HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 52318 r THIS COPY IS FOR: CONTRACTOR ^ CITY SECRETARY CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. 3 PROJECT MANAGER PMD FILE COPY - THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS �- A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Bldg. First & Second Floor Remodel & Accessibility Upgrade Part "B" - PMD2014-04 City Project No. CO2412 R�CE7 219 �pY RV FORT WORTH BETSY PRICE DAVID COOKE MAYOR CITY MANAGER Roger Venables Interim Director, Property Management Department Theresa A. Ewing Municipal Court Services Director, Municipal Courts Department Arthur Weinman Architect The Mark IV Construction Group, LLC May 2019 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH,TX City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 112912019 DATE: Tuesday, January 29, 201-9 - — REFERENCE DSO-.: '"C-2900d LOG NAME: 21MUNICIPAL GDURT COURTROOM IMPROVEMENTS SUBJECT: fkuthorize Execution of a Construction Contract with Mark IV Corratruotian G roup, LLG. in the Amount of $971,195,0U. Including 7.5 Percent for the Owner's COr3Struc60n Contingency Allowance far the A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Courts 9uIIding Gourtroum Improvements Project, Located at 1000 Throckmorton Street, Combined with Administrative Costs hi the Arno unt of 380.943M. the Total Project Coat is S1.385,000.00 (2014 Bone! Program) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended thEd the City Ccuncrl authorize execution of eon5trucftn contract with {Mark W Construction Group, LLC., in the amount of$971,195-00, including 7.5 percent for the awrter`s Construction Gorttlrigency Allowance for the A-f). MarshalI Public Safety & Courts 9u lid Ing courtroom irnprovernents project, located at 1000 Throckmorton Street. Corn bin ed with administrative costs in the amount cf 380,943,00, the total project cast Is $1,385;0G0.00- DIS USSION: The prtrpose of this M&C is to authorize execution of a construction coritrad with Mark IV Construction Group, LL,C, in the amount of$971.195.00. 1nctuding 7.5 pereenI for the Owner's Construction Contingerrcy ►4llowvance for the A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Courts Dulld1Ftg nourtroorn I rnprove nia n ts prujeot , located at 1000 Throckmortorr Street and provide f1w administrative costs in the amount of $360,943.00. This work will consist of remodeling four courtrooms on the first:floor and the large jury =- urircom on rho second floor and asseclated corridors and support spaces In the A.D. Mamhall Pub IIC Safety & Courts Building. This project is a part of the 2014 Bond Program. Following a cOmpL-titive selection process, staffadminlstratively executed art architecturaI sorti►ices contract, and stubsequent amendments, with Arthur Weinman Architect to design the improvetvients associated with math Courtroom Improvements and the Ramp and ADA I rnprovernG nt funded by the 2014 Band Program and the Community Development Black Grant in the total amount of$71,260-00. A.Retlusst for Proposals was ad'vertisad fn the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Septeniber 27 and Oclobe r 4, 2018, Proposals were received on November 2, 2018, At that tfrne, the City received arre proposal from Mark IV Construction Group, LLC, and this proposal was within the project budget. Tha required host Proposal-pre Award Submi#taIs were nubMI[Wd a weep later- Members of the Municipal Court, Neighborhood Serg ces Department, MWX 0Mice and the Property Mi rnagement Department metwith the contractor to verify [hc- sr:ope and price cf the proposal and de term itied the price was reasonable. Staff recommends awafdlFig the construction tontract E+� Mark I V Construction Group, LLC- The overall project cash are expected to Igo as described in table below; Municipal Courtroom Improvements TOTALS Architectural and Engineering Design 2,B_2-00 Constriction Contract. including 7-5% Owner's Construction $97-1,1 5.00 Contingency Allowance Project Adrrtinistratiorr Cost: Site Utilities, IT. Security, Project Management, Contingency, Etc. PROJIECT TOTAL $1,385'000.05 In accofdaflce with Chapter 7, Article 111, Section 7-47, Sectlnn 109,2,1 of the Chy Cade, BUIIding Permit Fees and Impact and Sireot Closure Fees are waived far tfih� project.. Construction is-plartned to begin during the first quarter of Calendar Year 2019, with en eniicipa d compki iart date dLiring the Fourth quarter of Galendar Year 2019. M11NSE OI=FI E-Tha Mark IV Coastructioii Gfou fir. LLC is in compliance With the City's WE Ordnance by cornmiitfIng to-17% MBE participation on this project. The City's MBE goal an this prnjoct Is 15%_ The A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Wniidpal Courts Bullding is focdted In COUNCIL DISTRICT 9. FISCAL INFORMATION I CERTIFICATION. The Dfrectar of Finance certifies that funds are available in i17e 2014 Bond Fund for this project. Prior to on expenditure being incurred, the par leIpa1[ng dopar merit has the responsibffity to validate:the aual[ab[lily or funds. FUND IDENTIFIERS (FiDs): TO __ Pundl Department I,Accout3t I�roject Program �#jolt Budge# I-eference# �Mounl ID L _ _� ID _ — Year Whartfleld ) FROM F�tc Department ccoun Projecf Program ctivlt Budget R o f e r e_nc # rrtoun iD ID Year � (tlhartfield 2) CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office try: .lay Clhapa (6804) OriUInatirrg..Dppartment Head.- roger llenabias (6334) Additional Information Cantact: Brian Class (8088) ATTACHMENTS 1, 1000 Thfockmortonx. f (Pubno) 2. Dourtmarn FID Table_ptif tCF Internal) 3_ Mark fill 1295 Farm B Redected.odf (Pubk) 4. A+WQE C_oiripliance Memo.pdf (C FW Iuterrxali 5_ SAM Mark IV Construction CrouQ LLC.Pdf (CFVU Infernal) A.D . MARSHALL PUBLIC SAFETY & COURTS BUILDING 1000 THROCKMORTON } I ' =4 1 � � l �r r,� �, III �'� .�sl• 9 QTH r WE •7 i�; Aft 1E�i :I 'ICE Feel k 4 FoRTWORTH. a i PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT EACILrrIES I ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES RID TABULATION i y Project: A.D. MARSHALL PUBLIC SAFETY&MUNICIPAL COURTS BUILDING REMODEL PART B 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET PORT WORTH Tabulated by:Vicki McDonald Project#: CO2412 PMD Project#:PMD2014-04 Eng. Estimate: $900,000.00 Bid Date: NOVEMBER 1,2018 = Advertised: SEPTEMBER 27,2018 &OCTOBER 4,2018 Addendums: 5 r 1 The Mark IV Construction Group,LLC 6821 Egg Farm Road,Suite 2920 Fort Worth,Texas 76244 817-337-3343 acope@markiveonstructic)n.net DESCRIPTION BID Base Proposal $ 898,424.39 Owner's General Contingency Allowance $ 67,381.83 Base Proposal Plus Owner's General $ 965,806.22 Contingency Allowance Alternates Add Days 1 Renovation of Second Floor existing Courtroom#1 202,478.60 40 and Court Clerks rooms. 2 Renovation of Second Floor existing restroom and 230,493.95 45 construction of two single compartment restrooms. 3 Reduction in Project cost If awarded contracts for both (15,000.00) Part A,First Floor Remodel&Accessibility Ramp(ADA Improvements),and Part B,This Proposal. ADDENDUM'S: 5 CALENDAR DAYS: 160 t G I FORTWORTH@ CITY OF FORT WORTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 1 A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Building r Remodel Request for Proposals Submittal Date: October 11, 2018 (CHANGED) The Request for Proposals for the"Project"noted above is hereby revised and amended as follows: 1. The Attendees sign-in sheet for the pre-proposal conference is attached. (Attachment No. 1) 2. The MWBE MBE Best Value Utilization Form—Part"A"is attached. (Attachment No. 2) 3. The MWBE MBE Best Value Utilization Form —Part"B"is attached. (Attachment No. 3) 4. Two site visit opportunities are scheduled for Monday, September 241h and Thursday, September 27th from 10:00am to i 1:00am (First Tour), and from 11:00am to 12:00pm (Second Tour) on both days. Acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum No. 1 on your Proposal. STEPHEN COOKE DIRECTOR, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT By: Brian Glass, AEA Architectural Services Manager ` 817-392-8088, FAX 817-392-8488 RELEASE DATE: September 19, 2018 Addendum No.1 Page 1 of 1 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Remodel September 2018 C . µby rL yz la14 �Q A I Me U CPp �J4 � Y. L IT E LL Zr 1 � � I O 4-7 CD CL L 0 4 CL C3 rL U) o ro 0. a Zo ci ' zs ` — - - - / \ \ q / k § ° to a # 0 tm _ ■ 2 7 0 : 2 k 0 0 2 0 / ) f < m e 22 20 , � $ k _. E � 2 / / ; L 03 k E w \ _ \ 5 a- co \ � 22a cc k \ £ ± Q e � � J C L � 0 a § $ \ ` n / CL \ w § L N _0 m 0 � \ 0E # 3 , � $ � � 2 J $ CD « / � 4C;L % -0 LU , > 0- 0 $ § Ay m e o @ FLU co t 2 � � \ k ƒ ) 0LL / ) . 0 k f o � 0 / Co z 3 w \ �k | L w � k / � 0 e ' o LL 2 k } E a ; F_ � e \ � t � / 0 ƒ g 0 d q $ / k � q ® 2 ( S m ° 4 w �_ © © r_ ° r_ ° C ° ° § \ LU k § Z k k � / . S � r_ _ � M / r_ a L � � � \ / m u m z ® ` " $ G co to ) § 20 =X 2 H a2 a 9 § m o 2 k 0 § -6 k kicol \ % \ k k § � k / § a o 0 « a o o < a £ o « I m Q o « w U I � : \ LL \ / / o R CL P § ° / ƒ ¢ f m # m o � \ 2 / o � 3 7 bm § \ K 0 0 � 2 ` ) $ § / . $ g 7 /2d § t R = E . 0 03LLI 2 / ; L � § § U) 2 § 22 � m L� /ƒ� 2 2 � 0 § 2 to ' R 0 R ILL $ u 3 � 0 � � � � \ / N ® E k w § 2 E Jo / f _ . Ca � 2m o § f 3E cu W § � / 2 / - � wz \g ` w m ® q @ / ) § � q 2 W / k ' / \ f CL a � / / 0E } 0 \ / � � °� /2 : � LLI 0 � § w � q LL L k § 0 o 0 ,to 0 F— a LL t § § D 2 ) Q z o c /k LL �w _ - k k § § ak § §a �e > kc //@ c e r _ r _ _ � m I aq 9L / EAcc 2 a E � co R k a C o kE § mkk § k k §cc 0 m ( « m ur0 ! L i I F (a RT Wo RT HO CITY OF FORT WORTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 2 I A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Building Remodel I Request for Proposals Submittal Date: November 1, 2018 (CHANGED) The Request for Proposals for the'Project" noted above is hereby revised and amended as follows: 1. All work associated with"Part A"—the Ramp and Parking Court remodel worst is eliminated from this project, and is advertised as a separate project with a due date of October 25, 2018, 2. A deductive Alternate No.3 has been added to the proposal, See"Revised Bid Form" dated September 26, 2018, s 3. See attached sketches for division of work between Part A, Part B and alternates for this s project(these sketches are for general information only). E Acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum No. 2 on your Proposal. STEPHEN COOKE DIRECTOR, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT By: Brian Glass,AIA Architectural Services Manager 817-392-8088, FAX 817-392-8488 i RELEASE DATE: September 28, 2018 E Addendum No.2 Page 1 of 1 A.Q.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Remodel September 2018 _ II 1! r REVISED PROPOSAL FORM (9/26/2018) s TO: MR. DAVID COOKE CITY MANAGER ATTN: PURCHASING OFFICE 200 TEXAS STREET CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FOR: A.D. Marshall Public Safety& Municipal Courts Building First&Second Floor Remodel &Accessibility Upgrade, Part"B" 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas Project PMD2014-04 Pursuant to the foregoing "Instructions to Offerors," the undersigned has thoroughly examined the plans, specifications and the site, understands the amount of work to be done, and hereby proposes to do all the work and furnish all labor, equipment and materials necessary to fully complete all the work as provided in the plans and specifications, and subject to the inspection and approval of the Director of Transportation ' and Public Works of the City of Fort Worth. Upon acceptance of this Proposal by the City Council, the bidder is bound to execute a contract and, if the contract amount exceeds $25,000.00, furnish acceptable Performance and/or Payment Bonds approved by the City of Fort Worth for performing and completing the Work within the time stated and for the following sum, to wit: DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS Part"B"—City of Fort Worth 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates. $ Base Proposal Calendar Days $ Owner's Contingency Allowance (7.5%) added to Base Proposal (This Allowance amount is not included in the Base Proposal but is added to the Base Proposal. Only the Owner will approve the use of this Allowance during construction. Any Allowance remaining at the end of construction will be retained by the City of Fort Worth). $ Base Proposal Plus Owner's Contingency Allowance Part"B"—ALTERNATES—City of Fort Worth 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates. Add Alternate No. 1 —Renovation of Second Floor existing Courtroom#1 and Court Clerks rooms. f Add Alternate No. 1 $ Additional Calendar Days Revised Proposal Form 9/26/2018 Page 1 of 3 p i ) CFW PMD—A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Part"B" September 2018 Add Alternate No.2—Renovation of Second Floor existing restroom and construction of two single- compartment restrooms. Add Alternate No. 2 $ Additional Calendar Days Deductive Alternate No. 3— Reduction in Project Cost if awarded contracts for both part A, (First Floor Remodel &Accessibility Ramp (ADA Improvements),and Part g,This proposal. Deductive Alternate No. 3 $ The undersigned agrees to complete the Work within the calendar days specified above after the date of Notice to Proceed. A Project Schedule will be submitted as required in the Instructions to Offeror. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids or any combination thereof proposed for the above work. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractors or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance 7278 as amended by City Ordinance 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Section 13A-21 through 13A-29). Residency of Offerors: The 1985 Session of the Texas Legislature passed house Bill 620 relative to the award of contracts to non-resident bidders. The law provides that, in order to be awarded a contract as low bidder, non-resident bidders (out of state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are outside of the State of Texas) that bid projects for construction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount that Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a non-resident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the non-resident's principal place of business is located. The appropriate blanks in Section A must be filled out by all non-resident bidders in order for your bid to meet specifications. The failure of out of state or non-resident bidders to complete the forms may disqualify that bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section B. A. 1 1 Non-resident vendors in (give state), our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by state law. 1_1 Non-resident vendors in (give state), are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. 1_1 Our principal place of business or corporate offices are in the State of Texas. Within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of acceptance of this bid,the successful bidder will execute the formal contract and will deliver approved Performance and Payment Bonds for the faithful performance of this contact. The attached deposit check in the sum of Dollars ($ ) is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or the attached Bidder's Bond is to be forfeited in the event the contract and bonds are not executed within the time set forth, as liquidated damages for delay and additional work caused thereby. Revised Proposal Form(9126/2018) Page 2 of 3 CFW PMD--A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Part"B" September 2018 i ' MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE): (For Proposals in excess of$50,000) I am aware that I must submit information to the Director, Property Management Department, concerning the MBE participation within FIVE BUSINESS DAYS of submittal of this Proposal in order F to be considered RESPONSIVE. Respectfully submitted, Company Name By: Signature Printed Name of Principal Title Address: Street City Zip Phone: Fax.- Email: Receipt is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1: Addendum No. 2: Addendum No. 3: Addendum No. 4: Addendum No. 5: Addendum No. 6: s Addendum No. 7: Addendum No. 8: Addendum No. 9: Addendum No. 10: Revised Proposal Form (9/2 612 0 1 8) Page 3 of 3 CFW PMD--A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Part"B" September 2018 b, idad 1o3rodd aotst Mm 'W'd4M 1N0zl I ua4'YI.�YUYtl4 lllo! '6YW][G+t7 13lll[5 Ll(C IMUS T10180INN00NH1 00OL s 1�T�I 1�II3 2 f1Hs2i� dwaa�1n�stss3a�v IACIO �j a00-u ISL fJ+I I+ 9Nfc7ll 'Itl �INfIYV �a' J 13�tlS 3»9ild 7IVWS9tl3� '© '�/ p 9 y rt s4s•"� ags'" h- o o �3�sggE 4 a �«fie TO, gjj aE g� Ella Hl flagg�5 DUM2 3 ,q ff is Y`z 33 5a H a s es SS 3 Y 8H m� t z gg �— o� a8 � ^<"sc :7 I n$„,N,m 3aWwdtl 4 t � as i `----------- --Py J HN f a� Ord ok 5 `p ram..—__-- —__—__ b � z 1AUS RING .LS3M a '�.• I 4 103POcJd zaleL svx31 'Fuilo,N 1tJo� 1 1 1 H V 133241S N01?304H7I�OZiH1 OOOL aOdn,u.nsjSs3nav IY -3QOW3a O�vla�lna s�anoO lvalOINOA ;y u.3gvs onsnd -nvHsad" o v a o -- m. afi O r tir O Li 1,� " Q E� cr cti O - o O 49 O qi o 0 R nr � 3 U la O- 06 mom r�r cme Y O Ma Oil r �w�olaallY�w�.wsu d,iaVd 1oaro�Id aD�sc sVx3t I $ c , lllsc a Sam.saw'maa,�n = 'Fi12 cur 1 !�i' TI�I32�I1H.L2 teals ivo�bos�rooaw Hoot 3OV2f9dfF A.CRI91S5300V V 13g0W39 X0013 PuZ V Is} 3m �Nf0�1f18 S�NflO� _IV v A13JVS 31-vind '1-IVHSJVW ojgga W o m sal m® < s g� w 3 n �- OWN W 0 yd,9 • , ; ."i it i •� �--`�---��-- ' i. I a �`' �� CV r�x .:l 1^'d .ice i:�„'- 6e �m.e— '%� I r H. TanLs.•,�une � `�a y _J •.,. iYa I gel W N 0 I I� i 29 � Ar E O aan une Hnabv :1,s ,mil g •; f$I i I. i s Of $ 4LU •� �. i� I� 7�j It S � 1 I C1 S`w 00 �h� * dap �� O U LL J 'C7� If 6 S5 Nr_ r £ II ;;5 d��'� Spa 9�� rZ In C��y 1'!•.• 1 I QLo vw,aw xawsvn rn ox„ a i Of J I _$ ] I I y oL—d iV1w M'as'L!d tlB'aa IIr '� •� — -I g'�-5''�o-���{�-{.�-1� *�yJ i i � o � w .`x`.re���tiva�Ye m® ' a � o¢ R� g„- r FoRTWORTH. CITY OF FORT WORTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 3 A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Building Remodel Request for Proposals Submittal Date: November 1, 2018 (NO CHANGE) t The Request for Proposals for the"Project"noted above is hereby revised and amended as follows: 1. The 1937 Original Construction Drawings (Partial Set) of the A.D. Marshall Public Safety& Municipal Courts Building are provided as part of this Addendum No. 3 and referred to as Attachment No. I. (Attachment No.1) 2. The Electrical Plans for this Project are provides as part of this Addendum No. 3 and referred to as Attachment No. 2. (Attachment No.2) 3. Specification Section 09841 —Fabric Covered Acoustic Wall Panel shall be deleted from Project's scope of work. Acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum No. 3 on your Proposal. STEPHEN COOKE DIRECTOR, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT By: Brian Glass, AIA Architectural Services Manager 817-392-8088, FAX 817-392-8488 i RELEASE DATE: October 22, 2018 Addendum No.3 Page 1 of 1 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Remodel October 2018 per' 1 -- f� A. _ •:h. _r ems' 0' ° ' L �''� :x , :�.�l;�L "r ..ls29ug -slit � �: }I `�•,'�: �'2r}i���.y�'i yti}r^ - I f ' 'sFvif.' x �[ `ts. Y- a �f�, H k-c�[T �i 'I agg.{ �,. '',•yam 'Y �*.�` �i 2`1 .� � - '{ �{� .i .. x ..S �.- � ,fix RS'�J - �+ ,+ I'• '��' ,�'� 4' R 1 i4 �t•` _- r 4? f�_- -a { � � 4y 2c s [ f - 3 .Lt a {'� '�'$I; F �eR'saw. el _ tvI ® I91r. If R��se���s� gsplas�FG�i�, i. 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V ] Eau 5 S �95E d p cs`�$9s 6� F i r F FORTWORTH, r CITY OF FORT WORTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 4 A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Building Remodel Request for Proposals Submittal Date: November 1, 2018 (NO CHANGE) t s The Request for Proposals for the "Project" noted above is hereby revised and amended as follows: 1. Clarification pertaining to Sheet E2.0, Renovation Second Floor Plan-Power(Add Alternate #2) 1 st Floor&2nd Floor Remodel&Accessibility Upgrade: There are no electrical power plans for the 2nd floor Women's Room #3,-Men's Room#4 and Uni Restroorn—Jury#5 as there are no electric service outlets in any of these three rooms. They are not required by code and so are not included in the accessible renovation as a cost savings. 2. Shoot P3.0, Plumbing Fixture Schedule, Plumbing General Notes, and Plumbing Legend (1s{ Floor&2"d Floor Remodel &Accessibility Upgrade) is provided as part of this Addendum No. 4 and referred to as Attachment No. 1. (Attachment No.1) 3. Clarification pertaining to Concrete Vault Coiling: Brace the concrete vault ceiling at Mens Room #2 on the second floor of the Municipal Court Building as shown by the attached detail f 18/XA-2.2, revised reflected ceiling plan 1/A-2.1 and revised floor plan 2/A-2.2. (Attachment No. 2 &Attachment No. 3 &Attachment No. 4) 4. The following special considerations shall be taken during construction: a. The building must remain in operation during standard business hours. b. Contractor to coordinate construction activities so as not to disturb or interrupt Courtroom activities. c. Two Courtrooms shall be remodeled in sequence. At least, three Courtrooms shall remain open at all times. d. For the interior remodel portion of work, CJIS compliance will be required for the selected General Contractor and his suporintendent(s) including his Sub-Contractors. Two individuals that will be present at all times during construction front each Sub- Contractor/Trade shall be CJIS compliant. A list of all CJIS compliant personnel under the direction &supervision of the selected General Contractor shall be provided to the City of Fort Worth before the Notice to Proceed is issued. e. A construction office/room shall be provided to the selected General Contractor. Contractor shall provide their own telephone&computer services. f. Staging Areas are very limited and shall be coordinated with City of Fort Worth. g. Delivery&storage of materials shall be limited to what will be used for the day and coordinated with the City of Fort Worth. Deliveries shall be coordinated with the City of Fort Worth. h. Special or Designated Parking for construction personnel is not available. 1. Contractors shall be responsible for R.O.W. use permits including parking meter r closures. Addendum No.4 Page 1 of 2 A.D,Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Remodel October 2018 j. Contractor shall provide separate temporary sanitary facilities for its construction personnel. 5. Abatement will be done by the City of Fort Worth and shall be scheduled by&within the General Contractor's construction schedule. Allow a maximum of seven calendar days for abatement for each sequence of work. Asbestos Survey(s) is part of this Addendum No. 4. (Attachment No. 5) 6. MBE sub-goal of 15% is not applicable to the Add Alternates No. 1 and 2. 7. Additional Notes and Clarifications: a. Remove all cabinets and display boards installed on the west wall of Room #2 Court Clerks, repair wall and base and refinish. b. Contractors's dumpster location for the project shall be coordinated with the City of Fort Worth. c. General Contractors offices may be located in first floor Room #103 Office. d. As stated in the Specifications Contractors may perform work in only two of the five courtrooms at the same time. The Owner must have three of the five courtrooms in service for court duties at all times. e. As shown on sheet M-2.0 air exhaust for 211d floor Mens Toilet Room #4 and Unisex Toilet Room#5 shall be taken through the chase wall between the two rooms and then down, as shown on sheet M-1.0 and combined with the exhaust for Vt floor Mens Toilet Room #8 and Womens Toilet Room #9 then ducted west overhead on the first floor level to an exhaust through the roof over the first floor outside the second floor set back. Please note that this small amount of roofing work and flashing is included as part of the project. f. Any substitute offered for the specified Kawneer Trifab VG461 t thermal framing and thermal glass glazing system must have the same 2 inch by 4-1/2 inch dimensions, thermal break and structural qualities with Kawneer internal bracing as does the Kawneer glazing system. All substitutes must be approved before bidding as stated in the Specifications. g. Contractor shall return all existing automatic-flush water closet valves found during demolition of the existing toilet rooms back to the Owner. h. Contractor shall return the existing electric door opener device and associated switches and controls equipment found operating the second floor corridor door to be removed by the Contractor. i. Removal of the concrete vault partition between the existing Janitors Closet and proposed Men's Toilet Room #4 shall Acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum No. 4 on your Proposal. STEPHEN COOKE DIRECTOR, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT By: Brian Glass, AIA Architectural Services Manager 817-392-8088, FAX 817-392-8488 RELEASE DATE: October 26, 2018 Addendum No.4 Page 1 of 2 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Remodel October 2018 r �r 1 ueo-ice-cw ,9, INVd 133PONCI ,ar W°"6x snusr u7uaaa �o.3ws��c 11ANIS N01WHAOMM OOOL O 3 1 1 w O 8 b�;h�rx� u�ruui� xnxsx� mvdodn .1f81S5300V v _300W3 2200-u Puz v IS 3ONB S. a f03 Fd131NfW 8 A3�VS 318fd lltHSadW 'Q 'f am �U�l 31 -a �gd m "fg, All! �1g 9 4 M a ig I I I -H I j 9 3k s 92 3ap9 3 R$ 3k a j gig z d al IIll ��JJ �-` Was Aga gAll �`� E a. WE! � tl PE, �a . 12 ens H _ - 3 P 4� 12-1€w 'aka „' 3 z g H 12 Fnl nghi jy fi JAM pj� IN, gig M i 4 5 f 4-x + 1/4 1 W+ E r ki I V—r" � f.�f ► zxz 41 i t L T r�P �-- ! cr n y tt 1 S. P t i..,� a iL-Itu 'T s �r r 0 rA a:-r 5 c��ect rawi r ng b L4 L{ 1 A R C H i T E C T S 3717 Stoney Creek Road, i Fort Wor-kh,TLxas 76116 5 = .% 1 d13MW eA saLk@ma@ ° ° 1 � ° •� gn»nt 7�a aw/2o 7/�/ N/ 11 ll� |\ 11,11 \�# 3 3a2Iaf AIlOme gama -lVda� wn OF ukVS ;1� sd2pA¥n 2 w w � A} W om § � � . , h: � . � ( � � U | ) ! k§ § &| r k| : \ rF , �XVN m \ / § } % b j o� � oz 2f �§ � ,e, laed 1�3ro�d Lceo--Lrt-c,c bO 49L StlX31 `Hli]OM 12103 A-MIS NOIWh)i00aH! O00! N El l O 3 1 f H 0 U V 30Vdf)dn kLI1181SS3OOtl V 130OW3N 21001� PuZ VIn sx o Q NV3 N151-KZIl1HItZIV 9Nialln8 SlanOO l•dd101Nnw 2? )d33•dS anand -1ZbHSadw 'a "d xvn.ar s .o-.o w 6E" J `� xvn-ic L w F-M J � ag'tlF w < w O b MF Noe NPI c �N � �5 G aLJ m i Zwq 3 g m '�w LL a a o d cgs a s _ c :w wO = fin .e u O 2LLiE § tee a€'�Y� „ MR LL gy Ll O xvry ry c O O S Lr. ho a Y„Z~.Y m.s w a O J ' vd 6 g $ xrrv.�r G� � , xvn7-, w j' LL w 6 0 & e O B cr i N m x 0 E� Z m Web F Z( F a xr .ar ry O w F pwY g m &4-.S ww g R� O 'NW.LZ N� 0 °G II hVry.6C 13C� Ld: �A-.9 -1 0 wfif J LLI � o g � O m J F n O F @� `x0 CJY� ua_Ld UIV Gq bi In rya - mow: g �a 151; M RA J 6 CL I jW gg O w 3o O 3 e rm - - ---19 Un Io 3 =I (Az N �.r.�f -��-- N e r i t i xi CV 6 h m 5 & ywO pb 00G K9 — i Report of Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc. � � ®� 2235 Keller Way Prepared for: Carrollton,TX 75006 City of Fort Worth Phone: (972)478-7415 1000 Throckmorton Fax: (972)478-7615 Fort{North, TIC 76102 http:l/Www.ihst.com Leaders in Building Surveyed. Quality, Service Public Safety Building _ and Innovation 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, TX (Public Safety Building-AG Marshall) Report Date: I Tuesday, February 20, 2013 J I Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc. 1HST Project Number:21836 �0 na p rr6)h0n-S�Ire J Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, TIC (Public Safety Building a ACC Marshall) a Fable of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Purpose and Scope 3 3.0 Report Organization 3 4.0 Field Investigation 3 5.0 Sampling 4 5.1 Laboratory Analysis 4 5.2 Analytical Methods 5 5.3 Bulk Sample Results 5 6.0 Hazard Assessment 7 6.1 Hazard Assessment Ratings 7 6.2 Asbestos-Containing Material Assessments 8 7.0 Hazard Assessment Summary 11 7.1 Response Actions 11 8.0 Qualifications 12 Appendices; Appendix A: Site Drawings Appendix B. Lab Results Appendix C: Bulk Summary Report Appendix D: Cost Estimate for Removal Appendix E: Photographs Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 2 of 12 i�=tea ,ree>a Fort Worth,TX &ar¢N�chnology,Eic Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,inc. IHST Project Number:21836 1.0 Introduction This document is a report of a Comprehensive Asbestos Survey performed by Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc.(IHST). 1HST is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), formerly the Texas Department of Health, as an Asbestos Consultant Agency(DSHS License #10-0145. Figure 1 provides a description of the assessment described by this report. Figure 9. Comprehensive Asbestos Survey Profile Client Name: City of Fort Worth Facility/Campus Public Safety Building-AG Marshall Building: Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, TX Survey Date(s): 11/27/2017 through 1117/2018 @nspector(s): Kris Girton - DSHS Asbestos Inspector License#60-3353 2.0 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this project was to locate, identify, and assess the condition of asbestos containing material (ACM) present at the subject building, and to develop recommendations based on existing and potential asbestos related hazards. The following scope of work was used during the asbestos assessment for the subject property: A. Collecting and analyzing bulk samples of suspected asbestos-containing materials. B. Quantification of the Suspected asbestos-containing material. C. Approximate costs of abatement, to include abatement specifications, contractor selection, and on-site management during remediation activities. D. Provide an approximate time schedule for abatement procedures. E. Make recommendations based on survey data collected to implement an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Program or abatement procedures. F. Preparing a report discussing the findings and remedial recommendations. 3.0 Report Organization This report is divided into sections which discuss the review of available documentation, field investigation, laboratory analysis, hazard assessments, and recommendations. Illustrations, such as tables and figures follow the text. Other supporting documentation, such as laboratory reports are also included. 4.0 Field Investigation The survey was conducted to determine the amount of asbestos-containing materials present in the subject building. The survey included an observation of accessible areas and unusual conditions; and bulk sampling of suspected asbestos-containing materials. Bulk samples were collected of suspect materials and analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM)with dispersion staining, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples (Method 600/R-931116). Percentage estimates are based on the analyst's best Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 3 of 12 Fort Worth,TX SAefyRthholegy,lnc. t i industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. IHST Project Number:21836 judgment following PLMIDS and examination with a stereoscope. Laboratory reports containing sample location and results are included with this report. The survey was designed to identify the presence of both friable and non-friable asbestos-containing f materials present in the surveyed area. Friable means that the material, when dry, may be crumbled, pulverized,'or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Building materials suspected of containing asbestos were grouped into"Homogeneous"sampling areas. The homogeneous areas were defined based on uniform texture, color, and appearance.Additionally, homogeneous areas were further defined based on building construction date(s). Each of the items sampled were classified into one of three categories: 1.) Surfacing Material: A surfacing material is a building material which has been applied to a surface (i.e., walls or ceilings) or structural members. Examples of surfacing materials which may contain asbestos are: spray-applied fireproofing, spray-applied acoustical texture, and trowel-applied textured ceilings and walls. 2.) Thermal System Insulation: All types of insulation used on a building's mechanical system are classified into the category of thermal system insulation. Examples of thermal system materials which may contain asbestos are: boilers and related piping, or duct insulation. 3.) Miscellaneous: All remaining materials which do not fall into the two above categories are placed in 4 the miscellaneous category. Examples of miscellaneous materials which may contain asbestos are: lay-in ceiling tile, floor tile, mastic adhesives and roofing felt. An assessment was conducted for each building material sampled. The physical assessment consists of evaluating the condition of the suspect material and the potential for future disturbance. Recommendations made for a building material which contains asbestos are based on the assessments made by the inspector during the survey. The data developed during the asbestos survey is presented in the following sections of this report. Table 1 contains the Summary of Bulk Sample Analysis and Assessment and Table 2 contains the Cost Estimate Summary. Both tables present specific locations, results of additional asbestos analysis, time schedules, and quantities of asbestos. These cost estimates are based on IHST's experience and commercial estimates used by local abatement contractors. However, it should be noted that the cost estimates are not based on a written set of specifications or a confirmed scope of work, which can affect the final contract cost. 5.0 Sampling Sampling during the field investigation included the collection of bulk samples of suspected asbestos containing materials, as listed in Table 1., Summary of Bulk Sample Analysis and Assessment. After sample recovery, samples were placed in secure containers, and the sampling vicinity was cleaned and sealed. Appropriate chain-of-custody protocols were initiated at that time to track handling of bulk samples. 5.1 Laboratory Analysis The samples were transported to and analyzed by the analytical laboratory specified in Figure 2., a successful participant in the Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program and licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), formerly the Texas Department of Health. Ten percent(10%) of the bulk samples were reanalyzed independently as part of the quality assurance and quality control programs. Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 4 of 12 as ,xreanexna Fort Worth,TX shaT n�ivwu�. Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc. IHST Project Number:21836 Figure 2. Bulk Sample Laboratory Profile Laboratory Name: Moody Labs DSHS License Number: #30-0084 NVLAP Lab ID: #102056-0 Expires; 5/31/2018 5.2 Analytical Methods Bulk samples were analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy(PLM). This technique characterizes the materials refractive indices, fiber morphology, birefringence, extinction angle, sign of elongation, and dispersion staining colors to detect asbestos. Percentage estimates are based on approximate area compositions under a stereo-microscope. 5.3 Bulk Sample Results The results of the sample analysis are presented in Table 1, and the laboratory analysis report is included as Appendix B. Figure 3. Materials with Asbestos Detected at 1% or Greater Mat'l Type Description Location HVAC Mastic Gray Coating&Black Mastic on Cork Basement:Mechanical Room 4 Duct Insulation Sheetrock Orange Peel Textured Sheetrock Walls Throughout Except Ground Floor Mastic 1'x1'Pinhole Ceiling Tile And Mastic Various Areas Throughout-See Drawing ® Mastic 1'x1'Wormhole Ceiling Tile And Mastic Various Areas Throughout-See Drawing Flooring Matls 9"x9'Floor Tile/Mastic 2nd Floor:Room 217 ■ Mastic 1'x'1 Smooth Ceiling Tile wl Brown Mastic 2nd Floor.Various Areas Throughout-See Drawing Flooring Matls Blue 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic 3rd Floor:IT Room Flooring Matls Dark Green 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic 5th Floor:Hallway 1 m PlasterSurf Plaster WallslCeilings 1 st Floor Flooring Matls Black Mastic Under Carpet Square 5th Floor.Hall 2 Pipe Ins. Assumed ACM Pipe Insulation 2nd Floor Janitor Closet Figure 4. Materials with NO Asbestos Detected(Pursuant to EPA and DSHS Definition) Matz Type Description Location m Caulking Interior White Window Glaze Basement:Mechanical Room 1 Flooring Matls Brown 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic Basement:Offices 1 &2 Flooring Matls Dark Brown 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic Basement:Storage 1 Flooring Matls White/Green 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic Basement:Hallways&Storage 1 &2 Cove Base 4"Black Cove Base/Mastic Basement:Office 2&Storage 1 &2 PlasterSurf Plaster WallslGeTrigs Interior Perimeter Walls&Ceilings Throughout Except 1 st&5th Floors ACT 2'x4'Wormhole Ceiling Tile Various Areas Throughout Comprehensive Asbestos Surrey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 5 of 12 Fort Worth,Tx 3alely Teryiq�yy,lnp Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc. IHST Project!Number:21836 ` ® ACT 2'x2'Wormhole Ceiling Tile And Mastic Various Areas Throughout M ACT 1'x1'Non-Uniform Pinhole Ceiling Tile Various Areas Throughout 0 Flooring Matis White/Brown 12'k12"Floor Tile/Mastic Various Areas Throughout ° Mastic Carpet Square Mastic Various Areas Throughout-See Drawing Cove Base 4"Green Cove Base/Mastic Ground Level:Various Areas Throughout Flooring Matis Beige 12"xl2"Floor Tile/Mastic Ground Level:Storage ACT 2'x4'Textured Ceiling Tile Various Areas Througout E3 Flooring Matis Gray 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic Ground Level-Hallways&Offices m Flooring Matis WhitelBlue 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic Ground level-Hallways&Cubicle Area Flooring Matis Light Blue 12"xl2"Floor TilelMastic Ground Level-Hallways ° Flooring Matis Light Brown 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic Ground Level-Room 1 ° ACT 21x4'Smooth Ceiling Tile Side Entry Lobby » Cove Base 6"Gray Cove Base 1st Floor:Main Courtrooms&Halfway 6 ® Cove Base 4"Gray Cove Base 1 st Floor:Hallway 2&Offices Next to Hallway 2 a Flooring Matis White 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic 1st Floor"Vault&Workroom e Mastic White Duct Mastic 2nd Floor. HVAC Room 3K Flooring Maus Black 12"x'l2"Floor Tfle/Mastic 2nd Floor:HVAC Room ° Cove Base 4"Beige Cove BaselMastic 2nd Floor:HVAC Room ° Cove Base 4"Brown Cove Base/Mastic Various Areas Throughout ° Flooring Matis Green 12'x12"Floor Tile/Mastic 4th Floor:IT Room ° Wall/Ceifingcov 2'x4'Fiberglass Ceiling Tile 5th Floor:Rooms 502, 503,505 Flooring Matis Brown Pebble 12"x12"Floor TilelMastic 5th Floor:Room 501 ° Sheetrock Orange Peel Sheetrock/Joint Comound Ground Floor Walls Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 6 of 12 ndeshalNyylmeana Fart Worth,TX SaferyTeeMalegyMu Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc_ IHST Project Number:21836 6.0 Hazard Assessment Asbestos is an airborne hazard. A hazard assessment refers to the process by which we evaluate a material's potential to release fibers into the air. Fibers may be released spontaneously as part of the aging process, or as a result of sudden impact, vibration, air movement, or localized deterioration. Assessing a material's potential for fiber release, and hence its associated hazard, is based upon evaluating the material's condition and potential for further disturbance, damage, or deterioration. 6.1 Hazard Assessment Rankings Any material identified as asbestos containing that exhibits damage, should be considered a hazard to anyone who works in the area. Typically, damage is classified as minor or significant. Minor damage is characterized by small cuts,,tears, scuffs, small openings, or other limited disturbance to asbestos containing materials. Areas with minor damage represent varying degrees of hazards from slight to high depending on: *The nature of the damage; *Proximity to disturbers, such as airstreams; * Location with respect to building occupants; *Activity in the immediate area; and * Frequency of maintenance in the area. Significant damage is characterized by large openings, visible flaking, loose particles, and debris on surfaces below the material. Asbestos containing materials which exhibit significant damage are either high or critical hazards, depending upon accessibility. High hazards exist where significantly damaged materials are generally inaccessible; however, where significant damage is accessible, or in the vicinity of building occupants, there is a critical hazard. The recommended action for addressing asbestos related hazards depends upon the degree of hazard. For example: *An immediate hazard or critical assessment describes a situation in which the material is exposed and friable, accessible to personnel, and is disturbed releasing fibers in the air. In this situation, immediate action should be taken. At a minimum, the area should be isolated and access restricted. *A high assessment describes a situation in which the material is in poor condition, exposed and friable, with a potential for disturbance. In this case, interim controls should be instituted, and the material should be removed when practical. Repairs should be made to the AGM if abatement is not scheduled. *A medium or moderate assessment describes a situation in which a combination of the determining factors vary, such as a material that is in good condition but has a high asbestos content and is generally accessible. In situations like this, abatement can be scheduled with future building renovation or maintenance. *A low or slight assessment describes a situation in which the material is in good condition and has a low potential for disturbance, damage, or deterioration. In this situation, an O&M program is usually all that is needed. In general, those areas that are classified as critical or high damage should be abated. These are areas where a high probability of exposure could occur. Moderately damaged areas would require an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program to be instituted. In addition, these areas should be considered for abatement, or at the very least repaired. Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 7 of 12 ov „� Fort Worth,TX Safely FechnAa�;Inc r Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc. FIST Project Number:21836 .2 Asbestos-Containing Material Assessments Figure 5 provides a summary of the asbestos identified during the survey, along with a hazard assessment for each type and condition of asbestos-containing material. Figure 5. Hazard Assessments for Asbestos-Containing Materials Flooring Materials Condition: Good, Friability: NF 1, Disturbance Potential: Low The floor tile and mastic in good condition presents a low potential health hazard to building occupants due to its observed good condition and intact binding matrices. Prior to building demolition, renovation or work activities that would disturb these materials, removal must be performed by a properly trained and TDSHS-licensed abatement contractor. Prior to building demolition, removal of any damaged or significantly damaged floor the and linoleum flooring should be performed by a properly trained and state-licensed abatement contractor. ti Currently, National Emission Standards for Hazard Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations allow Category i non-friable asbestos floor tile, sheet flooring and mastic in good condition, to be ieft in place during structural building demolition. Buildings subject to NESHAP regulations, require that wet demolition work be conducted with no visible emissions, and the presence of a "Competent Person"trained under the provisions of NESHAP to supervise the demolition work. The asbestos-containing materials should be placed in a management program and monitored until renovation or demolition activity occurs. The preceding hazard assessment applies to the asbestos-containing materials listed below: Area RefW Homogeneous Area Description Quantity Location M 30 9"xg'Floor TilelMastic 418 s.f. 2nd Floor.Room 217 H 33 Blue 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic 144 s.f. 3rd Floor: IT Room p 35 Dark Green 12"x12"Floor Tile/Mastic 64 s.f. 5th Floor:Hallway 1 ® 40 Black Mastic Under Carpet Square 1061 s.f. 5th Floor:Hall 2 WVAC®tact Mastic (Nona-Friable) Condition: Good, Friability: NF 11, Disturbance Potential: Low The mastic on the HVAC pipe insulation and elbows in good condition presents a low poetental health hazard to building occupants due to its observed good condition and intact binding matrices. Priot to building demolition, renovation or work activities that would disturb these materials, removal must be performed by a TDSHS-licensed abatement contractor. The preceding hazard assessment applies to the asbestos-containing materials listed below: r Area Refff Homogeneous Area Description Quantity Location W 02 Gray Coating&Black Mastic on Cork 84 s.f. Basement:Mechanical Room 4 Duct Insulation Mastic for Misc Materials Condition: Good, Friability: NF 1, Disturbance Potential: Low The mastic in good condition presents a low potential health hazard to building occupants due Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 8 of 12 Fort Worth,TX sarebnMnaogr,inc Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. IHST Project Number:21836 Mastic for Misc Materials to its observed good condition and intact binding matrices. Prior to building demolition, renovation or work activities that would disturb these materials, removal must be performed by a properly trained and TDSHS-licensed abatement contractor. The asbestos-containing materials should be placed in a management program and monitored until renovation or demolition activity occurs. The preceding hazard assessment applies to the asbestos-containing materials listed below: Area Ref# Homogeneous Area Description Quantity Location CJ 10 Vx1'Pinhole Ceiling Tile And Mastic 12012 s.f. Various Areas Throughout-See Drawing L 11 1'xi'Wormhole Ceiling Tile And Mastic 7970 s.f. Various Areas Throughout-See Drawing 1.I 31 1'x'1 Smooth Ceiling Tile wl Brown 1162 s.f. 2nd Floor:Various Areas Mastic Throughout-See Drawing Pipe Insulation Condition: Good, Friability: F, Disturbance Potential: Low The insulation was damaged and friable at the time of the survey and presents a moderate potential hazard. Prior to building demolition, renovation or work activities that would disturb these materials, removal must be performed by a properly trained and TDSHS-licensed abatement contractor. The preceding hazard assessment applies to the asbestos-containing materials listed below: Area Ref# Homogeneous Area Description Quantity Location ❑ 41 Assumed ACM Pipe Insulation 10 l.f. 2nd Floor Janitor Closet Plaster and Surfacing Cements with Texture Condition: Good, Friability,: NF €I, Disturbance Potential. Low The plaster stucco finish compound and texture in good condition presents a low potential health hazard to building occupants due to its observed good condition and intact binding matrices. Prior to building demolition, renovation or work activities that would disturb these materials, removal must be performed by a properly trained and licensed abatement contractor. The preceding hazard assessment applies to the asbestos-containing materials listed below: Area Ref# Homogeneous Area Description Quantity Location ® 38 Piaster Walls/Ceilings 30826 s.f. 1st Floor Nato:Additional sampling may be warranted prior to abatement /, Wall aonfinn ACM texture as it was Sheetrock Wall or Ceiling Covering not found in all samples. Condition: Damaged, Friability: NF II, Disturbance Potential: Low Sheetrock wall and ceiling covering in good condition presents a low potential health hazard to building occupants due to its observed good condition and intact binding matrices. Prior to building demolition, renovation or work activities that would disturb these materials, removal must be performed by a properly trained and licensed abatement contractor. Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 9 of 12 maaaaaxyaks..a Fort Worth,TX sir:mr�isv,mc Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. IHST Project Number:21836 Sheetrock Wall or Ceiling Covering The preceding hazard assessment applies to the asbestos-containing materials listed below: Area Ref# Homogeneous Area Description Quantity Location p 08 Orange Peel'textured Sheetrock Walls 41056 s.f. Throughout Except Ground Floor h 1 i i r I Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckrnorton Street Page 10 of 12 Fort Worth,TX t Skty Tahnobgµin. Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. IHST project Number:21836 7AO hazard Assessment Summary In the event other building materials are discovered in addition to the materials sampled in this survey, those building materials should be presumed to contain asbestos and treated as such until proven otherwise by PLM laboratory analysis. 7.1 Response Actions Asbestos Containing Materials The identified asbestos in the building should be removed by a Texas licensed asbestos abatement contractor prior to demolition or renovation activites which may disturb the material. 7.2 Explanation of Response Ratings Table 9 includes a response rating based on factors such as friability, accessibility, potential for disturbance, etc. Definitions for the response ratings are listed below: 0= Material does not contain detectable amounts of asbestos and requires no asbestos-related abatement action. I = Material contains asbestos, was non-friable, and requires no abatement action unless sanded, abraded, drilled or otherwise disturbed. 2 = Material contains asbestos and was friable. Damage was not observed; no immediate abatement action is required. 3 = Material contains asbestos, was friable, and shows signs of localized damage with a potential for disturbance. 4 = Material contains friable asbestos and was significantly damaged. Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building page 11 of 12 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth,TX sar:ar nam9v.m. C Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. IHST Project Number:21836 Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. has attempted to observe the existing conditions within the aforementioned building utilizing generally accepted procedures. Regardless of the thoroughness of a survey, the possibility exists that some areas containing asbestos were overlooked, inaccessible or different from those at specific locations. Furthermore, renovation and/or construction may reveal i altered conditions. This report describes only the conditions present at the time of the survey, in the areas surveyed. The recommendations presented apply to the conditions that were observed during the survey. IHST j policies are to not perform destructive sampling unless previously authorized by the client. Therefore, IHST does not perform core sampling of roofing materials unless previously authorized and accompanied by the owner and/or his representative. Other conditions may exist in unsurveyed or inaccessible areas such as behind walls and above permanent ceilings. In addition, the conditions of : asbestos-containing materials may change gradually or suddenly depending upon use, maintenance or accident. As a result, the recommendations presented should be periodically reviewed and updated. The quantity estimates presented in this report were based upon observations during the survey as well as information from building plans provided by the owner. While it is believed that the estimated quantities are reasonable, unanticipated conditions could be present in inaccessible or unsurveyed areas. Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology, Inc. do not warrant or guarantee the quantity estimates. The use of such estimates shall be at the user's own risk and shall constitute a release and.agreement to defend and indemnify Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology, Inc. from and against any liability. If you have any questions or comments regarding the content of this report, I would be glad to discuss them at your convenience. Sincerely, r Kris Girton - DSHS Asbestos Inspector License#60-3353 Tracy K. Bramlett President DSHS Individual Asbestos Consultant License 410-5040 4 Comprehensive Asbestos Survey City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Page 12 of 12 a�malltyvoa�a Fort Worth,TX 5ahryiechnale9s;lec Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology, Inc. IHST Project Dumber:21836 r h�k ppsncfln"x Ae Site ®nowflnoz I i r Asbestos Survey Appendix City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth,TX m�eacranuoar�. ! o Ci)� z a� CON n z LOL 0 r o J0�� F A U0.Q�u�. 'o ilx,� E Gh�'a n 0 � O ❑ ❑ i Cl c oY o p 7 O (Y) z (� ❑ CD N O .r.. ❑ p Q Eli ? e r r r r c�- Q r p O CDg N r N CV N e 0-. LL L~L W F- I— N LL. LL U- r ^ a' r Q LLCD N C QQ r a -- �. x Ld LL d O ❑ e "�on r r P a F=O r LL N p LL N lti � 9 r CD r r r p LL Y m era z i c`, o ui N to 4 r p r- ¢ l O O p O tp `O LL ro l CD CD O O p p CD c-- w ,�— N N N N N LL LL LL LL LL. 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IHST Project Number:21836 i r i i i I Asbestos Survey Appendix City of Fort Worth_Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street ndowa,Mgeneab Fort Worth,TX yy[¢{yTeepnWegµln� - PI,M Summary Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Sample Date :12/01/2017 Project#: 21836 p Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R--931116 Page I of 12 On 12/412017 one hundred forty two(142)bulls material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLM/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content I FTW-120117-001 Interior Window Glaze(White), Mechanical Room, None Detected-Window Glazing Basement FTW-120117-002 Interior Window Glaze(White), Mechanical Room, None Detected-Window Glazing Basement FTW-120117-003 Interior Window Glaze(White), Mechanical Room, None Detected-Window Glazing Basement FTW-120117-004 Cork Duct Insulation with Mastic, Mechanical Room 4, 15%Chrysotile--Grey Coating Basement 15%Chrysotile-Mastic FTW--120117-005 Cork Duct Insulation.with Mastic, Mechanical Room 4, 15%Chrysotile-Grey Coating Basement None Detected-Cork Insulation 15%Chrysotile,-Mastic FTW-120117-006 Cork Duct Insulation with Mastic, Mechanical Room 4, 15%Chrysotile-Grey Coating Basement None Detected--Cork Insulation 10°Io Chrysotile-BIack Mastic FIW-120117-007 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Brown)/Mastic, Office 2, Basement None Detected-Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic F'IW-120117-008 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Brown)/Mastic, Office 2, Basement None Detected-Floor Tile None Detected Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-009 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Brown)/Mastic, Office 1, Basement None Detected-Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-010 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Dark Brown)/Mastic, Storage 1, None Detected-Floor Tile Basement None Detected-Yellow Mastic 1 FTW-120117-011 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Dark Brown)/Mastic, Storage 1, None Detected-Floor Tile Basement None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-012 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Dark Brown)/Mastic, Storage 1, None Detected-Floor Tile Basement None Detected-Yellow Mastic Y t NVLAP Lab Code 102056--0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30--0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client,- Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date :12/01/2017 Identification : Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600 I R-93/116 Page 2 of 12 On 12/4/2017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of lndusttial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLM/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-013 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White I Green)I Mastic, Hall 4, None Detected-White Floor Tile Basement None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Green Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-014 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White/Green)/Mastic, Hall 1, None Detected--White Floor Tile Basement None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Green Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-015 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White/Green)/Mastic, Storage 2, None Detected--White Floor Tile Basement None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Green Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FT W-120117-016 4" Cove Base(Black)/Mastic, Storage 1, Basement None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-017 4" Cove Base(Black)/Mastic, Storage 2, Basement None Detected-Cove Base None Detected Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-018 4" Cove Base(Black)/Mastic, Office 2, Basement None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-019 PIaster Walls/Ceilings, Office 2, Basement None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-020 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Hall 3, Basement None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-021 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Mechanical Room, Ground Level None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected White Plaster FTW-120117-022 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Closet under Stairs, Ground None Detected-Grey PIaster Level None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-023 Plaster Wails/Ceilings, Electrical Closet, First Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster 2%Chrysotile-Texture PY,M ��alr�mar Report gar / . NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 j 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 t Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 1713-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12/01/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R 93 1116 Page 3 of 12 On 1214/2017,one hundred forty two(142)bulls material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety'Technology for asbestos analysis by PLWDS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are summarized below: r Sample Number CIient Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-024 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Electrical Closet, First Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster 2%Chrysotile-Texture F'TW-120117-025 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Telephone Room, 2nd-Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-026 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Telephone Room, tad Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster t None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-027 Piaster Walls/Ceilings, Break Room Closet, 3rd Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-028 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Break Room Closet, 3rd Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-029 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, IT Room, 4th Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117--030 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, IT Room, 4th Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117--031 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Stairwell, 51h Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected White Plaster FTW-120117-032 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Stairwell, 5th Floor None Detected-Grey Plaster None Detected-White Plaster FTW-120117-033 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Storage 4, None Detected-Drywall Material Basement 2%Chrysodle-Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile-Texture FTW-120117-034 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Storage 2, None Detected-Drywall Material Basement 2%Chrysotile-Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile-Texture FTW-120117-035 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Hall 2,. Ground None Detected-Drywall Material Level None Detected-Joint Compound None Detected-Texture i PLM Summary Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date : 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12/01/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93 1116 Page 4 of 12 On 121412017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLM/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached,additional information may be found therein.The insults are summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW--120117-036 Textured Shcetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Storage, Ground None Detected-Drywall Material Level None Detected-Joint Compound None Detected-Texture FTW-120117-037 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Hall 2, 1st Floor None Detected--Drywall Material 2%Chrysotile-Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile-Texture FTW-120117-038 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Hall 2, 1st Floor None Detected--Drywall Material 2%Chrysotile-Joint Compound 2%Chtysotile-Texture FTW-120117--039 Textured Sheetrock Wails(Orange Peel), HVAC Room, None Detected-Drywall Material 2nd Floor None Detected-Joint Compound None Detected-Texture PM-120117-040 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), HVAC Room, None Detected-Drywall Material 2nd Floor None Detected-Joint Compound None Detected-Texture FTW-120117-041 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Telephone Room, None Detected-Drywall Material 3rd Floor 2%Chrysotile-Texture FFW-120117-042 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Telephone Room, None Detected-Drywall Material 3rd Floor 217b Chrysotile--Texture FTW-120117-043 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), IT Room, 4th None Detected-Drywall Material Floor 2%Chrysotile-Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile Texture F'TW-120117-044 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), TT Room, 4th None Detected-Drywall Material Floor 2%Chrysotile-Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile-Texture FTW-120117-045 Textured Sheetrock Walls.(Orange Peel), Room 505a, 5th None Detected-Drywall Material Floor 2%Chrysotile-Joint Compound 2%Chrysodle-Texture FTW-120117-046 Textured Sheetrock Walls(Orange Peel), Room 507, 5th None Detected-Drywall Material Floor 2%Chrysodle-Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile-Texture I PLM Summary Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 178-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft-Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12/01/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 5 of 12 1 On 12/4/2017,one hundred Forty two(142)bulls material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PL M/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are sununarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117--047 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Office 2, Basement None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-048 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Hall 1, Ground Level None Detected-Acoustic Tile r FTW-120117-049 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Hall 1, 1st Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-050 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Chief Judge Hall, 2nd None Detected--Acoustic Tile Floor FTW-120117-051 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Copier,Fax,Printer and None Detected-Acoustic Tile Admin Supplies Hall, 3rd Floor FTW-120117-052 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), T/PW Storm Water None Detected-Acoustic Tile Lobby, Ground Level l 1'W-120117-053 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Community Service None Detected-Acoustic Tile Coordinators Lobby, Ground Lobby FTW--120117-054 P x 1'Ceiling Tile(Pinhole), Office 2, Basement None Detected-Ceiling Tile None Detected-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-055 I'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Pinhole), Side Entry Lobby, Ground None Detected-Ceiling Tile Level None Detected-Brown Mastic FTW--120117-056 I'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Pinhole), Hall 6, Ist Floor None Detected-Ceiling Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-057 1'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Pinhole), Room 203, 2nd Floor None Detected-Ceiling Tile 2010 Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-058 1'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Pinhole), Room 323, 3rd Floor None Detected-Ceiling Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-059 P x P Ceiling Tile(Pinhole), IT Room, 4th Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile Brown Mastic FTW-120117-060 1'x I'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Hall 1, 2nd Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile None Detected Brown Mastic FTW-120117-061 I'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Hall 1, 2nd Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic PLM Summary Report _ NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 1713-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12/0112017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method : Polarized Light-Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 6 of 12 On 1214/2017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Kri stopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLMIDS.The FLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results arc summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117--062 1'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Room 411A, 4th Floor None Detected Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117--063 1'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Hall 1, 4th Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-064 1'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Hall 1, 4th Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-065 2'x 2'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Lobby, Basement None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-066 2'x 2'Ceiling Tile(Worm Hole), Hall 3, Ground Level None Detected--Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-067 2'x 2'Ceiling Tile(Worm HoIe), Hall 2, 1st Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-068 1'x 1'Ceiling Tile(Non-Uniform Pinhole), Office 2, None Detected-Acoustic Tile Basement None Detected-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-069 1'x I'Ceiling Tile(Non--Uniform Pinhole), Telephone None Detected-Acoustic Tile Room, 18t Floor <1%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117-070 1'x I'Ceiling Tile(Non--Uniform Pinhole), Break Room, None Detected-Acoustic Tile 3rd Floor C1%Chrysotile--Brown Mastic FTW-120117-071 12"x 12" Floor Tile(White/Brown)/Mastic, Hall 3, None Detected-Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected--Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-072 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White/Brown)/Mastic, Hall 3, None Detected-Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FFW-120117-073 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White/Brown)/Mastic, Hall 3, None Detected-Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected Yellow Mastic FTW-120117--074 Carpet Square Mastic, Hall 3, Ground Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic Fly TW-120117-075 Carpet Square Mastic, Room 217, 2nd Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-076 Carpet Square Mastic, Room 333, 3rd Floor None Detected--Yellow Mastic F 'W--120117-077 4"Cove Base(Green)/Mastic, Hall 3, Ground Level None Detected--Cove Base None Detected-Cream Mastic i k PLM Summary Report e NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 , 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. . 17B-14491 # Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date : 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12/01/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method : Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/ 116 Page 7 of 12 F On 12/4/2017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton oflndustdal Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLM/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are summarized below- Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-078 4" Cove Base(Green)/Mastic, Hall 2, Ground Level None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Cream Mastic None Detected--Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-079 4" Cove Base(Green)/Mastic, Storage, Ground Level None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Cream Mastic FTW-120117--080 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Beige)/Mastic, Storage, Ground None Detected Floor Tile Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound li IW-120117-091 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Beige)/Mastic, Storage, Ground None Detected-Floor Tile Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound FI'W-12-0117-082 12"x 12" Floor Tile(Beige)1 Mastic, Storage, Ground None Detected Floor Tile Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound FTW-120117-083 2'x 4'Textured Ceiling Tile, Storage, Ground Level None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW--120117-084 2'x 4'Textured Ceiling Tile, Copier,Fax,Printer and None Detected-Acoustic Tile Admin Supplies Room, 3rd FIoor FTW--120117-085 2'x 4'Textured Ceiling Tile, Room 501, 5th Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-086 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 3, Ground None Detected-Floor Tile Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-087 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 3, Ground None Detected-Floor Tile i Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117--088 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Gray)/Mastic, Ha1l 3, Ground None Detected--Floor Tile Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-089 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White/Blue)/Mastic, Hall 3, None Detected-Blue Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-White Floor Tile None Detected Yellow Mastic me PLM Summary Report t - _ r NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0034 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241--8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job-No. : 17B-14-491 Project. COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date : 1 2/0 712 0 1 7 Project#: 21836 Sample Date :12/01/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLMIDS) EPA Method 600/R-93/ 116 Page 8 of 12 On 12/4/2017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLNUDS.'rho PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be-found therein.The results are summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-090 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White/Blue)/Mastic, Cubicle Area, None Detected-BIue Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected--White Floor Tile None Detected-YeIlow Mastic FTW-120117-091 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White/Blue)/Mastic, Hall 2, None Detected-Blue Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected--White Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-092 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Light Blue)/Mastic, Hall 1, Ground None Detected-Floor Tile Level None Detected-YelIow Mastic F I'W-120117-093 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Light Blue)/Mastic, Hall 1, Ground None Detected-Floor Tile Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-094 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Light Blue)I Mastic, Hall 1, Ground None Detected-Floor Tile Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-095 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Light Brown)/Mastic, Room 1, None Detected-Flo or Tile Ground Level. None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-096 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Light Brown)/Mastic, Room 1, None Detected-Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-097 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Light Brown)/Mastic, Room 1, None Detected-Floor Tile Ground Level None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-098 Tx 4'Ceiling Tile(Smooth)/Mastic, Side Entry Lobby None Detected-Drywall Tile None Detected-Vinyl Facing FTW-120117-099 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Smooth)l Mastic, Side Entry Lobby None Detected-Drywall Tile None Detected-Vinyl Facing FTW-120117-100 2'x 4'Ceiling Tile(Smooth)/Mastic, Side Entry Lobby None Detected-Drywall Tile None Detected-Vinyl Facing FTW-120117-101 6" Cove Base(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 6, 1st Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic C Zia PLM Summary Report =w{ y NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12/01/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 9 of 12 i On 12/412017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Mstopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLMIDS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional'information may be found therein.The results are summarized below: i Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-102 6"Cove Base(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 6, 1st Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-103 6"Cove Base(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 6; 1st Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic f FTW-120117-104 4" Cove Base(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 2, 1st Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-105 4" Cove Base(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 2, lst Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-106 4" Cove Base(Gray)/Mastic, Hall 2, 1st Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected--Yellow Mastic F TW-120117_107 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White)/Mastic, Vault, 1 st Floor Note Detected-Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117--108 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White)/Mastic, Vault, 1st Floor None Detected-Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-109 12"x 12"Floor Tile(White)/Mastic, Vault, 1st Floor None Detected-Floor Tile None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-110 Duct Mastic(Wtdte), HVAC Room, 2nd Floor None Detected-White Mastic FTW-120117-111 Duct Mastic(White), HVAC Room, 2nd Floor None Detected-White Mastic FTW-120117--112 Duct Mastic(White), HVAC Room, 2nd Floor None Detected-White Mastic FTW-120117-113 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Black)/Mastic, HVAC Room, 2nd None Detected-Floor Tile I Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-114 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Black)/Mastic, HVAC Room, 2nd None Detected-Floor Tile Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-115 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Black)/Mastic, HVAC Room, 2nd None Detected-Floor Tile Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117--116 4"Cove Base(Beige)/Mastic, HVAC Room, 2nd Floor None Detected Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic ' 1. rfs, PLM Summary Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 1713-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#k: 21836 Sample Date:12/01/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 10 of 12 On 121412017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLM/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are sununarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-117 4" Cove Base(Beige)/Mastic, HVAC Room, 2nd Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-YelIow Mastic FTW-120117-119 4" Cove Base(Beige)/Mastic, HVAC Room., 2nd Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic FTW-120117-119 9"x 9"Floor Tile/Mastic, Room 217, 2nd Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic 51110 Chrysotile-Floor Tile 5%Chrysotile-Black Mastic FTW-120117-120 9"x 9" Floor Tile/Mastic, Room 217, 2nd Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic 5%Chrysotile-Floor Tile 5%Chrysotile-Black Mastic FTW-120117-121 9"x 9"Floor Tile/Mastic, Room 217, 2nd Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic 5%Chrysotile-Floor Tile 5%Chrysotile-Black Mastic FTW-120117-122 1'x PC.eiJing Tile(Smooth), Hall 3, 2nd Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117--123 P x I'Ceiling Tile(Smooth), Hall 3, 2nd Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117--124 P x I'Ceiling Tile(Smooth), Hall 4, 2nd Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile 2%Chrysotile-Brown Mastic FTW-120117--125 4" Cove Base(Brown.)/Mastic, Reception Area, 3rd None Detected-Cove Base Floor None Detected-Clear Mastic FTW--120117-126 4" Cove Base(Brown)/Mastic, Room 413, 4th Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic n^r. FTW-120117-127 4" Cove Base(Brown)I Mastic, Room 505A, 5th Floor None Detected-Cove Base None Detected-Yellow Mastic 2%Chrysotile-Texture FTW-120117-128 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Blue)/Mastic, IT Room, 3rd Floor None Detected-Floor Tile 5%Chrysotile-Black Mastic None Detected--Leveling Compound I PLM Summary Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSIHS License No.30-0084 Fanners Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throck norton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12101/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 11 of 12 On 1214/2017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PL MIDS.The PL1VI Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein..The results are summarized below: { Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-129 12"x 12" Floor Tile(Blue)/Mastic, IT Room, 3rd Floor None Detected-Floor Tile 5%Chrysotile Black Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound FTW-120117-130 12"x 12" Floor Tile(Blue)/Mastic, IT Room, 3rd Floor None Detected-Floor Tile 5%Chrysotile-Black Mastic None Detected-LeveIing Compound FTW-120117-131 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Green)/Mastic, IT Room, 4th Floor None Detected-Floor Tile None Detected-Tan Mastic F TW-120117-132 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Green)/Mastic, IT Room, 4th Floor None Detected-Floor Tile ` None Detected-Tan Mastic FTW-120117-133 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Green)/Mastic, IT Room, 4th FIoor None Detected-Floor Tile None Detected-Tan Mastic FTW--120117-134 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Dark Green)/Mastic, Hall 1, 5th None Detected-Floor Tile Floor None Detected-Tan Mastic 3%Chrysotile--Black Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound FTW-120117--135 12" x 12" Floor Tile(Dark Green)/Mastic, Hall 1, 5th None Detected-Floor Tile FIoor None Detected-Tan Mastic 3%Chrysotile-Black Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound FTW-120117-136 12"x 12"Floor Tile(Dark Green)/Mastic, Hall 1, 5th None Detected-Floor Tile Floor None Detected-Tan Mastic 3%Chrysotile-Black Mastic i None Detected Leveling Compound FTW-120117-137 2'x 4'Fiberglass Ceiling Tile, Room 503, 5th Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-138 2'x 4'Fiberglass Ceiling Tile, Room 505, 5th Floor None Detected Acoustic Tile FTW--120117-139 2'x 4'Fiberglass Ceiling Tile, Room 502, 5th Floor None Detected-Acoustic Tile FTW-120117-140 12"x 12"FIoor Tile(Brown Pebble)/Mastic, Room 501, None Detected-Floor Tile 5th Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound NJ 0". PLM Summary Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: C0FW,1Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12101/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93 1116 page 12 of 12 On 121412017,one hundred forty two(142)bulk material samples were submitted by Mstopher Girton of Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLM/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached,additional information may be found therein,The results are summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-120117-141 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Brown Pebble)/Mastic, Room 501, None Detected-Floor File 5th Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected Leveling Compound FTW-120117-142 12" x 12"Floor Tile(Brown Pebble)/Mastic, Room 501, None Detected-Floor Tile 5th Floor None Detected-Yellow Mastic None Detected-Leveling Compound These samples were analyzed by layers.Quantification,unless otherwise noted,is performed by calibrated visual p estimate.The test report shall not be reproduced,except in full,without written approval of the laboratory. The results relate only to the items tested.These test results do not imply endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. \Y/ 1 L� Government.Accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for Bulk Asbestos Fiber Analysis LAB �#10205B 0 under Lab Code 102,056-0. Analyst(s): Debra O'Sullivan,Shaun Wilkerson,Tommie Smith Lab Manager:Heather Lop cz Approved Signatory:_——— Gam' _———— Lab Director:Bruce Crabb Approved Signatory: - -————————— Thank you for choosing Moody Labs f Moody Labs PLM Deter Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Repoxf TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 t Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab rob No. : 1713-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 1 of 18 %Of %of Analysis Analyst Sample Number Layer Sample Components La er Date y FTW-120I17-001 Window Glazing(Off-White) 100% Calcite 60% 12107 TS Binders I Fillers 40% FTW-120117-002 Window Glazing(Off White) 100% Calcite 60% 12/07 TS Binders/Fillers 40% FTW-120117-003 Window Glazing(Off-White) 1000/0 Calcite 60% 12/07 TS Binders/Fillers 40% FTW-120117-004 Grey Coating(Grey) 85% Chrysotile 15% 12/07 TS Binders/Fillers 85% Mastic(Black) 15% Chrysotile 15% Tar Binders 85% FTW-120117-005 Grey Coating(Grey) 65% Chrysotile 15% 12/07 TS Binders I Fillers 85% Cork Insulation(Brown) 34% Cork 100% Mastic(Black) 1% Chrysotile 15010 Tar Binders 85% FTW-120117-006 Grey Coating(Grey) 30% Chrysotile 15% 12/07 TS Binders/Fillers 85% Cork Insulation(Brown) 55% Cork 100% Black Mastic(Black) 15% Chrysotile 10% Calcite/Tar Binders 90% FTW-120117-007 Floor Tile(Brown) 99% Calcite I Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-008 Floor Tile(Brown) 99% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS F Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% F'TW-120117-009 Floor Tile(Brown) 99% Calcite/VinyI Binders 100% 12107 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-010 Floor Tile(Dark Brown) 99% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to)PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Projectl#: 21836 Page 2 of 18 %Of %of Analysis Anal st Sample Number Layer Sam le Comp°nents _Layer Date Y FTW-120117-011 Floor Tile(Darr Brown) 99% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 1% Glue Binders 100%Q l TW-120117--012 Floor Tile(Dark Brown) 99% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100%a 12107 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 1% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117�-013 White Floor Tile(White) 74% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) <1% Glue Binders 100% Green Floor Tile(White/Blue) 25To Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-014 White Floor Tile(White) 50% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) <1% Glue Binders 100% Green Floor Tile(WhiteBlue) 49% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-015 White Floor Tile(White) 50% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) <1% Glue Binders 1000/0 Green Floor Tile(White/Blue) 49% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-016 Cove Base(Black) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-017 Cove Base(Black) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders NO% FTW-120117-018 Cove Base(Black) .95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 TS Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 1000/0 FTW-120117-019 Grey Plaster(Grey) 85010 Aggregate 65% 12/07 TS Calcite I Binders 357o White Plaster(White) 15% Perlite 51110 Gypsum/Binders 95% f Moody Labs PL Detafl Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056--0 e 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 I Client : Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date : 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 3 of 18 %Of %of Analysis Anal st Sample Number Layer Sarn Ie Components JLaver Date y FTW-120117-020 Grey Plaster(Grey) 60% Aggregate 65% 12/07 TS 6 Calcite/Binders 35% l White Plaster(White) 40% Perlite 5%n 1 Gypsum/Binders 95% 1 FTW-120117-021 Grey Plaster(Grey) 25% Aggregate 65% 12/07 TS Calcite/Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 75% Gypsum/Binders 100% + FTW-120117-022 Grey Plaster(Grey) 25% Aggregate 65% 12/07 TS Calcite I Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 757o Gypsum/Binders 100% FTW-120117-023 Grey Plaster(Grey) 75% Aggregate 65% 12/07 TS Calcite I Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 22% Aggregate 25% Calcite/Gypsum Binders 75% Texture(White) 3% Chrysotile 2% CaIcite/Tale/Binders 98% FTW-120117-024 Grey Plaster(Grey) 75% Hair Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Aggregate 63% Calcite/Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 22% Aggregate 25% Calcite/Gypsum Binders 75% Texture(White) 3% Chrysotile 2% ' Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% t F'TW-120117-025 Grey Plaster(Grey) 30% Hair Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Aggregate 63% Calcite/Binders 359o' f White Plaster(White) 67% Aggregate 25% Calcite/Gypsum Binders 75% Paint(Off-White) 3% Pigment/Binders 100% f Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throcicmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 4 of 18 Sample Number Layer %Of Components %of Analysis Analyst isample Layer Date FTW420117-026 Grey Plaster(Grey) 75% Aggregate 65% 12107 TS Calcite/Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 229o' Aggregate 25% Calcite/Gypsum Binders 75% Paint(Off-White) 3% Pigment/Binders 100% FTW-120117-027 Grey Plaster(Grey) 60% Aggregate 65% 12/07 TS Calcite/Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 35% Aggregate 259o' Calcite 1 Gypsum Binders 75% Paint(Off--White) 5% Pigment/Binders 100% FTW-120117-028 Grey Plaster(Grey) 60% Hair Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Aggregate 63% Calcite/Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 35% Aggregate 25% Calcite/Gypsum Binders 75% Paint(Off-White) 5% Pigment/Binders 100% FTW-120117--029 Grey Plaster(Grey) 75% Hair Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Aggregate 63% Calcite/Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 25% Calcite/Binders 100% FTW--120117-030 Grey Plaster(Grey) 900/c Hair Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Aggregate 63% Calcite/Binders 359o' White Plaster(White) 10% Calcite/Binders 100% FTW-120117-031 Grey Plaster(Grey) 70% Aggregate 65% 12/07 TS Calcite/Binders 35% White Plaster(White) 30% Calcite/Binders 100% FTW--120117--032 Grey Plaster(Grey) 70% Aggregate 65% 12107 TS Calcite/Binders 359o' White Plaster(White) 30% Calcite/Binders 100% I Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 r h Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)24 1-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B--14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 1 210 7/2 0 1 7 Project#1: 21836 Page 5 of 18 %Of %of Analysis Analyst Sample Number Layer Sam le Components La er Date y FTW-120117-033 Drywall Material(White) 50% Cellulose Fibers 5% 12/07 TS Gypsum/Binders 95% DW Paper I Tape(Tan I White) 15% Cellulose Fibers 100% ` Joint Compound(Tan) 10% Chrysotile 290 Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% Texture(White) 25% Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% FTW-120117-034 Drywall Material(White) 60% Cellulose Fibers 5% 12/07 TS Gypsum/Binders 95% DW Paper/Tape(Tan 1 White) 15% Cellulose Fibers 100% i Joint Compound(Tan) 5% Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% Texture(White) 20% Chrysotile 2%n Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% F 1W-120117-035 Drywall Material(White) 35% Cellulose Fibers 5% 12/07 TS Gypsum/Binders 95% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 20% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(Write) 15% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% Texture(White) 30% Calcite/Talc/Binders 1001Y0 ' FTW--120117-036 Drywall Material(White) 30% GIass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 25% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 15% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% Texture(White) 30% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% f i Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSFIS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab rob No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 6 of 18 Sample Number Layer %Of Components %of Analysis Analyst Sam le Layer I Date FTW-120117-037 Drywall Material(White) 5%o Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper I Tape(Tan I White) 20% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 15% Chrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% Texture(White) 60% Chrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% FTW-120117-038 Drywall Material(White) 15% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers I% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 40% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 20% Chrysotile 2%n Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% Texture(White) 25% Chrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% FTW-120117--039 Drywall Material(White) 25% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 25% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 20% Calcite l Talc/Binders 100% Texture(White) 30% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% FTW-120117-040 Drywall Material(White) 45% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% GypsumlBinders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 25% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 10%a Calcite I Talc I Binders 100% Texture(White) 20% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% r Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to YLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 k Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000'Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date : 12/07/2017 - Project#: 21836 Page 7 of 18 %Of 'Laver of AtttA:inalyst Sample Number Layer Sam le Components La er FTW-120117-041 Drywall Material(White) 25% Cellulose Fibers 3% 12/07 TS Glass Wool Fibers 2% Mica <1% Gypsum/Binders 95% DW Paper Facing(Tan) 25% Cellulose Fibers 100% Texture(White) 50% Cluysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% FT'W-120117-042 Drywall Material(White) 40% Cellulose Fibers 3% 12107 TS Glass Wool Fibers 2% Mica <1% Gypsum/Binders 95% DW Paper Facing(Tan) 25% Cellulose Fibers 1000/0 r Texture(White) 35% Chrysotile 2% r Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% FTW-120117-043 Drywall Material(White) 10% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% f DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 25% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 30% Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% Texture(White) 35% Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% r 1 FTW-120117-044 Drywall Material(White) 10% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers I%n Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/Whitc) 30% Cellulose Fibers 100% t Joint Compound(White) 30% Cbrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% Texture(White) 30% Chrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane supplement to PLM Sumnary Report ' TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B--14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throclmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 8 of 18 Sample Number Layer %Of Components %of Analysis Analyst ]Sample La er I Date FTW-120117--045 Drywall Material(White) 20% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/07 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan I White) 1517o Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(Tan) 20% Clnysotile 2% Calcite/Talc I Binders 98% Texture(White) 45% Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc/Binders 98% FTW-120117-046 Drywall Material(White) 20% Cellulose Fibers 3% 12/07 TS Glass Wool Fibers 2% Mica <1% Gypsum/Binders 95% DW Paper I Tape(Tan I White) 30% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 20% Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% Texture(White) 30% Chrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% FTW-120117--047 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 TS Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FTW-120117-048 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12J07 TS Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FTW-120117-049 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 TS Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FTW-120117-050 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12107 TS Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056 0 e Lane t to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 2051 Valley View Supplement r5` P Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 h Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 9 of 18 %Of %of AnalysiTAualyst Sample Number Layer Saran le ComponentsLa er Date FTW-120117-051 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 TS Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% { FTW-120117-052 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 TS Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FTW-120117-053 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 TS Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FTW-120117-054 Ceiling Tile (Tan) 90% Wood Fibers 100% 12/07 TS Brown Mastic(Brown) 10% Glue Binders 100°Io FTW-120117-055 Ceiling Tile (Tan) 90% Wood Fibers 100% 12/07 TS Brown Mastic(Brown) 10% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-056 Ceiling Tile (Tan) 55% Wood Fibers 100°10 12/07 TS F Brown Mastic(Dark Brown) 45% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-057 Ceiling Tile (Tan) 90% Wood Fibers 100% 12/07 TS Brown Mastic(Dark Brown) 10% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% F IW-120117-058 Ceiling Tile (Tan) 85% Wood Fibers 100% 12107 TS 1 Brown Mastic(Dark Brown) 15% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-059 Acoustic Tile(Off White) 95% Mineral Wool Fibers 95% 12107 TS Binders/Fillers 5% Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-060 Acoustic Tile(Off White) 95% Mineral Wool Fibers 95% 12/07 SW Binders/Fillers 5% Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Glue Binders 100% J Moody Labs PLM DetaYl Report NVLAP Lab Code 1D2056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Suxmnary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 1713--14491 Project; COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckrnorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 . Page 10 of 18 Sample Number Layer %Of Components %of Analyst Sam e Layer FTW-120117-061 Acoustic Tile(Off-White) 951110 Mineral Wool Fibers 95% 12/07 SW Binders/.Fillers 5% Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-062 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 95% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FIV--120117-063 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 95% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FI'W-120117-064 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 95% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite. 20% Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-065 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12107 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FTW-120117-066 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12107 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FTW-120117-067 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% Moody Labs PLM Date Report N VI,AP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth. Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 11 of 18 %Of %of Analysis Anal st Sample Number Layer Sam le Components La er Date y 3 FTW-120117-068 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 95% Wood Fibers 100% 12/07 SW Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Talc Fibers 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-069 Acoustic Tile(Tan.) 95% Wood Fibers 100% 12/07 SW Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Chrysotile <1% Talc Fibers 2%p 3 Glue Binders 98% ` FTW-120117-070 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 95% Wood Fibers 100% 12/07 SW Brown Mastic(Brown) 5% Chrysotile <1% Talc Fibers 2% Glue Binders 98% E FTW-120117-071 Floor Tile(White) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-072 Floor Tile(White) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FI'W-120117-073 Floor Tile(White) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 1009o' 12107 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% iW-120117-074 Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 100% Glue Binders 1001yo 12/07 SW I FTW-120117-075 Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 100% Glue Binders 100% I2/07 SW FTW--120117-076 Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 100% Glue Binders 100°Io 12/07 SW FTW-120117-077 Cove Base(Blue) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Cream Mastic(Cream) 3% Calcite 50% Glue Binders 50% FTW-120117-078 Cove Base(Blue) 85% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Cream Mastic(Cream) 5% Calcite 50% Glue Binders 50% Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 10% Glue Binders 100% Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 12 of 18 %Of %=AnialysisSample Number Layer Sam le Components I y FTW-120117-079 Cove Base(Blue) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 SW Cream Mastic(Cream) 3% Calcite 50% Glue Binders 50% FFW-120117-080 Floor Tile(Beige) 80%n Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100%a Leveling Compound(Grey) 15% Calcite/Binders 100% FTW-120117-081 Floor Tile(Beige) 809o' Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% Leveling Compound(Grey) 15% Calcite/Binders 100% FTW-120117-082 Floor Tile(Beige) 80% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% Leveling Compound(Grey) 15% Calcite/Binders 100% FTW--120117-083 Acoustic Tile(Light Grey) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% Perlite 20% FFW-120117-084 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12107 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30% PerIite 20% FTW-120117-085 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 100% Cellulose Fibers 50% 12/07 SW Mineral Wool Fibers 30010 Perlite 20% FTW-120117-086 Floor Tile(Gray) 98% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100°yo FTW-120117-087 Floor Tile(Gray) 98% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% F I W-120117-088 Floor Tile(Gray) 98% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% E NVF AP Lab Code 102055-0 Moody Labs ��' ��� ReportTDSHS License No.30-0084 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Si3mmry Report i Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmortou,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 page 13 of 18 %Of =Analyst Components --fLa er Date Sample Number FI % Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW 'W-120117-089 Blue Floor Tile(Blue) 41 Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% White Floor Tile(White) 55% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% l FTW-120117-090 Blue Floor Tile(Blue) 41% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% White Floor Tile(White) 55% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% ' Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-091 Blue Floor Tile(Blue) 41% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 SW ` Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% White Floor Tile(White) 55% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-092 Floor Tile(White) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-093 Floor Tile(White) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 S Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% I I FTW-120117-094 Floor Tile(White) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100010 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% i FTW-120117-095 Floor Tile(Brown) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 1000/0 12107 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-096 Floor Tile(Brown) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-097 Floor Tile(Brawn) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 100% I FTW-120117-098 Drywall Tile(White) 94% Glass Wool Fibers 1% 12107 SW Mica 1% Gypsum/Binders 980/0 DW Paper Backing(Tan) 4% Cellulose Fibers 100% Vinyl Facing(White) 2% Vinyl Binders 100% I I Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valle View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 y Supplement to PLM Summary Report Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 14 of 18 %�O' %of Analysis Analyst Sample Number Layer Sa Components La er Date y FTW-120117-099 Drywall Tile(White) 94% Glass Wool Fibers 1%0 12/07 SW Mica 1% Gypsum/Binders 98% DW Paper Backing(Tan) 4% Cellulose Fibers 100% Vinyl Facing(White) 2% Vinyl Binders 100% FTW-120117-100 Drywall Tile(White) 94% Glass Wool Fibers 1% 12/07 SW Mica 1% Gypsum/Binders 98% DW Paper Backing(Tan) 4% Cellulose Fibers 100% Vinyl Facing(White) 2% Vinyl Binders 1000/0 FTW-120117-101 Cove Base(Gray) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 1000/0 FTW-120117-102 Cove Base(Gray) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-103 Cove Base(Gray) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-104 Cove Base(Gray) 979o' Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 1001yo FTW-120117-105 Cove Base(Gray) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 10017o 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-106 Cove Base(Gray) 97% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 3% Glue Binders 100% FTW--120117-107 Floor Tile(Tan) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 1001110 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-108 Floor Tile(Tan) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-109 Floor Tile(Tan) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valle View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 y Supplement to PLM 5uuunary Report Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241--8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 15 of 18 %OfAnalysis Components Analyst Sample Numbex Layer Sam le La er Date 1 100% Cellulose Fibers 5% 12/07 SW F FTW-120117-110 White Mastic(White) Binders/Fillers 95% FTW-120117-11 l White Mastic{White} 100% Cellulose Fibers 5% 12/07 SW Binders/Fillers 95% FTW-120117-I12 White Mastic(White) 100% Cellulose Fibers 5% 12/07 SW s Binders/Fillers 95% FTW-120117-113 Floor Tile(Black) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100010 12107 SW k Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-114 Floor Tile(Black) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 1000/a 12107 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 1001yo FI W-120117-115 Floor Tile(BIack) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 SW G Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 1000/0 F FTW-120117-116 Cove Base(Black) 95% Vinyl Binders 100010 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 50/0 Glue Binders 1000/0 FTW-120117-117 Cove Base(Black) 95% Vinyl Binders 100010 12/07 SW Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 1000/0 FTW-120117-118 Cove Base(Black) 95% Vinyl Binders 100% 12107 SW [ Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117-119 Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% 12/07 DO Floor Tile(Light Tan) 95% Chrysotile 5% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 95% Black Mastic(Black) 3% Chrysotile 5% Tar Binders 95010 FTW-120117-120 Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% 12/07 DO ' Floor Tile(Light Tan) 95% Chrysotile 5% i Calcite/Vinyl Binders 95% Black Mastic(Black) 3% Chrysotile 5% Tar Binders 95% Moody Labs PAINT Deta l Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Su=a)y Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Fanners Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B--14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 16 of 18 %Of %of Analysis Anal Analyst Sample Number Layer Sam le Corrzponents La er Date y FTW-120117-121 Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 2% Glue Binders 100% I2/07 DO Floor Tile(Light Tan) 95% Chrysotile 5% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 95% Black Mastic(Black) 3% Chrysotile 5% Tar Binders 95%Q FTW--120117-122 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 50% Wood Fibers 100% 12107 DO Brown Mastic(Brown) 50% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-123 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 50% Wood Fibers 100% 12/07 DO Brown Mastic(Brown) 50% Chrysotile 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117-124 Acoustic Tile(Tan) 50% Wood Fibers 100% 12107 DO Brown Mastic(Brown) 50% Chrysotilc 2% Glue Binders 98% FTW-120117--125 Cove Base(Brown) 979o' Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Clear Mastic(Clear) 3% Glue Binders 1001yo FTW-120117-126 Cove Base(Grey) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120 1 17-127 Cove Base(Brown) 94% Vinyl Binders 1000110 12/07 DO Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 5% Glue Binders 1000/0 Texture(Off-White) l010 Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98%Q FTW-120117-128 Floor Tile(Blue) 94% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100010 12/07 DO Black Mastic(Black) 5% Chrysotile 5% Tar Binders 95% Leveling Compound(Grey) 1% Calcite/Binders 100% FTW-120117-129 Floor Tile(Blue) 90% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Black Masti c(Black) 7% Chrysotile 5% Tar Binders 95% Leveling Compound(Grey) 3% Calcite/Binders 100% L Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSH5License No.30 0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab rob No. : 17B-14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date : 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 17 of 18 ]S;n %of]�An�alysisst SampleNumber Layer le Components La er y FTW-120117--130 FIoor Tile(Blue) 92% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Black Mastic(Black) 5% Chrysotile 5% 1 Tar Binders 95% Leveling Compound(Grey) 3% Calcite/Binders 1000/17 FTW-120117-131 Floor Tile(Green) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Tan Mastic(Tan) 5% Glue Binders 104% FTW-120117-132 Floor Tile(Green) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO } Tan Mastic(Tan) 5% Glue Binders 100% FTW-120117--133 Floor Tile(Green) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 1009o' 12107 DO Tan Mastic(Tan) 501b Glue Binders 100% FI'W-120117--134 Floor Tile(Dark Green) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Tan Mastic(Tan) 1% Glue Binders 100% Black Mastic(Black) 1% Chrysotile 3% Tar Binders 97% 1 Leveling Compound(Grey) 3% Aggregate 40% Cement Binders 60% FTW-120117-135 Floor Tile(Dark Green) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Tan Mastic(Tan) 1% Glue Binders 100% Black Mastic(Black) I% Chrysotile 3% Tar Binders 97% Leveling Compound(Grey) 3% Aggregate 40% Cement Binders 60% + FTW-120117-136 Floor Tile(Dark Green) 95% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Tan Mastic(Tan) I% Glue Binders 100% Black Mastic(Black) 1% Chrysotile 3010 Tar Binders 97% Leveling Compound(Grey) 3% Aggregate 40% Cement Binders 60% Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report '1DSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-9460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B--14491 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 ThrockmoAon,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/07/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 18 of 18 Sample Number Layer %Of Components %of Analysis Analyst 'ample La er Date FTW-120117-137 Acoustic Tile(Yellow) 98% Mineral Wool Fibers 95% 12/07 DO Resin Binders 5% Painted Facing(White) 2% Pigment/Binders 100% FTW-120117-138 Acoustic Tile(Yellow) 98% Mineral Wool Fibers 95% 12/07 DO Resin Binders 5170 Painted Facing(White) 2% Pigment/Binders 100% FTW-120117-139 Acoustic Tile(Yellow) 98% Mineral Wool Fibers 95% 12/07 DO Resin Binders 5% Painted Facing(White) 2% Pigment/Binders 1001yo FTW-120117-140 Floor Tile(Brown Pebble) 94% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Yellow Mastic(Yellow) 1% Glue Binders 100% Leveling Compound(Grey) 5% Cellulose Fibers 5% Calcite/Binders 95% FTW-120117-141 Floor Tile(Brown Pebble) 96% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% Leveling Compound(Grey) 3% Cellulose Fibers 5% Calcite I Binders 95% FTW-120117-142 Floor Tile(Brown Pebble) 94% Calcite/Vinyl Binders 100% 12/07 DO Yellow Mastic(Yellow) I% Glue Binders 100% Leveling Compound(Grey) 5% Cellulose Fibers 50/0 Calcite/Binders 95% Y LU 03 `n z c9 ® oo � R I— n. 0 0 o P o a a oT-TI -j v o L� uul�d � cl t F- x i ��+ z a � e p� o v o v v a o 0 0 o u o (q a_ LIJ p a n th cn c9 ch c?r ch Ll - 0All o- � t LL LL i.f_ LL LL LL z� z � zF4Z z z4z z Qj LU a u .U ,s V u u o u U U U a,�- fn V1 S" N %a ;Q V! iq �} In Vl 7R m CO F- RD ti LU LL O �v [V N N a0 fX1 00 .D -D -D in to W) 1, Q s S� ` E t M In c c rn" m aka m m m° L�.. 0 1 I 1 i e 4i Wtj 63 y V�j Tf Z�7 ca Q oo O O a O as t I t I t t T 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Z H Z H Z H Z Z Z C� LU U U U U U V U U U V Lk c 4- o cam' ¢ - V) Lo vi U] US 4R ifs U) Ln U3 LL � a C � L L L L L L O O O o O O .Q O iL O O 00 LL Li-- Lu Li- LL LL ti I- p ci fin in s a u7 Lo In In o O .`4 .� n n n n n n v N J S- rH Tooac o00 �S 0 onac ey -I -- V 1 O .. . u u u 42, +-- +- Qj Ql rr a Lo v�i ran w e� w d pj q�j 0 P L +- {\f �--1 r O O O - - O O U U L- (A- -2 Lt U V U [L, lL., il.. S .d !� 1-41-4N c3 tl O N N N - � X X X L N X X k s L L +CD X d M .a -O .. 1-1 L. U ' .., i i L�. 5�C ?�C XN N N E.: LL in lh l� CV EV (�S LL L1 R Q � � Sv. 1 L. L L Zw (1 0 Q L. i L .:�, iz r cn r- w , LiJ I- fL .1 0 m rn O ra N Q p Lu lz u� I i ~- M mtop po , PLM Summary Report 3 NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241--8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab rob No. : 1713-14918 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throclamorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/15/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date.12113/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 1 of 2 t On 12113/2017,thirteen(13)bulk material samples were submitted by Kiistopher Girton of industrial Hygiene&Safety Tecbnology for asbestos analysis by PL UDS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are summarized below: Sample Number CIient Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-121317-143 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, Guest None Detected--Drywall Material Room, Ground Level None Detected-Joint Compound FTW-121317•-144 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, File None Detected--Drywall Material Room, Ground Level None Detected Joint Compound FTW-121317-145 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, Closet, None Detected-Drywall Material Ground Level None Detected-Joint Compound FTW-121317-146 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, Hall 4, None Detected-Drywall Material Ground Level None Detected-Joint Compound FTW-121317-147 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, T/PW None Detected-Drywall Material Stormwater Lobby, Ground Level None Detected-Joint Compound None Detected-Texture F I'W-121317-148 Piaster Walls/Ceilings, Hall 1, First Floor None Detected-Plaster FTW-121317-149 Plaster Walls/Ceilings, Hall 1, First Floor None Detected-Plaster FTW-121317-150 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, HVAC None Detected-Drywall Material 2, 2nd Floor None Detected-Paint No Joint Compound FTW-121317--151 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, None Detected-Drywall Material Telephone Room, 2nd Floor 2%Chrysotilc--Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile-Texture FTW-121317-152 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, Hall 4, None Detected-DrywalI Material 2nd Floor 2%Chrysotile--Joint Compound 2%Chrysotile Texture F1'W-121317--153 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)/Joint Compound, Walls, Hall 3, None Detected-Drywall Material 2nd Floor None Detected-Joint Compound None Detected-Texture TTW-121317-154 Sheetrock(Orange Peel)I Joint Compound, Walls, Room. None Detected-Drywall Material 225, 2nd Floor None Detected-Paint No Joint Compound t 7L LM Summary Report NVI.AF Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B--14918 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/15/2017 Project#: 21836 Sample Date:12/13/2017 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method. Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 2 of 2 On 12/13/2017,thirteen(13)bulk material samples were submitted by Kristopher Girton of industrial ldygiene&Safety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLM/DS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-121317-155 Mastic(Black)under Carpet Square, Hall 2, 5th Floor 3%Chrysotile Black Mastic None Detected-Clear Mastic These samples were analyzed by layers.Quantification,unless otherwise noted,is performed by calibrated visual estimate,The test report shall not be,reproduced,except in full,without written approval of the laboratory. The results relate only to the items tested.These test results do not imply endorsement by N VL AP or any agency of the US. � \v 1 !A Government.Accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for Bulk Asbestos Fiber Analysis LAB #102056-0 cruder Lab Code 102056-0, Analyst(s): Tommie Smith Lab Manager:Heather Lopez Approved Signatory:_____--- —— Lab Director:Bruce Crabb Approved Signatory ———————— —— Thank you for choosing Moody Labs ——————— Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to FLM Summary Report 'IDSHS License No.30-0084 1 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene.&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 1713-14918 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/15/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 1 of 3 Sample Number Layer %Of I Components %of Analysis Analyst lsn2Le I Layer Date FTW-121317-143 Drywall Material(White) 50% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/15 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97TO DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 20% Cellulose Fibers 1000Io i Joint Compound(White) 30% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% li I'W-121317-144 DrywaII Material(White) 58% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/15 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW.Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 4017o CelluIose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 1000/0 FTW-121317-145 Drywall Material(White) 6090 Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/15 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% i DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 10010 CelIulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 30% Calcite I Talc I Binders 100% FTW-121317-146 Drywall Material(White) 20% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/15 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 971Y0 DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 45% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 35% Calcite I Talc I Binders 100% FFI`W-121317-147 Drywall Material(White) 10% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/15 TS Cellulose Fibers I% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 25% Cellulose Fibers 100% r Joint Compound(White) 30% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% Texture(White) 35% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% FTW-121317-148 Plaster(Grey) 100% Aggregate 65% 12/15 TS Calcite/Binders 35% FTW-121317-149 Plaster(Grey) 100% Aggregate 65% 12/15 TS Calcite/Binders 35% Moody Labs PLM)Deter Report NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No. 30-0084 FanLers Branch,TX 75234 Poona:(972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 17B-14918 Project: CDFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date: 12/15/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 2 of 3 Sample Number Layer %Of Components %of Analysis Analyst ISample Layer I Date FTW-121317-150 Drywall Material(White) 50% Cellulose Fibers 5% 12/15 TS Gypsum I Binders 95% DW Paper Facing(Tan) 40% Cellulose Fibers 100% Paint(Tan) 10% Pigment/Binders 100% No Joint Compound FTW--121317-151 Drywall Material(White) 30% GIass Wool Fibers 2% 12115 TS Cellulose Fibers 10/0 Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper I Tape(Tan I White) 35% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(Tan) 20% Chrysotile 2Vo Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% Texture(Tan) 15% Chrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% FTW-121317-152 Drywall Material(White) 30% Glass Wool fibers 2% 12/15 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum./Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 30% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(Tan) 25% Chrysotile 2% Calcite I Talc I Binders 98% Texture(Tan) 15% Chrysotile 2% Calcite/Talc/Binders 989o' FTW-121317-153 Drywall Material(White) 20% Glass Wool Fibers 2% 12/15 TS Cellulose Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 97% DW Paper/Tape(Tan/White) 50% Cellulose Fibers 100% Joint Compound(White) 15% Calcite/Talc 1 Binders 100% Texture(White) 15% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% `1 I Moody Labs PLM Detail Report NVT AP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to)PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 I Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. :.17B-14918 Project: COFW,Ft Worth Courthouse, 1000 Throckmorton,Ft Worth Report Date. 12/15/2017 Project#: 21836 Page 3 of 3 Sample Number Layer %Of Components %of lArialysis Analyst ISampte Layer I Date FTW-121317-154 Drywall Material(White) 65% Cellulose Fibers 3% 12/15 TS i GIass Wool Fibers 1% Gypsum/Binders 96% t DW Paper Facing(Tan) 20% Cellulose Fibers 100% Paint(Off-white) 15% Pigment/Binders 100% No Joint Compound FTW-121317-155 Black Mastic(Black) 10% Chrysotile 3% 12/15 TS Tar Binders 97% Clear Mastic(Clear) 25% Glue Binders 100% Leveling Compound(Grey) 65% Cement Binders 100% i 5 I f i cp Nt V- LU uj r cu �� to I J4 c N R y 0) Cl) E o Q ,✓9A7CCJ E � o moo) � � -o O' rsf N f- 'C3 '�3 45 -f v J to p p o LU vi a m #� o 4o d 0 t w • . U Lu LU LU[J d cn t W d ---a Q -Q X:t w nU uui ) ( 0 n tom- J f f� ee�► afir W �L9 W w a Q Q (R CL .� cr__ ❑ U -! O� z q tocu U-z L L a m tm E ¢ �L .lzi) w C w . a � 0 � � o ti M 0 v6� ~' to r C E a q c ro w iq w C) L Ir m twit H a w Oism U Q CO w v tz rco) ate E I a III 1 [ ! f� I ' P t: .ate PLM Summary Report s. N'VLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane TDSHS License No.30-0084 r Farmers Branch, TX 75234 Phone: (972)241-8460 Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 18I3-00563 ooz Project. Marshall Bldg., 1000 Throekmorton,Fort Worth Report Date: 01/19/2018 a Project#: 21836 Sample Date:0 111 7/2 0 1 8 Identification: Asbestos,Bulk Sample Analysis Test Method: Polarized Light Microscopy/Dispersion Staining(PLM/DS) EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Page 1 of 1 On 1/17/2018,five(5)bulk materiaI samples were submitted by Tracy Bramlau of Industrial Hygiene&Sa€ety Technology for asbestos analysis by PLMOS.The PLM Detail Report is attached;additional information may be found therein.The results are summarized below: Sample Number Client Sample Description/Location Asbestos Content FTW-011718-001 Plaster/Scratch Coat, IT Roam None Detected-Bottom PIaster f None Detected-Top Plaster 2%Chrysotile-Texture FTW-011718-002 Plaster/Scratch Coat, Group 1 None Detected-Plaster FFW-011718-003 Plaster/Scratch Coat, Hall 4 2%Chrysotile-Old Texture None Detected-New Texture FTW-011718-004 Plaster/Scratch Coat, Hall I None Detected--Bottom Plaster None Detected-Top Plaster None Detected-Texture t 1{I'W-011718-005 Plaster/Scratch Coat, Ha112 None Detected-Texture F - 4 - F r These samples were analyzed by layers.Quantification,unless otherwise noted,is performed by calibrated visual estimate.The test report shall not be reproduced,except in full,without written approval of the laboratory. The results M /� relate only to the items tested.These test results do not imply endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.Accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program for Bulk Asbestos Fiber Analysis LAB #9 020b6 0 under Lab Code 102056-0. Analyst(s): Melissa Garcia Lab Manager:Heather Lopez Approved Signatory:____ ______ Lab Director:Bruce Crabb Approved Signatory ———————T——— Thank you for choosing Moody Labs — r I This Page Left Intentionally Blanc Moody Labs PLM Detail Repot NVLAP Lab Code 102056-0 2051 Valley View Lane Supplement to PLM Summary Report TDSHS License No.30-0084 Farmers Branch,TX 75234 Phone:(972)241-8460 r Client: Industrial Hygiene&Safety Technology Lab Job No. : 18B-00563 002 Project: Marshall Bldg., 1000 Throckmorion,Fort Worth Report Date: 01/19/2018 Project#: 21836 Page 1 of 1 Sample Number Layer a Of m Ie Components Layer Date%of Analysis S a Analyst FTW-011718-001 Bottom PIaster(Tan) 79% Cellulose Fibers 5% 01/18 MG Aggregate 60% Calcite/Binders 35% Top Plaster(White) 20% Aggregate 65% r Calcite/Binders 35% Texture(Off White) 1170 Cbrysotile 201b Calcite/Talc/Binders 98TO FTW-011718-002 Plaster(White) 100% Aggregate 65% 01/18 MG Calcite/Binders 35% FTW-011718-003 Old Texture(Off White) 5% Chrysotile 2% 01118 MG r Calcite/Talc/Binders 98% New Texture(White) 95% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% FTW-011718-004 Bottom Plaster(Tan) 30% Aggregate 65% 01/18 MG Calcite/Binders 35% Top Plaster(Off White) 67% Aggregate 65% Calcite/Binders 35% Texture(White) 3% Calcite/Talc/Binders 100% FTW-011718-005 Texture(White) 100% Calcite I Talc I Binders 100% 01118 MG k a F e� � Xlo- C46 � ywN U W W T �B - Oco NN ki to a F- Lu a' ca CZ) CA o � CA c� ® LO t � t LLI lbr ce C3 co . Iii 66 0 .2 fK Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc. IHST Project Number: 21836 k r 1 Asbestos Survey Appendix City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth,TX seeyTecM1neiogH[na a cn G Ql a a L0 co O.a a O a a a a Q N o o 0 o o a o 0 A o C9 C7 C7 C7 C9 (D C U a I B C] IL Li- U- L.L ZP 2` m z z z z z z LL (( O) CD 67 a7 Cd p r- a cn co co w cn i co co m co w a O O n a O N co Cl) co M t n/ a T N I •N lu N I @ ❑ LL. C Ec m E o U N Q h N Q ❑. V v I C ❑ a n ❑ nnn n ra 0 ¢ I z z_�- z I z_z t � 1 0 `O o o a o o _- 1 Cq m �49 ® 07 W CO o0 a0 'U Q] w�+© a®d A1FQI)l �, w❑)M� U) MM M ]7* a1 wa L CD c` Uca m nam z�ps vqoCam o N2m •�noT h'C U) to73� E ( Mo mo Ca o I N E O m m cpq O Xmo G 0o 0 I- -S 0 U V . (D zsCl Q CJ r LL 00 CO CD S ® ® cq o o a 0 aw� � N O d O IIFI+O d co C al LO O O p O O O O co Q a CA C � Q � (A .- __ _ _ _ Lam•= �--�� -V7 O_ 1 IIIIr � U y O O O O r O I O O O -- Q .A� O O O O O O O O N C Q + - - - w LL LL LL LL LL LEL U N _U N U a 1 Z [�5 2i 11 G d O N UJ u7 m co co co j Oa .d. 'tit V' 0'0 00 w a N N 00 a0 a LO i0 CO O D I 5 c N 6l! c� I U U U U !! 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O II O O U O O O q I Q N o a o o a o a o r� a i. 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E § <sz _ / E § / � § \ ($ 2 § E 7 ƒ u � § E (\ \ � \ '/ f® 2 ® O E2 /(£ \ ; ) co \ @� I0 m " t / # { . @ ] k« ; 7 &2 < t® /§\ ( / { § 2 \§\\& k � E ` k\e a�� § /ƒ \§ U)/ 2§ ®�/ C) ¥t Go J\- & K K § § 'ƒ /QG ' � I# • / U-»� LL ) Z, Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,inc. iHST Project Number: 21836 Appendix: Few Ropmaw ad Appead"M P.M i r s k Asbestos Survey Appendix City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street ,.�. �..,� Fort Worth,TX i r O 4 C4 0 fV 4 C) N G o G 1J e� n M Q N ItA W LO O N qj a8? O m lh Gry H3 b3 d9 lcu a7 a c � .Q ro o 4 1 o Q a Jo 0 6 c � 111 • eL r--� ` — — VJ U tin to too C� to). a4 C {— ® r= .p to N O N oa U O F. o C to w < aCD m 1 o v3. f i o t6 w L to to ,to m �= n ont� Q V `- r LL a � c o A m o C7 o c c t� o ca .Y 2 to cu N d �] .� ED s a] tea N O 2 m � Q v' in V 'OC CV c � 0. �j X co v .a- o N C t6 of of O O o O (a O (� it fA -O r f]. Q O LL '� �r ti o F O pp rid B O S" �—r 15 � N E O 0 cV r_ 07 ,� fly. I O {p O p1 U Ol fC O Q j U N G] O W Q' (0 ,FO v0- _ — N a, 7i h O C � � N A fL O E I C E C y a � o a' ca — N p O E O Al is N al O-0Ltl e ay ca C) u1 N U .... p to O C N �O E ra N M N O p] O N 0 D - U) ,-_aCL C NO zy � Ul U a C3 N u3 O O O E C a, p O O O ten..QI O UJ O N 0), N .N O O Ui �'O G 0 p - O in fU.�C p N Ctl (CI E O OL N v, c` rsNE �� U to — C ro N.o W -0 m Cr a F n m o a w. o J C O]Q. BUJ mo Ql ➢:] C 910 E ] E O 4� .fl - L R Q-� C O O Q3 (D 'COO. E p 0o (q U N O U E U Ql C C 7 C E UI Cil C [6 ) .O N 'z3 d)-D... N co N S] E O UJ y E 3 N tlJ 9 Q y 0 0p 0 O a N •� r t]-cm, O'G,4�, ) E U N IL C O N U tA.r!1._... N Cr U IJ d (0 C 0= @ N U 0 4 U N O O N CL w 4 '0 � [q c C (4 E-O•p O Q {4 OU Ql N N N - Q U L. N b7.C,'O p b[ U O E . C.) ^'oa U U E U V U U p 0 Oft„ �- NMIr ui CO{t Cd _6 1 Industrial Hygiene and Safety Technology,Inc. ]HST Project Number: 21836 r i i e Asbestos Survey Appendix City of Fort Worth-Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Street men:a:ixYguneana Fort Worth,TX r SaletyTechntlogy,lnc { Public Safety Building AG Marshall j 1000 Throci morton Fort Worth, Texas t i Samples 001-003 t Samples 004-006 I Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas t Samples 007-009 S J 5 =# # y Samples 010-012 I Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas r _ :r. y ;, Samples 013-015 f y S _ I I i Samples 016-018 Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas * I k Y Samples 019-032 5 k . { Samples 033-046 L Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton I Fort Worth, Texas 1 t I t r f Samples 047-053 f E f r L Samples 054-059 Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas v Samples 060-'064 I • Samples 065-067 I{ir F Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas k i t f Samples 068--070 -N Samples 071-073 Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckrnorton Fort Worth, Texas 'r -=•A� -7 � '� Fes• +YY"}' �y Samples 074-076 _r Samples 077-079 Public Safety Building 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, I Id � @ � .. . !& � Samples ■_, ,_ Samples ■_ ■_ Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas f�a r a I Samples 086-088 r i I5 y I. f Samples 089-091 i 1 Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas r s ' Samples 092-094 Samples 095-097 Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas IL Samples 098-100 rf- Samples 101-103 Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas I� i Samples 104-106 1 i Samples 107-109 Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmarton Fort Worth, Texas � 1 r . i 4*j Samples 110-112 r _ ti i Samples 113-115 SafetyPublic Building AMarshall „■ Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas � Samples . _ e� ej - r �- \ Samples Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas c +5' 7 Samples 122-124 Samples 125-127 Public Safety Building AG Marshall ` 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas f F I l �{ i I r 4 Samples 128-130 r4 J� Ire r I rrl S _ — Samples 131-133 f Public Safety Building AG Marshall 1000 Throcl(morton Fort Worth, Texas Samples 134-136 Samples 137-139 Public Safety Building AG Marshall s 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, Texas 4 yi"E r E 171fy { Sampfes 140-142 r 1 i i 1 Assumed ACM Pipe Insulation { f f0.RTW0RT.H@ ' CITY OF FORT WORTH PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 5 A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Building i Remodel i Request for Proposals Submittal Date: November 1, 2018 (NO CHANGE) I The Request for Proposals for the"Project"noted above is hereby revised and amended as follows: t 1. The Title Page of the"Instructions to Offerors" is revised to delete reference to Part"A", First Floor Remodel &Accessibility Ramp project which is not part of this Bid solicitation. (Attachment No. 1) Acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum No. 5 on your Proposal. STEPHEN COOKE DIRECTOR, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT By: Brian Glass, AIA Architectural Services Manager x 817-392-8088, FAX 817-392-8488 t RELEASE DATE: October 30, 2018 E F i I i I Addendurn No.5 rage 1 of 1 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Remodel October 2018 THIS COPY IS FOR: CONTRACTOR CITYSECRETARY r SPONSORING DEPT PROJECT MANAGER PMD FILE COPY i THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS f A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Bldg. First & Second. Floor Remodel & Accessibility Upgrade Part G B" - PMD2014-04 4 City Project No. 02412 FORTWORTHO BETSY PRICE DAVID COOKS MAYOR CITY MANAGER f Roger Venables Interim Director, Property Management Department Theresa A. Ewing Municipal Court Services Director, Municipal Courts Department f Arthur Weinman Architect r May 2019 Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 1 of 35 A.Q.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 3 NOTICE TO OFFERORS Proposals will be received at the Purchasing Office, City of Fort Worth, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, 76102, until 1:30 P.M on Thursday, October 4, 2018 and will be opened and publicly read aloud approximately thirty minutes later in the Council Chambers for the following Project: This solicitation is for two contracts to be awarded to the same selected General Contractor for renovations and improvements at the A.D. Marshall Public Safety Building at 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The two contracts will be referred to as Part A and Part B. Part A includes adding a new accessible ramp entrance,and associated interior renovations to the Parking Bureau Office and the seating area for Municipal Court#2 necessary to accommodate the new ramp entrance. Part B includes ' renovations of the first floor Municipal Courts#2 through#5, and renovation of the existing men's and women's restrooms on the first floor. There are two alternate bid items for Part A and Part B to also renovate the second floor Municipal Court#1, and renovation/new construction for accessible restrooms on the second floor. Part "A" of the Project shall be bid using the Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Rates (Davis-Bacon Act& S Compliance Information). F Part"B"of the Project shall be bid using the City of Fort Worth 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates. Part "A" and Part "B" of the Project shall be awarded as two separate construction contracts to the same selected General Contractor. After evaluating the Proposals submitted, the City shall select the Offeror that offers the Best Value to the City and enter into negotiations with that Offeror. The City may discuss with the selected Offeror options for a scope or time modification and any price change associated with such modification. A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 10:00 A.M.,Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 401 W.13th Street. The last day for questions from prospective Offerors is at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, September 26, 2018. The offers will be valid for NINETY(90) calendar days. For Part A, the estimated cost of construction for the base bid is approximately$500,000. For Part B, the estimated cost of construction for the base bid is approximately$900,000. There are two alternates for each part. One alternate is for second floor restroorn changes, and the other alternate is for renovation of the second floor Municipal Court#1. For Part A, price these alternates using David Bacon Wages. For Part B, price these same alternates using City of Fort Worth 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates. The Offeror will add a 7.5% Owner's Contingency Allowance to each Part on a separate ling: item on the Proposal form and only the Owner will approve the use of this allowance during construction. Any Allowance remaining at the end of construction will be retained by the City of Fort Worth. This Allowance is not to be included in the Base Proposal and will not be used in the Best Value selection process. Refer to the evaluation matrix for the selection of the Best Value Offeror in the Instructions to Offerors. Refer to the Request for Proposal documents for the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Information. MBE participation will be evaluated in awarding this Contract. The MBE participation goal is 15% for each, Part "A" & Part "B". Offerors must submit the attached Best Value Utilization Form within 5 business days of submitting their Best Value Proposal. Failure to document proposed attainment will remove the Proposal from further consideration. ! Also, Refer to Section_2. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBEZ(BEST VALUE PROPOSAL) in the Instructions to Offerors. instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 2 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 Offerors must submit a bid bond with their proposal. Offeror(s) to whom an award of contract(s) is made will be required to provide Payment and Performance Bonds and provide Contractors General Liability and Statutory Workers Compensation Coverage. If you intend to submit a Proposal, request you inform the Project Manager or Architect/Engineer who can then inform the interested subcontractors. General Contractors and Suppliers may make copies of the Instructions to Offerors, General Conditions, Drawings, and Specifications through their printer. The construction documents are not available at the City but may be viewed and printed on-line by cutting and pasting the following link into your browser: https://proiectpoint.buzzsaw.com/fortworthgov/PMD%20Projects/Municipal%2OCourt?public Contact the Project Manager, Alfonso Meza, at (817) 392-8274 or email Alfonso.MezaCa7fortworth texas.gov for assistance. For additional information contact the Project Architect, Art Weinman, at (817) 737-0977 or email art_w,swbell.net. Advertisement: September 6, 2018 September 13, 2018 Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 3 of 35 AD, Marshall Public Safety&Munfrinal Courts Ruilding(Sept 2018)—Gnurtrmm Remodel May 2019 i r TABLE OF CONTENTS • PROJECT COVER PAGE • NOTICE TO OFFERORS • TABLE OF CONTENTS • INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS r • PROPOSALFORM CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONAIRE (CIQ) • CONFLICT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (CIS) E • TEXAS SALES AND USE TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE • 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RATES WEATHER TABLE • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT • PAYMENT BOND ® PERFORMANCE BOND • CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ® CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW ii PROJECT SIGN I s Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 4 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)--Courtroom Remodel May 2019 r INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS 1. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS: The following requirements shall be used in the preparation of the response to this Request for Sealed Proposals: f9 Use the Proposal Form provided below. • Entries on the Proposal Form may be handwritten or typed. Write in contract duration if not specified. Acknowledge all addenda on the Proposal Form. i • Have a Principal sign the Proposal. If the Offeror is a corporation, the president or a vice- president must sign the Proposal. if the Offeror is a partnership, then the person/entity who is the managing/general partner must sign the proposal. + • Complete and submit the Conflict of Interest Affidavit form. (Also submit associated Form CIQ k and Form CIS if required.) • Include cashier's check or an acceptable bidder's bond written-by a corporate surety payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than five (5%) per cent of the total of the bid submitted. In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, the surety must(1) hold a certificate of authority from the United States Secretary of the Treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsures that is authorized and admitted as a reinsures in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the United States Secretary of the Treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City, in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. 1A. SELECTION OF CONTRACTOR: The City shall select the Offeror that offers the best value based upon the following criteria and on its ranking evaluation. In determining the Best Value Offeror, the City will consider: 1. Proposed Price (60 points) -- The lowest priced responsive Proposal will receive 60 points for this rating criterion. Higher priced proposals will receive proportionally lower scores. When compared to the lowest price, the higher priced proposal will have its score reduced by one percent(1 point)for every percent it is higher than the lowest price. The score will be rounded to the nearest whole number. 2. Proposed level of MBE participation (10 points). f 3. Proposed project schedule (10 points) --The proposal with the shortest valid schedule will receive 10 points for this rating criterion. Longer schedules will receive proportionally lower scores. 4. References/Experience (10 points) - References and experience of the Offeror as demonstrated by listing past and current projects including references with names and current telephone numbers; and, list of subcontractors if applicable. s 5. Past relationship with the City (10 points) -- Offeror's past relationship with the City of Fort Worth for "vertical" facilities projects shall receive up to 10 points for this rating criterion. If the Offeror does not have a past relationship with the City of Fort Worth, the Offeror will receive 5 points for this rating criterion. rInstruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 5 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 6. If the score for any individual rating criteria is rated as zero, this will result in the overall score being zero regardless of how many points could have been earned in the other categories. After ranking the responses to the Request for Proposal (RFP), the City shall first attempt to negotiate a contract with the selected Offeror. The City and its architect may discuss with the selected Offeror options for a scope or time modification and any price change associated with the modification. If the City is unable to negotiate a contract with the selected Offeror, the City shall, formally and in writing, end negotiations with that Offeror and proceed to the next Offeror in the order of the selection ranking until a contract is reached or all proposals are rejected. 2. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE MBE BEST VALUE PROPOSAL Minority Business Enterprise Provisions: As of June 1, 2012, The City of Fort Worth implemented a new Business Diversity Ordinance (BDO) to reflect the City's availability and disparity study findings and recommendations. During this transition period interested Offerors must obtain a MBE listing from the M/WBE Office. This will ensure that MBE listings reflect only those currently certified by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA) located in the six (6)-county geographic marketplace that have been accepted by the City. The City's geographic marketplace includes the counties of: Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Parker and Wise. Offerors are strongly encouraged to confirm that each MBE that it intends to use is located in the geographic marketplace that will be counted towards the established goal. All Offerors shall note that it is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in the procurement of goods and services. if the total dollar value of the contract is greater than $50,000, then an MBE subcontracting goal may be applicable_ The MBE goal on this project is 15% each for Part"A" & Part"B". Offerors must submit a Utilization Plan within 5 business days of submitting their Best Value Proposal. The information shall include_ (1) the name, address and telephone number of each MBE; (2) the description of the work to be performed by each MBE; and (3) the approximate dollar amount/percentage of the participation. Refer to the attached City of Fort Worth Best Value Utilization Form. A Minority Business Enterprise is defined as a business concern located in the Marketplace meeting the following criteria: a. is at least 51 percent owned by one or more minority persons, or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock is owned by one or more minority persons; and b. management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority persons who own it. The business must be certified prior to recommendation of award in order for the participation to be counted towards the established goal. Offerors must submit the best value utilization form within 5 business days of submitting their Best Value Proposal. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 6 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)--Courtroom Remodel May 2019 f If an Offeror is certified as a DBE, MBE, SBE or WBE firm, please be aware that the City's Ordinance does not allow a certified company to count itself towards the established goal; the goal represents subcontracting opportunities. i If an Offeror (regardless of certification status or if a non- DIMISIBE), however, forms a joint venture with one or more MBEs, the MBE joint venture percentage participation will be counted towards the established goal. - The appropriate City of Fort Worth Joint Venture form must be submitted for review.and approval in order for it to be counted. The City of Fort Worth strongly encourages joint ventures. If Offeror failed to meet the stated MBE goal, in part or in whole, then a detailed explanation must be submitted to explain the Good and Honest Efforts your firm made to secure MBE participation. Failure to submit the MBE participation information or the detailed explanation of the proposer's Good and Honest Efforts to meet or exceed the stated MBE goal, may render the proposal non- responsive. The MBE plan will be part of the final weighted selection criteria. 3. PROPOSAL. SECURITY: Cashier's check or an acceptable Offeror's bond payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of five (5) per cent of the Proposal submitted (See paragraph 1 above). The Proposal Security must accompany the Proposal and is subject to forfeit in the event the successful Offeror fails to execute the contract documents within ten (10) days after the contract has been awarded. The Proposal Security shall be included in the envelope containing the Proposal. Failure to submit the Proposal Security will result in the Proposal not being considered for this project. Offeror's bond will be returned if the City fails to award the contract within 90 calendar days of receipt of proposals, unless the Offeror agrees to an extension. The surety must be licensed to do business in the state of Texas. 4. PAYMENT BOND AND PERFORMANCE BOND: For projects in excess of$25,000, the successful Offeror entering into a contract for the work will be required to give the City surety in a sum equal to the amount of the contract awarded. The form of the bond shall be as herein provided and the surety shall be acceptable to the City. All bonds furnished hereunder shall meet the requirements of Texas Government Code Section 2253, as amended. In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the United States Secretary of the Treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a reinsurer that is authorized and admitted as a reinsurer in the State of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the United States Secretary of the Treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City, in its sole discretion, will determine the adequacy of the proof required herein. No sureties will be accepted by the City that are at the time in default or delinquent on any bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the City. Should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at any time by the City, notice will be given to the contractor to that effect and the contractor shall immediately provide a new surety satisfactory to the City. If the total contract price is $25,000 or less, payment to the contractor shall be made in one lump sum. Payment shall not be made for a period of 45 calendar days from the date the work has been completed and accepted by the City. If the contract is in excess of $25,000, a Payment Bond shall be executed, in the amount of the contract, solely for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work. If the contract amount is in excess of$100,000, a Performance Bond shall also be provided, in the amount of the contract, conditioned on the faithful performance of the work in accordance with Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 7 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)--Courtroom Remodel May 2019 the plans, specification, and contract documents. Said bond shall be solely for the protection of the City of Fort Worth. 5. PRE-PROPOSAL SITE INVESTIGATION: Prior to filing a response, the Offeror shall examine the site(s) of the work and the details of the requirements set out in these specifications to satisfy itself as to the conditions which will be encountered relating to the character, quality, and quantity of the work to be performed and materials and equipment required. The filing of a response by the Offeror shall be considered evidence that it has complied with these requirements. 6. AMBIGUITY: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the proposal. 7. WAGE RATES: Not less than the prevailing wage rates set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this project. 8. POST PROPOSAL - PREAWARD SUBMITTALS: Offerors are required to submit seven (7) copies of the following information to the Architectural Services Office, 401 West 13th Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (phone number 817-392-2586), within five business days subsequent to bid opening (normally by 5:00 PM the next Thursday following a Thursday bid opening) in order to assist City staff in determining the Contractor's capability of performing the work and in meeting City contract requirements: • Minority Business Enterprise Documentation (for proposals in excess of$50,000) • Contractors Qualification Statement(AIA Form A305), including client references • List of current projects & past projects built within the last 10 years, including owners' and architects' names with contact information for both current& past projects. • Proposed Subcontractors and Suppliers • Project Schedule • Schedule of Values (Breakout by CSI Divisions) • Proof of insurability for Statutory Workers Compensation Insurance 9. PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS: Acceptance of the Proposal in no way requires the City to accept the qualifications of the subcontractors. The Subcontractor lists are for use by the City in preparing recommendations for award of the contract. The Contractor must provide and use subcontractors listed unless the City agrees to allow a substitute. 10. DISCREPANCIES AND ADDENDA: Should an Offeror find any discrepancies in the drawings and specifications, or should it be in doubt as to their meaning, it shall notify the City at once. If required, the City will then prepare a written addendum that will be available to all Offerors at the place designated for distribution of the Request for Proposal Documents by the Notice to Offerors, The Contractor is responsible for determining if addenda are available and for securing copies prior to submitting a response to this request for sealed proposals. Oral instructions or decisions unless confirmed by written addenda will not be considered valid, legal or binding. No extras will be authorized because of failure of the contractor to include work called for in the addenda. Offeror must acknowledge addenda in the Proposal. Failure to acknowledge addenda may cause the Proposal to be ruled non-responsive. It is the Contractor's responsibility to obtain Addenda and include its information in the Proposal. 11. WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE: Offerors will be required to demonstrate that coverage is in effect at time of Award of Contract. Sample Certificate of Insurance, or other proof that Workers Compensation Insurance will be obtained, must be submitted within five working days of bid opening. [nstruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 8 of 35 A,D.Marshall Public safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 20t9 I 12. TAXES: Equipment and materials not consumed by or incorporated into the work are subject to State sales taxes under House Bill 11, enacted August 15, 1991. 13. PERMITS: Contractor shall apply for all City of Fort Worth Permits and for any other permits required by this project. City of Fort Worth Building and Trade Permit fees are waived. Separate permits may be required for each work location. 14. UTILITIES AND IMPACT FEES: The City will pay water and sewer utilities tap flees and impact fees. Unless shown otherwise, the City will coordinate and pay for water and sewer taps and meters to the property line. The Contractor will include all remaining fees from the electrical and gas companies in the Base Proposal. The Contractor will be responsible for coordinating with City and utility companies for installation of utilities. The Contractor will be responsible for all fees for electrical, gas, and other utilities within the property line of the project. Unless indicated otherwise on the plans, the contractor will be responsible for costs and installations from the building side of the water meter and sewer tap. i I 15. BID DOCUMENTS: Hard copies of bidding documents may be downloaded and printed by the Offeror. 16. MANUFACTURER'S REFERENCE: Catalog, brand names,. and manufacturer's references are descriptive, not restrictive. Use of brands of like nature and quality will be considered. Upon request of the architect or contractor, the contractor will submit a full sized sample and/or detailed information } as required to allow the architect to determine the acceptability of proposed substitutions. Where equipment has been listed as "no substitute accepted", the City will accept no alternates to the specified equipment. Also, refer to specification's product requirements. 17. TESTING SERVICES: The City shall provide for, independently of the contractor, the inspection services, the testing of construction materials engineering, and the verification testing services necessary for the acceptance of the construction work. 18. PROJECT SCHEDULE: The Project Schedule to be submitted with the Qualification Statement will, at the minimum, include the following: quality control submittals and approvals, mobilization, site preparation, under slab utilities, foundation work, structural erection, interior finish, commissioning, and closeout. The Schedule may be submitted as a table or PERT diagram. 19. STATE FORM 1295 "CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES": Texas Ethics Commission regulations require that the business entity must fill out the Form 1295 on an electronic filing application on the Texas Ethics Commission website (www.ethics.state.tx.us). The business entity that wishes to enter into the contract must supply the completed, signed and notarized Form 1295 to the City. 20. IMMIGRATION NATIONALITY ACT: City actively supports the Immigration & Nationality Act (INA) which includes provisions addressing employment eligibility, employment verification, and nondiscrimination. Vendor shall verify the identity and employment eligibility of all employees who perform work under this Agreement. Vendor shall complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (1-9), maintain photocopies of all supporting employment eligibility and identity documentation for all employees, and upon request, provide City with copies of all 1-9 farms and supporting eligibility documentation for each employee who performs work under this Agreement. Vendor shall establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services will be performed by any employee who is not legally eligible to perform such services. Vendor shall provide City with a certification letter that it has compiled with the verification requirements required by this Agreement.Vendor shall indemnify City from any penalties or liabilities due to violations of this provision. City shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by Vendor. 21. House Bill 89: Contractor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel" and instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 9 of 35 ' A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Cade. By signing this contract, Contractor certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that Contractor: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 10 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Seat 2018)--Courtmom Remodel M_ay 2019 TMS COPY IS FOR, CONTRACTOR k CITY SECRETARY I SPONSORING DEPT -PROJECT MANAGER j TPW RLE COPY THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Bldg. First & Second. Floor Remodel & Accessibility Upgrade r J -t "B" o PNM2014-04 Fan'WORI no BETSY PRICE If�A � C®EKE MAYOR CITY MANAGER : Steve Cooke Director, Property Management Department Theresa A. Ewing Municipal Court Services Director, Municipal Courts Department r Arthur Weinman Architect October 2018 Submitted By: The MARK TV Construction Group, LLC 5821 Egg Farm Road, Suite 2920 Fort Worth, TX 76244 t Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 1 of 48 CFW PMD—A.D. Marshall Public Safely&Municipal Courts Building—Part"B" October 2018 REVISED PROPOSAL FORM (9/26/2018) TO: MR. DAVID COOKE CITY MANAGER ATTN: PURCHASING OFFICE 200 TEXAS STREET CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS FOR: A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building First& Second Floor Remodel &Accessibility Upgrade, Part"B" 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, Texas Project PMD2014-04 Pursuant to the foregoing "Instructions to Offerors," the undersigned has thoroughly examined the plans, specifications and the site, understands the amount of work to be done, and hereby proposes to do all the work and furnish all labor, equipment and materials necessary to fully complete all the work as provided in the plans and specifications, and subject to the inspection and approval of the Director of Transportation and Public Works of the City of Fort Worth. Upon acceptance of this Proposal by the City Council,the bidder is bound to execute a contract and, if the contract amount exceeds $25,000.00, furnish acceptable Performance and/or Payment Bonds approved by the City of Fort Worth for performing and completing the Work within the time stated and for the following sum,to wit: DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS Part"B"--City of Fort Worth 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates. $ 898 424.39 Base Proposal 160 Calendar Days $ 67,381.83 Owner's Contingency Allowance (7.5%) added to Base Proposal (This Allowance amount is not included in the Base Proposal but is added to the Base Proposal. Only the Owner will approve the use of this Allowance during construction. Any Allowance remaining at the end of construction will be retained by the City of Fort Worth). $ 965,806.22 Base Proposal Plus Owner's Contingency Allowance Part"B"—ALTERNATES--City of Fort Worth 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates. Add Alternate No. 1 —Renovation of Second Floor existing Courtroom#1 and Court Clerks rooms. Add Alternate No. 1 $. 202,478.60 Additional Calendar Days 40 Revised Proposal Farm(9/26/2018) Page I of 3 CFw PMD—A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Part"T September 2018 I 1 '= Add Alternate No.2—Renovation of Second Floor existing restroom and construction of two single- compartment restrooms. f Add Alternate No. 2 $ 230,493.95 i Additional Calendar Days 45 Deductive Alternate No. 3 -- Reduction in Project Cost if awarded contracts for both Part A, (First Floor Remodel &Accessibility Ramp(ADA Improvements), and Part 13, This proposal. Deductive Alternate No.3 $_ _1.5,000.00 k The undersigned agrees to complete the Work within the calendar days specified above after the date of Notice to Proceed. A Project Schedule will be submitted as required in the Instructions to Offeror. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids or any combination thereof proposed for the r above work. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization,subcontractors or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance 7278 as amended by City Ordinance 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Section 13A-21 through 13A-29). Residency of Offerors: The 1985 Session of the Texas Legislature passed house Bill 620 relative to the award of contracts to non-resident bidders. The law provides that, in order to be awarded a contract as low bidder, non-resident bidders(out of state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are outside of the State of Texas) that bid projects for construction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount that Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a non-resident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the non-residents principal place of business is located. The appropriate blanks in Section A must be filled out by all non-resident bidders in order for your bid to meet specifications. The failure of out of state or non-resident bidders to complete the forms may disqualify that bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section B. A. U Non-resident vendors in (give state), our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by state law. 1_1 Non-resident vendors in (give state), are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. IN Our principal place of business or corporate offices are in the State of Texas. Within ten (10)days of receipt of notice of acceptance of this bid,the successful bidder will execute the formal contract and will deliver approved Performance and Payment Bonds for the faithful performance of, this contact. The attached deposit check in the sum of Dollars ($ ) is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or the attached Bidder's Bond is to be forfeited in the event the contract and bonds are not executed within the time set forth, as liquidated damages for delay and additional work caused thereby. Revised Proposal Form(9/26/2018) Page 2 of 3 CFW PMD—A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Part"B" September 2018 s MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE): (For Proposals in excess of$50,000) 1 am aware that I must submit information to the Director, Property Management Department, concerning the MBE participation within FIVE BUSINESS DAYS of submittal of this Proposal in order to be considered RESPONSIVE. Respectfully submitted, The MARK IV Construction Group, LLC Com any Name By: Signature Amy Cope President Printed Name of Principal Title Address: 5821 Egg Farm Road, Suite 2920 Street Fort Worth 76244 City Zip { Phone: 817-337-3343 Fax: NIA Email: acope@markivconstruction.net Receipt is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1: X Addendum No. 2: X Addendum No. 3: X Addendum No. 4: X Addendum No. 5: X Addendum No. 6: Addendum No. 7: Addendum No. 8: Addendum No. 9: Addendum No. t 0: Revised Proposal Form(9/26/2018) Page 3 of 3 CFW PMD—A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building--Part"8" September 2018 1 M CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT Each bidder, offeror, or respondent (hereinafter also referred to as "you") to a City of Fort Worth{also ( referred to as "City") procurement are required to complete Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (the attached t CIQ Form) and Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement(the attached CIS Forme)below pursuant to state law. This affidavit will certify that the Bidder has on file with the City Secretary the required documentation and is eligible to bid on City Work.The referenced forms may be downloaded from the website links f provided below. i http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CIQ.pdf h=://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CIS.pdf k 0 CIQ Form is on file with City Secretary I CIQ Form is being provided to the City Secretary 0 CIS Form is on File with City Secretary C 0 CIS Form is being provided to the City Secretary i BIDDER: i The MARK TV Construction Group,LLC By Amy Cope I Company (Please Print) ( V �j►� 5821E Faam Road Suite 2920 Signature: gg Address Fort Worth,TX 76244 Title: President k I City/State/Zip (Please Print) i f ' Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 15 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 E CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ For vendor doing business with local governmental entity r i This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. OFFICUSFONhY This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who Date Received has a business relationship as defined by Section 176.001(1-a) with a local governmental entity and the vendor meets requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be filed with the records administrator of the local governmental entity not later than the 7th business day after the date the vendor becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be # flied. See Section 176.006(a-1),Local Government Code. A vendor commits an offense if the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. !J Name of vendor who has a business relationship with local governmental entity. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previously filed questionnaire.(The law requires thatyou file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than the 7th business day after the date on which you became aware that the originally filed questionnaire was incomplete or inaccurate.) ' 3 Name of local government officer about whom the information is being disclosed. Name of Officer 41 Describe each employment or other business relationship with the local government officer, or a family member of the i officer,as described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A). Also describe any family relationship with the local government officer. Complete subparts A and B foreach employment or business relationship described. Attach additional pages to this Form d CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer or a family member of the officer receiving or likely to receive taxable income, other than investment income,from the vendor? i F-1 Yes No B. Is the vendor receiving or likely to receive taxabfe income,other than investment income,from or at the direction i. of the local government officer or a family member of the officer AND the taxable income is not received from the local governmental entity? Yes FNo i 5 Describe each employment or business relationship that the vendor named in Section 1 maintains with a corporation or other business entity with respect to which the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership interest of one percent ormore. 6 Check this box if the vendor has given the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts as described in Section 176.003(a)(2)(B),excluding gifts described in Section 176.003(a-1). 7 Signature of vendor doing business with the governmental entity Date Ir tlxmtp�rm�dd�AF9 r ¢Qst( c (iCldr�mission www.ofhics.state.tx.us Page 16 of35Revised 11/30/2015 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 CART 1 - CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor doing business with local governmental entity A complete copy of Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code may be found at http:llwww.statutes.legis.state.tx,us/Docs/LG/htm/LG.176.htm. For easy reference, below are some of the sections cited on this form. Local Government Code§176.001(1-a):"Business relationship"means a connection between two or more parties based on commercial activity of one of the parties. The term does not include a connection based on: (A) a transaction that is subject to rate or fee regulation by a federal,state,or local governmental entity or an agency of a federal,state,or local governmental entity; (B) a transaction conducted at a price and subject to terms available to the public;or (C) a purchase or lease of goods or services from a person that is chartered by a state or federal agency and that is subject to regular examination by,and reporting to,that agency. a s 1.1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE§176.003(A)(2)(A)AND(13): (a) A local government officer shall file a conflicts disclosure statement with respect to a vendor if: (2) the vendor: (A) has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member of the officer that results in the officer or family member receiving i taxable income, other than investment income, that exceeds $2,500 during the 12- month period preceding the date that the officer becomes aware that (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed;or s (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor; (B) has given to the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts that have an aggregate value of more than$100 in the 12-month period preceding the date the officer becomes aware that: (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor. 1.2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE§ 176.006(A)AND (A-1). s (a) A vendor shall file a completed conflict of interest questionnaire if the vendor has a business relationship with a local governmental entity and: (1) has an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity,ora family memberof the officer,described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A); t (2) has given a local government officer of that local governmental entity,or a family member of the officer,one or more gifts with the aggregate value specified by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B),excluding any i gift described by Section 176.003(a-1);or (3) has a family relationship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity. (a-1) The completed conflict of interest questionnaire must be filed with the appropriate records administrator not later than the seventh business day after the later of: i (1) the date that the vendor: (A) begins discussions or negotiations to enter into a contract with the local governmental entity; or (B) submits to the local governmental entity an application, response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to a potential contract with the local governmental entity;or (2) the date the vendor becomes aware: (A) of an employment or other business relationship with a local government officer, or a family member ofthe officer,described by Subsection(a); (B) that the vendor has given one or more gifts described by Subsection(a);or ' (C) of a family relationship with a local government officer. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 17 of 35 I A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 1 I LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICER FORM CIS CONFLICTS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (instructions for completing and filing this form are provided on the next page.) This questionnaire reflects changes made to the law by H.B. 23, 84th Leg., Regular Session. OFFICE USE ONLY This is the notice to the appropriate local governmental entity that the following local government officer has become aware of facts that require the officer to file this statement pate Received in accordancewith Chapter 176,Local GovernmentCode. Name of Local Government Officer 1 s 2 Office Held 3 Name of vendor described by Sections 176.001(7) and 176.003(a), Local Government Code S i 4 Description of the nature and extent of each employment or other business relationship and each family relationship with vendor named in item 3. I 5 List gifts accepted by the local government officer and any family member, if aggregate value of the gifts accepted from vendor named in item 3 exceeds $100 during the 12-month period described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B). Date Gift Accepted Description of Gift Date Gift Accepted Description of Gift Date Gift Accepted Description of Gift (attach additional forms as necessary) s AFFIDAVIT I swear under penalty of perjury that the above statement is true and correct. I acknowledge that the disclosure applies to each family member(as defined by Section 176.001(2), Local Government Code) of this local government officer. I also acknowledge that this statement covers the 12-month period described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(H),Local Government Code. i I Signature of Local Government Officer l AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sword to and subscribed before me,by the said this the day i of ,20 to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath. Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 18 of 35 A.Ebrh {z it!@uhflEljc iyl$fiIfRertyaipaiid siffts Building(Sept 2018)-Cuuvinraeatl1tRE r ddi:.tx.us May 2019Revised 11/30/2015 I E LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICER CONFLICTS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ISection 176.003 of the Local Government Code requires certain local government officers to file this form. A "local government officer"is defined as a member of the governing body of a local governmental entity; a director, superintendent, administrator,president,or other person designated as the executive officer of a local governmental entity;or an agent of a local governmental entity who exercises discretion in the planning,recommending,selecting,or contracting of a vendor.This form is required to be fled with the records administrator of the local governmental entity not later than 5 p.m. on the seventh business day afterthe date on which the officer becomes aware of the facts that require the filing of this statement. Alocal governmentofficercommits an offense if the officer knowingly violates Section 176.003,Local Government Code.An offense under this section is a misdemeanor. i Referto chapter 176 of the Local Government Code for detailed information regarding the requirement to file this form. PART 2 - INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM The following numbers correspond to the numbered boxes on the other side. i 1. Name of Local Government Officer. Enter the name of the local government officer filing this statement. 2. Office Held. Enter the name of the office held by the-local government officer filing this statement. 3. Name of vendor described by Sections 176.001(7)and 176.003(a), Local Government Code. Enter the name of the vendor described by Section 176.001(7), Local Government Code, if the vendor: a) has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member of the officer as described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A), Local Government Code; b)has given to the local government officer or a family member of the officer one or more gifts as described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B), Local Government Code;or c)has a family relationship i with the local government officer as defined by Section 176.001(2-a),Local Government Code. 4. Description of the nature and extent of each employment or other business relationship and each family relationship with vendor named in item 3. Describe the nature and extent of the employment or other business relationship the vendor has with the local government officer or a family member of the officer as described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(A), Local Government Code,and each family relationship the vendor has with the local government officer as defined by Section 176.001(2-a),Local Government Code. 5. List gifts accepted, if the aggregate value of the gifts accepted from vendor named in item 3 exceeds $100. List gifts accepted during the 12-month period (described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B), Local Government Code)by the local government officer or family member of the officer from the vendor named in item 3 that in the aggregate exceed$100 in value. 6,Affidavit. Signature of local government officer. Local Government Code § 176.001f2-a): "Family relationship" means a relationship between a person and another person within the third degree by consanguinity or the second degree by affinity,as those terms are defined by Subchapter B,Chapter573,Government Code. PART 3 - LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE§176.003(A)(2)(A); (a) A local government officer shall file a conflicts disclosure statement with respect to a vendor if: i (2) the vendor: (A) has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or a family member of the officer that results in the officer orfamily member receiving taxable income, other than investment income, that exceeds $2,500 during the 12- month period preceding the date that the officer becomes aware that: t (i) a contract between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed;or (ii) the local governmental entity is considering entering into a contract with the vendor. instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 19 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)--Courtroom Remodel May 2019 i f i TEXAS SALES AND USE TAX EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Name of Purchaser, Firm or Agency: City of Fort Worth,Texas i Address(Street&Number, P.O. Box or Route Number): 1000 Throckmorton City, State,Zip Code: Fort Worth Texas 76102 i Telephone: (817)392-8360 1, the purchaser named above, claim an exemption from payment of sales and use taxes for the purchase of taxable items described below or on the attached order or invoice from: All vendors Description of the items to be purchased,or on the attached order or invoice: All items except motor vehicles as listed below Purchaser claims this exemption for the following reason: F Governmental Entity i I understand that I will be liable for payment of sales or use taxes which may become due for failure to comply with the provisions of the state, city, and/or metropolitan transit authority sales and use tax laws and comptroller rules regarding exempt purchases. Liability for the tax will be determined by the price paid for the taxable items purchased or the fair market rental value for the period of time used. I understand that it is a misdemeanor to give an exemption certificate to the seller for taxable items which I know, at the time of purchase,will be used in a manner other than expressed in this certificate and that upon conviction I may be fined not more than$500 per offense. Purchaser: Title: Purchasing_Manager Date: February 1, 2007 Note:This certificate cannot be issued for the purchase, lease or rental of a motor vehicle. THIS CERTIFICATEDOES NOT REQUIRE NUMBER TO BE VALID Sales and Use Tax"Exemption Numbers"or"Tax Exempt"Numbers do not exist. I i This certificate should be furnished to the supplier. Do not send the completed ' certificate to the Comptroller of Public Accounts. f t F Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 20 of 35 A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 l 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RATES Commercial Construction Projects i CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AC Mechanic $ 25.24 AC Mechanic Helper $ 13.67 Acoustical Ceiling Installer $ 16.83 Acoustical Ceiling Installer Helper 12.70 Bricklayer/Stone Mason $ 19.45 Bricklayer/Stone Mason Trainee $ 13.31 Bricklayer/Stone Mason Helper 1 91 Carpenter $ 17.75 Carpenter Helper $ 14.32 Concrete Cutter/Sawer $17.00 Concrete Cutter/Sawer Helper $ 11.00 Concrete Finisher $ 15.77 Concrete Finisher Helper 1100 Concrete Form Builder $ 15.27 Concrete Form Builder Helper 1 00 Drywall Mechanic $ 15.36 Drywall Helper $ 12.54 Drywall Taper $ 15.00 Drywall Taper Helper 11.50 Electrician (Journeyman) 19$63 s Electrician Apprentice(Helper) $ 15.64 Electronic Technician 2 00 Floor layer $ 18.00 Floor Layer Helper $ 10.00 Glazier $ z1.o3 Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 21 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 Glazier Helper $ 12.81 Insulator $ 16.59 Insulator Helper $ 11.21 Laborer Common $ 10.89 Laborer Skilled $ 14.15 Lather $ 12.99 Metal Building Assembler $ 16.00 Metal Building Assembler Helper 1 00 Metal Installer(Miscellaneous) $ 13.00 Metal Installer Helper(Miscellaneous) $ 11.00 Metal Stud Framer 16$12 Metal Stud Framer Helper $ 12.54 Painter $ 16.44 Painter Helper $ 9.98 Pipefitter $ 21.22 Pipefitter Helper 15.39 Plasterer $ 16.17 Plasterer Helper 1 85 Plumber $ 21.98 Plumber Helper $ 15.85 Reinforcing Steel Setter $ 12.87 Reinforcing Steel Setter Helper 11.08 Roofer $ 16.90 Roofer Helper $ 11,15 Sheet Metal Worker $ 16.35 Sheet Metal Worker Helper $ 13.11 Sprinkler System Installer $19.17 Sprinkler System installer Helper $14.15 Instruction to Offerors(October 2047) Page 22 of 35 A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remode] May 2019 f Steel Worker Structural $ 17.00 Steel Worker Structural Helper 1 74 Waterproofer $ i 15.00 k Equipment Operators r Concrete Pump 18.50 Crane,Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick, D'Llne Shovel $ 1931 Forklift $16.45 Foundation Drill Operator $ 22.50 Front End Loader $ 16.97 Truck Driver $ t 16.77 Welder $19.96 Welder Helper 13.00 The prevailing wage rates shown for Commercial construction projects were based on a salary survey conducted and published by the North Texas Construction industry(Fall 2012)Independently compiled by the Lane Gorman Trubitt,PLLC Construction Group. The descriptions for the classifications listed are provided on the TEXO's(The Construction Association)website. www.texoassociation.org/Chapter/wagerates.asp F s i i i S I F Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 23 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)-Courtroom Remodel May 2019 i CITY OF FORT WORTH WEATHER TABLE Average Days [F,,u,,a onth of Inches of Rainfall Rainl8nowlice ry 6 2_51 a 7 123�3:49 7 2_97 10 4.56 8 3.31 4 1.83 t 5 1.88 mber 5 2_3 October 7 3.65 November 7 2.70 Ker:ember - 6 - 2_34 nually 81 1 33-81 (1)Mean number of days precipitation of 0-01'or more or 1rr snowfice ' (2)Average normal precipitation,in inches This table is based on information reported from Dallas-Fart Worth International Aii port, Texas_latitude 32 deg 54 min north,longitude 97 deg 02:ruin west, elevation(ground)551 fL f Average number of days of rain,snow;and ice days are bated on regards covering.21 years_ Preoftabon is based on recorded information kom 1996 through 2016 period_ This table is to be used as a Msis for calculation of excess rain or weather days for projects a with duration in calendar days.if the site records indicate that the Contractor was unable to carry out operations due to weather,it is counted as a Wither day_If the number of Weather days exceeds the number of average rain days plus the snowdce days for the contract duration,the contracfwrill be adjusted by Change Order. FartWoMWmtberTabla 24 ApM 2or7 f Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 24 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 City of Fort Worth, Texas Property Management Department Facilities Management Group/Architectural Services Division I GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION I LUMP SUM CONTRACT j SECTION A DEFINITIONS,PROCEDURES AND INTERPRETATIONS A-1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: By the term Contract Documents is meant all of the written and drawn documents setting forth or affecting the rights of the parties, including but not necessarily limited to,the Contract, Notice to Bidders, Proposal, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Plans, Bonds and all Addenda,Amendments signed by all parties, Change Orders, written Interpretations and any written Field Order for a minor change in the Work. A-2 ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The Contract Documents represent the entire agreement between the Parties, and no prior or ! contemporaneous,oral or written agreements, instruments or negotiations shall be construed as altering the terms and effects of the Contract Documents. After being executed,the Contract Documents can be changed only by a written Amendment signed by the Contractor and the Owner,or Change Order,or by a written Field Order for a minor change. A-3 WORK: By the term Work is meant all labor,supervision,materials and equipment necessary to be used or incorporated in order to produce the construction required by Contract Documents. A-4 EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents shall be executed in four originals,with all required attachments, including required bonds and insurance certificates, by the Contractor and the Owner in such form as may be prescribed by law and returned to the Owner within ten business days of notification to Contractor. Failure to execute contracts and provide required enclosures will be grounds for revocation of award and taking of Bid Bond. A-5 FAMILIARITY WITH PROPOSED WORK: Before filing a Proposal, the Contractor shall examine carefully the, plans, specifications, special provisions, and the form of contract to be entered into for the work contemplated. He shall examine the site of work and satisfy himself as to the conditions that will be encountered relating to the character,quality and quantity of work to be performed and materials to be furnished. The filing of a bid by the bidder shall be considered evidence that he has complied with these requirements and has accepted the site as suitable for the work. Claims for additional compensation due to variations between conditions actually encountered in construction and as indicated by the plans will not be allowed. A-6 ONE UNIFIED CONTRACT: Insofar as possible, the Contract Documents will be bound together and executed as a single unified Contract.The intention of the Contract Documents being to provide for all labor,supervision,materials,equipment and other items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. Words that have well-recognized technical or trade meanings are used herein in accordance with such recognized meanings. A-7 DIVISION OF WORK: The arrangement of Drawings and/or Specifications into Divisions, Sections, Articles, or other Subdivisions shall not be binding upon the Contractor in dividing the work among Subcontractors or Trades. A-8 INTERPRETATIONS: In the event of inconsistency in the contract documents,the following sequence for interpretation shall be used in order of precedence: Change Orders and/or Field Orders (by date of issuance); Addenda (by date of issuance); Drawings; Notes and dimensions on Drawings; Technical Specifications; Special Provisions; Supplementary General Conditions; General Conditions;and Construction Contract. The Architect will furnish such Interpretations of the Plans and Specifications as may be necessary for the proper execution or progress of the work. Such Interpretations shall be furnished at the instance of the Architect or at the request of the Contractor, or ! Owner, and will be issued with reasonable promptness and at such times and in accordance with such schedule as may be agreed upon. Such Interpretations shall be consistent with the purposes and intent of the Plans and Specifications and may be effected by Field Order. In the event of any dispute between any of the parties to the Contract and the Architect or each other involving the interpretation of the Contract Documents, the evaluation-of work or materials performed or furnished by the Architect Contractor, or any subcontractor or materialsman, or involving any question of fault or liability of any party,the decision of the Owner shall be final and binding. A-9 CORRELATION AND INTENT; In general,the drawings indicate dimension, locations,positions,quantities,and kinds of construction;the specifications indicate the quality and construction procedures required. Work indicated on the drawings and not specified of vice-versa, shall be furnished as though set forth in both. Work not detailed, marked or specified shall be the same as similar parts that are detailed,marked or specified. If the drawings are in conflict or conflict with the specifications the better quality or greater quantity or work or materials shall be estimated and shall be furnished or included. Dimensions on drawings shall take procedence over small-scale drawings. Drawings showing locations of equipment, piping, ductwork, electrical apparatus, etc., are diagrammatic and job conditions may not allow installation in the exact location shown. Relocation shall not occur without the Architects approval. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 1 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 A-10 COPIES OF WORKING DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The Architect will furnish to Contractor electronic working Drawings and Specifications. Contractor shall pay the cost of reproduction for all other copies of Drawings and Specifications furnished to him. Ali Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Owner or the Architect are and shall remain the property of the Owner. They are not to be used on any other project and,with the exception of one Contract set for each Party to the Contract,are to be returned to the Owner on request at the completion of the work. A-11 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE) POLICY: As of June 1, 2012, The City of Fort Worth has implemented Business Diversity Ordinance(BDO)to reflect the City's availability and disparity study findings and recommendations. During this transition period, interested Offerors must obtain an MBE listing from the MNVBE Office at 817-212-2674. This will ensure that the MBE listings reflect only those currently certified by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency(NCTRCA) located in the six (6)-county geographic marketplace that have been accepted by the City. The City's geographic marketplace includes the counties of.Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Parker and Wise. Offerors are strongly encouraged to confirm that each MBE that it intends to use is located in the geographic marketplace that will be counted towards the established goal. The City of Fort Worth has goals for the participation of Minority Business Enterprises(MBE)in City contracts. Compliance with the policies designed to meet these goals is mandatory in order to be considered a responsive bidder. The City policy and procedures to be followed in submitting proposals are included. The City of Fort Worth MBE Program will take precedence over other subcontractor utilization programs on Block Grant and other federally funded Projects. A-12 AGE: In accordance with the policy("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the federal government, Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members, agents, employees, program participants or subcontractors, while engaged in performing this contract, shall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connection with the terms, conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the basis of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers, members, agents, employees, subcontractors, program participants, or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory equipment. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the Policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors'alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. A-13 DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with, or employees of Contractor or any of its subcontractors. Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA provisions and any other applicable federal,state and local laws concerning disability and will defend,indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure to comply with the above-referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this agreement. A-14 IMMIGRATION NATIONALITY ACT: City actively supports the Immigration & Nationality Act (INA) which includes provisions addressing employment eligibility, employment verification, and nondiscrimination. Vendor shall verify the identity and employment eligibility of all employees who perform work under this Agreement.Vendor shall complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (1-9), maintain photocopies of all supporting employment eligibility and identity documentation for all employees, and upon request, provide City with copies of all 1-9 forms and supporting eligibility documentation for each employee who performs work under this Agreement.Vendor shall establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services will be performed by any employee who is not legally eligible to perform such services.Vendor shall provide City with a certification letter that it has complied with the verification requirements required by this Agreement. Vendor shall indemnify City from any penalties or liabilities due to violations of this provision. City shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by Vendor. A-15 HOUSE BILL 89: Contractor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1)does not boycott Israel; and (2)will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The terms"boycott Israel"and"company"shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this contract, Contractor certifies that Contractors signature provides written verification to the City that Contractor:(1)does not boycott Israel;and(2)will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 2 of 27 A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 SECTION B IDENTITY OF ARCHITECT J B-1 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: The Architect is the person or person lawfully licensed to practice architecture identified as such in the Agreement. The Architect is retained by the Owner to prepare the construction documents and represent the Owner during the construction phase as directed by the Owner. B-2 DUTIES OF THE ARCHITECT: As used herein,the term Architect means the Architect or his authorized representative. Nothing contained in these Contract Documents shall create any privity of Contract between the Architect and the Contractor. B-3 ARCHITECT AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER: The Architect will provide general administration of the Contract on behalf of the Owner and will have authority to act as the representative of the Owner to the extent provided in the Contract Documents unless changed in writing by the Owner. The Architect will be available for conferences and consultations with the Owner or the Contractor at all reasonable times. B-4 ACCESS TO JOB SITES: The Architect shall at all times have access to the Work whenever it is in preparation and progress. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access so the Architect may perform its assigned functions under the Contract Documents. The Architect will make periodic visits to the Site to familiarize himself with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract documents. On the basis of on-site observations,the Architect will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor. Based upon such observations and the Contractor's applications for payments, the Architect will make determinations and recommendations concerning the amounts owing to the Contractor and will issue certificates for payment amounts. B-5 INTERPRETATIONS: The Architect will be, in the first instance, the interpreter of the requirements of the Plans and Specifications and the judge of the performance thereunder by the Contractor,subject to the final decision of the Owner. The Architect's decisions in matters relating to artistic effect will be final if consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. B-6 AUTHORITY TO STOP WORK: The Architect will have authority to reject work that does not conform to the Plans and Specifications. In addition,whenever, in its reasonable opinion,the Architect considers it necessary or advisable in order to insure the proper realization of the intent of the Plans and Specifications,the Architect will have authority to require the Contractor to stop the Work or any portion thereof, or to require special inspection or testing of the Work whether or not such Work be then fabricated, installed or completed. B-7 MISCELLANEOUS Shop Drawings, Submittals and Samples: The Architect will review Shop Drawings, Submittals and Samples. Two copies of each approved Shop Drawing and submittal will be provided to the Owner by the Architect. Three copies will be returned to the Contractor. Change Orders: Change Orders, Owners Contingence Allowance forms, and Field Orders for Minor Changes in the work will be issued by the Owner through the Architect. Guarantees: The Architect will receive all written guarantees and related documents required of the Contractor. Upon completion of the project the Contractor shall provide the Owner three copies of each guarantee. Inspections:The Architect will conduct inspections for the purpose of determining and making his recommendations concerning the dates of substantial completion and final completion. The Architect will conduct the final acceptance inspection and issue the Certificate of Substantial Completion. 5 Operation and Maintenance Manuals: The Architect will receive on behalf of the Owner one hard copy and two digital copies of all applicable equipment installation,operation,and maintenance brochures and manuals required of the Contractor. B-8 TERMINATION OF THE ARCHITECT: In case of the termination of the employment of the Architect by the Owner, the Owner shall either assume the duties of the Architect through the Director of the Property Management Department,or shall appoint a successor Architect against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objection. SECTION C OWNER C-1 IDENTIFICATION: By the term Owner is meant the City of Fort Worth acting herein by its duly authorized representatives in the manner provided by law. Authorized representatives include the City Manager,Assistant City Manager, and Director of the Property Management Department and members of the Facilities Management Division. A designated representative will be identified from within the Facilities Management Division to act as a point of contact for day-to-day contract administration. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 3 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 C-2 DUTIES OF THE OWNER: The Owner shall furnish surveys describing the physical characteristics, legal limits and utility locations for the site of the Work; provided, however,that the Contractor hereby covenants that he has inspected the premises and familiarized himself therewith and that the locations of utilities and other obstacles to the prosecution of the Work as shown on the Owner's survey are for information only, are not binding upon the Owner, and the Owner shall not incur any liability for loss or damage by virtue of any inaccuracies or deficiencies in such surveys. The Owner shall secure and pay for title to the site and all necessary permanent or construction easements. The Owner will cooperate with the Contractor in the prosecution of the Work in such manner and to such extent as may be reasonable and shall furnish information under its control with reasonable promptness at the request of the Contractor. C-3 INSTRUCTIONS: The Owner shall issue all instructions to the Contractor through the Architect. C-4 ACCESS TO JOB SITE: The Owner shall at all times have access to the Work whenever it is in preparation and progress. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access so the Owner may perform its assigned functions under the Contract Documents. C-5 PROGRESS INSPECTIONS: The Owner and Architect will make visits to the Site to familiarize themselves with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of on-site observations and reports concerning the progress and quality of the work,the Owner and Architect will approve and authorize the Contractor's applications for payments. C-6 AUTHORITY TO STOP WORK: The City will have authority to reject work that does not conform to the Plans and Specifications. Whenever, in its reasonable opinion, the City considers it necessary or advisable in order to insure the proper realization of the intent of the Plans and Specifications, the City will have authority to require the Contractor to stop the work or any portion thereof, or to require special inspection or testing of the Work whether or not such Work be then fabricated, installed or completed.The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of special inspections and testing for work that is found not to comply with the plans and specifications. C-7 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION INSPECTION: Upon agreement of the Contractor and Architect that the Work is substantially complete,the Owner will schedule a Substantial Completion Inspection to be conducted by the Architect and attended by representatives of the Architect, Owner and Contractor. Items identified during this inspection as being incomplete, defective or deficient shall be incorporated into a punch list and attached to the AIA document G704, which is to be prepared by the Architect and signed by the Contractor,and accepted,approved and signed by the Owner. C-8 RIGHT TO AUDIT: Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor further agrees to include in all his subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of such subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract.The term "subcontract"as used herein includes purchase orders. Contractor agrees to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the city. The city agrees to reimburse Contractor for the costs of copies at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code. C-9 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION OF WORK: The Owner has the right to terminate the Project for any reason. If the project is terminated,the Contractor shall: a) Stop work under the Contract on the date and to the extent specified on the notice of termination. b) Place no further orders or subcontracts except as may be necessary for the completion of the work not terminated. c} Terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of the work terminated by the notice of termination. After termination as above, the City will pay the Contractor a proportionate part of the contract price based on the work completed; provided, however, that the amount of payment on termination shall not exceed the total contract price as reduced by the portion thereof allocable to the work not completed and further reduced by the amount of payments, if, any otherwise made. Contractor shall submit its claim for amounts due after termination as provided in this paragraph within 30 days after receipt of such claim. In the event of any dispute or controversy as to the propriety or a[lowability of all or any portion of such claim under this paragraph, such dispute or controversy shall be resolved and be decided by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, and the decision by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth shall be final and binding upon all parties to this contract. SECTION D CONTRACTOR D-1 IDENTIFICATION: The Contractor is the person or organization identified as such in the Contract. The term Contractor means the Contractor or his authorized representative. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 4 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 D-2 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Contractor shall perform all work and services hereunder as an independent contractor, not as agent, or employee of the City. Contractor shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive right to control the details of the Work and services performed hereunder, and all persons performing same, and Contractor shall be solely responsible for the acts of its officers, agents,and employees. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise I between City and the Contractor,its officers,agents and employees,and the doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply. i D-3 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Agreement, Conditions of the Contract, Drawings, Specifications,Addenda and modifications and shall at once report to the Owner and to the Architect any error, inconsistency br omission he may discover. The Contractor shall do no work without approved Submittals, Drawings, Specifications and Interpretations. D-4 SUPERVISION: The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using reasonable skill and attention. He shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, safety, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract Documents. D-5 LABOR AND MATERIALS: Unless otherwise specifically noted, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. The Contractor will use its reasonable best efforts to hire local laborers, workmen and materialmen.The general condition is not to be constructed as limiting the right of the Contractor to employee laborers,workmen or materialmen from outside local area. The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees, and shall not employ on the Work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the task assigned to him. D-6 COMPLIANCE WiTH AND ENFORCEMENT OF PREVAILING WAGE RATE Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code (Chapter 2258), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these contract documents. Penalty for Violation. A contractor or any subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City$60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents.This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs,pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. Complaints of Violations and City Determination of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2253.023, Texas Government Code, by a contractor or subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31'day after the'date the City receives the information,as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the contractor or subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258,the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. i Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023, Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act(Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes) if the contractor or subcontractor and any affected worker do not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initial determination pursuant to paragraph (c)above. If the persons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. j Records to be Maintained. The Contractor and each subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the Work,maintain records that show(i)the name and occupation of each worker employed by the Contractor in the construction of the Work provided for in this contract; and (ii)the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of the Audit section of these contract documents shall pertain to this inspection. Pay Estimates. With each partial payment estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, the Contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the Contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258,Texas Government Code. Postinq of Wage Rates. The Contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times. Subcontractor Compliance. The Contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs(a)through(g)above. On projects where special wage rates apply(e.g.Davis-Bacon)the Contractor agrees to meet all requirements of such programs. I General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 5 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 D-7 WARRANTY: The Contractor warrants to the Owner and the Architect that all materials and equipment furnished under this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects, and in conformance with the Contract Documents. All work not so conforming to these standards may be considered defective. If required by the Architect or the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. Prior to occupancy of the Project by the Owner,the Contractor warranties and obligations to correct defective Work exclude remedy for damage or defect caused by (i) abuse by the Owner's separate contractors, or(ii) modifications made by the Owner or the Owner's separate contractors. After occupancy of the Project by the Owner, the Contractor warranties and obligations to correct defective Work exclude remedy for damage or defect caused by (i) abuse, (ii) modifications not executed by the Contractor, (111) improper or insufficient maintenance, (iv)improper operation,(v)normal wear and tear,or(vi)normal usage. The warranty provided in this Section shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any other warranty or remedy provided by law or the Contract Documents. D-8 TAXES: The Contractor is exempt from State Sales Tax on material incorporated into the finished construction, Excise and Use Tax. Equipment and materials not consumed by or incorporated into the work are subject to State sales taxes under House Bill 11,enacted August 15, 1991. D-9 LICENSES, NOTICES AND FEES: The Contractor shall obtain all Permits, Licenses, Certificates, and Inspections, whether permanent or temporary, required by law or these Contract Documents. The City of Fort Worth Building and Trade Permit fees are waived. Separate permits may be required for each work location.If the Contractor allows any permit to expire, he shall be responsible for all renewals including any associated fees. The Contractor shall give all Notices and comply with all Laws, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations and Orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the Work. If the Contractor observes or becomes aware that any of the Contract Documents are at variance therewith in any respect, he shall promptly notify the Architect and Owner in writing and any necessary changes will be made. If the Contractor performs any Work knowing that it is in violation of, or contrary to, any of such Laws, Statutes, Charter, Ordinances, Orders or Directives, or Regulations without furnishing Notice to the Architect and Owner, the Contractor will assume full responsibility therefore and bear all costs attributable thereto. D-10 CASH ALLOWANCES: The Contractor shall include in the Contract Sum all allowances stated in the Contract Documents. These allowances shall cover the net cost of the materials and equipment delivered and unloaded at the site, and all applicable taxes. The Contractor's handling costs on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other expenses contemplated for the original allowance shall be included in the Contractor Sum and not in the allowance. The Contractor shall cause the Work covered by these allowances to be performed for such amounts and by such persons as the Owner may direct, but he will not be required to employ persons against whom he makes a reasonable objection. If the cost, when determined, is more than or less than the allowance, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly by Change Order which will include additional handling costs on the site, labor, installation costs, field overhead, profit and other direct expenses resulting to the Contractor from any increase over the original allowance. D-11 SUPERINTENDENT: The Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance at the Project site during the progress of the Work. The superintendent shall be satisfactory to the Owner. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor and all communications given to the superintendent shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. Important communications will be confirmed in writing. Other communications will be so confirmed on written request in each case. D-12 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EMPLOYEES AND SUB-CONTRACTORS: The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of all his employees and all Sub-contractors, their agents and employees, and all other persons performing any of the Work under a contract with the Contractor. D-13 FAILURE TO COMMENCE WORK: Should the Contractor fail to begin the Work herein provided for within the time herein fixed or to carry on and complete the same according to the true meaning of the intent and terms of said Plans,Specifications and Contract Documents,then the Owner shall have the right to either demand the surety to take over the Work and complete same in accordance with the Contract Documents or to take charge of and complete the Work in such a manner as it may doom proper, and if,in the completion thereof, the cost to the said City shall exceed the contract price or prices set forth in the said plans and specifications made a part hereof, the Contractor and/or its Surety shall pay said City on demand in writing, setting forth and specifying an itemized statement of the total cost thereof,said excess cost. D-14 PROGRESS SCHEDULE: The Contractor, immediately after being awarded the contract, shall prepare and submit for the Architect's and Owners approval, an estimated progress schedule for the Work. The progress schedule shall be related to the entire Project and indicate critical path.This schedule shall indicate the dates for the starting and completion of the various states of construction and shall be revised as required by the conditions of the Work,subject to the Architect's approval, It shall also indicate the dates for submission and approval of shop drawings and submittals as well as the delivery schedule for major pieces of equipment and/or materials. The Contractor shall submit an updated progress schedule to the Architect and Owner at least monthly for approval along with the Contractor's monthly progress payment requests. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 6 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building--Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 D-15 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE SITE: The Contractor shall maintain at the site for the Owner one copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, approved Shop Drawings, Change Orders, and other Changes and Amendments in good order and marked to record all changes made during construction. These shall also be available to the Architect. The Drawings, marked to record all changes made during construction, shall be delivered to the Architect upon completion of the Work. The Architect will prepare,and provide to the Owner,one complete set of reproducible record drawings of the Work. D-16 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES: Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other data which are prepared by the Contractor or any Subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, j and which illustrate some portion of the Work.These may be provided in an electronic format acceptable to the Architect. Samples are physical examples furnished by the Contractor to illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship, and to establish standards by which the Work will be judged.Three copies of all physical examples shall be provided. The Contractor shall review, approve, and submit,with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other contractor, normally within the first 90 days of the work,three copies of all shop Drawings and Samples required by the Contract Documents or subsequently by the Architect as covered by changes or amendments. Shop Drawings and Samples shall be properly identified as specified, or as the Architect may require. At the time of submission the Contractor shall inform the Architect in writing of any deviation in the Shop Drawings or Samples from the requirements of the 1 Contract Documents. By approving and submitting Shop Drawings and Samples, the Contractor thereby represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers and similar data, and that he has checked and coordinated each shop drawing given in the Contract Documents. The Architect's approval of a separate item shall not indicate approval of an assembly in which the item functions. The Architect will review and approve Shop Drawings and Samples with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay, but only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and with the information given in the Contract Documents. The Architect's approval of a separate item shall not indicate approval of an assembly in which the item functions.The Contractor shall make any corrections required by the Architect and shall resubmit the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings or new Samples until approved.The Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing or on resubmitted Shop Drawings to revisions other than the corrections requested by the Architect on previous submissions. I The Architect's approval of Shop Drawings or Samples shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any deviation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless the Contractor has informed the Architect in writing of such deviation at the time of submission and the Architect has given written approval to the specific deviation. Architect's approval shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings or Samples. No portion of the Work requiring a Shop Drawing or Sample submission shall be commenced until the Architect has approved the I submittal.All such portions of the Work shall be in accordance with approved Shop Drawings and Samples. r D-17 SITE USE: The Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the site with any materials or equipment. Until acceptance of the Work by the City,the entire site of the Work shall be under the exclusive control,care and responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor shall take every precaution against injury or damage to persons or property by the action of the elements or from any other cause whatsoever.The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore and make good at his own expenses all injuries or damages to any portions of the Work occasioned by any of the above,caused before acceptance. D-18 CUTTING AND PATCHING OF WORK: The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting or patching of his Work that may require making its several parts fit together properly, and shall not endanger any Work by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering the Work or any part of it. D-19 CLEAN UP: The Contractor at all times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish.At t the completion of the Work he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from and about the Project as well as all his tools, construction equipment,machinery and surplus materials,and shall clean all glass surfaces and leave the Work"Broom-clean"or its equivalent, except at otherwise specified. In addition to removal of rubbish and leaving the buildings"broom-clean",Contractor shall clean all glass, replace any broken glass, remove stains, spots,marks and dirt from decorated work, clean hardware, remove paint spots and smears from all surfaces,clean fixtures and wash all concrete,tile and terrazzo floors. t It the Contractor fails to clean up,the Owner may do so,and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor. f D-20 COMMUNICATIONS: The Contractor shall forward all communications to the Owner through the Architect. D-21 CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS ON FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS: Contractor shall observe and comply with the requirements of the City of Port Worth Fiscal Department, Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Management as outlined in the Supplemental Conditions contained in the Project Manual. i General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 7 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 SECTION E SUBCONTRACTORS E-1 DEFINITION: A Subcontractor is a person or organization that has a direct contract with the Contractor to perform any of the Work at the site. The term Subcontractor is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender and moans a Subcontractor or his authorized representative. Nothing contained in the Contract, Documents shall create any contractual relation between the Owner and the Architect and any subcontractor or any of his sub-subcontractors or materialmen. 1, E-2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS: The Contractor shall furnish a list of the names of the subcontractors or other persons or organizations (including those who are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to a special design) proposed for such portions of the Work as may be designated in the bidding requirements, or if none is so designated in the bidding requirements,the names of the Subcontractors proposed tar the principal portions of the Work. Prior to the award of the Contract, the Architect shall notify the successful bidder in writing if either the Owner or Architect,after due investigation,has reasonable objection to any person or organization on such list.Failure of the Owner and Architect to make an objection to any person or organization on the list prior to the award of this Contract shall not constitute acceptance of such person or organization. If, prior to the award of the Contract,the Owner or Architect has an objective to any person or organization on such list, and refuses to accept such person or organization, the apparent low bidder may, prior to the award, withdraw his bid without forfeiture of bid security. If such bidder submits an acceptable substitute, the Owner may, at its discretion, accept the bid or he may disqualify the bid. If, after the award, the Owner or Architect objects in writing to any person or organization on such list, the Contractor shall provide an acceptable substitute. The Contractor shall not make any substitution for any Subcontractor or person or organization that has been accepted by the Owner and the Architect,unless the substitution is also acceptable to the Owner and the Architect. E-3 TERMS OF SUBCONTRACTS: All work performed for the Contractor by a Subcontractor shall be pursuant to an appropriate agreement-between the Contractor and the Subcontractor(and where appropriate between Subcontractors and Sub- subcontractors)which shall contain provisions that: 1. Preserve and protect the rights of the Owner and the Architect under the Contract with respect to the Work to be performed under the subcontract so that the subcontracting thereof will not prejudice such rights; 2. Require that such Work be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents; 3. Require submission to the Contractor of applications for payment under each subcontract to which the Contractor is a party, in reasonable time to enable the Contractor to apply for payment; 4. Require that all claims for additional costs,extensions of time, damages for delays or otherwise with respect to subcontracted portions of the Work shall be submitted to the Contractor(via any Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor where appropriate) in the manner provided in the Contract Documents for like claims by the Contractor upon the Owner; 5. Waive all rights the contracting parties may have against one another for damages caused by fire or other perils covered by the property insurance,except such rights,if any,as they may have to proceeds of such insurance helot by the Owner,and, B. Obligate each Subcontractor specifically to consent to the provisions of this Section All of the provisions set out in this section shall be deemed to have been included in every subcontract,and every subcontract shall be so construed and applied as to the Owner and the Architect, whether or not such provisions are physically included in the sub- contract. E-4 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE): Should the base proposal be $50,000 or less, the requirements of this section do not apply. As of June 1, 2012, The City of Fort Worth is implemented a new Business Diversity Ordinance (BDO) to reflect the City's availability and disparity study findings and recommendations. During this transition period, interested Offerors must obtain a MBE listing from the MANBE Office. This will ensure that MBE listings reflect only those currently certified by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency(NCTRCA) located in the six(6)-county geographic marketplace that have been accepted by the City. The City's geographic marketplace includes the counties of. Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Parker and Wise. Offerors are strongly encouraged to confirm that each MBE that it intends to use is located in the geographic marketplace that will be counted towards the established goal. In accordance with City of Fort Worth Diversity Business Ordinance (BDO) No 20020-12-2011 (the "Ordinance"), the City of Fort Worth sets goals for the participation of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in City contracts. Ordinance No 20020-12-2011 is incorporated in these General Conditions by reference. A copy of the Ordinance may be obtained from the Office of the City Secretary. Failure to comply with the Ordinance shall be a material breach of contract. Prior to Award: The MBE,documentation required by the procurement solicitation must be submitted within five city business days after the proposals are opened. Failure to comply with the City's Business Diversity Ordinance, or to demonstrate a "good faith effort",shall result in a bid being considered non-responsive. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 8 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 `I k i During Construction: Contractor shall provide copies of subcontracts or cosigned letters of intent with approved MBE subcontractors and or suppliers prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall also provide monthly reports on utilization of the subcontractors to the M/WBE Office and the designated representative identified from within the Facilities Management Division. Contractor must provide the City with complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by an MBE on the contract and proof of payment thereof. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE. The misrepresentation of facts and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal, state, or local laws or ordinances relating to false statement. An Offeror who intentionally and/or knowingly misrepresents material facts shall be determined to be an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than three (3)years. The failure of an Offeror to comply with this ordinance where such non-compliance constitutes a material breach of contract as stated herein, may result in the Offeror being determined to be an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time of not less than one(1)year. The Contractor may count toward the goal any tier of MBE subcontractors and/or suppliers. The Contractor may count toward its I goal a portion of the total dollar amount of the contract with a joint venture equal to the percentage of the MBE participation in the joint venture for a clearly defined portion of the work to be performed. All subcontractors used in meeting the goals must be certified prior to the award of the Contract. Change Orders: Whenever a change order affects the work of an MBE subcontractor or supplier, the MBE shall be given an opportunity to perform the work. Whenever a change order is$50,000 or more,the MIWBE Office Coordinator shall determine the goals applicable to the work to be performed under the change order. During the term of the contract the Contractor shall: 1. Make no unjustified changes or deletions in its MBE participation commitments submitted with the bid/proposal or during i negotiation,without prior submission of the proper documentation for review and approval by the M/WBE Office. 2. If substantial subcontracting and/or supplier opportunities arise during the term of any contract when the Contractor represented in its bid/proposal to the City that it alone would perform the subcontracting/supplier opportunity work, the Contractor shall notify the City before subcontracts for work and/or supplies are awarded and shall be required to comply with subsections of the Ordinance,exclusive of the time requirements stated in such subsections. 3. The Contractor shall submit to the MIWBE Office for approval an MBE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL,OF CHANGE FORM, if, during the term of any contract,the Contractor wishes to change or delete one or more MBE subcontractors or suppliers. Justification for change of subcontractors may be granted for the following: 1. An MBE's failure to provide Workers'Compensation Insurance evidence as required by state law;or f 2. An MBE's-failure to provide evidence of general liability or other insurance under the same or similar terms as contained in the Contract Documents with limits of coverage no greater than the lower of 1)the limits required of the Contractor by the City; or 2)the limits contained in the Contractor's standard subcontract or supply agreements used on other projects of similar size and scope and within the Contractor's normal business practice with non-MBE subcontractors/sub consultant's or suppliors;or 3. An MBE's failure to execute the Contractor's standard subcontract form, if entering a subcontract is required by the Contractor ' in its normal course of business, unless such failure is due to: a) A change in the amount of the previously agreed to bid or scope of work;or b) The contract presented provides for payment once a month or longer and the Contractor is receiving payment from the City twice a month;or c) Any limitation being placed on the ability of the MBE to report violations of the Ordinance or any other ordinance or violations of any state or federal law or other improprieties to the City or to provide notice of any claim to the Contractor's surety company or insurance company. i d) Mediation shall be a consideration before the request for change is approved. I` 4. An MBE defaults in the performance of the executed subcontract. In this event,the Contractor shall: a) Request bids from all MBE subcontractors previously submitting bids for the work, b) If reasonably practicable, request bids from previously non-bidding MBEs,and c) Provide to the MIWBE Office documentation of compliance with(a)and (b)above. 5. Any reason found to be acceptable by the MIWBE Office in its sole discretion. Within ten days after final payment from the City the Contractor shall provide the MIWBE Office with documentation to reflect final j participation of each subcontractor and supplier, including non-MBEs, used on the project. i General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 9 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 E-5 PAYMENTS TO SUBCONTRACTORS: The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor, upon receipt of payment from the Owner, an amount equal to the percentage of completion allowed to the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's Work. The Contractor shall also require each Subcontractor to make similar payments to his subcontractors. If the Owner refuses to issue a Certificate for Payment for any cause which is the fault of the Contractor and not the fault of a particular subcontractor, the Contractor shall pay that Subcontractor on demand, made at any time after the Certificate for Payment would otherwise have been issued,for his Work to the extent completed, less the retained percentage. The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor a just share of any insurance monies received by the Contractor, and he shall require each Subcontractor to make similar payments to his Subcontractors. The Owner may, on request and at its discretion, furnish to any Subcontractor, if practicable, information regarding percentages of completion certified to the Contractor on account of Work done by such Subcontractors. Neither the Owner nor the Architect shall have any obligation to pay or to see to the payment of any monies to any Subcontractor. E-6 SUBCONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION (EDA) FUNDED PROJECTS: The Contractor will cause appropriate provisions to be inserted in all subcontracts to bind subcontractors to FDA contract requirements as contained herein and to 15 CFR 24 or OMB Circular A-110,as appropriate. Each subcontractor must agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local requirements in addition to those set forth in this section. No subcontractor will be employed on this Project, except as specifically approved by the City, who is contained in the listing of contractors debarred, ineligible, suspended or indebted to the United States from contractual dealings with Federal government departments. The work performed by any such contractor or subcontractor will be ineligible for reimbursement wholly or partially from EDA grant fluids. All subcontracts in excess of$10,000 shall include, or incorporate by reference, the equal opportunity clause of Executive Order 11246. All subcontracts must contain a nondiscrimination clause. Each subcontract must contain a requirement for compliance with the Davis-Bacon and related acts. Each subcontractor must submit weekly each weekly payroll record and a weekly statement of compliance. These documents will be submitted to the prime contractor who will compile them and submit to the City.The subcontractor can satisfy this requirement by submitting a properly executed Department of Labor Form WH-347. Each subcontract with every subcontractor must contain a clause committing the subcontractor to employment of local labor to the maximum extent possible. All subcontractors who employ more than 50 employees, and is a prime or first tier subcontractor, and has a subcontract or purchase order of$50,000 or more must submit a completed Standard Form 100(Compliance Report)by March 30 of each year. Subcontractors performing work in areas covered by published goals for minorities will be required to report monthly on Form CC- 257. SECTION F SEPARATE CONTRACTS F-1 OWNER'S RIGHT: The Owner reserves the right to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the Work. When separate contracts are awarded for other portions of the Work, "the Contractor" in the Contract Documents in each case shall be the contractor who signs each separate contract. F-2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS: The Contractor shall afford other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and the execution of their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs. If any part of the Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any other separate contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Owner any apparent discrepancies or defects in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results.Failure of the Contractor to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other contractor's work as fit and proper to receive his Work, except as to defects which may develop in the other separate contractor's work after the execution of the Contractor's Work. Should the Contractor cause damage to the work or property of any separate contractor on the site,the Contractor shall, upon due notice,settle with such other contractor by agreement, if he will so settle. If such separate contractor sues the Owner on account of any damage alleged to have been so sustained, the Owner shall notify the Contractor who shall defend against such suit at the Contractor's expense, and if any judgment against the Owner arises therefrom, the Contractor shall pay or satisfy such judgment General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 10 of 27 A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building--Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 and shall reimburse the Owner for all attorney's fees, court costs and expenses which the Owner has incurred in connection with such suit. F-3 CUTTING AND PATCHING UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACTS: The Contractor shall do all cutting,fitting or patching of his Work that may be required to fit it to receive or be received by the work of other contractors shown in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall not endanger any work or any other contractors by cutting,excavating or otherwise altering any work and shall not cut or alter the work of any other contractor except with the written consent of the Architect. S Any costs caused by defective or ill-timed work shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. F-4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLEAN UP: If a dispute arises between the separate contractors as to their responsibility for cleaning up, the Owner may clean up and charge the cost thereof to the several contractors as the Director of the Project Management Department shall determine to be just. SECTION G MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS G-1 CONFLICT OF LAWS: The law of the place where the site is located shall govern the Contract. The Contractor must familiarize himself and strictly comply with all Federal,State,and County and City Laws,Statutes,Charter,Ordinances, Regulations, or Directives controlling the action or operation of those engaged upon the work affecting the materials used.He shall indemnify and ' save harmless the City and all of its officers and agents against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such Laws,Statutes,Charter,Ordinances,Regulations,or Directives,whether by himself, his employees,agents or subcontractors. G-2 GOVERNING LAWS: It is mutually agreed and understood that this agreement is made and entered into by the parties hereto with reference to the existing Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Texas with r reference to and governing all matters affecting this Contract,and the Contractor agrees to fully comply with all the provisions of the same. G-3 PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS: In performing their duties under the Statutes of the State of Texas and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth in connection with this Contract, or in exercising any of the powers granted the Owner herein, the officers, agents and employees of the City of Fort Worth are engaged in the performance of a governmental function and shall not incur any personal liability by virtue of such performance hereunder, except for gross negligence or willful wrong. G-4 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Contractor agrees to comply with all laws, Federal, state and local, including all ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Fort Worth,Texas. Materials incorporated into the finished Project are not subject to State Sales Tax. The Owner is responsible for obtaining the Building Permit. The Contractor and the appropriate subcontractor are responsible for obtaining all other construction permits from the governing agencies. Contractor shall schedule all code inspections with the Code Inspection Division in accordance with the permit requirements. Building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical building permits are issued without charge. Water and sewer tap, impact & access fees will be paid by the City. Any other permit fees are the responsibility of the Contractor. ! G-5 INDEMNIFICATION: Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify City's engineer and architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractor's sole negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend,at its own expense,the Owner,its officers,servants and employees,from and against any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not any such iniurl, damage or death is caused,in whole or in part by the negligence or alle ed ne li ence of Owner,its officers servants or employees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers,servants and employees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether or not any such injury or dame- a is caused in whole or in art by the ne li ence or alle ed negW,ggnce of Owner,its officers,servants or employees. In the event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment,final payment shall not be made until Contractor either(a)submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimant involved, or(b) provides Owner with a letter from Contractor's liability insurance carrier that the claim has been referred to the insurance carrier. I The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract. 0-6 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: Except as provided in Paragraph E-2, this contract shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the parties hereto,their Successors or Assigns. Contractor shall not assign or sublet all or any part of this Contract or his rights or duties hereunder without the prior written consent of the Owner.Any such purported assignment or subletting without the prior written consent of Owner shall be void. { General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 11 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 G-7 WRITTEN NOTICE. Written Notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to the individual or member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it was intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. G-8 SURETY BONDS: Surety Bonds are required on all City contracts in excess of$25,000. The Contractor agrees, on the submittal of his Proposal to make, execute and deliver to said City of Fort Worth good and sufficient surety bonds for the faithful performance of the terms and stipulations of the Contract and for the payment to all claimants for labor and/or materials furnished in the prosecution of the Work, such bonds being as provided and required in Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, in the form included in the Contract Documents, and such bonds shall be 100 percent of the total contract price, and the said surety shall be a surety company duly and legally authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and acceptable to the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. Bonds shall be made on the forms furnished by or otherwise acceptable to the City. Each bond shall be properly executed by both the Contractor and the Surety Company. Bonds required by the City shall be in compliance with all relevant local,state and federal statutes. To be an acceptable surety on the bond the name of the surety should be included on the current U. S.Treasury List of Acceptable Securities[Circular 5701,and must be authorized to do business in Texas. Sureties not listed in Circular 570 may write performance and payment bonds on a project without reinsurance to the limit of 10 percent of its capital and surplus. Such a surety must reinsure any obligation over 10 percent. The amount in excess of 10 percent must be reinsured by reinsurers who are duly authorized,accredited,or trusteed to do business in the State of Texas. Should any surety for the contracted project be determined unsatisfactory at any time during same,the Contractor shall immediately provide a new surety bond satisfactory to the City. If the contract amount is$25,000 or less,payment to the Contractor shall be made in one lump sum. Payment shall not be made for a period of 45 calendar days from the date the work has been completed and accepted by the City. G-9 OWNER'S RIGHT_TO CARRY OUT THE WORK: If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or fails to perform any provision of the Contract, the Owner may,without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, enter the site and make good such deficiencies. In such case an appropriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor the cost of correcting such deficiencies,including the cost of the Architect's additional services made necessary by such default, neglect or failure. If the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amount,the Contract shall pay the difference to the Owner. G-10 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS: The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof and shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design,process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified;however, if the Contractor has reason to be€ieve that the design,process or product specified is an infringement of a patent, he shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to Owner. G-11 TESTS: If the Contract Documents, Laws, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations or Orders of any public authority having jurisdiction require any Work to be inspected, tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Owner timely notice of its readiness and the date arranged so the Architect may observe such inspection, testing or approval. The Owner shall bear all costs of such inspection,tests and approvals unless otherwise provided. If after the commencement of the Work, the Owner determines that any work requires special inspection, testing or approval not included above, the Architect, upon written authorization from the Owner, will instruct the Contractor to order such special inspection, testing or approval, and the Contractor shall give notice as required in the preceding paragraph. If such special inspection or testing reveals a failure of the Work to comply(1)with the requirements of the Contract Documents or(2)with respect to the performance of the Work, with Laws, Statutes, Charter, Ordinances, Regulations or Orders of any public authority having jurisdiction, the Contractor shall bear all costs thereof, including the Architect's additional services made necessary by such costs; otherwise the Owner shall bear such costs,and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. The Contractor shall secure certificate of inspection, testing or approval, and three copies will be promptly delivered by him to the Architect.The Architect will review the certificates and forward one copy of each with his recommendation(s)to the Owner. If the Owner wishes to observe the inspections, tests or approvals required by this Section, they will do so promptly and, where practicable,at the source of supply. Neither the observations of the Architect or the Owner in their administration of the Construction Contract, nor inspections, tests or approvals by persons other than the Contractor shall relieve the Contractor from his obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. G-12 INTERRUPTION OF EXISTING UTILITIES SERVICES: The Contractor shall perform the Work under this Contract with a minimum of outage time for all utilities. Interruption shall be by approved sections of the utility. In some cases,the Contractor may be required to perform the Work while the existing utility is in service. The existing utility service may be interrupted only when approved by the Owner.When it is necessary to interrupt the existing utilities,the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing at least ten days in advance of the time that he desires the existing service to be interrupted. The interruption time shall be kept to a minimum.Depending upon the activities at an existing facility that requires continuous service from the existing utility,an interruption General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 12 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 l r may not be subject to schedule at the time desired by the Contractor. In such cases,the interruption may have to be scheduled at a time of minimum requirements of demand for the utility. The amount of time requested by the Contractor of existing utility services shall be as approved by the Owner. G-13 LAYING OUT WORK: The Contractor shall verify dimensions and elevations indicated in layout of existing work. Discrepancies between Drawings, Specifications, and existing conditions shall be referred to the Architect for adjustment before work affected is performed', Failure to make such notification shall place responsibility upon Contractor to carry out work in satisfactory workmanlike manner at the Contractor's sole expense. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the location and elevation of all the construction contemplated by the Construction Documents. Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall carefully compare and check all Architectural, Structural, Mechanical an Electrical drawings; each with the other that in any affects the locations or elevation of the work to be executed by him, and should any i discrepancy be found, he shall immediately report the same to the Architect for verification and adjustment.Any duplication of work made necessary by failure or neglect on his part to comply with this function shall be done at the Contractor's sole expense. G-14 MEASUREMENTS: Before ordering any material or doing any work, the Contractor shall verify all measurements at the site or at the building and shall be wholly responsible for the correctness of same. No extra charge or compensation will be allowed on account of any difference between actual dimensions and dimensions indicated on the drawings. Any difference that may be found shall be submitted to the Architect for consideration and adjustment before ? proceeding with the project. G-15 EXISTING OVERHEAD OR UNDERGROUND WORK: The Contractor shall carefully check the site where the project is to be erected and observe any existing overhead wires and equipment. Any such work shall be moved, replaced or protected, as required,whether or not shown or specified at the Contractor's sole expense. Attention is directed to the possible existence of pipe and other underground improvements that may or may not be shown on the Drawings.All reasonable precautions shall be taken to preserve and protect any such improvements whether or not shown on the i Drawings. Location of existing underground lines, shown the Drawings are based on the best available sources, but are to be regarded as approximate only.Exercise extreme care in locating and identifying these lines before excavation in adjacent areas. G-16 ALIGNMENT OF JOINTS IN FINISH MATERIALS: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to make certain in the installation of jointed floor,wall and ceiling materials that: 1. Preserve and protect the rights of the Owner and the Architect under the Contract with respect to the Work to be performed under the subcontract so that the subcontracting thereof will not prejudice such rights; 2. Place joints to relate to all opening and breaks in the structure and be symmetrically placed wherever possible.This includes heating registers,light fixtures,equipment,etc. If because of the non-related sizes of the various materials and locations of openings, etc., it is not possible to accomplish the above, the Contractor shall request the Architect to determine the most satisfactory arrangement. The Contractor shall establish centerlines for all trades. G-17 INTEGRATING EXISTING WORK: The Contractor shall protect all existing street and other improvements from damages. Contractors operations shall be confined to the immediate vicinity of the new work and shall not in any interfere with or obstruct the ingress or egress to and from existing adjacent facilities. Where new site work is to be connected to existing work,special care shall be exercised by the Contractor not to disturb or damage the existing work more than necessary.All damaged work shall be replaced,repaired and restored to its original condition at no cost to the Owner. G-18 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CERTIFICATION: It is the intent of the contract documents,whether expressly stated or not, that nothing containing hazardous materials,such as asbestos,shall be incorporated in to the project. The Contractor shall exercise every reasonable precaution to ensure that asbestos-containing materials are not incorporated into any portion of the project, including advising all materials suppliers and subcontractors of this requirement. The Contractor shall verify that components containing lead do not contact the potable water supply. a G-19 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND PIPING: Drawing showing location of equipment, piping, ductwork, etc. are diagrammatic and job conditions may not always permit their installation in the location shown.When this situation occurs,it shall be brought to the Architect's attention immediately and the relocation determined in a joint conference. The Contractor will be hold ! responsible for the relocating of any items without first obtaining the Architect's approval. He shall remove and relocate such items at his own expense if so directed by the Architect. Where possible; uniform margins shall be maintained between parallel lines and/or adjacent wall,floor or ceiling surfaces. i General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 13 of 27 ' A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 G-20 OVERLOADING: The Contractor shall be responsible for loading of any part or parts of structures beyond their safe carrying capacities by placing of materials, equipment, tools, machinery or any other item thereon. No loads shall be placed on floors or roofs before they have attained their permanent and safe strength. G-21 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS: Where it is required in the Specifications that materials, products, processes, equipment, or the like be installed or applied in accordance with manufacturers instructions,direction or specifications, or words to this effect, it shall be construed to mean that said application or installation shall be in strict accordance with printed instructions furnished by the manufacturer of the material concerned for use under conditions similar or those at the job site. Six copies of such instructions shall be furnished to the Architect and his approval thereof obtained before work is begun. G-22 CLEANING UP: The Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste material or rubbish caused by employees or as a result of the Work. At completion of work,the General Contractor shall, immediately prior to final inspection of complete building, execute the following final cleaning work with trained janitorial personnel and with material methods recommended by the manufactures of installed materials. 1. Sweep and buff resilient floors and base,and vacuum carpeting. 2. Dust 2€1 metal and wood trim and similar finished materials. 3. Clean all cabinets and casework. 4. Dust all ceilings and walls. 5. Dust, and if necessary wash, all plumbing and electrical fixtures. 6. Wash all glass and similar non-resilient materials, 7. All hardware and other unpainted metals shall be cleaned and polished and all equipment and paint or decorated work shall be cleaned and touched-up if necessary, and all temporary labels, tags, and paper coverings removed throughout the buildings. Surfaces that are waxed shall be polished. 8. The exterior of the building,the grounds, approaches,equipment,sidewalks,streets, etc. shall be cleaned similar to interior of buildings and left in good order at the time of final acceptance. All paint surfaces shall be clean and unbroken, hardware shall be clean and polished,all required repair work shall be completed and dirt areas shall be scraped and cleared of weed growth. 9. Clean all glass surfaces and mirrors of putty, paint materials, etc., without scratching or injuring the glass and leave the work bright,clean and polished. Cost of this cleaning work shall be borne by Contractor. 10. Cleaning, polishing, scaling,waxing and all other finish operations indicated on the Drawings or required in the Specifications shall be taken to indicate the required condition at the time of acceptance of all work under the Contract. 11. Burning:Burning of rubbish on the premises will not be permitted. G-23 DUST CONTROL: Precaution shall be exercised at all times to control dust created as a result of any operations during the construction period. If serious problems or complaints arise due to air-borne dust, or when directed by the Architect, operations causing such problems shall be temporarily discontinued and necessary steps taken to control the dust. G-24 FIRE PROTECTION: The Contractor shall at all times maintain good housekeeping practices to reduce the risk of fire damage or injury to workmen.All scrap materials, rubbish and trash shall be removed daily from in and about the building and shall not be permitted to be scattered on adjacent property. Suitable storage space shall be provided outside the immediate building area for storing flammable materials and paints; no storage will be permitted in the building.Excess flammable liquids being used inside the building shall be kept in closed metal container and removed from the building during unused periods. A fire extinguisher shall be available at each location where cutting or welding is being performed.Where electric or gas welding or cutting work is done,interposed shields of incombustible material shall be used to protect against fire damage due to sparks and hot metal.When temporary heating devices are used,a watchman shall be present to cover periods when other workmen are not on the premises. The Contractor shall provide fire extinguishers in accordance with the recommendations and NFPA Bulletins Nos. 10 and 241. However,in all cases a minimum of two fire extinguishers shall be available for each floor of construction. G-25 CUTTING AND PATCHING: Wherever cutting and removal of portions of the existing work is indicated, such work shall he neatly sawed or cut by Contractor in a manner that will produce a neat straight line, parallel to adjacent surfaces or plumb for vertical surfaces.Care should be exercised not to damage any work that is to remain. At no time shall any structural members be cut without written consent from the Architect. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 14 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 I G-26 PROJECT CLOSEOUT Final Inspection, Record Drawings: Attention is called to General Conditions Section entitled, "Substantial Completion and Final Payment". Maintenance Manual:Sheets shall be 8 1%'x'11",except pull out sheets may be neatly folded to 8%"x 11".Manuals shall be bound in plastic covered, 3 ring, loose-leaf binder with title of project lettered on front and shall contain: 1) Name,address and trade of all sub-contractors. 2) Complete maintenance instructions; name, address, and telephone number of installing Contractor, manufacturer's local representative,for each piece of operative equipment. 3) Catalog data on plumbing fixtures, valves, water heaters, heating and cooling equipment, temperature control, fan, electrical panels,service entrance equipment and light fixtures. 4) Manufacturer's name, type, color designation for resilient floors, windows, doors, concrete block, paint, roofing, and other ! materials. Submit two digital electronic copies and one hard copy of Maintenance Manuals,prior to request for final payment. Operational Inspection and Maintenance Instruction: The Contractor shall provide at his expense, competent manufacturer's representatives to completely check out all mechanical and electrical systems and items covered by the Drawings and Specifications. This requirement shall be scheduled just prior to and during the initial start-up. After all systems are functioning properly the representatives shall instruct maintenance personnel of the Owner in the proper operation and maintenance of each item. G-27 GUARANTEE AND EXTENDED GUARANTEE: Upon completion of the Project, prior to final payment, guarantees required by technical divisions of Specifications shall be properly executed in quadruplicate by subcontractors and submitted through the Contractor to Architect. Delivery of guarantees shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation assumed under Contract. The Contractor shall guarantee the entire Project for one year. In addition,where separate guarantees,for certain portions of work, are for longer periods, General Contractor's guarantee shall be extended to cover such longer periods. Manufacturer's extended warrantees shall be included in this contract. Guarantees shall become valid and operative and commence upon issuance of Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance by Owner. Guarantees shall not apply to work where damage is result of abuse, neglect by Owner or his successor(s)in interest. The Contractor agrees to warrant his work and materials provided in accordance with this contract and the terms of the Technical Specifications contained herein. Unless supplemented by the Technical Specifications or the manufacturer's normal extended warrantees,the Contractor shall warrant all work materials, and equipment against defects for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance. The Contractor further agrees to bear all costs of making good all work that is found to be defective or not provided in accordance with the Contract Documents. Additionally if the facility or contents are damaged due to defective materials or workmanship of the Contractor, the Contractor further agrees to bear all cost of repairing and/or replacing damaged items and components to bring such items back to at least their original condition. G-28 RECORD DRAWINGS: Upon completion of the Work and prior to application for final payment, one print of each of the drawings accompanying this specification shall be neatly and clearly marked in red by the Contractor to show variations between the construction actually provided and that indicated or specified in the Contract Documents. The annotated documents shall be delivered to Architect. Where a choice of materials and/or methods is permitted herein and where variations in the scope or character of the work from the entire work indicated or specified are permitted either by award of bidding items specified for that purpose, or by subsequent change to the drawings, the record drawings shall define the construction actually provided. The ' representation of such variations shall conform to standard drafting practice and shall include supplementary notes, legends and details which may be necessary for legibility and clear portrayal of the actual construction. The record drawings shall indicate, in addition,the actual location of all sub-surface utility lines,average depth below the surface and other appurtenances. G-29 CONSTRUCTION FENCE: The Contractor shall provide a substantial chain-link construction fence around all or a part of the site. The fences and gates must be maintained throughout the construction period. Remove the fences and gates upon completion of the Project and restore the site to the required original or contract condition. } G-30 PRODUCT DELIVERY STORAGE HANDLING: The Contractor shall handle,store and protect materials and products, r including fabricated components, by methods and means which will prevent damage, deterioration and loss, including theft (and resulting delays), thereby ensuring highest quality results as the work progresses. Control delivery schedules so as to minimize unnecessary long-term storage at project site prior to installation. G-31 REMOVAL.OF SALVAGED MATERIAL: The Contractor shall remove salvaged material and equipment from the Project site and dispose of it in accordance with the law. Equipment or material identified in the Specifications or Plans for Owner salvage shall be carefully removed and delivered to the Owner at any location in within the City limits as directed by the City. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 15 of 27 I A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 G-32 MANUFACTURER'S REFERENCE: Catalog, brand names, and manufacturer's references are descriptive, not restrictive. Bids on brands of like nature and quality will be considered. Contractor shall inform the City of any substitutions intended for the project within 5 business days of bid opening. Failure to inform the City of substitute projects will obligate the Contractor to provide the specified material if awarded the contract. Within 14 days after bid opening and upon request of the Contractor, the Contractor will submit a full sized sample and/or detailed information as required to allow the architect to determine the acceptability of proposed substitutions. Where equipment has been listed as"no substitute accepted";the City will accept no alternates to the specified equipment. SECTION H CONTRACT TIME H-1 DEFINITIONS The Contract Time is the period of time allotted in the Contract Documents for completion of the Work and is the number of calendar days elapsing between the date of commencement and the date of Substantial Completion plus additional days assessed for failure to complete punch list items from the Final Inspection in a timely manner and additional weather days beyond what is allotted in the contract. The Date of Commencement of the Work is the date established in the Notice to Proceed. If there is no notice to proceed,it shall be the date of the Agreement or such other date as may be established therein. The Date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof is the Date certified by the Architect with the approval of the Owner that construction is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents,so the Owner may occupy the Work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended. Final acceptance of the completed work or any portion thereof can be made only by the Owner,and no other form of acceptance will be binding upon the Owner. A Calendar Day constitutes 24 hours of time and is any one of the seven days of a week, including Sunday,regardless of whether a "Working Day"or not,and regardless of weather conditions or any situation which might delay construction.An extension of contract time shall be in accordance with this Section. Extensions of time will be as recommended by the Architect with final approval by City of Fort Worth. A Working Day is defined as a calendar day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the Contractor permit the performance of work for a continuous period of not less than seven hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. However, nothing in these Contract Documents shall be construed as prohibiting the Contractor from working on Saturdays if he so desires. Legal holidays for the City of Fort Worth are defined as being New Year's Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas pay, Memorial Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. H-2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION: All the time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of essence to the Contract. The Contractor shall begin the Work on the date of commencement as defined in this Section. He shall carry the Work forward expeditiously with adequate forces and shall complete it within the Contract Time. H-3 CONSTRUCTION WORK: Noise created by construction work within three hundred(300)feet of an occupied residential structure involving the erection, excavation, demolition, alteration, or repair of any building, structure, or flatwork is prohibited as follows: Before 7:00 a.m.or after 8:00 p.m.Monday-Friday Before 9:00 a.m,or after 8:00 p.m.Saturday-Sunday H-4 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME: If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by any act or neglect of the Owner or the Architect, or by any employee of the Owner, or by any separate contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the Work, or by labor disputes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or any causes beyond the Contractor's control,or by any cause which the Architect determines may justify the delay,then the contract time may be extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as recommended by the Architect and approved by the Owner. When the Contractor is delayed due to abnormal weather conditions, the weather table provided as WT-1 in these Contract Documents shall be used as the basis for providing a fair and equitable adjustment of the contract time. All claims for extension of time shall be made in writing to the Architect no more than fifteen days after the occurrence of the delay; otherwise they shall be waived. If no schedule or agreement is made stating the dates upon which written interpretations shall be furnished, then no claim for delay shall be allowed on account of failure to furnish such interpretation until fifteen days after demand is made for them, and not then unless such a claim is reasonable. H-5 NO DAMAGE FOR DELAY: No payment, compensation or adjustment or any kind (other than the extensions of time provided for) shall be made to the Contractor for damages because of hindrances or delays from an cause in the progress of the work, whether such hindrances or delays be avoidable or unavoidable, and the Contractor agrees that he will make no claim for General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 16 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 compensation,damages or mitigation of liquidated damages for any such delays, and will accept in full satisfaction for such delays said extension of time. SECTION I PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 1-1 CONTRACT SUM: The Contract Sum is stated in the contract and is the total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor for the performance of the Work under the Contract Documents. 1-2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES: Before the first Applicable for Payment, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect a Schedule of Values of the various portions of the Work, including quantities if required by the Architect, aggregating the total Contract Sum,divided so as to facilitate payments to Sub-contractors,prepared in such form as specified or as the Architect and the Contractor may agree upon, and supported by such data to substantiate its correctness as the Architect may require. Each item in the Schedule of Values shall include its proper share of overhead and profit.This Schedule,when approved by the Architect and the Owner,shall be used as a basis for the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 1-3 PROGRESS PAYMENTS: On the first day of each month after the first month's work has been completed,the Contractor y will make current estimates in writing for review by the Architect and Owner of materials in place complete and the amount of work performed during the preceding month or period and the value thereof at the prices contracted for as shown on the approved Schedule of Values and Progress Schedule. If payments are to be made on account of materials or equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site such payments shall be conditioned upon submission by the Contractor of bills of sale or such other procedures satisfactory to the Owner to establish the Owner's title to such materials or equipment or otherwise protect the Owner's interest including # applicable insurance and transportation to the site. The Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by an Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not,will pass to the Owner upon the receipt of such payment by the Contractor,free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances hereinafter referred to as "liens"; and that no Work, materials or equipment covered by an Application for Payment will have been acquired by the Contractor, or by any other persons performing the Work at the site or furnishing materials and equipment for the Work, subject to an agreement under which an interest therein or an encumbrance thereon is retained by the seller or otherwise imposed by the Contractor or such other person. i The Contractor shall prepare each application for payment on AIA Document G702, "Application and Certificate for Payment", and attached thereto AIA Document G703, "Continuation Sheet", to indicate the progress made to date and the period or month for which payment is requested for each Item listed in the Schedule of Values. A copy of the revised monthly work progress schedule must be attached before the pay request can be accepted. 1-4 CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT: If the Contractor has made Application for Payment as above, the Architect will, with reasonable promptness but not more than seven days after the receipt of the Application, prepare a Certificate of Payment,with a copy to the Contractor,for such amount determined to be properly due,or state in writing reasons for withholding a Certificate. The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will constitute a representation by the Owner,based on the Architect's observations at the t site and the data comprising the Application for Payment,that the Work has progressed to the point indicated;that the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents(subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests required by the Contract Documents, to minor deviations from the Contract Documents correctable prior to completion, and to any specific qualifications stated in the Certificate);and recommendations to the Owner that the Contractor be paid in the amount certified. In addition,the Architect's approval of final payment assures the Owner that the conditions precedent to the Contractor's being entitled to final payment as set forth in this Section have been fulfilled. After the Architect has issued a Certificate for Payment, the Owner shall approve or disapprove same within ten days after it has been delivered to the Owner. For contracts less than $400,000, Owner shall pay 90% of the approved estimate to the Contractor within seven days after its approval, and the remaining 10% of each such estimate will be retained by the Owner until Substantial Completion.For contracts in excess of$400,000,the Owner will retain only 5%of each estimate until Substantial Completion. 4 No Certificate for a progress payment, nor any progress payment, nor any partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by the Owner, shall constitute an acceptance of any Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents, or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship.The Contractor shall promptly remedy any defects in the Work and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom that shall appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the Work unless a longer period is specified. 1-5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD: The Architect may decline to approve an Application for Payment and may withhold his Certificate in whole or in part if in his opinion he is unable to make the representations to the Owner as provided in this Section.The Architect may also decline to approve any Applications for Payment or, because of subsequently discovered evidence or j subsequent inspections,may nullify the whole or any part of any Certificate for Payment previously issued to such extent as may be necessary in his opinion to protect the Owner from loss because of: 1) Defective work not remedied; 2) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims; General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 17 of 27 ! A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 3) Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to Subcontractors,or for labor,materials or equipment; 4) Reasonable doubt that the Work can be completed for the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum; 5) Damage to another contractor; 6) Reasonable indication that the Work will not be completed within the Contract Time; or 7) Unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the Contractor. When such grounds for the refusal of payment are removed, payment shall be made for amounts withhold because of them. The Owner reserves the right to withhold the payment of any monthly estimate, without payment of interest, if the Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the specifications. 1-6 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The deduction for liquidated damages shall be as follows: Amount of Contract Liquidated Damages per Day $15,000 or less $45 $15,001 to $25,000 $63 $25,001 to $50,000 $105 $50,001 to $100,000 $154 $100,000 to $500,000 $210 $500,001 to$1,000,000 $315 $1,000,001 to$2,000,000 $420 $2,000,001to$5,000,000 $630 $5,000,001 to$10,000,000 $840 Over$10,000,000 $980 1-7 FAILURE OF PAYMENT: If, without fault on the part of the Contractor, the Architect should fail to issue any Certificate for Payment within seven days after receipt of the Contractors Application for Payment, if the Contractor's Application for Payment, or if, without fault on the part of the Contractor, the Owner should fail to approve such estimate or to pay to the Contractor 90%or 95% (as applicable) of the amount thereof within the period of time specified, then the Contractor may, upon seven (7) days additional written notice to the Owner and to the Architect,stop the Work until payment of the amount owing has been received. 1-8 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT: Prior to the request for final payment,the Contractor must meet all provisions for Project Closeout. When the Contractor determines that the Work is substantially complete,the City shall inspect the project with the Contractor and the contractor will prepare a"Preliminary Punch List". When the Architect, on the basis of a subsequent inspection, determines that the Work is substantially complete, he then will prepare a Certificate of Substantial Completion (G704)which,when approved by the Owner, shall allow the Contractor to request a Certificate of Occupancy which will establish the Date of Substantial Completion. The Certificate of Substantial Completion shall state the responsibilities of the Owner and the Contractor for maintenance, heat, utilities,and insurance,shall set forth the remaining work as a "final punch list". The Contractor shall complete the remaining work listed therein within 30 calendar days. When the Certificate of Occupancy has been issued,the retainage may be reduced to 4%. Upon completion of the work listed on the final punch list to the satisfaction of the City of Fort Worth,the retainage may be reduced to 2.5%. Should the Contractor fail to complete all contractual requirements of the contract, including submittals and final pay request within the fixed time,the contract time will again commence. Should the Contractor fail to complete the work within the contract duration, liquidated damages will be assessed Upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection,the City will conduct a joint inspection and certify completion of the final punch list by cosigning it with the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit the following items to the City prior to requesting final payment: 1) Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims (G706) stating that all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or his property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied, 2) Consent of Surety to Final Payment(G707), if any,to final payment, 3) Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens(G706A), and, 4) Other data establishing payment or satisfaction of all such obligations, such as receipts, releases, and waivers of lions arising out of the Contract,to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the owner. 5) Contractor's Warranty 6) Statement that all outstanding work has been completed 7) issuance of the Final Certificate of Substantial Completion 8) Final acceptance by the City of Fort Worth. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 18 of 27 A.17.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 fr 4 If any Subcontractor, materialman or laborer refuses to furnish a Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens,the Contractor may, at [ the election of the Owner,furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify him against any right, claim or Gen which might be asserted by such Subcontractor, materialman or laborer. If any such right, claim or lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are i made. The Contractor shall refund to the Owner all monies that the latter may be compelled to pay to discharging such right,claim or lien,including all costs and reasonable attorney's fees. 4 The Contractor may then request final payment. The acceptance of final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Contractor except those previously made in writing and still unsettled. The Contractors one-year warranty will commence upon final acceptance of the Project by the City of Fort Worth. The designated representative of the City of Fort Worth will make final acceptance and no other form of acceptance will be binding upon the Owner. . 1-9 FINAL PAYMENT FOR UN-BONDED PROJECTS: Final payment will not be made for a period of 30 calendar days and until all requirements have been met,with the exception of Consent of Surety for Final Payment. SECTION J PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY J-1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS: The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work.The Contractor shall designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents.This person shall be the Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by the Contractor to the Architect. J-2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of, and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage,injury or loss to: (1) All employees on the Work and all other persons who may be affected thereby; (2) All the Work and all materials and equipment to be incorporated therein,whether in storage on or-off the site, under the care, custody or control of the Contractor or any of his Subcontractors or Sub-contractors;and (3) Other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. Until acceptance of the Work, it shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every precaution against injury or damage to the Work by the action of the elements or from any other cause whatsoever,whether arising from the execution or from the non-execution of the Work.The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore and make good, at his own expense, all injuries or damages to any portion of the Work occasioned by any of the above,caused before its completion and acceptance. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations and Orders of any public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss. He shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and progress of the Work, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent utilities. When the use or storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment is necessary for the execution of the Work, the Contractor shall exercise the utmost care and shall carry on such activities under the supervision of properly qualified personnel. All damage or loss to any property referred to in the preceding paragraphs caused in whole or in part by the Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by the Contractor, including damage or loss attributable to faulty Drawings or Specifications and acts or omissions of the Architect or anyone employed by him or for whose acts he may be liable,and not attributable to the fault or negligence of the Contractor or anyone claiming through the Contractor for such damage or loss. The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the Work to be loaded so as to endanger its safety. J-3 HARD HATS: Hard Hats will be required at all construction sites included in this Contract from start to completion of work. Each Contractor, employee and visitor at any construction site included in the Contract will be required to wear a hard hat. The Contractor shall enforce the wearing of hard hats by Contractor, employees and visitors. Contractor shall provide hard hats for use by the consulting Architects and Engineers and visitors. J-4 EMERGENCIES: In any emergency affecting the safety of persons or property,the Contractor shall act at his discretion to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Any additional compensation or extension of time claimed by the Contractor on account of emergency work shall be determined as provided in Changes in the Work. J-5 SAFE WORK PRACTICES: The Contractor shall employ safe practices in handling materials and equipment used in performing required work so as to insure the safety of his workmen,City employees and the public. The Contractor shall keep the promise free at all times from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish. At the completion of the work, the Contractor shall i General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 19 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 remove all his wastes and rubbish from and about the work area, as well as his tools, equipment and surplus materials and shall leave the area as clean and free of spot,stains,etc.,as before the work was undertaken. J-6 TRENCH SAFETY: The Contractor shall be.responsible for all design and implementation of trench shoring and stabilization to meet regulatory requirements. If the Proposal requires,the Contractor shall include a per-unit cost for trench safety measures in his bid. If not included in the Proposal,the Contractor shall include a cost for trench safety measures for all trenches over 5 feet in depth in his Schedule of Values. SECTION K-INSURANCE K-'i INSURANCE REQUIRED: The Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required under this Section and such insurance has been approved by the City of Fort Worth, nor shall the Contractor allow any Subcontractor to commence work to be performed under this Contract until all similar insurance of the Subcontractor has been so obtained and approved. The City of Fort Worth will be listed as an "additional insured" on all policies except Worker's Compensation. K-2 WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1) General: a) Contractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance. Contractor agrees to provide to the Owner(City) a certificate showing that it has obtained a policy of workers compensation insurance covering each of its employees employed on the project in compliance with state law. No Notice to Proceed will be issued until the Contractor has compiled with this section. b) Subcontractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance. Contractor agrees to require each and every subcontractor who will perform work on the project to provide to it a certificate from such subcontractor stating that the subcontractor has a policy of workers compensation insurance covering each employee employed on the project. Contractor will not permit any subcontractor to perform work on the project until such certificate has been acquired. Contractor shall provide a copy of all such certificates to the Owner(City). C) By signing this Contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage,the Contractor is representing to the City that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project wil€ be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project,that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties or other civil actions. d) The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor which entitles the City to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the City. 2) Definitions: a) Certificate of Coverage("certificate"). A copy of a Certificate of insurance,a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the Texas Workers'Compensation Commission, or a coverage agreement(TWCC-81. -fWCC-82, TWCC-83, or TWCC- 84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project,for the duration of the project. b) Duration of the Project. Includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the City. c) Persons providing services on the project("subcontractor"in section 406.096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity,or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services"include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other services related to a project. "Sorvices" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors,office supply deliveries,and delivery of portable toilets. 3) Requirements: a) The Contractor shall provide coverage,based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the Contractor providing services of the project,for the duration of the project. b) The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. c) If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period,file a new certificate of Coverage with the City showing that coverage has been extended. d) The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project,and provide to the City: General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) . Page 20 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipai Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 i) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project;and H) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. e} The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. f) The Contractor shall notify the City in writing by certified mail or personal delivery,within ten(10)days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. g) The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. h) The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project,to: i) provide coverage, based on proper reporting on the classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project,for the duration of the project; ii) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; iii) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage,if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 1 iv) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts,and provide to the Contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage,prior to the other person beginning work on the project;and (2) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; t v) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. vi) notify the City in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within ten(10)days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and vii) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as required by paragraphs h-i) - vii), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 4) Posting of Required Worker's Compensation Coverage: a) The Contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered,and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage.This a notice does not satisfy other posting requirements imposed by the Texas Worker's Compensation Act or other Texas Worker's Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and text in at least 19-point normal type, and shail be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following text,without any additional words or changes: "REQUIRED WORKER'S COMPENSATION COVERAGE The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by worker's compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials,or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project, regardless of s the identity of their employer or status as an employee". Call the Texas Worker's Compensation Commission at 612-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an i employer's failure to provide coverage." K-3 LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Contractor shall procure and maintain during the term of this Contract such Liability Insurance as shall protect him,the City of Fart Worth and any Subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract,from claims i of damage which may arise from operations under this Contract, including blasting, when blasting is done on, or in connection with the Work of the Project,whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them and the limits of such insurance shall be not less than the following: i 1) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 each accident or reasonably equivalent split limits for bodily injury and property damage. Coverage shall be on "any auto" including leased, hired, owned, non-owned and borrowed vehicles used in connection with this Contract. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 21 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building--Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 2) Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence. Coverage under the policy shall be as comprehensive as that provided in a current Insurance Services Office (ISO) policy form approved for use in Texas and the policy shall have no exclusions by endorsement unless such are approved by the City. 3) Asbestos Abatement Liability Insurance:When the Project specifically requires the removal of Asbestos Containing Materials, the Contractor, or subcontractor performing the removal, shall be required to maintain Asbestos Abatement Liability Insurance as follows: $1,000,000 per occurrence; `$2,000,000 aggregate limit. The coverage shall include any pollution exposure, including environmental impaWnent liability, associated with the services and operations performed under this contract in addition to sudden and accidental.contamination or pollution liability for gradual emissions and clean-up costs., K-4 BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE: Unless stated otherwise in the Proposal or Invitation,the Contractor shall procure, pay for and maintain at all times during the term of this Contract,Builder's Risk Insurance against the perils of fire, lightning,windstorm, hurricane, hail, riot,explosion, civic commotion, smoke, aircraft, land vehicles,vandalism,and malicious mischief, at a limit equal to 100%of the Contract Sum. The policy shall include coverage for materials and supplies while in transit and while being stored on or off site. If specifically required in the Instructions to Bidders, the policy shall include coverage for flood and earthquake. Different sub-limits for these coverages must be approved by the City. Consequential damage due to faulty workmanship and/or design performed by the Contractor or his agents shall be covered. Upon completion of the Work,the Contractor shall notify the City of Fort Worth in writing before terminating this insurance. K-5 PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE: The,Contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance documenting the Property Management Department, City of Fort Worth as a "Certificate Holder", and noting the specific project(s) covered by the Contractor's insurance as documented on the certificate of insurance. More than one certificate may be required of the Contractor depending upon the agents and/or insurers for the Contractor's insurance coverages specified for the project(s). K-6 OTHER INSURANCE RELATED REQUIREMENTS 1) The City of Fort Worth shall be an additional insured,by endorsement, on all applicable insurance policies. 2) Applicable insurance policies shall each be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Fort Worth. 3) Insurers of policies-maintained by Contractor and its subcontractor(s), if applicable, shall be authorized to do business in the State of Texas,or otherwise approved by the City of Fort Worth, and such shall be acceptable to the City of Fort Worth insofar as their financial strength and solvency are concerned. Any company through which the insurance is placed must have a rating of at least A:VII, as stated in current edition of A. M. Best's Key Rating Guide. At the City's sole discretion, a less favorable rate may be accepted by the City. 4) Deductible limits on insurance policies and/or self-insured retentions exceeding $10,000 require approval of the City of Fort Worth as respects this Contract. 5) The City of Fort Worth shall be notified in writing a minimum of thirty days prior to an insurer's action in the event of cancellation or non-renewal in coverage regarding any policy providing insurance coverage required in this Contract. 6) Full limits of insurance shall be available for claims arlsing out of this Contract with the City of Fort Worth. 7) The Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance to the City prior to commencement of operations pursuant to this Contract. Any failure on part of the City of Fort Worth to request such documentation shall not be construed as a waiver of insurance requirements specified herein. 8) The City of Fort Worth shall be entitled,upon request and without incurring expense,to review the insurance policies including endorsements thereto and,at its discretion,to require proof of payment for policy premiums. 9) The City of Fort Worth shall not be responsible for paying the cost of insurance coverages required herein. 10) Notice of any actual or potential claim and/or litigation that would affect insurance coverages required herein shall be provided to the City in a timely manner. 11) "Other insurance"as referenced in any policy of insurance providing coverages required herein shall not apply to any insurance policy or program maintained by the City of Fort Worth. 12) Contractor shall agree to either require its subcontractors to maintain the same insurance coverages and limits thereof as specified herein or the Contractor shall provide such coverage on the Contractor's subcontractors. SECTION L CHANGES IN THE WORK L-1 CHANGE ORDER: The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order Changes in the Work within the general scope of the Contract consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, the Contract Sum and the Contract-Time being adjusted General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 22 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building--Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 k accordingly. All Such Changes in the Work shall be authorized by Change Order, and shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. A Change Order is a written order to the Contractor signed by the Contractor, Owner and the Architect, issued after the execution of the Contract, authorizing a Change in the Work or adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order. Any changes in work required due to changed or unforeseen conditions, or by request of either the Contractor or the City, shall be coordinated with the Director, Property Management Department. A change order must be written and duly negotiated and executed prior to performing changed work. i The cost or credit to the Owner resulting from a Change in the work shall be determined in one or more of the following ways: 1) by mutual acceptance of a lump sum property itemized, including the allowance to Contractor for overhead and profit stipulated f in the original contract proposal; 2) by unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon;or 3) by cost and a mutually acceptable fixed or percentage fee. i If none of the methods set forth herein above is agreed upon,the Contractor, provided he receives a Change Order, shall promptly proceed with the Work involved. The cost of such work shall then be determined on the basis of the Contractor's reasonable expenditures and savings, including a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit as indicted in the original contract proposal. In ! such cases, the Contractor shall keep and present, in such form as the Architect shall prescribe, an itemized accounting together with appropriate supporting data. Pending final determination of cost to the Owner, payments on account shall be made on the Architect's Certificate of Payment as approved by the Owner. i If after the Contract has been executed,the Architect,requests a price proposal from the Contractor for a proposed change in scope Ik of the work,Contractor shall process such proposal within seven days of receipt and return the price quote to the Architect in writing. The Architect shall review the price quotation and if approval is recommended, forward the proposed change order request and price proposal to the Owner for approval. If approval is not recommended, the Architect will attempt to negotiate with Contractor to revise the proposal to a figure which is fair and reasonable and forward it on to the Owner for approval. If the negotiations do not result in an equitable solution, the Architect shall prepare a cost-plus type Change Order with a price-not-to-exceed figure for approval by the City and require specific documentation to be provided by Contractor in accordance with the paragraph above. Contractor is advised that according to City of Fort Worth Charter,that,the City Council must approve all Change Orders and Work Orders which results in an increase in cost of the contract amount by over$100,000. Normal processing time for the City Staff to obtain City Council approval, once the recommended change order has been received at the City, is approximately thirty days. Owner and Contractor shall endeavor to identify Change Order items as early in the Construction process as possible to minimize their impact on the construction schedule. If unit prices are stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon,and if the quantities originally contemplated are so changed in a proposed Change Order that application of the agreed unit prices to the quantities of Work proposed will create a hardship on the Owner or the Contractor,the applicable unit prices shall be equitably adjusted to prevent such hardship. If the Contractor claims that additional cost or time is involved because of(1)any written interpretation issued pursuant to Section A, (2) any order by the Architect or Owner to stop the Work pursuant to Section B, where the Contract was not at fault, or(3) any written order for a minor change in the Work,the Contractor shall make such claim. L-2 CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL COST OR TIME: If the Contractor wishes to make a claim for an increase in the Contract Sum or an extension in the Contract Time, he shall give the Architect written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the occurrence of the event that gave rise to such claim.This notice shall be given by the Contractor before proceeding to execute the Work,except in an emergency endangering life or property in which case the Contractor shall proceed in accordance with Section J. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. Any change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time resulting frorn such claim, if approved by the Owner,shall be authorized by Change Order. L-3 OVERHEAD ALLOWANCES FOR CHANGES: Should any change in the work or extra work be ordered, the following applicable percentage shall be added to Material and Labor costs to cover overhead and profit: 1. Allowance to the Contractor for overhead and profit for extra work performed by the Contractor's own forces shall not exceed t fifteen percent jl6n. 2. Allowance to the Contractor for overhead and profit for extra work performed by a Subcontractor and supervised by the Contractor shall not exceed ten percent L-4 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK: The Architect shall have authority to order minor changes in the Work not involving an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Such changes may be effected by Field Order or by other written order. Such changes shall be confirmed in writing by the Architect and shall be binding on the Owner and the Contractor. L-5 FIELD ORDERS: The Architect may issue written Field Orders which interpret the Contract Documents, or which order minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. The Contractor shall carry out such Field Orders promptly. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 23 of 27 A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 SECTION M UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK M-1 UNCOVERING OF WORK: If any Work should be covered contrary to the request of the Owner,it must be uncovered for observation and replaced,at the Contractor's expense. If any other work has been covered which the Owner has not specifically requested to observe prior to being covered,the Architect or the Owner may request to see such work and it shall be uncovered by the Contractor. If such Work be found in accordance with the Plans and Specifications,the cost of uncovering and replacement shall,by appropriate Change Order, be charged to the Owner. If such work be found not in accordance with the Plans and Specifications,the Contractor shall pay such costs unless it is found that this condition was caused by a separate contractor employed by the Owner. M-2 CORRECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall promptly correct all work rejected by the Architect or Owner as defective or as failing to conform to the Plans and Specifications whether observed before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed. The Contractor shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected Work, including the cost of the Architect's additional service thereby made necessary. If,within one year after the Date of Substantial Completion or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents,any of the work is found to be defective or not in accordance with the Contract Documents,the Contractor shall correct it promptly after receipt of a written notice from the Owner to do so, unless the Owner has previously given the Contractor a written acceptance of such condition, describing same specifically and not generally.The Owner shall give such notice promptly after discovery of the condition. All such defective or non-conforming work under the preceding paragraphs shall be removed from the site where necessary and the work shall be corrected to comply with the Contract Documents without cost to the Owner. Defective or non-confomaing work shall be completed in a timely manner. The Contractor shall respond and/or repair any work that is deemed an emergency by the City within 24 hours. The Contractor shall respond and/or repair any other defective or non- conforming work within three working days. The Contractor shall bear the cost of making good all work of separate contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or correction. If the Contractor does not remove such.defective or non-conforming work within a reasonable time fixed by written notice from the Owner,the Owner may remove it and may store the materials or equipment at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the cost of such removal and storage within ten days thereafter,the Owner may upon ten additional days'written notice sell such work at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net proceeds thereof,after deducting all the costs that should have been borne by the Contractor including compensation for additional architectural services. If such proceeds of sale do not cover all costs that the Contractor should have borne, the difference shall be charged to the Contractor and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. If the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover such amount, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. If the Contractor fails to correct such defective or non-conforming work,the Owner may correct it in accordance with Section G. The obligation of the Contractor under this Section shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any obligations imposed upon him by special guarantees required by the Contract Documents or otherwise prescribed by law. M-3 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE OR NON-CONFORMING WORK: If the Owner prefers to accept defective or non- conforming work, he may do so instead of requiring its removal and correction, in which case a Change Order will be issued to reflect an appropriate reduction in the Contract Sum, or, if the amount is determined after final payment, it shall he paid by the Contractor. SECTION N TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT N-1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR: If the work is stopped for a period of 30 days under an order or any court or other public authority having jurisdiction,through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subcontractor or their agents or employees or any other persons performing any of the work under a contract with the Contractor, or if the work should be stopped for a period of 30 days by the Contractor for the Owners failure to make payment thereon as provided in Section I, then the Contractor may after the end of such period of 30 days and upon seven additional days'written notice to the Owner,terminate the Contract. N-2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER: If the Contractor is adjudged as bankrupt,or if he makes a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or if a receiver is appointed on account of his insolvency, or if the Contractor refuses, except in cases for which extension of time is provided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he fails to make prompt payment to Subcontractors or for materials or labor, or fails to comply with all taws, Statutes, Charter, Ordinances, Regulations or Orders of any public authority having jurisdiction, or otherwise is guilty of a substantial violation of a provision of the Contract Documents, then the Owner, on its own initiative that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any rights or remedy and after giving the Contractor and his surety, if any, seven (7)days'written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the site and of all materials,equipment,tools,construction equipment and machinery thereon General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 24 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 Eowned by the Contractor and may finish the work by whatever method he may deem expedient. in such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the costs of finishing the Work, including compensation for the Architect's additional services exceed the unpaid balance of the Contract,the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The City of Fort Worth may terminate this contract in whole, or from time to time, in part, whenever such termination is in the best interest of the City. Termination will be offoctod by delivering to the Contractor a notice of termination specifying to what extent performance of the work of the contract is being terminated and the effective date of termination. After receipt of termination the f Contractor shall: a) Stop work under the Contract on the date and to the extent specified on the notice of termination. b) Place no further orders or subcontracts except as may be necessary for the completion of the work not temninated. c) Terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of the work terminated by the notice of termination. # After termination as above,the City will pay the Contractor a proportionate part of the contract price based on the work completed; provided, however, that the amount of payment on termination shall not exceed the total contract price as reduced by the portion thereof allocable to the work not completed and further reduced by the amount of payments, if, any otherwise made. Contractor shall submit its claim for amounts due after termination as provided in this paragraph within 30 days after receipt of such claim. In the event of any dispute or controversy as to the propriety or allowability of all or any portion of such claim under this paragraph, such dispute or controversy shall be resolved and be decided by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, and the decision by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth shall be final and binding upon all parties to this contract. SECTION O SIGNS The Contractor shall construct and install the project designation sign as required in the Contract Documents and in, strict accordance with the Specifications for"Project Designation Signs."This sign shall be a part of this Contract and shall be included in the Contractor's Base Bid for the Project. The Contractor may install their company sign and shall allow the Architect to install their company sign. No other signs will be i allowed. SECTION P TEMPORARY FACILITIES P-1 SCOPE: The Contractor shall furnish, erect, and maintain facilities and perform temporary work required in the performance of this Contract,including those shown and specified. P-2 USE OF TEMPORARY FACILITIES: All temporary facilities shall be made available for use by all workmen and subcontractors employed on the project, subject to reasonable directions by the Contractor as to their proper and most efficient utilization. P-3 MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL: The Contractor shall maintain temporary facilities in a proper, safe operating and sanitary condition for the duration of the Contract. Upon completion of the Contract, all such temporary work and facilities shall be removed from the premises and disposed of unless otherwise directed or specified hereunder. r P-•4 FIELD OFFICES AND SHED: The Contractor is not required to provide a temporary field office or telephone for projects under$1,000,000. Contractor shall equip the Project Superintendent with a pager and provide 24-hour contacts to the City. The Contractor shall provide a temporary field office building for himself, his subcontractors and use by the Architect and Owner. For construction contracts with a bid price in excess of$1,000,000.00, the Contractor shall provide a separate field office for the City's field representative (but the separate office may be in the same structure). The buildings shall afford protection against the weather, and each office shall have a lockable door,at least one window, adequate electrical outlets and lighting, and a shelf large enough to accommodate perusal of the project drawings. Openings shall have suitable locks. Field offices shall be maintained for the full time during the operation of the work of the Contract. During cold weather months,the field offices shall be suitably insulated and equipped with a heating device to maintain 70 degree Fahrenheit temperature during the workday. During warm weather the offices shall be equipped with an air conditioning device to maintain temperature below 75 degrees F. Upon completion of the work of the Contract, the Contractor shall remove the building from the promises. in addition to the drawing shelf, provide for the City field representatives office: one desk,four chairs, plan rack and a four drawer filing cabinet(with lock). Each office shall contain not less than 120 square feet of floor space. i The Contractor shall provide and maintain storage sheds and other temporary buildings or trailers on the project site as required for his use. Location of sheds and trailers shall be as approved by the Owner. Remove sheds when work is completed,or as directed. General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 25 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building•-Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 P-5 WIRELESS CONNECTION: The Contractor shall provide and pay for wireless internet connection(VVIFI)for the City and Architect. P-6 TOILET FACILITIES: The Contractor shall provide proper, sanitary and adequate toilet facilities for the use of ali workmen and subcontractors employed on the project. P-7 UTILITIES: Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements and provide for temporary water and electricity required during the construction. Contractor shall provide and install temporary utility meters during the contract construction period. These meters will be read and the Contractor will be billed on this actual use. The Contractor shall provide all labor and materials required to tap into the utilities. The Contractor shall make the connections and extend the service lines to the construction area for use of all trades. Upon completion of the work all utility lines shall be removed and repairs made to the existing lines. Only utilities at existing voltages,pressures,frequencies,etc.will be available to the Contractor. Water. Provide an ample supply of potable water for all purposes of construction at a point convenient to the project or as shown on the Drawings. Pipe water from the source of supply to all points where water will be required. Provide sufficient hose to carry water to every required part of the construction and allow the use of water facilities to subcontractors engaged on the work. Provide pumps,tanks and compressors as may be required to produce required pressures. Electric Service. Provide adequate eloctric service for power and lighting to all points where required. Temporary, electric service shall be of sufficient capacity and characteristics to supply proper current for various types of construction tools, motors, welding machines,lights,heating plant,air conditioning system,pumps,and other work required. Provide sufficient number of electric outlets so that 50 foot long extension cords will reach all work requiring fight or power. Lighting. Supply and maintain temporary lighting so that work of all trades may be properly and safely performed, in such areas and at such time that day-lighting is inadequate. Provide at least 0.75 watts of incandescent lighting per squgr4e foot and maintain a socket voltage of at least 110 volts. Use at least 100-watt lamps. In any event, the lighting intensity shall not be less than 5 foot candles in the vicinity of work and traffic areas. P-8 HEATING: Heating devices required under this paragraph shall not be electric. The Contractor shall provide heat, ventilation,fuel and services as required to protect all work and materials and to keep the humidity down to the extent required to prevent corrosion of any metal and to prevent dampness or mildew which is potentially damaging to materials and finishes. All such heating,ventilation and services shall be provided and maintained until final acceptance of all work. In addition,the Contractor shall provide heat ventilation prior and during the following work operations as follows: a) At all times during the placing, setting and curing of concrete provide sufficient heat to insure the heating of the spaces involved to not less than 40 F. b) From the beginning of the application of drywall and during the setting and curing period, provide sufficient heat to produce a temperature in the spaces involved of not less than 55 F. c) For a period of seven (7) days previous to the placing of interior finish materials and throughout the placing of finish painting, decorating and laying of resilient flooring materials,provide sufficient heat to produce a temperature of not less than 60 F. P-9 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT AND PROTECTION: The Contractor shall provide, maintain, and remove upon completion of the work all temporary rigging, scaffolding, hoisting equipment, rubbish chutes, ladders to roof, barricades around openings, and all other temporary work as required to complete all work of the Contract. Contractor shall coordinate the use and furnishing of scaffolds with his sub-contractors. The Contractor shall provide, maintain, and remove upon completion of the work, or sooner, if authorized by the Owner, all fences, barricades, lights, shoring, pedestrian walkways, temporary fire escapes, and other protective structures or devices necessary for the safety of workmen,City employees,equipment,the public and property. All temporary construction and equipment shall conform to all regulations, ordinances, laws and other requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction,including insurance companies,with regards to safety precautions, operation and fire hazard. The Contractor shall provide and maintain pumping facilities, including power, for keeping the site, all times, whether from underground seepage, rainfall,drainage of broken lines. The Contractor shall maintain provision for closing and locking the building at such time as possible to do so. If this is not feasible, maintain a night The Contractor shall provide and maintain all barricades or enclosures, required to protect the work in progress from outside elements, dusts, and other disturbances as a result of work under this Contract. Such protection shall be positive, shall meet the approval of the Owner and shall be maintained for the duration of the construction period or as required to provide for the protection as specified. P-10 PROJECT BULLETIN BOARD: The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain during the life of the project a weather- tight bulletin board approximately 3 feet high by 5 feet wide having not less than two hinged or sliding glass doors with provisions for locking. The bulletin board shall be mounted where and as approved by the Owner, in a prominent place accessible to employees of the Contractor and sub-contractors, and to applicants for employment. The bulletin board shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be removed by him upon completion of the Contract work. The following information which will be furnished by General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 25 of 27 A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 the City to the Contractor shall be posted on the bulletin board and shall be maintained by the Contractor in easily readable condition at all times for the duration of the Contract. a. The Equal Opportunity Poster and Notice Nondiscrimination of Employment(Standard Form 38). b. Wage Rate Information Poster (Form SOL 155), with the Contract Schedule of minimum wage rates as required by the i Davis-Bacon Act. f 4 C. Safety Posters. SECTION Q VENUE Should any action arise out of the terms and conditions of this contract,venue for said action shall lie in Tarrant County,Texas. i F f 4 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction Lump Sum Contract(March 2018) Page 27 of 27 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building—Courtrooms Remodel(Sept 2018) May 2019 C 1 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT(LUMP SUM) THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § This agreement made and entered into this the 291h day of January A.D., 2019, by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH, a municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas, organized and existing under and by virtue of a special charter adopted by the qualified voters within said City on the 11th day of December, A.D. 1924, under the authority (vested in said voters by the "Home Rule" provision) of the Constitution of Texas, and in accordance with a resolution duly passed at a regular, meeting of the City Council of said City, hereinafter called OWNER, and The MARK IV Construction Group, LLC of the City of Fort Worth County of Tarrant , State of Texas, hereinafter called i CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by the Owner, and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even i date herewith, the said Contractor hereby agrees with the said Owner to commence and complete the 1 construction of certain improvements described as follows: City of Fort Worth l A.D. Marshall Public Safety& Municipal Courts Building 1st and 2"d Floor Remodel &Accessibility Upgrade, Part"B" 1000 Throckmorton Street k Fort Worth, Texas PMD2014-04 City Project No.02412 That the work herein contemplated shall consist of furnishing as an independent contractor all labor, tools, appliances and materials necessary for the construction and completion of said project in i accordance with the Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents adopted by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, which Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents are hereto attached and made a part of this contract the same as if written herein. The Contractor hereby agrees and binds himself to commence the construction of said work within ten (10) days after being notified in writing to do so by the Owner. City agrees and binds itself to pay, and the said Contractor agrees to receive, for all of the aforesaid work, and for stated additions thereto or deductions there from, the price shown on the Proposal submitted by the successful bidder hereto attached and made a part hereof. Payment will be made in monthly installments upon actual work completed by contractor and accepted by the Owner and receipt of invoice i from the Contractor. The agreed upon total contract amount shall be $946,372.82 , including the Base Proposal ($880,346.81), Owner's Contingency Allowance ($66,026.01), and Alternate Nos. None($0.00). Insurance Requirements: The Contractor shall not commence work under this contract until it has obtained all insurance required under the Contract Documents, and the Owner has approved such insurance. The Contractor shall be responsible for delivering to the Owner the sub-contractors' certificates of insurance for approval. The Contractor shall indicate on its certificate of insurance included in the documents for execution whether or not its insurance covers subcontractors. It is the intention of the Owner that the insurance coverage required herein shall include the coverage of all subcontractors. } Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 25 of 35 A.D. Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 a. WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE: • Statutory limits. • Employer's liability: • $100,000 disease each employee. • $500,000 disease policy limit. • $100,000 each accident. b. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during the life of this contract public liability insurance coverage in the form of a Commercial General Liability insurance policy to cover bodily injury, including death, and property damage at the following limits: $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate limit. The insurance shall be provided on a project specific basis and shall be endorsed accordingly. The insurance shall include, but not be limited to, contingent liability for independent contractors, XCU coverage, and contractual liability. c. BUSINESS AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: • $1,000,000 each accident. e The policy shall cover any auto used in the course of the project. d. BUILDER'S RISK OR INSTALLATION FLOATER: This insurance shall be applicable according to the property risks associated with the project and commensurate with the contractual obligations specified in the contract documents. e. EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA: • $1,000,000 each occurrence; $2,000,000 aggregate limit. • This insurance shall provide excess coverage over each line of liability insurance required herein. The policy shall follow the form(s) of the underlying policies. f. SCOPE OF INSURANCE AND SPECIAL HAZARD: The insurance required under the above paragraphs shall provide adequate protection for the Contractor and its subcontractors, respectively, against damage claims which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by the insured or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by it, against any insurable hazards which may be encountered in the performance of the Contract. g. PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE: The Contractor shall furnish the owner with satisfactory proof of coverage by insurance required in these Contract Documents in the amounts and by insurance carriers satisfactory to the Owner. The form to be used shall be the current Accord certificate of insurance form or such other form as the Owner may in its sole discretion deem acceptable. All insurance requirements made upon the Contractor shall apply to the sub- contractors, should the Contractor's insurance not cover the subcontractor's work operations performed in the course of this contracted project. ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: a. The Owner, its officers, employees and servants shall be endorsed as an additional insured on Contractor's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance [nstruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 26 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)--Courtroom Remodel May 2019 coverage under Contractor's workers'compensation insurance policy. b. Certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the bid documents, 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102, prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. C. Any failure on part of the Owner to request required insurance documentation shall not constitute a waiver of the insurance requirements specified herein. jd. Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to provide the Owner a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation, non renewal, and/or material change in policy terms or coverage. A ten days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of premium. e. Insurers must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a current A.M. Best rating of A:VII or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. f. Deductible limits, or self-funded retention limits, on each policy must not exceed $10,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the Owner. g. in lieu of traditional insurance, Owner may consider alternative coverage or risk i treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups. The Owner must approve in writing any alternative coverage. h. Workers' compensation insurance policy(s) covering employees employed on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the Owner. i. Owner shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for contractor's insurance. j. Contractor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such F insurance is primary protection and any self-funded or commercial coverage maintained by Owner shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. In the course of the project, Contractor shall report, in a timely manner, to Owner's officially designated contract administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss. I. Contractor's liability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. rn. Upon the request of Owner, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. If this Contract is in excess of$25,000, the Contractor shall provide a Payment Bond in the full amount of the contract. if the contract is in excess of $100,000 Contractor shall provide both Payment and Performance Bonds for the full amount of the contract. Contractor shall apply for all City of Fort Worth Permits and for any other permits required by this project. City of Fort Worth Permit fees are,waived. Separate permits will be required for each facility. If the Contractor should fail to complete the work as set forth in the Plans and Specifications and Contract Documents within the time so stipulated, plus any additional time allowed as provided in the General Conditions, there shall be deducted from any monies due or which may thereafter become due him, the liquidated damages outlined in the General Conditions, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, the Contractor and his Surety shall be liable to the Owner for such deficiency. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 27 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 IMMIGRATION NATIONALITY ACT. City actively supports the Immigration & Nationality Act (INA) which includes provisions addressing employment eligibility, employment verification, and nondiscrimination. Vendor shall verify the identity and employment eligibility of all employees who perform work under this Agreement. Vendor shall complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (1-9), maintain photocopies of all supporting employment eligibility and identity documentation for all employees, and upon request, provide City with copies of all I- 9 forms and supporting eligibility documentation for each employee who performs work under this Agreement. Vendor shall establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services will be performed by any employee who is not legally eligible to perform such services. Vendor shall provide City with a certification letter that it has complied with the verification requirements required by this Agreement. Vendor shall indemnify City from any penalties or liabilities due to violations of this provision. City shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by Vendor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Fort Worth has caused this instrument to be signed in four counterparts in its name and on its behalf by the City Manager and attested by its Secretary, with the corporate sea[ of the City of Fort Worth attached. The Contractor has executed this instrument through its duly authorized officers in four counterparts with its corporate seal attached. Done in Fort Worth, Texas, this the day of A.D., 2019. The MARK IV Construction Group, LLC APPROVED: CIT JaUE FORT WORTH t�r By: _ By: Amy Cope Jesus J. Chapa Preside i ' TqLE ity Manager APPROVAL REC MM DED: ��°, D: By: fA B G 2a1— �� R ger na es a y J. Kayser Interim rec or Property Man' me t•Qopt.• '' City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALIT . . . By: M&C Reference No_: C-29004 John B. Strong _M_&C Date: _ _January 29,_2019 Assistant City Attorney Form 1295 Certificate No.: 2018-436108 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. A By: 'wr,� A. a II- Brian R. Glass, AIA Architectural Services Manager CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH,`rX Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 Bond# 712779P PAYMENT BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § That we, The MARK IV Construction Group, LLC , known as "Principal' herein, and Developers Surety and Tndemnity Company a corporate ' surety (sureties), duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Surety" herein (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, known as "City" herein, in the penal sum of, Nine Hundred Fort -Six Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars and Eighty-Two Cents 946 372.82 , lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents: WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with City, awarded the 29" day of January , 2019, which Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment, labor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work as provided for in said Contract and designated as A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Buildtn V & 2nd Floor Remodel & Accessibilit Uplzrade, Part "B" located at 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas (PMD2014-04, City Proiect No. 0241U NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if Principal shall pay all monies owing to any (and all) payment bond beneficiary (as defined in Chapter 2253 of the - Texas Government Code, as amended) in the prosecution of the Work under the Contract, then this obligation shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said statute. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 29 of 35 I A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)-Courtroom Remodel May 2019 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED this { instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 6th day of May , 2019. PRINCIPAL: The Mark TV Conatruction-Gr-au LLC a ATTEST: BY: i Signature (Princi ecretary Name and Title Address: 5821 Egg Farm pa Suite 2920 Keller, TX 76244 WitneAs-A to Principal SURETY: Developers Surety and Indemnity Company ATTEST: BY: Signature Steven J. Zin k r At to- (Surety) Secretary Name and Title Address: P•O. Box 19725 Irvine, CA 92623 Witness a to S ety Telephone Number: 949-263-3300 *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety, there must be on file a certified extract from the bylaws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address,both must be provided. The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Payu 30 of I5 A.D.Marshall Public Safely&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May?0f 9 Bond# 712779P PERFORMANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § That we, The MARK IV Construction Group,LLC ,known as "Principal"herein and Developers Surety and Indemnity Company ,a corporate surety (sureties, if more than one) duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Surety"herein (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of Texas, known as "City"herein,in the penal sum of,Nine Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Three Hundred Sevent -Two Dollars and Eighty-Two Cents ($946,372.82}, lawful money of the United States,to be paid in Fort Worth,Tarrant County,Texas for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs,executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the City awarded the 29" day of January ,2019, which Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials,equipment Iabor and other accessories defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work, including any Change Orders, as provided for in said Contract designated as A.D. Marshall Public Safety &Municipal Courts Building, 1" & 2°d Floor Remodel & Accessibility Upgrade, Part `B" located at 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas (PMD2014-04, City Project No.02412). NOW,THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform it obligations under the Contract and shall in all respects duly and faithfully perform the Work,including Change Orders,under the Contract, according to the plans, specifications, and contract documents therein referred to, and as well during any period of extension of the Contract that may be granted on the part of the City,then this obligation shall be and become null and void,otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED FURTHER,that if any legal action be filed on this Bond,venue shall lie in Tarrant County,Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division. This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said statue. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 31 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)-Courtroom Remodel May 2019 1 I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Principal and the Surety have SIGNED and SEALED this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 6thday of May , 2019. 1 f PRINCIPAL: The Mark IV Construction Group, LLC i BY: Aw"A (At,/ Signatu ATTEST: Pr �l cowl T (Princip Secretary Name and Title Address: 5821 Eacj Farm Rd Suite 2920 Keller TX 76244 Witnes cipa SURETY: Deveiopers Surety and Indemnity Company Signature Steven J. Zinecker, Attorney- n-Fact Name and Title Address: P.O. Sox 19725 Irvine, CA 92623 Witness as t S ty Telephone Number: 949-263-3300 *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address,both must be provided.The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 12 of 35 AD,Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 E POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR DEVELOPERS SURETYAND INDEMNITY COMPANY 1 INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA t PO Box 19725,IRVINE,CA92623 (949)263-3300 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that except as expressly limited,DEVELOPERS SURETYAND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA,do each i hereby make,constitute and appoint: ***Charles K. Miller,Shannon Lewis,Steven J.Zinecker,jointly or severally*** 1 as their true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact,to make,execute,deliver and acknowledge,for and on behalf of said corporations,as sureties,bonds,undertakings and contracts of suretyship giving and granting unto said Attorney(s)-in-Fact full power and authority to do and to perform every act necessary,requisite or proper to be done in connection therewith as each of said corporations could do,but reserving to each of said corporations full power of substitution and revocation,and all of the acts of said Attorney(s)-in-Fact,pursuant to these presents,are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the respective Boards of Directors of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA,effective as of January 1st,2008. ' RESOLVED,that a combination of any two of the Chairman of the Board,the President,Executive Vice-Presidenl,Senior Vice-President or any Vice President of the corporations be,and that each of them hereby is,authorized to execute this Power of Attorney,qualifying the altorney(s)named in the Power of Attorney to execute,on behalf of the corporations,bonds,undertakings and contracts of suretyship;and that the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of either of the corporations be,and each of them hereby is,authorized to attest the execution of any such Power of Attorney, RESOLVED,FURTHER,that the signatures of such officers may be affixed to any such Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile,and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures shall be valid and binding upon the corporations when so affixed and in the future with respect to any bond,undertaking or contract of suretyship to which it is attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,DEVELOPERS SURETYAND INDEMNITY COMPANY and INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA have severally caused these presents to be signed by their respective officers and attested by their respective Secretary or Assistant Secretary this 61h day of February,2017. P ,*�1f,Nl,f1l/ �`` AND %,'�JJD4 1 Daniel Young,Senior Vice-President bra ,oFPON"'.;;yr � [3�PO�f A� o :o OCT.6 ; r Lb Mark Lansdon,Vice-Presidenl ........ • ' ��$FO A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,and not the truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document. Slate of California County of Orange On February 6,2017 before me, Lucille Raymond Notary Public Date Here Insert Name and Tide at the officer personally appeared Daniel Young and Mark Lansdon Names)&Signers) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s)islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshefthey executed the same in hisAterltheir authorized trr * capacity(ies),and that by hislherhheir signature(s)on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of LUCILLE RAYMI)NO which the person(s)acted,executed the instrument. Commission#2061945 Notary Public-Calltort�la I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the Stale of California that the foregoing paragraph is Z 0Orange County a true and correct. t� Comm.Mira Oct 13 20118 WITNESS my hand and official seal. Place Notary Seal Above Signature Lucill y ond,Notary Public ' CERTIFICATE The undersigned,as Secretary orAssistant Secretary of DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY or INDEMNITY COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA,dries hereby certify,that the foregoing Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked and,furthermore,that the provisions of the resolutions of the respective$oards oflDirectoraof said corporations set forth in the Power of Attorney are in force as of the date of this Certificate. This Certificate is executed in the City of Irvine,California,this 6th day of May 2019• 'f q AND1j'G. �Q t'MO O Las4J. sford,Assistant Se tart' ATSA002(02/17) ''•.,� * ;. �' .$ f!n•a, I i IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANCE To obtain information or make a complaint: Para obtener informacion o para someter una queja: You may call the Surety's toll free telephone number Usted puede llamar al numero de telefono gratis de for information or to make a complaint at: para informacion o para someter una queja al: 1-800-782-1546 1-800-782-1546 You may also write to the Surety at: Usted tambien puede escribir at Surety: P.O.Box 19725 P.O.Box 19725 Irvine,CA 92623-9725 Irvine,CA 92623-9725 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros to obtain information on companies, de Texas para obtener informacion acerca de compa- coverage,rights or complaints at: nias,coberturas,derechos o quejas al: 1-800-252-3439 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance at: Puede escribir al Departmento de Seguros de Texas: P.O.Box 149104 P.O.Box 149104 Austin,TX 78714-9104 Austin,TX 78714-9104 Fax#512-475-1771 Fax#512-475-1771 web: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us web: http://www.tdi.state.tx.us E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.tx.us E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.tx.us PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you DISPUTAS SOBRE PRIMAS O RECLAMOS: have a dispute concerning your premium or about a Si tiene una disputa concerniente a su prima o a un claim you should contact the Surety first. If the reclamo,debe comunicarse con el Surety primero.Si dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas no se resuelve la disputa, puede entonces comuni- Department of Insurance. carrse con el departamento (TDI). ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: UNA ESTEAVISOA SU POLIZA:Este aviso es solo This notice is for information only and does not para proposito de informacion y no se convierte en become a part or condition of the attached document. parte o condition del documento adjunto. ZlAmTrust Surety wwaAn AmTrust Financial Company Developers Surety and Indemnity Company Indemnity Company of California CorePointe Insurance Company 17771 Cowan, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 1-800-782-1546 www.AmTrustSureiy.com ID-1404(TX)(Rev.4/15) r CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMlDD1YYYY)9/s/2o1s THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLYAND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES } BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the f certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Jessica Montgomery Southwest Assurance Group, Inc. nlc°No Ext: (817)329-•7007 uc No: Ialal sz9-7011 t a member of K&S Group, Inc. AIL ADDRESS: jmontgomery@swagdfw.com a 2350 Airport Frwy, Ste 202 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# Bedford TX 76022 INSURER A:Cincinnati Insurance Company INSURED INSURER a:Texas Mutual Insurance Co. 22945 The Mark IV Construction Group, LLC INSURERC: 5821 Egg Farm Road INSURER D: Suite 2920 INSURERS: ' Keller TX 76249 I INSURER F: - COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:2018-2019 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BFIEN ISSUFDTO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADUL SUER POLICY POLICY EXP LTR POLICY NUMBER MM ODtYYYY 14IMI DIYYYY LIMITS X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 1,000,000 EACH OCCURRENCE $ A CLAIMS-MADE �X OCGUR PREMISES ccurDAMAGE TO RENTED 104,000 Ea orence $ ENP0206064 8/14/2018 8/14/2019 MED EXP(Any one person) $ 5,000 q PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 F GENTAGGREGATE LIMITAPPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 ' POLICY Fx]JECT F LOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea ccident $ 1,000,000 a 1 x BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ A ANY AUTO ALL OWNED F__1 SCHEDULED ENP0206064 8/14/2018 8/14/2019 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE } HIRED AUTOS AUTOS Peraorzdertl $ X Physical Damage $ UMBRELLA LIA6 X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 A X EXCESS LIAR LJ CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 DED I I RETENTION$ 8NI10206064 8/14/2018 9/14/2019 WORKERS COMPENSATION X PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN SFATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER/FXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? F_N] NIA B (Mandatory in NH) TSFDO01241257 8/14/2018 8/14/203.9 £,L,DISEASE-EAEMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 i If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 A Installation Floater EMP0206064 08/14/2018 08/14/2019 $1,000,000Any One Jnbsite DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES ( 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) Re: A.D. Marshall Public Safety 6 Municipal Courts Building 1st and 2nd Floor Remodel & Accessibility Upgrade, Part nB" 1000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, TX PMD2014-14 City Project No. 02412 City of Fort Worth is listed as an additional insured on the Auto Liability, General Liability and Umbrella policies as per written contract. Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Fort Worth on 1 all policies as per written contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City of Fort Worth THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. l 1000 .Throckmorton Fort Worth, TX 76102 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE S Zinecker/JMONTG aD 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD rINS025(201401) } CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW r Pursuant to Texas Labor Code Section 406.096(a), as amended, Contractor certifies that it provides worker's compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employed on City Project, A.D. Marshall Public Safety & Municipal Courts Building, I,, & r' Floor Remodel & Accessibility Upgrade, Part `B" located at 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas (PMD2014-04, City Project No.02412). a Contractor further certifies that, pursuant to Texas Labor Code, Section 406.096(b), as amended, it will provide to City its subcontractor's certificates of compliance with worker's compensation coverage. CONTRACTOR: The MARK 1V Construction Group,LLC By: Amy E.Cope Company (Please Print) 5821 Egg Farm Road,Suite 2920 Signature: . Address Fort Worth,TX 76244 Title: President City/State/Zip (Please Print) THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared 'X) known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same as the act and deed of t s t" hi"., ,.--� for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein sta ed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of ,2019. � t '�pQ�osr�• - Notary Public in and for the State of Texas •tape Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 34 of 35 h A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)—Courtroom Remodel May 2019 a 4'-0" TON r CENTERLINE OF SIGN, LOGO & TEXT WFORMATfON RT AT H e I s i;7 Project Title F Architect: Architect's Name Contractor: Contractor's Name FUNDED BY (List Bond Fund,etc.) SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE YEAR ' T SIGN COLOR & FONT: BACKGROUND - WHITE BORDER m 5116"WIDE, T"RADIUS CORNERS, ISMS 288 (BLUE) TEXT - HELVETICA or ARIAL, ISMS 288 (BLUE) FORT WORTH LOGO COLORS & FONT: FORT WORTH - PMS 288 (BLUE), CHEL`TENHAM BOLD LONGHORN LOGO - PMS 725 (DROWN) PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN Instruction to Offerors(October 2017) Page 35 of 35 A.D.Marshall Public Safety&Municipal Courts Building(Sept 2018)-Courtroom Remodel May 2019