HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 52329 1 city Swretuy 4- MAC- NO._do � Construction C Project Merger E3 FORT WORTH PROJECT MANUAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION - CONTRACT 5 W. Vickery Blvd from S. Hulen St. to City Limits City Project No. 101570 Betsy Price David Cooke Mayor City Manager Steve Cooke Interim Director, Transportation and Public Works Department OFFiLUAa. RECORD Prepared for CITY SECRFTARY The City of Fort Worth FT WORTH,TX Transportation and Public Works Department Y 2019 ;• ••.�� a� I.ANF, K ARATE y'1�V� I r•.•.....••........su........... 108956 40 ��4MA� FORT \90 JKFJ-� City of Fort Worth Standard Construction Specification Documents Adopted September 2011 00 00 00-1 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Page 1 of 2 SECTION 00 00 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Division 00-General Conditions 0005 10 Mayor and Council Communication 0005 15 Addenda 0011 13 Invitation to Bidders 0021 13 Instructions to Bidders 0032 15 Construction Project Schedule 0035 13 Conflict of Interest Affidavit 0041 00 Bid Form 00 42 43 Proposal Form Unit Price 0043 13 Bid Bond 00 43 37 Vendor Compliance to State Law Nonresident Bidder 0045 11 Bidders Prequalifications 0045 12 Prequalification Statement 00 45 26 Contractor Compliance with Workers'Compensation Law 00 45 40 Minority Business Enterprise Goal 00 52 43 Agreement 0061 13 Performance Bond 0061 14 Payment Bond 0061 19 Maintenance Bond 0061 25 Certificate of Insurance 00 72 00 General Conditions 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions Division 01- General Requirements 01 1100 Summary of Work 01 2500 Substitution Procedures 01 31 19 Preconstruction Meeting 01 3120 Project Meetings 01 3233 Preconstruction Video 013300 Submittals 01 35 13 Special Project Procedures 01 45 23 Testing and Inspection Services 01 5000 Temporary Facilities and Controls 01 55 26 Street Use Permit and Modifications to Traffic Control 01 57 13 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 01 58 13 Temporary Project Signage 01 60 00 Product Requirements 01 70 00 Mobilization and Remobilization 01 71 23 Construction Staking and Survey 01 71 23.01 Attachment A. Survey Staking Standards 01 74 23 Cleaning 01 77 19 Closeout Requirements 01 78 23 Operation and Maintenance Data 01 78 39 Project Record Documents CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION--CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised February 2,2016 000000-2 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN15 Page 2 of 2 Division 35-Special(TxDOT) 99 99 00 TxDOT Geogrid Base Reinforcement Technical Specifications listed below are included for this Project by reference and can be viewed/downloaded from the City's Buzzsaw site at: htps_//proj ectpoint.buzzs aw.com/client/fortworth gov/Resources/02%20- %20Construction%2ODocum ents/Specif cations Division 02-Existing Conditions 0241 13 Selective Site Demolition 0241 15 Paving Removal Division 31-Earthwork 3123 16 Unclassified Excavation 31 2500 Erosion and Sediment Control Division 32-Exterior Improvements 32 13 13 Concrete Paving 32 13 20 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 32 1373 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 32 1723 Pavement Markings 3291 19 Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways 3292 13 Hydro-Mulching, Seeding, and Sodding Division 33-Utilities 3305 10 Utility Trench Excavation,Embedment, and Backfill 33 05 13 Frame, Cover and Grade Rings-Cast Iron 33 05 14 Adjusting Manholes,Inlets,Valve Boxes,and Other Structures to Grade 33 46 00 Subdrainage Division 34-Transportation 3441 10 Traffic Signal 3471 13 Traffic Control Appendix GC-6.06.D Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance GC-6.07 Wage Rates GN-1.00 General Notes SD-1.00 Standard Details PQ-1.00 Project Exhibits CITY OF FORT woRTij 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No, 101570 Revised February 2,2016 N,I&- -' kcvi v Page 1 of UMaal slrr.rrr L Ire U j ul'ruri WOL11 f,T&M CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FO�T�rl COUNB#L ACTION: Approved an 411612019 EFERENCE202016 CIP CONCRETE DATE: 4 '181 t719 NO ; -290 3 LOG NAME' RF STORAT10N 00NTRAGT 5 CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT'. Authorize Execution of o Contract with Omega Contracting Inc.. In the Amount df $1.618,196O.00 for 2018 C I P Concrette Restoration Contract 5 on Approximately 2A9 lane Mlles on W. Vlck 3ry 13ou]ovard (COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) RECOMMENDATION: It Is recommended thal the City Council authorize the execution Of a contract with Omega Contracting Ific,, In the amaurrt of $1,618.106,00 for 2018 i;IP Concrete Res#nration — Contract a on appro xi Fn a te ly 2.49 lame miles on W. VIckery Boulevard (City project No, 101570). DISCUSSION: f he fecommended cor,strrrction contract outlined in this Mayor and Council Communication will prOvicde for trio replacement of the foiled concrete panes on the street listed below: S 1 r8�et I 1-ro rn To W. Vickery Blvd I S. hurler« Street City Limits This project was adueriised for bid an January 24, 2019 and January 31, 2019 In the Fort Worth Star- Telegrorri. Ors February 21, 2019 tha Follow in9 olds were received: Bidders Amount Omega Contracting Inc. $1,618,196.00 Makou Inc, $1,659,888-00 Arr uln Orou , Inc_ $1,662,729,50 Urban Infraconstructlon I_LC $1,664,553-00 Fllerfta goAsh aItCompan y LLC. $1,869,120,00 Q*ax Texas LLC, $1,940,400.00 FNFI Ccna#ractlon LLC $2.053 845.00 The Fain Group $2.356,375.00 Funds for this project ore included in the 2018 Bond Prograrn_ Available resources within the General Fund will be used to provide interim financing Until dent is issued. Once debt associated with the project is sold, bond proceeds will reimburse the General Fund In accor+dancig w4h the staterrtont ex press Ing official Inteni to Reirnburse that was adopted as part cf the ordImance carivassIng the bond election (Ordinance No. 23209-05-2018). Cartstruction is aniiclpated to commeuGe In July, with a Pontrsct time of 390 calendar days and air estimated completion by April 2020_ This contract will have no impact nn the TransportatiDn and Public Works arinival operating budgel when completed. M1WH= OFFICE =Omega Contracting, Inc,, is in compliance with the Gity's SUE Ordinance by committing to 15% MBE particlpotton on this project, The City's MBE gnat an this project is 12% Additionally, Omega Contracting, Inc„ Is a certified MIVVRE firm, This projrrcl is located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 3 ��tt�3llanr,.� r'vrnei_rrrrlc[3uncil nacket/mc i-evivw.nst3?ID}26919&cotiricildate--4/1 l2�:if9 /6/2019 &C Review Page 2 of t FISCAL INFORMATIONICER7IFI ATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are availabie In the curfe;lt aapftal budgets, as approprkated, of the 2018 Bond Program Fund TO _ ~'F�nd Deparlxrtent I ccau�nt Project Program Activity Budge! Reference i Ansourk Year Canfield .r FROM _ Fund _D-pa-r nt Account fsrr l Rro est grem AC-ffvtly Budget Referenc e # Amo�,nt _ ID_ ,Yearrlfield f J SubmMod far City Mans g er's_Qf#icg bv: Susan Alarxis (8180) Oriainatina Deportment Head; Steve Cooke (5134) dltional Inform atl_gft Contact. Maged Zakl (5448) ATTACHMENT-$ Form 1295 Omega 1845573 Redacted,odf MaP VV Vickery.odf ht-tp://apps.cf nct.orgic€uiicil_paQkeWmc_review.asp?rD--2 6919&WundIdatc 116/2013 5/612019 CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS TRA NS P 0 RTATI 0 N AND.PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RID OPENING DATE: February 21, 2019 ADDENDUM NO. I To the Specifications and Contract Documents For 2018 -CIP Concrete Restoration -Contract 2 City Project No. 101570 This addendum forms a part of the Specifications and Contract Documents for the above referenced Project and modifies the.original Specifications and Contract.Documents. Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of this.addendum in the space-provided below and acknowledge receipt on tho outer envelope of your bid..Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum could subject the bidder to disqualification. The specifications and contract.documents for 2018 CIP Concrete Restoration- Contract 2 are herebyrevised by Addendum No.. 1 as follows' -- — Spedification.Section 32-11-23 Flexible Base Courses and Specification Section 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants have been added to the contract documents. This Addendum No. 1, forms part of the.Specifications & Contract Documents for the above referenced project and modifies the original Project Manual & Contract Documents of thesarne. Acknowledge your receipt of Addendum No. 1 by completing the requested information at the following locations: (1) In the space provided in Section 00 41 00, Bid Form, Page 3 of 3 (2), Indicate in upper case letter on the outside of your sealed bid envelope: "RECEIVED &ACKNOWLEDGE ADDENDUM NO. I" Include a signed copy of Addendum No. 1 in the sealed bid enveiope at the time of bid submittal, Failure to acknowledge receipt of Addendum.No. 1 below could cause the subject bidder to bi=considered "NONRESPONSIVE", resulting in disqualification. RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORDS DEPARTMENT iMaRlt.. `Z� �IN-Alx'D'r By: `Ices�nT Lane Zarate, P.E. Company: Engineering Manager 3. a1 �3- I KRXIB�.E$�k$RCC}U1?R p�s� 1 ur 7 1 SECTION 32 1123 2 F IBLE 13ASE COURSES 3 PART ] - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Saction Includes: b 1. Foundation cotprse for surface c«ursc ol- For ether basa course cornposod of flexible 7 base consiructc4 in orle or more courses in confoi-mily with the typical section. 8 H_ Deviaticros from this City of FOIL Worth SLandard Specification I, VOR THIS PROJRCT ELE IBLE BASE"C01)R,4F SE(,'TION 3-? 11 ?3 SRAU. 10 BE MEASURED BY THE CUBIC TART] OF CO.hr1PLETED QUAN'i7TY. 11 2, LINCLASSIFIL76-EXC VAT 0 N-D HAULING REQUIRETO PLACF 12 K.FXT3LF. BASE COURSE SHALL 8E.CC].K IDERED SUBSH)JAR Y, N0 13 SEPARATE PAY. 14 C. Related S pucitication Seet.ionw include. bait are not ribuess aril y limited to: 15 I. Division 0 — Bidding; Requirements, Contract Furms, and Condifloirs of the 16 �rar�tracl 17 2. Division I --General Requirements I K 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 19 A. Mmurement and FaYmrant 20 1. Measurtrhent 2 t u, Measurement fur thin Rem will bu by the sae CUBIC yard iaf Flexiblu Buse 22 Course l'or various: 23 1) Depths 24 2) Typcs 25 3) Gradations 26 2. Payment 27 -a. `l'he work performed and materials rurnished in accordance with this Item and 28 measured as provided under"MeasureTmme' will Ltie paid For at the unit price 29 hid per qu CUBIC yard Of Flexilale Buse Course. 30 3. The price Bid shall include: 31 a. Prapiraiion and curroct ion or subgrade 32 b, 1Furnisbing of material 33 c. Hauling 34 d, Blading 35 e. SprinkE M f, Compucdng 37 UNCLAS SHwTFD'FX CAVATIONr NDHAIJ LING REQ UHZETOPLACE 3F FLEXIBLE BASE COLIRSE 39 1.3 RGF'F;REN 40 A, Definitiom 41 1. RAP—Recycled A_spUt Pavement. CITY OF FORT WORTH 201S'Ci11 CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 5TA2' PART)CONSTRUC-FION-5MC1FJC.A"q N POCUMENT3 V ity 1,mjac#Nv 101570 Rewhrd 0r!cmjib r 20,2432 32tIY3-Z K-EX15LEAASE COURtiFS Pago Z of 7 I B. %eFereace Swndards 2 1. Reference sWdai-as cited in this specifi cut ioji refur to the can lmt reference standard 3 Pubbshed ait the time of Itae latest revision date logged at tbo end of this 4 QLPLXllicatiOn. U11ICFN u date is specifically chid. 2. ASTM Tnterna tional (ASTM-): 6 a. 1]698, Staiidard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction CharwPLI-30cs—of 7 Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 A-1KlftS(600kip-�rdm3)} 9 3. Te'x-m Depsrrlment brTr�Insparladozi (TXDOT); 9 a. Tex-10 4-F. DiI!teni-dningLiquid 1< ni is of Soils 10 bf: Tex-I06-E, Caluulating the Plasticity fndex of Soils. t I c. Tcsx-107-E, Deierininhig the Bar Linear Stninkuge of Sails 12 d Tex-110-E, ParticIn Size Ana lysds'of Soils 13 a. Tex-116-E, BalI M i I I Mothud Parr i termining the Disintegration of Flexible I Base material 15 f_ Tex-1 I7-E,Triaxial Compression for Disturbed Soils and 13ase Materials 16 Tax-41 1-A. Soundness c)f Aggregate Using Sodium Sulfate orMapi!siuin 17 Sulfa cr, 19 h, Tex-41I-A, Deterinining Del pteriuus MateiijPI in Mineral Aggregate 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 2f) 1.5 ACTION -' MMMALS INOT USED] 1 11.6 A CTION SUBMITTA1..S4NF[}RMATIONAL S 1311 TTTAL [NOT U ED1 -22 1.7 {:L,OSHOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 23 1.8 MAI?T ENANC . MA'I" RIAL SURMITTALS [NOT USED] 24 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [MOT USED] 25 1,11) DCLIVKRY,STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 26 1.11 F1ELD LNITEI CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 27 11.12 WARRANTY [NOT USE DI 28 PAWr 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 21) 2.1 OWN ER-FURNISHICiD PRODUCTS [NOT USE D1 30 2.2 MATERIALS 31 A. Cienerat 32 1. Furnish uncontaa-n nated materials of uniform quathy that meet the requirur ciIts of 31 the Drntwings and specifications. 34 2. ObTain materksls from approved source. 3. 3. 1Ycufy City of 0hxngn to material sources. 36 4, The City may t;nmpie and test project materials at any time before compact ion 37 t.hroughout.Ilse duration of the project to assure specification compliance. 38 H. Aggregate 39 1. Furnish ;aggregate of the type and grader shnwn on the Drawings and conformAng to 40 the requirements of Table 1. C3T1 OF FORT WnRTH 2A I8 C.fP CONCRETR RRSTOatA710N-C ONTRAVT i STANPAR0 CON4TRtJ1r'-t'ION SPLORC'A 10N DOCUPAENT5 Oily PW)w No. III I57{l kevi.sed Dmember N),2012 1111 23 -3 PLEXIBLE BASS COURM rage 3 of 1 1 Each sotnce 1Utls1 10641t Table I IvgUirerlirlenU for Iitluid 1i17iiI, PIastiCity index, and 2 wet hall drill for the grade "cif[eel. 3 3, Do not use additives such as but noil limiter] to lime, cement, or f!y ash lc i1nodify 4 aggregates to x'neet the regiiiraments of fable I. unless.9ho n Un the DrslwingN, 5 6 Table i 7 Material fL uirerneniis Pru rt f eb 1 Mel hod I Grade l Grade 2 ✓41sr€Ecr g,ladtttEom slev� r& rA rc[oined 2-1�2iat, p i-3l4 in. U t1-10 7?8 in, l of-I 10.E 111-M - VJS try- 30-54 No-a 45-FrS 4575 f�Tn,40 70-95 ds("5 t e Did EEmEtr%max 1-Ia 35 40 PlvsteClIt►ticr.mua.' ll' s-IQtSIE 1ti 12 Wetba13nu11.YamsV 40 ¢5 Vat hall MI[I. JA inax. rr. r ,I 1 E iFKreaaC pt►Ii ng the 6 24 NO.40 shsre Clxxsl�'icutirm C.4 1,13 h1I n l L:41D€rMIVa strength'.gel Toi-117-F I41?rltl[""sure 0 p,d 45 33 111 rUaI P=Mrg 15.pd 175. 175 1, Ekt-rrminr plaulk bidex in occprdt3nuu wlth T'es-Itn-1;(linear I lirinka9e)wlhw iiqukl liMil Is 47netlulnable ee deElnicd In Teat•i im-F- 2. whan u aatil dui value is semi ed fiy thr 17revnnpn,ieAi matrriul in acrtaedattce with Tex-4 I I-A- 3.M mL b ukh the chk9atrxiti km utd the ml ni mum cronslurmlvc SIraHgth,un I'M of hmwilc shown UI1 the 1}ruwlnSL 8 1) 4. Material Tolerances t0 a. The-City may accept_material if no more than 1 of the 5 most I-eccllt gyadatian 1 I teatq ho an individual side outside the s1pa fled limits of the gradation. 12 b. When targft grading Is required by the Drawhip, no single faillllg Lem Mkty 13 excet;d the, niamr grading by more than 5 percentage points can sieves No. 4 14 a11d IPrgt;r or 3 puce rl age points on sieves smaIlur t1al1 No,4, 15 c. The City may accept mEtte6a}I if nts more tlsnj, I kif tyre 5 most reCent plasticity 16 indt3x tests is ouksi& thc specified II rn L. No single f ailing test may exceatl the 17 allowable limit by more thaii 2 points, 18 5. Material Types 19 'it. Do not use Uers or binders unless approved, 20 b. Furnish the type specified on I he Drawings in Accordance-with the following; 21 1) Type A 2.2 a) Crushed stone produced and graded frc}m avemize quarried aggrega Le. 23 that originates from a single, n4tura]ly occurring source, 24 b) Do not uw gravel or multiple, sisurces. 25 2) Type B 26 a) Only for use as base material for temporrdry pavement resplfir& 27 b) Do not exceed 20 pe:rcenI RAP by weight unless shown on Drawings, 28 3) Type D L'1'1'Y QF Powr wa}R7T 1 2014 CI P C{1WR E=. RtESTORATi CONTELAC Y S STANDAR13 COMIS7RtJf TION SjtPdPlLATnN DOCUINENY'g CJty Project No; IDI3710 Rewigpd D?ee=hrr2n;21'1tP. s2 11,23 _4 FLEX 1BLB BASE COURSES Page 4 01'7 1 a) 'Type- A material or crushed canomte, 2 b) Crushed concrete c:onwining gravel will be considered Type D 3 lr awriul, 4 0 The City inay require separate dedid4ted moc:kpi.les In order Lo verify 5. cumplianee. 6 d) Crushed i�!pncrete must meet the fol low ing requirements; 7 (1) Table I list.the grade speoilied_ 8 (2) Recycled 111Pte!'ials MUSL be fri c From ruinforcing steel and tither 9 ob,jecuanabia material and have, ut most 1.5 percent deleterious 10 M-murial wh(m turfed in accardance with TEX-413-A, 11 C_ Water 12 1. Ftnm0 water fine of industrial wastes and o€hrr objectionable matter. 13 2.3 AC'CESSORIPS [NOT USED'[ 14 2A SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [MOT USE,DI 15 PART 3 - F�ECUTION 1.6 3.1 IN TALI,LRS [NOT USED] 17 3.2 EXAtMINATION [NOT U EDI 19 3.3 PREPA RATION 19 A. 0cn=1 20 1. Shape the subgrude tar existing 0� ic, Lo conform to Lhe typical sections shown on the 21 Drawings Sri- as dii-4-cted, 22 2. When om Base is required to be mixed with existing ba-se: 23- {i. Deliver, place, md spread the new flexible bai,c: In the requi red amount 24 h. Wnipu late and thoroughly mix the new base with existing maturial to provide 25 a uniform mixture to the specified depth before shaping. 26 b. Subgrade Compaction 27 1. Proof roll the ruadbcd Nfore pulverizing or scarifying in accordance with the 28 following; 29 a. Proof Rolling 30 1) City Prgj4M Rapttse111!aitivc inmi be an-situ during proof rollIng op�ration i. 31 2) Use-equipment that.Zvill apply sufficient load LLi identify soft gputs thal rut 32 or pump. 3.3 a) Acceptable equipmezit includes fuIIy loaded single-axle Water truck 34 with a 1500 gallon capacity. 35 3) Make at least 2 passes with the proof n-)Ilur(down and back = I pins), 36 4) Offset cacti trip by at inmi 1 tire-width, 37 5) 1f Zkn uttst.ible or non-unii'orm Direct is 17mid. con-ect the am-a, 38 i . Correct 34 1) Soft spo(s that rut or pump grt atcr than 314 incla 40 2) Areas that ere unstable or non-tinif'Or1Tl 41 2. Installation of bast material cannot proceed iinill comp{icted subgrade approved by 42 thcs City. C77"Y Of F R7'W R7 1 n i a ej v co,*,1t~RE't'E l2MORA7J ON-CONTRACT S ail'AN1)AKD(Y)NiILKUMQN1 'PEVIPIC-NO N 130CUM Wr,9 City I'niju.-t No. 1101i70 Revved Da mber 201 2i112 321113-5 FLNMLE MASS COURSES FVC 5 of 7 1 34 INSTALLATION A. Gone,ral 3 1_ Co each layer uniformly, rree ref luese or wgreguted arem. and With the d rewired density and tnoisttue cuntent, 2. Provide a smooth surface that conforms to the typical sections, lines,and grades -shown on the M4wings ar as directed_ 7 3. Haul eipproved flexible lase in clean, covered trucks, 8 $. dJqui�mertt 9 1, Gi nernl 10 a. .Provide rnaehinery, iAs. raid equipment necegwy for proper exeo«tion of the l f work, 12 2. Dollars 13 a- 'rhe Contractor may use any type cif i-oyler to meet the production rates and 14 qualify regiiirement<s of the CoPtracr nnless otherwwise Shown on the Drawings lS car directed, 15 h. whctl specific types Qf equipment.are required, use equipment that meets the 17 specified requireirnenl& 19 c. Ahernte Equipmem, 19 1) In-mend of Lire wpecified equipinctiL. LhL. CorLtrafctar may, as approved, 20 uWate other com pact Ion equipmem chat prWuc;es ecluivalmm results. 21 2) Dhmintirttie the use of the allemate equipment and furnish Lhe specified 22 eq►tiPi�rietrt if the &sired results are not achieved, 23 ti_ City may require Contract it to sub�dtute egtiipnienl if productkc n rate and 24 quality reyuirernems of the Cantj,acl act. 11ot met. -25 C. Placing 26 1, Spread and shape flexible base i itb a unifurm Ia.yer by approved means the same 27 clay n delivered unless otherwise.approved, 28 2, Place maternal such that it is-mixed to niinimixe segregation, 29 3. COUSIRM layers to the thickness !shown on the Drawings-, while maintainfng the 30 shape.of tN! ei, tzse; 31 4. Whem subbase or brine c curse exceeds h inches in thickness, construct in 2 or mare 32 courses of equal thickness_ .33 5. Minimum lift depth. 3 irtch�--s 34 6. Control d4st by sprinkling, 35 7. Correct or replace:segreg�ted aims as directed. 36 $. Plate surcessive base courses and finish courses using the same coristructim 37 m4nhods mequimd for the fist c curse. 38 D. Cumpaction 39 1. General 40 a. Compant leasing density'eontral uude.-;s otheMse shown an the Drawings. 41 h, fvlullipie 1i11s are permitted wlien shown corn the brawin s or approved, 42 c. Bring earh Iayer to the me 1VILre content dimeted. When necessary, sprinkle the 43 material Eo the extent necessary Io provide not teas than the required density. 44 d, Compact the fail depth of the subbase or base to the extent necessary to remitin fly firrn and stable under cwi%I rucIion equipmejrt. CITY Or FORT WQRTH 701$aPr'uNc r- PEs'r(-)RAn0N-CONTRA(.7S STANbAAD LONs-MUC VICIN si't~c P1CNVMN U.GCVMnt+"' c.iiy Projcol Nu. 1W5-10 Pav6w December 2{},2012 32'1 1 23 -4 FLEXIRLL BASE COUM3 Ngn -fi of 7 I 2. R€ailirig 2 a. Begin roiling longitudinally at the aides and praCoed trsrvtu-ris the (CWtCr, 3 overlapping an successive tripm by at lema 112 the MkIth [if the miller Unit, 4 b, On s Lip-eye levitted gades, begin roiling at the lo%v side and progress taward the 5 high side, 6 c. Mset alternate gips.of the roller. 7 d, Operate rollers m a sped between 2 and 6 mph as directed. 8. e. ReiNark, recumpact, Lind refinish Matodal that fails to lnt:el of that loses 9 requir-ed mol9ui�e, density, stabili(y. or finish before Ihr, next course is placed or ltl the project k accrfpted. 11 f, Continue work until specifkzation roquitements arc met. 12 g, Proa f troll (he compac led flex iblc base I i i acc�)rdarice with the following: 13 1) Pruol3 Rolling 14 u) City Project Reprmenttttive mWI be on ]to during peoof ollinp, 15 operation, 1.6 b) Use equipment thar will apply sufficient load to identify s-oft spats that 17. Mt or PItmp. 18 (1) Acceptable cquiprn6t ilioludes dully loaded singly-at le water truck 19 with a 1500 gallon Capacity, p o) Make at leapt 2 pam�,s with the pi%J raller(flown wid Back = i pass), `?I d) Offset each trip by tit most 1 flee width. 22 e) If an unstable or non-uniform area is found, correct the tint. 23 .) Corrw 2tl a) Soft spots that rut or pump gre-ater than 3{4 inch. 25 b) Arcus that arcw tiltxta ilu ur tti111-uJ�i k'{�rl1t, 26 3. Tglera=6 27 a, Maintain the %hape of the course by blading, 28 b. CpsnpleWd scrface shall be smooth iind its conformity with the typical sections 21) shown tin the Drawings to the established lines and grades, 30 e. For subgrarle bLmvath paving surfucvs, correct Arty deviation in i=eks of t/4 31 jnth lit k:rass section in length greater th;o Ifs feet me#ts;w-ed Inngitudinally by 32 lunNening, adding ar rernoving rnawrial. h'esiiape xti€I rncorn.Pttct by ?,P1'inklittg 33 and rolling. 34 d, CarrEct all fractures, scidement or segregation immediately by scarifying the, 35 aivwti affected, adding suitable material ;i,� requirod. Reshape and rtcampact by .16 sprinlcllag Alid rolling. 37 e, Shoijld the subbase or base course, duE. trr any reason, lose the required 38 stability, demiIy and finish before the suil'ttcing is uornple,te, it shrill be 39 recompacled at tfip, xule.ex pen sc or the,Cor1l rac.tor- 40 4, Density Control 41 It. MJnirttuin Density: 95-peivettt ccinpaction as determined by AST D698. 42 b. Moisture content; minus 2 to plus 4 of optimum, 43 E. Finishing 44 1- After cornplc6ng cortipaction, clip. skin, or light-blivie the surf fLe with a 45 maintainer or subgratie trliurner to a depth of approximately 1/4 inch. 46 2. Remove loosened material and disp4sz iof it at an approved locatimn. 41 3. SeaI the i:hpp!d �Lur1'ace immediately by rolling with an appropriate size pneumatic 48 dire roller until a smooth surface is attained, C;TY€tt-'VDAT WORTH 2019 CJP COMCPeT>--RrSTORATION-CONTILACT S STANDAKL)C€)MNTAUCIION SPECIFICATTON DQCirMENTS Cite i$oj.eot No. 101570 14wimi D4teriiber 20L 2012 -2 1111-7 Fdl E iLe BASF COURSES Vi g ?of 7 1 4. Add sn a.1I incre me"Ir,(1C water as needed di 'ing rel1icg. 2 5. Sbape;and maintain [lie courxr,- and surface in corlfiwmity with Ilse Iypieai sent-10ns, 3 lines, and grades as Aft n on the 13rawi ngs ur as directed. 4 6. In a as where surfacing is to be placed, corra t grade deviations granter ihan I14 5 inch in 16 Veet measwtd longitudinally m7 greater than 114 inch i)ver the entim b width or the crams-se�rl��rJ. 7 7. Correct by loosening, adding, or removing matuial. 8 S. Reshape and recominia In iiccordance with 3.4.C. R 3.5 REPAIPMESTOR TION [NOT USED.] to 3.6 R&INSTALLA110N [NOT USEDI J J 3.7 QUALITY CONTROL 12 A. Density Te-m 13 I. City W Mt�ll FlUe de.MJty Gf flexible b.1Se COLlrse. 14 a. Notify City Prq m RepreseuWtive wlwri-flexible base rwidy For density leafing, 13 b. Spacing directed by City (1 per blixk minimum), 16 c. City Pro*t representative demrmLneS location of density fe.sting. 1.7 3,8 SYSTEMSTARTUP [NOT USRD} 1-8 3.9 AD,I WIVING I NOT USED] -19 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] -zo 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED) 21 3.12 PROTECT16N INOT USED] 22 3.13 MAINTENANCE t1wiOT USED] 23 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 24 END OF SECTION 25 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTH MJ n CJ'WNCR1 E RESTORATION-(AINTRACT S " ANDARFJ CONMkJC7'iOb.WMJJP pATIUM.DOCLJME 1TS. CJsy jjt0jry NL) I[II S7i1 Rcvlmd LlCucmJ "�M'20I2 3: 1�71 - I CONCRE M3 FIA YIN G)0IN 'SE A4-ANI'S NEC! I Lyr 5 1 SECTION 3213 73 2 CONCRETE PAVTNG JOUVT SEALANTS 3 PAwr ! - GENERAL 4 1.1 9UMTdARY 5 A, Section lncludes: 6 1. Speuiflc;ttum for silicone johlt sealing for wncrete- pavem5nt and curbs. 7 B. Deviations fi= this C".ity of Fort Worth Standard Sptcifi"tion 8 1, FOR "PHIS PROJECT CONCRETE PAVING]orNT spALANrs SECTION 32 9 13 73 SMALL BE PAY13L-E FOR .5EA1..fNO (70H R145—SY JET ON EXTSTFN0 1 L) PA ENTENT ONLY. SEALTNO JOINT ON REPLACED CO NCRETF-PAVIN.O I I SI.IALL BE CO SLDEMD U13SID ARY TO CONCRETE PA ING ShCTION 12 3211 11 13 29 S AWTNO. CL.EANING AND.APPL3 ING JOINTS EA LANTS UPON P.I--,AejN 14 OF BOND BAKF;R ROD AND B.REAICER TAPE H 44a-- IJBSIDLARY.TO 15 JOI T SEALANTS. 16. C, Rtlated Specification 5ecdGns include, lwt n0L necessarily limited to: 17 1. DI visicti 0-Bidding Requu'ements, Contract Forms, and Cunditlons,of the C:OMMU 18 2. Divisiun 1 - General Rettuirernunts 19 3-. Section.32 13 13 -Cmcrete Paving 20 1.2 PIUC'E AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE 21 A. Measurement find Payment 22 I. Measurellierlt 23 a. Measurement fcr this, Item shall be by the linear 19out of JuinI Sealant completed 24 and accepted only FOR COURTT:SY JOINT ON F53CTMNG PAVEMENT 25 Wp a a-pay 26 2, Payment 27 3. The work perfur ned and'marcri�lls Furnished in xcc:ordarlee with ffb; Item W ILL 28 FEE PAID FOR AT THE UN FF PRICE 8W PER LINEAR FOO`I`OF ..JOINT 29 SEALANT".COMPLETP.D �kte d HO Nhe 31 SUBSTDIARY 1 f)RK AND MATEI IM—S INCLURE; 32 u- SA1 1N6 ,10INTS 33 b. CLEAN.1N6 JOINTS 1pi c. A-PPL Y LNG JOINT SEALANTS UPON! PLACING OT= BOND BREAKER 35 ROD AND BREAKER TAPE .16 d. FURNISHING /LND 1NSTALLINO ALL MATERIALS 37 e. AIA. MANIPULAT10NS. LABOR, EQTTTPMENT, APPLIANCES, TOOLS, 3$. AID FNCTD TTALS NECESSARY TO COMPLE1'E THE WORK. 39' al-Y OF FORT WORTH 2019 LlF rMrRT','q I�WolzA'1IM-Cohkrocl5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION spEcTFrTc-ATipN I armENr5 N1qu. ISH570 ItowiFcil 0=mbur?.Q.igl2 37. 1373-2 CONCRETE PA V ING JOINT SP.A I.ANT$ Wage 2.nr5 1 1.3 RFFER1 NCE 2 A. Rtefarence Standards 3 1. Refemice svandw ds cited in this Sptx�ifioation refer to tho current referen", d standard published at the time of the tzges;t rev kim date lagged at the ertd utthis 5 specification, UnIesS a date is specificaIIy tiled. 6 2. ASTM Intemadonal {ASTM}: 7 a. D5843, Standard Specification for C61d Applied, SiAgle Compunent, 8 Chemically Curing SiIie<one Joitit Sealant for €onland'Cemant Commme 9 pavemrmts 14 1.4 A-DMMISTRATIVE RwumwmEms [Nor u Em i 1 1.5 ACl'ION SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1A ACTION SIFBNHTTAL3 NFORMATIGNAL SUBMITTALS 13 A. Teat and Evaluation Departs 14 1. €'rior to instailatiLin, furnish cetfific;aEion by an independent testing laberatory that 15 the siIicone joint plant meets the requirommits of thin Section. 16 2, 5uhmil verifiable dQcumentll[ion that the mamifactureror the a!I icolit.10int seulnnt 17 has a ininilnum 2-year dernonslrated, dot invented auc=,qul Held performance 18 with concrete pavement r,lli me joint sealant systems. 14 1,7 CLOSEOUT SU MITTALS rN01F USED] 24 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTAUS [NOT USED] 2.1 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 22 1..10 DELIVERY,STORAGE, AND HANDLYNG [NOT USED] 23 1.11 FIELD CONDI*nONS 24 A, Do not oppiy Joint sealant when the air.Eirid paaement temperature is less than 35 15 degrees F '26 fi, Conemic nurface must.be-clean, dry and fro} l free, 27 C, Do not place sealanI in rin expansion-type joint if surface temperature is lie]ow 35 28 degrees F or above 90 degrees K N 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED1 3o DART 2 - PRODUCTS 31 11 OWNER FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USEDI 32 2.2 MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT 33 A. llriateri,& 34 1. lint Semlant: ASTM D5893. 35 2. Joint Filler,'ffat:ke�Reel and Bwl;iker T3pc C n-x OF FORT WORTR U 18 CIP C C7K1kE'rE MENTOR ATION-Couftad 5 STANTIARD CONSTRUCTION SFE(AFIGATiON DOCUMENT'S City Pruaier NE). J411570 Revised b=m1wr 2R 24]2 11 13.73-3 i'{7]yi'R fF.13AYIN11]01 NT SRALA kTS Fags i L)f 5 1 a. The joint filler sop-shall be of a closed cell expanded polye thy]etie foam backer 2 rod and polyethyleiie bond bl-eaker tape of sufficient size to pt'crvide a tighL�;,a1. 3 b, The bsrk rod and breaker taoc shall lie. installed in Ilid mtw--:ut joint to prevent A dte juinL sealant fi'urn flowing to the bottom of the joint. 5 c:. The bracket'R)d and breaker tape�haII be compatible with tho silicrine joint 6 sealant and oo bond ar reaction-shall occur between them. 7 23 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 8 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY Y ONTROL rNOT USF912 :9. PART 3 - EXECUTION 10 '11 INSTALLERS INOT ILISLU] 11 .3.2 E AMINATION [NOT USED] 12 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED.] 13 3.4 INSTALLA'ITION 14 A. General 15 1 , The silicone malant shoill be cold applied_ 16 2, All€tw concreLe LE)cure foe a nvn1nium of 7 daya to clisurc it has sufficient strength 17 prior I staIing jvim. 18 3. I'L rfornijoli nt itservoIr SiM cutling, ciejn1ng, bond breakei`imtol.111 ion. and joiat 19 sea Iant placement In it continuous.sequence of vp- aratkim% 20 4, See Draw iags fur the various€joint details with their reripcctive dimcwiQns. 21 $_ Equiprnsant 22 1. Pcovide al l vteccssAry urluipment and keep equipment in a satisfactery working 23 Condition. 24 2, Ecluij�mcLil shall be irispecLed by the City prior try the beginning of the wog k. 26 3. The rranimum rayn ire merits foil eofistruetion equipment YhalI be m follows: 26 i. Concrete Saw. The mewing equipment shall be a duquate in size snd power to 27 complate tlm joint sawing to the required dimensiom , 2$ b, Air C'.ompresso s. Ttie de-livered compresned air shall W- ve a pressure ire expo-ss 29 of 90 psl anrd shkiII lie !tuItable For Ilse re movaI rid'aII f'reo waler and oil from the 30 Compressed air. 31 u. Extrmion hemp. The output shall be capable of suppl�i ng a sufficient vtilulx� 32 of W.BIDnt to the joint. 31 dI Injection Tunl. Thin inerhxnical device shall apply the sealaa iiIiiformly into 34 the joint. 35 :n. Sandblaster. The design shall be for cornmemial u-- wiiti air compressurs as 36. specified in this Section. 37 f, Bricker R(d Ro Ile r end Tool rig InsLrumen1. These devieeg shrill be clean and 38 free of contaminadon. Thl -y dialI be caInpat1We %vith the joint depth and width 39 requirements: 4f) C. 5awing Jainus: sec Sect iun 32 13 13, CITY fV'f C1RT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCAETF RpSTORA TION-[-nnlFacl 5 S'I'ANT.mlzn LY]NNTRuCFION SFt3 PaCNi-TO+!aaUUNWB QlY projwl NO.'191 s7p Rewisrd 17ccember 20.U12 GLEW1 '*l rn4)4,. Ef]Z'{E€s*Rwaa�C�lrxalra}� SINEW U SOLL1+i7 AOU9 MOLL f 4�1 i I N c1t11+fIM#,[.5 S lsurlu(13-K0LLVA0.1.b'91E B LZ?I IOC d IJ 810 HJ.X0A% L aOd 40 AID -s;,an43 uu.rol p uw.wiodo ££ l u[�2as aE#� aio 2q s#uroF,{� 'u �o x� ancxr ds �ls s nr E3 uasalr as x1.L q •uo[#z�Illt#s4n t�l4r�t1a�,1€xJ pat{#a4u 2��Ivldaa:�>V �� aql ,{;t a putt� �t Ba�41U as♦z ct} �xarls�, to �, Ili?4�s;�nE#rtuamdaa at{.1, E '+alulol'ja BulTeas PU%,,s[1111vaj� 111aLl atlt-la �UIUU1,9acl a41 #u ails quf at4l ttt tttasaad aq of iwnj-mji`uru:; tllt*leas aqa 3o amlieluasal'dw B 1s5;nj)at 411ul All:) ;ILL •l g� 131U10f J0I19ncptddy ,_-j LZ J-)I E;a Imlaq 1! 1!1un Iwiltos tls-ja1;0tv Qo ati" molls IOU 0Q g 1!j Aq PaurUMtap sa Uot#rplloa "!j U0aia r, tuas.)Ad I[N: ; Qn8 jJn9 111e[.Uan[1d a1[:L •fir SZ •s#u�ora+�l Cuss c�� asn �so:�xa tuts o� 'r. �� 'aadj.ms mixiaARd atjI do tj1I wlt113as ssaaxa PW3ff!p pills aAo Was E £ 'kip pUs UUt)J r ssalun s1UMI leas tau 0(1 •Z zZ •lost 4rapaaf>al [tsai1.14graE�[ [� iq# gulsn •adui put, pw as)jp;;ajq puoq alai jo ju=Qavld uodn jnpfgas luEc)C*43 4Idd'V 'I pz #uwluas #uror .a '61 •lgs!mno palt,asun smwrpauuaja'UAO'WaZI IOU OC[ .L 81 tlxs�l tuznl'a�l� L C jo uolinaliddti silt of iQud Iu[af patlrolo atrt ui 11alsui :adtrj pus pa-d aa�- >eaaq punu g 9 l •aurtmzip ut[dn Xjmuipa>LM,U,nf: j ut Itluji#as pug.ta4trmq puaq sip a: Id •S 91 U0tt1:t11a1F.lUO3 puu sulm ;AGum of quaAjos aSn jou oc q #� pounlD sI ju10r r zip mun Wur oiq put,2upsuigpuss #1, p-j `puno j sl uat surwialuoa.to Imp duQ JI -e Z G 41oElyU.m mao 4Qt po io isnp lip npzs*a Foj #uror umom q# noaq `# l 'sJUro f am Eji47t Ifj Imgs agni�A(Jj l atu `p []l ,J.M poowdwo-) Ruzsn Ino-A,,o1q `a#ald[rtoa si 2unselgpuas umlAA o 6 -sia�sxd lrt[[olt:)allp 1 'a#1 ufts m pajMgpues sw rj #u it)C 4jeq 1-strgput#S {q R tU10ragl jo aa1cJ L Dui Z dtj"qmI Z ❑z l Jo nuvis1}) s I pue s2wlap Sr jo aj2U0 ire Te pat:+aaap 9 Qq FI?m tfe[Q Puss a4l tlt4P 4s 231nap 2ulmlU IMPIt"U111rr1 rf tit at,-aflu 43EM V '.9 S '�ut�C.t�E a#alduzoa�a}�e ��rlrpf ls�lq[�4� p •Iulor aqr tuu.{ 5np flLITJJR5al a4j# aIAQU= at.111? passaW1.130a aFf - 'IsTriq putts Uar.I] ;P11IQ RUMna aNIanal 1jlrM UOtj:-mil P I lii Amm D � Z snnaf�ll[4180� '� l s�i,3� s1 N -EV3F.t NTGT 9,41nvd rtvo 1+•a E=I zf w a m-! Cry»FED VWeiJOINT SEALANTS h�lJ� ] 33 REP&|[RF-sTORAT[ON INOT USE D1 2. a RE-INSTALLATION (NOT UREA 3 3.7 FI LO QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED1 4 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP(NOT USE 5 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USE § 3.10 rtFA NING [NOT USED] 7 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACC VTIES [NOT I�SFKD] e1 PROTECTION [NOT EST ] g !} M&IITKN&NCE LNOT USES m 3.14 &TTACHMT,,NTS [NOT USED] I END OFSECTION !2 va_Log D rE NAME SUkMa2Y OFCNANUE I � crry OF polurWORTH mmorCOkCRErE USTORATION-C0111FLIOI§ ANDARE)CONSTKUMIUN gMNCAT oN DW$NPNT& City I 101 &v k D&r+ram mn 001113-1 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Page I of 2 1 SECTION 00 1113 2 INVITATION TO BIDDERS 3 4 RECEIPT OF BIDS 5 Seated bids for the construction of 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION - CONTRACT 5. CPN 6 101570, At W. Vickery Blvd from S. Hulen St. to City Limits will be received by the City of Fort 7 Worth Purchasing Office: 8 9 City of Fort Worth I0 Purchasing Division 11 200 Texas St 12 Fort Worth,Texas 76102 13 Until 1:30 P.M. CST,Thursday,February 21,2019 and bids will be opened publicly and read aloud 14 at 2:00 PM CST in the Council Chambers. 15 16 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK 17 The major work will consist of the(approximate)following: 18 19 17,100 S.Y. Remove Concrete and Replace with 7" Concrete Pavement HES 20 1,283 C.Y. Flex Base,Type A, GR-2 21 3,420 S.Y. Geogrid Tensar(TRIAX 140-475) or Approved Equal 22 23 24 DOCUMENT EXAMINATION AND PROCUREMENTS 25 The Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined or obtained on-line by visiting the City of 26 Fort Worth's Purchasing Division website at http://www.fortwortbtexas.goy/purchasin and clicking 27 on the Buzzsaw link to the advertised project folders on the City's Buzzsaw site. The Contract 28 Documents may be downloaded,viewed, and printed by interested contractors and/or suppliers. The 29 contractor is required to fill out and notarize the Certificate of Interested Parties Form 1295 30 and the form must be submitted to the Project Manager before the contract will be presented to 31 the City Council. The form can be obtained at https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/tec/1295-Info.htm . 32 33 Copies of the Bidding and Contract Documents may be purchased from Nikki McLeroy, 817-392- 34 8363,City of Fort Worth,Transportation&Public Works, 200 Texas St., Fort Worth,TX 35 76102. 36 37 The cost of Bidding and Contract Documents is: $40.00 38 39 PREBID CONFERENCE 40 A prebid conference may be held as described in Section 00 21 13 -INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 41 at the following location,date,and time: 42 DATE: Friday February 08,2019 43 TIME: 9:00 AM 44 PLACE: Transportation&Public Works, RM#: 270, 45 LOCATION: City Hall,2,,d. Floor 46 200 Texas St. 47 Fort Worth,TX. 76102 48 49 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETI?RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 22,2016 00 11 13-2 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 2 1 CITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT BIDS 2 City reserves the right to waive irregularities and to accept or reject bids. 3 4 INQUIRIES 5 All inquiries relative to this procurement should be addressed to the following: 6 Attn: Maged Zaki, City of Port Worth 7 Email: Ma ed.Zaki e FortWorthTexas.gov 8 Phone: 817-392-5448 9 10 ADVERTISEMENT DATES 1 I January 24,2019 12 January 31, 2019 13 14 END OF SECTION CITY OF PORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 22,2016 002113-1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 1 of 8 1 SECTION 00 2113 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 3 4 1. Defined Terms 5 6 1.1.Terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS,which are defined in Section 00 72 00 - 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS. 8 9 1.2.Certain additional terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS have the meanings 10 indicated below which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof. 11 12 1.2.1. Bidder: Any person,firm,partnership,company, association, or corporation acting 13 directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the 14 work contemplated under the Contract Documents. 15 16 1.2.2. Nonresident Bidder: Any person, firm,partnership, company, association, or 17 corporation acting directly through a duly authorized representative,submitting a bid for 18 performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents whose principal place 19 of business is not in the State of Texas. 20 21 1.2.3. Successful Bidder: The lowest responsible and responsive Bidder to whom City(on the 22 basis of City's evaluation as hereinafter provided)makes an award. 23 24 2. Copies of Bidding Documents 25 26 2.1.Neither City nor Engineer shall assume any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations 27 resulting from the Bidders use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 28 29 2.2,City and Engineer in making copies of Bidding Documents available do so only for the 30 purpose of obtaining Bids for the Work and do not authorize or confer a license or grant for 31 any other use. 32 33 3. Prequalification of Bidders (Prime Contractors and Subcontractors). OMITTED 34 35 4. Examination of Bidding and Contract Documents, Other Related Data,and Site 36 37 4.1.Before submitting a Bid,each Bidder shall: 38 39 4.1.1. Examine and carefully study the Contract Documents and other related data identified in 40 the Bidding Documents(including"technical data" referred to in Paragraph 4.2. below). 41 No information given by City or any representative of the City other than that contained 42 in the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto,shall be binding 43 upon the City. 44 45 4.1.2. Visit the site to become familiar with and satisfy Bidder as to the general, local and site 46 conditions that may affect cost,progress,performance or furnishing of the Work. 47 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION- CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised August 21,2015 0021 13-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 8 1 4.1.3. Consider federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost,progress, 2 performance or furnishing of the Work. 3 4 4.1.4. OMITTED 5 6 4.1.5. Study all: (i)reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous 7 to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or 8 subsurface structures at the Site(except Underground Facilities)that have been 9 identified in the Contract Documents as containing reliable "technical data" and(ii) 10 reports and drawings of Hazardous Environmental Conditions, if any, at the Site that 11 have been identified in the Contract Documents as containing reliable "technical data." 12 13 4.1.6. Be advised that the Contract Documents on file with the City shall constitute all of the 14 information which the City will furnish.All additional information and data which the 15 City will supply after promulgation of the formal Contract Documents shall be issued in 16 the form of written addenda and shall become part of the Contract Documents just as 17 though such addenda were actually written into the original Contract Documents.No 18 information given by the City other than that contained in the Contract Documents and 19 officially promulgated addenda thereto,shall be binding upon the City. 20 21 4.1.7. Perform independent research, investigations,tests,borings, and such other means as 22 may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge of the conditions which will be 23 encountered during the construction of the project. On request, City may provide each 24 Bidder access to the site to conduct such examinations, investigations, explorations,tests 25 and studies as:each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a Bid. Bidder must fill all 26 holes and clean up and restore the site to its former conditions upon completion of such 27 explorations, investigations,tests and studies. 28 29 4.1.8. Determine the difficulties of the Work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost 30 of doing the Work,time required for its completion, and obtain all information required 31 to make a proposal. Bidders shall rely exclusively and solely upon their own estimates, 32 investigation,research,tests, explorations,and other data which are necessary for full 33 and complete information upon which the proposal is to be based. It is understood that 34 the submission of a proposal is prima-facie evidence that the Bidder has made the 35 investigation,examinations and tests herein required. Claims for additional 36 compensation due to variations between conditions actually encountered in construction 37 and as indicated in the Contract Documents will not be allowed. 38 39 4.1.9. Promptly notify City of all conflicts,errors, ambiguities or discrepancies in or between 40 the Contract Documents and such other related documents. The Contractor shall not take 41 advantage of any gross error or omission in the Contract Documents,and the City shall 42 be permitted to make such corrections or interpretations as may be deemed necessary for 43 fulfillment of the intent of the Contract Documents. 44 45 4.2. Reference is made to Section 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions for identification of: 46 CITY OF PORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August 21,2015 0021 13-3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 3 of 8 1 4.2.1. those reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the 2 site which have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. The logs 3 of Soil Borings,if any,on the plans are for general information only.Neither the City 4 nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of conditions which 5 actually exist. 6 7 4.2.2. those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface 8 structures (except Underground Facilities)which are at or contiguous to the site that 9 have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. 10 11 4.2.3. copies of such reports and drawings will be made available by City to any Bidder on 12 request. Those reports and drawings may not be part of the Contract Documents,but the 13 "technical data" contained therein upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in 14 Paragraph 4.02. of the General Conditions has been identified and established in 15 Paragraph SC 4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions. Bidder is responsible for any 16 interpretation or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any other data, 17 interpretations,opinions or information. I8 19 4.3.The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder(i)that 20 Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Paragraph 4,(ii)that without exception 21 the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract 22 Documents and applying the specific means,methods,techniques,sequences or procedures of 23 construction(if any)that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the Contract 24 Documents,(iii)that Bidder has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors,ambiguities 25 and discrepancies in the Contract Documents and the written resolutions thereof by City are 26 acceptable to Bidder, and when said conflicts, etc.,have not been resolved through the 27 interpretations by City as described in Paragraph 6., and(iv)that the Contract Documents are 28 generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms.and conditions for 29 performing and furnishing the Work. 30 31 4.4.The provisions of this Paragraph 4, inclusive,do not apply to Asbestos,Polychlorinated 32 biphenyls(PCBs),Petroleum,Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material covered by 33 Paragraph 4.06, of the General Conditions,unless specifically identified in the Contract 34 Documents. 35 36 S. Availability of Lands for Work,Etc. 37 38 5.1.The lands upon which the Work is to be performed,rights-of-way and easements for access 39 thereto and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work are 40 identified in the Contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for 41 temporary construction facilities, construction equipment or storage of materials and 42 equipment to be incorporated in the Work are to be obtained and paid for by Contractor. 43 Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities are to be 44 obtained and paid for by City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 45 46 5.2.Outstanding right-of-way, easements, and/or permits to be acquired by the City are listed in 47 Paragraph SC 4.01 of the Supplementary Conditions. In the event the necessary right-of-way, 48 easements,and/or permits are not obtained,the City reserves the right to cancel the award of 49 contract at any time before the Bidder begins any construction work on the project. 50 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CB'CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August 21,2015 0021 13-4 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 4 of 8 1 5.3. The Bidder shall be prepared to commence construction without all executed right-of-way, 2 easements,and/or permits,and shall submit a schedule to the City of how construction will 3 proceed in the other areas of the project that do not require permits and/or easements. 4 5 6. Interpretations and Addenda 6 7 6.1.All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to City 8 in writing on or before 2 p.m.,the Monday prior to the Bid opening. Questions received after 9 this day may not be responded to. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by 10 City in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda delivered to all parties recorded 1 I by City as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by formal 12 written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be 13 without legal effect. 14 15 Address questions to: 16 17 City of Fort Worth 18 200 Texas Street 19 Fort Worth,TX 76102 20 Attn: Maged Zaki ,TPW 21 Email:maged.zaki@fortworthtexas.gov 22 Phone: 817-392-5448 23 24 25 6.2.Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by City. 26 27 6.3.Addenda or clarifications may be posted via Buzzsaw at 28 https://projeetpoint.buzzsaw.com/fortworthgov/Advertised/101570%20-%202018%20CIP% 29 20Coneretc%2O Restoration%20-%2OContract%205?public 30 31 32 6.4.A prebid conference may be held at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or 33 INVITATION TO BIDDERS. Representatives of City will be present to discuss the Project. 34 Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference. City will transmit to all 35 prospective Bidders of record such Addenda as City considers necessary in response to 36 questions arising at the conference. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be 37 binding or legally effective. 38 39 7. Bid Security 40 41 7.1.Each Bid must be accompanied by Bid Bond made payable to City in an amount of five(5) 42 percent of Bidder's maximum Bid price on form attached, issued by a surety meeting the 43 requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 of the General Conditions. 44 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised August 21,2015 0021 13-5 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 5 of 8 I 7.2.The Bid Bond of aII Bidders will be retained until the conditions of the Notice of Award have 2 been satisfied. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the complete Agreement 3 within 10 days after the Notice of Award, City may consider Bidder to be in default,rescind 4 the Notice of Award, and the Bid Bond of that Bidder will be forfeited. Such forfeiture shall 5 be City's exclusive remedy if Bidder defaults. The Bid Bond of all other Bidders whom City 6 believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award will be retained by City until 7 final contract execution. 8 9 8. Contract Times 10 The number of days within which, or the dates by which, Milestones are to be achieved in 1 I accordance with the General Requirements and the Work is to be completed and ready for Final 12 Acceptance is set forth in the Agreement or incorporated therein by reference to the attached Bid 13 Form. 14 15 9. Liquidated Damages 16 Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 17 18 10. Substitute and "Or-Equal" Items 19 The Contract,if awarded,will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Bidding 20 Documents without consideration of possible substitute or"or-equal" items. Whenever it is 21 indicated or specified in the Bidding Documents that a"substitute" or"or-equal" item of material 22 or equipment may be furnished or used by Contractor if acceptable to City, application for such 23 acceptance will not be considered by City until after the Effective Date of the Agreement. The 24 procedure for submission of any such application by Contractor and consideration by City is set 25 forth in Paragraphs 6.05A.,6.05B. and 6.05C. of the General Conditions and is supplemented in 26 Section 0125 00 of the General Requirements. 27 28 11. Subcontractors,Suppliers and Others 29 30 11.1. In accordance with the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance No.20020-12- 31 2011 (as amended),the City has goals for the participation of minority business and/or 32 small business enterprises in City contracts.A copy of the Ordinance can be obtained from 33 the Office of the City Secretary. The Bidder shall submit the MBE and SBE Utilization 34 Form, Subcontractor/Supplier Utilization Form, Prime Contractor Waiver Form and/or 35 Good Faith Effort Form with documentation and/or Joint Venture Form as appropriate. 36 The Forms including documentation must be received by the City no later than 2:00 P.M. 37 CST, on the second business days after the bid opening date.The Bidder shall obtain a 38 receipt from the City as evidence the documentation was received. Failure to comply shall 39 render the bid as non-responsive. 40 41 11.2. No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier,other person or 42 organization against whom Contractor has reasonable objection. 43 44 12. Bid Form 45 46 12.1. The Bid Form is included with the Bidding Documents; additional copies maybe obtained 47 from the City. 48 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 GIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised August 21,2015 0021 13-6 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 6 of 8 1 12.2. All blanks on the Bid Form must be completed by printing in ink and the Bid Form signed 2 in ink. Erasures or alterations shall be initialed in ink by the person signing the Bid Form. 3 A Bid price shall be indicated for each Bid item, alternative,and unit price item listed 4 therein. In the case of optional alternatives,the words "No Bid," "No Change," or"Not 5 Applicable" may be entered. Bidder shall state the prices, written in ink in both words and 6 numerals,for which the Bidder proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish materials 7 required.. All prices shall be written legibly. In case of discrepancy between price in 8 written words and the price in written numerals,the price in written words shall govern. 9 10 12.3. Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice- II president or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The 12 corporate seal shall be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be 13 shown below the signature. 14 15 12.4. Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner, lb whose title must appear under the signature accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. 17 The official address of the partnership shall be shown below the signature. 18 19 12.5. Bids by limited liability companies shall be executed in the name of the firm by a member 20 and accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The state of formation of the firm and 21 the official address of the firm shall be shown. 22 23 12.6. Bids by individuals shall show the Bidder's name and official address. 24 25 12.7. Bids by joint ventures shall be executed by each joint venturer in the manner indicated on 26 the Bid Form. The official address of the joint venture shall be shown. 27 28 12.8, All names shall be typed or printed in ink below the signature. 29 30 12.9. The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda,the numbers of 31 which shall be filled in on the Bid Form. 32 33 12.10. Postal and e-mail addresses and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid 34 shall be shown. 35 36 12.11. Evidence of authority to conduct business as a Nonresident Bidder in the state of Texas 37 shall be provided in accordance with Section 00 43 37—Vendor Compliance to State Law 38 Non Resident Bidder. 39 40 13. Submission of Bids 41 Bids shall be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form,provided with the Bidding Documents, at the 42 time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS,addressed to 43 Purchasing Manager of the City, and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, marked with 44 the City Project Number, Project title,the name and address of Bidder,and accompanied by the 45 Bid security and other required documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery 46 system,the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID 47 ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 48 49 14. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 50 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August21,2015 0021 13-7 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 7 of 8 1 14.1. Bids addressed to the Purchasing Manager and filed with the Purchasing Office cannot be 2 withdrawn prior to the time set for bid opening. A request for withdrawal must be IT1ade in 3 writing by an appropriate document duly executed in the manner that a Bid must be 4 executed and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the 5 opening of Bids.After all Bids not requested for withdrawal are opened and publicly read 6 aloud,the Bids for which a withdrawal request has been properly filed may,at the option 7 of the City,be returned unopened. 8 9 14.2. Bidders may modify their Bid by electronic communication at any time prior to the time 10 set for the closing of Bid receipt. 11 12 15. Opening of Bids 13 Bids will be opened and read aloud publicly at the place where Bids are to be submitted. An 14 abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and major alternates(if any)will be made available to 15 Bidders after the opening of Bids. 16 17 16. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance 18 All Bids will remain subject to acceptance for the time period specified for Notice of Award and 19 execution and delivery of a complete Agreement by Successful Bidder. City may, at City's sole 20 discretion,release any Bid and nullify the Bid security prior to that date. 21 22 17. Evaluation of Bids and Award of Contract 23 24 17.1. City reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, including without limitation the rights to 25 reject any or all nonconforming,nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids and to 26 reject the Bid of any Bidder if City believes that it would not be in the best interest of the 27 Project to make an award to that Bidder,whether because the Bid is not responsive or the 28 Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent 29 standard or criteria established by City. City also reserves the right to waive informalities 30 not involving price,contract time or changes in the Work with the Successful Bidder. 3I Discrepancies between the multiplication of units of Work and unit prices will be resolved 32 in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of 33 figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 34 Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of the words. 35 36 17.1.1. Any or all bids will be rejected if City has reason to believe that collusion exists 37 among the Bidders,Bidder is an interested party to any litigation against City, City or 38 Bidder may have a claim against the other or be engaged in litigation,Bidder is in 39 arrears on any existing contract or has defaulted on a previous contract,Bidder has 40 performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner, or Bidder has uncompleted 41 work which in the judgment of the City will prevent or hinder the prompt completion 42 of additional work if awarded. 43 44 17.2. City may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and 45 other persons and organizations proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the 46 identity of Subcontractors, Suppliers,and other persons and organizations must be 47 submitted as provided in the Contract Documents or upon the request of the City. City 48 also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements,performance data and 49 guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the 50 Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 51 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.10I S70 Revised August 21,2015 0021 13-8 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 8 of 8 1 17.3. City may conduct such investigations as City deems necessary to assist in the evaluation 2 of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications, and financial ability of 3 Bidders,proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to 4 perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to City's 5 satisfaction within the prescribed time. 6 7 17.4. Contractor shall perform with his own organization,work of a value not less than 35%of 8 the value embraced on the Contract, unless otherwise approved by the City. 9 I0 17.5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to lowest responsible and responsive 11 Bidder whose evaluation by City indicates that the award will be in the best interests of the 12 City. 13 14 17.6. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2252.001,the City will not award contract 15 to a Nonresident Bidder unless the Nonresident Bidder's bid is lower than the lowest bid 16 submitted by a responsible Texas Bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder 17 would be required to underbid a Nonresident Bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the 18 state in which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. 19 20 17.7. A contract is not awarded until formal City Council authorization. If the Contract is to be 21 awarded, City will award the Contract within 90 days after the day of the Bid opening 22 unless extended in writing. No other act of City or others will constitute acceptance of a 23 Bid. Upon the contractor award a Notice of Award will be issued by the City. 24 25 17.8. Failure or refusal to comply with the requirements may result in rejection of Bid. 26 27 18. Signing of Agreement 28 When City issues a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the 29 required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement. Within 14 days thereafter Contractor 30 shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement to City with the 31 required Bonds, Certificates of Insurance, and all other required documentation. City shall 32 thereafter deliver one fully signed counterpart to Contractor. 33 34 35 36 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August 21,2015 0032 15-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 1 of 10 I SECTION 00 32 15 2 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SCHEDULE 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. General requirements for the preparation,submittal, updating,status reporting and 7 management of the Construction Project Schedule 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. None. 10 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 12 2. Division I --General Requirements 13 D. Purpose I4 The City of Fort Worth(City) is committed to delivering quality, cost-effective 15 infrastructure to its citizens in a timely manner. A key tool to achieve this purpose is a 16 properly structured schedule with accurate updates. This supports effective monitoring 17 of progress and is input to critical decision making by the project manager throughout 18 the life of the project. Data from the updated project schedule is utilized in status 19 reporting to various Ievels of the City organization and the citizenry. 20 21 This Document complements the City's Standard Agreement to guide the construction 22 contractor(Contractor)in preparing and submitting acceptable schedules for use by the 23 City in project delivery. The expectation is the performance of the work follows the 24 accepted schedule and adhere to the contractual timeline. 25 26 The Contractor will designate a qualified representative(Project Scheduler)responsible 27 for developing and updating the schedule and preparing status reporting as required by 28 the City. 29 30 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 31 A. Measurement and Payment 32 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 33 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 34 2. Non-compliance with this specification is grounds for City to withhold payment of 35 the Contractor's invoices until Contractor achieves said compliance. 36 1.3 REFERENCES 37 A. Project Schedules 38 Each project is represented by City's master project schedule that encompasses the 39 entire scope of activities envisioned by the City to properly deliver the work. When the 40 City contracts with a Contractor to perform construction of the Work,the Contractor CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No. 101570 Revised IULY 20,2018 003215-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 2 of 10 1 will develop and maintain a schedule for their scope of work in alignment with the 2 City's standard schedule requirements as defined herein. The data and information of 3 each such schedule will be leveraged and become integral in the master project 4 schedule as deemed appropriate by the City's Project Control Specialist and approved 5 by the City's Project Manager. 6 7 1. Master Project Schedule 8 The master project schedule is a holistic representation of the scheduled activities 9 and milestones for the total project and be Critical Path Method(CPM)based. The 10 City's Project Manager is accountable for oversight of the development and 11 maintaining a master project schedule for each project. When the City contracts for 12 the design and/or construction of the project,the master project schedule will 13 incorporate elements of the Design and Construction schedules as deemed 14 appropriate by the City's Project Control Specialist. The assigned City Project 15 Control Specialist creates and maintains the plaster project schedule in P6 (City's 16 scheduling software). 17 18 2. Construction Schedule 19 The Contractor is responsible for developing and maintaining a schedule for the 20 scope of the Contractor's contractual requirements. The Contractor will issue an 21 initial schedule for review and acceptance by the City's Project Control Specialist 22 and the City's Project Manager as a baseline schedule for Contractor's scope of 23 work. Contractor will issue current,accurate updates of their schedule (Progress 24 Schedule)to the City at the end of each month throughout the life of their work. 25 26 B. Schedule Tiers 27 The City has a portfolio of projects that vary widely in size,complexity and content 28 requiring different scheduling to effectively deliver each project.`The City uses a 29 "tiered" approach to align the proper schedule with the criteria for each project. The 30 City's Project Manager determines the appropriate schedule tier for each project, and 31 includes that designation and the associated requirements in the Contractor's scope of 32 work. The following is a summary of the"tiers". 33 34 1. Tier 1: Small Size and Short Duration Project(design not required) 35 The City develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule for the project. No 36 schedule submittal is required from Contractor. City's Project Control Specialist 37 acquires any necessary schedule status data or information through discussions with 38 the respective party on an as-needed basis. 39 40 2. Tier 2: Small Size and Short to Medium Duration Project 41 The City develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule for the project. The 42 Contractor identifies"start"and"finish"milestone dates on key elements of their 43 work as agreed with the City's Project Manager at the kickoff of their work effort. 44 The Contractor issues to the City, updates to the"start"and"finish"dates for such 45 milestones at the end of each month throughout the life of their work on the project. 46 47 3. Tier 3: Medium and Large Size and/or Complex Projects Regardless of Duration 48 The City develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule for the project. The 49 Contractor develops a Baseline Schedule and maintains the schedule of their 50 respective scope of work on the project at a level of detail (generally Level 3)and in CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No. I01570 Revised 1ULY 20,2018 003215-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 3 of 10 1 alignment with the WBS structure in Section 1.4.14 as agreed by the Project Manager. 2 The Contractor issues to the City,updates of their respective schedule(Progress 3 Schedule)at the end of each month throughout the Iife of their work on the project. 4 C. Schedule Types 5 Project delivery for the City utilizes two types of schedules as noted below. The City 6 develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule as a"baseline"schedule and issue 7 monthly updates to the City Project Manager(end of each month)as a"progress" 8 schedule. The Contractor prepares and submits each schedule type to fulfill their 9 contractual requirements. 10 11 1. Baseline Schedule 12 The Contractor develops and submits to the City, an initial schedule for their scope 13 of work in aligmment with this specification. Once reviewed and accepted by the 14 City, it becomes the`Baseline"schedule and is the basis against which all progress 15 is measured. The baseline schedule will be updated when there is a change or 16 addition to the scope of work impacting the duration of the work, and only after 17 receipt of a duly authorized change order issued by the City. In the event progress is 18 significantly behind schedule,the City's Project Manager may authorize an update 19 to the baseline schedule to facilitate a more practical evaluation of progress. An 20 example of a Baseline Schedule is provided in Specification 00 32 15.1 21 Construction Project Schedule Baseline Example. 22 23 2. Progress Schedule 24 The Contractor updates their schedule at the cud of each month to represent the 25 progress achieved in the work which includes any impact from authorized changes 26 in the work. The updated schedule must accurately reflect the current status of the 27 work at that point in time and is referred to as the"Progress Schedule". The City's 28 Project Manager and Project Control Specialist reviews and accepts each progress 29 schedule. In the event a progress schedule is deemed not acceptable,the 30 unacceptable issues are identified by the City within 5 working days and the 3I Contractor must provide an acceptable progress schedule within 5 working days 32 after receipt of non-acceptance notification. An example of a Progress Schedule is 33 provided in Specification 00 32 15.2 Construction Project Schedule Progress 34 Example. 35 36 1.4 CITY STANDARD SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS 37 The following is an overview of the methodology for developing and maintaining a 38 schedule for delivery of a project. 39 40 A. Schedule Framework 41 The schedule will be based on the defined scope of work and follow the(Critical Path 42 Methodology) CPM method. The Contractor's schedule will align with the requirements 43 of this specification and will be cost loaded to reflect their plan for execution. Overall 44 schedule duration will align with the contractual requirements for the respective scope of 45 work and be reflected in City's Master Project Schedule. The Project Number and Name 46 of the Project is required on each schedule and must match the City's project data. 47 48 B. Schedule File Name CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 003215-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 4 of 10 1 All schedules submitted to the City for a project will have a file name that begins with the 2 City's project number followed by the name of the project followed by baseline(if a 3 baseline schedule)or the year and month (if a progress schedule), as shown below. 4 5 * Baseline Schedule File Name 6 Format: City Project Number_Project Name—Baseline 7 Example: 101376 North Montgomery Street HMAC_Baseline 8 9 * Progress Schedule File Name 10 Format: City Project Number_ProjectNalne_YYYY-MM 11 Example: 101376_North Montgomery Street 11MAC_2018_01 12 13 * Project Schedule Progress Narrative File Name 14 Format: City Project Number_Project Name_PN_YYYY-MM 15 Example: 101376_North Montgomery Street HMAC_PN_2018_01 16 17 C. Schedule Templates 18 The Contractor will utilize the relevant sections from the City's templates provided in the 19 City's document management system as the basis for creating their respective project 20 schedule. Specifically,the Contractor's schedule will align with the layout of the 21 Construction section. The templates are identified by type of project as noted below. 22 * Arterials 23 * Aviation 24 * Neighborhood Streets 25 * Sidewalks(later) 26 * Quiet Zones(later) 27 * Street Lights(later) 28 • Intersection Improvements(later) 29 * Parks 30 * Storm water 31 * Street Maintenance 32 * "Traffic 33 * Water 34 35 D. Schedule Calendar 36 The City's standard calendar for schedule development purposes is based on a 5-day 37 workweek and accounts for the City's eight standard holidays(New Years,Martin Luther 38 King,Memorial, Independence,Labor,Thanksgiving, day after Thanksgiving, 39 Christmas). The Contractor will establish a schedule calendar as part of the schedule 40 development process and provide to the Project Control Specialist as part of the basis for 41 their schedule. Variations between the City's calendar and the Contractor's calendar 42 must be resolved prior to the City's acceptance of their Baseline project schedule. 43 44 E. WBS &Milestone Standards for Schedule Development 45 The scope of work to be accomplished by the Contractor is represented in the schedule in 46 the form of a Work Breakdown Structure(WBS). The WBS is the basis for the 47 development of the schedule activities and shall be imbedded and depicted in the 48 schedule. 49 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 003215-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 5 of 10 1 The following is a summary of the standards to be followed in preparing and maintaining 2 a schedule for project delivery. 3 4 1. Contractor is required to utilize the City's WBS structure and respective project type 5 template for"Construction"as shown in Section 1.4.H below. Additional activities 6 may be added to Levels 1 -4 to accommodate the needs of the organization executing 7 the work. Specifically the Contractor will add activities under WBS XXXXXX.80.83 8 "Construction Execution"that delineates the activities associated with the various 9 components of the work. 10 11 2. Contractor is required to adhere to the City's Standard Milestones as shown in 12 Section 1.4.I below. Contractor will include additional milestones representing 13 intermediate deliverables as required to accurately reflect their scope of work. 14 15 F. Schedule Activities 16 Activities are the discrete elements of work that make up the schedule. They will be 17 organized under the umbrella of the WBS. Activity descriptions should adequately 18 describe the activity, and in some cases the extent of the activity. All activities are 19 logically tied with a predecessor and a successor. The only exception to this rule is for 20 "project start"and"project finish"milestones. 21 22 The activity duration is based on the physical amount of work to be performed for the 23 stated activity,with a maximum duration of 20 working days. If the work for any one 24 activity exceeds 20 days, break that activity down incrementally to achieve this duration 25 constraint. Any exception to this requires review and acceptance by the City's Project 26 Control Specialist. 27 28 G. Change Orders 29 When a Change Order is issued by the City,the impact is incorporated into the previously 30 accepted baseline schedule as an update,to clearly show impact to the project timcline. 31 The Contractor submits this updated baseline schedule to the City for review and 32 acceptance as described in Section 1.5 below.Updated baseline schedules adhere to the 33 following: 34 35 1. Time extensions associated with approved contract modifications are Iimited to the 36 actual amount of time the project activities are anticipated to be delayed, unless 37 otherwise approved by the Program Manager. 38 39 2. The re-baselined schedule is submitted by the Contractor within ten workdays after 40 the date of receipt of the approved Change Order. 41 42 3. The changes in logic or durations approved by the City are used to analyze the impact 43 of the change and is included in the Change Order. The coding for a new activity(s) 44 added to the schedule for the Change Order includes the Change Order number in the 45 Activity ID. Use as many activities as needed to accurately show the work of the 46 Change Order. Revisions to the baseline schedule are not effective until accepted by 47 the City. 48 49 50 H. City's Work Breakdown Structure CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No, 101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 0032 15-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 6 of 10 1 2 WBS Code WBS Name 3 XXXXXX Project Name 4 XXXXXX.30 Design 5 XXXXXX.30,10 Design Contractor Agreement 6 XXXXXX.30.20 Conceptual Design(30%) 7 XXXXXX.3030 Preliminary Design(60%) 8 XXXXXX.30.40 Final Design 9 XXXXXX.30.50 Environmental 10 XXXXXX.3 0.60 Permits 11 XXXXXX.30.60.10 Permits -Identification 12 XXXXXX.30.60.20 Permits-Review/Approve 13 XXXXXX.40 ROW& Easements 14 XXXXXX.40.10 ROW Negotiations 15 XXXXXX.40.20 Condemnation 16 XXXXXX.70 Utility Relocation 17 XXXXXX.70.10 Utility Relocation Co-ordination 18 XXXXXX.80 Construction 19 XXXXXX.80.81 Bid and Award 20 XXXXXX.80.83 Construction Execution 21 XXXXXX.80.85 Inspection 22 XXXXXX.80.86 Landscaping 23 XXXXXX.90 Closeout 24 XXXXXX.90.10 Construction Contract Close-out 25 XXXXXX.90.40 Design Contract Closure 26 27 28 I. City's Standard Milestones 29 The following milestone activities(i.e., important events on a project that mark critical 30 points in time)are of particular interest to the City and must be reflected in the proj ect 31 schedule for all phases of work. 32 33 Activity ID Activity Name 34 Design 35 3020 Award Design Agreement 36 3040 Issue Notice To Proceed-Design Engineer 37 3100 Design Kick-off Meeting 38 3120 Submit Conceptual Plans to Utilities,ROW,Traffic, Parks, Storm Water, 39 Water& Sewer 40 3150 Peer Review Meeting/Design Review meeting(technical) 41 3160 Conduct Design Public Meeting#i (required) 42 3170 Conceptual Design Complete 43 3220 Submit Preliminary Plans and Specifications to Utilities,ROW,Traffic, 44 Parks, Storm Water,Water& Sewer 45 3250 Conduct Design Public Meeting 92(required) 46 3260 Preliminary Design Complete CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2019 003215-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 7 of 10 1 3310 Submit Final Design to Utilities,ROW,Traffic,Parks, Storm Water, 2 Water& Sewer 3 3330 Conduct Design Public Meeting 43 (if required) 4 3360 Final Design Complete 5 ROW& Easements 6 4000 Right of Way Start 7 4230 Right of Way Complete 8 Utility Relocation 9 7000 Utilities Start 10 7120 Utilities Cleared/Complete 11 Construction 12 Bid and Award 13 8110 Start Advertisement 14 8150 Conduct Bid Opening 15 8240 Award Construction Contract 16 Construction Execution 17 8330 Conduct Construction Public Meeting#4 Pre-Construction 18 8350 Construction Start 19 8370 Substantial Completion 20 8540 Construction Completion 21 9130 Notice of Completion/Green Sheet 22 9150 Construction Contract Closed 23 9420 Design Contract Closed 24 1.5 SUBMITTALS 25 A. Schedule Submittal&Review 26 The City's Project Manager is responsible for reviews and acceptance of the Contractor's 27 schedule. The City's Project Control Specialist is responsible for ensuring alignment of 28 the Contractor's baseline and progress schedules with the Master Project Schedule as 29 support to the City's Project Manager. The City reviews and accepts or rejects the 30 schedule within ten workdays of Contractor's submittal. 31 32 1. Schedule Format 33 The Contractor will submit each schedule in two electronic forms, one in native file 34 format(.xer, .xml,.mpx)and the second in a pdf format, in the City's document 35 management system in the location dedicated for this purpose and identified by the 36 Project Manager. In the event the Contractor does not use Primavera P6 or MS 37 Project for scheduling purposes,the schedule information must be submitted in.xis or 38 .xlsx format in compliance with the sample layout(See Specification 00 32 115.1 39 Construction Project Schedule Baseline Example), including activity predecessors, 40 successors and total float. 41 42 2. Initial&Baseline Schedule 43 The Contractor will develop their schedule for their scope of work and submit their 44 initial schedule in electronic form(in the file formats noted above), in the City's 45 document management system in the location dedicated for this purpose within ten 46 workdays of the Notice of Award. 47 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE R1 sTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No.101570 Revised J 1LY 20,2018 0032 15--0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 8 of 10 1 The City's Project Manager and Project Control Specialist review this initial schedule 2 to determine alignment with the City's Master Project Schedule, including format& 3 WBS structure. Following the City's review, feedback is provided to the Contractor 4 for their use in finalizing their initial schedule and issuing(within f ve workdays)their 5 Baseline Schedule for final review and acceptance by the City. 6 7 3. Progress Schedule 8 The Contractor will update and issue their project schedule(Progress Schedule)by the 9 last day of each month throughout the life of their work on the project. The Progress 10 Schedule is submitted in electronic form as noted above, in the City's document 1 I management system in the location dedicated for this purpose. 12 13 The City's Project Control team reviews each Progress Schedule for data and 14 information that support the assessment of the update to the schedule. In the event 15 data or information is missing or incomplete,the Project Controls Specialist 16 communicates directly with the Contractor's scheduler for providing same. The 17 Contractor re-submits the corrected Progress Schedule within 5 workdays, following 18 the submittal process noted above. The City's Project Manager and Project Control 19 Specialist review the Contractor's progress schedule for acceptance and to monitor 20 performance and progress. 21 22 The following list of items are required to ensure proper status information is 23 contained in the Progress Schedule. 24 . Baseline Start date 25 • Baseline Finish Date 26 a %Complete 27 • Float 28 • Activity Logic(dependencies) 29 • Critical Path 30 • Activities added or deleted 31 * Expected Baseline Finish date 32 • Variance to the Baseline Finish Date 33 34 B. Monthly Construction Status Report 35 The Contractor submits a written status report(referred to as a progress narrative)at the 36 end of each month to accompany the Progress Schedule submittal,using the standard 37 format provided in Specification 00 32 15.3 Construction Project Schedule Progress 38 Narrative. The content of the Construction Project Schedule Progress Narrative should 39 be concise and complete to: 40 • Reflect the current status of the work for the reporting period(including actual 41 activities started and/or completed during the reporting period) 42 • Explain variances from the baseline on critical path activities 43 • Explain any potential schedule conflicts or delays 44 • Describe recovery plans where appropriate 45 . Provide a summary forecast of the work to be achieved in the next reporting period. 46 47 C. Submittal Process CITY OF PORT WOR114 2018 CIP CONCRETE RrSTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No. 101570 Revised JULY 20,2019 003215-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 9 of 10 1 • Schedules and Monthly Construction Status Reports are submitted in Buzzsaw 2 following the steps outlined in Specification 00 32 15.4 Construction Project 3 Schedule Submittal Process. 4 • Once the project has been completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by the 5 City, no further progress schedules or construction status reports are required from 6 the Contractor. 7 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 8 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 9 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 10 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE 11 A. The person preparing and revising the Contractor's Project Schedule shall be 12 experienced in the preparation of schedules of similar complexity. 13 B. Schedule and supporting documents addressed in this Specification shall be prepared, 14 updated and revised to accurately reflect the performance of the Contractor's scope of 15 work. 16 C. The Contractor is responsible for the quality of all submittals in this section meeting the 17 standard of care for the construction industry for similar projects. 18 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 19 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 20 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 21 1.13 ATTACHMENTS 22 Spec 00 32 15.1 Construction Project Schedule Baseline Example 23 Spec 00 32 15.2 Construction Project Schedule Progress Example 24 Spec 00 32 15.3 Construction Project Schedule Progress Narrative 25 Spec 00 32 15.4 Construction Project Schedule Submittal Process 26 27 28 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 29 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 30 END OF SECTION 31 32 33 34 MY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No,101570 Revised 7ULY 20,2018 003215-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 10 of 10 1 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE July 20,2018 M.Jarrell Initial Issue 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD SPECIFICATION City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 00 32 15,1-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—BASELINE EXAMPLE Page 1 of 5 1 SECTION 00 32 15.1 2 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SCHEDULE—BASELINE EXAMPLE 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 The following is an example of a Contractor's project schedule that illustrates the data and 5 expectation for schedule content depicting the baseline for the project. This version of the 6 schedule is referred to as a"baseline"schedule. This example is intended to provide 7 guidance for the Contractor when developing and submitting a baseline schedule. See CFW 8 Specification 00 32 15 Construction Project Schedule for details and requirements regarding 9 the Contractor's project schedule. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2019 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised IULY 20,2018 0032 15.1-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—BASELINE EXAMPLE Page 2 of --------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------I----------4----------------------- CQ Cn :72 ---------------------1----------4------........--------------------I--------- _-----------------------------I---------- ....................... CI 7 C4 P ------------L---------i------------L------------------------------------------t----------i----------i-----------L---------i---------- F1 ------------i ------------------------------- -------------- ---------- ----------t----------i---- i --f----------1----------I----------t---------i 1 f------------------------1 r---------------------T---------TF— R11 ............. --------- ------------------ ---------- ---r ......----------- .........4------------49'1____ INIT --- -------------------r ------------- I---------- -1 ---------------------- mi 0!�J- nz 7 -VA 2 RI .4 P, P "I =4 On ;1 t' V !2 V :3!` 0 IN iN 7 X L; r4 F1 CA N rr� 40 "I in 9L u lu 4A w A? eg to m kd L! F. L4. V1 -ij of —". 1, 45 V U:. % -E A I nab f0d fu 'IL 1-1 i. CA oil�r.'; Rk:. u -!I;W, Ow .2 F2 CL CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 0032 15.1-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—BASELINE EXAMPLE Page 3 of 5 ------a----------4---------a----------I----------¢---------'------------'------------------------------{-----------------•--•i------,..--t------ I, I I I I I ' I I I .......--------------._-----r------- ' I IL r r • r ------- ------- -------- ------- 2 te"n �ti 4LP { iu ' nn r� ii �ryi i nip t. .z iw° m rmi'� � �r� ,'}mro t •n .� �w�,, W 'o L-1 .,, ?P �W „Y V i� , (� }4, p V r a _ m 41 F CT r •! n s. - Ci „ .. . „ ,'I t, N 'F ry ar -' Q O f`Iu sS '} r H f . ,.y CL ' `. u' L r r ,� •, 7'.9 n - {,' - f} f] <'! tiS ,r •H Mrl 'r :7 a} ,! + w N q ''1 +a M Q: 77 vl{b ro , •�.}- e, ,. Y 9 1.0 o 8?alrl ,n- •� r� �1 2 a "l .. d, I 4:� 4!� lad S C n.,,, rif 2 ,. .- 9 pl, - F 'II R' iti m.} " i9 io r; a ` o ` [1 ! u� �i n R t3 c,, I rat -)I-.+ r 'i, rn ri. �w a ;&� �" v wU,a 010 8 �. ry L'!�O r] r G, ,� .W. t f! 9 - m r"ai n ;m I:1idZ h. R e I t a'� u rj CL 0 1 2 CITY OF FORT WORTI-[ 2018 GIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 0032 15.1-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHeDOLE—BASELINE EXAMPLE Page 4 of --q----------- Tl- i Cn - -- -------- TN ---------- CL __j-j Z! ............ 1.7 CIO =41 • v. ........... u 21 'Rl rl T 2! CL ru u L) 4-4 L Crl'Y OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2019 0032 15.1-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—BASELINE EXAMPLE Page 5 of 5 END OF SECTION 2 3 4 5 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE July 20,2018 M.Jarrell Initial Issue 6 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 0032 15.2-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE--PROGRESS EXAMPLE Page 1 of 4 1 SECTION 00 32 15.2 2 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SCHEDULE—PROGRESS EXAMPLE 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 The following is an example of a Contractor's project schedule that illustrates the data and 5 expectation for schedule content depicting the progress for the project. This version of the 6 schedule is referred to as a"progress"schedule. This example is intended to provide 7 guidance for the Contractor when developing and submitting a progress schedule. See 8 CFW Specification 00 32 15 Construction Project Schedule for details and requirements 9 regarding the Contractor's project schedule. 10 ]1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised J ULY 20,2018 0032 15.2-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—PROGRESS EXAMPLE Page 2 of 4 � ---•---- -._.._----•I--------- ---------i..._...--? — .............. .........---------------------i_.. ------------F-_-------{_--_---- ----------{_--_---------------- -_ ----_- _--__-_ ---------- _---_ __-_-_-_ i r ' -•-- --J- -i' -1 " - m i ' ' , -' _--- - — -- -- `- --------------'-�-------;---- ---�� ' w €I - - OL a+ Jw• C1 +• F1 Hlf":fd C1 f{ +1.f+ N'fl ld+! 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AG, a �� 4:n R � I ��•1 (1] k• rri� �,y �y p ,•tea pry 1 If:$ W OL tir �:� r:9 ^'f Ei olo+�.,n ti r nr �] `o- la,, !R r, in [4 R *'a o 'M a m L Qb n� Fi I 25 a To tuZ GIs I E { - ' t i' 8 y r r,. fl u S '. h3 ' h?.ht.SCl PL iL 1 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 0032 15.2-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE--PROGRESS EXAMPLE Page 3 of 4 - ---- -1 ..- T 'I---------- ---------i-— ------- I----------'---------------------------------------- . i J___ J J ILd , ' ' _--_---------- dd rL rl N r-i hl CJ N i� ii i N N N ca n ii ii CJ f'1`N jN IN N N CJ N Flirl:IM 14 /1 fe J1'1"N N N�t'I ENirJI CP 1z-Fg ra 1� L0 too pl-mr ri ci [i 11 o 4 'n 4 [J a.a n!a %I 71.0 6 6a b—!,lc i6" o rx;i 8 ?v N c cJ r 7 Iy; y k� }l •�$' 11 1 I I I ` v lQ� � o, i l r�lyi ' � � • � � to...�-_�.'_3.�, in m a�;�. µ o- .a a� �s. R I_ t Lam. CI 86 « +, .a :: r,�i r "E' .__. _.12 _� m_le5 9w FI If11f1t;° Y ${ 14 : axl ::�E€; �; { E� r ` ii 1 i O w"ERI .I ..au v 9L r} y TM N A I k.r sL.�; 99 ry i!6to) L4 �I 9. e , O 4 0� G 4'4.6 b 4{R R�GJ All i {E 1� f ti I 3 w; } r r, 1 �i a �, ..F:L m{il . J I " .' I � � F i1-5 i7 e7 �I 41 ip � en M 5 u p� I 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE,RESTORATION-CONTR-AC"I 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 003215.2-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—PROGRESS EXAMPLE Page 4 of 4 END OF SECTION 2 3 4 5 Revision Lag DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE July 20,2018 M.Jarrell Initial Issue 6 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 CO 32 15.3-0 —PROGRESS NARRATIVE Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 32 15.3 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SCHEDULE PROGRESS NARRATIVE Reporting Period: Date Issued: Project Name: Company Name: City Project No: Engineer's Project No: City Project Manager: Engineer's Project Manager: A. List of activities accomplished in the reporting period. 1. (insert text here) 2. (insert text here) 3. (insert text here) 4. (insert text here) 5. (insert text here) 6. (insert text here) B. List of activities to be accomplished in the next reporting period 1. (insert text here) 2. (insert text here) 3. (insert text here) 4. (insert text here) 5. (insert text here) 6. (insert text here) C. List any potential delays and provide mitigation actions 1. (insert text here) 2. (insert text here) 3. (insert text here) D. List any actual delays and provide recovery actions 1. (insert text here) 2. (insert text here) 3. (insert text here) City of Fort Worth,Texas 2018 CIP CONCRETE RFSTORATION-CONTRACT 5 Construction Project Schedule Narrative Report for CFW Projects City Project No.101570 TPW Official Release Date:7,20.2019 Page 1 of 1 003215A-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE--SUBMITTAL PROCESS Page 1 of 6 l SECTION 00 32 15.4 2 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT SCHEDULE---SUBMITTAL PROCESS 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 The following information provides the process steps for the Contractor to follow for submitting a 5 project baseline or progress schedule for a capital project to the City of Fort Worth. See CFW 6 Specification 00 32 15 Construction Project Schedule for details and requirements regarding the 7 Contractor's project schedule. 8 9 If you are not a registered CFW Buzzsaw user,please email or contact: 10 l I Fred Griffin,Buzzsaw Administrator 12 City of Fort Worth 13 Fred.Griffin@fortworthgov.org 14 817-392-8868 15 16 Using your registered username and password log into the City's Buzzsaw Site 17 https:/ rojectpoiiit.biizzsaw.com/client/fortworthgov 18 19 -- - - 20 Navigate to your Project Folder. Verify that your Project ID and Project Name are consistent with 21 Project Folder Name. 22 23 Navigate to the Schedule Directory under your Project Folder, The 00701-Flaxseed Drainage 24 Improvements project is used for illustration. 25 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 0032 15,4-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—SUBMITTAL PROCESS Page 2 of 6 �_€+r f� iwb lkda ft*d lortmorthQov ,I --- - P. 00701-Flaxseed 0rairta . -(Ll Bid Fom LS.If.Arleslndexods Fred Grlffln 16,334 MiuosotExce1V/_ Bid Responses Construction _r Cansnl[anN ' CaMractor Correspondence { General Contract❑­nk and t{ -C]Project Orav&Lcs %U"M_bngs Real Properly ]Utllilies r+rCj` 007g5-Lkban Mllages Central Clash- yl C�00705-Lkban Wages C�bil Ct.n',e, l..F.1)00705-Urban%la9es SE CkKL-%k Nr IZ]Dojos-urban Wlave Moink dr tt 00730-sandary Sever Rem,Contrx w Itij 00755-Mesquite Rd 2004 aP Year 5P t_] M769-rruls Road-hryantlrvin to Sri [ 00778-Lebow Charnel - Jcn6-Summer trril l5ycpaso Salt 00787-Granhury Rnad-Altanesa tnf al — Yi e R { } 1 IVWL s tlrei E stbwxL Gulrrnel!2 Wr -;gym;Laen ldmLl kFJ2 2 3 Two files will be uploaded for each submittal.A native schedule file format citber Primavera.xer or 4 MS Project .mpp and a PDF version of the schedule will be uploaded 5 6 Verify that the file name contains the 5-digit Project ID, Project Name, and Submittal Date and 7 follows the standard naming convention. Initial schedule submittal will be labeled as `Baseline' for 8 example: 9 00701-FlaxseedDrainageImprovements-Baseline 10 11 Schedule submittal updates will be labeled with Schedule Submittal Date `YYYY_MM' for example: 12 00701-FlaxseedDrainageImprovements-2009_01 13 14 Expand or select the Schedules folder and add both the native file and PDF file to the directory. 15 From the Toolbar Select CAdd Document CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STAN DARD CON STRUCTION S PECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised 7ULY 20,2018 0032 15.4-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—SUBMITTAL PROCESS Page 3 of 6 File Er%r viz-i ruo-n H* FD -L" 0 iJ I- 5.a y.4r I Drams--... t3t11--i4! NoteYL7� Link 100701-8axseed Drainage lmprovemer a,++� 11Q(M _ ;J Folder L�Eld Farms 0�shed-s ul` eslndex.xis Fred Griffin 16,384 Microsoft; CJ Bid Responses ]Cnnstructtun I Consultants Contractor Correspondence i r-J General Contract Documents and Sped n Project Drawings C3 Public Meetings D Real property I!y 5fiedule5 Index.xls r-1 uube_ pq 00705-Urban Vdlages Central Cluster Six F p] 00705-Urban Wages Central Cluster Sou! to It 00706-Urban Vdages SE duster Berry4tn rH 00706-Urban Vdlagen SE Cluster Near Eas [!1 00730-Sardtary Sewer Rehab Contract U 00755-Mesquite Rd 2404 CIP Year 10es iip 00763-Dirks Road-Bryant Trym to Granbi lil It 00778-Lebow Channol 00786-Summer Creek.&Sycamore School y } { } Reaar rr_{ 2 3 Select Browse and go to the location of the files on your desktop. 4 Select Open ee 5.k c&dawls da add lGthe yrtucl mb 61m.you ow shin add b aiYi rii:MOW9;wiw�a} - oaevu,cnts — — eldrnranmsnt s;nwn. F Leaft— %end E-eJ rkbfr.aGv+ tsar h �L'rsidoo � � �di IE'9• .x I Mr Documents ffr4et MindManager Pro 1 Md Computer rqusimog�s Player I'NR-cas r+ yyNe6,rorkPlaces II' ActiveProjects ltcwusris I ,Adobe Acrobat 8 Profassional �=.BoardingPass.pdf i' Jpyrn Cos&DVDs $ClearType Turdng = I I I' I :t]ilizsa:+2000 r;,,�Cool Record Edit Pro lkx� �CH2MFi)FKU-VPN Crosswind PNIP Exam Sim 7.1 r , - Fdezila Crent jo crystal Reports zone Gnngte Earth Deb fluid:Reference Gulde.pdf pw Phutosmart Express Disk Defragmenter Dam"Em I Ni IP Photosmart Prettier L;'Free Sound Rewrder I iFO'Solution Center 'FreeSnundRecorder.exe it 1?assconnect �LaPtaPSecurity 61Y Cv wphr iX„ones Iogin.lPG i h{."-ft Yt io Version 2002 Inside oute9ook j@?NetKeeting ?:w s =iie nl sMra �,4:Firs P".'1 _ 1 5 6 7 The file will appear in the Buzzsaw Add to Project Select Documents window 8 9 Select Next. 10 CITY OF FORT WORTH. 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revises{JULY 20,2018 0032 I5.4-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—SUBMITTAL PROCESS Page 4 of 6 1 Do not select Finish at this time. 2 4 r Kc C15a�tdonwmbmndolnRwOQJeil.W&ulb�Tab mhaaddhoa.QpQpt l:RgUiur4rphoImU. PpC.un�ents AttNtCaatment FllWalbn drE„ rm. 0�'+r7lflsYoeeOrkae�geLr�vbvr.�_��7rl��r C[1P�?rmenHer�1 �?fk. 7#,rlo smd Fmnl r�srrah2ti , 1 011*.�rl it Lli—id...&.l 11: I !y..wl.I. ..1 r. fob. MFve yr#rHtNl• •r,�I I Iris - I �+ � GKiel Nr.�p 3 4 5 You will be placed into the Attach Comment window to enter a record into the Project Schedule 6 Submittal Log. 7 8 Enter the Project ID-Project Name-Submittal in the Subject Line. 9 16 Type Submittal and Company Name into the Comment window along with Contact Name and I 1 Contact Phone Number. 12 13 Select Next. 14 s, , CreaV!RFehr`ehF ywiL4tune ilr ver9w dnwvmm m*i Nrll&dILW+lkm fa fi�hm3�4d. l v;;sW al upbmial WactCettfinents ianr 1Irlm41�i W9kHI r� � YlA[iiChComment f _=J B I ][I I M r' 7, SerdEnuw gbh i7Q7[]1-Ffaxseerp �mpro�ements-Easeline golkeico owpMeSmeMe SLbmdiWfram'CmyaryNpus' CuntaCt Name Contact Phone Or pdatC Schedule Submittal from'CCmpany Name'tnr Work performed up to January]yi-Jo49 - cntact Naze Cntact phone 15 16 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O19 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City ProjcctNo. 101570 Revised DULY 20,2018 00 32 15.4-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—SUBMITTAL PROCESS Page 5 of 6 1 2 You will be placed into the Send Email Notification window. 3 4 Select To and the Select Recipients window will appear with a list of Project Contacts. 5 6 Select the Project Manager as the To Recipient and the Project Controls Group as the Copy Recipient. 7 ........_�..s �' i�llY.lc.1.'XWla..a4r.na Riyl�wx�r�li.x Yi.arlwxr llr TM1.tiYiillF.i,• Th4�1!.�+rntx ash �It�y �rVnlcrt� �Ijrrrpt-.I.x•rri ih=l +vid.: I - winit _ Tley T..� 5�.. 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I F-i>th I Lend H* + 15 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIF CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised DULY 20,2018 0032 15.4-0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE—SUBMITFAL PROCESS Page 6 of 6 1 2 The schedule file is uploaded to the directory.An email is sent to the City's Project Manager and 3 Project Control Specialist. 4 Se 5il > Iba� LYF . I f LU ,w_ D til N ya K I P t L7< I raal .al t7.1' — 'N- r_)00701-Flaxseed Oramaoe j-':.s•..�'K h yr !t} ly{rt" t.rLkal :N-[^' Bd Forms ir1pQJ�{3 r1y1 rveduriH'in ur.384 f+li—ft Ex.1W... 11f21/]ay}7 a Hid Responses Ml 4� n,.. 7425U XERFk 11'al2a 4 4-16 Canso U.. L'2fINL.LL'LLB C0R5Lknnt5 c0tractr J Carmspnnderr[e h[�Cenerat Contractmnrl�n Ve15vm Aru7ect 0raew'ngs }LJ P W MeetnA .i �heal ProperTy 0P70S6iu4lsLY.r��tr�urrs a]S hr d,ges lrre3ex.xls QA u 1b. . 90705-13rban V9lages Cmba 4r W S41 r�00705-urban VN,'s Ce trd Llk • 9P7P5-urban villages SE fluster 6erty f 007G6-urban V 16gor:f.O.Vff I1!!Fj *I 00730-5anitarV 5—rlehab CO.L—L I IK 00755-hlesp�i�Rd 2004[1P YSrr I P IY 0076E-DIr4s Road-b Vmrtlrvin to v s{. W_ 00775-Lztde Ch-1 5 ! ,, 6 7 Upload the PDF file using the same guideline. 8 9 10 11 END OF(SECTION 12 13 14 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE July 20,2018 M.Jarrell Initial Issue is CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No, 101570 Revised JULY 20,2018 003513-1 CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT Page 1 of I SECTION 00 35 13 CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT Each bidder,offeror or respondent(hereinafter referred to as "You") to a City of Fort Worth procurement may be required to complete a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire(the attached CIQ Form) and/or a Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement(the attached CIS Form)pursuant to state law. You are urged to consult with counsel regarding the applicability of these forms to your company. The referenced forms may be downloaded from the links provided below. http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CIQ.pdf htq2://w-ww.ethics.state.tx.us/fonns/CIS.pdf CIQ Form does not apply [� CIQ Form is on file with City Secretary [] CIQ Form is being provided to the City Secretary Vj CIO Form does not apply -E C iS 0 CIS Form is on File with City Secretary 0 CIS Farm is being provided to the City Secretary /V6 604RIC-11551 BIDDER: OMB A I&IG By: m4r--c Company (Please Print) ZSl& C_Nkm,tr1- R%Ltl� Signature:/. Address Ls-A,!-:, 7S2-17- Title: G i St City/State/Zip (Please Print) END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August 21,2018 00 41 00 BID FORM Page 1 of 3 SECTION 00 41 00 BID FORM TO: The Purchasing Manager c/o:The Purchasing Division 200 Texas St City of Fort Worth,Texas 76102 FOR: 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION -Contract 5 City Project No.: 101570 Units/Sections: Concrete Paving 1. Enter Into Agreement The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an Agreement with City in the form included in the Bidding Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 2. BIDDER Acknowledgements and Certification 2.1. In submitting this Bid, Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the INVITATION TO BIDDERS and INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. 2.2. Bidder is aware of all costs to provide the required insurance, will do so pending contract award, and will provide a valid insurance certificate meeting all requirements within 14 days of notification of award. 2.3. Bidder certifies that this Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed individual or entity and is not submitted in conformity with any collusive agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation. 2.4. Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid. 2.5. Bidder has not solicited or induced any individual or entity to refrain from bidding. 2.6. Bidder has not engaged in corrupt,fraudulent, collusive,or coercive practices in competing for the Contract. For the purposes of this Paragraph: a. "corrupt practice"means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any thing of value likely to influence the action of a public official in the bidding process. b. "fraudulent practice"means an intentional misrepresentation of facts made(a)to influence the bidding process to the detriment of City(b)to establish Bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels,or(c)to deprive City of the benefits of free and open competition. c. "collusive practice" means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Bidders,with or without the knowledge of City, a purpose of which is to establish Bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Form Revised 20150821 00 42 43_Bid Proposal Workbook 0041 00 BID FORM Page 2 of 3 d. "coercive practice"means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in the bidding process or affect the execution of the Contract. 3. Prequalification The Bidder acknowledges that the following work types must be performed only by prequalified contractors and subcontractors: a. Not Applicable — �a,tc a c"s ,: z�s-cae ►,a a s QL,a_. —�t��0&5, Asso_%,%TSP 4. Time of Completion 4.1. The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 360 days after the date when the the Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions. 4.2. Bidder accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work{andlor achievement of Milestones)within the times specified in the Agreement. 5. Attached to this Bid mm -The following-documents-are-attached-to-and-made a part of this-Bid: - a. This Bid Form, Section 00 41 00 b. Required Bid Bond, Section 00 43 13 issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5.01 of the General Conditions. c. Proposal Form, Section 00 42 43 d. Vendor Compliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder, Section 00 43 37 e. MWBE Forms (optional at time of bid) f. Prequalification Statement,Section 00 45 12 g. Conflict of Interest Affidavit,Section 00 35 13 *If necessary, CIQ or CIS forms are to be provided directly to City Secretary h. Any additional documents that may be required by Section 12 of the Instructions to Bidders 6. Total Bid Amount 6.1. Bidder will complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following bid amount. In the space provided below, please enter the total bid amount for this project. Only this figure will be read publicly by the City at the bid opening. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.1101570 Form Revised 20150821 00 42 43—Bid Proposal workbook 0041 00 BID FORM Page 3 of 3 6.2. It is understood and agreed by the Bidder in signing this proposal that the total bid amount entered below is subject to verification and/or modification by multiplying the unit bid prices for each pay item by the respective estimated quantities shown in this proposal and then totaling all of the extended amounts. 6.3. Total Bid 6� 114 '/ 6;?— -1 ")"�7 ga"Aw" 11041kix 4wi i)IuD) E;6agTLE14THO tA$wc 6- AZ) 7. Bid Submittal This Bid is submitted on by the entity named below. Respectfully submitted, Receipt is acknowledged of the Initial ^�-- following Addenda: By: / . Addendum No. 1: Z- -►g (Signature) Addendum No. 2: Addendum No. 3: ---tK I�E t h� ACST — Addendum No. 4: ---- (Printed Name) Title: Vice 'IR9-1lF51P,-Al7` Company: OMC--CfA COasMACT1"Gc }SIG• Corporate Sea[: Address:: ZS I& C(.�AL.te I�Ac_c_r+S j A 75ZtZ State of Incorporation: i yt p s Email: ► AeK P-43Awreco, -0Pke %A .Cowl Phone: END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City project No.101570 Form Revised 201508211 00 42 43_Bid Proposal Workbook 004243 B!D PROPOSAL Page I aF 1 SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSALFORM UNIT PRICE BID Bidder's Application Project Item Information Bidders Proposal Bid list Descripliort Specification Section Unit of gid Quantity Unit Price Bid Value Item No. No. Measure 1 0241.0100 Remove Sidewalk 024113 SF 400 $1,75 $700.00 2 0241.1110 Remove Asphalt Pvmt 0241 15 SY 3,700 $9,00 $33,300.00 3 3123,0101 Unclassified Street Excavation 31 23 16 CY 350 $25.00 $8,750,00 4 9999,0000 Remove Concrete and Replace with 7"Concrete Pavement KEG 02 41 15l32 13 t3 SY 17,100 $73,50 $1,266,850,00 5 321l,0122 Flex Base,Type A,GR-2 32 11 23 CY 1,283 $64.00 $82,112.00 6 3213.0208 Concrete HES(extra depth) 32 13 13 CY 205 M185.00 $37,925.00 7 3213.0700 Joint Sealant 321373 LF 4,500 $1.95 $8,775.00 8 9999,0001 Geogrid Tensar(TRIAX 140-475)or Approved equal 99 99 00 SY 3,420 $2,95 1 $10,089.00 9 3213.0311 4"Conc Sidewalk,Adjacent to Curb 32 13 20 SF 400 $6,25 $2,500.00 10 3217.0001 4"Solid Thermoplastic(HAS)Lane Line(W) 32 17 23 LF 200 $1,65 $330.00 11 3217.0002 4"Solid Thermoplastic(HAS)Lane Line(Y) 33 17 23 LF 450 $1.65 $742,50_ 12 3217.0305 Stop Bars Pavement Markings 32 17 23 LF 80 $20.50 $1,640.00 13 3217.0501 24"Solid White Thermoplastic(HAE)Crosswalk Lines 32 17 23 LF 450 $20.00 $9,000.00 14 3217.1002 Lane Legend Arrow 33 17 23 EA 3 $310.00 $930.00 15 3217,1004 Lane Legend Only 32 17 23 £A 3 $360.00 $1,080,00 16 3217,2001 Raised Marker TY W 32 1723 FA 250 $4.50 $1,125.00 17 3217.2002 Raised Marker TYY 321723 FA 250 $4.50 $1,125A0 18 3217.2101 REFL Raised Marker TY I-A 32 17 23 EA 100 $6.25 $625,00 19 3217.2102 REFL Raised Marker TY I-C 321723 EA too $6.25 $625.00 20 3217.2103 REFL Raised Marker TY II-A A 32 17 23 EA 100 $6.25 $625.00 21 3217.2104 REFL Raised Marker TY II-C-R 32 17 23 EA 100 $6.25 $625.00 22 3291.0100 Topsoil 3291 19 CY 35 $51.50 $1,802.50 23 3292.0100 Block Sod Placement 32 92 13 SY 400 $6.00 $2.400.00 24 3305.0107 Manhole Adjustment,Minor 330514 EA 12 $410.00 $4,920.00 25 3305.0108 Miscellaneous Utility Adjustment(Irrigation) 33 05 14 LS 1 $4,000.00 $4.000.00 26 3346.0001 JPipe Underdrain 33 46 00 LF 10 $30.00 $300.00 27 3441.1301 Loop Detector Cable Sawcut 34 41 10 LF 500 $4.75 $2,375.00 28 3441.1302 14 AWG Loop Detect Cable 3441 10 LF 500 $5.25 $2,625.00 29 3471.001 Traffic Control 347113 MO 12 $1,375.00 $16,500.00 30 3471.0002 Portable Message Sign 34 71 13 WK 52 $650.00 $33.800.00 31 9999.0002 Paving Construction Allowance 00 00 00 LS f $90,OOD.UO $90,000.00 Totaf Bid 1 $1,618,196.00 END OF SECTION {1' 0, 1^4 r oO 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 CRY Oil FORT WORTH GtyPro}ect No.101570 STANDARD CONSTRUCfION SPECNICATtoNDOCUMENTs Faun Rerid20120120 00 42 43 Bid Proposal Workbook e 00 4313 Bit)ebND Page 14312 SECTION 00 43 13 BID BOND KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Omega Contracting,Inc. known as "Bidder"herein and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company a corporate surety duly authorized to do bus€ness In the State of Texas,known as"Surety"herein,are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth,a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of Texas,known as"City"herein,in the penal sum of five percent(6%)of Bidder's maximum bid price,in lawful money of the United States,to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County,Texas for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made,we bind ourselves,our heirs, executors,administrators,successors and assigns,Jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid or proposal to perform Work for the following project designated as 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-Contract 5 ,CPN 101570 NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that If the City shall award the Contract for the foregoing project to the Principal, and the Principal shall satisfy all requirements and conditions required for the execution of the Contract and shall enter into the Contract in writing with the City in accordance with the terms of such same, then this obligation shall be and become null and void. If, however, the Principal fails to execute such Contract in accordance with the terms of same or fails to satisfy all requirements and conditions required for the execution of the Contract, this bond shall become the properly of the City,without recourse of the Principal and/or Surety, not to exceed the penalty hereof, and shall be used to compensate City for the difference between Principal's total bid amount and the next selected bidder's total bid amount. PROVIDED FURTHER,that if any legal action be filed on this Bond,venue shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas,Fort Worth Division. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Principal and the Surety have SIGNED and SEALED this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the I Ith day of W February 2419- PRINCIPAL: Omega ContracfinInc. Signature ATTEST- -)!ZF- �/� �iAA?—'— � Ia4116&i \t5-0 ESt itnes &A rj cipaE Name and Title 2013 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH CILy Projeel No.101570 $TANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS 00 42 43_Bid Proposal War3 Book Form Rovised 20171109 00 4313 BID BOND page 2 of 2 Address: 2518 Chalk H01 Road Dallas,TX 75212 SURETY: LibC,ft Mutual Insurance Company Signature Robert M.OveTbi4L Jr.-Attorney in Fact Name and Title Address: 7900 Windrose Avenue Piano_TX 75024 : Witness as to rtx y y en O.Moudy Telephone Number: f4691 997-5742 ttorney i11 Pact Attach Power of Attorney(Surety)for Attorney-in-Fact "Nate: If sfgned by an officer of the Surety Company,there must be on file a certified extract from the by laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its malling address,both must be provided.The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. END OF SECTION I CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No:101510 Form Revised 20171100 00 42 43_Bld Pfopusal workbook This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. LiberV Liberty Mutual Insurance Company utuia' The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Certificate No: 8197136 1�� West American Insurance Company SURETY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS:That The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of New Hampshire,that liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the.laws of the State of Massachusetts,and West American Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana(herein collectively called the'Companies'),pursuant to and by authority herein set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint, Carol E.Hock,Suzonne ID,Lawrence,Lauren O.Moudy,Robert M.Overbey,Jr. all of the city of Houston stale of 'rx each individually if there be more than one named,its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to make, execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surely and as it act and deed,any and all undertakings,bonds,rocognizances and other surety obligations,in pursuance of these presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Companies in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed thereto this 17th day of October 201& Liberty Mutual insurance Company 1�NSUR JQ�oRro SU P`' Aeo INSU"? The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company ,r�yc, y x,, y rp sw„ West AmericanInsuranceCompany � ? eat r Fa m 3 4rvti 7 � 1912yp � a1919� o u) �4cnus�db y��HepMPs`'�aL �S� ola���aa$ By: aa) 7 * ti t * t * David.M.Carey,Assistant Secretary Stale of PENNSYLVANIA ss a ! County of MONTGOMERY 0 L) N On[his 17th day of October 2019 before me personally,appeared David M.Carey,who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual nsurance a2 Company,The Ohio Casually Company,and West American Insurance Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,execute the foregoing instrument for the purposes u w therein contained by signing on behalf of the oorpora6ans by himself as a dulyaufirodzed officer. v IN WITNESS WHEREOF,f have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal of King of Prussia.Pennsylvania,on the day and year first above written. 0 0 Syr` Fis '� COMMONWEALTrf OF PENNSYLVANIA Q trr�;c ``Cr. I Norarlal Seal n i?r Teresa Paslelra,Notary Public: �,� " upperMoriorrTvrp.,Montgomery County By: E my Cant„_... mission�xplres Mareh 28,2021 Teresa Pastelfa,Notary Public o ru ,�, ,p13' ;,{em4er,YenosyEvanla As:.aclatlan of NolsAes �^O CF) N This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-laws and Authorizations of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company,Liberty Mutual o c o s Insurance Company,and West American-insurance Company which resolutions are now in full farce and effect reading as follows: 6 ARTICLE IV—OFFICERS:Section 0.Power of.Altorney. Any officer or other official of the Corporation authorized for that purpose in writing by the Chairman or the President,and subject to such limitation as the Chairman or the F',Q a > President may prescribe,shall appoint such atlomeys•in-fact,as may be necessary to actin behalf of file Corporation to-make,execute seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety a' any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attomeys4in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of atlomey,shall N have full power to bind the Corporation by[heir signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation.When so executed,such N 16 n instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by ilia Secretary.Any power ar authority granted to any representative or attorney in-fact under the provisions offilis article maybe revoked at any time by the Board,the Chairman,the President or by the officer or officers granting such power or authority. 06 ARTICLE}(ill—Execution of Contracts.Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings. Any officer of the Company author ized for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president,and subject io such limitations as file chairman or the president may prescribe,h shall appoint such attorneys in-fact,as may be necessary to actin behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, nd the he ve powers bonds,recce their signature natu elher surety and execution oft any suchh instruments and to attaact ch l[heretolnitatflons set forth in their the seal of the Company.Whenllso executed fsu alto ch instrument ra l hashall Ibe as binding r to l as if Company by g signed by the president and attested by the secretary. Certificate of Designation—The President of the Company,acting pursuant to the Bylaws of the Company,authorizes David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary to appoint such attorneys-in- fact as may be necessary to act an behalf of file Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surely any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizaaces and other surety obligations. sents that facsimile or mechanically reproduced of any assistant secretary of the Authorization—By unanimous consent of the Companys Board of Directors,the Company con Company,wherever appearing upon a cerhfred copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. I,Renee C.Llewellyn,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company,Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company do hereby certify that the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,is to full force and effort and has not been revoked, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this [fill day of February 2019 iNSU r CY INSrjQ a lNSU/pq ,P gµro, y yJPGonPoggrfi 01LP014 'P. o ra1912y ny1919� 1991 o B �d�ssass���.aas-. �a�rHnrarS`'aD '<s �Hat+tsA as y:Renee C.Llewellyn,Assistant Secretary LMS-12873.LMIG OCIC WAIG Multi Co 062018 Liberty mu ® SURETY TEXAS TEXAS IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information,or mare a complaint: Para obtener information o Para someter una quej a: You may call toll-free for information or to Usted puede Ilamar al uumero de telefono gratis make a complaint at Para infornrracion o Para someter una queja aI 1-877-751-2640 1-877-751-2640 You may also write to: Usted tambien puede escribir a: 2200 Renaissance Blvd., Ste,400 2200 Renaissance Blvd., Ste. 400 King of Prussia, PA I9406-2755 Ding of Prussia,PA 19406-2755 You may contact the Texas Department of Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Insurance to obtain information on companies, Seguros de Texas Para obtener informacion coverages,rights or complaints at acerca de companias, coberturas, derechos o 1-800-252-3439 quejas al 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros Consumer Protection(I I I-IA) de Texas Consumer Protection(I I I-1A) P. O. Box 149091 P. O. Box 149091 Austin,TX 78714-9091 Austin,TX 78714-9091 FAX: (512)490-1007 FAX#(512)490-1007 Web:hUR1/JMWw.tdijexas.gov Web:http;/LyP_my.ldi,, exas-&oov E-mail: ConsurnerFrotectio dui' texas•gcZv E-mail: ConsumerProtection[}a,di;texa .aov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: DISPUTES SOBRE PRIMAS O R.ECLAMOS: Should you have a dispute concerning your Si tiena una disputa concerniente a su prima o a premium or about a claim you should first un reclama, debe comunicarse coax el agente o contact the agent or tali 1-800-843-6446. Pnmero. Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede If the dispute is not resolved,you may contact the entonces comunicarse con el departamento(TDI) Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not Este aviso es solo pars proposito de information become a part or condition of the attached y no se convierte en paste o condition del document, documento adjunto. NP 70 68 09 01 LMS-15202 10115 00 43 37 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW SECTION 00 43 37 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW NON RESIDENT BIDDER Texas Government Code Chapter 2252 was adopted for the award of contracts to nonresident bidders. This law provides that, in order to be awarded a contract as low bidder, nonresident bidders (out-of-state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are outside the State of Texas) bid projects for construction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contract in the State which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. The appropriate blanks in Section A must be tilled out by all nonresident bidders in order for your bid to meet specifications. The failure of nonresident bidders to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section B. A. Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by State Law. A copy of the statute is attached. Nonresident bidders in the State of our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas. BIDDER: C)M E&EAr Crna� t t ►'�l Ar K _ ��fr r_i�-� Z51f,- wL(- )zct. x K 75 Z t Z— (Signature) Title: V3cE Date: END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Form Revised 20110627 Do 42 43_Bid Proposal Workbook 004511-1 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 00 45 II 2 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS 3 4 1. Summary. All contractors are required to be prequalified by the City prior to submitting 5 bids. To be eligible to bid the contractor must submit Section 00 45 12,Prequalification 6 Statement for the work type(s) listed with their Bid. Any contractor or subcontractor who is 7 not prequalified for the work type(s)listed must submit Section 00 45 13, Bidder 8 Prequalification Application in accordance with the requirements below. 9 10 The prequalification process will establish a bid limit based on a technical evaluation and 11 financial analysis of the contractor.The information must be submitted seven(7)days prior 12 to the date of the opening of bids. For example,a contractor wishing to submit bids on 13 projects to be opened on the 7th of April must file the information by the 31st day of March 14 in order to bid on these projects.In order to expedite and facilitate the approval of a Bidder's 15 Prequalification Application,the following must accompany the submission. 16 a. A complete set of audited or reviewed financial statements. 17 (1) Classified Balance Sheet 18 (2) Income Statement 19 (3) Statement of Cash FIows 20 (4) Statement of Retained Earnings 21 (5) Notes to the Financial Statements, if any 22 b. A certified copy of the firm's organizational documents(Corporate Charter,Articles 23 of Incorporation,Articles of Organization, Certificate of Formation,LLC 24 Regulations, Certificate of Limited Partnership Agreement). 25 c. A completed Bidder Prequalification Application. 26 (1) The firm's Texas Taxpayer Identification Number as issued by the Texas 27 Comptroller of Public Accounts. To obtain a Texas Taxpayer Identification 28 number visit the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts online at the 29 following web address www.window.state.tx,us/taxpermit/and fill out the 30 application to apply for your Texas tax 1D. 31 (2) The firm's e-mail address and fax number. 32 (3) The firm's DUNS number as issued by Dun&Bradstreet. This number 33 is used by the City for required reporting on Federal Aid projects. The DUNS 34 number may be obtained at www.dnb.com. 35 d. Resumes reflecting the construction experience of the principles of the firm for firms 36 submitting their initial prequalification. These resumes should include the size and 37 scope of the work performed. 38 e. Other information as requested by the City. 39 40 2. Prequalification Requirements 41 a. Financial Statements.Financial statement submission must be provided in 42 accordance with the following: 43 (1) The City requires that the original Financial Statement or a certified copy 44 be submitted for consideration. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 0045 11 -2 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS Page 2 of 3 1 (2) To be satisfactory,the financial statements must be audited or reviewed 2 by an independent, certified public accounting firm registered and in 3 good standing in any state. Current Texas statues also require that 4 accounting firms performing audits or reviews on business entities within 5 the State of Texas be properly licensed or registered with the Texas State 6 Board of Public Accountancy. 7 (3) The accounting firm should state in the audit report or review whether 8 the contractor is an individual, corporation, or limited liability company. 9 (4) Financial Statements must be presented in U.S. dollars at the current rate 10 of exchange of the Balance Sheet date. 11 (5) The City will not recognize any certified public accountant as 12 independent who is not, in fact, independent. 13 (6) The accountant's opinion on the financial statements of the contracting 14 company should state that the audit or review has been conducted in 15 accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United 16 States of America. This must be stated in the accounting firm's opinion. 17 It should: (1)express an unqualified opinion, or(2)express a qualified 18 opinion on the statements taken as a whole. 19 (7) The City reserves the right to require a new statement at any time. 20 (8) The financial statement must be prepared as of the last day of any month, 21 not more than one year old and must be on file with the City 16 months 22 thereafter, in accordance with Paragraph 1. 23 (9) The City will determine a contractor's bidding capacity for the purposes 24 of awarding contracts. Bidding capacity is determined by multiplying the 25 positive net working capital(working capital—current assets—current 26 liabilities)by a factor of 10. Only those statements reflecting a positive 27 net working capital position will be considered satisfactory for 28 prequalification purposes. 29 (10) In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new financial 30 statement is being prepared,the previous statement shall be updated with 31 proper verification. 32 b. Bidder PYequalification Application. A Bidder Prequalification Application must be 33 submitted along with audited or reviewed financial statements by firms wishing to be 34 eligible to bid on all classes of construction and maintenance projects. Incomplete 35 Applications will be rejected. 36 (1) In those schedules where there is nothing to report,the notation of 37 "None"or"NIA"should be inserted. 38 (2) A minimum of five(5)references of related work must be provided. 39 (3) Submission of an equipment schedule which indicates equipment under 40 the control of the Contractor and which is related to the type of work for 41 which the Contactor is seeking prequalification. The schedule must 42 include the manufacturer,model and general common description of 43 each piece of equipment.Abbreviations or means of describing 44 equipment other than provided above will not be accepted. 45 46 3. Eligibility to Bid 47 a. The City shall be the sole judge as to a contractor's prequalification. 48 b. The City may reject,suspend, or modify any prequalification for failure by the 49 contractor to demonstrate acceptable financial ability or performance. 50 c. The City will issue a letter as to the status of the prequalification approval. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project Na.101570 Revised July 1,20I1 0045 11-3 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS Page 3 of 3 1 d. If a contractor has a valid prequalification letter,the contractor will be eligible to bid 2 the prequalified work types until the expiration date stated in the letter. 3 4 5 6 7 8 END OF SECTION 9 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 o0 45 12 BID FORM SECTION 00 45 12 PREQUALIFICATION STATEMENT Each Bidder for a City procurement is required to complete the information below by identifying the prequalified contractors and/or subcontractors whom they intend to utilize for the major work type(s) listed. Major Work Type Contractor/Subcontractor Company Name Prequalification Expiration Date FT�a,�Ewat_ Not ApplicableACTI^ 61 A�p�+cs+T�ow. 0 0 0 The undersigned hereby certifies that the contractors and/or subcontractors described in the table above are currently prequalified for the work es listed. - - --- -- -- -- BIDDER: QME(,Ac Go►�TQp.GTtN(7[ 1�C By: V\1A—r1e-K HAQt>+` Z S 1 Gl'rAt_IF bV%LL- Z, & / �l L(-AS r 1 X '7 Szi Z (Signature) Zl w(— ��r oT_ 3�t� Title: V tic� t�2ES�flE� Date: END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Form Revised 20120120 00 42 43_Bid Proposal workbook 00 45 26-1 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW Page 1 of I 1 SECTION 00 45 26 2 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COMPENSATION LAW 3 4 Pursuant to Texas Labor Code Section 406.096(a),as amended,Contractor certifies that it 5 provides worker's compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employed on City 6 Project No. 101570.Contractor further certifies that,pursuant to Texas Labor Code, Section 7 406.096(b),as amended,it will provide to City its subcontractor's certificates of compliance With 8 worker's compensation coverage. 9 10 CONTRACTOR: 11 12 ()oAc-lryA RAC-Tlt�lir IF By: �Ik2K- �Eulhlflz s7l` 13 Comp an (Please Print) 14 15 I P, G ALtc yet !2a(. Signature s -�, 16 Address 17 18 �D cz-A-s 1>C -7SZ1Z Title: �ILB 19 City/State/Zip lease Print) 20 21 22 THE STATE OF TEXAS § 23 24 COUNTY OF TARR.ANT § 25 26 BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority,on this day personally appeared 27 Mkt JWt A&&LOT ,known to me to be the person Whose name is 28 subscribed to the foregoing]n trument,and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same as 29 the act and deed o � r --rZ;VC-for the purposes and 30 consideration therein expressed and in the capacity th rein stated. 31 n 'r 32 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of 33 . E ,20_ q 34 35 36 ASS 37 ,,,.N :��my - -� Notary Public in and for the State of To .FN MEk}M G. f.1�r�#fhTF7 1Votr.lrY i {.li 38 = ultl,ra 114•FJ1 A,ly C',jl;x9ucskw,f r1 uy 39 — Sel�'ml,er R�, 01_L_ OF SECTION 40 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 004540-I Minority Business Enterprise Specifications Page 1 of 1 SECTION 00 45 40 2 Minority Business Enterprise Specifications 3 4 APPLICATION OF POLICY 5 If the total dollar value of the contract is greater than $50,000, then a MBE subcontracting goal is 6 applicable. 7 8 POLICY STATEMENT 9 It is the policy of the City of Fart Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority 10 Business Enterprises (MBE) in the procurement of all goods and services. All requirements and I regulations stated in the City's current Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance apply to this bid. 12 13 MBE PROJECT GOALS 14 The City's MBE goal on this project is 12% of the total bid value of the contract (Base bid applies to 15 Parks and Community Services). 16 17 Note: If both MBE and SSE subcontracting goals are established for this project, then an Offeror 18 must submit both a MBE Utilization Form and a SBE Utilization Form to be deemed responsive. 19 20 COMPLIANCE TO BID SPECIFICATIONS 21 On City contracts $50,000 or more where a MBE subcontracting goal is applied, Offerors are required to 22 comply with the intent of the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance by one of the following: 23 1. Meet or exceed the above stated MBE goal through MBE subcontracting participation, or 24 2. Meet or exceed the above stated MBE goal through MBE Joint Venture participation,or 25 3. Good Faith Effort documentation,or; 26 4. Prime Waiver documentation. 27 28 SUBMITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 29 The applicable documents must be received by the Purchasing Division, within the following times 30 allocated, in order for the entire bid to be considered responsive to the specifications. The Offel-or dial I 31 'Miser the M HF. documentation in pertw.ii to the appropriate employee of the purohaKiTIK clivisiOn %l.d 32 0b4aiii e &IeAinie receipt. %-uO receipt shall be-evidence that the City received tho dociini ertlatior 1 Iri the 33 time allocated. A faxed and/or emailed copy wiff not be accepted. 34 1. Subcontractor Utilization Form, if received no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business goal is met or exceeded: day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 2. Good Faith Effort and received no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business Subcontractor Utilization Form,if day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening participation is less than stated oat: date. 3. Good Faith Effort and received no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business Subcontractor Utilization Form, if no day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening MBEparticipation: date. 4. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, received no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business if you will perform all day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening contracting/supplier work: date. 35 CITY Or FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised June 9,2015 00 45 40-2 Minority Business Enterprise Specifications Page 2 of 2 1 5. Joint Venture Form,if goal is met received no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second City business or exceeded. day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 2 FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY'S BUSINESS DIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ORDINANCE 3 WILL RESULT IN THE BID BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESONSIVE TO SPECIFICATIONS. 4 FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE REQUIRED MBE DOCUMENTATION WILL RESULT IN THE BID BEING CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE.A SECOND FAILURE WILL RESULT IN THE OFFEROR 5 BEING DISQUALIFIED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR.THREE FAILURES IN A FIVE YEAR PERIOD WILL RESULT IN A DISQUALIFICAITON PERIOD OF THREE YEARS. 6 7 Any Questions,Please Contact The MIWBE Office at(817)212-2674. 8 END OF SECTION 9 10 lI CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCU MENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised June 9,2015 00 52 43-1 Agreement Page 1 of 5 1 SECTION 00 52 43 2 AGREEMENT 3 THIS AGREEMENT, authorized on is made by and between the City of Forth 4 Worth, a Texas home rule municipality, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, 5 ("City"), and Omega Contracting Inc. , authorized to do business in Texas, acting by and through 6 its duly authorized representative, ("Contractor"). 7 City and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as 8 follows: 9 Article 1.WORK 10 Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the I Project identified herein. 12 Article 2.PROJECT I3 The project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is 14 generally described as follows: 15 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 16 Project No: 101570 17 Article 3. CONTRACT PRICE I8 City agrees to pay Contractor for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract 19 Documents an amount, in current funds, of One Million, Six Hundred Eighteen Thousand, One 20 Hundred Ninety-Six and 00/100 Dollars($1,618,196.00). 21 Article 4. CONTRACT TIME 22 4.1 Final Acceptance. 23 The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 360 days after the date when the 24 Contract Time commences to run, as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions, 25 plus any extension thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General 26 Conditions. 27 4.2 Liquidated Damages 28 Contractor recognizes that time is of the essence for completion of Milestones, if any, and 29 to achieve Final Acceptance of the Work and City will suffer financial loss if the Work is 30 not completed within the tirne(s) specified in Paragraph 4.1 above. The Contractor also 31 recognizes the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding, 32 the actual loss suffered by the City if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, 33 instead of requiring any such proof, Contractor agrees that as liquidated damages for 34 delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay City Six Hundred fifty and zero cents 35 Dollars ($650)for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 4.1 for Final 36 Acceptance until the City issues the Final Letter of Acceptance. 37 Article 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 38 5.1 CONTENTS: 39 A. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between City and 40 Contractor concerning the Work consist of the following: CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION_CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised 11.15.17 00 52 43-2 Agreement Page 2 of 5 41 1. This Agreement. 42 2. Attachments to this Agreement: 43 a. Bid Form 44 1) Proposal Form 45 2) Vendor Compliance to State Law Non-Resident Bidder 46 3) Prequalification Statement 47 4) State and Federal documents(project specific) 48 b. Current Prevailing Wage Rate Table 49 c. Insurance ACORD Form(s) 50 d. Payment Bond 51 e. Performance Bond 52 f. Maintenance Bond 53 g. Power of Attorney for the Bonds 54 h. Worker's Compensation Affidavit 55 i. MBE and/or SBE Utilization Form 56 3. General Conditions. 57 4. Supplementary Conditions. 58 5. Specifications specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment 59 or, if not attached, as incorporated by reference and described in the Table of 60 Contents of the Project's Contract Documents. 61 6. Drawings. 62 7. Addenda. 63 8. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award. 64 9. The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the 65 Agreement and, if issued, become an incorporated part of the Contract Documents: 66 a. Notice to Proceed. 67 b. Field Orders. 68 c. Change Orders. 69 d. Letter of Final Acceptance. 70 71 Article 6. INDEMNIFICATION 72 6.1 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own 73 expense, the city, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all 74 claims arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed 75 by the contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees 76 under this contract. This indemnification provision is specifically intended to operate 77 and be effective even if it is alle ed or proven that all or some of the damages bein 78 sought were caused in whole or in part, by any act omission or negligence of the city. 79 This indemnity provision is intended to include, without limitation, indemnity for 80 costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the city in defending against such claims and 8I causes of actions. 82 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City ProiectNo. 101570 Rcviscd 11.IS.17 005243-3 Agreement Page 3 of 5 83 6.2 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, at its own expense, 84 the city,its officers,servants and employees,from and against any and all loss, damage 85 or destruction of property of the city,arising out of, or alleged to arise out of,the work 86 and services to be performed by the contractor, its officers, agents, employees, 87 subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this contract. This indemnification 88 provision is specifically intended to operate and be effective even if it is alleged or 89 proven that all or some of the damages being sought were caused, in whole or in parts 90 by any act omission or negligence of the city. 91 92 Article 7.MISCELLANEOUS 93 7.1 Terms. 94 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will 95 have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 96 7.2 Assignment of Contract. 97 This Agreement, including all of the Contract Documents may not be assigned by the 98 Contractor without the advanced express written consent of the City. 99 7.3 Successors and Assigns. 100 City and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal 101 representatives to the other party hereto, in respect to all covenants, agreements and 102 obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 103 7.4 Severability. 104 Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be unconstitutional, void or 105 unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be deemed stricken, and all 106 remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon CITY and 107 CONTRACTOR. 108 7.5 Governing Law and Venue. 109 This Agreement, including all of the Contract Documents is performable in the State of 110 Texas. Venue shall be Tarrant County, Texas, or the United States District Court for the ill Northern District of Texas,Fort Worth Division. 112 7.6 Authority to Sign. 113 Contractor shall attach evidence of authority to sign Agreement if signed by someone other 114 than the duly authorized signatory of the Contractor. 115 116 7.7 Prohibition On Contracts With Companies Boycotting Israel. 117 Contractor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government 118 Code, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or 119 services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) 120 does not boycott Israel; and(2)will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised 11.15.17 00 52 43-4 Agreement Page 4 of 5 121 The terms "boycott Israel" and "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms 122 in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this contract, Contractor 123 certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that 124 Contractor. (r) does not boycott Israel; and(2) will not boycott Israel during the term of 125 the contract. 126 127 7.8 Immigration Nationality Act. 128 Contractor shall verify the identity and employment eligibility of its employees who 129 perform work under this Agreement, including completing the Employment Eligibility 130 Verification Form (1-9). Upon request by City, Contractor shall provide City with copies of 131 all I-9 forms and supporting eligibility documentation for each employee who performs 132 work under this Agreement. Contractor shall adhere to all Federal and State laws as well as 133 establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services will be performed by any 134 Contractor employee who is not legally eligible to perform such services. 135 CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY CITY AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS 136 FROM ANY PENALTIES, LIABILITIES, OR LOSSES DUE TO VIOLATIONS OF 137 THIS PARAGRAPH BY CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES, 138 SUBCONTRACTORS, AGENTS, OR LICENSEES. City, upon written notice to 139 Contractor, shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of 140 this provision by Contractor. 141 142 7.9 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. 143 This Agreement gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than the City and the Contractor 144 and there are no third-party beneficiaries. 145 146 7.10 No Cause of Action Against Engineer. 147 Contractor, its subcontractors and equipment and materials suppliers on the PROJECT or their 148 sureties, shall maintain no direct action against the Engineer, its officers, employees, and 149 subcontractors, for any claim arising out of, in connection with, or resulting from the 150 engineering services performed. Only the City will be the beneficiary of any undertaking by 151 the Engineer. The presence or duties of the Engineer's personnel at a construction site, 152 whether as on-site representatives or otherwise, do not make the Engineer or its personnel 153 in any way responsible for those duties that belong to the City and/or the City's construction 154 contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the construction contractors or any other 155 entity of their obligations, duties, and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, all 156 construction methods, means, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for 157 coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the 158 Contract Documents and any health or safety precautions required by such construction 159 work. The Engineer and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any 160 construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or 161 any health or safety precautions. 1.62 163 SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW 164 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised 11.15.17 005243-5 Agreement Page 5 of 5 165 166 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Contractor have each executed this Agreement to be 167 effective as of the date subscribed by the City's designated Assistant City Manager ("Effective 168 Date"). 169 Contractor: City of Fort Worth Omega Contracting Inc. By: N Susan Alanis By• Assistant City Manager (Signa re) Date � �;11 i'/l�� ! • it ��� Attest: - (Printed Name) City S cretary Title:1/44 (Seal) Y Address: XACS 2518 Chalk Hill Rd. M&C C-29093 Dallas, TX 75212 Date: 04/I6/20I9 Form 1295 No. 2019-455739 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and Date administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Maged Zaki Project.Manager Approved354o Form and Legality: Douglas W. Black Assistant City Attorney 170 171 OV L REC LADED: 172 173 174 Mve C oke. 175 INTERIM DIRECTOR, 176 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF FOItr WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RES STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS ity roaeet No. 101570 Revised 11.15.17 CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH,TX I Band Number 022-223-723 00 61 13-1 PERFORMANCEBOND l t Page 1 of 2 ; 1 SECTION 00 6113 1 2 PERFORMANCE BOND 3 4 THE STATE OF TEXAS § � 5 § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS; 6 COUNTY OF TARRANT § 7 8 That we, Omega Contracting Inc., known as "Principal" herein and. Liberty Mutual 9 Insurance Company,a corporate surety(sureties,if more than one)duly authorized to do business 10 in the State of Texas,known as"Surety"herein(whether one or more),are held and firmly bound s 11 unto the City of For( Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of Texas, i 12 known as "City" herein, in the penal sum of, ONE MILLION, SIX HUNDRED EIGHTEEN 13 THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED NINETY-SIX AND 00/100 DOLLARS i 14 ($I,GZ8,I96 00), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, i 15 Texas for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, 16 executors,administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. 17 WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the City 18 awarded the 16th day of April, 2019, which Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof 19 for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment labor and other 20 accessories defined by law,'in the prosecution of the Work, including any Change Orders, as 21 provided for in said Contract designated as 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION 22 CONTRACT 5,City Project No. 101570. 23 NOW,THEREFORE.,the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Principal 24 shall faithfully perform it obligations under the Contract and shall in all respects duly and 25 faithfully perform the Work,including Chafe Orders, under the Contract,according to the plans, 26 specifications, and contract documents therein referred to, and as well during any period of 27 extension of the Contract that may be granted on the part of the City,then this obligation shall be 28 and become null and void, otherwise to remain in flail force and effect. 29 PROVIDED FURTHER,that if any legal action be filed on this Bond,venue shall lie in 30 Tarrant County,Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas,Fort 31 Worth Division. MY OF FORT WORTn 2018 C1P CONCRETE RRSTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTDON SPECIFICATION AOCUMENn City ProjeetNo.101570 Revised July 1,2011 0061 13-2 PERFORMANCE BOND Page 2 of2 1 This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the 2 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in 3 accordance with the provisions of said statue. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Principal and the Surety have SIGNED and SEALED 5 this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the-3Qth— day of Avri1 6 20 19. 7 PRINCIPAL: 8 Omega Contracting Inc, 9 10 11 � � 12 B 13 Signature 14 ryfiq / / 15 Ille4c, o, T 16 (Principal)Mary Name and Title 17 GAO 18 Address:2519 Chalk Hill Rd. 19 Dallas,TX 75212. 20 [s(/ 21 Witness as to Principa 22 SURETY: 23 ert ual Insurance Company 24 25 26 27 28 29 Robert M. Overbey, Jr. , Attorney in Fact: 30 Name and Title 31 32 Address: 33 Renaissance Blvd. , Suite 400 34 406-2755 35 36 Witness as to Surety Telephone Number; 1-577-751-2640 37 Carol E. Hock 38 Attorney in Fact 39 40 *Note; If signed by an officer of the Surety Company;there must be on file a certified extract 41 from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If 42 Surety's physical address is different from its inailing address, both must be provided. 43 The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. 44 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRET S RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1,2011 City Pmject No.101570 Bond Number 022-223-723 006114-1 PAYMENT BOND Page 1 of 2 1 SECTION 00 6114 2 PAYMENT BOND 3 4 TIM STATE OF TEXAS § 5 § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: 6 COUNTY OF TARRANT § 7 8 That we, Omega Contracting Inc., known as "Principal" herein, and Liberty Mutual 9 Insurance Company, a corporate surety (sureties), duly authorized to do business in the State of 10 Texas,known as"Surety"herein(whether one or rnore),are held and firmly bound untothe City 11 of Fort Worth,a municipal eorporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas,known 12 as "City" herein, in the penal sum of ONE MILLION, SIX HUNDRED EIGHTEEN 13 THOUSAND, ONE ynMpEA NINETY-SIX AND 00/100 DOLLARS 14 (51,d18,.j9b 00), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, 15 Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, 16 executors, administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents: 17 WHEREAS,Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with City, awarded the 1 18 16th day of April, 2019, which Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all 19 purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment, labor and other 20 accessories as defined by law,in the prosecution of the Work as provided for in said Contract and 21 designated as 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION - CONTRACT 5 22 City Project No. 10157D. 23 . NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if 24 Principal shall pay all monies owing to any (and all) payment bond beneficiary (as defined in 25 Chapter 2253 of the"Texas Government Code, as amended)in the prosecution of the Work under % the Contract,then this obligation shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full 27 force and effect. 28 This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the 29 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in 30 accordance with the provisions of said statute. 31 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH City Project No.101570 STANDARD CONsTpucTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1,201 t 0061 14-2 PAYMENT BOND Page 2 of 2 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Principal and Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED 2 this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 30th day of April 3 20 19 4 PRINCIPAL: Omega Contracting Inc. A EST: 8Y . �, �'� � 7 Signature rincipal) —� Name and Title Address: 251.8 Chalk Hill Rd. Dallas,TX 75212. Witness as to Principe SURETY: Li y Mutual Insurance Company ATTEST: B Signature (Surety)Secretary Carol. E. Hoc RQhert M. Overbey,Jr. , _Attorney in Fact Attorney in Fact Name and Title Address: 2200 Renaissance Blvd. , Suite 400 King of Prussia PA 19406-2755 Witness as to Surety Carat E. Hock 5 Attorney in Fact Telephone Number: 1-977_7�40 6 Note. If signed by all officer of the Surety, there roust be on file a certified extract from the 7 bylaws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical 8 address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. 9 10 The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. 11 END OF SECTION 12 A OF FORT WORTJI 2018 STANDARD C1P CONCRETE RESTORAT10N-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July 1,2011 City Project No. 101570 1. Bond Number 022-223-723 0061 19-1 MAINTRNANCE 13OND Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 00 6119 2 MAINTENANCE BOND 3 4 THE STATE OF TEXAS § 5 § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: 6 COUNTY OF TAR1iANT § 7 8 That we Omega Contracting Inc,, known as "Principal" herein and Liberty Mutual 9 Insurance Company,a corporate surety(sureties,if more than one)duly authorized to do business 10 in the State of Texas,known as"Surety"herein(whether one or more),are held and firmly bound 11 unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of 12 Texas,known as "City"herein, in the sum of ONE AULLION, SIX HUNDRED EICIITEEN 13 THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED NINETY-SM AND 00/100 DOLLARS 14 ($1,618,.196,00), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, 15 Texas, for payment of which sum well and truly be made unto the City and its successors, we 16 bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally, 17 firmly by these presents. 18 19 WHEREAS,the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the City awarded 20 thel6th day of April, 2019, which Contract is hereby referred to and a made part hereof for all 21 purposes as if fully set forth herein,to furnish all materials,equipment labor and other accessories 22 as defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work, including any Work resulting; from a duly 23 authorized Change Order (collectively herein, the "Work") as provided for in said contract and 24 designated as 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION - CONTRACT 5 , City Project No. 25 101570 ;and 26 27 WHEREAS, Principal binds itself to use such materials and to so construct the Work in 28 accordance with the plans,specifications and Contrac 29 30 NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Principal shall 31 remedy any defective Work, for which timely notice was provided by City, to a completion 32 satisfactory to the City, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise to remain in 33 fitll force and effect. 34 CITY OF PORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSIRX)CnON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,20I1 0061 19-2 MAINTBNANcE BOND Page 2 of 3 1 PROVIDED,HOWEVER, if Principal shall fail so to repair or reconstruct any timely 2 noticed defective Work, it is agreed that the City may cause any and all such defective Work to 3 be repaired and/or reconstructed With all associated costs thereof being borne by the Principal and 4 the Surety under this Maintenance bond;and 5 6 PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond,venue shall lie in 7 Tarrant County,Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas,Fort 8 Worth Division;and 9 16 PROVIDED FURTHER,that this obligation shall be continuous in mature and 11 successive recoveries may be bad hereon for successive breaches. 12 13 14 i CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Tiny I,2011 Ciry Project No.]0l570 0061 I9-3 MADMNANCI3 BOND Page of 1 IN WITNESS i11MREOF,the Principal and the Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED this 2 instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 30th day of AP r i 1 3 2019 4 5 PRINCIPAL- 6 Omega Contracting Inc, 7 _.. 9 4 / 10 signature 1 13 � •�/ �� 14 On ) Name and Title 15 G�P 16 Address:2518 Chalk Hill Rd. 17 Dallas,TX 75212. 18 19 20 Witness as to Principal 21 SURETY: 22 L v Mutual Insurance Qmpany 23 24 L 25 26 signature 27 Robert M. Overbey, Jr. , Attorney in Fact 28 29 ATTEST: Name and Title 34 �= - . �0 31 Address: 2200 Renaissance B1vd. , Suite 400 32 (Surety}Secretary Carol E. Bock King of Prjiccia PA —19406-2755 34 tt rney Fact 35 Witness as to Surety Carol E. Hock Telephone Number. 1-877-751-2640 36 Attorney in Fact 37 *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company,there must be on file a certified extract 38 from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If 39 Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. 40 The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. 41 # CITY OT PORT WORTH 2O18 CI!'CONCRETE ROTORA71ON-CONTRACT 5 3TAN17ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 This Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein,and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein staled. bert).1 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 1��11tuil® The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Certificate No: 8197136 West American Insurance Company SURETY POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOWN ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS:That The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Slate of New Hampshire,that Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Massachusetts,and West American insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Indiana(herein collectively called the"Companies"),pursuant to and by authority herein set forth,does hereby name,constitute and appoint, Carol E.Mock,Suzomte A.Lawrence,Lauren O.Moudy,Aoberl M.Overbey,Jr. all of the city of Houston state of TX each individually if there be more than one named,its true and lawful attorney-in-fact to make, execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver,for and on its behalf as surety and as its act and deed,any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surely obligations,in pursuance of these presents and shall be as binding upon the Companies as if they have been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Companies in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Power of Attorney has been subscribed by an authorized officer or official of the Companies and the corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed thereto this 17th day of October , 2018 . Liberty Mutual Insurance Company tNSU -vY INS& a %NSUi The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company JP p4r° RRyn g,oor�r'Pgy vP�°RPn� �P West American Insurance Company 1912 0 0 1919 1991 �V1�`agCHU°,a.�� yO�N4M4s��LO +(s3'�'°rANPada By- David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary IZ .7 T State of PENNSYLVANIA County of MONTGOMERY ssCE o v a) On This 17th day of October 2018 before me personally appeared David M.Carey,who acknowledged himself to be the Assistant Secretary of Liberty Mutual Insurance 0 3 Company,The Ohio Casualty Company,and West American Insurance Company,and that he,as such,being authorized so to do,execute the foregoing instrument for the purposes— N > therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duty authorized officer. Lu (U IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal at King of Prussia,Pennsylvania,on the day and year first above written. Q ^� nc:, 03 fr,SPpN,$TQ COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Q M C C) L WQ o'� a{ Notarial Seal O r` OFZ Teresa Pastella,Notary Public i N Upper MerionlWp.,Montgomery County By: q�vA.�' My Commission Expires March 28,xoxi eres ,Notary Public o ca O� Member,AennsylvonlaAsaodegono fNoferres (L.p rn� A Ry yo 0).2 This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following By-laws and Authorizations of The Ohio Casuatty Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual 0 Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company which resolutions are now in full force and effect reading as follows: 0 w Ei ARTICLE IV-OFFICERS:Section 12.Power of Attorney. :?=-,g o Any officer or other official of the Corporation authorized for that purpose in writing by the Chairman or the President, and subject to such limitation as the Chairman or the -g President may prescribe,shall appoint such attomeys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Corporation to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety a a M any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact,subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of altorney,shall 110,11111 ,,.., t have full power to bind the Corporation by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Corporation.When so executed,such CO, 0 instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the President and attested to by the Secretary.Any power or authority granted to any representative or attorney-in-fact under the M provisions of this article may be revoked at any time by the Board,the Chairman,the President or by the officer or officers granting such power or authority. o 0 ARTICLE Xill-Execution of Contracts:Section 5.Surety Bonds and Undertakings. o CD Any officer of the Company authorized for that purpose in writing by the chairman or the president,and subject to such limitations as the chairman or the president may prescribe, I— - shall appoint such attomeys-in-fact,as may be necessary to act in behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surety any and all undertakings, bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations.Such attorneys-in-fact subject to the limitations set forth in their respective powers of attorney,shall have full power to bind the Company by their signature and execution of any such instruments and to attach thereto the seal of the Company.When so executed such instruments shall be as binding as if signed by the president and attested by the secretary. Certificate of Designation-The President of the Company,acting pursuant to the Bylaws of the Company,authorizes David M.Carey,Assistant Secretary to appoint such attomays-in- fact as may be necessary to act on behalf of the Company to make,execute,seal,acknowledge and deliver as surely any and all undertakings,bonds,recognizances and other surety obligations. Authorization-By unanimous consent of the Company's Board of Directors,the Company consents that facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any assistant secretary of the Company,wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company in connection with surety bonds,shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. I,Renee C.Llewellyn,the undersigned,Assistant Secretary,The Ohio Casually Insurance Company,Liberty Mutual Insurance Company,and West American Insurance Company do hereby certify[hat the original power of attorney of which the foregoing is a full,true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies,is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 30th day of April 2019 -viJQ'arcva,y�y 1NSV a ANSI] AI INS J oc�o,prr'Qyy GP o4ra¢�4°ya 24 r¢o Ciri Q 34 FO Cr � 2V �O fi 1912 0 0 1919 U 1991 o i sy. YdV19*BgCNtis yO y HAmp9 Ys '"°IA °' aa� K Renee C.Llewellyn,Assistant Secretary LMS-12873 LMIC OCIC WAIL Mufti Co 062018 k Libel utxm. SURETY TEXAS TEXAS IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information or make a complaint: Para obtener informacion o para someter una queja: You may call toll-free for information or to Usted puede llamar al numero de telefono gratis make a complaint at para informacion o para someter una queja al 1-877-751-2640 1-877-751-2640 You may also write to: Usted tambien puede escribir a: 2200 Renaissance Blvd., Ste. 400 2200 Renaissance Blvd., Ste. 400 King of Prussia, PA 19406-2755 King of Prussia,PA 19406-2755 You may contact the Texas Department of Puede comumcarse con el Departamento de Insurance to obtain information on companies, Seguros de Texas para obtener informacion coverages,rights or complaints at acerca de companies, coberturas, derechos o 1-800-252-3439 quejas al 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros Consumer Protection(I I I-1 A) de Texas Consumer Protection(111-1 A) P. O.Box 149091 P.O. Box 149091 Austin, TX 78714-9091 Austin, TX 78714-9091 FAX: (512)490-1007 FAX#(512)490-1007 Web: hap://www.tdi.texas.go-v Web:bjW:/www.tdi.texas.gov E-mail:ConsumerProtection(a�tdi.texas.goy E-mail: Cons erPro ctio t '.tex o PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: DISPUTAS SOBRE PRIMAS O RECLAMOS: Should you have a dispute concerting your Si tiena una disputa concerniente a su prima o a premium or about a claim you should first un reclamo, debe comunicarse con el agente o contact the agent or call 1-800-843-6446. primero. Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede If the dispute is not resolved,you may contact the entonces comunicarse con el departamento(TDI) Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not Este aviso es solo pars proposito de informacion become a part or condition of the attached y no se convierte en parte o condicion del document. documento adjunto. NP 70 68 09 01 LMS-1529210115 DATE(MMIDDlYYYI') ACOOR" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 4/25/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Mashondi Pa ne ]BTX Risk Services FAx PHONE 6363 State Highway 161 -214-989-7100 AIC No:210-696-8414 Suite 100 ADDRESS: service ib-tx.com Irving TX 75038 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company 18058 INSURED AZTEENT-01 INSURER B:Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company 30104 Omega Contracting, Inc.2518 Chalk Hill Rd INSURER C:Property and Casualty Insurance Company of Hartfor 34690 Dallas TX 75212 INSURER D:Hartford Casualty Insurance Company 29424 INSURER E: INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1409801899 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDLTYPE OF INSURANCE INSD WVD SUER POLICY NUMBER MMIDI�YIYEYYY MM/�Dt YYY LIMITS LTR B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 46UEAIC1842 911/2018 9/1/2019 EACHOCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE To RNTED CLAIMS-MADE M OCCUR P EM SES EaEoccurrence $1,000.000 X Contractual Uab MED EXP(Any one person) $5,000 X XCU PERSONAL&AOV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 POLICY rX]'E'CT LOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG $2,000,000 OTHER: LTD POLLUTION LIAB $100,000 C AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 46UEAIC1841 9/1/2018 9/1/2019 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 Ea accident X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ X HIRED X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident D X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 46RHAiC8244 9/1/2018 911/2019 EACH OCCURRENCE $5.000.000 EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DED I X I RETENTION$ $ a WORKERS COMPENSATION 46WEAAB9BAE 9/112018 9/1/2019 X PER oTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y 1 N STATUTE ER ANYPROPRIETORlPARTNERIEXECUTIVE NIA E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OF F I CE R/M EM B ER E XC LO O E D7 (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 It yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 A Excess Umbrella PHUB645371 9/1/2018 0/1/2019 Each Occurrence 10,000,000 (Occurrence) Aggregate 10,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES ( 10,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) The General Liability&Automobile policies include blanket automatic Additional Insured endorsements(HS2483 07113,HS2424 03117,HAS913 01/87)that provide this feature only when there is a written contract with the Named Insured that requires such status.The General Liability, Auto,and Workers Compensation policies include blanket automatic Waiver of Subrogation endorsements(HS2483 07113,HA9916 03112,HA9913 01187, WC420304B)that provide this feature only when there is a written contract with the Named Insured that requires such status.Primary Non-Contributory wording per endorsement forms(HG0001 09116,HA9916 03/12).Contractual Liability for Railroads per endorsements(HS2424 03117&CA2070 10101).Umbrella policy follows form of the underlying GL,Auto and WC.Excess Policy follows form of the underlying Umbrella policy.Cancellation per the attached endorsements(GH 02,RS5635 04115,XH 02,WC420601). OCI#3-18-0007; 2018-CIP Concrete Restoration-Contract 5. City Project No.101570 (W.Vickery Blvd from S.Hulen Street to City Limits) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN City of Fort Worth,Texas ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Transportation and Public Works Department 1000 Throckmorton Street AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Fort Worth TX 76102 ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD POLICY NUMBER: 46UEAIC1842 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURE® - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - OPTION IV This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL. LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) Designated Project(s)Or Location(s) Or Organ izati on s : Of Covered Operations: Blanket as required by written contract agreement Information re uired to complete this Schedule if not shown above will be shown in the Declarations. A. With respect to those person(s) or organization(s) but only if: shown in the Schedule above when you have (a) The written contract or written agreed in a written contract or written agreement agreement requires you to provide to provide insurance such as is afforded under this such coverage to such additional policy to them, Subparagraph f., Any Other insured at the project(s) or location(s) Party, under the Additional Insureds When designated in the Schedule; and Required By Written Contract, Written Agreement Or Permit Paragraph of Section II — (�) This Coverage Part provides coverage Who Is An Insured is replaced with the following: for "bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the praduets- f. Any Other Party completed operations hazard". Any other person or organization who is not The insurance afforded to the additional an insured under Paragraphs a. through e. insured shown in the Schedule applies: above, but only with respect to liability for (1) Only if the "bodily injury" or "property "bodily injury", "property damage"or"personal damage" occurs, or the "personal and and advertising injury"Vlsing out6I: advertising injury" offense is committed: (1) Your Pngoing .operatfuns performed for a During such additional insured at the project(s) or ( ) g the policy Y period;and location(s) designated in the Schedule; {b} Subsequent to the execution of such written contract or written agreement; (2) Premises owned by or rented to you and and shown in the Schedule;or (3) "Your work" for the additional insured at (c) Prior to the expiration of the period of the project(s) or location(s) designated in time that the written contract or written the Schedule and included within the agreement requires such insurance "products-completed operations hazard", be provided to the additional insured. Form HS 24 83 0713 Page 1 of 2 © 2013,The Hartford (includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.) (2) Only to the extent permitted by law;and When You Add Others As An Additional (3) Will not be broader than that which you Insured To This]Insurance are required by the written contract or (a) Primary Insurance When Required By written agreement to provide for such Contract additional insured. This insurance is primary if you have agreed With respect to the insurance afforded to the in a written contract or written agreement that person(s) or organization(s) that are additional this insurance be primary. if other insurance insureds under this endorsement, the is also primary, we will share with all that following additional exclusion applies: other insurance by the method described in This insurance does not apply to "bodily Paragraph (c) below. This insurance does not injury", "property damage" or "personal and apply to other insurance to which the advertising injury" arising out of the rendering additional insured in the Schedule has been of, or the failure to render, any professional added as an additional insured. architectural, engineering or surveying (b) Primary And Non-Contributory To Other services, including: Insurance When Required By Contract (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to This insurance is primary to and will not seek prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, contribution from any other insurance opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, available to an additional insured under your change orders, designs or specifications; policy provided that: or (1) The additional insured in the Schedule is (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or a Named Insured under such other engineering activities. insurance;and The limits of insurance that apply to the additional (ii) You have agreed in a written contract or insured shown in the Schedule are described in the written agreement that this insurance Limits Of Insurance section. would be primary and would not seek How this insurance applies when other insurance is contribution from any other insurance available to the additional insured is described in the available to the additional insured in the Other insurance Condition in Section IV — Schedule. Commercial General Liability Conditions, except as (c) �Iethod Of Sharing otherwise amended below. If all of the other insurance permits B. With respect to insurance provided to the contribution by equal shares, we will follow person(s) or organization(s) that are additional this method also. Under this approach, each insureds under this endorsement, the When You insurer contributes equal amounts until it has Add Others As An Additional Insured To This paid its applicable limit of insurance or none of Insurance subparagraph, under the Other the loss remains,whichever comes first. Insurance Condition of Section IV—Commercial If any of the other insurance does not permit General Liability Conditions is replaced with the contribution by equal shares, we will following: contribute by limits. Under this method, each insurer's share is based on the ratio of its applicable limit of insurance to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. All other terms and conditions in the policy remain unchanged. Page 2 of 2 Form HS 24 83 0713 POLICY NUMBER:46UEAC11842 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM Various provisions in this policy restrict coverage. (1) The "bodily injury" or"property damage" is Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, caused by an "occurrence" that takes duties and what is and is not covered. place in the "coverage territory"; Throughout this policy the words "you" and "your" (2) The "bodily injury" or "property damage" refer to the Named Insured shown in the occurs during the policy period; and Declarations, and any other person or organization (3) Prior to the policy period, no insured listed qualifying as a Named Insured under this policy. The under Paragraph I. of Section 11 - Who Is words "we", "us" and 'bur" refer to the stock An Insured and no "employee" authorized insurance company member of The Hartford by you to give or receive notice of an providing this insurance. "occurrence" or claim, knew that the The word "insured" means any person or "bodily injury" or "property damage" had organization qualifying as such under Section 11 - occurred, in whole or in part. If such a Who Is An Insured. listed insured or authorized "employee" Other words and phrases that appear in quotation knew, prior to the policy period, that the marks have special meaning. Refer to Section V - "bodily injury" or "property damage" Definitions. occurred, then any continuation, change SECTION I COVERAGES or resumption of such "bodily injury" or "property damage" during or after the COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY policy period will be deemed to have been DAMAGE LIABILITY known prior to the policy period. 1. Insuring Agreement c. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" will be a. We will pay those sums that the insured deemed to have been known to have becomes legally obligated to pay as damages occurred at the earliest time when any because of "bodily injury" or "property insured listed under Paragraph 1. of Section 11 damage" to which this insurance applies. We - Who Is An Insured or any "employee" will have the right and duty to defend the authorized by you to give or receive notice of insured against any "suit" seeking those an"occurrence" or claim: damages. However, we will have no duty to (1) Reports all, or any part, of the "bodily defend the insured against any "suit" seeking injury" or "property damage" to us or any damages for "bodily injury" or "property other insurer; damage" to which this insurance does not apply. We may, at our discretion, investigate (2} Receives a written or verbal demand or claim for damages because of the bodily any"occurrence" and settle any claim or"suit" injury" or"property damage";or that may result. But: (3) Becomes aware by any other means that (1) The amount we will pay for damages is "bodily injury" or "property damage" has limited as described in Section III - Limits occurred or has begun to occur. Of Insurance; and d. Damages because of "bodily injury" include (2) Our right and duty to defend ends when damages claimed by any person or we have used up the applicable limit of organization for care, loss of services or insurance in the payment of judgments or death resulting at any time from the "bodily settlements under Coverages A or B or injury". medical expenses under Coverage C. e. Incidental Medical Malpractice And Good No other obligation or liability to pay sums or Samaritan Coverage perform acts or services is covered unless explicitly provided for under Supplementary "Bodily injury" arising out of the rendering of Payments- Coverages A and B. or failure to render the following health care b. This insurance applies to "bodily injury" and services by any "employee" or "volunteerworker" shall be deemed to be caused by an "property damage" only if: "occurrence"for: HG 00 01 09 16 Page 1 of 21 ©2016 The Hartford (Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission.) (1) Professional health care services such as: (a) Liability to such party for, or for the (a) Medical, surgical, dental, laboratory, x- cost of, that party's defense has also ray or nursing services or treatment, been assumed in the same "insured advice or instruction, or the related contract"; and furnishing of food or beverages; (b)Such attorney fees and litigation (b)Any health or therapeutic service, expenses are for defense of that party treatment, advice or instruction;or against a civil or alternative dispute (c)The furnishing or dispensing of drugs resolution proceeding in which or medical, dental, or surgical supplies damages to which this insurance or appliances;or applies are alleged. (2) First aid services, which include: c. Liquor Liability (a) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which whether performed manually or with a any insured may be held liable by reason of: defibrillator;or (1) Causing or contributing to the intoxication (b)Services performed as a Good of any person; Samaritan. (2) The furnishing of alcoholic beverages to a For the purpose of determining the limits of person under the legal drinking age or insurance, any act or omission together with under the influence of alcohol;or all related acts or omissions in the furnishing (3) Any statute, ordinance or regulation of these services to any one person will be relating to the sale, gift, distribution or use considered one"occurrence". of alcoholic beverages. However, this Incidental Medical Malpractice This exclusion applies even if the claims And Good Samaritan Coverage provision against any insured allege negligence or applies only if you are not engaged in the other wrongdoing in: business or occupation of providing any of the (a)The supervision, hiring, employment, services described in this provision. training or monitoring of others by that 2. Exclusions insured;or This insurance does not apply to: (b) Providing or failing to provide a. Expected Or Intended Injury transportation with respect to any person that may be under the influence "Bodily injury" or "property damage" expected of alcohol; or intended from the standpoint of the if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodily insured. This exclusion does not apply to injury" or "property damage", involved that "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting which is described in Paragraph (1), (2) or(3) from the use of reasonable force to protect above. persons or property. b. Contractual Liability However, this exclusion applies only if you are in the business of manufacturing, "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which distributing, selling, serving or furnishing the insured is obligated to pay damages by alcoholic beverages. For the purposes of this reason of the assumption of liability in a exclusion, permitting a person to bring contract or agreement. This exclusion does alcoholic beverages on your premises, for not apply to liability for damages: consumption on your premises, whether or (1) That the insured would have in the not a fee is charged or a license is required absence of the contract or agreement;or for such activity, is not by itself considered the (2) Assumed in a contract or agreement that business of selling, serving or furnishing is an insured contract", provided the alcoholic beverages. "bodily injury" or "property damage" d. Workers'Compensation And Similar Laws occurs subsequent to the execution of the Any obligation of the insured under a workers' contract or agreement. Solely for the compensation, disability benefits or purposes of liability assumed in an unemployment compensation law or any "insured contract", reasonable attorney similar law. fees and necessary litigation expenses e. Employer's Liability incurred by or for a party other than an insured are deemed to be damages "Bodily injury"to: because of "bodily injury" or "property (1) An "employee"of the insured arising out of damage", provided: and in the course of: Page 2 of 21 HG 00 0109 16 (a) Employment by the insured;or (c)Which are or were at any time (b) Performing duties related to the transported, handled, stored, treated, conduct of the insured's business;or disposed of, or processed as waste by (2) The spouse, child, parent, brother or sister or for: of that "employee" as a consequence of (i) Any insured; or Paragraph (1) above. 01) Any person or organization for This exclusion applies: whom you may be legally (1) Whether the insured may be liable as an responsible; employer or in any other capacity; and (d)At or from any premises, site or (2) To any obligation to share damages with location on which any insured or any or repay someone else who must pay contractors or subcontractors working damages because of the injury. directly or indirectly on any insured's This exclusion does not apply to [lability behalf are performing operations if the assumed by the insured under an "insured "pollutants" are brought on or to the ontract" premises, site or location in connection c f. Pollution with such operations by such insured, contractor or subcontractor. However, (1) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" this subparagraph does not apply to: arising out of the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, (i) "Bodily injury"or "property damage" arising out of the escape of fuels, migration, release or escape of lubricants or other operating fluids "pollutants": which are needed to perform the (a) At or from any premises, site or normal electrical, hydraulic or location which is or was at any time mechanical functions necessary for owned or occupied by, or rented or the operation of "mobile equipment" loaned to, any insured. However, this or its parts, if such fuels, lubricants subparagraph does not apply to: or other operating fluids escape (i) "Bodily injury" if sustained within a from a vehicle part designed to building and caused by smoke, hold, store or receive them. This fumes, vapor or soot produced by exception does not apply if the or originating from equipment that "bodily injury" or "property damage" is used to heat, cool or dehumidify arises out of the intentional the building, or equipment that is discharge, dispersal or release of used to heat water for personal the fuels, lubricants or other use, by the building's occupants or operating fluids, or if such fuels, their guests; lubricants or other operating fluids (ii) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" are brought on or to the premises, for which you may be held liable, if site or location with the intent that you are a contractor and the owner they be discharged, dispersed or or lessee of such premises, site or released as part of the operations location has been added to your being performed by such insured, policy as an additional insured with contractor or subcontractor; respect to your ongoing operations (ii) "Bodily injury"or "property damage" performed for that additional sustained within a building and insured at that premises, site or caused by the release of gases, location and such premises, site or fumes or vapors from materials location is not and never was brought into that building in owned or occupied by, or rented or connection with operations being loaned to, any insured, other than performed by you or on your behalf that additional insured; or by a contractor or subcontractor; or (iii) 'Bodily injury" or"property damage" (iii) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising out of heat, smoke or fumes arising out of heat, smoke or fumes from a"hostile fire"; from a"hostile fire";or (b)At or from any premises, site or (e)At or from any premises, site or location which is or was at any time location on which any insured or any used by or for any insured or others for contractors or subcontractors working the handling, storage, disposal, directly or indirectly on any insured's processing or treatment of waste; behalf are performing operations if the HG 00 01 09 16 Page 3 of 21 operations are to test for, monitor, (4) Liability assumed under any "insured clean up, remove, contain, treat, contract" for the ownership, maintenance detoxify or neutralize, or in any way or use of aircraft or watercraft; respond to, or assess the effects of, (5) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" "pollutants". arising out of: (2) Any loss, cost or expense arising out of (a) The operation of machinery or any: equipment that is attached to, or part (a) Request, demand, order or statutory or of, a land vehicle that would qualify regulatory requirement that any under the definition of "mobile insured or others test for, monitor, equipment" if it were not subject to a clean up, remove, contain, treat, compulsory or financial responsibility detoxify or neutralize, or in any way law or other motor vehicle insurance respond to, or assess the effects of, law where it is licensed or principally "pollutants'; or garaged; or (b)Claim or suit by or on behalf of a (b) The operation of any of the machinery governmental authority for damages or equipment listed in Paragraph f.(2) because of testing for, monitoring, or f.(3) of the definition of "mobile cleaning up, removing, containing, equipment"; or treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or (6) An aircraft that is not owned by any in any way responding to, or assessing insured and is hired, chartered or loaned the effects of, "pollutants". with a paid crew. However, this exception However, this paragraph does not apply to does not apply if the insured has any other liability for damages because of "property insurance for such "bodily injury" or damage" that the insured would have in "property damage", whether the other the absence of such request, demand, insurance is primary, excess, contingent order or statutory or regulatory or on any other basis. requirement, or such claim or "suit" by or b, Mobile Equipment on behalf of a governmental authority. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising g. Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft out of: "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising (1) The transportation of "mobile equipment" out of the ownership, maintenance, use or by an "auto" owned or operated by or entrustment to others of any aircraft, "auto" or rented or loaned to any insured;or watercraft owned or operated by or rented or (2) The use of "mobile equipment" in, or while loaned to any insured. Use includes operation in practice for, or while being prepared for, and"loading or unloading". any prearranged racing, speed, This exclusion applies even if the claims demolition, or stunting activity. against any insured allege negligence or L War other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others "Bodily injury" or "property damage", however by that insured, if the "occurrence" which caused, arising, directly or indirectly, out of: caused the "bodily injury" or "property (1) War, including undeclared or civil war; damage" involved the ownership, (2) Warlike action by a military force, including maintenance, use or entrustment to others of action in hindering or defending against an any aircraft, "auto" or watercraft that is owned actual or expected attack, by any or operated by or rented or loaned to any government, sovereign or other authority insured. using military personnel or other agents; This exclusion does not apply to: or (1) A watercraft while ashore on premises you (3) Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped own or rent; power, or action taken by governmental (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: authority in hindering or defending against (a) Less than 51 feet long; and any of these. (b)Not being used to carry persons for a 1� Damage To Property charge; "Property damage"to: (3) Parking an "auto" on, or on the ways next (1) Property you own, rent, or occupy, to, premises you own or rent, provided the including any costs or expenses incurred "auto" is not owned by or rented or loaned by you, or any other person, organization to you or the insured; or entity, for repair, replacement, Page 4 of 21 HG 00 01 0916 enhancement, restoration or maintenance m. Damage To Impaired Property Or Property of such property for any reason, including Not Physically Injured prevention of injury to a person or damage "Property damage" to "impaired property" or to another's property; property that has not been physically injured, (2) Premises you sell, give away or abandon, arising out of: if the "property damage" arises out of any part of those premises; (1) A defect, deficiency, inadequacy or dangerous condition in your product" or (3) Property loaned to you; "your work"; or (4) Personal property in the care, custody or (2) A delay or failure by you or anyone acting control of the insured; on your behalf to perform a contract or (5) That particular part of real property on agreement in accordance with its terms. which you or any contractors or This exclusion does not apply to the loss of subcontractors use of other property arising out of sudden working directly or indirectly on your behalf and accidental physical injury to "your are performing operations, if the "property product" or "your work" after it has been put damage" arises out of those operations;or to its intended use. (6) That particular part of any property that n. Recall Of Products, Work Or Impaired must be restored, repaired or replaced Property because your work" was incorrectly p y performed on it. Damages claimed for any loss, cost or Paragraphs (1), (3) and (4) of this exclusion expense incurred by you or others for the loss do not apply to "property damage" (other than of use, withdrawal, recall, inspection, repair, damage by fire) to premises, including the replacement, adjustment, removal or disposal contents of such premises, rented to you for a of: period of seven or fewer consecutive days. A (1) "Your product"; separate limit of insurance applies to Damage (2) "Your work";or To Premises Rented To You as described in (3) "Impaired property"; Section III - Limits Of Insurance. Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not apply if such product, work, or property is withdrawn if the premises are "your work" and were or recalled from the market or from use by never occupied, rented or held for rental by any person or organization because of a you. known or suspected defect, deficiency, Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this exclusion do inadequacy or dangerous condition in it. not apply to "property damage" arising from o• Personal And Advertising Injury the use of elevators. "Bodily injury" arising out of "personal and Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this advertising injury". exclusion do not apply to liability assumed p. Access or Disclosure Of Confidential Or under a sidetrack agreement. Personal Information And Data-related Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this exclusion do Liability not apply to "property damage" to borrowed Damages arising out of: equipment while not being used to perform operations at the jab site. (1) Any access to or disclosure of any person's or organization's confidential or Paragraph (6) of this exclusion does not apply personal information, including patents, to "property damage" included in the trade secrets, processing methods, "products-completed operations hazard". customer lists, financial information, credit k. Damage To Your Product card information, health information or any "Property damage" to "your product" arising other type of nonpublic information;or out of it or any part of it. (2) The loss of, loss of use of, damage to, I. Damage To Your Work corruption of, inability to access, or "Property damage" to "your work" arising out inability to manipulate electronic data. of it or any part of it and included in the This exclusion applies oven if damages are "products-completed operations hazard". claimed for notification costs, credit This exclusion does not apply if the damaged monitoring expenses, forensic expenses, work or the work out of which the damage public relations expenses or any other loss, arises was performed on your behalf by a cost or expense incurred by you or others subcontractor. arising out of that which is described in Paragraph(1) or(2)above. HG 00 01 09 16 Page 5 of 21 However, unless Paragraph (1) above detoxifying or neutralizing or in any applies, this exclusion does not apply to way responding to or assessing the damages because of"bodily injury". effects of an "asbestos hazard". As used in this exclusion, electronic data s. Recording And Distribution Of Material Or means information, facts or programs stored Information In Violation Of Law as or on, created or used on, or transmitted to 'Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising or from computer software, including systems directly or indirectly out of any action or and applications software, hard or floppy omission that violates or is alleged to violate: disks, CD-ROMS, tapes, drives, cells, data (1) The Telephone Consumer Protection Act processing devices or any other media which (TCPA), including any amendment of or are used with electronically controlled equipment. addition to such law; q. Employment-Related Practices (2) The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, including any amendment of or addition to such law; "Bodily injury"to: (3) The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FORA), and (1) A person arising out of any "employment- an amendment of or addition to such law, related practices";or y p including the Fair and Accurate Credit (2) The spouse, child, parent, brother or sister Transaction Act (FACTA); or of that person as a consequence of"bodily (4) Any federal, state or local statute, injury" to that person at whom any ordinance or regulation, other than the "employment-related practices" are TCPA or CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 or FCRA directed. and their amendments and additions, that This exclusion applies: addresses, prohibits or limits the printing, (1) Whether the injury-causing event dissemination, disposal, collecting, described in the definition of "employment- recording, sending, transmitting, related practices" occurs before communicating or distribution of material employment, during employment or after or information. employment of that person; Damage To Premises Rented To You - (2) Whether the insured may be liable as an Exception For Damage By Fire, Lightning Or employer or in any other capacity;and Explosion (3) To any obligation to share damages with Exclusions c. through h. and j. through n. do not or repay someone else who must pay apply to damage by fire, lightning or explosion to damages because of the injury. premises while -rented to you or temporarily r. Asbestos occupied by you with permission of the owner. A separate limit of insurance applies to this (1) "Bodily injury or property damage' coverage as described in Section III - Limits Of arising out of the "asbestos hazard". Insurance. (2) Any damages, judgments, settlements, COVERAGE B PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING loss, costs or expenses that: INJURY LIABILITY (a) May be awarded or incurred by reason 1. Insuring Agreement of any claim or suit alleging actual or a. We will pay those sums that the insured threatened injury or damage of any becomes legally obligated to pay as damages nature or kind to persons or property because of "personal and advertising injury" which would not have occurred in to which this insurance applies. We will have whole or in part but for the "asbestos the right and duty to defend the insured hazard"; against any "suit" seeking those damages. (b)Arise out of any request, demand, However, we will have no duty to defend the order or statutory or regulatory insured against any "suit" seeking damages requirement that any insured or others for "personal and advertising injury" to which test for, monitor, clean up, remove, this insurance does not apply. We may, at our encapsulate, contain, treat, detoxify or discretion, investigate any offense and settle neutralize or in any way respond to or any claim or"suit" that may result. But: assess the effects of an "asbestos (1) The amount we will pay for damages is hazard"; or limited as described in Section III - Limits (c) Arise out of any claim or suit for Of Insurance; and damages because of testing for, (2) Our right and duty to defend end when we monitoring, cleaning up, removing, encapsulating, containing, treating, have used up the applicable limit of insurance in the payment of judgments or Page 6 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 settlements under Coverages A or B or h. Wrong Description Of Prices medical expenses under Coverage C. "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of No other obligation or liability to pay sums or the wrong description of the price of goods, perform acts or services is covered unless products or services. explicitly provided for under Supplementary L Infringement Of Intellectual Property Payments- Coverages A and B. Rights b. This insurance applies to "personal and (1) 'Personal and advertising injury" arising advertising injury" caused by an offense out of any actual or alleged infringement arising out of your business but only if the or violation of any intellectual property offense was committed in the "coverage rights such as copyright, patent, territory" during the policy period. trademark, trade name, trade secret, trade 2. Exclusions dress, service mark or other designation This insurance does not apply to: of origin or authenticity; or a. Knowing Violation Of Rights Of Another (2) Any injury or damage alleged in any clam "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of or "suit" that also alleges an infringement an offense committed by, at the direction or or violation of any intellectual property with the consent or acquiescence of the right, whether such allegation of insured with the expectation of inflicting infringement or violation is made by you or "personal and advertising injury". by any other party involved in the claim or "suit", regardless of whether this b. Material Published With Knowledge Of insurance would otherwise apply. Falsity However, this exclusion does not apply if the "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of only allegation in the claim or "suit" involving oral, written or electronic publication, in any any intellectual property right is limited to: manner, of material, if done by or at the (1) Infringement, in your"advertisement", of: . direction of the insured with knowledge of its falsity. (a) Copyright; c. Material Published Prior To Policy Period (b) Slogan;or "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of (c) Title of any literary or artistic work; or oral, written or electronic publication, in any (2) Copying, in your "advertisement", a manner, of material whose first publication person's or organization's "advertising took place before the beginning of the policy idea" or style of"advertisement". period. j. Insureds In Media And Internet Type d. Criminal Acts Businesses "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of "Personal and advertising injury" committed a criminal act committed by or at the direction by an insured whose business is: of the insured. (1) Advertising, broadcasting, publishing or e. Contractual Liability telecasting; "Personal and advertising injury"for which the (2) Designing or determining content of web insured has assumed liability in a contract or sites for others; or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to (3) An Internet search, access, content or liability for damages that the insured would service provider. have in the absence of the contract or agreement. However, this exclusion does not apply to Paragraphs a., b. and c. of the definition of f. Breach Of Contract "personal and advertising injury" under the "Personal and advertising injury"arising out of a Definitions Section. breach of contract, except an implied contract to For the purposes of this exclusion, the placing use another's "advertising idea" in your of frames, borders or links, or advertising, for "advertisement".." you or others anywhere on the Internet, is is not g. Quality Or Performance Of Goods- Failure by itself, considered the business of To Conform To Statements advertising, broadcasting, publishing or "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of telecasting. the failure of goods, products or services to k. Electronic Chatrooms Or Bulletin Boards conform with any statement of quality or "Personal and advertisinginjury"arising out of performance made in your"advertisement". ur y g an electronic chatroom or bulletin board the HG 00 01 0916 Page 7 of 21 insured hosts, owns, or over which the (4) Computer code, software or programming insured exercises control. used to enable: I. Unauthorized Use Of Another's Name Or (a) Your web site; or Product (b)The presentation or functionality of an "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of "advertisement" or other content on the unauthorized use of another's name or your web site. product in your e-mail address, domain name q. Right Of Privacy Created By Statute or metatags, or any other similar tactics to mislead another's potential customers. "Personal and advertising injury"arising out of m. Pollution the violation of a person's right of privacy created by any state or federal act. "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of However, this exclusion does not apply to the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, liability for damages that the insured would dispersal, seepage, migration, release or have in the absence of such state or federal escape of "pollutants" at any time. act. n. Pollution-Related r. Violation Of Anti-Trust law Any loss, cost or expense arising out of any: "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of (1) Request, demand, order or statutory or a violation of any anti-trust law. regulatory requirement that any insured or s. Securities others test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of any way respond to, or assess the effects the fluctuation in price or value of any stocks, of, "pollutants"; or bonds or other securities. (2) Claim or suit by or on behalf of a t. Recording And Distribution Of Material Or governmental authority for damages Information In Violation Of Law because of testing for, monitoring, "Personal and advertising injury" arising cleaning up, removing, containing, directly or indirectly out of any action or treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or in omission that violates or is alleged to violate: any way responding to, or assessing the (1) The Telephone Consumer Protection Act effects of, "pollutants". (TCPA), including any amendment of or o. War addition to such law; "Personal and advertising injury", however (2) The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, including caused, arising, directly or indirectly, out of: any amendment of or addition to such law; (1) War, including undeclared or civil war; (3) The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and (2) Warlike action by a military force, including any amendment of or addition to such law, action in hindering or defending against an including the Fair and Accurate Credit actual or expected attack, by any Transaction Act (FACTA); or government, sovereign or other authority (4) Any federal, state or local statute, using military personnel or other agents; ordinance or regulation, other than the or TCPA or CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 or FCRA (3) Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped and their amendments and additions, that power, or action taken by governmental addresses, prohibits or limits the printing, authority in hindering or defending against dissemination, disposal, collecting, any of these. recording, sending, transmitting, communicating or distribution of material p. Internet Advertisements And Content Of or information. Others u. Employment-Related Practices Personal and advertising injury" arising out of: "Personal and advertising injury" to: (1) An "advertisement" for others on your web (1) A person arising out of any "employment- site; related practices";or (2) Placing a link to a web site of others on (2) The spouse, child, parent, brother or sister your web site; ,of that person as a consequence of personal and advertising injury to that (3) Content, including information, sounds, person at whom any "employment-related text, graphics, or images from a web site practices" are directed. of others displayed within a frame or border on your web site; or Page 8 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 This exclusion applies: COVERAGE C MEDICAL PAYMENTS (1) Whether the injury-causing event 1. Insuring Agreement described in the definition of"employment- a. We will pay medical expenses as described related practices" occurs before below for "bodily injury" caused by an employment, during employment or after accident: employment of that person; (1) On premises you own or rent; {2} Whether the insured may be liable as an employer or in any other capacity; and (2) On ways next to premises you own or rent; or (3) To any obligation to share damages with (3) Because of your operations; or repay someone else who must pay damages because of the injury. provided that: v. Asbestos (1) The accident takes place in the "coverage (1) "Personal and advertising injury" arising territory" and during the policy period; out of the"asbestos hazard". (2) The expenses are incurred and reported (2) Any damages, judgments, settlements, to us within three years of the date of the loss, costs or expenses that: accident; and (a) May be awarded or incurred by reason (3) The injured person submits to of any claim or suit alleging actual or examination, at our expense, by threatened injury or damage of any physicians of our choice as often as we nature or kind to persons or property reasonably require. which would not have occurred in b. We will make these payments regardless of whole or in part but for the "asbestos fault. These payments will not exceed the hazard"; applicable limit of insurance. We will pay (b)Arise out of any request, demand, reasonable expenses for: order or statutory or regulatory (1) First aid administered at the time of an requirement that any insured or others accident; test for, monitor, clean up, remove, (2) Necessary medical, surgical, X-ray and encapsulate, contain, treat, detoxify or dental services, including prosthetic neutralize or in any way respond to or devices; and assess the effects of an "asbestos hazard";or (3) Necessary ambulance, hospital, professional nursing and funeral services. (c) Arise out of any claim or suit for damages because of testing for, 2 Exclusions monitoring, cleaning up, removing, We will not pay expenses for"bodily injury": encapsulating, containing, treating, a. Any Insured detoxifying or neutralizing or in any To any insured, except "volunteer workers". way responding to or assessing the effects of an"asbestos hazard". b. Hired Person w. Access Or Disclosure Of Confidential Or To a person hired to do work for or on behalf Personal Information of any insured or a tenant of any insured. "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of c. Injury On Normally Occupied Premises any access to or disclosure of any person's or To a person injured on that part of premises organization's confidential or personal you own or rent that the person normally information, including patents, trade secrets, occupies. processing methods, customer lists, financial d. Workers Compensation And Similar Laws information, credit card information, health information or any other type of nonpublic To a person, whether or not an "employee" of information. any insured, if benefits for the "bodily injury" are This exclusion applies even if damages are payable or must be provided under a workers' claimed for notification costs, credit compensation or disability benefits law or a monitoring expenses, forensic expenses, similar law, public relations expenses or any other loss, e. Athletics Activities cost or expense incurred by you or others To a person injured while practicing, arising out of any access to or disclosure of instructing or participating in any physical any person's or organization's confidential or exercises or games, sports, or athletic personal information. contests. HG 00 0109 16 Page 9 of 21 f. Products-Completed Operations Hazard assumed by the insured in the same "insured Included within the "products-completed contract"; operations hazard". d. The allegations in the "suit" and the g. Coverage A Exclusions information we know about the "occurrence" Excluded under Coverage A. are such that no conflict appears to exist between the interests of the insured and the SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES interests of the indemnitee; A AND B 1. We will pay, with respect to any claim we e. The indemnitee and the insured ask us to investigate or settle, or any "suit" against an conduct and control the defense of that insured we defend: indemnitee against such suit and agree that we can assign the same counsel to defend a. All expenses we incur, the insured and the indemnitee; and b. Up to $1,000 for cost of bail bonds required f. The indemnitee: because of accidents or traffic law violations (i) Agrees in writing to: arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. (a) Cooperate with us in the investigation, We do not have to furnish these bonds. settlement or defense of the "suit"; c. The cost of appeal bonds or bonds to release (b) Immediately send us copies of any attachments, but only for bond amounts demands, notices, summonses or legal within the applicable limit of insurance. We do papers received in connection with the not have to furnish these bonds. "suit"; d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the (c) Notify any other insurer whose insured at our request to assist us in the coverage is available to the investigation or defense of the claim or "suit", indemnitee;and including actual loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of time off from work. (d)Cooperate with us with respect to coordinating other applicable e. All court costs taxed against the insured in insurance available to the indemnitee; the "suit". However, such costs do not and include attorneys' fees, attorneys' expenses, witness or expert fees, or any other expenses (2) Provides us with written authorization to: of a party taxed to the insured. (a) Obtain records and other information f. Prejudgment interest awarded against the related to the "suit"; and insured on that part of the judgment we pay. If (b) Conduct and control the defense of the we make an offer to pay the applicable limit of indemnitee in such "suit". insurance, we will not pay any prejudgment So long as the above conditions are met, interest based on that period of time after the attorneys' fees incurred by us in the defense of offer. that indemnitee, necessary litigation expenses g. All interest on the full amount of any judgment incurred by us and necessary litigation expenses that accrues after entry of the judgment and incurred by the indemnitee at our request will be before we have paid, offered to pay, or paid as Supplementary Payments. deposited in court the part of the judgment Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph that is within the applicable limit of insurance. 2.b.(2) of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily Injury These payments will not reduce the limits of And Property Damage Liability, such payments insurance. will not be deemed to be damages for "bodily 2. If we defend an insured against a "suit" and an injury" and "property damage" and will not reduce indemnitee of the insured is also named as a the limits of insurance, party to the "suit", we will defend that indemnitee Our obligation to defend an insured's indemnitee if all of the following conditions are met: and to pay for attorneys' fees and necessary a. The "suit" against the indemnitee seeks litigation expenses as Supplementary Payments damages for which the insured has assumed ends when: the liability of the indemnitee in a contract or a. We have used up the applicable limit of agreement that is an "insured contract"; insurance in the payment of judgments or b. This insurance applies to such liability settlements;or assumed by the insured; b. The conditions set forth above, or the terms of c. The obligation to defend, or the cost of the the agreement described in Paragraph f. defense of, that indemnitee, has also been above, are no longer met. Page 10 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 SECTION II -WHO IS AN INSURED "volunteer worker" as a consequence 1. If you are designated in the Declarations as: of Paragraph (1)(a) above; a. An individual, you and your spouse are (c) For which there is any obligation to insureds, but only with respect to the conduct share damages with or repay someone of a business of which you are the sole else who must pay damages because owner. of the injury described in Paragraphs b. A partnership or joint venture, you are an (1)(a)or(1)(b) above; or insured. Your members, your partners, and (d)Arising out of his or her providing or their spouses are also insureds, but only with failing to provide professional health respect to the conduct of your business. care services. c. A limited liability company, you are an If you are not in the business of providing insured. Your members are also insureds, but professional health care services: only with respect to the conduct of your (a) Subparagraphs (1)(a), (1)(b) and (1)(c) business. Your managers are insureds, but above do not apply to any "employee" only with respect to their duties as your or "volunteer worker" providing first aid managers. services; and d. An organization other than a partnership,joint (b)Subparagraph (1)(d) above does not venture or limited liability company, you are apply to any nurse, emergency medical an insured. Your "executive officers" and technician or paramedic employed by directors are insureds, but only with respect to you to provide such services. their duties as your officers or directors. Your (2) "Property damage"to property: stockholders are also insureds, but only with respect to their liability as stockholders. (a) Owned, occupied or used by, e. A trust, you are an insured. Your trustees are (b) Rented to, in the care, custody or also insureds, but only with respect to their control of, or over which physical duties as trustees. control is being exercised for any 2. Each of the following is also an insured: purpose by a. Employees And Volunteer Workers you, any of your "employees", "volunteer workers", any partner or member (if you Your "volunteer workers" only while are a partnership or joint venture), or any performing duties related to the conduct of member (if you are a limited liability your business, or your "employees", other company).- than either your"executive officers" (if you are b. Real Estate Manager an organization other than a partnership, joint venture or limited liability company) or your Any person (other than your "employee" or managers (if you are a limited liability "volunteer worker"), or any organization while company), but only for acts within the scope acting as your real estate manager. of their employment by you or while c. Temporary Custodians Of Your Property performing duties related to the conduct of Any person or organization having proper your business. temporary custody of your property if you die, However, none of these "employees" or but only: "volunteer workers" are insureds for: (1) With respect to liability arising out of the (1) "Bodily injury" or "personal and advertising maintenance or use of that property; and injury": (2) Until your legal representative has been (a) To you, to your partners or members (if appointed. you are a partnership or joint venture), d. Legal Representative If You Die to your members (if you are a limited liability company}, to a co-"employee" Your legal representative if you die, but only while in the course of his or her with respect to duties as such. That employment or performing duties representative will have all your rights and related to the conduct of your duties under this Coverage Part. business, or to your other "volunteer e. Unnamed Subsidiary workers" while performing duties Any subsidiary, and subsidiary thereof, of related to the conduct of your yours which is a legally incorporated entity of business; which you own a financial interest of more (b)To the spouse, child, parent, brother or than 50% of the voting stock on the effective sister of that co-"employee" or that date of the Coverage Part. HG 00 01 0916 Page 11 of 21 The insurance afforded herein for any A person or organization is an additional insured subsidiary not named in this Coverage Part under this provision only for that period of time as a named insured does not apply to injury required by the contract or agreement. or damage with respect to which such insured However, no such person or organization is an is also a named insured under another policy insured under this provision if such person or or would be a named insured under such organization is included as an insured by an policy but for its termination or the exhaustion endorsement issued by us and made a part of of its limits of insurance. this Coverage Part. 3. Newly Acquired Or Formed Organization a. Vendors Any organization you newly acquire or form, Any person(s) or organization(s) (referred to other than a partnership, joint venture or limited below as vendor), but only with respect to liability company, and over which you maintain "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising financial interest of more than 50% of the voting out of "your products" which are distributed or stock, will qualify as a Named Insured if there is sold in the regular course of the vendor's no other similar insurance available to that business and only if this Coverage Part organization. However: provides coverage for "bodily injury" or a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only "property damage" included within the until the 180th day after you acquire or form "products-completed operations hazard". the organization or the end of the policy (1) The insurance afforded the vendor is period, whichever is earlier; subject to the following additional b. Coverage A does not apply to "bodily injury" exclusions: or "property damage" that occurred before This insurance does not apply to: you acquired or formed the organization; and (a) "Bodily injury" or"property damage" e"for c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal and which the vendor is obligated to pay advertising injury" arising out of an offense damages by reason of the assumption committed before you acquired or formed the of liability in a contract or agreement. organization. This exclusion does not apply to 4. Nonowned Watercraft liability for damages that the vendor With respect to watercraft you do not own that is would have in the absence of the less than 51 feet long and is not being used to contract or agreement; carry persons for a charge, any person is an (b)Any express warranty unauthorized by insured while operating such watercraft with your you; permission. Any other person or organization (c)Any physical or chemical change in the responsible for the conduct of such person is product made intentionally by the also an insured, but only with respect to liability vendor; arising out of the operation of the watercraft, and (d) Repackaging, except when unpacked only if no other insurance of any kind is available solely for the purpose of inspection, to that person or organization for this liability. demonstration, testing, or the However, no person or organization is an insured substitution of parts under instructions with respect to: from the manufacturer, and then a. "Bodily injury" to a co-"employee" of the repackaged in the original container; person operating the watercraft; or (e) Any failure to make such inspections, b. "Property damage" to property owned by, adjustments, tests or servicing as the rented to, in the charge of or occupied by you vendor has agreed to make or normally or the employer of any person who is an undertakes to make in the usual insured under this provision. course of business, in connection with 5. Additional I41sureds When Required By the distribution or sale of the products; Written Contract. Written Agreement Or (f) Demonstration, installation, servicing Parmit or repair operations, except such The following person(s) or organization(s) are an operations performed at the vendor's additional insured when you have agreed, in a premises in connection with the sale of written contract, written agreement or because of the product; a permit issued by a state or political subdivision, (g) Products which, after distribution or that such person or organization be added as an sale by you, have been labeled or additional insured on your policy, provided the relabeled or used as a container, part injury or damage occurs subsequent to the or ingredient of any other thing or execution of the contract or agreement. substance by or for the vendor;or Page 12 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 (h)"Bodily injury" or "property damage" omissions of those acting on your behalf: arising out of the sole negligence of the (1) In connection with your premises; or vendor for its own acts or omissions or t (2) In the performance of your ongoing hose of its employees or anyone else acting on its behalf. However, this operations performed by you or on your behalf. exclusion does not apply to: (i) The exceptions contained in Sub- With respect to the insurance afforded these paragraphs {d) or(f);or additional insureds, the following additional exclusion applies: (ii) Such inspections, adjustments, This insurance does not apply to "bodily tests or servicing as the vendor has injury", "property damage" or "personal and agreed to make or normally advertising injury" arising out of the rendering undertakes to make in the usual of or the failure to render any professional course of business, in connection services by or for you, including: with the distribution or sale of the products. 1. The preparing, approving, or failing to (2) This insurance does not apply to any prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, insured person or organization, from opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, whom you have acquired such products, change orders or drawings and or any ingredient, part or container, specifications;or entering into, accompanying or containing 2. Supervisory, inspection, architectural or such products. engineering activities. b. Lessors Of Equipment This exclusion applies even if the claims (1) Any person(s) or organization(s) from against any insured allege negligence or whom you lease equipment;. but only with other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, respect to their liability for "bodily injury", employment, training or monitoring of others "property damage" or "personal and by that insured, if the 'occurrence which advertising injury caused the "bodily injury" or "property caused, in whole or in damage", or the offense which caused the part, by your maintenance, operation or "personal and advertising injury", involved the use of equipment leased to you by such rendering of or the failure to render any person(s) or organization(s). professional services by or for you. (2) With respect to the insurance afforded to e. Permits Issued By State Or Political these additional insureds this insurance Subdivisions does not apply to any "occurrence" which takes place after the equipment lease Any state or political subdivision, but only with expires. respect to operations performed by you or on c. Lessors Of Land Or Premises your behalf for which the state or political subdivision has issued a permit. Any person or organization from whom you With respect to the insurance afforded these lease land or premises, but only with respect additional insureds, this insurance does not to liability arising out of the ownership, apply to: maintenance or use of that part of the land or premises leased to you. (1) "Bodily injury", "property damage" or With respect to the insurance afforded these "personal and advertising injury" arising additional insureds the following additional out of operations performed for the state exclusions apply: or municipality; or This insurance does not apply to: (2) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" included within the "products-completed 1. Any "occurrence" which takes place after operations hazard". you cease to lease that land;or f Any Other Party 2. Structural alterations, new construction or - - demolition operations performed by or on Any other person br org €Z on W Is not behalf of such person or organization. an additional insured under Paragraphs a. through e. above, but only with respect to d. Architects, Engineers Or Surveyors liability for "bodily injury", "property damage" Any architect, engineer, or surveyor, but only or"personal and advertising injury" caused, in with respect to liability for "bodily injury", whole or in part, by your acts or omissions or "property damage" or "personal and the acts or omissions of those acting on your advertising injury" caused, in whole or in part, behalf: by your acts or omissions or the acts or (1) In the performance of your o*pkig ❑peratioils; HG 00 01 09 16 Page 13 of 21 (2) In connection with your premises owned No person or organization is an insured with respect by or rented to you; or to the conduct of any current or past partnership, (3) Iti corxnc0011 +th "your work" and joint venture or limited liability company that is not included within the "products-coiiipleted shown as a Named Insured in the Declarations. operations hazard", bu[only if SECTION III- LIMITS OF INSURANCE (a)The written contract or agreement 1. The Most We Will Pay requires you to provide such coverage The Limits of Insurance shown in the to swch additional insured; and Declarations and the rules below fix the most we (b)This Coverage Part provides coverage will pay regardless of the number of: for"bodily injury" or "property damage" a. Insureds; included within the "products- b. Claims made or"suits" brought;or completed operations hazard". However: c. Persons or organizations making claims or bringing"suits". (1) The insurance afforded to such additional 2. General Aggregate Limit insured only applies to the extent permitted by law; and The General Aggregate Limit is the most we will (2) If coverage provided to the additional pay for the sum of: insured is required by a contract or a. Medical expenses under Coverage C; agreement, the insurance afforded to such b. Damages under Coverage A, except additional insured will not be broader than damages because of "bodily injury" or that which you are required by the contract "property damage" included in the "products- or agreement to provide for such completed operations hazard"; and additional insured. c. Damages under Coverage B. With respect to the insurance afforded to 3. Products-Completed Operations Aggregate these additional insureds, this insurance does not apply to: Limit "Bodily injury", "property damage" or The Products-Completed Operations Aggregate "personal and advertising injury" arising out of Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage A the rendering of, or the failure to render, any for damages because of "bodily injury" and " professional architectural, engineering or property damage" included in the "products- surveying services, including: completed operations hazard". (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to 4. Personal And Advertising Injury Limit prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, Subject to 2. above, the Personal and opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, Advertising Injury Limit is the most we will pay change orders or drawings and under Coverage B for the sum of all damages specifications; or because of all "personal and advertising injury" (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or sustained by any one person or organization. engineering activities. 5. Each Occurrence Limit This exclusion applies even if the claims Subject to 2. or 3. above, whichever applies, the against any insured allege negligence or Each Occurrence Limit is the most we will pay for other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, the sum of: employment, training or monitoring of others a. Damages under Coverage A; and by that insured, if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodily injury" or "property b• Medical expenses under Coverage C damage", or the offense which caused the because of all "bodily injury" and "property "personal and advertising injury", involved the damage"arising out of any one "occurrence". rendering of or the failure to render any 6. Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit professional services by or for you. Subject to 5. above, the Damage To Premises The limits of insurance that apply to additional Rented To You Limit is the most we will pay insureds is described in Section III - Limits Of under Coverage A for damages because of Insurance. "property damage" to any one premises, while How this insurance applies when other insurance rented to you, or in the case of damage by fire, is available to the additional insured is described lightning or explosion, while rented to you or in the Other Insurance Condition in Section IV - temporarily occupied by you with permission of Commercial General Liability Conditions. the owner. Page 14 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 In the case of damage by fire, lightning or b. Notice Of Claim explosion, the Damage to Premises Rented To If a claim is made or "suit" is brought against You Limit applies to all damage proximately an insured caused by the same event, whether such must: , You or any additional insured damage results from fire, lightning or explosion or any combination of these. (1) Immediately record the specifics of the 7. Medical Expense Limit claim or"suit" and the date received; and (2) Notify us as soon as practicable. Subject to 5. above, the Medical Expense Limit is the most we will pay under Coverage C for all You or any additional insured must see to i# medical expenses because of "bodily injury" that we receive written notice of the claim or sustained by any one person. "suit" as soon as practicable. 8. How Limits Apply To Additional Insureds c. Assistance And Cooperation Of The Insured If you have agreed in a written contract or written agreement that another person or organization You and any other involved insured must: be added as an additional insured on your policy, (1) Immediately send us copies of any the most we will pay on behalf of such additional demands, notices, summonses or legal insured is the lesser of: papers received in connection with the a. The limits of insurance specified in the written claim or"suit"; contract or written agreement; or (2) Authorize us to obtain records and other b. The Limits of Insurance shown in the information; Declarations. (3) Cooperate with us in the investigation or Such amount shall be a part of and not in settlement of the claim or defense against addition to Limits of Insurance shown in the the "suit";and Declarations and described in this Section. (4) Assist us, upon our request, in the The Limits of Insurance of this Coverage Part apply enforcement of any right against any person separately to each consecutive annual period and to or organization which may be liable to the any remaining period of less than 12 months, insured because of injury or damage to starting with the beginning of the policy period which this insurance may also apply. shown in the Declarations, unless the policy period d. Obligations At The Insureds Own Cost is extended after issuance for an additional period of No insured will, except at that insured's own less than 12 months. In that case, the additional cost, voluntarily -make -a-payment, assume period will be deemed part of the last preceding any obligation, or incur any expense, other period for purposes of determining the Limits of than for first aid, without our consent. Insurance. e. Addiiiorraf Insureds Cther Insurance SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL If we cover a claim or "suit" under this LIABILITY CONDITIONS 1. Bankruptcy Coverage Park that may also be covered by other insurance available to an additional Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or of the insured, such additional insured must submit insured's estate will not relieve us of our such claim or "suit" to the other insurer for obligations under this Coverage Part. defense and indemnity. 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Ho aver, Ihis provislnri does rlol apply 10 1110 Claim Or Suit extent that you have agreed In a written a. Notice Of Occurrence Or Offense rf�nlracl ur written agreement that Ihi You or any additional insured must see to it Insurance Is prlmary and non- ontdhwory that we are notified as soon as practicable of with the additlonal Insureds own Insurance_ an "occurrence" or an offense which may f. Knowledge Of An Occurrence, Offense, result in a claim. To the extent possible, Claim Or Suit notice should include: Paragraphs a. and b. apply to you or to any (1) How, when and where the "occurrence" or additional insured only when such offense took place-, "occurrence", offense, claim or "suit" is known (2) The names and addresses of any injured to: persons and witnesses; and (1) You or any additional insured that is an (3) The nature and location of any injury or individual; damage arising out of the "occurrence" or (2) Any partner, if you or the additional offense. insured is a partnership; HG 00 01 0916 Page 15 of 21 (3) Any manager, if you or the additional (3) Tenant Liability insured is a limited liability company; That is insurance purchased by you to (4) Any "executive officer" or insurance cover your liability as a tenant for manager, if you or the additional insured is "property damage" to premises rented to a corporation; you or temporarily occupied by you with (5) Any trustee, if you or the additional permission of the owner; insured is a trust; or (4) Aircraft,Auto Or Watercraft (6) Any elected or appointed official, if you or If the loss arises out of the maintenance or the additional insured is a political use of aircraft, "autos" or watercraft to the subdivision or public entity. extent not subject to Exclusion g. of This duty applies separately to you and any Section I - Coverage A - Bodily Injury And additional insured. Property Damage Liability; 3. Legal Action Against Us (5) Property Damage To Borrowed )Equipment Or Use Of Elevators No person or organization has a right under this If the loss arises out of"property dama e" Coverage Part: g a. To join us as a party or otherwise bring us to borrowed equipment or the use of elevators to the extent not subject to into a "suit" asking for damages from an Exclusion j. of Section I - Coverage A - insured; or Bodily Injury And Property Damage b. To sue us on this Coverage Part unless all of Liability; its terms have been fully complied with. (6) When You Are Added As An Additional A person or organization may sue us to recover Insured To Other Insurance on an agreed settlement or on a final judgment against an insured; but we will not be liable for Any other insurance available to you covering liability for damages arising out damages that are not payable under the terms of this Coverage Part or that are in excess of the of the premises or operations, or products and completed operations, for which you applicable limit of insurance. An agreed have been added as an additional insured settlement means a settlement and release of by that insurance; or liability signed by us, the insured and the claimant or the claimant's legal representative. (7) UUhen You Add Others As Ari 4. Other Insurance Additional Insured To This Insurance If other valid and collectible insurance is Any other insurance available to an available to the insured for a loss we cover under additional insured. Coverages A or B of this Coverage Part, our However, the following provisions apply to obligations are limited as follows: other insurance available to any person or organization who is an additional insured a. Primary Insurance under this coverage part. This insurance is primary except when b. below applies. If other insurance is also (a) primary Insurance When RequFred primary, we will share with all that other By Contract insurance by the method described in c. This insurance is primary if you have below. agreed in a written contract or written agreement that this insurance be b. Excess Insurance primary. If other insurance is also This insurance is excess over any of the other primary, we will share with all that insurance, whether primary, excess, other insurance by the method contingent or on any other basis: described in c. below. (1) Your Work (b) Primary And Non-Contributory To That is Fire, Extended Coverage, Builder's Other Insurance When Required By Risk, Installation Risk or similar coverage Contract for"your work"; If you have agreed in a written (2) Premises Rented To You contract, written agreement, or permit That is fire, lightning or explosion that this insurance is primary and non- contributory with the additional insurance for premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with insureds own insurance,this insurance permission of the owner; is primary and we will not seek contribution from that other insurance. Page 16 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to computation, and send us copies at such other insurance to which the additional times as we may request. insured has been added as an additional 6. Representations insured. a. When You Accept This Policy When this insurance is excess, we will have By accepting this policy, you agree: no duty under Coverages A or B to defend the insured against any "suit" if any other (1) The statements in the Declarations are insurer has a duty to defend the insured accurate and complete; against that "suit". If no other insurer defends, (2) Those statements are based upon we will undertake to do so, but we will be representations you made to us;and entitled to the insured's rights against all (3) We have issued this policy in reliance those other insurers. upon your representations. When this insurance is excess over other b. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards insurance, we will pay only our share of the amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the If unintentionally you should fail to disclose all sum of: hazards relating to the conduct of your (1) The total amount that all such other business that exist at the inception date of insurance would pay for the loss in the this Coverage Part, we shall not deny absence of this insurance; and coverage under this Coverage Part because (2) The total of all deductible and self-insured of such failure. amounts under all that other insurance. 7. Separation Of Insureds We will share the remaining loss, if any, with Except with respect to the Limits of Insurance, any other insurance that is not described in and any rights or duties specifically assigned in this Excess Insurance provision and was not this Coverage Part to the first Named insured, bought specifically to apply in excess of the this insurance applies: Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations a. As if each Named Insured were the only of this Coverage Part. Named Insured;and c. Method Of Sharing b. Separately to each insured against whom If all of the other insurance permits claim is made or"suit" is brought. contribution by equal shares, we will follow g, Transfer Of Flights Of Recovery Against this method also. Under this approach each Others To Us insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limit of insurance or none a. Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery of the loss remains, whichever comes first. If the insured has rights to recover all or part If any of the other insurance does not permit of any payment, including Supplementary contribution by equal shares, we will Payments, we have made under this contribute by limits. Under this method, each Coverage Part, those rights are transferred to insurer's share is based on the ratio of its us. The insured must do nothing after loss to applicable limit of insurance to the total impair them. At our request, the insured will applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. bring "suit" or transfer those rights to us and 5. Premium Audit help us enforce them. a. We will compute all premiums for this b- Waiver Of Rights OF Recovery (Waiver OF Coverage Part in accordance with our rules Subrogation) and rates. If the insured has waived any rights of b. Premium shown in this Coverage Part as recovery against any person or organization advance premium is a deposit premium only. for all or part of any payment, including At the close of each audit period we will Supplementary Payments, we have made compute the earned premium for that period under this Coverage Part, we also waive that and send notice to the first Named Insured. right, provided the insured waived their rights The due date for audit and retrospective of recovery against such person or premiums is the date shown as the due date organization in a contract, agreement or on the bill. If the sum of the advance and permit that was executed prior to the injury or audit premiums paid for the policy period is damage. greater than the earned premium, we will 9. When We Do Not Renew return the excess to the first Named Insured. If we decide not to renew this Coverage Part, we c. The first Named Insured must keep records of will mail or deliver to the first Named Insured the information we need for premium shown in the Declarations written notice of the FIG 00 01 0916 Page 17 of 21 nonrenewal not less than 30 days before the c. All other parts of the world if the injury or expiration date. damage arises out of: If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be (1) Goods or products made or sold by you in sufficient proof of notice. the territory described in a. above; SECTION V- DEFINITIONS (2) The activities of a person whose home is 1. "Advertisement" means the widespread public in the territory described in a. above, but is dissemination of information or images that has away for a short time on your business; or the purpose of inducing the sale of goods, (3) "Personal and advertising injury" offenses products or services through: that take place through the Internet or a. (1)Radio; similar electronic means of communication (2) Television; provided the insured's responsibility to pay damages is determined in the United States of (3) Billboard; America (including its territories and possessions), (4) Magazine; Puerto Rico or Canada, in a "suit" on the merits (5) Newspaper; or according to the substantive law in such territory or b. Any other publication that is given widespread in a settlement we agree to. public distribution. 7. "Employee" includes a "leased worker". However, "advertisement"does not include: "Employee" does not include a "temporary- worker". a. The design, printed material, information or 8. "Employment-Related Practices" means: images contained in, on or upon the a, Refusal to employ that packaging or labeling of any goods or p Y person; products; or b. Termination of that person's employment; or b. An interactive conversation between or c. Employment-related practices, policies, acts among persons through a computer network. or omissions, such as coercion, demotion, 2. "Advertising idea" means any idea for an evaluation, reassignment, discipline, "advertisement". defamation, harassment, humiliation, 3. "Asbestos hazard" means an exposure or discrimination or malicious prosecution threat of exposure to the actual or alleged directed at that person. properties of asbestos and includes the mere 9. "Executive officer" means a person holding any presence of asbestos in any form. of the officer positions created by your charter, 4. "Auto" means: constitution, by-laws or any other similar governing document. a. A land motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer 10."Hostile fire" means one which becomes designed for travel on public roads, including uncontrollable or breaks out from where it was any attached machinery or equipment; or intended to be. b. Any other land vehicle that is subject to a 11."Impaired property" means tangible property, compulsory or financial responsibility law or other than "your product" or "your work", that other motor vehicle insurance law where it is cannot be used or is less useful because: licensed or principally garaged. However, "auto" does not include "mobile a. It incorporates "your product" or "your work" equipment". that is known or thought to be defective, deficient, inadequate or dangerous;or 5. "Bodily injury"means physical: b. You have failed to fulfill the terms of a a. Injury; contract or agreement; b. Sickness;or if such property can be restored to use by the c. Disease repair, replacement, adjustment or removal of sustained by a person and, if arising out of the "your product" or "your work", or your fulfilling the above, mental anguish or death at any time, terms of the contract or agreement. 6. "Coverage territory" means: 12."Insured contract"means: a. The United States of America (including its a. A contract for a lease of premises. However, territories and possessions), Puerto Rico and that portion of the contract for a lease of Canada; premises that indemnifies any person or b. International waters or airspace, but only if organization for damage by fire, lightning or the injury or damage occurs in the course of explosion to premises while rented to you or travel or transportation between any places temporarily occupied by you with permission included in a. above;or of the owner is subject to the Damage to Page 18 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 Premises Rented To You Limit described in 14."Loading or unloading" means the handling of Section 111 - Limits of Insurance; property: b. A sidetrack agreement; a. After it is moved from the place where it is c. Any easement or license agreement, accepted for movement into or onto an including an easement or license agreement aircraft, watercraft or"auto"; in connection with construction or demolition b. While it is in or on an aircraft, watercraft or operations on or within 50 feet of a railroad; "auto"; or d. An obligation, as required by ordinance, to c. While it is being moved from an aircraft, indemnify a municipality, except in connection watercraft or "auto" to the place where it is with work for a municipality; finally delivered; e. An elevator maintenance agreement; but "loading or unloading" does not include the f. That part of any other contract or agreement movement of property by means of a mechanical pertaining to your business (including an device, other than a hand truck, that is not indemnification of a municipality in connection attached to the aircraft, watercraft or"auto". with work performed for a municipality) under 15."Mobile equipment" means any of the following which you assume the tort liability of another types of land vehicles, including any attached party to pay for bodily injury or property machinery or equipment: damage" to a third person or organization, provided the "bodily injury" or "property a. Bulldozers, farm machinery, forklifts and other damage" is caused, in whole or in part, by vehicles designed for use principally off public you or by those acting on your behalf. Tort roads; liability means a liability that would be b. Vehicles maintained for use solely on or next imposed by law in the absence of any to premises you own or rent; contract or agreement. c. Vehicles that travel on crawler treads; Paragraph f. includes that part of any contract d. Vehicles, whether self-propelled or not, or agreement that indemnifies a railroad for maintained primarily to provide mobility to "bodily injury" or "property damage" arising permanently mounted: out of construction or demolition operations, within 50 feet of any railroad property and (1) Power cranes, shovels, loaders, diggers or affecting any railroad bridge or trestle, tracks, drills; or road-beds, tunnel, underpass or crossing. (2) Road construction or resurfacing However, Paragraph f. does not include that equipment such as graders, scrapers or part of any contract or agreement: rollers; (1) That indemnifies an architect, engineer or e. Vehicles not described in a., b., c. or d. above surveyor for injury or damage arising out of: that are not self-propelled and are maintained (a) Preparing, approving, or failing to primarily to provide mobility to permanently prepare or approve, maps, shop attached equipment of the following types: drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, (1) Air compressors, pumps and generators, field orders, change orders or drawings including spraying, . welding, building and specifications;or cleaning, geophysical exploration, lighting (b) Giving directions or instructions, or and well servicing equipment; or failing to give them, if that is the (2) Cherry pickers and similar devices used to primary cause of the injury or damage; raise or lower workers; or f. Vehicles not described in a., b., c. or d. above (2) Under which the insured, if an architect, maintained primarily for purposes other than engineer or surveyor, assumes liability for the transportation of persons or cargo. an injury or damage arising out of the However, self-propelled vehicles with the insured's rendering or failure to render following types of permanently attached professional services, including those listed equipment are not "mobile equipment" but will in (1) above and supervisory, inspection, be considered "autos": architectural or engineering activities. 13."Leased worker" means a person leased to you (1) Equipment designed primarily for: by a labor leasing firm under an agreement (a) Snow removal; between you and the labor leasing firm, to (b) Road maintenance, but not perform duties related to the conduct of your construction or resurfacing; or business. "Leased worker" does not include a (c) Street cleaning; temporary worker". FIG 00 01 0916 Page 19 of 21 (2) Cherry pickers and similar devices (2) Work that has not yet been completed or mounted on automobile or truck chassis abandoned. However, "your work" will be and used to raise or lower workers;and deemed completed at the earliest of the (3) Air compressors, pumps and generators, following times: including spraying, welding, building (a)When all of the work called for in your cleaning, geophysical exploration, lighting contract has been completed. and well servicing equipment. (b)When all of the work to be done at the However, "mobile equipment" does not include job site has been completed if your any land vehicle that is subject to a compulsory contract calls for work at more than or financial responsibility law or other motor one job site. vehicle insurance law where it is licensed or (c) When that part of the work done at a principally garaged. Land vehicles subject to a job site has been put to its intended compulsory or financial responsibility law or other use by any person or organization motor vehicle insurance law are considered other than another contractor or "autos". subcontractor working on the same 16."Occurrence" means an accident, including project. continuous or repeated exposure to substantially Work that may need service, the same general harmful conditions. maintenance, correction, repair or 17."Personal and advertising injury" means replacement, but which is otherwise injury, including consequential "bodily injury", complete, will be treated as completed. arising out of one or more of the following b. Does not include "bodily injury" or "property offenses: damage"arising out of: a. False arrest, detention or imprisonment; (1) The transportation of property, unless the b. Malicious prosecution; injury or damage arises out of a condition c. The wrongful eviction from, wrongful entry in or on a vehicle not owned or operated into, or invasion of the right of private by you, and that condition was created by occupancy of a room, dwelling or promises the "loading or unloading" of that vehicle that a person or organization occupies, by any insured; committed by or on behalf of its owner, (2) The existence of tools, uninstalled landlord or lessor; equipment or abandoned or unused d. Oral, written or electronic publication, in any materials; or manner, of material that slanders or libels a (3) Products or operations for which the person or organization or disparages a classification, listed in the Declarations or person's or organization's goods, products or in a policy Schedule, states that products- services; completed operations are subject to the e. Oral, written or electronic publication, in any General Aggregate Limit. manner, of material that violates a person's 20."Property damage" means: right of privacy; a. Physical injury to tangible property, including f. Copying, in your "advertisement", a person's all resulting loss of use of that property. All or organization's "advertising idea" or style of such loss of use shall be deemed to occur at "advertisement"; or the time of the physical injury that caused it; g. Infringement of copyright, slogan, or title of or any literary or artistic work, in your b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not "advertisement". physically injured. All such loss of use shall 18."Pollutants" mean any solid, liquid, gaseous or be deemed to occur at the time of the thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, "occurrence"that caused it. vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and As used in this definition, computerized or waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, electronically stored data, programs or software reconditioned or reclaimed. are not tangible property. Electronic data means 19."Products-completed operations hazard": information, facts or programs: a. Includes all "bodily injury" and "property a. Stored as or on; damage" occurring away from premises you b. Created or used on;or own or rent and arising out of "your product" or"your work" except: c. Transmitted to or from; (1) Products that are still in your physical computer software, including systems and possession; or applications software, hard or floppy disks, CD- Page 20 of 21 HG 00 01 09 16 ROMS, tapes, drives, cells, data processing 25. "Your work": devices or any other media which are used with a. Means: electronically controlled equipment. (1) Work or operations performed by you or 21."Suit" means a civil proceeding in which on our behalf; and damages because of "bodily injury", "property y E2) damage" or "personal and advertising injury" to Materials, parts or equipment furnished in which this insurance applies are alleged. "Suit" connection with such work or operations. includes: b. Includes a. An arbitration proceeding in which such (1) Warranties or representations made at damages are claimed and to which the any time with respect to the fitness, insured must submit or does submit with our quality, durability, performance or use of consent; or "your work", and b. Any other alternative dispute resolution (2) The providing of or failure to provide proceeding in which such damages are warnings or instructions. claimed and to which the insured submits with our consent. 22."Temporary worker" means a person who is furnished to you to substitute for a permanent "employee" on leave or to meet seasonal or short-term workload conditions. 23."Volunteer worker" means a person who a. Is not your"employee"; b. Donates his or her work; c. Acts at the direction of and within the scope of duties determined by you;and d. Is not paid a fee, salary or other compensation by you or anyone else for their work performed for you. 24."Your product": a. Means: (1) Any goods or products, other than real property, manufactured, sold, handled, distributed or disposed of by: (a) You; (b)Others trading under your name;or (c) A person or organization whose business or assets you have acquired; and (2) Containers (other than vehicles), materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such goods or products. b. Includes (1) Warranties or representations made at any time with respect to the fitness, quality, durability, performance or use of "your product";and (2) The providing of or failure to provide warnings or instructions. c. Does not include vending machines or other property rented to or located for the use of others but not sold. HG 00 01 0916 Page 21 of 21 POLICY NUMBER:46UEAC11842 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. CONTRACTORS BROAD FORM ENDORSEMENT - TEXAS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART INDEX 1. Alienated Premises Coverage ............................................................... ................. 1 ........................................ 2. Damage To Your Work...................................................................................................................................1 3 Contractors Limited Professional Liability.......................................................................................................1 4. per Project and Per Location General Aggregate Limits Of Ineorancet. .,.,. :,-;.;. .. _..,.....,-.. ,...,µ,.2 5. Medical Payments Coverage- Including Products -Completed Operations..................................................3 6. Injury To Employee's Reputation With Respect To Incidental Medical Malpractice ......................................3 7. Bodily Injury Employee Suits...........................................................................................................................3 8. Consolidated Insurance (Wrap-Up) Program..................................................................................................3 9. Access Or Disclosure Of Confidential Or Personal Information And Data-Related Liability .........................4 10. Supplementary Payments...............................................................................................................................5 11. Notice of Cancellation to Certificate Holders..................................................................................................5 12. Contractual Liability Coverage For Personal And Advertising Injury..............................................................5 13. Insured Conn-act ................................................................. ........... ................. ..........6 1. ALIENATED PREMISES COVERAGE This provision does not apply if exclusion I. Exclusion j. Damage To Property of Section I - Damage To Your -Work has been otherwise Coverage A is amended as follows: modified by endorsement. a. The following exception to the exclusion is 3. CONTRACTORS LIMITED PROFESSIONAL deleted: LIABILITY Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not apply The following exclusion is added to Paragraph 2., if the premises are "your work" and were Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily never occupied, rented or held for rental by Injury And Property Damage Liability, and to Paragraph 2., Exclusions of Section I - you. Coverage B - Personal And Advertising Injury b. This exception is replaced by the following: Liability: Paragraph (2) of this exclusion does not apply This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury", if the premises are "your work". "property damage" or "personal and advertising 2. DAMAGE TO YOUR WORK injury" arising out of the rendering of or failure to Exclusion I. Damage To Your Work of Section I - render any professional services by you with Coverage A is replaced by the following. respect to your providing engineering, architectural or surveying services in your I. Damage to Your Work capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. "Property damage" to that particular part of Professional services include: "your work" that must be restored, repaired or (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare replaced because "your work" was incorrectly or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, performed and included in the "products- reports, surveys, field orders, change orders, completed operations hazard". or drawings and specifications;and This exclusion does not apply if the damaged (2) Supervisory or inspection activities performed work or the work performed incorrectly was as a part of any related architectural or performed on your behalf by a subcontractor. engineering activities. Form HS 24 24 03 17 Page 1 of 6 Oc 2017, The Hartford This exclusion applies even if the claims against operations hazard", and for medical any insured allege negligence or other expenses under Coverage C regardless wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, of the number of; employment, training or monitoring of others by a. Insureds; that insured, if the "occurrence" which caused the "bodily injury" or "property damage", or the b. Claims made or"suits" brought; or offense which caused the "personal and c. Persons or organizations making advertising injury", involved the rendering of or claims or bringing "suits". failure to render any professional services by you 3. Any payments made under Coverage A with respect to your providing engineering, for damages or under Coverage C for architectural or surveying services in your medical expenses shall reduce the Per capacity as an engineer, architect or surveyor. Project General Aggregate Limit for that This exclusion does not apply to your operations "project" or the Per Location General in connection with construction work performed by Aggregate for that "location", whichever you or on your behalf. applies. Such payments shall not reduce However, this exception to the exclusion will not the General Aggregate Limit shown in the apply if you are in the business or profession of Declarations, the Per Project General providing the professional services described Aggregate Limit for any other"project", or above independent from the construction work the Per Location General Aggregate Limit performed by you or on your behalf. for any other"location". In the event this insurance applies to any injury, 4. The limits shown in the Declarations for damage, loss, cost or expense covered by Each Occurrence, Damage To Premises Professional Liability insurance issued by a Rented To You and Medical Expense company unaffiliated with us, then the insurance continue to apply. However, instead of afforded under this Coverage Part is excess over being subject to the General Aggregate such other valid and collectible Professional Limit shown in the Declarations, such Liability insurance (including any deductible or limits will be subject to the applicable Per self-insured retention portion thereof), and any Project General Aggregate Limit if other valid and collectible insurance available to attributable only to ongoing operations at the insured whether primary, excess, contingent a single "project" or the Per Location or on any other basis. General Aggregate if attributable only to 4. PER PROJECT AND PER LOCATION ongoing operations at a single"location". GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMITS OF B. For all sums which the insured becomes INSURANCE legally obligated to pay as damages caused by "occurrences" under Section t - Coverage A. For all sums which the insured becomes A and for all medical expenses caused by legally obligated to pay as damages caused accidents under Section I - Coverage C , by "occurrences" under Section I - Coverage which cannot be attributed only to ongoing A, and for all medical expenses caused by operations at a single "project" or a single accidents under Section I - Coverage C, "location"; which can be attributed only to ongoing operations at a single "project" or a single 1� Any payments made under Coverage A "location"; for damages or under Coverage C for medical expenses shall reduce the 1. A separate Per Project General amount available under the General Aggregate Limit or a separate Per Aggregate Limit or the Products- Location General Aggregate Limit applies Completed Operations Aggregate Limit, to each "project" or "location", whichever whichever is applicable; and is applicable. The Per Project General 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Per Aggregate Limit and Per Location Aggregate Limit is equal to the amount of Project General Aggregate Limit or any the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Per Location General Aggregate Limit. Declarations. C. When coverage for liability arising out of the 2. The Per Project General Aggregate Limit "products-completed operations hazard" is or the Per Location General Aggregate provided, any payments for damages because Limit, whichever applies, is the most we of "bodily injury" or "property damage" will pay for the sum of all damages under included in the "products-completed Coverage A. except damages because of operations hazard" will reduce the Products- Coverage injury" or "property damage" Completed Operations Aggregate Limit, and included in the "products-completed not reduce the General Aggregate Limit,or Page 2 of 6 Form HS 24 24 03 17 any Per Project General Aggregate Limit or (3) The injured person submits to any Per Location General Aggregate Limit. examination, at our expense, by D. The provisions of Section III - Limits Of physicians of our choice as often as Insurance not otherwise modified by this we reasonably require. endorsement shall continue to apply as 6. INJURY TO EMPLOYEE'S REPUTATION WITH stipulated. RESPECT TO INCIDENTAL MEDICAL E. For the purposes of Paragraph 4, the MALPRACTICE following definitions apply: A. The following is added to paragraph i.e. of "Project" means a premises an insured does the Insuring Agreement- Coverage A: not own or rent and where such insured (3) With respect to incidental medical performs construction-related operations. malpractice, "bodily injury" includes Each "project" involving the same or damages claimed for injury to emotions or connecting lots, or premises whose reputation of an "employee" arising out of connection is separated by a street, roadway, the rendering or failure to render waterway or right-of-wayrailroad shall be professional health care services as a considered a single "project". It a"project" has physician, dentist, nurse, emergency been abandoned and then restarted, or if the medical technician or paramedic services. authorized contracting parties deviate from B. The following exclusion is added to Coverage plans, blueprints, designs, specifications or B- Personal and Advertising Injury: timetables, the "project" shall be considered a "Personal and advertising injury arising out of single "project". "Project" does not include a the rendering or failure to render professional premises that is a"location", health care services as a physician, dentist, "Location" means a premises an insured owns nurse, emergency medical technician or or rents and where such insured performs paramedic. business operations other than construction- 7. BODILY INJURY EMPLOYEE SUITS related operations. Each "location" involving the same or connecting lots, or premises A. "Bodily injury" as listed in paragraph 2.a.{1} of whose connection is separated by a street, Section II - Who Is An Ensured, does not roadway, waterway or right-of-way railroad apply to 2.a,(1)(a)through 2.a.(1)(c), shall be considered a single "location." B. Part a. of Paragraph 4. Nonowned "Location" does not include a promises that is Watercraft in Section II-Who Is An Insured a"project". does not apply. This provision does not apply if the Per Project and 8. CONSOLIDATED INSURANCE (WRAP-UP) the Per Location General Aggregate Limit has been PROGRAMS otherwise modified by endorsement. The following exclusion is added to Section 1 5. MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE- INCLUDING Coverage A: PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS This insurance does not apply to any "bodily injury" Paragraph i.a. of the Insuring Agreement - or "property damage" arising out of any "wrap Coverage C is replaced by the following: project or premises" where an insured under this 1. Insuring Agreement policy is also an insured under a commercial general liability (CGL) policy included within a "consolidated a. We will pay medical expenses as insurance (wrap-up) program." This exclusion described below for "bodily injury" caused applies even if the limits of insurance for such by an accident: "consolidated insurance (wrap-up) program" are (1) On premises you own or rent; exhausted or not collected for any reason, including (2) On ways next to premises you own or bankruptcy or insolvency of the insurer providing rent; coverage for the "consolidated insurance (wrap-up) (3) Because of your operations; or program". This exclusion also applies if the CGL (4) Included within the definition of the coverage afforded under the "consolidated "products-completed operations insurance (wrap-up) program" is narrower in scope hazard;" than the coverage provided by this policy. provided that: This exclusion does not apply to: (1) The accident takes place in the A. Products-Completed Operations Hazard "coverage territory" and during the Exception policy period; "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising (2) The expenses are incurred and out of an insured's operations at or in reported to us within three years of connection with a "wrap project or premises" the date of the accident; and when such "bodily injury" or "property Form HS 24 24 0317 Page 3 of 6 damage" commences after the "products- connection with a "wrap project or premises", in completed operations hazard" coverage or order to replace or repair an insured's completed any completed operations extension coverage work. provided by the applicable "consolidated "Punch list work" means work performed by an insurance (wrap-up) program" has ended or is insured at or in connection with a "wrap project or no longer in effect. premises" in order to complete the work called for B. Excluded Operations Exception in an insured's contract for the "wrap project or "Bodily injury" or "property damage" arising premises". out of an insured's operations at or in 9. ACCESS OR DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL connection with a "wrap project or premises" OR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND DATA- to the extent the applicable "consolidated RELATED LIABILITY insurance (wrap-up) program" does not apply A. Exclusion p. of Section I - Coverage A - to those operations. Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability C. Off-Site Location Exception is replaced by the following: "Bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting p. Access Or Disclosure Of Confidential from an insured's operations at or in Or Personal Information And Data- connection with a "wrap project or premises" Related Liability at a location to which the applicable Damages arising out of: consolidated insurance (wrap-up) program I (1) Any access to or disclosure of any does not apply.Y. person's or organization's confidential D. Repair Work And Punch List Work or personal information, including Exception patents, trade secrets, processing "Bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting methods, customer lists, financial from "repair work" or "punch list work" at a information, credit card information, "wrap project or promises" but only when the health information or any other type of applicable "consolidated insurance (wrap-up) nonpublic information; or program" does not apply or no longer applies (2) the loss of, loss of use of, damage to, to such "repair work"or"punch list work". corruption of, inability to access, or This exception does not apply to the cost of inability to manipulate "electronic performing such "repair work" or "punch list data" that does not result from work", or to the "repair work" or "punch list physical injury to tangible property. work" itself. This exclusion applies even if damages E. Additional Insured Extension are claimed for notification costs, credit "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which monitoring expenses, forensic expenses, you are solely an additional insured under the public relations expenses or any other "consolidated insurance (wrap-up) program". loss, cost or expense incurred by you or The coverage provided under Paragraphs 8.A others arising out of that which is through 8.E. above is subject to all terms, described in Paragraph (1) or(2) above. conditions and exclusions of this policy. However, unless Paragraph (1) above For purposes of Paragraph 8., the following applies, this exclusion does not apply to definitions apply: liability for damages because of bodily injury". "Consolidated insurance (wrap-up) program" B. The following is added to Paragraph 2. means any agreement or arrangement, including Exclusions of Section I - Coverage B - any contractor-controlled, owner-controlled or Personal and Advertising Injury similar insurance program under which one or more contractor(s) working on a specified project 2. Exclusion are insured under one or more commercial general This insurance does not apply to: liability (CGL) policies issued by a specified carrier Access Or Disclosure Of Confidential for injury or damage arising out of operations Or Personal Information conducted in connection with or necessary or "Personal and advertising injury" arising incidental to the project. out of any access to or disclosure of any "Wrap project or premises" means any premises person's or organization's confidential or or construction project subject to a "consolidated personal information, including patents, insurance (wrap-up) program". trade secrets, processing methods, "Repair work" means service, maintenance, customer lists, financial information, credit correction, repair, replacement work, or periodic card information, health information or inspection performed by an insured at or in any other type of nonpublic information. Page 4 of 6 Form HS 24 24 03 17 This exclusion applies even if damages 10. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS are claimed for notification costs, credit In the Supplementary Payments - Coverages A monitoring expenses, forensic expenses, and B provision: public relations expenses or any other loss, cost or expense incurred by you or The limit for the cost of bail bonds in increased to others arising out of any access to or $2,500. disclosure of any person's or 11. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION TO CERTiIFICATE organization's confidential or personal HOLDER(S) information. This policy is subject to the following additional C. The following paragraph is added to Section Conditions: III - Limits Of Insurance: A. If this policy is cancelled by the Company, Subject to Paragraph 5. Each Occurrence other than for nonpayment of premium, notice Limit, the most we will pay under Coverage of such cancellation will be provided at least A for"property damage" because of all loss of thirty (30) days in advance of the cancellation "electronic data" arising out of any one effective date to the certificate holder(s) with "occurrence" is $100,000, unless modified by mailing addresses on file with the agent of endorsement. record or the Company. D. The following definition is added to Section V B. If this policy is cancelled by the Company for -Definitions: nonpayment of premium, or by the insured, "Electronic data" means information, facts or notice of such cancellation will be provided programs: within (10) days of the cancellation effective date to the certificate holder(s) with mailing a. Stored as or on; addresses on file with the agent of record or b. Created or used on;or the Company. c. Transmitted to or from; If notice is mailed, proof of mailing to the last computer software, (including systems and known mailing address of the certificate holder(s) applications software) hard or floppy disks, on file with the agent of record or the Company CD-ROMS, tapes, drives, cells, data will be sufficient proof of notice. processing devices or any other media which Any notification rights provided by this are used with electronically controlled endorsement apply only to active certificate equipment. holder(s) who were issued a certificate of E. For the purposes of the coverage provided by insurance applicable to this policy's term. this provision, the definition of "property Failure to provide such notice to the certificate damage" in Section V - Definitions is holder(s) will not amend or extend the date the replaced by the following: cancellation becomes effective, nor will it negate "Property damage" means: cancellation of the policy. Failure to send notice a. Physical injury to tangible property, shall impose no liability of any kind upon the including all resulting loss of use of that Company or its agents or representatives. property. All such loss of use shall be 12. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FOR deemed to occur at the time of the PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY physical injury that caused it; Exclusion e. of SECTION I - COVERAGE B b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY physically injured. All such loss of use LIABILITY is replaced by the following: shall be deemed to occur at the time of This insurance does not apply to: the "occurrence"that caused it; or a Contractual Ll INIlty c. Loss of, loss of use of, damage to, "Personal and advertising injury"for which the corruption of, inability to access, or insured has assumed liability in a contract or inability to properly manipulate "electronic agreement. Tnl£ r-xulusl:>n d- 00S 1,141i apply it) data", resulting from physical injury to Halility for damages tangible property. All such loss of "electronic data"shall be deemed to occur (1) That the insured would have in the at the time of the "occurrence" that absence of the contract or agreement; or caused it. ( ) ASSUMed in a cor«tfact dr agreement that For the purposes of this insurance, "electronic Is an "Insured contract", provided the data" is not tangible property. "personal and advertising injury" occurs subsequent to the execution of the Form HS 24 24 03 17 Page 5 of 6 CONTFlAel T iJAL LIABILITY - 1`9AILR011OS contract or agreement. Solely for the Paragraph f. Includes tl7ak part of my purposes of liability assumed in an contract or agreement that Indemnifies a "insured contract", reasonable attorney railroad for "bodily Injury", "property fees and necessary litigation expenses damage", Qr "personal and advertising incurred by or for a party other than an injury" arising ma of oaristruction or insured are deemed to be damages domolition operations, within 5o Feet Df because of "personal and advertising any railroad pFopedy and aNecting any injury", provided: rallroad bridge or trestle, tracks, road- (a) Liability to such party for, or for the bads: tunrict. 4efidr_1rpas8 or crassinq cost of, that party's defense has also However, Paragraph f. does not include been assumed in the same "insured that part of any contract or agreement: contract"; and (1) That indemnifies an architect, (b) Such attorney fees and litigation engineer or surveyor for injury or expenses are for defense of that party damage arising out of: against a civil or alternative dispute (a) Preparing, approving, or failing to resolution proceeding in which prepare or approve, maps, shop damages to which this insurance drawings, opinions, reports, applies are alleged. surveys, field orders, change 13. INSURED CONTRACT DEFINITION orders or drawings and a. INSURED CONTRACT- CONSTRUCTION specifications; or OPERATIONS AND MUNICFAL WORK (b) Giving directions or instructions, Paragraph d. of the definition of "insured or failing to give them, if that is contract" in Section V - Definitions is the primary cause of the injury or deleted and replaced by the following: damage;or An obligation, as required by ordinance, (2) Under which the insured, if an to indemnify a municipality. architect, engineer or surveyor, b, CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY assumes liability for an injury or damage arising out of the insured's Paragraph f. of the definition of "insured rendering or failure to render contract" is deleted and replaced by the professional services, including those following: listed in (1) above and supervisory, That part of any other contract or - inspection, architectural or agreement pertaining to your business engineering activities. (including an indemnification of a All other terms and conditions in the policy remain municipality in connection with work unchanged. performed for a municipality) under which you assume the tort liability of another party to pay for "bodily injury", "property damage", or "personal and advertising injury" m a third person of organization. Tort liability means a liability that would be imposed by law in the absence of any contract or agreement. Page 6 of 6 Form HS 24 24 03 17 NAMED INSURED: Azteca Enterprise, Inc. POLICY NUMBER: 46UEAIC1841 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER(S) This policy is subject to the following additional days of the cancellation effective date to the Conditions: certificate holder(s) with mailing addresses on file A. If this policy is cancelled by the Company, other with the agent of record or the Company. than for nonpayment of premium, notice of such If notice is mailed, proof of mailing to the last known cancellation will be provided at least thirty (30) mailing address of the certificate holder(s) on file with days in advance of the cancellation effective date the agent of record or the Company will be sufficient to the certificate holder(s) with mailing addresses proof of notice. on file with the agent of record or the Company. Any notification rights provided by this endorsement B. If this policy is cancelled by the Company for apply only to active certificate holder(s) who were nonpayment of premium, or by the insured, notice issued a certificate of insurance applicable to this of such cancellation will be provided within (10) policy's term. Form IH 03 07 06 11 Page 1 of 1 © 2011, The Hartford POLICY NUMBER:46UEACI1841 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURE® AND RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM A. Any person or organization whom you are required by contract to name as additional insured is an "insured" for LIABILITY COVERAGE but only to the extent that person or organization qualifies as an "insured"under the WHO IS AN INSURED provision of Section II -LIABILITY COVERAGE. B. For any person or organization for whom you are required by contract to provide a waiver of subrogation, the Loss Condition-TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US is applicable. Form HA 99 13 01 87 Printed in U.S.A. POLICY NUMBER:46UEAC11841 COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE HA99160312 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE R"OAU FORM ENDORSEMENT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM To the extent that the provisions of this endorsement provide broader benefits to the "insured" than other provisions of the Coverage Form,the provisions of this endorsement apply. 1. BROAD FORM INSURED d. Any "employee" of yours while using a A. Subsidiaries and Newly Acquired or covered "auto" you don't own, hire or Formed Organizations borrow in your business or your The Named Insured shown in the personal affairs. Declarations is amended to include: C. Lessors as Insureds (1) Any legal business entity other than a Paragraph A.1. - WHO IS AN INSURED - of partnership or joint venture, formed as a Section II - Liability Coverage is amended to subsidiary in which you have an add: ownership interest of more than 50% on e. The lessor of a covered "auto" while the the effective date of the Coverage Form. "auto" is leased to you under a written However, the Named Insured does not agreement if: include any subsidiary that is an "insured" under any other automobile (1) The agreement requires you to policy or would be an "insured" under provide direct primary insurance for the lessor and such a policy but for its termination or the exhaustion of its Limit of Insurance. (2) The"auto"is leased without a driver. (2) Any organization that is acquired or Such a leased "auto" will be considered a formed by you and over which you covered "auto" you own and not a covered maintain majority ownership. However, "auto"you hire. the Named Insured does not include any D. Additional Insured If Required by Contract newly formed or acquired organization: (1) Paragraph A.1. - WHO IS AN INSURED (a) That is a partnership or joint - of Section 11 - Liability Coverage is venture, amended to add: (b) That is an "insured" under any other f. When you have agreed, in a written policy, contract or written agreement, that a (c) That has exhausted its Limit of person or organization be added as Insurance under any other policy, or an additional insured on your (d) 180 days or more after its business auto policy, such person or acquisition or formation by you, organization is an "insured", but only unless you have given us notice of to the extent such person or the acquisition or formation. organization is liable for "bodily Coverage does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused injury" or "property damage" that results by the conduct of an "insured" under from an "accident" that occurred before paragraphs a. or b. of Who Is An you formed or acquired the organization. Insured with regard to the B. Employees as Insureds ownership, maintenance or use of a covered auto. Paragraph A.I. - WHO IS AN INSURED - of SECTION li - LIABILITY COVERAGE is amended to add: ©2011,The Hartford (Includes copyrighted material Form HA 99 16 0312 of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission.) Page 1 of 5 The insurance afforded to any such E. Primary and Nan-Contributory if additional insured applies only if the Required by Contract "bodily injury" or "property damage" Only with respect to insurance provided to occurs: an additional insured in I.D. - Additional (1) During the policy period, and Insured If Required by Contract, the (2) Subsequent to the execution of such following provisions apply: written contract, and (3) Primary Insurance When Required By (3) Prior to the expiration of the period Contract of time that the written contract This insurance is primary if you have requires such insurance be provided agreed in a written contract or written to the additional insured. agreement that this insurance be (2) How Limits Apply primary. If other insurance is also primary, we will share with all that other If you have agreed in a written contract insurance by the method described in or written agreement that another Other Insurance 5.d. person or organization be added as an additional insured on your policy, the (4) Primary And Non-Contributory To Other most we will pay on behalf of such Insurance When Required By Contract additional insured is the lesser of: If you have agreed in a written contract (a) The limits of insurance specified in or written agreement that this insurance the written contract or written is primary and non-contributory with the agreement; or additional insured's own insurance, this insurance is primary and we will not (b) The Limits of Insurance shown in seek contribution from that other the Declarations. insurance. Such amount shall be a part of and not Paragraphs (3) and (4) do not apply to other in addition to Limits of Insurance shown insurance to which the additional insured in the Declarations and described in this has been added as an additional insured. Section. When this insurance is excess, we will have no (3) Additional Insureds Other Insurance duty to defend the insured against any "suit" if If we cover a claim or "suit" under this any other insurer has a duty to defend the Coverage Part that may also be covered insured against that "suit". If no other insurer by other insurance available to an defends, we will undertake to do so, but we will additional insured, such additional be entitled to the insured's rights against all insured must submit such claim or "suit" those other insurers. to the other insurer for defense and When this insurance is excess over other indemnity. insurance, we will pay only our share of the However, this provision does not apply amount of the loss, if any, that exceeds the sum to the extent that you have agreed in a of: written contract or written agreement (1) The total amount that all such other that this insurance is primary and non- insurance would pay for the loss in the contributory with the additional insured's absence of this insurance; and own insurance. (2) The total of all deductible and self-insured (4) Duties in The Event Of Accident, Claim, amounts under all that other insurance. Suit or Loss If you have agreed in a written contract We will share the remaining loss, if any, by the or written agreement that another method described in Other Insurance 5.d. person or organization be added as an 2. AUTOS RENTED BY EMPLOYEES additional insured on your policy, the Any "auto" hired or rented by your "employee" additional insured shall be required to on your behalf and at your direction will be comply with the provisions in LOSS considered an"auto"you hire. CONDITIONS 2. - DUTIES IN THE The OTHER INSURANCE Condition is amended EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM , SUIT by adding the following: OR LOSS -- OF SECTION IV -- BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, in the same manner as the Named Insured. ©2011, The Hartford (Includes copyrighted material Form HA 9916 0312 of ISO Properties, Inc.,with its permission.) Page 2 of 5 If an "employee's" personal insurance also 5. PHYSICAL DAMAGE - ADDITIONAL applies on an excess basis to a covered "auto" TEMPORARY TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE hired or rented by your "employee" on your COVERAGE behalf and at your direction, this insurance will Paragraph AA.a. of SECTION III - PHYSICAL be primary to the "employee's" personal DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to provide a insurance. limit of $50 per day and a maximum limit of 3. AMENDED FELLOW EMPLOYEE EXCLUSION $1,000. EXCLUSION 5. - FELLOW EMPLOYEE - of 6. LOANILEASE GAP COVERAGE SECTION Il - LIABILITY COVERAGE does not Under SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE apply if you have workers' compensation COVERAGE, in the event of a total "loss" to a insurance in-force covering all of your covered "auto", we will pay your additional legal "employees". obligation for any difference between the actual Coverage is excess over any other collectible cash value of the "auto" at the time of the "loss" insurance. and the"outstanding balance" of the loan/lease. 4. HIRED AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE "Outstanding balance" means the amount you If hired "autos" are covered "autos" for Liability owe on the loan/leaso at the time of "loss" loss Coverage and if Comprehensive, Specified any amounts representing taxes; overdue Causes of Loss, or Collision coverages are payments; penalties, interest or charges provided under this Coverage Form for any resulting from overdue payments; additional "auto" you own, then the Physical Damage mileage charges; excess wear and tear charges; Coverages provided are extended to "autos"you lease termination fees; security deposits not hire or borrow, subject to the following limit. returned by the lessor; costs for extended The most we will pay for "loss" to any hired warranties, credit life Insurance, health, accident or disability insurance purchased with the loan or "auto" is: lease; and carry-over balances from previous (1) $100,000; loans or leases. (2) The actual cash value of the damaged or 7. AIRBAG COVERAGE stolen property at the time of the"loss";or Under Paragraph B. EXCLUSIONS - of (3) The cost of repairing or replacing the SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE damaged or stolen property, COVERAGE, the following is added: whichever is smallest, minus a deductible. The The exclusion relating to mechanical breakdown deductible will be equal to the largest deductible does not apply to the accidental discharge of an applicable to any owned "auto" for that airbag. coverage. No deductible applies to "loss" caused g, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - BROADENED by fire or lightning. Hired Auto Physical Damage COVERAGE coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance. Subject to the above limit, deductible a. The exceptions to Paragraphs BA - and excess provisions, we will provide coverage EXCLUSIONS - of SECTION III - PHYSICAL equal to the broadest coverage applicable to any DAMAGE COVERAGE are replaced by the covered"auto"you own. following: We will also cover loss of use of the hired "auto" Exclusions 4.c. and 4.d. do not apply to if it results from an "accident", you are legally equipment designed to be operated solely liable and the lessor incurs an actual financial by use of the power from the "auto's" loss, subject to a maximum of $1000 per electrical system that, at the time of "loss", "accident". is: This extension of coverage does not apply to (1) Permanently installed in or upon any "auto" you hire or borrow from any of your the covered "auto"; "employees", partners (if you are a partnership), (2) Removable from a housing unit members (if you are a limited liability company), which is permanently installed in or members of their households. or upon the covered "auto'; (3) An integral part of the same unit housing any electronic equipment described in Paragraphs (1) and (2)above;or ©2011,The Hartford(Includes copyrighted material Farm HA 99 16 0312 of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission.) Page 3 of 5 (4) Necessary for the normal If another Hartford Financial Services Group, operation of the covered "auto" or Inc. company policy or coverage form that is not the monitoring of the covered an automobile policy or coverage form applies to "auto's"operating system. the same"accident',the following applies: b.Section III — Version CA 00 01 03 10 of the (1) If the deductible under this Business Auto Business Auto Coverage Farm, Physical Coverage Form is the smaller (or smallest) Damage Coverage, Limit of Insurance, deductible, it will be waived; Paragraph C.2 and Version CA 00 01 10 01 of (2) If the deductible under this Business Auto the Business Auto Coverage Form, Physical Coverage Form is not the smaller (or Damage Coverage, Limit of Insurance, smallest) deductible, it will be reduced by Paragraph C are each amended to add the the amount of the smaller (or smallest) following: deductible. $1,500 is the most we will pay for "loss" in 12. AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF any one "accident" to all electronic ACCIDENT, CLAIM,SUIT OR LOSS equipment (other than equipment designed solely for the reproduction of sound, and The requirement in LOSS CONDITIONS 2.a. - accessories used with such equipment) DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT,CLAIM, that reproduces, receives or transmits SUIT OR LOSS - of SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS that you must notify us of audio, visual or data signals which, at the time of"loss", is: an "accident" applies only when the "accident" is known to: (1) Permanently installed in or upon the covered "auto" in a housing, (1) You, if you are an individual; opening or other location that is not (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; normally used by the "auto" (3) A member, if you are a limited liability manufacturer for the installation of company; or such equipment; (4) An executive officer or insurance manager, if (2) Removable from a permanently you are a corporation. installed housing unit as described 13. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE in Paragraph 2.a. above or is an HAZARDS integral part of that equipment;or (3) An integral part of such equipment. If you unintentionally fail to disclose any hazards existing at the inception date of your policy, we c.For each covered "auto", should loss be limited will not deny coverage under this Coverage to electronic equipment only, our obligation to Form because of such failure. pay for, repair, return or replace damaged or 14. HIRED AUTO-COVERAGE TERRITORY stolen electronic equipment will be reduced by the applicable deductible shown in the Paragraph e. of GENERAL CONDITIONS 7. - Declarations, or $250, whichever deductible is POLICY PERIOD, COVERAGE TERRITORY - less. of SECTION 1V - BUSINESS AUTO 9. EXTRA EXPENSE - BROADENED CONDITIONS is replaced by the following: COVERAGE e. For short-term hired "autos", the coverage Under Paragraph A. -COVERAGE-of SECTION territory with respect to Liability Coverage is III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, we will anywhere in the world provided that if the pay for the expense of returning a stolen covered "insured's" responsibility to pay damages for "bodily injury" or "property damage" is auto to you. determined in a "suit,"the"suit' is brought in 10. GLASS REPAIR-WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE the United States of America, the territories Under Paragraph D. - DEDUCTIBLE-of SECTION and possessions of the United States of III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, the America, Puerto Rica or Canada or in a following is added: settlement we agree to. No deductible applies to glass damage if the 15. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION glass is repaired rather than replaced. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY 11. TWO OR MORE DEDUCTIBLES AGAINST OTHERS TO US - of SECTION IV - Under Paragraph D.- DEDUCTIBLE-of SECTION BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is amended by III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, the adding the following: following is added: ©2011,The Hartford (Includes copyrighted material Form HA 99 16 0312 of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission.) Page 4 of 5 We waive any right of recovery we may have c.Regardless of the number of autos deemed a against any person or organization with whom total loss, the most we will pay under this you have a written contract that requires such Hybrid, Electric, or Natural Gas Vehicle waiver because of payments we make for Payment Coverage provision for any one damages under this Coverage Form. "loss" is$10,000. 16. RESULTANT MENTAL ANGUISH COVERAGE For the purposes of the coverage provision, The definition of "bodily injury" in SECTION V- a.A "non-hybrid" auto is defined as an auto that DEFINITIONS is replaced by the following: uses only an internal combustion engine to "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or move the auto but does not include autos disease sustained by any person, including powered solely by electricity or natural gas. mental anguish or death resulting from any of b.A "hybrid" auto is defined as an auto with an these. internal combustion engine and one or more 17. EXTENDED CANCELLATION CONDITION electric motors; and that uses the internal Paragraph 2. of the COMMON POLICY combustion engine and one or more electric CONDITIONS - CANCELLATION - applies motors to move the auto, or the internal except as follows: combustion engine to charge one or more electric motors,which move the auto. If we cancel for any reason other than 19. VEHICLE WRAP COVERAGE nonpayment of premium, we will mail or deliver to the first Named Insured written notice of In the event of a total loss to an "auto" for which cancellation at least 60 days before the effective Comprehensive, Specified Causes of Loss, or date of cancellation. Collision coverages are provided under this 18. HYBRID, ELECTRIC, OR NATURAL GAS Coverage Form, then such Physical Damage VEHICLE PAYMENT COVERAGE Coverages are amended to add the following: In the event of a total loss to a "non-hybrid" auto In addition to the actual cash value of the "auto", we will pay up to $1,000 for vinyl vehicle wraps for which Comprehensive, Specified Causes of which are displayed on the covered "auto" at the Loss, or Collision coverages are provided under time of total lass. Regardless of the number of this Coverage Form, then such Physical autos deemed a total loss, the most we will pay Damage Coverages are amended as follows: under this Vehicle Wrap Coverage provision for a.lf the auto is replaced with a "hybrid" auto or any one "loss" is $5,000. For purposes of this an auto powered solely by electricity or natural coverage provision, signs or other graphics gas, we will pay an additional 10%, to a painted or magnetically affixed to the vehicle are maximum of$2,500, of the "non-hybrid" auto's not considered vehicle wraps. actual cash value or replacement cost, whichever is less, b.The auto must be replaced and a copy of a bill of sale or new lease agreement received by us within 60 calendar days of the date of"loss," ©2011, The Hartford (Includes copyrighted material Form HA 99 16 0312 of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission.) Page 5 of 5 21 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE DEAD IT CAREFULLY. TEXAS WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT Policy Number:46WEAA89BAE Endorsement Number: Effective Date:09101/2018 Effective hour is the same as stated on the Information Page of the policy. Named Insured and Address: AZTECA ENTERPRISES, INC This endorsement applies only to the insurance of the operations described in the Schedule where provided by the policy because Texas is shown in you are required by a written contract to obtain this Item 3.A. of the Information Page. waiver from us. We have the right to recover our payments from This endorsement shall not operate directly or anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the will not enforce our right against the person or Schedule. organization named in the Schedule, but this waiver The premium for this endorsement is shown in the applies only with respect to bodily injury arising out Schedule. Schedule 1. ( ) Special Waiver Name of person or organization (x) Blanket Waiver Any person or organization for whom the Named Insured has agreed by written contract to furnish this waiver. 2. Operations, 3. Premium: The premium charge for this endorsement shall be percent of the premium developed on payroll in connection with work performed for the above person(s) or organization(s) arising out of the operations described. 4. Advance Premium: Form WC 42 03 04 B Printed in U.S.A. Process Date:09101/18 Policy Expiration Date: 09101/19 STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnuy 2,20I6 STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Article 1 Definitions and Terminology..........................................................................................................1 1.01 Defined Terms...............................................................................................................................1 1.02 Terminology..................................................................................................................................6 Article2 Preliminary Matters.........................................................................................................................7 2.01 Copies of Documents....................................................................................................................7 2.02 Commencement of Contract Time;Notice to Proceed................................................................7 2.03 Starting the Work..........................................................................................................................8 2.04 Before Starting Construction........................................................................................................8 2.05 Preconstruction Conference..........................................................................................................8 2.06 Public Meeting..............................................................................................................................8 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules....................................................................................................8` Article 3--Contract Documents: Intent,Amending, Reuse............................................................................8 3.01 Intent..............................................................................................................................................8 3.02 Reference Standards......................................................................................................................9 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies.......................................................................................9 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents.................................................................10 3.05 Reuse of Documents...................................................................................................................10 3.06 Electronic Data......................................................... ........I I Article 4—Availability of Lands; Subsurface and Physical Conditions; Hazardous Environmental Conditions;Reference Points...........................................................................................................11 4.01 Availability of Lands ..................................................................................................................11 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions ..........................................................................................12 4.03 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions.............................................................................12 4.04 Underground Facilities ...............................................................................................................13 4.05 Reference Points .........................................................................................................................14 4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site..............................................................................14 Article 5—Bonds and Insurance .....................................................................................................................16 5.01 Licensed Sureties and Insurers...................................................................................................16 5.02 Performance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds.......................................................................16 5.03 Certificates of Insurance.............................................................................................................16 5.04 Contractor's Insurance................................................................................................................18 5.05 Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace...........................................................19 Article 6—Contractor's Responsibilities........................................................................................................19 6.01 Supervision and Superintendence...............................................................................................19 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No,101570 Revision:Febmary2,2016 6.02 Labor; Working Hours................................................................................................................20 6.03 Services,Materials, and Equipment.................................. 6.04 Project Schedule..........................................................................................................................21 6.05 Substitutes and"Or-Equals".......................................................................................................21 6.06 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Others....................................................................24 6.07 Wage Rates..................................................................................................................................25 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties...........................................................................................................26 6.09 Permits and UtiIities....................................................................................................................27 6.10 Laws and Regulations.................................................................................................................27 6.11 Taxes ...........................................................................................................................................28 6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas .......................................................................................................28 6.13 Record Documents......................................................................................................................29 6.14 Safety and Protection..................................................................................................................29 6.15 Safety Representative..................................................................................................................30 6.16 Hazard Communication Programs .............................................................................................30 6.17 Emergencies and/or Rectification...............................................................................................30 6.18 Submittals....................................................................................................................................31 6.19 Continuing the Work...................................................................................................................32 6.20 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee..........................................................................32 6.21 Indemnification.........................................................................................................................33 6.22 Delegation of Professional Design Services ..............................................................................34 6.23 Right to Audit..................................::..........................................................................................34 6.24 Nondiscrimination.......................................................................................................................35 Article 7-Other Work at the Site...................................................................................................................35 7.01 Related Work at Site...................................................................................................................35 7.02 Coordination................................................................................................................................36 Article8-City's Responsibilities...................................................................................................................36 8.01 Communications to Contractor...................................................................................................36 8.02 Furnish Data................................................................................................................................36 8.03 Pay When Due ............................................................................................................................36 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests...................................................................................36 8.05 Change Orders.............................................................................................................................36 8.06 Inspections, Tests, and Approvals..............................................................................................36 8.07 Limitations on City's Responsibilities.......................................................................................37 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition....................................................................37 8.09 Compliance with Safety Program...............................................................................................37 Article 9-City's Observation Status During Construction...........................................................................37 9.01 City's Project Manager ............................................................................................................37 9.02 Visits to Site................................................................................................................................37 9.03 Authorized Variations in Work..................................................................................................38 9.04 Rejecting Defective Work..........................................................................................................38 9.05 Determinations for Work Performed..........................................................................................38 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability of Work.....................38 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnmy2,2016 Article 10-Changes in the Work; Claims;Extra Work................................................................................38 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Work...............................................................................................38 10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work ................ ............................39 ............................................... 10.03 Execution of Change Orders.......................................................................................................39 10.04 Extra Work..................................................................................................................................39 10.05 Notification to Surety..................................................................................................................39 10.06 Contract Claims Process.............................................................................................................40 Article 11 -Cost of the Work;Allowances;Unit Price Work;Plans Quantity Measurement......................41 11.01 Cost of the Work.........................................................................................................................41 11.02 Allowances..................................................................................................................................43 11.03 Unit Price Work..........................................................................................................................44 11.04 Plans Quantity Measurement......................................................................................................45 Article 12-Change of Contract Price; Change of Contract Time.................................................................46 12.01 Change of Contract Price............................................................................................................46 12.02 Change of Contract Time............................................................................................................47 12.03 Delays..........................................................................................................................................47 Article 13 -Tests and Inspections; Correction,Removal or Acceptance of Defective Work......................48 13.01 Notice of Defects ........................................................................................................................48 13.02 Access to Work ...........................................................................................................................48 13.03 Tests and Inspections..................................................................................................................48 13.04 Uncovering Work........................................................................................................................49 13.05 City May Stop the Work.............................................................................................................49 13.06 Correction or Removal of Defective Work................................................................................50 13.07 Correction Period........................................................................................................................50 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work...................................................................................................51 13.09 City May Correct Defective Work.............................................................................................51 Article 14-Payments to Contractor and Completion....................................................................................52 14,01 Schedule of Values......................................................................................................................52 14.02 Progress Payments......................................................................................................................52 14.03 Contractor's Warranty of Title................................................ ...............54 .................................... 14.04 Partial Utilization............................................................................. .........55 14.05 Final Inspection...........................................................................................................................55 14.06 Final Acceptance.........................................................................................................................55 14.07 Final Payment..............................................................................................................................56 14.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release........................................................56 14.09 Waiver of Claims............................................ .......57 ..................................................................... Article 15-Suspension of Work and Termination........................................................................................57 15.01 City May Suspend Work.............................................................................................................57 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause............................. ...58 ................................................................... 15.03 City May Terminate For Convenience.......................................................................................60 Article16-Dispute Resolution......................................................................................................................61 16.01 Methods and Procedures.............................................................................................................61 CITY OF FORT WORTII 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPI CIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Rcvision:Fcbnwiy2,2016 Article17—Miscellaneous..............................................................................................................................62 17.01 Giving Notice..............................................................................................................................62 17.02 Computation of Times ................................................................................................................62 17.03 Cumulative Remedies.................................................................................................................62 17.04 Survival of Obligations...............................................................................................................63 17.05 Headings......................................................................................................................................63 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Pagc I of 63 ARTICLE 1—DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 1.01 Defined Terms A. Wherever used in these General Conditions or in other Contract Documents,the terms listed below have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof, and words denoting gender shall include the masculine, feminine and neuter. Said terms are generally capitalized or written in italics, but not always. When used in a context consistent with the definition of a listed-defined term, the term shall have a meaning as defined below whether capitalized or italicized or otherwise. In addition to terms specifically defined, terms with initial capital letters in the Contract Documents include references to identified articles and paragraphs, and the titles of other documents or forms. 1. Addenda—Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct, or change the Bidding Requirements or the proposed Contract Documents. 2. Agreement—The written instrument which is evidence of the agreement between City and Contractor covering the Work. 3. Application for Payment—The form acceptable to City which is to be used by Contractor during the course of the Work in requesting progress or final payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 4. Asbestos Any material that contains more than one percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers into the air above current action levels established by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 5. Award--Authorization by the City Council for the City to enter into an Agreement. 6. Bid—The offer or proposal of a Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. 7. Bidder The individual or entity who submits a Bid directly to City. 8. Bidding Documents The Bidding Requirements and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda). 9. Bidding Requirements—The advertisement or Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid security of acceptable form, if any, and the Bid Form with any supplements. 10. Business Day — A business day is defined as a day that the City conducts normal business, generally Monday through Friday, except for federal or state holidays observed by the City. 11. Buzzsaw—City's on-line, electronic document management and collaboration system. 12. Calendar Day—A day consisting of 24 hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 2 of 63 13. Change Order—A document, which is prepared and approved by the City, which is signed by Contractor and City and authorizes an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 14. City— The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporation, authorized and chartered under the Texas State Statutes, acting by its governing body through its City Manager, his designee, or agents authorized under his behalf, each of which is required by Charter to perform specific duties with responsibility for final enforcement of the contracts involving the City of Fort Worth is by Charter vested in the City Manager and is the entity with whom Contractor has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be performed. 15. City Attorney— The officially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 16. City Council - The duly elected and qualified governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. 17. City Manager — The officially appointed and authorized City Manager of the City of Fort Worth,Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 18. Contract Claim—A demand or assertion by City or Contractor seeking an adjustment of Contract Price or Contract Time, or both, or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract.A demand for money or services by a third party is not a Contract Claim. 19. Contract The entire and integrated written document between the City and Contractor concerning the Work. The Contract contains the Agreement and all Contract Documents and supersedes prior negotiations,representations,or agreements,whether written or oral. 20. Contract Documents Those items so designated in the Agreement. All items listed in the Agreement are Contract Documents. Approved Submittals, other Contractor submittals, and the reports and drawings of subsurface and physical conditions are not Contract Documents. 21. Contract Price The moneys payable by City to Contractor for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement(subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.03 in the case of Unit Price Work). 22. Contract Time The number of days or the dates stated in the Agreement to: (i) achieve Milestones, if any and (ii) complete the Work so that it is ready for Final Acceptance. 23. Contractor The individual or entity with whom City has entered into the Agreement. 24. Cost of the Work—See Paragraph 11.01 of these General Conditions for definition. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febrmy2,2016 007200-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 3 of 63 25. Damage Claims — A demand for money or services arising from the Project or Site from a third party, City or Contractor exclusive of a Contract Claim. 26. Day or day—A day,unless otherwise defined, shall mean a Calendar Day. 27. Director of Aviation — The officially appointed Director of the Aviation Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 28. Director of Parks and Community Services —The officially appointed Director of the Parks and Community Services Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant,or agents. 29. Director of Planning and Development — The officially appointed Director of the Planning and Development Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant,or agents. 34. Director of Transportation Public Works — The officially appointed Director of the Transportation Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 31. Director of Water Department— The officially appointed Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 32. Drawings That part of the Contract Documents prepared or approved by Engineer which graphically shows the scope, extent,and character of the Work to be performed by Contractor. Submittals are not Drawings as so defined. 33. Effective Date of the Agreement—The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated, it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. 34. Engineer—The licensed professional engineer or engineering firm registered in the State of Texas performing professional services for the City. 35. Extra Work Additional work made necessary by changes or alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or for other reasons for which no prices are provided in the Contract Documents. Extra work shall be part of the Work. 36. Field Order—A written order issued by City which requires changes in the Work but which does not involve a change in the Contract Price, Contract Time, or the intent of the Engineer. Field Orders are paid from Field Order Allowances incorporated into the Contract by funded work type at the time of award. 37. Final Acceptance The written notice given by the City to the Contractor that the Work specified in the Contract Documents has been completed to the satisfaction of the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:February 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 4 of 63 38. Final Inspection — Inspection carried out by the City to verify that the Contractor has completed the Work, and each and every part or appurtenance thereof, fully, entirely, and in conformance with the Contract Documents. 39. General Requirements—Sections of Division 1 of the Contract Documents. 40. Hazardous Environmental Condition—The presence at the Site of Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleum, Hazardous Waste, Radioactive Material, or other materials in such quantities or circumstances that may present a substantial danger to persons or property exposed thereto. 41. Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste is defined as any solid waste listed as hazardous or possesses one or more hazardous characteristics as defined in the federal waste regulations, as amended from time to time. 42. Laws and Regulations Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies, authorities, and courts having jurisdiction. 43. LiensCharges, security interests, or encumbrances upon Project funds, real property, or personal property. 44. Major Item—An Item of work included in the Contract Documents that has a total cost equal to or greater than 5%of the original Contract Price or$25,000 whichever is less. 45. Milestone—A principal event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate Contract Time prior to Final Acceptance of the Work. 46.Notice of Award—The written notice by City to the Successful Bidder stating that upon timely compliance by the Successful Bidder with the conditions precedent listed therein, City will sign and deliver the Agreement. 47. Notice to Proceed—A written notice given by City to Contractor fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform the Work specified in Contract Documents. 48.PCBs—Polychlorinated biphenyls. 49. Petroleum Petroleum, including-crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute), such as oil, petroleum, fuel oil, oil sludge, ail refuse, gasoline, kerosene, and oil mixed with other non-Hazardous Waste and crude oils. 50. Plans See definition of Drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CI P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnay2,20I6 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 5 of63 51. Project Schedule—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, in accordance with the General Requirements, describing the sequence and duration of the activities comprising the Contractor's plan to accomplish the Work within the Contract Time. 52. Project—The Work to be performed under the Contract Documents. 53. Project Manager=The authorized representative of the City who will be assigned to the Site. 54. Public Meeting — An announced meeting conducted by the City to facilitate public participation and to assist the public in gaining an informed view of the Project. 55. Radioactive Material—Source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954(42 USC Section 2011. et seq.) as amended from time to time. 56. Regular Working Hours — Hours beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday(excluding legal holidays). 57. Samples Physical examples of materials, equipment, or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged. 58. Schedule of Submittals—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, of required submittals and the time requirements to support scheduled performance of related construction activities. 59. Schedule of Values—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, allocating portions of the Contract Price to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 60. Site—Lands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being furnished by City upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way,permits, and easements for access thereto, and such other lands furnished by City which are designated for the use of Contractor. 61. Specifications—That part of the Contract Documents consisting of written requirements for materials,equipment, systems,standards and workmanship as applied to the Work,and certain administrative requirements and procedural matters applicable thereto. Specifications may be specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment or, if not attached,may be incorporated by reference as indicated in the Table of Contents (Division 00 00 00) of each Project. 62. Subcontractor An individual or entity having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of apart of the Work at the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febiva<y2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 6 of 63 63. Submittals—All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, and other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembled by or for Contractor and submitted by Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work. 64. Successful Bidder—The Bidder submitting the lowest and most responsive Bid to whom City makes an Award. 65. Superintendent—The representative of the Contractor who is available at all times and able to receive instructions from the City and to act for the Contractor. 66. Supplementary Conditions—That part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. 67. Supplier—A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman, or vendor having a direct contract with Contractor or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by Contractor or Subcontractor. 68. Underground Facilities—All underground pipelines, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, manholes, vaults, tanks, tunnels, or other such facilities or attachments, and any encasements containing such facilities, including but not limited to, those that convey electricity, gases, steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications, cable television, water,wastewater, storm water, other liquids or chemicals, or traffic or other control systems. 69. Unit Price Work—See Paragraph 11.03 of these General Conditions for definition. 70. Weekend Working Hours—Hours beginning at 9:00 a.m, and ending at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, as approved in advance by the City. 71. Work The entire construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be provided under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or providing all labor, services, and documentation necessary to produce such construction including any Change Order or Field Order, and furnishing, installing, and incorporating all materials and equipment into such construction, all as required by the Contract Documents. 72. Working Day—A working day is defined as a day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays authorized by the City for contract purposes, in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the Contractor will permit the performance of the principal unit of work underway for a continuous period of not Iess than 7 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1.02 Terminology A. The words and terms discussed in Paragraph 1.02.B through E are not defined but, when used in the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents,have the indicated meaning. B. Intent of Certain Terms or Adjectives: CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:February2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 7 of 63 1. The Contract Documents include the terms "as allowed," "as approved," "as ordered," "as directed" or terms of like effect or import to authorize an exercise of judgment by City. In addition, the adjectives "reasonable," "suitable," "acceptable," "proper," "satisfactory," or adjectives of like effect or import are used to describe an action or determination of City as to the Work. It is intended that such exercise of professional judgment, action, or determination will be solely to evaluate, in general, the Work for compliance with the information in the Contract Documents and with the design concept of the Project as a functioning whole as shown or indicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). C. Defective: 1. The word "defective," when modifying the word "Work," refers to Work that is unsatisfactory,faulty,or deficient in that it: a. does not conform to the Contract Documents; or b. does not meet the requirements of any applicable inspection, reference standard, test, or approval referred to in the Contract Documents; or c. has been damaged prior to City's written acceptance. D. Furnish, Install, Perform, Provide: 1. The word "Furnish" or the word "Install" or the word "Perform" or the word "Provide" or the word "Supply," or any combination or similar directive or usage thereof, shall mean furnishing and incorporating in the Work including all necessary labor, materials, equipment, and everything necessary to perform the Work indicated, unless specifically limited in the context used. E. Unless stated otherwise in the Contract Documents, words or phrases that have a well-known technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meaning. ARTICLE 2—PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.01 Copies of'Documents City shall furnish to Contractor one (1) original executed copy and one (1) electronic copy of the Contract Documents, and four (4) additional copies of the Drawings. Additional copies will be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. 2.02 Commencement of Contract Time;Notice to Proceed The Contract Time will commence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given at any time within 14 days after the Effective Date of the Agreement. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febrmry2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 8 of 63 2.03 Starting the Work Contractor shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Time commences to run. No Work shall be done at the Site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. 2.04 Before Starting Construction Baseline Schedules: Submit in accordance with the Contract Documents, and prior to starting the Work. 2.05 Preconstruction Conference Before any Work at the Site is started, the Contractor shall attend a Preconstruction Conference as specified in the Contract Documents. 2.06 Public Meeting Contractor may not mobilize any equipment, materials or resources to the Site prior to Contractor attending the Public Meeting as scheduled by the City. 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules No progress payment shall be made to Contractor until acceptable schedules are submitted to City in accordance with the Schedule Specification as provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3—CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT,AMENDING,REUSE 3.01 Intent A. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is required by one is as binding as if required by all. B. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereof)to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any labor,documentation, services, materials, or equipment that reasonably may be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the indicated result will be provided whether or not specifically called for, at no additional cost to City. C. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by City. D. The Specifications may vary in form,format and style. Some Specification sections may be written in varying degrees of streamlined. or declarative style and some sections may be relatively narrative by comparison. Omission of such words and phrases as "the Contractor shalI," "in conformity with," "as shown," or "as specified" are intentional in streamlined sections. Omitted words and phrases shall be supplied by inference. Similar types of provisions may appear in various parts of a section or articles within a part depending on the format of the CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnaaiy 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 4 of 63 section. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any variation of form, format or style in making Contract Claims. E. The cross referencing of specification sections under the subparagraph heading "Related Sections include but are not necessarily limited to:" and elsewhere within each Specification section is provided as an aid and convenience to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not rely on the cross referencing provided and shall be responsible to coordinate the entire Work under the Contract Documents and provide a complete Project whether or not the cross referencing is provided in each section or whether or not the cross referencing is complete. 3.02 Reference Standards A. Standards, Specifications, Codes,Laws, and Regulations 1. Reference to standards, specifications,manuals, or codes of any technical society, organization, or association,or to Laws or Regulations,whether such reference be specific or by implication, shall mean the standard, specification, manual, code, or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. 2. No provision of any such standard, specification, manual, or code, or any instruction of a Supplier, shall be effective to change the duties or responsibilities of City, Contractor, or any of their subcontractors, consultants, agents, or employees, from those set forth in the Contract Documents. No such provision or instruction shall be effective to assign to City, or any of its officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors, any duty or authority to supervise or direct the performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of the Contract Documents. 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies A. Reporting Discrepancies: 1. Contractor's Review of Contract Documents Before Starting Work: Before undertaking each part of the Work, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures therein against all applicable field measurements and conditions. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to City any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy which Contractor discovers, or has actual knowledge of, and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from City before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. 2. Contractor's Review of'Contract Documents During Performance of Work: If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy within the Contract Documents, or between the Contract Documents and (a) any applicable Law or Regulation , (b) any standard, specification, manual, or code, or (c) any instruction of any Supplier, then Contractor shall promptly report it to City in writing. Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected thereby (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION_CONTRACT S STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Fe6nuy2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 10 of 63 6.17.A) until an amendment or supplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in Paragraph 3.04. 3. Contractor shall not be liable to City for failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy in the Contract Documents unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof. B. Resolving Discrepancies: I. Except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents, the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and the provisions of any standard, specification, manual, or the instruction of any Supplier (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents). 2. In case of discrepancies, figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions, PIans shall govern over Specifications, Supplementary Conditions shall govern over General Conditions and Specifications, and quantities shown on the PIans shall govern over those shown in the proposal. 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents A. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions, and revisions in the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof by a Change Order. B. The requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work not involving a change in Contract Price or Contract Time, may be authorized, by one or more of the following ways: 1. A Field Order; 2. City's review of a Submittal (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 6.18.C); or 3. City's written interpretation or clarification. 3.05 Reuse of Documents A. Contractor and any Subcontractor or Supplier shall not: I. have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings, Specifications, or other documents (or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of Engineer, including electronic media editions; or 2. reuse any such Drawings, Specifications, other documents, or copies thereof on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of City and specific written verification or adaptation by Engineer. CITY OF FORT WORTII 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febwary2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page I I of63 B. The prohibitions of this Paragraph 3.05 will survive final payment, or termination of the Contract. Nothing herein shall preclude Contractor from retaining copies of the Contract Documents for record purposes. 3.06 Electronic Data A. Unless otherwise stated in the Supplementary Conditions, the data furnished by City or Engineer to Contractor, or by Contractor to City or Engineer, that may be relied upon are limited to the printed copies included in the Contract Documents (also known as hard copies) and other Specifications referenced and located on the City's Buzzsaw site. Files in electronic media format of text,data,graphics, or other types are furnished only for the convenience of the receiving party. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's sole risk. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies,the hard copies govern. B. When transferring documents in electronic media format, the transferring party makes no representations as to long term compatibility,usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by the data's creator. ARTICLE 4—AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 Availability of Lands A. City shall furnish the Site. City shall notify Contractor of any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of the Site with which Contractor must comply in performing the Work. City will obtain in a timely manner and pay for easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities. 1. The City has obtained or anticipates acquisition of and/or access to right-of-way, and/or easements. Any outstanding right-of-way and/or easements are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding right-of way, and/or easements. 2. The City has or anticipates removing and/or relocating utilities, and obstructions to the Site. Any outstanding removal or relocation of utilities or obstructions is anticipated in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding utilities or obstructions to be removed, adjusted, and/or relocated by others. B. Upon reasonable written request, City shall furnish Contractor with a current statement of record legal title and legal description of the lands upon which the Work is to be perforined. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CC NCR ETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT S STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 12 of 63 C. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions A. Reports and Drawings: The Supplementary Conditions identify: 1. those reports known to City of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site; and 2. those drawings known to City of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site(except Underground Facilities). B. Limited Reliance by Contractor on Technical Data Authorized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officers, directors,members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations, opinions, and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions, or information. 4.03 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions A. Notice: if Contractor believes that any subsurface or physical condition that is uncovered or revealed either: 1. is of such a nature as to establish that any"technical data" on which Contractor is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02 is materially inaccurate; or 2. is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Documents; or 3. differs materially from that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; or 4. is of an unusual nature, and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents; CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMCNTS City Project No.101570 Revision;February 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 13 of 63 then Contractor Shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing the subsurface or physical conditions or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), notify City in writing about such condition. B. Possible Price and Time Adjustments Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time if: 1. Contractor knew of the existence of such conditions at the time Contractor made a final commitment to City with respect to Contract Price and Contract Time by the Submission of a Bid or becoming bound under a negotiated contract; or 2. the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or revealed as a result of the examination of the Contract Documents or the Site; or 3. Contractor failed to give the written notice as required by Paragraph 4.03.A. 4.04 Underground Facilities A. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site is based on information and data furnished to City or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: 1. City and Engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data provided by others; and 2. the cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price, and Contractor shall have full responsibility for: a. reviewing and checking all such information and data; b. locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; c. coordination and adjustment of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, during construction; and d. the safety and protection of all such Underground Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. B. Not Shown or Indicated.- 1. If an Underground Facility which conflicts with the Work is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the Site which was not shown or indicated, or not shown or indicated with reasonable accuracy in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICMION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Pebmary 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 14 of 63 Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give notice to that owner and to City. City will review the discovered Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change may be required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence or location of the Underground Facility. Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and protection of such discovered Underground Facility. 2. If City concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, a Change Order may be issued to reflect and document such consequences. 3. Verification of existing utilities, structures, and service lines shall include notification of all utility companies a minimum of 48 hours in advance of construction including exploratory excavation if necessary. 4.05 Reference Points A. City shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction, which in City's judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work.. City will provide construction stakes or other customary method of marking to establish Iine and grades for roadway and utility construction, centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. Contractor shall protect and preserve the established reference points and property monuments, and shall make no changes or relocations. Contractor shall report to City whenever any reference point or property monument is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or Iocations. The City shall be responsible for the replacement or relocation of reference points or property monuments not carelessly or willfully destroyed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify City in advance and with sufficient time to avoid delays. B. Whenever, in the opinion of the City, any reference point or monument has been carelessly or willfully destroyed, disturbed, or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees, the full cost for replacing such points plus 25%will be charged against the Contractor, and the full amount will be deducted from payment due the Contractor. 4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site A. Reports and Drawings: The Supplementary Conditions identify those reports and drawings known to City relating to Hazardous Environmental Conditions that have been identified at the Site. B. Limited Reliance by Contractor on Technical Data Authorized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings, but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officers, directors, members,partners, employees, agents, consultants,or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnimy 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page l5 of 63 construction to be employed by Contractor and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations, opinions and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions or information. C. Contractor shall not be responsible for any Hazardous Environmental Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for a Hazardous Environmental Condition created with any materials brought to the Site by Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or anyone else for whom Contractor is responsible. D. If Contractor encounters a Hazardous Environmental Condition or if Contractor or anyone for whom Contractor is responsible creates a Hazardous Environmental Condition, Contractor shall immediately: (i) secure or otherwise isolate such condition; (ii) stop all Work in connection with such condition and in any area affected thereby(except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A); and (iii) notify City (and promptly thereafter confirm such notice in writing). City may consider the necessity to retain a qualified expert to evaluate such condition or take corrective action, if any. E. Contractor shall not be required to resume Work in connection with such condition or in any affected area until after City has obtained any required pen-nits related thereto and delivered written notice to Contractor: (i) specifying that such condition and any affected area is or has been rendered suitable for the resumption of Work;or(ii)specifying any special conditions under which such Work may be resumed. F. If after receipt of such written notice Contractor does not agree to resume such Work based on a reasonable belief it is unsafe,or does not agree to resume such Work under such special conditions, then City may order the portion of the Work that is in the area affected by such condition to be deleted from the Work. City may have such deleted portion of the Work performed by City's own forces or others. G. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City,from and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution casts) arising out of or relating to a Hazardous Environmental Condition created by Contractor or by anyone for whom Contractor is responsible. Nothing in this Paragraph 4.06G shall obligate Contractor to indemnify any individual or entity from and against the consequences of that individual's or entity's own negligence. H. The provisions of Paragraphs 4.02, 4.03, and 4.04 do not apply to a Hazardous Envirommental Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 16 of 63 ARTICLE 5—BONDS AND INSURANCE 5.01 Licensed Sureties and.Insurers All bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased and maintained by Contractor shall be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the State of Texas to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. Such surety and insurance companies shall also meet such additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 5.02 Performance, Payment, and Maintenance Bonds A. Contractor shall furnish performance and payment bonds, in accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2253 or successor statute, each in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security for the faithful performance and payment of all of Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents. B. Contractor shall furnish maintenance bonds in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security to protect the City against any defects in any portion of the Work described in the Contract Documents. Maintenance bonds shall remain in effect for two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance by the City. C. All bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations, and shall be executed by such sureties as are named in the list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Financial Management Service, Surety Bond Branch,U.S. Department of the Treasury.All bonds signed by an agent or attorney-in-fact must be accompanied by a sealed and dated power of attorney which shall show that it is effective on the date the agent or attorney-in-fact signed each bond. D. If the surety on any bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent or its right to do business is terminated in the State of Texas or it ceases to meet the requirements of Paragraph 5.02.C, Contractor shall promptly notify City and shall, within 30 days after the event giving rise to such notification,provide another bond and surety,both of which shall comply with the requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 and 5.02.C. 5.03 Certificates of Insurance Contractor shall deliver to City,with copies to each additional insured and loss payee identified in the Supplementary Conditions, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by City or any other additional insured)which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain. 1. The certificate of insurance shall document the City, and all identified entities named in the Supplementary Conditions as "Additional Insured"on all liability policies. CITY OF PORT WORTH 2O18 CI CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnmry 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL.CONDITIONS Page 17 of 63 2. The Contractor's general liability insurance shall include a, "per project" or "per location", endorsement, which shall be identified in the certificate of insurance provided to the City. 3. The certificate shall be signed by an agent authorized to bind coverage on behalf of the insured, be complete in its entirety, and show complete insurance carrier names as listed in the current A.M. Best Property&Casualty Guide 4. The insurers for all policies must be licensed and/or approved to do business in the State of Texas. Except for workers' compensation, all insurers must have a minimum rating of A-: V1I in the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide or have reasonably equivalent financial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of Risk Management. If the rating is below that required, written approval of City is required. 5. All applicable policies shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Rights of Recovery) in favor of the City. In addition, the Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the Engineer (if applicable), and each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions 6. Failure of the City to demand such certificates or other evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements or failure of the City to identify a deficiency from evidence that is provided shall not be construed as a waiver of Contractor's obligation to maintain such lines of insurance coverage. 7. If insurance policies arc not written for specified coverage limits, an Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance for any differences is required. Excess Liability shall follow forin of the primary coverage. S. Unless otherwise stated, all required insurance shall be written on the "occurrence basis". If coverage is underwritten on a claims-made basis, the retroactive date shall be coincident with or prior to the date of the effective date of the agreement and the certificate of insurance shall state that the coverage is claims-made and,the retroactive date. The insurance coverage shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract and for three (3) years following Final Acceptance provided under the Contract Documents or for the warranty period, whichever is longer. An annual certificate of insurance submitted to the City shall evidence such insurance coverage. 9. Policies shall have no exclusions by endorsements, which, neither nullify or amend, the required lines of coverage, nor decrease the limits of said coverage unless such endorsements are approved in writing by the City. In the event a Contract has been bid or executed and the exclusions are determined to be unacceptable or the City desires additional insurance coverage, and the City desires the contractor/engineer to obtain such coverage, the contract price shall be adjusted by the cost of the premium for such additional coverage plus 10%. 10. Any self-insured retention (SIR), in excess of $25,000.00, affecting required insurance coverage shall be approved by the City in regards to asset value and stockholders' equity. In CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CI CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febmary 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 18 of 63 lieu of traditional insurance, alternative coverage maintained through insurance pools or risk retention groups, must also be approved by City. 11. Any deductible in excess of$5,000.00, for any policy that does not provide coverage on a first-dollar basis,must be acceptable to and approved by the City. 12. City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to review the insurance requirements and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage's and their limits when deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory law, court decision or the claims history of the industry as well as of the contracting party to the City. The City shall be required to provide prior notice of 90 days, and the insurance adjustments shall be incorporated into the Work by Change Order. 13. City shall be entitled, upon written request and without expense, to receive copies of policies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or modifications of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions necessary to conform the policy and endorsements to the requirements of the Contract.Deletions,revisions, or modifications shall not be required where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either party or the underwriter on any such policies. 14. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for Contractor's insurance. 5.04 Contractor's Insurance A. Workers Compensation and Employers' Liability. Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance coverage with limits consistent with statutory benefits outlined in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act(Texas Labor Code, Ch.406,as amended),and minimum limits for Employers' Liability as is appropriate for the Work being performed and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed by Contractor, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 1. claims under workers' compensation, disability benefits, and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Contractor's employees. B. Commercial General Liability. Coverage shall include but not be limited to covering liability (bodily injury or property damage) arising from: premises/operations, independent contractors, products/completed operations,personal injury, and liability under an insured contract. Insurance shall be provided on an occurrence basis, and as comprehensive as the current Insurance Services Office (ISO) policy. This insurance shall apply as primary insurance with respect to any other CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkay 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 19 of 63 insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to the City. The Commercial General Liability policy, shall have no exclusions by endorsements that would alter of nullify premises/operations, products/completed operations, contractual, personal injury, or advertising injury, which are normally contained with the policy,unless the City approves such exclusions in writing. For construction projects that present a substantial completed operation exposure, the City may require the contractor to maintain completed operations coverage for a minimum of no less than three (3) years following the completion of the project (if identified in the Supplementary Conditions). C. Automobile Liability. A commercial business auto policy shall provide coverage on "any auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-owned and provide indemnity for claims for damages because bodily injury or death of any person and or property damage arising out of the work, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle by the Contractor, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. D. Railroad Protective Liability. If any of the work or any warranty work is within the limits of railroad right-of-way, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements identified in the Supplementary Conditions. E. Notification of Policy Cancellation: Contractor shall immediately notify City upon cancellation or other loss of insurance coverage. Contractor shall stop work until replacement insurance has been procured. There shall be no time credit for days not worked pursuant to this section. 5.05 Acceptance of Bands and Insurance; Option to Replace If City has any abjection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the bonds or insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with Article 5 on the basis of non-conformance with the Contract Documents, the City shall so notify the Contractor in writing within 10 Business Days after receipt of the certificates (or other evidence requested). Contractor shall provide to the City such additional information in respect of insurance provided as the City may reasonably request.If Contractor does not purchase or maintain all of the bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents, the City shall notify the Contractor in writing of such failure prior to the start of the Work, or of such failure to maintain prior to any change in the required coverage. .ARTICLE 6--CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 Supervision and Superintendence A. Contractor shall supervise, inspect, and direct the Work competently and,efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods,techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 G P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT S STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febway 2,2016 007200-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 20 of 63 B. At all times during the progress of the Work, Contractor shall assign a competent, English- speaking, Superintendent who shall not be replaced without written notice to City. The Superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the Site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communication given to or received from the Superintendent shall be binding on Contractor. C. Contractor shall notify the City 24 hours prior to moving areas during the sequence of construction. 6.02 Labor; Working Hours A. Contractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the Site. B. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the Site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the Site shall be performed during Regular Working Hours. Contractor will not permit the performance of Work beyond Regular Working Hours or for Weekend Working Hours without City's written consent (which will not be unreasonably withheld). Written request (by letter or electronic communication)to perform Work: 1. for beyond Regular Working Hours request must be made by noon at least two (2) Business Days prior 2. for Weekend Working Hours request must be made by noon of the preceding Thursday 3. for legal holidays request must be made by noon two Business Days prior to the legal holiday. 6.03 Services, Materials, and Equipment A. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall provide and assume full responsibility for all services, materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the performance, Contractor required testing, start-up, and completion of the Work. B. All materials and equipment incorporated into the Work shall be as specified or, if not specified, shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. All special warranties and guarantees required by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit of City. if required by City, Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the source, kind, and quality of materials and equipment. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O78 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision;Febnmry 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 21 of 63 C. All materials and equipment to be incorporated into the Work shall be stored, applied, installed, connected, erected, protected, used, cleaned, and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier,except as otherwise may be provided in the Contract Documents. D. All items of standard equipment to be incorporated into the Work shall be the latest model at the time of bid,unless otherwise specified. 6.04 Project Schedule A. Contractor shall adhere to the Project Schedule established in accordance with Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements as it may be adjusted from time to time as provided below. 1. Contractor shall submit to City for acceptance (to the extent indicated in Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements) proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will not result in changing the Contract Time. Such adjustments will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 2. Contractor shall submit to City a monthly Project Schedule with a monthly progress payment for the duration of the Contract in accordance with the schedule specification 0132 16. 3. Proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will change the Contract Time shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Article 12. Adjustments in Contract Time may only be made by a Change Order. 6.05 Substitutes and "Or-Equals" A. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function, appearance,and duality required.Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent, or "or-equal- item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment of other Suppliers may be submitted to City for review under the circumstances described below. 1. "Or-Equal" Items: If in City's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by City as an "or-equal" item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in City's sole discretion,be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for approval of proposed substitute items. For the purposes of this Paragraph 6.05.A.1, a proposed item of material or equipment will be considered functionally equal to an item so named if: a. the City determines that: 1) it is at least equal in materials of construction, quality, durability, appearance, strength, and design characteristics; CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 22 of 63 2) it will reliably perform at least equally well the function and achieve the results imposed by the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole; and 3) it has a proven record of performance and availability of responsive service; and b. Contractor certifies that, if approved and incorporated into the Work: 1) there will be no increase in cost to the City or increase in Contract Time; and 2) it will conform substantially to the detailed requirements of the item named in the Contract Documents. 2. Substitute Items: a. If in City's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an "or-equal" item under Paragraph 6.05.A.1, it may be submitted as a proposed substitute item. b. Contractor shall submit sufficient information as provided below to allow City to determine if the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute therefor. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not be accepted by City from anyone other than Contractor. c. Contractor shall make written application to City for review of a proposed substitute item of material or equipment that Contractor seeks to furnish or use. The application shall comply with Section 0125 00 and: 1) shall certify that the proposed substitute item will: a) perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design; b) be similar in substance to that specified; c) be suited to the same use as that specified; and 2) will state: a) the extent, if any, to which the use of the proposed substitute item will prejudice Contractor's achievement of final completion on time; b) whether use of the proposed substitute item in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract Documents (or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City for other work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute item; CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnmry2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 23 of 63 c) whether incorporation or use of the proposed substitute item in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty; and 3) will identify: a) all variations of the proposed substitute item from that specified; b) available engineering, sales,maintenance,repair,and replacement services; and 4) shall contain an itemized estimate of all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectly from use of such substitute item, including costs of redesign and Damage Claims of other contractors affected by any resulting change. B. Substitute Construction Methods or Procedures: if a specific means,method,technique,sequence, or procedure of construction is expressly required by the Contract Documents, Contractor may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction approved by City. Contractor shall submit sufficient information to allow City, in City's sole discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall make written application to City for review in the same manner as those provided in Paragraph 6.05.A.2. C. City's Evaluation: City will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made pursuantto Paragraphs 6.05.A and 6.05.B.City may require Contractor to furnish additional data about the proposed substitute. City will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or-equal" or substitute will be ordered, installed or utilized until City's review is complete, which will be evidenced by a Change Order in the case of a substitute and an accepted Submittal for an"or-equal."City will advise Contractor in writing of its determination. D. Special Guarantee: City may require Contractor to furnish at Contractor's expense a special performance guarantee, warranty, or other surety with respect to any substitute. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City and anyone directly or indirectly employed by them from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and.expenses (including attorneys,fees) arising out of the use of substituted materials or equipment. E. City's Cost Reimbursement.: City will record City's costs in evaluating a substitute proposed or submitted by Contractor pursuant to Paragraphs 6.05.A.2 and 6.05.13. Whether or not City approves a substitute so proposed or submitted by Contractor, Contractor may be required to reimburse City for evaluating each such proposed substitute. Contractor may also be required to reimburse City for the charges for making changes in the Contract Documents(or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City)resulting from the acceptance of each proposed substitute. F. Contractor's Expense: Contractor shall provide all data in support of any proposed substitute or "or-equal"at Contractor's expense. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:February 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 24 of 63 G. City Substitute Reimbursement: Costs(savings or charges) attributable to acceptance of a substitute shall be incorporated to the Contract by Change Order. H. Time Extensions:No additional time will be granted for substitutions. 6.06 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Others A. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced on the Contract,unless otherwise approved by the City. B. Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity, whether initially or as a replacement, against whom City may have reasonable objection. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity to furnish or perform any of the Work against whom Contractor has reasonable objection (excluding those acceptable to City as indicated in Paragraph 6.06.C). C. The City may from time to time require the use of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other individuals or entities on the project, and will provide such requirements in the Supplementary Conditions. D. Minority Business Enterprise Compliance: It is City policy to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in the procurement of goods and services on a contractual basis. If the Contract Documents provide for a MBE goal, Contractor is required to comply with the intent of the City's MBE Ordinance (as amended)by the following: I. Contractor shall, upon request by City, provide complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a MBE on the Contract and payment therefor. 2. Contractor will not make additions, deletions, or substitutions of accepted MBE without written consent of the City. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of Contract and may result in debarment in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Ordinance. 3. Contractor shall,upon request by City,allow an audit and/or examination of any books,records, or files in the possession of the Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MBE. Material misrepresentation of any nature will be grounds for termination of the Contract in accordance with Paragraph 15.02.A.Any such misrepresentation may be grounds for disqualification of Contractor to bid on future contracts with the City for a period of not less than three years. E. Contractor shall be fully responsible to City for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work just as Contractor is responsible for Contractor's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents: CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECI[FiCATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febmary2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 25 of 63 1. shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity any contractual relationship between City and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other individual or entity;nor 2. shall create any obligation on the part of City to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier,or other individual or entity except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. F. Contractor shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor. G. All Subcontractors, Suppliers, and such other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work shall communicate with City through Contractor. H. All Work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of City. 6.07 Wage Rates A. Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (as amended), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these Contract Documents. B. Penalty for Violation. A Contractor or any Subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each calendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the prevailing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs,pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. C. Complaints of Violations and City Determination of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violation of 2258.023, Texas Government Code, by a Contractor or Subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31 st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination. Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the Contractor or Subcontractor has violated Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. CITY OF FORT WORTH M18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUNMNTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febmaty2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT[ONS Page 26 of 63 D. Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258.023, Texas Government Code, including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq., Revised Statutes) if the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker does not resolve the issue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City snakes its initial determination pursuant to Paragraph C above. If the persons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is not a party in the arbitration. The decision and award.of the arbitrator is final and binding on all parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. E. Records to be Maintained. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the Contractor in the construction of the Work provided for in this Contract; and (ii) the actual.per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City. The provisions of Paragraph 6.23, Right to Audit, shall pertain to this inspection. F. Progress Payments. With each progress payment or payroll period, whichever is less, the Contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the Contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. G. Posting of Wage Rates. The Contractor shall post prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at all times. H. Subcontractor Compliance. The Contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its Subcontractors to comply with Paragraphs A through G above. 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties A. Contractor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design, process, product, or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others. If a particular invention, design,process,product, or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the Work and if,to the actual knowledge of City, its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by City in the Contract Documents. Failure of the City to disclose such information does not relieve the Contractor from its obligations to pay for the use of said fees or royalties to others. B. To the fullest extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City,from and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resulting from CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CiP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 27 of 63 the incorporation in the Work of any invention, design,process,product, or device not specified in the Contract Documents. 6.09 Permits and Utilities A. Contractor obtained permits and licenses. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses except those provided for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Documents. City shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work which are applicable at the time of opening of Bids, or, if there are no Bids, on the Effective Date of the Agreement, except for permits provided by the City as specified in 6.09.B. City shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections for providing permanent service to the Work. B. City obtained permits and licenses. City will obtain and pay for all permits and licenses as provided for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Documents. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to carry out the provisions of the permit. If the Contractor initiates changes to the Contract and the City approves the changes,the Contractor is responsible for obtaining clearances and coordinating with the appropriate regulatory agency. The City will not reimburse the Contractor for any cost associated with these requirements of any City acquired permit. The following are permits the City will obtain if required: 1. Texas Department of Transportation Permits 2. U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Permits 3. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Permits 4. Railroad Company Permits C. Outstanding permits and licenses. The City anticipates acquisition of and/or access to permits and licenses. Any outstanding pen-nits and licenses are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding permits and licenses. 6.10 Laws and Regulations A. Contractor shall give all notices required by and shall comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations, the City shall not be responsible for monitoring Contractor's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. B. If Contractor performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations, Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Fthnory2,2016 00 72 00--1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 28 of 63 court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such Work. However, it shall not be Contractor's responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contractor of Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.02. C. Changes in Laws or Regulations not known at the time of opening of Bids having an effect on the cost or time of performance of the Work may be the subject of an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time. 6.11 Taxes A. On a contract awarded by the City, an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H, Sections 151.301-335(as amended),the Contractor may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate to comply with State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate issued to the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to and shall comply with the provision of,State Comptroller's Ruling .011, and any other applicable rulings pertaining to the Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H. B. Texas Tax permits and information may be obtained from: 1. Comptroller of Public Accounts Sales Tax Division Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711; or 2. http://www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/taxforms/93-fonns.html 6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas A. Limitation on Use of Site and Other Areas: 1. Contractor shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment, and the operations of workers to the Site and other areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, and shall not unreasonably encumber the Site and other areas with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such Iand or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof, or of any adjacent land or areas resulting from the performance of the Work. 2. At any time when, in the judgment of the City, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a portion of a street, right-of-way, or easement greater than is necessary for proper execution of the Work, the City may require the Contractor to finish the section on which operations are in progress before work is commenced on any additional area of the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CI CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnary 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 29 of 63 3. Should any Damage Claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of Work, Contractor shall promptly attempt to resolve the Damage Claim. 4. Pursuant to Paragraph 6.21, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City, from and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages arising out of or relating to any claim or action, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against City. B. Removal of Debris During Performance of the Work: During the progress of the Work Contractor shall keep the Site and other areas free from accumulations of waste materials,rubbish, and other debris, Removal and disposal of such waste materials, rubbish, and other debris shall conform to applicable Laws and Regulations. C. Site Maintenance Cleaning: 24 hours after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the City, if the Contractor fails to correct the unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the City deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice (by letter or electronic communication), and the costs of such direct action, plus 25 % of such costs, shall be deducted from the monies due or to become due to the Contractor. D. Final Site Cleaning: Prior to Final Acceptance of the Work Contractor shall clean the Site and the Work and make it ready for utilization by City or adjacent property owner. At the completion of the Work Contractor shall remove from the Site all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials and shall restore to original condition or better all property disturbed by the Work. E. Loading Structures: Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure, nor shall Contractor subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. 6.13 Record Documents A. Contractor shall maintain in a safe place at the Site or in a place designated by the Contractor and approved by the City, one (1) record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, and written interpretations and clarifications in good order and annotated to show changes made during construction. These record documents together with all approved Samples and a counterpart of all accepted Submittals will be available to City for reference.Upon completion of the Work, these record documents, any operation and maintenance manuals, and Submittals will be delivered to City prior to Final Inspection. Contractor shall include accurate Iocations for buried and imbedded items. 6.14 Safety and Protection A. Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Such responsibility does not relieve ,Subcontractors of their responsibility for the safety of persons or property in the performance of their work, nor for compliance with applicable safety Laws and Regulations. Contractor shall CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CCNCRETE RESTORATfON-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:FebwW 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 30 of 63 take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 1. all persons on the Site or who may be affected by the Work; 2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the Site; and 3. other property at the Site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utilities, and Underground Facilities not designated for removal,relocation, or replacement in the course of construction. B. Contractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations relating to the safety of persons or property, or to the protection of persons or property from damage, injury, or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and other utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal,relocation, and replacement of their property. C. Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of City's safety programs, if any. D. Contractor shall inform City of the specific requirements of Contractor's safety program, if any, with which City's employees and representatives must comply while at the Site. E. All damage, injury, or loss to any property referred to in Paragraph 6.14.A.2 or 6.14.A.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier, or any other individual or entity directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor. F. Contractor's duties and responsibilities for safety and for protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and City has accepted the Work. 6.15 Safety Representative Contractor shall inform City in writing of Contractor's designated safety representative at the Site. 6.16 Hazard Communication Programs Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information required to be made available to or exchanged between or among employers in accordance with Laws or Regulations. 6.17 Emergencies and/or Rectification A. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the Site or adjacent thereto, Contractor is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury, or loss. Contractor shall give City prompt written notice if Contractor believes that any significant CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CI P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkary 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 31 of 63 changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have been caused thereby or are required as a result thereof.If City determines that a change in the Contract Documents is required because of the action taken by Contractor in response to such an emergency, a Change Order may be issued. B. Should the Contractor fail to respond to a request from the City to rectify any discrepancies, omissions, or correction necessary to conform with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the City shall give the Contractor written notice that such work or changes are to be performed. The written notice shall direct attention to the discrepant condition and request the Contractor to take remedial action to correct the condition. In the event the Contractor does not take positive steps to fulfill this written request, or does not show just cause for not taking the proper action, within 24 hours, the City may take such remedial action with City forces or by contract. The City shall deduct an amount equal to the entire costs for such remedial action, plus 25%, from any funds due or become due the Contractor on the Project. 6.18 Submittals A. Contractor shall submit required Submittals to City for review and acceptance in accordance with the accepted Schedule of Submittals (as required by Paragraph 2.07). Each submittal will be identified as City may require. 1. Submit number of copies specified in the General Requirements. 2. Data shown on the Submittals will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions,specified performance and design criteria, materials, and similar data to show City the services, materials, and equipment Contractor proposes to provide and to enable City to review the information for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.1 S.C. 3. Submittals submitted as herein provided by Contractor and reviewed by City for conformance with the design concept shall be executed in conformity with the Contract Documents unless otherwise required by City. 4. When Submittals are submitted for the purpose of showing the installation in greater detail, their review shall not excuse Contractor from requirements shown on the Drawings and Specifications. 5. For-Information-Only submittals upon which the City is not expected to conduct review or take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents. 6. Submit required number of Samples specified in the Specifications. 7. Clearly identify each Sample as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers, the use for which intended and other data as City may require to enable City to review the submittal for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.18.C. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CI CCNCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STAN DARD CONSTRUCUON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febmary 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 32 of 63 B. Where a Submittal is required by the Contract Documents or the Schedule of Submittals, any related Work performed prior to City's review and acceptance of the pertinent submittal will be at the sole expense and responsibility of Contractor. C. City's Review: 1. City will provide timely review of required Submittals in accordance with the Schedule of Submittals acceptable to City. City's review and acceptance will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. 2. City's review and acceptance will not extend to means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction (except where a particular means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and acceptance of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. 3. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractor has complied with the requirements of Section 01 33 00 and City has given written acceptance of each such variation by specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Submittal. City's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.19 Continuing the Work Except as otherwise provided, Contractor shall carry on the Work and adhere to the Project Schedule during all disputes or disagreements with City. No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as City and Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. 6.20 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee A. Contractor warrants and guarantees to City that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. City and its officers, directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, and subcontractors shall be entitled to rely on representation of Contractor's warranty and guarantee. B. Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: 1. abuse, modification, or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or any other individual or entity for whom Contractor is responsible; or CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnmry2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL.CONDITIONS Page 33 of 63 2. normal wear and tear under normal usage. C. Contractor's obligation to perform and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute.None of the following will constitute an acceptance of Work that is not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: 1. observations by City; 2. recommendation or payment by City of any progress or final payment; 3. the issuance of a certificate of Final Acceptance by City or any payment related thereto by City; 4. use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by City; 5. any review and acceptance of a Submittal by City; 6. any inspection,test, or approval by others; or 7. any correction of defective Work by City. D. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the Work and pay for any damage to other work or property resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of two (2) years from the date of Final Acceptance of the Work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond, complying with the requirements of Article 5.02.13. The City will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. 6.21 Indemnification A. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, bold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the City, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS SPECIFICALLY INTENDED T OPERATE AND BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF IT IS ALLEGED OR PROVEN THAT ALL OR SOME OF THE DAMAGES BEING SOUGHT WERE CAUSED,IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY ANY ACT, OMISSION OR NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. This indemnity provision is intended to include, without limitation, indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the City in defending against such claims and causes of actions. B. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless,at its own expense,the City, its officers,servants and employees,from and against any and all loss, damage or destruction of property of the City, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION IS CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O19 CI P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCOMEMS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 34 of 63 SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO OPERATE AND BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF IT IS ALLEGED OR PROVEN THAT ALL -QR- QME QF THE DAMAGES BEING SOUGHT WERE CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY ANY ACT. OMISSION OR NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY. 6.22 Delegation of Professional Design Services A. Contractor will not be required to provide professional design services unless such services are specifically required by the Contract Documents for a portion of the Work or unless such services are required to carry out Contractor's responsibilities for construction means,methods,techniques, sequences and procedures. B. If professional design services or certifications by a design professional related to systems, materials or equipment are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, City will specify all performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. Contractor shall cause such services or certifications to be provided by a properly licensed professional, whose signature and seal shall appear on all drawings, calculations, specifications, certifications, and Submittals prepared by such professional. Submittals related to the Work designed or certified by such professional, if prepared by others, shall bear such professional's written approval when submitted to City. C. City shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of the services, certifications or approvals performed by such design professionals, provided City has specified to Contractor performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. D. Pursuant to this Paragraph 6.22, City's review and acceptance of design calculations and design drawings will be only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with performance and design criteria given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. City's review and acceptance of Submittals (except design calculations and design drawings) will be only for the purpose stated in Paragraph 6.18.C. 6,23 Right to Audit A. The Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. B. Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents,papers, and records of such Subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febany2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 35 of 63 Subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. C. Contractor and Subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse Contractor for the cost of the copies as follows at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed. 6.24 Nondiscrimination A. The City is responsible for operating Public Transportation Programs and implementing transit- related projects, which are funded in part with Federal financial assistance awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), without discriminating against any person in the United-States on the basis of race,color,or national origin. B. Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended: Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations as further defined in the Supplementary Conditions for any project receiving Federal assistance. ARTICLE 7—OTHER WORK AT THE SITE 7.01 Related Work at Site A. City may perform other work related to the Project at the Site with City's employees, or other City contractors,or through other direct contracts therefor,or have other work performed by utility owners. If such other work is not noted in the Contract Documents, then written notice thereof will be given to Contractor prior to starting any such other work; and B. Contractor shall afford each other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract, each utility owner, and City,if City is performing other work with City's employees or other City contractors, proper and safe access to the Site,provide a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work, and properly coordinate the Work with theirs. Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting, and patching of the Work that may be required to properly connect or otherwise make its several parts come together and properly integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating, or otherwise altering such work; provided, however, that Contractor may cut or alter others'work with the written consent of City and the others whose work will be affected. C. If the proper execution or results of any part of Contractor's Work depends upon work performed by others under this Article 7, Contractor shall inspect such other work and promptly report to City in writing any delays, defects, or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of Contractor's Work. Contractor's failure to so report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with Contractor's Work except for latent defects in the work provided by others. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Rcvision:Febnkny 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 36 of 63 7.02 Coordination A. If City intends to contract with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the Site,the following will be set forth in Supplementary Conditions: 1. the individual or entity who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various contractors will be identified; 2. the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized; and 3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. B. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall have authority for such coordination. ARTICLE 8—CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 Communications to Contractor Except as otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall issue all communications to Contractor. 8.02 Furnish Data City shall timely furnish the data required under the Contract Documents. 8.03 Pay When Due City shall make payments to Contractor in accordance with Article 14. 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests City's duties with respect to providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in Paragraphs 4.01 and. 4.05. Paragraph 4.02 refers to City's identifying and making available to Contractor copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site that have been utilized by City in preparing the Contract Documents. 8.05 Change Orders City shall execute Change Orders in accordance with Paragraph 10.03. 8.06 Inspections, Tests, and Approvals City's responsibility with respect to certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in Paragraph 13.03. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPFCIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnmry2,2016 00 72 00-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 37 of 63 8.07 Limitations on City's Responsibilities A. The City shall not supervise, direct, or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. City will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. City will notify the Contractor of applicable safety plans pursuant to Paragraph 6.14. 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition City's responsibility with respect to an undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition is set forth in Paragraph 4.06. 8.09 Compliance with Safety Program While at the Site, City's employees and representatives shall comply with the specific applicable requirements of Contractor's safety programs of which City has been informed pursuant to Paragraph 6.14. ARTICLE 9—CITY'S OBSERVATION STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.01 City's Project Manager City will provide one or more Project Managers) during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of City's Project Manager during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents. The City's Project Manager for this Contract is Maged Zaki , or his/her successor pursuant to written notification from the Director of Transportation and Public Works. 9.02 Visits to Site A. City's Project Manager will make visits to the Site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as City deems necessary in order to observe the progress that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of Contractor's executed Work. Based on information obtained during such visits and observations, City's Project Manager will determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. City's Project Manager will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous inspections on the Site to check the quality or quantity of the Work. City's Project Manager's efforts will be directed toward providing City a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform generally to the Contract Documents. B. City's Project Manager's visits and observations are subject to all the limitations on authority and responsibility in the Contract Documents including those set forth in Paragraph 8,07, CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febmy2,20I6 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 3 S of 63 9.03 Authorized Variations in Work City's Project Manager may authorize minor variations in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on City and also on Contractor,who shall perform the Work involved promptly. 9A4 Rejecting Defective Work City will have authority to reject Work which City's Project Manager believes to be defective, or will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. City will have authority to conduct special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in Article 13, whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed, or completed. 9.05 Determinations for Work Performed Contractor will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Work performed. City's Project Manager will review with Contractor the preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written recommendation. City's written decision,will be final (except as modified to reflect changed factual conditions or more accurate data). 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability of Work A. City will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. B. City will render a written decision on any issue referred. C. City's written decision on the issue referred will be final and binding on the Contractor, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 10—CHANGES IN THE WORK; CLAIMS; EXTRA WORK 1.0.01 Authorized Changes in the Work A. Without invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety, City may, at any time or from time to time, order Extra Work. Upon notice of such Extra Work, Contractor shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). Extra Work shall be memorialized by a Change Order which may or may not precede an order of Extra work. B. For minor changes of Work not requiring changes to Contract Time or Contract Price, a Field Order may be issued by the City. CITY OF FOIZ`r WORTH 2O18 GP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febamry 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 39 of63 10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any work performed that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified, or supplemented as provided in Paragraph 3.04, except in the case of an emergency as provided in Paragraph 6.17. 10.03 Execution of Change Orders A. City and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Orders covering: 1. changes in the Work which are: (i)ordered by City pursuant to Paragraph 10.0 LA,(ii)required because of acceptance of defective Work under Paragraph 13.08 or City's correction of defective Work under Paragraph 13.09, or(iii)agreed to by the parties; 2. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties, including any undisputed sum or amount of time for Work actually performed. 10.04 Extra Work A. Should a difference arise as to what does or does not constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment thereof,and the City insists upon its performance,the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for written orders and shall keep accurate account of the actual reasonable cost thereof. Contract CIaims regarding Extra Work shall be made pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. B. The Contractor shall furnish the City such installation records of all deviations from the original Contract Documents as may be necessary to enable the City to prepare for permanent record a corrected set of plans showing the actual installation. C. The compensation agreed upon for Extra Work whether or not initiated by a Change Order shall be a full, complete and final payment for all costs Contractor incurs as a result or relating to the change or Extra Work, whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at that time, including without limitation, any costs for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result of the change or Extra Work. 10.05 Notification to Surety If the provisions of any bond require notice to be given to a surety of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time), the giving of any such notice will be Contractor's responsibility. The amount of each applicable bond will be adjusted by the Contractor to reflect the effect of any such change. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:February 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 40 of 63 10.06 Contract Claims Process A. City's Decision Required: All Contract Claims, except those waived pursuant to Paragraph 14.09, shall be referred to the City for decision. A decision by City shall be required as a condition precedent to any exercise by Contractor of any rights or remedies he may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws and Regulations in respect of such Contract Claims. B. Notice: 1. Written notice stating the general nature of each Contract Claim shall be delivered by the Contractor to City no later than 15 days after the start of the event giving rise thereto. The responsibility to substantiate a Contract Claim shall rest with the party making the Contract Claim. 2. Notice of the amount or extent of the Contract Claim, with supporting data shall be delivered to the City on or before 45 days from the start of the event giving rise thereto (unless the City allows additional time for Contractor to submit additional or more accurate data in support of such Contract Claim). 3. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.01. 4. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Time shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.02. 5. Each Contract Claim shall be accompanied by Contractor's written statement that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the Contractor believes it is entitled as a result of said event. 6. The City shall submit any response to the Contractor within 30 days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless Contract allows additional time). C. City's Action: City will review each Contract Claim and, within 30 days after receipt of the last submittal of the Contractor, if any,take one of the following actions in writing: I. deny the Contract Claim in whole or in part; 2. approve the Contract Claim; or 3. notify the Contractor that the City is unable to resolve the Contract Claim if, in the City's sole discretion, it would be inappropriate for the City to do so. For purposes of further resolution of the Contract Claim, such notice shall be deemed a denial. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPCCIFICAUON DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febamy 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 41 of 63 D. City's written action under Paragraph 10.06.0 will be final and binding, unless City or Contractor invoke the dispute resolution procedure set forth in Article 16 within 30 days of such action or denial. E. No Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 11—COST OF THE WORK; ALLOWANCES; UNIT PRICE WORK; PLANS QUANTITY MEASUREMENT 11.01 Cost of the Work A. Costs Included: The term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs, except those excluded in Paragraph 11.01.13, necessarily incurred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. When the value of any Work covered by a Change Order, the costs to be reimbursed to Contractor will be only those additional or incremental costs required because of the change in the Work. Such costs shall not include any of the costs itemized in Paragraph 11.01.13, and shall include but not be limited to the following items: 1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractor in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by City and Contractor. Such employees shall include, without 'Iimitation, superintendents, foremen, and other personnel employed full time on the Work. Payroll costs for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their time spent on the Work. Payroll costs shall include; a. salaries with a 55%markup, or b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise, and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto. The expenses of performing Work outside of Regular Working Hours, Weekend Working Hours, or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by City. 2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in connection therewith. 3. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery, and the parts thereof whether rented from Contractor or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by City, and the costs of transportation, loading, unloading, assembly, dismantling, and removal thereof. All such costs shall be in accordance with the terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery, or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCLTMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Fehnay 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 42 of 63 4. Payments made by Contractor to Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by City, Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to City and Contractor and shall deliver such bids to City, who will then determine, which bids, if any, will be acceptable. If any subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as Contractor's Cost of the Work and fee as provided in this Paragraph 11.01. 5. Costs of special consultants (including but not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, attorneys, and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 6. Supplemental costs including the following: a. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel, and subsistence expenses of Contractor's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. b. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office, and temporary facilities at the Site, and hand tools not owned by the workers,which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost, less market value, of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of Contractor. c. Sales, consumer, use, and other similar taxes related to the Work, and for which Contractor is liable not covered under Paragraph 6.11, as imposed by Laws and Regulations. d. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. e. Losses and damages (and related expenses) caused by damage to the Work, not compensated by insurance or otherwise, sustained by Contractor in connection with the performance of the Work, provided such losses and damages have resulted from causes other than the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor,or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of City. No such losses, damages, and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining Contractor's fee. f. The cost of utilities, fuel, and sanitary facilities at the Site. g. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone and communication services at the Site, express and courier services, and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febuaiy2,2016 00 72 00-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 43 of 63 h. The costs of premiums for all bonds and insurance Contractor is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain. B. Casts Excluded: The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following items: 1. Payroll costs and other compensation of Contractor's officers, executives, principals (of partnerships and sole proprietorships), general managers, safety managers, engineers, architects, estimators, attorneys, auditors, accountants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks, and other personnel employed by Contractor, whether at the Site or in Contractor's principal or branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in Paragraph 11.01.A.I or specifically covered by Paragraph 11.0LAA, all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the Contractor's fee. 2. Expenses of Contractor's principal and branch offices other than Contractor's office at the Site. 3. Any part of Contractor's capital expenses., including interest on Contractor's capital employed for the Work and charges against Contractor for delinquent payments. 4. Costs due to the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied, and making good any damage to property. 5. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind. C. Contractor's Fee: When all the Work is performed on the basis of cost-plus, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in the Agreement. When the value of any Work covered by a Change Order for an adjustment in Contract Price is determined on the basis of Cost of the Work, Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in Paragraph 12.10I.C. D. Documentation: Whenever the Cost of the Work for any purpose is to be determined pursuant to Paragraphs I LOLA and 11.01 A, Contractor will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in a form acceptable to City an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data. 11.02 Allowances A. Specified Allowance: It is understood that Contractor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be performed for such sums and by such persons or entities as may be acceptable to City. B. Pre-bid Allowances: 1. Contractor agrees that: CITY OF FART WORTH 2O18 CAP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnuy2,2416 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 44 of 63 a. the pre-hid allowances include the cost to Contractor of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and b. Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the Site, labor, installation, overhead, profit, and other expenses contemplated for the pre-bid allowances have been included in the allowances, and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. C. Contingency Allowance: Contractor agrees that a contingency allowance, if any, is for the sole use of City. D. Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. 11.03 Unit Price Work A. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the unit price for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. B. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor will be made by City subject to the provisions of Paragraph 9.05. C. Each unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. Work described in the Contract Documents, or reasonably inferred as required for a functionally complete installation, but not identified in the listing of unit price items shall be considered incidental to unit price work listed and the cost of incidental work included as part of the unit price. D. City may make an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with Paragraph 12.01 if: 1. the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; and 2. there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work. E. Increased or Decreased Quantities: The City reserves the right to order Extra Work in accordance with Paragraph 10,01. 1. If the changes in quantities or the alterations do not significantly change the character of work under the Contract Documents, the altered work will be paid for at the Contract unit price. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnumy2,2016 00 72 00-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 45 of 63 2. If the changes in quantities or alterations significantly change the character of work, the Contract will be amended by a Change Order. 3. If no unit prices exist, this will be considered Extra Work and the Contract will be amended by a Change Order in accordance with Article 12. 4. A significant change in the character of work occurs when: a. the character of work for any Item as altered differs materially in kind or nature from that in the Contract or b. a Major Item of work varies by more than 25%from the original Contract quantity. 5. When the quantity of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is more than 125% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price on the portion of the work that is above 125%. 6. When the quantity of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is less than 75% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price. 11.04 Plans Quantity Measurement A. Plans quantities may or may not represent the exact quantity of work performed or material moved, handled, or placed during the execution of the Contract. The estimated bid quantities are designated as final payment quantities,unless revised by the governing Section or this Article. B. If the quantity measured as outlined under "Price and Payment Procedures" varies by more than 25% (or as stipulated under "Price and Payment Procedures" for specific Items) from the total estimated quantity for an individual Item originally shown in the Contract Documents, an adjustment may be made to the quantity of authorized work done for payment purposes. The party to the Contract requesting the adjustment will provide field measurements and calculations showing the final quantity for which payment will be made. Payment for revised quantity will be made at the unit price bid for that Item, except as provided for in Article 10. C. When quantities are revised by a change in design approved by the City, by Change Order, or to correct an error,or to correct an error on the plans,the plans quantity will be increased or decreased by the amount involved in the change, and the 25%variance will apply to the new plans quantity. D. If the total Contract quantity multiplied by the unit price bid for an individual Item is less than $250 and the Item is not originally a plans quantity Item, then the Item may be paid as a plans quantity Item if the City and Contractor agree in writing to fix the final quantity as a plans quantity. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUMION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision;FebnBry2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 46 of 63 E. For callout work or non-site specific Contracts, the plans quantity measurement requirements are not applicable. ARTICLE 12—CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE; CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME 12.01 Change of Contract Price A. The Contract Price may only be changed by a Change Order. B. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order will be determined as follows: I. where the Work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.03); or 2. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by a mutually agreed lump sum or unit price (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit not necessarily in accordance with Paragraph 12.01.C.2), and shall include the cost of any secondary impacts that are foreseeable at the time of pricing the cost of Extra Work; or 3. where the Work involved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump sum or unit price is not reached under Paragraph 12.01.B.2, on the basis of the Cost of the Work(determined as provided in Paragraph 11.01)plus a Contractor's fee for overhead and profit(determined.as provided in Paragraph 12.01.C). C. Contractor's Fee: The Contractor's additional fee for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee; or 2. if a fixed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: a. for costs incurred under Paragraphs 11.01.A.], 11.01.A.2. and 11.01.A.3, the Contractor's additional fee shall be 15 percent except for: 1) rental fees for Contractor's own equipment using standard rental rates; 2) bonds and insurance; b. for costs incurred under Paragraph 11.01.A.4 and 11.01.A.5,the Contractor's fee shall be five percent(5%); 1) where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the intent of Paragraphs 12.01.C.2.a and 12.0l.C.2.b is that the Subcontractor who actually performs the Work, at whatever CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CI CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febuaiy2,2016 007200-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 47 of 63 tier,will be paid a fee of 15 percent of the costs incurred by such Subcontractor under Paragraphs 11.01.A.1 and 11.01.A.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractor and Contractor will each be paid a fee of five percent (5%) of the amount paid to the next lower tier Subcontractor, however in no case shall the cumulative total of fees paid be in excess of 25%; c. no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under Paragraphs 11.01.A.6, and 11.01.B; d. the amount of credit to be allowed by Contractor to City for any change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in Contractor's fee by an amount equal to five percent(51/o) of such net decrease. 12.02 Change of Contract Time A. The Contract Time may only be changed by a Change Order. B. No extension of the Contract Time will be allowed for Extra Work or for claimed delay unless the Extra Work contemplated or claimed delay is shown to be on the critical path of the Project Schedule or Contractor can show by Critical Path Method analysis how the Extra Work or claimed delay adversely affects the critical path. 12.03 Delays A. Where Contractor is reasonably delayed in the performance or completion of any part of the Work within the Contract Time due to delay beyond the control of Contractor,the Contract Time may be extended in an amount equal to the time lost due to such delay if a Contract Claim is made therefor. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, acts or neglect by City, acts or neglect of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Article 7, fires, floods, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, or acts of God. Such an adjustment shall be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for the delays described in this Paragraph. B. 1f Contractor is delayed, City shall not be liable to Contractor for any claims, costs, losses, or damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) sustained by Contractor on or in connection with any other project or anticipated project. C. Contractor shall not be entitled to an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time for delays within the control of Contractor. Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be deemed to be delays within the control of Contractor. D. The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the Work, except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or material, if any,which is to be furnished by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CEP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Felnua y2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 48 of63 ARTICLE 13—TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION,REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.01 Notice of Defects Notice of all defective Work of which City has actual knowledge will be given to Contractor. Defective Work may be rejected, corrected, or accepted as provided in this Article 13. 13.02 Access to Work City, independent testing laboratories, and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Site and the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspection, and testing. Contractor shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access and advise them of Contractor's safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. 13.03 Tests and Inspections A. Contractor shall give City timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests, or approvals and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. B. If Contract Documents, Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any of the Work (or part thereof) to be inspected, tested, or approved, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such independent inspections,tests,retests or approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish City the required certificates of inspection or approval; excepting, however, those fees specifically identified in the Supplementary Conditions or any Texas Department of Licensure and Regulation(TDLR)inspections, which shall be paid as described in the Supplementary Conditions. C. Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals required for City's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work; or acceptance of materials, mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. Such inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals shall be performed by organizations acceptable to City. D. City may arrange for the services of an independent testing laboratory ("Testing Lab") to perform any inspections or tests ("Testing") for any part of the Work, as determined solely by City. 1. City will coordinate such Testing to the extent possible,with Contractor; 2. Should any Testing under this Section 13.03 D result in a "fail", "did not pass" or other similar negative result, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying for any and all retests. Contractor's cancellation without cause of City initiated Testing shall be deemed a negative result and require a retest. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.10IS70 Revision:Febnmry2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 49 of 63 3. Any amounts owed for any retest under this Section 13.03 D shall be paid directly to the Testing Lab by Contractor. City will forward all invoices for retests to Contractor. 4. If Contractor fails to pay the Testing Lab, City will not issue Final Payment until the Testing Lab is paid. E. If any Work (or the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered by Contractor without written concurrence of City, Contractor shall, if requested by City, uncover such Work for observation. F. Uncovering Work as provided in Paragraph 13.03.E shall be at Contractor's expense. G. Contractor shall have the right to make a Contract Claim regarding any retest or invoice issued under Section 13.03 D. 13.04 Uncovering Work A. If any Work is covered contrary to the Contract Documents or specific instructions by the City, it must, if requested by City, be uncovered for City's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. B. If City considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by City or inspected or tested by others, Contractor, at City's request, shall uncover, expose, or otherwise make available for observation, inspection, or testing as City may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material, and equipment. I. If it is found that the uncovered Work is defective, Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, and testing, and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others);or City shall be entitled to accept defective Work in accordance with Paragraph 13.08 in which case Contractor shall still be responsible for all costs associated with exposing, observing, and testing the defective Work. 2. If the uncovered Work is not found to be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, directly attributable to such uncovering, exposure,observation, inspection,testing, replacement, and reconstruction. 13.05 City May Stop the Work If the Work is defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, City may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof,until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of City to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of City to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor, any CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTSON SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febniary 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 50 of 63 Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other individual or entity, or any surety for, or employee or agent of any of them. 13.06 Correction or Removal of Defective Work A. Promptly after receipt of written notice, Contractor shall correct all defective Work pursuant to an acceptable schedule,whether or not fabricated, installed,or completed,or, if the Work has been rejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, additional testing, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). Failure to require the removal of any defective Work shall not constitute acceptance of such Work. B. When correcting defective Work under the terms of this Paragraph 13.06 or Paragraph 13.07, Contractor shall take no action that would void or otherwise impair City's special warranty and guarantee, if any, on said Work. 13.07 Correction Period A. If within two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance (or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents), any Work is found to be defective, or if the repair of any damages to the land or areas made available for Contractor's use by City or permitted by Laws and Regulations as contemplated in Paragraph 6.10.A is found to be defective, Contractor shall promptly, without cost to City and in accordance with City's written instructions: 1. repair such defective land or areas; or 2. correct such defective Work; or 3. if the defective Work has been rejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective, and 4. satisfactorily correct or repair or remove and replace any damage to other Work, to the work of others or other land or areas resulting therefrom. B. If Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of City's written instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, City may have the defective Work corrected or repaired or may have the rejected Work removed and replaced. All claims, costs, lasses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs)arising out of or relating to such correction or repair or such removal and. replacement(including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others)will be paid by Contractor. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Fcbnkvy 2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 51 of 63 C. In special circumstances where a particular item of equipment is placed in continuous service before Final Acceptance of all the Work,the correction period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Contract Documents. D. Where defective Work (and damage to other Work resulting therefrom) has been corrected or removed and replaced under this Paragraph 13.07, the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work may be required to be extended for an additional period of one year after the end of the initial correction period. City shall provide 30 days written notice to Contractor should such additional warranty coverage be required. Contractor may dispute this requirement by filing a Contract Claim,pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. E. Contractor's obligations under this Paragraph 13.07 are in addition to any other obligation or warranty. The provisions of this Paragraph 13.07 shall not be construed as a substitute for, or a waiver of,the provisions of any applicable statute of limitation or repose. 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work If, instead of requiring correction or removal and, replacement of defective Work, City prefers to accept it, City may do so. Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs)attributable to City's evaluation of and determination to accept such defective Work and for the diminished value of the Work to the extent not otherwise paid by Contractor. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Final Acceptance, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work, and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price, reflecting the diminished value of Work so accepted. 13.09 City May Correct Defective Work A. If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice from City to correct defective Work, or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by City in accordance with Paragraph 13.06.A, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, or if Contractor fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents, City may, after seven (7) days written notice to Contractor, correct, or remedy any such deficiency. B. In exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09, City shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective or remedial action, City may exclude Contractor from all or part of the Site, take possession of all or part of the Work and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment incorporated in the Work, stored at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow City, City's representatives, agents, consultants, employees, and City's other contractors, access to the Site to enable City to exercise the rights and remedies under this Paragraph. C. All claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION!DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnkuy 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 52 of 63 costs) incurred or sustained by City in exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09 will be charged against Contractor, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price. D. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension. of the Contract Time because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise of City's rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09. ARTICLE 14--PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 14.01 Schedule of Values The Schedule of Values for lump sum contracts established as provided in Paragraph 2.07 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to City. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. 14.02 Progress Payments A. Applications for Payments: 1. Contractor is responsible for providing all information as required to become a vendor of the City. 2. At least 20 days before the date established in the General Requirements for each progress payment, Contractor shall submit to City for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 3. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the Site or at another location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice, or other documentation warranting that City has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate insurance or other arrangements to protect City's interest therein, all of which must be satisfactory to City. 4. Beginning with the second Application for Payment,each Application shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that previous progress payments received on account of the Work have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations associated with prior Applications for Payment. 5. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Contract Documents. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Februmy2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 53 of 63 B. Review of Applications: 1. City will, after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment or return the Application to Contractor indicating reasons for refusing payment. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. 2. City's processing of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will be based on City's observations of the executed Work,and on City's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules;that to the best of City's knowledge: a. the Work has progressed to the point indicated; b. the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Final Acceptance,the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, a final determination of quantities and classifications for Work performed under Paragraph 9.05, and any other qualifications stated in the recommendation). 3. Processing any such payment will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: a. inspections made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work as it has been performed have been exhaustive, extended to every aspect of the Work in progress, or involved detailed inspections of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to City in the Contract Documents; or b. there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle Contractor to be paid additionally by City or entitle City to withhold payment to Contractor, or c. Contractor has complied with Laws and Regulations applicable to Contractor's performance of the Work. 4. City may refuse to process the whole Or any part of any payment because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, and revise or revoke any such payment previously made, to such extent as may be necessary to protect City from loss because: a. the Work is defective, or the completed Work has been damaged by the Contractor or his subcontractors,requiring correction or replacement; b. discrepancies in quantities contained in previous applications for payment; c. the Contract Price has been reduced by Change Orders; d. City has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work in accordance with Paragraph 13.09; or CITY OF PORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febntry 2,2016 00 72 00-t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 54 of 63 e. City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraph 15.02.A. C. Retainage: 1. For contracts Iess than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten percent (10%). 2. For contracts greater than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent (5%). D. Liquidated Damages. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the Contract Documents, the sum per day specified in the Agreement, will be deducted from the monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the City. E. Payment: Contractor will be paid pursuant to the requirements of this Article 14 and payment will become due in accordance with the Contract Documents. F. Reduction in Payment: 1. City may refuse to make payment of the amount requested because: a. Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, except where Contractor has delivered a specific bond satisfactory to City to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens; b. there are other items entitling City to a set-off against the amount recommended; or c. City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraphs 14.02.B.4.a through 14.02.B.4.e or Paragraph 15.02.A. 2. If City refuses to make payment of the amount requested, City will give Contractor written notice stating the reasons for such action and pay Contractor any amount remaining after deduction of the amount so withheld. City shall pay Contractor the amount so withheld,or any adjustment thereto agreed to by City and Contractor, when Contractor remedies the reasons for such action. 14.03 Contractor's Warranty of Title Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials, and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not,will pass to City no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Liens. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnoy2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 55 of 63 14.04 Partial Utilization A. Prior to Final Acceptance of all the Work, City may use or occupy any substantially completed part of the Work which has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or which City, determines constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by City for its intended purpose without significant interference with Contractor's performance of the remainder of the Work. City at any tune may notify Contractor in writing to permit City to use or occupy any such part of the Work which City determines to be ready for its intended use,subject to the following conditions: 1. Contractor at any time may notify City in writing that Contractor considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use. 2. Within a reasonable time after notification as enumerated in Paragraph 14.O5.A.1, City and Contractor shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. If City does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, City will notify Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefor. 3. Partial Utilization will not constitute Final Acceptance by City. 14.05 Final Inspection A. Upon written notice from Contractor that the entire Work is complete in accordance with the Contract Documents: 1. within 10 days, City will schedule a Final Inspection with Contractor. 2. City will notify Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deficiencies. B. No tune charge will be made against the Contractor between said date of notification of the City and the date of Final Inspection. Should the City determine that the Work is not ready for Final Inspection,City will notify the Contractor in writing of the reasons and Contract Time will resume. 14.O6 Final Acceptance Upon completion by Contractor to City's satisfaction, of any additional Work identified in the Final Inspection, City will issue to Contractor a letter of Final Acceptance. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUWNTS City Project No.101570 Revision:FeWmiy2,20l6 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 56 of63 14.07 Final Payment A. Application for Payment: 1. Upon Final Acceptance, and in the opinion of City, Contractor may make an application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (except as previously delivered) by: a. all documentation called for in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by Paragraph 5.03; b. consent of the surety, if any,to final payment; c. a list of all pending or released Damage Claims against City that Contractor believes are unsettled; and d. affidavits of payments and complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to City) of all Lien rights arising out of or Liens filed in connection with the Work. B. Payment Becomes Due: I. After City's acceptance of the Application for Payment and accompanying documentation, requested by Contractor, less previous payments made and any sum City is entitled, including but not limited to liquidated damages, will become due and payable. 2. After all Damage Claims have been resolved: a. directly by the Contractor or; b. Contractor provides evidence that the Damage Claim has been reported to Contractor's insurance provider for resolution. 3. The making of the final payment by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. 14.08 Final Completion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release A. If final completion of the Work is significantly delayed, and if City so confirms, City may, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for Payment, and without terminating the Contract,make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining balance to be held by City for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in Paragraph 14.02.C, and if bonds have been furnished as required in Paragraph 5.02, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnuvy2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 57 of63 portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to City with the Application for such payment. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of Contract Claims. B. Partial Retainage Release. For a Contract that provides for a separate vegetative establishment and maintenance, and test and performance periods following the completion of all other construction in the Contract Documents for all Work locations, the City may release a portion of the amount retained provided that all other work is completed as determined by the City. Before the release, all submittals and final quantities must be completed and accepted for all other work. An amount sufficient to ensure Contract compliance will be retained. 14.09 Waiver of Claims The acceptance of final payment will constitute a release of the City from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the work under the Contract Documents or any act or neglect of City related to or connected with the Contract. ARTICLE 15—SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERNIINATION 15.01 City May Suspend Work A. At any time and without cause, City may suspend the Work or any portion thereof by written notice to Contractor and which may fix the date on which Work will be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. During temporary suspension of the Work covered by these Contract Documents, for any reason, the City will make no extra payment for stand-by time of construction equipment and/or construction crews. B. Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the Project due to causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, and should it be determined by mutual consent of the Contractor and City that a solution to allow construction to proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time, Contractor may request an extension in Contract Time, directly attributable to any such suspension. C. If it should become necessary to suspend the Work for an indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in such a manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, and he shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed; he shall provide suitable drainage about the work, and erect temporary structures where necessary. D. Contractor may be reimbursed for the cost of moving his equipment off the job and returning the necessary equipment to the job when it is determined by the City that construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will be allowed. Reimbursement may not be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construction project for the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O19 CI P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febniuy2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 58 of 63 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause A. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events by way of example,but not of limitation, may justify termination for cause: 1. Contractor's persistent failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, failure to adhere to the Project Schedule established under Paragraph 2.07 as adjusted from time to time pursuant to Paragraph 6.04, or failure to adhere to the City's Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance #20020-12-2011established under Paragraph 6.06.D); 2. Contractor's disregard of Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; 3. Contractor's repeated disregard of the authority of City; or 4. Contractor's violation in any substantial way of any provisions of the Contract Documents; or 5. Contractor's failure to promptly make good any defect in materials or workmanship, or defects of any nature,the correction of which has been directed in writing by the City; or 6. Substantial indication that the Contractor has made an unauthorized assignment of the Contract or any funds due therefrom for the benefit of any creditor or for any other purpose; or 7. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to carry on the Work satisfactorily; or 8. Contractor commences legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the City. B. If one or more of the events identified in Paragraph 15.02A. occur, City will provide written notice to Contractor and Surety to arrange a conference with Contractor and Surety to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. Conference shall be held not later than 15 days, after receipt of notice. 1. If the City, the Contractor, and the Surety do not agree to allow the Contractor to proceed to perform the construction Contract, the City may, to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations, declare a Contractor default and formally terminate the Contractor's right to complete the Contract. Contractor default shall not be declared earlier than 20 days after the Contractor and Surety have received notice of conference to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. 2. If Contractor's services are terminated, Surety shall be obligated to take over and perform the Work. If Surety does not commence performance thereof within 15 consecutive calendar days after date of an additional written notice demanding Surety's performance of its CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUIMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnuary2,2016 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 59 of 63 obligations, then City, without process or action at,law, may take over any portion of the Work and complete it as described below. a. If City completes the Work, City may exclude Contractor and Surety from the site and take possession of the Work, and all materials and equipment incorporated into the Work stored at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor or Surety but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as City may deem expedient. 3. Whether City or Surety completes the Work, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by City arising out of or resulting from completing the Work, such excess will be paid to Contractor. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to City. Such claims, costs, losses and damages incurred by City will be incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this Paragraph, City shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 4. Neither City, nor any of its respective consultants, agents, officers, directors or employees shall be in any way liable or accountable to Contractor or Surety for the method by which the completion of the said Work,or any portion thereof,may be accomplished or for the price paid therefor. 5. City, notwithstanding the method used in completing the Contract, shall not forfeit the right to recover damages from Contractor or Surety for Contractor's failure to timely complete the entire Contract. Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim on account of the method used by City in completing the Contract. 6. Maintenance of the Work shall continue to be Contractor's and Surety's responsibilities as provided for in the bond requirements of the Contract Documents or any special guarantees provided for under the Contract Documents or any other obligations otherwise prescribed by law. C. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 15.02.B, Contractor's services will not be terminated if Contractor begins within seven days of receipt of notice of intent to terminate to correct its failure to perforrn and proceeds diligently to cure such failure within no more than 30 days of receipt of said notice. D. Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by City,the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of City against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due Contractor by City will not release Contractor from liability. E. If and to the extent that Contractor has provided a performance bond under the provisions of Paragraph 5.02,the termination procedures of that bond shall not supersede the provisions of this Article. CITY Or FORT WORTH 2O18 CI P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONS'FROMION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:February2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 60 of 63 15.03 City May Terminate For Convenience A. City may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of City, terminate the Contract.Any termination shall be effected by mailing a notice of the termination to the Contractor specifying the extent to which performance of Work under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. Receipt of the notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the Ietter is placed in the United States Postal Service Mail by the City. Further, it shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established that such termination is made with just cause as therein stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shall be required of the City regarding such discretionary action. B. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the City, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop work under the Contract on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination; 2. place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the Work under the Contract as is not terminated; 3. terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of the Work terminated by notice of termination; 4. transfer title to the City and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the City: a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in progress, completed Work, supplies and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the Work terminated by the notice of the termination; and b. the completed, or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property which, if the Contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the City. 5. complete performance of such Work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of termination; and 6. take such action as may be necessary, or as the City may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to its contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the owner has or may acquire the rest. C. At a time not Iater than 30 days after the termination date specified in the notice of termination, the Contractor may submit to the City a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by City. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnjary2,2016 007200-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 61 of 63 D. Not later than 15 days thereafter, the City shall accept title to such items provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the City upon removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within 45 days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustments to correct the list as submitted, shall be made prior to final settlement, E. Not later than 60 days after the notice of termination, the Contractor shall submit his termination claim to the City in the form and with the certification prescribed by the City. Unless an extension is made in writing within such 60 day period by the Contractor, and granted by the City, any and all such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived. F. in such case, Contractor shall be paid for(without duplication of any items): 1. completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; 2. expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials, or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; and 3. reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. G. In the event of the failure of the Contractor and City to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of the Work, the City shall determine, on the basis of information available to it,the amount, if any,due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined. Contractor shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination. ARTICLE 16—DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.01 Methods and Procedures A. Either City or Contractor may request mediation of any Contract Claim submitted for a decision under Paragraph 10.06 before such decision becomes final and binding. The request for mediation shall be submitted to the other party to the Contract. Timely submission of the request shall stay the effect of Paragraph 10.06.E. B. City and Contractor shall participate in the mediation process in good faith. The process shall be commenced within 60 days of filing of the request. C. If the Contract Claim is not resolved by mediation, City's action under Paragraph 10.06.0 or a denial pursuant to Paragraphs 10.06.C.3 or 10.06.13 shall become final and binding 30 days after termination of the mediation unless,within that time period, City or Contractor: CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:February 2,2016 007200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 62 of 63 1. elects in writing to invoke any other dispute resolution process provided for in the Supplementary Conditions; or 2. agrees with the other party to submit the Contract Claim to another dispute resolution process; or 3, gives written notice to the other party of the intent to submit the Contract Claim to a court of competent jurisdiction. ARTICLE 17—MISCELLANEOUS 17.01 Giving Notice A. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice, it will be deemed to have been validly given if: 1. delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended; or 2. delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. B. Business address changes must be promptly made in writing to the other party. C. Whenever the Contract Documents specifies giving notice by electronic means such electronic notice shall be deemed sufficient upon confirmation of receipt by the receiving party. 17.02 Computation of Times When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. 1f the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday the next Working Day shall become the last day of the period. 17.03 Cumulative Remedies The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guarantee, or by other provisions of the Contract Documents. The provisions of this Paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right, and remedy to which they apply. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febnimy2,2016 00 72 00--1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 63 of63 17.04 Survival of Obligations All representations, indemnifications, warranties, and guarantees made in, required by, or given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will survive final payment, completion, and acceptance of the Work or termination or completion of the Contract or termination of the services of Contractor. 17.05 Headings Article and paragraph headings are inserted for convenience only and do not constitute parts of these General Conditions. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CI CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revision:Febivary 2,2016 00 73 00-1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 1 of 5 I SECTION 00 73 00 2 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS 3 TO 4 GENERAL CONDITIONS 5 6 7 Supplementary Conditions 8 9 These Supplementary Conditions modify and supplement Section 00 72 00-General Conditions,and other 10 provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions of the General Conditions that are I 1 modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect as so modified or supplemented. All provisions 12 of the General Conditions which are not so modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect. 13 14 Defined Terms 15 16 The terms used in these Supplementary Conditions which are defined in the General Conditions have the 17 meaning assigned to them in the General Conditions,unless specifically noted herein. 18 19 Modifications and Supplements 20 21 The following are instructions that modify or supplement specific paragraphs in the General Conditions and 22 other Contract Documents. 23 24 SC-3.03B.2,"Resolving Discrepancies" 25 26 Plans govern over Specifications. 27 28 SC-4.01A 29 30 Easement limits shown on the Drawing are approximate and were provided to establish a basis for bidding. 31 Upon receiving the final easements descriptions,Contractor shall compare them to the lines shown on the 32 Contract Drawings. 33 34 SC-4.01A.L,"Availability of Lands" 35 36 The following is a list of known outstanding right-of-way,and/or easements to be acquired,if any as of 37 January 14,2019: 38 39 Outstanding Right-Of-Way,and/or Easements to Be Acquired PARCEL OWNER TARGET DATE NUMBER OF POSSESSION NONE 40 The Contractor understands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed, 41 and do not bind the City. 42 43 If Contractor considers the final easements provided to differ materially from the representations on the 44 Contract Drawings, Contractor shall within five (5)Business Days and before proceeding with the Work, 45 notify City in writing associated with the differing easement line locations. 46 47 SC-4.01 A.2,"Availability of Lands" CITY OF FORT WORTH 201 S CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised January 22,2016 007300-2 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 2 of 5 I 2 Utilities or obstructions to be removed,adjusted,and/or relocated 3 4 The following is list of utilities and/or obstructions that have not been removed,adjusted,and/or relocated 5 as of January 14,2019. 6 -EXPECTED UTILITY AND LOCATION TARGET DATE OF OWNER ADJUSTMENT ...............................................................................................................-..............................................................................................._ -- -- ------- ............................. ----------------- 7 The Contractor understands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only,are not guaranteed, 8 and do not bind the City. 9 10 SC-4.02A.,"Subsurface and Physical Conditions" 11 12 The following are reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: 13 None 14 15 The following are drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface 16 structures(except Underground Facilities)which are at or contiguous to the site of the Work: 17 None 18 19 SC-4.06A.,"Hazardous Environmental Conditions at Site" 20 21 The following are reports and drawings of existing hazardous environmental conditions known to the City: 22 None 23 24 SC-5.03A.,"Certificates of Insurance" 25 26 The entities listed below are"additional insureds as their interest may appear"including their respective 27 officers,directors,agents and employees. 28 29 (1) City 30 (2) Consultant:None 31 (3) Other: None 32 33 SC-5.04A.,"Contractor's Insurance" 34 35 The limits of liability for the insurance required by Paragraph GC-5.04 shall provide the following 36 coverages for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by laws and regulations: 37 38 5.04A. Workers'Compensation,under Paragraph GC-5.04A. 39 40 Statutory limits 41 Employer's liability 42 $100,000 each accident/occurrence 43 $100,000 Disease-each employee 44 $500,000 Disease-policy limit 45 46 SC-5.04B.,"Contractor's Insurance" 47 CITY OF PORT WORTH 20I8 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised January 22,2016 007300-3 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 3 of 5 1 5.04B.Commercial General Liability,under Paragraph GC-5.04B.Contractor's Liability Insurance 2 under Paragraph GC-5.0413.,which shall be on a per project basis covering the Contractor with 3 minimum limits of: 4 5 $1,000,000 each occurrence 6 $2,000,000 aggregate limit 7 8 The policy must have an endorsement(Amendment—Aggregate Limits of Insurance)making the 9 General Aggregate Limits apply separately to each job site. 10 11 The Commercial General Liability Insurance policies shall provide"X","C",and"U"coverage's. 12 Verification of such coverage must be shown in the Remarks Article of the Certificate of Insurance. 13 14 SC 5.04C.,"Contractor's Insurance" 15 5.04C. Automobile Liability,under Paragraph GC-5.04C. Contractor's Liability Insurance under I6 Paragraph GC-5.04C.,which shall be in an amount not Iess than the following amounts: 17 18 (1) Automobile Liability-a commercial business policy shall provide coverage on"Any Auto", 19 defined as autos owned,hired and non-owned. 20 21 $1,000,000 each accident on a combined single limit basis. Split limits are acceptable if limits are at 22 least: 23 24 $250,000 Bodily Injury per person/ 25 $500,000 Bodily Injury per accident/ 26 $100,000 Property Damage 27 28 SC-5.04D.,"Contractor's Insurance" 29 30 The Contractor's construction activities will require its employees, agents,subcontractors,equipment,and 31 material deliveries to cross railroad properties and tracks 32 None. 33 34 The Contractor shall conduct its operations on railroad properties in such a manner as not to interfere with, 35 hinder,or obstruct the railroad company in any manner whatsoever in the use or operation of its/their trains 36 or other property. Such operations on railroad properties may require that Contractor to execute a"Right of 37 Entry Agreement"with the particular railroad company or companies involved,and to this end the 38 Contractor should satisfy itself as to the requirements of each railroad company and be prepared to execute 39 the right-of-entry(if any)required by a railroad company.The requirements specified herein likewise relate 40 to the Contractor's use of private and/or construction access roads crossing said railroad company's 41 properties. 42 43 The Contractual Liability coverage required by Paragraph 5.04D of the General Conditions shall provide 44 coverage for not less than the following amounts,issued by companies satisfactory to the City and to the 45 Railroad Company for a term that continues for so long as the Contractor's operations and work cross, 46 occupy,or touch railroad property: 47 48 (1) General Aggregate: NIA 49 50 (2) Each Occurrence: NIA 51 52 Required for this Contract X Not required for this Contract 53 54 With respect to the above outlined insurance requirements,the following shall govern: 55 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised January 22,2016 007300-4 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 4 of 5 1 I. Where a single railroad company is involved,the Contractor shall provide one insurance policy in 2 the name of the railroad company. However, if more than one grade separation or at-grade 3 crossing is affected by the Project at entirely separate locations on the line or lines of the same 4 railroad company,separate coverage may be required,each in the amount stated above. 5 6 2. Where more than one railroad company is operating on the same right-of-way or where several 7 railroad companies are involved and operated on their own separate rights-of-way,the Contractor 8 may be required to provide separate insurance policies in the name of each railroad company. 9 10 3. If,in addition to a grade separation or an at-grade crossing, other work or activity is proposed on a 11 railroad company's right-of-way at a location entirely separate from the grade separation or at- 12 grade crossing,insurance coverage for this work must be included in the policy covering the grade 13 separation. 14 15 4. If no grade separation is involved but other work is proposed on a railroad company's right-of= 16 way,all such other work may be covered in a single policy for that railroad,even though the work 17 may be at two or more separate locations. 18 19 No work or activities on a railroad company's property to be performed by the Contractor shall be 20 commenced until the Contractor has furnished the City with an original policy or policies of the insurance 21 for each railroad company named,as required above. All such insurance must be approved by the City and 22 each affected Railroad Company prior to the Contractor's beginning work. 23 24 The insurance specified above must be carried until all Work to be performed on the railroad right-of-way 25 has been completed and the grade crossing,if any,is no longer used by the Contractor. In addition, 26 insurance must be carried during all maintenance and/or repair work performed in the railroad right-of-way. 27 Such insurance must name the railroad company as the insured,together with any tenant or lessee of the 28 railroad company operating over tracks involved in the Project. 29 30 SC-6.04.,"Project Schedule" 31 32 Project schedule shall be tier 3 for the project. 33 34 SC-6.07.,"Wage Rates" 35 36 The following is the prevailing wage rate table(s)applicable to this project and is provided in the 37 Appendixes: 38 GC-6.07 Wage Rates 39 40 SC-6.09.,"Permits and Utilities" 41 42 SC-6.09A.,"Contractor obtained permits and licenses" 43 The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the Contractor: 44 - Fort Worth City Street Permit. 45 46 SC-6.0913."City obtained permits and Iicenses" 47 The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the City: 48 None, 49 50 SC-6.09C."Outstanding permits and licenses" 51 52 The following is a list of known outstanding permits and/or licenses to be acquired,if any as of January 14, 53 2019. 54 55 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised January 22,2016 007300-5 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 5 of 5 1 2 Outstanding Permits and/or Licenses to Be Acquired OWNER PERMIT OR LICENSE AND LOCATION TARGET DATE OF POSSESSION None 3 4 5 SC-7.02.,"Coordination" 6 7 The individuals or entities listed below have contracts with the City for the performance of other work at 8 the Site: 9 Vendor Scope of Work. Coordination Authority None 10 11 12 SC-8.01,"Communications to Contractor" 13 14 "None" 15 16 SC-9.01.,"City's Project Manager" 17 18 The City's Project Manager for this Contract is Maged Zaki(Maged.Zaki@FortWorthTexas.gov)or his/her 19 successor pursuant to written notification from the Director of Transportation and Public Works. 20 21 SC-13.03C.,"Tests and Inspections" 22 23 "None" 24 25 SC-I6.01C.1,"Methods and Procedures" 26 27 "None" 28 29 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1/22/2016 F. Griffin SC-9.01., "City's Project Representative"wording changed to City's Project Manager. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised January 22,2016 01 1100-1 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 1 of 3 I SECTION 01 11 00 2 SUMMARY OF WORK 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Summary of Work to be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION SHALL BE SUBSIDIARY TO 9 THIS PROJECT PAY ITEMS, NO SEPARATE PAY. NO PAYMENT WILL BE 10 MADE FOR MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION FROM ONE 11 LOCATION TO ANOTHER IN NORMAL PROGRESS OF PERFORMING THE 12 WORK. REMO.BILIZATION PAY ITEM SHALL BE PAID FOR SUSPENSION 13 OF WORK SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 14 OR AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY. IS C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 16 1. Division 0-Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms,and Conditions of the Contract 17 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 18 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 19 A. Measurement and Payment 20 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 21 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 22 1.3 REFERENCES INOT USEDI 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 24 A. Work Covered by Contract Documents 25 1. Work is to include furnishing all labor,materials,and equipment, and performing 26 all Work necessary for this construction project as detailed in the Drawings and 27 ,Specifications. 28 B. Subsidiary Work 29 1. Any and all Work specifically governed by documentary requirements for the 30 project,such as conditions imposed by the Drawings or Contract Documents in 31 which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal and the item is 32 not a typical unit bid item included on the standard bid item Iist,then the item shall 33 be considered as a subsidiary item of Work,the cost of which shall be included in 34 the price bid in the Proposal for various bid items. 35 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIF CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 011100-2 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 of 3 1 2. MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION SHALL NOT BE PAID DIRECTLY 2 BUT SHALL BE CONSIDERED SUBSIDIARY TO THE MAJOR ITEMS OF 3 WORK. NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR MOBILIZATION AND 4 DEMIBILIZATION FROM ONE LOCATION TO ANOTHER IN NORMAL 5 PROGRESS OF PERFORMING THE WORK. 6 C. Use of Premises 7 1. Coordinate uses of premises under direction of the City. 8 2. Assume full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of materials and 9 equipment stored on the Site. 10 3. Use and occupy only portions of the public streets and alleys, or other public places 11 or other rights-of-way as provided for in the ordinances of the City, as shown in the 12 Contract Documents, or as may be specifically authorized in writing by the City. 13 a. A reasonable amount of tools,materials,and equipment for construction 14 purposes may be stored in such space,but no more than is necessary to avoid 15 delay in the construction operations. 16 b. Excavated and waste materials shall be stored in such a way as not to interfere 17 with the use of spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed 18 and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property. 19 c. If the street is occupied by railroad tracks,the Work shall be carried on in such 20 manner as not to interfere with the operation of the railroad. 21 1) All Work shall be in accordance with railroad requirements set forth in 22 Division 0 as well as the railroad permit. 23 D. Work within Easements 24 1. Do not enter upon private property for any purpose without having previously 25 obtained permission from the owner of such property. 26 2. Do not store equipment or material on private property unless and until the 27 specified approval of the property owner has been secured in writing by the 28 Contractor and a copy furnished to the City. 29 3. Unless specifically provided otherwise, clear all rights-of-way or easements of 30 obstructions which must be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the 31 Work as a part of the project construction operations. 32 4. Preserve and use every precaution to prevent damage to, all trees, shrubbery,plants, 33 lawns,fences, culverts, curbing, and all other types of structures or improvements, 34 to all water,sewer,and gas lines,to all conduits, overhead pole lines, or 35 appurtenances thereof, including the construction of temporary fences and to all 36 other public or private property adjacent to the Work. 37 5. Notify the proper representatives of the owners or occupants of the public or private 38 lands of interest in lands which might be affected by the Work. 39 a. Such notice shall be made at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the 40 Work. 41 b. Notices shall be applicable to both public and private utility companies and any 42 corporation, company,individual,or other, either as owners or occupants,whose 43 land or interest in land might be affected by the Work. 44 c. Be responsible for all damage or injury to property of any character resulting 45 from any act, omission,neglect, or misconduct in the manner or method or 46 execution of the Work, or at any time due to defective work, material, or 47 equipment. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 011100-3 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 3 of 3 1 6. Fence 2 a. Restore all fences encountered and removed during construction of the Project 3 to the original or a better than original condition. 4 b. Erect temporary fencing in place of the fencing removed whenever the Work is 5 not in progress and when the site is vacated overnight,and/or at all times to 6 provide site security. 7 c. The cost for all fence work within easements, including removal,temporary 8 closures and replacement,shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in the 9 project proposal,unless a bid item is specifically provided in the proposal. 10 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 11 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.7 -CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 13 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 15 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 16 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 17 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 18 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 19 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USE, 20 END OF SECTION 21 Revision Log DATE 1`;A'VW SUMMARY OF CHANGE 22 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,20I2 012500-1 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page I of 4 1 SECTION 0125 00 2 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. The procedure for requesting the approval of substitution of a product that is not 7 equivalent to a product which is specified by descriptive or performance criteria or 8 defined by reference to 1 or more of the following: 9 a. Name of manufacturer 10 b. Name of vendor 1 I c. Trade name 12 d. Catalog number 13 2. Substitutions are not "or-equals". 14 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 15 1. None. 16 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 17 1. Division 0--Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 18 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 19 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 20 A. Measurement and Payment 21 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 22 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 23 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 24 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 25 A. Request for Substitution-General 26 1. Within 30 days after award of Contract(unless noted otherwise),the City will 27 consider formal requests from Contractor for substitution of products in place of 28 those specified. 29 2. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in Specifications by 30 means of references to names of manufacturers and vendors,trade names, or 31 catalog numbers. 32 a. When this method of specifying is used, it is not intended to exclude from 33 consideration other products bearing other manufacturer's or vendor's names, 34 trade names, or catalog numbers,provided said products are "or-equals," as 35 determined by City. 36 3. Other types of equipment and kinds of material may be acceptable substitutions 37 under the following conditions: 38 a. Or-equals are unavailable due to strike,discontinued production of products 39 meeting specified requirements, or other factors beyond control of Contractor; 40 or, CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O19 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 0I2500-2 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 2 of 4 1 b. Contractor proposes a cost and/or time reduction incentive to the City. 2 1.5 SUBMITTALS 3 A. See Request for Substitution Form(attached) 4 B. Procedure for Requesting Substitution 5 1. Substitution shall be considered only: 6 a. After award of Contract 7 b. Under the conditions stated herein 8 2. Submit 3 copies of each written request for substitution, including: 9 a. Documentation 10 1) Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with 11 Contract Documents 12 2) Data relating to changes in construction schedule, when a reduction is 13 proposed 14 3) Data relating to changes in cost 15 b. For products 16 1) Product identification 17 a) Manufacturer's name 18 b) Telephone number and representative contact name 19 c) Specification Section or Drawing reference of originally specified 20 product,including discrete name or tag number assigned to original 21 product in the Contract Documents 22 2) Manufacturer's literature clearly marked to show compliance of proposed 23 product with Contract Documents 24 3) Itemized comparison of original and proposed product addressing product 25 characteristics including,but not necessarily limited to: 26 a) Size 27 b) Composition or materials of construction 28 c) Weight 29 d) Electrical or mechanical requirements 30 4) Product experience 31 a) Location of past projects utilizing product 32 b) Name and telephone number of persons associated with referenced 33 projects knowledgeable concerning proposed product 34 c) Available field data and reports associated with proposed product 35 5) Samples 36 a) Provide at request of City. 37 b) Samples become the property of the City. 38 c. For construction methods: 39 1) Detailed description of proposed method 40 2) Illustration drawings 41 C. Approval or Rejection 42 1. Written approval or rejection of substitution given by the City 43 2. City reserves the right to require proposed product to comply with color and pattern 44 of specified product if necessary to secure design intent. 45 3. In the event the substitution is approved,the resulting cost and/or time reduction 46 will be documented by Change Order in accordance with the General Conditions. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 012500-3 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 3 of 4 1 4. No additional contract time will be given for substitution. 2 5. Substitution will be rejected if.- 3 a. Submittal is not through the Contractor with his stamp of approval 4 b. Request is not made in accordance with this Specification Section 5 c. In the City's opinion, acceptance will require substantial revision of the original 6 design 7 d. In the City's opinion, substitution will not perform adequately the function 8 consistent with the design intent 9 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 10 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 11 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 13 A. In making request for substitution or in using an approved product,the Contractor 14 represents that the Contractor: 15 1. Has investigated proposed product, and has determined that it is adequate or 16 superior in all respects to that specified, and that it will perform function for which 17 it is intended 18 2. Will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product specified 19 3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work,to include building 20 modifications if necessary,making such changes as may be required for Work to be 21 complete in all respects 22 4. Waives all claims for additional costs related to substitution which subsequently 23 arise 24 1.10 DELIVERY,STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 25 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 26 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 27 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 28 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 29 END OF SECTION 30 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 31 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No,101570 Revised duly 1,2011 012500-4 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 4 of 4 1 EXHIBIT A 2 REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION FORM: 3 4 TO. 5 PROJECT: DATE: 6 We hereby submit for your consideration the following product instead of the specified item for 7 the above project: 8 SECTION PARAGRAPH SPECIFIED ITEM 9 10 11 Proposed Substitution: 12 Reason for Substitution: 13 Include complete information on changes to Drawings and/or Specifications which proposed 14 substitution will require for its proper installation. 15 16 Fill in Blanks Below: 17 A. Will the undersigned contractor pay for changes to the building design, including engineering 18 and detailing costs caused by the requested substitution? 19 20 21 B. What effect does substitution have on other trades? 22 23 24 C. Differences between proposed substitution and specified item? 25 26 27 D. Differences in product cost or product delivery time? 28 29 30 E. Manufacturer's guarantees of the proposed and specified items are: 31 32 Equal Better(explain on attachment) 33 The undersigned states that the function, appearance and quality are equivalent or superior to the 34 specified item. 35 Submitted By: For Use by City 36 37 Signature ^Recommended Recommended 38 as noted 39 40 Firm Not recommended _Received late 41 Address By 42 Date 43 Date Remarks 44 Telephone 45 46 For Use by City: 47 48 Approved Rejected 49 City Date CITY OF FORT WORTH 2019 CIP CONCRETE RTSTORATION—CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 01 31 19-1 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 013119 2 PRECONST.RUCTION MEETING 3 PARTI - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Provisions for the preconstruction meeting to be held prior to the start of Work to 7 clarify construction contract administration procedures 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. None, 10 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 12 2. Division 1—General Requirements 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurement and Payment 15 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 17 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 18 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 19 A. Coordination 20 1. Attend preconstruction meeting. 21 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings 22 shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. 23 3. Meeting administered by City may be tape recorded. 24 a. If recorded,tapes will be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for 25 future reference. 26 B. Preconstruction Meeting 27 1. A preconstruction meeting will be held within 14 days after the execution of the 28 Agreement and before Work is started. 29 a. The meeting will be scheduled and administered by the City. 30 2. The Project Representative will preside at the meeting,prepare the notes of the 31 meeting and distribute copies of same to all participants who so request by fully 32 completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of the meeting. 33 3. Attendance shall include: 34 a. Project Representative 35 b. Contractor's project manager 36 c. Contractor's superintendent 37 d. Any subcontractor or supplier representatives whom the Contractor may desire 38 to invite or the City may request CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August 17,2012 01 31 19-2 PRECONSTIZUCTIONHEETING Page 2 of 3 1 e. Other City representatives 2 f. Others as appropriate 3 4. Construction Schedule 4 a. Prepare baseline construction schedule in accordance with Section 0132 16 and 5 provide at Preeonstruction Meeting. 6 b. City will notify Contractor of any schedule changes upon Notice of 7 Preconstruction Meeting. 8 5. Preliminary Agenda may include: 9 a. Introduction of Project Personnel 10 b. General Description of Project 11 c. Status of right-of-way,utility clearances, easements or other pertinent permits 12 d. Contractor's work plan and schedule 13 e. Contract Time 14 f. Notice to Proceed 15 g. Construction Staking 16 h. Progress Payments 17 i. Extra Work and Change Order Procedures 18 j. Field Orders 19 k. Disposal Site Letter for Waste Material 20 1. Insurance Renewals 21 in. Payroll Certification 22 n. Material Certifications and Quality Control Testing 23 o. Public Safety and Convenience 24 p. Documentation of Pre-Construction Conditions 25 q. Weekend Work Notification 26 r. Legal Holidays 27 s. Trench Safety Plans 28 t. Confined Space Entry Standards 29 u. Coordination with the City's representative for operations of existing water 30 systems 31 v. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 32 w. Coordination with other Contractors 33 x. Early Warning System 34 y. Contractor Evaluation 35 z. Special Conditions applicable to the project 36 aa. Damages Claims 37 bb. Submittal Procedures 38 cc. Substitution Procedures 39 dd. Correspondence Routing 40 cc. Record Drawings 41 ff. Temporary construction facilities 42 gg. M/WBE or MBE/SBE procedures 43 hh. Final Acceptance 44 ii. Final Payment 45 J. Questions or Comments CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August 17,2012 0131 19-3 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 3 of 3 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 11 END OF SECTION 12 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 13 CITY OF FORT WORTH 201 S C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised August 17,2012 013120-1 PROJECT MEETINGS Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 013120 2 PROJECT MEETINGS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Provisions for project meetings throughout the construction period to enable orderly 7 review of the progress of the Work and to provide for systematic discussion of 8 potential problems 9 B. Deviations this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 10 1. None. 11 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 12 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 13 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment 16 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 17 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 18 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 20 A. Coordination 21 1. Schedule, attend and administer as specified, periodic progress meetings, and 22 specially called meetings throughout progress of the Work. 23 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings 24 shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. 25 3. Meetings administered by City may be tape recorded. 26 a. If recorded,tapes will be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for 27 future reference. 28 4. Meetings, in addition to those specified in this Section,may be held when requested 29 by the City,Engineer or Contractor. 30 B. Pre-Construction Neighborhood Meeting 31 1. After the execution of the Agreement,but before construction is allowed to begin, 32 attend 1 Public Meeting with affected residents to: 33 a. Present projected schedule,including construction start date 34 b. Answer any construction related questions 35 2. Meeting Location 36 a. Location of meeting to be determined by the City. 37 3. Attendees 38 a. Contractor CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 01 31 20-2 PROJECT MEETINGS Page 2 of 3 1 b. Project Representative 2 c. Other City representatives 3 4. Meeting Schedule 4 a. In general,the neighborhood meeting will occur within the 2 weeks following 5 the pre-construction conference. 6 b. In no case will construction be allowed to begin until this meeting is held. 7 C. Progress Meetings 8 1. Formal project coordination meetings will be held periodically. Meetings will be 9 scheduled and administered by Project Representative. 10 2. Additional progress meetings to discuss specific topics will be conducted on an as- II needed basis. Such additional meetings shall include,but not be limited to: 12 a. Coordinating shutdowns 13 b. Installation of piping and equipment 14 c. Coordination between other construction projects 15 d. Resolution of construction issues 16 e. Equipment approval 17 3. The Project Representative will preside at progress meetings,prepare the notes of 18 the meeting and distribute copies of the same to all participants who so request by 19 fully completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of each 20 meeting. 21 4. Attendance shall include: 22 a. Contractor's project manager 23 b. Contractor's superintendent 24 c. Any subcontractor or supplier representatives whom the Contractor may desire 25 to invite or the City may request 26 d. Engineer's representatives 27 e. City's representatives 28 f. Others,as requested by the Project Representative 29 5. Preliminary Agenda may include: 30 a. Review of Work progress since previous meeting 31 b. Field observations,problems, conflicts 32 c. Items which impede construction schedule 33 d. Review of off-site fabrication, delivery schedules 34 e. Review of construction interfacing and sequencing requirements with other 35 construction contracts 36 f. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule 37 g. Revisions to construction schedule 38 h. Progress,schedule, during succeeding Work period 39 i. Coordination of schedules 40 j. Review submittal schedules 41 k. Maintenance of quality standards 42 1. Pending changes and substitutions 43 m. Review proposed changes for: 44 1) Effect on construction schedule and on completion date 45 2) Effect on other contracts of the Project 46 n. Review Record Documents 47 o. Review monthly pay request 48 p. Review status of Requests for Information CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 013120-3 PROJECT MEFTINGS Page 3 of 3 1 6. Meeting Schedule 2 a. Progress meetings will be held periodically as determined by the Project 3 Representative. 4 1) Additional meetings may be held at the request of the: 5 a) City 6 b) Engineer 7 c) Contractor 8 7. Meeting Location 9 a. The City will establish a meeting location. 10 1) To the extent practicable,meetings will behold at the Site. 11 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSANFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 13 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 15 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 16 1.10 DELIVERY,STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 17 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 18 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 19 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 20 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 21 END OF SECTION 22 Revision Log DATE 'NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 23 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 01 32 33-1 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO Page I of? 1 SECTION 0132 33 2 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO 3 PART 1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Administrative and procedural requirements for: 7 a. Preconstruction Videos 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. None. I0 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 12 2. Division 1 General Requirements 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurement and Payment 15 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 17 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 18 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 19 A. Preconstruction Video 20 1. Produce a preconstruction video of the site/alignment, including all areas in the 21 vicinity of and to be affected by construction. 22 a. Provide digital copy of video upon request by the City. 23 2. Retain a copy of the preconstruction video until the end of the maintenance surety 24 period. 25 1.5 SUBMITTALS f NOT USED] 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 28 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 30 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 31 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 32 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 33 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 013233-2 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO Page 2 of 2 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION jNOT USED] 2 END OF SECTION 3 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANCE 4 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RE STORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 01 33 00-1 SUBMITTALS Page 1 of 8 1 SECTION 0133 00 2 SUBMITTALS 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. General methods and requirements of submissions applicable to the following 7 Work-related submittals: 8 a. Shop Drawings 9 b. Product Data(including Standard Product List submittals) 10 c. Samples 11 d. Mock Ups 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 1. None. 14 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 15 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements,Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 16 2. Division 1 General Requirements 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payment 19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 20 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 23 A. Coordination 24 1. Notify the City in writing, at the time of submittal, of any deviations in the 25 submittals from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 26 2. Coordination of Submittal Times 27 a. Prepare,prioritize and transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of 28 performing the related Work or other applicable activities, or within the time 29 specified in the individual Work Sections, of the Specifications. 30 b. Contractor is responsible such that the installation will not be delayed by 31 processing times including,but not limited to: 32 a) Disapproval and resubmittal(if required) 33 b) Coordination with other submittals 34 c) Testing 35 d) Purchasing 36 e) Fabrication 37 f) Delivery 38 g) Similar sequenced activities 39 c. No extension of time will be authorized because of the Contractor's failure to 40 transmit submittals sufficiently in advance of the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 013300-2 SUBMITTALS Page 2 of 8 1 d. Mahe submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such 2 sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other 3 contractor. 4 B. Submittal Numbering 5 1. When submitting shop drawings or samples, utilize a 9-character submittal cross- 6 reference identification numbering system in the following manner: 7 a. Use the first 6 digits of the applicable Specification Section Number. 8 b. For the next 2 digits number use numbers 0 1-9 9 to sequentially number each 9 initial separate item or drawing submitted under each specific Section number. 10 c. Last use a letter,A-Z,indicating the resubmission of the same drawing(i.e. 11 A=2nd submission,B=3rd submission, C=4th submission, etc.). A typical 12 submittal number would be as follows: 13 14 03 30 00-08-B 15 16 1) 03 30 00 is the Specification Section for Concrete 17 2) 08 is the eighth initial submittal under this Specification Section 18 3) B is the third submission(second resubmission) of that particular shop 19 drawing 20 C. Contractor Certification 21 1. Review shop drawings,product data and samples,including those by 22 subcontractors,prior to submission to determine and verify the following: 23 a. Field measurements 24 b. Field construction criteria 25 c. Catalog numbers and similar data 26 d. Conformance with the Contract Documents 27 2. Provide each shop drawing,sample and product data submitted by the Contractor 28 with a Certification Statement affixed including: 29 a. The Contractor's Company name 30 b. Signature of submittal reviewer 31 c. Certification Statement 32 1) `By this submittal,I hereby represent that I have determined and verified 33 field measurements,field construction criteria,materials, dimensions, 34 catalog numbers and similar data and I have checked and coordinated each 35 item with other applicable approved shop drawings." 36 D. Submittal Format 37 1. Fold shop drawings larger than 8 '/2 inches x 11 inches to 8 '/2 inches x 11 inches. 38 2. Bind shop drawings and product data sheets together. 39 3. Order 40 a. Cover Sheet 41 1) Description of Packet 42 2) Contractor Certification 43 b. List of items/Table of Contents 44 c. Product Data/Shop Drawings/Samples/Calculations 45 E. Submittal Content 46 1. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 3300-3 SUBMITTALS Page 3 of 8 1 2. The Project title and number 2 3. Contractor identification 3 4. The names of: 4 a. Contractor 5 b. Supplier 6 c. Manufacturer 7 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification Section number,page and 8 paragraph(s) 9 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such 10 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials 11 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers 12 9. Identification by highlighting of deviations from Contract Documents 13 10. Identification by highlighting of revisions on resubmittals 14 11. An 8-inch x 3-inch blank space for Contractor and City stamps 15 F. Shop Drawings I6 1. As specified in individual Work Sections includes,but is not necessarily limited to: 17 a. Custom-prepared data such as fabrication and erection/installation(working) 18 drawings 19 b. Scheduled information 20 c. Setting diagrams 21 d. Actual shopwork manufacturing instructions 22 c. Custom templates 23 f. Special wiring diagrams 24 g. Coordination drawings 25 h. Individual system or equipment inspection and test reports including: 26 1) Performance curves and certifications 27 i. As applicable to the Work 28 2. Details 29 a. Relation of the various parts to the main members and Iines of the structure 30 b. Where correct fabrication of the Work depends upon field measurements 31 1) Provide such measurements and note on the drawings prior,to submitting 32 for approval. 33 G. Product Data 34 1. For submittals of product data for products included on the City's Standard Product 35 List, clearly identify each item selected for use on the Project. 36 2. For submittals of product data for products not included on the City's Standard 37 Product List,submittal data may include,but is not necessarily limited to: 38 a. Standard prepared data for manufactured products(sometimes referred to as 39 catalog data) 40 1) Such as the manufacturer's product specification and installation 41 instructions 42 2) Availability of colors and patterns 43 3) Manufacturer's printed statements of compliances and applicability 44 4) Roughing-in diagrams and templates 45 5) Catalog cuts 46 6) Product photographs CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 013300-4 SUBMITTALS Page 4 of 8 1 7) Standard wiring diagrams 2 8) Printed performance curves and operational-range diagrams 3 9) Production or quality control inspection and test reports and certifications 4 10) Mill reports 5 11) Product operating and maintenance instructions and recommended 6 spare-parts listing and printed product warranties 7 12) As applicable to the Work 8 H. Samples 9 1. As specified in individual Sections, include,but are not necessarily limited to: 10 a. Physical examples of the Work such as: 11 1) Sections of manufactured or fabricated Work 12 2) Small cuts or containers of materials 13 3) Complete units of repetitively used products color/texture/pattern swatches 14 and range sets 15 4) Specimens for coordination of visual effect 16 5) Graphic symbols and units of Work to be used by the City for independent 17 inspection and testing, as applicable to the Work 18 I. Do not start Work requiring a shop drawing, sample or product data nor any material to 19 be fabricated or installed prior to the approval or qualified approval of such item. 20 1. Fabrication performed,materials purchased or on-site construction accomplished 21 which does not conform to approved shop drawings and data is at the Contractor's 22 risk. 23 2. The City will not be liable for any expense or delay due to corrections or remedies 24 required to accomplish conformity. 25 3. Complete project Work,materials, fabrication,and installations in conformance 26 with approved shop drawings, applicable samples, and product data. 27 J. Submittal Distribution 28 1. Electronic Distribution 29 a. Confirm development of Project directory for electronic submittals to be 30 uploaded to City's Buzzsaw site,or another external FTP site approved by the 31 City. 32 b. Shop Drawings 33 1) Upload submittal to designated project directory and notify appropriate 34 City representatives via email of submittal posting. 35 2) Hard Copies 36 a) 3 copies for all submittals 37 b) If Contractor requires more than 1 hard copy of Shop Drawings 38 returned, Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed 39 above. 40 c. Product Data 41 1) Upload submittal to designated project directory and notify appropriate 42 City representatives via email of submittal posting. 43 2) Hard Copies 44 a) 3 copies for all submittals 45 d. Samples 46 1) Distributed to the Project Representative 47 2. Hard Copy Distribution(if required in lieu of electronic distribution) CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O48 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 33 00-5 SUBMITTALS Pagc 5 of 8 l a. Shop Drawings 2 1) Distributed to the City 3 2) Copies 4 a) 8 copies for mechanical submittals 5 b) 7 copies for all other submittals 6 c) If Contractor requires more than 3 copies of Shop Drawings returned, 7 Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above. 8 b. Product Data 9 1) Distributed to the City 10 2) Copies 11 a) 4 copies 12 c. Samples 13 1) Distributed to the Project Representative 14 2) Copies 15 a) Submit the number stated in the respective Specification Sections. 16 3. Distribute reproductions of approved shop drawings and copies of approved 17 product data and samples,where required, to the job site file and elsewhere as 18 directed by the City. 19 a. Provide number of copies as directed by the City but not exceeding the number 20 previously specified. 21 K. Submittal Review 22 1. The review of shop drawings, data and samples will be for general conformance 23 with the design concept and Contract Documents. This is not to be construed as: 24 a. Permitting any departure from the Contract requirements 25 b. Relieving the Contractor of responsibility for any errors, including details, 26 dimensions,and materials 27 c. Approving departures from details furnished by the City, except as otherwise 28 provided herein 29 2. The review and approval of shop drawings, samples or product data by the City 30 does not relieve the Contractor from his/her responsibility with regard to the 31 fulfillment of the terms of the Contract. 32 a. All risks of error and omission are assumed by the Contractor, and the City will 33 have no responsibility therefore. 34 3. The Contractor remains responsible for details and accuracy, for coordinating the 35 Work with all other associated work and trades, for selecting fabrication processes, 36 for techniques of assembly and for performing Work in a safe manner. 37 4. if the shop drawings, data or samples as submitted describe variations and show a 38 departure from the Contract requirements which City finds to be in the interest of 39 the City and to be so minor as not to involve a change in Contract Price or time for 40 performance,the City may return the reviewed drawings without noting an 41 exception. 42 5. Submittals will be returned to the Contractor under 1 of the following codes: 43 a. Code 1 44 1) "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" is assigned when there are no notations or 45 comments on the submittal. 46 a) When returned under this code the Contractor may release the 47 equipment and/or material for manufacture. 48 b. Code 2 CITY OF FORT WORTII 2018 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 013300-6 SUBMITTALS Page 6 of 8 1 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED". This code is assigned when a confirmation of 2 the notations and comments IS NOT required by the Contractor. 3 a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufacture; 4 however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the 5 final product. 6 c. Code 3 7 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED/RESUBMIT". This combination of codes is 8 assigned when notations and comments are extensive enough to require a 9 resubmittal of the package. 10 a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufacture; 11 however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the 12 final product. 13 b) This resubmittal is to address all comments, omissions and 14 non-conforming items that were noted. 15 c) Resubmittal is to be received by the City within 15 Calendar Days of 16 the date of the City's transmittal requiring the resubmittal. 17 d. Code 4 18 1) "NOT APPROVED" is assigned when the submittal does not meet the 19 intent of the Contract Documents. 20 a) The Contractor must resubmit the entire package revised to bring the 21 submittal into conformance. 22 b) It may be necessary to resubmit using a different manufacturer/vendor 23 to meet the Contract Documents. 24 6. Resubmittals 25 a. Handled in the same manner as first submittals 26 1) Corrections other than requested by the City 27 2) Marked with revision triangle or other similar method 28 a) At Contractor's risk if not marked 29 b. Submittals for each item will be reviewed no more than twice at the City's 30 expense. 31 1) All subsequent reviews will be performed at times convenient to the City 32 and at the Contractor's expense,based on the City's or City 33 Representative's then prevailing rates. 34 2) Provide Contractor reimbursement to the City within 30 Calendar Days for 35 all such fees invoiced by the City. 36 c. The need for more than 1 resubmission or any other delay in obtaining City's 37 review of submittals,will not entitle the Contractor to an extension of Contract 38 Time. 39 7. Partial Submittals 40 a. City reserves the right to not review submittals deemed partial, at the City's 41 discretion. 42 b. Submittals deemed by the City to be not complete will be returned to the 43 Contractor, and will be considered"Not Approved" until resubmitted. 44 c. The City may at its option provide a list or mark the submittal directing the 45 Contractor to the areas that are incomplete. 46 8. If the Contractor considers any correction indicated on the shop drawings to 47 constitute a change to the Contract Documents,then written notice must be 48 provided thereof to the City at least 7 Calendar Days prior to release for 49 manufacture. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 013300-7 SUBMITTALS Page 7 of 8 1 9. When the shop drawings have been completed to the satisfaction of the City,the 2 Contractor may carry out the construction in accordance therewith and no further 3 changes therein except upon written instructions from the City. 4 10. Each submittal, appropriately coded,will be returned within 30 Calendar Days 5 following receipt of submittal by the City. 6 L. Mock ups 7 1. Mock Up units as specified in individual Sections, include,but are not necessarily 8 limited to,complete units of the standard of acceptance for that type of Work to be 9 used on the Project. Remove at the completion of the Work or when directed. 10 M. Qualifications 11 1. If specifically required in other Sections of these Specifications, submit a P.E. 12 Certification for each item required. 13 N. Request for Information (RFI) 14 1. Contractor Request for additional information 15 a. Clarification or interpretation of the contract documents 16 b. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between Contract Documents 17 c. When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between the Drawings and 18 Specifications 19 1) Identify the conflict and request clarification 20 2. Use the Request for Information(RFI) form provided by the City. 21 3. Numbering of RFI 22 a. Prefix with"RFI"followed by series number, "-xxx",beginning with"01"and 23 increasing sequentially with each additional transmittal. 24 4. Sufficient information shall be attached to permit a written response without further 25 information. 26 5. The City will log each request and will review the request. 27 a. If review of the project information request indicates that a change to the 28 Contract Documents is required,the City will issue a Field Order or Change 29 Order,as appropriate. 30 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 35 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 36 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 37 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH 2OI8 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 013300-8 SUBMITTALS Page 8 of 8 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS jNOT USED] 2 PART 3 - EXECUTION jNOT USED] 3 END OF SECTION 4 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/2012 D.Johnson 1.4,K.8.Working Days modified to Calendar Days 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CEP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 35 13-1 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 1 of 8 1 SECTION 0135 13 2 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. The procedures for special project circumstances that includes,but is not limited to: 7 a. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation 8 b. Work near High Voltage Lines 9 c. Confined Space Entry Program 10 d. Air Pollution Watch Days 11 e. Use of Explosives,Drop Weight, Etc. 12 f. Water Department Notification. 13 g. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction 14 h. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers 15 i. Coordination within Railroad permits areas 16 j. Dust Control 17 k. Employee Parking 18 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 19 1. None. 20 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 21 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 22 2. Division 1 General Requirements 23 3. Section 33 12 25—Connection to Existing Water Mains 24 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 25 A. Measurement and Payment 26 1. Coordination within Railroad permit areas 27 a. Measurement 28 1) Measurement for this Item will be by lump sum. 29 b. Payment 30 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 31 will be paid for at the lump sum price bid for Railroad Coordination. 32 c. The price bid shall include: 33 1) Mobilization 34 2) Inspection 35 3) Safety training 36 4) Additional Insurance 37 5) Insurance Certificates 38 6) Other requirements associated with general coordination with Railroad, 39 including additional employees required to protect the right-of-way and 40 property of the Railroad from damage arising out of and/or from the 41 construction of the Project. 42 2. Railroad Flagmen CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 013513-2 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 2 of 8 1 a. Measurement 2 1) Measurement for this Item will be per working day. 3 b. Payment 4 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 5 will be paid for each working day that Railroad Flagmen are present at the 6 Site. 7 c. The price bid shall include- 8 1) Coordination for scheduling flagmen 9 2) Flagmen 10 3) Other requirements associated with Railroad 11 3. All other items 12 a. Work associated with these Items is considered subsidiary to the various Items 13 bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 14 1.3 REFERENCES 15 A. Reference Standards 16 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 17 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 18 Specification,unless a date is specifically cited. 19 2. Health and Safety Code,Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. 20 High Voltage Overhead Lines. 21 3. North Central Texas Council of Governments(NCTCOG) Clean Construction 22 Specification 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 24 A. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation 25 1. When work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas 26 Department of Transportation(TxDOT): 27 a. Notify the Texas Department of Transportation prior to commencing any work 28 therein in accordance with the provisions of the permit 29 b. All work performed in the TxDOT right-of-way shall be performed in 30 compliance with and subject to approval from the Texas Department of 31 Transportation 32 B. Work near High Voltage Lines 33 1. Regulatory Requirements 34 a. All Work near High Voltage Lines (more than 600 volts measured between 35 conductors or between a conductor and the ground) shall be in accordance with 36 Health and Safety Code,Title 9, Subtitle A, Chapter 752. 37 2. Warning sign 38 a. Provide sign of sufficient size meeting all OSHA requirements. 39 3. Equipment operating within 10 feet of high voltage lines will require the following 40 safety features 41 a. Insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm 42 b. Insulator links on the lift hook connections for back hoes or dippers 43 c. Equipment must meet the safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and the 44 safety requirements of the owner of the high voltage lines 45 4. Work within 6 feet of high voltage electric lines CITY OF FORT WORTH 2019 C1.P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP> CIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 35 13-3 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 3 of 8 1 a. Notification shall be given to: 2 1) The power company(example: ONCOR) 3 a) Maintain an accurate log of all such calls to power company and record 4 action taken in each case. 5 b. Coordination with power company 6 1) After notification coordinate with the power company to: 7 a) Erect temporary mechanical barriers, de-energize the lines, or raise or 8 lower the lines 9 c. No personnel may work within 6 feet of a high voltage line before the above 10 requirements have been met. 11 C. Confined Space Entry Program 12 1. Provide and follow approved Confined Space Entry Program in accordance with 13 OSHA requirements. 14 2. Confined Spaces include: 15 a. Manholes 16 b. All other confined spaces in accordance with OSHA's Permit Required for 17 Confined Spaces 18 D. Air Pollution Watch Days 19 1. General 20 a. Observe the following guidelines relating to working on City construction sites 21 on days designated as"AIR POLLUTION WATCH DAYS". 22 b. Typical Ozone Season 23 1) May 1 through October 31. 24 c. Critical Emission Time 25 1) 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 26 2. Watch Days 27 a. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality(TCEQ), in coordination 28 with the National Weather Service,will issue the Air Pollution Watch by 3:00 29 p.m. on the afternoon prior to the WATCH day. 30 b. Requirements 31 1) Begin work after 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the 32 use of motorized equipment for periods in excess of 1 hour. 33 2) However,the Contractor may begin work prior to 10:00 a.m. if: 34 a) Use of motorized equipment is less than 1 hour, or 35 b) if equipment is new and certified by EPA as "Low Emitting", or 36 equipment burns Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD), diesel emulsions,or 37 alternative fuels such as CNG. 38 E. TCEQ Air Permit 39 1. Obtain TCEQ Air Permit for construction activities per requirements of TCEQ. 40 F. Use of Explosives, Drop Weight,Etc. 41 1. When Contract Documents permit on the project the following will apply: 42 a. Public Notification 43 1) Submit notice to City and proof of adequate insurance coverage,24 hours 44 prior to commencing. 45 2) Minimum 24 hour public notification in accordance with Section 0131 13 46 G. Water Department Coordination CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 013513-4 SPECIAL,PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 4 of 8 1 1. During the construction of this project, it will be necessary to deactivate,for a 2 period of time, existing lines. The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with 3 the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating 4 those lines. 5 2. Coordinate any event that will require connecting to or the operation of an existing 6 City water line system with the City's representative. 7 a. Coordination shall be in accordance with Section 33 12 25. 8 b. If needed,obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use 9 during the life of named project. 10 c. In the event that a water valve on an existing live system be turned off and on 11 to accommodate the construction of the project is required, coordinate this 12 activity through the appropriate City representative. 13 1) Do not operate water line valves of existing water system. 14 a) Failure to comply will render the Contractor in violation of Texas Penal 15 Code Title 7, Chapter 28.03 (Criminal Mischief)and the Contractor 16 will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 17 b) In addition,the Contractor will assume all liabilities and 18 responsibilities as a result of these actions. 19 H. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction 20 1. Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, on a block by block 21 basis,prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front 22 door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction.The notice 23 shall be prepared as follows: 24 a. Post notice or flyer 7 days prior to beginning any construction activity on each 25 block in the project area. 26 1) Prepare flyer on the Contractor's letterhead and include the following 27 information: 28 a) Name of Project 29 b) City Project No (CPN) 30 c) Scope of Project(i.e.type of construction activity) 31 d) Actual construction duration within the block 32 e) Name of the contractor's foreman and phone number 33 f) Name of the City's inspector and phone number 34 g) City's after-hours phone number 35 2) A sample of the `pre-construction notification' flyer is attached as Exhibit 36 A. 37 3) Submit schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each 38 block of the project to the inspector. 39 4) Deliver flyer to the City Inspector for review prior to distribution. 40 b. No construction will be allowed to begin on any block until the flyer is 41 delivered to all residents of the block. 42 I. Public Notification of Temporary Water Service Interruption during Construction 43 1. In the event it becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water service to 44 residents or businesses during construction,prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of 45 the pending interruption to the front door of each affected resident. 46 2. Prepared notice as follows: 47 a. The notification or flyer shall be posted 24 hours prior to the temporary 48 interruption. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 013513-5 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 5 of 8 1 b. Prepare flyer on the contractor's letterhead and include the following 2 information: 3 1) Name of the project 4 2) City Project Number 5 3) Date of the interruption of service 6 4) Period the interruption will take place 7 5) Name of the contractor's foreman and phone number 8 6) Name of the City's inspector and phone number 9 c. A sample of the temporary water service interruption notification is attached as 10 Exhibit B. 1 I d. Deliver a copy of the temporary interruption notification to the City inspector 12 for review prior to being distributed. 13 e. No interruption of water service can occur until the flyer has been delivered to 14 all affected residents and businesses. 15 f. Electronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from the Project 16 Construction Inspector. 17 J. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 18 1. At locations in the Project where construction activities occur in areas where 19 USACE permits are required, meet all requirements set forth in each designated 20 permit. 21 K. Coordination within Railroad Permit Areas 22 1. At locations in the project where construction activities occur in areas where 23 railroad permits are required,meet all requirements set forth in each designated 24 railroad permit. This includes,but is not limited to, provisions for: 25 a. Flagmen 26 b. Inspectors 27 c. Safety training 28 d. Additional insurance 29 e. Insurance certificates 30 f. Other employees required to protect the right-of-way and property of the 31 Railroad Company from damage arising out of and/or from the construction of 32 the project. Proper utility clearance procedures shall be used in accordance 33 with the permit guidelines. 34 2. Obtain any supplemental information needed to comply with the railroad's 35 requirements. 36 3. Railroad.Flagmen 37 a. Submit receipts to City for verification of working days that railroad flagmen 38 were present on Site. 39 L. Dust Control 40 1. Use acceptable measures to control dust at the Site. 41 a. If water is used to control dust, capture and properly dispose of waste water. 42 b. If wet saw cutting is performed, capture and properly dispose of slurry. 43 M. Employee Parking 44 1. Provide parking for employees at locations approved by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 0135 13-6 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 6 of 8 1 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY,STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 112 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 11 END OF SECTION 12 Revision Log DATE `rA'VIE SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.4.8—Added requirement of compliance with Health and Safety Code,Title 9. 8/31/2012 D.Johnson Safety,Subtitle A.Public Safety,Chapter 752.IIigh Voltage Overhead Lines. 1.4.E---Added Contractor responsibility for obtaining a TCEQ Air Permit 13 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 013513-7 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 7 of 8 1 FXHYBIT A 2 (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) 3 4 5 6 Date: 7 8 CPN No.: 101386 9 Project Name: HMAC 2018-5 STREET REHABILITATION 10 Mapsco Location: 11 Limits of Construction: 12 13 I4 15 16 17 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT 18 WORTH, OUR COMPANY WILL WORK ON UTILITY LINES ON OR AROUND YOUR 19 PROPERTY. 20 21 CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE 22 OF THIS NOTICE. 23 24 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER 25 ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: 26 27 28 Mr. <CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> 29 30 OR 31 32 Mr. <CITY INSPECTORS AT < TELEPHONE.NO.> 33 34 AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL (817) 392 8306 35 36 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL 37 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRI rE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 35 13-8 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 8 of 8 1 EXHIBIT B 2 FORTWORTH DoZ NO.xxxx >m� : [NOTICE OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DUE TO UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE INTERRUPTED ON BETWEEN THE HOURS OF AND IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS SHUT-OUT,PLEASE CALL: MR. AT (CONTRACTORS SUPERINTENDENT) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) OR MR. AT (CITY INSPECTOR) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) THIS INCONVENIENCE WILL BE AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE.. THANK YOU, _,CONTRACTOR 3 4 CITY OF PORT WORTII 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Reviscd December 20,2012 01 4523- 1 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Page I of 2 I SECTION 0145 23 2 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Testing and inspection services procedures and coordination 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort-Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division I —General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 16 a. Contractor is responsible for performing,coordinating, and payment of all 17 Quality Control testing. 18 b. City is responsible for performing and payment for first set of Quality 19 Assurance testing. 20 I) If the first Quality Assurance test performed by the City fails,the 21 Contractor is responsible for payment of subsequent Quality Assurance 22 testing until a passing test occurs. 23 a) Final acceptance wiII not be issued by City until all required payments 24 for testing by Contractor have been paid in full. 25 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 26 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 27 A. Testing 28 1. Complete testing in accordance with the Contract Documents. 29 2. Coordination 30 a. When testing is required to be performed by the City,notify City, sufficiently 31 in advance,when testing is needed. 32 b. When testing is required to be completed by the Contractor,notify City, 33 sufficiently in advance,that testing will be performed. 34 3. Distribution of Testing Reports 35 a. Electronic Distribution 36 1) Confirm development of Project directory for electronic submittals to be 37 uploaded to City's Buzzsaw site, or another external FTP site approved by 38 the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 014523-2 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES Page 2 of 2 1 2) Upload test reports to designated project directory and notify appropriate 2 City representatives via email of submittal posting. 3 3) Hard Copies 4 a) I copy for all submittals submitted to the Project Representative 5 b. Hard Copy Distribution(if required in lieu of electronic distribution) 6 1) Tests performed by City 7 a) Distribute 1 hard copy to the Contractor 8 2) Tests performed by the Contractor 9 a) Distribute 3 hard copies to City's Project Representative 10 4. Provide City's Project Representative With trip tickets for each delivered load of 11 Concrete or Lime material including the following information: 12 a. Name of pit 13 b. Date of delivery 14 c. Material delivered 15 B. inspection 16 1. Inspection or lack of inspection does not relieve the Contractor from obligation to 17 perform work in accordance With the Contract Documents. 18 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSANFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 23 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 24 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 25 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 26 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 27 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 28 END OF SECTION 29 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 30 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 015000-1 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 1 of 4 I SECTION 01 So 00 2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Provide temporary facilities and controls needed for the Work including, but not 7 necessarily limited to: 8 a. Temporary utilities 9 b. Sanitary facilities 10 c. Storage Sheds and Buildings 11 d. Dust control 12 e. Temporary fencing of the construction site 13 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 14 1. None. 15 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 16 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 17 2. Division I —General Requirements 18 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 19 A. Measurement and Payment 20 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 21 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item.. 22 1.3 REFERENCES jNOT USED] 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATPVE REQUIREMENTS 24 A. Temporary Utilities 25 1. Obtaining Temporary Service 26 a. Make arrangements with utility service companies for temporary services. 27 b. Abide by rules and regulations of utility service companies or authorities 28 having jurisdiction. 29 c. Be responsible for utility service costs until Work is approved for Final 30 Acceptance. 31 1) Included are fuel,power,light,heat and other utility services necessary for 32 execution,completion,testing and initial operation of Work. 33 2. Water 34 a. Contractor to provide water required for and in connection with Work to be 35 performed and for specified tests of piping,equipment, devices or other use as 36 required for the completion of the Work. 37 b. Provide and maintain adequate supply of potable water for domestic 38 consumption by Contractor personnel and City's Project Representatives. 39 c. Coordination 40 1) Contact City I week before water for construction is desired CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 015000-2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 2 of 4 1 d. Contractor Payment for Construction Water 2 1) Obtain construction water meter from City for payment as billed by City's 3 established rates. 4 3. Electricity and Lighting 5 a. Provide and pay for electric powered service as required for Work, including 6 testing of Work. 7 1) Provide power for lighting, operation of equipment, or other use. 8 b. Electric power service includes temporary power service or generator to 9 maintain operations during scheduled shutdown. 10 4. Telephone 11 a. Provide emergency telephone service at Site for use by Contractor personnel I2 and others performing work or furnishing services at Site. 13 5. Temporary Heat and Ventilation 14 a. Provide temporary heat as necessary for protection or completion of Work. 15 b. Provide temporary heat and ventilation to assure safe working conditions. 16 B. Sanitary Facilities 17 1. Provide and maintain sanitary facilities for persons on Site. 18 a. Comply with regulations of State and local departments of health. 19 2. Enforce use of sanitary facilities by construction personnel at job site. 20 a. Enclose and anchor sanitary facilities. 21 b. No discharge will be allowed front these facilities. 22 c. Collect and store sewage and waste so as not to cause nuisance or health 23 problem. 24 d. Haul sewage and waste off-site at no less than weekly intervals and properly 25 dispose in accordance with applicable regulation. 26 3. Locate facilities near Work Site and keep clean and maintained throughout Project. 27 4. Remove facilities at completion of Project 28 C. Storage Sheds and Buildings 29 1. Provide adequately ventilated, watertigbt,weatherproof storage facilities with floor 30 above ground level for materials and equipment susceptible to weather damage. 31 2. Storage of materials not susceptible to weather damage may be on blocks off 32 ground. 33 3. Store materials in a neat and orderly manner. 34 a. Place materials and equipment to permit easy access for identification, 35 inspection and inventory. 36 4. Equip building with lockable doors and lighting, and provide electrical service for 37 equipment space heaters and beating or ventilation as necessary to provide storage 38 environments acceptable to specified manufacturers. 39 5. Fill and grade site for temporary structures to provide drainage away from 40 temporary and existing buildings. 41 6. Remove building from site prior to Final Acceptance. 42 D. Temporary Fencing 43 1. Provide and maintain for the duration or construction when required in contract 44 documents 45 E. Dust Control CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2014 015000-3 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 3 of 4 1 1. Contractor is responsible for maintaining dust control through the duration of the 2 proj ect. 3 a. Contractor remains on-call at all times 4 b. Must respond in a timely manner 5 F. Temporary Protection of Construction 6 1. Contractor or subcontractors are responsible for protecting Work from damage due 7 to weather. 8 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 9 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSANFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 10 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 11 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 13 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 14 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 15 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 16 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 17 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 18 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 19 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 20 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 21 3.4 INSTALLATION 22 A. Temporary Facilities 23 1. Maintain all temporary facilities for duration of construction activities as needed. 24 3.5 [REPAIR] /[RESTORATION) 25 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION 26 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 27 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 28 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 29 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 30 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 31 A. Temporary Facilities CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 015000-4 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CON'1ROLS Page 4 of 4 1 1. Remove all temporary facilities and restore area after completion of the Work,to a 2 condition equal to or better than prior to start of Work. 3 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 4 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 5 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTION 7 Revision Log DATE NAME SUM-11\4ARY OF CHANGE 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 01 55 26-1 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 0155 26 2 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Administrative procedures for: 7 a. Street Use Permit 8 b. Modification of approved traffic control 9 c. Removal of Street Signs 10 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 11 1. None. 12 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 13 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 14 2. Division I General Requirements 15 3. Section 34 71 13—Traffic Control 16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES I7 A. Measurement and Payment 18 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 19 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 20 1.3 REFERENCES 21 A. Reference Standards 22 1. Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard 23 published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 24 specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 25 2. Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). 26 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 27 A. Traffic Control 28 1. General 29 a. When traffic control plans are included in the Drawings,provide Traffic 30 Control in accordance with Drawings and Section 34 71 13. 31 b. When traffic control plans are not included in the Drawings,prepare traffic 32 control plans in accordance with Section 34 71 13 and submit to City for 33 review. 34 1) Allow minimum 10 working days for review of proposed Traffic Control. 35 B. Street Use Permit 36 1. Prior to installation of Traffic Control, a City Street Use Permit is required. 37 a. To obtain Street Use Permit, submit Traffic Control Plans to City 38 Transportation and Public Works Department, CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 015526-2 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 2 of 3 1 1) Allow a minimum of 5 working days for permit review. 2 2) Contractor's responsibility to coordinate review of Traffic Control plans for 3 Street Use Permit,such that construction is not delayed. 4 C. Modification to Approved Traffic Control 5 1. Prior to installation traffic control: 6 a. Submit revised traffic control plans to City Department Transportation and 7 Public Works Department. 8 I) Revise Traffic Control plans in accordance with Section 34 71 13. 9 2) Allow minimum 5 working days for review of revised Traffic Control. 10 3) It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate review of Traffic Control I I plans for Street Use Permit,such that construction is not delayed. 12 D. Removal of Street Sign 13 1. If it is determined that a street sign must be removed for construction,then contact 14 City Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division to 15 remove the sign. 16 E. Temporary Signage 17 1. In the case of regulatory signs,replace permanent sign with temporary sign meeting 18 requirements of the latest edition of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control 19 Devices (MUTCD). 20 2. Install temporary sign before the removal of permanent sign. 21 3. When construction is complete,to the extent that the permanent sign can be 22 reinstalled, contact the City Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs 23 and.Markings Division,to reinstall the permanent sign. 24 F. Traffic Control Standards 25 1. Traffic Control Standards can be found on the City's Buzzsaw website. 26 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 28 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 30 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 31 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 32 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 33 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 34 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 35 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 36 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUiv1ENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 015526-3 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 3 of 3 1 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 01 57 13-1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 0157 13 2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Procedures for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the I I Contract 12 2. Division 1 --General Requirements 13 3. Section 3125 00—Erosion and Sediment Control 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment 16 1. Construction Activities resulting in less than 1 acre of disturbance 17 a. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items 18 bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 19 2. Construction Activities resulting in greater than I acre of disturbance 20 a. Measurement and Payment shall be in accordance with Section 3125 00. 21 1.3 REFERENCES 22 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms 23 1. Notice of Intent:NOI 24 2. Notice of Termination:NOT 25 3. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: SWPPP 26 4. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: TCEQ 27 5. Notice of Change:NOC 28 A. Reference Standards 29 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 30 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 31 Specification,unless a date is specifically cited. 32 2. Integrated Storm Management(iSWM)Technical Manual for Construction 33 ControIs 34 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 35 A. General 36 1. Contractor is responsible for resolution and payment of any fines issued associated 37 with compliance to Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. CITY OF PORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 015713-2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 2 of 3 1 B. Construction Activities resulting in: 2 1. Less than 1 acre of disturbance 3 a. Provide erosion and sediment control in accordance with Section 3125 00 and 4 Drawings. 5 2. 1 to less than 5 acres of disturbance 6 a. Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(TPDES)General Construction 7 Permit is required 8 b. Complete SWPPP in accordance with TCEQ requirements 9 1) TCEQ Small Construction Site Notice Required under general permit 10 TXR150000 11 a) Sign and post at job site 12 b) Prior to Preconstruction Meeting, send 1 copy to City Department of 13 Transportation and Public Works,Environmental Division,(817)392- 14 6088. 15 2) Provide erosion and sediment control in accordance with: 16 a) Section 31 25 00 17 b) The Drawings 18 c) TXR150000 General Permit 19 d) SWPPP 20 e) TCEQ requirements 21 3. 5 acres or more of Disturbance 22 a. Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Construction 23 Permit is required 24 b. Complete SWPPP in accordance with TCEQ requirements 25 1) Prepare a TCEQ NOI form and submit to TCEQ along with required fee 26 a) Sign and post at job site 27 b) Send copy to City Department of Transportation.and Public Works, 28 Environmental Division, (817)392-6088. 29 2) TCEQ Notice of Change required if making changes or updates to NOI 30 3) Provide erosion and sediment control in accordance with: 31 a) Section 3125 00 32 b) The Drawings 33 c) TXR150000 General Permit 34 d) SWPPP 35 e) TCEQ requirements 36 4) Once the project has been completed and all the closeout requirements of 37 TCEQ have been met a TCEQ Notice of Termination can be submitted. 38 a) Send copy to City Department of Transportation and Public Works, 39 Environmental Division, (817)392-6088. 40 1.5 SUBMITTALS 41 A. SWPPP 42 1. Submit in accordance with Section.01 33 00, except as stated herein. 43 a. Prior to the Preconstruction Meeting, submit a draft copy of SWPPP to the City 44 as follows: 45 1) 1 copy to the City Project Manager 46 a) City Project Manager will forward to the City Department of 47 Transportation and Public Works,Environmental Division for review CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 015713-3 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 3 of 3 1 B. Modified SWPPP 2 1. If the SWPPP is revised during construction,resubmit modified SWPPP to the City 3 in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 4 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 6 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 7 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 8 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 9 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 10 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 11 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 12 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 13 END OF SECTION 14 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 15 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 0158 13- 1 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 0158 13 2 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE 3 PARTI - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Temporary Project Signage Requirements 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 18 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSANFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 23 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 24 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 25 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 26 PART 2- PRODUCTS 27 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 28 2.2 EQUIPMENT,PRODUCT TYPES,AND MATERIALS 29 A. Design Criteria 30 1. Provide free standing Project Designation Sign in accordance with City's Standard 31 Details for project signs. CITY OF PORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No, 101570 Revised July 1,2011 01 58 13-2 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE Page 2 of 3 1 B. Materials 2 1. Sign 3 a. Constructed of 3/4-inch fir plywood, grade A-C(exterior)or better 4 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 5 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 6 PART 3- EXECUTION 7 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 8 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 9 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 10 3.4 INSTALLATION 11 A. General 12 1. Provide vertical installation at extents of project. 13 2. Relocate sign as needed,upon request of the City. 14 B. Mounting options 15 a. Skids 16 b. Posts 17 c. Barricade 18 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 19 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 20 3.7 FIELD [ox] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 21 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 22 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 23 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 24 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 25 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 26 3.113 MAINTENANCE 27 A. General 28 1. Maintenance will include painting and repairs as needed or directed by the City. 29 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 30 END OF SECTION 31 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RI,STORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 015813-3 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE Page 3 of 3 1 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 2 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 016000-1 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 2 1 SECTION 0160 00 2 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. References for Product Requirements and City Standard Products List 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division I General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES [NOT USED] 13 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 14 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 15 A. A list of City approved products for use is located on Buzzsaw as follows: 16 1. Resources102-Construction DocumentslStandard Products List 17 B. Only products specifically included on City's Standard Product List in these Contract 18 Documents shall be allowed for use on the Project. 19 1. Any subsequently approved products will only be allowed for use upon specific 20 approval by the City. 21 C. Any specific product requirements in the Contract Documents supersede similar 22 products included on the City's Standard Product List. 23 1. The City reserves the right to not allow products to be used for certain projects even 24 though the product is listed on the City's Standard Product List. 25 D. Although a specific product is included on City's Standard Product List,not all 26 products from that manufacturer are approved for use, including but not limited to,that 27 manufacturer's standard product. 28 E. See Section 01 33 00 for submittal requirements of Product Data included on City's 29 Standard Product List. 30 LS SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSANFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 016000-2 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 2 1 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 2 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 3 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTION 7 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 10/I2/12 D.Johnson Modified Location of City's Standard Product List 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 GIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No:101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 70 00-I MOBILIZATION AND RFMOBILIZATION Page 1 of 4 1 SECTION 01 70 00 2 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION 3 PARTI - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Mobilization and Demobilization 7 a. Mobilization 8 1) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies 9 to the Site 10 2) Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's operation 11 at the Site 12 3) Premiums paid for performance and payment bonds 13 4) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment,and operating supplies 14 to another location within the designated Site 15 5) Relocation of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's operation 16 from 1 location to another Iocation on the Site. 17 b. Demobilization 18 1) Transportation of Contractor's personnel,equipment,and operating supplies 19 away from the Site including disassembly 20 2) Site Clean-up 21 3) Removal of all buildings and/or other facilities assembled at the Site for this 22 Contract 23 c. Mobilization and Demobilization do not include activities for specific items of 24 work that are for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. 25 2. Remobilization 26 a. Remobilization for Suspension of Work specifically required in the Contract 27 Documents or as required by City includes: 28 1) Demobilization 29 a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel,equipment, and operating 30 supplies from the Site including disassembly or temporarily securing 31 equipment, supplies, and other facilities as designated by the Contract 32 Documents necessary to suspend the Work. 33 b) Site Clean-up as designated in the Contract Documents 34 2) Remobilization 35 a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel,equipment, and operating 36 supplies to the Site necessary to resume the Work. 37 b) Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's 38 operation at the Site necessary to resume the Work. 39 3) No Payments will be made for: 40 a) Mobilization and Demobilization from one Iocation to another on the 41 Site in the normal progress of performing the Work. 42 b) Stand-by or idle time 43 c) Lost profits 44 3. Mobilizations and Demobilization for Miscellaneous Projects 45 a. Mobilization and Demobilization CITY OF FOR'r wORTii 2018 CIP CONCRCTE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised November 22,2016 017000-2 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 2 of 4 1 1) Mobilization shall consist of the activities and cost on a Work Order basis 2 necessary for: 3 a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel,equipment, and operating 4 supplies to the Site for the issued Work Order. 5 b) Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's 6 operation at the Site for the issued Work Order 7 2) Demobilization shall consist of the activities and cost necessary for: 8 a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating 9 supplies from the Site including disassembly for each issued Work 10 Order 11 b) Site Clean-up for each issued Work Order 12 c) Removal of all buildings or other facilities assembled at the Site for 13 each Work Oder 14 b. Mobilization and Demobilization do not include activities for specific items of 15 work for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. 16 4. Emergency Mobilizations and Demobilization for Miscellaneous Projects 17 a. A Mobilization for Miscellaneous Projects when directed by the City and the 18 mobilization occurs within 24 hours of the issuance of the Work Order. 19 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 20 1. None. 21 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 22 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 23 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 24 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 25 A. Measurement and Payment [Consult City Department/Division for direction on if 26 Mobilization pay item to be included or the item should be subsidiary. Include the 27 appropriate Section 1.2 A. 1.] 28 1. Mobilization and Demobilization 29 a. Measure 30 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 31 b. Payment 32 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 33 are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will be 34 allowed. 35 2. Remobilization for suspension of Work as specifically required in the Contract 36 Documents 37 a. Measurement 38 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each remobilization performed. 39 b. Payment 40 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 41 and measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit 42 price per each"Specified Remobilization"in accordance with Contract 43 Documents. 44 c. The price shall include: 45 1) Demobilization as described in Section 1.i_.A.2.a.1) 46 2) Remobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.2.a.2) CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised November 22,2016 017000-3 MOBILIZATION AND RLMOBILIZATION Page 3 of 4 I d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated this 2 Item. 3 3. Remobilization for suspension of Work as required by City 4 a. Measurement and Payment 5 1) This shall be submitted as a Contract Claim in accordance with Article 10 6 of Section 00 72 00. 7 2) No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated 8 with this Item. 9 4. Mobilizations and Demobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects 10 a. Measurement 1I 1) Measurement for this Item shall be for each Mobilization and 12 Demobilization required by the Contract Documents 13 b. Payment 14 1) The Work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 15 and measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit M price per each"Work Order Mobilization" in accordance with Contract 17 Documents. Demobilization shall be considered subsidiary to mobilization 18 and shall not be paid for separately. 19 c. The price shall include: 20 1) Mobilization as described in Section 1.I.A.3.a.1) 21 2) Demobilization as described in Section 1.I.A.3.a.2) 22 d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated this 23 Item. 24 5. Emergency Mobilizations and Demobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects 25 a. Measurement 26 1) Measurement for this Item shall be for each Mobilization and 27 Demobilization required by the Contract Documents 28 b. Payment 29 1) The Work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 30 and measured as provided under"Measurement"will be paid for at the unit 31 price per each"Work Order Emergency Mobilization"in accordance with 32 Contract Documents. Demobilization shall be considered subsidiary to 33 mobilization and shall not be paid for separately. 34 c. The price shall include 35 1) Mobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.4.a) 36 2) Demobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.3.a.2) 37 d. No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated this 38 Item. 39 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 40 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 41 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 42 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 43 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 44 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] CITY OF PORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised November 22,2016 017000-4 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 4 of 4 1 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 2 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 3 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 4 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 5 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 6 PART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 7 END OF SECTION 8 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 11/22/16 Michael Owen 1.2 Price and Payment Procedures-Revised specification,including blue text,to make specification flexible for either subsidiary or paid bid item for Mobilization. 9 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised November 22,2016 01 71 23-I CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 1 of 8 l SECTION 017123 2 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY 3 PARTI - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Requirements for construction staking and construction survey 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Construction Staking 15 a. Measurement 16 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by lump sum. 17 b. Payment 18 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 19 Item shall be paid for at the lump sum price bid for"Construction Staking". 20 2) Payment for"Construction Staking"shall be made in partial payments 21 prorated by work completed compared to total work included in the lump 22 sum item. 23 c. The price bid shall include,but not be limited to the following: 24 1) Verification of control data provided by City. 25 2) Placement,maintenance and replacement of required stakes and markings 26 in the field. 27 3) Preparation and submittal of construction staking documentation in the 28 form of"cut sheets" using the City's standard template. 29 2. Construction Survey 30 a. Measurement 31 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 32 b. Payment 33 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 34 Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will be 35 allowed. 36 3. As-Built Survey 37 a. Measurement 38 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by lump sum. 39 b. Payment 40 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 41 Item shall be paid for at the lump slim price bid for"As-Built Survey". CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised February 14,2018 017123-2 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 2 of 8 I 2) Payment for"Construction Staking" shall be made in partial payments 2 prorated by work completed compared to total work included in the lump sum 3 item. 4 c. The price bid shall include,but not be limited to the following:: 5 1) Field measurements and survey shots to identify location of completed 6 facilities. 7 2) Documentation and submittal of as-built survey data onto contractor redline 8 plans and digital survey files. 9 10 1.3 REFERENCES 11 A. Definitions 12 1. Construction Surve -The survey measurements made prior to or while 13 construction is in progress to control elevation,horizontal position, dimensions and 14 configuration of structures/improvements included in the Project Drawings. 15 2. As-built Survey—The measurements made after the construction of the 16 improvement features are complete to provide position coordinates for the features 17 of a project. 18 3. Construction Staking,---The placement of stakes and markings to provide offsets 19 and elevations to cut and fill in order to locate on the ground the designed 20 structures/improvements included in the Project Drawings. Construction staking 21 shall include staking easements and/or right of way if indicated on the plans. 22 4. Survey"Field Checks"—Measurements made after construction staking is 23 completed and before construction work begins to ensure that structures marked on 24 the ground are accurately located per Project Drawings. 25 B. Technical References 26 1. City of Fort Worth—Construction Staking Standards (available on City's Buzzsaw 27 websitc)—01 71 23.16.01—Attachment A Survey Staking Standards 28 2. City of Fort Worth- Standard Survey Data Collector Library(fxI)files(available 29 on City's Buzzsaw websitc). 30 3. Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT) Survey Manual,latest revision 31 4. Texas Society of Professional Land Surveyors(TSPS), Manual of Practice for Land 32 Surveying in the State of Texas,Category 5 33 34 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 35 A. The Contractor's selection of a surveyor must comply with Texas Government 36 Code 2254(qualifications based selection)for this project. 37 1.5 SUBMITTALS 38 A. Submittals, if required, shall be in accordance with Section 0133 00. 39 B. All submittals shall be received and reviewed by the City prior to delivery of work. 40 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 41 A. Field Quality Control Submittals CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No,101570 Revised February 14,2018 017123-3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 3 of 8 1 1. Documentation verifying accuracy of field engineering work,including coordinate 2 conversions if plans do not indicate grid or ground coordinates. 3 2. Submit"Cut-Sheets"conforming to the standard template provided by the City 4 (refer to 01 71 23.16.01—Attachment A—Survey Staking Standards). 5 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS 6 B. As-built Redline Drawing Submittal 7 1. Submit As-Built Survey Redline Drawings documenting the locations/elevations of 8 constructed improvements signed and sealed by Registered Professional Land 9 Surveyor(RPLS) responsible for the work(refer to 01 71 23.16.01 —Attachment A 10 Survey Staking Standards) . 11 2. Contractor shall submit the proposed as-built and completed redline drawing 12 submittal one (1)week prior to scheduling the project final inspection for City 13 review and comment.Revisions, if necessary, shall be made to the as-built redline 14 drawings and resubmitted to the City prior to scheduling the construction final 15 inspection. 16 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 17 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 18 A. Construction Staking 19 1. Construction staking will be performed by the Contractor. 20 2. Coordination 21 a. Contact City's Project Representative at least one week in advance notifying 22 the City of when Construction Staking is scheduled. 23 b. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate,staking such that 24 construction activities are not delayed or negatively impacted. 25 3. General 26 a. Contractor is responsible for preserving and maintaining stakes. If City 27 surveyors are required to re-stake for any reason,the Contractor will be 28 responsible for costs to perform staking. If in the opinion of the City, a 29 sufficient number of stakes or markings have been lost,destroyed disturbed or 30 omitted that the contracted Work cannot take place then the Contractor will be 31 required to stake or re-stake the deficient areas. 32 B. Construction Survey 33 1. Construction Survey will be performed by the Contractor. 34 2. Coordination 35 a. Contractor to verify that horizontal and vertical control data established in the 36 design survey and required for construction survey is available and in place. 37 3. General 38 a. Construction survey will be performed in order to construct the work shown 39 on the Construction Drawings and specified in the Contract Documents. 40 b. For construction methods other than open cut,the Contractor shall perform 41 construction survey and verify control data including,but not limited to,the 42 following: 43 1) Verification that established benchmarks and control are accurate. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised February 14,2018 017123-4 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 4 of 8 1 2) Use of Benchmarks to furnish and maintain all reference lines and grades 2 for tunneling. 3 3) Use of line and grades to establish the location of the pipe. 4 4) Submit to the City copies of field notesused to establish all lines and 5 grades, if requested, and allow the City to check guidance system setup prior 6 to beginning each tunneling drive. 7 5) Provide access for the City, if requested,to verify the guidance system and 8 the line and grade of the carrier pipe. 9 6) The Contractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the work and 10 correction of it, as required. 11 7) Monitor line and grade continuously during construction. 12 8) Record deviation with respect to design line and grade once at each pipe 13 joint and submit daily records to the City. 14 9) If the installation does not meet the specified tolerances (as outlined in 15 Sections 33 05 23 and/or 33 05 24), immediately notify the City and correct 16 the installation in accordance with the Contract Documents, 17 C. As-Built Survey 18 1. Required As-Built Survey will be performed by the Contractor. 19 2. Coordination 20 a. Contractor is to coordinate with City to confirm which features require as- 21 built surveying. 22 b. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate the as-built survey and 23 required measurements for items that are to be buried such that construction 24 activities are not delayed or negatively impacted. 25 c. For sewer mains and water mains 12" and under in diameter,it is acceptable 26 to physically measure depth and mark the location during the progress of 27 construction and take as-built survey after the facility has been buried. The 28 Contractor is responsible for the quality control needed to ensure accuracy. 29 3. General 30 a. The Contractor shall provide as-built survey including the elevation and 31 location(and provide written documentation to the City) of construction 32 features during the progress of the construction including the following: 33 1) Water Lines 34 a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for waterlines at the following 35 locations: 36 (1) Minimum every 250 linear feet, including 37 (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, 38 etc. 39 (3) Fire line tee 40 (4) Plugs,stub-outs, dead-end lines 41 (5) Casing pipe(each end)and all buried fittings 42 2) Sanitary Sewer 43 a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for force mains and siphon 44 sanitary sewer lines(non-gravity facilities) at the following locations: 45 (1) Minimum every 250 linear feet and any buried fittings 46 (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, 47 etc. 48 3) Stormwater—Not Applicable CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised February 14,2018 017123-5 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 5 of 8 1 b. The Contractor shall provide as-built survey including the elevation and 2 location(and provide written documentation to the City)of construction 3 features after the construction is completed including the following: 4 1) Manholes 5 a) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each manhole 6 2) Water Lines 7 a) Cathodic protection test stations 8 b) Sampling stations 9 c) Meter boxes/vaults(All sizes) 10 d) Fire hydrants 11 e) Valves (gate,butterfly, etc.) 12 f) Air Release valves(Manhole rim and vent pipe) 13 g) Blow off valves (Manhole rim and valve lid) 14 h) Pressure plane valves 15 i) Underground Vaults 16 (1) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each 17 Underground Vault. 18 3) Sanitary Sewer 19 a) Clcanouts 20 (4) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each 21 b) Manholes and Junction Structures 22 (1) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each 23 manhole and junction structure. ' 24 4) Stormwater--Not Applicable 25 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE,AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 26 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 27 1.12 WARRANTY 28 PART 2- PRODUCTS 29 A. A construction survey will produce,but will not be limited to: 30 1. Recovery of relevant control points,points of curvature and points of intersection. 31 2. Establish temporary horizontal and vertical control elevations(benchmarks) 32 sufficiently permanent and located in a manner to be used throughout construction. 33 3. The location of planned facilities, easements and improvements. 34 a. Establishing final line and grade stakes for piers, floors,grade beams,parking 35 areas, utilities, streets, highways, tunnels, and other construction. 36 b. A record of revisions or corrections noted in an orderly manner for reference. 37 c. A drawing,when required by the client, indicating the horizontal and vertical 38 location of facilities,easements and improvements, as built. 39 4. Cut sheets shall be provided to the City inspector and Survey Superintendent for all 40 construction staking projects. These cut sheets shall be on the standard city template 41 which can be obtained from the Survey Superintendent(817-392-7925). 42 5. Digital survey files in the following formats shall be acceptable: 43 a. AutoCAD(.dwg) 44 b. ESRI Shapefile(.shp) CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised February 14,2018 017123-6 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 6 of 8 1 c. CSV file (.csv), formatted with X and Y coordinates in separate columns (use 2 standard templates, if available) 3 6. Survey files shall include vertical and horizontal data tied to original project 4 control and benchmarks, and shall include feature descriptions 5 PART 3- EXECUTION 6 3.1 INSTALLERS 7 A. Tolerances: 8 1. The staked location of any improvement or facility should be as accurate as 9 practical and necessary. The degree of precision required is dependent on many 10 factors all of which must remain judgmental. The tolerances listed hereafter are 11 based on generalities and, under certain circumstances, shall yield to specific 12 requirements. The surveyor shall assess any situation by review of the overall plans 13 and through consultation with responsible parties as to the need for specific 14 tolerances. 15 a. Earthwork: Grades for earthwork or rough cut should not exceed 0.1 ft. vertical 16 tolerance.Horizontal alignment for earthwork and rough cut should not exceed 17 1.0 ft. tolerance. 18 b. Horizontal alignment on a structure shall be within.0.lft tolerance. 19 c. Paving or concrete for streets,curbs,gutters,parking areas, drives, alleys and 20 walkways shall be located within the confines of the site boundaries and, 21 occasionally, along a boundary or any other restrictive line. Away from any 22 restrictive line,these facilities should be staked with an accuracy producing no 23 more than 0.05ft.tolerance from their specified locations. 24 d. Underground and overhead utilities, such as sewers,gas,water, telephone and 25 electric lines,shall be located horizontally within their prescribed areas or 26 casements. Within assigned areas,these utilities should be staked with an 27 accuracy producing no more than 0.1 ft tolerance from a specified location. 28 c. The accuracy required for the vertical location of utilities varies widely. Many 29 underground utilities require only a minimum cover and a tolerance of 0.1 ft. 30 should be maintained. Underground and overhead utilities on planned profile, 31 but not depending on gravity flow for performance, should not exceed 0.1 ft. 32 tolerance. 33 B. Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according to manufacturer's 34 specifications or in compliance to standards. The City reserves the right to request a 35 calibration report at any time and recommends regular maintenance schedule be 36 performed by a certified technician every 6 months. 37 1. Field measurements of angles'and distances shall be done in such fashion as to 38 satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed in Part 3.1.A. 39 2. Vertical locations shall be established from a pre-established benchmark and 40 checked by closing to a different bench mark on the same datum. 41 3. Construction survey field work shall correspond to the client's plans. Irregularities 42 or conflicts found shall be reported promptly to the City. 43 4. Revisions, corrections and other pertinent data shall be logged for future reference. 44 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised February 14,2018 017123-7 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 7 of 8 1 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 2 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3 3.4 APPLICATION 4 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION 5 A. If the Contractor's work damages or destroys one or more of the control 6 monuments/points set by the City,the monuments shall be adequately referenced for 7 expedient restoration. 8 1. Notify City if any control data needs to be restored or replaced due to damage 9 caused during construction operations. 10 a. Contractor shall perform replacements and/or restorations. I b. The City may require at any time a survey"Field Check"of any monument 12 or benchmarks that are set be verified by the City surveyors before further 13 associated work can move forward. 14 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 15 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 16 A. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain all stakes and control data placed by the 17 City in accordance with this Specification. This includes easements and right of way, if 18 noted on the plans. 19 B. Do not change or relocate stakes or control data without approval from.the City. 20 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP 21 A. Survey Checks 22 1. The City reserves the right to perform.a Survey Check at any time deemed 23 necessary. 24 2. Checks by City personnel or 3'party contracted surveyor are not intended to 25 relieve the contractor of his/her responsibility for accuracy. 26 27 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 28 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 29 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 30 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 31 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 32 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 33 END OF SECTION 34 Revision Log CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised February 14,2018 017I23-8 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 8 of 8 DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 8/31/2012 D.Johnson Added instruction and modified measurement&payment under 1.2;added 8/31/2017 M.Owen definitions and references under 1.3;modified 1.6;added 1.7 closeout submittal requirements;modified 1.9 Quality Assurance;added PART 2—PRODUCTS; Added 3.1 Installers;added 3.5 Repair/Restoration;and added 3.8 System Startup. Removed"blue text';revised measurement and payment sections for Construction Staling and As-Built Survey;added reference to selection compliance with TGC 2/14/2018 M Owen 2254;revised action and Closeout submittal requirements;added acceptable depth measurement criteria;revised list of items requiring as-built survey"during"and "after"construction;and revised acceptable digital survey file format 1 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised February 14,2018 FORTWORTH. Section 01 71 23.01 - Attachment A Survey Staking Standards February 2017 Q:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 1 of 22 These procedures are intended to provide a standard method for construction staking services associated with the City of Fort Worth projects.These are not to be considered all inclusive, but only as a general guideline. For projects on TXDOT right-of-way or through jointTXDOT participation, adherence to the TXDOT Survey Manual shall be followed and if a discrepancy arises, the TXDOT manual shall prevail. (htt onlinemanuals.txdot. ov txdotmanuals ess ess. df) If you have a unique circumstance, please consult with the project manager, inspector, or survey department at 817-392-7925. Table of Contents I. City of Fort Worth Contact Information H. Construction Colors III. Standard Staking Supplies IV. Survey Equipment, Control, and Datum Standards V. Water Staking VI. Sanitary Sewer Staking VII. Storm Staking Vill. Curb and Gutter Staking IX. Cut Sheets X. As-built Survey O:\Suzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\01 71 23.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 2 of 22 I. Survey Department Contact Information Physical and mailing address: 8851 Camp Bowie West Boulevard Suite 300 Fort Worth,Texas 76116 Office: (81.7)392-7925 Survey Superintendent, direct line: (817)392-8971 II. Construction Colors The following colors shall be used for staking or identifying features in the field.This includes flagging, paint of laths/stakes, paint of hubs,and any identification such as pin flags if necessary. Utility Color PROPOSED EXCAVATION WHITE ALL ELECTRIC AND CONDUITS POTABLE WATER GAS OR OIL YELLOW TELEPHONE/FIBER OPTIC ORANGE SURVEY CONTROL POINTS, BENCHMARKS, PROPERTY CORNERS, RIGHT-OF-WAYS,AND PINK ALL PAVING INCLUDING CURB,SIDEWALK, BUILDING CORNERS SANITARY SEWER IRRIGATION AND RECLAIMED WATER III. Standard Staking Supplies Item Minimum size Lath/Stake 36"tall Wooden Hub (2"x2" min. square preferred) 6"tall Pin Flags(2.5"x 3.5" preferred) 21" long Guard Stakes Not required PK or Mag nails 1" long Iron Rods (1/2"or greater diameter) 18" long Survey Marking Paint Water-based Flagging 1"wide Marking Whiskers (feathers) 6" long Tacks (for marking hubs) 3/4" long 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\0171 23.16.01 Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 3 of 22 IV. Survey Equipment, Control, and Datum Standards A. City Benchmarks All city benchmarks can be found here: http://fortworthtexas.govZitsolutions/GIS/ Look for'Zoning Maps'. Under`Layers', expand `Basemap Layers', and check on 'Benchmarks'. B. Conventional or Robotic Total Station Equipment I. A minimum of a 10 arc-second instrument is required. 11. A copy of the latest calibration report may be requested by the City at any time. It is recommended that an instrument be calibrated by certified technician at least 1 occurrence every 6 months. C. Network/V.R.S. and static GPS Equipment I. It is critical that the surveyor verify the correct horizontal and vertical datum prior commencing work. A site calibration may be required and shall consist of at least 4 control points spaced evenly apart and in varying quadrants. Additional field checks of the horizontal and vertical accuracies shall be completed and the City may ask for a copy of the calibration report at any time. 11. Network GPS such as the Western Data Systems or SmartNet systems may be used for staking of property/R.O.W,forced-main water lines, and rough-grade only.No GPS staking for concrete,sanitary sewer,storm drain,final grade,or anything that needs vertical grading with a tolerance of 0.25'or less is allowed. D. Control Points Set I. All control points set shall be accompanied by a lath with the appropriate Northing, Easting,and Elevation (if applicable)of the point set. Control points can be set rebar, 'X' in concrete, or any other appropriate item with a stable base and of a semi-permanent nature.A rebar cap is optional, but preferred if the cap is marked 'control point'or similar wording. 11. Datasheets are required for all control points set. Datasheet should include: A. Horizontal and Vertical Datum used, Example: N.A.D.83, North Central Zone 4202, NAVD 88 Elevations B. Grid or ground distance.—If ground, provide scale factor used and base point coordinate, Example: C.S.F.=0.999125, Base point=North:0, East=O C. Geoid model used, Example: GEOID12A O:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16,01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 4 of 22 E. Preferred Grid Datum Although many plan sets can be in surface coordinates,the City's preferred grid datum is listed below. Careful consideration must be taken to verify what datum each project is in prior to beginning work. It is essential the surveyor be familiar with coordinate transformations and how a grid/surface/assumed coordinate system affect a project. Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_North_Central_FIPS-4202_Feet Projection: Lambert_Conformal_Conic Fa Ise_Easti n g: 1968500.00000000 False—Northing: 6561666,66666667 Central Meridian: -98.50000000 Standard Parallel 1: 32.13333333 Standard Parallel 2: 33.96666667 Latitude—Of—Origin: 31.66666667 Linear Unit: Foot US Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_North—American_1983 Datum: D North American 1983 Prime Meridian: Greenwich Angular Unit: Degree Note: Regardless of what datum each particular project is in, deliverables to the City must be converted/translated into this preferred grid datum. 1 Copy of the deliverable should be in the project datum (whatever it may be) and 1 copy should be in the NAD83, TX North Central 4202 zone. See Preferred File Naming Convention below F. Preferred Deliverable Format Axt .csv dwg .job G. Preferred Data Format P,N,E,Z,D,N Point Number, Northing, Fasting, Elevation, Description, Notes (if applicable) H. Preferred File Naming Convention This is the preferred format:City Project Number_Description_Datum.csv Example for a project that has surface coordinates which must be translated: File 1: C1234 As-built of Water on Main Street Grid NAD83 TXSP 4202.csv O:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 5 of 22 File 2:C1234_As-built of Water on Main Street—Project Specific Datum.csv Example Control Stakes 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure}projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\01 71 23.16.01_Attachment A Survey Staking 5tandards.docx Page 6 of 22 w m � w a W 101 EL.= 100.D0' W 1_ f�. �i o LU _. z LA.i LLJ 0 � iW. Of P O r mm. j w n J rJJ J F- 0 w LL- W p� m C� } m 0w 0 0 CP N=5000.00 E=bbD .00 ____ V. Water Staking Standards O:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 7 of 22 A. Centerline Staking—Straight Line Tangents I. Offset lath/stakes every 200' on even stations II. Painted blue lath/stake only, no hub is required III. Grade is to top of pipe(T/P)for 12"diameter pipes or smaller IV. Grade to flow line (F/L)for 16" and larger diameter pipes V. Grade should be 3.50' below the proposed top of curb line for 10" and smaller diameter pipes VI. Grade should be 4.00' below the proposed top of curb line for 12"and larger diameter pipes Vll. Cut Sheets are required on all staking and a copy can be received from the survey superintendent Optional:Actual stakes shall consist of a 60D nail or hub set with a whisker B. Centerline Staking-Curves I. If arc length is greater than 100', POC(Point of Curvature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval II. Same grading guidelines as above III. Staking of radius points of greater than 100' may be omitted C. Water Meter Boxes I. 7.0' perpendicular offset is preferred to the center of the box IL Center of the meter should be 3.0' behind the proposed face of curb Ill. Meter should be staked a minimum of 4.5' away from the edge of a driveway IV. Grade is to top of box and should be+0.06' higher than the proposed top of curb unless shown otherwise on the plans D. Fire Hydrants I. Center of Hydrant should be 3.0' behind proposed face of curb II. Survey offset stake should be 7.0'from the center and perpendicular to the curb line or water main Ill. Grade of hydrants should be+0.30 higher than the adjacent top of curb E. Water Valves&Vaults I. Offsets should be perpendicular to the proposed water main II. RIM grades should only be provided if on plans Example Water Stakes 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\01 71 23.16.01_Attachment A_5urvey Staking Standards.docx Page 8 of 22 � \� /\ /S 2 � 5 \ (311 §8 §§ (Y LLJ \ r-I m {)\§ \ » /[ \ O (EN3 2 /wj0 0 / Tom fLn a ,q , $C- , ~ � � \E \ G ¥ � m / I - \ e \ ƒc // _\ uk = \ \® ƒ // a \ \ a a § m« (/ \6 0 ) p d 2y \/ � Z� § §j \ �§ , / ( [§ Lir� LO / / 0 t # y §0 / / -CIS\ Q 2 7_� /[\] � ~ - z U3 \ ~m» U § ___ J�} V[ Sanitary SewerStakin O:u2ewinfr as uc repr e 2»37-Concrete Restoration-Co&q&7%%e§glBGov01-General Requirement m 7123.16.01-A tt ±me#a k wq Stakingkada@mdoa Page gyz A. Centerline Staking—Straight line Tangents I. Inverts shall be field verified and compared against the plans before staking II. Painted green lath/stake WITH hub and tack or marker dot, no flagging required III. 1 offset stake between manholes if manholes are 400' or less apart IV. Offset stakes should be located at even distances and perpendicular to the centerline V. Grades will be per plan and the date of the plans used should be noted VI. If multiple lines are at one manhole, each line shall have a cut/fill and direction noted VI I. Stakes at every grade break Vill. Cut sheets are required on all staking Optional:Actual stakes shall consist of a 60D nail or hub set with a whisker B. Centerline Staking—Curves I. If arc length is greater than 100', POC(Point of Curvature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval II. Staking of radius points of greater than 100' may be omitted C. Sanitary Sewer Manholes 1. 2 offset stakes per manhole for the purpose of providing alignment to the contractor II. Flowline grade should be on the lath/stake for each flowline and direction noted Ill. RIM grade should only be on the stake when provided in the plans d:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570--Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 10 of 22 Example Sanitary Sewer Stakes T� Lj CS Z-° 112 LU ILI n 2 Sa LU t a a EL d L A El- W � O U I W 2W ZLJ - aF- Z �� _ LL w wa Ll� d wh Gu w f. U i i� F FHFLIJ der ma © 6 � CYO Cep t3 6 3E I� f SS ssTa-o+oaz c_ ,ntic-s F4 } a� F:vjl- Ld f V $ O n- cn y / @ � m Z C9 12' o S BS RA [STn—oaoo c-� [tom C-DIE Lam._ LJ I , U F- �W j� VU1 r4 W C �o �ut 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 11 of 22 l/li. Storm Sewer & Inlet Staking A. Centerline Staking—Straight Line Tangents I. 1 offset stake every 200'on even stations II. Grades are to flowline of pipe unless otherwise shown on plans 111. Stakes at every grade break IV. Cut sheets are required on all staking Optional:Actual stakes shall consist of a 60D nail or hub set with a whisker B. Centerline Staking—Curves I. If arc length is greater than 100', POC(Point of Curvature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval H. Staking of radius points of greater than 100' may be omitted C. Storm Drain Inlets I. Staking distances should be measured from end of wing II. Standard 10' Inlet= 16.00'total length III. Recessed 10' Inlet=20.00'total length IV. Standard double 10' inlet= 26.67'total length V. Recessed double 10' inlet=30.67'total length D. Storm Drain Manholes 1. 2 offset stakes per manhole forthe purpose of providing alignment to the contractor IL Flowline grade should be on the lath/stake for each flowline and direction noted Ill. RIM grade should only be on the stake when provided in the plans 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\0171 23.16.01_Attachment A Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 12 of 22 Example Storm Inlet Stakes FRONT FRONT (SIDE FACING •) (SIDE FACING ) IF 6I I' -'E wt . I o :. J •-iW, F I" i�F L-E�) '- .°",vi-� ffj m m � m BACK I — BACK I (513E RUM RIM) 6-li QWE FAQNG P.6.4L} IpEN11FlES tiH-IIC#7 � ''' ' IpE3+3lIF1 Y31[CH END OF 117E WN6 PUNT F�.0 END OF THE SANG IsaNT# [AEIBEfNG STAKEa �.L E x eE]NG STAKED Imo'. HLB R-EVA71. �I II INLET STATION HUB ElEVATUN } (IF NO-110 ION PLANS) j s' 10a4TIF'IES GRADE ' T O:TO TOP OF CURB !T 0 0 IDENTIFIES GRADE � TO FUIVAINE I � i DISTANOES FOR INLEM STANDARD 10' — 16' RECESSED 10 w 20f sTmDFRa DOUBLE ia' — 26667 E......._ ' RECE55EO DOUBLE ia`— a(s_67 — I I I SpCF{ C€INLET �I �I �#ANHfliE o I bl Rlkr DAI( OF WFO BACK OF CURB --------- :vnNG" ,'cr''4'. '•t:. _ .-0a;'; 'ii� '• J•YdNG,•. —.-------- -- FLMLINE —— PACE OF INLET FACE OF INLETFl�3t4lJNE EDGE OF PA;aAFNT— EDGE OF FAMEMENT EDUE OF PAVEMENT EDGE of PAVEMENT 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 13 of 22 Vill. Curb and Gutter Staking A. Centerline Staking—Straight Line Tangents V. 1 offset stake every 50'on even stations VI. Grades are to top of curb unless otherwise shown on plans VII. Stakes at every grade break VIII. Cut sheets are required on all staking Optional:Actual stakes shall consist of a 60D nail or hub set with a whisker B. Centerline Staking—Curves Ill. If arc length is greater than 100', POC(Point of Curvature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval IV. Staking of radius points of greater than 100' may be omitted 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\lDiv 01-General Requirements\01 7123.16.01_Attachment A Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 14 of 22 Example Curb & Gutter Stakes FRONT (SIDE FACING CE) 0 o FRONT Fosm rp END FRONT - (SIDE FACING�TC NT'GE O FRONT (51[JE FACING ) lnEN73!]ES START SIDE FACING q) POW1 OF CUR ATIME .W .. N W_.. .sc m I9 # p � PT {-� III 1 BACK 111MUMM QFFSET 18 M T/ G O Q (SIDE FACING RA,4Y.) EYmK CF oun9 OR F/�/ FCR FhCE OF cures I r{° a ....'= .'II- PUNTS 'C€RWIE5€RARE 1S E q 11 1 TD Tor 4r CUr® NO GRFA� OH HUH ELEVAAM I o + HAnIUS PPRIIS 14 J =. EL I TOP OF CURB BACK OF CURB FACE OF CURB I � �I L FLOV%LI NE E]GE OF PAVEMENT Example Curb & Gutter Stakes at Intersection O:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\01 71 23.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 15 of 22 F e Mona; \ � � g � �yz( � z - � 1\ %&®® Q ~m _D« _m 31 _ a � a ie \ � b x 0 g/ \ _ o ; ( s\§ \( -#— ;d s%/= ~ U 0:ur aw»f u&umpr ects\101 7-Concrete Restoration-Co*@»05%mac edoAo 01-General q@emen y1712.5$1-«Game& Survey Ra§m 9mdam«d«x R7 16 of 22 IX. Cut Sheets A. Date of field work B. Staking Method (GPS,total station) C. Project Name D. City Project Number(Example: C01234) E. Location (Address,cross streets,GPS coordinate) F. Survey company name G. Crew chief name H. A blank template can be obtained from the survey superintendent(see item I above) Standard City Cut Sheet City Project Date: Number: Project Name: © TOTAL Staking Method: ❑ GPS STATION ❑ OTHER LOCATION: CONS ULTANTICONTRACTOR SURVEY CREW INITIALS ALL GRADES ARE TO FI!OWLINE OR TOP OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PT f# STATION OFFSET DESCRIPTION PROP. STAKED CUT + FILL -LTI+RT GRADE ELEV. 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01 Attachment A Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 17 of 22 X. As-built Surrey A. Definition and Purpose The purpose of an as-built survey is to verify the asset was installed in the proper location and grade. Furthermore,the information gathered will be used to supplement the City's GIS data and must be in the proper format when submitted.See section IV. As-built survey should include the following(additional items may be requested): Manholes Top of pipe elevations every 250 feet Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc. (All Fittings) Cathodic protection test stations Sampling stations Meter boxes/vaults(All sizes) Fire lines Fire hydrants Gate valves(rim and top of nut) Plugs,stub-outs, dead-end lines Air Release valves(Manhole rim and vent pipe) Blow off valves(Manhole rim and valve lid) Pressure plane valves Cleaning wyes Clean outs Casing pipe (each end) Inverts of pipes Turbo Meters 0.\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\5pecification\Div 01-General Requirements\01 7123.16.01_Attachment A Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 18 of 22 B. Example Deliverable A hand written red line by the field surveyor is acceptable in most cases. This should be a copy of the plans with the point number noted by each asset. if the asset is missing, then the surveyor should write "NOT FOUND"to notify the City. O:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 19 of 22 9G613-X agswa�fv 9 nd;• CCErocY lo??o�d Aiu ei�Ask l:3 r.�tm Lv31e3✓slau a3,a -�xv�lws avv a3arq[ �� r Iy, S y �'`'��� g f a�, 1 �� __ OS•bY15 3Ml1 NJlk'lY � .{'ram 'Z-i',.j�,, ;,} - -, 7- - _ "Jim, — u. _ _ .. 1,0,4i + c {. . t .ti: I� rK _-- l. _ 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\5pecification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A—Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 20 of 22 srA p'OOLO-X Wl=dy cLj nw RRl STA D SWO-12,K(FLOYD Aw 57A.OVW-.,sitrFrrmR AV fiawE k SA[sMr EUST Mt6IM PR6W.w W�lt'E'R GATE YAAYE G M R CXW#4.SI"TO EXIST.MWATER ZTEE ,,.�� MTAU1 4F-;Z=D slME ST.4O'PM-12'WL tLZ`0HONZBEND "+ i-12X6•REDMOi _ ( 11YSTRI. '•9.P {1 NIlAP3G2 Pp i � FI2RXlE V"E h0453'mBEND STA 005 M-pi2LYf � x•491Q55N.6WJAM3U PQ05BD A5TAU, 1-8'eW 7J94 8'iIL _ -?j F6'B.V61 TEE � f P FIRE - LRr 6 II LF g'MCVvurr LM Fci►oik `'� "�'� �"Y 4; � IL IV 4WE VAWE ' IAIaIT A *} y� � `gyp.yam, Sd'C,�'hn lAl k.FstNmta 0-097038NOU 4� E� F1EV.72= ART 2 r rn g Iu�+fAc�HrPs if1 ate.•L§'."�°"f �i'!•tas4 RFNT'E EXIST, 't9p r az'a+s E` 325D�7? ��a 7` Fes„d: aTs1' TAM-p M42 A r}WATER _ Q � PROPOSED SANIT11W S Exar r s.+ ffy" fir, SEE SHCh > srA 0%52Z 7-0 K MSTAU, LBT A i•1�43'YF.'HT,BENR �+ `�Esua,rx.� $sy *694WW04 cawc�uruc STA OIWZO-&WL IFLOYD av STA#57S'& le 5rA&6A59-IrV NSTA L, AilsT FJAa 9MAU: I-leM.4SCUD SW"E f-04TYERAMD P045'YENr_ 'D 57 LF OF MWYAMf APE slvwas_� #1694=2-ffi93 M NECr TO ENV,IrWATER E-229630.i2813 E-22WO N 510 £?�.4Q38736 0:\Buzzsaw\jnfrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\01 7123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 21of22 gzeia-xi ory a nda oce o rox�3 as�a- ns ::z.wva aro wanaa raax aaa ssvams aav as vn ,'��'__-r]��� IT+ � ttr� � �� a � R fz�� -,tea F-c• d � j,Ii A$ '7lu FI wry • V 3NO ss`lOad OS•0 V.LS 3Nn N71yW .i lu JIM 011 it. ...''.... ` gig =i #, 41 lk r� 0:\ era] Requirements\01 7123.16.01_Attachment A_5urvey Staking Standards.docx Page 22 of 22 t FFP" r t FI •I I I --•-J^Lai -`- -.[..�..r.. =�.♦-..����_�� -�.. _ _==—MEMO. ^—_-- r--_---��— ,...--.,-.M---- ac .^. .-.-===Ma _a..-a^M.�=. -"-^==T�= ==c==.^==-=o=ems .-.`....-.--__�___�_.^^�.�^===-.-__.=a= ^--=-=- __ -ffigm_==c=====_---- -=_�--�cscae�-���czi'Y�i•,.=1.^,^==��.=��.=i===�:�.W.ram.=_�= =�..=vS.�-M,_=.-a-----�.r�E:�:a'--•-�=•- �•---.='--C ^�^cam"=-�..� WNENEM�x' ===_= _-'-Mf ­00 RIENSEIM -_Mom � r_MMM '.='' sue,, '^"'. c-� _ =s;= -�8= M • Obviously the .csv or.txt file cannot be signed/sealed by a surveyor in the format requested.This is just an example and all this information should be noted when delivered to the City so it is clear to what coordinate system the data is in. POINT No. NORTHING FASTING FLEV. DESCRIPTION 1 6946257.189 2295079.165 726.09 SSMH RIM 2 6946260.893 2296062.141 725.668 GV RIM 3 6946307.399 2296038.30E 726.85 CIV RIM C i af('--fil e 4 6946220.582 2296011.025 723.358 SSMH RIM 5 6946195.23 2296015.116 722.123 GV MM f k 6 6946190,528 2296022.721. 722.325 FH 7 6946136.012 2295992.115 719-448 WM RIM 8 6946002.267 2295919.133 713.331 WM RIM 9 6946003.056 2295933.418 713.652 CO RIM 10 6945984.677 2295880.52 711,662 SSMH RIM 11 6945986.473 2295869.992 710.046 WM RIM 12 6945895.077 2295860.962 707.72 WM HIM 13 6945896.591 2295862.188 708.205 WM RIM Vti" } i-- 14 6945934,286 2295841.925 709.467 WM RIM 15 694S936.727 2295930.441 710.084 CO RIM 16 6945835.678 2295799.707 707.774 SSMH RIM €A f 17 6945817.488 229S827.011 709.392 SSMH RIM 18 6945759.776 2295758.643 711.218 SSMH RIM ; J-1.�/t "j 19 6945768.563 2295778.424 710.096 GV RIM 20 6945743,318 2295788.392 710.631 GV R#M 21 6945723.219 2295754.394 712-849 GV RIM 22 6945682.21 2295744.22 716.686 WM RIM (4 23 6945621,902 2295669,471 723.76 WM RIM 24 5945643.407 2295736.03 719.737 CO RIM 25 6945571.059 2295655.195 727.514 SSMH RIM �'�trial 26 6945539.498 2295667.803 729.123 WM RIM 27 6945519.934 2295619.49 732,689 WM RIM C. 28 6945417.879 2295580.27 740.521 WM RIM 29 6945456.557 2295643.145 736.451 CO RIM 30 6945387.356 2295597.101 740.756 GV RIM (1i At s 31 6945370.688 2295606.793 740.976 GV RIM 32 6945383.53 2295610.559 740.409 FH 33 6945321.228 2295551.105 746.34 WM RIM 34 6945319365 2295539328 746.777 CO RIM 35 6945242.289 2295570.715 748.454 WM RIM 36 6945233,624 2295544,G26 749.59 SSMH RIM 37 6945206.483 2295529.305 751.058 WM RIM L 38 6945142-015 2295557.666 750.853 WM RIM 39 6945113.445 2295520.335 751.871 WM RIM 40 6945049,02 2295S27.345 752,257 SSMH RIM 41 6945041.024 2295552,675 751.79 WM RIM ISv F� 42 6945038.378 2295552.147 751.88 WM RIM 43 6945006.397 2295518,135 752.615 WM RIM ` ;It4.T-9- 44 6944944.782 2295520.635 752,801 WM RIM 45 6944943.432 2295556.479 752.156 WM RIMw' 46 6944860.416 2295534,397 752.986 SSMH RIM 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\01 71 23.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 24 of 24 C. Other preferred as-built deliverable Some vendors have indicated that it is easier to deliver this information in a different format. Below is an example spreadsheet that is also acceptable and can be obtained by request from the survey superintendent. 0:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\5pecification\Div 01-General Requirements\017123.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 25 of 25 a -- --- ------ ------ ------ --.. .-- - - ----- - -- - - �fi z�q M r J: z .Y 0 s y� R - 9e 4 rlliiMl e Im— llY� L'I r_ - gay b I WR n 9 9 N - a O:\Buzzsaw\infrastructure projects\101570-Concrete Restoration-Contract 05\Specification\Div 01-General Requirements\0171 23.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 26 of 26 01 74 23- 1 CLEANING Page 1 of 1 SECTION 0174 23 2 CLEANING 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Intermediate and final cleaning for Work not including special cleaning of closed 7 systems specified elsewhere 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. None. 10 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Norms and Conditions of the Contract 12 2. Division I --General Requirements 13 3. Section 32 92 13 —Hydro-Mulching, Seeding and Sodding 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment 16 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No 17 separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 18 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 20 A. Scheduling 21 1. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants disturbed by 22 cleaning process will not fall on newly painted surfaces. 23 2. Schedule final cleaning upon completion of Work and immediately prior to final 24 inspection. 25 1.5 SUBMITTALS fNOT USED] 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 28 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS f NOT USED] 29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 30 1.10 STORAGE,AND HANDLING 31 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 32 1. Store cleaning products and cleaning wastes in containers specifically designed for 33 those materials. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 017423-2 CLEANING Page 2 of 4 1 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 4 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [OR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 2.2 MATERIALS 6 A. Cleaning Agents 7 1. Compatible with surface being cleaned 8 2. New and uncontaminated 9 3. For manufactured surfaces 10 a. Material recommended by manufacturer 11 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 12 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 13 PART 3- EXECUTION 14 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 15 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 16 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 17 3.4 APPLICATION [NOT USED] 18 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 19 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 20 3.7 FIELD Foal SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 21 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 22 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 23 3.10 CLEANING 24 A. General 25 1. Prevent accumulation of wastes that create hazardous conditions. 26 2. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with laws and safety orders of 27 governing authorities. 28 3. Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinner in storm 29 or sanitary drains or sewers. 30 4. Dispose of degradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site. 31 S. Dispose of nondegradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site or in an 32 alternate manner approved by City and regulatory agencies. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 017423-3 CLEANING Page 3 of 4 1 6. Handle materials in a controlled manner with as few handlings as possible. 2 7. Thoroughly clean, sweep,wash and polish all Work and equipment associated with 3 this project. 4 8. Remove all signs of temporary construction and activities incidental to construction 5 of required permanent Work. 6 9. If project is not cleaned to the satisfaction of the City,the City reserves the right to 7 have the cleaning completed at the expense of the Contractor. 8 10. Do not burn on-site. 9 B. Intermediate Cleaning during Construction 10 1. Keep Work areas clean so as not to hinder health, safety or convenience of personnel it in existing facility operations. 12 2. At maximum weekly intervals, dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbish. 13 3. Confine construction debris daily in strategically located container(s): 14 a. Cover to prevent blowing by wind 15 b. Store debris away from construction or operational activities 16 c. Haul from site at a minimum of once per week 17 4. Vacuum clean interior areas when ready to receive finish painting. 18 a. Continue vacuum cleaning on an as needed basis,until Final Acceptance. 19 5. Prior to storm events,thoroughly clean site of all loose or unsecured items,which 20 may become airborne or transported by flowing water during the storm. 21 C. Interior Final Cleaning 22 1. Remove grease,mastic,adhesives,dust, dirt,stains, fingerprints,labels and other 23 foreign materials from sight-exposed surfaces. 24 2. Wipe all lighting fixture reflectors,lenses, lalnps and trims clean. 25 3. Wash and shine glazing and mirrors. 26 4. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. 27 5. Ventilating systems 28 a. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters if units were operated 29 during construction. 30 b. Clean ducts,blowers and coils if units were operated without filters during 31 construction. 32 6. Replace all burned out lamps. 33 7. Broom clean process area floors. 34 8. Mop office and control room floors. 35 D. Exterior(Site or Right of Way)Final Cleaning 36 1. Remove trash and debris containers from site. 37 a. Re-seed areas disturbed by location of trash and debris containers in accordance 38 with Section 32 92 13. 39 2. Sweep roadway to remove all rocks,pieces of asphalt, concrete or any other object 40 that may hinder or disrupt the flow of traffic along the roadway. 41 3. Clean any interior areas including,but not limited to,vaults,manholes, structures, 42 junction boxes and inlets. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2019 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No, 101570 Revised July 1,2011 017423-4 CLEANING Page 4 of 4 1 4. If no longer required for maintenance of erosion facilities, and upon approval by 2 City,remove erosion control from site. 3 S. Clean signs, lights, signals, etc. 4 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 5 3.12 PROTECTION[NOT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] g END OF SECTION 9 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 10 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 017719-1 CLOSEOUT REQUMMENTS Page 1 of 3 1 SECTION 0177 19 2 CLOSEOUT REQUWR MINTS 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. The procedure for closing out a contract.. 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division 1---General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 18 . A. Guarantees,Bonds and Affidavits 19 1. No application for final payment will be accepted until all guarantees,bonds, 20 certificates, licenses and affidavits required for Work or equipment as specified are 21 satisfactorily filed with the City. 22 B. Release of Liens or Claims 23 1. No application for final payment will be accepted until satisfactory evidence of 24 release of liens has been submitted to the City. 25 1.5 SUBMITTALS 26 A. Submit all required documentation to City's Project Representative. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 017719-2 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 of 3 1 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3 EXECUTION 5 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 6 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 7 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 8 3.4 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURE 9 A. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, submit: 10 1. Project Record Documents in accordance with Section 0178 39 11 2. Operation and Maintenance Data, if required,in accordance with Section 0178 23 12 B. Prior to requesting Final Inspection,perform final cleaning in accordance with Section 13 01 74 23. 14 C. Final Inspection 15 1. After final cleaning,provide notice to the City Project Representative that the Work 16 is completed. 17 a. The City will make an initial Final Inspection with the Contractor present. 18 b. Upon completion of this inspection,the City will notify the Contractor, in 19 writing within 10 business days,of any particulars in which this inspection 20 reveals that the Work is defective or incomplete. 21 2. Upon receiving written notice from the City, immediately undertake the Work 22 required to remedy deficiencies and complete the Work to the satisfaction of the 23 City, 24 3. Upon completion of Work associated with the items listed in the City's written 25 notice, inform the City,that the required Work has been completed. Upon receipt 26 of this notice,the City, in the presence of the Contractor, will make a subsequent 27 Final Inspection of the project. 28 4. Provide all special accessories required to place each item of equipment in full 29 operation. These special accessory items include, but are not limited to: 30 a. Specified spare parts 31 b. Adequate oil and grease as required for the first lubrication of the equipment 32 c. Initial fill up of all chemical tanks and fuel tanks 33 d. Light bulbs 34 e. Fuses 35 f. Vault keys 36 g. Handwheels 37 h. Other expendable items as required for initial start-up and operation of all 38 equipment 39 D. Notice of Project Completion CITY OF FORT WORTII 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July I,2011 01 77 19-3 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS Pagc 3 of 3 1 1. Once the City Project Representative finds the Work subsequent to Final Inspection 2 to be satisfactory,the City will issue a Notice of Project Completion(Green Sheet). 3 E. Supporting Documentation 4 1. Coordinate with the City Project Representative to complete the following 5 additional forms: 6 a. Final Payment Request 7 b. Statement of Contract Time 8 c. Affidavit of Payment and Release of Liens 9 d. Consent of Surety to Final Payment 10 e. Pipe Report(if required) I f. Contractor's Evaluation of City 12 g. Performance Evaluation of Contractor 13 F. Letter of Final Acceptance 14 1. Upon review and acceptance of Notice of Project Completion and Supporting 15 Documentation, in accordance with General Conditions, City will issue Letter of 16 Final Acceptance and release the Final Payment Request for payment. 17 3.5 REPAIR 1 RESTORATION [NOT USED] 18 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 19 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 20 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 21 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 22 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 23 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 24 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 25 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 26 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 27 END OF SECTION 28 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 29 C[TY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 017823-1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page I of 5 1 SECTION 0178 23 2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 3 PART1 - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Product data and related information appropriate for City's maintenance and 7 operation of products furnished under Contract 8 2. Such products may include,but are not limited to.- 9 a. Traffic Controllers 10 b. Irrigation Controllers(to be operated by the City) 11 c. Butterfly Valves 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 1. None. 14 C. Related Specification Sections include,but are not necessarily limited to: 15 L Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 16 2. Division 1 —General Requirements 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payment 19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 20 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 23 A. Schedule 24 1. Submit manuals in final form to the City within 30 calendar days of product 25 shipment to the project site. 26 1.5 SUBMITTALS 27 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 0133 00 . All submittals shall be 28 approved by the City prior to delivery. 29 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 30 A. Submittal Form 31 1. Prepare data in form of an instructional manual for use by City personnel. 32 2. Format 33 a. Size: 8 %z inches x 11 inches 34 b. Paper 35 1) 40 pound minimum,white,for typed pages 36 2) Holes reinforced with plastic, cloth or metal 37 c. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typewritten CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 78 23-2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 2 of 5 1 d. Drawings 2 1) Provide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text 3 2) Reduce larger drawings and fold to size of text pages. 4 e. Provide fly-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of operating 5 equipment. 6 1) Provide typed description of product, and major component parts of 7 equipment. 8 2) Provide indexed tabs. 9 f. Cover 10 1) Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERATING AND 1 I MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS". 12 2) List: 13 a) Title of Project 14 b) Identity of separate structure as applicable 15 c) Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual 16 3. Binders 17 a. Commercial quality 3-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers 18 b. When multiple binders are used, correlate the data into related consistent 19 groupings. 20 4. If available,provide an electronic form of the O&M Manual. 21 B. Manual Content 22 1. Neatly typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged in systematic order 23 a. Contractor,name of responsible principal,address and telephone number 24 b. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the volume 25 c. List,with each product: 26 1) The name,address and telephone number of the subcontractor or installer 27 2) A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the 28 volume 29 3) Identify area of responsibility of each 30 4) Local source of supply for parts and replacement 31 d. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set 32 forth in Contract Documents. 33 2. Product Data 34 a. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. 35 b. Annotate each sheet to: 36 1) Clearly identify specific product or part installed 37 2) Clearly identify data applicable to installation 38 3) Delete references to inapplicable information 39 3. Drawings 40 a. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: 41 1) Relations of component parts of equipment and systems 42 2) Control and flow diagrams 43 b. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure 44 correct illustration of completed installation. 45 c. Do not use Project Record Drawings as maintenance drawings. 46 4. Written text, as required to supplement product data for the particular installation: 47 a. Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 48 b. Provide logical sequence of instructions of each procedure. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 017823-3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 3 of 5 1 S. Copy of each warranty, bond and service contract issued 2 a. Provide information sheet for City personnel giving: 3 1) Proper procedures in event of failure 4 2) Instances which might affect validity of warranties or bonds 5 C. Manual for Materials and Finishes 6 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in final form. 7 2. Content, for architectural products,applied materials and finishes: 8 a. Manufacturer's data,giving full information on products 9 1) Catalog number, size,composition 10 2) Color and texture designations 11 3) Information required for reordering special manufactured products 12 b. Instructions for care and maintenance 13 1) Manufacturer's recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methods 14 2) Cautions against cleaning agents and methods which are detrimental to 15 product 16 3) Recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance 17 3. Content, for moisture protection and weather exposure products: 18 a. Manufacturer's data,giving full information on products 19 1) Applicable standards 20 2) Chemical composition 21 3) Details of installation 22 b. Instructions for inspection,maintenance and repair 23 D. Manual for Equipment and Systems 24 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in final form. 25 2. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate: 26 a. Description of unit and component parts 27 1) Function,normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions 28 2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests 29 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts 30 b. Operating procedures 31 1) Start-up,break-in,routine and normal operating instructions 32 2) Regulation, control, stopping, shut-down and emergency instructions 33 3) Summer and winter operating instructions 34 4) Special operating instructions 35 c. Maintenance procedures 36 1) Routine operations 37 2) Guide to "trouble shooting" 38 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly 39 4) Alignment,adjusting and checking 40 d. Servicing and lubrication schedule 41 1) List of lubricants required 42 e. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions 43 f. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer 44 1) Predicted life of parts subject to wear 45 2) Items recommended to be stocked as spare parts 46 g. As installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer 47 h. Each contractor's coordination drawings 48 1) As installed color coded piping diagrams CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 017823-4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 4 of 5 1 i. Charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve 2 j. List of original manufacturer's spare parts,manufacturer's current prices,and 3 recommended quantities to be maintained in storage 4 k. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications 5 3. Content,for each electric and electronic system,as appropriate: 6 a. Description of system and component parts 7 1) Function,normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions 8 2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests 9 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts 10 b. Circuit directories of panelboards 11 1) Electrical service 12 2) Controls 13 3) Communications 14 c. As installed color coded wiring diagrams 15 d. Operating procedures 16 1) Routine and normal operating instructions 17 2) Sequences required 18 3) Special operating instructions 19 e. Maintenance procedures 20 1) Routine operations 21 2) Guide to "trouble shooting" 22 3) Disassembly,repair and reassembly 23 4) Adjustment and checking 24 £ Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions 25 g. List of original manufacturer's spare parts,manufacturer's current prices, and 26 recommended quantities to be maintained in storage 27 h. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications 28 4. Prepare and include additional data when the need for such data becomes apparent 29 during instruction of City's personnel. 30 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE 33 A. Provide operation and maintenance data by personnel with the following criteria: 34 1. Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of described products 35 2. Skilled as technical writer to the extent required to communicate essential data 36 3. Skilled as draftsman competent to prepare required drawings CITY OF FORT WORTH 2OI8 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised December 20,2012 017823-5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 5 of 5 1 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 2 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 3 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTION 7 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY Or CHANGE 8/31/2012 D.Johnson 1.5.A.I—title ofsection removed 8 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised December 20,2012 01 78 39- 1 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Paga 1 of 4 1 SECTION 0178 39 2 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 3 PARTI - GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Work associated with the documenting the project and recording changes to project 7 documents, including: 8 a. Record Drawings 9 b. Water Meter Service Reports 10 c. Sanitary Sewer Service Reports 11 d. Large Water Meter Reports 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 1. None. 14 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 15 1. Division 0—Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 16 2. Division I General Requirements 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payment 19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 20 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 23 1.5 SUBMITTALS 24 A. Prior to submitting a request for Final inspection, deliver Project Record Documents to 25 City's Project Representative. 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 28 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 30 A. Accuracy of Records 31 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents,making adequate 32 and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and 33 other Documents where such entry is required to show the change properly. 34 2. Accuracy of records shall be such that future search for items shown in the Contract 35 Documents may rely reasonably on information obtained from the approved Project 36 Record Documents. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 C1P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. I01570 Revised July 1,2011 01 78 39-2 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 2 of 4 1 3. To facilitate accuracy of records,make entries within 24 hours after receipt of 2 information that the change has occurred. 3 4. Provide factual information regarding all aspects of the Work,both concealed and 4 visible,to enable future modification of the Work to proceed without lengthy and 5 expensive site measurement, investigation and examination. 6 1.10 STORAGE AND HANDLING 7 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 8 1. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from deterioration 9 and from loss and damage until completion of the Work and transfer of all recorded 10 data to the final Project Record Documents. 11 2. In the event of loss of recorded data,use means necessary to again secure the data 12 to the City's approval. 13 a. In such case,provide replacements to the standards originally required by the 14 Contract Documents. 15 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 16 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 17 PART 2- PRODUCTS 18 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 19 2.2 RECORD DOCUMENTS 20 A. Job set 21 1. Promptly following receipt of the Notice to Proceed, secure from the City, at no 22 charge to the Contractor, 1 complete set of all Documents comprising the Contract. 23 B. Final Record Documents 24 1. At a time nearing the completion of the Work and prior to Final Inspection,provide 25 the City 1 complete set of all Final Record Drawings in the Contract. 26 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 27 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 28 PART 3 - EXECUTION 29 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 30 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 31 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 32 3.4 MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTS 33 A. Maintenance of Job Set 34 1. Immediately upon receipt of the job set, identify each of the Documents with the 35 title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS -JOB SET". CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 017839-3 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 3 of 4 1 2. Preservation 2 a. Considering the Contract completion time,the probable number of occasions 3 upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for examination, 4 and the conditions under which these activities will be performed,devise a 5 suitable method for protecting the job set. 6 b. Do not use the job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review 7 by the City, until start of transfer of data to final Project Record Documents. 8 c. Maintain the job set at the site of work. 9 3. Coordination with Construction Survey 10 a. At a minimum, in accordance with the intervals set forth in Section 017123, It clearly mark any deviations from Contract Documents associated with 12 installation of the infrastructure. 13 4. Making entries on Drawings 14 a. Record any deviations from Contract Documents. 15 b. Use an erasable colored pencil(not ink or indelible pencil), clearly describe the 16 change by graphic line and note as required. 17 c. Date all entries. 18 d. Call attention to the entry by a"cloud" drawn around the area or areas affected. 19 e. In the event of overlapping changes,use different colors for the overlapping 20 changes. 21 5. Conversion of schematic layouts 22 a. in some cases on the Drawings,arrangements of conduits, circuits, piping, 23 ducts, and similar items, are shown schematically and are not intended to 24 portray precise physical layout. 25 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the 26 City's approval. 27 2) However, design of future modifications of the facility may require 28 accurate information as to the final physical layout of items which are 29 shown only schematically on the Drawings. 30 b. Show on the job set of Record Drawings,by dimension accurate to within 1 31 inch,the centerline of each run of items. 32 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor,subject to the 33 City's approval. 34 2) Show,by symbol or note,the vertical location of the Item("under slab", "in 35 ceiling plenum", "exposed",and the like). 36 3) Make all identification sufficiently descriptive that it may be related 37 reliably to the Specifications. 38 c. The City may waive the requirements for conversion of schematic layouts 39 where, in the City's judgment, conversion serves no useful purpose. However, 40 do not rely upon waivers being issued except as specifically issued in writing 41 by the City. 42 B. Final Project Record Documents 43 1. Transfer of data to Drawings 44 a. Carefully transfer change data shown on the job set of Record Drawings to the 45 corresponding final documents, coordinating the changes as required. 46 b. Clearly indicate at each affected detail and other Drawing a full description of 47 changes made during construction,and the actual location of items. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O19 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 017839-4 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 4 of 4 1 c. Call attention to each entry by drawing a"cloud" around the area or areas 2 affected. 3 d. Make changes neatly, consistently and with the proper media to assure 4 longevity and clear reproduction. 5 2. Transfer of data to other Documents 6 a. If the Documents, other than Drawings,have been kept clean during progress of 7 the Work,and if entries thereon have been orderly to the approval of the City, 8 the job set of those Documents,other than Drawings,will be accepted as final 9 Record Documents. 10 b. If any such Document is not so approved by the City, secure a new copy of that 11 Document from the City at the City's usual charge for reproduction and 12 handling, and carefully transfer the change data to the new copy to the approval 13 of the City. 14 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 15 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 16 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL[NOT USED] 17 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 18 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 19 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 20 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 21 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 22 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 23 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 24 END OF SECTION 25 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 26 CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No. 101570 Revised July 1,2011 Division-35 SPECIAL SPECIFICATION Geogrid,Tensar TriAX140-475 1. Description:Furnish and place geogrid in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the plans or as directed, 2. Materials: Geogrid,a synthetic planar structure formed by a regular network of integrally connected polymeric tensile elements with triangular apertures designed to interlock with the surrounding fill material. Geogrid is used for the reinforcement of roadway base or embankment materials.Furnish geogrid that meets the requirements of Table 1. Use roll widths and lengths shown on the plans or as approved.Deliver each roll of geogrid in suitable packaging to protect it from environmental degradation;each roll will be one continuous piece without discontinuities in the ribs.The Engineer will obtain at least one(1)sample of the geogrid per project for testing,as needed,to verify compliance with Table 1. Table 1 Geo rid Requirements TX140 Index Properties Longitudinal Diagonal Transverse General Rib pitch,mm(in) 40(1.60) 40(1.60) - Mid-rib depth, mm(in) 1.2(0.05) 1.2(0.05) Mid-rib width, mm(in) 1.1 (0.04) 1.1 (0.04) Nodal thickness,mm(in) 3.1 (0.12) Rib shape rectangular Aperture shape triangular Rib Aspect Ratio(depth: width) > 1.0 Structural Integrity Junction efficiency, % 93 Aperture stability,(')kg-cm/deg @ 5.Okg-cm 3.0 Radial stiffness at low strain,(I) kN/m @ 0.5%strain 225 Radial stiffness at low strain,O) (lblft @ 0.5%strain) 15,430 Durability Resistance to chemical degradation 100% Resistance to ultra-violet light and 100% weathering(5) Notes: 1. Load transfer capability determined in accordance with GRI-GG2-87 and GRI-GG1-87 and expressed as a percentage of ultimate tensile strength. 1 2. In-plane torsional rigidity measured by applying a moment to the central junction of a 225mm x 225mm specimen restrained at its perimeter in accordance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Methodology for Measurement of Torsional Rigidity, (Kinney,T.C.Aperture stability Modulus ref 3,3--1-2000). 3. Radial stiffness is determined from tensile stiffness measured in any in--plane axis from testing in accordance with the scope of ISO 10319:1996. 4. Resistance to loss of load capacity when subjected to chemically aggressive environments in accordance with testing to ISO12960 as part of a durability assessment in accordance with ISO13434:1999 7.3 5. Resistance to loss of load capacity when subjected to ultra-violet light and weathering in accordance with testing to EN12224 as part of a durability assessment in accordance with ISO13434:1999 7.2 6. All dimensions and values are typical unless otherwise stated. 3. Identification:Identify each roll with a tag or label securely affixed to the outside of the roll on one end.List the following information on the label: • unique roll number, serially designated; • lot number or control number; • name of producer; • style or catalog designation of product;and • roll width and length. 4. Construction:Prepare the subgrade as indicated on the plans or as directed.Set string lines for alignment,if directed.Install geogrid in accordance with lines and grades as shown on the plans or as directed.Place base material in Iift thicknesses and compact as shown on the plans or as directed.Do not operate tracked construction equipment on the geogrid without a minimum fill cover of six(6)inches.Rubber tire construction equipment may operate directly on the geogrid at speeds less than five(5)mph if the underlying material supports the loads.Where excessive substructure deformation is apparent,correct the grid placement operations as recommended by the manufacturers or as directed. A. Placement: Orient the geogrid length as unrolled parallel to the direction of roadway. Overlap geogrid sections as shown on the plans or as directed.Use plastic ties at overlap joints or as directed.Placement of geogrid around corners may require cutting and diagonal lapping.Pin geogrid at the beginning of the backfill section as directed. Keep geogrid taut at the beginning of the backfilling section but not restrained from stretching or flattening. 1. Longitudinal Joints: Overlap longitudinal joints by a minimum of]. ft. Space longitudinal ties 10 ft. to 15 ft. or as directed. 2. Transverse Joints: Overlap transverse joints by a minimum of 1 ft. Space transverse ties 4 ft.to 5 ft. or as directed. B. Damage Repair: As directed,remove and replace contractor damaged or excessively deformed area]without additional compensation.Lap repair areas a minimum of 3 ft.in all directions.Tie each side of repair grid in at least three(3)locations but do not exceed normal construction spacing;tie spacing for odd shapes will be as directed.Repair excessively deformed materials underlying the grid as directed. 5. Measurement: Geogrid will be measured by the square yard of roadway placement as shown in the plans with no allowance for overlapping at transverse and longitudinal joints. 2 6. Payment:The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this item, as measured, will be paid for at the unit price bid for"Geogrid,Tensar TriAX140-475".This price is full compensation for furnishing,preparing,hauling and placing materials including Iabor,materials, freight,tools,equipment and incidentals. 3 APPENDIX CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CI P CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 GCo6.06.D Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 ATTACHMENT 1A Page 1 of 4 FORT WORTHCity of Fort Worth Minority Business Enterprise MBE Subcontractors/Suppliers Utilization Form OFFEROR COMPANY NAME: Check applicable block to describe Omega Contracting Inc. Offeror MAW/DBE NON-MM/DBE PROJECT NAME. A 11 2018 CIP Concrete Restoration - Contract 05 8117CIATE February 21,2019 City's MBE Project Goal: Offeror's MBE Project Commitment: PROJECT NUMBER 12 % % 101570 Identify all subcontractors/suppliers you will use on this project Failure to complete this farm, in Its entirety with requested documentation, and received by the Purchasing Division no later than 2`00 p.rrl_ on the end City business day after bid opening, exclusive of bid opening date, will resolt In the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specihcafjons. The undersigned Offeror agrees to enter Into a faunal agreement with the MBE firm(s) listed in this utilization schedule, condltjoned upon execution of a contract with the City of Fort Worth, The intentional andlor kricl ring misrepresentatlon of facts is grounds for consideration of dlsqualifloation and will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specifications. - - - -MBEs-listed-toward meeting-the-project goal must be located in the six (6) county marketplace at the time of bid or the business has a Significant Business Presence in the Marketplace. Marketplace is the geographic area of Tarrant Dallas Denton Johnson Parker, and Wise counties. Prime contractvrs must idefi ify by tier level of all subcontractorsisuppliers, Tier: means the level of wbcontractlrig below the prime contractor/consultant I.e. a direct payment from the prime contractor to a subcontractor is considered I#ter, a payment by a subcontractor to its supplier is considered 2"d tier, The prime contractor is responsible to provide proof of payment of all tiered subcontractors identified as a MBE and countlrsg those doilars towards meeting the contract committed goal, ALL MBEs MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD. Certification means those firms, located within the Marketplace, that have been determined to be a bondafide minority business enterprise by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency(NCTRCA) or other certifying agencies that the City may deem appropriate and accepted by the City of Fort Worth. If hauling services are utilized, the Offeror will be given credit as long as the M13E fisted owns and operates at least one fully licensed and Dperational truck to be used on the contract, The MBE may lease trucks from another- MBE #barb, including MBE owner-operated, and receive full WE credit_ The MSE may lease trucks from nor-MBEs. includ[ng owner-operated, but will only receive credit for the fees and commissions earned by the MBE'as outlined in the lease ag reement_ Rev.2110115 FORT WORTH ATTACHMENT 1A Page 2 of 4 Offerors are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., Minority aixl ncn.- I Es. MBE firms are to be listed first, use additional sheets if necessary. Please note that only certified MBEs will be counted to meet an MBE goal. NCTRCA SUBCONTRACTORISUPPLIER ° Company Name T n Detail Detail Address i M W Subcontracting Supplies Dollar Amount Telephone/Fax s B M Work Purchased Email E E Contact Person GJ Seeding LLC Block Sad and 1080 S Burleson Blvd. Topsoil $4,500.00 Burleson, TX 76028 ❑ 817-426-8284 gjseeding@gmail.com G&G Saw and Seal Concrete 4008 Forest Lawn Dr. Sawing and Balch Springs, TX 75180 Sealing $39,075.00 Ignacio Garcia Jr. gngsawnseal@live.com From MBE List Provided: Traffic-Barricades .$5.1_,75d.00 Eagle Barricade, LLC and Signs 2029 Mckenzie Drive, Suite#100 Carrollton, TX 75006 214-644-2444 Terry Lacy tlacy@_eagleb2rricade.com DENALI SERVICES& Hauling andConcrete TRANSPORT, L.L.C. 3160 Common Wealth Dr. ��- ❑ removal $96,400.00 Dallas,TX 75247 469-219-9089 Ron Kisena ronald.ksena@denaliservices.com DENALI SERVICES& Flexbase TRANSPORT, L.L.C. 3160 Common Wealth Dr. Dallas, TX 75247 ❑ $51,725.00 469-219-9089 Ron Kisena ronald.kisena@denaliservices.co m Cowtown Redimix Concrete P.O Box 162327 Redimix Fort Worth, TX 76161 E] $475,000.00 Archie White El Awhite@cowtown.us Rev.2110115 FORT WORTH ATTACHMENT 1A Page 3 of 4 Offerors are required to identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., W oriity and ncin-MBEs. MBE firms are to be listed first, use additional sheets if necessary. Please note that only certified MBEs will be counted to meet an MBE goal. NCTRCA SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER ° Company Name T " Detail Detail Address i M W Subcontracting Supplies Dollar Amount TelephonelFax M Work Purchased Email r B B E Contact Person F Dustrol Inc. Asphalt Milling 2801 HWY 114 Fort Worth, TX 76117 El ❑ $30,525.00 817 - 430 - 3958 Mitchell Brewer Mitchdustroitx@gmail.com Cross Roads LP Stripping and $12,985.00 5012 David Strickland Rd Traffic Markers Fort Worth, TX 76119 ❑ ❑ on Road 817-634-0044 Aaron Teeter Barnsco-Supply _ - — Construction-and-$160,0.00.00 5000 Blue Mound Rd. concrete supplies Fort Worth, TX 76106 ❑ & Geo Grid 817-740-2400 Terry Hogan thogan@barnsco.com ❑ ❑ 1-1 EJ ❑ ❑ Rev.2110115 FORT WORTH ATTACHMENT 1A --- -- Page 4 of 4 Total Dollar Amount of MBE Subcontractors/Suppliers $ J 6-0, C, Total Dollar Amount of Non-MBE Subcontractors/Suppliers TOTAL. DOLLAR AMOUNT OF ALL SUBCONTRACTORSISUPPLIERS $ The Offeror will not make additions, dele#icns, or substitutions to this certlfled list with out the prior approval of the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Office through the submittal of a Request f6r Approval o ChangelAdditr'on form. Any unjkrstffied change or deletion shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord with the procedure$ outilned in the ordinance, The Offeror shall submit a detaited explanation of flow [he requested changeladditlon or dele#icn will affect the cornmfted MBE goal. If the detail explanation is not submitted, it will affect the final ccrrmpIIance determination. By affixing a signature to this form, the Offeror further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including MBE(s) and any special arrangements with MBEs. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company. The Offeror agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals, officers, employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work performed by the MBE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee .__of_the_City—An_y_intentional_and/or_knowing misrepresentation_o#_facts_wilkbe_gr_ounds_for_ter_minating_the_contract... or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance creates a material breach of the contract and may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and debarment from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. /0 i4z_� 'k] c'70 n e si ature Printed Signat re ��&&� �MQit Same as Above Title Contact NamWTitle(if different) Omega Contracting Inc. 214-639-3315 Company Name Telephone and/or Fax 2516 Chalk Hill Ind Markr@azteca-omega.com Address E-mail Address Dallas, Texas 75212 citylStatelzip Date Rev.2110/15 GC-6e07 Wage Rates CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RATES (Heavy and Highway Construction Projects) CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION Wage Rate Asphalt Distributor Operator $ 15.32 Asphalt Paving Machine Operator $ 13.99 Asphalt Raker $ 12.69 Broom or Sweeper Operator $ 11.74 Concrete Finisher, Paving and Structures $ 14.12 Concrete Pavement Finishing Machine Operator $ 16.05 Concrete Saw Operator $ 14.48 Crane Operator, Hydraulic 80 tons or less $ 18.12 Crane Operator, Lattice Boom 80 Tons or Less $ 17.27 Crane Operator,Lattice Boom Over 80 Tons $ 20.52 Crawler Tractor Operator $ 14.07 Electrician $ 19.80 Excavator Operator,50,000 pounds or less $ 17.19 Excavator Operator,Over 50,000 pounds $ 16.99 Flagger $ 10.06 Form Builder/Setter,Structures $ 13.84 Form Setter, Paving&Curb $ 13.16 Foundation Drill Operator, Crawler Mounted $ 17.99 Foundation Drill Operator,Truck Mounted $ 21.07 Front End Loader Operator,3 CY or Less $ 13.69 Front End Loader Operator,Over 3 CY $ 14.72 Laborer,Common $ 10.72 Laborer, Utility $ 12.32 Loader/Backhoe Operator $ 15.18 Mechanic $ 17.68 Milling Machine Operator $ 14.32 Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade $ 17.19 Motor Grader Operator, Rough $ 16.02 Off Road Hauler $ 12.25 Pavement Marking Machine Operator $ 13.63 Pipelayer $ 13.24 Reclaimer/Pulverizer Operator $ 11.01 Reinforcing Steel Worker $ 16.18 Roller Operator,Asphalt $ 13.08 Roller Operator,Other $ 11.51 Scraper Operator $ 12.96 Servicer $ 14.58 Small Slipform Machine Operator $ 15.96 Spreader Box Operator $ 14.73 Truck Driver Lowboy-Float $ 16.24 Truck Driver Transit-Mix $ 14.14 Truck Driver,Single Axle $ 12.31 Truck Driver,Single or Tandem Axle Dump Truck $ 12.62 Truck Driver,Tandem Axle Tractor with Semi Trailer $ 12.86 Welder $ 14.84 Work Zone Barricade Servicer $ 11.68 The Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage rates shown for Heavy and Highway construction projects were determined by the United States Department of Labor and current as of September 2013. The titles and descriptions for the classifications listed are detailed in the AGC of Texas'Standard lab Classifications and Descriptions for Highway, Heavy,Utilities,and Industrial Construction in Texas. Page 1 of 1 GAT- 1®00 General Notes CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACTS STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 General Notes Division 01—General Requirements General: 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for locating all utilities, whether public or private,prior to excavation. The information and data shown with respect to existing underground facilities at or contiguous to the site is approximate and based on information furnished by the owners of such underground facilities or on physical appurtenances observed in the field. The City and Engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data. The Contractor shall have full responsibility for reviewing and checking all such information or data, for locating all underground facilities, for coordination of the work with the owners of such underground facilities during construction and for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. This Work shall be considered as a subsidiary item of Work,the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for various bid items. The Contractor shall notify any affected owners(utility companies) or agencies in writing at least 48 hours prior to construction. a. Notify TEXAS 811 (1-800-DIG-TESS or www.texas8ll.org)to locate existing utilities prior to construction. b. Caution! Buried electric lines may exist along this project. Contact electrical providers 48 hours prior to excavation : • ONCOR Robert Martinez 817-215-6688 c. Caution! Buried gas lines may exist along this project. Contact Atmos Energy 48 hours prior to excavation, and within two (2)hours of encountering a gas line (Mark M Melanson 817-207-2829) d. Caution! Buried communication cables may exist along this project. Contact communication companies 48 hours prior to excavation: • Charter Communications Richie Bonner 817-205-8177 e. Caution! When doing work within 200 feet of any signalized intersection,the Contractor shall notify Traffic Management Division of City of Fort Worth T/PW,72 hours prior to excavation(Leroy Soria: 817-392-8656). The Contractor shall protect existing signal hardware,ground boxes,detection loops, and underground conduit at signalized intersections. Any damages at signalized intersections shall be replaced at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall contact the City at 817-392-8100 to perform conduit line locates at signalized intersections 72 hours prior to commencing work at the intersection. f. The Contractor shall notify the City of Fort Worth Project Manager 48 hours prior to the start of any excavation Maged Zaki : 817-392-5448 2. Contractor's personnel shall have identifying clothing,hats or badges at all times which identify the Contractor's name, logo or company. 3. Protect concrete curb and gutter, driveways, and sidewalks that are not designated for removal. Removal and replacement of these items shall be as designated in the drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES City Project No. 101570 Version Release December 18,2017 Division 32—Exterior Improvements General: I. At locations where the curb and gutter are to be replaced,the Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the re-establishment of existing street and gutter grades.Establishment of grades shall be considered as a subsidiary item of Work,the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for various bid items. 2. All driveways, which are open cut, shall have at least a temporary driving surface at the end of each day. The temporary surface shall be considered as a subsidiary item of Work. The cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal for various bid items. Sidewalks and Curb Ramps: l. The curb ramp standard details are intended to show typical layouts for the construction of the curb ramps. The information shown on the standard details meet the requirements shown in the "2012 Texas Accessibility Standards"(TAS) and the"2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design" by the Department of Justice. 2. City of Fort Worth Standard Details are only intended to indicate pay limits for each type of ramp, the Engineer is responsible for the development and design of the sidewalk and curb ramp layout, including actual dimensions and slope percentages. 3. The Contractor may not male changes to the sidewalk and curb ramp layout without approval of the City. The Contractor may propose changes to the sidewalk and curb ramp layout due to field conditions, but any proposed changes must be approved by the City. 4. Curb ramp running slopes shall not be steeper than 8.3%(12:1). Adjust curb ramp length or grade of approach sidewalks as directed by the City. 5. Curb ramp flare slopes shall not be steeper than 10% (10:1)as measured along back of curb, 6. Maximum allowable cross slope on sidewalk and curb ramp surfaces is 2%. 7. The minimum width of sidewalks and curb ramps shall be 4 feet. 8. Landings shall be provided at the top of curb ramps. The landing clear length shall be 5 feet minimum from the end of ramp. The landing clear width shall be at least as wide as the curb ramp, excluding flares. The landing shall have a maximum slope of 2%in any direction. 9. In alterations where there is no landing at the top of the curb ramp, curb ramp flares shall be provided and shall not be steeper than 8.3% (12:1). 10. Where turning is required,maneuvering space at the top and bottom of curb ramps shall be 5 feet by 5 feet minimum. The space at the bottom shall be wholly contained within the crosswalk markings and shall not project into vehicular traffic lanes. 11, Curb ramps with returned curbs may be used only where pedestrians would normally walk across the ramp, either because the adjacent surface is planting or other non-walking surface or because the side approach is substantially obstructed. 12. Where curb ramps are provided, crosswalk markings shall be required and ramps shall be aligned with the crosswalk. 13. Counter slopes of adjoining gutters and road surfaces immediately adjacent to the curb ramp shall not be steeper than 5%(20:1) in any direction. Division 33-Utilities General: 1. For utility work within utility easements,once pipe or appurtenances have been installed or rehabilitated, immediately commence temporary surface restoration. Complete surface restoration to the owner's satisfaction within seven(7)days of work finishing on-site. Failure to maintain surface restoration, as noted above,may result in suspension of work until restoration is complete. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES City Project No. 101570 Version Release December 18,2017 2. Existing vertical deflections and pipe slopes shown on the drawings are approximate and have not been field verified,unless otherwise noted. Rim elevations, flow lines, and horizontal locations of existing.manholes were determined from field survey. If field conditions vary from those shown on drawings Contractor shall notify City. 3. Maintain all existing water and sewer connections to customers in working order at all times, except for brief interruptions in service for water and sewer services to be reinstated. In no case shall services be allowed to remain out of service overnight. 4. Establish and maintain a trench safety system in accordance with the excavation safety plan and Federal, State or local safety requirements. 5. Provide and follow approved Confined Space Entry Program in accordance with OSHA requirements. Confined Spaces shall include manholes and all other confined spaces in accordance with OSHA's Permit required for Confined Spaces. 6. Only City prequalified Contractors,by appropriate Water Department work category, shall be allowed to adjust valve boxes, manholes, ring&covers, etc. CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES CiLy Project No. 101570 Version Release December 18,2017 SD-1.00 Standard Details CITY OF FORT WORTH 2O18 CIP CONCRETE RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 uo UR � CD N co CD 'Mb'a 'M'o'a n Q A . r° � � p ax RY�Q LU (r} io ohi„ - iwhi� qF3 - W (may a9 y o 7 R' o� Ns� W L} i' so �' LU kH giE q, � _ oa r ti N = w a 13 a 6 x O ut cD LL wIL ul m m a .� ' ,q a & & � ram- •s ¢ s wzl �I 1�l - o n P' s� " :^. C � ram Y Sj.�y !IS. W `rrr i� f 5� � rvF��' �•� �C'i�� Sri Z % � �r d R� FL ! ' a� A QF ' qqq i a o o m � _ � a �Szo wo y A' ��I qmm a o, w N IN z- © z W W N LO X U U �X �U M O O p 1 w O rn U Om UM V1 LLJ (� N a x Z� x� L) o� m W rn O U Q m U y�yy b I.f LU Z o z� � ua —j � L U � Q Lu U W Z c�a Z LU r W 0 U Z H2 LU r om �o � � I f a. �M Z N � W M O a W Z VI Ci td o z Z Q U ' O ¢a W a I a W~ z mo r z W 0 w d U m O w cc rF O 4 U �a m a 11� z a ¢o =U X O J J Q Qz IL Q LL W N 7 U1cn 0. F 0 0 00 z ��`' a Q F W � • 0 7 a Y [L x I M Iwh J U In ® m z.- O V1 W m x 0 x M d L,X o *toad Z N NOTES TO DESIGNER: 1. FILL IN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXTS IN BLUE, FIRST POUR SECOND POUR CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH SILICONE JOINT SEALANT PER 32 13 13-D516 9 S' �•.' -7-7 T a. g. .• .. i II IEI III__ �i I; V - - .,, " � ' I i�3 BARS 0 18" #4 x 36' DEFORMED PROPOSED SUBGRADE O.C.B•W. BARS XX' D.C. PER TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION TYPE 1 FIRST POUR SECOND POUR CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH SILICONE JOINT SEALANT PER 32 13 13-1351 S T h1149If_ III iWfL . 11 #33ARS 018 " LAP BARS PROPOSED SUBGRADE O.C.B-W. FROM FIRST POUR PER TYPICAL ROADWAY A MINIMUM OF SECTION 40 BAR DIAMETERS TYPE 2 FORTWORTH W CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 FORT V i CONSTRUCTION JOINT 32 13 13-D511 NOTES TO DESIGNER: 1. FILL IN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXTS IN BLUE. #5 x 18" DEFORMED BARS CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH DOWELED AND EPDXYED INTO SILICONE JOINT SEALANT FXISTING PAVEMENT 0 XX" O.C. PER 32 13 13--D518 4 3 BARS 0 18" O.C.B.W. PROPOSED PAVEMENT PER SECTION EXISTING CONCRETE 32 13 13 PAVEMENT I=1 I I-i iF- i EXISTING 6" -� PROPOSED SUBGRADE PER SUBGRADE MIN TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION Fa � oT CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 ATV CONSTRUCTION JOINT (BETWEEN EXISTING AND PROPOSED PAVEMENT) 32 93 'I3�®�'I2 NOTES TO DESIGNER: 1, FILL IN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXTS IN BLUE. EXPANSION JOINT, FORMED GROOVE it 3 BARS 0 18" ROUNDED TO K' RADIUS WITH O,C•R.W, SILICONE JOINT SEALER AND 6" 6" REDWOOD EXP. JOINT FILLER 2" PER 32 13 13—p517 2" / 1Y4" MIN. CLEARANCE �. 4" T/2 a r a PROPOSED SUBGRADL PER TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION -i i- --i =1 I_I,,,�I.vl I I-_`I i t 1 i-i iLu DOWEL SLEEVE OR #XX x 24" SMOOTH CAA TO FIT DOWEL DOWEL 9 12" O.C. DOWEL COATING AND BE SECURED W/GREASE BAR STOP DOWEL SUPPORT OR BASKET Yor wolzm CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 EXPANSION JOINT 32 13 13-D513 NOTES TO DESIGNER: 1. FILL IN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXTS IN BLUE. #XX x 20" SMOOTH EXPANSION JOINT WITHOUT 3 BARS 0 18 DOWEL 0 XX" O.C. DOWEL SUPPORT BASKET 0.C.B.W. INTO EXISTING PER 32 13 13-D517 PAVEMENT PROPOSED PAVEMENT PER SECTION 32 13 13 1Y" MIN. CLEARANCE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT 2" MIN. 4.. - :. PROPOSED SUBGRADE ii-i i-- ii-iii-fii l i' i PER TYPICAL 6" DOWEL SLEEVE OR CAP ROADWAY EXISTING MIN TO FIT DOWEL AND BE SECTION SUBGRADE SECURED BAR STOP CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 � a EXPANSION CONSTRUCTION JOINT 32 13 13-13514 (BETWEEN EXIST AND PROP PAVEMENT) NOTES TO DESIGNER: 1. FILL IN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXTS IN BLUE. #3 BARS ®18" SAWED DUMMY JOINT WITH O.C.B.W. SILICONE JOINT SEALANT PER 32 13 13--D518 - 10" l 77 P OPOSED SUBGRADE PER TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION DOWEL SUPPORT OR BASKET #4 x 20" SMOOTH DOWEL BARS @ XX" O.C. FORTWORTH WH CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 �1► 7� Ai CONTRACTION JOINT 32 13 13-D595 NOTES TO DESIGNER: 1. FILL IN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXTS IN BLUE. SAWED DUMMY JOINT WITH #3 BARS 0 18" SILICONE JOINT SEALANT O.C,R.W. PER 32 13 13-D51B - -'• - --. :- _ --- - 'O-.. - !i. -.. .t Imo{ PROPOSED SURGRADF PER TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION FORT ■■ORTH CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 SAWED DUMMY JOINT 32 13 13-D516 NOTES TO DESIGNER; 1. FILL fN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXTS IN BLUE. FORMED GROOVE ROUNDED TO yy' RADIUS /rr SILICONE JOINT ; SEALANT REDWOOD EXPANSION POLYETHYLENE FILLER BOND BREAKER TAPE $ ' T DOWEL SUPPORT BASKET ;,, �' #XX SMOOTH DOWEL FART URT CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 REDWOOD EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL 32 13 13-D517 FORMED GROOVE ROUNDED TO Y4" RADIUS yl- I SILICONE J01TIT .� SEALANT Yaa' A.T/4 SAWED JOINT FACE "d�• a• DIA. CLOSED CELL T " e<• ": EXPANDED POLYETHYLENBACKER RODE FOAM L• 4' .• •. • `d..a�p'.1yt. - •q'a +d ®�, , ��,�,� CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 SAWED JOINT DETAIL 32 13 13-DS18 C t wVT M o n O M zom , o N TIT Z� ,��.• .�.,.9�(y ET 0 �v U V � m u T m wp x � a IA N L() o N C� LO c a M O LLJ [*! V- LLJ N w w ❑LEL ¢Nz Ld O U J O U O X O F dZ ¢WN WL`0 HF ot�.�.- _ �y W W� UmZ Z�2 �V� ¢ O OP m K w�� S O U �M H 0..M i]Z In 1I— d r• - V - 1. - •�(V .• O �II�I Z.rl— I mbar O d- NOLL33S I—I w u oLLJ 1VOld)d 83d sang „L NoOQ.. . �I�Ii a oc oci--a 9 owoo Wwui ddurEK T Nle I— O IIII ZLA W I — a Z fie III— ww a� Ir a [I!= O o I—I 0.r - IIf- ;3 o U m O I—I N�Z " 0¢O a auF m o �; o LFo �f � �� Q LLI w� 3 LL w CL �� In z O way Wg N � U)0 a x 0 ¢ 1 Z ELaz J V1 0(if"5 OW} Ul X w w z 4 4J DUa¢ LL,I j O d CL t�i_ C-) 0 d Q 0 < FT-- �U O ¢O ~ W ` H 0 z Z Z 0 OfZ d M [n a n- en z z Z W }-T �� o Z 7) Vj G F- Q C) J w U 00 O mm W OF Z .- N co C4 N rsa pqna �w m " rep_ a cd - wo w r1) � M o ..:. w x ,y (na0 a L G �, z X a Z (I� , • I der o� w w X =zTr LLI w_ Lu L)} ago w o w W w o xm o Z w o > o rc - AD NOVO -. AO NDV9 f a mN i q- s ¢ ;a a I m ow #+ 5 No a I m w I z W �m N 1 owm� omA `s v O oE (NIA)YS'D rzi xs n _1 za 'm'o'a - M '1 Juan � m V Z ry .9 LL w �n-w w ti V @' O �. � o� w to O w r J 6oU �4� zr F U a 02 oY¢Pon -zV aYz } rc < o ¢ z rcaF RE u 3 - aV ¢ FW Sm wi _oi..o u3 ooc> viorc �`sd a uo El x3 R I"�� to isoe aom 6 oz M IIl ;IL W (LfLJ OZlmoon H�Iy ^� Q LS E ooN LLI N M W z N VJ r 6 LLJ ` oo SVIN µxi F S pw�'w] 1 IJ Nm %0�2 Z U(fa�FzF 0/ N@ KQ mi] O LU 7 •�. �' V O O LL, Q $ao 00 � N o � z w 50 w ��3 Z�d YOY UUdO M N �214 oo s m "m mnsim -- UG.O o6 v.0 6: V1a a ----- jo)love eo xave ll (xvwixaa ' ( _. ...- NI%) Lq XS'6 it I f e� m3 _ zo I �40 NO Htl ���� �131JJ@3 I G6M M .I.1 •�•I ; 3 Z?rcm I NM .-� nn Y r1 Y •-.- Como I ��N �n'z � d �.:; ill o I v14,M x i oM �� 9 [,!2 w,'o-a a YaY f6C Z Ww I N�S�S YY..I.f YN n Z Q F oe r� YM ZWR apL- R 4NP 1. � LI a iu �ioi z r �$ �aza offi Q,i��l �G1ac a�i In ail- r3 M d u5 d ri d n NOTES TO DESIGNER: 1. DETAIL DEFINES PAY LIMITS OF HMAC TRANSITION SUBSIDIARY TO THE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER CONSTRUCTION. /24" HMAC TRANS17ION EXPANSION PER SECIONANSIONJOINTS A � 32 12 16 /t32 OINTSPER 32 13 13—D513 13—D513 nD 9" HMAC SEE NOTE 4 TRANSITION PER SECTION 32 12 16 XINTFRSFCTING VALLEY PLAN VIEW 9" 9.. SEE ggRg SEES NOTE 4 18" O.C.B.W. 1" MAX OR AS DIRECTED 11 NOTE 4 THE ENGINEER -mmE- COMPACTED I 8'-0" MIN. SUBGRADE (RESIDENTIAL STREETS) (SEE NOTE 2) SECTION A-A NOTES, 1. THE 7" REINFORCED CONCRETE VALLEY SHALL REPLACE THE TOP 7" OF THE PAVEMENT WITH THE REMAINING PORTION OF PAVEMENT TO BE CONSTRUCTED INCLUDING SUBGRADE TREATMENT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TYPICAL PAVING SECTION. 2. 6" FLEX BASE, TYPE A, GR-1 OR MATCH THE PREPARED SUBGRADE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PAVEMENT SECTION. -TYPE D OR TYPE B ASPHALT OR PREPARED SUBGRADE MAY RE USED. 3, PAY LIMITS FROM EXPANSION JOINT TO EXPANSION JOINT. 4. 9" AND 24" HMAC TRANSITION SUBSIDIARY TO CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. CITY MAY APPROVE ADDITIONAL HMAC TRANSITION BEYOND THESE LIMTS UNDER SEPARATE PAY ITEM FOR HMAC TRANSITION PER SECTION 32 12 16. 5. GUTTER TO BE SHAPED TO CONFORM WITH CONCRETE VALLEY (OR PAVEMENT). F®RT W®RTH CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REVISED: 08-31-2012 CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER 32 16 13-D530 �a o� NYEN zz _ �mM u o n�� �z� M a �'aE It LU IF g m :3 WHUM �7 HIM ~ U O�y F TI m I I I 0.VIarc%n o� O K ~ u� r Eo )= Rill S �'qq (•NIW„9) S wF Q w 531a A o�Ej�+ w Z rcaG N G F i c6i gm - II. Ili�`�\�\tea ill: :t>,•-}:�",-:'ll a�a�� lll S3 53 4 ✓f 4 V co T I =�of �7 va -I o -k LL� f - } W�2 13 a -i-4-+ w m Un C, I— O O () ggL] m gg WIF- OGI W mLf J cr rq LL LL r �_ O U) Cl)f�i L] ZT W J A � a m W m O O� Lq° O a s a ul m W .Z a m U 'Z m ci W in w "�.d a WF .ant_�m 'i f ° ZO ¢ rt ��$ o W _ z a a E-mm W¢ w � L i m o I v. W La (L N- X SIN � ul � 1 r— _ 1 Jrtt O z U N s3mvn ga � io n 4' 1­t___ FoRT W0771 44 62„ 3„ J 1 4' 82„ Funding 3" 12 Contractor: 2, 7 Contractor's [dame 12° -- Questions on this Project Call: 1„ 12„ � r (817) 392 - XXXX--._. — 12" After Hours Call: (817) 392 - XXXX 21„ . 2 ----------------- R1"TYP. 1"TYP. FONTS: NOTES: FORT WORTH LOGO IN CHELTINGHAM BOLD IF APPLICABLE TO THE PROJECT, ALL OTHER LETTERING IN ARIAL BOLD CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN VINYL STICKER"CITY GAS LEASE REVENUE COLORS: IN ACTION"I LOGO AT CDR SIGN AND FORT WORTH-PMS 288-BLUE ENGRAVING,6311 EAST LANCASTER LONGHORN LOGO-PMS 725-BROWN AVE(817.451-4E84), PEEL AND PLACE LETTERING-PMS 288-BLUE IN FUNDING SECTION. BACKGROUND-WHITE BORDER-BLUE PROJECT DESIGNATION SIGN CITY OF FORT WORTH - CONSTRUCTION STANDARD DRAWING NO. 1 - H DATE: PQ-1.00 Project Exhibits CITY OF PORT WORTH 2018 CIP CONCRETE.RESTORATION-CONTRACT 5 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUNEENTS City Project No.101570 Revised July 1,2011 'Id32 13NVd 'DNOD GAl9 ,.h2i3)IDT11 -01 ati �� NZ erg C, F� d LO J J 7J JI BMa'-PAIR Ga�u�lsBunxnlQ��uaure�QFdab Feuad •auQO OLSIOFIsFoa(Qsd fa vn$�(avrtS�buuaavi6u3�00FsJ�I T�r•5 mis � � a J gws� axe oqz k" 6 U�3 "g TS w# o Lnm��doro NawRw°po"o e � Uzz7FN 5 I h r� It u7 LLLI Ld' Ili J J ■ N F-P"PNB.fiaXny��a6urM�O�}uau�ordad lauod •auDO OL91OI%s}-lad rfevnglrfa�vn,S�BuusagrBuj�00l s/�� 'Idl'd I�INW 'D N OD 'GAl9 A-d DID AZ e ■ » � (�� )\§§» , . qnqE o e . lglk :) � � \ � ) � � &� : , r | r # r d d to VT � - � � m m� Y, p2F Np�pZ a�L�c�izai�N .S1 C i ff 34 r 'W W 7w7 J i�u W ■ ® 5Mp••pnrg ka-y.M rauod 'muq? 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Panel Rsplocsment\0rewinge\Yckvry 8lvd..dwg i r �rr7 r C C � 'r M m m r r r �: I U1 41 C,J "R r I r ( t 5 - r R +- I IV i 1 Jo zzn� ZOHIN -1 fm,� N Ali Y m n 1/1 z Aim �^ O IIZN �l A z N �=m z� X BARS ga N m w o µr "°KT`v""RT"° :r''. ..:=T. w.- ._. VICKERY BLVD. CONC. PANEL REPL, 3� %%fsf00\Engineenng\Sur,gy%Survey Fmjects\101570 Conc. Panel Repfoceman1xDmw1ng5\Yicke1y 81vd..dwg i r r r LY rr—' � k cn 4� W I I 'II I — i I , ul �4 I}i Fpp F� r '1 �II 1 F �I I I' ti N�C2 Z(Z-f�QJ q W O�CG -1.(�nry ttpp _ Av z & v 8 RAI O N R 0 €s$F Z�N � Z o �m A gym ' goo `m W 9 j� FoRTVVoirrH `; =x VICKERY'BLV®. CONC. PANEL REPL. �w_i _gam_\Su_Pacts\mr m= _e/ ,_snt\_ a___: .- � � 2 ] , I 2 \ \ - , a # CA �. . g 2 - , A . .. � . ��� Z�• Air . \� 2 .q°` �I � �§m7/ A P % k� � §§/ it \�z� 4 « v )o a q/ , § 7 ®d < - rr ^ � ' \ VICKERY BLVD. CONIC. PANEL REPL. « \\lsl00\6ngrn0ering\5uney\Survey Pro%ecfv,101510 Conc. 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