HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 48433-A2 RECENED
0pY 2 2 2019 CITY SECRETARY .p1L /�
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and Dunaway Associates L.P. ,
(ENGINEER) , made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 48433 (the
CONTRACT) , which was authorized by City Council (M&C C-27993) on the
15th day of November, 2016, in the amount of $319,872.00; and
WHEREAS, the Contract was subsequently revised by: Amendment Number
1 in the amount of $99,598.00, which was administratively authorized on
February 1, 2018 for the following project; and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the
following project:
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment Number 2 to
the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee.
NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their
duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement,
which amends the CONTRACT:
1 .
Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional
engineering services specified in a proposal dated September 27 , 2018, a
copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to
CITY for the additional design services to be performed by ENGINEER
totals $99,825. 00. (See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, Page -3- )
2 .
Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in
the fee to be paid to ENGINEER for all work and services performed under
the CONTRACT, as amended, so that the total fee paid by CITY for all work
and services shall be an amount of $519,268.00.
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly
amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect .
City of Fort Worth Forest P k-Zoo Drainage Improvemen
Standard Engineering Agreement Amendment (Q Secretary Contract#484
CFW Official Release 9/19/2017 Amendment
Page 1 of 3 FT. 1AlCb.
EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date subscribed by the City' s designated
Assistant City Manager.
City of Fort Worth TD&�
w y - ss es, L. P.
Fernando Costa Chris Wilde, PE
Assistant City Manager Executive Vice President
Date: /2��/y Date: 5- -0
D id e e k
Acting Director, Park & Recreation Department
Contract Compliance Manager:
By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the
monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring
all p rformance and reporting requirements .
Brya n s, RLA
Lt�Y dnra rchitect
Park & Recreation Department
Douglas W. Black 1295 :
Sr. Assistant City Attorney
A rF
s 0
aY J. Kayser
City Secretary y'
FT.r WORTH,°fir
City of Fort Worth Forest Par.- s
Standard Engineering Agreement Amendment City Secretary Contract#48433
CFW Official Release 9/19/2017 Amendment#2
Page 2 of 3
City Secretary No. 48433
Amendment No. 2
Department Funding Identifier (FID) Amount
80 34014-0800450-5330500--0O2447-003630-9999-14020107 $99, 825. 00
Total: $99,825.00
City of Fort Worth Forest Park-Zoo Drainage Improvements
Standard Engineering Agreement Amendment City Secretary Contract#48433
CFW Official Release 9/19/2017 Amendment#2
Page 3 of 3
Amendment 2 - Desiqn Proposal Additional Engineerinq Services
Date: 9/27/2018 Amendment No.: 2 Project No.: B002691.001
Name: Forest Park Zoo Creek Drainage Improvements
Attn: Mr. Bryan Lyness
Client: City of Fort Worth — Park and Recreation Department
Address: 4200 South Freeway Suite 2200, Fort Worth, Texas 76115
Services covered by this authorization shall be performed in accordance with the Dunaway
"Standard Terms & Conditions," under the original Agreement dated December 5, 2016.
ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $319,845.00 Lump Sum Services
CONTRACT AMENDMENT #1 AMOUNT: $99,598.00 Lump Sum Services
CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 AMOUNT: $99,825.00 Lump Sum Services
TOTAL REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $519,268.00 Lump Sum Services
Client hereby requests and authorizes Dunaway Associates, L.P. (Dunaway) to perform the
following additional services:
1. Additional Design Management and Project Meetings...................$15,450.00 Lump Sum
Dunaway anticipates additional project coordination regarding new design of floodgate,
detention wall and site improvement updates. Dunaway will conduct review meetings
internally and with Client. Dunaway will continue to prepare and submit baseline Project
Schedule and Project Schedule updates with a schedule narrative monthly
Dunaway anticipates additional project coordination meetings, site visit/onsite design
coordination meetings and meetings at key milestones of project development. Dunaway
anticipates ongoing City of Fort Worth interdepartmental project coordination (as
determined by Client). All meetings within this task are separate from Design Management
scope covered in Contract Amendment#1.
2. City of Fort Worth Park Conversions .............................................$15,800.00 Lump Sum
Dunaway will prepare park conversion exhibits for water line, sanitary sewer line,
underground electric line, and storm drain outfall at McPherson Ave. Dunaway will attend
Park Advisory Board meetings (as determined by Client.)
\\ftworth\file system\Productinn500\002600\2691\001\Proposal\Contract Amendment#2\FPZC-Contract Amendment#2.docx
Corocrate: 550 Bailey Avenue,Suite 400 � Fort Worth,Texas 76107 4' tel:9 t,.335,1'31 � Fax:8�'335.743' dunawavassociates ccrr
Fort Worth a A.sfin - Midland 0 Son Antonio
Authorization for Contract Amendment
Page 2
3. Update Final Design Construction Documents (90% and 100%)...$40,095.00 Lump Sum
At the request of PARD, Dunaway will update the construction documents at 90% and
100% submittal milestones for an alternative floodgate and site layout improvements for
alternate bidding. Dunaway will update the civil engineering, landscape architecture and
structural engineering design sheets and specifications to reflect this change. The
alternative floodgate will be a passive gate in lieu of the original rolling floodgate design.
The new design will require two (2) new wiper walls, alteration to the wall layout and pier
layout and new wiper wall detail. A new detail sheet will be created for the alternative
The civil engineering and landscape architecture drawings, specifications and opinion of
probable cost (OPC) will be updated to reflect alternate bids according to PARD directed
identified construction items. Dunaway will assist Client in providing alternative plan sheet
layouts and annotation for the alternate bids as identified by Client. It is anticipated in
identifying four (4) separate alternative bids within the plan sheets and OPC. Additionally,
PARD has requested updates to the cover sheet and general notes, and the addition of a
Tree Protection Plan & Removal Plan and a Security Fence Plan.
Anticipated sheets to be updated include:
a. Cover Sheet
b. General Notes
c. Demolition & Erosion Control Plan (2 sheets)
d. Tree Protection & Removal Plan (NEW)
e. Overall Site Plan
f. Paving & Dimensional Control Plan (2 sheets)
g. Flood Gate Plan (NEW)
h. Security Fence Plan (NEW)
i. Grading & Drainage Plan (2 sheets)
j. Landscape & Fencing Plan
k. Wall Plan and Details (2 sheets)
4. Re-Bidding Services .......................................................................$7,980.00 Lump Sum
As part of the original contract, the bidding phase of the original contract is complete as
the project was publicly advertised, a pre-bid meeting was held at PARD offices, and
Dunaway answered RFI's and provided addendum construction drawings. As transpired,
the public bid was canceled by PARD.
This project is anticipated to be advertised for bid with the alternative floodgate design and
updated design sheets for alternate bid items for site improvements. As part of the re-
bidding services, Dunaway will provide limited bidding services including answering
bidders' questions, provide clarification to bidders, and preparation of necessary addenda
and will assist in the tabulation or analysis of bids as requested.
5. US Army Corps of Engineers — Section 404 Permitting...................$5,000.00 Lump Sum
The proposed improvements to the Forest Park roadway/culvert, flood wall and future
headwall create impacts to the existing Zoo Creek via construction or erosion protection,
requiring a Section 404 permit. To simplify the review process through the United States
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the roadway improvements and future outfall at the
south end of the park will be included in the section 404 permitting. The additional project
components add to the original permitting scenario and require additional documentation
for the Section 404 permit submittal. As part of the Section 404 process, Dunaway will
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Authorization for Contract Amendment
Page 3
conduct a Waters of the U.S. Delineation on the subject property to identify the quality and
jurisdictional limits of Zoo Creek. As part of the delineation, a site survey for Threatened
& Endangered species will take place as well. A Natural Resources Assessment will be
written and submitted to the USACE with the Section 404 Nationwide Permit application.
Additionally, all pertinent engineering documents required by USACE will be submitted as
well. Dunaway will coordinate with USACE on a regular basis to help keep the Section
404 permit review as short as possible.
6. Archaeological Survey...................................................................$15,500.00 Lump Sum
As part of the United States Corps of Engineers Section (USACE)404 Permitting, cultural
resources must be addressed as part of the Section 106 review. An intensive pedestrian
study will be conducted within the project boundaries to determine if any cultural resources
will be impacted by the proposed project. Shovel testing will be conducted near the
proposed wall, sewer re-route, culvert replacement, and McPherson outfall location.
Survey standards met the minimum requirements accepted by the Texas Historical
Commission (THC). Preliminary research shows the Park Hill Bridge, which is in close
proximity to the project, was built in 1910. A culvert on the property has concrete stamped
with a date of 1969. Both pieces are historic age resources (over 45 years), therefore an
Architectural Historian was also included in the Archaeological study. A report will be
submitted to USACE and THC for agency concurrence.
Additionally, the Park Hill Dr. bridge and the culvert on Forest Dr. are known to be at least
45 years old. The Park Hill Dr. bridge dates back to 1910, and the culvert dates back to at
least 1969. These two features are classified as Historic-age Resources and were
evaluated by an Architectural Historian in addition to the archaeological study.
A summary of the total project is as follows:
Item Cost MBE/SBE
Current Authorization —Amendment#2 $99,825.00 0.0%
Previous City Authorizations —Amendment#1 $99,598.00 14.8%
Previous City Authorizations —Original Contract $319,845.00 21.8%
Total Authorized $519,268.00 16.2%
City MBE/SBE Goal = 18.0%
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Authorization for Contract Amendment
Page 4
Summary for Amendment#2 by firm:
Firm Cost % of
AR Consultants, Inc. (Non-MBE/SBE) $15,500.00 15.5%
Dunaway Associates L.P. $84,325.00 84.5%
Total $99,825.00 100%
Please review the enclosed information and call me if you have any questions or require additional
information regarding this amendment.
If the proposed scope of this amendment meets with your approval, please sign below and return
one copy to our office as our notice to proceed.
Respectfully submitted,
DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES, L.P., Agreed &Accepted
a Texas limited partnership
Jonath D. Rus ell, P.E. By:
Engagement M nager
Ch . Wilde, P.E. Date:
Executive Vice President
Level of Effort Spreadsheet — Forest Park
Zoo Creek— Contract Amendment#2
\\ftworth\file system\Production500\002600\2691\001\Proposal\Contract Amendment#2\FPZC-Contract Amendment02.docx
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M&C Review Page 1 of 2
Official site of the City of Fort Worth,Texas
SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2, in the Amount Up to$99,825.00, to the
Engineering Services Agreement with Dunaway Associates, LP, City Secretary Contract
No. 48433 for Forest Park Zoo Creek Drainage Improvements for a Revised Contract
Amount of$519,268.00 (2014 Bond) (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9)
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of Amendment No. 2, in the amount
of$99,825.00, to the Engineering Services Agreement with Dunaway Associates, LP, City Secretary
Contract No. 48433, for Forest Park Zoo Creek Drainage Improvements for a revised contract
amount of$519,268.00.
On November 15, 2016, the City Council authorized City Secretary Contract(CSC) No. 48433 with
Dunaway Associates, LP, (M&C C-27993), in the amount of$319,845.00, to design and develop
construction documents necessary for drainage improvements in and around Zoo Creek, within
Forest Park, near Park Hill Drive and McCart Avenue. These drainage improvements will create a
detention area in the park that will provide immediate flood mitigation benefits in the Zoo and
downstream, and facilitate future upstream storm drain improvements. The agreement and
associated administration costs, are funded through 2014 Bond Program and the PACS Gas Lease
Capital Project Legacy Fund.
On February 1, 2018, the City administratively executed Amendment No. 1 to CSC No. 48433, in the
amount of$99,598.00, for the inclusion of waterline improvements, not initially included in the scope
of the contract.
It has now become necessary to authorize Amendment No. 2 to CSC No. 48433 to provide for
additional professional engineering services which were required to complete the project. The
additional services include design management, additional project meetings, creation of exhibits,
updating design construction documents, permitting and archaeological surveying. Dunaway
Associates, LP, proposed to perform these additional professional services in an amount not to
exceed $99,825.00, bringing the total contract amount to$519,268.00. Staff considers this fee to be
fair and reasonable for the scope of services to be provided.
This project is included in the 2014 Bond Program. Available resources within the General Fund will
be used to provide interim financing for these expenses until debt is issued. Once debt associated
with this project is sold, bond proceeds will reimburse the General Fund in accordance with the
statement expressing official Intent to Reimburse that was adopted as part of the ordinance
canvassing the bond election (Ordinance No. 21241-05-2014) and the ordinance authorizing debt
approved in 2016 (Ordinance No. 22216-05-2016).
M/WBE OFFICE: A waiver of the goal for MBE/SBE subcontracting requirements was requested by
the Department and approved by the M/WBE Office, in accordance with the BDE Ordinance, because
the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are
This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 9.
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=26437&councildate=5/7/2019 5/7/2019
M&C Review Page 2 of 2
The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as
appropriated, of the 2014 Bond Program and that, prior to expenditures being made, the participating
department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds.
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference# Amount
ID I I ID I I Year Chartfield 2
Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Fernando Costa(6122)
Originating Department Head: Richard Zavala(5704)
Additional Information Contact: David Creek(5744)
CO2447-Zoo Drainage- Dunaway-Amend 2- Form 1295-2019-475810 Redacted.pdf
CO2447-Zoo Drainage-MandC-Location Map-09132016.pdf
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=26437&councildate=5/7/2019 5/7/2019