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Contract 34834
~ ,j' • L '-,Kt..-.. , V ·o o~E. :F,LE f=;c - CITY SECRETARY~~. CONTRAC T NO . Qi-,-----~----SPECIFICATIONS C NTRACTOR'S BONDIN G c..;c· __ C ·NSTRUCTION'S CO PY _:,.· AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) Water Project No. P264-602170023783 Sewer Project No. P274-702170023783 D.O.E. No. 4210 CHARLES R. BOSWELL CITY MANAGER ROBERT D. GOODE, P.E. DIRECTOR TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS City Project No. 00237 JUNE 2006 MIKE MONCRIEF MAYOR S. FRANK CRUMB, P.E. DIRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E. DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Freese and Nichols 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SUITE 200 FORT WOR~H. TEXAS 76109-4895 (817) 735-7300 F&N No. FTW04184 CITY OF FORT WORTH DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) CITY PROJECT NUMBER: 00237 DOE PROJECT NUMBER: 4210 WATER PROJECT NUMBER: P264-602170023783 SEWER PROJECT NUMBER: P274-702170023783 BID OPENING DATE: JULY 13, 2006 ADDENDUM ISSUE DATE: JULY 5, 2006 Prospective bidders are hereby notifi ed of the following: 1. Contract Documents: A. Notice to Bidders and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders The bid rece ipt and opening date is hereby postponed to Thursday July 13, 2006. The sealed proposals , as described in the Notice to Bidders and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1 :30 p.m ., Thursday July 13, 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2 :00 p.m. in the Council Chambers . All other items in the Notice to Bidders and Comprehens ive Notice to Bidders remain unchanged . B. Proposal Replace the entire proposal section with proposal section attached to th is Addendum. 2. PLAN SHEETS: A. Sheet 11 Add 1" water service at station 7+32 . See revised sheet 11 attached to this Addendum . B. Sheet 20 Add two 1" water serv ices to existing water line . See revised sheet 20 attached to th is Addendum . C. Sheet 21 Add two 1" water services to existing water line . Adjustment to sewer line grade. See revised sheet 21 attached to this Addendum . D. Sheet22 Addendum No. 1 July 5, 2006 FTW04184 I of2 PROPOSAL (Th is Proposal must not be removed from th is book of Cont ract Documents ) TO: Mr. Charles R. Boswe ll City Manager City of Fort Worth , Texas FOR: WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) Water Project No. P264-602170023783 Sewer Project No. P274-702170023783 D.O.E. NO . 4210 Includes the furnishing of all materials (except as specified to be furnished by t he City), equipment and labor for the installati on of all improvements and appurtenant work shown in t he plans and specification, all necessary appurtenances and incidental work to provide a compl ete and serviceable proj ect. Pursuant to t he forego ing "Notice to Bidders ", t he unders igned b idder, having thoroughly exam ined the contract documents, includ ing plans , spec ial contract documents , and the Genera l Cont ract Document s and General Specifications for Water Department Projects , the site of the project and understanding the amount of work to be done , and the prevailing condit ions , hereby proposes to do all the work, f urnish all labor, equipment and material except as specified to be furnished by the City , wh ich is necessary to fully complete the inspection and approval of the D irector of the Engineering Department of the City of Fort Worth , Texas ; and binds himself upon acceptance of t his proposal to execu t e a contract and furnish an approved Performance Bond , Payment Bond , and Maintenance Bond , and such other bonds, if any, as may be required by the Contract Documents for the performing and completi ng of the said work . Contractor proposes to do the work within the time stated and for the following sums: Proposal Section FTW04105 1A Add two 1" water services to existing water line . Add one 6" sanitary sewer service line. Move the proposed location of the manhole at station 13+45 to station 14+82 . Adjustment to sewer line grade . See revised sheet 22 attached to this Addendum . E. Sheet 23 Adjustment to sewer line grade . See revised sheet 23 attached to this Addendum. This addendum No. 1 forms a part of the Contract Documents referenced above and modifies the Original Contract Documents and Plans. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 1 in the space provided in the bid proposal and on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge could subject the bidder to disqualification. I All other provisions of the plans, general contract documents and specifications for this project, which · are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in force. I A signed copy of this Addendum should be included in the sealed envelope at the time of the bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of the Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered ''NONRESPONSNE", resulting in disqualification. RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGED: A. Douglas Rademaker, P.E., Director Department of Engineering By: fsL)~~~ Title: ___,~~~~~~:....__-___,~ Address: 1eo (/). ~ '1eelklf~ I<. g /) n e:-e;t,t~ n--J<e 6 , o · Telephone: t3r7-Lf.78 , (l!Cf ~"\..., Tony Sholola, P.E., Manager ~ Consultant Services Addendum No. 1 July 5, 2006 FTW04184 2 of2 CITY OF FORT WORTH DEP ARTMEN'I OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR WAIER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE1"1ENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) CITY PROJECT NUMBER: 00237 DOE PROJECT NUMBER: 4210 WATER PROJECT NUMBER: P264-602170023783 SEWER PROJECT 1\rul\1BER: P274-702170023783 BID OPENING DATE: JULY 27, 2006 ADDENDUM ISSUE DATE: JULY 10, 2006 Prospective bidders are hereby notified of the following: 1 .. Contract Documents: A. Notice to Bidders and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders The bid receipt and opening date is hereby postponed to Thursday July 27, 2006 . The sealed proposals, as described in the Notice to Bidders and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders, will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1 :30 p .m., Thursday July 27, 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p .m in the Council Chambers . All other items in the Notice to Bidders and Comprehensive Notice to Bidders remain unchanged his addendum No . 2 fo1ms a part of the Contract Documents refeienced above and modifies the riginal Contract Documents and Plans.. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No . 2 in the space provided in the bid proposal and on the outer envelope of your bid . Failure to acknowledge could subject the bidder to disqualification All other provisions of the plans, general contract documents and specifications for this project, which 13-re not expressly amended herein, shall remain in force . A signed copy of this Addendum should be included in the sealed envelope at the time of the bid ubmittal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of the Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSNE", resulting in disqualification . Addendum No .. 2 July 10, 2006 RTW04184 I of2 RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGED: By: ---'-...C..,,..~;,<LL..£&<1..~.._.:::.-1(.,&i'l~""""- I I itle: -~...c.&"4.4-4&<~..-G......--- Address: tdb ken'!~ P~ K611Y1er:ht<-e n:. 7 6,c:,6/) Telephone: 1511-'-178-/ t /<f Addendum No .. 2 July 10, 2006 FTW04184 A Douglas Rademaker, P .E, Director Department of Engineering By:~L.._)~~ ,.---;7 _'<'---Tony Sholola, PE, Manager "-\0 Consultant Services 2 of 2 07 /2 1/2005 1 3 :22 8177 3 57493 FREESE AND NI CHOLS CITY OF FORT WORTH .DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENrs FOR PAGE 02 /05 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER Il\.fPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOJ\,fi>SON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTII AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) CITY PROJECT NUMBER: 00237 DOE PROJECT NUMBER: 4210 WATER PROJECT NUMBER: P264-602170023783 SEWER PROJECT NUMBER: P].74-702170023783 BID OPENING DATE: JULY 27 , 2006 ADDENDUM ISSUE DATE: JULY 21, 2006 Prospective bidders are hereby notified of the following: 1. Contract Documents: A. Proposal Replace Proposal page SA w ith page 5B attached with this addendum. Replace Proposal page 11A w ith page 11 B attached with th is addendum. B. Fort Worth Minority and Women Business Enterprise Policy In the Special Instructions for Bidders: Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form, Prime Contractor Waiver Form. and Good Faith Effort Form change the City's M/WBE Project Goal from 23% to 20%. · C. Water and Sanitary Sewer Details In the Water and Sanitary Sewer Details, add the Ternpora.ry Asphalt Pavement Rep9 ir 2000-1 C detall attached to this addendum. This addendum No . 3 forms a. part of the Contract Documents referenced above and modifte.~ the Original Contract Documents and Plans . Acknowledge receipt of thi s Addendum No . 3 in the space provided in the bid proposal and on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge could subject the bidder to disqualification . All other provisions of the plans, general contract documents and specification8 fo r this project, which ar e not expressly amended herein, shall remain in force . A signed copy of this Addendum s hould be .included in the ~ealed envelope at the time of th e bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge rcci::ipt of the Addendum c ould cause th~ subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSIVE", re~ul ting in disqualification . Addendum No. 3 .l uly 21, 20{)6 FTW04184 1 of2 07/21/2006 1 3 :22 Addendum No . 3 July U , '.2.006 FTW04'1B4 8 1 773574'33 2 of 2 FREE SE AND NICHO LS A Dou glas Rademaker, P .E > Director Department of Engineering By:~ ~+:C-v-$'~ ~Tony Sholola., P _E, Manager Consultant Services PAGE 03/06 SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) WaterProject No. P264-602170023783 Sewer Project No. P274-702170023783 CHARLES R. BOSWELL CITY MANAGER ROBERT D. GOODE, P.E. DIRECTOR TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS D.O.E. No . 4210 City Project No. 00237 MIKE MONCRIEF MAYOR S. FRANK CRUMB, P.E. DIRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E. JUNE 2006 DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Freese and Nichols 4055 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA, SUITE 200 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76109-4895 (817) 735-7300 F&N No. FTW04184 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A. GENERAL INFORMATION • Notice to Bidders • Comprehensive Notice to Bidders • Special Instruction to Bidders (Water Department) PART B. PROPOSAL • Minority and Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Spec ification • Proposal PART C. GENERAL CONDITIONS PART C1. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO PART C PART D. SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART DA. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E. SPECIFICATIONS PART F. INSURANCE AND BONDS PART G. PART H. APPENDICES • Certificate of Insurance • Performance Bond • Payment Bond • Maintenance Bond • Vendor Compliance to State Law • Contractor Compliance with Worker's Compensation Laws CONTRACT STANDARD FIGURES AND DETAILS APPENDIX A-ROADWAY CORE RESULTS APPENDIX B...:. EASEMENTS PART A GENERAL INFORMATION NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for the following: frOR: WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) Water No. P264-602170023783 Sewer No. P274-702170023783 D.O.E. NO. 4210 1 ddressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas will be received at the !furchasing Office until 1 :30 p.m ., Thursday, July 6 1 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2 :00 R.m. in the Council Chambers. Plans and Specifications for this project may be obtained at the office of the £Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Build ing, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. A set of ~!ans and documents will be provided for a non-refundable fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) each . .!. majority of the work consists of the following: Approximately Approximately Approximately Approximately Approximately 900 LF of 12" Water Line 4,500 LF of 16" Water Line 3,200 LF of 8" Sanitary Sewer Line 2,600 LF of 1 O" Sanitary Sewer Line 2,200 LF of 12" Sanitary Sewer Line T cluded in the above will be all other items of construction as outlined in the Plans and Specifications. Fi or additional information concerning this project, please contact Abe Calderon, P.E., Project Manager, City of !fort Worth (817) 392-7963 or Daniel Stoutenburg, Project Manager, Freese and Nichols, Inc. at (817) 735- j 300 . I A>.dvertising Dates: une 8 1 2006 Lne 15, 2006 FuTW04184 1 COMPREHENSIVE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals for the following: FOR: WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) Water Project No. P264-602170023783 Sewer Project No. P274-702170023783 D.O.E. NO. 4210 Addressed to Mr. Charles R. Boswell, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas will be received at the Purchasing Office until 1 :30 p.m., Thursday, July 6 1 2006 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Plans and Specifications for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineering, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. A set of plans and documents will be provided for a non-refundable fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) each. All bidders will be required to comply with Provision 5159a of "Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates and City Ordinance No. 7278, as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400, prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. Bid security is required in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the Special Instructions to Bidders. A majority of the work consists of the following: Approximately Approximately Approximately Approximately Approximately 900 LF of 12" Water Line 4,500 LF of 16" Water Line 3,200 LF of 8" Sanitary Sewer Line 2,600 LF of 1 O" Sanitary Sewer Line 2,200 LF of 12" Sanitary Sewer Line Included in the above will be all other items of construction as outlined in the Plans and Specifications. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all formalities. Bidders shall not separate, detach, or remove any portion, segment, or sheets from the contract document at any time. Bidders must complete the proposal sections and submit the complete specifications book or face rejection of the bid as non-responsive. AWARD OF CONTRACT: No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date the M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, GOOD FAITH FORM ("Documentation"), and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate is received by the City. The award of the contract, if made, will be within ninety (90) days after this documentation is received, but in no case will the award be made until all the necessary investigations are made as to the responsibility of the bidder to whom it is proposed to award the contract. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda to the contract documents and acknowledging receipt of the addenda by initialing the appropriate spaces on the proposal form. Bids that do not acknowledge receipt of all addenda may be rejected as being non-responsive . Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Department of Engineering at (817) 392-7910. Bidders shall not separate, detach or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract document at any time. Bidders must complete the proposal section(s) and submit the complete specifications book or face rejection of the bid as non-responsive. It is recommended that the bidder make a copy of the forms included in the Minority and Women Business Enterprise section for submittal within the time-line stated below or the bidder may request a copy of said forms from the City Project Manager named in this solicitation. In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBE/WBE UTILIZATION FTW04184 2 FORM SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR WAIVER FORM, GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM with Documentation") and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate . The Documentation must be received by the managing department no later than 5 :00 p .m ., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made . Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comp ly shall render the bid non-responsive . Bidders are advised that the City of Fort Worth has not acquired all necessary easements for the construction of the project as shown in the Plans. Bidders are hereby notified that the City anticipates obtaining the necessary easements by the start of construction . In the event the necessary easements and/or right-of-way a,re not obtained, the C ity reserves the right to cancel the award of the contract at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work on the project. In addition Bidders shall hold their unit prices until the City has completed the acquisition of all the easements and permits. For additional information concerning this project, please contact Abe Calderon, P.E ., Project Manager, City of Fort Worth (817) 392-7963 or Daniel Stoutenburg, Project Manager, Freese and N ichols , Inc . at (817) 735- 7 00 . CHARLES R. BOSWELL OITY MANAGER dvertising Dates : J ne 8 1 2006 J Lne 15, 2006 FTW04184 3 MARTY HENDRIX CITY SECRETARY A. Douglas Rademaker, P.E., Director Department of Engine ring By: Vt\ Tony Sholola, P .E. Engineering Manager Engineering Services SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1) PREOUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: All contractors submitting bids are required to be prequalified by the Fort Worth Water Department prior to submitting bids. This prequalification process will establish a bid limit based on a technical evaluation and financial analysis of the contractor. It is the bidder's responsibility to submit the following documentation: a current financial statement, an acceptable experience record, an acceptable equipment schedule and any other documents the Department may deem necessary, to the Director of the Water Department at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the opening of bids. a) The financial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State licensing agency and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the financial status to the submitting company. This statement must be current and not more than one (1) year old. In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated by proper verification. b) For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for a given project, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and technical level as that of the project for which bids are to be received. c) The Director of the Water Department shall be the sole judge as to the acceptability for financial qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water Department project. d) Bids received in excess of the bid limit shall be considered non-responsive and will be rejected as such. e) The City, in its sole discretion, may reject any bid for failure to demonstrate experience and/or expertise. f) Any proposals submitted by a non-prequalified bidder shall be returned unopened, and if inadvertently opened, shall not be considered. g) The City will attempt to notify prospective bidders whose qualifications (financial or experience) are not deemed to be appropriate to the nature and/or magnitude of the project on which bids are to be received. Failure to notify shall not be a waiver of any necessary prequalification. 2. BID SECURITY: A cashier's check, or an acceptable bidder's bond, payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than five (5%) percent of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeiture in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the Contract Documents within ten (10) days after the contract has been awarded To be an acceptable surety on the bid bond, the surety must be authorized to do business in the state of Texas. In addition, the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law ; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request . The City, in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 3. BONDS: A performance bond, a payment bond, and a maintenance bond each for one hundred (100%) percent of the contract price will be required, Reference C 3-3.7. 4 . WAGERATES: Section C3-3.13 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following: 09/10/04 1 (a) The contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) The contractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of Right to Audit, under paragraph L of Section C 1: Supplementary Conditions To Part C - General Conditions, pertain to this inspection. (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. (d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. 5 . AMBIGUITY: In the case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the Proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the Proposal. 6 . BIDDER LICENSE: Bidder must be a licensed Contractor in the State of Texas . 7 . NONRESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the nonresident's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of business in located. "Nonresident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state, but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business in this state . This provision does not apply i f this contract involves federal funds. The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for the bid to meet specifications. The fa ilure of a nonresident contractor to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. 8. PAYMENT: If the bid amount is $25,000.00 or less, the contract amount shall be paid within forty- five ( 45) calendar days after completion and acceptance by the City. 9. AGE: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members, agents employees, program participants or subcontractors, while engaged in performing this contract, shall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms, conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the bases of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. 09/10/04 2 Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members , agents, employees , subcontractors, program participants, or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirements . Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 10. DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (" ADA"), Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with, or employees of Contractor or any of its subcontractors. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with AD A's provisions and any other applicable federal , state and local laws concerning disability and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 11. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 15530, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. The bidder shall submit the MBE/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER UTILIZATION FORM, PRIME CONTRACTOR W AIYER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ("with Documentation") and/or the JOINT VENTURE FORM as appropriate . The Documentation must be received by the managing department no later than 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate employee of the managing department to whom delivery was made . Such receipt shall be evidence that the documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply shall render the bid non-responsive. Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide the Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or women business enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit any audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresentation of facts ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate Federal, State or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements. Further, any such misrepresentation of facts ( other than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3) years. 12. FINAL PAYMENT, ACCEPTANCE AND WARRANTY: a. The contractor will receive full payment (less retainage) from the city for each pay period. b . Payment of the retainage will be included with the final payment after acceptance of the project as being complete . c. The project shall be deemed complete and accepted by the City as of the date the final punch list has been completed, as evidenced by a written statement signed by the contractor and the City . 09 /10 /04 3 d. The warranty period shall begin as of the date that the final punch list has been completed. e . Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety shall be required prior to final payment becoming due and payable. f. In the event that the Bills Paid Affidavit and Consent of Surety have been delivered to the city and there is a dispute regarding (i) final quantities, or (ii) liquidated damages, city shall make a progress payment in the amount that city deems due and payable. g. In the event of a dispute regarding either final quantities or liquidated damages, the parties shall attempt to resolve the differences within 30 calendar days. 09/10/04 4 PARTS PROPOSAL FORT WORTH MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE POLICY I 08 -02-06 A10:49 IN FORTW°ORTH ......, W a rr-'" -City of Fort Worth Minority and Women Business Enterprise Specifications SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS APPLICATION OF POLICY If the total dollar value of the contract is $25,000 or more, the M/WBE goal is applicable. If the total dollar value of the contract is less than $25 ,000, the ' M/WBE oal i~'not app licable. POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE) in the procurement of all goods and services to the City on a contractual basis . All requirements and regulations stated in the City's current Minority and Women Business Enterprise Ordinance apply to this bid . M/WBE PROJECT GOALS The City's M/W BE goal on this project is __ 2_3 __ % of the total bid (Base bid applies to Parks and Community Services). COMPLIANCE TO BID SPECIFICATIONS On City contracts of $25,000 or more, bidders are required to comply with the intent of the City's M/WBE Ordinance by either of the following : 1. Meet or exceed the above stated M/WBE goal, or 2. Good Faith Effort documentation, or; 3. Waiver documentation, or; 4. Joint Venture. SUBMITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION The applicable documents must be received by the Managing Department , within the following times allocated, in order fo r the entire bid to be considered responsive to the specifications. The Offeror shall deliver the MWBE documentation in person to the appropriate employee of the managing department and obtain a date/time receipt. Such receipt shall be evidence that the City received the documentation in the time allocated . A faxed copy will not be accepted . 1. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if goal is received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid met or exceeded: openinQ date , exclusive of the bid openinQ date. 2. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid Utilization Form, if participation is less than opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. stated goal: 3. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor received by 5:00 p.m ., five (5) City business days after the bid Ut ilization Form , if no M/WBE participation : openinq date, exclusive of the bid opening date . 4. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, if you will received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid perform all subcontracting/suoolier work: opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date . 5. Joint Venture Form, if utilize a joint venture received by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the bid to met or exceed qoal. opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. ·_.FAILO~E TO COMPLY WITH J"HE CITY'S ~N'(BE,ORDINANCE, 'N,IL:tJ ~.E~~LT _ l~f THEJ~ID _QEft,i.<tgo ,~S!QER~D~. ··_::i,. . _. .' NON-RESPONSIVE TO SPECIFICATIONS ? :-:-f;,• : •• :'.'~ •• ·,<f;:,,··y:; ~:f' ,, ,. ·:::· Any questions, please contact the M/WBE Office at (817) 392-6104. Rev. 11/11/05 r PRIME COMPANY NAME: Gin-SnPn. PROJECT NAME: CityofFortWorth 08-02-06 Al0:49 IN Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form ATTACHMENT 1A Page 1 of 4 Check applicable block to describe prime Inc-I M/W/DBE ~ I NON-M/W/DBE BID DATE Water & Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Thompson Road and Riverside North Area (Annexation A-00-02) Julv 27. ?.O oi:; C ity's M/WBE Project Goal: Prime's M/WBE Project Utilization: PROJECT NUMBER Water Project No. P264-602170023783 I 23% % Sewer Project No. P274-702170023783 DOE No. 4210 I Identify all subcontractors/suppliers you will use on this project Failure to complete this form, in" its entirety with requested documentatiqn, and received by the Managing Department on or bef(?re 5:00 p.m. five (5) City b.usiness days after bid ope-ning, exclusive of bid opening date, will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid spe_cifications. : ' The undersigned -Offerer agrees ~:fo: enter: iJfa --~ formal _ag~~ement . ;ith the M/VVB_E' 'firm(s) Hst t ct )1 . thi~ utilization schedule, -conditioned up6n execution ··of a contract with the City of Fort Worth. The intebtional and/o r knowing misrepresentation of facts is grounds for consideration· of disqualification and will result in the bid being considered non-re-sponsive to bid specifications ;-_., . M/WBEs listed toward meeting the project goal must be located in the nine (9) county marketplace or currently doing business in the · marketplace at the time of bid. Marketplace is the geographic area of Tarrant, Parker, Johnson, Collin, Dallas, Denton , Ellis , Kaufman and Rockwall counties . Identify __ each Tier _level.. Tier is the levet: of .. subcontr!3c!ing· below~ the prime COQtrffictor,"' i.e :! · c!J{9._irect payment from the prim_e contr~ctor to a subcqntractor is cqnsidered 1st tier, a payment by a subcontra9for tq its supplier is considered 2nd tier -., -. .-. . --' ~-.· . ALL M/WBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD. Certification means those firms, located or doing business at the time of bid opening within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be bonafide minority or women businesses by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), or the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT), highway division . Disadvantaged Business En terprise (DBE) is synonymous with Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE). If hauling services are utilized, the prime ~ will . be giveri credit as · 1or:ig as the M/Wf?_E listed ow[js and ,operates at least one fully license~ ~nd opera(ion_al tru~k t~i'9_e u~ed ~fl ~Q-~ CO~!ra~!, rh,ef M/W~E ~af !~~se truc~s from anot~er M/WBE ~rm,· il)Cluding Mf\'.VBE owne,r..:9p~(at~rs,_;_~-~ft.rec_e_ivt3 f~lli l\1~_BE c;re?ft ,::f~Jh~ M/vyBE-may lease trucks from _QOri-M/yVBE~~-irycll!ding _,qv,:r,i~,r-operc!!Of~.i}l!-1! 'X!ll , .. 2~RIY J ~-981V~ pr~_~1t J ~rJ re fees and commissions earned _b _,. tne M/WBE ·as outlin'ea fri the lease ·a reement'. · -' }f :· ';~?;. ,.c:~;-• Rev . 5/30/03 FORT WORTH ~ 08-02-06 A10:50 IN AITACHMENT 1A Page 3 of4 Primes are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers , regardless of status ; i .e ., Minority , Women and non-M/WBEs . Please list M/WBE firms first , use addi ti onal sheets if necessary. Certification -N (check on e ) 0 •:-1~·. SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER T I) N T ·~-~( Detail Detail Company Name I .: ~/ C X M Subcontracting Work Supplies Purchased Dollar Amount Address e M w T D ~Ji'\ Telephone/Fax r B B R 0 B E E C T ,'E I A , ...... ~ CLS Service & Supply 726 s. Sherman Stree Testing Richardson, Tx 75081 X Sewer 16,224.50 972 -2 3 1-3646 972 -2 3 1-3934 CtS Service & Supply 726 s. Sherman St Coat Richardson, Tx 75081 X MH'S 38,305.00 972 -2 3 1 -3646 972 -2 3 1-3934 Hughe s ~upply Pipe 7197 L a tham Drive !Rich l and Hills T x And 76118 X Fittings 297,492.59 817-589-7243 Q17 c;QQ 017Q IDFW Material Cement IP. o. Bo x 79026 Treated Sagi n a w, Tx 76179 X Base 97,731.20 817 -378-8133 817 -378-8136 ILO-R i c h Trucking 551 2 Hartman Rd Excess ~ort Worth, Tx 76140 X Dirt 74,787.41 817-483-8689 817-4 83-8651 LO-R i c h 6512 Hartman Rd X Asphalt ~ort Worth, Tx 761 4 0 Repair 225,161.10 817-4 83-8689 B17-4 83-8651 Rev . 5/30/03 FORT WORTH ~ 08 -0 2 -06 A10:50 I N ATTACHMENT 1A Page 3 of 4 Primes are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status ; i.e ., Minority , Women and non-M/WBEs. SUBCONTRACTO~SUPPLIER Company Name Address Telephone/Fax Charle~'s Concrete 707 Katy Road Keller, Tx 76248 817-431-3515 817-431-5337 Redi-Mix Concrete P. 0. Box 1 1 2 5 7 8 Carrolton, Tx 75011 972-242-4550 972-323-136_4 Lo-Rich 6512 Hartman ·Fort Worth, 817-483-8689 817-483-8651 Rd Tx 7614( Dowdy F erry Sand & Gravel Co. 601 Topeka Justin Tx, 76247 817-430-1981 940-648-0186 Johnson County Pipe P.O. Box 1588 Alvarado, Tx 76009 817-790-0886 817-783-6002 I . 1 DFW Mater1a P.O. Box 79026 Saginaw, Tx 76179 817-378-8133 817-378-8136 Please list M/WBE firms first , use additional sheets if necessary. Certification · ~ T ~-(~ch_e_ck~o_n~e_) --1 -~ I N T t M W C X M e B T D \,",i r B E R O 'B E C T "E A X X X X D{ X Detail Subcontracting Work Detail Supplies Purchased Concrete Concrete Sand Bedding Gravel Storm Sewer Pipe Rip Rap Rock Dollar Amount 84,344.72 84,344.7:; 27,229.70 37,461.72 13,250.40 17,496.40 Rev. 5/30/03 FORTWORTH ---...,-.--OS-02-06 Al0:5 0 I N ATIACHMENT 1A Page 3 of4 Primes are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status ; i.e., Minority, Women and non -M/WBEs. Please list M/WBE firms first , use additional sheets if necessary. SUBCON T RACTOR/SUPPLIER Company Name Address Telephone/Fax Longhorn Road Borinc P.O. Bo x 81001 Dal l as, Tx 75381 972 -241-8686 972 -241-5557 Oldcastle Precast Fil e #72477-260 P.O . Bo x 60000 San Francisco, Co 94160 817 -477-2914 017 AC:~_,1(117 Cent ex Seed i ng, Inc ·P.O . Bo x 2077 Kel l er, Tx 76244 817 -306-8510 817-306-8901 Buyers Barricades 370 5 E. 1st For t Worth, Tx 7611 817 -535 ;,.393 9 817-831-7171 Certification :.~ (check one) 'ri T 1---r--.--N-r--=T-i. 1~ ~MW C x ':;, B B T D -.n r R O ~ E E C T "E A ,lf X X X X Detail Subcontracting Work Bore Road Seed Traffic Detail Supplies Purchased Manholes Dollar Amount 103,850.00 52,143.05 21,432.00 11,655.00 Rev. 5/30/03 ,ORT WORTH ~ 08-02-06 A10:51 IN Total Dolla r Amount of M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ 1 Total Dolla r Amount of Non-M/WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS $ ATIACHMENT 1A Page 4 of 4 fhe Con trapto~ will not make additions; deletions !' or substitutions to this certified list without the prior approval r ot the Minority ancf \/Vorrgm Business Enterprise Offic_e Manager or designee through the submittal of. a ',.#~que.st for Approvfl of"Change!Addition. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material bread] of :ontrad . and may res u lf in -.debarment in accord with the procedures outlined -in the ordinance .-The contractor I, st1aii ·s08,-fuit a detaiiecf ~xplanatiori ot how the re-,{~ested cnangetaddition or deletion will affect the co m,mit-ted ~/WBE goal. If the detail explanation Ts not submitted , it will affect the final compliance determination. " _ .; By affi x ing a signature to this form, the Offeror further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors , including M/W/DBE(s) arrangements submitted with the bid . The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or exami nation of any books, records and files held by the !r company. The bidder agrees to allow the transm ission of interviews with owners , principals , officers, employees and applicable subco ntractors/suppliers/contractors participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work performed by the M/W/DBE(s) on this contract , by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and create a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than orie (1) year. Virginia Rash Printed Signature President Title Contact NamefTitle (if different) Gi n-Sp en , Inc. 817-478-1 1 19 817-483-08 9 9 Company Name Telephone and/or Fax 780 W. Kennedale Parkway Address E-mail Address Kennedale. T x 76060 City/State/Zip Date Rev. 5/30/03 FORTW"ORTH ---·w· --- A10 :51 IN os -o z-06 t, ATIACHMENT 18 Page 1 of 1 City of Fort Worth Prime Contractor Waiver Form PRIME COMPANY NAME : Check applicable block to describe rime Inc NON-M/W/DBE BID DATE Water & Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Thompson Road and Riverside North Area Annexation A-00-02 Jul 27 2006 City's M/WBE Project Goal: 23% PROJECT NUMBER Water Project No. P264-602170023783 & Sewer Project No. P274-702170023783 DOE No. 4210 If both answers to this form are YES , do not complete ATTACHMENT 1C(Good Faith Effort Form). All questions on t his form must be completed and a detailed explanation provided, if applicable. If the answer to either question is NO, then you must complete ATTACHMENT 1C. This form is only applicable if .tli21h answers are yes. ~ail re to complete this form .in its !!ntirety and b,e received by the Managing Department on or before 5:00 p.m .1 five {5} City business days ·after bid opening, exclusive of the bid opening date, will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specification~. · Will you perform this entire contract without subcontractors? If yes, please provide a detailed explanation that proves based on the s ize and scope of this project, this is our normal business ractice and rovide an o erational rofile of our business . Will you perform this entire contract without suppliers? If yes, please provide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope of this project, this is your normal business practice and provide an inventory profile of your business . YES YES The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including M/WBE(s) on this contract , the payment therefore and any proposed changes to the original M/WBE(s) arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed by the M/WBEs on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the Oity. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State o r Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance creates a material breach of contrr,ct may result in a determination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating in City wo rk for a perioa of time not less than one 1 ear. Vi r gi ni a Ra s h Printed Signature President Title Contact Name (if different) Gin -Spen, Inc. 817-478 -1119 817-483-0899 Company Name Phone Number Fax Number 780 W. Kennedale Parkway Address Kennedale Texas 76060 City/State/Zip Date Rev. 5/30103 [. FORT W"ORTI-{ -..... W· ,,... . - PRIME COMPANY NAME: PROJECT NAME: City of Fort Worth ATTACHMENT 1C Page 1 of 3 08 -02-06 Al0:51 IN Good Faith Effort Form Check applicable block to describe M/W/DBE NON-M/W/DBE Water & Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve Thompson Road and Riverside North Area Annexation A-00-02 BID DATE City's M/WBE Project Goal : 23% PROJECT NUMBER Water Project No. P264-602170023783 & Sewer Project No. P274-702170023783 DOE No. 4210 If the bidder's method of compliance with the M/WBE goal is based upon demonstration of a "good faith effort", the bidder will have the burden of correctly and accurately preparing and submitting the documentation required by the City. Compliance with each item, 1 thru 6 below, shall satisfy the Good Faith Effort requirement absent proof of fraud, intentional and/or ~nowing misrepresentation the facts or intentional discrimination by the bidder. 1.) Please list each and every subcontracting and/or supplier opportunity} for the completion of this project, regardless of whether it is to be provided by a M/WBE or non-M/WBE. (DO NOT LIST NAMES OF FIRMS) On Combined Projects, list each subcontracting and or supplier opportunity through the 2"a tier. (Use additional sheets, if necessary) List of Subcontrac\ing Opportunities List of Supplier Opportunities Pavement Re air Pie Valves Ect Truckin Excess Soil Beddin Material Soddin Traffic Control Erosion Control Erosion Control As halt Mix C Rev. 05/30/03 OB-02-06 A10:51 IN ATTACHMENT 1C Page 2 of 3 2.) Obtain a current (not more than three (3) months old from the bid open date) list of M/WBE subcontractors and/or suppliers from the City's M/WBE Office. __ Yes _x_No Date of Listing __ / ___ ./ __ 3.) Did you solicit bids from M/WBE firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by mail, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? ___}£__ Yes (If yes, attach M/WBE mail listing to include name of firm and address and a dated copy of letter mailed.) __ No 4.) Did you solicit bids from M/WBE firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by telephone, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? _x__ Yes (if yes, attach list to include~ of M/WBE firm, person contacted, phone number and date and time of contact.) __ No 5.) Did you provide plans and specifications to potential M/WBEs or information regarding the location of plans and specifications in order to assist the M/WBEs? _x_Yes __ No 6.) · Submit documentation if M/WBE quotes were rejected. The documentation submitted should be in the forms of an affidavit, include a detailed explanation of why the M/WBE was rejected and any supporting documentation the bidder wishes to be considered by the City. In the event of a bona fide d i spute concerning quotes, the bidder will provide for confidential in-camera access to and inspection of any relevant documentation by City personnel. (Please use additional sheets, if necessarv, and attach.) · Company Name Telephone Contact Person Scope of Work Reason for Rejection 817 NIA Sodding r.:reen Scaoe S77-9299 Seedina n11,..,t-<=> t _o Hiah i£Yi~~rnental 281 Sodding ,1,1? .1.11? NIA Seedina Not Low Dallas ~~te & 214 NIA Traffic Rr1rri r.;::i -7.1.A t:;7Q1 r'r,nt-rr, l Not Low I os-02-06 A10:51 IN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ATTACHMENT 1C Page 3 of 3 Please provide additional information you feel will further explain your good and honest efforts to obtain M/WBE participation on this project. We have exceeded the goal set by The City of Fort Worth The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the· City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed on this contract, the payment t hereof and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for t erminating the contract or debarment from City work for a p~riod of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and creates a material breach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the M/WBE(s) listed was/were contacted in good faith. It is understood that any M/WBE(s) listed in Attachment 1C will be contacted and the reasons for n~t using· them will be verified by t he City's /WBE Office. Virginia Rash Printed Signature President Title Contact Name and Title (if different) Gin-Spen, Inc. 817-478-1119 817-483-0899 Company Name Phone Number Fax Number 780 W. Kennedale Parkway Address Email Address Kennedale, Tx 76060 City/State/Zip Date Rev. 05/30/03 I I ' , 08 -02-06 Al0:49 IN Joint Venture P 3 f aqe o 3 AFFIDAVIT The undersigned affirms that the foregoin g statements are true and correct and include all material information necessary to identify and explain the terms and operation of the joint venture. Furthermore, the undersigned shall agree to provide to the joint venture the stated scope of w ork, decision-making respon sibilities and payments herein . 'I'p e City also reserves the right to request any additional information deemed necessary to determine if the joint venture is eligible. Failure to cooperate and/or prov ide reque sted information within the time specified is grounds for termination of the eligib ility process. The undersigned agree to permit audits , interviews with owners and examination of the books , records and files of the joint venture by any authorized representatives of the City of Fort Worth . Failure to comply with this provi sion shall result in the termination of any contract, which may be awarded under the provisions of this joint venture's eligibility and may initiate action under Federal, State and/or Local laws /ordinances concerning false statements or willful misre£resentation of facts. Name of M/WB E finn Name of non-M/WB E firm Gin-Spen, Inc. Printed N ame of Owner Prin ted Name of Owne r Virginia Rash Sign ature of Owner Si ~~~r2~~ Printed N ame of Owner Printed N am(/fOwner I .,,. Signature of Owner Si gnature of Owner Ti tle Title Date Da te I Notarizatio n State of __ ~T~e=x=a=s~-------------County of _~T~a=r-=r'-"a"--'n"'-t""----------- On this _ __,,2,_,7'"""t""h""----------day of ,Jul y , 20 ___Q_.6._, before me appeare d Virginia Rash and ------------------------------------------ to me personally known and who , being duly sworn, did execute the foregoing affidavit and did state that they were properly authorized to execute this affidavit and did so as their free act and deed. Notary Public ____ L~i=· =s =a~M=i=· c=h=e~l~e~=H~u~s~e~m~a~D~--------- PrintName Notary P ... 0 Wtclu.. 02. 1-hL,(lpyn Oie>q ~re Commission Expires 6 / 1 / O 8 e ~wn!: ONIHIOI UPIHI: . JUNE 1, 2008 Rev. 5/3 0/03 I I I WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH _AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION A-WATERLINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 1. 220 LF 6-inch PVC Wat er Line (AWWA C-900 , DR-14 , ~s 200) Installed by Open-Cut 7T,6tt#r Dollars and $ ij g, on $ /IJ, 5~6. oo /\/o Cents per LF 2 . 920 LF 12-i nch PVC Water Line (AWWA C-900 , DR-1 4, i ss 200) Installed by Open-Cut 11'2 n, e, -,rfr Dollars and $ t/1. r/o $ '/</, )2-t. (j(; fo.ce~ Cents per LF *3A. 4,500 LF 16-inch Ducti le Iron Water Line (Press ure Class 2Jf;l Installed by Open-Cu t $ St_f.3 o $ .;l. Yl/, 3So. a, 1 ;,< ~ /o4 ,e. Dollars and -nfuz ~ . Cents per LF 16-inch AWWA C303 (Pressure Class 150) Bar *38. 4,500 LF Wrapped Concrete Cylinder Pipe Installed by ~n-Cut Dollars and $ S9J,S $ .2 ' ~ l./)., s. C)() -~ 1·11qe -5,~~ .&;ve _ Cents per LF ,is-inch Due~ I ron "!jater Pipe Fittings *4A . 1 LS u~d'A T" o~,. ~'Ji.~I.C. l:L.!!L. 2.d.& lli:!'2 Dollars and $ I</, Ko"O. 0() $ /Cf, 8ov • " " JV() Cents per LS 16-inch A:1.WA C3S3 Pipe Fittings *48. 1 LS ~<,~ 'f"' C.,W.J "'>, _., "'1lk 4-.., !!J.ll.,. Dollars and tr.,, 1 Ol). ~ ,-!~ Cents per LS · $/'-, 70D.rQ $ Extra depth of 16-inch Duct ile Iron Water Line *5A . 200 LF (Pressure Class 2 50) Installed in Trench be low one foot of design grade. (E2-2 .18e) f"t() () Dollars and $ 2.~o $ cf'-,o. ct> 7'J/ I /It [:J_ Cents per LF Extra depth of 16-inch AWWA C303 (Pressure *5B . 200 LF Cl ass 150) Bar Wrapped Concrete Cylinder Pipe Installed in T rench be low one foot of des ign grade. (E2 -2.18e) $ .,,:2 • 3 c:} $ (/(,, (), c,o ~WIJ Dollars and '7Yll2!!7-Cents per LF *Contract o r sha ll se le ct on ly o ne opti o n for item s numbered A and B. Mat erial option shall be cons istent throughout th e p rop osal. Proposal Section FTW04184 2A I I I WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION A-WATERLINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE ITEM QUANTITY 6. 13 EA 7. 6 EA 8. 18 EA 9. 7 EA 10. 2 EA 11. 9 EA 12. 2.62 TON 13. 23 EA 14 . 975 LF 15 . 23 EA Proposal Section FTW04184 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS 6-inch Resilient Seat Gate Valve with Box r::ivt!'~~t14A-'D t, ~ Dollars and ~ Cents per EA 12-inch Res ilien;.seat Gate Valve with Box t,t1e ~wS w ..... ,~., Dollars and V\.,I Cents per EA 24"x 24" Concrete Collar 6" thick around Valve Bofo . ll ""'1 Dollars and ~ Cents per EA j 6-iach RJsili~nt ~at Gate Valve & Vau lt Gl"t T '1"° ~1.6 ~ r; ,., th:Y.., o\,n,V;) Dollars and Y\..o Cents per EA 1-inch Combination Air Releas e & Vault Assembly i1.f p ~ T}-hil.(J *""-a ~c"' t-1 t.e...,clrt~ Dollars and II\ 11 Cents per EA Concrete Co llar around Valve Vau lt Ot'IE tk<,..cU2...-o rw""'""-, Dollars and "'-o Cen ts per EA Ductile Iron Fitt ings for PVC Water line (12 " and smaller) (D-5 2.12) '(I.Vo mc.u ,t1,uJ. Dollars and A/() Cents per TON. 1" Service Tap to Main (D-52. 7) 1"°wc> ~"'d/?e,> nka 'nr Dollars and Y\.O Cents per EA 1" Copper Water Service L in e rt:f1"2.T~ Dollars and 11\.o Cent s per LF Furn ish and set meter box (D-52.7.4) (}[ It~ Dollars and (\.() Cents per EA 3A UNIT AMOUNT PRICE BID $ 5~ .<TO $ 7, ,~.~ $ I, 'ln,,n $ g; (!~. /I) $ \/I). 60 $ iJo. ~(> $ g, f (It,. 40 $ ,1, ,n. o• $ 3, '-00· oO $ 7, J,n. G't> $ /;}..O, af.> $ ( 436. aD $ d1 (>(/0.Q:> $ S: Z<./0, ~o $ -z ~o. 00 $ S: Z'fo. o:> $ 13. uv $ I~, I.. 7 S. ~ $ 'fo.~ $ J."7~. ~o I I I I I WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION A-WATERLINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE ITEM QUANTITY 16. 13 EA 17. 1,000 LF 18. 4,800 LF 19. 5,500 LF 20. 4,270 LF 21. 350 SY 22 . 100 LF 23. 12 EA 24 . 100 L F 25. 50 CY Proposal Section FTW04184 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS F~~~~~t As;embly, complete and in place. 6 e\,: ttT ~".lM!C2 Dollars and \Uo Cents per EA Sod (D-45) V\, ne Dollars and 1'.) 0 Cents per LF Hydro-mulch Seeding (D-45) one Dollars and j,~~ Cents per LF Trench Safety System (D-26) TlJ/Z.217 Dollars and s_,~ hv6 Cents per LF Permanent Aspha lt Trench Repair per Figu re 2~0-1A ~-25) Dollars and fl.~ ulZ.. nJ,~ lt.711 Cents per LF Concrete D~eway and Sidewalk Repair (D-20) n,l 1,a..?t{ <..~ Dollars and N~ Cents per SY Repl ace Concrete Curb and Gutter 11-bO\~ 5 c~ . Dollars and llQ Cents per LF D-Hola to Locate Ex isting Utilities (D -51) <Mtf ~tUcf AA Dollars and ~L) Cents per EA Flowable Fill for W .L. Encasement r~ O)fC Dollars and Cents p er LF T(r~B' Backfil l l I ~"1..1 Dollars and lAO Cents per CY 4A UNIT AMOUNT PRICE BID $1,8~-°' $ Z3, <fot>. ~ $ 'Left> $ 9ln7>."' I $ \.{;.o $ -, l.:..fb, co , $ 3. '-S $ ;;o, "75 '° $ <IC/, 3o $ f K1. '"'· c~ ' $ 35. cro $ I), ).So,41 < $ .l'--~ $ .;;J, b6'D. 04 $ /(o. or; $ /, ?Z() "' $ .2 '· G.o $ ,;;/ 1 ( bO, 0 $ 15 $ 750 WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION A-WATERLINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITIEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 26. 50 CY Miscellaneous Placement of Crushed Limestt'.;3 ~-22) 1~ ~~ Dollars and $ Zf..oo $ l 3e:ro. Ot:J t\Q Cents per CY 27 . 50CY Class 'E' (1500 psi) Concrete for Miscellaneous Placement Dl'l.~ ~~Dollars and $ I<./ 6 .O{) $ ?;(T(/7) . (7() ~Q Cents per CY 28. 60 LF Remove and Replace 12" RCP Storm Drain ~I.~ ~ Dollars and $ 5-3,~ $ 3, r Ko.oo ~ Cents per LF 29. 60 LF Remove and Replace 15" or 16" RCP Storm ~~i~ .s~ Dollars and $ 57. OD $ ~ ~2...0. 06 V\.I) Cents per LF 30. 70 LF R~ove .;d ~24" RCP Storm Drain fi \A:!Js Dollars and $ 13. ~1) $ .s; I (O. (J,J A,/) Cents per LF 31. 1 LS Erosion and Sediment Control During Construction, i9cluding implementation and maintenance of SW PPP for entire project (D-$cl, 'fflD. (}() $ 7· 'fn. a, ~) n '" ~ 11-h It~ A"'l4 '11 « fl. i-J. Lt-')CUZ.£,,,7) Dollars and Nil Cents per LS 32. 4,270 LF T~rary Asphalt Pavement Repair (D-62) Dollars and $ /i),Q7) $ l/ 2. 7 ,rt) .41 I\.D Cents per LF WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION A-WATERLINE IMPROVEMENTS BID Proposal Section FTW04184 SUBTOTAL FOR SECTION A (Transfer Total to Page 13A) SB $ 7 a, "2 'r. (}7J I • PROPOSAL LIST OF DUCTILE IRON FITIINGS FOR PVC WATERLINE (Not Including the 16-inch Water Line) No. of Size of Fitting Type of Fitting Fittings 1 12-inch x 6-inch Tee 4 12-inch Wye 1 12-inch MJ Plug 3 12-inch Sleeve 2 12-inch 90° Bend 6 12-inch 45° Bend 2 12-inch 22.5° Bend 5 12-inch 11 .25° Bend Total weight= 5,240 lbs. (2.62 Tons) Proposal Section FTW04184 6A Weight Per Total Weight Fitting (lbs.) (lbs.) 325 325 535 2 ,140 80 80 115 345 255 510 215 1,290 220 440 220 1,100 PROPOSAL LIST OF 16-INCH WATER LINE FITTINGS In the event that additions to , or deductions from the work shown on the plans or described in the specificat ions are made, and that they are covered by the following fittings or special items , the bidder agrees that the following unit prices shall be used in making additions to , or deductions from the contract amount. ADD OR DEDUCT ITEMS: Size Fitting Type of Fitting 16-inch 45 ° to 90° Bend 16-inch 22 .5° to 45° Bend 16-inch 0° to 22 .5° Bend 16-inch Plug 16-inch X 16-inch · Flanged Outlet 16-inch x 12-inch Flanged Outlet 16-inch x 8-inch FlanQed Outlet 16-inch x 6-inch FlanQed Outlet 1 6-inch x 16-inch Wye Contractor shall fill in blanks for "Unit Price" as part of his bid. Proposal Section FTW04184 7A Unit Price l/~,. IJ(} __j&fp, 6"& .j7S.oo I Cfo. t:ro I~ I Sb, tSO /, /1..D. ~(> I D (Ji>• C,l) qS!),a; ,;;, /tsO . O 0 I I I WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION B -SANITARY SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH ITEM QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 3 ,240 LF *8-inch PVC Sewer Line, Installed by Open- Cu t (A ll Dept hs) n-h a.~ Wn-E'e' Dollars and Cents per LF IC-!.'l 2. 2,560 LF *10-inch PVC Sewer Line, Installed by Op en- Cut (All Depths} ni l 12, 1'-f f:~ Dollars and B\~H:!:'( Cents per LF 3. 30 LF 10-inch Ductile Iron (Pressure Class 350, with Protecto 401 lining) Sewer Line, Installed by Open-Cut (All D epth s} 5, K1' 'T\,C.J ~ Dollars and l~~ Cents per LF 4. 335 LF 10-inch Ductile Iron (Pressure C lass 350, with Protecto 401 lining) Sewer Line , Installed in 18" Casing Pipe in stalled by other than open fu~a Hu. tt~ ~Dollars and ~6 Cents per LF 5. 2,220 LF *1 2-in ch PVC Sewer Line , Installed by Open- Cut (All Depths) t!Q ~ :b t1\j;~t Dollars and ,v~ Cents per LF 6. 500 LF *4-i nch Sanitary Sewer Service Line -rw~f:!1 7U.Jo Dollars and < M'.11 Cents per LF 7. 70 LF *6-inch San itary Sew er Service Line T'W~~ S::!,,W Dollars and ,v(> Cents per LF * Contractor must c ompl ete City Approv ed Product Form on page 12A. Proposal Section FTW04105 BA UNIT AMOUNT PRICE BID $ .3 ~. (o~ $ l 6 g~ &"i.. 't. Cd $ 3 5. &o $ Cf 1, '4-d. 06 $"-i,5o $ I, g-, s. oo $ 4'U> .oo $ / l/t>, l ov. •t $ 2g,oo $ b2., I G:io. o, $ '22, ~() $ I\., zso. as $ 2 s-. G1V $ l. 1~. Cb WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION 8-SANITARY SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE ITEM QUANTITY 8. 23 EA 9 . 23 EA 10 . 2EA 11. 2 EA 12. 8 ,3 85 LF 13 . 22 EA 14. 127 VF 15. 257VF 16. 1 EA Proposal Section FTW04184 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS 4-i nch Sanitary Sewer Service Tap (D-28) '5, '><'!!t Gtj HT" Dollars and N I) Cents per EA 4-in ch Sanitary S ewer two-way Cleanout (D - 61) e~~~ $eM='VJ Dollars and I'\..() Cents per EA 6-inc~nitary §ewer Service Tap (D-28) ~l~ >'\. wt E-Dollars and lv(l C ents per EA 6-inch San itary Sewer two-way Cleanout (D- 61) # Ole?' ~~dflenb~ S~olla rs and K-o C en ts per EA Post-Constructi on TV Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Line No Dolla rs and ~l~i-J. ~ Cents per LF Standard 4-foot Diameter SSMH (Up to 6' deep) (D-27) 1 (..() o n.fv 6'-1 #J'hel ~ lj<.,o,d!U4 Dollars and V\..Q Cents per EA Additional D epth for 4' Diameter Sanitary Manhole ·~ O~" W<.1/AAUJ (WIM~ ~t ollars and · ttv Cents per VF Interior Protecti ve Coating fo r 4' D iameter Sani: Manhol e (DA-14 , DA-15) lnti IUfcllU't) $C~"'1 Dollars and tJ CJ C ents per VF Type 'A ' 5-foot Diameter SSMH (All Depths) (D-27) cc:.ruG n-tat.tSII\\,,¢ nf-1'Z~ € H~dgu.f Dollars and ~o C ents per EA 9A UNIT AMOUNT PRICE BID $ 6 i.(r{) $ (, 5bc./. Id $ ~1.~ $ _2, 60 (, Ob $ Zc::r. ~ $ 11 ~ll) $ /91.do $ c:J1c./,. ~ $ (}, ;o $ l.11ot. ao $ z' ? <JV. ill) $ .s,. C(ov.a, $ /J.(p. Qt) $ !,po Z.do $ //;o, tr) $ $' t, 1'20. 41 $ 5," ~. at:> $ s. 3,dl), 00 I I J I I I WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION B -SANITARY SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE ITEM QUANTITY 17. 15 VF 18. 23 EA 19. 18 EA 20. 23 EA 21 . 500 LF 22 . 6,300 LF 23 . 8,600 LF 24. 6,000 LF 25. 135 SY 26 . 15 0 SY Proposal Section FTW04184 DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS Coat ing for 5 ' Diameter Sanit ary Manh ol e (DA-1 4, DA-15) OY\e ,_il.AVlcleer> ~~fu flM!J Dollars and r\..(> . Cents per VF Wat ert i~t Insert for SSMH (E100-4 ) ,~ €''-~ tf, Dollars and 'NtJ Cents per EA ConcJite Collar for SSMH per Figure 121 ~ Q I.V\Cla.et> S 1':f.. ~ Dollars and ~ Cents p er EA Vacuum Test SSMH (D-36) el~ H'fl::t .Ct. vB Dollars and "-' Cents per EA Sod (D-45) ~~ Dollars and nfc.Q.~ Cents per LF Hydro-mulch Seeding (D-45) O""vr e Do ll ars and ~-h, Y.:,1£ Cents per LF - Tr?,ch Safety System (D-26) I vt: Dollars and ".'5e~ ~,ve Cents per LF Permanent Asphalt Trench Repair per Figure 2~;;~ Dollars and ( IL:'rt Cents per LF Con c rete Pavement Repair per Figure 2000-2 (D-~) ~ (l !!:l ' u_,(l, Dollars and rvo Cents per SY Concrete Driveway and Sidewalk Repa ir (D- 20 ) -rt!. ( Ile!:(. (it.,(f Dolla rs and IA-~ Cen ts pe r SY 10A UNIT AMOUNT PRICE BID $ 115.ol> $ 2 . 62.5, w $ -ZK.fRS $ "\/-4. 04 $ I bO. "11 $ z, [!ii. QI $ ~.S.,n> $ I q ss. ~ I $ l l. '3o $ s-/. 5. C-0 I $ l. z.s-$ 1 &'1~. tJ4 \ $ -7~ ~. '$ t/ 9, 4,SlJ . 4 $ 14<.f . ~o $_ tb~, goo, a,- $ <.+q ,00 $ 5", '7 'Id. Cy) $ 35, C,(} $ S: Z 56.~ WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA {ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION 8 -SANITARY SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTS BID PAY APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH UNIT AMOUNT ITEM QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITIEN IN WORDS PRICE BID 27. 60 LF Rep lace Concrete Curb and Gutter [)..lAZJ'lh,..>1 J!.. Dollars and $ 2 b. DO $ ,,no.~ LV(L . . Cents per LF 28. 60 LF Remove and Replace 15" or 16" RCP Storm 07,~~ Dollars and $ 51.~ $ ;,, '-fZ .. o. tJ<) Cents per LF 29 . 60 LF =-,;nd~e 24" RCP Storm Drain 13.~ Dollars and $ $ t.f,?8"~"~ JV() Cents per LF 30 . 100 LF F= Fill for W .L. Encasement $2 /C...0.oc.. f::/.-d>-J ~ Dollars and $ Zt. b.., -,s, ~ ~ Cents per LF I 31. SOCY T~,;.~ill Dollars and Iv() Cents per CY $15 $ 750 50CY Miscellaneous Placement of Crushed 32. Limestone (D j ) ~ tJ<. Dollars and $ U.o() $ (~ ~oe>. iJ() iVV Cents per CY 33 . 50CY Class 'E' (1500 ps i) Concrete for ~~neous Placement u"fjf4-h:Jt.,tJ-Do ll ars and $ t ~o. iJ() $ 1 . "0-0 . (Jr 'fl Cents per CY 34. 1 LS Erosion and Sediment Control During Construction, including implementation and maini nance of SW~or entire project (D- 40) Oft-t.TbcM. ,rnd . $ I c+, ""1>. "° $ I 't, ~-04 ~l~ i-/ur,c,k,,e;,rJ Dollars and ~Q Cen ts per LS 35. 6 ,000 LF Temporary Asphalt Pavement Repair (D -62) ~ Dollars and $ (0,dl) $ bo, (') (/() . (Jr) Cents per LF WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) SECTION 8-SANITARY SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTS BID Proposal Section FTW04184 SUBTOTAL FOR SECTION B (Transfer Total to Page 13A) 118 $ '1'9'1, ~,:,. /d CITY OF FORT WORTH DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR WATER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) CITY PROJECT NUMBER: 00237 DOE PROJECT NUMBER: 4210 WATER PROJECT NUMBER: P264-602170023783 SEWER PROJECT NUMBER: P274-702170023783 BID OPENING DATE: JULY 27, 2006 ADDENDUM ISSUE DATE: JULY 21,2006 Prospective bidders are hereby notified of the following: 1. Contract Documents: A. Proposal Replace Proposal page 5A with page 58 attached with this addendum . Replace Proposal page 11 A with page 11 B attached with this addendum. B_. Fort Worth Minority and Women Business Enterprise Policy In the Special Instructions for Bidders : Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form, Prime Contractor Waiver Form, and Good Faith Effort Form change the City's M/WBE Project Goal from 23% to 20%. C. Water and Sanitary Sewer Details In the Water and Sanitary Sewer Details , add the Temporary Asphalt Pavement Repair 2000-1C detail attached to this addendum. This addendum No. 3 forms a part of the Contract Documents referenced above and modifies the Original Contract Documents and Plans . Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 3 in the space provided in the bid proposal and on the outer envelope of your bid. Failure to acknowledge could subject the bidder to disqualification. All other provisions of the plans , general contract documents and specifications for this project, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in force. A signed copy of this Addendum should be included in the sealed envelope at the time of the bid submittal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of the Addendum could cause the subject bidder to be considered "NONRESPONSNE", resulting in disqualification. Addendum No. 3 July 21, 2006 FTW04184 I of2 RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGED: B;:-V~~ Title:~~ Address:'1":f>tl • \1-..~ ~\'~'/ 1-t--. ::::\l'>ofo<:> Telephone:':\,\'\ -'fl~·\ I )C\ Addendum No . 3 July U , 2006 FTW04184 2 of 2 A Douglas Rademaker, P .E, Director Department of Engineering ~Tony Sholola, P .E, Manager Consultant Services PROPOSAL CITY APPROVED PRODUCT AND METHOD CONTRACTOR SHALL SELECT TYPE OF PIPE TO BE USED: ST AND ARD SPEC . _____ E1 -31 ___ ~ __ E1-25 _____ E1 -27 _____ E1-28 _____ E100-2 SPEC. NO. 4" thur 30" 4" thu r 15" 4" thur 15" 18" thur 27" 18" thur 48" Consult the "C it of Fort Worth, .Texas Standard Product List" Failure to provide the information required above may result in rejection of bid as non-responsive. Only products listed above will be allowed for use in this project. Any substitution shall result in rejection of bid as non-responsive. Proposal Section FTW04184 12A PROPOSAL BID SUMMARY WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) Total Se ct ion A (Waterline Improvements) Total Sect ion B (San itary Sewer Line Improvements) Proposal Section FTW04184 Grand Total for Sections A & 8 13A $ $ $ 1", G2q_ o-o m 653. (J() J, ,~ 1;g1, (/() Within ten (10) days after acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigned will execute the formal contract and will deliver an approved Surety Bond and such other bonds as required by the Contract Documents, for the faithful performance of the Contract. The attached bid securi ty in the amount of five (5%) percent is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract or bonds are not executed and delivered within the time above set forth , as liquidated damages for de lay and add itional work caused thereby. The undersigned bidder certifies that he has been furnished at least one set of the General Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects dated January 1, 1978, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all the requirements and conditions of those General Documents and these specific Contract Documents and appurtenant plans . The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors or employment agency in either furnish ing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No . 7400. The Bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, and to complete the contract within 180 calendar days after beginning construction as set forth in the written order to be furnished by the Owner. (Complete A or B below, as applicable:) [ ] A. The principal place of business of our company is in the State of __ _ [ ] Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are required to be __ percent lower than resident bidders by state law. A copy of the statute is attached . [ ] Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders . B. The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or majo rity owner is in the State of Texas . Addendum No. 1 ---~rl ... _J. _____ _ Receipt is acknowledg iee<;l of the following addenda: Addendum No. 2 ~ . Addendum No. 3 _ _i.Vlt.~------ (SEAL)By: If Bidder is Corporation ------'- -::. -==-~ ~ ~ ...,, "'~ .. ... ~ ...... ........ __ .,. ... ,;~,·---~· Proposal Section / --- FTW04184 14A PARTC GENERAL CONDITIONS ---' < -· - ~ I I l I I Cl-1 ci-1.1 Cl-1. 2 CL'-1. 3 Cl-1.4 Cl-.1. 5 Cl-1.6 Cl-1. 7 c1-1. s Cl-1.9 Cl-1.10 c1.:..1.11 c1..:1.12 Cl-1.13 . Cl-1.14 Cf··l.15 Cl-1.16 Cl-1.17 Cl-1.18 Cl-1.19 Cl-1.20 Cl-l .2L Cl-1.22 Cl-'l.23 Cl-1.24 Cl-1.25 Cl-1.26 c1:..1.21 Cl-1.28 Cl'-1.29 Cl-1. _30 · Cl--1.31 Cl-1.32 c2.:.2 C.2-2. l C2-2.2 C2-2.3 C2-2 •. 4 C2-2 •. 5 C2.;..2. 6 PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF · CONTENTS ~OVEMBER, 1;. 1987 TABLE . OF CONTENTS . DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Contract DocUil).erits Notice to Bidders Proposal Bidder Genetal Conditions Special Conditions Specifications Bond Contract Plans City City Council Mayor City Manager . City Attorney · Director of Public Works Director, City Water Department Engineer · Contractor Sureties The Work or .ir(',je~t. Working Day Calendar Day Legal Holiday Abbreviations Change Order Paved Streets and Alleis .. Unpaved Streets arid Alleys City Streets Roadway Qravel Street INTERPRETATION AND PREPARA,TION OF PROPOSAL Proposal Form Interpretation of Quantities Examination of Contract Documents and Site ' Submitting of Proposal Rejection of Proposals· Bid Security Cl) Cl-1 C 1)' cl-i er> Cl-1 (2) Cl-1 (2) Cl-1 J2) Cl-I {2) Cl-1 (2) Cl-1 (2) Cl-1 (2) Cl-1 (3) Cl-1 (3) Cl-1 (3) c1 ... 1 C3 > · Cl-1 (3) Cl-i (3) Cl~i {3) Cl-1 C4) Cl-1 (4) Cl-1 C4l Cl-1 (4) Cl-1 {4) Cl-i. (4) Cl-1 (4) Cl-1 (4) Cl-1 (4) Cl-1 (5) Cl-1 (6) Cl-1 C6l Cl-1 (6) Cl-1 (6) Cl-1 (6) Cl-1 (6) C2-2 · ( 1) C2-2 Cl) C2-2 (2) C2-2 (3) C2-2 (3) c2.:..2 (3> C2-2.7 C2-2.8 C2-2.9 C2-2.10 C2-2.ll C2-2.12 C3-3 C3-3.l C3-3. 2 . c3.;..3. 3 C3-3.4 C3"'-3. 5 C3-3.6 C3-3.7 c3..;.3. a C3-3.9 C3--3 .10 C3.-3.ll C3-3 .. 12 C3~3.13 C3~3.14 C3-3.15 C4~4 C4-4.l C4.-4.2 C4-4.3 C4-'-4.4 C4-4.5 C4-4 .-6 C4..-4. 7 cs-s CS-5.l cs-s.2 CS-5.3 CS-5.4 cs-s.s CS-5.6 CS-5.7 cs-s.a CS.-5.9 CS-5.10 CS-5.11 CS-5.12 CS ... S.13 cs~s.14 CS-5.15 CS--5.16 CS-5.17 CS-5.18 Delivery of Proposal Withdrawing Proposals Telegraphic M6dification of Proposals Public Opening of Proposal Irregular Proposals Disqualificatiori bf Bidders AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS Consideration of Proposals Minority Business Enter~is~ Women-Owned Business Enterpr,.i.se comp1'iance,· Equal Employment Provis.ions Withdrawal of Proposals Award of Contract Return of Proposal Securities Bonds Execution of Contract Failure to Execute Contract Beginning Work Insurance Contractor's Obligations Weekly Payroll Contractor's Contract Administration Venue SCOPE OF .WORK Intent of Contract Documents Special Provisions Increased or Decreased Qua.ntit;ies Alteration of contract Docµmerits Extra Work Schedule of Operations Progress Schedules for Water and Sewer Plant Facilities CONTROL OF WORK AND MATERIALS Authority of Engineer Conformity with Plans Coordination of Contract Documents Cooperation of Contractor Emergency and/or Rectification Work Field Office Consttuction Stike~ Authority and Duties of Inspectors Inspection Removal of Defective and Una1,1thoriied Work Substitute Materials or Equipment Samples and Tests of Ma.ter ials Storage of Materials Existing Structures and Utilities Interruption of Service Mutual Responsibility of Contractors Cleanup Final Inspection (2) C2-2 (4) C2-2 (4) C2-2 (4) C2-2 {4) C2-2 (4) C2-2 (5) C3-3 Cl) C3~3 Cl} C3~3 C-1) C3-3 (2) C3-3 (2~ C3-3 (2) C3-3 (2) C3-3 (4) c3,..,.3 C4l C3-3 (4) C3-3 (4). C3-3 (7) CJ-3 (7) C3-3 (7) C3-3 (8) c4·-4 Cl) c4;..;4 Cl> C4-4 ll) C4-4 (2) c4 ... 4 c2> C4-4 (3) c4;...4 C4> cs-s CS-5 cs..:.:s CS-5 CS-5 cs-s cs-s cs-s cs-s cs-s cs-s CS-5 cs-s cs-s cs-s cs-s cs-s CS-5 (1) (1) (2) (2) (3) {3) (3) (4) ( 5) CS) (5) ( 6). (6)· (7) (7) ( 8) ( 8) (9) I I i' I C6-6 C6-6.l Co-6.2 c6..:6. 3 C6-6.4 C6-e6.~ c6..:.6. ~ cG..:.6. 7 C6_;;-6. 8 C6 ~6.9 C6-6.10 c6-6,.ll C6-6.12 C6-6.13 C6-6.14 C6-6.15 C6-6.16 C6-6.17 c6-6.18 C6-6 0 19 C6-6.20 C6-6.21 C7-7 C7-7.l C7-7.2 C7-7.3 c7-7.4 C7-7.5 C7-7.6 C7-7.7 C7-7.8 C7-7.9 C7-7.10 C7-7.ll cr-1.12 C7-7.13 C7-7.14 C7-7.15 C7-7.16 C7-7.17 ca-a ca-a.1 C8-8.2 LEGAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILI'.fY Laws t _o be Observed Permits and Lic~rises • f .• ) •• • ~ ~-. Patented Devices, Materials ~nd Erocess~s Sanitary Provisions Public Safety and Convenie~c,: . Privileges of Contractor in Stree:t:.s, __ . '.!, Alleys, and Right-of-Way Railway cros~ings . Barricades, Warnings and Watc~~n Use o.f Explosive-s, Drop Weight,· etc. Work Within Easements Independent Contractor Contractor's Responsibility for Damage Claims Contractor's Claim for ·-Damages Adjustment of Relocation of Pub.lie Utilities, etc. ·Temporary Sewer Drain Connections Arrangement and Charges of Water Furnished by City ... ·~· . Use of a Section of Portion of the Work Contractor's Responsibility for Work No W'aive _r of Legal Rights Personal Liability of Public Officials State Sales Tax PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Subletting Assignment of Contract Prosecution of the Work Limitations of Operati6ns Charac-ter of Workman and Equipment Work Schedule Time of Commencement and Completion Extension of time of Comple·tion Delays Time of Completion Suspension by Court Order Temporary Suspension Termination of Contract due to National Emergency Suspension of Abandonment of the Work and Annulment of Contract Fulfillment of Contract Termination for Convenience of the Onwer Safety Methods and Practices MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement of Quantities Unit Prices ( 3) C6-6 · n L C6-6 :(1). C6-6 Cll C6.-6 C 2 }.. C6-:6 .. ( 2 f C6.,-6 •(3 ),:., C6.;;.G (4 °t C6--~ (4) C6-6 (5) C6-6 (6) C6-6 (8) C6-6 (8) C6-6 (10) C6-6 (10) C6-6 ClO l C6-6 fll) C6-6 Cll) C6-6 Cll) C6--6 ( 12) C6-6 ( 12) C6-6 (12) C7-7 (1) C7-7 Cl) C7-7 Cl) C7-7 (2) C7-7 (2) c7-7 C3l C7-7 (4) C7-7 (4) c·1:..., c4> C7-7 CS) C7-7 (6) C7-7 (6) C7-7 (7) C7-7 (7) C7-7 (9) C7-7 (10) C7-7 (13) ca-a Cl> ca-a cu , .. ' ' ~f r ;,, ·r • ~ ; ;. C8-B.3 C8-8.4 C8-8.5 C8-8.6 C8-8 .. 7 CS-8.8 ca-s.9 . CS-8.10 CS-::-8 .11 ca-a .12 ·· ca.::.a.13 '. ':~, ·~~: £ ' ·" z • ,. . ·,. .. j.._ ~ . ' '. . .. -: .,. ,· ' • Lump Sum . .. sc 6pe of Pt:i.ymerit . .,· ~ ': •. ~ .' (. 1 Partial Estimates and Reta.1I?age Wi tq~9.ldin_g Payn}~nt Final A'cbept~nce ·'. Final Payment ~- Adquacy of Design General 'cfoirafity Subsidiary Work Miscellane9~~--~3=c1;cement . of Material Re.cord Docti'm~nts · ... J • .... '. :.:< :,. . .. ..,. ' 'f ,. ' ' ,' .. · r: ; ..... ~ '',t_l\" ; •• :1!'-... f, 'I ' .. ... ( 4) .,· \,:,: ' . ~ .: ~ , ,t. .,,,,o.·\ .. -t' "" -..:"'~ -e. C:8-8 CS-8 cs-a C8-8 ( 1 ) (1) (2) ( 3 l C8-8 C:3) C8-8 ·(3) ca-a (4> ca-a (4> ca-a cs> cs-a ·cs··1 CS-:.8 (5 l "' ~, ".!,,. ,t,., "' 4t , ,...;.~ ." ~ :;.)~ "'' \ ' ~ • , .. ' . ' .. ' ' . ' , .. "' ' ~ .. h L ( -r PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS Cl-1 DEFINITIONS SECTION _Cl-1 DEFINITIONS Cl-l,,.1 :,Plil~;INITI ,ONS OF ·TEJ?.MS: Whenever .i.n these Contract D0cumeJ1ts , sthe following terms · or p:i:::onouns in place o .f them ar.e used.,. t /n..e intent and µ1eaning shall be understood and interpre,ted as follows: Cl-1. 2 CONTRACT · DOCUMENTS: _The Contract Documents are all of the written and drawn documents, such as specifications, l;)on,ds;:; a ,d1denda, plans, etc., which govern t ·he terms and pe;lb~mance of tbe bontract. Thes~ are ~oritained in the General Contract Pocuments and the Special Contract Documents. a~ GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Contract Documents govern .all Water Department Projects and include the following items: ,PART A""" NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Sample) PART B -PROPOSAL . (Sample) PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS (CITY) · · (Developer) PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E -SPECIFICATIONS PERMI1S/EASEMENTS PART F -BONDS PART G ~ CONTRACT (Sample) CSainple) White ·White Canary Yellow Brown Green El-White .E2-Gol.den. Rod E2A-White Blue White White b. SPECIAL. CONTRiCT DOCUMENTS= ~he Special Contract Documents. are prepared for each specific project as a supplement to the General Contract Documents and include the following items: PART A -NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Advertisement) Same as , ~bove PART B -PROPOSAL {Bi~) PART C -.GENERAL CONDITIONS PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E .-SPECIFICATIONS PBRMITS/EASEMEN':I'S PART F -BONDS PAR~ G -CONTRACT PART H -PLANS (Usually bound separately) Cl-1 Cl) Cl~l.3 NOTICE Tb BID~ERS: All of the legal publications either actually published in public advertising mediums or furnished direct to interested parties pertaining to the work contemplated under the Contract Documents constitutes the notice to bidders. · ci-1. 4 PROPOSAL: 'l'he completed . writ ten anq sig.n~d :.of;fe.i' _ or tender of .. a bidder to perform .t~e work ·which the owner·; a~s1b ,es te>-hav,e,,.,done..-r , tog,e,th-ei~;;,"Wi't rt ··the·'·•bi·6 r Sectirityl 'crons:t :ift:utes'. brre Proposal, which becomes binding upon the· B:i"dder ~h~'ii . :it 'b; officially received by the Owner, has been publicly opened and read arid not rejected by the Owner. ' · · C.1-1.5 SlDDER: Any pers9n, persons~ firm, pa:i~n~r:s :J:t'ip, company,:. assoc1.ation·, corporation, acting directly or through a .duly authorized rE!preseritative, submi 'tting a ptoposa1 · for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents, constitutes a bidder. Cl-1.6 GiNiRAL ~ONDi~rbis: The ~efieral _~~n~it1ons are the usual construction and contract requirements which govern the pei;-formance of the work s6 that it wi-11 be carried on in accordance wi.th the customary procedure, the . local statutes, and r eqtiiretnents of the City of F .ort Worth Is Gharter and p:t'c>mulgated ordinances. Wherever . there may be a conflict b~twee .n . the Gene.;ral Conditioris and Special Condition~, the latter shall take precedence and shall govern. .cl-1.7 ~PttIAL CONDITIONS: Special ~onditiohs ~re the specific requirements .which are necessary for the particular project covered by the Contract Documents and not specifically .covered in the . Gene-ral Con<Htions. When consio.ered with the t~ner~l Condititins and other elements ~f the Corttract poctiments . they provi.de the information which . the Cbntractor and owner should have i~ order to gain a thorough knowledge of the project. c1..:.1~a SPEC!FICATIONS: The Specifications is that section or part of the Contract Documents which sets forth · in detail the requirements which must be met by all materials, construction, workmanship, equipment and services in · order to render a completed and use·ftil project. Whenever reference is made to standard specifications, regulations, requirements, statutes, etc., such referred to documents shcill bec6me a part of the Contract bocuments just as though they w~i~ e~bodied therein. Cl-1.·~ BOND: The bond ~r bonds are the written guarantee or security furnished by the Contractor for the prompt and Cl-1 (2) h L L 1 l I I· faithful performance of the contract and include the following: ' a. Performance B.ohd (se.e paragraph C3-3. 7 > b. Payment Bond (see paragraph C3-3.7) . c. Maintenance Bond {see paragraph ·c3:'.'":3 •. 7'r . . . . . . d. ·· l?r·oposa.l or 'Sid . Seclir i ty csee Spaciai Ipstrtictions to Biddets j Part A and C2-2~6} cl-1.10 CONTRACT: The Contract is the formal signed agreement between the. Owner and ·the Contractor coveri,rig the mutual understanding of the twb contracting parties: about the project t.6 be completed under'the Contract Documents: Cl-1.11 PLANS: The plans are the dt,wih~s Or rept~ductiorii therefrom made by t .he Owner's representative showing in detail the 16~atlbrij di~en~ion arid ~ositidn of the vaiious elements Of the project, incl~ding such ptofile~, ty~ical cross:..sectio.ns, iayout diagrams, working drawings, preliminary drawings and such $Upplerriental drawings as the Owner may issue to clarify other drawirigs ·or fo~ the ptirp6$~ of ~bowing changes· in · the work hereinafter author·i zed • by-t .he owner. The plans are usually bound sepa-rately · from other parts of the Contract Documents, but they are a part of the tontract Documents just as ·though-they were bound therein. : Cl.-1.12 tiTY: · The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a municipal torporatiort, ~uthbrized ~nd char~~red u~d~r th~ iexas St~te Statutes, acting by and .through its governing body or its City Manger, each of which is required by chart~~ to perform specific duties. Responsibility for final enforcement of Coritr~~t$ in~olving the Citj of Pbrt wriith ii by Charter vested in the City Manager. The terms City and Owner al:'~ synonymous. Cl-1.13 CITY COUNCiL: The duly ~l~tt~d ~nd qualified governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. Cl~l.14 MAYOR1 The 6fficia11y ~lected ~ay6r~ or in his absence, the Mayor Pro tern of the City of Fort worth, Texas. Cl..;.l .15 CITY MANAGER: The officially appointe.cl and authorized Clty Manager of the City of Fort Worth, T-exas, or his duly authorized representative. Cl.-1.16 CITY ATTORNEY: The ·of.ficially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, 6r hls duly authoriz~d representative. . )' Cl-1 (3.) Cl-1.17 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: The duly appointed official of the City of Fort Worth, referred tq in the Charter as th~ City Engineer, or his duly authorized representative. Cl-1.18 DIRECTOR, CITY WATER DEPARTMENT: Tl)e duly appointed I>i:i;-e :cto.r o .f the City Water Department of the City of . Fort Worth, Texa~, 6i his duly authorized representative, assistant, or agents. c1 . ..:1~'19 ENG,IN;E:E~; The Director. of . Puh1.,ic. Works, the biredtcir of th~ Fort Worth City watar Depart~ent, or theii ftuly authori~ed a~si-tants, agertts, engineers, inspe6tors, or superintendentsr acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. •, .c~-1 ~20 CONTRACTOR; The person, persons. partnership, co~pany, fir~; ~-s~odiation, or corp9ration, ente_ring into a contract with the Owner for the e ·xecution of the work,· acting di.rectly . or t;hrough ~ duly a u,t _hor i ?! ed rep res en tat i ye~ . A .suh,..:.contractor is a p~rson, firm, corporation, or o _thers und.er contract _with the principal ci9.qtract_or, su-pplying :labpr and materials o·r ·only labor, for work at the site of t .he project. Cl-1. 2i SURETIES: The Corporate bodies which .are bound by such bonds ar~ ~equired with and for the Corttra~tot. The ~ureties engaged .are to ,be fully resp9nsible foi the entire anq satist:acto;y £:ulf i.llment of the Contrac.t ?tnd f .or': any', .and all r .equiremants· as set forth in the Contract Documents and a~p~o~ed c~an~~s therein. Cl-1. 22 THE WORK . OR PROJECT: Tpe comp:l,.eted work contemplated in and covered by _ th.e Contract Documents, including but _riot limited t6 the furnishirig of all l~bor~ materials,~tools~ equipment, and incidentals necessary to produce a completed and serviceable project. Cl-1.23 WORKING D~Y: A workirig d~y is defirted a~ i calendar day, not including Saturdays, f;iq.ndays, and legal . holidays, ln which the we~tJier or other conditions not Un<;ier th~ contr~l 9:f; the Contractor permit the performance of the principal unit of work for a period of not less than seven ( 7 > ho_urs between 7:00 a.m~ and 6:00 p.m., with exceptions as p~rmitted ih paragraph C7'-7. 6. Cl-1. 24 CALEN.DAR DAYS: A calendar day is any day of :the week or month, no days being excepted. . Cl-1. 25 LEGAL. HOLIDAYS: Legal holidays shall be observed as prescribed by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth for observance by City employees as follows: Cl-1 (4)' L L L L 1 · I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 2. 3 ~ . 4. 5;.. 6. 7~ 8. 9. New Year's Day M. L. King, Jr~ Birthday Memorial Di;tY Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day - ~hanksgiving Friday Christmas Day January l . Third Monday in January · La.st Monday in May Jul.y. 4 ~irst Monday in Septemhe·r -Fourth Thursday in November · Fourth Friday in Nov.ember December 25 · Such other days in lieu of hoiidays as the City Council may determine . When._ one of the above _named . holidays or a , special holiday . is declared by the City Counci1;··falls ·on Saturday; the holiday sha.11 be obs-erved on the preceding Friday or i£ it falls on Sunday, it shall be obs~rved on the following ~onday, by those employees working on wdrking day opera~ions~ Employees working calendar day operations will consider the calendar holiday as the holiday. c1:..:1. 26 ABBREVIATIONS:, Where.ver the . abbreviations defined herein appear in Contract Documents, the ' intent and meaning shall be as follows .: AASHTO ASCE ;,;. LAW ASTM AWWA ASA H.I Asph. - Ave. Bl.vd. CI CL GI Lin. lb. MH Max. American Association of MGD State Highway Transporta·tion Officials American Society of Civil Engineers In Accordance With Amer:ican Society ·of Testing Materials American Water Works :Association American .Standards Association Hydiaulic Institute Asphalt ·Aven-qe Boulevard Cast Iron Center Line Galvanized Iron Linear or Lineal Pound Manhole Maximum Cl-1 CS) -Million Gallons Per Day CFS Cubic Foot per Second Min. -· Minimum Mono.-Monolithic % -Percentum R -Radius I.D. ~ Inside Diameter O.D. -Outs.ide Elev.- F Diameter Elevation Fahrenheit C In. Ft. St. CY Yd. SY L.F. D.I. Centigrade -Inch -Foot Street -Cubic Yard -Yard -Square Yard -Linear Foot -Ductile Iron Cl-1.27 CHANGE ORDER: A "Change Order" is a written supplemental agreement between the Owner and the Contractor covering some added or deducted item or fe~ture whi¢h may be found necessary and which was not specifically includea in the scope of the project on. which bids were submitted. Increase in unit quantities stated in the proposal are not the subject matter of a Chan~e Order unless the increase or de~rease is more than 25% of the· amount of the particular item .or . i terns in the original proposal. All "Change O~der~" shall he .,piepared by the C£ty fro~ information as necessary furnished by the Contractor. Cl-l. 28 PAVEP S.:TREE~S AND .,·ALLEYS: A paved stre.e .t or a ,lley shall b~ defin~d as a street o~ ~llet having one of . the fol.lowing · types of ·wearin.g. · s .urfac.es . applied over the nat1,.l'ral unimproved surface: l. Any type of asphalti.c cc;,ncrete wi.tb or without separate base material. . . 2. Any type of asphalt surface treatment, not including an oiled sU~face, with or without separate base materialw . . 3. Brick, with or without separate base materi'al ~ 4. Concrete, with or without separate base material~ 5. Any combination of the above .~ Cl-1.29 UNPAVED STREETS OR ALLEYS: An unpaved .~treet, alley, ~oadway or other surface is any .area e;xceJ;)t those defined above for "Paved Streets and Alleys.n Cl-1. 30 CI.TY STREETS .: A city street is defi~ed as that area betwe~n tbe right-of-way lines as the street is dedicated. Cl-1.31 IlOADWAY: parallel lines ·two C4'>. fe~t b~~k 6f exists. The, roadway is defined as the area between C2'> feet back of the curb lines or four the average edge ot pavement where no curb Cl~l.32 G~AVEL STREET: A gravel street is any unpa~ed street to which has been added one or more applications of gravel or similai mate~i~l other than the natural materi~l found on the street surface before any improvement was made. Cl-1 CG> L .I SECTION C -GENERAL CONDITIONS C2-2 INTERPRE'l'ATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL s ·ECTION C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF .PROPOSAL C2-2.1 -P~OP0SAL FORM! ihe o~rier will furriis~ bidder~ with proposal form, which will contain an itemized iist ot t~e i terns of work to be done or materials to be furn.i,s·hed and upon which bid prices a .re requested. The P1:'.'oposal form wi11 · state the Bidder 1 s general understanding of the project to be 9ompleted~ ,provide a space for .furnish .ing • the. amount of bid security, and state the basis for entering into a formal contra.ct. The Owner will fu.rnish forms for the Bidder's "E~perience Reeord~" "Equipment $cheddle," and "Fin~ncial Statement," al.l of which must be properly _executed and filed with the .Director of the City Water Department one week prior to the. hour for ·opening of bids. · The financial statement required shall have been prE:?'pared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent ~ublic adc6untan~ holding a valid permit issued by in appropriate state licensing agen~y, and shall have been so prep~red as to reflect the current financial status .. This statement must be current and .not more than one (1) year Old. In the case that a bidding date falls .within the time a new S'tatement iS being prepared, the. previous Statement .shall be updated by proper verification •. Liquid assets in the amount of t~n (10%) percent of the e~ti~ated ~reject cost will be required. For an expei::-ience record to be considered to be acceptable for a giveri project, it must reflect the experience of -the firm seekirig ~ualification in work of both the sa~e nature and magnittide as that of th~ project for which bids .are to be received, and such e~peri~nie must have been on ptdjects compieted not more than five (5) years prior to the date on which are to be recei~ed~ The Director of the Wat~r ~epartment shall be soie ju~~e as t~ the acceptabiiity of experience for qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water Department project. the ~iospectiie bidder sh~ll schedule the equipm~rit h~ has availabl~ for the ,proje~t ind state tha~ he will rent such additional equipment as may be required to complete the project on which he submits a bid. C2-2. 2 INTERPRETAT.ION OF -Q.UANTITIES: The quantities qf work and maten.als to be furnished as may be listed iri the proposal C2-2Cl) fbrms or oth~r ~arts of the Contract Documents will be considered as a approximate only and will be used for the purpose of comparing bids on a uniform basis. Payment will be made to the Contractor for only the actual quantities of work performed._ or ma,terials furnished in strict .accordance with the Contract bobu~ent$ and ~lans. The tju~nti f ies bf ~6rk to be performed. and materials to be .furnished may be-~ncreased or decreas .ed as here.i;naftez: provided, _without in. -a~Y .. way iirvi alida.t i n g:.<·. tha ~unj t.:-p:r::ic..e's' .bi.d : oz-: any, .other.. re.quirement.s 0£ the cont.tact Documents. . C2-2 .. 3 EX'AMINATION OF CON'l'RACT . DOCUMENT·S AND SITE . OF .PROJECT: Bidde:izs are advised that the Con trac.t Documents on file wi.th the Owner sh'all constitute a l l of the information which the Owner ·will furnish. All addition~! inf·ormation artd data wl'li,ch the dwner .~ill ~µppiy ~fte~ ~~ofu~Lgation of ~he to~mal cp~t;r~ct doc~men.ts shai.1· be iss1,1ed in the _form of tirritten addenda and shall become part o ·f th.e Contract Documents just as though such addenda were actua:lly writteri into t ·he original Contract Documents. Bt·d~~rs are required,, prior to tl)e filing of proposal, to read and become familiar with th..e. Contract Documents, to vi,.s1,t the sJte o( the ~roj~~t and examine ~•refully .all lpcal c6nditions, to inform themsel.ves by _their Q_W'n indepe.rici.ent research and inv~st i gation:s, tests., .b.o:;r :ing, anc;l by su_ch other me~ns as may be, neces_sary ·to gai_n a . complete knowledge of _the conditionp 'wtiich wi l l be encou:ntered. during .tlie constrµcd:j.on of th er project : They ·m.1.1 ~ t . j u d g e f or t ll ems e 1 .v es th~ difficulties of the work arid all attending circu~stances affecting the cost of doing the work or the time required for its .completion, and obtain al.l i!).foi;-mation required to ma~e an iritelli~ent proposal. NO infor~ation given by th~·owner or any representative of the Owner other than that contained in the Contract ; Docu·rnen:ts and off icial.ly prorin.1lga ted ~dderida thereto, shall . he binding upon the Owner. Bidde.rs snall . rely ~xcl~~ively irid solelY u~on their own ~si~mates, i~v~~tigatioq, ~e&~a~ch, tests, exploratio~s,. and other data ,_qhich are . necessary for full a _nd complete inf~.rmation upon \oihich the ·prciposal is to be based .. I,t. is mutually agJ;"eed that the submission of a . proposal is prima.:::facie evidence th.at the bidder has made the investigations, examinations and tests :t:terein, requi:i;ed . Claims for additional. aompensation due to . var.iat:ioms 1 b ?et:w:e-·en . conditio.ns actually encountered in constru~tion artd as indicated in the Co~tract Documents will not be allowed. The_ logs of Soil Borings, if any, showing on th~ plans are for ~~neral information only ana may not be correct. Neither th~ C2-2(2) L o~~er nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of conditions which actually exist. . . ; . C2-2.4 SUBMITTING OF PROPOSAL: The Bidder shall submit his P+oposal on the form furnished by the Owner. All blank spaces ~~~licable fo the project contained in t~e form shall be cci~rectly filled in and the.Bidder shall state the prices, written in ink in both words and numerals, for which he proposes 'to do . th_e . work contemplated or furnishe the materials required.. A1 ·1 such pr ices shall be written legibly. In ca~e of discrepancy between th:e price written in words and the pr ice written in numerals, the price most advantageous to the City shall govern. If a proposal is submitted by an individual, his or her name must be. signed by him .Cher) o·r his Cher) duly authorized. agent. f£. a proposal is submitted by a fir~, as~ociationt or partnership; the name and address of each member must be cj i ven ~ an<;! the proposal must be s ·igned by a member of the ~irm, as~ociation, or partnershipi or by a ~etson duly atithorized. I£ a pioposal is submitted by a companyor ~o~por~tion, the Qompany or corporate name and busiriess address ~ust be given, and the proposal sigried by an offitial or duly authorized agent.. The corporate seal must be affixed. Power of Attorney ~authorizing agettts or oth~r~ to ~ign pi'oposal must be properly certified . an.a must be in writing and s .ubmi tted with the proposal. C2""."2. 5 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS: Proposals may be rejected . if th~y show any alteration of words or figures, additions not called for, co~ditional or uncalled for alternat-bids, incomplete bids, erasures, or irregularities of any kind, or contain unbalarice valu~ 6f any items. Propo~al tendered or deliveted after the official time designated for receipt of proposal shall .be returned to the Bidder unopened. C2·-2 ~ 6 ·. BIO. SECURITY:: No proposal wiil be co.nsidered unless it 1s accompanied by a "Proposai Security" of the character and in ,the amount .. indicated in the "Notice to Bidders" and the •piopos~1.·~ Th~ 8id Security is required by the Owner as ev idenc·e of good f ·ai th on the part of the Bidder, .and by way of a guaranty that if awarded the contract, the Bidder will within-the required time execute a formal contract and furn.i;sh the required performance and other bonds. The bid security of the three lowest bidders will be retained until the contract is awarded or other disposition is made thereof. The bid security .of all other bidders may be returned promptly after the canvass of bids. C2-2(3) J' C2-2. 7 DELIVERY . OF PROPOSAL; No proposal will be c·onsidered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper 'Bid Security, to the City Manager or his representative in the official place of business as s~t ;fe>rth in the ,"'Notice t;.o Bidders. II . It i-s the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time ·to the proper _place. The m:er~ fact that ~ proposal .was dispatched .will n<:>t be conside-red .• The Bidder must have the p~oposal actually de1ivered •. ~ach 'pro.po,sa_L s:nalL be, in. a sealed· envel..ope plainly ma·rked .with the word " ~PROP1?SAL,,•" a,nd" t:.hi· name· or '. des"¢'riptioh 6£ tn-e pro-j ect as desig·nate:d· in the '~Notice ~o Bidder's." The envelope a.hall be addressed to the· City· Manager, City Hall, Fort Worth, Texas·. C2-2. 8 WTTHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the City Manager cannot be w;Lthdrawn prior t:o the time• .set for opening >proposals~· A reguast for non..;.considera~ion of a ptopos~l must be made in writing, ~ddressed to tbe City ~anager, and filed with bim prior to the ti-e set for t6e Qpening o.f proposals •. After all proposals not requested fo:-i:- ~o~~bons iderat i6n aie op~n~d and publicly re~d ~loud, the p _roposals for which non:-considera.tion . requests ha·v .e been 'prqp~rly filed may, at the option of the owner, ,be returned unopened. · ' C2..;2.9 TEL.EGRA'PHIC MODIFk.CATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder :may ,modify hi·s proposal by telegraphic commu~icatlon at c:lny t:ime pri6r to fhe tim~ se~ for opening proposals~ provid~d such telegraphic communication is received by _the City Manager prior to the sa~d proposa,l opening . time, and prov.~ded ''fur.ther; that the · C,ity Manager is satisfied that a wr:itten and duly auth~nticated eo·nf irni,ation of such telegraphic communication over th~ signatur~of the .bLdder was mailed .pri6r to the proposal ·opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty~eight. (~-8) hours after· the proposal opening time, no further consideration. wil.l be given to the proposal. c2-2.10 -P"OBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSAL: Proposals which:Ihave _been properly f :1.led _and tor which no "Non.;...consideration-.: Request" has been received will be publicly opened and read aloud by the City Manager or his authorized .represe·nt~tive at the time and p:iace indicated in the "Notice to i3idc;iers." All. proposals "'1hich hav~ been open~d a .nd read will remain on fi -le with th-e O~ner until the .contract has been awarded. Bidders or their authqr.i:z.,e&·, re~esentatives are invited to be present fpr the opening of bids. C2.;...2 .11 IRREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals .shall be considered as being ~Irregular" if they show any omissions, alte~ations of form, additions, or conditions not called for, unauthorized alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind. However, the C2-2(4) L L I owner reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities and to make the award of the contract to the best interest of the City. Tendering _a proposal after the closing hour is an irregularity which cannot be waived. C2-2.l2 .DISQUALIFICATI0N OF BIDDERS: Bidder~ may be disqualified and their proposa],.s not considered for any of, b~t not limited to, the following reason: a. Reasons for believin·g that collusion exists among bidders. b. ~~asanable grounds for believing that any bidder i~ interested in more than one proposal for work contemplated. c. The bidder beirig interested in any litigation against the Owner or where the Owner may have a claim against or be engaged in litigation against d .• e. f. g. h. the bidder. The bidder being in arrears on any existing contract or having defaulted dn a previous contiact. The bidder having performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner. Lack of competency as revealed by the financial statement, experience record, equipment schedule, and such inquiries as the Owner may see fit to make. Uncompleted work which, in the judgment of the Owner·, will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. The bidder not filing with the Owner, one week in advance of the hour of the opening of proposals the following: 1. Financial Statement showing the financial condition of the bidder as specified in Part "A"~ Speciai Instructions. 2. A current experience record showing especially the projects of a nature similar to the one under consideration, which have been successfully completed by the Bidder. 3. An equipment schedule showing the equipment the bidder has available for use on the project. The ~id Proposal of a bidder who, in the judgment of the Engineer, is disqualifted under the requirements stated herein, shall be set aside and not open.ed. C2-2(5) ( I I I .1 I I I I .I PART C -.GENERAL CONDITIONS C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS SECTION C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENT$: c 'j,...3 .. ). CON.SIDERATION OE PROPOSAJ:,S: After proposals have ;b:een opene~. and .read a],.oud, the proposals wLll be tab_ulate·d on the basis 6t ~he quoted prices, the qriantities shown iri t~~ proposal~ and the applicatiort of such formulas o~ other methods ·of bringing items to a common basis . as may be estabiished in the Con.tract Document~. . The total obtained by taking the . sum of the progucts of tuiit prices .quoted arid the estimated -quantities plus any 1 ump sum i terns and such other quoted amounts as may eriter into t .he cost of the completed project will be considered as the amount of the bid. Until the award of the c~ritra6t is m~~e by tBe d~ner, the ~ight will be teserved to reject any br all proposals and waive technicalities., to re-adver.tise for new proposals,, qr to pi6ceed with the work in any manner as maybe considered for the best interest of the Owner. C3-3 ..• 2 . MINO:RIT:Y BUSINESS . ENTERPRJ;SE/WOMEN~OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE .. COMPLIANCE: Contr.actor .. agrees te provide 1:,o owner, tipon reqµe$t,. complete and acc~rate infor~~tt6n regardlni actual work performed .by a Minari ty Bu$iness Enterp:r i .se C MBE) and or a a Woman.:,;,..owri~d Business Enterprise CWBE) on t .he contra.ct ancl tbe .payment therefor. c.ontra:ctor further agrees., upon r~que~t by .own~r; t6 allo~ ana au.di£ and/or an exa•ination 0£ any books, ~ecords, or files in the possession of Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by the MBE . or WBE. Any .material misrepresentati_on of a :ny :nature will be grounds for termination of the contract and for initiating any aqtion under appropriate federal, state or local laws a~d ordinances relating to false statements: frirther, any sucb misreprese~tation ~ay be grounds f~r ·dis~ualification of Contr~ctor at Owner's discretion for bidding on future Contradts with the O~ner fbr a period of time of not less than six (6) months. . . ·. ·C3.~3. 3 ,EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall comply with . Current City Ordinance prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. C1-3 ( 1) The Contract6r ~hall post the required notice to that effe~t on t~e. prciject site, and, at his request, will be provided assistance by the ~ity of Fort Worth'~ Rqual Employment Officer who will refer any qualified applicant he may have on file in his office to the Contrac:tor. Appropriate notices m~y be acquired from the Equal Employment Officer. C 3-3. 4 WITHDRAWAL OF P-ROPOSALS: After a propqsal has been read bY .. ttie owner it cannot be w..1thdrawn by .. the Bid.q.er ·~ithin f ~o·r ·t.y~:f :{ve '; c-4.S··) d"ay$~ ·a ·fter · ··trre" date· Off which · the p:rop 'osals w'ere ·operied •. C3-3.5 AWARD d .F CONTRACT: The Owner reserves the right to w1 thholdf inal action on the proposals for a .reasonable time, not to exceed forty-five (45) days after the date of opening proposals, an~ .i .n no event wil:l an award be m~de 1Jntil after in·yestigationq have been made as to the responsibility of the propcised a war de~. The award of the contract, if an award is made, will be to the lowest and best iesponsible bidder. The award ·Of the ', contract shall not become effective until the owner has notified the Contractor in writing of such award. C3-3.6 RETURN OF PROPOSAL SECURI~IES: As ~oon a~ ~reposed price totals have been deter~ined for comparison of bids, the Own .er may, at its <!iScretion, return the _proposal security which acc;ompaniea ·t .he proposals which, in its judgment, would n6t .6e considered !or th~ a~ard. All o~hei proposal securitj..es, usually th.ose of the three lowest bidqers, wi.1i b~ tet~ihed by th~ Ownei until the reqriired contta6t has b~en eiecute~ and .bond furnished or the Owner has otherwise :disposed of the bids, after which they will be returned by the City Secretar:y. Cl"'.'""3.7 l;'ONDS: With the execution and delivery of the Contract Do:cuments, tlle Co,ntractor shall furnish to, and . file' with the Owner in the amounts herein required, the following bonds: a. PERFORMANCE BOND: A good and sufficient pe~formance bond in _an amount n .ot less than 100 · perc·ent of the amount of the contract, as ev.idenced by the proposal .tabulation or ot .he:twise, guaranteeing .the full and £aithftil exe6ution of the work and performance of the contract, artd for ~he protection pf _thj Owrier irid all other ~ersona against damage by reason of negligen~~ o1 the Contractor, or improper execution of the wor~ or the use of inferior materials. This perform~nce C3-3 (2) L " I i I I I I i I I I ! I bond shall guarantee the payment for all labor, mate~ials, equipment, supplies, and seivices used in the construction of the . work~. and shall renil=lin in full force and effect until piovisions . as ab6v~ stipulated are accomplished and final payment is made on the project by the City. b. ~AINTS~ANCE BOND: ~ ~o~d ad~ s~f~ici~nt maintenance bond, in th~ amount of not less th.an , lOO percent ot the ~mo~nt of the ~ohtract, as evidenced by the proposal tabulation or 6therwise, guaranteeing the prompt, full and faithful p~rformance of the general guaranty which is set forth in paragraph C.8-8 .10. c. P.AY~ENT BOND: . A, good .~nd sufficient payment bond, in an amount not le~s than 100 percent of the amount of -~h~ contract., as evidenced by th~ proposal tabulation or othex:,wise, guaranteeing ·t,he prompt, full and faithful payment of all clai{nants as defined in .Article Sl60, Revi$ed ,Civi.l Statutes of Texas, 1925, as am~nde4 bi House ~ill 344 Acts .·56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959., e~fectiv,e April 27, 1959, and/or the latest version thereof~ supplying labor and IItat~rials in the _prosecution of the wori provided for in .the contract being constructe~ urider th~se sp¢dificatiori~. fay~en~ Bond sh~ll remain in force until all payments as above stipulated a.re made. d. OTHER BONOS: Such other bon.ds as may be · required by these Contract Documents shall be furnished by the Contractor •. No suretie~ will be accepted by ~he Owner ~hie~ are at the time in default or deLinquen~ on any bonds qr ~hich a~e in-terested in any litigation against the owner •.. All bonds shall be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and shall be executed by an approved surety company doing business irt the City 6f tort Worth, Texas, arid which is acceptable ·to the ownet. ln order to b~ acceptable, the Qame of th~ surety shall b~ included on ihe crirrent u.s. ~reasury list of acceptable sureties, and the amount .of bond written by any one accieptabl~ company shall riot exceed the amount shown oti the Treas-ury list for that company. Each bond shall be properly executed by both the Contractor and Surety company. should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at any time by the Owner, notice will .be given the Contractor to that effect and the Contractor shall immediately provide a C3-3 (3) ) new surety satisfacto.ry to the Owner. No payment will be made under the contract .until t .he new :3urety or_ sureties, .as required; ha.ve qual i fied and have been accepted by the Owner. Tqe contract shall not be operative nor will any payments be due or paid until approval of the bonds by the Owner. C3-3.8 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT:. Within ten (10) days after the Owner has PY : appropriate resolution, or otherwise, awardeii the contract) the· Contr;actor shall. execute and file with the Owner the c::6n:ticidt · ·ana ··such b6rta's as may be required in' the contract Document:s ~ . . No contract shall be binding upon the owner until it has been attested by the City Secretary, ap~roved as to form and legality by the City Attorney, and executed for the Owner by either the Mayor or city Manager. C3-3.~ FAJtURE TO EXECUTE CONT~ACT: The £ai1ure of the Awardee to execute the required bond or bonds or to sign the· req~ir~d coritract within t~n (10) days after the contract is a\farded shall be ··considered by the Owner as an abandonment of his proposal, and the owrj.er may annul the Award. :ay reason of the uncertain,ty of t .he market prices of material an4 labor, and it b¢ing impractidabl~ ~*d difficult to -ccurat~ly determine the amount df damages occuring to th~ Owner by reason of said aw~rd~e's f~ilur~ to ~xecute said bonds and ~ontract ~ithirt ten (lO) days, the pio~oSal security accompanying . the proposal shall be the agree.d amount of damages which owner will suffe·r by :reason of such failure on the part of the Awardee and shall thereupon immediately be forfeited to the Owner~ Th~ filing of a proposal will be considered is ab acceptance of this provision by the Bidder. C3--3 .10 BEGINNING WORK: The Contractor· shall not commence work until authorized in writing to do so by the Owner. Should the Contractor fail to commence .work at the site . of the project within the time stipulated in the written a~thori~ation usnally termed the •work Order" or •pro~e~d Orde.r":, it is . agreed that the Surety Company will, with in ten {10) days .aft~r the commencement date ·s~t forth in su~h written authol;'ization, commence· the physical execution ·of the contract. . .. C3-3.ll INSURANCE: The Contractor shall not commence work tinder this c6ntract until he has obtained all the insurance .required under the Contra.ct Documents, and .such insurance has b~en approved by the O~ner. The prime Contractor shall be respQnsible for delivering t6 the Owner the sub-contractors' C3-3 (4) ( . I I I certificate of insurance for approval. The prime contractor shall indicate on the certificate of insurance included in the documents for execution whether or not his insurance covers sub-contractors. It is the intention of the Owner that the ipsurance coverage required herein shall include the coverage of all sub'"""contractors. a. COMP .ENSATION INSURANCE: Th.e _ Contractor shall maintain, during the li~~ of this conttact, workers' Comperisat!on Insurantie on all of his employees to be engaged i.n work on the project under this c6ntract, and for all sub~contractbrs. c. In case any class of. ernploy-ees engaged in hazardous work on the project under this contiact is not protected under the .Workers' Compensation Statute, the Contractor shall provide adequate employerts general liability insurance for the prote6tion of such of h.is employees not so protected. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INS.URANCE: The Co_ntra.ctor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this ciontract Contractor's .Comprehensive .General Liability Insurance ( Puhl ic Liabilitj .and Property Dama~e Irisurance) in an a~ount nbt less than $500,0~0 co~ering each occurrence cin accorint of bo~ily injury, including djath, arid in ~n a~ount not les~ .than $500,000 covering each occurrence on accorint of pr6perty damage with $2,000,000 umbrella policy coverage. ADDITIONAL LIABILITY: The Contractor shall furnish insur~nce as separate policies or by additioh~l endor~ement to one of the above-mentioned policies, and in the amount as set forth for public liability and property damage, the following insurance: . 1. toriting~nt Liability (covexs General Contract~r*s Liability for acts of sub-contractors). 2. Blasting, prior ·to any blasting being done. 3. Collapse of buildings or strubtures adjacent to excavation (if excavations ar~ to be performed adjacent to same). 4. Damage to underground ··utilities· for $500,000. C3-3 C 5) ,· ' 5. 6. Builder's risk (where above.:..grourid structures are involved). c6nti~~tu~~ Lia6ility (c6vers ill indemnification requirement~ of Contract). d. . ACJTOMOBILE INSURANCE -BODILY.· INJ.URY ANO PROPERTY e. f. g. . i ._. DAMAGE: The. contractor .shall procure and maintain, ~ ,:·. ,: .clurrn·g r•th·e,...:·i: f f.e ~ of ''thi·s-s. Contrac·t y COinprehens bte ,. . ,:~utomobiile Liability.· insurance in an . amount not ·-·less .than $250,000 for idjurie~. inclu~ing accidental death to any one person .and subject to • the same .lim~t for each ~erson an ~mount n6t less · th~n $560,000 on ~ccount of on~·~ccident, and · automob:ile : property damag,e insurance in ·an amount hot less than $100,000. SCOPE OF INSURANCE AND SPECIAL HAZARD: The insurance require? un,~er the above . paragraphs shall provide adeguat~ protect}Orr fbr the .contractor and his sub-contractors, respectively, against damage cl~ims which ~ai arise froM ~p-tations under this contract, whether such operations be ··by 'the insured ·~r by a~yone direct1y 6r indir~ctly employed by tjl~, arid .also ag~inst ~ni 0£ the ftiilowing special hazards which may be encountered irt the performance of the Contract. PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INS~RAj~E: tb~ Contractor shall furnish the Owner with satisfactory proof of · coverage by insurance r~quired in th•s~ Contract Documents in amounts a~d by carriers satisfactory to th~ Owner. (Sample ~ttached.) All insurance requirements made upon the Contractor shall apply to the sub-contractor, should the Prime Coritrabtor's insu·ranc~ not cover the sub-contracto.1:'s work operat:i,ons. LOt~L AGENT FOR I~SURANCE AND BONDING: The insurance and bondirtg companies with whom the C6ntra9tor's insurarice and per£ormance, payment, maintenance and all su~h other bonds are written shall be represente~ by an agent or agents having an office located within the city limits of the C3-3 (6) L City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Each such agent shall be a duly qualified, one upon whom service of process may be had, .and .mus~ have authority and power to ~ct o~ behalf of tbe insur-ance and/o-r bonding company to negotiate ·and settle with the City of Forf Worth, or any .Qthet claimant, any claims that the City of Fort Worth or other claiman.t ,or a-ny property .owner who has. _b~en damaged, may have against the Contraitor~ insurance, a _nd/o.r bonding company. If the _loc-al ins.urance repr·~sentative is not so empowered by the · insurance or bonding companies, _then such auttior i ty must be vested i :n a l.ocal agent or claims officer re-siding in th.e Metroplex, the Fort Wprth-.Dallas area .. The name -of the agent or agents. shall be set forth on all 6f such b6nds and certificates of ins~urance. :C3-:3.12 CONTRACTOR'S-, OBLIGATIONS: Under the Cont.i;:act, the Contractor shall pay., for all materials, labor ancl services when due. . C9 ~3.13 .WEEKLY PAYROLL: A certified. copy of e~Ch payroLl c ·oNering pay.:men.t of wages to all person -engaged i ;n wo.rk ... on a:t.h-e "'project at the site of the project shall be furnished to; the Owner·' s representat_j,.ve within . seven C 7 > days after the clos.e ·of each . pay,roll period. :A copy o -r copies of the applicabl.e minimum wag~ rates as set forth in the Contradt Docu~ents . shal~ be kept posted in a conspicuous place at tpe site of the project at all times during the cou~se of the Cc>ntract. Copies of the wage rates wi_ll be fl,lrnished the Contractor, by the Owner; however, posting and protection of the wage rates shall be the responsibility of th€ Contractor. C3-3.14 CONTRACTOR'S CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: Any Contractor, whether a person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, corporation or other who is approved to do business with and enters into a contract with the City for construction of water and/or sanitary sewer facilities, will have or shall e~tablish a fully operational business office within the Fort Worth-Dallas metropolitan area. The Contractor shall charge, delegate, or assign this office (or he may delegate his ~roject Superintendent) with iuli authority to transact all business actions required in the performance of the Contract. This local authority shall be made responsible to act for the Contractor in all matters pertaining to th~ work governed by the Contract whether it be , administrative or otherwise and as such shall be empowered, thus delegated and directed, to settle all material, labor or other expenditures, all claims against the work or any other C3-3 (7) matter associated such as maintairiing adequate and appropriate· insurance or secuiity coverag~ fbr the project. Such local ?-Uthor i ty . for administration of the wor.k under the Contract shall be maintained until all business transactions executed as pa~t ·of the · Contract are complete. · Should the Contractor Is princ:ipal baser of operations be. other than in the Fort Worth-Dallas metropol-itan ·area,. notification of ~ the·,C:on:tiae,toJ;",·1·S1 aS'5ii,'g,nm's&t. Of , J::o'eaJ.~., .. au-th:ordty shall be: Jp~de in wr ·it,fng. to the Engineer in ~dvan.ce: of a ·ny work on the project, all appropriately signed · and sealed; as.: applicable, bj ~he coritra6trir's r~~~on~ible Officers with the understanding that this written as,signtnent of authority to a .local repres·eritative shall be.come part of · tne pr.eject Contract ~s though bound directlj into th~ p~oject documents. The intent of these requirements is that all ~atters associated with the Contractor's administration, whether it be oriented i.n furthering the work,. or other, be gbverrted · direct by local authority. This same requirement is. imposed ori in:surance an.d surety coverage. Should the Contractor's local representative fail to perform to the satisfaction of Engineer, the Erigirieer, at his sole dis,pretion, may detjta~tg'_. tha:t ~ruch local repreSentati.ve be replaced and the Engineer may, a .t his ·sole di~cret;ion, stop all work untir ·a new local aut}lority •atis£actory to tbe Engineer is ·assigned~ ·No ~redit df worJd:rig time will be for periods in which work stoppages a're in effect for this reason. · · . C3 "':'.':3 .,15 .VENUE: Venue of any a .cti.on hereinun-der-S·hal-1 lie exc1·usively in Tarrant County, Texas. •; C3-3 CB} L SEC-TION C4-4 SCOPE OF . WORK PART C -GENERAL CONDITI, C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK C4-4 .1 INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMEN-TS: It is the definite interition of these Contract Documents to provide for a complet"e, useful project _ whic·b the Contractor undertakes tc, cori struet . o:r furnish, a11 in full co:mpl i an c e with t 'he reguire••ri~s ~n~ intent of th~ Contra6t ·D6cument~. It is def-inite_ly understooc:l that the Contract:;.or -shall do all work as prov idea\ f_or in the Contract Documents, shall do all extra or spec'ial work as may be consider.ed by the Owner as necessary to cpmp:lete · the pioj.ect in a satisfacto_ry and acceptable manner~ The Contractbr shall, unless otherwise specifically s _tated in these Contract Documents,. furnis.h all labor, tools, materials, machinery, equipment, special services, and incidentals necessary to the prosecution and completion of the project. c~-4. 2 'sPEClAL PROVISIONS: Should any work or conditions wh1.cih are not thoroughly and satisfactorily s _tipulated or coveted by Geher.11 or Special Conditions of these c :ontract Documents be anticipated, o:r should _there be ,any addition·al pr6pos~d ~ork which is not covered by these Contract Documents, then "Spec'ial Pr9v-isioiris" covering all such work -ill be prepared by the Owrier . previbui to the time of receiving bids or proposals for such work and furnished to the Bidder in the form of Addenda. All such "Special Provisions." shall be considered to be a part of the Contract Documents just as though they were originally written therein • .C4-4.3 .INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES: The Owner reserves the right t<:> alter the quantities of the work to be performed or _to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to .be necessary, and the Contractor shall perform _the work a~·altered, in~reased or decreased ~t the unit prices. Such i _ricreased or decreased quantity shall not be more than 25 perc.ent 'of the contemplated quantity of such i-tem or items. When such changes increase or decrease the original quantity of any item 6r it~ms of work t6 b~ done _or materials to be furnished· by the 25 percent or more, then either party to the contract shall up6ri written r~quest ~o the other party be entliled to a revised consideration u~on that portion of the w6rk above or bel6~ the 25 percent of the origirial quantity s~ated in the ~idposal; such revised consideration to be determined by special agreement or as hereinafter provided for "Extra Work." No allowanc.e will be made for any changes in antici~ated profits nor shall s~ch changes be considered as C4-4 (1) waiving oi invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. Variations in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes in depth categories, shall be interpreted herein .as applyirig to the overall quantities or sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size, but not to~the various depth categories . . C:4,:-4 ;~ .. 4;' AiTERAT.I:ON ... OE-CONTMCT ... D:o.cuMENTS: a.y Chang~; Orqez;., .. 1th,.e Owner reserv.es. the: right to ma~e such changes ,in the Contract Documents and in the character or q'-iantities of the work. as tjiay be necessary or desirable to, insu~e completion in the w.ost satisfactory manner, provided su,ch changes do not mat;er'.ially al,ter the origina.l Cohtrac;t Documents or c;::qange th.e gen·eral natu.re 6 :f the proj-ec.t as a . whole. Suen changes shall not be eorisider~d as ~aivlng or inv~lidating any c6ndition or provision . o:e the Contrac·t Documents. C4-4. 5. -E'XTRA WORK: Additional ·wbrk m~de necessary by changes and alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or for other reasons foi which no prices are provid~d in ~he Contract bocu:ments, shall ,be defined as "Extra Wo~lc" and s'lfali be performed by t .he Contractor ,in. acc·or:da .n<:ie with tqese Contract Documents .or approved ·addi tion._5 thereto:: provided, however, that before any extr~ work is begun .a "Chang.~, Order" shall be executed or written order issue.d by tl)e ,.Ownert,o do the work for payments or .cred,its as shall be determined by one or more combination of the. foll.owing met.hods: a. Un.it bid price previotisly approved. b. An agreed lump sum. c. The ac .tuai reasonable cost of C 1 l i~bo:t, (2) renta,l of equipment used on the . extra work for th .e . tlin.e so used at Associated. General Contrac·tqrs ,,_of America cur~ent equipment .. rental ratesi (3) .il:l.at _~rials ent~ririg permanently into the projec£, a~d (() act~al cos~ 6f insurance., bondl, .artd •o~ial security as det,ermined by the Owner,. p ·lU:S. ~ f j.xed fee to be agreed upon b .. ut, not. t .o .exc~e.d .10% of. t .he ictual cost of such e~tra work~ Th~ fixed fee is not to . inc 1 u d .e any : cl: d d i t , i on ?t 1 p r o f i t t o . th e Contra·ctor for rental. of equipment owned. by him and used for the extra work. The fee shall be full arid c~~plete d~mpensation td .co~er th~ 6ost of superintendence, 6verhead, oth~r .profit, general .apd all other .. e 'xpense not included in (l), (2), (~>, ~~d (4) a6~ye. ihe Contiactor shall ,keap accurate cost records oh the form ana in the method C4-4 (2) suggested by the Owner and shall give the Owner access to all accounts, bills, vouchers, and records relating to the Extra Work. No ~Change Or~er" shall b~com~ effective until it has b~en approved and signed by each of the Contracting parties. No claim for Extra Work of any kind will be allowed uni~s~ order-ed in writing by the Owner. ln c ·ase any order!=> or instructions, either ora,l. .or written, appear to the Contractor to in~oive Extra Work £6r which he should rec~ive compe~satidn, he shall,make writttn request to the Engineer for written orders authori~ing such Extra Work, prior ~o beginning su~h work. Should a difference arise ~s to what do~s oi does not constitute. Extra Work, or as to the payment the.reo.f 1 and . the Eniiheer insists upon its performance, the Contra~tor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written orders . and sha11 kee~ an accurate ac~ount of the aptual reasonable cost thereof as provided under method -(Item C). Claims for . extra work will not be paid Un .less . the Contractor shall file bis claim with the Owner withi~ li~e {5) days before the time for mak;ing the first. estimate after _ such .work is done and unless the claim is support~d by satisfactory vouchers .and c•rtified payrolls covering all labor and materia'ls expended upon the said. Extra Work. The Contractor shall furnish the O~ner such installation records of all deviations from the original Contract Documents as may be necessary to ena~le the owner to prepare for pe·rmanent record. a corrected set · of plans showing the actu_al installation~ - The compensation agreed upon for 'extra work' whether or riot iniitiated by a .1 change order' shall be. a full, . complete arid final payment for all costs Coritractor incurs as ·a result tir relating to the change or extra work, whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or . unforeseen at th-at time, including withou:t limitation, any costs for delay, extended. overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result or the change or extra work. C4-4.6 -SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS:. Befo.;re commencing any work under this contract, the Con.tract.o·r shall su.bmit to the Owner and r~ceiye the Owner's app~o~al thereof, a "Scheduie of Operations;" ·shbwing by a straight line method the date of commencing and finishing each of the major elements of the contract. There shall be also shown the estimated monthly cost of work for which estimates are to be expected. There C4-4 Cl) shall be presented also a co~posite qraph showing th~ anticipated progress of construction with the time being plotted horizontally and the percentage of completion plotted vertically. The progress charts sh.all be prepared on ~-l/2q . x 11" sheets and at least five black or blue line prints shall be furnished to the Owner. C4-4~7 PROG~ESS -SCH!bULES FOR WATER .AN~ SEWER PLANT _ F<·AC·ILI-T.I-.ES :t · W,b th.in·c ti.en Cl. o.J,; ·aa.ys:, ,pr,,ior to ~-submLss· ion \ of · first mo-n t hJ:y · progress · payment, the . Contractor shall p~ep.are and submit to the Owner for approval six copies of the schedule in which the Contractor proposes to carry .on the work, the da_te of which he will start the sever.al .. major activities (.including procurement of materials~ plans; and equ_ipment) _and the co·ntemplated; dates for completing the same~ The schedule shall be in the form of a time schedule -Ci;-itical Path Me:t;hod . (GPM) network diagram. _As the work prb~resses, the Cdntractor ,shall enter ~n ~he diagram the actual progress at the end of _each partial payment p .er iod or at _such interval~ as ~irected ·by the Engineer. ~he C~n.tractor shall also revise the schedule to reflect any ~djustment,s in contrac:t time . .approyedby the Eµgineer .. Three copies of the updated. schedule ,·s -hall be de.livered at such intervals as directed by the. Owner" As a minimum, the construct:i.on schedule shall . incorporate all work elements and activities indicated in the proposal and in th~ technical specifications. P -~ for _to · the final drafttng of the detail~d construction schedule, th~ c;ontractor shall review the draft schedule with th~ Engineer to ensure the Contractor's uriderstanding of the .contract requirements. ~be followi~g gui~elines shali be adher~d to in prepatlng the co.nstruction schedule: a. Milestone dates_ and final project completion ~a~es shall .b~ developed t6 ~onl6rm to time constraints, sequencing requirements and ·completion time. b .. The construction process shall be divided .into activities with ti~e ciuratfons ,Of approximately fourteen {14) days and .construction values not to ex9eed -$S0,000. Fabrication, delivery and sub~ittal activities are exceptions to this guideline. C4-4 C 4) L c. Durations shall be in calendar days and normal holidays and weather conditions over the .duration of the contract shall .be accounted for within the duration of each activity. One qritical ~ath ahall be shown oh construction schedule. the ~: ! : :·.-... r :. ·e. Float time is def _i ·ned as the amount,. of (,tei,me 1 between the earlJes~ st.art Q~t~. ~ncl th.e;: l ,~.t~~~.t:·1,.-.~. s .t:art date of a , -chain of · ac·tiviti.e .s . Clf ,tl;l;e :CP~"1 ., construction schedule. Float time is . n-ot ,for ·t:he exclu.sive use ot bene·fit of either the C<lnt:ractor or th_e Owner. £. Tnirty days shall_ be ' used. for submittal re'l{i~w unless otherwise specified. The construction schedule shall .as ,a minimum be dlvi:ded into general categories as indicat,ed i _n tpe-Proposal, and, Tec·hnical .Specifications and each_ g~neral cat_ego.iry sh~:ll. oe broken down into activitied in enough detail \o a6h~ev~, activities bf approximately fourteen (14) days duration. For each general category, the construction schedule shall identify all trades or subcontracts whose work is represented by activities that follow the guidelines of this Section. For each of the trades or subcontractsi the construction schedule shall indicate the foll6wing ~rocur~ment~, construction and preacceptance activities and events in .... their logical sequence for equipment and materials. lw Preparation and transmittal of s~bmittals. 2. Submittal review periods. 3. Shop fabrication and delivery. 4. Erection or installation. 5. Transmittal of manufacturer's operation and mainteriance instructions. 6. Installed equipment and materials testing. 7. owner's operator instruction Cif applicable). 8. Final inspection. C4-4 (5) ' ~ ~-~-~-,,, -, ... , •" ,. 9. Ope-rational testing~ 10. Final inspection. :-h:r If, .in the. opinion of the Ownrer r' ·work accomp:lished falls behind that scheduled, the Contractor shail ta.ke such action as necessary to improve his progress. In addition, the?O:Wn,er, __ may ;·t:etJuire< the+ Cen,tractor" to~ slibmi:tr· ·a revised $ cq)i'.d,u±\~rtteiitonsi=rat~lng·· "hfs A' t:>r6gtam· and· propb:sed :plari . to rnakeIJp fag ifi: g,ehedu•Jiea:: prog,reS'S!',aJ.1d, to in:-su.re: completion of :t!.J1e work within. the contra.ct' t,:Lm·e~ If the ·Owner finds the' prq1ids,ed pian nbt acce:p'table, he may req·ui-re the Con tractor to increase the work force:,. :the c.onstruction plant and equipment, the number of work shifts or the overtime operations· without: ad<;iitrional cost to. the Owner. Failure of the Contractor to compiy with these requirements shall' be considered grounds fo.t 'determination by the owner that: .the Contractor is :f·ai.ling. to prosecute the work ·wit.ll sudh diligente-~~ ~ill in~ure ibs:co~pletidn within the time specified. I ' ·, C4-4 (6) l.·",i 1 .. , -~ ' ":, ~ ,.:. (· ·1 PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS cs~s CONTROL OF WORK AND ~TERIALS SEC.TION . cs.:.5 CONTROL OF WORK AND MATERIALS CS-5 .1. AUTHO~ITY .OF ENGINEER: The work sh.~11 be· performed to the satisfaction of .the Engineer a:nd in strict cornpl.i,ance with the Contra~t Documents •. He shall decide all questions which arise as :to the qUa1i~t and acceptability of mat~rials furnished, ~ork performed, rate of pro~ress of the work, overall sequence of the ·c9nstruction; interpre-tation of the tontract Documents, acceptable fulfillment of the contract, compensation~ mutual rights between Contractor anc;l Owner under these Contract Doc·uments, supervJsion of the work., 1;esumption of operations, and ail other questions or disputes which may -arise. Engineer will not be :i;-espon:sible for Contractor's .rn .e&ns, meth.o~s, techniques,· sequences or procedures of c~n~tructiori,, or the safety p~e~auti6n and ~rograms inc~dent thereto, and he will not be responsible fo.r Contracto-r • s failtiie to perform the work in accordance with the contract documents. He shall determine the arnotin~ ~n:d quality of the ~b~k completed and materials furnish~d, and his d~ci~ions and estimates shall be final~ His estimat~s in such event shall be a co:ndition to. the right of the Contracto.r t _o receive Il\Oney due him under the Contract. The Owner shall have executive iuthority to enforce and ~ake effective such necessary decisions and orders as the Contractor fails to carry out promptly. In t~e event of any dis~ute betwe~n the Engineer ~nd .contractor over t.he de·cision of the Engineer on any such ~atters~ the Engineer m~st, within a .reasonable tim~, upon written request of the Contractor, render and deliver to both tl)e Owner and Contractor, a written decision on the matter in controversy. cs-s.2 ·coNFORMITY WITH PLANS: ~he finisbe~ pioject in all ca~~s sball conform with lines, grades, cross-sections, finish, and dimensions Shown ~n the plahs or any other requirements otherwise described iri the Contract Docum.ents. Any de_viation from the approved Contract Documents requireG by the Engineer dtiring construction will in all cases be d~termin~d by the Engineet and authorized by th~ owner by Change Order. CS-5 Cl> CS-5.3 COORDINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The to~tract Documents are made up of sevetal sections, which, taken together, are intended to describe and provide for a complete and useful project, and any requirements appearing in one of the se6tions is as binding as though it occurred in all sections. In case of discrepancies, figured dimension shall govern over scaled dimensions,: pl'ans shall govern o·ver specifications, spec i al conditions shall govern over general conciiti_qns : a:ncl st;andar~ sp¢:cif~c.ations 1 _; __ a~d: .. qu~nt.ities·,.shown on the 1;,"I an:s s .hall govern over tho_se shdwn ih the· proposal.. The coqtracto·r sh·all. not take advantage of any apparent error or omission in the ,Contract Docurne·nts, and the Owner s.hal.l be permit:ted to make such correct.j.ons or interpretatfcins ·as may be deem~d necessary ·for the. fulfillment of the .int:'e1{t of the Con tract Doc\:l.ments. In the event the Contractor 'dis:covers an apparent error or discrepan.cy, he shall immediately c ,all this condition to the att~ntion of the Engineer. In the event of a conflict in the drawing_s, specifications; or other portions .of the Contract Documents which were not reported prior to the award of Contiact, the Contractor shall be deem•d to have quoted the most .. expensive resolution of the confrict. cs~s.4 COO~ERAT~O~ 0~ CONTii~TOR! The Con~r~~tor will ~e 0 1rnisbed with three sets .of the Contract Documents arid shall have available on the site of the project at all times one set of such Cont.ract Documents. The Contract shall give to the ~ork the cortstant at~ention necessary to fac.ilitate the progress 'thereo·f and shall eo6perate ~ith the Erigineer, his in~p~etritj · and other Contractors ·in every possible way. The Contractor shall at all times have competent personnel available to the project site for proper performance of the work. The Contractor shall provide and ma"intain at all times at the site of the .project a competent, Eng·lish.a::speaking su:p-eiintendent arid an ass'istant who are fully aut'h.'orized to act as the corttractor's agent o~ the wor~. · Sttch ~upeiinten~ent and his asiistant shall be bapabl~_of reading and understanding the Contract Documents and shall receive and fulfill instructions from the Owner, the Engineer, or his authorize~ representatives. Pursuant tb this res.ponsibility of. the. Contractor, th~ Contractor shall designate in wr it.ing to thej ~~o1 ec~ ~uperiniendent, to act as the Contractor's ag .ent on t.he work. Such assistant p .roject . superintenden-t shall be a resident of Tarrant Co:unty I Texas and shall be subject t-o call, as is the project Superi.ntendentr at any time of the day or night o~ any day of the week on which the Engineer determines that circumstances require the presence on the project site o f a representative of the Contractor to cs-s ( 2 > L 1 l l adequate 1 y . prov 1 de for the safety or c .o n v en i enc e . of the traveling p~blic or th~.owners tif property across which the proje·ct extends or the safety of property contiguous to the pi:_oject 'routing. The Contractdi shall provide . all facilities to ~riabl~ the Engineer an~ hls inspecto-r · to: examine and inspect the workmanship and materials eritering into the work.· CS-5. 5 EMERGENCY AND/OR REC·TIFICATION WORK: When i . in the opinion of the Qwner or Engineeri a conditicin of e~ergentj exists ·related to any part of the work, the Contractor, or the Cdntractor ;thto~gh his desigH,t~d ~epr~seritative, s~all respond with dispatch to a verbal request made by the Owner or Engineer to alleviate: the ernerg ency condi tio,n. Sue h a res~ons~ sh~ll occrir ·dat or night, whether th~ project is scheduled on a calendar-day or on a :workin<J-day basis. Shoutd the Contractor fail . to respond to a request from the Engine~r to rec~ify an~ di~crepancies, omissicin~, or c -orrections n-ece.ssary to conform with the requirements of the project specifications or plans, the Erigineei .sh•ll give th~ Contractor wt i tten notice that such work 6r changes are to be performed. The : written notice shall direct attention to th'=! di~cteparit doftditiob ~nd request the Contractor ·_t6 take remedial action to corre¢t the condition. _ In the event the conttactor does riot take positive ste~s to fulfill this written request, or does not ·show just -cause for rio_t taking the pr6p~~ actidftt withln .~4 hour~,:th~ City may take .such ~e~edi~l action with ·City forces or by contract. The City . shall -then deduct an. amount equ,c;tl to the entire costs fqr such rerned~a_l action;; plus · 25% ,_ from any fund.s , du,e the Contracto.r on the project .• CS~S.~--ilELi OFFiciE~ ±h~ Contractor shall pr6vi~e, at no extra compensation,_ an adequate field offi6-e for use .of the Engineer, if specifically called for. The-field off ice shall be not less th.an 10 by 14 feet in floor area, substantially cons~iuct¢d., well heated, air cond~tioned 4 lighted, ahd weathei-prciof, so that docu~ent~ will not be damaged by the eleinents~ cs..:5~7 CONSTRUCTION STAKES: The City; through its Engineer, will furnish the Gontractor with __ aTrTTrie:-S,..~_..g.r..ades., __ a. _ _n _d ~~s rte-rm-ssc£ry to .tne Q_r~_er g_rosecuti~n and control of the work contracted for :under these Conl:ract Documents, cllnl llnes ., -gracies and measurements--wiTI-be ··e~tablished PY means of stakes or other tuitomary method of marking as may be found consistent with good practice. t 'S-5 (3) • These stakes or ~arkings shall be iet sufficiently in advance of cqnstruction operations €0 av6id delay~ Su~h stakes or ~arkin~s as may be established for the Coritractorts use or guidance shall be preserved by the Contractor. until he is authorized by the Engineer to remove them. Whene~er, in the ppinion o .f the Engineer, any stakes or . markings have been carelessly or wil.1fu1Ly · destroyed, disturbed.; or removed by t~e Contractcir 6r ~ny of his einployeesi th~_tull cost of replacing such stakes or marks plus 25% will be ch~rg~d again.st t:her C0nbrac.tor.~ a:nd·'·th·~··'·.fu"'l:l · amount wi'l:1 be deducted from paym:ent due· the; Contractor. CS.;..5.8 'AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF CITY INSPECTORS: City Inspectors w1ll .be .author1z~d to inspect all work ~done and to be done and .all materials furnished. such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work, and the preparation o ·r manufacturing of the inateria.ls to be used or equipment to be installed. A City Inspector may be stationed on the wo.rk to report to the Engineer as to the progress of the work ~nd the manner · in which it is being ·performed, to re·port any · evidence that. the -atiiials bein~ furni~b~d oi the ~o~k being performed by the contractor fails to fulfill the recfqirements of the ~-0ntt~tt Ddcu~~nt~; arid io .call the atte~tibn of ih~ Contractor to any such fa_ilur.e or ct.her inf'.ringements. Such insp~ction .or lack of inspection will not relieve the Contractor :f;rom any ,obliga.t:.ion to perform the work . ,in accordance . wi t 'h i::he requirements of· the Contract .. Documents. In case of any dispute arising between. the Contractor a .nd . the City , Inspector . as to th.e ma t;:e::i:Jals or equipment furnished or th~-~~nrier of performini t~e ~ork, the Cit~ lnsp~c£or will 4ave iu~horitj to reject m~te~ials or eguipinen~ t~ su~~~nd wo±k until the question at issue can be refe~ted to and be dedid~d by the En~ineer. Th~ City Inspe~tQr ~ill hot, however, be authorized to revoke, alter, enlarge, or relea~e any requirement of these Contract Documents, nor to approve or accei)t ~ny po'rtfon or section of .the work, nor to , .issue any instructions con.trary to the requiremen.ts of the Contract . Doc.umE?nts. He will in no . case act as superintendent or foremari oi perform anj oth~r duties for th~ Confiactor, or . interfere with the management or operation of the work. He wi 11 not accept fr .om the -contractor any compensation in ariy form for performing any duties. ~he Contractor shall regard ~nd o~ey the dir~ctions and instrQctions of the City Inspector or; Erigd:neer.: when:-. the same are consistent with · the obl. igations of the Contract Documents, provided, howe.ver, should the Contr~ctor obj~ct to any orderi or instractions ~f the dity trispectoc, the Contractor may withiri six days mak~ written appeal to the Engineer f6r his d~cision on the matt~r in controversy. . cs-s (4) l CS-5.9 INSPECTION: The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with every .reasonable facility for ascertaining whether or not the worJc . as performed . is in accordance with the requir.ernents of the Contract Documents. If the Engineer so requ·ests, the · C-ontractor shall, at any time pefore acceptance of the work, remove o,r unce>ver such portion of the ·f inishe.d wor·k as may be direct~d. After examination, tha Contractor shall restore said portioris of the work to the standard required by the Contract Documents. s .hou1a the . work expos ea. or e~amined prove acceptable, the uncbvering or removing and replacing of .the covering or mak.i,ng good of the parts removed . shall be paid. for as extra work, but should be work so exposed or e}Camined prov·e · to be unacceptable, the uncov:ering or +emoving and the J'eplacing of all adjacent defective br d~ma~ed parts sha11· be ~t the .contractor's expense. ~o work shali be done or materials used wi t hout suitable supervision or inspection. · cs,-5 .10 REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND UNAU'I'.HORIZED WORK: All work, materials, dr equi~~ent .~hich has been rejected shall be l'.'emedied ,or removed and replaced i,n an acceptable n1anner by the Contractor at his own expense. Work done beyond the lin~s and grades given or as shown on th.e plan.s, except as herein specifically provided, or any Extr~ Work donE:i wi tho-µt written authority, w'ill b'e co~sidered as unauthorized and done at the expense of the contractor a ,nd will not be paid for by the Owner. Work so dorie ma~ be ordered re•oved at the Contractor's expense. Upon the failure qn the part of the Contractor to comply with any order of the Engineer made under t .he provisions of tnis paragraph, the Engineer will _hav.e the authority to cause def~ctive work to be .remedied or .removed and replaced and unauthorized. work to be removed, and the ·cost thereof may be deducted from any money due or to become due to the Contractor. Failure to require the removal of any defective or unauthorized work shall not constitute ·acceptance of such works. -c:S-5 •. 11 SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT: If t 'he Specifications, law, ordinarice, bodes or regtilations permit Contractor t .o furnish or use a substitute that is equal to any material or equipment specif i~d, and if Contractor wishes to fur~ish or use a ptoposed substitu~e, he shall, prior to the preconstruction conference, make written application, t.o ENGINEER for approval of such substitute certifying in ~riting that .the pro~osed substitute will perform adequately the functions called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substance to that spe¢ified and be suited to the same use and capabie of performing the same function ~s that specified; and identifying all variationi of the ~reposed cs-s · (5) • substitut_e from that specified :and indicating available miintenance servi~e. No substitute shall be drdered or in-stalled .without the written approved of . Engineer who will be tij~_judge 6f the equality and may requiie Contractor £0 jurriish such other data about th~ proposed substitUt~ as he co~siders p~rtinent. No substitrite _shall ~e ordered or i~st~lled .~itbout such perfo~mance guarantee and bonds as Own.er .may require which shall be furnished at Contractor Is exp'ens-e.·: Contrac·t .o .r , sh-all indem11i•fy and·· hold ·ha1:mless Owner and .E ,ngipee.r and .an,yone directly or indi _rectly employed by _ei-ther of _thein from . and against the . claims' damages' losses ''"an.d expenses ( including attorneys ~ees) arising out of the use of substituted materials. or equipment. · CS:...5.12 -"SA.MPLES AND TESTS -OR MA'l!ERIALS: Where, in the opinion of the Ertgtneer, or as called for in the Contract Documents, tests of materials or equipment are necessary, such tests will be made at th~ expense of and paid for direct to the testing ag~ncy by the ~wner unless otherwise specifically provided. 'I'he fai3:·ure of _the owner to make any tests of materials shall be in no w~y _relieve the Contractor ~f his responsibility of . ~urnishing materials ·and. equipment fully conforming to the : requirfa;ments of the _Contract Docunients. Tests and sampling of materi~~s, unless oth~rwise sp~cified, will be made in a¢co.i:-d,ance w~tp the latest methods prescribed by the American Socie.ty f_or Testing ,Materials or specif.ic . requirements of trie Own~r. ~h~ Coritractor shall ~rovide srich fa6ilities as the . Engin:eer may require for collecting and forwarding samples and shall nbt, ~ittiout specific ~ritten permission of the Ei_lgineer, use the materials represented by ttie samples until tes_ts h~ve been . made and the materials approved for use. The Cont.r;actor will furnish adequate samples without charge .to the Owrte _r. . i~ case of concrete'. tpe. aggregates' design mlnimum, and the -ixing and transporting equipment shall be approved by the Engineer before any concrete is placed, and the Contactor .shall be responsible for replacing any concrete which does not m~et the requiremen.ts 6f the Contract Documents. Tests shall J:>e made at least 9 days prior to the placing of concrete, using samples frqm the same a~gregate, ~em~rit, and moit~r which are. to be used later in the concrete. Should the source of . s:up;piy; ,.oo.a ,n.ge, new tests shall be maa.e prior to the use of t .he new materials·~ · CS-5.13 STORAGE OF MATERIALS: All materials which are to be used in .the coristruction o~er~ti6n ~hall be stor~d so as to insure the preservation of the quality and fitness of the work. Wheq atrected by the Engineer, they shall be placed on wooden platforms or othet hard, clean durable surfaces and not on the CS-5 (6) L L L L ground, and shall be placed under cover when directed. Stored materials shall be placed and located SQ a~ to facilitate prompt inspection. CS-5 .. 14 EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES:. The location and dime.n.s1ons shown on the P _lans· re.lative to existing utilities are · based on . the bes·t in·formation available. Omission from, or the ihclusiori -0f utility lpca~ions on tha ~lans is riot to be consid~r~d as .the non~xistence of, or i d~finite location of, exi~ting underground ~tilities. Th~ lcicatibn of many gis mains, water mains, conduits, sewer lines ,and service lines for all utilities, etc., is unknown to the Owner, and the Owner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all such structures arid utilities on the ~l~ns or to sh6w them irt their exact location. It is niutu.ally agreed that such failure will not be considered iufficiant basis £cir claims for additional compensation for Extra Work or for increasing the pay quantities in any manner whatsoever, unless an obstruction. encountered is such as to necessitate changes in the lines and grades of considerable magnitude or .requires the building of special works, provision for which is not made in the Contract Docbments, in .which case the provision in these Contract Documents for Extra Work shall apply. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to verify locations of adjacerit ~nd/or conflicting utilities sufficiently in advanca of cbnstruction in order that he mat negotiate such lqcal adjustments a~ necessary in the construction process to pr.av ide adequate clearances. . The Contra:c ·tor sha11 take all ne6essary precautions in order to ~rotect all existirig utilities, structures and servioe lines. verification of exi~ting utilities, structures and service lines . shall · include notification q{ all 1,1tility companies at least forty eight < 48) hours in advance of constru,ction _includin·g exploratory ex~~~,tion if hecessary. All v~~ificatiori of existing u _tilitie 9 and thei:r: adjustment shall be considered as supsidiar,y . work. CS-5.15 INTERRUPTION .OF ·SERVICE: a. Normal Prosecutioni In the normal pros~ct~i6ri .~f work where the interruption of service is necessary, the Contractor, at least 24 hours in advance, shall be required to: 1. Notift the Water Department's Pi~tribution Division as to location, time, and schedule 0£ se~vice interi~ption. cs-s (7) ..:. b. 2. ~otify each cust~mer personallj through re~pon~ible ~ersonnel as to time and schedule of the interruption of their service, or 3. In the · event that. personal JlOtif ication of .a c;us~o·mer cannot be m&de' a prepared tag form s hali ~.be attached to the cu stainer is e1ttrance d~or k~o~. The tag shall .be durable in q.om.9q.s.Lt.ioiL,, arid .f,n. rar.g~_ bo.1a.· .. :type. shall ,s.ay: "NOTict• D,tie to Utility Improvement in . yo.µ~-neig.hb6rhood, your (water) . (sewer) . service will be. inter..: rupted ori ' between the hours of and ---- This inconvenience will be as short as _possible. Thank you, Contractor Address · P,hone .; Eme ·rqency.: In the event that an unforese~ri servH::e . interruption occurs' notice shall be as above;.but irinriediate. CS-5.J.6 -MUTUAi RESPo"NSIBILITY :OF :CONTRACTORS: If, through a,cts o"r .negl.ect on the part of the .Con .tractor, any other Contractor or any sub-conttactor shall suffe~ loss or dama9e on the work,.the Contra~t6r a~;~es to _ s~ttl~ with such bther Contractor or sU:b-contra.c·tor by agreement or arbittation. If such other Contractor br sub-bontractor shall aisert any claim a~ainst the Owner on account of any damag~ alleged ~o have be.en sustained, the Owner wiil notify the Contractor,· who sh?ll ino.ernnify and save harmless the Owner against any such claim. cs·-s,.1·7 .CLEAN·-uP: ·clean-up of surplus and/or waste materials accumulated on: the job site during _ the prosecution of the work under these Contract Documents shall be accomplished in keipin~ wit~ a daily routirie estiblished to the the s~tiif~~ti6ri of thi Engirt~~r •. Twentj-fours fours after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the Engineerr if the Contractor fails to correct the cs:..s (8) L 1 ·I unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as .the Engineer deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice, and the costs of such direct action, plus 25% of such costs, s -hall be deducted from monies due or to become due to the Contractor. Upon the completion of the project as a whole as covered by these Co~t~act Documents, and before final acceptance and final payment will be made, the Contractor shall clean and remove from the site of the project all surplus and discarded materials, temporary structures, and debris of every kind. He shall leave the site of all work in a neat and orderly condition equal to that which originally existed. Surplus and waste materials removed from the site of the work shall be disposed of at locations satisfactory to the Engineer. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment and materials installed by him and shall deliver over such materials and equipmerit in a brighti clean, polished and riew appearing condition. No extra compensation will be made to the Contractor for any clean-up required on the project. CS-5.18 FINAt INSPEC~ION: W~enever the work provided fbr iri and co~templated under the Contract Document~ has been satisfactorily completed and final cleanup pe.rformed, the Engineer will notify the proper officials of the Owner and request that the Final i~spection be ma~e. Such inspecti6n will be made within 10 days after such notification. After such final inspection, if the work and materials and equipment are found satisfactory, the Contractor will be notified in writing of the acceptance of the same after the proper resolution has been passed by the City Coun6il. No time charge will be made against the Contractor between said date of notification of the Engineer and the date of final ins~ection of the work. C5-5 (9) I .I I PART G -GENERAL CONDITIONS . C6-6 LEGAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY SECTION .. c6-6· LEGAL RELATI.ONS AND .PUBLIC RES.PONSIBILITY C6 ~6 .1 LAWS .TO >BE OBSERVED: The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with ·all Federal and State La~s and .city · ordinances and regu·lations which in any way affect the conduct of the ·wo.rk or his .operations, and. shall observe and comply with all orders, laws, ordinances and regulation~ which exist or which may be enacted later by bodies having jurisdiction or authority for such enactment.. No plea of misunderstanding or ignoranc.e thereof will he copsidered. The Contractor. and his , Suretie.s s.hall indemnify and save harmless th.e City and all of its .officers, agents, and employees against any and all claims or liability arising from or based on th~ violation of any such law, ordinance, regulation, or orde;, whether it be by himself or his employees. . . C6-6. 2 PERMITS AND LICENSES: The Contrac·tor shall procure .all ·permits and licenses, pay all charges, costs and fees; and g±ve al h notices ·n~cessary and incident t6 the aue and iawful prosecution of the work~ . . . . C6-6. 3 PATENTE.D D.EVICES, MATERIALS AND PROCESSES: If the Contractor is required or desires to use any design, device, material, ,or pr9cess covered by letter~ patent, or copyright, he shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee o~ 6wn~r of such patent, lett~r, or copyrighted d .e·sign. It is mutually agreed and understood that, wit.hou t , ·exception the contract prices shall include all royalties or cost arising fro~ pat~nts, tride~marks, an~ copy rights in any way involved in the w·ork. The Contractor and his suretie's shall indemnify and save harmless the Owrier from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any su~h patented design ; device, m~terial or process, or any trade-mark or copy right in conn,ection with the work agreed to be pe±formed under these Contract Docu-entsr and shall indemnify the Owner for any cost, expense, or damage which it may . be. obliged to pay by -reason of such infringement at any time during. the prosecution of the work or after completion of the work, provided, however, that the Owner will assume the responsibility to defend any and all suits brought for the infringement of any pat~rit claimed to be infringed u~on by the design, type of construction or materi.al or equipment .specified -in the . Contract Documents furnished the Contractor by the Owner, and to h6ld the Co~tractor harmless on account of such suits. <;6-6 (1) C~-6.4 SANITARY PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall establish and enforce among his employees such -regulations in regard to cleanliness and disposal of garbage and waste as will tend to prevent the inception and spread of infectious or contagious dise.ases and to effectively prevent the creation of a nuisance about the work on any property either .. pq.bl±c :or private/>and such regulations as are required by ·taw sha.il be ' put into immediate ,force and effect by the Contract'or;~ The _necessary sanitary co~v~niences for use of labor~rs ori th~ ~ork, properli secluded f~om public observation,, shall be constructed and maintained by tbe ·Contractor an4 their use shall be ~trictl~ enforced by the Contractor. ~ll such fac iii ties shall be '-kept ih a ' clean and sanitary Condition, fres from objectionable odors so as not to cause a nuisance~ All sanit~ry laws and regulationi 6f the Stit~ 0£ Te~~s and the City ~hall be strictly -complied with. C6-6. 5 PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE: . Materials or equipment stored about the work shall be so placed and used, and the wo.rk shall at -all times be so con,ducted, as to cause. no greater obstruction or -inconvenience to the public than .is con~idered to. be abso:lutely necessary b ,y the Engineer. The contractor is required to maintain at all times all phases o~ his work in such a manner as not to i~pair t~e safety or convenience of the public,. including, but not: limited ·tq, safe and convenient ingress and egress to. property contiguous to the wbtk area. The Contractor shall make adequate provisiohS td 'render rea~onable ingr~ss and ~gress fof normal vehicular traffic, except during actual trenching or , pi.pe ins.tallation operations, at all driveway crossings. Such provisions may inc.J._ude bridging, placement of. qrushed stone or: gravel or such other mea;ns of providing proper ingress and egress for the property se_rved by .the driveway as the Engineer may apprp've as approptiate. Such oth~r means may includ~ the diversion of driveway traffic, with specific approva.l by _ the Engi-neer. If diversion of traffic is appr6ved by tbe _Engin~~r at any loc~tion~ the Contractor sha11 :m~ke arrangements _sa~isf~ctory to the Engineer at any location~ the Contractor shalL .make arrangements satisfactory to the Engineer for the diversion of tr'aff ic, and shall, at his own expepse, provide all materials and :perf.Qrm all work n.ecessary for the construction and maintenance of road<Ways and bridges for such diyers;on of traffic. Sidewalks: must not be _obstructed except by special permission of the Engineer. The materials excavated and the co:hst:ruction rnat,erip.lS such as pip~ used in the construction of the work ~hall be placed sQ as not to endanger the work or prevent free access to all .fire hydrants, fire alarm boxes, police call boxe-s, water valves, C6-6 (2) l ( j ,J gas valves, or manholes in the vicinity. The Owner reserves the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor as regards to public convenience and safety which may· come to its attention, after twenty-four hours notice in writirig to the Contractor, save in cases of emergency when it shall h .ave the right to remedy ariy neglect without riot ice, and in either case, . the cost of such work done or materials furnished by the owner or by the city shall be deducted from monies due or to become due to the C6ntractdr. Tp.e Contras.tor, after app:roval of 1::he E!ngineer' shall notify the Fire . Department Headquarters,, Traffic Engineer, and Pol ice Department, when any street or alley is requested to pe closed oi obstructed 6r iny fir~ hydrartt is to be made inaccessible, and, when so directed by the Engineer, shall keep any street, sfreets, or hi~&~ays in conditioh for ~nob$tiu~te~ use by fiie ~ppaiif~s •. The Con~ract6r shall promptly notify the Fif~ Department Headquarters when all such ob~tructed streeis, alleys, or hydrants are again placed back in service. w·here the Contractor is f ·equired to construct temporary bridges or make other arrangements for crossing over ditches or streams, his respori:sibility for accidents · in connection with such crossings s 'hall include the roadway approaches as. well as the structures of such crossings~ Th~ Contractor shall. at all times concluct his. ·operation and the Use of constructiori machinery so as not to d~mage or destroy tr'ees. and . shrubs located in close proximi tY, to. ·Or on the site 'of the work. Wherever any such damage may be done, ~he tont~actor shall i~mediatsly satisfy all claims of property owners, and no payment will be made by the Owner in settl~ment 6~ such cl,ims. The c6ntractor shall file with the Engineer a written statement showing all such claims adjusted. CG-6.6 PRIVILEGES OF CONTl'{ACTOR .IN STREETS, ALLEYS, AND ~IGHT~OF-WAY: For the performance of the contract, the Contractor will be permitted to use and occupy such portions of . th.e public stree.ts an~ alleys, or othel;' public p .laces or other rights-of-way as provide-a· for in the ordinances of the City, a~ shown iri the Contract Docu~ents, or as mat be specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer. A reasonable amount of tools, materials, and equipment for construction .purposes may be stored in such space, but no more ihan is rtecessary to avoid delay in the c-0nstructi~n op~i ati6ns. Excavated and waste materials shall be piled or stacked in sucb a way as not to interfere with the use of spaces that may be des·ignated to be left free and unobstructed and so as not .to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property. If the street is occupied by railway tracks, the work shall be C6-6 (3) carried on in ~uch manner as not to interfere with the operation of trains, lo.aqing or unloading of cars, etc. Other contractors of the -Owner may, for all, purposes required by _the centract, enter upon the work and premises _ used by th.e Contractor and shall be provided .all reasonable .facilities and ~ssist~nce _£or the complet~on 9£ adj~;ning work. Any additional grounds. desired by the Contractor for his us-e shall be provided by him at his own ,cost and _expense. C6-6. 7 .R~TLW'AY .·CROSS .INGS: When tne work encroaches upon any right-of-way ~f any railway, the City ~~11 seciure t~e necessary easement for the work. Where the . raiiway tracks are to b~ cro~sed, th~ Contra~tor shall . obierv~·~11 the regulations and instructions of the railway_ company . as to the -methods of perf arming the . W'.ork and tq.ke-ali precautions for -saf·ety of p ·roperty and the public. Negotiations _ with the railway companies for permits shall be done by and through the City. the Contractor sh,11 give th~ City notice not less than five days prior to th~ time of his intentions to begin w6ik 6n that portion ot the project w_hich i _s related to the railway piope~ties. Th~ Contractbr wjll :nor be given extra o~ addit,ioilal COinpensation for S\lCh railway crossings iinleSS s~ecifi6ally set forth in the contract Docu~ents. · ' ,· , '. • .• • : ·,· 'I C6-6 .• 8 BARRICADES, WARNINGS AND WATCHMEN: Where the work .1:s carried on in or adjacent to any stree~, alley, or public place, the c6ntractor shali at his own e~pen~e tu~rtish, ~rect, ·and fu~iritain ~uch barridades, fences, lights aAd d~oger sigrial-s, shall provide such. watcbmen; and shall take al_l such other precautionary measures for the protection of ,per~ons or property and of the work as ar~ n~ces~aiy. ~arrlbades ind fences, shall be painted _in _ a color that will _ be visib-1.e. at ni·glit. From suri$et to SUfliise the Contractor shall :furnish and maintain at least one easily visible burning light at each parr icade. A. sufficient number of barricades shall be erected -and maintained to keep pedestrians away from, and· v~hicles from being dri yen _ on or into, any work under construction or· being maintained. Ttie Contractor shall furnish watchmen and keep them at their respect~ve _aisign~ents in sulfi~ient ri .umbers to protect the work .and prevent accident or damage. All, -installation~ and proced,ures shall be consistent with the prov:-isi"ons s .e-t -fort:h in tne ."1~80 Texas Manual· on Oni_.form Traffic Gontrol D~vices for Streets and Highways" iss~ed tinder the authority of the •st~te of . Texas Uniform .Act Regµla~i~g Tr~ffic on Highways"; codified as Article 6701d Veron 1 s ·civil St~tu:tes; pertinent sections being Section ~os. 27, 29, 30 and 31. - C6-6 (4) -lt-. The Contractor will not remove any re~ulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign, or oth,er sign which has been erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be remoYed to p~rmit require~ construction, the Contractor shall contact the Trans.portation and Public works departmentt Signs and Marking~ Division (pho~e number 8780-8075), to remove the sign. Ix;i the case of .r~gul.atory signs, the Contrac.tor must replace the perma;nent sign with a temporary sign meeting the re.quirernents . of the above referenced manual and such temporary sign must be instatl~d pr io·r to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed correctly -0r if it does not meet the required specificationsi th~ permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign r .equirements are .met. When construction work is completed to the exten~ that the permanent sign can be re-installed, the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to re-in~tall th~ p .ermanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place until such re-installation is completed. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the ·work or the public due to failure of barrtcades r signs, fences~ lights, or watbh~en to protect them. Whenever evidence is found of such damage to . the ; work . the Engineer may order the damaged portion immediately , remov.ed arid replaced by 'the Conttactor at the Con ~r~ct6r's own exp~nse. The Contractor's responsibility for the ma,iritenan.Ge of barricades-, signs, fences and lights, and for providing watchmen. shall not cease until the project shall have been completed and accepted by the Owner. No compensation, exce~t as specifi6ally provided in these Contract Documents; will be paid to the . Contractor for , the work ~nd materials invcilved in th~ coristructing, providin~, and maintaining of barricades, signs, fences~ and lights or for salaries of watchmen, for the subsequent removal and disposal 0£ such barrica~es, signs, or for any other -in.cidentals necessary for the ·proper protec'tion; safety, and convenience of the public during the contract period, ~s this work is considered to be s .ubsidiary to . the several items for which unit or ,lump sum prices are ·requested in the PropoSaL .c~-6 ~9 USE OF EXPLOSIVES, DROP WEIGHt, ETC.:. Should the Contractor elect to use explosivei, drop weight, ~tc., in the prosec~tion of the work, the utmost care shall be exerc~sed at all times so as not to ~~danger life or property~ The Contractor £hall notify the proper represen~ative of any public service corporation, any company, individual, or utility, and the Owner, not less than twenty-tour hours in C6.-6 C 5) advance of the use of any activity which might damage or endanger their or his property along or adjacent to the work. Wgere the use of explosives is to be permitted on the project, as specified in the Special Contract Documents~ c:>r the use of explosives ,. i :s requested, the Contractor shall subwi t notice to the :E-ngineer in writin'g twenty-four hours prior to commencing and shall furriiih evid~nce that he has insurance coverage to p _rote·c ·t -agains't an-y damages and/or injuries· arising out -of ·such-· use:--of ·· exp-li'o::H ves .. All claims arisin~ out of the use of explosives. shall be investigated and' a written report made by the Contract.or '-s insurers to the ·Engineer •within ten (10) days after receipt of written ri6tic~ of the claim to the Contractor from ~ither the City oi . the cl~imant~ The city shali proceed to give notice to the Corttra~for of any such claim. The use of ~xplosives may be .suspended by the Engineer if any complaint is received a~d such use shall not ba resumed until the cause of the complaint has been addressed. Whenever ex0plosi ves are stored or kept, they shall be stored .in a _sa.fe and secure ~anner and all storage places shall be plainly m~tked "DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES" and Shall be under the care of~ ~om~etent ~at6hman at all times. All vehicles in which _ expiosives are being transported .shall b,e plainly marked as _mentibried above and Shall, insofar as pQssible, no£ us~ .heavy traffic routes. C6~6.10 WORK WITHIN EASEMENTS: Where the work passes over, through, or into private property, the Owner will p:rovide such iight-of-way or e~se~ent p~ivileg~s as the City may deem necessary for the prosecution of , the work. Any additional rights-of~way or work area considered necessary by the Contractor shall be provided by him at his · own expense. s ·uch additional rights-of-way or work area shall be acquired for the l,enefit of. the City., The City shall. be notified in writing as to the rig.hts so .acquired before work begins in the affected area. T_he Contractor shall not enter upon priv?-t:e pro~erty for any p~rpose without havin~ previously obtained permis_sion from the owner of sµch property. The Contractor will not be allowed to store equipment or material on private property. unless : and until the specified "'.approval of the prope-rty-owne,r 1 h-a·s · been secured _ in _ writing by the Contractor and a copy furni~hed to the Enginier. Unless specifically provided otherwise, the C-0ntractoi shall clear all rights-of-way or easements of obstructions which must be remov~d to ~ake possible proper prosecution Of the work as a part of the project construction operatioris. _The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of and shall use C6-6 (6) l I I l I I I every precaution to prevent damage .to all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and all other types Of Struc·tureS Or improvements r tO all water I Sewer I and gas lines, to all conduits, overhead pole li~es, or _appurtenances thereof, including the construction of temporary fences~ and to all other public or private property along adjacent to the work_ The Cont:ractor shall notify tl)e proper r~_presentat.ives of owners or . o·ccupants of publ.ic _ or private lands or inter.est in land-s which might --"be affected by the work. · Stich notice shall be made at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the work. No _t:.ices shall be applicable to both public and private utility companies or any corporation; company; individu~i; or o t her, either ~s owners or occUp~nts, whose land or interest in land might af f ected by tbe work 7 The Contractor shall be responsible for all ~amage or injury to property 0f any character resblting from any act, omissiori, neglect, or misconduct in the manner or method or execution of the work; or at any tiine due to defective work ., material, or equipment. hen and where any dire.ct o:i; indirect or injury is done to I?ublic or private property on account o.f any act, omission, neglect, or mi~cortduct iri t~e exectition of the wotk, _6r in consequenc~ of the non-~xecution thereof On the part 6f the Contractor, he shall restore or have-. restored at his own cost and expense ~u~h property to a condition at least equ~l to that existing before such damage or injury was .done, by repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise replacing .and restoring as may be directed by the Owner, or be shall m~ke good such 1 amages or injurt in_? ~anher ac6eptable to the owner of the property and the Engineer. All fences encountered and removed during construction pf this ·project shall be restored to the original or a better than o~iginal condiiion upon completiori of this project. When wire fencing, either wire mesh _ or _barbed wi:re is to be crossed, the Contractbr shall set cross braced post~ on either sid_e . of permanent easement before the fence is c"ut. Should additional fence cuts be necess~ry_, th,e Co_ntractor shall provide cross braced posts at point of the proposed cut in ~ddition to the cross b~~ced posts provided at the permanent easements limits, before the fence. is cut. empor~ry fe~cing shall b~ erected in place of the fencing removed whenever the work _ is not in progress and when the site is vacated overnight, ~nd/or at all times to prevent livestock from entering the construction area. The cost for fence re~oval~ temporary closures and replacement shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in the proje~t C6~6 (7) proposal. Therefore ., no separate payment shall be all.owed for any service asso<;::iated. with this work_ In -cas~ of failure on the pait of the COntr~ctor to restore such proi;>erty to ma~e good su.ch damage o.i; injury; the,;. Owner may,·upon 48 hour writt,en notice under ordinary circumstances, and without notice wpen a nuisance or hazard.ous condition resuJ:ts-, proceed to repair, rebuild,. or otherwise restore such · property ·"as :rftay l;>e determined by the Owner tQ be necessary, and. the cost thereby will be deducted. fr_om any monies due or to be:eome due to :the C.ontractor tinder this Contract. C6~6.ll INDE~~~DENT ~ONTRACTQR: It is understood and agraed by the parties hereto that Contractor shall p.erfornt all work and setvices hereun~er as ari ind~pendent contractor, and not as an officer, agent, servant or ~~ployee 0£ the Owner~ Contractor shall have exclusive control of and the exciusive right to control ~he details of all the ~ork and servLces perf6rmed hereurrd~i, ~nd all persons p~rforming ~a~e, ana shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissioris of its officers, agents, servants~ employees, c~ntr~ctors, subcontractors., licensees and inv,i tees ·. The doctrine of respondeat superiox sh.all not a:p,ply as betwe~n Own.er an.d Contractor, its of·ficers, agents,. ~mployees., contractors and subcontractors, .and nothing herein shall be· ·construed as creating a partnership or ::joint enterprise between Owner and Contractor- c&-o_i2 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILiTY FOR DAMAGE ·CLA.IMS~ Contractor covenants and agrees to and does hereby indemnify, hold. harmless and defend, at its own expense. Owner. its officers. agents, servants and employees, from andagiunst any and all claims or suits for property loss or damage and/or personal injury. including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising out of or in connection with, directly or indirectly> the work ·and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its .officers, agents, c::mployees. subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not caused, in whole or in part,. by . the alleged negligence of the .. officer's, . agents,. servants, . employees, C(!ntractors, subcontractors, licensees and invitees of the City; and said Contractol" does hereby covenant and agree to assume all liability and responsibility of City, its officers, agents, servants .and employees for any and a1l 'clainis or suits for property loss or damage and/or personal injury, including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising out of or in connection with, directly or indirectly, the work and seryice:S to be pe:rformed hereunder by · Contractor, its · officers, agents, · employees, sukontractors. licensees or invitees, whether or· not caused, 1n ,vhole or in part, by the alleged negligence of _ the officers, agents, servants, employees, C6-6 (8) ,'',. !'. ,. I -I I contractors,: ~u.bcontractors, licen-sees and invitees of.the City. Contfa:ctor likewise covenants and agrees to, and does hereby, indemnify and hold harmiess City from and against any and all injuries> damage, loss or destruction to property of City during the perrormarice of any of the terms and conditions of thjs Contract, whether a:i-isin _g out of or in .connection with or resulting from, in . whole or in .· part, · any and all alleged acts or omissions 7 officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subconttactorsi lic:ens.ees, invitees of Owner~ In the event a. wrinen claim for damages against the contractor or its subcontractors remains unsettl~d at the time all work on the project has been completed.to the satisfaction of the Dire~tor 6f the Water Department, as evidertced by a fii:ial inspection, final payment' to the. Contractor shall not be recommended to the Director of the Water Department for a period of30 days after the date of such final inspection, unless the Contractor shaiI submit written evidence satisfactory to the Director that the daim ha~ been settled and a release has been obtained from the claimant involved. If the claims concerned remains unsettled as of the expiration of the above 30-<lay period, th~ Contractof may be deemed to be entitled to a ~emi-finai payment for work completed, such semi-final payment to be in the amount equal to the total dollar amount then due less the dollar value of any written claims pending against the Contractor arising out of performance of such work, and such semi-final payment may then be recommended by the Director:· . The Direct6r shall not recom:.mer1d final p~yment to a Contractor against whom such a claim for damaoes is outstanding for a peri~d of six months following the date: of the acceptance of ilie work performed unless the Contractor submits evidence iri writing sali~factory tot he Director that: I. The claim has been settled and a release has been obtained from the claimant involved, or 2. Good faith efforts have been made to settle such outstanding claims, and such good faith efforts have failed. · If c~~dition (I) above is met at any time within the six month period, .the Director shall recommend that the, final payment to the Contractor be made. If condition (2) above is met at .my time within the six month period,. the Director may recommend that final payment to the Contractor be made. At the expiration of the six month period, the Director may C6-6 (9) recommend that final payme~t be made if all other work has been perfo~ed and. all other obligations of the Contractor have been met to the satisfaction of the Director. The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other Water Department Contract work from a Contractor against whoin a daim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. · ' {Revision Date: April 15, 1999) C6-6_i3 CONTRACTOR'S CLAIM FOR DAMAGES: Should the Contractor claim compensation fo~ any alleged damage by r~ason of ih~ acts or omissions of the Owner, he shall within three days after the actual sustaini~g o~ such alleged .d~mage, make a wr i tte~ statement to th~ E ·ngineer, setting out in detail the nature. of the alleged damage, and on or before the . 25th day of the inqrith succeeding that . in which , any suc}:i .damage is ·claimed to have been sustained., th~ Contractor .shall file with the Engineer an itemized statement .of the details and amount of su.ch alleged damage and, upt>n request, shall give th.e Engineer access to all books of account, receipts, vouchers, biils of lading, and other books or papers containing any evidence ~s to the. amount ·of such alleged damage_ Unless such statements shall be filed as bereinabove required, the Contrac:tor 's claim for comp.ensation shall be wa.iyed, arid he shall hot be ~ entitled tb payment on account of such damages_ C6-6. i4 ADJUSTMENT . OR RELdCATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, ETC.:. In case it is necessary to change, move, or alter in any manner the property of a public utility 01~· others, tbe saiq property shall riot be moved or interfered with until orders the~~upon hav~ been i~sued by the Engineer.· The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities to ,enter the geographical limits of the Contract for the ··purpose of making such changes or repairs to their property fhat may be necessary by the performance of this contract. C6-6.15 TEMPO~ARY SEWER AND DRAIN CONNECTIONS: When existing sewer lines have to be taken up or removed,. the Contractor. shall, at his own ex~ense ~rid ~ost, provide and maintain temporary outlets and connections for all private or public drains and sewers. The Contractor shall also take care of all sewage and drainage· which will be r~c·ei ved from these drains and sewers, and for thjs purpos~ he ~h~ll prbv~de and maint~in, at his own cost ~nd ~xpense, adequate pumping facilities. and temporary outlets or diversions_ The Contractor, at his .own cost and expense, shall construct such troughs, pipes, or other structures necessary, and be prepared at all times to dispose of drainage and ~ewage C6-6 ClQ) L ( rece _i ved from these temporary connections until such times as the permanent connections are built and are in service. The existing sewers and connections shall be kept in service and maintai~ed under the Contra6t 7 except when specified or ordel:'.'ed to be abandoned by the Engin ·eer. All water, sewage, and other waste shall be disposed of in a satisfi1ctory manner so that no nuisance is created and so that the work under construction will be adequately protected. C6-6 .16 ARRANGEMENT AND CH.~RGES FOR WATER FURN:tS·HED BY THE CITY: When · _the Corit:r;acto·_r de·sires to use City water in qonn¢cti6r{ with any con's.truction work, he shall make complete and satisfactory arrangements with the Fort Worth Citi Water Department for so doing. City water furnished to tbe Contractor shall be delivered to the Contractor from_ a conne_ction on an existing City rµain. AJll piping _ requi_red beyond _ the po.int of deli.ve r y shall be installed by the Contractor q.t his own expense. The Contractor's responsibility in the use of all existing £ire hydrant _and/or valves is detailed in . Section E2-l. 2 USE OF _fIRE HYDRANTS AND VALVES in thei~ General Contract .. Documents. When meters are used to measure the water, the charges, if any, for water will be at the regular establjshed tates~ When ~eters are not used, the ch_arges, if any, ~ill be as prescribed .by the City Ordiriance, or where ri6 6rdinarice appl i ,e s, payment shall be made _ oh es ti mates and rates ~stablishid by the Director of the F6rt Worth Water Department. C6.-6 .17 USE .OF A SECTION OR PORTION OF THE WORK: When~ver, in the opinion of _the Engineer, any settioh or p6rtion of the . work or any structure is in suitable condition, it may be put into use :upon the wiitten oider of the Engineer, arid i~ch usage ,shill not be held to be in any way ~n a~ceptance of said work or structure or any part thereof OT as a waiver of any of the ~revisions of ttiese Contract Documents. All necessaiy repairs and removals of any section of the work so puot into use, due to defective materials or workmanship, equipment, or to deficient operati6ns on the part of the Contractor, shall be performed by the_ .contractor at his own expense. t6-~~la ~ON~RACTOR'S RESPQ~SlBiLiTY FOR T~E WORK: uri~il written acceptance by the Owner as provided for in these Contract -Doc~merits~ the woik . shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, arid he sh.all take every necessary precaution to prevent injury or damage to the work or any part C6-6 Cll) thereof by action of the elements or from any cause whatsoever, whether arising from the execution or nonexecutiori of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, anci make good at his own expense all injuries or damage to any portion of the work occasioned by any of the hereinabove causes. C6-6.19 NO WAIVER OF LEGAL RIGHTS: Inspection by the Engineer or __ any o ·rder -by ._ t _he Owner by: pay~ent of money _ .or any p ,ayment for or a ·cb)~-ptan:ce o f any work' or . any extension of time,;. or ·any possession taken by _the Ci£y ihall not operate~~ a waiver of any provision of the Contra·ct Documents. Any wai.ver of any breach or Conttact shall not be held to be a ~aiver of any other or subsequerit breach. The Owner reserves the right to correct any error that may· be discovered in any estim~te that may ha~e been paid and to ad1~§t th~ same to me~t th~ r~quirem~nts of the Corit~act Documents • .C6-6. 20 PER:SONAL LIABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICIAL.S: In carrying out the provisions 6£ thes~ Contract :o6cuments 6r in e i ercising any po~er of authority gra~t~d thereund~r, th~re shall be no liability upon the authorized representatives of the, Owner, either personally or oth.erwise as they are agents and representatives of the City. _C6-6 .. 21 STATE.' SALES TAX: On a contract awarded by the City of Fort Worth, ari or~anizatioh which qualifies . for ~x~m~tion puisuant the provisions of Article 20.04 ca> of the .rexas Limited S~les, excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contrabt~r may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the perfo r mance of this contract by is ,suirig to his . slipplier an exemptiQ'n certificate iri lieu of the tax; said exemption certificate to comply with State Comptioltei's Ruling .007. ~ny such exjrnption ~ertificate isstied by the Contract6r in lieu of the tax sh~ll be subject to and shall comply with the provisions of State Comptroller's Ruling .011, and any other applicable State Comptroller rulings pertaining to the Texas Limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act. · On a con tract .. awarded by a developer for the construction of a publicly-own ed improvement in a street right-of-way or other easement which has been dedicated to the public and the City of Fort Worth, ~n organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant :to the prbvisibns oi Article 20.04 CH) of the Texas limited Sales, Exci i se, and Use .Tax Act, the Contr~ctor can probably be exempted in the same manner stated above. C6-6 (12) Limited Sale, Excise and Use Tax permits and information can be obtained from: Comptroller of Public .Accounts Sale Tax Division Capitol Station Austin, TX _ C6-6 (13) I I I I I I I PART C -GENERAL ·CONDITI.ONS C7~7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SECTION C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS: C7-·7 .1 SUBLETTING: The Contractor shall perform with his ·.own oi~anizati6n~ and with the assistance of .~orkman rina~r his ~mmedlate superintendance, wor.k of a value of n~t less than f i:fty < 5 .0% > percent of the value .embracea in the corit_ract. If the Contra6t6r sublets iny part 6f the work to be d6ne u~der these Contract Documents, he will not under any circumstances be rel ieyed of the responsfbili ty . and obligation as_SUllled under th~se Contract D6duments. Ali t~ahsictions 6£ the Engin~~r ~ill be with the Coritractoi. Subcontrattors will be c .onsidered only in the capacity of employees or workmen of the Contractor and shall be subject to the same requirements as to ch~racter ~nd competency. ~he Own~r will not recognize any subcontractor on the work. The Contractor shall at all times; when the work is in operation, be represented either in person or by a superintendent or other de.signated repre.sentatives. C7-7.2 ASSIGNMENT OF co~1RACT: The Contr~ct~r ~ball not assign, transfer, sublet, convey, or otherwise dis~ose 6f the contract or his rights, title, or interest in or to the same or any ~art thereof without the previous consent of the Owner expr~ss~d by resolution o1 ~he City ~6uncil and concrirred in by the Sureties. If the Contractor does, without such previous consent~ a$sign, trarisfer, su~l~t, con~ey, br otherwise dispose of th, contract or hi~ right, titl~, o~ inteiest th~rein or any part thereat, to any p~rs6n 6r persons, p~rtners~ip, company~ fiim, or, corporation, or does by bankruptcy, vo_luntary or involuntary, or by a~signment under t~e insolvency laws of any state, attempt to dispose of the contract may, at the option of the owner be revoked and annulled, unless the Sureties shall successfuliy complete said contrac.t, ·and in the event of any such revocation or annulment, any monies due or to become due under or by virtue of said contract shall be retained _by the Owner as liquidated damages for : the ,reason th.at it would be im~~acticable and extremely 4ifficult to fix th~ ictual damages. C7-J.3 P~OSSCUTION OF ~~E WORK: P;ior to beginnin~ any construction 6peration, the contr~ctor shall submit to the Engineer in five or more copies, if requested by the Engineer, a progres? schedule preferably in chart or diagram form, or a brief outlining in detail and step by step the manner of C7-7 (1) prosecuting the work and ordering materials and equipment which he expects to follow in order to complete the project in the scheduled time . There shall also be submitted a table of estimated amounts to be earned by the Contractor during each monthly estimate period. The Contract.o.r sha l l commence the work to oe performed. ·under this . ~ontract within the t _ime llmi_:t;. stated i~ these_ ·c ,ontract .. Documeht-$ .arid shall. c ·onduct the _work in a con.tiriuous ·. manner ·and with. ·s.uf.f icie ri t equJ p ;ment t materials' arid' r'a bcfr 'as is necessary to-insure 'r ts completion within the time li'mi t. The sequence requested of all. construction operations shill oe ~tall ti~es ai sp~cifled in the ,Sp~cial Co~tract botri~~nts. Any deviation from scuh sequencing shall be submitted to the Engipeer for his approval. Contractor_ shali not proceed with any .deviation rintil he h~s rec~ived written approval fro~ the 'Engineer. Such spec i fi°cation or approval by 'th .e Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor from the full r ·esporisibility of the complete performance of the Contract. The contract time may_. :he changed . only as set forth in Section C7-7.8 "Extension of Time of Completion" .of this Agreernept, an.d a progress schedule shall not constitute a change ,in the . contract time. :~7~7.4 LIMITATIONS OF OPERAf~ONS: T~e ~6rkirig op~ratidris shall at all times be ·co~du~ted by the Contracto~ so as to create a minimum amount of inconvenience to the public. At any time when, in the judgment of the Engineer, the Contractor has obstructed or clcise4 ot is carryin~ on 6peratioris in a portion of a street or public way greater than .is necessary for .the proper execution of the work, the Engineer may requi:i;e the Contractor to finish the ~e~tion on ,hich 6p~rati6ns ate iri progress befbre th~ work is commenced on an"y addi"t:iOnal section or street. C7-7.5 CHARACTER OF WORKMEN AND EQUIPMENT: Local }abor shall be used by the Contractor i~ available. T~e Contractor ~ay bring in. fro·m outside the City of ForJ::. Wort,h his key men and his superint~?dent •. All other workmeft, includin~ equip~erit _operators;. may be . imported. qnly after the local supply is exhau~ted; The Contr,ctor ~hall emplo~ 6niy such superintend,ents·, foremen, and w,orkrnen who are careful, competent, and-fully quali·fied to perform the . duties or tasks ass igried to them, and the Eng in-eer may demand and secure the summary dismissal of ahy person or ·persons employed by the Coritrc;3.ctor in or about or on the work who, in the opiniori of the Owher~ shall misconduct hi~self or be found to be incompetent, disrespettful, int~mperat~i dishonest, or C7-7 (2) otherwise objectiona~le or neglectful in the proper performance of his or their duties, or who neglects or refuses to comply with or carry out t,he directions of the Owner, arid such p~rson or persons shall .not be employed again thereon wJthout written consent of the Engineer. All workmen shall have sufficient skill, ~bility~ and exp~rience to properly perform the work assigned to them and ope·rate any equipment necessary to properly carry out the per-forman~e of the .assigned duties. The Contractor shall furnish and maint?tin on the work all such equipment as is considered to be necessary for prosecution of the work in an acceptable mariner and at a satisfactory rate of progress. All equipment, tools~ and machine;y _used for handling materials and executing any part of the work shall be subje~t to the ~pproval of the Engineer and shall be ma int a i ·n e d in a sat i s factory , safe and e ff i c i en t work i n.g condition. Equipment on any portion of the work shall be such that· no injury to the work, workmen or adjacent property will r~sult from its use~ c7-7. 6 WORK SCHEDULE: Elapsed working days shall be computed starting with the first day ·of W()r-Ji; completed as defined in Cl-1.23 "WORKING DAY" or the date stipulat~d in the "WORK QRDER 11 for beginning work, whichever comes first. ~~thing in these Coritract Documents shall b~ construed as prohibiting the Contractor from working on Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holidays, providing that the following requirements are met: a. A .request to work on a specific Saturday, Sunday or Legal ijol.iday must be made to the Engineer no later than the proceeding Thursday. b. Any work to be don~ on t~e proje6t on such a specific Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holi.day must be, in the opinion of the E!lgin.eer, essential to the timely completion of the project. The Engirieer'~ deci~ion shall be final in respons~ to such a request for . approval to work on a specific Satut;"day, Sunday or L~gal Holiday, and ho extra compensation shall be allowed to the Contractor for any work performed ori such a specific Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday. · Calendar Days shall be defined in Cl-1.24 and the Contractor may work as he so desires. C7-7 (3) C7-7.7 TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION: The Contractor: shall_ commence the working :b'perations within tl:le time specified in the Contract Documents and .set forth in the Work order. 'Failure to do so shall-be considered by the ··Owner as abandonment of the Contract by the Contractor and the Owner may proceed as he sees fit. The Contractor shal.l rnaintain a rate bf progt~ss .such .: as will insure·· that the-whoie-,. wor,·k· wi:11 : be:*,'.pe:t,f ·o-rme:d "'and··· th~. p~em-¥ses cleaned up in acedrdance . with th~ Contract Docu~erits and within the time e -s:tablished in such do~u,.ments and such extension of time as may be proI)~rly authorized by the Owner. C?-:-7. 8 EXTENSION OF · TIME COMPLETION: The Contract~r !.~ _request .for -an . extension of time of completion sha.il be considere9- onlf wh~n th~ ~equ~st f~i such ~xterisi6n is iubmftted in writing t ·o the Engineer .within . seven .days from and .after the tim~ _alleged cause of delay shall have occ:i.u::red. Should an extension of the time of completion be r 'eqllested such ,request will be forwarded to the City Council fot approval.· In adjusting the :contract time £or bom~letion of worki con,sideration will be givep. tq unforseea.ble. causes beyond th~ control of ~nd Mithout the fa~lt ot ne~ligerice bf .the contractor, including bµt . limited. to acts o ,f the public en,emy, acts of the Own~r, fire, flood, tornadoei, e~ide~ic~, quarantin.e rest;ict~_ons, strikes,. freight emba·rgoes, or del,a_ys of ~~b~contractors due to such c~uses. · when the date of completion is based on a calendar day bid, a request for extension of time because of inclement weat~er will not be -considered. A request for extension of time due to iriability to obtain si~plie• ~nd materials will be considered only when a . r-eview of the Contractor's purchase order dates and other pertinent data as requested by the -Engineer. indicates that the Contractor has made a bonafide at:.tempt;. to secure delivery on schedule. This shall include efforts to opt.a.in the sup'.plies .and materials from alte.rnate sources in case the first source cannot make delivery. If satisfactory execution an-d completion of the contr.act should ~equire :~or k and materials in ~~e~ter a•ouhts 6r quarr t ±.t.ies than those set f 9rth in the approved . Coritrctct Documents, then the contract tiriie may b~ increased by Ch~nge Order. C7-7. 9 D,ELAYS _: The Contractor sha_ll receive no .compensation for delays ~r hindrances to the work, exc~pt' wh~n direct and unavoidable extra c6st to the Contractor is cau~ed b~ fhe failure of the City to provide information or materiai, if C7-7 (4) j j J I I ! I I i I I I ·1 I any, which .is to be furnished by the City. When su~h extra compehsatior) is claimed a written statement thereof shall. be presented by the . C6ntractor to the Engineer and if bt him found correct shall be approved and referred by him to the. Council for f _inal approval or disapproval; and the action thereon by the Council shall be f irial and binding. If delay i~ paa~ed by ~pe~ific orders given by the ingin~ers £0 ~l6p wo~k, _or by the performance of extra _w9rk, or by the £ailure of the City to provide material or nebessary iristrubtions f6r car~yin~_bn the work, then such dela~ will entitle . the Coriti~ctoi t& an equiva~ent ~xtehsion of time, his applic~ticin for which shall, however, be subject to the ·approval of the ci ;ty Counc i 1; and no such extension of time . shall r _elease the Coritrac_tor or the surety on his performance bond from all his obligations h~reunder which sh~il iemain in full force until the discharge of the cont.ract. C7-7.10 TIME OF COM~tET~ONi The time of compl~tion is an essential el,~erit of the contr~ct. Each bidder sh~ll indicate in the appropriat~ place on the _ last pa~e of the Proposal the nq.mber of working days or cal_endar days that he will requi,re · to fully complete this contract or the time of completion will be specified by the tity in the Pioposal sectioti of th~ contract documents. . .~he num~ei of diys indicated shall be~ realistic estimate of tbetimerequired to complete the work covered bythe specific ~ontract being bid upon. The amount of time so stated by the successful bidder or the City will be~ome the time of completion specified iri the Contract Documents. For ea:ch calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted ~fter the time specified in the Contract Doc~ments, or the inqre~sed time gr~nted by th~ Own~r, or as autdmatically increa~ed by additional work or ma~erials ordered after _the coritract is signed, the su~ per day given in the £allowing schedule, unlesi oth~rwise specified in other parts of the Contract Do6umehts~ will be deducted from monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the Owner. AMOUNT OF CONTRACT Less than $ 5,000 inclusive $ 35.00 $ 5,001 to $ 15,000 inclusive $ 45.00 $ 15,00l to $ 25, oo :o inclusive $ 63.00 $ 25,001 to $ 50,000 inclusive $ iOS.0.0 $ 50,001 to $ 100,000 inclusive $ 154.00 $ 100 ,.001 to $ 500,000 inclusive $ 210.00 C7-7 CS) $ 500,001 to $1,000,001 to $2,000,001 and qver $1,000,000 $2,000,000 inclusive$ inclusi've $ ~ 315.00 420.00 630.00 The P:arties hereto understand and agree tn_at any harm to , the city caused by the Contractor's delay in ~omple.ting _the work hereunder in the time specified by the Contract Do¢timent~ would~~ incapable or very difficult of a~cufate esti~atibn, and that , tli_e "Amount of L.i,.g-gidated Damages _P,er D'ay" ,. as set out above,. is a . reasonable . forecast of just compensatio'n ~due the eitj for harm c~used by any delay. C7-7.ll SUSPENSION BY COURT ORDER: The Cbntra~~br ~~~all suspend operations on s.uch part · or parts of the woi;:k . ordered by ant court, and will riot be entitled to addiiibnal compensation by virtue of such court order. Neither will he be liable to the City in the event th.e wo:rk is suspended by a Court Order. Neither will the 6~n~r be liable to fhe Contractor by virtue df any Court Order or action for whi"c!h the owner is not solely responsible. C7-7.:12 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION: The Owner shall ha·ve the right tq suspend the work operati6n wholly or in ~att fo~ such period or ~eriods of time as he ~ay dee~ nebessjry dtie to unsuitable weather conditions or any other unfavorable conditions whi,ch in the opinion of the Owner or .Engineer cause further prosecution of the work t6 be uns~tisfaciory di detrimental to the i nterest of the project. During temporary scis~ension d~ work covered by ~his bontract, for any reasci~, the_ Owner will make no extra payment for st~nd-by time of construction equipment and/or construction crews. ' ' r .f it shou.1d b ,ecome necessary to suspend wor.k for a ·n indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials .in ·such manner that they w:i.11 not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, aqd he shall ta~e every precaution to prevent damage o-r deterioration of the w_ork performed; he s.hali provide_ suitable . drainage ··about the work, and ere.ct temporary structures where necessary·. · Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the project due to causes beyond the control of and without -the fault or negligence of the Contractor a~ set forth in Paragraph Cl-7.& EXTEWSLON OF TH~ TIME OF COMPLETION, and sho·uld it be determi ned by mutual consent of the Contractor and the En~ineer that a solution to allow construbtion to proceed is not avai l able within a reasonable period of time, then the Contractor may be reimbbrsed for bhe cost 6f moving hi~ equipment off the job and returriing the necessart equ i pment to the job when it is determined by the Engineer C7-7 (6) L L that construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will be allowed. No rei~bµisement shall be allowed if the equipment is moved to anothe r construction project for the City of Fort Worth. The Contractor shall riot suspend work without written notice from the -Engineer and shall proceed with the. work operations promptly ~hen notified by the Engineer to so resume operations .•. C7-7 .13 . TERMINATio-:t~ OF CONTRACT DUE TO NATIONAL EMERGENCY: Whenever, becau~e of National ~mergency, so declared by the President of the Uni~ed Stat~s or other lawful ~uthority, it becomes impossible for the Contractor tb obtain all of the n~c~ssary lal;>or, materials, and·equipment for the prosecution of the wbrk ~ith reasoriable continuity for a period of two months, the Contractor shall within seven days notify the City in writing, giving a .detailed statement of the efforts which have been ~ade and listing all necessary items of labor, materia:J,.s, and ~quipment not obtainabie., If, after investigations, the Owner finds that SU.ch conditions e_xisting and .that the inability of the Contractor to proceed is not attributable in whole or in ~art to the fault or neglect of the Contract, then if the Owner cannot after reasonable effort assist the c6ntiactor in procu~ing and making aviilable the necessary labor, materials and eguipine_nt within. thirty days, the Contractor may request the Owner to terminate the contract and the o·wner may comply with the request, and the termination shall be conditioned and based upon a final settlement mutually acceptable to both the Owner and the Contractor and final pay~~nt shall be made iri accoraanee with the terms of the agreed settlement, which shall inclµde, but not be limited to, the payment for all w6rk executed but ·no anticipated prof its. on work which has not been performed. C7-7.14 SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT OF THE WORK AND -ANNULMENT OF CONTRACT: The work operations on all or any portion or sec_tion of the work under Contract _shall be suspended immediately on written order of the Engine~r or the Contract may be declared cancelled by the City Council for any good and sufficient cause. The following, by way _ of example, but hot of limitation' may be considered gr.ounds for suspensio·n or cancellation: a. Failure 6f thj Cbritractor to commenc~ work ~peiatiorts wittiin the time specified in the Work Order issued by the Owner. C7-7 (7) . . ! '· f . b. ! ' ' Substantial eviaence t~at progress of the work operations by Contractor is insufficient to complete the work within the specified time : c. Failure o f the co~tractot to provi4e and maintain sufficient labor and equipment to properly execute the working, operations. ~ S.u.b'stan.t..i.a,l. ev.id.,enc,e ;that the. c.6,n t ractoi: ha.s abandoned the work. e-. t. g. h. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become. ihsoivent or bank,rupt, or otherwise £ iriancially . unable to carry on the work satisfactorily. Failure 6 ~ the part .of t~e Contr~cfor t~ dbs~rve any requireme~ts of the Contract Docbmenti or to ~amply wi th a~y o~de~s ~i~~n by the Engi~eer 6r Owner provided for .in these Contract Documents. Fai 1 Ure of the Contrat::tor prom'ptly t .o make good any defect in materials or workmanship, or any oefects of _ any nat~r~ the cori~cti6ri of whi6h has been directed in writing by the Engineer or the Owner. Subst~ntiai evidence of collusion for the ~u~po~e of 'illegally I?r6curing a contract or perpetrating fr.aud <:>n the City in the co.nstruction of work under contract. i~ A substantial indication that the Contractor has made an unauthorized assignment of the contract or ~ny funds due ~herefrbm for th~ benefit of ~ny creditor or ·for any other purpose. j. If the c6~tr~ctor shall for any cause what~o~ver ·, not carry on the working operi;l.tion in an a -cceptable mariner. k. tf th ~ C6ntractor commerices legal action ag~inst the owner. A copy ,o ,f the su.sperision order or action of the City Council shall be ~etved on the Con~ractbr'~ Sureties. When work is suspended for any cause or causes, or when the contract is cancelled, the Contractor shall discontinue the work or such part tl)ereof as the Owner .shall designat·e, whereupon the Sureties maf, at their option, ~ssume th~ contract or that portion thereof which the Owner has ordered the Contractor to discontinue, and may perform the same or may, with the written C7-7 (8) \ consent of the Owner, sublet the work or tha~ portion of the work as taken over, provided however, tl:lat thi:! Sur:E?t;.ies shall exercise their option, if at all, within twd weeks afte~ the written notice to discontinue the work has be~n serv~d up6n the Contractor and upon the Sureties or their authorized agents. The Sureties, in such event shall assume the Contractor's place in .all respects, and ,shall .be paid .,by tne Owner for all work peiformed by th~m i~ ~c~ord~nce ~iih th~ tefrn~ of the Contract Documents. All monies remaining due . the Contractor at the time of this defaµl t sija_ll thereupon become due and payabLe to the Sureties~~ the ~ork progresses, subject to all of the terms of the Contrac_t Docum,ents. Iri c~se the Sure~ies do not, ~ithin ~he hereinabove specified time~ exercise their right and option ~6 ais~me fbe contract responsibilities, or that portion thereof wJ:iich the Owner has ordered by th~ contradtor _to discontinu~, the~ th~ owner shall have the power to complete, by contract or otherwise, as it may determine, the · work herein d~scr ibed or _ such part thereof as it may deem necessary, and the Contradtor hereto agrees tha_t the Owner shall have the right to take possession of and use any materiaLs, plants, tools, equipment, supplies, and property of anj kin~ provi4ed :by .the Contr~ctor for the purpose of .carrying on the ~o~k an~ to procure other tools,. equipment, materials, labor and property for 'the cj:)mpletion of the work, and to charge to the acc·ount of the Contractor of said contract expense for labor, matetial~, tooLs, equipment, and all expenses incidental fheretd. The expense so charged shall be deducted by the Owner from suq.h monies as may be due or may become due at any t.1-m,e theieaft~r to the Contrac~or under and by virtue of the Contrfict o -r any pa.rt thereof. The Owner shall not be required to obtain the lowest bid for the work completing the contract, but the expense to be deducted Sha.hl be the actual cost of the owner of such work. In case such expenses shall exceed the amount which would have been payable under the Contract if , the same .had been completed by the Contractor, then the Contractor and his Sureties shall pay the amount of such ~xcess to the ~ity .on notice from the Owner .of the excess due. When any particular part of the work is being carried on by the Owner by contract or otherwise under the provisions of this section, the Contractor shall c6ntinue the remainder of the work in conformity with the terms of 'the Contract Documents and in such a manner as to not hinder or interfere with performance of the work by the Owner. C7~7 .• 15 FULFILLMENT OF CONTRACT1 Th~ Contract will be considered as ha.ving been_ fulfilled, save as provided in any bond or bonds or by law, when all the work and all sections or parts of the project cover~d by the Contract Documents have C7-7 (9) been f fn_i$h~d and co·mpleted, the final inspection made by the ~ri~ine~i; and the final acceptince and final paymerit made by the. Owner. ... . C7,~7 •. 16; TE~INATION FOR CONVENTENCE -OF . THE OWNER: A. •. B. NOTICE OF TERMINATION: The performance of the work ':.' under •. _ this.-.. c :on,tr.act.. may>.b.e... te.rmix:ia,t'.ed. by the : Owner i ri j .jn _ote'-; q.~. from time to ti.~e in part, in ·accordance -~·wi tb this section, \•ihenever the Owner shall determine .that such termination i$ in the best interest o ·f the Owner. Any such termination sh~i j be effectea 'by ~ailirig a nbtice of termih~tion· i6 ~he c6ritractoi s~~cifyin§ the extent to which • performanc·e of work under the contract is termiriated, ~nd the d~te upon which such tetminatiort ~~cid~~s eff~ctive. Receipt of the notice shal_l be deemed conclusively presumed aq.d established when the le.tter t ·s placed in the United States. Mail 'by the Owner. Further;· it s ·h a 11 be de 'e:med _ c ·on c ius ively ~resumed and . established that such termination is mltde with just cause as . the.rein ~t at~d;. and n6 proof in ~ny claim, ~e~atid 6~ suit shalY be requiikd of the Own~r regardirlg su~h d~scretionary action. · CO_NTRACTOR ACTION: After ·receipt o.f a n6tic.e ·Of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Engineer, the eontractor shall: 1. Stop tork under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the noti~e of termination; 2. place no further ord~rs or aubcontraets for materialsi ~eivi~es or faciliti~s except as ~ay .be necessary for bompletidn of such portion of the work under the contrict as is no.t terminated; 3. termi~ate all order~ ~nd stibcontracts to ·the ext~·nt that they r -elate to the performance of work tetminated by the notice of termination; 4~ transfer titie to the bwner and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Engineer: C7-7 (10) l l '. a. b. the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, completed work, s -upplies and other material produced as a part of, or a~quired in c6nnection with ,the performance qf; the work terminated by the notice of ter~iriatiori: and the completed, or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other ~roperti which, if the contract had been completed, ~ould have been required to be furnished to tne Owner. 5. complete performan.ce of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of t~rminatibn; ~rid 6. tak~ such action as may ~e necessary, or as th~ Erigin~~r ~a~ direct, £or the protection and preservation of the pr6perty related to it~ ccintract ~hich is in the pos~ession 0£ the Contractor and in which the Owner has or may acquire the re~f. At~ ~ime n6t later than 30 days after the termiriation date specified in the notice of t~rminati6n, the Contractor may submit to the Engi~eer ~ list, certified as tb quantity and guallty, of any or all ite~~ ~f termination iri~entcry not previously dispos~d 6£, ~xclusive of items the disposition ~f which has been directed or authorized by the Engineer. Not later than 15 days thereafter, the Owner shall accept title to such it~:m:s pro~ided; that th~ list submitted shall be subject ~o verification by th~ Erigineer upon r~moval of the items or, if the items ~re stored, within 45 days from the . date of submission of the liit, and any neces~ary adjustments to correct the lis.t as sub~itted, shall be made pribr t6 final settlement. c~ TERM1NAT~ON CLAIM: Within 60 day~ after notice of termination, the Contractor shall sub~it his ter:m:inati6ri claim to the Engineer in the form and with the certification prescribe·d by the Engineer~ Unless one or more exten~ion~ in writing are granted bt the Owner up6n req_uest of the Contractor, made ii writing within such 60-day period or authorized extension thereof, any and all such claims sti~ll be conclusiveli deemed waived. C7-7 (11') D. E. F. G. AMOUNTS: Subject to the provisions of Item c7--7, 16 ( c), the Contractor and Owner may agree upon. the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the total or partial termination ot work pursuant hereto; provided, that such agr~ed amount or amounts shall never exceed the total contract price as reduced by the ~amoun t of paym~nts Otherwise made and as • ,further red·ucea~· by-.. ·the· contract pr ic~ of wor:k no.t terminated~ The contr~ct shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. No amount shall be due fo.r lost or anticipated .profits. No.thing in C7-7,.16(1,!:) hereafter, prescribing ·the amount to be paid to the Coniractor in the ev~nt of failure of the contrac t or by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this section, shalt be deemed to limit, restrict or ofherwis~ determine or affect th~ . amount o.r amounts_ which . may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. FAILURE TO AGREE .: fn the event -0f the failure of the Contractor and th~ Owrie~ to .agkee as provided in C?_-7 ~ 16 ( D) upon the . whole amount to be paid to the Contractor hy reason of the :termination of work pursuant to this sect:i,on ,.the ·Owner s ,.hall. determine, on the basis 6£ information availabl~ to it, the ·amount~ if anyi du~ to th~ Conttac~or by reason of the termination and shall pay to the contractor the a~ounts determined. No . ~mount shill be due for .lost or antlcipated profits. ,. DEDUCTIONS: In arri~ing at the amount due the contractor under {his i ection, th~re shall be d~dudted (a) all unliquidat•d advan~e or other ~ayments on account theret6£ore made to the Contractor, applicable '.to the termin~ted portion of this ¢oritract; {b) any claim .w~ich the Owner may have again~t the Contract6r in connection with this contract; and (c) the agreed price f-0r, or the proceeds. of sale of ., any matei;ials, supplies or oth~r ihings kept by the Contr~cfor or ~old, p.ursu-:ant. to the prov.isions qf this clause_, and not otherwise recovered by .or credited to the Owner. ADJUST~EN~: lf the termination ~ereunder ~e p~rti~l, prior to the Settiement of the terminated portion of this contract, the Contractor may file with the Engineer a request in writing for an C7-7 (12) l j J l. H. equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in th~ contract relating to the continued portion of the <?ontract (the portion not terminated by the notice of termination), such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices: nothing 6ontained herein, however, shall limit the right of the Owner and the Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the continued po~tion of the contract when said contract does not cont.ain an established contract price for such continued portion. NO LIMITATION OF .RIGHTS: Nothing contained in this secti6n .shall limit or altei the rights which the Owner may have for termination of this contract under C7-7.14 hereof entitled "Suspension of Abandonment of the .work and Amendment of Contract" or any other right which Owner may have for default or breach of contract by Contractor. C7-7.17 SAFETY METHODS AND PRACTICES: The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising .all safety precautions and piograms in connection with the work at all times and shall assume all responsibilities for their enforcement. The Contractor shall comply with federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations so as to protect person and property from injury, including death, or damage in connection with the work.· C7-7 (13) ~ . PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS C8-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION C8-8 MEASUREMENT AND' PAYMENT c·s--8.1 ME ·ASUREM·ENT OF QUANTITIES:. T_he .determination of quantities of work p·erf·ormed by the Contractor and authorized' by the Contract Documents acceptably completed under the terms of the Contract Documents shall be made by the Engineer, based on measurements made by the _Engineer. These measurements will be made according to the United States Stand?trd Measurements used tn common prac·tice, and will _ be the actual . length, area, solid content~, num6ers, and weights of the materials arid items installed~ C~-~.2 tiNIT P~ICES: When in the Proposal a "Unit Price" is set forth, th~ said "Unit Price" shall includ~ the furnishing by t :he Contractor of all iabor ~ too-ls, materials, ~achinery, equip~ent, appliances and appurten~nces necessary for the constr1,1ction of and the completi'on in a manz'i'er acceptable to · t.tie Engineer of all work to be done ·under tnese Cont.rac:t Documents. · Th~ jUnit Price" ~hall inc1ud~ ali pei•anent artd temporary protection of overhead, surf ace; and underground structures, cleanup, finished, overhead expense, bond, insurance, patent fees, royalties, risk due to the elements and other causes, delays, profits, irijulies, damages claims, taxes, a .nd a1 ·1 other ite'rns not specifically mentioned that may be required to fi.l-lly construct each item of the work complete in place arid in a satisfactory condition for operation~ cB-8.3 LUMP SUM: when in the Proposal a "Lump sumK is set forth, the said "Lump Sum" sl'lali represent the total cost. for the Contr~2tor to furnish all labor, tobls, materials, rna6hlnery; eqiiipment, appurtert~nces, and all sub~idary w~rk necessary for the construction and completion of all the work to provide a compiete and. functional i tern as detailed in the Special Contract Documents and/or Plans. C.8-8. 4 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: The contractor shall receive and, 'accept the compensation, as herein provided, in full payment for furnishing all labor, tools, materials., and in~ideptals for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these Contract Documents, for all loss and damage arising _ out of the nature of ·the work or from the action of the elements, for any unforeseen defects or o·bstruction.s which may arise or be encountered durin~ the pros~cution of th~ work ~t any time C8-8 C 1) bef.ore its f ina.l acceptance by the Owner, { except as provided in paragraph cs-5.14) for all risks of whatever description connected. with the prosecution of the work, for all expense incurred by or in consequence of sus·pension or discontinuance of such prosecution of the working o .pera ti ons as nerei n specified, 6r any and all irifrin~e~eri~~ of patents, trademarks, copyrig h ts, or other legal res~rvations, and for ciompl~teing the work in an acceptable manner acco·rding to the terms 6.f ·the,_Contract Documents. The paym~nt bf any c~rrent or ~artial ~stimate prior to final ac.ceptapce of the work ·by the Owner shall in rio way constitute an acknowledgment' of the acceptance of the work; material~, or equipment, nqi in any way prejudice or affect the obi_igations of the Contractor to r'epair, correct; renew, or replace at his own and proper expense any defects or imperf~~ti6ns in th~ construction or in the strength or quality of the material used or equipment or machinery furnished in or al::>o .ut the construction of the w6rk ~nder contr~ct and its appurtenahces, or any d~mage d~e or attrib~t~~ to such del~cts, ~hich defects, imperfection, or damage shall have. been discovered on or before tn.e final inspection and acce:gtance • of work or during the one year guaranty period after final acceptan·ce. The Owner shall be the sole judge of such def~~t~, imperfections, or damage, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to correct the same as ~rovid~d her·ein. C8-8~5 -PARTIAL EST!MXTES AND RETAIN~GE: Between the 1st and 5th daj 0£ e~ch m~nth the Co~tractor shall submit to th~ Engineer a st~tement sh6wing ·~n ~stimate of the valu~ of .the work done during the previous in6n_th, or estimate period un·der the Contract Documents. Not later than the 10th day of the month the Engineer shall verify such estimate, and if it is found ~o be acteptable arid the ~alrie of work pei~orm$d siri~e the last partial payment was ~ade exceeds one hundred' dollars ($100.00) in amount, 90% of such estimated sum will be 'paid to the Contractdr if the total contract amo·urit is less than $400,0~0, Or 95% of s~eh estimated ~um will be paid t& the Contractor if the total contract amount is $400,000 or greater within twenty-five {25) day~ after the re~ular estimate petio~. The City will have the option of preparing estimates on forms furnished by the City. The partial estimate may incJttde acceptab,le:: no.np.er-ishal;>le materials deiivered to the work whic.h ar~~to be · incorpor~ted into . the w6rk as a per~anent part ther~of, but ~hi6h at the the tl~e of the esti~ate have not been instalied. ( such payment will b~ all owe-a on . a basis of 85% of the net invoice value thereof.) The Contractor ~h~ll furnis-h the Engineer such information as he may request to aid C8-8 (2) l l him as a guide in _ the verification or the preparation of partial estimates. It is understood that the partial <estimate from month to month will be app.roxii:nateonly, and all partial monthly estimates and payment will be. subject to · correction in the estimate rendered following the discov.:~ry of . an error in .. any previous estimate,and su¢h estimate ~hall . not, in any iespect~ be take~ as an admission of the Owner of the amount · of work done or of its quality of suf'f ic.iency, or as an acceptance of the work ~one cir th~ release .of the Contractor 6f any of his responsibilities under the Contract Documents. The City reserves the right _to withhold the -paymeht of any monthly estimate if the contractor fails to .perfor~ the work strictly in accordance . with the specifications or provisions of this contract. . C8~8.6 WITHHOLDING PAYM~NT: Payment -0n any estimate dr estimates may be held iri ab~yance if the perf¢r~ance of 'the ~on~tructi6n opeiations is not in acbord~nce with the requirements of the Contract Documents. C8-8. 7 FI.NAL ACCEPTANCE: Whenever the improvements provided for by the Contract Doc'ument.s shall have been completed. and all r~tjuirements of the Contract Doctimerits shall have been fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing .that the ,improvements :are ready for the final° inspection. The Engineer ·,sha-11 notify the appropriate officials of the Owner, will .within a reasonable t i me ma k e · s u c h f i n a 1 i n s p e c t i on , an d i . f t he w o. r k i s ~itisfactory, iri an ~cceptable coriditioii and has been completed in a~cd(darice with the terms of ,the Contract D0c1.3:ments arid all approved modifications thereof, the Engineer will initiate 1 the processirig of the final estimate ~nd . recommend final acceptance of the project and final payment therefor as outlined iri C-8-8. 8 below. CB-8. 8 FINAL . PAYMENT:' Whenever all the improvements provided for by the Co.htract Documents and all approved mod if icati6ns thereof shall have been completed and all requirements of the Contract Documents haie been f~lfilled on the part of the Contractor, a final estimate sho~ing the value of the work ~ill be ptepared by the Engirie~r ~s soon as 1 the necessary measurements,; computations, and checks can be made. A.l,l prior estimates upon which pay~ent has been made are subject to necessary corrections or revisions in the final payment. C8-8 ( 3) The amount of the final estimate, less previous payments anq any sum that have been deducted or retained under the provisions of the Contract Documents, will be paid to the c6ritractor within 60 days after final acceptance by the Owner ~ri a ptoper ·resblution of the City ~ouncil, p~ovided the Contractor has furnished to the Owner satisfactor:.Y _evidence . of payment as fallows: Prior to submission of the final estimate for payment t the tontractor ~hall e~ecute an affidavit, as fu-irnis-hed · by t :he C-i tY.c ce,rtifyirig.: .that -~1.1 pe·rsons , .. firms, associ:ati-,ons, corpor.ations, or <;>ther --organizations . furnisnin-g labor and/or material s ha v e been p~id in full, that the wage scale established by ~he City Council in the City 6f Fort Worth has be.en paid, and that there are no .claims pending for personal inj·ury · and/or property · damages. The acceptance by the contractor o·f th~ 1-ast o ·r final payment as aforesaid shall operate as and shall release the Owner from all claims or 1iabilities under ~he Cont~~ct for ariyt~ing done or furnished or relating to the work under" ·contrac _t Documents or any act or: neglect of said Cit~ relating to or conne6t~d with the Contract. . The making of the f i nal payment by the _<'.>~µer shall not relieve the Contrac:tor of any gu<:irantees or -othe:f _req_ufrernen ts ,of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. CB--8. 9 ADEQUACY OF DESI'GN: It is ' understood that the owner believ:es it has employ:ed competent Eng-irieers and. designers to prepare the Contract Documents and all modifications of the approved Contract Documents.. It is, therefore, agreed th~.t the Owner shall be responsible for the ,adequacy of its own desigri features, su£ficiency pf the Contrac~ Documents, the s a 'f ~ ty of the s tr. u ct u re , and th, e pr a c t ,i ca o i 1 i t y of th_ e operations of the comp1eted pr.eject;( pi:;6vided the -Contractor has c omplied wi·th ; the requ :i,:.r e ·men ts of the said Contract Documents, all approved modifications thereof, and additions arid alterations thereto approved in wrfting 'by ·'the Owner. The burden of proof of such c om p 1 i a ;n c e . s h a ],.1: _be up on t h e C~ntrtctor to Show ·that h~ h~~ co~~lied ~ith ~he s~id _requirements. of -the Contr:act Documents, 'approved rnqd·i _f ications thereof, and all approv:~d addi tions and 'alterations thereto. t~-s.1.6 GENERAL GUARANTY: Neither the final ~ertificate of payme;nt no·r ~-n·y p :rov·islon in the Contract Documents nor partial or erttire occupancy .or use of the preciises by the Owner shall constitute an acc~ptance of work pot done in accoidance with the Contrac~ ti~duments or reli~~e the Contractor of liabil i ty in re$pect fo ant express warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanshi~. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and ca-a c 4) l l L L ~ i i l i L pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer pe~iod is specified andshall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guaranty as above outline. The Owner wiLl give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. C8...;.8.ll .SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifically governed by documentary requirements for the project, such as conditions imposed by the Plaris, the Geneial Contract Documents or these Special Contract Documents, in which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal, shall be considered ~s a subsidia~y item of work, the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal, for each bid item. Surface restoration, rock excavation and cleanup are general i terns of w.ork which fall in the category of subsidiary work. CS-8.12 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: Material may be allocated under various bid items in the Proposal to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer, depending on _field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material will be made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearest one-tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement o·f material shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the project. C8-8.13 RECORD DOCUMENTS: Contractor shall keep on record a copy of all specifications, plans, addenda, modifications, shop drawings and samples at the site; in good orde~ and annotated to show all changes made duripg the conjtrucition process. These shall be delivered to Engineer upon completion of th_e work. CS-8 CS) PART C1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO PART C A. B. al. D. El PART C1: SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS General These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Contract and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. Provisions which are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and affect. C8-8 .5 PARTIAL ESTIMATES AND RETAINAGE: Page C8-8 (2), should be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Partial pay estimates shall be submitted by the Contractor or prepared by the City on the 5th day and 20th day of each month that the work is in progress . The estimate shall be proceeded by the City on the 10th day and 25th day respectively. Estimates will be paid within 25 days following the end of the estimate period, less the appropriate retainage as set out below . Partial pay estimates may include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work place which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the time of the pay estimate have not been so installed. If such materials are included within a pay estimate, payment shall be based upon 85% of the net voice value thereof. The Contractor will furnish the Engineer such information as may be reasonably requested to aid in the verification or the preparation of the pay estimate. For contracts of less than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten per cent (10%). For contracts of $400,000 or more at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent (5%). Contractor shall pay subcontractors in accord with the subcontract agreement within five (5) business days after receipt by Contractor of the payment by City. Contractor's failure to make the required payments to subcontractors will authorize the City to withhold future payments from the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is accomplished . It is understood that the partial pay estimates will be approximate only, and all partial pay estimates and payment of same will be subject to correction in the estimate rendered following the discovery of the mistake in any previous estimate . Partial payment by Owner for the amount of work done or of its quality or sufficiency or acceptance of the work done; shall not release the Contractor of any of its responsibilities under the Contract Documents. The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the Contractor fails to perform the work in strict accordance with the specifications or other provisions of this contract. Part C -General Conditions: Paragraph C3-3 .11 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with D-3 of Part D -Special Conditions. C3-3.11 INSURANCE: Page C3-3 (6): Delete subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING" C6-6.12 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBLITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS : Page C6-6 (8), is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City's engineer and architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractor's sole negligence . In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees , whether or not any such injury, damage or death is caused, in whole or in part. by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner. its officers. servants. or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers, servants and employees and any damage, loss or Revised 10/24/02 C1-1 destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract , whether or not any such iniury or damage is caused in whole or in part by the negligence or alleged negligence of Owner, its officers, servants or employees. In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to fina l payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or (b) provides Owner w ith a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier . The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. F. INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES: Part C -General Conditions, Section C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK, Page C 4-4 (1 ), revise paragraph C4-4.3 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES to read as fo ll ows: G. The Owner reserves the rig ht to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary, and the Contractor shall perform the work as a ltered , increased or decreased at the unit prices as established in the contract documents. No allowance will be made for any changes in lost or anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents . Variations in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes in depth categories shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities of sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size but not to the various depth categories . C3-3.11 INSURANCE: Page C3-3 (7): Add subparagraph "h. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS" a. The City, its officers , employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor's workers' compensation insurance policy. b. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth , contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth , TX 76102 , prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. c . Any failure on part of the City to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein . d. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a m inimum thirty days notice of cancellation, non-renewal, and/or material change in policy terms or coverage . A ten days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. e. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a current A.M. Best rating of A: VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. f. Deductible limits, or self-f unded retention limits , on each policy must not exceed $10,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. Revised 10/24/02 C1-2 H. I. g. Other than worker's compensation insurance, in lieu of traditional insurance, City may consider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups . The City must approve in writing any alternative coverage. h. Workers' compensation insurance pol icy(s) covering employees employed on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. i. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for contractor's insurance . j . Contractor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. In the course of the project, Contractor shall report, in a timely manner, to City's officially designated contract administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss . I. Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein . m. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. CB-8.4 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: Delete CB-8.4, Scope of Payment at page CB-8(1) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation as herein provided , in full payment for furnishing all labor, tools, materials , and incidentals for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these Contract Documents, for all loss and damage aris ing out of the nature of the work or from the action of the elements, for any unforeseen defects or obstructions wh ich may arise or be encountered during the prosecution which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution of the work at any time before its final acceptance by the Owner , (except as provided in paragraph CS-5.14) for all risks of whatever description connected with the prosecution of the work , for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of such prosecution of the working operations as here in specified, or any and all infringements of patents, trademarks , copyrights , or other legal reservations , and for completing the work in an acceptable manner according to the terms of the Contract Documents . The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to the final acceptance of the work by the Owner shall in no way constitute an acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work , materials, or equipment, nor in any way prejudice or affect the obligations of the Contractor to repair , correct , renew, or replace at his own and proper expense any defects or imperfections in the construction or in the strength or quality of the material used or equipment or machinery furnished in or about the construction of the work under contract and its appurtenances, or any damage due or attributed to such defects, wh ich defects, imperfections, or damage shall have been discovered on or before the final inspection and acceptance of the work or during the two (2) year guaranty period after the final acceptance. The Owner shall be the sole judge of such defects, imperfections , or damage , and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to correct the same as provided herein . CB-8.10 GENERAL GUARANTY: Delete CB-8.10, General Guaranty at page CB-8(4) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the Contract Documents , nor partial or Rev ised 10/24/02 C1-3 J. K. entire occupancy or use of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and pay for any damage to other work or property resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guaranty as above outlined. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. Any reference to any shorter period of time of warranty contained elsewhere within the specifications shall be resolved in favor of this specifications, it being the City's intent that the Contractor guarantee its work for a period of two (2) years following the date of acceptance of the project. In the Special Instructions to Bidders, TPW contracts place the following in lieu of the ex isting paragraph 2. Part C -General Conditions, Section C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL, Page C2-2 (4) exchange paragraphs C2-2.7, C2-2 .8 and C2-2.9 with the following: C2-2 .7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security, to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and stated time set forth in the "Notice to Bidders." It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL," and the name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Bidders." The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager, City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division, P.O. Box 17027, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening proposals. A request for non-consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non-consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C2-2.9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communicat ion at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty- eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal C3-3.7 BONDS (CITY LET PROJECTS}: Reference Part C, General Conditions, dated November 1, 1987; (City let projects) make the following revisions: 1. Page C3-3(3); the paragraph after paragraph C3-3 .7d Other Bonds should be revised to read: In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City , the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and adm itted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of aut hority from the Untied States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a Revised 10/24/02 C1-4 L. surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City , in its sole discretion, will determ ine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 2. Pg. C3-3(5) Paragraph C3-3.11 INSURANCE delete subparagraph "a. COMPENSATION INSURANCE ". 3. Pg . C3-3(6), Paragraph C3-3.11 INSURANCE delete subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BOND ING ". RIGHT TO AUDIT: Part C -General Conditions , Section CB-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT, Page CB-8 (5), add the following: CB-8.14 RIGHT TO AUDIT : (a) Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under th is contract , have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents , papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of such subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facil ities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space, in order to conduct audits in compliance with the prov isions of this article. City shall give subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse the Contractor for the cost of copies as follows : 1. 50 copies and under -10 cents per page 2, More than 50 copies -85 cents for the first page p lus fifteen cents for each page thereafter SITE PREPARATION : The Contractor shall clea r rights-of-way or easements of obstruction which must be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the work as a part of this project construction operations. The contractor's attention is directed to paragraph C6-6.10 work within easements, page C6-6(4), part C -General Conditions of the Water Department General Contract Document and General Specifications. Clearing and restoration shall be considered as incidental to construction and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the Linear Foot price of the pipe. N. Reference Part C -General Cond itions, Section C6-6 .8 BARRICADES, WARNINGS AND WATCHMEN : Revised T 24/02 C1-5 0. P . 1. Wherever the word Watchmen appears in this paragraph, it shall be changed to the word flagmen. 2. In the first paragraph, lines five (5) and six (6), change the phrase take all such other precautionary measures to take all reasonable necessary measures . MINORITY/WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE: Reference Part C (General Conditions), Section C3-3 .2 Entitled "MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE/WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE" shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced wi t h the following: Upon request , Contractor agrees to provide to Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and/or a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment therefore . Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE and/or WBE . The misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent mis representation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal, state or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements; further, any such misrepresentation (other than negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from partic ipating in City work for a period of time of not less than thee (3) years . WAGE RA TES: Section C3-3 .13 of the General Conditions is deleted and replaced with the following: (a) The contractor shall comp ly with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code, including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. (b) The contractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records tha t show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of Section C-1, L. Right to Audit (Rev. 9/30/02) pertain to this inspection. (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. (d) With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less , an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code . The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. Revised 10/24/02 C1-6 PARTD SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 3 COORDINATION MEETING ............................................................................................. .4 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW ..................... 5 COORDINATION WITH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT .................................... 7 CROSSING OF EXISTING UTILITIES ............................................................................... ? EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS .................................................................. 7 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OVER PIPELINES ................................................................ 8 TRAFFIC CONTROL ......................................................................................................... 8 DETOURS ......................................................................................................................... 9 EXAMINATION OF SITE ................................................................................................ 9 ZONING COMPLIANCE ................................................................................................. 9 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................. 10 WASTE MATERIAL ..................................................................................................... 10 PROJECT CLEANUP AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE ...................................................... 10 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND SEQUENCING OF WORK ................................. 10 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES ............................ 10 BID QUANTITIES ......................................................................................................... 11 CUTTING OF CONCRETE .......................................................................................... 11 PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN ................................................................................. 11 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT ...................................... 12 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL ........................................................ 12 CRUSHED LIMESTONE BACKFILL ............................................................................ 12 2:27 CONCRETE ......................................................................................................... 12 TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION ......................................... 12 TRENCH PAVEMENT (PERMANENT) REPAIR (E2-19) FOR UTILITY CUTS ............ 14 SITE SPECIFIC TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM (COVERS ALL PROJECTS) ................ 14 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES ................................................................................ 15 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES .......................................... .: ...................................... 18 REMOVAL, SALVAGE, AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES ................ 20 DETECTABLE WARNING TAPES ............................................................................... 22 PIPE CLEANING .................. ~ ....................................................................................... 22 DISPOSAL OF SPOIL/FILL MATERIAL ....................................................................... 22 MECHANICS AND MATERIALMEN'S LIEN ................................................................. 22 SUBSTITUTIONS ........................................................................................................ 23 PRE-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER ............. 23 VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES .......................................... 26 BYPASS PUMPING ..................................................................................................... 27 POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER .......... 27 SAMPLES AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING ......................................................... 29 TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENT, AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL (FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE) ................................................................ 29 INGRESS AND EGRESS/OBSTRUCTION OF ACCESS TO DRIVES ........................ 31 PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL. ......................................................... 31 SITE RESTORATION .................................................................................................. 31 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD PRODUCT LIST .............................................. 31 TOPSOIL, SODDING, SEEDING & HYDROMULCHING ............................................. 31 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM ..................................................................... 37 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION/FINAL INSPECTION ............................ 37 EXCAVATION NEAR TREES (WHERE IDENTIFIED ON THE PLANS) ...................... 37 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OF SEWER PIPE .......................................................... 38 CLAY DAM ................................................................................................................... 38 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION (D-HOLE) .................................................................. 38 5119/06 SC-1 D-60 D-61 D-62 D-63 D-64 D-65 D-66 D-67 D-68 D-69 D-70 D-71 D-72 D-73 5119/06 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES .................................................................... 39 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe ............................................................................ 39 Blocking ....................................................................................................................... 39 Type of Casing Pipe ..................................................................................................... 39 Tie-lns .......................................................................................................................... 39 Connection of Existing Mains ...................................................................................... .40 Valve Cut-Ins ............................................................................................................... 40 Water Services ............................................................................................................. 40 2-lnch Temporary Service Line .................................................................................... 42 Purging and Sterilizatio n of Water Lines ...................................................................... 43 Work Near Pressure Plane Boundaries ....................................................................... .44 Water Sample Station .................................................................................................. 44 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittinqs ............................................................................... .44 SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL ......................................................................... .45 DEWATERING ............................................................................................................. 45 TRENCH EXCAVATION ON DEEP TRENCHES ........................................................ .45 TREE PRUNING ..... : .................................................................................................... 45 TREE REMOVAL ......................................................................................................... 46 TEST HOLES ............................................................................................................... 46 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFICATION OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DURING CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................ 47 TRAFFIC BUTTONS .................................................................................................... 47 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CLEANOUTS .............................................................. 48 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIR ........................................................................... .48 CONSTRUCTION STAKES ......................................................................................... 48 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS ..................................................................................... .48 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ............................................... .49 WAGE RATES ............................................................................................................ 49 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE ...................................... 50 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (FOR DISTURBED AREAS GREATER THAN 1 ACRE) ............................................................................................................ 51 COORDINATION WITH THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR OPERATIONS OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS .................................................................................... 53 ADDITIONAL SUBMITTALS FOR CONTRACT AWARD ................................................. 53 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION ..................................................... 53 AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS ..................................................................................... 54 FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSPECTIONS .......................................... 55 SC-2 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Th is Part D -Special Conditions is complimentary to Part C -General Conditions and Part C1 - Supplementary Conditions to Part C of the Contract. Anything contained in this Part D that is additive to any provision in Part C -General Conditions and part C1 -Supplementary Condit ions to Part C of the Contract are to be read together. Any conflict between Part C -General Conditions and Part C1 -Supplementary Conditions of the Contract and this Part D, Part D shall control. FOR: WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON ROAD AND RIVERSIDE NORTH AREA (ANNEXATION A-00-02) FORT WORTH, TEXAS WATER PROJECT NO. P264-602170023783 SEWER PROJECT NO. P274-702170023783 D.O.E. NO. 4210 D-1 GENERAL The order or precedence in case of conflicts or discrepancies between various parts of the Contract Documents subject to the ruling of the Engineer shall generally, but not necessarily, follow the guidelines listed below: 1. Plans 2. Contract Documents 3. SpecialCondmons The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to this project under the provisions stated above . The Contractor shall be responsible for defects in th is project due to faulty materials and workmanship, or both, for a period of two (2) years from date of final acceptance of this project by the City of Fort Worth and will be required to replace at his expense any part or all of this project which becomes defective due to these causes. Subject to modifications as herein contained, the Fort Worth Water Department 's General Contract Documents and General Specifications, with latest revisions, are made a part of the General Contract Documents for this project. The Plans , these Special Contract Documents and the rules, regulations, requirements, instructions, drawings or details referred to by manufacturers name, or identification include therein as specifying , referring or implying product control, performance, quality , or other shall be binding upon the contractor. The specifications and drawings shall be considered cooperative; therefore, work or material called for by one and not shown or mentioned in the other shall be accomplished or furnished in a faithful manner as though required by all . Any Contractor performing any work on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer facilities must be pre- qualified with the Water Department to perform such work in accordance with procedures described in the current Fort Worth Water Department General Specifications, which general specifications shall govern performance of all such work. Th is contract and project, where applicable, may also be governed by the two following published specifications, except as modified by these Special Provisions : 1. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION - CITY OF FORT WORTH 511 9/06 SC-3 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION -NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS Any conflict between these contract documents and the above 2 publications shall be resolved in favor of these contract documents. A copy of either of these specifications may be purchased at the office of the Transportation and Public Works Director, 1000 Throckmorton Street, 2nd Floor, Municipal Building, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The specifications applicable to each pay item are indicated by the call-out for the pay item by the designer. If not shown, then applicable published specifications in either of these documents may be followed at the discretion of the Contractor. General Provisions shall be those of the Fort Worth document rather than Division 1 of the North Central Texas document. Bidders shall not separate, detach or remove any portion, segment or sheets from the contract document at any time . Failure to bid or fully execute contract without retaining contract documents intact may be grounds for designating bids as "non-responsive" and rejecting bids or voiding contract as appropriate as determined by the City Engineer. INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL: A. DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL : No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security, to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and stated time set forth in the "Notice to Bidders". It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL", and the name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Bidders". The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager, City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division, PO Box 17027, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. B. WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opening proposals. A request for non-consideration of a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals : After all proposals not requested for non- consideration are opened and publicly read aloud , the proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C. TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communicat ion is received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time , no further consideration will be given to the proposal. D-2 COORDINATION MEETING For coordination purposes , weekly meetings at the job site may be required to maintain the project on the desired schedule. The contractor shall be present at all meetings. 5/19/06 SC-4 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-3 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW A. Definitions: 1. Certification of coverage ("certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81, TWCC-82, TWCC-83 , or TWCC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. 2. Duration of the project -includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. 3. Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in §406.096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. B. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011 (44) or all employees of the Contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. C. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. D. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. E. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide the governmental entity: 1. A certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and 2. No later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. F. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 5119/06 SC-5 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS G. The contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known" of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. H. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission , informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. I. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a proj ect, to: 1. Provide coverage, based on proper reporting on classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements , which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code , Section 401.011 (44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project ; 2. Provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project , for the duration of the project; 3. Provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 4. Obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: a.) A certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and b.) A new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period , if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 5. Retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 6. Notify the governmental entity in writ ing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten (10) days afte r the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and 7. Contractually require each person with whom it contracts , to perform as required by paragraphs (1 )-(7), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services . 8. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage , the contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or , in the case of a self- 5119/06 SC-6 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS insured, with the commiss ion's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation . Provid ing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative, criminal, civil penalties or other civil actions. 9. The contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity . J . The contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without any additional words or changes: "REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee." Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at (512)440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage , to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage". D-4 COORDINATION WITH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT During the construction of this project , it will be necessary to deactivate, for a period of time, existing lines. The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating those lines. D-5 CROSSING OF EXISTING UTILITIES W here a proposed water line crosses over a sanitary sewer or sanitary sewer service line and/or proposed sewer line crosses over a water line and the clear vertical distance is less than 9 feet barrel to barrel, the sanitary sewer or sanitary sewer service line shall be made watertight or be constructed of ductile iron pipe . The Engineer shall determine the required length of replacement. The material for sanitary sewer mains and sanitary sewer laterals shall be Class 51 Ductile Iron Pipe with polyethylene wrapping. The material for sanitary sewer service lines shall be extra strength cast iron soil pipe with polyethylene wrapping. Adapter fittings shall be a urethane or neoprene coupling ASTM C-425 with series 300 stainless steel compression straps. Backfill , fittings, tie-ins and all other associated appurtenances required are deemed subsidiary work , the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for each bid item . D-6 EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS The plans show the locations of all known surface and subsurface structures. However, the Owner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not be ~W6 S~? PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any manner whatsoever. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the locations of and protecting all existing utilities , service lines, or other property exposed by his construction operations. Contractor shall make all necessary provisions (as approved or authorized by the applicable utility company) for the support, protection or relocation , and/or temporary relocation of all utility poles, gas lines, telephone cables, utility services , water ma ins , sanitary sewer lines, electrical cables, drainage pipes , and all other utilities and structures both above and below ground during construction. It is understood that the Contractor is not responsible for the permanent relocation of existing utilities in direct conflict with the proposed construction . The Contractor is liable for all damages done to such existing facilities as a result of his operations and any and all cost incurred for the protection and/or temporary relocation of such facilities are deemed subsidiary work and the cost of same and shall be included in the cost bid per linear foot of pipe installed. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED. Where existing utilities or service lines are cut, broken or damaged the Contractor shall replace or repair the utilities or service lines with the same type of original material and construction , or better, unless otherwise shown or noted on the plans, at his own cost and expense . The Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner of the damaged utility or service line . He shall cooperate with the Owners of all utilities to locate existing underground facilities and notify the Engineer of any conflicts in grades and alignment. In case it is necessary to change or move the property of any owner of a public utility, such property shall not be moved or interfered with until ordered to do so by the Engineer. The right is reserved to the owner of public utilities to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose of making such changes or repairs of their property that may be made necessary by performance of this contract. The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the City of the Engineer to be accurate as to extent, location, and depth ; they are shown on the plans as the best information available at the time of design, from the owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground. D-7 CONSTRUCTION TRAFF IC OVER PIPELINES It is apparent that certain construction vehicles could exceed the load bearing capacity of the pipe under shallow bury conditions. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to protect both the new line and the existing lines from these possibly excessive loads. The Contractor shall not, at any time , cross the existing or new pipe with a truck delivering new pipe to the site. Any damage to the existing or new pipe will be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense , to the satisfaction of the City. In locations where it is not permissible to cross the existing or proposed pipes without additional protection the Contractor may e lect to provide additional protection of the pipes so that more frequent crossings of the pipes are allowed. It still is , however, the responsibility of the Contractor to repair any damage to the ex isting or proposed lines, if the damage results from any phase of his construction operation . D-8 TRAFFIC CONTROL The contractor will be required to obtain a "Street Use Permit " prior to starting work . As part of the "Street Use Permit" a traffic control plan is required. The Contractor shall be responsible for 5119/06 SC-8 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS providing traffic control during the construction of this project consistent with the provisions set forth in the "Latest Edition Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways " issued under the authority of the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways," codified as Article 6701 d Vernon 's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27 , 29, 30 and 31. A traffic control plan shall be submitted for review to Mr. Charles R. Burkett, City Traffic Engineer at (817) 871-8770, at the pre-construction conference. Although work will not begin until the traffic control plan has been reviewed, the Contractor's time will begin in accordance with the time frame established in the Notice to the Contractor. The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign or other sign, which has been erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact the Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division, (Phone Number 871-7738) to remove the sign. In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above-referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed correctly or if it does not meet the required specifications, the permanent sign shall be left in place ·until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work is completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be reinstalled, the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to reinstall the permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place until such reinstallation is completed. Work shall not be performed on certain locations/streets during "peak traffic periods " as determination by the City Traffic Engineer and in accordance with the applicable provision of the "City of Fort Worth Traffic Control Handbook for Construction and Maintenance Work Areas." The cost of the traffic control is subsidiary work and the cost of same shall be included in the price bid for pipe complete in place as bid in the Proposal , and no other compensation will be allowed . D-9 DETOURS The contractor shall prosecute his work in such a manner as to create a minimum of interruption to traffic and pedestrian facilities and to the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area . D-10 EXAMINATION OF SITE It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder to visit the project site and make such examinations and explorations as may be necessary to determine all conditions, which may affect construction of this project. Particular attention should be g iven to methods of providing ingress and egress to adjacent private and public properties, procedures for protecting existing improvements and disposition of all materials to be removed . Proper consideration should be given to these details during the preparation of the Proposal and all unusual conditions, which may give, rise to later cont ingencies should be brought to the attention of the Owner prior to the submission of the Proposal. D-11 ZONING COMPLIANCE During the construction of this project , the Contractor shall comply with present zoning requirements of the City of Fort Worth in the use of vacant property for storage purposes . 5/19/06 SC-9 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0-12 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor at his own expense will furnish water for construction . D-13 WASTE MATERIAL All waste material shall become t he property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by the Contractor at locations approved by the Engineer. All material shall be disposed of in such a manner as to present a neat appearance and to not obstruct proper drainage or to cause injury to street improvements or to abutting property . 0-14 PROJECT CLEANUP AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE The Contractor shall be aware that keeping the project site in a neat and orderly condition is considered an integral part of the contracted work and as such shall be considered subsidiary to the appropriate bid items. Clean up work shall be done as directed by the Engineer as the work progresses or as needed . If, in the opinion of the Engineer it is necessary, clean-up shall be done on a daily basis . Clean up work shall include, but not be limited to: • Sweeping the street clean of dirt or debris • Storing excess material in appropriate and organized manner • Keeping trash of any kind off of residents' property If the Engineer does not feel that the jobsite has been kept in an orderly condition, on the next estimate payment (and all subsequent payments until completed) of the appropriate bid item(s) will be reduced by 25%. Final cleanup work shall be done for this project as soon as all construction has been completed. No more than seven days shall elapse after completion of construction before the roadway , right- of-way, or easement is cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make a final cleanup of all parts of the work before acceptance by the City of Fort Worth or its representative. This cleanup shall include removal of all objectionable rocks , pieces of asphalt or concrete and other construction materials, and in general preparing the site of the work in an orderly manner and appearance. The City of Fort Worth Department of Engineering shall give final acceptance of the completed project work. 0-15 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND SEQUENCING OF WORK Prior to executing the Contract , it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish a schedule outlining the anticipat ed time for each phase of construction with starting and completion dates, including sufficient time being allowed for cleanup . The Contractor shall not commence with water and/or sanitary sewer installation until such time that the survey cut-sheets have been received from the City inspector. D-16 SAFETY RESTRICTIONS -WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES The following procedures will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract: 1. A warning sign not less t han five inches by seven inches , painted yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve f eet shall be placed inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks , power shovels, drilling rigs, pile drivers , hoisting equipment or similar apparatus. The warning sign shall read as follows: "WARNING -UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES." 5119/06 SC-10 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm, except back hoes or dippers, and insulator links on the lift hook connections. 3. When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines, notification shall be given the power company (ONCORE) who will erect temporary mechanical barriers, de- energize the lines, or raise or lower the lines. The work done by the power company shall not be at the expense of the City of Fort Worth. The notifying department shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to ONCORE, and shall record action taken in each case. 4. The Contractor is required to make arrangements with the ONCORE company for the temporary relocation or raising of high voltage lines at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. 5. No person shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protection having been taken as outlined in Paragraph (3). D-17 BID QUANTITIES Bid quantities of the various items in the proposal are for comparison only and may not reflect the actual quantities. There is no limit to which a bid item can be increased or decreased. Contractor shall not be entitled to renegotiation of unit prices regardless of the final measured quantities. To the extent that C4-4.3 conflicts with this provision, this provision controls . No claim will be considered for lost or anticipated profits based upon differences in estimated quantities versus actual quantities. D-18 CUTTING OF CONCRETE When existing concrete is cut, such cuts shall be made with a concrete saw. All sawing shall be subsidiary to the unit cost of the respective item. D-19 PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN Project signs are required at all locations. It shall be in accordance with the attached Figure 30 (dated 9-18-96). The signs may be mounted on skids or posts. The Engineer shall approve the ex,act locations and methods of mounting. In addition to the 4' x 8' project signs, project signs shall be attached to barricades used where manhole rehabilitation or replacement is being conducted. Signs suspended from barricading shall be placed in such a way that signs do not interfere with reflective paint or coloring on the barricades . Barricade signs shall be in accordance with Figure 30, except that they shall be 1 '-0" by 2'-0" in size. The information box shall have the following information: For Questions on this Project Call: (817) 871-8306 M-F 7:30 am to 4:30 p.m . or (817) 871-8300 Nights and Weekends Any and all cost for the required materials, labor, and equipment necessary for the furnishing of Project Signs shall be considered as a subsidiary cost of the project and no additional compensation will be allowed. 5119/06 SC-11 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-20 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT At locat ions in the project where mains are required to be placed under existing sidewalks and/or driveways , such sidewalks and /or driveways shall be completely replaced for the full existing width, between existing construction or expansion joints with 3000 psi concrete with reinforcing steel on a sand cushion in accordance with City of Fort Worth Transportation/Public Works Department Standard Specifications for Construction, Item 504. At locations where mains are required to be placed under existing curb and gutter, such curb and gutter shall be replaced to match type and geometry of the removed curb and gutter shall be installed in accordance with City of Fort Worth Public Works Department Standard Specification for Construction , Item 502. Payment for cutting , backfill , concrete , forming materials and all other associated appurtenances required , shall be included in the square yard price of the bid item for concrete sidewalk or driveway repair. D-21 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENT OF MATERIAL Material has been allocated under various bid items in the Proposal to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer, depending on field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material will be made for only that amount of material used , measured to the nearest one-tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the project. D-22 CRUSHED LIMESTONE BACKFILL Where specified on the plans or directed by the Engineer, Crushed Limestone shall be used for trench backfill on this project. The material shall conform to Public Works Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction Division 2 Item 208 .2 -Materials and Division 2 Item 208 .3 -Materials Sources . Trench backfill and compaction shall meet the requirements of E2 -2 Excavation and Backfill , Construction Specifications, General Contract Documents . Payment for crushed limestone backfill in place shall be made at the unit price bid in the Proposal multiplied by the quantity of mate rial used measured in accordance with E2-2.16 Measurement of Backfill Materials, Construction Specifications , and General Contract Documents . D-23 2:27 CONCRETE Transportation and Public Works Department typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair for Utility Cuts Figures 1 through 5 refer to using 2:27 Concrete as base repair . Since this call- out includes the word "concrete", the consistent interpretation of the Transportation and Public Works Department is that this rat io specifies two (2) sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete . D-24 TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, AND COMPACTION Trench excavation and backfill under parking lots , driveways, gravel surfaced roads , within easements , and with in existing or future R.O.W. shall be in accordance with Sections E1-2 Backfill and E2-2 Excavation and Backfill of the General Contract Documents and Specifications except as specified herein. 1. TRENCH EXCAVATION: In accordance with Section E2-2 Excavation and Backfill, if the stated maximum trench widths are exceeded , either through accident or otherwise, and if the 5119/06 SC-12 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Engineer determines that the design loadings of the pipe will be exceeded, the Contractor will be required to support the pipe with an improved trench bottom. The expense of such remedial measures shall be entirely the Contractor's own. All trenching operations shall be confined to the width of permanent rights-of-way, permanent easements, and any temporary construction easements. All excavation shall be in strict compliance with the Trench Safety Systems Special Condition of this document. 2. TRENCH BACKFILL: Trenches which lie outside of existing or future pavement shall be backfilled above the top of the embedment material with Type "C" backfill material. Excavated material used for Type "C" backfill must be mechanically compacted unless the Contractor can furnish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the P.I. of the excavated material is less than 8. Such evidence shall be a test report from an independent testing laboratory and must include representative samples of soils in all involved areas, with a map showing the location and depth of the various test holes. If excavated material is obviously granular in nature, containing little or no plastic material, the Engineer may waive the test report requirement. See E1-2.3, Type "C" or "D" Backfill, and E2-2.11 Trench Backfill for additional requirements. When Type "C" back-fill material is not suitable , at the direction of the Engineer, Type "B" backfill material shall be used . In general, all backfill material for trenches in existing paved streets shall be in accordance with Figure A. Sand material specified in Figure A shall be obtained from an approved source and shall consist of durable particles free of thin or elongated pieces, lumps of clay, soil, loam or vegetable matter and shall meet the following gradation: • Less than 10% passing the #200 sieve • P. I. = 1 0 or less Additionally, the crushed limestone embedment gradation specified in Section E1-3 Crushed Limestone for Embedment of the General Contract Documents and Specifications shall be replaced with the following: Sieve Size 1" 1/2" 3/8" #4 #8 % Retained 0-10 40-75 55-90 90-100 95-100 All other provisions of this section shall remain the same. 3. TRENCH COMPACTION: All trench backfill shall be placed in lifts per E2-2.9 Backfill. Trenches which lie outside existing or future pavements shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% Standard Proctor Density (A.S.T.M. D698) by mechanical devices specifically designed for compaction or a combination of methods subject to approval by the Engineer. Trenches which lie under existing or future pavement shall be backfilled per Figure A with 95% Standard Proctor Density by mechanical devices specifically designed for compaction or a combination of methods subject to approval by the Engineer. Backfill material to be compacted as described above must be within +-4% of its optimum moisture content. The top two (2) feet of sewer line trenches and the top eighteen (18) inches of water line may be rolled in with heavy equipment tires, provided it is placed in lifts appropriate to the material being used and the operation can be performed without damage to the installed pipe. 5/19/06 SC-13 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The City , at its own expense, will perform trench compaction tests per A.S.T.M. standards on all trench backfill. Any retesting required as a result of failure to compact the backfill material to meet the standards will be at the expense of the Contractor and will be billed at the commercial rates as determined by the City. These soil density tests shall be performed at two (2) foot vertical intervals beginning at a level two (2) feet above the top of the installed pipe and continuing to the top of the completed backfill at intervals along the trench not to exceed 300 linear feet. The Contractor will be responsible for providing access and trench safety system to the level of trench backfill to be tested. No extra compensation will be allowed for exposing the backfill layer to be tested or providing trench safety system for tests conducted by the City. 4. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All material, with the exception of Type "B" backfill, and labor costs of excavation and backfill will be included in the price bid per linear foot of water and sewer pipe. Type "B" backfill shall be paid for at a pre-bid unit price of $15.00 per cubic yard. D-25 TRENCH PAVEMENT (PERMANENT) REPAIR (E2-19) FOR UTILITY CUTS The unit price bid under the appropriate bid item of the proposal shall cover all cost for providing pavement repair equal to or superior in composition, thickness, etc., to existing pavement as detailed in the Public Works Department typical sections for Pavement and Trench Repair for Utility Cuts, Figures 2000-1 through 2000-3. The results of the street cores that were conducted on the project streets, to determine HMAC depths on existing streets, are provided in these specifications and contract documents. All required paving cuts shall be made with a concrete saw in a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimum of twelve (12) inches outside the trench walls. The trench shall be backfilled and the top nine (9) inches shall be filled with required materials as shown on paving details, compacted and level with the finished street surface . This finished grade shall be maintained in a serviceable condition until the paving has been replaced. All residential driveways shall be accessible at night and over weekends. It has been determined by the Transportation and Public Works Department that the strip of existing HMAC pavement between the existing gutter and the edge of the trench pavement repair will not hold up if such strip of existing pavement is two (2) feet or less in width. Therefore, at the locations in the project where the trench wall is three (3) feet or less from the lip of the existing gutter, the Contractor shall be required to remove the existing paving to such gutter. The pavement repair shall then be made from a minimum distance of twelve (12) inches outside the trench wall nearest the center of the street to the gutter line. The pavement shall be replaced within a maximum of five (5) working days, providing job placement conditions will permit repaving . If paving conditions are not suitable for repaving, in the opinion of the Owner, the repaving shall be done at the earliest possible date . A permit must be obtained from the Department of Engineering Construction Services Section by the Contractor in conformance with Ordinance No . 3449 and/or Ordinance No. 792 to make utility cuts in the street. The Department of Engineering will inspect the paving repair after construction. This permit requirement may be waived if work is being done under a Performance Bond and inspected by the Department of Engineering. D-26 SITE SPECIFIC TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM (COVERS ALL PROJECTS) 5119/06 SC-14 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. GENERAL: This specification covers the trench safety requirements for all trench excavations exceeding depth of five (5) feet in order to protect workers from cave-ins. The requirements of this item govern all trenches for mains, manholes, vaults, service lines, and all other appurtenances. The design for the trench safety shall be signed and sealed by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in Texas. The trench safety plan shall be specific for each water and/or sanitary sewer line included in the project. B. STANDARDS: The latest version of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards, 29 CFR Part 1926, Sub-Part P -Excavations, are hereby made a part of this specification and shall be the minimum governing requirements for trench safety. C. DEFINITIONS: 1. TRENCHES - A trench is referred to as a narrow excavation made below the surface of the ground in which the depth is greater than the width, where the width measured at the bottom is not greater than fifteen (15) feet. 2. BENCHING SYSTEM -Benching means excavating the sides of a trench to form one or a series of horizontal level or steps, usually with vertical or near-vertical surfaces between levels. 3. SLOPING SYSTEM -Sloping means excavating to form sides of a trench that are inclined away from the excavation. 4. SHIELD SYSTEM -Shields used in trenches are generally referred to as "trench boxes" or "trench shields". Shield means a structure that is able to withstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-in and protect workers within the structure. Shields can be permanent structures or can be designed to be portable and move along as the work progresses . . Shields can be either pre-manufactured or job-built in accordance with OSHA standards. 5. SHORING SYSTEM -Shoring means a structure such as a metal hydraulic, mechanical or timber system that supports the sides of a trench and which is designed to prevent cave-ins. Shoring systems are generally comprised of cross-braces, vertical rails, (uprights), horizontal rails (wales) and/or sheeting. D. MEASUREMENT -Trench depth is the vertical measurement from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of embedment or bottom of excavation. The quantity of trench safety systems shall be based on the linear foot amount of trench depth greater than five (5) feet. E. PAYMENT -Payment shall be full compensation for safety system design, labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary for the installation and removal of trench safety systems. D-27 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES A. GENERAL: The installation, replacement, and/or rehabilitation of sanitary sewer manholes will be required as shown on the plans, and/or as described in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. All manholes shall be in accordance with sections E1-14 Materials for Sanitary Sewer Manholes, Valve Vaults, Etc., and E2-14 Vault and Manhole Construction of the General Contract Documents and Specifications, unless amended or superseded by requirements of this Special Condition. For new sewer line installations, the Contractor shall temporarily plug all 5119106 SC-15 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS lines at every open manhole under construction in order to keep debris out of the dry sewer lines. The plugs shall not be removed until the applicable manhole complete with cone section has been constructed and the lid installed to keep out debris as a result of additional construction. 1. CONCRETE COLLARS: Concrete collars will be required on all manholes specified as per Figure 121 . 2. WATERTIGHT MANHOLE INSERTS: Watertight gasket manhole inserts shall be installed in all sanitary sewer manholes. Inserts shall be constructed in accordance with Fort Worth Water Department Standard E100-4 and shall be fitted and installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations . Stainless Steel manhole inserts shall be required for all pipe diameters 18" and greater. 3. LIFT HOLES: All lift holes shall be plugged with a pre-cast concrete plug. The lift hole shall be sealed on the outside of the manhole with Ram-Nek or an approved equal sealant. The lift hole shall be sealed on the inside of the manhole with quick setting cement grout. 4. FINAL RIM ELEVATIONS : Manhole rims in parkways, lawns and other improved lands shall be at an elevation not more than one (1) nor less than one-half (1/2) inch above the surrounding ground. Backfill shall provide a uniform slope from the top of manhole casting for not less than three (3) feet each direction to existing finish grade of the ground. The grade of all surfaces shall be checked for proper slope and grade by string lining the entire area regarded near the manhole. Manholes in open fields, unimproved land, or drainage courses shall be at an elevation shown on the drawings or minimum of 6 inches above grade. 5. MANHOLE COVERS: All lids shall have pick slots in lieu of pick holes. Manhole frames and covers shall be McKinley, Type N, with indented top design, or equal, with pick slots. Covers shall set flush with the rim of the frame and shall have no larger than 1 /8-inch gap between the frame and cover. Bearing surfaces shall be machine finished. Locking manhole lids and frames will b.e restricted to locations within the 100-year floodplain and areas specifically designated on the plans. Certain teed Ductile Iron Manhole Lids and Frames are acceptable for use where locking lids are specified. 6. SHALLOW CONE MANHOLES: Shallow manhole construction will be used when manhole depth is four (4) feet or less. All shallow cone manholes shall be built in accordance with Figure 105. All shallow cone manholes shall have a cast iron lid and frame with pick slots. NOTE: MANHOLES PER FIGURE 106 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. 7. MANHOLE STEPS: No manhole steps are to be installed on any sanitary sewer manhole. 8. EXTERIOR SURFACE COATING: Exterior surfaces of all manholes shall be coated with two mop coats of coal tar epoxy, Koppers "Bitumastic Super Service Black" Tnemec "46- 450 Heavy Tnemecol," or equal to, a minimum or 14 mils dry film thickness. 9. MANHOLE JOINT SEALING: All interior and/or exterior joints on concrete manhole sections constructed for the City of Fort Worth Water Department, excluding only the joints using a trapped type performed 0-ring rubber gasket shall require Bitumastic joint sealants as per Figure M. 5/19/06 SC-16 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS This sealant shall be pre-formed and trowelable Bitumastic as manufactured by Kent- Seal , Ram-Nek , E-Z Stick , or equal. The joint sealer shall be supplied in either extruded pipe form or suitable cross-sectional area or flat-tape and shall be sized as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. The joint sealer shall be protected by a su itable removable wrapper and shall not in any way depend on oxidation , evaporation, or any other chemical action for either its adhesive properties or cohesive strength. The Joint sealer shall remain totally flexible without shrinking , hardening, or oxidizing regardless of the length of time it is exposed to the elements. The manufacturer shall furnish an affidavit attesting to the successful use of the product as a pre-formed flexible joint sealant on concrete pipe and manhole sections for a period of at least five years. B. EXECUTION: 1. INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANT: Each grade adjustment ring and manhole frame shall be sealed with the above-specified materials. All surfaces to be in contact with the joint sealant shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, sand, mud , or other foreign matter. The manufacturer shall apply a primer to all surfaces prior to installing the joint sealant in accordance with the recommendations. The protective wrapper shall remain on the joint sealant until immediately prior to the placement of the pipe in the trench . After removal of the protective wrapper, the joint sealant shall be kept clean. Install frames and cover over manhole opening with the bottom of the rings resting on Bitumastic joint sealer . Frames and grade rings shall rest on two (2) rows (inside and outside) of Bitumastic joint sealer. 2. SEALING AND/OR ADJUSTING EXISTING MANHOLES: Excavate (rectangular full depth saw cut if in pavement) adjacent to the manhole to expose the entire manhole frame and a minimum of 6 inches of the manhole wall keeping the sides of the trench nearly vertical. 511 9/06 Remove manhole frame from the manhole structure and observe the condition of the frame and grade rings . Any frame or grade ring that is not suitable for use as determined by the Engineer shall be replaced. Grade rings that are constructed of brick , block materials other than pre-cast concrete rings , or where necessary and approved by the Engineer, shall be replaced with a pre-cast flattop section. Pre-cast concrete rings, or a pre-cast concrete flattop section will be the only adjustments allowed. In brick or block manholes, replace the upper portion of the manhole to a point 24 inches below the frame. If the walls or cone section below this level are structurally unsound, notify the Engineer prior to replacement of the grade rings and manhole frame. Ex isting brickwork, if damaged by the Contractor, shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Wire brush manhole frame and exposed manhole surfaces to remove dirt and loose debris . Coat exposed manhole surfaces with an approved bonding agent followed by an application of quick setting hydraulic cement to provide a smooth working surface. If the inside diameter of the manhole is too large to safely support new adjustment rings or frames, a flat top section shall be installed . Joint surfaces between the frames, adjustment rings, and cone section shall be free of dirt, stones, debris and voids to ensure a watertight seal. Place flexible gasket joint material along the inside and outside edge of each joint, or use trowelable material in lieu of pre-formed gasket material. Position the butt joint of each length of joint material on SC-17 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS opposite sides of the manhole . No steel shims , wood, stones, or any material not specifically accepted by the Engineer may be used to obtain final surface elevation of the manhole frame. In paved areas or future paved areas, castings shall be installed by using a straight edge not less than ten ( 10) feet long so that the top of the casting will conform to the slope and finish elevation of the paved surface. The top of the casting shall be 1 /8 inch below the finished elevation . Allowances for the compression of the joint material shall be made to assure a proper final grade elevation. 3. EXPOSED EXTERIOR SURFACES: All exposed exterior surfaces shall be coated with two mop coats of coal tar epoxy. Kopper "Bitumastic Super Service Black"; Tnemec "46- 450 Heavy Tnemecol", or equal , to a minimum of 14 mils dry film thickness. 4. The exterior surface of all pre-cast section joints shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wire brush and then waterproofed with a 1 /2-inch thick coat of trowelable bitumastic joint sealant from 6-inches below to 6-inches above the joint. The coated joint shall then be wrapped with 6 mil plastic t o protect the sealant from damage during backfilling. C. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: The price bid for new manhole installations shall include all labor, equipment , and materials necessary for construction of the manhole including, but not limited to , joint sealing, li ft hole sealing and exterior surface coating. Payment shall not include pavement replacemen t , which if required, shall be paid separately. The price bid for reconstruction of existing manholes shall include all labor equipment and materials necessary for construction of new manhole, including , but not limited to, excavation, backfill , disposal of materials, joint sealing, lift hole sealing and exterior surface coating. Payment shall not include pavement replacement , which if required, shall be paid separately. The price bid for adjusting and/or sealing of existing manholes shall include all labor, equipment and materials necessary for adjusting and/or sealing the manhole, including but not limited to, joint sealing, lift hole sealing , and exterior surface coating. Payment for concrete collars will be made per each. Payment for manhole inserts will be made per each . D-28 SANITARY SEWER SERVICES Any reconnection , relocation, re -routes, replacement, or new sanitary sewer service shall be required as shown on the plans , and/or as described in these Special Contact Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer as active sewer taps. The service connections shall be constructed by the Contractor utilizing standard factory manufactured tees. City approved factory manufactured saddle taps may be used, but only as directed by the Engineer. The decision to use saddle taps as opposed to tees shall be made on a case-by-case basis. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the scheduling of tapping crews with building owners and the Engineer in order that the work be performed in an expeditious manner. A minimum of 24 hours advance notice shall be given when taps will be required . Severed service connections shall be maintained as specified in section C6-6 .15. A. SEWER SERVICE RECON NECTION: When sewer service reconnection is called for the Contractor shall vertically adj ust the existing sewer service line as required for reconnection and furnish a new tap . The fi tt ings used for vertical adjustment shall consist of a maximum bend of 45 degrees. The tap shall be located so as to line up with the service line and avoid 5119/06 SC-18 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS any horizontal adjustment. For open cut applications, all sanitary sewer service lines shall be replaced to the property or easement line, or as directed by the Engineer. Sanitary sewer services on sewers being rehabilitated using pipe enlargement methods shall be replaced to the property or easement line or as directed by the Engineer . Procedures listed below for Sewer Service Replacement shall be adhered to for the installation of any sewer service line including the incidental four (4) feet of service line which is included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Taps. Payment for work such as backfill, saddles, tees , fittings incidental four (4) feet of service line and all other associated appurtenances required shall be included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Taps. B. SEWER SERVICE REPLACEMENT: All building sewer services encountered during construction shall be adjusted and/or replaced by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer as required for the connection of the sewer service line. If the sewer service line is in such condition or adjustment necessitates the replacement of the sewer service line, all work shall be performed by a licensed plumber. The Engineer shall determine the length of the replacement. All sewer services shall be installed at a minimum of two (2) percent slope or as approved by the Engineer. For situations involving sewer serv ice re-routing, whether on public or private property, the City shall provide line and grade for the sewer service lines as shown on the project plans. Prior to installing the applicable sewer main or lateral and the necessary service lines, the Contractor shall verify (by de-holing at the building clean-out) the elevations (shown on the plans) at the building clean-out and compare the data with the elevation at the proposed connection point on the sewer main, in order to ensure that the two (2) percent minimum slope (or as specified by the Engineer) requirement is satisfied. Elevations shall also be verified at all bend locations on the service re-route. All applicable sewer mains , laterals and affected service lines that are installed without pre-construction de- holing at the affected residences (to verify design elevations) shall be removed and replaced as necessary at the Contractor's expense in the event grade conflicts are brought to light after de-holing is conducted. All elevation information obtained by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Inspector. The Engineer shall be immediately notified in the event that the two (2) percent minimum slope is not satisfied. If the Contractor determines that a different alignment for the re-route is more beneficial than shown on the plans, the Contractor shall obtain and submit all relevant elevation information for the new alignment to the Inspector and shall be responsible for ensuring that the two (2) percent minimum grade (or as approved by the Engineer) is satisfied . Prior to backfilling, the Contractor shall double check the grade of the installed service line and submit signed documentation verifying that the line has been installed as designed to the Engineer . The Contractor, at its sole expense, shall be required to uncover any sewer service for which no grade verification has been submitted . All re- routes that are not installed as designed or fail to meet the City code shall be reinstalled at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall ensure that the service line is backfilled and compacted in accordance with the City Plumbing Code . Connection to the existing sewer service line shall be made with appropriate adapter fittings . The fitting shall be a urethane or neoprene coupling A.S .T.M . C-425 with series 300 stainless steel compression straps. The Contractor shall remove the existing clean-out and plug the abandoned sewer service line. The contractor shall utilize schedule 40 PVC for all sanitary sewer service re-routes or relocations located on private property. Furthermore, the contractor shall utilize the services of a licensed plumber for all service line work on private property . Permit(s) must be obtained from the City of Fort Worth Development Department for all service line work on private property and all work related to the service line must be approved by a City of Fort Worth Plumbing Inspector. A copy of the plumbing permit shall be provided to the Engineer prior to beginning work on the sanitary sewer service re-route and proof of final acceptance by the 5/19/06 SC-19 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Plumbing Inspector shall be provided to the Engineer upon completion of the sanitary sewer re-route. Payment for work and materials such as backfill , removal of existing clean-outs, plugging the abandoned sewer service line, double check ing the grade of the installed service line, pipe fittings , surface restoration on private property (to match existing), and all other associated work for service replacements in excess of four (4) linear feet shall be included in the linear foot price bid for sanitary sewer service line replacement on private property or public right of way . Payment for all work and material involving the "tap" shall be included in the price bid for sanitary sewer service taps. D-29 REMOVAL, SALVAGE, AND ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES Any removal, salvaging and/or abandonment of existing facilities will necessarily be required as shown on the plans, and/or described in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. This work shall be done in accordance with Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of Material and E2-2 .7 Removing Pipe , of the General Contract Documents and Specifications, unless amended or superseded by requirements of this Special Condition . A. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND METER BOX: Existing water meter and meter box shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor in accordance with Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of Materials . B. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER METER AND CONCRETE VAULT LID : Existing water meter and concrete vault lid shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor in accordance with Section E2-1.5 Salvaging of Materials. The concrete vault shall be demolished in place to a point not less than 18 inches below final grade. The concrete vault shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Backfill material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer . Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing surrounding surface and grade. C. SALVAGE OF EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS: Existing fire hydrants shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor in accordance with Section E2-1 .5 Salvaging of Materials. The void shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Backfill material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing surrounding surface and grade. D. SALVAGE OF EXISTING GATE VALVE : Existing gate valve and valve box and lid shall be removed and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the Contractor in accordance with Section E2-1 .5 Salvaging of Materials . The void area caused by the valve removal shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2 .9 Backfill. Backfill material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing surrounding surface and grade. If the valve is in a concrete vau lt, the vault shall be demolished in place to a point no less than 18" below fina l grade. E. ABANDONMENT OF EXIST ING GATE VALVE : Existing gate valve and box lid shall be abandoned by first closing the valve to the fully closed position and demolishing the valve box in place to a point not less than 18 inches below final grade. Concrete shall then be used as backfill material to match exis t ing grade . 5119106 SC-20 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS F. ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING VAULTS: Vaults to be demolished in place shall have top slab and lid removed and vault walls demolished to a point not less than 18" below final grade. The void area caused shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Backfill material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with the existing surrounding grade. G . ABANDONMENT OF MANHOLES: Manholes to be abandoned in place shall have all pipes entering or exiting the structure plugged with lean concrete. Manhole top or cone section shall be removed to the top of the full barrel diameter section, or to point not less than 18 inches below final grade. The structure shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Backfill material may be either clean washed sand of clean , suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with surrounding service surface. Payment for work involved in backfilling, plugging of pipe(s) and all other appurtenances required, shall be included in the appropriate bid item -Abandon Existing Sewer Manhole. H. REMOVAL OF MANHOLES : Manholes to be removed shall have all pipes entering or exiting the structure disconnected . The complete manhole, including top or cone section , all full barrel diameter section, and base section shall be removed . The excavation shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Backfill material may be with Type C Backfill or Type B Backfill, as approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with surrounding surface. I. CUTTING AND PLUGGING EXISTING MAINS: At various locations on this project, it may be required to cut, plug, and block existing water mains/services or sanitary sewer mains/services in order to abandon these lines . Cutting and plugging existing mains and/or services shall be considered as incidental and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe, unless separate trenching is required. J. REMOVAL OF EXISTING PIPE: Where removal of the existing pipe is required , it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to properly dispose of all removed pipe. All removed valves, fire hydrants and meter boxes shall be delivered to Water Department Field Operation, Storage Yard. K. PAYMENT: Payment for all work and material involved in salvaging, abandoning and/or removing existing facilities shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe, except as follows: separate payment will be made for removal of all fire hydrants, gate valves , 16 inch and larger, and sanitary sewer manholes, regardless of location. Paymer,t will be made for salvaging, abandoning and/or removing all other existing facilities when said facility is not being replaced in the same trench (i.e., when removal requires a separate trench). L. ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING SEWER LINES : Where plans call for abandonment of existing sewer ma ins after the construction of a new sewer main, the Contractor shall be responsible for TV inspection of 100% of the existing sewer main to be abandoned to make a final determination that all existing service connections have been relocated to the new main. Once this determination has been made, the existing main will be abandoned as indicated above in Item I. 5119/06 SC-21 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-30 DETECTABLE WARNING TAPES Detectable underground utility warning tapes which can be located from the surface by a pipe detector shall be installed directly above non-metallic water and sanitary sewer pipe. The detectable tape shall be "Detect Tape" manufactured by Allen Systems, Inc. or approved equal, and shall consist of a minimum thickness 0.35 mils solid aluminum foil encased in a protective inert plastic jacket that is impervious to all known alkalis , acids, chemical reagents and solvents found in the soil. The minimum overall thickness of the tape shall be 5.5 mils , and the width shall not be less than two inches with a minimum unit weight of 2~ pounds/1 inch/100'. The tape shall be color coded and imprinted with the message as follows: Type of Utility Color Code Water Safety Blue Sewer Safety Green Legends Caution! Buried Water Line Below Caution! Buried Sewer Line Below Installation of detectable tapes shall be per manufacturer's recommendations and shall be as close to the grade as is practical for optimum protection and detectability. Allow a minimum of 18 inches between the tape and the pipe. Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, blocking, detectable tapes, and all other associated appurtenances required shall be included in the unit price bid for the appropriate bid item(s). D-31 PIPE CLEANING Joints shall be wiped and then inspected for proper installation by the inspectors. Each joint shall be swept daily and kept clean during installation . A temporary night plug shall be installed on all exposed pipe ends during any period of work stoppage. D-32 DISPOSAL OF SPOIL/FILL MATERIAL Prior to the disposing of any spoil/fill material, the Contractor shall advise the Director of Engineering Department, acting as the City of Fort Worth's Flood Plain Administrator ("Administrator"), of the location of all sites where the Contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall not dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to meet the requirements of the Flood Plain Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth (Ordinance No. 10056). All disposal sites must be approved by the Administrator to ensure that filling is not occurring within a floodplain without a permit. A floodplain permit can be issued upon approval of necessary Engineering studies. No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in a floodplain . Approval of the Contractor's disposal sites shall be evidenced by a letter signed by the Administrator stating that the site is not in a known flood plain or by a Flood Plain Fill Permit authorizing fill within the flood plain . Any expenses associated with obtaining the fill permit, including any necessary Engineering studies, shall be at the Contractor's expense. In the event that the Contractor disposes of spoil/fill material at a site without a fill permit or a letter from the administrator approving the disposal site, upon notification by the Director of Engineering Department, Contractor shall remove the spoil/fill material at its expense and dispose of such materials in accordance with the Ordinances of the City and this section . D-33 MECHANICS AND MATERIALMEN'S LIEN The Contractor shall be required to execute a release of mechanics and material men's liens upon receipt of payment. 5119/06 SC-22 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-34 SUBSTITUTIONS The specifications for materials set out the minimum standard of quality, which the City believes necessary to procure a satisfactory project. No substitutions will be permitted until the Contractor has received written permission of the Engineer to make a substitution for the material, which has been specified. Where the term "or equal", or "or approved equal" is used, it is understood that if a material, product, or piece of equipment bearing the name so used is furnished, it will be approvable , as the particular trade name was used for the purpose of establishing a standard of quality acceptable to the City . If a product of any other name is proposed for use, the Engineer's approval thereof must be obtained before the Contractor procures the proposed substitute. Where the term "or equal ", or "or approved equal" is not used in the specifications, this does not necessarily exclude alternative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the intended purpose. However, the Contractor shall have the full responsibility of proving that the proposed substitution is, in fact, equal, and the Engineer, as the representative of the City , shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of substitutions. The provisions of this sub-section as re lated to "substitutions " shall be applicable to all sections of these specifications. D-35 PRE-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER A. GENERAL: Prior to the reconstruction, ALL sections of existing sanitary sewer lines to be abandoned, removed (except where being replaced in the same location), or rehabilitated (pipe enlargement, cured-in-place pipe, fold and form pipe, slip-line, etc.), shall be cleaned, and a television inspection performed to identify any active sewer service taps, other sewer laterals and their location. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for the cleaning and inspection of the sewer lines by means of closed circuit television. Satisfactory precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipment. 1. HIGH VELOCITY JET (HYDROCLEANING) EQUIPMENT: The high-velocity sewer line cleaning equipment shall be constructed for easy and safe operation. The equipment shall also have a selection of two or more high-velocity nozzles . The nozzles shall be capable of producing a scouring action from 15 to 45 degrees in all size lines designated to be cleaned. Equipment shall also include a high-velocity gun for washing and scouring manhole walls and floor. The gun shall be capable of producing flows from a fine spray to a solid stream . The equipment shall carry its own water tank, auxiliary engines, pumps, and hydraulically driven hose reel. Hydraulically Propelled Equipment shall be of a movable dam type and be constructed in such a way that a portion of the dam may be collapsed at any time during the cleaning operation to protect against flooding of the sewer. The movable dam shall be equal in diameter around the outer periphery to ensure removal of grease . If sewer cleaning balls or other equipment, which cannot be collapsed, is used, special precautions to prevent flooding of the sewers and public or private property shall be taken. The flow of sewage present in the sewer lines shall be utilized to provide necessary fluid for hydraulic cleaning devices whenever possible. 2. CLEANING PROCEDURES: The designated sewer manholes shall be cleaned using high-velocity jet equipment. The equipment shall be capable of removing dirt, grease , rocks, sand, and other materials and obstructions from the sewer lines and manholes. If cleaning of an entire section cannot be successfully performed from one manhole, the equipment shall be set up on the other manhole and cleaning again attempted . If, again , successful cleaning cannot be performed or equipment fails to traverse the entire 5119/06 SC-23 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS manhole section, it will be assumed that a major blockage exists, and the cleaning effort shall be abandoned . When additional quantities of water from fire hydrants are necessary to avoid delay in normal working procedures , the water shall be conserved and not used unnecessarily. No fire hydrant shall be obstructed in case of a fire in the area served by the hydrant. Before usi ng any water from the City Water Distribution System, the Contractor shall apply fo r and receive permission from the Water Department. The Contractor shall be responsible for the water . meter and related charges for the setup , including the water usage bill. All expenses shall be considered incidental to cleaning . 3. DEBRIS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL : All sludge, dirt, sand, rock, grease , and other solid or semisolid material resulting from the cleaning operation shall be removed at the downstream manhole of the section being cleaned. Passing material from manhole section to manhole section, which could cause line stoppages, accumulations of sand in wet wells, or damage pumping equipment , shall not be permitted. 4 . All solids or semiso lid resulting from the cleaning operations shall be removed from the site and disposed of at a site designated by the Engineer. All materials shall be removed from the site no less often than at the end of each workday and disposed of at no additional cost to the City. 5. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL SEWAGE OR SOLIDS REMOVED THEREFROM BE DUMPED ONTO STREETS OR INTO DITCHES, CATCH BASINS, STORM DRAINS OR SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES. 6. TELEVISION INSPECTION EQUIPMENT: The television camera used for the inspection shall be one specifically designed and constructed for such inspection. Lighting for the camera shall be suitable t o allow a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe. The camera shall be operative in 100% humidity conditions . The camera, television . monitor, and other components of the video system shall be capable of producing picture quality to the satisfaction of the Engineer; and if unsatisfactory, equipment shall be removed and no payment will be made for an unsatisfactory inspection. B. EXECUTION : 1. TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera shall be moved through the line in either d irection at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of any sewer service taps. In no case will the television camera be pulled at a speed greater than 30 feet per minute. Manual winches, power winches , TV cable, and powered rewinds or other devices that do not obstruct the camera view or interfere with proper documentation shall be used to move the camera through the sewer line. 5/19/06 When manually operated winches are used to pull the television camera through the line, telephones or other suitable means of communications shall be set up between the two manholes of the section being inspected to ensure good communications between members of the crew. The importance of accurate distance measurements is emphasized. All television inspection videotapes shall have a footage counter. Measurement for location of sewer service taps shall be above ground by means of meter device. Marking on the cable, or the like, which would require interpolation for depth of manhole, will not be allowed . Accuracy of the distance meter shall be checked by use of a walking meter, roll-a-tape, or other suitable device , and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to the Engineer. SC-24 l ~ PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The City makes no guarantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera . The methods used for securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor. The cost of retrieving the Television camera , under all circumstances, when it becomes lodged during inspection, shall be incidental to Television inspection. 2. DOCUMENTATION: Television Inspection Logs: Printed location records shall be kept by the Contractor and w ill clearly show the location in relation to an adjacent manhole of each sewer service taps observed during inspection . In addition, other points of significance such as locations of unusual conditions, roots, storm sewer connections , broken pipe, presence of scale and corrosion, and other discernible features will be recorded , and a copy of such records will be supplied to the City. 3. PHOTOGRAPHS: Instant developing, 35 mm, or other standard-size photographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken by the Contractor upon request of the Engineer, as long as such photographing does not interfere with the Contractor's operations . 4. VIDEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to supply a visual and audio record of problem areas of the lines that may be replayed. Video tape recording playback shall be at the same speed that it was recorded . The television tapes shall be furnished to the City for review immediately upon completion of the television inspection and may be retained a maximum of 30 calendar days. Equipment shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for review of the tapes. The Engineer will return tapes to the Contractor upon completion of review . Tapes shall not be erased without the permission of the Engineer. If the tapes are of such poor quality that the Engineer is unable to evaluate the condition of the sewer line or to locate service connections, the Contractor shall be required to re-televise and provide a good tape of the line at no additional cost to the City . If a good tape cannot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by the Engineer, no payment for televising this portion shall be made. Also , no payment shall be made for portions of lines not televised or portions where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television camera. THE TAPES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION FOR REVIEW AND DETERMINATION OF SAGS . Upon completion of review of the tapes by the Engineer, the Contractor will be notified as to which sections of the sanitary sewer are to be corrected. The Engineer will return tapes to the Contractor upon completion of review . All costs associated with this work shall be incidental to unit prices bid for items under Television Inspection of the Proposal. C. PAYMENT OF CLEANING AND PRE-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS: The cost for Pre-Construction Cleaning and Television Inspection of sanitary sewers shall be per linear foot of sewer actually televised. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with tapes of a quality that the particular piece of sewer can be readily evaluated as to existing sewer conditions and for providing appropriate means for review of the tapes by the Engineer including collection and removal, transportation and disposal of sand and debris from the sewers to a legal dump site. 511 9/06 SC-25 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Television inspection shall include necessary cleaning (hydraulic jet or mechanical cleaner) to provide video image required for line analysis. The primary purpose of cleaning is for television inspection and rehabilitation; when a portion of a line is not or cannot be televised or rehabilitated, the cleaning of that portion of line shall be incidental and no payment shall be made. The City makes no gua rantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera. The methods used for securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor, and the costs must be included in the bid price for TV Inspections. The cost of retrieving the TV Camera, under all circumstances, when it becomes lodged during inspection, sha ll be incidental to TV Inspection. The item shall also include all costs of installing and maintaining any bypass pumping required to provide reliable, regular sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be incidental to the project. D-36 VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES A. GENERAL: This item shall govern the vacuum testing of all newly constructed sanitary sewer manholes. B. EXECUTION: 1. TEST PROCEDURE : Manholes shall be vacuum tested prior to any interior grouting with all connections in place. Lift holes shall be plugged, and all drop-connections and gas sealing connections shall be installed prior to testing. 5/19/06 The sewer lines entering the manhole shall be plugged and braced to prevent the plugs from being drawn into the manhole . The plugs shall be installed in the lines beyond the drop-connections, gas sealing connections , etc. The test head shall be placed inside the frame at the top of the manhole and inflated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A vacuum of ten inches of mercury (1 O"Hg) shall be drawn and the vacuum pump will be turned off. With the valve closed, the level of vacuum shall be read after the required test time. The required test time shall be determined from the Table I below in accordance with ASTM C1244-93: Table I MINIMUM TIME REQUIRED FOR VACUUM DROP OF 1" Hg (1 O"Hg -9"Hg) (SEC) Depth of MH. 48-lnch Dia . 60-lnch Dia. (FT .) Manhole Manhole 0 to 16 ' 40 sec . 52 sec . 18 ' 45 sec. 59 sec . 20' 50 sec. 65 sec. 22' 55 sec. 72 sec. 24' 59 sec. 78 sec . 26' 64 sec. 85 sec . 28' 69 sec . 91 sec. SC-26 - - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 30' For Each Additional 2' 74 sec. 5 sec. 98 sec. 6 sec . 2. ACCEPTANCE: The manhole shall be considered acceptable, if the drop in the level of vacuum is less than one-inch of mercury (1" Hg) after the required test time. Any manhole, which fails to pass the initial test, must be repaired by either pressure grouting through the manhole wall or digging to expose the exterior wall of the manhole in order to locate the leak and seal it with an epoxy sealant. The manhole shall be retested as described above until it has successfully passed the test. Following completion of a successful test , the manhole shall be restored to its normal condition, all temporary plugs shall be removed, all braces, equipment, and debris shall be removed and disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. C. PAYMENT: Payment for vacuum testing of sanitary sewer manholes shall be paid at the contract price per each vacuum test. This price shall include all material , labor, equipment, and all incidentals , including all bypass pumping , required to complete the test as specified herein. D-37 BYPASS PUMPING The Contractor shall bypass the sewage around the section or sections of sewer to be rehabilitated and/or replaced . The bypass shall be made by plugging existing upstream manhole and pumping the sewage into a downstream manhole or adjacent system or other method as may be approved by the Engineer . The pump and bypass lines shall be of adequate capacity and size to handle the flow without sewage backup occurring to facilities connected to the sewer. Provisions shall be made at driveways and street crossings to permit safe vehicular travel without in t errupting flow in the bypass system. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to discharge sewage into the trenches . Payment shall be incidental to rehabilitation or replacement of the sewer line. D-38 POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWER A. GENERAL: After construction, ALL sections of sanitary sewer lines shall have a television inspection performed by an independent sub-Contractor hired by the prime Contractor. Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment necessary for inspection of the sewer lines by means of closed circuit television. Satisfactory precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipment. B. TELEVISION INSPECTION EQUIPMENT: The television camera used for the inspection shall be one specifically designed and constructed for such inspection . Lighting for the camera shall be operative in 100% humidity conditions. The camera, television monitor, and other components of the video system shall be capable of producing picture quality to the satisfaction of the Engineer; and if unsatisfactory, equipment shall be removed and no payment will be made for an unsatisfactory inspection. C. EXECUTION : 1. TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera shall be moved through the line in either direction at a moderate rate, stopping when necessary to permit proper documentation of 511 9/06 SC-27 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS any sewer service taps . In no case will the television camera be pulled at a speed greater than 30 feet per minute. Manual winches, power winches, TV cable, and powered rewinds or other devices t hat do not obstruct the camera view or interfere with proper documentation shall be used to move the camera through the sewer line . No more than 2000 linear feet of pipe will be televised at one time for review by the Engineer. When manually operated winches are used to pull the television camera through the line, telephones or other suitable means of communications shall be set up between the two manholes of the section being inspected to ensure good communications between members of the crew. The importance of accurate distance measurements is emphasized. All television inspection video tapes shall have a footage counter. Measurement for location of sewer service taps shall be above ground by means of meter device. Marking on the cable, or the like, which would require interpolation for depth of manhole, will not be allowed. Accuracy of the distance meter shall be checked by use of a walking meter, roll-a-tape, or other suitable device, and the accuracy shall be satisfactory to the Engineer. The City makes no guarantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be entered are clear for the passage of a camera . The methods used for securing passage of the camera are to be at the option of the Contractor. The cost or retrieving the Television camera, under all circumstances, when it becomes lodged during inspection, shall be incidenta l to Television inspection. Sanitary sewer mains must be laced with enough water to fill all low pints . The television inspection must be done immediately following the lacing of the main with no water flow. If sewer is active, flow must be restricted to provide a clear image of sewer being inspected. 2. DOCUMENTATION: Television Inspection Logs: Printed location records shall be kept by the Contractor and will clearly show the location in relation to an adjacent manhole of each sewer service tap observed during inspection. All television logs shall be referenced to stationing as shown on the plans. A copy of these television logs will be supplied to the City. 3. PHOTOGRAPHS: Instant developing , 35 mm, or other standard-size photographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken by the Contractor upon request of the Engineer, as long as such photographing does not interfere with the Contractor's operations. 4 . VIDEOTAPE RECORDINGS: The purpose of tape recording shall be to supply a visual and audio record of problem areas of the lines that may be replayed. Video tape recording playback shall be at the same speed that it was recorded. The television tapes shall be furnished to the City for review immediately upon completion of the telev ision inspection and may be retained a maximum of 30 calendar days. Equipment shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for review of the tapes. Tapes will be returned to the Contractor upon completion of review by the Engineer. Tapes shall not be erased without the permission of the Engineer. 5/19/06 If the tapes are of such poor quality that the Engineer is unable to evaluate the condition of the sewer line or to locate service connections, the Contractor shall be required to re- televise and provide a good tape of the line at no additional cost to the City. If a good SC-28 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS tape cannot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by the Engineer, no payment for televising this portion shall be made . Also, no payment shall be made for portions of lines not televised or portions where manholes cannot be negotiated with the television camera . D. PAYMENT OF POST-CONSTRUCTION TELEVISION INSPECTION OF SANITARY SEWERS: The cost for post-construction Television Inspection of sanitary sewers shall be per linear foot of sewer televised. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with tapes of a quality that the particular piece of sewer can be readily evaluated as to sewer conditions and for providing appropriate means for review of the tapes by the Engineer. Television inspection shall include necessary cleaning (hydraulic jet or mechanical cleaner) to provide video image required for line analysis. The quantity of TV inspection shall be measured as the total length of new pipe installed. All costs associated with this work shall be included in the appropriate bid item -Post-Construction Television Inspection. The item shall also include all costs of installing and ma intaining any bypass pumping required to provide reliable, regular sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be incidental to the project. D-39 SAMPLES AND QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. The Contractor shall furnish, at its own expense, certifications by a private laboratory for all materials proposed to be used on the project , including a mix design for any asphaltic and/or Portland cement concrete to be used, and gradation analysis for sand and crushed stone to be used along with the name of the pit from which the material was taken. The contractor shall provide manufacturer's certifications for all manufactured items to be used in the project and will bear any expense related thereto. B. Tests of the design concrete mix shall be made by the contractor's laboratory at least nine days prior to the placing of concrete using the same aggregate, cement, and mortar which are to be used later in the concrete. The Contractor shall provide a certified copy of the test results to the City . C. Quality control testing of in-place material on this project will be performed by the city at its own expense . Any retesting required as a result of failure of the material to meet project specifications will be at the expense of the contractor and will be billed at commercial rates as determined by the City. The failure of the City to make any tests of materials shall in no way relieve the contractor of its responsibility to furnish materials and equipment conforming to the requirements of the contract. D. Not less than 24 hours notice shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for operations requiring testing . The Contractor shall provide access and trench safety system (if required) for the site to be tested, and any work effort involved is deemed to be inc luded in the unit price for the item being tested . E. The Contractor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket for each load of fill material delivered to the job site. The ticket shall specify the name of the pit supplying the fill material. D-40 TEMPORARY EROSION, SEDIMENT, AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL (FOR DISTURBED AREAS LESS THAN 1 ACRE) 511 9/06 SC-29 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. DESCRIPTION: This item shall consist of temporary soil erosion sediment and water pollution control measures deemed necessary by the Engineer for the duration of the contract. These control measures shall at no time be used as a substitute for the permanent control measures unless otherwise directed by the Engineer and they shall not include measures taken by the CONTRACTOR to control conditions created by his construction operations. The temporary measures shall include dikes, dams, berms, sediment basins, fiber mats, jute netting, temporary seeding, straw mulch, asphalt mulch, plastic liners, rubble liners, baled-hay retards, dikes, slope drains and other devices. B. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: The Engineer has the authority to define erodible earth and the authority to limit the surface area of erodible-earth material exposed by preparing right-of-way, clearing and grubbing , the surface area of erodible-earth material exposed by excavation, borrow and to direct the CONTRACTOR to provide temporary pollution-control measures to prevent contamination of adjacent streams, other water courses, lakes, ponds or other areas of water impoundment. Such work may involve the construction of temporary berms , dikes, dams, sediment basins, slope drains and use of temporary mulches, mats, seeding, or other control devices or methods directed by the Engineer as necessary to control soil erosion. Temporary pollution-control measures shall be used to prevent or correct erosion that may develop during construction prior to installation of permanent pollution control features, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project. The Engineer will limit the area of preparing right-of-way, clearing and grubbing, excavation and borrow to be proportional to the CONTRACTOR'S capability and progress in keeping the finish grading , mulching, seeding, and other such permanent pollution-control measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal conditions make such limitations unrealistic, temporary soil-erosion-control measures shall be performed as directed by the Engineer. 1. Waste or disposal areas and construction roads shall be located and constructed in a manner that will minimize the amount of sediment entering streams. 2. Frequent fordings of live streams will not be permitted; therefore, temporary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever an appreciable number of stream crossings are necessary. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, mechanized equipment shall not be operated in live streams. 3. When work areas or material sources are located in or adjacent to live streams, such areas shall be separated from the stream by a dike or other barrier to keep sediment from entering a flowing stream. Care shall be taken during the construction and removal of such barriers to minimize the muddying of a stream. 4. All waterways shall be cleared as soon as practicable of false work, piling, debris or other obstructions placed during construction operations that are not a part of the finished work. 5. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent pollution of streams, lakes and reservoirs with fuels, oils , bitumen , calcium chloride or other harmful materials. He shall conduct and schedule his operations so as to avoid or minimize siltation of streams, lakes and reservoirs and to avoid interference with movement of migratory fish. C. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All work, materials and equipment necessary to provide temporary erosion control shall be considered subsidiary to the contract and no extra pay will be given for this work. 5119/06 SC-30 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-41 INGRESS AND EGRESS/OBSTRUCTION OF ACCESS TO DRIVES The Contractor shall provide ingress and egress to the property being crossed by this construction and adjacent property when construction is not in progress and at night. Drives shall be left accessible at night, on weekends, and during holidays. The Contractor shall conduct his activities to minimize obstruction of access to drives and property during the progress of construction . Notification shall be made to an owner prior to his driveway being removed and/or rebuilt. D-42 PROTECTION OF TREES, PLANTS AND SOIL All property along and adjacent to the Contractors' operations including lawns, yards, shrubs, trees, etc., shall be preserved or restored after completion of the work, to a condition equal to or better than existed prior to start of work. Any trees or other landscape features scarred or damaged by the Contractor's operations shall be restored or replaced at the Contractor's expense. Trimming or pruning to facilitate the work will be permitted only by experienced workmen in an approved manner (No trimming or pruning without the property owners' consent). Pruned limbs of 1" diameter or larger shall be thoroughly treated as soon as possible with a tree wound dressing. By ordinance, the Contractor must obtain a permit from the City Forester before any work (trimming, removal, or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs growing on public property including street Rights-of-Ways and designated alleys. This permit can be obtained by calling the Forestry Office at 817-871-5738 . All tree work shall be in compliance with pruning standards for Class II Pruning as described by the National Arborist Association . A copy of these standards can be provided by calling the above number . Any damage to public trees due to negligence by the Contractor shall be assessed using the current formula for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture. Payment for negligent damage to public trees shall be made to the City of Fort Worth and may be withheld from funds due the Contractor by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt fungus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be immediately sealed using a commercial pruning paint. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved for this item and all costs incurred will be considered a subsidiary cost of the project. D-43 SITE RESTORATION The contractor shall be responsible for restoring the site to original grade and condition after completion of his operations subject to approval of the Engineer. The basis for approval by the Engineer will be grade restoration to plus minus one-tenth (0.1) of a foot. D-44 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Proposed products submitted in the bid documents must appear in the latest "City of Fort Worth Standard Product List", for the bid to be considered responsive. Products and processes listed in the "City of Fort Worth Standard Product List " shall be considered to meet City of Fort Worth minimum technical requirements. D-45 TOPSOIL, SODDING, SEEDING & HYDROMULCHING This item shall be performed in accordance with the City of Fort Worth Parks and Community Services Department Specifications for Topsoil, Sodding and Seeding. PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. TOPSOIL DESCRIPTION: This item will consist of furnishing and placing a minimum of six (6) inches of topsoil, free from rock and foreign material, in all parkways and medians to the lines and grades as established by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: Topsoil will be secured from borrow sources as required to supplement material secured from street excavation. All excavated materials from streets which is suitable for topsoil will be used in the parkways and medians before any topsoil is obtained from a borrow source. Topsoil material secured from street excavation shall be stockpiled at locations approved by the Engineer, and at completion of grading and paving operations, topsoil shall be placed on parkway areas so as to provide a minimum six (6) inches of compacted depth of topsoil parkways. 2. SODDING DESCRIPTION : Sodding will consist of furnishing and planting Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass in the areas between the curbs and walks, on terraces, in median strips, on embankments or cut slopes, or in such areas as designated on the Drawings and in accordance with the requirements of this Specification. Recommended Buffalo grass varieties for sodding are Prairie and 609 . MATERIALS : Sod shall consist of live and growing Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass secured from sources where the soil is fertile. Sod to be placed during the dormant state of these grasses shall be alive and acceptable. Bermuda and Buffalo grass sod shall have a healthy, virile root system of dense, thickly matted roots throughout a two (2) inch minimum thickness of native soil attached to the roots. St. Augustine grass sod shall have a healthy, virile root system of dense, thickly matted roots throughout a one (1) inch minimum thickness of native soil attached to the roots . The sod shall be free from obnoxious weeds or other grasses and shall not contain any matter deleterious to its growth or which might affect its subsistence or hardiness when transplanted. Sod to be placed between curb and walk and on terraces shall be the same type grass as adjacent grass or existing lawn . Care shall be taken at all times to retain native soil on the roots of the sod during the process of excavating, hauling, and planting. Sod material shall be kept moist from the time it is dug until planted. When so directed by the Engineer, the sod existing at the source shall be watered to the extent required prior to excavating . Sod material shall be planted within three days after it is excavated. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: After the designated areas have been completed to the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and as provided for in other items of the contract, sodding of the type specified shall be performed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter described. Sodding shall be either "spot" or "block"; Bermuda, Buffalo or St. Augustine grass. a. Spot Sodding 5119/06 Furrows parallel to the curb line or sidewalk lines , twelve (12) inches on centers or to the dimensions shown on the Drawings, shall be opened on areas to be sodded. In all SC-32 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS furrows, sod approximately three (3) inches square shall be placed on twelve (12) inch centers at proper depth so that the top of the sod shall not be more than one-half (1/2) inch below the finished grade . Holes of equivalent depth and spacing may be used instead of furrows. The soil shall be firm around each block and then the entire sodded area shall be carefully rolled with a heavy, hand roller developing fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) pounds per square inch compression. Hand tamping may be required on terraces. b. Block Sodding. At locations on the Drawings or where directed, sod blocks shall be carefully placed on the prepared areas. The sod shall be so placed that the entire designated area shall be covered, and any voids left in the block sodding shall be filled with additional sod and tamped. The entire sodded area shall be rolled and tamped to form a thoroughly compact solid mass. Surfaces of block sod, which, in the opinion of the Engineer, may slide due to the height or slope of the surface or nature of the soil, shall,. upon direction of the Engineer, be pegged with wooden pegs driven through the sod block to the firm earth , sufficiently close to hold the block sod firmly in place . When necessary, the sodded areas shall be smoothed after planting has been completed and shaped to conform to the cross-section previously provided and existing at the time sodding operations were begun. Any excess dirt from planting operations shall be spread uniformly over the adjacent areas or disposed of as directed by the Engineer so that the completed surface will present a sightly appearance. The sodded areas shall be thoroughly watered immediately after they are planted and shall be subsequently watered at such times and in a manner and quantity directed by the Engineer until completion and final acceptance of the project by the City of Fort Worth. 3. SEEDING DESCRIPTION: "Seeding" will consist of preparing ground, providing and planting seed or a mixture of seed of the kind specified along and across such areas as may be designated on the Drawings and in accordance with these Specifications . MATERIALS: a . General. All seed used must carry a Texas Testing Seed label showing purity and germination, name, type of seed, and that the seed meets all requirements of the Texas Seed Law. Seed furnished shall be of the previous season's crop and the date of analysis shown on each tag shall be within nine (9) months of time of delivery to the project. Each variety of seed shall be furnished and delivered in separate bags or containers. A sample of each variety of seed shall be furnished for analysis and testing when directed by the Engineer. 5119/06 The specified seed shall equal or exceed the following percentages of Purity and germination: Common Name Common Bermuda Grass Annual Rye Grass Tall Fescue SC-33 Purity 95% 95% 95% Germination 90% 95% 90% PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Western Wheatgrass Buffalo Grass Varieties Top Gun Cody 95% 95% 95% Table 120.2.(2)a. 90% 90% 90% URBAN AREA WARM-SEASON SEEDING RATE (lbs.); Pure Live Seed (PLS) Dates Feb 1 to May 1 Mixture for Clay or Tight Soils (Eastern Sections) Bermudagrass 40 Buffalograss 60 (Western Sections) Buffalograss 80 Bermudagrass 20 Total: 100 Total : 100 Table, 120.2.(2)b Mixture for Sandy Soils (All Sections) Bermudagrass 60 Buffalograss 40 Total: 100 TEMPORARY COOL-SEASON SEEDING RATE; (lb.) Pure Live Seed (PLS) Dates (All Sections) Aug 15 Tall Fescue 50 to Western Wheatgrass 50 May 1 Annual Rye 50 Total: 100 CONSTRUCTION METHODS: After the designated areas have been completed to the lines, grades, and cross-sections shown on the Drawings and as provided for in other items of this Contract, seeding of the type specified shall be performed in accordance with the requirements hereinafter described . a . Watering. Seeded areas shall be watered as directed by the Engineer so as to prevent washing of the slopes or dislodgment of the seed. b. Finishing. Where applicable, the shoulders, slopes , and ditches shall be smoothed after seed bed preparation has been completed and shaped to conform to the cross-section previously provided and existing at the time planting operations were begun. BROADCAST SEEDING: The seed or seed mixture in the quantity specified shall be uniformly distributed over the areas shown on the Drawings and where directed. If the sowing of seed is by hand, rather than by mechanical methods, the seed shall be sown in two directions at right angles to each other . Seed and fertilizer shall be distributed at the same time provided the specified uniform rate of application for both is obtained. "Finishing" as specified in Section D-45, Construction Methods, is not applicable since no seed bed preparation is required. DISCED SEEDING: Soil ove r the area shown on the Drawings as directed to be seeded shall be loosened to a minimum depth of three (3) inches and all particles in the seed bed shall be reduced to less than one (1) inch in diameter or they shall be removed. The area shall then be finished to line and grade as specified under "Finishing" in Section D-45, Construction Methods. 5119/06 SC-34 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The seed, or seed mixture, specified shall then be planted at the rate required and the application shall be made uniformly. If the sowing of seed is by hand rather than by mechanical methods , seed shall be raked or harrowed into the soil to a depth of approximately one-e ight (1/8) inch. The planted area shall be rolled with a corrugated roller of the "Cultipacker" type . All rolling of the slope areas shall be on the contour. ASPHALT MULCH SEEDING : The soil over the area shown on the Drawings , or as directed to be seeded, shall be loosened to the minimum depth of three (3) inches and all particles in the seed bed shall be reduced to less than one (1) inch in diameter, or they shall be removed . The area shall then be finished to line and grade as specified under "Finishing" in Section D- 45 , Construction Methods . Water shall then be appl ied to the cultivated area of the seed bed until a minimum depth of six (6) inches is thoroughly moistened. After the watering, when the ground has become sufficiently dry to be loose and pliable , the seed, or seed mixture specified , shall then be planted at the rate required and the application shall be made uniformly. If the sowing of seed is by hand , rather than mechanical methods, the seed shall be sown in two directions at right angles to each other. Seed and fertilizer may be distributed at the same time , provided the specified uniform rate of application for both is obtained. After planting, the seed shall be raked or harrowed into the soil to a depth of approximately one-quarter (1/4) inch. The planted surface area and giving a smooth surface without ruts or tracks . In between the time compacting is completed and the asphalt is applied, the planted area shall be watered sufficiently to assure uniform moisture from the surface to a minimum of six (6) inches in depth . The application of asphalt shall follow the last watering as rapidly as possible. Asphalt shall be of the type and grade as shown on the Drawings and shall conform to the requirements of the item 300, "Asphalts , Oils and Emulsions". If the type of asphalt to be used is not shown on the Drawings , or if Drawings are not included, then MS-2 shall be used . Applications of the asphalt shall be at a rate of three-tenths (0 .3) gallons per square yard . It shall be applied to the area in such a manner so that a complete film is obtained and the finished surface shall be comparatively smooth . RE-SEEDING OF AREAS PLANTED WITH COOL SEASONS SPECIES: Areas where temporary cool season species have been planted may be replanted beginning February 1 with warm season species as listed in Table 120.2(2)a. The re-seeding will be achieved in the following manner. The cool season species shall be mowed down to a height of one (1) inch to insure that slit-seeding equipment will be able to cut through the turf and achieve adequate soil penetration. * Slit-seeding , is achieved through the use of an implement which cuts a furrow (slit) in the soil and places the seed in the slit which is then pressed close with a cult packer wheel. 4. HYDRO-MULCH SEEDING : If hydro-mulch seeding is provided, seed mix shall have 95% purity of Bermuda grass and have a germination rate of 90%. Contractor shall ensure that the grass establishes . 5. CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PARK AREAS TURF RESTORATION OF PARK AREAS: FERTILIZER 5119/06 SC-35 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION: "Fertilizer" will consist of providing and distributing fertilizer over such areas as are designated on the Drawings and in accordance with these Specifications. MATERIALS: All fertilizer used shall be delivered in bags or containers clearly labeled showing the analysis. The fertilizer is subject to testing by the City of Fort Worth in accordance with the Texas Fertilizer Law. A pelleted or granulated fertilizer shall be used with an analysis of 16-20-0 or 16-5-8 or having the analysis shown on the Drawings . The figures in the analysis represent the percent of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash nutrients respectively as determined by the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. In the event it is necessary to substitute a fertilizer of a different analysis, it shall be a pelleted or granulated fertilizer with a lower concentration. Total amount of nutrients furnished and applied per acre shall equal or exceed that specified for each nutrient. CONSTRUCTION METHODS : When an item for fertilizer is included in the Drawings and proposal, pelleted or granulated fertilizer shall be applied uniformly over the area specified to be fertilized and in the manne r directed for the particular item of work. Fertilizer shall be dry and in good physical condition. Fertilizer that is powdered to caked will be rejected. Distribution of fertilizer as a particular item of work shall meet the approval of the Engineer. Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, fertilizer shall be applied uniformly at the average rate of three hundred (300) pounds per acre for all types of "Sodding" and four hundred (400) pounds per acre for all types of "Seeding". MEASUREMENT: Topsoil secured from borrow sources will be measured by the square yard in place on the project site. Measurement will be made only on topsoils secured from borrow sources. Acceptable material for "Seeding" will be measured by the linear foot, complete in place. Acceptable material for "Sodding" will be measured by the linear foot, complete in place. Acceptable material for "Fertilizer" shall be subsidiary to the price of sodding or seeding. PAYMENT: All work performed as ordered and measured shall be subsidiary to the contract unless and otherwise noted in the plans and bid documents to be paid for at the unit price bid for each item of work. Its price shall be full compensation for excavating (except as noted below), loading, hauling, placing and furnishing all labor, equipment, tools, supplies, and incidentals necessary to comp lete work . All labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to supply, transport, stockpile and place topsoil or salvage topsoil as specified shall be included in "Seeding" or "Sodding" bid items and will not be paid for directly. "Spot sodding" or "block sodding" as the case may be, will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard, complete in place, as provided in the proposal and contract. The contract unit price shall be the total compensation for furnishing and placing all sod; for all rolling and tamping; for all watering; for disposal of all surplus materials; and for all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work, all in accordance with the Drawings and these Specifications. 5119/06 SC-36 - - PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The work performed and materials furnished and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price for "Seeding", or "Sodding", of the type specified , as the case may be, which price shall each be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for performing all operations necessary to complete the work accepted as follows: Fertilizer material and application will not be measured or paid for directly , but is considered subsidiary to Sodding and Seeding. D-46 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to implement and maintain a variable "CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM " which must meet OSHA requirements for all its employees and subcontractors at all times during construction. All active sewer manholes, regardless of depth, are defined by OSHA, as "permit required confined spaces". Contractors shall submit an acceptable "CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PROGRAM" for all applicable manholes and maintain an active file for these manholes . The cost of complying with this program shall be subsidiary to the pay items involving work in confined spaces. D-47 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION/FINAL INSPECTION 1. Prior to the final inspection being conducted for the project, the contractor shall contact the city inspector in writing when the entire project or a designated portion of the project is substantially complete. 2. The inspector along with appropriate City staff and the City's consultant shall make an inspection of the substantially completed work and prepare and submit to the contractor a list of items needing to be completed or corrected. 3. The contractor shall take immediate steps to rectify the listed deficiencies and notify the owner in writing when all the items have been completed or corrected. 4 . Payment for substantial completion inspection as well as final inspection shall be subsidiary to the project price. Contractor shall still be required to address all other deficiencies, which are discovered at the time of final inspection . 5. Final inspection shall be in conformance with general condition item "C5-5.18 Final Inspection" of PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS. D-48 EXCAVATION NEAR TREES (WHERE IDENTIFIED ON THE PLANS) 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for taking measures to minimize damage to tree limbs, tree trunks, and tree roots at each work site. All such measures shall be considered as incidental work included in the Contract Unit Price bid for applicable pipe or structure installation except for short tunneling/tree augering. 2. Any and all trees located within the equipment operating area at each work site shall , at the direction of the Engineer, be protected by erecting a "snow fence" along the drip line or edge of the tree root system between tree and the construction area. 3. Contractor shall inspect each work site in advance and arrange to have any tree limbs pruned that might be damaged by equipment operations. The Engineer shall be notified 511 9/06 SC-37 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS at least 24 hours prior to any tree trimming work . No trimming work will be permitted with in private property without written permission of the Owner. 4. Nothing shall be stored over the tree root system within the drip line area of any tree. 5. Before excavation (off the roadway) within the drip line area of any tree, the earth shall be sawcut for a minimum depth of 2 feet. 6 . At designated locations shown on the drawings, the "short tunnel" method using Class 51 0.1. pipe shall be utilized . 7. Except in areas where clearing is allowed, all trees up to 8" in diameter damaged during construction shall be removed and replaced with the same type and diameter tree at the contractor's expense. 8. Contractor shall employ a qualified landscaper for all the work required for tree care to ensure utilization of the best agricultural practices and procedures. 9. Short tunneling shall consist of power augering or hand excavation. The tunnel diameter shall not be larger than 1-1/2 times the outside pipe diameter. Voids remaining after pipe installation shall be pressure grouted. D-49 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OF SEWER PIPE Concrete encasement of sewers shall be paid for at the Contract Unit Price per linear foot of concrete encasement as measured in place along the centerline of the pipe for each pipe diameter indicated. The Contract Unit Price shall include all costs associated with installation and reinforcement of the concrete encasement. D-50 CLAY DAM Clay dam construction shall be performed in accordance with the Wastewater Clay Dam Construction, figure in the Drawings in these Specifications, at locations indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the City. Clay dams shall be keyed into undisturbed soil to make an impervious barrier to reduce groundwater percolation through the pipeline trench. Construction material shall consist of compacted bentonite clay or 2:27 concrete. Payment for work such as forming, placing and finishing shall be subsidiary to the price bid for pipe installation. D-51 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION (D-HOLE) The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the locations of all existing utilities prior to construction, in accordance with item D-6. At locations identified on the drawings, contractor shall conduct an exploratory excavation (D-Hole ), to locate and verify the location and elevation of the existing underground utility where it may be in potential conflict with a proposed facility alignment. The exploratory excavation shall be conducted prior to construction of the entire project only at locations denoted on the plans or as directed by the engineer. Contractor shall submit a report of findings (including surveyed elevations of existing conflicting utilities) to the City prior to the start of construction of the entire project. If the contractor determines an existing utility is in conflict with the proposed facili ty, the contractor shall contact the engineer immediately for appropriate design modifications. The contractor shall make the necessary repairs at the exploratory excavation (D-Hole) to obtain a safe and proper driving surface to ensure the safety of the general public and to meet the 5119/06 SC-38 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS approval of the City inspector. The contractor shall be liable for any and all damages incurred d ue to the exploratory excavation (D-Hole). Payment shall not be made for verification of existing utilities per item D-6. Payment for exploratory excavation (D-Hole ), at locations identified on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, shall include full compensation for all materials, excavation, surface restoration , field surveys , and all incidentals necessary to complete the work, shall be the unit price bid. No payment shall be made for exploratory excavation(s) conducted after construction has begun. D-52 INSTALLATION OF WATER FACILITIES 52.1 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Pipe POLYVINYL Chloride Plastic Water Pipe and fittings on this Project shall be in accordance with the material standard contained in the General Contract Documents. Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, blocking, detectable tapes and all other associated appurtenant required, shall be included in the linear foot price bid of the appropriate BID ITEM(S). 52.2 Blocking Concrete blocking on this Project will necessarily be required as shown on the Plans and shall be installed in accordance with the General Contract Documents. All valves shall have concrete blocking provided for supporting. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved for the item and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe or the bid price of the valve. 52.3 Type of Casing Pipe 1. WATER: The casing pipe for open cut and bored or tunneled section shall be AWWA C-200 Fabricated Electrically Welded Steel Water Pipe, and shall conform to the provisions of E 1-15, E 1-5 and E 1-9 in Material Specifications of General Contract Documents and Specifications for Water Department Projects. The steel casing pipe shall be supplied as follows: For the inside and outside of casing pipe, coal-tar protective coating in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.2 and related sections in AWWA C-203. Touch-up after field welds shall provide coating equal to those specified above. C. Minimum thickness for casing pipe used shall be 0.375 inch. Stainless Steel Casing Spacers (centering style) such as manufactured by Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company or an approved equal shall be used on all non- concrete pipes when installed in casing. Installation shall be as recommended by the Manufacturer. 2. SEWER: Boring used on th is project shall be in accordance with the material standard E 1-15 and Construction standard E2-15 as per Fig. 110 of the General Contract Documents. 3. PAYMENT: Payment for all materials, labor, equipment, excavation, concrete grout, backfill, and incidental work shall be included in the unit price bid per foot. 52.4 Tie-Ins 5119106 SC-39 5119/06 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The Contractor shall be responsible for making tie-ins to the existing water mains. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify the exact location and elevation of the existing line tie-ins. And any differences in locations and elevation of existing line tie-ins between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the field shall be considered as incidental to construction. The cost of making tie-ins to existing water or sanitary sewer mains shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. 52.5 Connection of Existing Mains The Contractor shall determine the exact location, elevation, configuration and angulation of existing water or sanitary sewer lines prior to manufacturing of the connecting piece. Any differences in locations, elevation, configuration, and or angulation of existing lines between the contract drawings and what may be encountered in the said work shall be considered as incidental to construction. Where it is required to shut down existing mains in order to make proposed connections, such down time shall be coordinated with the Engineer, and all efforts shall be made to keep this down time to a minimum. In case of shutting down an existing main, the Contractor shall notify the Manager, Construction Services, Phone 871-7813, at least 48-hours prior to the required shut down time. The Contractor's attention is directed to Paragraph C5-5.15 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE, Page C5-5(5), PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. The Contractor shall notify the customer both personally and in writing as to the location, time, and schedule of the service interruption. The cost of removing any existing concrete blocking shall be included in the cost of connection. Unless bid separately all cost incurred shall be included in the linear foot price bid for the appropriate pipe size. 52.6 Valve Cut-Ins It may be necessary to cut-in gate valves to isolate the water main from which the extension and/or replacement is to be connected . This may require closing valves in other lines and putting consumers out of service for that period of time necessary to cut in the new valve; the work must be expedited to the utmost and all such cut-ins must be coordinated with the engineer in charge of inspection. All consumers shall be individually advised prior to the shut out and advised of the approximate length of time they may be without service . Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, fittings, blocking and all other associated appurtenants required, shall be included in the price of the appropriate bid items. 52. 7 Water Services The relocation, replacement , or reconnection of water services will be required as shown on the plans, and/or as described in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. All service's shall be constructed by the contractor utilizing approved factory manufactured tap saddles (when required) and corporation stops, type K copper water tubing, curb stops with lock wings, meter boxes, and if required approved manufactured service branches. All ma t erials used shall be as specified in the Material Standards (E1- 17 & E1-18) contained in the General Contract Documents. All water services to be replaced shall be installed at a minimum depth of 36 inches below final grade. SC-40 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS All ex isting 3/4-inch water service lines which are to be replaced shall be replaced with 1- inch Type K copper, 1-inch diameter tap saddle when required, and 1-inch corporat ion from the main line to the meter box. All services which are to be replaced or relocated shall be installed with the serv ice main tap and service line being in line with the service meter unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. A minimum of 24 hours advance notice shall be given when service interruption will be required as specified in Section C5-5 .15 INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. All water service meters shall be removed, tagged, and collected by the contractor for pickup by the Water Department for reconditioning or replacement. After installation of the water service in the proposed location and receipt of a meter from the project inspector the contractor shall install the meter. The meter box shall be reset as necessary to be flush with existing ground or as otherwise directed by the Engineer . All such work on the outlet side of the service meter shall be performed by a licensed plumber. 1. WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENTS: Water service replacement or relocation is required when the existing service is lead or is too shallow to avoid breakage during street reconstruction. The contractor shall replace the existing service line with Type K copper from the main to the meter, curb stop with lock wings, and corporation stop . Payment for all work and materials such as backfill, fittings, type K copper tubing, curb stop with lock wings, service line adjustment, and any relocation of up to 12-inches from center line existing meter location to center line proposed meter location shall be included in the Linear Foot price bid for Copper Service Line from Main to five (5) feet behind Meter. Any vertical adjustment of customer service line within the 5 foot area shall be subsidiary to the service installation . Payment for all work and materials such as tap saddle (if required), corporation stops, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. 2. WATER SERVICE RECONNECTION : Water service reconnection is required when the existing service is copper and at adequate depth to avoid breakage during street reconstruction . The contractor shall adjust the existing water service line as required for reconnection and furnish a new tap with corporation stop . The contractor will be paid for one (1) Service Tap to Main for each service reconnected plus for any copper service line used in excess of five (5) feet from Main to five (5) feet behind the Meter. 3. WATER SERVICE METER AND METER BOX RELOCATIONS: When the replacement and relocation of a water service and meter box is required and the location of the meter and meter box is moved more than twelve (12) inches, as measured from the center line of the existing meter to location to the center line of the proposed meter location, separate payment will be allowed for the relocation of service meter and meter box. Centerline is defined by a line extended from the service tap through the meter. Only relocations made perpendicular to this centerline will be paid for separately. Relocations made along the centerline will be paid of in feet of copper service line. 5119/06 When relocation of service meter and meter box is required, payment for all work and materials such as backfill , fittings, five (5) feet of type K copper service and all materials , SC-41 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS labor, and equipment used by and for the licensed plumber shall be included in the price bid for the service meter relocation. All other costs will be included in other appropriate bid item(s). This item will also be used to pay for all service meter and meter box relocations as required by the Engineer when the service line is not being replaced. Adjustment of only the meter box and customer service line within 5 feet distance behind the meter will not justify separate payment at any time . Locations with multiple service branches will be paid for as one service meter and meter box relocation. 4. NEW SERVICE: When new services are required the contractor shall install tap saddle (when required), corporation stop, type K copper service line, curb stop with lock wings, and meter box. Reinforced plastic meter boxes with cast iron lid shall be provided for all 2 inch water meters or smaller. The reinforced plastic water meter boxes shall comply with section E1-18A-Reinforced Plastic Water Meter Boxes. Payment for all work and materials such as backfill, fittings, type K copper tubing, and curb stop with lock wings shall be included in the Linear Foot price bid for Service Line from Main to Meter five (5) feet behind the meter. Payment for all work and materials such as tap saddle, corporation stops, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Mains. Payment for all work and materials such as furnishing and setting new meter box shall be included in the price bid for furnish and set meter box. 5. MULTIPLE SERVICE BRANCHES: When multiple service branches are required the contractor shall furnish approved factory manufactured branches . Payment for multiple service branches will include furnishing and installing the mu ltiple service branch only and all other cost will be included in other appropriate bid item(s). 6. MULTIPLE STREET SERVICE LINES TO SINGLE SERVICE METER: Any mu ltiple service lines with taps servicing a single service meter encountered during construction shall be replaced with one service line that is applicable for the size of the existing service meter and approved by the Engineer. Payment shall be made at the unit bid price in the appropriate bid item(s). 52.8 2-lnch Temporary Service Line A. The 2-inch temporary service main and 3/4-inch service lines shall be installed to provide temporary water service to all buildings that will necessarily be required to have severed water service during said work. The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the schedule of the temporary service connections and permanent service reconnections with the building owners and the Engineer in order that the work be performed in an expeditious manner. Severed water service must be reconnected within 2 hours of discontinuance of service . 5/19/06 A 2-inch tapping saddle and 2-inch corporation stop or 2-inch gate valve with an appropriate fire hydrant adapter fitting shall be required at the temporary service point of connection to the City water supply. The 2-inch temporary service main and 3/4-inch service lines shall be installed in accordance to the attached figures 1, 2 and 3. 2" temporary service line shall be cleaned and sterilized by using chlorine gas or chlorinated lime (HTH) prior to installation . SC-42 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS The out-of-service meters shall be removed, tagged and collected by the Contractor for delivery to the Water Department Meter Shop for reconditioning or replacement. Upon restoring permanent service , the Contractor shall re-install the meters at the correct location . The meter box shall be reset as necessary to be flush with the existing ground or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The temporary serv ice layout shall have a minimum available flow rate of 5 GPM at a dynamic pressure of 35 PSI per service tap. This criteria shall be used by the Contractor to determine the length of temporary service allowed, number of service taps and number of feed points. When the temporary service is required for more than one location the 2-inch temporary service pipes , 3/4-inch service lines and the 2-inch meter shall be moved to the next successive project location. Payment for work such as fittings, 3/4-inch service lines, asphalt, barricades , all service connections, removal of temporary services and all other associated appurtenants required, shall be included in the appropriate bid item. B. In order to accurately measure the amount of water used during construction, the Contractor will install a fire hydrant meter for all temporary service lines. Water used during construction for flushing new mains that cannot be metered from a hydrant will be estimated as accurately as possible. At the pre-construction conference the contractor will advise the inspector of the number of meters that will be needed along with the locations where they will be used. The inspector will deliver the hydrant meters to the locations . After installation, the contractor will take full responsibility for the meters until such time as the contractor returns those meters to the inspector. Any damage to the meters will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. The Water Department Meter Shop will evaluate the condition of the meters upon return and if repairs are needed the contractor will receive an invoice for those repairs. The issued meter is for this specific project and location only . Any water that the contractor may need for personal use will require a separate hydrant meter obtained by the Contractor, at its cost, from the Water Department. 5/19106 52.9 Purging and Sterilization of Water Lines Before being placed into service all newly constructed water lines shall be purged and sterilized in accordance with E2-24 of the General Contract Documents and Specifications except as modified herein . The City will provide all water for INITIAL cleaning and sterilization of water lines . All materials for construction of the project, including appropriately sized "pipe cleaning pigs", chlorine gas or chlorinated lime (HTH) shall be furnished by the Contractor. Chlorinated lime (HTH) shall be used in sufficient quantities to provide a chlorine residual of fifty (50) PPM. The residual of free chlorine shall be measured after 24 hours and shall not be less than 10 parts per million of free chlorine. Chlorinated water shall be disposed of in the sanitary sewer system . Should a sanitary sewer not be available, chlorinated water shall be "de-chlorinated" prior to disposal. The line may not be placed in service until two successive sets of samples, taken 24 hours apart, have met the established standards of purity. Purging and sterilization of the water lines shall be considered as incidental to the project and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. SC-43 5/19/06 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 52.1 O Work Near Pressure Plane Boundaries Contractor shall take note that the water line to be replaced under this contract may cross or may be in close proxim ity to an existing pressure plane boundary. Care shall be taken to ensure all "pressure plane" valves installed are installed closed and no cross connections are made between pressure planes 52.11 Water Sample Station GENERAL : All water sampling station installations will be per attached Figure 34 or as required in large water meter vaults as per Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The appropriate water sampling station will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge; however, the Contractor will be required to pick up this item at the Field Operations Warehouse. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 34 INSTALLATIONS: Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the 3/4-inch type K copper service line will be shall be included in the price bid for copper Service Line from Main to Meter. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation tap saddle (if required), corporation stops , and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station , concrete support block, curb stop, fittings, and an incidental 5-feet of type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for Water Sample Stations. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 INSTALLATIONS: Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installat ion tap saddle, gate valve, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station, modification to the vault , fittings , and all type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for Water Sample Stations. 52.12 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings Reference Part E2 Construction Specifications, Section E2-7 Installing Cast Iron Pipe, fittings, and Specials, Sub section E2-7 .11 Cast Iron Fittings : E2-7.11 DUCTILE-IRON AND GRAY-IRON FITTINGS : All ductile-iron and gray-iron fittings shall be furnished with cement mortar lining as stated in Section E1-7. The price bid per ton of fittings shall be payment in full for all fittings, joint accessories , polyethylene wrapping, horizontal concrete blocking, vertical tie-down concrete blocking, and concrete cradle necessary for construction as designed. All ductile-iron and gray-iron fittings, valves and specials shall be wrapped with polyethylene wrapping conforming to Material Specification E1-13 and Construction Specification E2-13 . Wrapping shall precede horizontal concrete blocking, vertical tie- down concrete blocking, and concrete cradle. Payment for the polyethylene wrapping , SC-44 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS horizontal concrete blocking, vertical tie-down concrete blocking, and concrete cradle shall be included in bid items for vales and fittings and no other payments will be allowed. D-53 SPRINKLING FOR DUST CONTROL All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, "Sprinkling for Dust Control " shall apply. However, no direct payment will be made for this item and it shall be considered to this contract. D-54 DEWATERING The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the method of dewatering operation for the water or sewage flows from the existing mains and ground water. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage of any nature resulting from the dewatering operations. The DISCHARGE from any dewatering operation shall be conducted as approved by the Engineer. Ground water shall not be discharged into sanitary sewers. Dewatering shall be considered as incidental to a construction and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the project price. D-55 TRENCH EXCAVATION ON DEEP TRENCHES Contractor to prevent any water flowing into open trench during construction. Contractor shall not leave excavated trench open overnight. Contractor shall fill any trench the same day of e~cavation . No extra payment shall be allowed for this special condition. D-56 TREE PRUNING A. REFERENCES: National Arborist Association 's "Pruning Standards for Shade Trees". B. ROOT PRUNING EQUIPMENT 1. Vibratory Knife 2. Vermeer V-1550RC Root Pruner C. NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION FENCE 1. Steel "T" = Bar stakes, 6 feet long. 2. Smooth Horse-Wire: 14-1/2 gauge (medium gauge) or 12 gauge (heavy gauge). 3. Surveyor's Plastic Flagging: "Tundra" weight, International fluorescent orange or red color. 4. Combination Fence: Commercially manufactured combination soil separator fabric on wire mesh backing as shown on the Drawings. D. ROOT PRUNING 1. Survey and stake location of root pruning trenches as shown on drawings . 5/19/06 SC-45 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. Using the approved specified equipment , make a cut a minimum of 36 inches deep in order to minimize damage to the undisturbed root zone . 3 . Backfill and compact the trench immediately after trenching . 4. Place a 3-foot wide by 4-inch deep cover of mulch over the trench as required by the Engineer. 5 . Within 24 hours, prune flush with ground and backfill any exposed roots due to construction activity. Cover with wood chips of mulch in order to equalize soil temperature and minimize water loss due to evaporation. 6 . Limit any grading work within conservation areas to 3-inch maximum cut or fill , with no roots over 1-inch diameter being cut unless cut by hand or cut by specified methods, equipment and protection. E. MULCHING: Apply 2-inches to 4-inches of wood chips from trimming or clearing operation on areas designated by the Engineer. F. Tree Pruning shall be considered subsidiary to the project contract price. D-57 TREE REMOVAL Trees to be removed shall be removed using applicable methods, including stump and root ball removal, loading , hauling and dumping. Extra caution shall be taken to not disrupt existing utilities both overhead and buried. The Contractor shall immediately repair or replace any damage to utilities and private property including, but not limited to, water and sewer services, pavement, fences, walls, sprinkler system piping, etc ., at no cost to the Owner. All costs for tree removal, including temporary service costs, shall be considered subsidiary to the project contract price and no additional payment will be allowed. D-58 TEST HOLES The matter of subsurface exploration to ascertain the nature of the soils, including the amount of rock , if any, through which this pipeline installation is to be made is the responsibility of any and all prospective bidders, and any bidder on this project shall submit his bid under this condition. Whether prospective bidders perform this subsurface exploration jointly or independently, and whether they make such determination by the use of test holes or other means, shall be left to the discretion of such prospective bidders. If test borings have been made and are provided for bidder's information , at the locations shown on the logs of borings in the appendix of this specification, it is expressly declared that neither the City nor the Engineer guarant ees the accuracy for the information or that the material encountered in excavations is the same, either in character, location, or elevation, as shown on the boring logs. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to make such subsurface investigations, as he deems necessary to determine the nature of the material to be excavated. The Contractor assumes all responsibility for interpretation of these records and for making and maintaining the required excavat ion and of doing other work affected by the geology of the site. The cost of all rock removal and other associated appurtenances, if required, shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. 5119/06 SC-46 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-59 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFICATION OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DURING CONSTRUCTION Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, the contractor shall, on a block by block basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction. The notice shall be prepared as follows: T he not ification notice or flyer shall be posted seven (7) days prior to beginning any construction activity on each block in the project area. The flyer shall be prepared on the Contractor 's letterhead and shall include the following information: Name of Project, DOE No ., Scope of Project (i .e. type of construction activity), actual construction duration within the block, the name of the contractor's foreman and his phone number, the name of the City's inspector and his phone number and the City 's after-hours phone number. A sample of the 'pre-construction notification' flyer is attached. The contractor shall submit a schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each block of the project to the inspector. In addition, a copy of the flyer shall be delivered to the City Inspector for his review prior to being distributed. The contractor will not be allowed to begin co struction on any block until the flyer is delivered to all residents of the block . In the event it becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water service to residents or businesses during construction , the contractor shall prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending interruption to the front door of each affected resident. The notice shall be prepared as follows : The notification or flyer shall be posted twenty-four (24) prior to the temporary interruption . The flyer shall be prepared on the contractor's letterhead and shall include the following information: Name of the project , DOE number, the date of the interruption of service, the period the interruption will take place, the name of the contractor's foreman and his phone number and the name of the City's inspector and his phone number. A sample of the temporary water service interruption notification is attached . A copy of the temporary interruption notification shall be delivered to the inspector for his review prior to being distributed . The contractor shall not be permitted to proceed with interruption of w ~ter service until the flyer has been delivered to all affected residents and businesses . Electronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from the Construction office at (817) 871-8306. All work involved with the notification flyers shall be considered subsidiary to the contract price and no additional compensation shall be made. D-60 TRAFFIC BUTTONS The removal and replacement of traffic buttons is the responsibility of the contractor and shall be considered a subsidiary item. In the event that the contractor prefers for the Signals, Signs and Markings Division (SSMD) of the Transportation/Public Works Department to install the markings, the contractor shall contact SSMD at (817) 871-8770 and shall reimburse SSMD for all costs incurred, both labor and material. No additional compensation shall be made to the contractor for this reimbursement. 5/19/06 SC-47 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS D-61 SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CLEANOUTS Whenever a sanitary sewer service line is installed or replaced , the Contractor shall install a two- way service cleanout as shown in the attached detail. Cleanouts are to be installed out of high traffic areas such as driveways , streets, sidewalks , etc. whenever possible . When it is not possible, the cleanout stack and cap shall be cast iron. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the two-way service cleanout which are required to provide a complete and functional sanitary sewer cleanout shall be included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewe r Service Cleanouts . D-62 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIR The Contractor shall provide a temporary pavement repair immediately after trench backfill and compaction using a minimum of 2-inches of hot mix asphalt over a minimum of 6-inches of compacted flex base. The exist ing asphalt shall be saw cut to provide a uniform edge and the entire width and length of the temporary repair shall be rolled with a steel asphalt roller to provide smooth rideability on the street as well as provide a smooth transition between the existing pavement and the temporary re pair. Cost of saw cutting shall be subsidiary to the temporary pavement repair pay item. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the temporary pavement until the paving contractor has mobil ized. The paving contractor shall assume maintenance responsibility upon such mobilization. No additional compensation shall be made for maintaining the temporary pavement. D-63 CONSTRUCTION STAKES The City, through its Surveyor or agent , w ill provide to the Contractor construction stakes or other customary method of markings as may be found consistent with professional practice, establishing line and grades for roadway and utility construction, and centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework . These stakes shall be set sufficiently in advance to avoid delay whenever practical. One set of stakes shall be set for all utility construction (water, sanitary sewer, drainage etc .), and one set of excavation/or stabilization stakes , and one set of stakes for curb and gutter/or paving. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to preserve, maintain, transfer, etc., all stakes furnished until completion of the construction phase of the project for which they were furnished . If the City or its agent determines that a sufficient number of stakes or markings provided by the City, have been lost , destroyed , or disturbed , to prevent the proper prosecution and control of the work contracted for in the Contract Documents , it shall be the Contractor's responsibility, at the Contractor's sole expense , to have such stakes replaced by an individual registered by the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyor as a Registered Land Surveyor. No claims for delay due to lack of replacement of construct ion stakes will be accepted, and time will continue to be charged in accordance with the Contract Documents. D-64 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS The performance of this contract requires certain temporary construction, right-of-entry agreements, and/or permits to perform work on private property. The City has attempted to obtain the temporary construction and/or right-of-entry agreements for properties where construction activity is necessary on City owned facilities , such as sewer lines or manholes. For locations where the City was unable to obtain the easement or right-of-entry, it 5/19/06 SC-48 !""I PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain the agreement prior to beginning work on subject property. This shall be subsidiary to the contract. The agreements, which the City has obtained, are available to the Contractor for review by contacting the plans desk at the Department of Engineering , City of Fort Worth . Also, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain written permission from property owners to perform such work as cleanout repair and sewer service replacement on private property. Contractor shall adhere to all requirements of Paragraph C6-6 .10 of the General Contract Documents. The Contractor's attention is directed to the agreement terms along with any special conditions that may have been imposed on these agreements , by the property owners . The easements and/or private property shall be cleaned up after use and restored to its original condition or better. In event additional work room is required by the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission from the property owners involved for the use of additional property required. No additional payment will be allowed for this item . The City has obtained the necessary documentation for railroad and/or highway permits required fo r construction of this project. The Contractor shall be responsible for thoroughly reviewing , u nderstanding, and complying with all provisions of such permits, including obtaining the requisite insurance, and shall pay any and all costs associated with or required by the permit(s). It is the Contractor's responsibility to provide the required flagmen and/or provide payment to the appropriate railroad/agency for all flagmen during construction in railroad/agency right-of-way. For railroad permits, any and all railroad insurance costs and any other incidental cost necessary to meet the conditions associated with permit(s) compliance, including payment for flagmen, shall be subsidiary to the bid item price for boring under the railroad. No additional payment will be allowed for this item. D-65 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Aft er the pre-construction conference has been held but before construction is allowed to begin on this project a public meeting will be held at a location to be determined by the Engineer. The contractor, inspector, and project manager shall meet with all affected residents and present the projected schedule, including construction start date, and answer any construction related questions. Every effort will be made to schedule the neighborhood meeting within the two weeks following the pre-construction conference but in no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. D-66 WAGE RATES Compliance with and Enforcement of Prevailing Wage Laws Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The contractor shall comply w ith all requirements of Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code (C h apter 2258), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. Penalty for Violation. A contractor or any subcontractor who does not pay the prevail ing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents . This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. Complaints of Violations and City Determination of Good Cause. 5/19/06 SC-49 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258.023, Texas Government Code, by a contractor or subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the contractor or subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023, Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes) if the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker do not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to paragraph (c) above. If the persons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. Records to be Maintained. The contractor and each subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the contractor in the construction of the work provided for in this contract; and (ii) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of the Audit section of these contract documents shall pertain to this inspection. Pay Estimates. With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, the contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. Posting of Wage Rates. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. Subcontractor Compliance. The contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) through (g) above. (Wage rates are attached at the end of this section.) (Attached) D-67 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE A. It is the intent of the City of Fort Worth to comply with the requirements of the Asbestos National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) found at 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M. This specification will establish procedures to be used by all s119106 SC-50 B. C. D. E. F. PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Excavators in the removal and disposal of asbestos cement pipe (ACP) in compliance with NESHAP . Nothing in this specification shall be construed to void any provision of a contract or other law, ordinance, regulation or policy whose requirements are more stringent. ACP is defined under NESHAP as a Category II, non-friable material in its intact state but which may become friable upon removal, demolition and/or disposal. Consequently, if the removal/ disposal process renders the ACP friable, it is regulated under the disposal requirements of 40 CFR 61.150 . A NESHAP notification must be filed with the Texas Department of Health. The notification must be filed at least ten days prior to removal of the material. If it remains in its non -friable state , as defined by the NESHAP, it can be disposed as a conventional construction waste. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines friable as material, when dry, which may be crumbled , pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressures. The Generator of the hazardous material is responsible for the identification and proper handling, transportation , and disposal of the material. Therefore , it is the policy of the City of Fort Worth that the Excavator is the Generator regardless of whether the pipe is friable or not. It is the intent of the City of Fort Worth that all ACP shall be removed in such careful and prudent manner that it remains intact and does not become friable . The Excavator is responsible to employ those means , methods, techniques and sequences to ensure this result. Compliance with all aspects of worker safety and health regulations including but not limited to the OSHA Asbestos Standard is the responsibility of the Excavator. The City of Fort Worth assumes no responsibility for compliance programs , which are the responsibility of the Excavator. (Copy of forms attached) The removal and disposal of ACP shall be subsidiary to the cost of installing the new pipe unless otherwise stated or indicated on the project plans or contract documents. D-68 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION (FOR DISTURBED AREAS GREATER THAN 1 ACRE) PERMIT : As defined by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) regulations, a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction Permit is required for all construction activities that result in the disturbance of one to five acres (Small Construction A ct ivity) or five or more acres of total land (Large Construction Activity). The contractor is defined as an "operator" by state regulations and is required to obtain a permit. Information concerning the perm it can be obtained through the Internet at http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/permitting/water pe r m/wwperm/construct.html. Soil stabilization and structural practices have been selected and designed in accordance with North Central Texas Council of Governments Best Management Practices and Erosion Control Manual for Construction Activities (BMP Manual). This manual can be obtained through the Internet at www.dfwstormwater.com/runoff.html. Not all of the structural controls discussed in the BMP Manual will necessarily apply to this project. Best Management Practices are construction management techniques that, if properly utilized, can minimize the need for physical controls and possible reduce costs . The methods of control shall result in minimum sediment retention of not less than 70%. 511 9/06 SC-51 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTICE OF INTENT {NOi): If the project w ill result in a total land disturbance equal to or greater than 5 acres , the contractor sha ll sign at the pre-construction meeting a TCEQ Notice of Intent (NOi) form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notification to the TCEQ of construction activity as well as a commitment that the contractor understands the requ irements of the permit for storm water discharges from construction activities and that measures will be taken to implement and maintain storm water pollution prevention at the site. The NOi shall be submitted to the TCEQ at least 48 hours prior to the contractor moving on site and shall include the required $100 application fee . The NOi shall be mai led to: Texas Commission on Environment al Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team; MC-228 P.O . Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 A copy of the NOi shall be sent to: City of Fort Worth Department of Environme ntal Management 5000 MLK Freeway Fort Worth , TX 76119 NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT): For all sites that qualify as Large Construction Activity, the contractor shall sign, prior to final payment , a TCEQ Notice of Termination (NOT) form prepared by the engineer. It serves as a notice that the site is no longer subject to the requirement of the permit. The NOT should be mailed to: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water & General Permits Team ; MC-228 P.O. Box 13087 Austin , TX 78711-3087 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP): A document consisting of an erosion control and toxic waste management plan and a narrative defining site parameters and techniques to be employed to reduce the release of sediment and pollution from the construction site. Five of the project SWPPP's are available for viewing at the plans desk of the Department of Engineering . The selected Contractor shall be provided with three copies of the SWPPP after award of contract , along with unbounded copies of all forms to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Qual ity. LARGE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY -DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5 ACRES : A Notice of Intent (NOi) form shall be completed and submitted to the TCEQ including payment of the TCEQ required f ee . A SWPPP that meets all TCEQ requirements prepared by the Engineer shall be prepared and implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP shall be incorporated into in the contract documents . The contractor shall submit a schedule for implementation of the SWPPP. Deviations from the plan must be submitted to the engineer for approval. The SWPPP is not warranted to meet all the conditions of the permit since the actual construction activities may vary from those anticipated during the preparation of the SWPPP. Modifications may be required to fully conform to the requirements of the Permit. The contractor must keep a copy of the most current SWPPP at the construction site. Any alterations to the SWPPP proposed by the contractor must be prepared and submitted by the contractor t o the engineer for review and approval. A Notice of Termination 5119/06 SC-52 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS (NOT) form shall be submitted within 30 days after final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site that is the responsibility of the permittee, or, when another permitted operator assumes control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized. SMALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY -DISTURBED AREA EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ONE ACRE BUT LESS THAN FIVE ACRES: Submission of a NOi form is not required . However, a TCEQ Site Notice form must be completed and posted at the site . A copy of the completed Site Notice must be sent to the City of Fort Worth Department of Environmental Management at the address listed above . A SWPPP , prepared as described above, shall be implemented at least 48 hours before the commencement of construction activities. The SWPPP must include descriptions of control measures necessary to prevent and control soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution and will be included in the contract documents. The control measures shall be installed and maintained throughout the construction to assure effective and continuous water pollution control. The controls may include, but not be limited to, silt fences, straw bale dikes, rock berms, diversion dikes, interceptor swales, sediment traps and basins, pipe slope drain, inlet protection, stabilized construction entrances, seeding, sodding, mulching, soil retention blankets, or other structural or non-structural storm water pollution controls. The method of control shall result in a minimum sediment retention of 70% as defined by the NCTCOG "BMP Manual." Deviations from the proposed control measures must be submitted to the engineer for approval. PAYMENT FOR SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION: Payment shall be made per lump sum as shown on the proposal as full compensation for all items contained in the project SWPPP. D-69 COORDINATION WITH THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR OPERATIONS OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEMS It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate any event that will require connecting to or the operation of an existing City water line system with the City's representative. The Contractor may obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use during the life of named project. In the event the Contractor requires that a water valve on an existing live system be turned off and on to accommodate the construction of the project, the Contractor must coordinate this acti vity through the appropriate City representative. The Contractor shall not operate water line valves of existing water system . Failure to comply will render the Contractor in violation of Texas Penal Code Title 7, Chapter 28 .03 (Criminal Mischief) and the Contractor will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In addition, the Contractor will assume all liabilities and responsibilities as a result of these actions . D-70 ADDITIONAL SUBMITTALS FOR CONTRACT AWARD The City reserves the right to require any pre-qualified contractor who is the apparent low bi dder(s) for a project to submit such additional information as the City, in sole discretion may require, including but not limited to manpower and equipment records, information about key pe sonnel to be assigned to the project, and construction schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing the ability of the apparent low bidder(s) to deliver a quality product and successfully complete projects for the amount bid within the stipulated time frame. Based upon the City's assessment of the submitted information, a recommendation regarding the award of a contract will be made to the City Council. Failure to submit the additional information if requested may be grounds for rejecting the apparent low bidder as non-responsive. Affected contractors will be notified in writing of a recommendation to the City Council. D-71 EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION 5119106 SC-53 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS Time is of the essence in the completion of this contract. In order to insure that the contractor is responsive when notified of unsatisfactory performance and/or of failure to maintain the contract schedule, the following process shall be applicable: The work progress on all construction projects will be closely monitored. On a bi-monthly basis the percentage of work completed will be compared to the percentage of time charged to the contract. If the amount of work performed by the contractor is less than the percentage of time allowed by 20% or more (example: 10% of the work completed in 30% of the stated contract time as may be amended by change order), the following proactive measures w ill be taken: 1. A letter will be mailed to the contractor by certified mail, return receipt requested demanding that, within 1 O days from the date that the letter is received, it provide sufficient equipment , materials and labor to ensure completion of the work within the contract time . In the event the contractor receives such a letter, the contractor shall provide to the City an updated schedule showing how the project will be completed within the contract time . 2. The Project Manager and the Directors of the Department of Engineering, Water Department , and Department of Transportation and Public Works will be made aware of the situation. If necessary, the City Manager's Office and the appropriate city council members may also be informed. 3. Any notice that may , in the City 's sole discretion, be required to be provided to interested individuals will distributed by the Engineering Department's Public Information Officer. 4 . Upon receipt of the contractor 's response, the appropriate City departments and directors will be notified. The Engineering Department's Public Information Officer will, if necessary, then forward updated notices to the interested individuals. 5. If the contractor fails to provide an acceptable schedule or fails to perform satisfactorily a second time prior to the completion of the contract, the bonding company will be notified appropriately. D-72 AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS The Contractor shall be required to observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites on days designated as "AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS ". Typically , the OZONE SEASON, within the Metroplex area , runs from May 1, through OCTOBER 31, with 6:00 a.m . -10 :00 a .m. being critica l BECAUSE EMISSIONS FROM THIS TIME PERIOD HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO BAKE IN THE HOT ATMOSPHERE THAT LEADS TO EARLY AFTERNOON OZONE FORMATION .. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), in coordination with the National Weather Service , will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. On designated Air Pollution Watch Days, the Contractor shall bear the responsibility of being aware that such days have been designated Air Pollution Watch Days and as such shall not begin wo rk un ti l 10 :00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 hour. However, the Contractor may begin work prior to 10 :00 a.m . if use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or if equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting ", or equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel emulsions, or alternative fuels su ch as CNG. 5/19/06 SC-54 • I (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) Date: ____ _ DOE No: 3176 PROJECT NAME:Main C1C4B Sanitary Sewer Drainage Area Part 15 MAPSCO LOCATION: 76L LIMITS OF CONST.: West of 9111 Avenue along FWWR between Rosedale and Oleander Estimated Duration of Construction on your Street : <XX> days _ THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER .A CONTRACT WIIB THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, OUR COMPANY WILL REHABILITATE SEWER LINES ON OR AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY ,SEVEN DAYS ~OM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. IF YOU HA VE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: Mr. <CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> OR Mr. <CITY INSPECTOR> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL 871-7970 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL. L . PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS If the Contractor is unable to perform continuous work for a period of at least seven hours between the hours of 7:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m., on a designated Air Pollution Watch Day, that day will be considered as a weather day and added onto the allowable weather days of a given month. D-73 FEE FOR STREET USE PERMITS AND RE-INSPECTIONS A f ee for street use permits is in effect. In addition, a separate fee for re-inspections for parkway construction, such as driveways , sidewalks, etc., will be required. The fees are as follows: 1. The street permit fee is $50.00 per permit with payment due at the time of permit application. 2. A re-inspection fee of $25 .00 will be assessed when work for which an inspection called for is incomplete. Payment is due prior to the City performing re-inspection. Payment by the contractor for all street use permits and re-inspections shall be considered subsidiary to the contract cost and no additional compensation shall be made. 5119/06 SC-55 DOENO.XXXX Project Name: NOTICE OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DUE TO UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE INTERRUPTED ON _______ _ BETWEEN THE HOURS OF _______ AND _____ _ IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS SHUT-OUT, PLEASE CALL: MR. AT _________ _ (CONTRACTORS SJ}PERINTENDENT) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) OR MR. ___________ AT _________ _ . (CITY INSPECTOR) · . (TELEPHONE NUMBER) THIS INCONVENIENCE WILL BE AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU, __________ __,CONTRACTOR 5/19/06 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS F TEXAS DEPART MENT OF HEALlH m DEMOLITION J RENOVAT [ON NOTIFICATION FORM 0 r-· NOTE:; CIRCLE ITEMS THAT ARE AMENDED Q T D H NOTIF ICATJON# ____ ...,..,.....---:------- ff i e e u 5 e n I y t) Aba temien t Contrecto r: __________________ TDH Licen5e Number:. _____ _ Ad dress; ·· City ; ____ ----,-________ Slate: ___ .Z fp: ___ _ Office Phone Number: .__.__ _______ _,Jot> Site Phone Numb CI':.=· -· ------------ Site SupeMSOr: TOH Licen " N1J mb er: -------------- Site &Jpcrkor: TOH Lfcense Number.:. __ --c--~---,....,..-------- Tra ined On-Site Nf;SHAP Ind ividual ... · -------------Certifa;;a Uon Date:. ______ _ De molition Con fract-or : __________ ..,.... __ omce Ph0t1 e N um be :i......''----------Adcress: _______________ cny :._· _________ Stl!1e:· ___ ...,Zip :. ___ _ 2) Project Cons'Ulian l orOpera.tor:. _______________ TDH Lioen ss. Number:. _____ _ Msjli n9 Add ress ;·----~-----------=-=-----,------,,,--.....,...-,.-------------Clty:. _________ Slate:. ___ ...;Zi~:. ____ Office Pho ne Nu mber; ..__,__.......c __ _ Cl Tt A 3) FacllityO wner..._. ______________________ ~-------~ H AltentiO n:. __________________________________ _ p Ma rli ng Add ress .,_: ----------------------:::---=:---:-:---::-,---:--------A City: · · Stats: Zip,: Owner Phone Nu mber ... {_}.._ ___ _ ••Noto: Thi> lnvoieg fe r the notification fee w l ll be sent to Ute owner of th~ bu11&:ni:,g a nd i ~c b i llin g acklrcss for the lnvoi c;:a wil l ti. 0 . obtalm~d from tno 1n r0tm=i tton th.rt Is provided In thu. section . . N E 1 s H A 'P IJ ;T 0 H 4) Description or ~aci!ity Name=·---------=----~---~--------=:------Ph.ysical Add ress;._. __ ,...... ________ Coun ty.: Ci ty. _____ -"'Zip;, ___ _ Fai:ll ey Phone Number Fac i!!ity Contact Person :·------------- Descriplion o:f AreaJRDom Number:·--------------------------- Prior Use :.~ _____________ Fulu1a: Use:.·_----------------- Age of Btlildlng/Facllit~:. _____ Si!Z.8:._· ___ Number of Fl oors·~ ____ School {K. 12}: c YES C1 NO 5) Type of Work: O DemCJJiticm D Renovation {Abat~mcnt) a Artnual cons.alidatsd Work will be during: 0 Osy o Ev eni n g o Night ::-Phased Project Oescripl lon .of work sci'ledui e:;------------------------------ 6 ) rs !his a Public Build£ng? o YES D NO Federal Faclllty? O YES : NO lnelusbial Sita? D YES O NO D NESHAP·-Only Facillty? D YES D NO IS Buifding /F~cil i1y Oecupieli? D YES q NO L V .R 0 I . a ti 0 n ? a y E s G 'N 7) Nolifiaiticn Type CHECK ONLY ONE O Original {10 Working Days) CJ Cancellation c Amendmen,t D Emergency/Ordered If lhis is an ame ndmBfl t, whii;h amendment number is the?_· _ {Enc l ose copy of orlgl:nal and/or last amendment) If en emergency, who did ~ro:u tal k with at ll>H? E;mer·gency#:_~---- Date and Hou r or Em etS(l r\ey (HH'MMl'DDJYY ): . ...,..._,.----,-____ ::-,'"""'_ Da:scriptia E'i of Ih a su c:tden, unexpected event and explanatlo n or how the event caused u nsaf.e conditir:m:i or Would cs.u se equ ipment da mage {eomputets , machinery. etc. ______________________ _ 8) Descrip1ion of procedW'E!'S to be followed In the event that unexp ected asbestos is found o.r pr evious;ly non·frieble asbestc,s material bec om es etumbled. ,pulYerlzed. ar reduood lo powd'er; --------------- 9) Wa.$ ~m Asbes los survey performed? !J YE:S G NO Date: I l TD H ln5p,ec:tor License No ;. ____ _ Analytical Method; D PLM D TE M D Assumed TDH LabOra !ory license No: ,....,.----- (For TAHPA (public buiidir1g) prefe ct s: ,m assum:;;,tion mus t be made by a T.DH Licensed Inspector) 10) Descripoo n of plan ned crernol i liOn or renovation work , fype ofmeterif!I., an d method(s) to be u-~ed.,.,· ------- 11) Dasaip,tJon of w,ork pr.i clices and engiru!ering controls to be used to prev~l"l t .am issionS oLasbes1cs at the demolitlcnlrenova1ion:. _______________ --'---------~~---· SC-59 5119/06 PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS 12) All appllcablc i!c,ms in t'l11 following table must be-completed: ,F NO ASBESTOS PRESE"4T CHECK HERE:: Apprc»:imate amount of Check unit of measurement Asbestos-Containing Building MlilteriaJ ____ As. __ b,...estos ________________ ...,_.._ Type Pipes Surface Area • ln ln SQ Ft M Ft RACM to be removed RACM NOT removed Interior Cate l non-frii!!~e removetl l=xl.etiot Cate o I non-friable removed I non-friable NOT remo\1ecf Exteriar Galea II non-friable removed Cat II noo-1rlable fllOT removed AACM Off-Faeilny Component 13) Waste Transponer Na.me: ------=-----------TOH LicellSe Number:------ Add 'ress: ___________ City=------=---~-..... State: _Zip: __ -__ Ccnlii!ct Person· _ Phone Number: .,,__...L.. _______ _ 14) Waste Disptmil Site Name=·---------:----------------""=:-----Addre&s._: _-_____________ City. _________ state: ___ Zip: ___ _ Telephone: { __ __.) TN.Rec Permit Number.-------- 15) For siructurally unsound facllltles, attach a copy of demclruon order and identify GoV\1!mmental Official below: Nam@t Registration No: ___ -------------Title:. ______________ _ Date of order (MMIODJYY) I I Dais order ti:> begin (MM10D/YY), -~-~- 1 G) Sched'uled Dates ,of Asbes,os Abatement (MMIDDIYY} Start ___ , __ , __ Ccmpli;tie; ____ / _ __,_f 17) Scheduled Dates DemolilionlRenovation (MM/OONY} Start: ! J Complete:._-'/'--"-' ___ _ ... Note: If lhe start date en lhts nclifleation c;an not bo mot, tho TDH Regionill or l.oi.ill Pnigram office Must b& conlactsd by phone prior to the r;iart date. Failure IO de> so is a 11totatlon tn accordaneo 10 TAHPA. Section 29S.81. I hereby certify that all information I oo·~e provided Is correct, complete-. and 1n.ie 10 1:lia best of my knowledge. I ,11cknt11Nledge that I am _ .responsil>le for all aspects or the nolffica1ion form, including, but not limiting, -cootent and submission dates. Th8 maximum penalty is $10,000 per day per violation. (Sigoa1u:re of Eluilding Ownerf Operator or Delegated Consu112nt1Con1taciot) MAIL TO: •Faxos aro, not accoptecr' (Printed-Name) (Date} ASBESTOS NOTIFICATION SECTION TOXLC SUBSTANCES CONTROL DIVISION TEXAS OEPA.RTMENT OF HEAL TH PO BOX 143538 AUSTIN, TX 78714-3538 PH: 512-834-66DO. 1-a00-572-5548 (TelephO'le) "Fa:ires arc not accepted* Form APB#5, datecf 07/2W02. Repfaces TDH fo,rm dated 07113/01. For assistam:e in c:ompJeling form, Ci/Ml -1-800-572,5548 SC-60 l;t1Filt ,.~1~,1r~;i:A~~~i~1H1;1rai~::uf j~: ·~. ~tt::ti ,1" ,, ' Ji . .-l:. .::t· ~ "··· " .. 'i'. . --k . , ,,, JK,:. 'ff Prevailhig Waae Rates For 2006 , .. "' .• ___ ,_ •· t. ,1 ·t"' .,;t ... )d'i"_•,c Classifications Hrly Rts Classifications Hrly Rts Ai r Tool Operator $10.06 Scraper Operator $11.42 A sphalt Raker $11.01 Servicer $12.32 A sphalt Shoveler $8.80 Slip Form Machine Operator $12.33 A sphalt Distributor Operator $13.99 Spreader Box Operator $10.92 A sphalt Paving Machine Operator $12.78 Tractor operator, Crawler Type $12.60 Batching Plant Weigher $14 .15 Tractor operator, Pneumatic $12 ,91 Broom or Sweeper Operator $9 .88 Traveling Mixer Operator $12.03 Bulldozer operator $13.22 Truck Driver-S ingle Axle (Light} $10 .91 Carpenter (Rough) $12.80 Truck Driver-Single Axle (Heavy) $11.47 Concrete Finisher-Paving $12 .85 Truck Driver-Tandem Axle Semi-Trailer $11.75 Concrete Finisher -Structures $13 .27 Truck Driver-Lowboy/Float $14.93 Concrete Paving Curbing Mach . Oper. $12 ,00 Truck Driver-Transit Mix $12 ,08 Concrete Paving Finishing Mach. Oper. $13 .63 Wagon Drill, Boring Machine, Post Hole Driller $14 .00 Concrete Paving Joint Sealer Oper, $12.50 Welder $13 .57 Concrete Paving Saw Oper. $13.56 Work Zone Barricade Servicer $10.09 Concrete Paving Spreader Oper. $14 .50 Concrete Rubber $10.61 Crane, Clamshell , Backhoe, Derrick, Dragline, Shovel $14.12 Electrician $18 ,12 Flagger $8.43 Form Builder-Structures $11.63 Form Setter-Paving & Curbs $11 ,83 Foundation Drill Operator, Crawler Mounted $13.67 Foundation Drill Operator, Truck Mounted $16 ,30 Front End Loader $12.62 Laborer-Common $9.18 Laborer-Utility $10.65 Mechanic $16.97 Milling Machine Operator, Fine Grade $11.83 Mixer Operator $11 .58 Motor Grader Operator (Fine Grade} $15.20 Motor Grader Operator, Rough Oiler $14 .50 Painter, Structures $13.17 Pavement Marking Machine Oper. $10.04 Pipe Layer .. $11.04 Roller, Steel Wheel Plant-Mix Pavements $11 .28 Roller, Steel Wheel Other Flatwheel or Tamping $10.92 Roller, Pneumatic, Self-Propelled Scraper $11.07 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Paving) $14 .86 Reinforcing Steel Setter (Structure) $16 .29 PART DA ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-1 DA-2 DA-3 DA-5 DA-6 DA-7 DA-8 DA-9 DA-10 DA-11 DA-12 DA-13 DA-14 DA-15 DA-16 DA-17 DA-18 DA-19 DA-20 DA-21 DA-22 DA-23 DA-24 DA-25 DA-26 DA-27 DA-28 DA-29 DA-30 DA-31 DA-32 DA-33 Df-34 DA-35 DA-36 DA-37 DA-38 D~-39 DA-40 DA-41 DA-42 DA-43 DA-44 DA-45 5/19/06 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS AW ARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS [OMIT] 4 PIPELINE REHABILITATION CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE [OMIT] ....................... 4 PIPE ENLARGEMENT SYSTEM [OMIT] ................................................................. 4 SLIPLINING [OMIT] ..................................................................................................... 4 PIPE INSTALLED BY OTHER THAN OPEN CUT .................................................. 4 TYPE OF CASING PIPE ................................................................................................ 7 SERVICE LINE POINT REPAIR/ CLEANOUT REPAIR [OMIT] ........................ 8 PROTECTIVE MANHOLE COATING FOR CORROSION PROTECTION ........ 8 MANHOLE REHABILITATION [OMIT] ................................................................. 10 SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE REHABILITATION [OMIT] ..... 10 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING-MICROSILICATE MORTAR SYSTEM [OMIT) ............ 10 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -QUADEX SYSTEM [OMIT] ...................... 10 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -SPRAY WALL SYSTEM ............................ 10 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -RA VEN LINING SYSTEM ........................ 13 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING: PERMACAST SYSTEM WITH EPOXY LINER [OMIT]. 16 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING-STRONG-SEAL-SYSTEM [OMIT] ............ 16 RIGID FIBERGLASS MANHOLE LINERS [OMIT] .............................................. 16 PVC LINED CONCRETE WALL RECONSTRUCTION [OMIT] ......................... 16 PRESSURE GROUTING [OMIT] ............................................................................... 16 VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES [OMIT] .................... 16 FIBERGLASS MANHOLES [OMIT] ......................................................................... 16 LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES ......... 16 REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER .................................... 17 REPLACEMENT OF 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS ............................................. 17 REPLACEMENT OF H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT AND BASE ..................................... 18 GRADED CRUSHED STONES ................................................................................... 18 WEDGE MILLING 2" TO 0" DEPTH 5.0' WIDE [OMIT] ..................................... 18 BUTT JOINTS -MILLED [OMIT] ............................................................................ 18 2" H.M.A.C. SURFACE COURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) .............................................. 18 REPLACEMENT OF 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER ................................... 19 NEW 7" CONCRETE V ALLEYGUTTER [OMIT] ................................................. 20 NEW 4" STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RAMP [OMIT] .......................................... 20 8" PAVEMENT PULVERIZATION [OMIT] ............................................................ 20 REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR BASE (UTILITY CUT) [OMIT] 20 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS [OMIT] .............................................................. 20 POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING [OMIT) ............ 20 LOADING, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF CONT AMINA TED SOIL [OMIT] ....... 20 ROCK RIPRAP -GROUT-FILTER FABRIC [OMIT] .......................................... 20 CONCRETE RIPRAP ................................................................................................... 20 CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE AND FITTINGS ..................................................... 21 CONCRETE PIPE FITTINGS AND SPECIALS ...................................................... 21 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION [OMIT] ................................................ 21 6" PERFORATED PIPE SUBDRAIN [OMIT] .......................................................... 21 REPLACEMENT OF 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALKS .............................................. 21 ASC-1 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-46 RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION ......................................... 22 DA-47 PAVEMENT REPAIR IN PARKING AREA [OMIT] .............................................. 22 DA-48 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS .................................................................................... 22 DA-49 HIGHWAY REQUIREMENTS [OMIT] .................................................................... 22 DA-50 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT ..................................................................................... 22 DA-51 CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ....................................................... 23 DA-52 TURBO METER WITH VAULT AND BYPASS INSTALLATION [OMIT] ........ 23 DA-53 OPEN FIRE LINE INSTALLATIONS [OMIT] ........................................................ 23 DA-54 WATER SAMPLE STATION ...................................................................................... 23 DA-55 CURB ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT ........................................................................ 24 DA-56 SHOP DRAWINGS ....................................................................................................... 24 DA-57 COST BREAKDOWN [OMIT] .................................................................................... 25 DA-58 ST AND ARD STREET SPECIFICATIONS H.M.A.C. OVERLAY ......................... 25 DA-59 H.M.A.C. MORE THAN 9 INCHES DEEP ................................................................ 25 DA-60 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY REPAIR. .............................................................................. 25 DA-61 TOP SOIL ....................................................................................................................... 25 DA-62 WATER METER AND METER BOX RELOCATION AND ADJUSTMENT ..... 26 DA-63 BID QUANTITIES [OMIT] ......................................................................................... 26 DA-64 WORK IN HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY [OMIT] ................................................... 26 DA-65 CRUSHED LIMESTONE (FLEX-BASE) .................................................................. 26 DA-66 OPTION TO RENEW [OMIT] .................................................................................... 26 DA-67 NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT [OMIT] ................................................................. 26 DA-68 CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER ............................................................................... 26 DA-69 TRAFFIC BUTTONS [OMIT] ..................................................................................... 26 DA-70 PAVEMENT STRIPING [OMIT] ................................................................................ 26 DA-71 H.M.A.C. TESTING PROCEDURES ......................................................................... 26 DA-72 SPECIFICATION REFERENCES .............................................................................. 27 DA-73 RELOCATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM BACK-FLOW PREVENTER/CONTROL VAL VE AND BOX ......................................................................... 27 DA-74 RESILIENT-SEATED GATE VALVES ..................................................................... 27 DA-75 EMERGENCY SITUATION, JOB MOVE-IN [OMIT] ............................................ 27 DA-76 1 Yi" & 2" COPPER SERVICES .................................................................................. 27 DA-77 SCOPE OF WORK (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ................................................................. 28 DA-78 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIL TY (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ................................. 28 DA-79 CONTRACT TIME (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ................................................................ 28 DA-80 REQUIRED CREW PERSONNEL & EQUIPMENT (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ........ 28 DA-81 TIME ALLOWED FOR UTILITY CUTS (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ........................... 28 DA-82 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .................................................... 28 DA-83 PAVING REPAIR EDGES (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .................................................... 28 DA-84 TRENCH BACKFILL (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ............................................................ 28 DA-85 CLEAN-UP (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .............................................................................. 28 DA-86 PROPERTY ACCESS (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ............................................................ 28 DA-87 SUBMISSION OF BIDS (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ......................................................... 28 DA-88 ST AND ARD BASE REP AIR FOR UNIT I (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .......................... 28 5119/06 ASC-2 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-89 CONCRETE BASE REP AIR FOR UNIT II & UNIT III (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ... 28 DA-90 2" TO 9" H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ......................................... 28 DA-91 ADJUST WATER VALVE BOXES, MANHOLES, AND VAULTS (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .......... 28 DA-92 MAINTENANCE BOND (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ........................................................ 28 DA-93 BRICK PAVEMENT (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .............................................................. 28 DA-94 LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ....................................... 28 DA-95 CEMENT STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ................................. 29 DA-96 REPAIR OF STORM DRAIN\ STRUCTURES (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .................. 29 DA-97 "QUICK-SET" CONCRETE (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ................................................ 29 DA-98 UTILITY ADJUSTMENT (UTIL. CUT) .................................................................... 29 DA-99 STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ... 29 DA-100 LIMITS OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] ............. 29 DA-101 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .................................... 29 DA-102 PAYMENT (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] .............................................................................. 29 DA-103 DEHOLES (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] ............................................................................. 29 DA-104 CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONS (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] .................................... 29 DA-105 PRESSURE CLEANING AND TESTING (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] ......................... 29 DA-106 BID QUANTITIES (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] ................................................................ 29 DA-107 LIFE OF CONTRACT (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] ......................................................... 29 DA-108 FLOW ABLE FILL (MISC. EXT.) .............................................................................. 29 DA-109 BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIR (MISC. REPL.) [OMIT] ......................................... 30 DA-110 DETERMINATION AND INITIATION OF WORK (MISC. REPL.) [OMIT] ..... 30 DA-111 WORK ORDER COMPLETION TIME (MISC. REPL.) [OMIT] ......................... 30 DA-112 MOVE IN CHARGES (MISC. REPL.) [OMIT] ........................................................ 30 DA-113 PROJECT SIGNS (MISC. REPL.) [OMIT] ............................................................... 30 DA-114 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (MISC. REPL.) [OMIT] ............................................... 30 DA-115 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN (MISC. REPL.) [OMIT] ........................... 30 DA-116 FIELD OFFICE [OMIT] .............................................................................................. 30 DA-117 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN [OMIT] ....................................................................... 30 DA-118 COORDINATION OF WORK WITH CONTRACTORFOR OTHER UNITS [OMIT] .............. 30 5119106 ASC-3 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-1 AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PROJECTS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS [OMln DA-2 PIPELINE REHABILITATION CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE [OMln DA-3 PIPE ENLARGEMENT SYSTEM [OMln DA-4 FOLD AND FORM PIPE [OMln DA-5 SLIPLINING [OMln DA-6 PIPE INSTALLED BY OTHER THAN OPEN CUT A. GENERAL: 1. Furnish materials and necessary accessories, with strengths, thickness, coatings, and fittings indicated , specified and/or necessary to complete the work. 2. All excavation shall provide an open area conforming to the outside diameter of the casing and/or carrier conduit. The excavation shall be to an alignment and grade which will allow the carrier conduit to be installed to proper line and grade as shown on the Plans and as established in the Specifications. 3. Work shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the City of Fort Worth Water Department, the Texas Department of Transportation, or railroad company, as applicable.] 4. The Contractor shall verify location and elevation of any pipe lines and telephone cable before proceeding with the construction and plan his construction so as to avoid damage to the existing pipe lines or telephone cables. Verification of location of existing utilities shall be the complete responsibility of the Contractor. B. MATERIALS: 5/19/06 1. Casing Pipe: Casing pipe shall be steel conforming to ANSI B36.10 and the following : 2. 3. a. Field Streng t h: 35,000 psi minimum. b . Wall thickness: 0.312 in. minimum (0.5 for railroad crossings). c. Diameter: As shown on the drawings (minimum size requirements). d. Joints: Con t inuous circumferential weld in accordance with AWS D1 .1. Carrier Pipe in Casing : Carrier pipe shall be as shown on drawings and as specified in the General Contract Documents. Sewer Pipe without Casing Pipe: Shall be minimum Class 51 ductile iron pipe , or as designated on the plans. ASC-4 - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4. Grout: Grout shall be Portland Cement grout of min. 2000 psi compressive strength at 28 days. Proportioned not less than 1 cu. ft. of cement to 3 cu. ft. of fine sand with sufficient water added to provide a free flowing thick slurry. C . EXECUTION 5119/06 1. Where sewer pipe is required to be installed under railroad embankments or under highways, streets or other facilities in other than open cut, construction shall be performed in such a manner so as to not interfere with the operation of the railroad, street, highway, or other facility, and so as not to weaken or damage any embankment or structure. During construction operations, barricades and lights to safeguard traffic and pedestrians shall be furnished and maintained, until such time as the backfill has been completed and then shall be removed from the site . 2. Pits and Trenches: a. If the grade of the pipe at the end is below the ground surface, suitable pits or trenches shall be excavated for the purpose of conducting the jacking or tunneling operations and for placing end joints of the pipe. Wherever end trenches are cut in the sides of the embankment or beyond it, such work shall be sheeted securely and braced in a manner to prevent earth from caving in. b. The location of the pit shall meet the approval of the Engineer. c. The pits of trenches excavated to facilitate these operations shall be backfilled immediately after the casing and carrier pipe installation has been completed. 3. Boring and Jacking Steel Casing Pipe: Steel casing pipe shall be installed by boring hole with the earth auger and simultaneously jacking pipe into place. a. b. The boring shall proceed from a pit provided for the boring equipment and workmen. The holes are to be bored mechanically. The boring shall be done using a pilot hole. By this method an approximate 2-inch hole shall be bored the entire length of the crossing and shall be checked for line and grade on the opposite end of the bore from the work pit. This pilot hole shall serve as the centerline of the larger diameter hole to be bored. Other methods of maintaining line and grade on the casing may be approved if acceptable to the Engineer. Excavated material shall be placed near the top of the working pit and disposed of as required. The use of water or other fluids in connection with the boring operation will be permitted only to the extent required to lubricate cuttings. Jetting or sluicing will not be permitted. In unconsolidated soil formations, a gel-forming colloidal drilling fluid consisting of at least 1 O percent of high grade carefully processed bentonite may be used to consolidate cuttings of the bit, seal the walls of ASC-5 5119/06 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS the hole, and furnish lubrication for subsequent removal of cuttings and installation of the pipe immediately thereafter. c . Allowable variation from the line and grade shall be as specified under paragraph A.2. All voids between bore and outside of casing shall be pressure grouted. 4. Installation of Carrier Pipe in Casing: a. Sanitary sewer pipe located within the encasement pipe shall be supported by "skids" or "bands" to prevent the pipe and bells from snagging on the inside of the casing, and to keep the installed line from resting on the bells . b. All skids shall be treated with a wood preservative. Skids should extend for the full length of the pipe with the exception of the bell area and spigot area necessary for assembly unless otherwise specified . c. The Contractor shall prevent over-belling the pipe while installing it through · the casing. A method of restricting the movement between the assembled bell and spigot where applicable shall be provided . d. At all bored , jacked, or tunneled installations, the annular space between the carrier pipe and casing shall be filled with grout. Care must be taken that not too much water is forced into the casing so as not to float the pipe. The backfill material will not be required unless specified on the plans and specified by the Engineer. e. Closure of the casing after the pipe has been installed shall be plugged at the ends of the casing as shown on the drawings or as required by the Engineer. 5. Boring and Jacking Ductile Iron Pipe without Casing Pipe: 6. a. As indicated on drawings and as required and directed by the Engineer sewer shall be constructed of bore and jacked ductile iron pipe. b. When a casing pipe is not designated on the drawings, the contractor shall provide a casing pipe if necessary to achieve line and grade. Casing pipe shall be provided at no additional cost and shall be subsidiary to the cost bid for installation By Other than Open Cut. c. Bore and jack in accordance with paragraph C.3. above. d. Short length of sewer consisting of a single pipe section may be installed by jacking without a bore hole if permitted by the Engineer and in soft soil layer. All voids outside of installed pipe shall be pressure grouted. Tunneling: Where the characteristics of the soil, the size of the proposed pipe, or the use of monolithic sewer would make the use of tunneling more satisfactory ASC-6 D. PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS than jacking or boring, or when shown on the plans, a tunneling method may be used, with the approval of the Engineer or railroad/highway officials. a. When tunneling is permitted, the lining of the tunnel shall be of sufficient strength of support the overburden. The Contractor shall submit the proposed liner method to the Engineer for approval. The tunnel liner design shall bear the seal of a licensed professional engineer in the State of Texas. Approval by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of the liner method. b. The space between the tunnel liner and the limits of excavation shall be pressure grouted or mud-jacked. c. Access holes for placing concrete shall be space at maximum intervals of 1 O feet. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Installation of pipe by other than open cut will be measured by the linear foot of pipe, complete in place . Such measurement will be made between the ends of the pipe along the central axis as installed. The work performed and materials furnished as prescribed by this item will be paid for at the Contract Unit Price bid per linear foot for Pipe Installed by Other Than Open Cut of the type, size, and class of pipe specified as shown on plans. The furnishing of all materials, pipe, liner materials required for installation, for all preparation, hauling and installing of same, and for all labor, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work, including excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus material shall be included in the Contract Unit Price as shown in the Bid Proposal. Payment shall not include pavement replacement, which if required , shall be paid separately. DA-7 TYPE OF CASING PIPE 1. WATER: The casing pipe for open cut and bored or tunneled section shall be AWWA C-200 Fabricated Electrically Welded Steel Water Pipe , and shall conform to the provisions of E1-15, E1-5 and E1-9 in Material Specifications of General Contract Documents and Specifications for Water Department Projects. The steel casing pipe shall be supplied as follows: A. For the inside and outside of casing pipe , coal-tar protective coating in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 2.2 and related sections in AWWA C-203. B. Touch-up after field welds shall provide coating equal to those specified above . C. Minimum thickness for casing pipe used shall be 0.375 inch. Casing Spacers (centering style) such as manufactured by Cascade Waterworks Manufacturing Company, Advanced Products and Systems, Inc., or an approved equal shall be used on all non- concrete pipes when installed in casing. Installation shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 5119/06 ASC-7 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2. SEWER: Boring used on this project shall be in accordance with the material standard E1-15 and Construction standard E2-15 as per Fig. 110 of the General Contract Documents. 3. PAYMENT: Payment for all materials, labor, equipment, excavation, concrete grout, backfill, and incidental work shall be included in the unit price bid per foot. DA-8 SERVICE LINE POINT REPAIR/ CLEANOUT REPAIR [OMIT] DA-9 PROTECTIVE MANHOLE COATING FOR CORROSION PROTECTION A. GENERAL: 1. Scope: This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior protective coating. Structures designated to received interior coating are listed on the construction drawings. The structures are to be coated, including interior wall, top and bench surfaces. Protective coating for corrosion protection shall meet the requirements of this Specification (and items DA-14 and DA-15) and the Manufacturers recommendations and specifications. 2. Description: The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment, and testing required for the completion of protective coating of structures in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Materials and procedures utilized for the lining process shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Corrosion Protection: Corrosion protection may be required on all structures where high turbulence or high H2S content is expected. B. MATERIALS: 1. 2. 3. 5119/06 Scope: This section governs the materials required for completion of protective coating of designated structures. Protective Coating: The protective coating shall be a proprietary two component, 100 percent solids, rigid polyurethane system designated as Spray Wall as manufactured by Sprayroq, Inc. or a two-part epoxy resin system using 100% solids based epoxy binder with fibrous and flake fillers, is manufactured by Raven Lining systems and designated as Raven 405. Specialty Cement (If required for leveling or filling): The specialty cement-based coating material shall be either Quadex QM-1s as manufactured by Quadex, Inc. or Reliner MSP as manufactured by Standard Cement Materials. ASC-8 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4. Material Identification: The protective coating material sprayed onto the surface of the structure shall be a urethane or epoxy resin system formulated for the application to a sanitary sewer environment. The spray system shall exhibit the minimum physical properties as follows: Property Tensile Strength Flexural Stress Flexural Modulus Standard ASTM D-638 ASTM D-790 ASTM D-790 Long Term Value 5,000 psi 10 ,000 psi 550,000 psi 5. Mixing and Handling: Mixing and Handling of specialty cement material and protective coating material, which may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the coating material shall perform the spray coating operations and coating installations. C. EXECUTION: 5119/06 1. General: Protective coating shall not be installed until the structure is complete and in place. 2. Preliminary Repairs: a. All foreign materials shall be removed from the interior of the structure using high pressure water spray (3500 psi to 4000 psi at spray tip). b. All unsealed lifting holes, unsealed step holes, and voids larger than approximately one-half (1/2) inch in thickness shall be filled with patching compound as recommended by the material supplier for this application. c. After all repairs have been completed, remove all loose material. 3. Protective Coating: a. The protective coating shall be applied to the structure from the bottom of the frame to the bench, down to the top of the trough . The top of the structure shall also be coated. b. The protective coating shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials and matter. ASC-9 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2) Place covers over the invert to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewers. 3) If required for filling or leveling, apply specialty cement product to provide a smooth surface for the coasting material. 4) Spray the urethane or epoxy onto the structure wall and bench/trough to a minimum uniform thickness of 125 mils (0.125 inches). Thickness to be verifiable through the use of methods acceptable to the Engineer. After the walls are coated, the wooden bench covers shall be removed. 5) The final application shall have a minimum of three (3) hours cure time or be set hard to the touch, before being subjected to active flow. 6) No applications shall be made to frozen surfaces or if freezing is expected to occur inside the structure within 24 hours after application. 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes: Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with the Section D-36 -VACUUM TESTING OF SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price Bid per vertical foot, measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment and material testing required to complete the work. Pressure grouting, if necessary to stop active infiltration prior to application of the protective coating, shall be included in the above unit price. Grouting of the pipe seals, bench and trough, and lower portion of a particular structure, if required by the Engineer, shall be paid for separately, as specified in Section DA-10, MANHOLE REHABILITATION. DA-10 MANHOLE REHABILITATION [OMIT] DA-11 SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE REHABILITATION [OMIT] DA-12 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -MICROSILICATE MORTAR SYSTEM [OMIT] DA-13 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -QUADEX SYSTEM [OMIT] DA-14 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -SPRAY WALL SYSTEM A. GENERAL 1. Scope 5119/06 ASC-10 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating are listed on the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. Interior manhole coating shall meet the requirements of this Section or of Section DA-12, DA-13, DA-15 , DA-16 or DA-17 . 2 . Description The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, superv1s1on, materials, equipment, and testing required for the completion of interior coating of manholes in accordance with the Contract Documents . 3. Manufacturer's Recommendations Materials, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Manholes Manholes to be coated are of brick, block , or concrete construction . All manholes shall have a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch specialty cement-based coating material (Quadex QM-1s or Reliner MSP) sprayed or trowelled on coating over the original interior surface. B. MATERIALS 5/19/06 1. Scope This section governs the materials required for completion of interior coating of manholes. 2 . Interior Coating The interior coating shall be a proprietary two component, 100 percent solids, rigid polyurethane system designated as Spray Wall as manufactured by Sprayroq, Inc. 3. Specialty Cement The specialty cement-based coating material shall be either Quadex QM-1s as manufactured by Quadex, Inc. or Reliner MSP as manufactured by Standard Cement Materials. 4. Material Identification The interior manhole coating material sprayed onto the surface of the manhole shall be a urethane resin system formulated for the application to a sanitary sewer environment. The spray system shall exhibit the physical properties as follows: Property Tensile Strength Flexural Stress Standard ASTM D-638 ASTM D-790 ASC-11 Long Term Value 5,000 psi 10,000 psi PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Flexural Modulus ASTM D-790 550,000 psi 5. Mixing and Handling Mixing and handling of specialty cement material and interior coating material, which may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Only personnel thoroughly familiar with the handling of the coating material shall perform the spray coating operations and coating installations. C. EXECUTION 5119/06 1. General Manhole coating shall not be installed until sealing of manhole frame and grade adjustments, or partial manhole replacement when required for the manhole per the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule, is complete. 2. Temperature Normal interior coating operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40°F or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours. 3. Interior Manhole Coating a. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the bottom of the frame to the bench, down to the top of the trough. b. The interior coating shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign materials and matter. Cleaning shall be accomplished by using high pressure water spray (minimum 3500 psi at spray tip), cleaning with muriatic acid, degreaser, or other solvents as needed in order to remove any film or residue on the surface. 2) 3) Place covers over the invert to prevent extraneous material from entering the sewers. Apply a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch specialty cement product (Quadex QM-1s or Reliner MSP) smooth surface for the urethane coat ing material. ASC-12 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4) Spray the urethane onto the manhole wall and bench/trough with a minimum thickness of 125 mils (0 .125 inches). Thickness to be verifiable through the use of methods acceptable to the Engineer. 5) Coat trough area with specialty cement product (Quadex QM-1s or Reliner MSP). 1. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a. Test ing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA- 21. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot, measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment and material testing required to complete the work. Grouting, if necessary, shall be included in the above unit price. Grouting of the pipe seals, bench and trough, and lower portion of a particular manhole, if required by Manhole Rehabilitation Work Schedule or required to be done by the Engineer, shall be paid for separately at the Contract Unit Price . DA-15 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING -RAVEN LINING SYSTEM A. GENERAL 5119/06 1. Scope This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the application of interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating are listed of the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule, listed in Section I. Interior manhole coating shall meet the requirements of this Section, or of Section DA-12, DA-13, DA-14 , DA-16 or DA-17. 2. Description The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, supervision, materials, equipment , and testing required for the completion of interior coating of manholes in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Manufacturer's Recommendations Materials, mixture ratios, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Manholes Manholes to be coated are of brick, block, or concrete construction. All manholes shall have a minimum of one-half (1/2) specialty cement-based coating material ASC-13 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Quadex QM-1 s or Reliner MSP) sprayed or trowelled on coating over the original interior surface. B. MATERIALS 1. Scope This section governs the materials required for completion of interior coating of manholes. 2. Interior Coating Raven Ultra High-Build epoxy Coating, a two-part epoxy resin system using 100% solids based epoxy binder with fibrous and flake fillers, is manufactured by Raven Lining systems and designated as Raven 405. 3. Specialty Cement The specialty cement-based coating material shall be either Quadex QM-1s as manufactured by Quadex, Inc. or Reliner MSP as manufactured by Standard Cement Materials. 4. Material Identification Contractors will completely identify the types of grout, mortar, sealant, and/or root control chemicals proposed and provide case histories of successful use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties, ease of application, and expected performance. These grouting materials shall be compatible with Raven 405 interior coating . The contractor shall be responsible for getting approval from Raven Lining systems and/or the grout manufacturers for the use of these grouting materials. 5. Mixing and Handling Mixing and handling of interior coating, which may be toxic under certain conditions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are not available to unauthorized personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Coating shall be performed only by certified applicators approved by the manufacturers. C. EXECUTION 5119/06 1. General 2. Manhole coating shall not be performed until sealing of manhole from frame and grade adjustments, partial manhole replacement, manhole grouting or sewer replacement/repairs are complete. Temperatures ASC-14 I 5119/06 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Normal interior coating operation shall be performed at temperatures of 40°F or greater. No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours. 3. Interior Manhole Coating a. Manholes scheduled for interior coating are shown on the Manhole Rehabilitation Schedule. The interior coating shall be applied to the manhole from the bottom of the manhole frame to the bench/trough, including the bench/trough. b. The interior coating shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface preparation shall comply with the requirements of Section DA-11, SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE RESTORATION. 2) Apply a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch specialty cement-based product (Quadex QM-1s or Reliner MSP) smooth surface for the urethane coating material. 3) The surface prior to application may be damp but shall not have noticeable free water droplets seeping or running water. Material shall be spray applied per manufacturer's recommendations with a minimum thickness of 125 mils (0.125 inch). 4) After the walls are coated, the wooden bench covers shall be removed and the bench sprayed to the same average and minimum thickness as required for the walls. 5) The final application shall have a minimum of three (3) hours cure time or be set hard to the touch, before being subjected to active flow. 6) No applications-shall be made to frozen surfaces or if freezing is expected to occur in side the manhole within 24 hours after application. 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a. After the epoxy liner has set (hard to touch), all visible pinholes shall be repaired. Repairs shall be made by lightly abrading the surface and brushing the lining material over the area. All blisters and evidence of uneven cover shall be repaired according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Spot check of coating thickness may be made by Owner's Representative, and the contractor shall repair these areas as required, at no additional cost to the Owner. ASC-15 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS b. Testing of rehabilitated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA- 21 -VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES. D. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit Price per vertical foot, measured from the bottom of the frame to the top of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, supervision, materials, equipment all testing necessary to complete the work. Payment for grouting of pipe seals, bench and trough and manhole walls shall be based on the Contract Unit Price for each manhole actually grouted. DA-16 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING: PERMACAST SYSTEM WITH EPOXY LINER [OMln DA-17 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING-STRONG-SEAL-SYSTEM [OMln DA-18 RIGID FIBERGLASS MANHOLE LINERS [OMln DA-19 PVC LINED CONCRETE WALL RECONSTRUCTION [OMln DA-20 PRESSURE GROUTING [OMln DA-21 VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES [OMln DA-22 FIBERGLASS MANHOLES [OMln DA-23 LOCATION AND EXPOSURE OF MANHOLES AND WATER VALVES The contractor shall be responsible for locating and marking all previously exposed manholes and water valves in each street of this contract before the resurfacing process commences for a particular street. The contractor shall attempt to include the Construction Engineer (if he is available) in the observation and marking activity . In any event a street shall be completely marked a minimum of two (2) working days before resurfacing begins on any street. Marking the curbs with paint is a recommended procedure. It shall be the contractors responsibility to notify the utility companies that he has commenced work on the project. As the resurfacing is completed (within same day) the contractor shall locate the covered manholes and valves and expose them for later adjustment. Upon completion of a street the contractor shall notify the utilities of this completion and indicate the start of the next one in order for the utilities to adjust facilities accordingly. The following are utility contact persons: 5119/06 Company Telephone Number Southwestern Bell Telephone 338-6275 Texas Utilities 336-9411 Ext. 2121 ASC-16 Contact Person "Hot Line" Mr. Roy Kruger PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Lone Star City of Fort Worth, Street Light and Signal 336-8381 Ext. 6982 871-8100 Mr. Jim Bennett Mr. Jim Bob Wakefield Of course, under the terms of this contract, the contractor shall complete adjustment of the storm drain and Water Department facilities, one traffic lane at a time within five (5) working days after completing the laying of proposed H.M.A.C. overlay adjacent to said facilities. Any deviation from the above procedure and allotted working days may result in the shut down of the resurfacing operation by the Construction Engineer. The contractor shall be responsible for all materials, equipment and labor to perform a most accurate job and all costs to the contractor shall be figured subsidiary to this contract. DA-24 REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER These provisions require the contractor to remove all failed existing curb and gutter, as designated by the Construction Engineer, and replace with standard concrete curb and gutter, laydown curb and gutter, or in like kind, as governed by the standard City Specifications, Item No. 104 "Removing Old Concrete", Item No. 502 "Concrete Curb and Gutter'', and Drawing Nos. S-S2 through S-S4. Pay limits for laydown curb and gutter are shown in Drawing No. S-S5 of the Standard Specifications. Contractor shall saw cut the curb and gutter and pavement prior to removal. Included, and figured subsidiary to this unit price, will be the required sawcut excavation, a5i per specification Item No. 106 "Unclassified Street Excavation", into the street to aid in the construction of the curb and gutter. The pay limit will be 9" out from the gutter lip, with same day haul-off of the removed material to a suitable dump site. The street void shall be filled with H.M.A.C. "Type D" mix as per specification No. 300 "Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions", Item No. 304 "Prime Coat" and Item No. 312 "Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete" and compacted to standard City densities and top soil as per specification item No. 116 "Top Soil", if needed, shall be added and leveled to grade behind the curb. Existing improvements within the parkway such as water meters, sprinkler system, etc. damaged during construction shall be replaced with same or better at no cost to the City. Backfill for curb and gutter shaU be completed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the day of demolition to date of completion. If the contractor fails to complete the work within fourteen (14) calendar days, a $100 dollar liquidated damage will be assessed per block per day. The unit price bid per linear foot shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-25 REPLACEMENT OF 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS This item shall include the removal and replacement of existing concrete driveways, due to deterioration or in situations where curb and gutter is replaced to adjust grades to eliminate ponding water with same day haul-off of the removed material to a suitable dump site. For specifications governing this item see Item No. 104 "Removing Old Concrete", Item No. 504" Concrete Sidewalk and Driveways". Pay limits for concrete driveway are as shown in Drawing No. S-S5 of the Standard Specifications. 5119/06 ASC-17 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS The unit price bid per square yard shall be full compensation for all labor, material, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-26 REPLACEMENT OF H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT AND BASE The contractor shall remove all existing deformed H.M.A.C . pavement and/or bad base material that shows surface deterioration and/or complete failure. The Engineer will identify these areas upon which time the contractor will begin work. The failed area shall be saw cut, or other similar means, out of the existing pavement in square or rectangular fashion. The side faces shall be cut vertically and all failed and loose material excavated. As a part of the excavation process, all unsatisfactory base material shall be removed, if required, to a depth sufficient to obtain stable sub-base. The total depth of excavation could range from a couple of inches to include the surface-base-some sub-base removal for which the Engineer will select the necessary depth. The remaining good material shall be leveled and uniformly made ready to accept the fill material. All excavated material shall be hauled off site, the same day as excavated, to a suitable dump site. After satisfactory completion of removal as outlined above, the contractor shall place the permanent pavement patch, with "Type D" surface mix. This item will always be used even if no base improvements are required. The proposed H.M.A.C . repair shall match the existing pavement section or the depth of the failed material, whichever is greater. However, the patch thickness shall be a minimum of 2 inches. Generally the existing H.M.A.C. pavement thickness will not exceed 6". Before the patch layers are applied, any loose material, mud and/or water shall be removed. A liquid asphalt tack coat shall be applied to all exposed surfaces. Placement of the surface mix lifts shall not exceed 3 inches with vibrator compactions to follow each lift. Compactions of the mix shall be to standard densities of the City of Fort Worth, made in preparation to accept the recycling process. All applicable provisions of Standard Specification Item Nos. 300 "Asphalts, Oils, and Emulsions", 304 "Prime Coat", and 312 "Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete" shall govern work. The unit price bid per cubic yard shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-27 GRADED CRUSHED STONES This item shall be used to repair the failed base material in areas exceed 8" deep as directed by the Engineer. The material shall be graded crushed stones. For specifications governing this it em see Item No. 208 "Flexible Base". The unit price bid per cubic yard shall be full compensation for all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-28 WEDGE MILLING 2" TO O" DEPTH 5.0' WIDE [OMIT] DA-29 BUTT JOINTS -MILLED [OMIT] DA-30 2" H.M.A.C. SURFACE COURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) 5119/06 ASC-18 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS All applicable provisions of Standard Specifications, Item Nos. 312 "Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete", 300 "Asphalts, Oils and Emulsions ", 304 "Prime Coat ", and 313 "Central Plant Recycling-Asphalt Concrete" shall apply to the construction methods for this portion of the project. Standard Specification 312.5 (1) shall be revised as follows : The prime coat, tack coat, or the as phaltic mixture shall not be placed unless the air temperature is fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit and rising, the temperature being taken in the shade and away from artificial heat. Asphaltic material shall also not be placed when the wind conditions are unsuitable in the opinion of the Engineer . The contractor shall furnish batch design of the proposed hot mix asphaltic concrete for City approval 48 hours prior to placing the H.M.A.C. overlay. The City will provide laboratory control as necessary. The unit price bid per square yard of H.M.A.C. complete and in place, shall be full compensation for all labor, materials, equipment, tools , and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-31 REPLACEMENT OF 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUITER This item shall include the removal and reconstruction of existing concrete valley gutters at locations to be determined in field: Removal of existing concrete valley, asphalt pavement, concrete base, curb and gutter, and necessary excavation to install the concrete valley gutters all shall be subsidiary to this pay item. Furnishing and placing of 2:27 concrete base and crushed limestone to a depth as directed by the Engineer and necessary asphalt transitions as shown in the concrete valley gutter details, shall be subsidiary to this Pay Item. See standard specification Item No. 314, "Concrete Pavement", Item 312 "Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete", Item No. 104, "Removing Old Concrete", Item No. 106, "Unclassified Street Excavation" Item No. 208 "Flexible Base." Measurement for final quantities of valley gutter will be by the square yard of concrete pavement and the curb and gutter section will be included. Contractor may substitute 5" non-reinforced (2:27) Concrete Base in lieu of Crushed Stone at no additional cost. See Item 314" Concrete Pavement". Asphalt base material may be required at times as directed by the Engineer to expedite the work at locations identified in the field. The concrete shall be designed to achieve a minimum compressive strength of 3000 pounds per sq uare inch. Contractor shall work on one-half of Valley Gutter at a time, and the other half shall be open to traffic. Work shall be completed on each half within seven (7) calendar days. If the contractor fails to complete the work on each half within seven (7) calendar days, a $100 do lars liquidated damage will be assessed per each half of valley gutter per day. The unit price bid per square yard for Concrete Valley as shown on the proposal will be full compensation for materials , labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 5119/06 ASC-19 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-32 NEW 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER [OMln DA-33 NEW 4" STANDARD WHEELCHAIR RAMP [OMln DA-34 8" PAVEMENT PULVERIZATION [OMln DA-35 REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR BASE (UTILITY CUT) [OMln DA-36 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS [OMln DA-37 POTENTIALLY PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED MATERIAL HANDLING [OMln DA-38 LOADING, TRANSPORTATION, AND DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED SOIL [OMln DA-39 ROCK RIPRAP -GROUT -FILTER FABRIC [OMln DA-40 CONCRETE RIPRAP A. GENERAL: The following shall govern the furnishing and placing of concrete riprap as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. B. MATERIALS: Concrete for riprap shall be placed in accordance with the details and to the dimensions shown on the plans or as established by the Engineer. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, concrete riprap shall be reinforced using wire or bar reinforcement. The concrete shall be 3000 PSI at 28 days, Class A. Wire reinforcement shall be six (6) by six (6) inch No. 6 plain electric welded reinforcing fabric or its equal. A minimum lap of six (6) inches shall be used at all splices. At the edge of the riprap, the wire fabric shall not be less than one (1) inch, no more than three (3) inches from the edge of the concrete and shall have no wire projecting beyond the last member parallel to the edge of the concrete. Reinforcement shall be supported properly throughout the placement to maintain its position equidistance from the top and bottom surface of the slab. If the slopes and bottom of the trench for toe walls are dry and not consolidated properly, the Engineer may require the entire area to be sprinkled, or sprinkled and consolidated before the concrete is placed. All surfaces shall be moist when concrete is placed. After the concrete has been placed, compacted, and shaped to conform to the dimensions shown on the plans, and after it has set sufficiently to avoid slumping, the surface shall be finished with a wooden float to secure a reasonably smooth surface. C. PAYMENT: 5119106 ASC-:20 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Payment for concrete riprap in place shall be made at the unit price bid in the Proposal multiplied by the quantity of material used. Bid price will be full compensation for placing all materials, and for all labor, tools, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work. Payment for all necessary excavation below natural ground, and bottom or slope of the excavated channel will be included in the bid price. DA-41 CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE AND FITIINGS Concrete cylinder pipe on this project shall be Class 150 A.W.W .A. C-303 pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe or Class 150 AWWA C-301 prestressed concrete cylinder pipe as specified on the plans and manufactured in accordance with Material Standard E1-4 contained in the General Contract documents. Payment for work such as backfill, bedding, blocking, excavation and all other associated appurtenances; required, shall be included in the Linear Foot price of the pipe and lump sum for the pipe fittings in ·the appropriate BID ITEM(S). DA-42 CONCRETE PIPE FITTINGS AND SPECIALS Bidders shall submit the following for C-303 pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe to be installed on this project: 1. A complete list of fittings and specials upon which the lump sum is bid. 2. Provide a unit price indicating the cost for furnishing and installing each of the various items of fittings and specials. The lump sum as bid in the Proposal shall be payment in full for all fittings and specials necessary for the construction of the project as designed. Payment for the installation of the pipe fittings, specials, and random lengths shall be included. Should the Engineer approve any changes to the fittings, specials or random pipe lengths listed as justifying the amount bid in the Proposal , the price submitted with the Proposal shall be used to determine the increase or decrease in the value of the lump sum of the Proposal, and the Contractor shall be paid on the basis of this adjusted value under that bid item. DA-43 UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION [OMIT] DA-44 6" PERFORATED PIPE SUBDRAIN [OMIT] DA-45 REPLACEMENT OF 4" CONCRETE SIDEWALKS This item shall include the removal and replacement of existing concrete sidewalk due to failure or in situation where curb and gutter is replaced to adjust grades to eliminate ponding water with same day haul-off of the removed material to a suitable dumpsite. For specifications governing this item see Item No. 104 "Removing Old Concrete", and Item No. 504 "Concrete Sidewalk and Dr iveways". The unit price bid per square yard shall be full compensation for all labor, material, equipment, supplies, and incidentals necessary to complete the removal and replacement work. 5119/06 ASC-21 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-46 RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION In order to facilitate timely reconstruction of the affected roadway surfaces (subsequent to water/sewer installation) under the City's roadway maintenance program, it is recommended that the proposed water and/or sanitary sewer improvements be conducted on the project streets based upon the following sequence : 1. Thompson Road 2. North Riverside Drive (Old Denton Road) After the work start date has been established, the selected contractor shall be required to submit the beginning and ending dates for all work (including pavement repair) on each of the project streets. Please be advised that the contractor has the option of submitting a different sequence of construction than stated above. The contractor shall not be allowed to begin work (but time charges will begin on the project) until the preferred sequence of construction and the start and end work dates for each street have been submitted to the City. DA-47 PAVEMENT REPAIR IN PARKING AREA [OMIT] DA-48 EASEMENTS AND PERMITS Easements and permits , both temporary and permanent, have been secured for this project at this time and made a part the reto. Any easements and/or permits, both temporary and permanent, that have not been obtained by the time of publication shall be secured before construction starts. No work is to be done in areas requiring easements and/or permits until the necessary easements are obtained. The Contractor's attention is directed to the easement description and permit requirements, as contained herein, along with any special conditions that may have been imposed on these easements and permits. Where the pipeline crosses privately owned property, the easements and construction areas are shown on the plans. The easements shall be cleaned up after use and restored to their original conditions or better. In the event additional work room or access is required by the Contractor, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain written permission from the property owners involved for the use of additional property required. No additional payment will be allowed for this item . DA-49 HIGHWAY REQUIREMENTS [OMIT] DA-50 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT Concrete encasement shall be Class E (1500 psi) concrete and for sewer line encasements shall conform to Fig . 113; for water line encasements it shall conform to Fig. 20 of the General Contract Documents. Requirements for such encasement are specified in Sections E1-20 and E2-20 of the General Contract Documents. Payment for work such as forming, placing, and finishing including all labor, tools, equipment and material necessary to complete the work shall be included in the linear foot price bid for Concrete Encasement. 5119/06 ASC-22 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-51 CONNECTION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES All connections between proposed and existing facilities, shall consist of a watertight seal. Concrete used in the connection shall be Class A (3000 psi) concrete and meet the requ irements of Section E1-20 and E2-20 of the General Contract Documents. Prior to concrete placement, a gasket, RAM-Nek or approved equal shall be installed around penetrating pipe. Payment for such work as connecting to existing facilities including all labor, tools, equipment, and material necessary to complete the work shall be included in the linear foot price of the appropriate pipe BID ITEM . DA-52 TURBO METER WITH VAULT AND BYPASS INSTALLATION [OMIT] DA-53 OPEN FIRE LINE INSTALLATIONS [OMIT] DA-54 WATER SAMPLE STATION A. GENERAL: All water sampling station installations will be per attached Figure 34 or as required in large water meter vaults as per Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer . The appropriate water sampling station will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge ; however, the Contractor will be required to pick up this item at the Field Operations Warehouse . B. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 34 INSTALLATIONS: Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the 3/4-inch type K copper service line will be shall be included in the price bid for copper Service Line from Main to Meter. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation tap saddle (if required), corporation stops, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station, concrete support block, curb stop, fittings, and an incidental 5-feet of type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for the water main . C. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 INSTALLATIONS : 5/1 9/06 Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation tap saddle, gate valve , and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the sampling station, modification to the vault, fittings, and all type K copper service line which are required to provide a complete and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for Water Sample Stations . ASC-23 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-55 CURB ON CONCRETE PAVEMENT Standard Specification Item 502 shall apply except as herein modified. INTEGRAL CURB: Integral curb shall be constructed along the edge of the pavement as an integral part of the slab and of the same concrete as the slab. The concrete for the curb shall be deposited not more than thirty (30) minutes after the concrete in the slab. SUPERIMPOSED CURB: Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days. The quantity of mixing water shall not exceed seven (7) U.S. gallons per sack (94 lbs.) of Portland Cement. The slump of the concrete shall not exceed three (3) inches. A minimum cement content of five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete is required. PAYMENT: Payment shall be made for cutting and replacing curbs and gutters required in this Project under the appropriate bid item and shall be in compliance with Public Works Department standard requirement Item 502. DA-56 SHOP DRAWINGS 1. Submit seven (7) copies of shop drawings, layouts, manufacturer's data and material schedules as may be required by the Engineer for his review. Submittals may be checked by and stamped with the approval of the Contractor and identified as the Engineer may require. Such review by the Engineer shall include checking for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with information given in the General Contract Documents. Indicated actions by the Engineer, which may result from his review, shall not constitute concurrence with any deviation from the plans and specifications unless such deviations are specifically identified by the method described below, and further shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the submitted data. Processed shop drawing submittals are not change orders. The purpose of submittals by the Contractor is to demonstrate that the Contractor understands the design concept, and that he demonstrates his understanding by indicating which equipment and materials he intends to furnish and install, and by detailing the fabrication and installation methods he intends to use. If deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between submittals and the design drawings and/or specifications are discovered, either prior to or after submittals are processed, the design drawings and specifications shall govern. The Contractor shall be responsible for dimensions which are to be confirmed and correlated at the job site, fabrication processes and techniques of constriction, coordination of his work with that of other trades and satisfactory performance his work. The Contractor shall check and verify all measurements and review submittals prior to being submitted, and sign or initial a statement included with the submittal, which signifies compliance with plans and specifications and dimensions suitable for the application. Any deviation from the specified criteria shall be expressly stated in writing in the submittal. Three (3) copies of the approved submittals shall be retained by the Contractor until completion of the project and presented to the City in bound form. 2. Shop drawings shall be submitted for the following items prior to installation: • 16" water line pipe and fittings (bar wrapped concrete cylinder pipe • Ductile iron pipe and fittings (including design for thickness of pipe, design for adequate thrusts restraint, and layout of pipe and fittings) • PVC pipe and fittings 5119106 ASC-24 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS • Concrete mix design • Gate valves • Fire hydrants • Casing pipe and appurtenances • Embedment material • Backfill material • Trench safety system • HMAC mix design • Meter boxes • Water services and appurtenances • D-Hole reports • Precast manhole Additional shop drawing requirements are described in some of the material specifications. 3. Address for Submittals -The submittals shall be addressed to the Project Manager: Abe Calderon, P.E. City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, TX 76102 DA-57 COST BREAKDOWN [OMIT] DA-58 STANDARD STREET SPECIFICATIONS H.M.A.C. OVERLAY All work involving paving and/or drainage shall conform to the two following published specifications, except as modified herein: STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION -CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS DA-59 H.M.A.C . MORE THAN 9 INCHES DEEP When H.M .A.C. greater than 9 inches in depth is encountered, it shall be replaced with a combination of H.M .A.C . and 2:27 concrete base, as determined by the Engineer, to achieve the required thickness of pavement. DA-60 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY REPAIR A locations where H.M.A.C. driveways are encountered, such driveways shall be completely replaced for the full extent of utility cut with H.M.A.C. equal to or better than the existing driveway. DA-61 TOP SOIL Where directed by the Engineer, top soil shall be applied in accordance with the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department's Standard Specifications for Street and 5119/06 ASC-25 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Storm Drain Construction, Item 116, except as follows : All labor, equipment , tools and incidentals shall be included in the square yard bid price for the top soil. DA-62 WATER METER AND METER BOX RELOCATION AND ADJUSTMENT This item shall include raising or lowering an existing meter box to the parkway grade specified No payment will be made for adjust ing existing boxes which are within 0.001 feet of specified parkway grade. The unit price bid shall be full and sufficient payment for all labor, equipment and materials used in the adjustment of the meter box . DA-63 BID QUANTITIES [OMIT] DA-64 WORK IN HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY [OMIT] DA-65 CRUSHED LIMESTONE {FLEX-BASE) Crushed limestone required for use as a flexible base material shall conform to Specification Item No. 208 of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department. DA-66 OPTION TO RENEW [OM IT] DA-67 NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT [OMIT] DA-68 CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER This item shall include the repair/replacement of existing concrete valley gutters as directed by the Engineer. The proposed valley gutters will be constructed according to the detail included in these documents as well as conforming to Specification Item No. 314 of the Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction for the City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department. The unit price bid for this item shall be full compensation for all materials (including applicable sub-base), labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. DA-69 TRAFFIC BUTTONS [OMIT] DA-70 PAVEMENT STRIPING [OMIT] DA-71 H.M.A.C. TESTING PROCEDURES The contractor is required to submit a Mix Design for both Type "B" and "D" asphalt that will be used for each project. This should be submitted at the Pre-Construction Conference. This design shall not be more than two (2) years old. Upon submittal of the design mix a Marshal (Proctor) will be calculated, if one has not been previously calculated, for the use during density testing. For type "B" asphalt a maximum of 20% rap may be used. No Rap may be used in type "D " Upon approval of an asphalt mix design and the calculation of the Marshal (proctor) the contractor is approved for placement of the asphalt. The contractor shall contact the City 5119106 ASC-26 - - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Laboratory, through the inspector, at least 24 hours in advance of the asphalt placement to schedule a technician to assist in the monitoring of the number of passes by a roller to establish a rolling pattern that will provide the required densities . The required Density for Type "B" and for Type "D" asphalt will be 91 % of the calculated Marshal (proctor). A Troxler Thin Layer Gauge will be used for all asphalt testing. After a rolling pattern is established, densities should be taken at locations not more than 300 feet apart. The above requirement applies to both Type "B" and "D" asphalt. Densities on type "B" must be done before Type "D " asphalt is applied. Cores to determine thickness of Type "B" asphalt must be taken before Type "D" asphalt is applied. Upon completion of the application of Type "D" asphalt additional cores must be taken to determine the applied thickness. DA-72 SPECIFICATION REFERENCES W hen reference is made in these specifications to a particular ASTM, AWWA, ANSI or other specification , it shall be understood that the latest revision of such specification, prior to the date of these general specifications or revisions thereof, shall apply. DA-73 RELOCATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM BACK-FLOW PREVENTER/CONTROL VALVE AND BOX The relocation and reconnection of sprinkler system control valve and box will be required as shown on the plans, and/or as described in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. A minimum of twenty-four (24) hours advance notice shall be given when service interruption will be required . When the relocation is required , separate payment will be allowed for the relocation of sprinkler back-flow preventer or control valve and box . Payment for all work and material such as back-fill, fittings, five (5) feet of PVC Schedule 40 and all material labor, and equipment used by and for the licensed plumber shall be included in the price bid for utility adjustment in the proposal section. All other costs will be included in other appropriate bid item(s). DA-74 RESILIENT-SEATED GATE VALVES Any resilient-seated gate valves supplied for this contract shall conform to Material Standard E 1- 26, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR RESILIENT-SEATED GATE VALVES, with the exception of size requirements in sections E-26.1 . All resilient-seated gate valves shall be mechanical joints and be approved on the City of Fort Worth Standard Product List. DA-75 EMERGENCY SITUATION, JOB MOVE-IN [OMIT] DA-76 1 %" & 2" COPPER SERVICES T he following is an addendum to E1-17, Copper Water Service Lines and Copper Alloy Couplings: All fittings used for 1 W ' and 2" water services lines shall be compression fittings of the type produced with an internal "gripper ring " as manufactured by the Ford Meter Box Co ., Inc., Mueller 5119/06 ASC-27 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS Company, or approved equal. Approved equal products shall submit shop drawings and manufacturer's catalog information for approval. Contractor shall make all cuts to the copper tubing with a copper tubing cutter tool specifically designed for this purpose in order to provide a clean, square cut. The use of hacksaws or any other type of cutter will not be allowed. Prior to installing the compression fittings, the copper tubing will be made round by the use of a "rounding tube" specifically made for that purpose. Payment for all work and materials associated with 1 % " and 2" copper services shall be included in the price of the appropriate bid it em. DA-77 SCOPE OF WORK (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-78 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBIL TY (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-79 CONTRACT TIME (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-80 REQUIRED CREW PERSONNEL & EQUIPMENT (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-81 TIME ALLOWED FOR UTILITY CUTS (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-82 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-83 PAVING REPAIR EDGES (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-84 TRENCH BACKFILL (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-85 CLEAN-UP (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-86 PROPERTY ACCESS (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-87 SUBMISSION OF BIDS (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-88 STANDARD BASE REPAIR FOR UNIT I (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-89 CONCRETE BASE REPAIR FOR UNIT II & UNIT Ill (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-90 2" TO 9" H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-91 ADJUST WATER VALVE BOXES, MANHOLES, AND VAULTS (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-92 MAINTENANCE BOND (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-93 BRICK PAVEMENT (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] DA-94 LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT} [OMIT] 5119/06 ASC-28 - PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS DA-95 CEMENT STABILIZED SUBGRADE (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA.;96 REPAIR OF STORM DRAIN\ STRUCTURES (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA-97 "QUICK-SET" CONCRETE (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA-98 UTILITY ADJUSTMENT (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA-99 STANDARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND WHEELCHAIR RAMPS (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA-100 LIMITS OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA-101 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA-102 PAYMENT (UTIL. CUT) [OMIT] DA-103 DEHOLES (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] DA-104 CONSTRUCTION LIMITATIONS (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] DA-105 PRESSURE CLEANING AND TESTING (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] DA-106 BID QUANTITIES (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] DA-107 LIFE OF CONTRACT (MISC. EXT.) [OMIT] DA-108 FLOWABLE FILL (MISC. EXT.) 1. Description: The flowable fill material shall be delivered to the site, free flowing and self-leveling and shall have a consistency enabling it to fill all voids without tamping, vibrating or compacting. Tne flowable fill material shall have an in place density of not less than 95 and not more than 115 lbs./cu. ft., with a maximum twenty-eight (28) day compression strength of not less than 60 and not more than 85 PSI allowing the material to be removed with hand tools such as picks and shovels. The height of free fall of the flowable fill shall not exceed four (4) feet. 2. Material Specifications: Flowable fill shall consist of: a. An appropriate amount of Portland Cement meeting ASTM C-150 (with other additives as necessary). b. Aggregates meeting ASTM C-33 c. Sand or fine aggregates as per City of Ft. Worth Standard Specifications for Street and Storm Drain Construction Item 406 d. Flyash, Class C or F, meeting ASTM C-618 e. Admixtures 5/19/06 ASC-29 PART DA -ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Mineral admixtures will be pozzolanic 2. Chemical admixtures shall be in liquid or powder form used in standard ready-mix concrete products unless specifically designed for flowable fill. Permissible types of admixtures are: a. High air generators, as manufactured by Grace Construction Products or approved equal, which are specifically designed for flowable fill to lower unit weights, reduce shrinkage and subsidence, and control compressive strength. b. Air entraining admixtures conforming to ASTM C-260. c. High range water reducers conforming to ASTM C-494 Type F or G. d. Accelerating admixtures conforming to ASTM C-494, Type C. 1. Non-chloride, non-corrosive accelerators used where metals are present in concrete or embedded members . 2. Calcium chloride DA-109 BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIR (MISC. REPL.) [OMln DA-110 DETERMINATION AND INITIATION OF WORK (MISC. REPL.) [OMln DA-111 WORK ORDER COMPLETION TIME (MISC. REPL.) [OMln DA-112 MOVE IN CHARGES (MISC. REPL.) [OMln DA-113 PROJECT SIGNS (MISC. REPL.) [OMln DA-114 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (MISC. REPL.) [OMln DA-115 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEM DESIGN (MISC. REPL.) [OMln DA-116 FIELD OFFICE [OMln DA-117 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN [OMln DA-118 COORDINATION OF WORK WITH CONTRACTOR FOR OTHER UNITS [OMln 5119106 ASC-30 II' ! ~. ~ II'. ~ ,.. II .. It ~· PARTE " !'!· SPECIFICATIONS It !! !'! !S "' ~ " Ii. ' ! I!! ~ ~ ~ II !:1, !t ~ " !_I,, ~ SECTION E SPECIFICATIONS (January 1, 1978) All materials, construction methods and procedures used in this project shall conform to Sections E1, E2, and E2A of the Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents and General Specifications, together with any additional material specification(s) construction(s) or later revision(s). (See revisions listed on this sheet.) Sections E1, E2 and E2A of the Fort Worth Water Department General Contract Documents and General Specifications are hereby made a part of this contract document by reference for all purposes, the same as if copied verbatim herein, and such Sections are filed and kept in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth as an official record of the City of Fort Worth . INDEX E1 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS E2 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS E2A GENERAL DESIGN DETAILS Revisions as of April 20, 1981, follow: E1-2.4 Backfill: (Correct minimum compaction requirement to 95% Proctor density and correct P .I. values as follows:) c. Additional backfill requirements when approved for use in streets: 1. Type 'B' Backfill (c) Maximum plastic index (Pl) shall be§.. 2: Type 'C' Backfill (a) Material meeting requirements and having a Pl of§. or less shall be considered as suitable for compaction by jetting. (b) Material meeting requirements and having a Pl of~ or more shall be considered for use only with mechanical compaction . Revisions as of Revision January 25, 2005, follow: E1-6.1 Scope of Work A. General : This specification covers 3" through 64" ductile iron pipe, centrifugally cast, for water, wastewater, or other liquid application, with flanged, push-on, restrained, or mechanical joints. All pipe furnished shall be in conformance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51, or latest revision thereof. Unless specified otherwise, installation shall be governed by Construction Standard E2-6 or these General Contract Documents. E - 1 B. Related Requirements: Ductile iron pipe shall meet the requirements of E1-7 "Duct il e Iron and Gray Iron Fittings ", E1-13 "Polyethylene Wrapping, E2-6 "Installing Ductile Iron Pipe, and E2-7 "Installing Cast Iron Pipe Fittings ". E1-6.2 Standards A. ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 , "Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water" B. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 , "Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems " C. ANSI/AWWAC110/A21.10, "Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings , 3 inch through 48 inch" D. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 , "Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings " E. ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15, "Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe with Ductile- Iron or Gray-Iron Threaded Flanges " F. ANSI/AWWA C116/A21.16, "Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interio r and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water Supply Service " G. ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 , "Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe " H. ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51, "Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for Water" I. ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53, "Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings For Water Service " J. ANSI/AWWA C600, "AWWA Standard for Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and their Appurtenances " K. ANSI/NSF 61 , "Drinking Water Systems Components -Health Effects" E1-6 .3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. As a minimum , the following pressure classes shall apply : Diameter Pipe (inch) 3" through 12" 14" -20" 24 " 30 " -64" E-2 Min . Pressure Class (PSI) 350 psi 250 psi 250 psi 150 psi B. ENGINEER shall verify that the pressure class specified meets the minimum design requirements contained with in these provisions. When requested, pipe design calculations must be submitted to City . Ductile iron pipe shall be designed in accordance with the latest rev ision of ANSI/AWWA C150/A21 .50 for a minimum 150 psi (or project requ irements , whichever is greater) rated working pressure plus a 100 psi surge allowance (if anticipated surge pressures are greater than 100 psi, the actual surge pressure shall be used); a 2 to 1 factor of safety on the sum of the working pressure plus surge pressure ; Type 4 laying condition (ANSI/AWAA C150/A21.50), and a minimum depth of cover of 12 feet. E1-6.4 DUCTILE IRON PIPE -GENERAL A. Ductile iron pipe shall have nominal lay lengths of 18 or 20 feet. Random pipe lengths are unacceptable. Dimensions and tolerances of each nominal pipe size shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21. B. Pipe markings shall meet the minimum requirements of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21 or latest revision . Minimum pipe markings shall be as fol lows: 1. "DI" or "DUCTILE " shall be cast or metal stamped on each pipe 2. Weight, Class , and nominal thickness of each pipe 3. Year and country pipe was cast 4. Manufacturer's mark C. Iron used in the manufacture of pipe for these specifications shall have: 1. Minimum tensile strength -60,000 psi 2. Minimum yield strength -42,000 psi 3 . Minimum elongation -10% E1-6 .5 DUCTILE IRON PIPE -JOINTS A. General -Comply with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21, latest revision . 1. Push-On Joints 2 . Mechanical Joints 3. Restrained Joints 4. FlangedJoints-AWWAC115, ANSI B16.1, Class 125 B. All rubber joint gaskets utilized on ductile-iron pipe shall be in conformance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21 , latest revision. C. Bolts and Nuts: Bolts and Nuts: Bolts and nuts for mechanica l joints or flanged ends shall be of a high strength corrosion resistant low-carbon steel in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21 and ASTM A307 , "Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Nuts ". For mechanical joints, the bolts and nuts shall be coated with a ceramic-filled, baked on fluorocarbon resin. Coated bolts and nuts shall be prepared "near white " or "white " when coated to a thickness of 8 to 10 mils dry film thickness by a cert ified applicator. Coating shall be of Xylan® as manufactured by Whitford Corp or approved equal. Coating shall conform to the performance requirements of ASTM B 117, "Salt Spray Test " and shall include, if required, a certificate of conformance. E-3 E1-6.6 DUCTILE IRON PIPE -COATINGS A. All ductile iron pipe shall have a bituminous coating, minimum of 1 mil thick , on the pipe exterior , unless otherwise specified. B. Pipes shall have an interior cement mortar lining appl ied in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21 , or latest revision. Asphaltic coating will be required on the interior cement mortar lining , unless otherwise specified . C. Pipe and fittings exposed to view in the finished work shall not rece ive the standard bituminous coat on the outside surfaces, but shall be shop- coated with rust inhibitive primer. Primer shall have a min dry film thickness of 4 mils and be certified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 . D. All buried DIP shall be polyethylene encased, unless otherwise specified. E1-6 .7 TESTS Encasement for buried pipe shall be 8 mil linear low density (LLD) polyethylene or 4 mil high density cross-laminated (HDCL) polyethylene encasement conforming to AWWA C105/A21.5 Polyethylene film must be marked as follows: 1. Manufacturer's name or trademark 2 . Year of manufacturer 3. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21 .5 4. Minim um film thickness and material type 5. Applicable range of nominal diameter size(s). 6 . Warning-Corrosion Protection-Repair Any Damage A. Ductile iron pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with the latest revision of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. Each pipe shall be subjected to a hydrostatic test of not less than 500 psi for a duration of at least 1 O seconds. B. The manufacturer shall take adequate measures during pipe production to assure compliance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21 .51 by performing quality-contro l tests and maintaining results to those tests as outlined in sect ion 5, "Verification" of that standard . C. The City of Fort Worth may , at no cost to the manufacturer, subject random lengths of pipe for testing by an independent laboratory for compliance with this specification. Any visible defects or failure to meet the quality standards herein will be grounds for rejecting the entire order . D. The Contractor shall furn ish manufacturer's certified test reports which indicate tha t each run of pipe furnished has met specifications, and that all inspections have been made , and that all tests have been performed in accordance with ANSI /AWWA C151/A21. E1-7 -Duct ile Iron Fittings E-4 E1-7 .1 General: This material standard covers the furnishing of ductile iron compact fittings, 3 inches through 64 inches and ductile iron full body fittings , 3 inches through 48 inches, for use in water and wastewater projects. Unless specified otherwise, installation shall be governed by Construction Standard E2-7 of these General Contract Documents . Except as specified herein , the fittings shall be fabricated in accordance with the following specifications: A. ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4, "Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water" B. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5, "Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems" C. ANSI/AWWA C11O/A21.10, "Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings, 3 inch through 48 inch " D. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11, "Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings" E. ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15, "Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe with Ductile- Iron or Gray-Iron Threaded Flanges " F. ANSI/AWWA C116/A21 .16, "Protective Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for Water Supply Service " G. ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53, "Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water Service" H. ANSI/NSF 61 , "Drinking Water Systems Components -Health Effects " E1-7 .2 Design Requirements A. Joints : Fittings ~hall have flanged , mechanical , restrained , push-on joints or any combination of these . Joints must be manufactured in accordance with the above referenced standards . Unless specified otherwise on the plans or in the project specifications, fittings will be provided for installation as follows : B. Pressure Rating: Unless specified otherwise, the rated working pressures for fittings are as follows : Ductile Iron Compact Fittings (AWWA C153/A21 .53) Nominal Size (in) Pressure Rating (PSI) 3" -24 " 350 PSI 30 " -48" 250 PSI 54" -64" 150 PSI Ductile-Iron Fitt ings (AWWA C11O/A21.10) Nominal Size (in) Pressure Rating (PSI) 3" -24 " 350 PSI E-5 30"-48" 250 PSI C. Dimensions and Thickness: Fittings and joints shall conform to the thicknesses and dimensions shown in the various standards referenced under Section E 1-7 .1 of this Specification. D. Flange: Unless specified otherwise, the bolt circle and the bolt-holes shall match those of ANSI B16.1 Class 125. All screwed-on flanges shall be ductile iron . Field fabrication of flanges shall be prohibited, unless approved otherwise. E. Gland: Glands shall be manufactured of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536. Restraining devices shall be of ductile iron. Dimensions of the gland shall be such that it can be used with the standardized joint bell and tee-head bolts conforming to ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53. F. Bolts and Nuts: Bolts and nuts for mechanical joints or flanged ends shall be of a high st rength corrosion resistant low-alloy steel in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21 and ASTM A307, "Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Nuts". For mechanical joints, the bolts and nuts shall be coated with a ceramic-filled, baked on fluorocarbon resin. Coated bolts and nuts shall be prepared "near white" or "white" when coated to a thickness of 8 to 10 mils dry film thickness by a certified applicator. Coating shall be Xylan® as manufactured by Whitford Corp, or approved equal. Coating shall conform to the performance requirements of ASTM B117, "Salt Spray Test" and shall include , if required, a certificate of conformance. G. Accessories : Unless otherwise specified, gaskets, glands, bolts, and nuts shall be furnished with mechanical joints, and gaskets and lubricant shall be furnished with push-on joints; all in sufficient quantity for assembly of each joint. H. Outside Coati ng: All ductile fittings shall have a bituminous or fusion bonded epoxy coating . Bituminous coatings shall be a minimum of 1 mil thick, on the pipe exterior, unless otherwise specified. Fusion bonded exterior coatings shall comply with ANSI/AWWA C116/A21.16. I. Interior Lining: All ductile iron fittings are to be furnished with a cement- mortar lining of standard thickness as defined in referenced ANSI/AWWA C104 and given a seal coat of asphaltic material, unless otherwise specified . Fus ion bonded exterior coatings shall comply with ANSI/AWWA C116/A21.16, shall have a minimum dry film thickness of 4 mils, and be certified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 . J. Polyethylene Encasement: All DI fittings shall be polyethylene encased , unless otherwise specified . Encasement for buried pipe shall be 8 mil linear low density (LLD) polyethylene or 4 mil high density cross- laminated (HDCL) polyethylene encasement conforming to AWWA C105/A21 .5 Polyethylene film must be marked as follows: 1. Manufacturer's name or trademark E-6 2. Year of manufacturer 3. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 4. Minimum film thickness and material type 5. Applicable range of nominal diameter size(s). 6. Warning -Corrosion Protection -Repair Any Damage K. Marking: Fitting marking shall meet the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 or ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53 shall have distinctively cast on them the following information: 1. C-153 or C110 depending on which type of fitting provided . 2. Pressure Rating 3. Nominal diameter of openings 4. Manufacturer's identification 5. Country where cast 6. Number of degrees or fraction of the circle on all bends 7. Letters "DI" or "DUCTILE" cast on them. E1-7.3 Tests and Reports The Contractor will furnish manufacturer's certified test reports stating that all fittings furnished meet the requirements of applicable Standards and Specifications . Test reports must be provided the Engineer before construction commences. E2-2.11 Trench Backfill : (Correct Minimum compaction requirement wherever it appears in this section to 95% Proctor density except for paragraph a. 1 where the 95% modified Proctor density" shall remain unchanged.) E-7 SECTION E100 -MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (January 1, 1978) (Added 5/13/90) E100-4 WATERTIGHT MANHOLE INSERTS E100-4 .1 GENERAL: This standard covers the furnishing and installation of watertight gasketed manhole inserts in the Fort Worth sanitary sewer collection system. E100-4.2 MATERIALS AND DESIGN : a. The manhole insert shall be of corros ion-proof high density polyethelene that meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM D1248, Category 5 , Type Ill. b. The minimum thickness of the manhole insert shall be 1/8". c. The manhole insert shall have a gasket that provides positive seal in wet or dry conditions. The gasket shall be made of closed cell neoprene rubber and meet the requirement of ASTM D1056, or equal. d. The manhole insert shall have a strap for removing the insert. The strap shall be made of minimum 1" wide woven polypropylene or nylon webbing, with the ends treated to prevent un raveling . Stainless steel hardware shall be used to securely attach strap to the insert. e. The manhole insert shall have one or more vent holes or valves to release gasses and allow wa t er inflow at a rate no greater than 10 gallons per 24 hours . E100-4.3 INSTALLATION: a. The manhole frame shall be cleaned of all dirt and debris before placing the manhole insert on the rim. b. The manhole insert shall be fully seated around the manhole frame rim to retard water from seeping between the cover and the manhole frame rim. E-8 PARTF INSURANCE AND BONDS THE STATE OF TEXAS § § PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § I That we (I) Gin-Spen, Inc.as Principal herein , and (2) a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of (3) , as s urety , are he ld and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth , a municipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties , Texas , Obligee herein, in the amount of One Million Seven Hundred Sixty Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-two and no/100 ............................... Dollars ($1,760,682.00) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind h e mselves and their he irs, executors , administrators , s uccessors and assigns , jointly and severally, firmly by these resents : WHEREAS , the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Obligee dated the 9th day of anuary A.D . , 2007, which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as if fully and to the same extent ~s if copied at length , for the following project: Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve the Thompson Road and Riverside North Area NOW , THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH , that if the said Principal hall faithfully make payment to each and every claimant (as defined in Chapter 2253, Texas Government Code , as mended) supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work under the contract, then this obligation s hall be I oid ; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect. I PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of sa id tatute, to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein . fN WITNESS WHEREOF , the duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument. SIGNED AND SEALED this 9th day of January , 2007. ATTEST : (Principal) Secretary (SEAL) itness as to Principal TTEST: ecretary (SEAL) itness as to Surety OTE : I . Correct name of Principal (Contractor). 2 . Correct name of Surety. 3 . State of incorporation of Surety . Gin-Spen, Inc . PRINCIPAL :t •• ,.. BY : _______________ _ Name: _______________ _ Title : ________________ _ 780 W. Kennedale Pkwy. Kennedale,, TX 76060 SURETY By:------------- Name: _____________ _ Attorney in Fact Address : ____________ _ Telephone Number : ________ _ Telephone number of surety must be stated . In addition , an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by the Attorney-in-Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. Client#· 60019 GINSPINC1 1. A t ORD TM CERTIFl~A rE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) I .~ , 01 /17 /07 PRODUCER I THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION USI Sou th we st Inc. Houston/CL ON LY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE C E RTIF IC ATE Three Mem ori al City HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND , EXTE ND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLIC IES BELOW. 840 Ges s ner, Sui te 600 Hou ston , TX 77024 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAG E NA IC # INSURED INSURER A: Bituminous Casualty Corp 20095 9 in-Spen , Inc. IN SUR ER B: Illinois National lnsuran 23817 7'80 W. Ke nnedale Pa rkway INSURER C : ~ennedale , TX 76060 INSURER D : INSURER E: COVE RAG ES TH E POLI CIES OF IN SURA NCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISS UED T O THE INSURED NAMED ABOV E FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDI CATED . NOTW ITHSTANDING A NY REQU IRE v1 ENT, TE RM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DO C UMENT W ITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISS UED OR MAY P ERT A IN, T HE INSURANCE AFFORD ED BY THE POLI C IES DE SCRIBED H ER EIN IS SU BJECT TO ALL T HE T ERMS , EXCLUSIONS AND CO NDITI ONS OF SUC H POLICIES. AGd REGATE LI M ITS S HOWN MAY HAVE BEE N RED UC ED BY PAI D CLAIMS. INSR ADD'L PO LICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR NSRC TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUM B ER DATE CMM /DDIYYl DATE CMM /D D/YY\ LIMITS A GENEt L LIABILITY CLP3229681 06/14/06 06 /14/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $1 000 000 X C ' MMERCIAL GEN ERAL LIABILITY ~t~b~U9F~ENTED $100 000 I CLAIMS MADE ~ OCC UR ME D EX P (Any one person) $10 000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $1 000 000 - GEN ERAL AGGR EGATE $2 000 000 - GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT A PPLIES PER : PRODUCTS • COMP/OP AGG $2 000 000 I POLICY fxl P,f Pi-n LOC A A UTOMOBI LE LIA BI LITY CAP3506009 06/14/06 06/14/07 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT -$1,000 ,000 X ANY AUTO (Ea acciden l ) - A L OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY -$ S HEDU LED AUTOS (Per person) - X HREDAUTOS BODILY IN JURY X (Per accident) $ -Nr N-OWNED AUTOS >--PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARA J E LIAB ILITY AUTO ONLY -EA ACCIDENT $ R Ar AUTO OTH ER THAN EAACC $ AU TO ONLY: AGG $ B EXCESS /UMBRELLA LIABILITY BE0844257 06 /14/06 06/14/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $4 000 000 0 OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $4 000 000 $ Fl DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ $ WORK ERS COMPENSATION AND I WC STATU-1 TORY I "!ITS 1°1~- EMPLOY ERS LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EX ECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACC IDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXC LU DED ? E.L. D ISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes , describe under SPECIAL PROV IS IO NS be low E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIM IT $ OTHER I DESCRIPTIO N OF OPERATIONS / L OCATIONS / VEH ICLES/ EXCLUSIO NS A DD ED BY ENDORSEMENT / SPECIAL PROVI SIONS RE : Wate r an San itary Sewer Improvements to Serve the Thompson Road and Riverside North Are a , Project •#P264-602170023783/P274-702170023783 ... Blanket Additional Insured (GL on a prim a ry /n on-contribu tory basis , AL) per written contract in favor of the C ity of Fort Worth , its offi cers , employees and se rv ants and blanke t Wai ve r of Subrogat ion (GL, A L) per (See Att ac hed De sc ri pti ons ) CERTIFIC A TE HOLDER City of Fort Worth 1000 T hrockmorton Street Fo rt Worth , TX 76102 -631 1 25 (20 01 /08 ) 1 of 3 #S594081 /M443423 CANCELLAT ION SH OU L D ANY OF T HE ABOVE DE SCRIBED PO LIC IE S BE CANCELLED BEF ORE THE EX PI RATION DAT E THE REOF, TH E ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL --3.Q.:. DAYS WRITTE N NOTICE TO THE CERTIF ICATE HOL DER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMP OSE NO OB LIGATION OR LIABI LITY O F ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR JLWHA © ACORD CORPORATION 1988 L, · ~ DESCRIPTIONS (Continued from Page 1) ' r. tA-,;,. .... , written contJact in favor the City of Fort Worth, its officers, employees and servants. Additional Insured & Waiver of Subrogation follow form (Umb). *cancellation, non-renewal and/or material change in policy term or coverage AMS 25.3 (200 11/08) 3 of 3 #S594081/M443423 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed . A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED , subject to the terms and conditions of the policy , certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer , and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend , extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-S (2001/08) 2 of 3 #S594081/M443423 ACORQ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I CERTFICATENO./DATE 01/18/2007 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION GL OBAL ASSURANCE, CORP ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 7550 1-H 10 WEST 14TH FL HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 210-877-5060 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURER A: HARTFORD UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE COMPANY SERVPRO OF TEXAS, LLC INSURER 8 : 12000 ETWORK BLVD, BLDG D , SUITE 400 INSURERC: SAN TONlO, TX 78249 INSURERD: INSURERE: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY RE(IUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN , THE IN SURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY 1¥\ID CLAIMS. INSR POLICY NUIIBER POLICY EFFECTNE POLICY EXPIRATION I.MTS -TYPE Of' INSURANCE DATE DATE GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ -~ERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY FIRE DAMAGE (Arry one Ire) $ = ClAJMSMAOE D OCCUR MED EXP (Atry one pe,son) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ t-- GENERAL AGGREGATE $ -GEN1. AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG $ n POLICY n ~ n LOC AUTOIIOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT t--(Ea accident) $ -mr AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY t--(Per pe,son) $ SCHEDULED AUTOS t-- HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY -(Per accident) $ -T WNEDAUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE L.IABIUTY AUTO ONLY -EA ACCIDENT $ R ANYAUTO OTHER THAN EAACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ t--D Cl.AIMS MADE OCCUR AGGREGATE $ -$ -DEDUCTlBI..E $ -RETENTION $ $ WORKERS C~TION AND ,c I TOO.Y LIMITS I IER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1000000 A 6S60UB-03 51B 15-3 -03 12-31-06 0 1-12-08 E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEE $ 1 000000 E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ 1000 000 OTHER ~ LIMIT $ LIMIT $ DE---·-· Of' OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY EHDORSEIIENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS OTHER WORK PLACES NOT SHOWN ABOVE: GIN-SPEN, INC -780 W. KENNEDALE PARK.WAY KENNADALE, TX 76060 . THE POLICY COVERS ONLYT r{OSE EMPLOYEES UNDER CONTRACT BETWEEN THE INSURED AND GIN-SPEN, INC 780 KENNEDALE PAR.KW A Y KENNEDALE, TX 76060 , AND ANDAN iY OTHER WORKSI TES WHERE THE EMPLOYEES OF GIN-SPEN, INC ARE ENGAGED IN WORK. WA IVEF OF SUBROGATION IN FAVOR OF CI TY OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER PROJEC{: WATER & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE THOMPSON RD AND RI VERSIDE NORTH AREA CERTI FICATE HOLDER I I ADDITIONAL INSURED; INSURER LETTER: CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY Of' TIE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICES BE CANCELLED BEFORE TIE EXPIRATION CITY OF FORT WORTH DATE THEREOf', TIE ISSUWIG INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO IIAIL ~ DAYS~ 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET NOTICE TO TIE CERTFICATE HOLDER NAIIED TO TIE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL FORT WORTH, TX 76102-6311 ~ NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY Of' ANY KIND UPON TIE INSURER. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTAT1YES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIYE ~ ACORD 25-S (7/97) @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 CERTIF ICATE OF INSURANCE TO: CITY OF FORT WORTH Date~ AME OF PROJECT: PROJECT NUMBER: Is TO CERTIFY THAT: Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve the Thompson Road and Riversi de North Area P264-602170023783 /P2 74 -702170023783 Gin-Spen, lnc. s, at the date of this certificate, Insured by this Company with respect to the business operations hereinafter described , for the type of insurance and accordance with provisions of the stand ar d policies us ed by this Company, an d further hereinafter described. Exceptions to standard policy noted on reverse side hereof. TYPE OF INSURANCE I Policy Effective Expires Limits of Liabi lity Worker's Compensation Cdmprehensive General Bodily Injury: Liabi lity Insurance (Public Ea . Occurrence : $ Liabi li ty) Property Damage : I Ea. Occurrence : $ I Blasting Ea. Occ urrence : $ O , ll apse of Building or s ructures adjacent to Ea. Occurrence : $ --- excavations Damage to Underground I Utilities Ea. Occurrence: $ Builtler 's Risk Comprehensive Bodily Injury: Aut,~mobile Liabi lity Ea. Person: $ Ea. Occurrence : $ Property Damage: Ea. Occurrence: $ Bodily Injury : Co n ractua l Liabi li ty Ea. Occurrence: $ I Property Damage: Ea. Occurrence : $ Oth ~r L,ocations covered : Description of operations covered : [he above policies either in the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement provided that they may not be changed or f anceled by the msurer m less than five (5) days after the ms ured has received wntten notice of such change/or cancell ation . here app li cable local laws or regulations req uire more than five (5) days actual notice of change or cancellation to be r ssured , the above policies contain such special requirements, either in the body thereof or by appropriate end orsement hereto attached. he City, its officers, employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional ins ured on Contractor 's insurance policies excepting emp loyer's liability insurance coverage under Contractor 's worker's compensation insurance policy. A enc In surance Co.: ___________ _ ~F=ort~W'-'-"o~rt=h_,_A-'-'g"'e=n'-"t ______________ By ___________________ _ Address _________________ _ Title ________________ _ CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW Pursuant to V .T.C.A Labor Code Section 406.096 (2000), as amended , Contractor certifies that it provides workers ' compensation insurance coverage for all its employees employed on city of Fort Worth Department of ngineering No . 4210 and City ofFort Worth Project Number P264-602170023783/P274-702170023783 Title l-\~-01 Date ST A TE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BE FORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personall y appeared {~jn\Q eas\ , known to me be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of Gin-Spen, Inc. the purpose and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated . GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE thi s l!._day of"Janu.A::fl( 2007. v2 Vhcl.~o k~~ ~~ry Public in andor the State of Texas USA MICHELE HUSEMAN NOTARYMLICSTATEOFTEXAS COMMISSION EXPIRES : JUNE 1 , 2008 , PERFORMANCE BOND BOND NO . PRF8878051 T HE STATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS : COUNTY OF TARRANT § Colonial American Casualty That we (1) Gin-Spen, Inc. as Principal herein, and (2) and Surety Company a corporation organize::d under the laws of the State of (3) Maryland , and who is authorized rn issue surety bonds in the State of Texas, Surety herein, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Wortll , a 1rnnicipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas, Obligee herein , in the sum of; One Million Seven Hundred Sixty Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-two and no/100 ........................................... . Dollars ($1,760,682.00) for the payme::nt of which sum we bind ourselves , our heirs, executors, adminisu·ators, uccessors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these present. WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a certain written contuct with the Obligee dated the 9th of January, 007 a copy of which is hereto anached and made a part hereof for all purposes, for the construction of: Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve the Thompson Road and Riverside North Area NOW THEREFORE , the condition of this obligation is such, if the said Principal shall faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents and shall fully indemnify and hold armless the Oblig:ee from all costs and damages which Obligee may suffer by reason of Principal's default, and reimburse and repay Obligee for all outlay and expense that Obligee may incur in making good :,;uch default, then r is obligation shall be void ; otherwise. to remain in full force and effect. I PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texa~ Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of such · tatute, to tile same extem as ifit were copied at length herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have xecuted this instrument. SIGNED AND SEALED this 9th day of January, 2007. .. ... (Principal) Secretary (SEAL) ~~ Witness ai,; tc/Prin_p pal __ .... ....... "!TEST: Gin-Spen, Inc. PRINCIP/>:..~a BY :'-1.~ . ~ Title~~---- 780 W. Kennedale Pkwy. Kennedale,, TX 76060 Colo~i -~I American Casualty arrety Company urcty Y: . Address: -------------"- Secretary Edward Don a ld Ar e ns , Attorn e y-In-Fact Houston Te xas 77042 (SEA~ ~ TelephoneNomber. _(713)7li'l'7867 iWitness as to Surety Michel e Bonnin (1) Correct name of Principal (Contractor). (2) Correct name of Surety. (3) State of incorporation of Surety Telephone number of surety must be stated. In addition, an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by the Attorney-in-Fact. The date of the bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. Ttile name and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is: Philip Wayne Baker c/o Technical Assurance , LLC 29811 145 North , Suite 101 , The Woodlands , Texas 77381 PE RFORMANCE BOND 1 H E ST ATE OF TEXAS § KNOW A LL BY T HE SE PRESENTS : I OUNTY OFT ARRAN T § I Th at we (l ) Gin-Spen, Inc. as Principa l he re in , and (2) a co rp orat ion rgan ized und er the law s of t he St ate of (3) , a nd w ho is a uth orized to ss ue s ur ety bo nd s in th e Stat e of T exas , S urety he re in , are he ld and firml y bo und unto th e C it y o f Fo rt Wo rth , a 1 uni c ipa l co rp orati o n locate d in Tar ra nt a nd Denton Co unti es , Texas, O bli gee he re in , in th e s um of: One Million Seven Hundred Sixty Thou sand Six Hundred Eighty-two and no /100 ........................................... . o ll ar s ($1,760,682.00) for th e payme nt of w hi c h s um we b ind ou rse lves , o ur he irs , exec utors, a dministrato rs, uccessors and ass ig ns , j o intl y and seve ra ll y, firml y by th ese pres ent. WHEREAS , Pr in c ip a l has e nte re d into a ce rta in w ritte n co ntrac t w ith th e Obli gee d ated t he 2.'.'.'._of January, ?007 a co py of whi c h is heret o att ac hed a nd made a part he reof fo r a ll purposes , fo r th e co nstru ct io n o f: Water and S anitary Sewer Improvements to Serve the Thompson Road and Riverside North Area N O W T HEREFORE , th e co ndi t io n o f thi s obligation is s uc h, if th e sa id Principa l sha ll fa ithfull y perfo rm he wo rk in ac co rd a nce w it h th e pl an s, s pec ifi c at io ns, a nd co ntract do c um e nts and sha ll full y ind e mni fy a nd ho ld arml ess t he O bli gee fro m a ll cost s and d a mages w hi c h Obli gee may s uffe r by reaso n of Pr in c ip a l's default, a nd e imb urse a nd re pay O bli gee fo r a ll o ut lay a nd ex pe nse th a t O bli gee may in c ur in maki ng good s uch default, th e n is o bli gation sha ll be voi d ; o th erw ise , to re ma in in full fo rce a nd effect. PROVIDE D, HOWEVER , th at thi s bond is exe cute d pursuant t o Cha pter 2253 of th e Texas Governm ent Code, as a me nde d , a nd a ll li a biliti es o n thi s bo nd sha ll be d ete rmin ed in accord anc e w ith t he prov is io ns of s uc h tatu te , to the same exte nt as if it we re co pi e d at le ngth he re in . rN WI TNESS W HEREOF, the d ul y auth o ri ze d re presentati ves of th e Pr in c ip a l a nd th e S ur ety have exec uted this instr ument. S IGNED AND SEALED th is 9th day of January, 2007. ATTEST: (Principal) Secretary lsEAL) Witness as to Principal Address : Gin-Spen, Inc. PRINCIPAL BY: ___________ _ Title : ------------ 780 W. Kennedale Pkwy. Kennedale,, TX 76060 Surety BY: ----------- Name: _________ _ (Attorney-in-fact) ----------- Te lep hon e Number: _____ _ 1 itness as to Surety OTE: (1) Correct name of Principal (Contractor). (2) Correct name of Surety . (3) State of incorporation of Surety Telepho ne number of surety must be stated . In ad dition , an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by the Attorney-in-Fact. The date of the bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. PAYMENT BOND BOND NO. PRF8878051 THE ST A TE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT ~ I Th (1) G . S I p --l h -d (") Colonia l American Ca s ualt y and Surety Company at we ,.m-. pen, nc .as rmc1pa erem, an -a c orporation organized and exisring und er the law s of the State of (3) Maryland . as s urety, are held and finnly tound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation located in Tarrant and Denton Counties , Te xas , Obli gce crcin , in the amount of One Million Seven Hundred Sixty Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-two and o/100 ............................... Dollars ($1,760,682.00) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind hemselves and their heirs, exccuLOr!S , ad min is trators , successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these resents : WHEREAS , the Principal has entered into a certain wri tten co ntract with the Oblige e dated the 9th day of anuar A.D . , 2007, whi c h contni.ct is h ereby reforred to and made a part hereof as if fully and to the same exrent s if copied at length, for the following proj ect: Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve the Thompson Road and Riverside North Arca NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SlJCH, that if the said Principa l shall faithfully make payment to each and every claimant (as defined in Chapter 2253 , Texas Government Code, as bended) supplying labor or materials in the pro secution of the work under the contract, then this obligation shall be oid ; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect. PROVlDED, HOWEVER , Lhal thi s bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government ode, as amended, and all liabilities o n thi s bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said statute, to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein . I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, rhe duly authorized representatives of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument. SIGNED AND SEALED this 9th day of January , 2007. (Principal) Secretary (SEAL) AnEST ~l.JlJV Secretary Edward Dona ld Arens Attorn ey -In-F act I . l"~M ~ Witness as to Surety Michele Bonnin NOTE: 1. Correct name of Principal (Contractor). 2. Correct name of Surety. 3. State of incorµoration of Surety. 780 W. Kennedale Pkwy. Kennedale .. TX 76060 urety Company --1--------+"-----1---;__/-l--ll--__.c. Attorney in Fac1 Address: 2000 W . Sam Hou ston Pkw y, #1300 Houston , Te xas 77042 Telephone Number: (713) 787-7867 Telephone number or surety must be stated. In addition, an original copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to Bond by the Attorney-in-Fact. The date of bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. The name and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is : Philip Wayne Baker c/o Technical Assurance , LLC 29811 145 North , Suite 101 , The Woodlands, Texas 77381 ' .. MAINTENANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS !COUNTY OF TARRANT § BOND NO . PRF8878051 I !KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Colonial Am erican Casualty That Gin-Spen, lnc.(Contractor), as principal, and and .. Surety Company , a corporation organized nder the laws of the State of Maryland, (Surety), do hereby acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Fort Worth, a Mw1icipal Corporation chartered by virtue of Constitution and laws of the St.ate of exas, ("City") in Tarrant County, Texas the sum of One Million Seven Hundred Sixty Thousand Six Hundred lEi~hty-two and no/100 ............................... Dollars ($1.760,682.00) lawful money of the United States, for payment pf which sum well and tmly be made unto said City and its successors, said Contractor and Surety do hereby bind l lhcmselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however; that, WHEREAS, said Contractor has entered into a written Contract with the City of Fort Worth, dated the 9'h day of January 2007 copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, the performance of the following escribed public improvements : Water and Sanitary Sewer Tmprnvemcnts to Serve the Thompson Road and Riverside Nodh Area Jhe same being refen-ed to he,ein and in said contract as the Work and being designated as project P264- 602170023783/P274-702170023783and said contract, including all of the specifications, conditions, addenda, hange orders and written instruments refe,rcd to therein as Contract Documents being incorporated herein and ade a part hereof: and, WHEREAS, in said Contract , Contractor binds itselfro use such materials and to so construct the work that it will remain in good repair and condition for and during a period of after the date of Two (2) Years after the date btthe final acceptance of the work by the City; and WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to maintain said work in good repair and condition for said tem1 of r" (2) YMr,: and, I WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to repair or reconstruct the work in whole or in part at any time 'fithln said period, if in the opinion of the Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, it be ecessary; and, WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself. upon rece1v1ng notice of the need therefore ro repair or reconstruct said work as herein provided. I NOW THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain, repair or reconstmct said work in accordance with all the terms and conditions of said Contract, thcse_presents shall be null and void, and have no force or effect. 01herwisc this Bond shall be and remain in full force and effect, and the City shall have and recover from the Contractor and Surety damages in the premises prescribed by said Contract. I This obligation shall be continuing one and successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amount hereof is exhausted. ' .! IN WITNESS \VHEREOf, this instrnment is executed in Lcountcrparts , each one or which shall be decme::d an original , this 9th day of January, A.D. 2007. ATTEST: (SEAL) ATTEST: (SEAL) Sccre::tary Ed wa rd Don ald Ar ens , Attorney-In-Fact T e name and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is : P ilip Wayne Baker c/o Technical Assurance , LLC 29 11 145 North , Suite 101, The Woodlands, Texas 77381 Gin-SJ!,e,!!, Inc. ;=~i;~~#: Title: -.....-~-...... -------- Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company urety Title : Attorney-1 _~_-_F_a_c_t ____ _ 2000 W. Sam Houston Pkwy, #1300 Houston , Texas 77042 Address MAINTENANCE BOND THE ST A TE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gin-Spen, Inc.(Contractor), as principal , and , a corporation organized nder the laws of the State of , (S urety), do hereby acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the City of Fort Worth , a Municipal Corporation c hartered by virtue of Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, ("City") in Tarrant County , Texas the s um of One Million Seve n Hundred S ixty Thousand Six Hundred ighty-two and no/100 ............................... Dollars ($1,760,682.00) lawful money of the U nited States , for payment of which sum we ll and tru ly be made unto said City and its successors, said Contractor and S urety do hereby bind themse lves, their heirs , executors, administrators, assigns and successors, jointly and severa ll y. This obligation is conditioned , however ; that, WHEREAS , sa id Co ntractor has entered into a written Contract with the City of Fort Worth, dated the 9th day of January 2007 copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, the performance of the following described public improvements: Water and Sa nitary Sewer Improvements to Se rve the Thompson Road and Ri vers ide North A re a he same being referred to herein a nd in said contract as the Work and being designated as project P264- ,602170023783/P274-702170023783and said contract, including al l of the specifications, conditions, addenda, chan ge orders and written instruments referred to therein as Contract Documents bein g incorporated herein and nade a part hereof, and , WHEREAS , in said Co ntract, Contractor binds itse lf to use s uch materials and to so construct the work that t will remain in good repair and condition for and during a period of after the date of Two (2) Years after the date f the final acceptance of the work by the C it y; and WHEREAS, sa id Contractor binds itself to maintain sa id work in good repair and condition for sa id term of Years ; and , WHEREAS, said Contractor binds itself to repair or reconstruct the work in whole or in part at any time w ithin sai d period , if in the op ini on of the Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth , it be ecessary; and, WHEREAS , sa id Co ntractor binds itself, upon receiving notice of the need therefore to repair or econstruct said work as herein provided . NOW THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain , repair or reconstruct said work in accordance with all the terms and conditions of said Contract, these_presents sha ll be null and void , and have no force or effect. Otherwise this Bond shall be and remain in full force and effect, and the City shall have and recover from the Contractor a nd Surety damages in the premi ses prescribed by said Contract. This obligation sha ll be continuing one and s uccessive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amount hereof is exhausted . ........ [N WITNESS WHEREOF , this instrument is exec uted in 1.._counterparts , eac h one of which shall be deemed an original , this 9th day of January, A.D. 2007. ATTEST: (SEAL) [secretary ATTEST: (SEAL) Secretary Gin-Spen, Inc. Contractor By:------------ Name : ____________ _ Tit le : ------------- Surety BY : ____________ _ Name : ____________ _ Title: ____________ _ Address ., Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOS IT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUAL TY AND SURETY COMPANY NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND , and the <W LONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, corporations of the S aryland , by FRANKE. ARTIN JR., Vice President, and GERALD F . HALEY, Assistant Secretary, in a <@ ity granted by Article 1, Section 2, of the By-La WS of said Companies , which are set forth O re e hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, does hereby norni d ARENS and Phil ip Wayne BAKER, both of T he Woodlands, Tex~ id O omey-in-Fact, to make, execute , seal and deliver, for , and on its behalf a el§ ~ d . all bond s and undertaki ngs, EXCEPT bonds on behalf of In depe e , o o an d Community G uard ians . and the execution of duch bonds or unde ·~ f u thw~ , s all be as binding upon said Companies, as fully and amply , to all intents and purp 1f e lill?executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its offic ., in their own proper persons. The said Assistant re does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Companies, and is now in force . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, this 28th day of November, A.D. 2006 . TTEST: State of Maryland } ss . City of Baltimore · FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY By: Gerald F. Haley Assistant Secretary Frank E . Martin Jr. Vice President On this 28th day of November, A.D . 2006, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly oomrnissioned and qualified, came FRANKE. MARTIN JR., Vice President, and GERALD F . HALEY, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the A eceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and e 1 ach for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the Pf eceding instrument is the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such o ficers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above itten. Dennis R. Hayden Notary Public My Commission Expires: February 1, 2009 POA-F 168-0079A EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI , Section 2 . The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or any of the Senior Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee , shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries , to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require , or to authorize any person or persons to exe cute on behalf of the Company any bonds , undertaking, recognizances , stipulations, policies, contracts, agreement s, deeds , and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees , mortgages and instruments in the nature ofmortgages, ... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto ." EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY "Article VI, Section 2 . The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or any of the Senior Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys -in-Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements , deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees , mortgages and instruments in the nature ofmortgages, ... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto ." CERTIFICATE I , the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND , and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the Vice-President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice-Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney-in-Fact as pro vided in Article VI , Section 2 , of the respective By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND , and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of May, 1990 and of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994. RESOLVED : "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed ." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this ___ 9t_h __ day of ____ J_a_nu_a_r~y _____ _ 2007 Assistant Secreta ry Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland Home Office: P.O. Box 1227 , Baltimore , MD 21203-1227 IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may call the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland or Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company's toll-free telephone number for information or to make a complaint at: 1-800-654-5155 I f rn b · · c: · · Y u may contact the Texas Department o surance to o tam m1ormat10n on compames, co erages, rights , or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 Y u m ~y write the Texas Department of Insurance: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 FAX# (512) 475-1771 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning the premium or ab ut a claim, you should first contact Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland or Colonial Atj.1.erican Casualty and Surety Company. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas D epartment of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does no become a part or condition of the attached document. S8543 f(TX) (04 /00) PART G -CONTRACT HE ST A TE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 9th day of January, 2006and between the City of Fort orth, a home-rule municipal corporation located in Tarrant County, Texas, acting through its City Manager ereunto duly authorized so to do , Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed "OWNER", and Gin-Spen, Inc.the City of Kennedale, County of TARRANT and State of TEXAS , Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed 'CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH : That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned , to e made and performed by the Party of the First Part (Owner), said Party of the Second Part (Contractor) hereby grees with the said party of the First Part (Owner) to commence and complete certain improvements described as ollows : Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve the Thompson Road and Riverside North Area nd all extra work connected therewith, under the terms as stated in the Contract Documents, and at his (their) own roper cost and expense to furnish all the materials , supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendent, labor , onds, insurance , and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction , in accordance with all the requirements of the Contract Documents , which include all maps , plats , blueprints and other drawings and rinted or written explanatory matter thereof, and the specifications thereof, as prepared by the Engineers employed y the Owner, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the Contractor and the Engineers thereon , ogether with the Contractor's Written Proposal and the other parts of the Contract Documents hereto attached, including the Fort Worth Water Department General Contractor Documents and General Specifications , all of which are made a part hereof and collectively and constitute the entire contract. The Contractor hereby agrees to commenc e work within ten ( I 0) days after the date written noti ce to do so shall have been give n to him , and to substantia ll y complete same with in th e time stated in the proposal. The Owner agrees to pay the contractor in current funds for the performance of the contract in accordance ith the Proposal submitted therefore , subject to additions and deductions , as provided in the Co ntract Documents nd all approved modifications thereof, and to make payment on account thereof as pro vided therein . I IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the Parties to these presents hav e executed this Contract in 1._counterparts in the year and say first above written . City of Fort Worth, Texas (Owner) arty of the First part BY: --~A-~_-_c __ p~ ... .:._,... _____ _ arc A . Ott, Assistant City Manager Gin-Spen, Inc. 780 W. Kennedale Pkwy. · ennedale,, TX 76060 ontractor Y•'~·-·¥ itle =:&r I PPROVED : A. Douglas Rademaker, P.E. Director Department of Engineering ATTEST: rn~~ City Secretary c~ 819aLt (Sea l) Con y..:gm izatioa Da te PARTH STANDARD FIGURES AND DETAILS 3/4" LETTERING (RECESSED FLUSH) 11 1 /8" I [283mmfj ~ COVER SECTION 12 7 /8" -[327mm~ 11 3/8" 1 718 " t-(2B9mm,-l . *1Bmm] 1-9 1/8" I 12 • [251mmr [305mm] ~J 1s 3/8" . 1 18 3/8"[391mmr [467mm BOX SECTION 5/8" [16mm [__ 16 3/4" I , [425mm~ 1~ 21 • [533mm] 24" -11 [610mm~ BOX SECTION 1 1/r [R3Bmm] FOR T WORTH LOGO IS OPTIONAL Revi s ed 3/21/2003 CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT 1000 THROCKMORTON ST FORT WORTH, TX 76102 817-871 -8240 FAX: 817 -871-8195 CLASS 'A' STANDARD PLASTIC METER BOX WITH CAST IRON LID FOR 3/4" & 1" METERS SCALE AS SHOWN I W"""' PLAN VIEW 15 J/16" (Ja6mm] 1 1/2" [RJ8mm) 28 J/t" [679mm)---------j (337mm] [JJ7mm] 1J 11·· II ,::i 11·· "H Ill/ I Ill ll W' I IZ, z I IZIW WI iZ 11111/Z~ 11 ZI 11/Z oyr COVER SECTION ::io· (762mm] 27" [686mm] 1 J/t" [-Hmm] I 1 J/t" _[ [«mm] ··l'lllw _111 5/18" ~ [8mm] 12· (305mm] ~-~-J 25" [635mm] BOX SECTION ---,,_. / 18" [.S7mm) ,/ I I -~_J_ 15 7/16" [392mm] ----------~~-- BOX SECTION FORT WORTH LOGO IS OPTIONAL J" H" [76mm] (3 56mm] I ... [102mm] Revised 3/21/2003 CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT 1000 THROCKMORTON ST FORT WORTH, TX 76102 817 -871 -8240 FAX: 817-871-8195 CLASS 'B ' STANDARD PLASTIC METER BOX WITH CAST IRON LID FOR 1-1/2" & 2" MET ERS SCALE AS SHOWN 5/8" [16mm 2· [R51mm) 3/4" LEITERING COVER SECTION (RECESSED FLUSH) ~ I, , , "·, ·, r 'J COVER SECTION 18 7/8"------t, 1 1/2" [ 479mm] _[ [38mm) 1~ ·, I COVER SECTION ·, '/ ?I 2 0 1/4"~-~---j 1-----[514mm] BOX SECTION BOX SECTION FORT WORTH LOGO IS OPTIONAL 18 3/8" [467mm] Revised 3/21/2003 CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT 1000 THROCKMORTON ST FORT WORTH, TX 76102 817-871 -8240 FAX: 817-871-8195 CLASS 'C' STANDARD PLASTIC METER BOX WITH CAST IRON LID FOR 2 -3/4" METERS SCALE AS SHOWN MINIMUM 6" IN I TIAL---............... - BACKFILL COVER MINIMUM 6"--+-+=r-.....-r=- EM8EDMENT TYPE "C" BACKFILL SEE SPEC . E1-2 .4 G.C.D. SAND MATER IAL EMB EOMENT & INITIAL BAC KFILL SEE SPEC. El-2.J G.C .D. WATER: SIZE S UP TO AND INCLUDING 12" MIN IMUM IN ITIAL B ACKFILL COVER : --~~-..:::i TYPE "C" B ACKFIL L SEE SPEC . El -2. 4 G.C.D. WATER -6" SEWER -12" STORM DRA IN -12"' •"~:-:---._~CRUSHED STO NE OR SAND MATERIAL INITIAL BACKF ILL SEE SPEC . E1-2 .4(b) OR El-2.3 G.C.D. M I NIM UM 6 "--++=+!-.r-"-_.__,.,.-----.. EMBED MENT CR USHED STONE SEE SPEC. El -2. 3 G.C.D . SAND GRADATION plEVE SIZE 7. RETAINED #200 100 P.I. = 8 OR LESS CRUSHED STONE GRADATION SIEVE SIZE , .. 3/4" 3/8" #4 #8 % RETA INED 0 0 -15 55-90 90-100 95-100 WATER: SIZES 16" AND LARGER . SEWER: ALL SIZES STORM DRAIN: ALL SIZES MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS THE EMSEDME NT AND BACKF ILL DETA ILS PROVIDED ON TH IS SHEET SHALL REPL ACE APPROPRIATE PROVISIONS OF BO TH THE E1-2.4(b) AN D El-2 .3 OF THE G.C.D. AND STD. SPEC . ITEM 402 OF THE TPW STAND ARD SPEC IFI CATION S FOR STREET &: STORM DRA IN CO NSTRUCTION . ALL OTHER PR OVISIONS OF THESE ITEM S SHALL APPLY. WATER, SEWER & STORM DRAIN EMBEDMENT AND BACKFILL DETAILS 5 ' MIN . EXISTING BASE (IF ANY) NOTES: CLASS "A" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT RE PLACEMENT TO THE NEAREST JOINT OR CURB. EXISTING CONCRETE JOINT j . tJl't f?if,,:"}:;:!:;H; 12 ~ .• •·. · PIPE \" :.· . . ·.··1 i: .. ·. : .. ·;. :.-~~~~.; TRENCH REPAIR W/REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT TYPICAL SECTION EX ISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EX IST ING CU RB 1. FLOWABLE FILL MAY BE REQUIRED TO BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS AND IS OPTIONAL IN OTHER AREAS. 3 . PLACE 6" OF 2 : 27 CONCRETE AS SHOWN. 1" OF REINFORCED IF FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED, A SEPERATE PAY ITEM WILL BE PROVIDED FOR SUCH. FOR STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION, BACKFILL SHALL MEET SPECIFIED ITEM 402 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION, CITY OF FORT WORTH . FOR WATER OR SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION.BACKFILL SHALL BE ~ER FIGURE A. 2 . REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE REPLACED TO ORIGINAL DEPTH, OR TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 5 " WHICHEVER IS GREATER . CONCRETE MAY BE SUBTITUTED FOR EVERY 2" OF 2 : 27 CONCRETE. 4. REINFORCEMENT OF CONCRETE MUST MEET CITY STANDARD OR MATCH EXISTING, WHICHEVER IS GREATER . 5. ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS TRENCH REPAIR W/REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT REV. 05/2006 DATE : 09/2004 2000-2 EXISTING CURB & GUTTER NOTES: TRENCH REPAIR LIMITS EXISTING HMAC PAVEMENT EXISTING BASE {IF ANY) BACKFILL MATERIAL (SEE NOTE /13) TRENCH REPAIR W/PERMANENT HMAC PAVEMENT AND NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE TYPICAL SECTION 1. PLACE A MIN. OF 2" HMAC SURFACE COURSE (TYPE "D" MIX) TO MATCH EXISTING HMAC PAVEMENT GRADE AS SHOWN. 2 . PLACE A MIN. OF B" 2 : 27 CONCRETE AS SHOWN . EXISTING CURB & GUTTER 3. FLOWABLE FILL MAY BE REQUIRED TO BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS AND IS OPTIONAL IN OTHER AREAS . IF FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED, A SEPERATE PAY ITEM WILL BE PROVIDED FOR SUCH . FOR STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION, BACKFILL SHALL MEET SPECIFIED ITEM 402 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION , CITY OF FORT WORTH. FOR WATER OR SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION.BACKFILL SHALL BE PER FIGURE A. 4 . ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET AND STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS PERMANENT ASPHALT PAVEMENT REPAIR WITH NON-REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE REV. 05/2006 DATE : 09/2005 2000-1A NOTES: 1. PROVIDE ADEQUATE OVERLAP OF PLATE ON ASPHALT TO ASSURE NO SLIPPAGE OF PLATE />NO NO COLLAPSING OF TRENCH--(EXISTING M.H. OR VALVE AT GRADE 2. IF TRENCH LENGTH IS LESS THAN 5-FEET AND STEEL PLATES WILL BE IN PLACE LESS THAN 48 HOURS, STEEL PLATES MAY BE PLACED DIRECTLY ON EXISTING ASPHALT WITHOUT -STEEL MILLING. PROVIDE TEMPORARY ASPHALT / PLATE TRN-ISIT.IONS EXTENDING J-FEET BEYOND EDGE OF STEEL PLATES . COLO MIX ' ' ' ' ' ' /coco wx \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '.·.) /,>,.\'., ;)·\'fi;\' \:,It\\\'/ I -(,.1._r ./,,(.. /\v//1\V/ TRENCH I I I I ~~ :.~;:_ ... %:-<"< ').. ......... /~> ~< ;;.~ // ;:;< ~~ .>--., -::::--.::. <..:_· <-: .. ..... > ·-:.''.~::-\\ ,·, '\ '.' ·\·.\ v. ·.·\VA _...-..'" -Vl/,\'y'/.:;.i)'l!\'//1, .., TYPE "A" MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAL OF CITY STANDARD DET~_L FOR TYPE "A" PLATING RECOMMENDED B~DATE: 2.-A \Sia\ GEORGE A.BEHMANESH, FORT WORTH ---~ ~ ~~~l]#" ~'U ASSIST NH DIRECTOR, TPW Rev . JJ., CITY OF FORT WORTH. TE X AS TRANSPORTATION/PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION TREI\JCH STEEL PLATE MILL 1" FOR STEEL PLATE . PACK JOINT WITH COLD MI X / APPROVED BY : --------DATE : ___ _ HUGO MALANGA DIRECTOR, TPW FIG 2000-5 \ ·, · X :":fft;}:i:}ijtf~f ~ty~t;~'.tJs~,'.~tf .. :~~ .. EXISTING PIPE · .. ~-:· VERTICAL TIE DOWN BLOCKING (TYP) WATER DIP WATER MAIN {PIPE SIZE VARIES) ·-/=,;~·· ... ;. PIPE 0.0. 2'-0# "MIN. MIN. DIP SEWER PIPE 6# / -(PIPE SIZE . VARIES) ·a--··· .... ~o ~, '· •._, ...... · .· . ... ..... ·~ ... : CONCRETE CRADLE (TYP) LIN£ ADJUSTMENT DETAIL - N.T.S. ;;JJ1{~~f !t?\- /{/~{;;tJtiX;····,:: -----©---- ------n-----,r-----,~~-· ----·-----------,:d.' r. , 1 J I •-<. I N II.'~ t/ .. .. . ':,.1 -.. ,., : ·. \.,.., I, ,1 ; ', I I _L ·~ .,.. ... ... I~ 1 ·1 ~=c : · r ··J . 1!!..·~· ,·,:•.•:• •• • ~ .• ~--.·::-Oc:· ,,,. . ·~· , J I I I I • I -., ,,-,,-,...-------.,:1--1, I ,"i'~,1· ... ~·---·,i I ' l'.r'L -----. - - - --- ---'=:::t ---i':=:::: - -.1 .... ,:,,:- I : 6-Q" M"----,---® MATER I AL LI ST 3/4 11 81 11 WATER SERVI CE Fl G U·RE .. ··2 ~= ©-;- . -- 3/4 11 or 111 a s app I i cab I e Standard Corpora \lon Stop Standard Curb Stop & 90° Elbow. Meter Bo x and Meter to be lnst a l led by Other Service Line Blue Vinyl Tap e , 311 \'/Ide, 6 1'1 a bove g round Area to be b a ckfilled with sand DETAIL E l-17 /1 a t e rlal E2 - I 7 Con st ru c:·t 1 o n Roadway Base If Valve Operating ~ut i s More Than 3 1 Below Pave- ment Surface -Provide Extension Stem To l I Below Pavement Surface. .Detail Pertains to All Gate Valve ·s ·izes 4 11 Thru 12 11 Main r n, I I _L_ ...l... .:::...,-,-.:.. I I I ...... ,,,.;.-,···· .. ·. ·o · a· ' ........ ··q .. . .. . . ... ·a· ... e,2}~~~:.0.-.• ·~ •·.·. "::· ···.~· ~-.. :C?'· ·· .. '?~.~·-.· :,.: ~"""··.~~·.; •••• J : .•• ·:··· •• ,·.·O '. o ... .., u 0 .. ·: .·.'·· ~ ~'Y) ·o · ....... ·o .. o ·. . .. -··a . <"".··· .· ··a··o·· O · .·.-.•.•. · · .. ··= . ,.>, •. :;,: .•. ·;f: > . .,/ ·::' ····o ..-.:·:::>,~·. ;:::·: ~-j).· ~~\~~ ............ q_ ...... ·'!.-:., .. !-?,; .. '.:· .. "··.·, •• , .•. ·-~.·-.. ·.-~a.,\·.:·:. McKinley Iron and Steel Co., No. YB5 three piece valve box or equal • ..-.~~-Gate Valve -----+---+-1------ttt- . r 1 AND BOX 1 TYPICAL GATE VALVE EXTENSION STEM DETAIL I --· . 1-1-78 FIGURE 3 E I -10 Mater i a 1 E 2-/0 Construction . ( r \ .•• -.. \ I '-, '; ,, \. .-/· . l rJ >..__---v--r---""R.~ 2 11.(n Square S_tock w/ I" · Dia. Hole Oril~'d Through. > V 2 "~ Squaro Stock w / I i, Dia. Holt Drili.d ThrouQh l"'"'C'Olr,,-'1r-~ ---1 I I I I I I Ii, ' -X 45°Chamfer 8 RECENED . MP..'( 5 19S6 r 2 11t 1/4 -o Varies Note,: =,,.-. II 1. t RCMd Bar 6 2 $qua,' per ATSM A-toa.:e1a. SAE l~O, Q.;>l<I 0r'1wn ~ Bttltt,. . 2. 2 1/2°Tubing per AT~M -A-~1,~79,SAE 1020, . Cold Pr~~P ?."" ~tttr, 3. All weldJ lhali comply with A.W.$. Code fQr proc,4w•. appearonc, ,A.ltd Q~qUt 1 gt ~i. -... :.· VALVE STEM EXTENSION FIGURE 3A ~/86 . f "''¥4 I I~ 41 I -r·· Concrete __ ..... Blocking Main----.... 6 11 Lead from Hains-. 12 11 an4 Larger to Gate Valve ::·l:Exi sting or Proposed Curb : ... :•. J . . . ... ;: ~ •:: : . ,.,., . .. . . . . ~ ·. : : ·.'A· .. Bottom Rest Concrete Block ins Fire, Hydrant .._ __ Exercise care to avoid Plugging Drain HolE.. Wit h Concrete Existing or Proposed Cur~~-------, Pavement or Other Surface-----. Fir e Hyc:ra,t to be Set Plum b Trench----. Anchoring Coup· I i n9 tor Connec- tion off of Con- crete Pipe 12 11 Diameter and Lar3er * Bury Depth: (1) 3 1 -611 for Cast Iron P i pe (2) 5'-CJI' f 6 r A-C Pipe Ref. FI gure 6 2 1 -6 11 Fire Hydrant L€:ad ----Vari as-------<~ STANDARD ---Park~·:ay E~tension Barrel and Stem for Extra Bury Depth if Necessary Minimum 7 C.F. Grave l Proportionally Around Ba5 c Bloc k i:i,; Fl RE Hf-DR ANT DETAIL . i-1'..:7~ -:. E1-12 Mal FIGURE 5 E2-12 Const C;. I ~ ' : P i pe S i ze 411 611 8" I 1 011 I I 211 I l 6 11 20" 24 11 30 11 I 36 11 4z ,1 48 11 ·54" NOTES: 11[11 . NOTE: Bea r ing Areas shown are based on 150 P.S.J.G test pressure and 3000 p.s.F. soil bearing value. 1500 # Concrete - X Bend ~1500# Concrete i.--:: HORIZONTAL BLOCKING TABLE . ':',Dimension 11 X11 Hay Vary If Necessary To Provide Bearing Against Undisturbed Trench Wal J x-,·. Di rn. Ft. 1 .. l. 5 ]. s ]. 5 1. 5 2 2 2 2.5 2.S 1 3 li. 0 11" -15 1 22° -30 1 45° 90° Tee & Plug .: rll n. 1'\dX (MI n. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. ~Min. Ma 1 f "A II Arf'.c Vol II RI I IAn•a Vol II C" Area Vol. 1101'1 Area Vol. II F II rPa 1/n .90 .8c .05 ,95 .90 .05 .95 .90 .05 .91 .82 .05 I . 16 • 5E .os • 90 :ac .09 ,g5 .90 .os l.05 1. 10 .05 1.73 l. 99 .05 I. 19 1.41 .05 ,90 . 8( .05 .95 .90 .05 1.41 2.00 .05 I .86 3.47 . I 1.57 2.4E . I .90 .8( .05 J. 26 I .60 .05 I. 79 3.20 . 1 2. 18 S.b2 • 2 J.99 3. 9t • 15 I. 10 I . 2C .OS I .48 2 .10 . I 2. 14 4.50 .2 2.83 e.oo . 3 2.38 5.65 . 2 1.41 2.0C . 1 2.00 4.oo . l 2.83 8.00 .4 3.75 ¥+. 1 0 .6S 3. 16 10.00 . 5 I. 77 3. 10 .2 2 .54 6.20 .3 3.52 12.40 . 6 4. 70 !2.00 1. 15 3.94 15. 55 .75 2. 14 4.so .25 3.00 9.00 ,5 4.25 18.10 .95 s.65 3l. 00 1.85 -4. 76 22. 60 l. 05 2. 66 . 7. 1 O .55 3.78 14.20 l.O 5.30 28.20 1 .75 7.05 ~S.80 3.4 -5.91 JS.33 2. 1 J.JJ 10. 00 .7S 4.50 20.40 1.4 6.36 ~0.80 2.65 a.so 72.00 s. 1 '7 .20 :ii • 00 2.95 1. 72 11. Rn I. 2 c;. ?c; nJ,o 2 2 7 41 ~c;_ 10 4 1 Q,Qn :n c;n 7 . Cl .... 8. 30 €9. 00 4. 75 4 . 38 18. JO 1. 6 6.oo 1ti.OO 2.9 8 .48 7Z..OO 5 .4 11. 14 la:i.SO 10.4 q. so C{J .o '.l 6..1 t; 4.00 ~2.5c 14.00 6.-70 45.00 7.00 • 9.40 8aoo 10.00 13. 00 1620( 16. QC 10.7CJ1SOJl2 .0C Minimum areas shown are in square feet. Volumes shown are in cubic yards. 1 Vert;ical dimensions of all block bearing areas shall be Identical to the · horizontal dimension shown. HORIZONTAL BLOCKING DETAIL I l -1-78 I Fl GU RE 9 E - l -2 O Ma t e r i a 1 E-2-20 Construction 1500# Trench width: l. Pipe 24 11 i,d. and smaller= 24 11 or o.d. + 12 11 whichever is greater, 2, Pipe larger than 2411 = o.d. of Pipe If''·:., + }81 1 , \;' "1it.;.!. 3, Cradle shall extend a min. o f 6 1' beyond each side of pipe. RUBBER GASKET JOINT M. J. Bell-Bell Bend 1500# Concrete Keep a min. of 1 1 -oti clearance between cone. and joints or bo1tsonC.I. Pipe. or in excess of 1 1 -0 11 as detailed. 1-1-78 • 4) . . a. ~--. • c... _........,..._ 4. --_ ......_-++-+-..----.,-..-~ ..-j~ 0 . 0 -I ~I BELL AND SPIGOT . JOINT MECHANICAL JOINT Main --¢.------,,..---- Note: When cr~dle is shown a~ specified for installation CRADLE DETAIL on concrete pipe the ful 1 joint length of the pipe or fitting shall be cradled. c: FIGURE 10 E 1-20 Materials E 2-20 Construction (:..:, F ·:._ (~. Class 11 6 11 (2500#) #'-l Steel Bar Wrap pipe with 15# roofing felt Form as necessary ........ . C: .,... ....... . re .,... Cl ,- re C: .,... E 0 :z QJ 0. .,... c.. BENDS *Vol. Req'd. A 6 B C *Vol. Req'd. A 8 B C *Vol. Req 'd. A 10 B C *Vol. Req'd. A 12 B C B goo 45° 221/2° C.F. 39.99 21.64 11.03 Ft. 2.50 1.42 l.O Ft. 4.0 3.88 3.36 Ft. 4.0 3.88 3.36 C.F. 71.09 38.47 l 9. 61 Ft. 2.83 l.67 1.5 Ft. 5.0 4.8 3.66 Ft. 5.0 4.8 3.66 C.F. 111. 07 60 . 11 30.65 Ft. 3.25 l.92 1. 75 Ft. 5.9 5.6 4.25 Ft. 5.9 5.6 4.25 C.F. 159.94 86.56 44. 13 Ft. 4.17 2.42 1.42 Ft. 6.2 6.0 5.54 Ft. 6.2 6.0 5.54 *Volume calculated on the basis of concrete Keep concrete clear of pipe joints and bolts 11 1/4' 5.54 0.75 2.75 2.75 9.85 1.0 3.2 3.2 15.40 1. 5 - 3.25 3.25 22.17 l. 25 4.2 4.2 reacting thrust on the respective bends under an internal pressure of 150 psig at the rate of 150 lb. wt. per cu. ft. of concrete . . EXAMPLE A VERTICAL TIE-DOWN FIGURE BLOCK I I 1-1-78 DETAIL El -20 Materi a 1 E2-20 Construction 1-1-78 Grout over exposed · steel straps Keep concrete clear of pipe joints and bolts -, NOTE= EXAMPLE Quantities will be specified on plans or directed by Engi- neer. B Bar Steel Straps In variable quantity depending on thrust. --Form as ~--Necessary 2500# concrete ...--~:..:i.-#4 bars both ways 6 11 c/ C j VERTICAL TIE-DOWN BLOCK / . FIGURE 12 El-20 Material E2-20 Construction \ I 1-1-78 Keep Concrete Clear of Pipe Joints and Bolts u = -w #4 Steel Bar Straps in variable quantity depend- ing on thrust. .-------Provide Forming as Necessary Concrete #4 Bars Both Ways 6 11 c/c NOTE: Quantities wi 11 be specified on detai 1 plans or directed by the Engineer EXAMPLE C VERTICAL TIE-DOWN BLOCK FIGURE 13 E 1-20 '·laterial E 2·20 Construction Exlstlng Surhce ~----Ci)----= ~Existing Sewer Line r - ---rr---rr-.--1.-~--1.-----r - -~ --"-\ ~------~~-· ~ CD 0 Proposed Water ~ln Variable trench width. Pi~ length shall be me~sured as standard trench width, (Ref. E 2-2.16), plus four feet. (4 1 ). No joints will be all~d within this dimension. A minimum bearing of 2~11 shall be required on each side of the trench, Sewer 1 Jncs less than twelve inches (12 11 ) In diameter shal 1 be replaced with Class 150 cast iron pipe or supported and encased by a reinforced concrete beam per Figure 2.li. Sewer. service 1 lnes shall be replaced with extra strength cast iron son pipe. r-. joining of cast iron pipe to clay or concrete pipe shall be made with ~000# concrete collars per Figu r e 112, or with approved adaptors. The entire area excavated to accomplish the replacement shall be completely backfilled with crushed 1imesto1n e and thorough l y compacted to 90% Proctor Modified Density. @ The minimum clea r ance of sewer to water 1 ines shal 1 be six inches (6 11 ) • SANITARY -sEWER PIPE . . REPLACEMENT DETAIL 1-1-78 FIGURE 23 E 1-7 · E 2-2 Materi a 1 s Construct ion NOT ES: CD 0 Q) ® © (j) 6 11 bl ind flange tapped 211 with 2 11 brass plug. 125# pattern blind flange drilled and tapped for 6 11 bl ind flange. 6 11 bl ind flange attached with bronze bolts. Gaskets shal 1 be full faced as otherwise required in E 2-~. Lifting lugs shal 1 be provided in quantities s fficient to loft and handle the flange as a balanced load. A tach the 125# pattern bl ind flange with steel bolts and bronze nuts then cover with cement grout after installation. 125# pattern flange, unless · required otherwise. FI anges and b I ind f 1 anges to be designed to wi thstand pressure rating of pipe. Wye branch to be one size larger than, but tapered to standard run normal diameter unless otherwise specified. S l andard run diameter. STANDARD . C L .. E AN I NG WYE DE TA I L Material Speciflc~tio~ E 1-~ Constructio, S·pecificatio·· E 2-!i 1-1-78 FIGURE 28 ·-... 1-1-78 When a fire hydrant is located at end of Ka i n s 611 an d 8 1 1 i n d ; a me t e r , wy e may be om i t t e d Contractor will make a reasonable effort to prevent back-flow of purged water (See E2-24) Flo.w- EXTEND PIPE RISER GROUND LEVEL CAP ·'AFTER DITCH BEEN DE\./ATERED "' .._~~I. Install HJ Wye at terminal end of main 2. Closure on A-C pipe wi 11 require 11 Ring-Tight 11 to plain end adapter in addition to MJ Wye · 3, Block Wye streight run end plug 4. After cleaning with "Pol ly-Pig11 install branch end plug. CLEANING WYE DETAIL FOR NON -LOOPED ·sYSTEM 1211 AND UNDER FIGURE 29 El-7 Material E2-7 Const r.,uc t ion 2.25" --- ~ I 2.25" --- 0 I -N 1-. 50 "--- 3" 1= PMS 167-_,C.Q.P-PER} /= PM£ 288 (BLl:JE) ;--PMS 288 (BLUE} \ · I 8 1 -0" f \ \ 3'-1.50" \ I \ I I I I 3" I/four Water 3" I • Founds In Action -----+--- .3.75" :: 0 I -.-- 3. 75" 0 I -N 4.5" 1 .50"___ / Information about Fort Worth ~astewater program, call 332-8180 1 . 50 .. ___ '------,.---,.-,.--,--..-------------'..,...,._---------......---.-......-----/,---' ------ WHITE _; L PMS 288 (BLUE) PROJECT SIGN Figure 30 0 I ,q- 0. 0 I-.c ..... C ~ Cl L. C cu u C ::, cu "'O 0. cu 0 a:: cu I.. -0 0 .c . C .µ ltJ (·1 C L , - 0 Ill I ..... Vl ~ --X -'° 0 I I ....... N NOTE: - 1-1-78 I ------,J I I C :c -ex, I N 1. This structure to be used only where pipe size is 39 11 or larger 2. 2'x3 1 opening in pipe to be fabricated at pipe plant and not in field, except when construction is on existing system PLAN VIEW OF TYPE 11A11 ACCESS MANHOLE 2500 Pound Concrete Encasement FIGURE IOI E 1 -14 Mater i a 1 (See Fi q. 1 02) E 2-14 Construction / Concrete ~~~~~~-c. I . Manhole Steps -See Standard 4' Diameter M. H. .F 1 gs, 1 03 d 41_ II 2 1 -011 I NOTE: i 1-1-78 This structure to be used only where pipe size is 39 11 or larger STANDARD TYPE ''A 11 MANHOLE FIGURE 102 TS" Center To Center Staggered The Construction Of The Manhole Above This Level Shall Be Identical To The Standard 4' Diameter M.H. 4# 4 Bars (See Plan of Type "A'' M.H. For ·The Installation Of Steel Bars And Addit i onal I n format i on) Pour Against Undistoabed Earth Or Wooden Forms Use 2500 Pound Concrete For Encasement ACCESS E 1-14 Material E 2-14 Construction ,,-. . . .. . ·1 ., ., .. , ·1 -,. ,t 0 Minimum 2rows preformed bifumasfic joint seahnt ( Ram-Nek or approYed ·' equal}. · ,A,/=ol'~'t'-1,c c~c-.rrrr~ or A.$ 7. M. c-r;!76' ;Pr<..J:'.;>SI r<r:.--/orctzd ;n.9n/Jo(a. Se.cl/on$ or a9v;;,(, Rq~· -E-2-14---~ A .. -··-------------~ .. ·~----,,-----#.;,.n/;o(< /'r~;n~ dnc/ c'~ -d,~. Coy~r, fZ9u,p( ~o .,(ft',.k'tn (~y k-)t:EI! ./rcn. ~o.r;f,, FIGURE M~ ':d ,, 1}.'·: ,. .· .. . ~ ;. ':4 ... .4 ,, p-/ot. ,0/1C'. cr.;,d(c <z .. :dc.rrd lo /Jf/JC ~a (( * J/c9r/«o JV.-r.A clrj,~l<tr of' ,P<p~ G ~Pl.l"N. =.]_ ,:,;(\-·. ·: ... :.:·._:··:.: ~ ... ~1; .,..,. :, .. ·. ,o, •, . ·o-. yp· ·;,,· ... · ...... . .. .)/. )tr.·:.:/,\! ();.· . ..,.,0:1 ·?/~{~':· .. : ',•. ) . :::::·/:,<-:<± t!J''/-IJN. I ,, &:[} ,, B-~ STA A/PARO M4A/#aL E ( PraC'.P.fl 5Aow.,7) El-14 Material / ---.. :4-" 36. $I•«/ pt,r~ - / " provt' MNrA -~u-r!1-r. - I \ ~_... .. E /-/~ P"°"~~.-d' \ .!;,y rrr~,tl t:,t,n/,vctor I t"n~r;((,d .by ,S"p.,t/i''.;,,.. y --f--+---E===;/;===3---___;\;.-f-.=S:..tr_...,,_~r C'~,,f",-1,:-t'o,.. -/ I / (;.,ydc R,,~., ~ ro N pron::r',d lor ,n,r.,wt'&1t',on J!ly .rrr1~r e"ntr«r'Dr. ( Al"'t:. .nor' .r.,,,_,,.,,) .l#p .--r«-t ,Pl 11~ ~ -~~l1:1w ,-;;,,;s-A /YA? ~/cyo1r,o;r #a,,ro /<'rA,i:: c-r,..~c'c or A.S. 7. ;4f, c-~78 ,P~PS'I ~/~,-c~o' .-,Ahot'c. S'tlC't'ton4 or «9u.1t, Re~· -E-2 ·/~-----. P<!"R.,,WA -.s"TEP .#'/oo-2, er cz.puf I', oV1d ,r.1.JTfCr tr •I S.hON'/1 . i------ G,-ovt" "~ ,:,r«e:1.rt') .... -. : : : , ·.: ........ · ... :::· :~~-:.:.· .. :·:·•::·.··::::·.: ·~· ... . ,, •, ::-.:/· r . ... : . * -~:·: ·.· ,,.,,d'rA ("O/f~ c-r.;,dlc ~ ~. tZ.Xre!/1a' r'o .P"):;c ~~ If ,. .· .. L ,•/' . """""'"M~-+"M-... ':A,. ';,4 ·A ,, it J/1rt"•, wd'A d't~-,1,r l7f" ;t:HP' ... . .-:);)_: ..... ' .. ·. . ' ··. ~ . · .. i) ~ -di",;. ,"'or .S'C.N'~r " 0 ~'1 U_,P ./o 2/ • d,;. : -(Tl'd'. /or sewer (/itt up ro 39-did'. F9..EGU,.PE /0~ S7AA/PARP ,4,14A/#t7~E l-1-78 El-14 Material E2-14 Construction '------~.;AAo/'~ /'rJ,r,{l J;rd ?~ -d,i. ,,:wcr, (l~U,( to Al,k'rn l~y /ro" Jll'cr,tf,, #o.ANAAl,W'//A ,P,e',I, s~r.r or ,,~, Ao/~d'. Re,: E Z' ·/4' s ,Src (l r' ~rr,er'-~,// /,,,t'.r(( j -(·::;:rp:=:::=:i:::::::::::::::==fl:;.:~ ~ c;. -c "..r 8 x c~ -/. £J. ,,::,rr<:1$'r .\/ ... r~/,,/'orl"cd ('a,,c-r~t'c 9r4,t;"~ rt'ng$, ec.,,/or,,.,,";,9 to A .S. T#., C ,;t78, or ~?"'-'', -'"-1Y .b tl u,ed ,;.., /,~u al' .,!,r,ek e.,~r,"n.51 .,.,,d ,,,.,.,,.,Ao/c I I J/: / -~-· I (o/: .. t/d~ ;;,tr * ------/ l -:;·:. ::-91 l.·.< ... =.o, i·: :· '1 p ·· I ( I I rJ L) I 'It Prov,i:l,d .tly r'A, w,rcr ,,,er',,,,, ·r-1ry hA/Cr t:'0Hrr.7et""'" T4 ., 6<i"C cr'c,,j,,wrccr' ~y l'"~f' P".ot', C' ll"'or,1-.r Co,,,1/rvet'.L'o,, E,,.,.9,;,.,cirr . \ \' \: ..... h "--.ro.l"' or ('0"'1Cr~'Ca C'D/'~ \~}). ,c~e,°oA /5-oc/ow ,,;,,sh ,(.~··:.\ ,_,-.., c.<cv,yt-,iv1 . {!.:, ::: ~:.:.\ \ . '\ \ \ \ \ L, ) I l..J ;:-/6UR£ 10" $ TAA/PARP MdAINOLE 1-1-78 El-14 Material E2-14 Construction . ' ; ·78 /'4ANHOLE FRAME AND 24'~1A. COVER, EQUAL TO McKINLEY IRON WORKS NO .A24AM: (REF. E2-l4) • TOP OF CONCRETE CONE SECT I ON 15" BELOW FINISH RIM ELEVATION: (REF. FI GS. I 03 & l 04) • I I I I \ ,,,,. / I ' ' \ \ I NOTE: 1. PRECAST 4'DJA. CONE WITH STANDAP.D 300# MANHOLE COVER AND RING IN LIEU OF 24 11x40 11 SHALLO\.I MANHOLE(REF. FIG 106). 2. MANHOLE TO BE US ED WHE RE SE\.JER LJ NES ARE LESS THAN 6' DEEP. SHALLOW MANHOLE PRECAST CONE i=rr:LJRE 105 E J -! 4 ,"1A TER I AL E2-!4 CONSTRUCT I ON · ......... STREET DIRT Q. >- I-. 0 ("\I 8-#4 REBARS TYP. ---~ ./, USE 3000# CLASS /' A CONCRETE. •• ""' CONC. COLLAR HEIGHT VARIES .... 4 .0' 3 • TYP. 0 8 3/4" CHAKFER TYP. ... PVHT. PVHT. • • J ... --......~~-'~--I , " 2:27 ... . ... CASE J CASE 2 CASE J COLLAR SHALL EXTEND TO rao OF 2: 27 CONCRETE (REBAR REG.) CASE 2 COLLAR SHALL EXTEND 3 • BELOJ,/ BOTTOH OF LOJ,,'EST GRADE RING (REBAR REG.) · SECTION A FIGURE 121 CONCRETE MANHOLE DETAIL L3. 6" HIN. HINIHUH HEIGHT VARIES COLLAR E1-20. 21 HATERIAL E2-20. 21 CONSTR UCT IO ~ \ b \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ j u INS~RT ~/.il.N~O~E INS::RT, AS f,~AN!JF .t-.(:TU~ED SY SOiJTHWE:STERN P .t-0:ING, OR ;..=·?ROVED EOUAL. "t l 7 ). ri"''rc RrriT r, T T rJ"' Hh.1.C 111JD1 MA:NHOLE INSERT DETAIL NO SCALE CONCRETE COLLAR (PLAN VIEW) fERNCO FLEXIBLE COUPLING REQUIRED If EXISTING SERVICE IS PRESENT, OTHERY~SE PLUG. PROPERTY LINE~ I 4" CONCRETE COLLAR DOUBLE BAND STAINLESS STEEL COUPLING CONCRETE ANCHOR PAID FOR AS CLEANOUT DRIVEWAY PRODUCT INF ORMATION " from Stanley Roberts & Assoc., Information Subject To Change. • 'CITY Of FORT YIORTH STANDARD CL[ANOUT CAP (PVC OR CAST IRON) DESCRIPTION WEIGHT PART NO. COLD JOINT REQUIRED Cast Iron Lalerol Cleanout W/55 Bolls and Coupling Plosllc Sewer Lolerol Cleonout 1'1/55 Bolls ond Coupling 18 lbs 2 .25 lbs ATL-424 ATL-1524 BACKrtLL CLEANOUT STACK WITH APPROVED GRANULAR BACKFILL. 6" ALL AROUND 4" STACK (IRON OR PVC) TWO YIAY CL[ANOUT TE[ S0R-J5 OR SOR-25 S(R'<IC(, SLOP(-V>.Rl(S, 2,: UIN. SEWER MAIN CLEANOUT NOTES 1.) THE SWEEP TEE AND PIPE flTTINGS INSTALLED SHALL BE SOR-JS OR SOR-26 PVC MATERIAL. 2.)° CONNECTIONS TO TH[ EXISTING SERVICE SHALL BE >.CADE USING RUBBER SLE EVE COUPLINGS "'1TH STAINLESS STEEL DOUBLE BAND REPAIR SLEEVES . THE SLEEVES SHALL BE TIGHTENED TO THE TORQUE RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER . J .) THE EMBEDMENT MATERIAL USED SHALL BE SANO, GRAVEL OR OTHER APPROVED BEDDING MATERIAL. 4.) SLOPE Of THE SANITARY SEl'.'[R SERVICE SHALL BE A MINU.lUM Of 2 PERCENT. 5.) IN HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS (STREETS, DRIVEWAYS. SIDEWALKS & WALKWAYS) SER\IICE CLEANOUT STACK ANO CAP SHALL BE OF CAST IRON . 6.) IN NON-TRAFFIC AREAS SERVICE CLEANOUT STACK ANO CAP SHALL BE PVC MATERIAL. 7.) CONCRETE USED AROUND CL[ANOUT ASSEMBLY SHALL B[ S SACK, J,000 PSI ~IIX. B.) PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SOR -JS OR SDR-26 PVC WHEN NOT IN HIGH TRAfflC AREAS. CAST IRON \PROPERTY LINE CLEANOUT -------REQUIRED MA TERI AL PVC CLEANOUT SIDEWALK ~ I I DRIVEWAY APPROACH STREET \ \ CURB '::i= CAST IRON CLEANOUT BOOT PVC OR CAST IRON CLEANOUT CAP SDR-35 on SDR-26 TWO WAY CL[ANOUT TEE SDR-35 OR SDR-26 SER\IICE AND RISER PIPE DOUBLE BAND REPAIR/TRANSITION COUPLINGS 5 S~CK, :IOOD PSI (CLASS B) CONCRETE SAND OR GRAVEL BEDDING MA TERI AL TWO WAY SERVICE CLEANOUT SIDEWALK CURB STREET PVC CLEANOUT BOOT -_-_:x:·::· .. -· .. -; ~-~ .: .---::·. ~ :.i_=~· . ___ :.. .·.:· ..• ..:."':'~~-":' .-···,:-;".:'l.· •· . ~-. . -:-~: · .. COMPACTED CLAY OR 2-SACK CONC. E==~~====:! r 3' MIN . I T . \_SEWER MAIN CLAY DAM PROFILE N.T.S. .!.-, , , .. ~-111 · .. -111 · -111 I 111 . CLAY DAM SECTION . N.T.S. WASTEWATER CLAY DAM CONSTRUCTION ' i i i j I ' i I t [ i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DA TE: FEB. 1995 PROJECT: FTW93213 ) APPENDICES APPENDIX A ROADWAY CORE RESULT MA Y-05-20 05 THU 10:0 7 AM Ci Ly Of Fw-E nginee r. De pl FAX NO . 817 871 6828 CITY OF FORT WORTH WASTEWATER PROGRAM 900 Monroe S treet, Suite 201 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 FAX TRANSMITTAL Date: 05 /05 /05 To : Freese and Nichols Attn.: Mr. Daniel Stoutenberg, E .T.T. From: M ike Domenech, P.E. Subject: Soil Lab Results Tel: (817) 3923-6826 Fax : (817) 871-6828 Fax No : (817) 735-7492 Reference : Thompson Road Project DOE No . 4210 No. of pages: 8 (Including Cover) Herein please find a copy of the soil lab results for subject project. Review the results ru,d incorporate the changes, if ruiy, into the plans. Also, please see to providing me with three (3) half size copies of the plans to distribute to T &PW. If you have any questions or need additional cla1ification, please contact me at (817) 392- 6826. If you do not receive all pages, or i fthere arc any problems with this transaction, please call Dot Birdow at (817) 392-6055 . M icro~oft wo rd\f:u:rr o.n ~.doc MA 'i'-05-2005 10 : 24 '37 % P. 01 MAY-05-2005 THU 10:07 AM Ci ty Of Fw-E ngin eer. Dept FAX NO. 817 871 6828 CITY OF FORT WOETH CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LABORATORY RESULTS FOR TEST HOLE AND PLASTICITY INDEX PROJECT: WATER & SEWER REPLACEME NT DOE NO.: 4210 FUND CODE: 00/02 HOLE# 1 LAB NO: LOCATION: 8133 FLOWER TREE E/4 7.50" CONCRETE (COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 6921 9.00" BROWN SANO W/GRAVEL 7.00" YELLOWISH BROWN CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 34.0 PL: 17.5 PI: MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 7/2 LIGHT GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT APPROVAL: ~-~ ~ERIY DATE TESTED: 04-19-05 DATE REPORTED: 05-02-05 TESTED BY: ODEN 52498 PSI) 16.5 SHRKG: 9.0% ROUTING ABE CALDERON MIKE DOMENECH FILE P. 02 ••-•• -... ,., ~-~.,.:...-.:.,, I r ,:L.-••~•·'I ____________ _ MA '(-05-2005 10 : 25 97% P .02 MAY -05-2005 THU 10:07 AM Ci Lr Of Fw-E nginee r. Dep L FAX NO. 817 871 6828 CITY OF FORT WO~TH CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LABORATORY RESULTS FOR TEST HOLE AND PLASTICI'I'Y INDEX PR ©JECT: WATER & SEWER REPLACEMENT DOE NO. : 4210 FUND CODE· 00/02 ·1 . HOLE# 1 LAB NO: 52500 LOCATION: N/4 THOMPSON RD. 30' EAST OF FLOWER TREE 5.00" HMAC 4.00" GRAVEL 7.00 11 BROWN SAND W/GRAVEL 7.00" GRAY SANDY CLAY ~TTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 49.0 PL: 25.7 PI: 23.3 SHRKG: ~NSELL COLOR CHART: 5/2 GRAYISH BROWN CLAY IT WEIGHT: 146.0 :~/CFT OLE# 2 LAB NO: 52501 OCATION: S/4 THOMPSON RD. 230' EAST OF FLOWER TREE 8.50" HMAC 4.50" BROWN SAND W/GRAVEL 9.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL f TTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 37.7 PL: 14.1 PI: 23.6 SHRKG: ;UNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/3 BROWN CLAY NIT WEIGHT: N/A ~/=/CFT ¥OLE# 3 LAB NO: 52502 i ocATION: 3789 THOMPSON RD. N/4 1 0.50" HMAC 16.50" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAV EL 6.00" DARK BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRJI.VEL 1 TTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 36.7 PL: 22.8 PI: 13.9 SHRKG: ;UNSELL COLOR CHART: 4/2 DARK GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY NIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT HOLE# 4 LAB NO: 52503 l OCATION: 3781 THOMPSON RD. S/4 8.75" HMAC 8.00" BROWN SAND W/GRAVEL 6.25" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ~TTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 28.1 PL: 16.3 PI: 11. 8 SHRKG: ~UNSELL COLOR CHART: 6/3 PALE BROW N SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT MA'r'-05-2005 10 : 2 5 97% P. 03 13.0% 11. 0% 9.0% 8.0% P.03 MAY -05 -2 005 THU 10 :07 AH Cily Of Fw-En gin eer. Depl FAX NO. 817 87 1 6828 P. 04 2 DOE# 4210 HOLE# 5 LAB NO: 52504 LOCATION: 3775 THOMPSON RD. N/4 6.00" HMA.C 6.00" YELLOWISH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 4.00" DARK BROWN CLAY 4.00" BROWN CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 31. 0 PL: 18.3 PI: 12.7 SHRKG: 9.0~ MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/3 BROWN SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT HOLE# 6 LAB NO: 52505 LOCATION: 3735 THOMPSON .RD. S/4 6.00" HMAC 6.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 8.00" OAK BROWN CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 29.S PL: 17.6 PI: 11. 9 SHRKG: 7.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/2 GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT HOLE jt, 7 LAB NO: 52506 LOCATION: CL OF THOMPSON RD. 40' EAST OF MALIBU SUN DR. 3.25" HMAC 5.75" YELLOWISH BROWN SA NDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 9.00" DARK BROWN CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 35.8 PL: 20.9 PI: 14.9 SHRKG: 9.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHAR T: 5/2 GRAYISH BB.OWN SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 140.0 #/CFT HOLE 1~ 8 LAB NO: 52507 LOCATION: 3625 THOMPSON RD. N/4 7.50" HMAC 5.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 3.50" DARK BROWN CLAY 4.00" BROWN CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 36.7 PL: 21.1 PI: 15.6 SHRKG: 11. 0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/2 GRAYISH BROWN CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: NIA ·lf /CFT HOLE f 9 LAB NO: 52508 LOCATION: 3575 THOMPSON RD. S/4 3.50" HMAC 6.00" REDDISH BROWN CLAY W/GAAVEL 10.50" DARK BROW N CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 38.6 PL: 23.6 PI: 15.0 SHRKG: 11.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/2 GRAYISH BROWN CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 142.0 #/CFT MA Y-05-2005 10:25 97% P.04 MAY-05-20 05 THU 10:07 AH Ci t y Of Fw-Engineer. Derl FAX NO. 817 871 6828 DOE# 4210 HOLE# 10 LAB NO: 52509 LOCATION: N/4 THOMPSON RD. 60' EAST OF OLD DENTON RD. 5.00" HMAC 6.00" BROWN SAND W/GRAVEL 3.00" BROW N SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 6.00" DARK BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBORG LIMITS: LL: 31. 0 PL: 16.1 PI: 14.9 SHRKG: 9.0% MONSELL COLOR CHART: 6/2 LIGHT BROWNISH GRAY SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT AP I ROVAL: DATE TESTED: 04-19-05 DA TE REPORTED: 05-02-05 TESTED BY: ODEN ROUTING ABE CALDERON MIKE DOMENECH FILE P. 05 3 -··· ·---~---------------------------------- MR'(-0 5-2005 10: 25 97% P.05 MAY-05-2005 THU 10:07 AM Cit, Of Fu-Engineer. Dept FAX NO. 817 871 6828 CITY OF FORT WORTH CONSTRUC 'XION SERVICES LABORATORY RESULTS FOR ~EST HOLE AND PLASTICITY INDEX PROJECT: WATER & SEWER REPLACEMENT DOE NO.: 4210 FUND CODE: 00/02 HOLE# 1 LAB .NO: 52510 LOCATION: W/4 OF OLD DENTON RD. 10' NORTH OF THOMPSON RD. 6.00" HMAC 15.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 32.2 PL: 28.8 PI: 3.4 SHRKG: 2.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/3 BROWN SAND UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT HOLE# 2 LAB NO: 52511 LOCATION: P./4 OF OLD DENTON RD. 210' NORTH OF THOMPSON RD. 4.00" HMAC 2.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 4.00" GRAVEL 5.00" DARK BRQWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 6.50" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBORG LIMITS: LL: 37.9 PL: 20.2 PI: 17.7 SHRKG: 10.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/2 GRAYISH BROWN CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT HOLE# 3 LAB NO: 52512 LOCATION: 8300 OLD DENTON RD. W/4 6.00" HMAC 3.00" GRAVEL 13.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMI TS: LL: 33.7 PL: 16.0 PI: 17.7 SHRKG: 10.0 % MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/2 GRAYISH BROWN CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT HOLE# 4 LAB NO: 52513 LOCATION: 8360 OLD DENTON RD. E/4 5.00" HMAC 15.00" BROWK SAND W/GRAVEL 7.00" GRAYISH BROWH SA NDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 39.4 PL: 23.1 PI: 16.3 SHRKG: 14.0% MUNSE LL COLOR CHART: 4/1 DARK GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT MAY -05-2005 10 :25 9 7 % P. 06 P.06 i I I· ' ; I I MA Y-05-2005 THU 10:07 AM Cily Of Fw-Engineer, Depl FAX NO. 817 871 6828 P. 07 2 DOE# 4210 HOLE# 5 LAB NO: 52514 LOCATION: 8496 OLD DENTON RD. W/4 5.00" HMAC 10.00" BROWN SAND W/GRAVEL 7.00" GRAYISH BROWN CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 38.6 PL: 24.8 PI: 13.8 SHRKG: 11.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/2 BROWNISH GRAY SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT HOLE# 6 LAB NO: 52515 LOCATION: 8515 OLD DENTON RD. E/4 6.00" HMAC 4.00" GRAVEL 6.50" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 7.00" DARK BROWN SANDY CLAY ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 42.1 PL: 21. 3 PI: 20.8 SHRKG: 11. 0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 4/1 DARK GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: 146.0 #/CFT HOLE# 7 LAB NO: 52516 :r.,ocATION: STA. 12+00 OLD DENTON RD. W/4 7.75" HMAC 7.00" BROWN SAND W/GRAVEL 8.00" GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL fi-TTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 46.3 PL: 26.8 PI: 19.5 SHRKG: 13.0% ~UNSELL COLOR CHART: 6/2 LIGHT BROWNISH GRAY CLAY PNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT t OLE # 8 LAB NO: 52517 OCATIQN: 8755 OLD DENTON RD. E/4 9.00" HMAC 5.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 6.00" GRAYSH BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 57.4 PL: 29.7 PI: 27.7 SHRKG: 1s.oi ~UNSELL COLOR CHART: 6/2 LIGHT BROWNISH GRAY CLAY NIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT HOLE# 9 LAB NO: 52518 LOCATION: 8905 OLD DENTON RD. W/ 4 15.00" HMAC 5.00" GRAVEL i o.OO" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 38.5 PL: 22.0 l?I: 16.5 SHRKG: 10.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5/4 YELLOWISH BROWN CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A jf/CFT DOE# 4210 MAY-05-2005 H:J:25 97% P.07 MAY -05-2 00 5 THU 10 :07 AM Ci Ly Of Fu-E ng i neer. Depl FAX NO. 817 87 1 6828 HOLE# 10 LAB NO:. 52519 LOCATION: STA. 6+75 OLD DENTON RD. E/4 6.00" HMAC 6.25" GRAVEL 7.75" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 30.9 PL: 21. 7 PI: 9.2 SHRK<:;: 4.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 4/2 DARK GRAYISH BROWN SANDY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT HOLE# 11 LAB NO: 52520 LOCATION: STA. 25+22 OLD DENTON RD. W/4 8.00" HM.AC 6.00" GRAVEL 9.00" BROWN SAND W/GAAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 56.6 PL: 24.3 PI; 32.3 SHRKG: 14.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: ~/1 GRAY CLAY UNIT WEIGHT: N/A ,~/CFT HOLE# 12 LAB NO: 52521 LOCATION: E/4 OF OLD DENTON RD. 40' NORTH OF SHIVER 7.00" HMAC 6.00" GRAVEL 8.00" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL ATTERBORG LIMITS: LL: 29.2 PL: 26.1 PI: 3.1 SHRKG: 3.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 5 /2 GRAYISH BROWN SAND UNIT WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT HOLE# 13 LAB NO: 52522 LOCATION: N/4 OF SHIVER 20' WEST OF OLD DENTON RD. 6.50" HMAC 6.25" BROWN SANDY CLAY W/GRAVEL 7.50" BROWN SAND W/GRAVEL ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 53.5 PL: 25.8 PI: 27.7 SHRKG: 12.0% MUNSELL COLOR CHART: 6/3 PALE BROWN CLAY UNr.r WEIGHT: N/A #/CFT APPROVAL: ~ / / R.>Aff~ERI y. DATE TESTED: 04-22-05 DATE REPORTED: 05-02-05 TEST:::D BY: ODE N MA Y-05-2005 10:25 ROUTING ABE CALDERON MIKE DOMENECH FILE 9 7 % P. 08 3 P.08 [ r ' ! APPENDIX B EASEMENTS WATER & SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THOMPSON RD. & NORTH RIVERSIDE AREA PARCEL No.: lPE DOE No.: 4210 8463 OLD DENTON ROAD WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 999 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § PERMANENT SEWER LINE EASEMENT TE: January 13, 2006 TOR: Michael F. Royal, Dennison A. Royal and Pamela Royal Smith GFOR' s MAILING ADDRESS: G TEE: City of Fort Worth GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 145 John's Island, South Carolina 29457 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Tarrant County NS ID ERA TION: One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and s fficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. P OPERTY: (See attached Exhibit "A") G antor, for the consideration paid to Grantor and other good and valuable consideration, hereby grants, se 1 lls, and conveys to Grantee, its successors and assigns, an exclusive, perpetual easement for the construction, operation, maintenance, replacement, upgrade, and repair of a Permanent Sewer Line Facility, hereafter referred to as "Facility". The Facility includes all incidental underground and aboveground attachments, equipment and appurtenances, including, but not limited to manholes, manhole vents, lateral line connections, pipelines, junction boxes in, upon, under and across a portion of the pr perty and more fully described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all pertinent p rposes, together with the right and privilege at any and all times to enter property, or any part thereof, fo the purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, replacing, upgrading, and repairing said Facility. In no event shall Granter (I) use the Property in any manner which interferes in any material way or is inconsistent with the rights granted hereunder, or (II) erect or permit to be erected within the easement Page 1 of 9 GORRONDON A & ASS OCI AT ES, INC. 6707 BREN1W00D STAIR RO AD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH, T EXAS 76 112 8 17-496 -1424 FAX 81 7-496-1 768 property a permanent structure or building, including, but not limited to, monument sign, pole sign , billboard , brick or masonry fences or walls or other structures that require a building permit. However, Grantor shall be permitted to maintain any existing concrete driveway or road on the Property. Grantee shall be obligated to restore the surface of the property at Grantee 's sole cost and expense, including the restoration of any s idewalks, drivew a ys, or similar surface improvements located upon or adjacent to the Easement which may have been removed, relocated, altered, damaged, or destroyed as a result of the Grantee 's use of the easement granted hereunder. Provided, however, that Grantee shall not be obligated to restore or replace irrigation systems or other improvements installed in violation of the provisions and intended use of this Easement. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the abo ve-described permanent easement, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anyway belonging unto Grantee, and Grantee's successors and assigns forever; and Grantor does hereby bind itself and its successor and assigns to warrant and forever defend all and singular the easement unto Grantee, its successor and assigns , against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same , or any part thereof. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described temporary construction easement, together with , all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anyway belonging unto Grantee, and Grantee's successors and assigns until the completion of construction and acceptance by Grantee. Grantor hereby bind themselves, their heirs, successors , and assigns, to warrant and defend, all and singular, said easement unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same , or any part thereof. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. GRANTOR: Michael F. Royal Dennison A. Royal Pamela Royal Smith GRANTEE: City of Fort Worth Marc Ott, Assistant City Manager Page 2 of 9 GORRONDO NA & AS SOC IATES . INC . 6707 BRE NTWOOD STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76 11 2 8 !7-496-1424 FAX 8 17-496 -1 768 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this da y personally appeared , known to me to be the same person 1hose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said -------------------for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20_. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Page 3 of 9 GORRONDONA & ASSOC IATES , INC. 6707 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76112 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ST ATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § BEFORE l\tffi, the under signe d authority , a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on thi s day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the fore going instrument , and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said ------------'-----------for the purposes and consideration therein expres sed and in the capacity therein stated . GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20_. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Notary Public in and for the State of Texas· Page 4 of 9 G ORRONDO NA & ASSOCIATES , INC. 67 07 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROA D SUITE 50 FO RT WORTH, T EXAS · 76 112 8 17-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1 76 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas , on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said -------------------for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20 __ . Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Notary Public in and for the State of Texas· Page 5 of 9 GORRONDONA & ASSOC IA TES. INC. 6707 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76112 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 WATER & SEWER IMPROVE1\1ENTS FOR THOMPSON RD. & NORTH RIVERSIDE AREA PARCEL No.: 1 PE DOE: 4210 8463 OLD DENTON ROAD WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 999 EXHIBIT "A" Being a 35.0' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement situated in the William McCowan Survey, Abstract No . 999, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County , Texas and being out of a 100.22 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to Michael F. Royal , Dennison A. Royal and Pamela Royal Smith as recorded in Volume 5599, Page 879 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being further described as Tract 1, said 35.0' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement being more particularly described by metes and bound s as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the north line of said Tract 1, said point being in the south line of a 99.133 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to All.. Investment, L. P. as recorded in Volume 14315, Page 56 of sa id Deed Re cords of Tarrant County, Texas, and being further described as Tract 8, said point also being the northeast comer of an existing 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording information available at this time), said point also being the southeast comer of an existing 30 .0' Sanitary Sewer Easement as recorded in Volume 14933, Page 182 of said Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas , from which a TxDOT monument found for the northwest comer of said Tract 1 bears South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 764 .64 feet, said TxDOT monument being the southwest comer of said Tract 8, said TxDOT monument also being in the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate 35W (a variable width right-of-way); \ THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East (Reference Bearing), with the north line of said Tract 1 and with the south line of said Tract 8, passing at a distance of 2180.00 feet a 1 inch iron rod found for reference in the west right-of-way of R iverside Drive North (Old Denton Road) (a variable width right-of-way), in all, a distance of 2203.36 feet to a point for the northeast comer of said Tract 1, said point being in said Riverside Drive North; THENCE South 00 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West, with the east line of said Tract 1 and with said Riverside Drive North, a distance of 35.00 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 2195.00 feet to a point for comer in the easterly line of said existing 30 .0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording information available at this time); Page 6 of 9 GORRONDO NA & ASSOCI ATES, INC. 6707 BRE NTWOO D STAIR ROA D SUITE 50 FO RT WORT H, TEXAS 761 12 8 17-4 96-1424 FAX 8 17-496-1768 THENCE North 13 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds West, with the easterly line of said existing 30 .0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording information available at this time), a distance of 35.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 76,971 square feet or 1.767 acres of land, more or less. C rtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor N . 5494 Page 7 of 9 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES. INC. 6707 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76112 817 -496-1424 FAX 817 -496-1768 w Is ~ w a.. 0 a:: a.. FND TXDOT MON UMEN T § a.. 0 a:: a.. 200 I 100 I I EXHIBIT / / PARCEL No. 1 "B" PE ;I ~=========~ I I LINE TABLE / LIN E BEAR IN G / L-1 S 00"06'00"W / / L-2 N 13"21 '25"W I I L -3 s s9·35 'oo "w ( ( DISTANCE --I 35.00 35 .9 1 764.64 ;;;;;::J \ \ EX ISTING \ ,.----30 .0 ' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TRACT 8 -.-I \ VO LUM E 149 33 , PAG E 182 99.133 ACRES (BY DEED ) \ \ D.R.T.C.T. AI L INVE STM ENT , L. P . VOLUME 1 431 5 , PAGE 5 6 \ \ D.R.T.C.T. <( \ \ P.O.B. \ \ w \ \ (REFEREN CE BEA RING ) Z L-3 PROPERTY LINE N 89"35'oo·E 2203.36' ,!;::~--;;=:¥; .. ;;;;.·.·.···;:;·.·:-;;.._,....····.·""":·.~·--""':··.,""' ........ ""'.:.:;;:..,..~ ...... :~7~:-::.::.~: .. ~: ... ~: .. ~':::::::::·.:=.:=:.:=.:::::·.::'=:.·""::;·:""':_""'···.::""':.,....:····:"""·:.""'.:··~., ..... :::~;-_J L-2 \ \ s as·35•00-w 21s5.oo· I \ \ \ \ \ \ 35.0' PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 76,971 SQ .FT. OR 1 .767 /.C . \ \ EXI STING ~30.0 ' SAN ITARY SEWER EASEME NT -4 \ RECORDING INFOR MATI ON UN AVAILAB LE \ \ AT THI S TIME \ \ \ \ TRACT 1 100.22 ACRES (BY DEED) MICHAEL F. ROYAL DENNISON A. ROYAL PAMELA ROYAL SMITH VOLUME 5599, PAGE !379 D.R.T.C .T. '. \ \ 0 200 \ \ WILLIAM McCOWAN ABSTRACT No. SURVEY 999 ,--------., \ \ 0 I- <( ~ SCALE IN FEET \ \ City or Fort Worth EXH IBIT SHOWING A 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76 102 35.0 ' PERMANENT SAN ITARY SEWER EASEMEN T OUT OF A TIRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY, ABS TRACT No . 999 RECORDED IN VOLUME 5599 , PAGE 879 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS P ROJEC T:WATE R & SE WER IMPR OVEMENTS FOR TH OMPSON RD. & NORTH RI VER SIDE ARE A D.0.E. No .: 4210 EASEMEN T ACQ UIS ITI ON AREA 76 971 SQ U ARE FEET OR 1.767 ACRES ,_C_U_R-TI_S_S_M_I-TH...e;____:.._c_ __ _ JOB NO . 0406-1517 DRAWN BY : RCS CAOD Fl LIE: 1517C ESMTS.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JANUARY 13, 2006 PAGE 8 OF 9 SCALIE : 1" = 200' NO . 5494 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES , INC . • 6707 BRENTWOOD STAI R ROAD, SUITIE 50 FORT WORTH, TX . 761 12 • 8 17-496-142'4-FAX 817-496-1768 <( w z _J I 0 r- <( ~ LINE L-1 L-2 L-3 LINE TABLE BEAR ING S 00'06'00"W N 13'2 1 '25"W S 89'35 '00 "W EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL No. 1 PE DISTANCE 35.00 35 .91 764.64 TRACT 8 9 9 .1.3 .3 ACR ES (BY DEED) AIL INVE STMENT, L. P . VOLUME 14.315 , PAGE 56 D.R.T.C .T. (REFEREN CE BEARIN G) PASSING AT 21 80 .0 0 ' 1 "I R FOUND IN WEST RIGH T-OF-WAY LI NE OF RIVERS IDE DRIV E N. w z ::J N 89'35'00"E 2203.36' PRO P ERTY LIN E ::::_;~z(;zi£Efaz.£;~;;:. ···:·:;::;;2:;;2:=~~2 ;i:x ~:6~±::;2 ;::zf;:::;;sbFb :~2·;;z:;~;;_.""~·;·.~--~:.:~:;""'.~·:.·-~-~;.:.~_·.""':~:1-"'"~·.:;~·."'".~::.·.;;::~~-:~·::·~:~~~~-·::~:.-::·.~~ 200 I ' s a9·35•oo"W 35.0' PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 2195.00' 76,971 SQ .FT . OR 1.767 AC. 100 0 ' ' SCALE IN FEET TRACT 1 100.22 ACRES (BY DEED) MICHAEL F. ROYAL DENNISON A. ROYAL PAMELA ROYAL SMITH VOLUME 5599, PAGE 879 D.R.T.C.T. WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 999 200 ' \ . w z ::J ?:: ~I 0 ~I 0 <( 0 a: z 0 1-z w 0 'S' 0 =f .....J u.. o ? .._... j: I~ I-I .-a: 1- '0 Q _J ~ z ~ w~ >~ - > a: <( o~ w 0 Cl) a: w > a: f ol!l' 1F" City ot= Fort Worth EXHIBIT SHOWING A 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET ' FORT WORTH , TEXAS 761 02 35.0' PERMANENT SANI TARY SEWER EASEMENT OUT OF A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 999 RECORDED IN VOLUME 5599 , PAGE 879 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY , TEXAS PROJECT:WA TER & SEWE R IMPROVEM ENTS FOR THOMPSON RD. & NORTH RI VERSIDE AREA 0 .0.E . No.: 4210 EASEMENT ACQUISITION AREA 76 971 SQUARE FEET OR 1.767 ACRES 1-=c,.,..u=R=r1c=s-s=:-:M--:-:l=TH,-,---=----- J08 NO. 0406-1517 DRAWN BY: RCS CADD FILE : 15 17C ESMTS .DWG REGISTERED PROFESS IONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE : JANUARY 1.3. 2006 PAGE 9 OF 9 SCALE: 1" = 200' NO . 5494 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC . • 6707 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD, SUITE 50 FORT WORTH , TX . 76112 • 817-496-1424 FP-:1. 8 17-496-1768 TElVIPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THAT WE, Michael F. Royal, Denniso n A. Royal and Pamela Royal Smith, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do grant , bargain and convey unto said City, its successors and assigns, the use and passage in, over, and across, below and along the following parcel or tract of land situated in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, in accordance ith the plat hereto attached, to wit: It is further agreed and understood that City of Fort Worth will be permitted the use of the above described strip of land for the purpose of the construction of said sanitary sewer line. Upon completion of said improvements and its acceptance by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, all rights granted within the above-described Temporary Construction Easement shall cease . 'Ij O HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with, all and singular, the d ghts and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Fort Worth, its s ccessors and assigns, until the completion of construction. And we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs , successors, and assigns, to warrant and defend , all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of Fort Worth, its successors and assigns , against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. 1J is intended by these presents to convey a Temporary Construction Easement to the said City of R1ort Worth to construct the described improvements, with the usual rights ingress and egress in e necessary use of such Temporary Construction Easement, in and along said premises. \ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed on this the ____ day of , 20 __ _ GRANTOR: Michael F. Royal Dennison A. Royal Pamela Royal Smith Page 1 of 7 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES . INC. 6707 BREN1W00D STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76 l l 2 8 I 7-496-1424 FAX 8 l 7-496-1768 ACKNOWLEDGE1\1ENT ST ATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20_. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Page 2 of 7 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES , INC . 6707 BREN1W00D STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH , TEXAS 7611 2 81 7-496-1424 FAX 81 7-496 -1 768 • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said for the purpo ses and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ______ day of ,20_. Page 3 of 7 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas ; I GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES , INC. 6707 BREN1W00D STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76112 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496 -1768 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersi gned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas , on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20_. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas \ Page 4 of 7 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES . INC. 6707 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH , TEXAS 76112 · 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 WATER & SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THOMPSON RD. & NORTH RIVERSIDE AREA 8463 OLD DENTON ROAD WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 999 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL 1 TE2 Being a 35.0' Temporary Construction Easement situated in the William McCowan Survey, Abstract No. 999, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas and being out of a 100.22 acre tract f land (by deed) deeded to Michael F. Royal, Dennison A. Royal and Pamela Royal Smith as ecorded in Volume 5599 , Page 879 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being further described as Tract 1, said 35.0' Temporary Construction Easement being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMNIBNCING at a TxDOT monument found for the northwest comer of said Tract 1, said TxDOT monument being the southwest comer of a 99.133 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to AIL Investment, L. P. as recorded in Volume 14315, Page 56 of said Deed Records of Tarrant ounty, Texas, and being further described as Tract 8, said TxDOT monument also being in the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate 35W (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East, with the north line of said Tract 1 and with the south line of said Tract 8, a distance of 703.08 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, of the herein described 35 .0' Temporary Construction Easement; THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East, with the north line of said Tract 1 and with the south line of said Tract 8, a distance of 30.78 feet to a point f'?r the northwest corner of an existing 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no reco·rding information available at this time), said point being the southwest comer of an existing 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement as recorded in Volume 14933, Page 182 of said Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, from which a 1 inch iron rod found for reference in the west right-of-way line of Riverside Drive North (Old Denton Road) (a variable width right-of-way) bears North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East (Reference Bearing), a distance of 2210.78 feet, said 1 inch iron rod being in the north line of said Tract 1, said 1 inch iron rod also being in the south line of said Tract 8 ; THENCE South 13 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds East, with the west line of said 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording information available at this time), a distance of 35.91 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 89 degree 35 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 30.78 feet to a point for corner; Page 5 of 7 GORRON DO NA & ASSOCIATES , INC . 6707 BRE NTWOOD STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76 11 2 8 17-496 -1424 FAX 8 17-496-176 8 THENCE North 13 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 35.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING , and containing 1,077 square feet or 0.025 acres of land, more or less . Date: January 13, 2006 Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor No . 5494 Page 6 of 7 ; . GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES . INC. 6707 BR EN1W00D STAIR RO AD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76112 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 w z :; I ~ a:: w I g; a:: CL EXHIBIT "B" \ \ EXISTING \ \ \ \ 3 0 .0 ' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ~ VOLUM E 14933, PAG E 182 D.R.T.C.T. P.O.C. PARCEL No. 1 TE2 I \ LINE TABLE \ LINE BEARING DISTANCE \ L-1 N 89'35 '00"E 30.78 s 13'21 '25 "E \ \ \ \ \ \- \ \ L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 35 .91 S 89'35'00 "W 30.78 N 13'21 '25 "W 35.91 N 89'35 '00"E 703 .08 \ TRACT 8 \ \ \ \ 99 .1 33 AC RES (BY DEED) AIL INVESTM ENT, L. P . \ VOLUME 143 15 , PAG E 56 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE \ OF RIVERS IDE DR IVE N. \ D.R .T.C.T . FN D 1 "I R IN WEST l \ (REFERE NCE BEAR IN G) ~ ~~----L_-_5_.lr----~~~F~--N 89"35'oo"E . ____ 2_2101!!' _ PR OPERTY LI NE FND TXDOT MONU ME NT I~ I~ w CL 0 a:: CL 100 I L-4 35.0' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 1,077 SQ .FT. OR 0.025 AC. 50 0 ,_I SCALE IN FEET 100 I TRACT 1 100.22 ACRES (BY DEED) MICHAEL F. ROYAL DENNISON A. ROYAL PAMELA ROYAL SMITH VOLUME 5599 , PAGE 879 D.R .T.C.T. WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 999 EXI STIN G ~ 30 .0' SANITARY SEWER EA SEMENT f RE CORDIN G INFO RM ATION UNAVAILABLE \ AT THIS TI ME \ \ \ \ City or Fort Worth EXHIBIT SHOWING A 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET • FORT WORTH . TEXAS 76 102 35 .0' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OUT OF A TRACT OF LANO SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 999 RECORDED IN VOLUME 5599, PAGE 879 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY , TEXAS ..- 0 <( 0 a: z 0 1-z w~ 0 :,: 0~ .....J ~ 0~ __.r I ~ I-r a: b o~ z~ w~ >~ a:< 0~ w 0 CJ) a: w > a: GOR RONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC .• 6707 BRENTWOOD 5rAIR ROAD, SUITE 50 FORT WORTH , TX . 761 12 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 TE1\1PORARY CONSTRUCTION EASElVIENT THAT WE, Michael F. Royal, Dennison A. Royal and Pamela Royal Smith, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" for and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do grant, bargain and convey unto said City, its successors and assigns, the use and passage in, over, and across, below and along the following parcel or tract of land situated in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, in accordance I ith the plat hereto attached, to wit: It is further agreed and understood that City of Fort Worth will be permitted the use of the above described strip of land for the purpose of the construction of said sanitary sewer line. Upon completion of said improvements and its acceptance by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, all rights granted within the above-described Temporary Construction Easement shall cease. f O HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with, all and singular, the p ghts and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said City of Fort Worth, its successors and assigns, until the completion of construction. And we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, successors , and assigns, to warrant and defend, all and singular, the said premises unto the said City of Fort Worth, its successors and assigns , against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. It is intended by these presents to convey a Temporary Construction Easement to the said City of Fort Worth to construct the described improvements, with the usual rights ingress and egress in r e necessary use of such Temporary Construction Easement, in and along said premises. \ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed on this the ____ day of , 20. __ _ GRANTOR: Michael F. Royal Dennison A. Royal Pamela Royal Smith Page 1 of 8 GORRONDO N A & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6707 BRE N1W00D STAIR ROAD SUITE SO FORT WORTH , TEXAS 76 11 2 8 17-496 -1424 FAX 8 17 -496-176 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said for the purpo ses and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20_. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Page 2 of 8 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6707 BREN1W00D STAIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76112 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 ACKNOWLEDGKMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he same was the act of and that he/she executed the same s the act of said for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20_. Page 3 of 8 Notary Public in and for the State of Texas ; I GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6707 BRENlWOOD STAIR ROAD -SUITE 50 FORT WORTH , TEXAS 76112 817-496-1424 FAX 8 17-496-1768 ACKNOWLEDGEl\!IENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OFT ARRANT § BEFORE ME , the undersigned authority , a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas , on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the same person who se name is sub scribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of and that he/she executed the same as the act of said for the purposes and con sideration therein expres sed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this _______ day of ,20 __ . Notary Public in and for the State of Texas Page 4 of 8 GORRONDO NA & ASS OCIATES, INC. 6707 BR ENTW OO D STAIR RO AD SUIT E 50 FO RT WO RTH, TEXAS 76 ll2 8 17-496-1424 FA X 8 17-496-1768 WATER & SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THOMPSON RD. & NORTH RIVERSIDE AREA 8463 OLD DENTON ROAD WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 999 EXHIBIT "A " PARCEL 1 TEl Being a 25.0' Temporary Construction Easement s ituated in the William McCowan Surv ey , Abstract No . 999 , City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas and being out of a 100 .22 acre tra c t of land (b y deed ) deeded to Michael F . Royal , Dennis on A. Roy al and Pamela Royal Smith as recorded in Volume 5599 , Page 879 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas , and being further described as Tract 1, said 25 .0' Temporary Construction Easement being more particularly de s cribed by metes and bounds as follow s : COMMENCING at a T xDOT monument found for the northwest comer of said Tract 1, said 1 xDOT monument being the southwest comer of a 99 .133 acre tract of land (by deed) deeded to f IL Investment, L. P. as recorded in Volume 14315, Page 56 of said Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being further described as Tract 8, said TxDOT monument also being in the easterl y right-of-way line of Inters tate 35W (a variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East, with the north line of said Tract 1 and with the south line of said Tract 8, a distance of 764 .64 feet to a point for the northeas t comer of an existing 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording information available at this time), said point being the southeast comer of an existing 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement as recorded in Volume 14933, Page 182 of s aid Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said point also being the northwest comer of a proposed 35.0' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement, from which a 1 inch irop rod found for reference in the west right-of-way line of Riverside Drive North (Old Denton Road) (a variable width right-of-way) bears North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East (Reference Bearing), a distance of 2180.00 feet, said 1 inch iron rod being in the north line of said Tract 1, said 1 inch iron rod also being in the south line of said Tract 8; THENCE South 13 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds East, with the eas t line of said existing 30 .0 ' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording information available at this time) and with the west line of said proposed 35.0' Pi ermanent Sanitary Sewer Easement, a distance of 35 .91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING , of the herein described 25 .0' Temporary Construction Easement said point being the southwes t comer of s aid proposed 35 .0' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement ; THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East, with the south line of said propo sed 35.0' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement, a distance of 2195.00 feet to a point for the southeast comer of said propos ed 35.0' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement , said point being in the east line of said Tract 1, said point also being in said Rivers ide Drive North; Page 5 of 8 GO RRONDONA & ASSOC IATES . INC. 6707 BREN1W00D ST AIR ROAD SUITE 50 FORT WO RTH, TEXAS 76112 8 !7-496-1424 FAX 8 17-496-1768 THENCE South 00 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West, with the east line of said Tract 1 and with said Riverside Drive North, distance of 25.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 89 degree 35 minutes 00 seconds West, a di stance of 2189.03 feet to a point for corner in the east line of said existing 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording inform ation available at this time); THENCE North 13 degrees 2 1 minutes 25 seconds West, with the east line of said existing 30.0' Sanitary Sewer Easement (no recording information available at this time), a distance of 25.61 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING , and containing 54,800 square feet or 1.258 acres of land, more or less. Date: January 13, 2006 Curtis Smith Registered Professional Land Surveyor No . 5494 Page 6 of 8 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6707 BR ENTWOO D STAIR RO AD SUITE 50 FORT WORTH . TEXAS 76112 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 w I~ ~ w a.. a Cl:'. a.. P.O.C. "B" TE1 I EXHIBIT ; / PARCEL No. 1 ;I ~=========~ LINE TABLE I I I I I I I I ( ( EXISTING _j ~30 .0 ' SANITARY SEWER EAS EMENT \ I VOLU ME 14933 , PAG E 182 \ D.R.T.C.T. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ LINE L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 BEARING DISTANCE s 00·05·oo"w 25.00 N 13'21'25"W 25 .61 N 89°35'00 "E 764.64 S 13°21 '25 "E 35.91 TRACT 8 9 9 .133 ACRES (BY DEED) AIL INV ESTMENT , L. P. VOLUM E 143 15 , PAG E 5 6 D.R .T.C .T. PRO POSED 35 .0' - PERMANE NT SANITARY SEW ER EASEMENT \ \ (REFERE NCE BEAR IN G) L-3 I PRO~RTY_J;INE N 89'~00.!_ .!!,80~ ..,, _.....,_--1 *F;;;;N;;;.o_rx_o_oT---J r=::~--;;;:;::if:=;=---.;_· N s9·35•oo·E 2195.oo MONUM ENT ·.: .. ;,:;::::=;;:;:::::::'.'.·::::·.::·::=::·.::.'.:::.~:::·:=··.'=··:::}.::·::::·=·':'::'.':'iZi::S··=Tqt:3/Z ~ Cl:'. w a.. a Cl:'. a.. 200 I P. 0.B. s s9·35•oo"W 2189.25' 100 I SCALE 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 25.0' TEMPORARY \ \ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT \ \ 54,800 SQ .FT. OR 1 .258 AC . \ \ EXISTING -\ \-;E~~~~l~tN:~~~iJA~5~ :!~~~~LE \ \ AT THIS TIME \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ TRACT 1 100.22 ACRES (BY DEED) MICHAEL F. ROYAL DENNISON A. ROYAL PAMELA ROYAL SMITH VOLUME 5599, PAGE 879 D.R .T.C.T. \ \ WILLIAM McCOWAN ABSTRACT No. SURVEY 999 ' \ \ 200 \ \ -------,, \ \ \ \ IN FEET fOlfl' .;,Jl'U City or Fort Worth 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET ' FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 EXHIBIT SHOWING A 25.0' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OUT OF A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 999 RECORDED IN VOLUME 5599 , PAGE 879 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS PR OJEC T: WATER & SEWE R IMPROVE MENTS FOR TH OMP SON RD. & NORTH RIVERSIDE AREA D.0.E. No .: 4210 <( w z _J I 0 ~ <( ~ EASEMENT ACQUISITION AREA 54 800 S UARE FEET OR 1.258 ACRES •-c-U-R-TI-S-SM-1-TH _____ _ JOB NO . 0406-1517 DRAWN BY: RCS CADD FILE: 1517C ESMTS .DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE : JANUARY 13, 2006 PAGE 7 OF 8 SCALE: 1 • = 200' NO . 5494 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES , INC . • 6707 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD, ·sUITE 50 FORT WORTH , TX . 76112 • 817-496-1424 FAX 817-496-1768 <( w z _J I () I- <( ~ LINE TAB .LE LINE BEARING L-1 s oo·os·oo"w L-2 N 13'21'25"W L-3 N 89'.35 '00"E L-4 S 13'21'25 "E PR OPO SED .35 .D' PERMAN ENT SAN ITARY SEWER EASEME NT EXHIBIT "B" PARCEL No. 1 TE1 DISTANCE 25.00 25 .6 1 764 .64 .35 . 91 TRACT 8 99 .1.3 .3 AC RES (B Y DEED ) AIL INVE STME NT, L. P. VOLUME 14.3 15 , PAGE 56 D.R.T.C.T . (REFERE NCE BEAR ING) OF RIV ERSIDE DRI VE N. w z :::; N 89".35'oo"E 2180 .00 PROPERTY LINE FND 1 "I R IN WE ST 1 RIGHT -OF-WAY LIN E --N89.35'oo·E -2195.oo· -------- 1 s 89·35•00-w 2189 .03' 200 I 100 I 25.0' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 54,800 SQ .FT. OR 1 .258 AC. 0 200 ! I SCALE IN FEET TRACT 1 100.22 ACRES (BY DEED) MICHAEL F. ROYAL DENNISON A. ROYAL PAMELA ROYAL SMITH VOLUME 5599, PAGE 879 D.R.T.C.T. WILLIAM McCOWAN ABSTRACT No. SURVEY 999 w z :::; -0 <( 0 a: z 0 1-z w~ 0 ~ of _J ~ O ..!. --:i: I~ j-I a: b .... 0 ~ ~z ':l w~ >~ a: <( 0~ w 0 (/) a: w > a: City or Fort Worth EXHIB IT SHOWING A 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102 25.0' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OUT OF A TRACT-OF LAND SITUATED IN THE WILLIAM McCOWAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No . 999 RECORDED IN VOLUME 5599, PAGE 879 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS PRO JECT : WATER & SEWE R IM PRO VEM ENTS FOR TH OMPSON RD. & NO RTH RIVERS IDE AREA 0 .0 .E. No .: 4210 EASEMENT ACQUISITION AREA 54 800 SQUARE FEET OR 1.258 ACRES l~C:..,..,U~RT:;:IS~S'"""M~IT~H~!C...---- JOB NO . 0406-1517 DRAWN BY: RCS CAOD FILE : 1517C ESMTS.DWG REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DATE: JANUARY 1.3, 2006 PAGE 8 OF 8 SCALE : 1" = 200' NO . 5494 GORRONDONA & ASSOCIATES, INC . • 6707 BRENTWOOD STAIR ROAD, SUITE 50 FORT WORTH , TX. 76112 • 817-496-1424 · FAX 817-496-1768 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication I COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 1/9/2007 DATE Tuesday , January 09 , 2007 LOG NAME: 30GIN-SPEN REFERENCE NO.: **C-21924 SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Contract to Gin-Spen , Inc., for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Serve r he Thompson Road and Riverside North Area (City Project No . 00237) RECOMMENDATION: . It is rdcommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Gin-Spen , Inc., i the amount of $1 ,760 ,682 .00 for Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements to serve the Thompson Road nd Riverside North Area . DISCUSSION: On M rch 23 , 2004 , (M&C C-20003) the City Council authorized an engineering agreement with Freese & Niches, Inc ., for Water and Sanitary Sewer improvements to serve the Thompson Road and Riverside North Area . The agreement provided for the preparation of plans and specifications for water and sanitary sewe improvements to serve annexed area in the immediate vicinity of Thompson Road and Riverside Drive North . This project consists of the installation of water and sanitary sewer mains on Old Denton Road (Silver Road to Thompson Road) and Thompson Road (Old Denton Road to Flower Tree Drive). The project was advertised for bid on June 8 and 15 , 2006 . On July 27 , 2006 , the following bids were received : Bidder Gin-Spen , Inc . William J . Schultz , Inc . d/b/a I Circle Conatser Construction TX , LP Cleburne Utility Construction , Ltd . packson Construction , Ltd. f ri-T ech Construction , Inc . r ear Renda Contracting , Inc . A111_o_unt $1 ,760 ,682.00 $1 ,899 ,380 .00 $1 ,926 ,145 .00 $2 ,053,401 .00 $2 ,053 ,401 .00 $2 ,254 ,235 .00 $2 ,591 ,055 .00 Time of ComRletion 180 Calendar Days All disturbed segments of roadway paving will be permanently repaired after the proposed improvements are complete . This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 2 , Mapsco 35 C , G . Gin-Spen , Inc ., is in compliance with the City 's M/WBE Ordinance by committing to 23 percent M/WBE participation . The City 's goal on this project is 20 percent. In ad ~ition to the contract cost , $116 ,769 (water: $47 ,350 ; sewer: "$69 ,4 19) is required for inspection and survey and other construction related tasks and $52 ,822 (water: $23 ,000 ; sewer $29 ,822) is provided for project contingencies . FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The F'nance Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budgets , as appropriated , of the Wate r and Sewer Capital Projects Fund . TO Fund/Account/Centers Submitted for Cit Manager's Office by__;_ Originating Degartment Head: I Additional Information Contact: FROM Fund/Account/Centers P264 541200 602170023783 766 629 .00 P27 4 541200 702170023783 $994 ,053 .00 Marc A. Ott (8476) A. Douglas Rademaker (6157) Abe Calderon (7963)