust or contamination is found,the sandblasting and blowing shall be repeated until the joint is cleaned. Solvents will not be permitted to remove stains and contamination. Immediately upon cleaning,the bond breaker and sealant shall be placed in the joint. Open,cleaned joints shall not be left unsealed overnight. Bond Breaker Rod and Tape:The bond breaker rod and tae shall be installed in the cleaned joint prior to the application of the joint sealant in a manner that will produce the required dimensions. 05/27/05 SP-19 M 5.4 Joint Sealant: Upon placement of the bond breaker rod and tape,the joint sealant shall be applied using the mechanical injection tool. The joint sealant application shall not be permitted when the air and pavement temperature is less than 40F(4C). Joints shall not be sealed unless they are clean and dry. Unsatisfactorily sealed joints shall be refilled. Excess sealant left on the pavement surface shall be removed and discarded and shall not be used to seal the joints. The pavement surface shall present a clean final condition. Traffic shall not be allowed on the fresh sealant until it becomes tack-free. Approval of Joints:A representative of the sealant manufacturer shall be present at the job site at the beginning of the final cleaning and sealing of the joints. He shall demonstrate to the Contractor and the Engineer the acceptable method for sealant installation. The manufacturer's representative shall approve the clean, dry joints before the sealing operation commences. 6. WARRANTY The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a manufacturer's written guarantee on all joint sealing materials. The manufacturer shall agree to provide any replacement Jim, material free of charge to the City. Also,the Contractor shall provide the Engineer a written warranty on all sealed joints. The Contractor shall agree to replace any failed joints at no cost to the City. Both warranties shall be for two years after final acceptance of the completed work by the Engineer. 7. BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment will be made at the Contract bid item unit price bid per linear foot(L.F.)as provided in"MEASUREMENT"for"SILICONE JOINT SEALING',which price of shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, delivery, and application of those sealing materials and for all labor,equipment,tools and incidentals necessary to complete the silicone joint sealing in conformity with the plans and these specifications. 44. PAY ITEM- 7'CONCRETE CURB: The Contractor may,at his option, construct either integral or superimposed curb. Standard Specification Item 502 shall apply except as follows:Integral curb shall be constructed along the edge of the pavement as an integral part of the slab and of the same concrete as the slab. The concrete for the curb shall be deposited not more than thirty(30)minutes after the concrete in the slab. If the Contractor fails to backfill behind the curb within seven(7)calendar days of pouring the curb and gutter,the amount paid for the curb shall be reduced by 25%until the backfill operation is complete. 45. PAY ITEM- RETAINING WALL: This item will consist of placing retaining walls in locations and at heights determined by the engineer in the field. All applicable section of City of Fort Worth Standard Specification item 518 shall apply except as follows: Retaining wall shall be constructed per City of Fort Worth Construction Standard Drawing No. S-M13 "Retaining Wall With Sidewalk'where applicable. All existing brick and/or stone retaining walls not significantly impacted by proposed grade changes will be protected. Replacement of retaining walls not impacted by proposed grade changes will be at the expense of the Contractor. 05/27/05 SP-20 r 46. PAY ITEM-REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER: This item is included for the purpose and removing and replacing existing curb and gutter in transition areas as determined by the Engineer in the field. The proposed curb and gutter will be of the same dimensions as the existing curb and gutter to be removed. Quantities for this pay item are approximate and are given only to establish a unit price for the work The price bid per linear foot for "REPLACE EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER' as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to WO complete the work. 47. PAY ITEM-HMAC TRANSITION: This item will consist of the furnishing and placing at varying thicknesses an HMAC surface in transition areas where indicated on the plans, as specified in these specifications and at other locations as may be directed by the Engineer. This item shall be governed by all applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 312. The price bid per ton HMAC Transition as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor,equipment,tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 48. PAY ITEM- -W PIPE SUBDRAIN: No speck location for this item is designated on the plans. Subdrain shall be installed only if field conditions indicate ground water at subgrade level after excavation and if deemed necessary by the Engineer. I 49. PAY ITEM- TRENCH SAFETY: Description: This item will consist of the basic requirements which the Contractor must comply with in order to provide for the safety and health of workers in a trench. The Contractor shall develop,design and implement the trench excavation safety protection system. The Contractor shall bear the sole responsibility for the adequacy of the trench safety system and providing"a safe place to work'for the workman. The trench excavation safety protection system shall be used for all trench excavations deeper than five(5)feet. The Excavating and Trenching Operation Manual of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,shall be the minimum governing requirement of this item and is hereby made a part of this specification. The Contractor shall, in addition,comply with all other applicable Federal,State and local rules,regulations and ordinances. Measurement and Payment: All methods used for trench excavation safety protection shall be measured by the linear foot of trench and paid at the unit price in the Proposal,which shall be total compensation for furnishing design, materials,tools, labor,equipment and incidentals necessary, including removal of the system. Trench depth for payment purposes for Trench Safety Systems is the vertical depth as measured from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of the pipe. 50. PAY ITEM-8"THICK LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE&CEMENT FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION: See Standard Specifications Item No.210, "Lime Treatment(Material Manipulation)'and Specification Item No.212,'Hydrated Lime and Lime Slurry'for specifications governing this item. Quantities for this pay item are approximate and are given only to establish a unit price for the work. The price bid per square yard for"8'THICK LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE"as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for all labor,equipment,tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. The price bid per ton for"LIME FOR SUBGRADE STABILIZATION"as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials necessary to complete the work. low 05/27/05 SP-21 OR Ow 1. PAY ITEM- E (Thickness Tolerances and HMAQ Testing r The base course shall Tcourse a in one lift. The surface courseshall be a 3"deep Type" "course placed in one lift. All provisions of Standard Specification No. 312.7 'Construction Tolerance' shall apply except as modified herein: 1) After completion of each asphalt paving course, core tests will be made to determine compliance with the contract specffications. The hot-mix asphaltic concrete pavement will be core drilled by the City of Fort Worth. The thickness of the asphaltic surface will be determined by measurement cores taken at locations determined by the Engineer. The thickness of individual cores will be determined by averaging at least three (3) measurements. If the core measurements indicate a deficiency, the fictency length of the area of such deficient thickness shall be determined by additional cores taken along the length of the pavement in each direction until cores are obtained which are at least of specified thickness. The width of such area shall not be less than % of the roadway width. 2) When the thickness of the base course (as determined from core samples) is more than 15% deficient of the plan thickness, the Contractor shall remove and replace the deficient area at his own expense. If the thickness is less than 15% deficient, the Contractor shall make up the difference in the base thickness with surface course material. 3) The surface course must be the plan thickness. This does not include surface course material used to make up deficiencies in the base course as described in item 2). 4) The overall thickness of asphaltic concrete pavement must be a minimum of the plan thickness. Deficient areas (as determined in item 1)found to be less than the plan thickness will be removedy and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 5) No additional payment over the contract price will be made for any hot-mix asphaltic concrete course of a thickness exceeding that required by the plans and specifications. 6) HMAC Testing Procedure: The Contractor is required to submit a Mix Design for both Type"B"and"D"asphalt that will be used for each project. This should be submitted at the Pre-Construction Conference. This design shall not be more than two(2)years old. Upon submittal of the design mix a Marshal(Proctor)will be calculated, if one has not been previously calculated,for the use during density testing. For type"B'asphalt a maximum of 20%rap may be used. No Rap may be used in type"D' Upon approval of an asphalt mix design and the calculation of the Marshal(proctor)the Contractor is approved for placement of the asphalt. The Contractor shall contact the City Laboratory, through the inspector,at least 24 hours in advance of the asphalt placement to schedule a technician to assist in the monitoring of the number of passes by a roller to establish a rolling pattern that will provide the required densities. The required Density for Type'B"and for Type'D' asphalt will be 91%of the calculated Marshal(proctor). A Troxler Thin Layer Gauge will be used for all asphalt testing. After a rolling pattern is established, densities should be taken at locations not more than 300 feet apart. The above requirement applies to both T 'B'and"D'asphalt. Densities on type"W must be done before Ty "D"asphalt is applied. Cores to determine thickness of Type"B'asphalt must be taken before Type"D"asphalt is applied. Upon completion of the application of Type'D'asphalt additional cores must be taken to determine the applied thickness. 52. PAY I - CONCRETE FLAT WORK(CURB,CURBGUTTER,SIDEWALKS,LEADWALKS, WHEELCHAIR PS AND DRIVEWAYS): 05/27/05 SP-22 V Concrete flatwork is defined as curb,curb and gutter,sidewalks, leadwalks,wheelchair ramps and driveways as shown in the plans.This provision governs the sequence of work related to concrete SI flatwork and shall be considered a supplement to the specifications governing each specific item. Required backfilling and finished grading adjacent to flatwork shall be completed in order for the flatwork to be accepted and measured as completed. No payment will be made for flatwork until the pay item has been completed,which includes backfilling and finished grading. 53 PAY ITEM—REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK DRIVEWAYS STEPS LEADWALKS AND WHEEL CHAIR RAMPS: This item includes removal of existing concrete sidewalks, driveways,steps, leadwalks and wheelchair ramps at location shown on the plans or as designed by the Engineer. See Item No. 104"Removing Old Concrete',for Specifications governing this item. 54. PAY ITEM—REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER: Where shown on the plans or where designated by the Engineer,existing curb and or gutter and existing laid down curb shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Measurement will be b the linear foot for curb and utter, la down curb removed,and for all labor, Y 9 lay down and incidentals necessary to complete the job. 55. PAY ITEM' REMOVE EXISTING CURB INLET: This item shall include all labor, materials,and equipment necessary to remove and dispose of the existing inlet and removal and connection of the existing RCCP lead pipe inlet as shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer. 56. PAY ITEM—6"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY: See Standard Specification Item No. 504,"Concrete Sidewalks and Driveways'for specifications governing this item as well as details S-S5 and S-S5A. The price bid per square foot for"6"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY"as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor,equipment,tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. ' 57. PAY ITEM—REMOVE AND CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEPS: See Standard Specification Item No.516,"Concrete Steps'for specifications governing this item as well as details SM-3. The price bid per each for"REMOVE CONCRETE STEPS'and"CONSTRUCT CONCRETE STEPS" as shown in the Proposal will be full payment for materials including all labor,equipment tools and incidentals necessary to complete the removal and construction of each set of concrete steps. 58. PAY ITEM—4'STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK, LEADWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP: All applicable provisions of standard Specifications Item 104"Removing Old Concrete'and Item 504 'Concrete Sidewalk Driveways'shall apply except as herein modified. The Contractor shall construct standard concrete wheelchair ramps as shown on the enclosed details, or as directed by the Engineer. 05/27/05 SP-23 CIYY a �� fix, The Contractor shall not remove any regulatory sign,instruction sign, street name and sign or other sign which has been erected by the City. The Contractor shall contact Signs and Marking Division, TPW(Phone 871-77 ). All concrete flared surfaces shall be colored with LITHOCHROME color hardener as manufactured by L.M. Scofield Company or equal. The color hardener shall be brick red color and dry-shake type,and shall be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions. "Contractor shall provide a colored sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension,or other dimension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specification. ° The sample, upon approval by the Engineer,shall be the acceptable standard to be applied for all construction covered in the scope of this pay item. The method of application shall be by screen,sifter, sieve or other means in order to provide for a uniform color distribution.' 59. PAY ITEM—REMOVE AND REPLACE FENCE: y This item shall include the removal and reconstruction of the existing fence at the locations shown on the plans or where deemed necessary by the Engineer. The Contractor shall exercise caution in removing and salvaging the materials to they may be used in reconstructing the fence. Their constructed fence shall be equal in every way,or superior,to the fence removed. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping livestock within the fenced areas during construction operation and while removing and relocating the fence,and for any damage or injury sustained by persons, livestock or property on account of any act of omission,neglect or misconduct of his agents, employees,or subcontractors. The unit price per linear foot shown on the Proposal shall be full compensation for all materials,labor,equipments,tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. w 60. PAY ITEM—STANDARD 7"CURB AND 18"GUTTER: All provisions of Standard Specification No.502'Concrete Curb and Gutter'shall apply except as modified herein: Subsidiary to the unit price bid per linear foot shall be the following: Iwo a. A minimum of 5'or greater as required depth of stabilized subgrade properly compacted under the proposed curb and gutter as shown in the construction details. b. If the Contractor fails to backfill either in from of the gutter or behind the curb within seven -- (7)calendar days of pouring the curb and gutter,the amount paid for the curb and gutter shall be reduced by 25%until the backfill operation is complete. p, Standard Specifications Item No. 502,shall apply except as herein modified. Concrete shall have minimum compressive strength of three thousand(3,000)pounds per square inch in twenty-eight(28) days. The quantity of mixing water shall not exceed seven(7)gallons per sack(94 lbs.)of Portland Cement. The slump of the concrete shall not exceed three(3)inches. A minimum cement content of Ift five(5)sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete is required. 61. PAY IT —REMOVE AND RECONSTRUCT MAILBOXES/MISCELLANEOUS: This item includes the removal and reconstruction of existing mailboxes, brick walls,flowerbed trim and miscellaneous items within the right of way which may be damaged or removed during construction. When possible,the Contractor shall salvage existing materials for reuse in the replacement or repair of damaged or removed items. Items which are to be repaired or reconstructed should look architecturally the same in material and appearance and should be reconstructed or repaired in a better or new condition. Ow -a All appl c4bl provisions of City of Fort Worth Construction Standards shall apply. 0r/2 / 5w SP-24 62. PAY ITEM—BORROW: Yom Thenon-expansive earth fill should consist of soil materials with a liquid limit of 35 or less,a plasticity index between 8 and 20, a minimum of 35 percent passing the No.200 sieve,a minimum of 85 percent passing the No.4 sieve, and which are free of organics or other deleterious materials. When compacted to the recommended moisture and density,the material should have a maximum free swell value of 0.5 percent and a maximum hydraulic conductivity(permeability)of 1 E-05 cm/sec, as determined by laboratory testing of remolded specimens of the actual materials proposed for the non- expansive earth fill. 63. PAY ITEM—CEMENT STABILZATION: All applicable provisions of Item 214, `Portland Cement Treatment shall apply. 64. PAY ITEM—CEMENT: All applicable provisions of Item 214, `Portland Cement Treatment shall apply. 65. PAY ITEM—NEW 7'CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER: This item shall include the construction of concrete valley gutters at various locations to be determined in field. Removal of existing, asphalt pavement, concrete base, curb and gutter, and necessary excavation to install the concrete valley gutters all shall be subsidiary to this pay item. Furnishing and placing of 2:27 concrete base and crushed limestone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt w transitions as shown in the concrete valley gutter details shall be subsidiary to this Pay Item. See standard specification Item No. 314", Concrete Pavement", Item 312 "Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete", Item No. 104, "Removing Old Concrete", Item No. 106, "Unclassified Street Excavation" Item No. 208 "Flexible Base." Measurement for final quantities of valley gutter will be by the square yard of concrete pavement and the curb and gutter section will be included. Contractor may substitute 5" non-reinforced (2:27) Concrete Base in lieu of Crushed Stone at no additional cost.See Item 314"Concrete Pavement". The concrete shall be designed to achieve a minimum compressive strength of 3000 pounds per square inch. Contractor shall work on one-half of Valley gutter at a time, and the other half shall be open to traffic.Work shall be completed on each half within seven(7)calendar days. 66. PAY ITEM—STORM DRAIN INLETS: An alternative method of construction for these items will be"Pre-Cast'manholes and inlets. If the Contractor desires to use this method, he must submit details for the construction to the Transportation and Public Works Department fore review and approval if said details are acceptable. The Pre-Cast construction must be equal or superior to the strength requirements for this item as set out in Item 444, "Manholes and Inlets'and said construction shall be in compliance with all other requirements of Item 444 where applicable. 67. PAY ITEM—TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR STORM DRAIN: Work under this item includes all the proposed excavation and backfill in the project area and the necessary fill area. Payment will be made for the quantity of earth excavated/backfilled. The placing of fill shall be subsidiary to the trench excavation/backfill price. Excess material which is obtained from excavating the trench shall be used for fill placement subject to the provisions of Item 114 of the City of Fort Worth Standard Specifications. 05/27/05 SP-25 �w All excavated material which is unacceptable as fill material shall become the property of the Contractor to be hauled off the site and disposed of properly. Unacceptable material shall be, but not limited to:rocks,concrete,asphalt debris,etc. The cost for removal and disposal of unacceptable material shall be subsidiary to the unit prices. 68. PAY ITEM-STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION(FOR DISTURBED AREASi EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1 ACRE): PERMIT: As defined by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations, a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction Permit is required for all construction activities that result in the disturbance of one to five acres (Small Construction Activity)or five or more acres of total land(Large Construction Activity).The Contractor is defined as an"operator" by state regulations and is required to obtain a permit. Information concerning the permit can be obtained through the Internet at http://www.tnrec.state.b(.us/perm!Wng/water pe rm/construct.html. Soil stabilization and structural practices have been selected and designed in accordance with North Central Texas Council of Governments Best Management Practices and Erosion Control Manual for Construction Activities (BMP Manual). This manual can be obtained through the Internet at www.dfwstormwater.com/runaff.htmi. Not all of the structural controls discussed in the BMP Manual will necessarily apply to this project. Best Management Practices are construction management techniques that, if properly utilized, can minimize the need for physical controls and possible reduce costs.The methods of control shall result in minimum sediment retention of not less than 70%. NOTICE OF INTENT(NOI): If the project will result in a total land disturbance equal to or greater than 5 acres, the Contractor shall sign at the pre-construction meeting a TCEQ Notice of Intent(NOI)form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notification to the TCEQ of construction activity as well as a commitment that the Contractor understands the requirements of the permit for storm water discharges from construction activities and that measures will be taken to implement and maintain storm water pollution prevention at the site. The NOI shall be submitted to the TCEQ at least 48 hours prior to the Contractor moving on site and shall include the required $100 application fee. The NOI shall be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water&General Permits Team; C-228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin,TX 78711-3087 A copy of the NOI shall be sent to: City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management 5000 MLK Freeway Fort Worth,TX 76119 NOTICE OF TERMINATION SNOT): For all sites that qualify as Large Construction Activity, the Contractor shall sign, prior to final payment, a TCEQ Notice of Termination(NOT)form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notice that the site is no longer subject to the requirement of the permit The NOT should be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water&General Permits Team; MC-228 oft P.O.Box 13087 Austin,TX 78711-3087 PA STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP): A document consisting of an erosion control.and toxic waste management plan and a narrative defining site parameters and techniques to be employed to reduce the release of sediment and pollution from the construction site. Five of the project SWPPP's are available for viewing at the plans desk of the Department of Engineering. The selected Contractor shall be provided with three copies of the SWPPP after award of contract, along 05/27/05 SP-26 4" with unbounded copies of all forms to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. LARGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY — DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5 ACRES: A Notice of Intent (NOI) form shall be completed and submitted to the TCEQ including payment of the TCEQ required fee. A SWPPP that meets all TCEQ requirements prepared by the Engineer shall,be prepared and implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall be incorporated into in the contract documents. The Contractor shall submit a schedule for implementation of the SWPPP. Deviations from the plan must be submitted to the engineer for approval. The SWPPP is not warranted to meet all the conditions of the permit since. the actual construction activities may vary from those anticipated during the preparation of the SWPPP. Modifications may be required to fully conform to the requirements of the Permit. The Contractor must keep a copy of the most current SWPPP at the construction site. Any alterations to the SWPPP proposed by the Contractor must be prepared and submitted by the Contractor to the engineer for review and approval. A Notice of Termination (NOT) form shall be submitted within 30 days after final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that is the responsibility of the permittee, or, when another permitted operator assumes control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized. SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY - DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ONE ACRE BUT LESS THAN FIVE ACRES: Submission of a NOI form is not required. However, a TCEQ Site Notice form must be completed and posted at the site. A copy of the completed Site Notice must be sent to the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management at the address listed above. A SWPPP, prepared as described above, shall be implemented at least 48 hours before the „ , commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP must include descriptions of control measures necessary to prevent and control soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution and will be included in the contract documents. The control measures shall be installed and maintained throughout the construction to assure effective and continuous water pollution control. The controls may include, but not be limited to, silt fences, straw bale dikes, rock berms, diversion dikes, interceptor swales, sediment traps and basins, pipe slope drain, inlet protection, stabilized construction entrances, seeding, sodding, mulching, soil retention blankets, or other structural or non-structural storm water pollution controls. The method of control shall result in a minimum sediment retention of 70% as defined by the NCTCOG "BMP Manual.' Deviations from the proposed control measures must be submitted to the engineer for approval. PAYMENT FOR SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION: Payment shall be made per lump sum as shown on the proposal as full compensation for all items contained in the project SWPPP. FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE, SPECIAL PROVISION 23 - 40 SHALL BE APPLICABLE. 69. PRE BID ITEM-PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN: The Contractor shall construct and install two (2) Project Designation Signs and it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to maintain the signs in a presentable condition at all times on each project under construction. Maintenance will include painting and repairs as directed by the Engineer. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to have the individual project signs lettered and painted in accordance with the enclosed detail. The quality of the paint, painting and lettering on the signs shall be approved by the Engineer. The height and arrangement of the lettering shall be in accordance with the enclosed detail. The sign shall be constructed of %' fir plywood, grade A-C (exterior) or better. These signs shall be installed on barricades or as directed by the Engineer and in place at the project site upon commencement of construction. The work, which includes the painting of the signs, installing and removing the signs, furnishing the materials, supports and connections to the support and maintenance shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 05/27/05 SP-27 The unit price bid per each will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 70. PRE BID ITEM- UTILITY ADJUSTMENT: This item is included for the basic purpose of establishing a contract price which will be comparable to the final cost of making necessary adjustments required due to street improvements to water, sanitary " sewer and natural gas service lines and appurtenances where such service lines and appurtenances are the property owner's responsibility to maintain. An arbitrary figure has been placed in the Proposal; however,this does not guarantee any payment for utility adjustments, neither does it confine low, utility adjustments to the amount shown in the Proposal. It shall be the 'Contractor" responsibility to provide the services of a licensed plumber to make the utility adjustments determined necessary.by the Engineer. No payment will be made for utility adjustments except those adjustments determined necessary by the Engineer. Should the Contractor damage service lines due to his negligence,where such lines would not have required adjustment or repair otherwise, the lines shall be repaired and adjusted by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. The payment to the Contractor for utility adjustments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plus ten percent (10%) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the Contractor in handling the utility adjustments. 71. PRE BID ITEM- TOP SOIL: The proposed quantities shown are calculated to provide topsoil 4 to 6 inches in depth (compacted) over the parkway area and do not include deeper than design depth behind the curb. The pay item is intended to pay for topsoil that must be imported where suitable material is either not available on the job or cannot reasonably be stored on-site. Payment will be made on the basis of loose truck volume (full truck with sideboards up)tickets and material must meet City of Fort Worth standards for topsoil. Only the volume imported will be paid for and may be substantially less than the proposal quantities listed. 72. PRE BID ITEM- ADJUST WATER VALVE BOX: Contractor will be responsible for adjusting water valve boxes to match new pavement grade.The water valves themselves will be adjusted by City of Fort Worth Water Department forces. The unit price bid will be full payment for materials including all labor,equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 73. PRE BID ITEM- MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT: This item shall include adjusting the tops of existing and/or proposed manholes to match proposed grade as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Standard Specification Item No.450 shall apply except as follows: Included as part of this pay item shall be the application of a cold-applied preformed flexible butyl rubber or plastic sealing compound for sealing interior and/or exterior joints on concrete manhole sections as per current City Water Department Special Conditions. 7 . PRE BID ITEM- ADJUST WATER METER BOX: This item shall include raising or lowering an existing meter box to the parkway grade specified. No payment will be made for existing boxes,which are within 0.1'of specified parkway grade. The unit price bid will be full payment for materials including all labor, equipment,tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. MW 75. NON-PAY ITEM - CLEARING AND GRUBBING: All objectionable items within the limits of this project and not otherwise provided for shall be removed under this item in accordance with Standard Specification Item 102, 'Clearing and Grubbing.' However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to this contract. 76. NON-PAY ITEM-SPRINKLING F ST CONTROL: 05/27/05 SP-28 All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, 'Sprinkling for Dust Control" shall apply. Y However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered incidental to this contract. 77. NON-PAY ITEM-PROTECTION OF TREES. PLANTS AND SOIL: All property along and adjacent to the Contractor's operations including lawns, yards, shrubs, trees, etc. shall be preserved or restored after completion of the work to a condition equal or better than existed prior to start of work. By ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any work (trimming, removal or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property including street rights-of-way and designated alleys. This permit can be obtained by calling the Forestry Office at 871- 5738. All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class II Pruning as described by r the National Arborist Association. A copy of these standards can be provided by calling the above number. Any damage to public trees due to negligence by the Contractor shall be assessed using the current formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture. Payment for negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from funds due to the Contractor by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately sealed using a commercial pruning paint. This is the only instance when pruning paint is recommended. f 78. NON-PAY ITEM- CONCRETE COLORED SURFACE: Concrete wheelchair ramp surfaces, excluding the side slopes and curb, shall be colored with LITHOCHROME color hardener or equal. A brick red color, a dry-shake hardener manufactured by L.M. Scofield Company or equal, shall be used in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Contractor shall provide a sample concrete panel of one foot by one foot by three inches dimension,or other dimension approved by the Engineer, meeting the aforementioned specifications. The sample, upon approval of the Engineer, shall be the acceptable standard to be applied for all construction covered in the scope of this Non-Pay Item. No direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be one considered incidental to this contract. The method of application shall be by screen, sifter, sieve, or other means in order to provide for a uniform color distribution. 79. NON-PAY ITEM- PROJECT CLEAN-UP: The Contractor shall be aware that keeping the project site in a neat and orderly condition is considered an integral part of the contracted work and as such shall be considered subsidiary to the appropriate bid items. Clean up work shall be done as directed by the Engineer as the work progresses or as needed. If, in the opinion of the Engineer it is necessary, clean up shall be done on a daily basis. Clean up work shall include,but not be limited to: • Sweeping the street clean of dirt or debris • Storing excess material in appropriate and organized manner • Keeping trash of any kind off of residents'property If the Engineer does not feel that the jobsite has been kept in an orderly condition, on the next estimate payment(and all subsequent payments until completed)of the appropriate bid item(s)will be reduced by 25%. Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as the paving and curb and gutter has been constructed. No more than seven days shall elapse after completion of construction before the roadway and right-of-way is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 80. NON-PAY ITEM- PROJECT SCHEDULE: Contractor shall be responsible for producing a.project schedule at the pre-construction conference. This schedule shall detail all phases of construction,including project clean up, and allow the 05/27/05 SP-29 J Contractor to complete the work in the allotted time. Contractor will not move on to the jobsite nor will work begin until said schedule has been received and approval secured from the Construction Engineer. However,contract time will start even if the project schedule has not been turned in. Project schedule will be updated and resubmitted at the end of every estimating period. Ali costs involved with producing and maintaining the project schedule shall be considered subsidiary to this contract. 81. NON-PAY IT - NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENTS: In order to cut down on the number of complaints from residents due to the dust generated when saw- cutting joints in concrete pavement,the Contractor shall notify residents,in writing, at least 48 hours in advance of saw-cutting joints during the construction of paving projects. All costs involved with providing such written notice shall be considered subsidiary to this contract. 82. NON-PAY ITEM- PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION: Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, the Contractor shall, on a block by block basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction.The notice shall be prepared as follows: The notification notice or flyer shall be posted seven (7) days prior to beginning any construction activity on each block in the project area. The flyer shall be prepared on the Contractor's letterhead and shall include the following information: Name of Project, DOE No., Scope of Project (i.e. type of construction activity), actual construction duration within the block, the name of the Contractor's foreman and his phone number, the name of the City's inspector and his phone number and the City's after-hours phone number.A sample of the'pre-construction notification'flyer is attached. The Contractor shall submit a schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each block of the project to the inspector. In addition, a copy of the flyer shall be delivered to the City Inspector for his review prior to being distributed. The Contractor will not be allowed to begin construction on any block until the flyer is delivered to all residents of the block. An electronic version of the sample flyer can be obtained from the construction office at 871-8306. low All work involved with the pre-construction notification flyer shall be considered subsidiary to the contract price and no additional compensation shall be made. 3. NON-PAY ITEM —PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: After the pre-construction conference has been held but before construction is allowed to begin on this project a public meeting will be held at a location to be determined by the Engineer. The Contractor, inspector,and project manager shall meet with all affected residents and present the projected schedule, including construction start date,and answer any construction related questions. Every effort will be made to schedule the neighborhood meeting within the two weeks following the pre- construction conference but in no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. 84. ON-PAY ITEM- WASHED ROCK: All washed rock used for embedment or backfill or as otherwise directed by the Engineer shall washed, crushed stone and shall meet the following gradation and abrasion:(Actual washing not required if MW gradation is met) Sieve Size % Retained 1. 0-10 1/2® 40-75 3/8' 55-90 #4 90-100 #8 95-100 Los Angeles Abrasion Test:50% Maximum wear per A.S.T.M. Designation C-131. -PAY ITEM—SAWCUT OFEXISTING— T : 05/27/05 SP-30 p When existing concrete or H.M.A.C. is cut,such cuts shall be made with a concrete saw. The Contractor may break out curb and gutter to the nearest joint if he chooses. All sawing shall be subsidiary to the unit cost of the respective item. 86. NON PAY ITEM— LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES: The Contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all previously exposed manholes and water valves in each street of this contract before the recycling process commences for a particular street. The Contractor shall attempt to include the construction engineer(if he is available)in the observation and marking activity. In any event a street shall be completely marked a minimum to two(2)working days before recycling begins on any street. Marking the curbs with paint is a recommended procedure. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the utility companies that he has commenced work on the project. As the recycling is completed(within the same day)the Contractor shall locate the covered manholes and valves and expose them for later adjustment. Upon completion of a street the Contractor shall notify the utilities of this completion and indicate that start of the next one in order for the utilities to adjust facilities accordingly. The following are utility contact persons: Company Telephone Number Contact Person Southwestern Bell Telephone (817)338-6275 'Hot Line' Texas Utilities (817)336-9411 ext.2121 Mr.Roy Kruger Lone Star (817)336-8381 ext. 372 Mr.Jim Bennett Of course, under the terms of this contract,the Contractor shall complete adjustment of the storm drain and Water Department facilities, one traffic lane at a time within five(5)working days after completing the laying of proposed H.MA.C.overlay adjacent to said facilities. Any deviation from the above procedure and allotted working days may result in the shut down of the recycling operation by the Construction Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials,equipment and labor to perform a most accurate job and all costs to the Contractor shall be figured subsidiary to this contract. 87. NON PAY ITEM—TIE IN INTO STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE: The cost for making lateral tie-ins to the storm drain structure shall be subsidiary to the bid price for the respective lines. 88. NON PAY ITEM—SPRINKLER HEAD ADJUSTMENT: The adjustment and/or relocation of sprinkler heads encountered shall be paid for under utility adjustment in the proposal section. No other compensation will be provided. 89. NON PAY ITEM-FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSPECTIONS: A fee for street use permits is in effect. In addition, a separate fee for re-inspections for parkway construction,such as driveways, sidewalks,etc.,will be required. The fees are as follows: The street permit fee is$50.00 per permit with payment due at the time of permit application. A re-inspection fee of $25.00 will be assessed when work for which an inspection called for is incomplete. Payment is due prior to the City performing re-inspection. Payment by the Contractor for all street use permits and re4nspections shall be considered subsidiary to the contract cost and no additional compensation shall be made. 05/27/05 SP-31 o 00 90. NON PAY ITEM-TEMPORARY EROSION,SEDIMENT AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ,�F4R DISTURBED S LESS T 1 A. DESCRIPTION: This item shall consist of temporary soil erosion sediment and water pollution control measures deemed necessary by the Engineer for the duration of the contract. These control measures shall at no time be used as a substitute for the permanent control measure unless otherwise directed by the engineer and they shall not include measures taken by the CONTRACTOR to control conditions created by his construction operations. The temporary measures shall include dikes, dames,berms, sediment basins,fiber mats,jute netting,temporary seeding,straw mulch, asphalt mulch, plastic liners, rubble liners,baled-hay retards,dikes, slope drains and other devices. B. CONSTRUCTION REQUIRMENTS: The Engineer has the authority to define erodible earth and the authority to limit the surface are of erodible-earth material exposed by preparing right-of-way, clearing and grubbing,the surface area of erodible-earth material exposed by excavation, borrow and to direct the CONTRACTOR to provide temporary pollution-control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams, other water course, lakes, ponds or other areas of water impoundment. Such work may involve the construction of temporary berms,dikes,dams, sediment basins,slope drains and use of temporary mulches, mats, seeding or other control devices or methods directed by the Engineer as necessary to control soil erosion. Temporary pollution-control measures shall be used to prevent or correct erosion that may develop during construction prior to installation of permanent pollution control features, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project. The Engineer will limit the area of preparing right-of-way,clearing and grubbing,excavation and borrow to be proportional to the CONTRACTOR'S capability and progress in keeping the finish grading, mulching,seeding,and other such permanent pollution-control measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal conditions make such limitations unrealistic,temporary soil-erosion-control measures shall be performed as directed by the Engineer. 1. Waste or disposal areas and construction roads shall be located and constructed in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams. 2. Frequent fordings of live streams will not be permitted;therefore,temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever an appreciable number of stream crossing are necessary. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, mechanized equipment shall not be operated in live streams. 3. When work areas or material sources are located in or adjacent to live streams, such areas shall be separated from the stream by a dike or other barrier to keep sediment from entering a flowing stream. Care shall be taken during the construction and removal of such barriers to minimize the muddying of a stream. 4. All waterways shall be cleared as soon as practicable of false work,piling,debris or other obstructions placed during construction operations that are not part of the finished work. 5. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent pollution of streams, lakes and reservoirs with fuels,oils, bitumens, calcium chloride or other harmful materials. He shall conduct and schedule his operations so as to avoid or minimize siltation of streams,lakes and reservoirs and to avoid interference with movement of migratory fish. E. SUBMITTAL: Prior to the start of the applicable construction,the Contractor shall submit for approval his schedules for accomplishment of soil-erosion-control work and his plan to keep the area of erodible-earth material to a minimum. He shall also submit for acceptance his proposed method of soil-erosion control on construction and haul roads and material sources and his plan for disposal of waste materials. No work shall be started until the soil-erosion control schedules and methods of operations have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. 05/27/05 SP-32 F. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All work, materials and equipment necessary to provide temporary erosion control shall be considered subsidiary to the contract and no extra pay will be given for this work. 91. NON PAY ITEM -TRAFFIC CONTROL: The Contractor will be required to obtain a Oft "Street Use Permit" prior to starting work. As part of the "Street Use Permit"a traffic control plan is required. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing traffic control during the construction of this project consistent with the provisions set forth in the "Latest Edition Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" issued under the authority of the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways,"codified as Article 6701 d Vernon's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27, 29, 30 and 31. 4 A traffic control plan shall be submitted for review to Mr.Charles R. Burkett,City Traffic Engineer at (817)392-8712,at the pre-construction conference. Although work will not begin until the traffic control plan has been reviewed,the Contractor's time will begin in accordance with the time frame established in the Notice to the Contractor. The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign,instructional sign,street name sign or other sign, which has been erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction,the Contractor shall contact the Transportation and Public Works Department,Signs and Markings Division,(Phone Number 871-7738)to remove the sign. In the case of regulatory signs,the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above-referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed correctly or if it does not meet the required" specifications,the permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work is completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be reinstalled,the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to reinstall the permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place until such reinstallation is completed. Work shall not be performed on certain locations/streets during "peak traffic periods' as determination by the City Traffic Engineer and in accordance with the applicable provision of the "City of Fort Worth Traffic Control Handbook for Construction and Maintenance Work Areas." 05/27/05 SP-33 (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) DOE No: PROJECT NAME: Water/Sanitary Sewer and Paving/Storm Drain Improvements for: MAPSCO LOCATION: low, LIMITS OF CONST.: Estimated Duration of Construction on your Street: days 4 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, OUR COMPANY WILL<REPLACE WATER r AND/OR SEWER LINES - RECONSTRUCT THE STREET> ON OR AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: Mr.<CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT>AT<TELEPHONE NO.> n . OR Mr.<CITY INSPECTOR>AT<TELEPHONE NO.> AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL 871-7970 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL. 05/27/05 SP-34 I PART S C CATIONS. REFER TO STANDARD -SPIRCMCATIONS FOR STREET AM STORM, DRAMCONMLWpoN,CITY,OF FORT WORTH(;T&PW DEFT,) SPECIFICATIONS: REFER TO,GEMRAI,CONTRACT DOCUWNTS AND SPECIACATIONS, Foy.Way ti� f n p . � s �` : � o; • � ® I ® ! � I AC®R®.M C R IRCATE OF LIA!3!L) IN U A,NCE DATE(MM/DD/YY) 09/19/06 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Aon !Risk services of Texas, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Ci tyPl ace Center East HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 2711 North Haskell Avenue ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Suite x 75204 800 Dallas Tx COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE r COMPANY Hartford Casualty Insurance CO PHONE_ ( 14) 989-0000 FAX- (214) 989-2530 A 4 INSURED COMPANY Hartford underwriters Ins. Co. Gil o Contracting, Inc. B 42 S. Hulen street #513 For worth TX 76109 USA COMPANY Twin City Fire Insurance Company 2 e COMPANY Arch specialty Insurance Company 2 D COVERAG a SIR May,Apply THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, pPI'ria EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION' LIMITS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE(M D/YY) DATE(M D/YY) oc C GENERALLJABILITY 46CQT1168 06/20/06 06/20/07 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 C COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY r X COMINERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 a PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 CLAIMS MADE OCCUR C OWNER'S&CONTRACTOR'S PROT EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 r, X ContraCtUal Liability FIRED GE(Anvonefiire) $300,000 e X Per project Aggregate MED EXP(Any one rson) $10,000 a: A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 46UENQT1169 06/20/06 06/20/07 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE a. ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY C; SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON40WNED AUTOS (Per accident) I PROPERTY DAMAGE GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT ANY AUTO OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT irlP AGGREGATE D EXCESS LIABILITY ULP0007672-01 06/20/06 06/20/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $15,000,00 X UMBRELLA FORM UMBRELLA LIABILITY AGGREGATE $15,000,00 u , OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM Retained Limit Amoun $10,00 B WORKERIS COMPENSATION AND 46 EQT1167 06/20/06 06/20/07 X WC STATU- OTH- TORY LIMITS EMPLOYORS'LIABILITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION EL EACH ACCIDENT TT000,000 THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERWEXECUTIVE X INCL EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S1,000,000 OFFICERS ARE: EXCL EL DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 t_ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/L ATION EHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS Re: Water' sewer, Paving and Drainage improvements - contract 16, D.O.E. No. 4873, Mesquite Road (Chesser Boyer , p4" Rd. To Kim o Rd.) esley street (Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive), Williams Place (Chesser Boyer Road to TOM Ellen street); Certificate Holder, its officers, employees and servants are an additional insured with regard to all CSIRTIFICATg HOLDER + CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE CITY OF FORT WORTH EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 1000 Throckmorton street 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT„ Fora worth TX 76102 USA =WU BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICES d BILITY Jew OF ANY__KIND UPON THE COMPAN 61 AFAAA&N ATIVES,,,,, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MM °W s " 11 ex . `d M"I Attachment to ACORD Certificate for Gi I Co contracting, inc. The terms,conditions and provisions noted below are hereby attached to the captioned certificate as additional description of the coverage afforded Dy the insurer(s).This attachment does not contain all terms,conditions,coverages or exclusions contained in the policy. If"Y COMPANY INSURED oilco contracting, inc. COMPANY 4200 S. Hulen Street #513 MW Fort worth Tx 76109 USA COMPANY COMPANY I 0W ICOMPANY ADDITIONAL POLICIES If a policy below does not include limit information,refer to the corresponding policy on the ACCRD certificate form for policy limits. POLICY POLICY co TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR POLICY DESCRIPTION DATE DATE MMDy DESCRIPTI:OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSfVEHICLES/SPEC[AL ITEMS COW s except worker's compensation on a primar�, non contributory basis; waiver of Subrogation in favor of the additional insured as respect- er's compensation coverage. Off" Certificate No: 570019372085 P"N' MR, MW CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW we, Pursuant to V.T.C.A. Labor Code §406.96 (2000), as amended, Contractor certifies that it �rovides workers' compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employed on it f y Fort Worth Department of Engineering No.4873 and City of Fort Worth Project No. P253- $04170016083/P258-704170016083/C200-204400016083. CONTRITOR I Gilco C tractinq-Inc. I By:w-,� ale R, Ghreatt i Name: Title: Date: C, STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF TARRANT § HP re me, the undersigned! authority, on this day personailly appeared T C-.-.-1t1VPat.,.kknown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the f regoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed Tf Gilco Contracting, Inc. for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given Under My Hand and Seal of Office th� day of ............. .......... .................... Notary Public in and for the State of Texas LMMCQMN VV C*n**Won FBx"pwW Mwn� Bond No. 6420769 PERFORMANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT Safeco Insurance Company That we(1) Gilco Contracting, Inc. as Principal herein, and(2) of America ,a corporation organized under the laws of the State of(3) Washington and who is authorized to issue surety bonds in the State !of Texas, Surety herein, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation located in T t and Denton Counties,Texas,Obligee herein,in the sum of. ineHundred .......................................................... ($945,941.85)Dollars for the payment of which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs,executors,administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. `006 WHEREAS, cipal has entered into a certain contract with the Obligee dated the of 2006 a opy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof,for the construction of Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Mesquite Road (Kimbo Road to Chesser Boyer Road),Williams Place(Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street)and Wesley Street(Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive) NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, if the said Principle shall faithfully perform he work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents and shall fully indemnify and hold armless the Obligee from all costs and damages which Obligee may suffer by reason of Principal's default, and eimburse and repay Obligee for all outlay and expense that Obligee may incur in making good such default, then is obligation shall be void;otherwise,to remain in full force and effect. low D PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of such statute,to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly aqtbqrJzed representatives of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument. U fl"mr, SIGNED and SEALED this of .2006. ATTEST: s Inc ( i S cretary PRINVDle ) Gilco Co r ctm ... BY. Title: . ilreath, President (SEAL) 4200 S.Hulen St.,4513 Fort Worth,TX 76109 4 (Address °�. �;� � Safeco Insurance o p ny of America Witness as toPrincipal S ety 4 00 S. Hulen Street 513, Fort Worth Address TX 76109 BY: r. EST: ( tt y-in-fact)(5) " Lisa M. Bonnot (Surety)Secretary Safeco Plaza , Seattle, WA 98185 .............. ........................... (Address) SEAL) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior to date of Contract (1) Correct Name of Contractor (2) Correct name of Surety (3) State of incorporation of Surety Telephone number of surety must be stated. In addition,an original copy of Power o Attorney shall be attached to Bond by Attorney-in-Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. Witness as to Surety 2711 N. Haskell Avenue #800, Dallas, (Address) TX 75204 1 MWJP Bond No. 6420769 PAYMENTBOND HE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § That we,(1)Gilco Contractive,Inc.,as Principal herein,and(2) Saf eco Insurance Company of America a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of(3)Washington , as surety, are beld and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth,a municipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties, ' ex as, Obligee herein, in the amount of Nine Hundred Forty-rive Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-one and &5/10 ......................... Dollars ($945,941.85) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these resents: AS,the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee dated the day of 2006, which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if fully and to the same extent as if opied at length,for the following project: w, Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Mesquite Road(Kimbo Road to Chesser BoyerRoad).Williams Place Chesser B21er Road to Tom Ellen Street)and Wesley Street br (Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive) NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal s17all faithfully make payment to each and every claimant(as defined in Chapter 2253,Texas Government Code, as amended)supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work under the contract then this obligation shall be quo void;otherwise,to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government ode, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said s atute,to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have e ecuted this instrument. ` SIGNED and SEALED this day of, 2006. Gilco CoAractina. Inc. PRINCI ATTEST, By. Name- Dale Gilreath Title: President w 71y (S /A L) Address: 4200 S. Hulen St., #513 Fort Worth, TX 76109 VitHess as to Principal low' Safeco Insurance Company of America SURETY ATTEST: By: 7 Name: Lisa M.Vonnot ecretary Attorney in Fact y S E A Q Address: Safeco Plaza Seattle, WA 98185 i ss ne as to Surety Telephone Number: 214/989-0000 NOTE: (1) Correct name of Principal (Contractor). (2) Correct name of Surety. (3) State of incorporation of Surety Telephone number of surety must be stated. In addition, an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by the Attorney-in-Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. VKW VV 9��AN Bond No. 6420769 r „ MAINTENANCE BOND HE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § a That Gilco Contracting, Inc. ("Contractor"), as principal, and Safeco Insurance Company of America orporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington , ("Surety"), do hereby acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Fort Worth, a Municipal Corporation chartered by virtue of Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, ("City") in Tarrant County, Texas, the sum of Nine Hundred Forty-five Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-one and 85/100............................................................................................................................................ Dollars (`$945,941.85), lawful money of the United States, for payment of which sum well and truly be made unto said City and its successors, said Contractor and Surety do hereby bind themselves, their heirs, Executors, administrators, assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that: WHEREAS, said Contractor has this day entered into a written Contract with the City of Fort Worth, dated the of ` 2006, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the performance of the following described public improvements: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Mesquite Road >r (Kimbo Road to Chesser Boyer Road), Williams Place (Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street) and Wesley Street(Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive) the same being referred to herein and in said contract as the Work and being designated as project humber(s) P253-604170016083/P258-704170016083/C200-204400016083 and said contract, including all of the specifications, conditions, addenda, change orders and written instruments referred to therein as Contract Documents being incorporated herein and being made a part hereof; and, WHEREAS, in said Contract, Contractor binds itself to use such materials and to so construct the work that it will remain in good repair and condition for and during a period of after the date of the final acceptance of the work by the City; and WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to maintain said work in good repair and condition for said term of Two (2) years; and WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to repair or reconstruct the Work in whole or in part at any time within said period, if in the opinion of the Director of the City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering, it be necessary; and, WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself, upon receiving notice of the need therefore to epair or reconstruct said Work as herein provided. x NOW THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to aintain, repair or reconstruct said Work in accordance with all the terms and conditions of said ontract, these presents shall be null and void, and have no force or effect. Otherwise, this and shall be and remain in full force and effect, and the City shall have and recover from ontractor and Surety damages in the premises as prescribed by said Contract. This obligation shall be a continuing one and successive recoveries may be had hereon or successive breaches until the full amount hereof is exhausted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in 8 counterparts, each of which hall be deemed an original, this day of , A.D. 2006. ATTEST: Gilco Z)Dntractinci. Inc S E A L) ` p, Cont act r f o � N y ecreta Name: Dale R. Gilreath Title: President ATTEST: Safeco Insurance Company of America S E A L) Surety ob By: ,.. ecretary Name: Lisa M. o not Title: Attorney-in-fact I Safeco Plaza Seattle, WA 98185 Address "Ibis ��U m ECU ���l s THO TEX6 r , Safeco Insurance Company of America POWER General Insurance Company of America ar "' Safe Plaza 6 OF ATTORNEY Seattle,WA 98185 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: N®, 3698 That SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, each a Washington corporation,does each hereby appoint srsss*LISA M.BONNOT,DON B.CO LL;CHRISTINE DAVIS;CHRIS J. ;ROB[MORALES;LUKE J.NO LAN, P.ROSE;Dallas, Tt +++ssssrsrrrrsrrssrssrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssrrrrssssrsrsrsrsrr:rrrssrrrrrrrssrrrrrr'rrs' WON Its true and lawful attomey(s)�in-fact,with full authority to execute on its behalf fidelity and surety bonds or undertakings and other ON documents of a similar character issued In the course of its business,and to bind the respective company thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have each executed and attested these presents this 30th day of March , 2006 AoAam STEPHANIE DALEY WATSON.SECRETARY MIKE PETERS.PRESIDENT,SURETY CERTIFICATE Extract from the By-Laws of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA m and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA: "Article V,Section 13,-FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS...the President,any Vice President,the Secretary,and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations,shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attomeys-In-fad or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character Issued by the company in the course of its business...On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment the signatures may be affixed by facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided,however,that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking.' r" Extract from a Resolution of the Board of Directors of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA adopted July 28,1970. "On any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (I) The provisions of Article V,Section 13 of the By-Laws,and A copy of thepower-of-attomey appointment,executed pursuant thereto,and (lii) Certifying that said power-of-aomey appointment is in full force and effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile,and the seal of the Company may be a facsimile thereof." I I,Stephanie Daley-Watson ,Secretary of SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA and of GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA,do hereby certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of these corporations,and of a Power of Attorney issued pursuant thereto,are true and correct,and that both the By-Laws,the Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this day of _ E COITfpi SEAL SEAL dgg3 1a2 STEPHANIE DALEY-WATSON,SECRETARY �4/'tlfpgt aWaS� Safeoog and the Safeco logo are registered trademarks of Safeco Corporatlon. S-0974/DS 4/05 WEB PDF +ast MR Ow FZ S A F EIC 0"' State.of Texas Surety Bond Claire Notice In accordance with Section 2253,021(f)of the Texas Government Code and Section 53.202(6) of the Texas,Property Code, any notice of claim to the named surety under this bond(s) should be sent to: SAFECO Surety Adams Building 4634 154th PL NE Redmond, WA 98052 ' Mailing Address: SAFECO Surety PO Box 34526 Seattle, WA 98124 Phone: (425)376-6535 Fax: (425) 376-6533 www.SAFECO.com ° � I CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS CONTRACT w THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL BY THESEPRESENTS Ube 'OUNTY OF TARRANT This agreement made and entered into this the day of ., 2006,by and between the ATY OFF T , a municipal corporationof Tarrant County, Texas, organized and existing nder y virtue of a special charter adopted by e qualifiedvoters within said City o the 1 Iv'day o ecember, A.D. 1924, under a authority (vested i said voters y e "Home Rule" provision) of e lonstitution o Texas, i accordance i a resolution duly se at a regularmeeting o the City ouncil o said city , and the Cityo Fort Worth beinghereinafter termed Owner, Gilco Contracting nc.,HEREINAFTER CALLED Contractor. WITNESSETH: That said parties have agreed as follows: I. That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made Fe °d erfo e by nte er, under the ditios expressed in the bond be ing even date herewith, said Contractorhereby a ees with e said Owner to commence and co lets e cons ctio o i rove es described as follows: Pavement Reconstruction and Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement on Mesquite Road(Kimbo Road to Chesser Boyer Road),Williams Place(Chesser Boyer Road to Tom Ellen Street)and Wesley Street(Fossil Drive to Cindy Drive) 004 2. MW That the work herein contemplated shall consist of furnishing as an independent contractor all abor, tools, appliances and materials necessary for the construction and completion of said project in ccordance with the Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents prepared by the Department of Mngineering for the Transportation and Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth adopted by he City Council of the City of FortWorth, which Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents are ereto attached and made a part of this contract the same as if written herein. 3. e Contractor hereby agrees and binds himself to commence the construction of said work within ten(I ) days after being notified in writing to do so by the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth. . Offt, The Contractor hereby agrees to prosecute said work with reasonable diligence after the commencement thereof and to fully complete and finish the same ready for the inspection and approval of the Department of Engineering of the City of Fort Worth and the City Council of the City of Fort Worth Mthin a period of 130 working days. If the Contractor should fail to complete the work as set forth in the Plans and Specifications and Contract ocuments within the time so stipulated, plus any additional time allowed as provided in the General londitions, there shall be deducted from any monies due or is may thereafter become due him, the un of$315 Per working day, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, the Contractor and his Surety all be liable to the Owner for such deficiency. 5. Should the Contractor fail to begin the work herein provided for within the time herein fixed or to carry on and complete the same according to the true meaning of the intent and terms of said Plans, I pecifications and Contract Documents, then the Owner shall have the right to either demand the surety take over the work and complete same in accordance with the Contract Documents or to take charge of r nd complete the work in such a manner as it may deem proper, and if in the completion thereof, the cost to the said City shall exceed the contract price or prices set forth in the said plans and specifications made p her eof,the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay said City on demand in writing, setting forth Pf and, f ying an itemized statement of the total cost thereof, said excess cost. mft 6 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City's engineer and architect, and their personnel at the FJroject site for Contractor's sole negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, old harmless and defend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and inst any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, sing g out of, rs or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, Ft's 0 ice , agents, S, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not any such injury, rlama a or death is caused, in whole or in part, by the ne,-Iieence or alleged ne,-Ii ence of Owner, its officers, servants, or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Ownees officers, servants and employees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such injury or damajee is caused in whole or in part bl! the negligence or alle d nerlikence o Icers �Iervants or emplovees.. pe _f Own,o er its �lrathe event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or (b) provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. �Uie Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed Linder a City Contract. imp, 7. omm I The Contractor agrees, on the execution of this Contract, and before beginning work, to make, e ecute and deliver to said City of Fort Worth good and sufficient surety bonds for the faithful rformance of the terms and stipulations of the Contract and for the payment to all claimants for labor d/or materials furnished in the prosecution of the work, such bonds being as provided and required in I rticle 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, in the form included in the Contract ocuments, and such bonds shall be for 100 percent of the total contract price, and said surety shall be a s rety company duly and legally authorized to do business in the to of Texas, and acceptable to the ity Council of the City of Fort Worth. 8. Said City agrees and binds itself to pay, and the said Contractor agrees to receive, for all of the f esa d work and for all additions thereto or deductions therefrom, the price shown on the Proposal o isuccess0 mitt y i.br ed b theful bidder hereto attached and made a part hereof. Payment will be made in nnonthly installments upon actual work completed by contractor and accepted by the Owner and receipt of invoice from the Contractor. The agreed upon total contract amount(including/excluding)alternates n/a Shall be Nine Hundred Forty-five Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-one and §5/100.......................................................................................................................=Dollars, ($945,941.85). 9. It is further agreed that the performance of this Contract, either in whole or in part, shall not be sublet or assigned to anyone else by said Contractor without the written consent of the Director of the Department of Engineering. 10. The Contractor agrees to pay at least the minimum wage per hour for all labor as the same is lassified, promulgated and set out by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof the same as if it were copied verbatim herein. 11. It is mutually agreed and understood that this agreement is made and entered into by the parties hereto with references to the existing Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth and the laws of 1the State of Texas with references to and governing all matters affecting this Contract, and the Contractor agrees to fully comply with all the provisions of the same. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the City of Fort Worth has caused this instrument to be signed in 8 counterparts in its name and on its behalf by the City Manager and attested by its Secretary, with the corporate seal of the City of Fort Worth attached. The Contractor has executed this instrument through its duly authorized officers in 8 counterparts with its corporate seal attached. Done in Fort Worth,Texas,this the_day of____,A.D.,2006. I RECOMMENDED: CITY OF FORT WORTH lx may, DIRECTOR,DEPARTMENT OF CITY MANAGER INGINEERING APPROVED: ...._............................._ Marc A. Ott,Assistat'City Manager T RANSPORTATION/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ATTEST: Oilco Contracting,Inc. 200 S.Hulen St.,#513 fort Worth,TX 76109 CONTRACTOR y 1 CITY SECRETARY ,.. (SEAL) "XI .OA, Jim Date u lop TITLE GilCo Contracting, Inc. 4200 ® Hulen St., Suite 513 APPROVEDFORM AND Fort Worth, TexaS 76109 LEGALITY: ADDRESS ASS I CI I A"I"I ° RN ---' � November 1960 l devised May 1986 evised September 1992 CITY SECRIAly t APPENDIX A STANDARD CITY OF FORT WORTH DET S 1" u g q PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN ' "Jot PMS- 1 44„ DT H; 61 iPMS-167 3,I Project Title---Ll ,, 3„ 2ND LINE 4 -0 IF NECESSARY 3 77 �2" Contractor: ,„ 2242 ,� Contractor's Name 72 Scheduled Completion Date ,» 12„ Year r 5„ 1 „ _ FORT WORTH LOGO IN CHELT*"i M BOLD ALL OTHER LETTERWG N ARWL BOLD LOGO COLORS FORT WORTH-PMS 286 LONGHORN LOW-PMS w LETTERING-MZ 2M BACKGROUND-WMITE BORDER-BLUE C f . x .Lo p - V SO a a� UO) ^ . 40 ,Y 49 Sk " Q O Q•-.� v � to � � 4j .a� a'— �`►- �= � � .�,�, iok In. cx p QV u Q v.• N. ,G... • m Omm rl u , G pp lXf O .Q xfh. 6iQ <. N4 ` y " " mm N n: Owl o o c . Mw . o a am- a~r c" L. 41 +.w� c o O d , • 1.4h ^" a W O ••a.r .. ' an N ; u N +0 i% 'n N IL' W us M k. N 9 i • "� oC a p d O re- O r- . » O 'NI r _ allot Cm .9 " " 7 ^ " ^ I �. „ F.Z ® icuj Z U µ. C)r O F= ¢O � co g O . . La tj U COP- T" U O N Or a OL¢U � X h N oo " _. �ECO " m E Z . Z« �E p N® Sao `' . F-j E E �. U N� a►� co F f N N o0 ig - L31NM u coe u . N E » m W u h n ,«^O O " m . µ o ` E ' _ t _ to to cn a • r+ �. r� r� M v fl �JE �. S - • v E e ® Yi0 f� u 00 NN coh� ®E N 4W �u ru �u x W . m -Qt " " w I :F MW .0 F {j a U O. 2: a N —` p.;: co LLOUOF-- cOr-, LLJ a0 0 V) E o OW t— ?i,�- H U t-- U O O . o . r= uj � cc n o „ 16.1 Ld • £ w { O n . bZ,IE cc Ld . W VW NMI Z. KLHOM 121aj Z m E H ° - iJ o E LU �- W. 83aoV4 W et'�°� O dM f O a sxaoM rwa lsr� ice. .. • - . _ .. N IG . ^ i �.• '� Paving Or Other Surface Material iVt. ••� 0•��/ �D ': i��.� • t•�Y. .UUI��/1► ~ u S *� •e ♦:10 �p0. 0 �. o' :l//'S, 'i+ ' F•� ''.v�. •' ... +1 Wit: A •`t•"�+•• p�� ...... • s: • ®f.r J . —1 Roadway Base 1 I i if Valve Operating *ut. Is More Than 3' Below Pave- ment Surface - Provide r l Extension Stew To 1' Below ; McKinley Iron and Steel Co., Pavement Surface. No. YB5 three piece valve box or equal. Detail Pertains to Al.) Gate Valve Gate Yalve .Sizes 41-' Thr.0 12" u Torque bolts prior. ' to backf l l 1ow r . Main � TYPtCAL GATE VALVE AND BOX EXTENS ION STEM DETAI L- FIGURE 3 E 140Material 1-1' E 2-10 Construct lon Lill a� 0t Lead from Mains. 1rl anti Larger to Have Cate Valve - Ex4 st i ng or Prcpumd Curb ' Bottom Rest � acre e, ' Blocking de, Concrete @Hocking � m m ire- Hydrant Exercise care to avoid Plugging Drain Hole-With ,..•. Concrete. Exiiting or Proposed Curb Firc -Hyet� aht to Pavement or Other Surface : _ *. be Set. Piumb Trene Base `. . Parl a XF f4enslori Barrel. and tem_for 'Extra Bury s h if•Neces.sa- . 4- Deft rY Valve ilnimann 7 C M1. m . . Cate eF. Grade 6 . Plre Hydrb"6 . .Proportionalay . AnchoF iug COW *aid' MoUnd Ping for Conned .•. t i of f of.Csm '. crate, Pipo miZ Diarnetcr and" Larger ; ociciny CvncrEte Bl - Concrete' Resi 12WX 12" x 609 Depth; P-j-6 for Cast Iron Pi-pa .. Varies� (2 5 0.1 for A-C P.1pe Ref: Figure Cs w. ST DAR:D FIRE H.� DRANT DETAIL EI-12 mat ,".00,00M WWI go F LOUR E 5 E2_12 Coria NOTES': jaw lD blind flange tapped 2" with 2" brass plug. WO 2 1125# pattern blind flange drilled and tapped for 6" blind flange. 6" blind flange attached ith bronze bolts. Gaskets shall be full faced s otherwise required in E 2-4. �3 ifting lugs shall be provided in quantities 4 ufficient to loft and handle the flange as low balanced load. vttach the 125# pattern blind flange with steel 3 olts and bronze nuts then cover with ;cement grout after installation. 125# pattern flange, unless required otherwise. 1 Flanges and blind flanges to be designed to withstand pressure rating of pipe. e branch to be one size larger than,, but tapered to standard run normal diameter unless otherwise specified. 7 ; Standard run diameter. �' 5 6 7 450 I - I i STANDARD CLEANING WYE DETAIL Material Specification E 1-4 Construct io-i Specification E 2- 9 ,, FIGURE 28 Nutt: Bearing Areas shown are based on J 150 P.S.1.G test pressure and 3000 P.S.F. soil bearing value. 9� B� IJ e 4t O e Plug ,;c.90, °tea s Tee 1500## Concrete » •®e�/i0, s 1B'r�C �.. t � y met....•. ' 1 i -. m d tip... - .:s•• ..,. ^. `�' s•�. •� •rt •A s. � � X Bend ime r x -e+� %•:g• :w 1500## Concrete ® HORIZONTAL BLOCKING TABLE *Dimension "'A" May Vary If Necessary To Provide Bearing Against Und i s to rbeid T re-nch Wa 1 l 2 ' 900 Tee. '&„ PlugPi e X�* l Size Dim: Max. Min. Max. P4in. PlatMin. Max Ft. �t .r1 a �� nCt� Area I it a -Vol: �e a :a -'jkR. 1 .90 •8 -Q5 95 •90 -05 -95 -90 .05 91 .82 m. :.05 1.1 .5. 05 _ . . 6yrE lr5 ;.. 0 --8p -0 .0 1.05. i-1.o� -0 l l:. .0 1.1 t:41 ..0 Qtr A. '. • 0 -A .:- .a. a © e•Q5 1,.41 2r�y.. - .. _ .05 i $6 3:4 V 1,• 2.4 :T 10 '. 1- 0 ..$ . -05 1:.26 1.:6E? :0 1:. 9 .20 :i 2.18 5.:62 .'2' 1: .1-5 l:... 1.1Q l:2 :0 l. 2. 0 :.1 :2.14. 0 :2 2:8 :00. . 2 8-Sr6 .2 . z . '. 1..41 - . .;1 . 2.00 . .l 2:8 8.Qo 1i #+ to .b .1 ID.D 20"' 1 r' .1 .2 2. # .20. . 2 4o .6. 4. 0 r00 .1..1 24, 2 tf 2.14 4. ,2, .00 .00 m. �, 4.25. 8ao .. -. .6 .00J.85 4r 6 .6 1.0 300'.' 2: _ . 2.66- -1 -55 3.78 20 1.0 . 5.30� 0 1.75 7:05 0.3•.4 & w .0 . A. 0 0.40 1.4 " 6.36 2.'658. 0 2:00 1 Y .20 .0 2: ..... 2� l 8. • 4. 8 18. 1.6 . 6.00 2.; 8.48 0 .4 .t l.l4 126r 1oi.4 .0 6: 1 40 RAO 0 l -Ot1 a 10e 11500 i2:0 .0. .ob . -5 -a� 4 0 �� eoo .g: DOTES: Minimum areas shown are .in square feet. Volumes shown are" 'in o4bic yards. t Vertical dimensions of all block bearing areas.*shalI be_ Identical tg' the :1 horizontal dimension shown. HORIZONTAL BLOCKING DETAIL . p, E-1-•20 Material1.41 78 FIGURE 9 E-2-20 Construction � r ` �r�"'L��AOYI�/1/9CfOV' »s •`��_ �R''- �•- 1 0 a- 1 • , GiC tQiA 8s.dame fried , r r;W.ekrerY�°sa r�a�tt° ` •'J=• ' t S•• .a►itf ir..r t!s?dPe`id, ' :w. c'�i�ci-d c Ifo ` . ! l�,�i�rrlr are t�r�E, fr? - i i to 1I=low r . 4 . - f. .• - fie. tk 1 iro • 0 o ,. � • Y �- - g - Ms" ems•I:`I�:. •= ' 1Lf re �.. r-�y!� � iyS�—AAA�'Mr' .• � A • ��K� ~� j. ., •� wt.. M�� S , r t -:Q� p Z•-d 067400oE !03 AditiC�o.L,�" t E1-14 Mater6al E2-14 construction m U01j3nJ:jsUo3 III—Z3. 1�1�a.3eli 111-13 m : " w { m ro. t.oa�re!wsJe �:=''!. :� "."' . , •. .... ;. ,.� .� +� Jae.�' t�,' ° - ys�w�:rro/i9.�i '4..,j� . m + _ - 141 �F ,,,,Where M.1 . 's are in street Where M.H.'stare built install two or more courses of in streets to be paved, .rick or concrete grade rings M.H. rim to be set to .,twee tasting and top of brick proposed paving grade ' ` -ane, or concrete slab.. Use standard McKinley, -No. A24 AM. or Equal M.H. Frame d Cover 2 - 0" r Ill=jul It Set in Mortar Use Cast Iron Pipe to First Joint Behind- how Limit of Excavation 0 Install M.H. Step Same as in Standrr M.H. 14" =— 211 311 llu / 4" • - - 11 M.Jv as Push-on Plug =-tr®n 411 _ itU Conc. Collar ti _ Install Nuts o Away from M.H. Wall on M.J. " 1" = n. E 4'-0" Fitting COR-TEN 0 M q Bolts o If Required $rrovide Concrete I��t Stub Extension At Limit o — � r. e- Excavat„i on Itlt `0 � ' in f of P.E. i n M.H. e S 'L M a 1 Standard 4'- Dia. f1l1 j � M. H. Deta i 1 Figure 103 " Slope 111/1 ' Vertical to 3/4 Point of Pipe ® Q 811 • . . . . Thrust Block to Grouted Invert Use� 4000{# Concrete Extend 6" In All O 4' dia. for sewer Direct ons from pipe up to 21" Outside Diameter dia. 5' dia. for of P i 1>4 t sewer pipe 21" to TYPICAL SECTION 39" dia, STANDARD FOUR FOOT DROP � ACCESS MAN HOWL E ..._FIGURE 107 E 1-14.Material 1-1-78 E 2- 14 Construction n A. Standard Pipe Fittings shall be used to form inverts of junction manholes when possible, with installation as follows; 1( . Pipe fitting. . Pour manhole floor to spring line of fitting. . Break out top of fitting to spring line. . Pour remainder of manhole invert to provide vertical invert wall up to l 3/4 point of the larger pipe involved, as detailed. . Steel trowel finish invert of manhole. B. When special situations prohibit use of standard pipe fittings as above outlined, the invert shall be formed of concrete and steel trowel finished to provide similar 'functional characteristics to those afforded by the above installation. Inverts thus formed shall be accomplished to the Engineer's satisfaction. JON 9 `O 4 h Typical Plan H of M.H. Bottom In Junction Manholes e RMII Concrete Section A-A JUNCTION MANHOLE BOTTOM 1-1-78 FIGURE 108 Construction E2-14 4, u ASAWCUTEXCAVATION SQUARE WITH STOUT E PLAN CLASS A 15-SACK) IDEM �:'J�MIN_ E, m " wK T-rp lm w g " ` m NOTE: VAT-EK.VOAWE .SECT-ION NOT am"OUT COLLAR IS SlUMAE- MANHOLE @ WATER VALVE COLLAR IYC 1A e a AMMI �- � sor to 3"a Addend nit 3 or 3/4 Roadway 6" 1 i Q p • Standard o��; Curb Gutter - -W IL ev c v . 1• w w. - 0, Re�dY vz�W1 3' atertigh � iug 'w lay r rvkr_ i ne.Ml-m 7. Grade t . - j If C. t Min.` Grade' i% .a TYPICAL SECT!elf. Note: • Dibed_ment and backs!l �, R as rege i fired for adjacent a •sewer ma firs steal 1 be included tits price bid per sewer se -*I" c-omplete. in .place. Standard.Cu. GutteF":Sect'i" :fit SerVECe ne a q m A 3 a air seMOS li ns -10cet3 Qn $ dons OWiked W th 1113d vinyj lie iosa3 w! is enc a NOTE: t Tees WI 1 i Be Used .On A.i`i Service etia8#6 he se ae red Pnbe i c Sewer. e>rc8na� ?r t$ss beck- . q. !t nes Cos strutted At Same Time As _ $i.�i. e� -they iAk•of house a = s rce .colnctt�n behind VIC O oew ! SERVICE - LINE a DETAILS - FIGURE 115 E-179 Mates'i a 1 1=1-78 EZ-9 Construction IJ W a co In W • ' •.. s N uj It Nam. j-10. .•..rr<�� ., N •�N "I m 40 J r�Cc 7 Wa O ON V1W{ f .�a1r .. < - cc Z<Nap z0aw '. W.U.--,Z oC7 WJ ... F3.ou W< ._W 5`u�W< N� V u vOd < < ~ '�- <=�7J0 W^ �'WO S{Jn .W� ."ly" !S ge_as` w ,. 43 3 In CL �p W J J 3240 a, Li .. cc LJ Wx 4n CO r - ZQ 6�J << W YzzW dNs ' Y 1• w JL 'isa O<y,.cc-C CL <m/ Q$po O ' Ziswc! r�la N�fFO" �wm dN OZ >2�Oi�t�3►�•-NZr �.IV OZ ..`� ^.� ° .. ., . x p mS- Q WJ31J 12� <WN VLO �. 6 N OZWZ idT�=;u uhW O , li S WW <�yWx WW¢<[03 =='�W dy' " ® 0 w O .O , , a w ZL m Li cc: LJ Up V w •L m w V F ¢ J m N d 3 W ws O V d Imo) �tYl ^ ,.,.' • W N 'J O • fl W O J CO OZ O C a. .1S Q Y �� ►- N N p 0 { O -C $ •A mn <<7�Z WW V O O n IL NON ^,w •-�t<J O °�. JW< yam, ., r`w n ,'^ m O ( 1 m t O , $ N _ X60{ NO { IL O per• y, 1` w " cc y ci mZJd OZ A » d » .� , v • O <W .P d. a ee ONNV US • , , .. ME U-5d C » « W N yl • . _ w Cf us ONO: �¢tWilO _ » film as ———— — — •� OR 2:27 CONC:=i E ---- ---- - - --13 -- --- --- � Vic iLi41% a m CLAY DAM PROFILE MIS EXISTING GROUND COMPACTED BENTO-M E CLAY CAR 2:27 CONCRETE fra�� 1 �EIt fat t°F PIPE D; - t' CLAY DAM SECTION . u* CLAY DAM CONSTRUCTION . a OFFICIAL RICO m MY W. Ft W11", ITSTEX. i a U m In oaM � cov Cr-0Ix "I 0 0 C 0 aNa C � •n' zo W�Fza- o N m 3 W inW ,. L 5 Of in LLJ LLI N ��iro w z W O F Q m0C)``�' a Q - N o CO � W �U F z �o V o zca�c0i c) W W Z Z v=i coi z < ZIX �+ �W O N �w< x cWcU Za W �� Q W a 3N0 i O v a Q () �i Z 3 a zw w a Z f- o W a w � 05 W O J U LLJ LL. U / Q < �w ce• m' \/� F F v�i �w W Z .,0 ... `�� W vwi w a.M 0 US Q Z W n' < U KJw0a �r a 3 N.�-..* v_ f- <�Fw z z Q < ocrmoa VJ • d ss z n- ClOa.WfEw a i ZWMZ(= ! /� �U aS2mNZ Na Q. Ix fN YaiZOF Za 3 3 0 a�F<� �o = U < W O mm�f-< W1- ?CX a W= 011 z d z l+- O NN W � z wia N CO LL —zo N z N MwO ZW W Z N WMMO< mama~ N R) >. O O <Wcnr,N WIX Z z �OOa.0 ce < < U ma�aa •:•• O U U go Z3 ZF C9 0 F— Fn-a W d a CiOU0V) 1a1 O ,: N M i z i xoW a_, Ho � o LL1 V) O O w0 Q.25:a cwi • pd �gFq,ov�rwza� Yin41 o vn OW �o oQ� �..; a -o�a�Z0 crow mNar a: oa� 0OZO<I > 0 N Z 0 �a O o W lc a�( a C)H N W Q w o Q m s m a o a Z d f;' Dwmmo Za� mm w 3W W� WF Q3Q ;.• m wa Ld WNm �f.�opN 20 0 W woo��00 zwR� Q Fz ~� z ��Y 0ONj m wo �w Z W �o� Q`*o3[D O~OV) Q Z z(4� o >-��yJz �OFz �. ••• *w Q'm V(W V JZQQQpjt. V)WU(oj wxW W W Z W-WaM-WOCK O 0 a: F � � a 1- ® N�4 d' WWF Z Q a v V �WaF-'oW� g V�0 o u- w Q ac=ia ��vaio Q Z _ o W W owwa-m(Ai 3 0- 0 = ® o a o z zo �is 3w Qli. z0 c� Z 0 ma X ? r Wm m Z �Q a �� o � CL C.) QQ NX S ZW • . �- W O O O W �� Q 0 0 W z 1 x 00� - Z Z w x // r 0 - 0 W C� �o � z WZw -Q o� O� rZ Ld• Wmw mI.- amJ O w a W W O 5 W W W J V � V 3 m O F m Cp m r N QN Wa N Q 0d _�` W C Q ►- WW w o W N z r Q N Z �a Q W a .' W �-U Q O �"W V)W Q WW Z W N _ o a WF a7 W m W o FV Z mz Zn m Q t zoo = m �`'m wo F 03� U o � Qc� o Q 0 o• cn W aZ ZQ aW oxa Q Wca CC Q Z V a) U = O Q �.� 00 QO -V) oZ CL mW �e�.• Zm O� �- OW QQ a z FL j OO xQ oZ ZO W w� t)a . ..�. V) W F C9 za w cr W w a w N W 0 ow Z U.` :I: (a WoY �,,� oZ W z coo , xx0 .-, .�.' m W V V) Q � JQ W NQ a. (L V) a'W Q a mN N W O Z .- M 17 4 Vj 1:6 I W U 0 O oat o .U- 0 Oz� m 0;�cn Cm w �a Qcnp o O U z O ?�Q N WOW w O 3w X W ��oaz FON� a a. f5UFz z Q C W FW- � O� z = U w a Q Z x w �� a W W j a. S p J Q z z W z ck: z= O U 3 a W O U a m z a(n J \ m O cc a z W z � cai� LA- _ = WOWS U n / CL F i ,. / /. Q v F cnWQ3w Q H m O m X 3z�N LL-oo O w a- IS a. N 5 ,_ 4 N}al Z X zF<-WF2 �` -� O� V/ / �✓ W U W �v) cr- / // K w W w� W Q m p U Q U 100 U N Q W-cnYjxQ O U OQ�N ~:1W(AZ Z � W�ZZQ_ N v=i W =mFQw X Ir Uj } Z m N lL Z la.cn O Q �WpzO m Z a a o a � F mm c�.,�`' a Q mW0�Q •'• z� w w 3�cnv3 a aomwir Oztoa-o ` O �' 'i z S alU D Q o o N U � N N Z LLIV Z O rn 0 O O 0 LAM �.a a z V a 0 `` No > k N 4 { it N Q Q' 0 :. O O N a W .' rK LLJ W �O i O W UZQO� W N 0 �N U N /�yr Q W (f) lL. O aN0 ii w wow V- Z }` � Ld maw W _Z W Z m Z (� Q.MO Z K ® n - N } �L. O �LLJ W CD o p U SL~L � a VW Z0 ?7-Z o `ev a a-r1,14.�° °`a:f• U Ld O M. ® < = _JWUNWQO Wto ZF U � 0 o LL. W Ir Z WU L OWOU O W Z Z V) J�WQ U of z °�i� () Q U �W Q � _ C) •;.., z Z Ni .r ui U U O Z W Li LLI l(Mn W LLJ D LL. c_) 0:LLJ �ZS 0Y Q Z Z W �W m r O & W ol N Z' \ �Q �Q �ajW W QWr 7WW li UO cr-WO v ggW XW QWQJOU}Q WW -U•r- .. \� � aQZzw aS •x`�. eve `..CV.• : \ m?WZOO 0 CL LOB Cq :rtes�,® •4' }. S = ..+''-• _ °a \ \ cl: tj O���QQJ ten. / \ , n- wZWO-��N a = .am � .`� i• } NSFLcr W Z �W-30W L Z Q ! � f5rj_W&W m O r) W �zNzw0I� _0cl: o0 �3QowQOQ UWM O .®8 •r 7�.:,. mo3a �o� o O z ri 4 u V y I r � MOP bi "w - . " an e t • ., " W- •fit� r _ �'� .N � " ^ " . W B 1••w on DUTAMY JOINT IN RAMP OPTIONAL PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT ONLY R° IN If=0"DRIVEWAY ONLY. IF CONNECTING TO EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVE. EXISTING CURB S GUTTER,IF CE 6NFOR „ DRIVE #3 BARS ' AN`(.MUST BE BANNED AS DIRECT- � REINFORCE ` ED BY THE ENGINEER. A AT t8l O.C.Bdllt. REINFORCE 4"WALK M 3 BARS ILO W.LINE AT 18O.C.D.W. REFERENCE 1 If-O"FOR ISI L j I IS`=0"FOR �o o �? >, sTANDARD SIDEWALKi0'-o"MI�1. ► o - t7`-0"MIN. N 6� STANDARD i 9 CURBS GUTTER OR MATCH D AS - " TED IREC . EXR JOINT—' 2b=0"MIN.StNGLE DWY. EIiE!JOINT EXC-EPY - EXCEPY SLIP-FORMeED ZT,.-0a.MIN,DOUBLE DWY. SLIP-FORMED L LF- LENGTH PAID AS ATTACHED CURB(CONC. PAVEMENT ONLX) SLOPE t$1 PLANS VIEW QE�IIALIi /�„PER - ' FlfOB Tt tfACCE OF_C INtB:OR AS . a TANOARD CURB9IMECTED BY ENGINEEt2� 8►'GU.T$TER SECTION: PARKWAY WIDTH TABLE) STANDARD" 4`. 1DEIRLIi I= ~ . . . 2" DRIVEWAY AND CURB: '•- . o,.• .. S CUTTER PAY LUST a 4•• `t :.ice SAN1D. CU.g NON rr s ,7✓ 011,APPROVE 'SUBGGRADE. SECTION,A-A O.MI LINE « N'1(W* 'fM1�lTN :A 9 STABILIZED DddY.PAY WAIT - '• SUS6RAUE lot W/CONCRI'TE PAVEMENT' . p, IF`TO i4` Yb 9` SIDEWALK SECTiOtt:THRU DRIVEWAY-TTO BE POURED SAME THICKNESS AS DRIVEWAY APPROACH-8k PAID -FOR-AS DRti/E11IAY . . APPROACH.EXISTING`SIDEWALK TFAN.Y, 20 T 2a 34oX: t3 TO BE REMOVED ANO REPLACE. V a—"—K_D s✓s�lra• J.��: DRIVEWAY APPROACH REVISED-AUG.,79-0_J.S./►IT.-R.M; . REd18E1f FEB.,`81 ®..GSJaI.R.i1P; tO CITY of FORT WORTH, TEXAS CONfTRtiC4N gTA1lDARO 361 Addepdair 3♦ - - - �l13 x . I"SEWMAY 83-E.FW/1ER:1Yf 11tiRRAM11iN6 MO. S-S 5 LiAYE= MAY, ! _ . NOTE: #&"Or to its shaled to.comforis � concrats- rotlsy for Io"41) ERlsnsieo dleinls Eulontlan 00 1` . ��' aA6y'a►s. arfactie. - f 114W ow drrf~ ►y the sn/isee► nio. or • W is • '.'�,. •„t., �" f„N .s•M e•::��':y•<"�_sd/tfeAt IRvaswM► ds►fA. D :B- t�sidlsmtJat �P►es is _ .m TA4 r11.'i�sstN COpowo why mom rwiCi ►hlr tit/ >+IL the "Wom nt wmk ►h. M m'm witis M M_ r moo is N coms"fed indedi w Sri-vole ~Mao. in ooeorde"s 11k fA� �llk!t IsYjiy: sostian. Ttls sos+e►t►o i0ek wit 1s goriroad'-IreCMIinI h tby a/My0►dt 060 Cos�rMf ."rh_ A %a/hr. The gowets #he* be a of.. wes"d sad scrssesd e4jr��oti rriek • biw. sl tAta t3) . seeks. et 4vow W cobiv yard sf concrete,to Plecs vi h a iwrn /tssirsl slri+.9i6 it sib fassds Per s4 ors inch aI sores 'days with caster load' . � TeNI " Alet to SctN 6000 N#K Srms* CROWON ®' NOTE-Ais it sam Drwft sa C-0066-R 0 REVISED T-04 Eirt/MIRM S, w REVISED •12GAW JAJ4J fJtJ4. o; COWRETE VALLEY t ti', .0 CITTat MHT WORTN!,TEXAS—CONSTRUCTM STANDARD 30` 1 Add*imdva 3 362 � m i (f� trait b � l ' SEE SPEC. E24 Mltmw 6' tl01tAL _ z,�•=,,•�: G.C.O. .. BACKF�I L COVER � -s i S• s t SANG MATERIAL EMBEDMEM EtBACI 23^G.C.O. UHMM u � �► t t�tl�tt�i WATER. SIZES UP TO AND ANCLUDING 117 WE !*Cr BMXM ° EI— m t�itUM ]tAL BAILI. OVER: SEE SPEC:- Z4 gCf !wA m 6. SE- ER - 1Y ( ,; ;- y,« CRUSHED STM E OR SAID sroRlri ORAIPt`- 12' b A:4 1riA1ERI& IM 11AL.elVact=llt: SEE SPEC:'. -Z.4�b) OR Et-23-G:CJX m LL��1pplM�ytl��A�����R��' ..• .. uw4unwcdrtT •„.-• .o,��O s a ����p .- ... - LRV.�iIGY STONE SEE.Si�M Z3 1NA ER: .SIZES IV AND LARGER.° SEWER ALL S f= . SjQ9M f AjN:. ALL .SIZEES tNATEffAL SPEGtFlCAT1 e . . _ nip sxs�0 ,m .. BLESS �HH9!lwt,iOli PANSi� _- h .EMBODI_ t Ml0 BAgCIL MARS PROM .aN.1Nf5 �Pl OR : . _ SHEET St1A[t REPLACE /1RPROPRIA7E OF = . - INE:EL M(b) ANO E1=23 aF [ 'Gc o`.lam`sn . sPEG.° t�r.�at 1tiE 1Ptr STANDARD SPEdFiCATtONS(�oR .° ^ SYnNE 6RADA710ti :ALL OyttER PROVISIONS-Of THESE LIENS SHALL~APPL mm STREET WORM MUM Mr 4 rs WATER,ER SEWER ac ST,ORM, DRAtAILS EMBEDMENT AND BACKFILL DET f�l so—too. _ _ 46-100 wy OF FORT —CO f INN S"'f'Ai�DARD " 1 . ° . FIOMIE A *-142 i i I i I� 1, i a I 1 i 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St. Reconstruction Thompson,Bradley Howard 5316 Topper Dr. Fort Worth,Texas 76180 3232 Tom Ellen Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 1 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Thompson,Bradley Howard, Owner(s), herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block , lot 1,North Riverside Estates also described as 3232 Tom Ellen Street,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or " better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner, weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of — -20 y,Thompson,Bradley Howard Owner(s) and representative for the City of Fort Worth. lease Print) Owner City of Fort Worth 00 (Please Print) (Please Print) i (Signature) (Signature) 0 / f t / e � • o RL 1 G Sat 35 °ram t xo� ard Elen H®y 2TomBradley Th3 Ton•er raom E 6316rt sxde 8 tes Fort orth ot 3 $1K 10 56, VOL �c� \ \ t �A Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #1 o Baird Hampton & Brown Inc. Scale 1" = 2 ' (J! 0 L=J Engineering & Surveying 6M Plow,Ste 7W R Forth.7X 75102 W481VX-1277 Fa4817938-9245 E— cam 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St.Reconstruction Hoover, Eugene D and Deborah 3212 Williams Place Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3212 Williams Place North Riverside Estates D.O.E. No.: 4873 TROE#: 2 p TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Hoover,Eugene D and Deborah, Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 3, lot 2,North Riverside Estates also described as 3212 Williams Place,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent r contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of ..a. 20 by,Hoover,Eugene D and Deborah Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth f (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) 4 C R R t ti R e ` R R R R 17 h 0 320 th s pl, F,tU% hob rah Fol 1� llto' e D ` E R ®R 3212ve 1.E�tt►5 p16111 s � 0oo lgillia Tx 7 Estate R 3212 Worth side ` Fort Riper ` glk 3 g36.2pG.17 ` R y®L.14 ` Wor h V0. t \ R j�®ar$ �F` � �• 180 tes Esta ` 3 5 ` MA Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction - D.O.E. # 487 TROE #2 --------- o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" = 2 ' Engineering & Surveying 6300&41 ems,Sk wo Ft Wb^ex 76102 t®t{817}us-1277 Fw4anµie-9ee5 E- 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place&Wesley St.Reconstruction Goss,Eric 3417 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3417 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E. No.: 4873 TROE#: 3 Jim TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Goss,Eric, Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor, to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12, lot 27, North Riverside Estates also described as 3417 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving,drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by, Goss, Eric Owner(s)and ,representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) N Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) ff l 'I H ( i 11 II I I I I 3417 Wesley St, Fort Worth 3413 Wesley St, Fort Worth Coss, Eric Sainz, Rigoberto 3417 Wesley St 3413 Wesley St Fort Worth Tx 76111 Fort Worth Tx 76111 North Riverside Estates North Riverside Estates Blk 12 Lot 27 Blk 12 Lot 26 VOL.12905, PG.224 I voL.1545, PG.94 I I MM Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE y o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" ' e 0 e Engineering & Surveying L= 700 R Waft.1X 76102 T 61 f277 F 61 245 E 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place & Wesley St. Reconstruction Sainz,Rigoberto 3413 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3413 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 4 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Sainz, Rigoberto, Owner(s), herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12, lot 28, North Riverside Estates also described as 3413 Wesley Street, Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving,drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of ,20 by, Sainz,Rigoberto Owner(s) and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) C Owner City of Fort Worth lease Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) N I i CRY 0 i MM i 17 Wesl St, Fort Worth 3413 Wesley St, Fort Worth ss, Eric Sainz, i oerto 3409 WesleyS , Fort 17 Wes] St 341Wesley McDade, Charlie C rt Wor Tx 76111 Fort Worth Tx 76111 3409 Wesley Sit rth Riv rside Estates North Riverside Estates Fort Worth Tx 76111 k 12 Lo 27 Blk 12 Lot 28 North Riverside Estat L.12905, PC.224 I VOL.15485, PC.94. I Blk 12 Lot 29 OR Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley S . Reconstruction D.O.E. # 487 7ROE J o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. scale 1" a 2 ' Engineering & Surveying FL Work TX 76102 W1814UO-1277 817 E— 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place &Wesley St.Reconstruction McDade,Charlie C 3409 Wesley Street OVA Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3409 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 r TROE#: 5 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT McDade,Charlie C,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12,lot 29, North Riverside Estates also described as 3409 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of ,20 by,McDade,Charlie C Owner(s)and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth imp lease Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) � V I T w I I LA 1 MM Fort 'or I I 3405 Wesley St, Fort Worth 09 Wesley St, Fort Worth Castillo, Robert Etux Elsa McDade, Charlie C 3405 Wesley St _,, 6111 3409 Wesley St Fort Worth Tx 76111 Estates Fort Worth Tx 76111 North Riverside Estates North Riverside Estates Blk 12 Lot 30 I Blk 12 Lot 29 I V/P i i Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. 487 T a o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale i" 2 ' Engineering & Surveying &W F,idoo Plw^As.7W Ft Vwk TX M02 Td{81 1277 01 -xA45 E 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St. Reconstruction Castillo,Robert and Elsa 3405 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3405 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 F TROE#: 6 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Castillo,Robert and Elsa, Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12,lot 30,North Riverside Estates also described as 3405 Wesley Street, Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of............ ,20 by,Castillo, Robert and Elsa Owners)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth J lease Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) n G a i 1 T7- LJ: L I I I I I I I I 3405 Wesley St, Fort Worth I 3401 Wesley St, 3409 Wesley St, Fort Worth Castillo, Robert Etux Elsa Fernandez, Zelma McDade, Charlie C 3405 Wesley St 3401 Wesley St 3409Wesley St Fort Worth Tx 76111 Fort Worth Tx 76 Fort Worth Tx 76111 North Riverside Estates North Riverside wi, Riverside Estates Blk 12 Lot 30 Blk 12 Lot 31 ift 2 Lot 29 I V/P I V/P am fm Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #6 a IMW Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" = 20' l=f"" (] L.=J Engineering 8c Surveying 6n Rwow plow,slam 7w Ft Nalh 1X xm Tigev)m-im Fax(w)m-9245 E-m*wavw ine 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place&Wesley St. Reconstruction Fernandez,Zelma Perez 3401 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 i, 3401 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 7 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Fernandez, Zelma Perez,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12, lot 31,North Riverside Estates also described as 3401 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better, than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of 20 by, Fernandez,Zelma Perez Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth lease Print) (Please Print) u (Signature) (Signature) w w I L - I E w 3405 We,ley St, Fort Worth 3401 Wesley St, Fort Worth mm Castillo, ;Robert Etux Elsa Fernandez, Zelma Perez 33 3405 Wesley St 3401Wesley St Wil Fort Worth Tx 76111 Fort Worth Tx 76111 33 North Riverside Estates North Riverside Estates Fo Blk 12 lot 30 Blk 12 Lot 31 No V/P I V/P 131 Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #7 low a o e Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. scale 1" = 2 ' e� 0 e Engineering & Surveying e.7W FL Work TX 76102 TdL 81 1277 f 817 - 45 E V 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place &Wesley St. Reconstruction Wilson,Hugh L 3337 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 I 3337 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 8 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Wilson,Hugh L,Owner(s), herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12,lot 17R, North Riverside Estates also described as 3337 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitarysewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. 2 7 Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or i better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of ,20 by,Wilson,Hugh L Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) . I a E rt Worth I 3333 Wesley Johnson, San Perez 3337 Wesley St, Fort Worth 3333 Wesley Wilson, Hugh L Fort Worth 11 3337 Wesley St North Rivers Cates Fort Worth TY 76111 Blk 12 Lo t I' North Riverside Estates Blk 12 Lot 17R OR is i i I Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St® Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #s r o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1» ' a 0 e Engineering & Surveying 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place & Wesley St.Reconstruction Johnson,Sandra Gayle 3333 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 j 3333 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 9 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Johnson, Sandra Gayle,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12, lot 16R,North Riverside Estates also described as 3333 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner, weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of ,20 by,Johnson, Sandra Gayle Owner(s)and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. lease Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) C k -77 XI I �I I I I I i I 3333 Wesley St, Fort Worth I 3329 Wesley Y Johnson Sandra Gayle McDaniel, Fi sley St, ort Worth 3333 Wesley sl St St 3329 Wesley Hugh L Fort Worth Tx 76111 I" Fort Worth T Y North Riverside Estates North Riversi rth TY 7 111 Blk 12 Lot 16R Blk 12 Lot I iverside ,states VOL I4036, P Lot17R No on MM Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D. . 487 TOE i fool o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1 n 20' e 0 e Engineering & Surveying #ea Rom s� m a V^Ix 76102 td(MV38 1zn F ai -K45 e �I 2004—CH'Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St. Reconstruction McDaniel,Freddie L and Wanda 3329 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 d 3329 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE #: 10 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT McDaniel,Freddie L and Wanda, er(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12, lot 15R,North Riverside Estates also described as 3329 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by,McDaniel,Freddie L and Wanda Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) N i 77 1 333 Wes] y St, Fort Worth ( 3329 Wesley St, Fort Worth ohnson, Sandra Gayle McDaniel, Freddie L Etux Wanda 333 Wes]. St I 3329 Wesley St i ort Wort Tx 76111 Fort Worth Tx 76111 orth Ri rside Estates North Riverside Estates lk12Lt16R Blk12Lot 15R t' .1 036, PG.57 Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley S . Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #10 N o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. scale 1'° = 20' a 0 e Engineering &c Surveying 6300 Ridgiroa Pbm Ae.700 R Work U 76102 T@g81-/AV-1277 Fmc(81 —9245 E—UmoVM 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place&Wesley St.Reconstruction Lopez,Maria and Luis 3317 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3317 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 11 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Lopez,Maria and Luis,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 12, lot 12R,North Riverside Estates also described as 3317 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner, weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of 3120 by,Lopez,Maria and Luis Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth low (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) v -T_ i r 11321 WesleySt, Fort Worth Hackney, Lynda I 3321 Wesley St ort Worth or Tx 76111 orth Riverside Estates lk 12 Lot 13R OL,1321O, PG.22 3317 Wesley St, Fort Worth 3313 Wesley St, Lopez, Maria Etvir Luis Quintero, Jesus 3317 Wesley St 3313 Wesley St Fort Worth -Tx 76111 Fort Worth Tx North Riverside Estates North Riverside R1k 12 Lot 12 Rlk 12 Lot 111 VOL.15196, PG.423 VOL.1436O, PG. I t I I t Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley S . Reconstruction D.O.E. 487 TROE #11 i o Baird, Hampton & .Brown, Inc. Scale 1 n 2 0 e Engineering & Surveying 6 9n.760 R Mxk TX 76102*81 1277 FogSI 45 E cm itr 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St.Reconstruction Balderas,Ramona E 3400 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3400 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 12 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Balderas,Ramona E, er(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 14,lot 25, North Riverside Estates also described as 3400 Wesley Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. n Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is x � required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of ,20 by,Balderas,Ramona E Owner(s)and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth i (Please Print) (Please Print) o (Signature) (Signature) p I I I i i I I 3400 Wesley St, Fort Worth Balderas, Ramona E 333 3400 Wesley St Pet Fort Worth Tx 76111 333 North Riverside Estates For 3404 Wesley St,. Fort Worth Blk 14 Lot 25 Nor Romero, Oscar A VOL.12157, PC.1369 Blk 3404 Wesley St VOL. Fort Worth Tx 76111 I Nor Riverside Estates Ili 4 Lot 26 I VOL. 5644, PC.11 � _ ... Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O. 487 TROE #12 o Q Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. scale 1" = 2 ' 0 e Engineering & Surveying 6300 700 R.Work TX 76102 T@481 1277 F6481 2245 E i �t u 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place & Wesley St.Reconstruction Diaz,Henry A Jr and Gloria H 3332 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3332 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE #: 13 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Diaz,Henry A Jr and Gloria H,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block c 14,lot 2R,North Riverside Estates also described as 3332 Wesley Street,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or jft better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of 220V by,Diaz,Henry A Jr and Gloria H Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) q (Signature) (Signature) .9 I I I I ( I I I I 3336 W sley St, Fort Worth 3332 Wesley St, Fort Worth �o u Peters Michael L & Felice Diaz, Henry A Jr Etux Gloria H 3336 W sley St 3332 Wesley St Fort Worth Tx 76111 Fort W rth Tx 76111 q North iverside Estates North Riverside Estates ai as Blk 14 Lot 1R I Blk 14 Lot 21? I v m VOL.69 7, PG.195 I VOL.16263, PG.0251 ( q M" Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #13 E //y®gy® o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1 1" ` 20' e 0 e Engineering Sc Surveying moo ffid9W PbM Sk 700 Ft V^TX 76102 Tdk 817PM-1277 Fmr:(817)3M-9245 E .cum 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place & Wesley St.Reconstruction Brown,H A Sr and Billie M 3316 Wesley Street Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3316 Wesley Street North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 14 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Brown,H A Sr and Billie M, Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 14, lot 6R,North Riverside Estates also described as 3316 Wesley Street,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor, under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall -not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by,Brown,H A Sr and Billie M Owner(s) and i representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) oft Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) 4 I j ( I I I I I I 3316 Wesley St, Fort Worth 20 Wesley St, Fort Wor Brown, H A Sr Etux Billie 33 unningham, 3316 Wesley St 33, ickie Etux Cath Fort Worth Tx 76111 wil 13 20 Wesley St North Riverside Estates I 1,e or Worth Tx 76111 Blk 14 Lot 6R No orth Riverside Estates I VOL.3253, PC.65 BD I lk 14 Lot 5R 1 ` ` D2 e ' Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #14 o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1 2 ' e 0 e Engineering & Surveying caw plam a�Ft W^ix 76102 Fd{817)M-127/F®.{e17?M-9245 E 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St.Reconstruction Lopez,Carlos and Alma D 3117 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3117 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E. No.: 4873 TROE#: 15 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Lopez, Carlos and Alma D,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 14, lot 8,North Riverside Estates also described as 3117 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. J Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor, under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better, than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner, weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by,Lopez,Carlos and Alma D Owner(s)and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) u Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) R u a s \ e, 'e jr t®ffy / fie ���� \ CIA / / 1 / / I ® i ® I / a � Right of Entry/ Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #15 e o e Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. I Ule 1°' = 20' D Engineering Sc Surveying �^ 6300 WOdk TX 76102 W81 -1277 f 817 92A5 E 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place&Wesley St.Reconstruction McMillin,Benjamin L 3113 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 p 3113 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 16 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT McMillin,Benjamin L, Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 14, lot 7,North Riverside Estates also described as 3113 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by,McMillin,Benjamin L Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) m k G r g , 4 I ' I / / `add \ • y��`y'�co� eS�f�` • d d f / a � Ire on w ' Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #16 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" _ .2 ' 0 f a Engineering & Surveying M Md#o PbM Ste 700 Ft■offt U 76102 Tet(814W-1277 Fac(817)3M-9245 E 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place&Wesley St.Reconstruction Parsons,Roy E and Dorothy Z 3300 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3017 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E. No.: 4873 TROE#: 17 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Parsons,Roy E and Dorothy Z, Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 17,lot 10,North Riverside Estates also described as 3017 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of 20 by,Parsons,Roy E and Dorothy Z Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) NMI 6 ............................................................ iN squite Rd, Fort North 3017 Mesquite Rd, Fort North IS Clarence L tux Joan L Parsons.. Roy Etux Dorothy 3013 Mesqui quite Rd' 3300 Mesquite Rd Russell, Eva th Tx 76 11 Fort Worth Tx 76111 3013 Mesqui Estates Riverside Estates Fort Worth iat 9 Blk 17 Lot 10 Riverside Es 0 PG.191 ' VOL.7869, PG.1848 I Blk 17 Lot i Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. 7 TROE #17 i_ Fa o 3 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" m 20' 0 Engineering & Surveying fu*iko Pbm Sit 7W R Waih,TX 76102 61 1277 F 61 45 E N 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd, Williams Place&Wesley St.Reconstruction McClendon,Catherine A 3009 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3009 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E. No.: 4873 TROE #: 18 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT McClendon,Catherine A,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 17,lot 12,North Riverside Estates also described as 3009 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by, McClendon, Catherine A Owner(s)and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) owl Aft, I 3009 Mesquite Rd, Fort Worth 3005 Mesqu )13 ssell, Ev to . Fort Worth McClendon, Catherine oe , Ted 12 Mesqu ee 3009 Mesquite Rd Bob And T Mesqu to Rd Fort Worth T 76111 3005 Mesqu rt Worth Tx 76111 Riverside Estates I Fort Worth verside E tates I Blk 17 Lot 12 Riverside E k 17 Lot .11 I VOL.12272, PG.1007 ( Blk 17 Lot i I I I I 411 I I Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 487 TROE #18 RA", o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. kale •' = 2 ® e e Engineering & Surveying OW rfidgko PIKk SIL 700 FL Waft U 761®2 W81 1277 F 81 I5 E 4 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St.Reconstruction Acevedo,Fernando& Antonia 3116 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3116 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E. No.: 4873 TROE#: 19 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Acevedo,Fernando&Antonia,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 15,lot 7,North Riverside Estates also described as 3116 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. µBoth, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by,Acevedo,Fernando &Antonia Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) r \ / \ / cS ............................ IL rf'fb�e fe P11d FAO' P' WA VIM �/ `' ( e �a���✓ ��f �f / d � , P Right of Entry Exhibit g y 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. 487 TROE #19 Vol, o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" = 20' F=- 0 e Engineering & Surveying BIAb4 PbM SIL 70D R Vwk TX 76102 Teb(817W1277 F E Y 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place &Wesley St. Reconstruction Mora,Martin 3112 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3112 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 20 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Mora,Martin,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its fi independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 15, lot 8, North Riverside Estates also described as 3112 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. i The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of 20 by,Mora,Martin Owner(s)and ,representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) ,tom n7""................. 1 *ems k AM �f '6 J�q on . / mm j ' �o I00) Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 C1P — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley S . Reconstruction D.O.E. 7 T of o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1°' = 2 ' a L7 e Engineering & Surveying M 7W FL Work IX 76102 Td(81 f277 F Qi A5 E 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place& Wesley St. Reconstruction Munoz,Angel&Maria 3108 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3108 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 21 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Munoz,Angel&Maria,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 1 , lot 9,North Riverside Estates also described as 3108 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving,drainage, water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner, weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of ,20 by,Munoz,Angel &Maria Owner(s)and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) x .............. V A� e�°'„ 0 e rr (ter e RM oV ii ' y k t t � ® ®A f o -e ®Azw e Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #21 i i o Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" = 2 a '0I a) Engineering & Surveying U 76102 rdt(81 —tzrr r .{et as a c 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place &Wesley St.Reconstruction Ortiz,Florentino 3904 Galvez Avenue Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3104 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 22 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Ortiz,Florentino, er(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 15, lot 10, North Riverside Estates also described as 3104 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition,or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of—...,. ,20 by,Ortiz,Florentino Owner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) j (Signature) (Signature) u } r I / 4 / / 9 .ty car / O O •� � � �'� �®"F 1 sfd 1.�fSPz�rf aid Amp e%'6.r� / f r,6 MM ;. EFO ; i �r .,cf o0 f NN ��✓s oe ��P�'�fs`'Po' MR �._ � ff Ps�fJs?• o� Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE #22 �� l0 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" = 20' =-.t'© �Engineering Sc Surveying M"ea Place,Ste.7W FL wain,TX 76102 Te*17)338-1277 Fa4817)338-4245 E—V*ff 1W**"= 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd, Williams Place &Wesley St. Reconstruction Manley,William R 3034 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3034 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 23 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Manley, William R,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 16, lot 2, North Riverside Estates also described as 3034 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of 20 by,Manley, William ROwner(s)and representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) / / t ®.ACC / I 6 Aop�oP� Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley S . Reconstruction 73 TROE Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" 2 a e Engineering & Surveying M a01 R Worth.7X 76102 7et(E1 1277 f 81 9245 E wo 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place&Wesley St.Reconstruction Nolley,Barbara M �I3030 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3030 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 24 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Nolley,Barbara M, er(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 16, lot 3, North Riverside Estates also described as 3030 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving,drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. Any entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required, the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 d by,Nolley, Barbara M Owner(s) and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) J �� . e �f e1, /yam s 6 •fr 1,sfa,.,,���pr�,r,��Aa. / r 30 Ortega��4Urt� / Z6 �e�er '® N R veraiarthu rx 76 7? 16 e s t 13 ' f' ®10,2 �os Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley S . Reconstruction D.O.E. # 4873 TROE e o e Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1 = 2 ° ED Engineering & Surveying FS Lo 1 FL WoA TX 76102 Td(61 1277 F 81 45 E tl, i 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place&Wesley St.Reconstruction Carney,Maria Eliza 3020 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 3020 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 25 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Carney, Maria Eliza, Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 16, lot 5, North Riverside Estates also described as 3020 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth,Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage, water and w sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor, are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner,weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by,Carney, Maria Eliza Owner(s)and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) R I � 3020 Mesquite Rd, Fort Worth I Carney, Maria Eliza 3020 Mesquite Rd Fort Worth TY 76111 Riverside Estates Blk 16 Lot 5 I � I MM I Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction D.O.E. 473 TROE #25 Y _ L Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Scale 1" 20' a 0 e Engineering & Surveying OW Moll"PbA St&700 Ft Wmtk 1X 76102 U461 1277 Fa481 9245 E-Ma=aftWw-c= 2004—CIP Mesquite Rd,Williams Place & Wesley St. Reconstruction Reyes,Gerardo and Patricia 3016 Mesquite Road Fort Worth,Texas 76111 d 3016 Mesquite Road North Riverside Estates D.O.E.No.: 4873 TROE#: 26 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-ENTRY AGREEMENT Reyes,Gerardo and Patricia,Owner(s),herewith grants permission to the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,to enter upon the owner's property located at block 16, lot 6,North Riverside Estates also described as 3016 Mesquite Road,Fort Worth, Texas 76111 for the purpose of driveway replacement in conjunction with paving, drainage,water and sanitary sewer replacement for the North Riverside Estates. y entry and use of the property by the City of Fort Worth and its independent contractor,under the Temporary Right-of-Entry Agreement shall be permissive and shall not constitute a trespass to the property by the City or its independent contractor. Both, the City and its independent contractor,are released from any adverse consequences related to the entry or use of the property by either party. The City of Fort Worth further agrees to restore the property to the same condition, or better,than that which existed prior to construction of said facilities. If restoration is required,the work shall be preformed in a timely manner, weather permitting. This agreement is executed this day of .20 by,Reyes, Gerardo and Patricia Owner(s) and , representative for the City of Fort Worth. (Please Print) Owner City of Fort Worth INS (Please Print) (Please Print) (Signature) (Signature) d t I 1 I PRO ! I 3016 Mesquite Rd, Fort Worth Reyes, Gerardo Etux Patricia 3016 Mesquite Rd Fort Worth Tx 76111 Riverside Estates Blk 16 Lot 6 ! I VOL.14951, PG.129 AW ry Right of Entry Exhibit 2004 CIP — Mesquite Road, Williams Place, & Wesley St. Reconstruction 7 TROE #26 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. scale 1" = 20' Engineering & Surveying OW Mom Pace,St..700 R sang 7x MW W817)33e-9277 F=(81 +s t co t LAIRORATORY Mum FOR TES HOLE+ PLA$ ITY NDEX -2006 08:57 FROM:INSPECTION SECTION 817 871 7855 T : 17 P.2®4 CITY OF FORT WORTH CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LABORATORY RESULTS FOR TEST HOLE AND PLASTICITY INDEX PROD*CT: 2004 CIP MESQUITE RD. , WILLIAMS PL. AND WESLEY ST. DOE O. : 4873 FUNDCODE: 01/02 HOLE # 1 LAB NO: 59170 LOCATION: 3200 WILLIAM.4 PL. C/4 � .9.50" HMAC 2.00" ROCKS & GRAVEL 10.0" GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 58. 1 PL: 32. 8 PI: 25. 3 SHRKG: -17 .'0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5 2 GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT HOLE # 2 LAB NO: 59170 LOCATION: 3212 WILLIAMS PL. C/4 6. 50" HMAC 4.25" YELLOWISH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ROCKS & GRAVEL 11.0" GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 47 . 6 PL: 25. 4 PI: 22.2 SHRKG: 14 .0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART; 10YR 6/2 LIGHT BROWNISH GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT HOLE # 3 LAB NO: 59182 LOCATION: 30'S. OF TOM EtLLEN @ WILLIAMS PL. W/4 LAST TEST MOLE @ THI-S ° LOCATION 6.25" HMAC 3.00" ROCKS & GRAVEL 4.00" BROWN SAN CLAY W/ROCKS & GRAVEL 9.00" GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 63.4 PL: 26.3 PI: 37 . 1 SHRKG: 18 .0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/1 GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT HOLE # 3 LAB NO: 59173 LOCATION: 3030 MESQUITE RD.W/4 5. 50 HMAC j4.00" ROCKS & GRAVEL 2.00" YELLOWISH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ROCKS & GRAVEL 3.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ ROCKS & GRAVEL 8 .00" DARK BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ LITE GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 34.9 PL: 17. 1 PI: 17. 8 SHRKG: 12. 0% 'wo MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/2 GRAYISH BROWN CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/C (4" HMAC) J lr; 3 - -2006 08:57 FROM:INSPECTION SECTION 817 871 7895 TO:81 45 P. ® 2 1 E # 4 LAB NO: 59174 LTCATION: 3108 MWQUITE RD. E/4 3. 50" HMAC 4.75" ROCKS & GRAVEL 5.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ ROCKS & GRAVEL a 10.00" ORANGE BROWN SANDY CLAY W/LIGHT GRAVEL AtTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 26.7 PL: 14. 6 PI: 12. 1 SHRKG: 8.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/3 BROWN SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 138.0 #/CFT HOLE # 5 LAB NO: 59175 LOCATION: 3120 NES901TE RD. C/4 !3.50" HMAC Ow 5.00" ROCKS & GRAVEL 6.25" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ROCKS & GRAVEL ,7.00" ORANGE BROWN SANDY CLAY W/LIGHT GRAVEL A''TERBURG LIMITS: LL: 30. 8 PL: 16. 4 PI: 14 .4 SHRKG: 10.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/4 ORANGE BROWN SANDY CLAY W/LIGHT GRAVEL UNIT WEIGHT: -142.0 #/CFT HOLE # 6 LAB NO: 59176 LOCATION: 3133 MESQUITE RD. W/4 4.00" HMAC 4.50" ROCKS & GRAVEL 6.25" BROWN SANDY CLAY ROCKS & GRAVEL 7.00" DARK BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 38.1 PL: 20. 0 PI: 18. 1 SHRKG: 12.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/1 GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CPT HOLE # 1 LAB NO: 59177 LOCATION: 3304 WESLEY ST. Z/4 4 .25" HMAC �3.25" ROCKS & GRAVEL =9.00" SAND & ROCKS 7.00" GRAY SANDY CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 42. 1 PL: 19.7 PI: 22.4 SHRKG: 12.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/1 GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT (4" HMAC) . HOLE # 2 LAB NO: CATION: 3316 WESLEY ST. C/4 4.00" HMAC 2.50" ROCKS & GRAVEL �,7.00" REDDISH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ ROCKS & GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 40.0 PL: 20.9 PI : 19.2 SHRKG: 12.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/1 GRAY CLAY r UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT r 08:57 FROM:INSPECTION SECTION 817 871 7895 TO:81733B9245 P.4114 ,1 - 3 HOE # 3 LAB NO: 59179 LOCATION: 3337 WESLEY ST. /A 3.75" HMAC 3.00" ROCKS & GRAVEL 7.00" REDDISH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ROCKS & GRAVEL 10.00" GRAY SANDY CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 38.1 PL: 20. 3 PI: 17.8 SHRKG: 12.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 5/1 GRAY CLAY d UNIT WEIGHT: 144.0 #/CF'T ;. HOLE # 4 LAB NO: 59180 LOCATION: 3417 WESLEY ST. E/4 9.00" HMAC 3.00" ROCKS & GRAVEL 10. 00 GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/ROCK & GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 51.8 PL: 23. 4 PI: 28. 4 SHRKG: 14 .0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 10YR 6/2 LIGHT BROWNISH GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CET y APPRgVAL: JERI i ROUTING DATE 'TESTED: 10--03-05 ABE CALDERON DATE !REPORTED: 10-25-05 RICHARD ARGOMANIZ TESTED BY: W.ODEN FILE qw .......... officill �I Fcm