HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 14733 4 CJTY SECRETARY Y r CONTRACT. Z; SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUKEgtS J FOR tT 6. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF PARK IMPROVEMENTS IN ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK - PROJECT NAME ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK PROJECT NUMBER { 76-206-074-45 76-206-079-30 IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS BOB BOLEN MAYOR DOUGLAS HARMAN CITY MANAGER f CHARLES CAMPBELL, L.A. , DIRECTOR GARY L. fSANTERRE, P.E. , DIRECTOR PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT TRANSPOR,rATION/PUBLIC WORKS DEPT PARK AND RECREATION PLANNING DIVISION FUNDING OF PROJECT BY CITY OF FORT WORTH WITH DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS § V KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF TARRANT § That this agreement made and entered into this the 22nd day of Oct, A.D. 19�_, by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH, a municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas, organized and existing under and by virtue of a special charter adopted by the qualified voter within said City on the llth day of December, A.D. 1924, under the authority of the Constitution of Texas, and in accordance r with a resolution duly passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City, and the City of Fort Worth being hereinafter termed Owner, and Architectural UtilitkefEREINAFTER CALLED Contractor. Inc, WITKESSETH: That said parties have agreed as follows: 1. That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be made and performed by the Owner, and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith, the said Contractor hereby agrees with the said Owner to commence and complete the M construction of certain improvements as follows: Const, and Install. of Park Improve, in Rosedale Plaza Park, Unit I, Unit III Unit III, Unit IV and Unit VII, Proi No, 76-206074-45, 76--206079-•30: $75,330 2. That the work herein contemplated shall consist of furnishing all labor, tools, appliances and materials necessary for the construction and completion of said project in accordance with the Plans and Specifications heretofore prepared by the Transportation/Public works Department of the City of Fort Worth and adopted by the City Council of said City, as an independent contractor, and which plans and specifications are incorporated herein by reference. 3. The Contractor hereby agrees and binds himself to commence the construction of said work within ten (10) days after being notified in writing to do so by the Transportation/Public Works Director of the City of Fort Worth. C-1 4. The Contractor hereby agrees to prosecute said work with reasonable diligence after the commencement thereof and to fully complete and finish the same ready for the inspection and approval of -the Transportation/Public Works Director of the City of Fort Worth and the City Council of the City of Fort Worth within a period of 40 working days from the time of commencing said work; that said Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of said time for doing said work for such time as he may necessarily lose or he delayed by unavoidable accidents caused by unforeseen matters over which said Contractor has no control, such as inclemency in the weather, acts of Providence, labor strikes and delivery of materials, in all of which cases the negligence or carelessness of the Contractor not contributing to such delay. .. 5. Should the Contractor fail to begin the work herein provided for within the time herein fixed or to carry on and complete the same according to the true meaning of the intent and terms of said specifications , then the City shall have the right to take charge of and complete the work in such manner as it may deem proper, and if, in the completion thereof, the cost to the said City shall exceed the contract price or prices set forth in the said plans and specifications made a part hereof, the Contractor shall pay said City on demand in writing, setting forth and specifying an itemized statement of the total cost thereof, said excess cost. 6. The Contractor agrees to fully indemnify and save whole and harmless the City from all costs or damages arising out of any real or asserted claim or cause of action against it _ of whatsoever kind or character and in addition from any and all costs or damages arising out of any wrongs , injuries , demands or suits for damages, either real or asserted, claimed against it that may be occasioned by any act , omission, neglect or misconduct of the said Contractor, his agents , servants , employees . And the said Contractor further agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the laws and building and construction codes of the City of Fort Worth and the State of Texas, and with any regulations for the protection of workers which may be promulgated by the Government, and shall protect such work with all necessary lights , barriers, safeguards , and warnings as are provided for in said specifications and the Ordinance and regulations of said City. C-2 7. The Contractor agrees, on the execution of this con- tract, and before beginning work, to make, execute and deliver to said City of Fort Worth, a good and sufficient surety bond for the faithful performance of the terms and stipulations of the contract, including the exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof and such bond shall be 100 percent of the total contract price, and the said surety company shall be a surety company duly and legally author- ized to do business in the State of Texas and acceptable to the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. 8. Said City agrees and binds itself to pay, and the said Contractor agrees to receive, for all of the aforesaid work, and for all additions thereto or deductions therefrom, the price shown on the proposal submitted by the successful bidder hereto attached and made a part hereof. 9. It is further agreed that the performance of this con- tract, either in whole or in part, shall not be sublet or assigned to anyone else by said Contractor without the writ- ten consent of the Transportation/Public Works Director of said City of Fort Worth. 10. The Contractor agrees to pay at least the minimum wage per hour for all labor as the same is classified, promul- gated and set out by the City of Fort Worth, Texas , a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof the same as if it were copied verbatim herein. 11. it is mutually agreed and understood that this agree- ment is made and entered into by the parties hereto with reference to the existing Charter and Ordinances of the City of Fort Worth and the laws of the State of Texas with refer- ence to and governing all matters affecting this contract , and the Contractor agrees to fully comply with all provi- sions of the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Fort Worth has caused this instrument to be signed in triplicate in its name and on its behalf by the City Manager and attested by its Secre- tary, with the corporate seal of the City of Fort Worth attached. The Contractor has executed this instrument through its duly authorized officers in teen counterparts with its corporate seal attached. C-3 Done in Fort Worth, Texas, this the 4-Aay of , A.D. , 19-2ZL_. CITY OF FORT WOR H APPROVED: TY MA AGER RAN POR IO BLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1 ATTEST: Archite t 1 Ut' ities Inc TRA OR BY: CITY SECRETARY Doug Al augh (S E A b) Vice President TITLE APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: P.O. Box 11343, Ft. Worth, Tx. 76109 .� ADDRESS �IT ATTORNEY .Contract Authorization Date November 1960 Reissued April 1984 C-4 City o'f Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE REFERENCE I SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT-CONSTRUC- I PAGE NUMBER TION AND INSTALLATION OF PARK 2 10-22-85 **C-9302 - _ i , o, IMPROVEMENTS IN ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with the low bidder, Architectural Utilities, Inc., in the amount of $75,330, which includes Units I, II, III, IV, and VII of a proposal for the construction and installation of park improvements in Rosedale Plaza Park. Discussion Plans an specifications have been prepared by the Park and Recreation Depart- ment for the construction and installation of park improvements in Rosedale Plaza Park, located at 5200 East Rosedale Street. Scopeof Work eThScope of Work in the plans and specifications includes the following: Unit I - Parking Lot - Concrete flatwork, curb and gutter, asphalt paving, related earthwork. Unit II - Park Shelter - Metal fabrication, carpentry, painting, picnic tables and grills. Unit III - General Park Lighting - New lighting fixtures, electrical wiring, trenching and backfilling. Unit IV - Basketball Slab - Concrete flatwork, goals, posts and backboards, related earthwork. Unit V - Play Structure Unit VII - Irrigation - Addition to existing drip irrigation system. Unit VIII - Softball backstop Submission of Bids n September 26, r985, bids were received after advertisement in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on September 5 and 12, 1985, and are tabulated as follows: Bidder UNIT I UNIT II UNIT III UNIT IV UNIT V UNIT VI UNIT VII UNIT VIII Archi- tectural Utilities, Inc. $35,200 $21,700 $ 8,700 $ 7,230 $18,500 $7,700 $2,500 $4,000 Brown's Energy Re- sources $39,472 23,640 11,689 11,448 13,500 3,965 3,546 2,660 Land Con- structors, Inc. $40,248 20,361 5,909 17,201 18,559 7,794 3,125 3,500 Randall and Blake, Inc. 30,460 20,540 13,450 9,000 17,020 7,800 5,100 4,700 DATE REFERENCE suBJECT:AWARD OF CONTRACT-CONSTRUC- PAGE NUMBER 10-22-85 **C-9302 TION AND INSTALLATION OF PARK 2IMPROVEMENTS IN ROSEDAIF RIAZA PARK The bid proposal stipulated that any and/or all units could be awarded at the discretion of the Park Department. Project_ Cost and Financing The Park and Recreation Department recommends acceptance of only Units I, II, III, IV, and VII. The low bid price of $75,330 for these units by Architectural Utilities, Inc. is considered fair and reasonable. Costs for the project are $75,330 for construction and $3,770 for inspection and administration. Funds are available in Fund No. 76, Project No. 206074-45, Index Code 513622 for construction and Project No. 206079-30, Index Code 513606 for construction, inspection and administration of the project. Funding of the project shall be as follows: Account No. Amount Reason 76-206074-45 $32,000 Award of Contract 76-206079-30 43,330 Award of Contract 76-206079-30 3,770 Inspection and Administration DAI:cpr rc SUBMITTED FOR THE CITY MANAGER'S DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL: PROCESSED BY OFFICE BY: ❑ APPROVED ORIGINATING ❑ OTHER (DESCRIBE) DEPARTMENT HEAD: C.B. Campbell CITY SECRETARY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMAT ON CONTACT: IE Kuti 1 ek #7083 DATE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF PARK IMPROVEMENTS IN ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER -- ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK 76-206-074-45 76-206-079-30 IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS BOB BOLEN DOUGLAS HARMAN MAYOR CITY MANAGER CHARLES CAMPBELL, L.A., DIRECTOR GARY L. SANTERRE, P.E., DIRECTOR PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION/PUBLIC WORKS DEPT PARK AND RECREATION PLANNING DIVISION FUNDING OF PROJECT BY CITY OF FORT WORTH WITH DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Z. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 3. PREVAILING WAGE RATES 4. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 5. CERTIFICATION OF BIDDER REGARDING EQUAL EMPLOYENT OPPORTUNITIES 6. PROPOSAL 7. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVISION II - SITE WORK Section 02110 Demolition Section 02220 Earthwork Section 02221 Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting Section 02241 Soil Stabilization AOUNk Section 02612 Asphalt Concrete Paving Section 02618 Pavement Marking Section 02750 Irrigation Section 02830 Tree Planting DIVISION III - CONCRETE Section 03300 Concrete Flatwork DIVISION V - METALS Section 05500 Metal Fabrications DIVISION VI - WOOD AND PLASTIC Section 06100 Rough and Finish Carpentry DIVISION IX - FINISHES Section 09900 Painting DIVISION XI - EQUIPMENT Section 11510 Park Equipment DIVISION XVI - ELECTRICAL Section 16100 Basic Materials and Methods Section 16500 Lighting 8. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 9. PERFORMANCE BOND 10. PAYMENT BOND 11. CONTRACT NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed Proposals for the following: CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF PARK IMPROVEMENTS IN ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK - PROJECT NOS. 76-206-074-45, AND 76-206-079-30 addressed to Mr. Douglas Harman, City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the office of the City Manager until 11 :00 A.M. , Thursday, September 26, 1985 and then publicly opened and read aloud. Plans, Specifications and Contracts for each project may be obtained at the Office of the Transportation/Public Works Director, 1000 Throckmorton Street, 2nd Floor, Municipal Office Building, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. A fifty dollar ($50.00) deposit is required for each set of documents which contain additional information for prospective bidders. All Bidders will be required to comply with Provision 5159a of "Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes" of the State of Texas with respect to the payment of the prevailing wage rates, and City Ordinance No. 7278, as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort Worth City Code, Sections 13-A-21 through 13-A-29) prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. The City will award one (1) contract with a combination of base bids and/or supplemental units in the manner most advantageous to the City. A pre-bid conference will be held with prospective bidders in the Park and Recreation Department Conference Room, West Wing, 2222 W. Rosedale at 11:00 A.M. , Thursday, September 19, 1985. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and waive any and/or all formalities. No bid may be withdrawn until the expiration of forty-five (45) days from the date bids are opened. PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT DOUGLAS HARMAN CHARLES B. CAMPBELL, L.A., DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER By: RUTH ALEXANDER Bill Cotten, Landscape Architect II CITY SECRETARY September 5, 1985 September 12, 1985 Fort Worth, Texas SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. BID SECURITY: Cashier's check or an acceptable bidder's bond payable to the City of Fort Worth, in an amount of not less than five (5) per- cent of the largest possible total of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeit in the event the successful bidder fails to execute the contract documents within ten (10) days after the contract has been awarded. Bid Security is required for all contracts regardless of amount bid. 2. PAYMENT BOND AND PERFORMANCE BOND: The Contractor will be required to make a payment bond and a performance bond of not less than one hund- red (100%) percent of the contract price, conditioned upon the faith- ful performance of the contract and upon payment of all persons sup- plying the labor or furnishing the materials used on this project. Payment and Performance Bonds are not required for contracts less than $25,000. 3. PENALTIES AMENDMENT: The Contractor's attention is called to Part 1 , Item 8, Paragraph 8.6, of the "General Provisions" of the Standard Specifications for Construction of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, con- cerning penalties for late completion of projects. The table of liquidated damages per day shall be amended as follows: AMOUNT OF CONTRACT LIQUIDATED DAMAGES PER DAY $ 15,000 or less $ 45.00 $ 15,001 to $ 25,000 $ 63.00 $ 25,001 to $ 50,000 $105.00 $ 50,001 to $ 100,000 $154.00 $ 100,001 to $ 500,000 $210.00 $ 500,001 to $ 1,000,000 $315.00 $ 1,000,001 to $ 2,000,000 $420.00 $ 2,000,001 to $ 5,000,000 $630.00 $ 5,000,001 to $10,000,000 $840.00 Over $10,000,000 $980.00 4. AMBIGUITY: In case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advan- tageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the proposal. 5. WAGE RATES: Not less than the prevailing wage rates established by the the U. S. Department of Labor or the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this project. 6. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: A current certified financial statement may be required by the Transportation/Public Works Director if required for use by the City of Fort Worth in determining the successful bidder. This statement , if required, is to be prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant or Independent Public Accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State Licensing Agency. SI-1 g•'�����°' U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Fort Worth Regional Office, Region VI + IIII* 221 West Uncester 1 P.O. Box 2905 Fort Worth, Tesas 76113-2905 AUG 2s1985 r:RECEI]EDMr. Louis BellContract Compliance Specialist City of Fort Worth p�G 21000 Throckmorton Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 ir.g 8 H� Dear Mr. Bell: Subject: Park Plaza Project HUD Project No. B-84-MC-48-0010 Fort Worth, TX Enclosed is a copy of wage decision number 85-TX-0506 issued August 20, 1985, by the U. S. Department of Labor and TX84-4104, Modification #1 (area wage determination) for the construction of the subject project. Wage decision number 85-TX-0506 covers the heavy construction portion of the project (irrigation, play equipment, site preparation, earthwork, grading, softball field, relocating lights and picnic shelter. This decision is effective for 180 days and will expire February 15, 1986. TX84-4104, Modification #1, will apply to concrete flat work, curbs, gutters and asphalt paving on the subject project. The applicable wage decision and any modifications must be made a part of the bid documents (if any) or invitations for proposals, and made a part of every subsequent contract and subcontract for construction work on the project. The wage rates contained therein shall be the minimum wage rates to be paid under such contracts by contractors and subcontractors on the job. The Federal Labor Standards Provisions must also be included in all contracts, subcontracts, and any lower-tier subcontracts. It is the prime contractor's responsibility to ensure inclusion of wage rates and labor standards provisions in all subcontracts. The City must hold a preconstruction conference with the principal contractor and all available subcontractors prior to the start of construction, at which time they shall be advised of their responsibilities and obligations regarding the labor standards provisions and the wage determination contained in the contract documents. A copy of the minutes must be prepared and retained in the City's files on each preconstruction conference. 2 Enclosed are the posters required to be posted in a prominent place on the job site readily accessible to the workers, along with a copy of the wage determination. If we can be of further assistance, please call Evelyn Drinkard at (817) 870-5829. Sincerely r _ Fdirias E. Ferguson Labor Relations Officer, 6SL Enclosures U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION (Davis Bacon Act as Ameri EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION AND RESPONSE TO REQUEST and Related Statutes) Reque g Office (typed na a and signature) CHECK OR LIST CRAFTS NEi OF LABOR U FOR ABOR USE DEPARTMENT i (Attach continuation sheet if ni </r�F s E. F Fuson or Rel b t' s Officer - _Asbestos workers Response To Request De artment, Agency, or ureau Phone Number _ Boilermakers _ Bricklayers a. Eruse area determination U.S. Dept. o HUD (817) 870-5829 _Carpenters issued for this area �� �/QE1�S7a:1� �� Date of Request Est. Advertising Date Est. Bid Opening Date — Cement masons _ Electricians 8-6-85 8-13-85 9-5-85 — Glaziers #l(aHNAr GNSr-4uc7f#1/ Prior Decision Est. $ Value of Contract Type of Work _ Ironworkers Number (if any) ®Under '/, Mil. ❑ 1 to 5 Mil. ❑ Bldg. ®.Highway — Laborers, (specify class b. ZThe attached decisionNone ❑ +h to 1 Mil. ❑Over 5 Mil. ❑ Resid. ElHeavy Location of Project (city or other description) — noted below i s applicable — to this project Fort Worth, TX osedale - — Decision Number County State -- Tarrant Texas _ Lathers Q)L ` Marble & the setters, to Date of Decision Address to which wage determination should be mailed. Must be workers � complete and include ZIP Code. (Print or type) ` Painters Q-is- _Piledrivermen Expires U.S. Dept. of HUD .._Plasterers _ Labor Relations, 6SL Plumbers �S �6 Attn: Evelyn Drinkard , Roofers Supersedes Decision Number P.O. Box 2905 —Sheet metal workers,_ Soft floor layers Fort Worth, TX 76u3 —Steamf fitters Approved —Welders--rate for craft t _Truck drivers e Survey b Agency Attached Wage Survey b Agency in Progress —Power equipment operate �9 Y Y 9 Y 9 Y Y 9 Y 9 (specify types) YES g NO ❑ YES U NO — Description of Work (Be specific) (Print or type) Install irrigation (1 o ft. of pipe) play equipment, fencing, site preparation, relate ._ ` L /I � r�ye earthwork and grading. Curbs, gutters and asphalt parking lot. Other crafts s,`�� Construct softball field, relocate lights and construct 1 ._ G -r_1�t group conarete pinic -helter. STANDARD FORM- 308 it /•••ee7P in o.... A nr.r• v^rMurO TA 1 1 a. T1A_1 1 a� ,,r nrnw nt.•euT �IrAVy GeWS7 *creed 439 - TX - 2 Basic Fringe Basic Frin� Hourly Benefits Hourly Benef Rates Rates BOILERMAKERS $12.61 M LL WRIGHTS S14.82 `CARPENTERS — 7.00 TRUCK DRVIERS 5.25 CEMENT MASMS 7.50 PnW'.R SQUIPMSrIT OPERATORS: ELECTRICIANS 13.00 .60+8% Bulldozers 7.50 FORM BUILDERS 6.25 Cranes, clamshells, backhoes LABORERS: derricka,draglines 6 shovels 7.25 Unskilled 5.74 Front end loaders 8.00 Cement mason tenders 6.00 Motor graders 8.50 Pipelsyers 6.38 Rollers 6.00 MECHANICS 8.50 Scrapers 6,89 WELDERS - receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidenta Unlisted classifications needed for work not Included within the scone of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29 C iagtn*AON'.(R Nd/ iiZ VN *W'I0A/s6111sas $!meat wao.sf Weis M'a son f )v LT) 93*ft-w �{ 00•9 (S•Jn3anJsf) JOdles J0430A T- s['f , (rnis&&w;l") 2739Wnvsa •JOTtM Il:i (TsJnsoatatl sesaom (6vjdW4 SOIew" I pL'L avdles Jss%M ?ssif bujasoq`� I %OTJ•J m) Tssm geese 'lOTlas i (00324 asit) s•33M 1M39 brja=ojuTsv t ort (3memem ( asq Jazz•$ ?M3f bujasejujse s�s•ela) TOg11 $•rat wTTM sadly seaesT$ sraaJedO ssT 8 a+y e[•f *rue WTA 'saaazeft J"aa2 AMA 103vaa00 s•saaN eT3•sJni s •l ftt)In • (s••q ! 4 ft) sum ( "�S ,•d • w ts)S'S 1$47 61) •seWtf snss • (m n 2040) ash ' Ob�f T M a•delodTd vpsvpv3v 204•t sV3 •T p"TA&ss N•` (i� y[ JsrO) J•fssr OW$ _ uo.=•d =•eT=Ostia se dlw p=w anp p"Ve M St' (ss•'t ! a, %I) asPew "a swat , (ssUadiesafl 3e3YT•a dw pmmT veoj3e21sles td ads $6 0419 -dies 20%ssado min WW73ePaTms� { etas =eaTnJ•$ e•0ae eva ■T"1A fefe?s" sw s Wa IPOsms6fa 00'L 10; parMW sw,s•oj{,n•te peso,?~ • ianow sv%111000 tt,JOwi3 os IGITC Sa'f 1 JadtM aTutV ( Os aey J•Nnim) MaJdO tTTJf vall"w" OTuw)a w f6'6 J&POSOWTs•.Ot$ Ot•b Yayse •sep?TT.f 0104u•M lamr-o O z—u womosa$ so JOWWAV SOWS 13TtT30 1=6404•7 �. aJ1" staw tt•$ (Jwo ! )V \t) 1640" mi jmas♦ Ot'i YamND 118=04•Z L (e•Jasaasaf) ladle$ "Z-40S sca4 ZTpgew ttsV•wta sWe=oit (s•Jeyaans) =es30f msca (Nay pm) aeseaab +OseJ+f11 M'6 W %T VW% e0e7) Ts+OVf '0al16" firs (VJ buTeea) Jadjeq Je33•s mica ` Ravin •sajsJo$ •v0gaq 'TTweWn3 loww* silt 10 !tQsiV ! beceval as33•$ aaoa OS•f vywoTvsaM • septa* Vat livia" Sb•f OT't s•a,a-leV�! s•paa/f 6WT.ea as0•swa 00.f (V=a3 t iota~, Jw,T OjM S] f seljeJY,ubf se slvv s•past N•t me$ buT••a s3 t•eJasans.1 ) s•dlvf JepTTM vuej Of•$ 4w$ •elw et6W» 24sT11 6WTa•! •sOssmWp 06'f (s•Jaians3f) JspTTM —a3V6T7 'alma •Tas?f { weld T-TpaaT6c07 6uTa64 ea•Jawp I ;•'Ot =edTss u•jaTsaaelz sb'1 mesOwTa$ Hoy ashy 3e70! 6sT-Wd aw—do , 00•f usj2Ts3a•T7 amesee6 aW,tTae stet "Of '"ciao 6WT•N esaaamq Sr f tsOJaa•asafl sad • J Js4Qatt e3asac03 s0 euTVavm 6aT=q TjTaO M� G=J 6Wj&ea •a•Jae i i' SL'L {vssnsanJ�$N JewVSTu)1 •is:a ,7 doves 'w7mew b 7gvmsn M'f •tTTMs11 Lowmis,J 6vTe a &sea mo I SL•f (bs,•• Jed 3V6T7 'ecTVa•m OETM300M evi oWM 6aTas, WA" ne� � Of'L al ?N JSVsis)1 sas� Je=TTT 6WTTaASM fa•L eft soap Jsswtt of'f (6eTJoa1 sw•jWTl•ass oe'L of 0t JaeO (eT3Ws>AW# sassOsb N•L •eel f 1■ •tt �sastM ii•s sedge$ ssauedsv* i!'f $owl T as 06 (313eareWd) 2e40646 1 sessaad0 zed*" se p - saaesedp • 20;uedsv3 tiltt I OSt JSJo (eddy selmajo) "S664% ISo*, evimoss 6WTae! ai•Vdow - •T of au•Td 6uT4a3ef veq ! 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OF.^_iSiOr m10. -re4.41:9 -I M••^. �' T;:47161 - 11/70/8I) awn ~� . 0. s R�... M'_Am Su rsedes Decaston No. IAes-s011, doted February 26, I981 an s9 PR 7D6B. Statewide Texas I I DEC.. iFT I ON Or WORK: Building Projects •does not include single family hones and rtmente up to and including 6 stories). Truck Drivers Mecf:anics I Single Arle, Llghts tone 16 f B.S3 Lone It Is S.SO _ : s Waller xeloer: SMonsc6r S.SS i Lone S S.60 a- r„•� Ir r,.,ms Mona S S.BO 1 I .�,� {haters OMIT. Son• l i.60 Vneumatle Mortar Op•s : ASBESTOS VORA $16.86 ;f 2.s0 PAINTERS: "n Reanforelnq Steel Setter I gone 1 6.60 BOILERMAKERS 17.1tl5 3.00 er�i�roller 14.47, $3.49 f0 (Pwangls al as tars ' BRIcVLAYERS ► ST NEMASONS 1S.11 2.97 Spray, Structural Stet 1,4.97' 3.49 ion• a I S.SS I zone s S.BS CARPE`1TER5. Drywall, to-fern 14.97, 3.49 Resnforcinq Steel letter Steal worker Xeloer Tne [came constru tlon o P^WFR cool Tarr OFER s _ fStructures)s I (Struc!ursl)s repair of nursing :Pc'•uF 15.25, 2.98 ton• 2 6.60 I lone 6 S.20 rottromant �osmea a ots CROUP 2 13.65 2.98 Raintoreiaq Steel Better Power !quipment Ops.: I ever 6 stcrisms r.ROUP 3 12.801 2.91 �� Beloers : TractorlCrawlar Tyoel� The city of Dow is 9.10 l.sl ROOFERS 14.40. 3.26 Mon• 6 5.20 150 HP 6 Less: Remainder of Couney 6.10 1.67 SKEET MLTAL WO CBS 17.17I 7.06 �� tone 12 5.10 I some 4 7.50 All other work. I Sign tracts I car"" ♦ 1s.91 3.0s (SOFT MOOR ERS 14.91 3.05 � lone 9 5.00 I Mi11wright■ 6.28 3.57 SO[gD INS�A ERRf 1• fsraadar Box flans I . Piledrlvermam 1 .41 7.Os -1nst• a• on, operation, �! tons S 6.]S 1 CFJtE4T MASONS 1 11 1.12 intpee ^n. maintenance p Power Equiosent Oes.s ) ELEf-MICTANSs reps . a service of Aapr.alt Paving MakChine I actr cool 16.3 1.66 radi . television. s son• 1 7.60 • It rac ding, voice, sound i cp Bulldosar ever 1BB RIPS ( I Cable Splicers 17.34 1.66 6 isaen production 6 Z tons 1 7.15 s + 66 production apparatus. tons 7 7,00 ( ELEVATI•s C043TTUCTORSs nuinment a assollanCee I1.7St 39•b O Zone 17 7.75 Isac.ansce 115.295.3. •a RINKLLa FITTERS 16.67 3.23 Mu'1•fosar LSO IV a Lea I xelpere lO%JR 3.0 LnERst receiw• rate d Iona L B.BS I Xalpers (Prob.l SOUR prescribed for craft V 1 Lone 7 6.50 GLAZIERS 13.50 2. Performing operation to r, I Pront esd Loaders (oe I I - IROsA+ORPtRB 16.65 ]. S which the welding is 34 L71s WBOers7s ncidental. 1 '- Zone I 7,60 : I �6opT-Ca cps nter tender, ` 1 gone 2 7,SS capon laborers, mason I Is Is zone 7 7.00 tenders 1).1 2.70 Iona / 6.11 I I GROUP 2-Concrat• •sv. Unik ad classaed witons the for gone s 5.70 apeseetera, plumper work t lncludsrd no the scope of v rront "4 Loaders , I 'laborer, power tools the el sifieaclone listed may be added IIh CY 6 Laea)s I ` Ibarw-vibrator-mortar eater a rd on1Y as provided ►e the Lone 1] S.BO 1 mlRare-dynamite handler labor sts Garde contract clauses 3 Seraoare(Ovar 17 IY)s • I burner on dismantling 129 QR, S lalllllilll. lone L 7.20 work to be )unkedl. I q Zon• 2 7.I0 prime movers. sand "+ ions ] 5.60 points 13.13 2.70 .Ns Zone 6 6.50 _ GROUP 3-Caissons aft sons S 6.25 6 ft. depth, dyne Its Zone 9 NS men, tunnel mane a 13.60 2.70 `+ Tractor(Crawler Type) NARBLL, TILE, 6 T RRAZZO 11.10 2.75 over 150 Bps woxxcps Zone 6 7.50 PIASTL4ERS 17.00 �- rLu!4B9R6 6 ST ITTtRs 11.10 2.2S Zr s n • m r • e.a CITY OF FORT WORTH. TUAS Prevailing Wage Hates for Streets, Drainage and Utility Construction April S. 1985 Prevailing Preval ing Classification Bate Classification Lte Air Tool Man $ 6.85 Crane.Classhell.Backhoe. $ Asphalt Baker 7.10 Derrick/Dragline.Shovel Asphalt Shoveler 6.65 (1-1/2 CT i Over) 8.95 Botching Plant Scaleman 7.50 Fora Loader 7.50 Carpenter Bough 7.70 Foundation Drill Operator Carpenter Helper, Bough 6.00 Truck Mounted 9.80 Concrete Finisher (Paving) 7.75 Front End Loader (2-1/2 CY Concrete Finisher Helper i Less _ 6.95 (Paving) 6.50 Front End Loader(Over 2-1/12 Concrete Finisher (Strs.) 7.65 CY) 8.00 Concrete Finisher Helper (Strs.) 6.10 Motor Grader Operator 8lectrician 9.45 (Fine Grade) 6.65 Form Builder (Stra.) 7.40 Motor Grader Operator 7.85 Fors Builder Helper (Strs.) 6.45 Roller.Steel Wheal (Plant Mix Fors Liner (Pvg. i Curb) 7.25 'Pavements) 6.95 Fors Setter (Pvg.& Curb) 7.10 Boller. Steel Wheel (Other /flora Setter Hlpr.(Pvg.i Curb) 5.85 Flatwheal or Tamping) 6.20 Fors Setter (Strs.) 7.35 Boller, Pneumatic Self- Form Setter Helper (Strs.) 5.90 Propelled 6.40 Laborer. Common 5.25 Scrapers (17 CY or Less) 7.00 Laborer,, Utility Man 5.75 Scrapers (Over 17 CY) 7.35 Tractor (Crawler Type) Mechanic 8.50 150 HP and Less 7.00 Mechanic Helper 6.60 Tractor (Crawler Type) Oiler 7.00 Over 150 HP 7.65 Serviceman 7.55 Tractor (Pneumatic) 80 HP Pipe Layer 7.50 and Less 6.40 Pipe Layer Helper 5.95 Tractor (Pneumatic) Over SOHP 7.60 Wagon-Drill or Boring Machine or Post Bole Driller Operator 6.60 Reinforcing Steel Setter (pvg) 6.00 POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS: Reinforcing Steel Setter Structures) 8.25 Asphalt Distributor 7.25 Reinforcing Steel Setter Hlpr 6.25 Asphalt Paving Machine 7.05 Steel Worker (Structural) 6.90 Bulldozer, 150 HP i Less 7.35 Spreader Box Man 6.50 Bulldozer. Over 150 HP 7.85 Concrete Pvg.Finishing Machine 7.30 Concrete Paving Saw 7.00 TRUCK DRIVERS: Crane,Clamshell,Backhos, Derrick, Dragline. Shovel, Single Axle, Light 6.00 (Less than 1-1/2 CY) 7.55 Single Axle, Heavy 6.75 Tandom Axle or Seal-Trailer 6.65 Lowboy - Float 6.50 Transit Mix 6.50 Winch 6.80 Welder 8.25 DEPARTMENT Of HOUSING AND U1`WM DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS ' Contractor agrees to comply with tte requlremenfs of the Mousing end Urban Development Act of 19b6, as amended, and with the regulations promulgated thereunder. Specifically, Contractor shall comply with the fol- lowing Acts and Orders and their regulations: ' 1. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11246, EQUAL OPPCRTUN17Y CLAUSE; SECTION 202 During the performance of this contract, the Contractor agrees as follows; I (1) The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because Of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are eaployed and that employees are treated during employment without i regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such action shall Include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, Including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post In conspic- uous pieces, available to anp loyeas and applicants for employment, notices to be provided set- ting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by, or on be- half of the Contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. (3) The Contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers, with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be provided by the Contract Compliance Officer, advising the said labor union or workers' representatives of the Contractor's commitment under this section, and shall post copies of the notice in conspic- uous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The Contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1905, and of the rules, regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. (5) The Contractor will furnish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11240 of September 24, 1965, and by rules, regulations and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records and accounts by the Department and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of Investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regu- lations and orders. (6) In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination Clauses of this con- tract or with any of the said rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended In whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as other- wise provided by law. (7) The Contractor will include the provisions of the sentonos immediately preceding Paragraph (I and the provisions of Paragraphs (1 ) through (7) In every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by rules, regulations or crdrs of the Socratory of Labor Issued pursuant to Sect 1 on 204 of Execut 1 ve Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. Ue Contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the Depertment way direct as a meant of enforcing such provisions, Including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that, In the event a con- tractor becomes Involved In or Is threatened with litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the Department, Ma Contractor may request the United States to enter Into such litigation to protect the Interest of the United States. (6) Contractor shall submit a crtlf Icatlon and shall require each of Its subcontractors to submit a certification that all facilities provided for employees employed by Contractor or any subcontractor shall be fully Integrated, and Contractor shell not permit Its employees to per- form their services In any locations under Its Control where segregated facilities are main- to Inod. (9) Each contractor and subcontractor shall permit access during normal business hours to Its prom- Ises for the purpose of conducting on-slte compliance reviews and Inspecting and copying such books, records, accounts and other material as my be pertinent to compliance w 1 th the Order and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto by the City. Information obtained In this manner shall be used only In connection with the adwlnisfratlon of the Order, the adminis- tration of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as vended) and in furtherance of the purposes of the Order and the Act. 2, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ACTS a. In performance of all contracts, the Contractor will comply with the Affirmative Action Guide- lines of Executive Order 11246 and the Implementing regulations and documents thereof, which shall be supplied by the City. b. In performance of all contracts in the amount of $10.000 or more: Contractor will comply with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.0 1701u, and the Implementing regulations and documents, which shall be supplied by the City, and shall have on flle a written affirmative action policy, which has the stated work force goals of 18.2% minor- Ity persons and 6.9$ females, and must follow the hiring practices specified In Subsection (C), below. Additionally, Contractor agrees to the following provisions: (1) The work to be performed under this contract Is on a project ass)sted under a program pro- vlding direct Federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Is subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1%8, as amendeds 12 U.S.C. 1701u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment are to be given lower Income residents of the project area and contracts for work In connection with the project are to be awarded to business concerns which are located In or owned In substantial part by persons r es I d I ng In the area of the project. (2) The parties to this contract will comply with the provisions of said Section 3 and the regulations Issued pursuant thereto by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development set forth In 24 CFR 135 and all applicable rules and orders of the Deprtiment Issued there- under prior to the executlon of this contract. The parties to this contract certify and agree that they are under no contractual or other disability which would prevent them from complying with these requirements. -2- m m , (3) The Contractor will send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, If any, a notice advising the said labor organization or workers' representative of his eomnit- ments under "is Section 3 clause and shall post copies of the botice In conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment or training. (4) The Contractor will Include this Section 3 clause In every subcontract for work In connec- tion with the project and will, at "a direction of the applicant for or recipient of Federal financial assistance, take approprlste action pursuant to the subcontract upon a finding that the subcontractor It In violation of regulations Issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 24 CFR 135. The Contractor will not subcontract with any subcontractor where It has notice or knowledge Mat the latter has been found In violation of regulations under 24 CFR 135 and will not let any subcontract unless the subcontractor has first provided it with a preliminary statement of ability to comply with the require- ments of these regulations. (5) Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, 'the regulations set forth In 24 CFR 135, and all applicable rules and orders of the Department Issued thereunder prior to the execution of the contract shalt be a condition of the federal financial assistance provided to the project, binding upon the applicant or recipient for such assistance, Its successors and assigns. Failure to fulfill these requirements shall subject the applicant or recipient, AONk Its contractors and subcontractors, Its successors and assigns, to those sanctions speci- fied by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which Federal assistance Is pro- vided and to such sanctions as are spec 1 f I ed by 24 CFR 135. ce In performance of all contracts In the amount of $50,000 or more, and where the Contractor an- ploys mare than twenty-flve non-construction employees, the Contractor must promulgate a spe- clflc affirmative action plan, and must take specific affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities and shall implement affirmative action steps at least as extensive as the following: (1) Ensure and maintain a working environment free of harassment, Intimidation and coercion at all sites and In all foci litles at which the Contractor's employees era assigned to work. The Contractor, where possible, will assign two or acre women to each construction pro- ject. The Contractor shall specifically ensure that all foramen, superintendents and other on-site supervisory personnel are aware of and carrying out the Contractor's obligations to maintain such a working environment, with specific attention to minority or female Individuals working at such sites or In such facilities. (2) Establish and maintain a current list of minority and female recruitment sources, provide written notification to minority and female recruitment sources and to community organlza- tions when the Contractor or Its unions have employment opportunities available, and mm►aln- taln a record of the organizations' responses. (3) Maintain a current file of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each minority and female off-street applicant and minority or female referral from a union, a recruitment source or community organization and of what action was taken with respect to each such Individual. If such Individual was sent to the union hiring hall for referral and was not referred back to the Contractor by the union or, If referred, not employed by the Contrac- tor, this shall be documented In the file with the reason therefor, along with whatever additional actions the Contractor may have taken. -3- ( (4) Provide Immediate written notification 10 the Director when the Won or unions with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement have not referred to the Contractor a minority person or woman sent by the Contractor, or when the Contractor has other Informa- tion that the union referral process has Impeded the Contractor's efforts to meet Its obligations. iS) Develop on-the-Job training opportunities and/or participate In training programs for the ' areas which expressly include minorities and women, Including upgrading programs and apprenticeships and trainee programs relevant to the Contractor's employment needs, espe- clally those programs funded or approved by the Department of Labor. The Contractor shell provide notice of these programs to the sources compiled under Subsection 2 above. (6) Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy by providing notice of the policy to unions and training programs and requesting their cooperation In assisting the Contractor in meeting Its EEO obligations; by including It In any policy manual and collective bargaining agree- %ont; by publicizing It In the company newspaper or annual report; by specific review of the policy with all management personnel and with all minority and female employees at least once a year; and by posting the company EEO policy on bulletin boards accessible to all employees at each location where construction work Is performed. (7) Review, at least annually, the company's EEO policy and affirmative action obligations under these specifications with all employees having any responsibility for hiring, assignment, lay-off, termination or other employment decision, Including specific review of these items with on-site supervisory personnel, such as superintendents and general foremen, prior to the Initiation of construction work at any Job site. A written record shell be made and maintained identifying the name and place of these mmeVtings, persons attending, subject setter discussed and disposition of the subject matter. (6) Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy externally by Including highlights of it In any advertising In the news media, specifically including minority and female news media, and providing written notification 10 and discussing the Contractor's EEO policy with other contractors and subcontractors with whom the Contractor does or anticipates doing busl- ness. (9) Direct Its recruitment efforts, both oral and written, to minority, female and community organizations, to schools with minority and female students and to minority and female re- crultment and training organizations serving the contractor's recruitment area and employ- ment needs. Not later than one month prior to the date for thoi acceptance of applications ,r.Ak for apprenticeship or other training by any recruitment source, the Contractor shall send written notification to organizations such as the above, describing the openings, screen- ing procedures and tests to be used In the selection process. (10) Encourage present minority and female employees to recruit other minority persons and women and, where reasonable, provide after school, summer and vacation employment to minority and female youths both on the site and in other areas of the Contractor's work- force. (11 ) Validate all tests and other selection requirements where there Is an obligation to d, so under 41 CFR, Pert 60-3. -4- f (12) Conduct, at least annually, an Inventory and evaluation at least of all Minority and female personnel for promotional opportunities and encourage these employees to seek or to prepare for, through appropriate training, such opportunities• (13) Ensure that seniority practices, job Classifications, work assignments and other personnel ' practices do not have a discriminatory effect by continually monitoring all personnel and employment-related activities to ensure that the EEO policy and the Contractor's oblige- tlons under these specifications are being carried out. (14) Ensure that all facilities and company activities are non-segragated except as separate or single-user toilet and necessary Changing facilities shell be provided to assure privacy between the sexes. (15) Document and maintain a record of all solicitations of offers for subcontractors from minority and female construction contractors and suppliers, Including circulation of solicitations to minority and female contractor associations and other business associa- tions. (16) Conduct a review, at least annually, of all supervisors' adherence to and performance under the contractor's EEO policy and affirmative action obligations. i ^ d. The Contractor shell designate a responsible official to monitor all employment-related activ- itles to ensure that the company EEO policy is being carried out, to submit reports relating to the provisions hereof as may be required by the City and to keep records. Records shell at least Include for each employee the name, address, telephone number, construction trade, union affiliation, If any, employee Identification number where assigned, social security number, race, sex, status, dates of changes In status, hours worked per week In the indicated trade, rate of pay, and locations at which the work was performed. Records shall be maintained in an easily understandable and retrievable form; however, to the degree that existing records satis- fy this requirement. Contractor shall not be required to maintain separate records. 3. COPELAND ANTI-KICKBACK ACT In any contract Involving construction or repair. Contractor agrees to comply, and shell require its sub- contractors to comply, with the provisions of the Copeland "Anti-Kickback Act" (18 U.S.C. 874), as supple- mented In Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 3). This Act provides that, each contractor or subgran- tee shall be prohibited from Inducing, by any means, any person employed In'tthe construction, completion or repair of public work to give up any part of the compensation to which to is otherwise entitled and, if found ^gullty of doing so, shell be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than five (5) years, or both. 4. DAVIS-BACON ACT In any contract for construction In excess of $2,000: Contractor agrees to comply, and shell require Its subcontractors to comply, with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a to a-7). This Act re- quires contractors to pay wages to laborers and mechanics art a rate not less than the minimum wages specified In a wage determination made by the Secretary of Labor and to pay wages not less often than once a week. Spe- cifically, Contractor agrees to comply with the following Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5): -5- r e. Mlalaams rages ' All laborers and mechanics employed or working upon the site of the Cork parrforAdd pursuant to this Contract will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a reek, and without Subsequent deduction or rebate on any account (except such payroll deductions ai are permitted by regulations Issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act), the full aalount of wages and bonaflde fringe benefits (or cash equivalents thereof) due at the tlne of payment, computed at rates not less than those Contelned In the wage determination of sold Secretary of Labor (which Is attached hereto And made a part hereof), regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the Contractor and such laborers and mechanics. Contribu- tions made or costs reasonably anticipated for bonafide fringe benefits under Section 1(b)(2) of the Davis- Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the provisions of Paragraph D of this clause; also, regular contributions made or costs Incurred for more than a weekly period under plans, funds or program which covers the particular weekly period, are deemed to be constructively made or Incurred during such weekly period. Such laborers and mechanics shell be paid the appropriate wage rate and fringe benefits on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed without regard to skill, except as provided In the clause entitled "Apprentices and Trainees." Laborers or mechanics performing work In more than one classification may be compensated at the rate specified for each classification for the time actually worked therein; provided, that the employer's payroll records accurately set forth the time spent In each classification In which work Is performed. The wage determination (including any additional classification and wage rates conformed under Paragraph B of this clause) and the Davis-Bacon poster shell be posted at all times by the Contractor and Its subcontractors at the site of the work In a prominent and accessible place where It can easily be seen by the workers. b. Employment of laborers or Mechanics mot Iisted In Aforesaid Wage Determinetloo Decision 1. The City shell require that any class of laborers or mechanics which Is not listed In the wage de- termination and which Is to be employed under the Contract shell be classified In conformance with the wage determination. The City shall approve an additional classification and wage rate and fringe benefits therefor only when the following crlterla have been met: (1) The work to be performed by the classification requested is not performed by a classification in the wage determination; and (2) The classification Is utilized In the area by the construction Industry; and (3) The proposed wage rate, Including any bonafide fringe benefits, bears a reasonable relationship to the wage rates contained In the wage determination. 2. If the Contractor and the laborers and mechanics to be employed In the classification or their rep- ^esentatives and the City agree on the classification and wage rate. Including the amount designated for Cringe benefits, where appropriate, a report of the action taken shell be sent by the City, to the Administra- tor of the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, United States Department of Labor. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will approve, modify or disapprove every additional classifl- cation action within 30 days of receipt and so advise the City or will notify the City within the 30-day per- lod that additional time Is necessary. 3. In the event the Contractor, the laborers or mechanics to be employed In the classification, and the City do not agree on the proposed classification and wage rate, Including the amount designated for fringe benefits, where appropriate, the City shell refer the questions, Including the reviews of all interested parties and the recommendations of the City, to the Administrator for determination. The Administrator of the -6- Wage and ifour Division, or an authorized representative, will Issue a determinetlon VIthin 30 days of receipt and will so advise the City or will notify the City within the 30-day period that additional time Is neces- sar y. d. The rape rates determined pursuant to the above provisions shell be paid to all workers performing work In the classification under this contract from the first day on which work is performed in the classiti- cation. c- Fr 1 age Genet 1 is hot Expressed as Now 1 y Ype Rates Whenever the minimum wage rate prescribed In the Contract for a class of laborers or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which Is not expressed as an hourly rate, the Contractor shell either pay the benefit as stated In the wage determination or shall pay either bonaflde fringe benefit or an hourly cash equivalent thereof. d. Ant lclpated Costs of Fringe BeaefIts If the Contractor does not make payments it a trustee or other third person, he may consider as pert of the wages of any laborer or mechanic the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing fringe bene- fits under a plan or program of a type expressly Ilsted in the wage determination decision of the Secretary of Labor which is a part of this Contract, provided, however, the Secretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of the Contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met. The Secretary of Labor may require the Contractor to set aside In a separate account assets for the meeting of obligations under the lam or program. A co of an findings made b the Secretary of Labor with res ect to fringe ben e- P P � PY Y g Y Y P 9e fits being provided by the Contractor must be submitted to the City with the first payroll flied by the Contractor subsequent to receipt of the findings. a Underpayments of Rages or Salaries The City shall, upon Its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Uspartment of Labor, withhold or. cause to be withheld from the Contractor under this contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally assisted contract subject to Davis- Bacon prevailing wage requirements which Is held by the same prime contractor, so much of the accrued payments or advances as may be considered necessary to pay laborers and mechanics, Including apprentices, trainees and helpers employed by the contractor or any subcontractor, the full amount of wages required by the contract. In the event of failure to pay any laborer or mechanic, Including any apprentice, trainee or helper employed or working on the site of the work, the City may, after written notice to the primp contractor, sponsor, appli- cant or owner, take such action as may be necessary to cause a suspension of'any further payment, advance or guarantee of funds until such violations have ceased. The amount so withheld may be disbursed by the City, for /wk and on account of the contractor or the subcontractor, to their respective laborers or mechanics to whom the same Is due or on their behalf to plans, funds or programs for any type of fringe benefit prescribed In appll- cable wage determination. f. Payrolls and Basic Payroll Records of Contractor and Subcontractors (1 ) Payrolls and basic records relating to the work performed under the terms of this contract shell be maintained by the Contractor during the course of the work and preserved for a period of three years there- after for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work. Such records shall contain the name, address and social security number of each such worker, his or her correct classification, hourly rate of rages paid (including rates of contributions or costs anticipated for bonafide fringe benefits or cash equiva- lents thereof), daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions made, and actual wages paid. Whenever the -7- Secretary of Labor has found that the •apes of any laborer or mechanic Include the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated In providing benefits under a plan or program described by +he Davis-Bacon Act, the Contractor &hail maintain records which show that the ooweltwent to provide such benefit& Is enforceable, that the plan or program Is financially responsible, .end that the plan or program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and records nhich show the cost anticipated or the actual costs In- curred in providing such benefits. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under approved programs shall maintain written evidence of the registration of apprenticeship programs and certification of trainee pro- grams, the registration of the apprenticeships and trainees, and the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the applicable program. (2) (a) The Contractor shell submit weekly for each week In which any Contract work Is performed, a copy of ell payrolls to the City If the City Is a party to the contract, but If the City Is not such a party, the Contractor will submit the payrolls to the applicant, sponsor, or owner, as the case may be for a transmission to the City. The payroll submitted shall set out accurately and completely all of the Information required to be maintained under Paragraph 1 of this Section. The Information shall be submltted in a form approved by the City. The Contractor is responsible for the submission of copies of payrolls by all subcontractors. (b) Each payroll submitted shall be accompanied by a "statement of compliance", signed by the Contractor or subcontractor or his or her agent who pays or supervises the payment of the persons employed under the contract and shall certify the following: (1) That the payroll for the payroll period contains the Information required to be maintained under Paragraph 1 of this section and that such Inforwatlan Is correct and complete: (II) That each laborer or wechanlc employed on the contract during the payroll period has been paid the full weekly wages earned, without rebate, alther directly or Indirectly, and that no deductions have been wade either directly or Indirectly from the full wages earned, other than parmisslble deductions. (ill) Thgt each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the applicable wage rates and fringe benefits or cash equivalent for the classification of work performed, as Specified In the applicable wage de•- terwination incorporated Into this contract. (c) The falsification of any of the above certifications may subject the contractor or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution under Sec. 1001 of Title XVII1 and Sec. 231 of Title XXXI of the United States Code. (3) The Contractor or subcontractor shall wake the records required under Paragraph 1 of this Section available for inspection, copying, or transcription by the City or the DepaA went of Labor or their authorized representatives. The Contractor and subcontractors shall permit such representatives to Interview employees during working hours on the Job. If the Contractor or subcontractor falls to submit the required records or to wake thew available, the City may, after written notion to the Contractor, take such action as may be neces- sary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance or guarantee of funds. Furthermore, failure sub- milt the required records upon request or to make such records available may be grounds for debarment action pursuant to 29 CFR 5.12. 9. Eap bpmnt of Approvdices/Traleees 1 (1) Apprentices will be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rats for the work they performed when they are employed pursuant to and Individually registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program regis- tered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Adnlnistration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or with a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Bureau, or If a person is employed In his or I her first 90 days of probationary employment a an apprentice In such an apprenticeship program, who Is not Individually registered in the program, but who has been certified by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or a State Apprenticeship Agency to be eligible for probationary employment as an apprentice. The allowable rate of apprentices to ,Journeymen on the Jab site In any craft clastifieatlon shall not be greeter than the ratio permitted to tale contractor ais to the entire work force under the registered program. Any eaployes listed on a payroll at an apprenticeship wage rate, who is mot registered or otherwise employed as stated above shall be paid not less than the lipplicabie wage rate on the wage determination for the classifl- catlon of work actually performed. In addition, any apprentice performing work on the Jab site In excess of the ratio permitted under trio registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the work actually performed. Where a contractor Is performing construction on.s project In a locality other than that. ln which ,Its program is registered, the ratios and wage rates (expressed in per- centages of the journeyman's hourly rate) specified In the contractor's or subcontractor's registered program shall be observed. Every apprentice must be paid at not less than the rate specified In the registered program for the apprentice's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the Journeyman hourly rate specified In the applicable wage determination. Apprentices shall be paid fringe benefits In accordance with the provisions of the apprenticeship program. If the apprenticeship program does not specify fringe benefits, apprentices must be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination for the applicable classifl- cation. If the administrator determines that a different practice prevails for the applicable apprentice classification, fringes shall be paid In accordance with that determination. In the event the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau, withdraws approval of an apprenticeship program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize apprentices at less than the ^applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program Is approved. (2) Trainees. Except as provided In 29 CFR 5.16 trainees will not be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work performed unless they are amployed pursuant to and Individually registered In a program which has received prior approva i, evidenced by formal certification, by the U.S. Department o1 Labor, Employment and Treining Administration. The ratio of trainees to Journeymen on the job site shell not be greater than permitted under the plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration. Every trainee must be paid at not less than the rate specified In the approved program for the trainee's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeymen hourly rate specified In the applicable wage determination. Trelnees shall be paid fringe benefits In accordance with the provisions of the trainee program. If the trainee program does not mention fringe benefits, trainees shall be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination unless the administrator of the Wage and four Division determlrias that there Is an apprenticeship program assoclated with the corresponding Journeyman wage rate on the wage determination which provides for less than full fringe benefits for apprentices. My employee listed on the payroll at a trainee rate who Is not registered and participating In a training plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration shall be paid not less then the applicable wage rote on+the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any trainee performing work on the job site in excess ^f the ratio permitted under the registered program shell be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on he wage determination of the work actually performed. In the event the Employment and Training Administration withdraws approval of a training program. the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize trainees at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program Is approved. (3) Equal Employment Opportunity. The utilization of apprentices, trainees and journeymen under this part shell be In conformity with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and 29 CFR Part 30. h- Postiag Yaps Deterainatlon Decisions and Authorized Yaps Deductions The appIlcabIs wage poster of the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, and t he appli- cable rape determination decisions of said Secretary of Labor with respect to the various Classification of laborers and mechanics employed and to be employed upon the work Covered by this Contract, and a statement showing all deductions. If any, In accordance with the provisions of this Contract, to be made from wages actually earned by persons so employed or to be employed In such classifications, shall be posted at approprl- ate conspicuous points at the site of the work. 1- Claim and Disputes Pertaining to Wage Raters Claims and disputes pertaining to wage rates or to classifications of laborers and mechanics employed upon the work covered by this Contract shall be promptly reported by the Contractor In writing to the City for referral by the latter through the Secretary of housing and Urban Development to the Secretary of labor, United States Department of Labor, whose decision shall be final with respect thereto. S. CONTRACT WDW HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT Contractor will comply with all provisions of the Contract Mork Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-332), as supplemented by Department of Labor Regulations (29 CFR S). Specifically, Contractor will comply with the following standards: a. Overtime roqulre d s. , No Contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the Contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics, including watchmen and guards, shall require or permit any laborer or mechanic in any workweek In which he Is employed on such work to work In excess of 8 hours In any calendar day or In excess of 40 hours In such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times his basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours In any calen- der day or In excess of 40 hours in such workweek, whichever Is greater. b. Violation: Liability for Unpaid Wages Liquidated Damages. In the event of any violation of the clause set forth In Paragraph (a), the Contractor and any subcontractor ' responsible therefor shall be liable to any affected employee for his unpaid wages. In addition, such Contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each Individual laborer or mechanlc employed In violations of the clause set forth In Paragraph (a), In the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such employee was required Ie%,or permitted to work In excess of 8 hours or In excess of the standard workweek of 40 hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth- In Paragraph (a). c. Withholding for Unpaid Wages and Liquidated Damages. The City shall upon Its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor, withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the Contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other federal contract with the same prime contrac- tor, or any other federally assisted contract subject to the Contract Mork Fours and Safety Standards Act, which Is held by the sate prime contractor, such sums as may administratively be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such Contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as pro- vided in the Paragraph b of this section. -10- d. SftboaetraCts. The Contractor shall Insert In any subcontracts the clauses set forth In Paragraphs fal, W. and (c) of this Section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to Include these clauses In any lower tler subcontracts which they my enter into, together with a Clause requiring this insertion in Shy further subcontracts that may in turn be made. The prime contractor :hall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the provisions set forth in this section. 6. CHILD LABOR ACT Contractor will comply with the Child Labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. i2l2-219 and that Act's implementing regulat Ions,'found at 29 CFR 570. This Act prohibits the paid or unpaid employment of Individuals under the age of 16 years on any construction project. 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS a. Complaints, Proosedings, or Testimony by Employees. No laborer or mechanic to whom the rage, salary, or other labor standards provisions of this Contract we applicable shall be discharged or In any other manner discriminated against by the Contractor or any subcon- tractor because such employee has filed any Complaint or Instituted or Caused to be Instituted any proceeding ^or has testified or is about to testify In any proceeding under or relating to the labor standards applicable under this Contract to his employer. b. Questions Concerning Certain Federal Statutes and Regulations All questions arising under this Contract which relate to the application or Interpretation of (a) the afore- said Anti-Kickback Act, (b) the Contract Mork Hours and Safety Standards Act, (c) the aforesaid Davis-Bacon Act, (d) the regulations Issued by the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, pursuant to said Acts, or (c) the labor standards provisions of any other pertinent Federal statute, shall be referred, through the City and the Secretary of Mousing and Urban Development, to the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of labor, for said Secretary's appropriate ruling or Interpretation which shall be authoritative and may be railed upon for the purposes of this Contract. c. Provisions to be Included in Subcontracts. The Contractor or subcontractor shall Insert In any subcontracts the clayss entitled "Davis-Baron Act", "Contract Mork Hours and Safety Standards Act-Overtime Compensation", "Apprentices and Tralnees", "Payrolls and Basic Records" "Compliance with eland Act w " "Subcontracts", w , Comp Cop Requirements", 'ti(Ithholding Subcontracts Contract Termination-Debarment", "Dlsputes Concerning Laboc Standards", "Compliance with Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Requirements" and "Certification of Eligibility", and such other clauses as the City may by appropriate Instructions require, and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to Include these clauses In any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier contractor with all the contract clauses cited above. d. breach of Foregoing Federal Labor Standards Provlslons In addition to the causes for termination of this contract, as herein elsewhere set forth, the City reserves the right to terminate this contract if the Contractor or any subcontractor whose subcontract covers any of the work covered by this contract shall breach any of these Federal Labor Standards Provisions. A breach of I . these Federal Labor Standards Provisions may also be grounds for debarment, as provided by the applicable reg- ulations Issued by the Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor. e. Employment Practloes The Contractor (1) shall, to the greatest extend practicable, follow hiring And employment practices for work on tha project which will provide new Job opportunities for the unemployed and underemployed and (2) shall Insert or cause to be Inserted the same provision in each construction subcontract. f. Contract Termination. Debarment A breach of any of the Acts of regulations specified in Paragraph (c), above, may be grounds for termination of this contract and for debarment as a contractor and a subcontractor, as provided In 29 CFR 5.12. g. Disputes Concerning Labor Standards Disputes arising out of the Labor Standards provisions of this contract shall not be subject to the General �• Disputes clause of this contract. Such disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures of the Department of Labor set forth In 29 CFR, Parts 5, 6 and 7. Disputes, within the meaning of this clause, In- clude disputes between the contractors or any of Its subcontractors and the City, the U.S. Department of Labor, or the employees or their representatives. h. Cmrtification of Eligibility (1) By entering Into this contract, the contractor certifies that neither It nor any person or firm who has an Interest In the contractor's firm is a person or firm Ineligible to be awarded government contracts by virtue of Sections 3(a) of the Davis-bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a)(1). (2) No part of this contract shall be subcontracted to any person or firm Ineligible for award of a government contract by virtue of the above mentioned sections. b. CLEMI AIR AND WATER ACT a. Contractor shall comply with all the requirements of Section 114 of the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. le57, et seq.), and Section 306 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251, of seq.) respectively, relating to Inspection, monitoring, entry, reports and Information, as well as other requirements specified In Section 114 and Section 308 of the Air Act and the,Weter Act, respectively, and all ' regulations and guidelines Issued thereunder before tte award of this contract. b. No portion of the work required by this -contract will be performed In a facility listed on the EPA List Of Violating Facilities on the date when this contract was awarded unless and until the EPA eliminates the name of such facility or facilities from such listing. c. Contractor shall use Its best efforts to comply with clean air standards and clean water standards at the facility In which the contract Is being performed. ` d. Contractor shall Insert the substance of the provisions of this clause Into any nonexempt subcontract, including this Paragraph (1 )(d). i i -12- t . i t 9. LEAb BASED PAINT NA ARD In all contracts for construction or rehabilitation of residential structures, the Contractor and all subcon- tractors shall comply with the Lead-Based PolAt regulations found in 24 CFR 35 and shall Comply with the pro- visions for the elimination of lead-based paint hazard under sub-pert B thereof. 10. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR REGARDING REPORTS Contractor will comp 1 y with the requirements of the City of Fort Worth Department of Housing and Community Development regarding the compiling and reporting of statistical Information required by the Federal regula- tions outlined above- Spec IfIcoIIy, Contractor agrees to submit all completed reports according to the Instructions and requirements of the Fort Worth Department of housing and Coemeunity Development, and Contractor understands that failure to do to may be cause for termlnatlon of this Agreement. lie CERTIFICATION AND ACKNOILEDGIENT I certify that 1 have reed and understand the Information regarding mV obligations as a Contractor on a pro- ject funded by the United $+etas Department of Housing and Urban Development, which is contained In the pre- ceding contract provisions. I understand that, should I have any questions regarding my obligations, I will as soon as possible contact the Fort Worth Department of Housing and Community Development staff member who is osslgned to monitor this contract. ARCH I ECt'r PAS V Contractor By • Title ' -13- f U. S. Dawtint of Housing eed Urban sereIopeent CERTIFICATE OF CLINE RIS ATTURMEY I, the undersigned, C9 q4ev� -+ /G IJ0 66 Gat the duly authorized and acting ,legal representative of lC V� F-p'r+� W�ICi�l'�` do hereby certify as follows: I have examined the attached contract(s) and surety bonds and the manner of execution thereof, and I am of the opinion that each of the aforesaid agreements has been duly executed by the proper parties thereto acting through their duly authorized representatives; that said representatives have full power and authority to execute said agreements on behalf of the respective parties named thereon; and that the foregoing agreements constitute valid and legally binding obligations upon the parties executing the same in accordance with terms, conditions and provisions thereof. APE% Date: ' � 1 ( L¢ctric Lites,� FORT WORTH,TX (81 7)831-0961 Form Approved Budpet Bureau No. 63R 1137 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION OF BIDDER REGARDING EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY INSTRUCTIONS This certification is required pursuant to Executive Order 11246 130 F. R.12319.25). The implementing rules and regulations provide that any bidder or prospw*e contractor,or any of their proposed subcontractors,shall state as an initial part of the bid or negotiations of the contract whether it has participated in any previous contract or sub- contract subject to the equal opportunity clause;and,if so,whether it has f iled all compliance reports due under applicable instructions. Where the certification indicates that the bidder has not filed a compliance report due under applicable instructions, much bidder shall be required to submit a compliance report within seven calendar days after bid opening. No contract shall be awarded unlgss such report is submitted. CERTIFICATION BY BIDDER 4_ Bidder's Name: Address and Zip Code: Lof."o. Umm ML F. D. NUFTMU— FT. WOM,TA 90104 1. Bidder participated'n a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity Clause. Yes Q] No ❑ (1 answer is yes, identify the most recent contract.) 2. Compliancy report a required to be filed in connection with such contract or subcontract. Yes ❑ No . (If answer is vex, identify the most recent contract.) 3. Bidder f os filed all compliance reports due under applicable instructions,including SF-100. Yes E) No ❑ None Required ❑ 4. If answer to item 3 is"No."please explain in detail on reverse side of this certification. Certification—The information above is true and comple�e to the best of my knowledge and belief. ✓ Ns it olSipner(Phan Type) S e Dare MUD-4236-CD-1 (3-70)Previovc Edition is Obsolete fro eea-eso P R O P O S A L TO: MR. DOUGLAS HARMAN Fort Worth, Texas City Manager Fort Worth, Texas CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF PARK IMPROVEMENTS IN ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK - PROJECT NOS. 76-206-074-45 AND 76-206-079-30 Pursuant to the foregoing "Notice to Bidders", the undersigned has thor- oughly examined the plans, specifications and the site, understands the amount of work to be done, and hereby proposes to do all the work and fur- nish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to fully complete all the work as provided in the plans and specifications, and subject to the inspection and approval of the Park and Recreation Director of the City of Fort Worth. Upon acceptance of this proposal by the City Council, the bidder is bound to execute a contract and furnish Performance and Payment Bond approved by the City of Fort Worth for performing and completing the said work within the time stated and for the following sums, to-wit: The "approximate quantities" category is for informational purposes only. The contractor shall be responsible for verification of quantities and bid each item in a lump sum basis. PAY APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS AMOUNT BID UNIT ONE - PARKING LOT 1. L.S. Demolition - Remove 44 L.F. Concrete Curb and Gutter _ Dollars 6 Cents per Lump Sum $ 2. 285 C.Y. Earthwork and Grading Dollars & Cents per Lump Sum $ 3. 515 L.F. 7" Concrete Curb and Gutter Dollars & —7 _ Cent s per Lump Sum $ 1Q•" 4. 380 S.F. Concrete Driveway Apron Dollars & 1 Cents per Lump Sum 5. 20 S.F. Concrete Flume Dollars 6 Cents Per Lump Sum $ QQ.' P-1 PAY APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS AMOUNT BID 6. 40 S.F. Concrete Handicap Ramp Dollars Cents per Lump Sum $ 7. 14 Tons Soil Stabilization EDollars & Cents per Lump Sum 8. 9,120 S.F. Asphalt Paving . 1 T` - Dollars & ` }� _ Cents per Lump Sum $ to 9. L.S. Parking of Striping Dollars & _ Cents per Lump Sum $ TOTAL - UNIT ONE $ �� UNIT TWO - PARK SHELTER AND PICNIC UNITS 1 . 838 S.F. Reinforced Concrete Shelter Slab Dollars & Cents per Lump Sum $ - 2. L.S. Group Shelter Dollars & a, Cents per Lump Sum $� 3. 3 Each 12' Picnic Tables llv' o"j1A:fx ollars & a, Cents per Lump Sum $ '- 4. 1 Each Group Picnic Grill Dollars & Cents per Lump Sum $ 5. 3 Each 8' Picnic Table, Slab and Cooker Units ilars & Cents Per Lump Sum 6. 265 S.F. 4' Concrete Sidewalk c`=� ►y �D � Dollars & Cents per Lump Sum $ TOTAL - UNIT TWO $ P-2 PAY APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS AMOUNT BID UNIT THREE - GENERAL PARK LIGHTING 1. L.S. Demolition - Pole Removal and Relocation Dollars & Cents per Lump Sum $ " - 2. 4 Each Lighting Fixtures and Mounting Hardware,, k-�n Cents per Lump Sum $ �J 3. L.S. Trenchi Wiring and Distribution Dollars Cents per Lump Sum $2 TOTAL - UNIT THREE $ �O UNIT FOUR - BASKETBALL SLAB 1. L.S. Demolition ���� Ce�nt Dollars � per Lump Sum $A 2. 2,120 S.F. Concrete Basketball Slab 'p Dollars ttD—Cents per Lump Sum $ [ j.` 3. 2 Each Basketball Post, Goal and Backboard Units Dollars & Cents per Lump Sum $�b •- TOTAL - UNIT FOUR $ 2� UNIT FIV TRUCTURE 1. L.S. Demolit emove Existing Structure liars & Cents Lump Sum $ ��� P-3 PAY APPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BID TOTAL ITEM QUANTITY PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS AMOUNT BID 2�. L.S. Relocate Existing Swing p Dollars Cents per Lump Sum $ 3 L.S. Mex' o Forge Play Booster l Dollars m Cents per Lum ufn $ ` TOTAL - IT E x :$ G2 UNIT, SIX - PLANTING ` 1. 5' a15 Each " Cal.. Red � Trees � (� 5 ollam & Cents per Lump Sum _ TOTAL - UNIT :Ik $ UNIT SEVEN - IRRIGATION 1. L.S. Demolition - Removal and Relocation of Existing Equipment Dollars & Cents per Lump Sum 2. L.S. Emitter System -}d��" Dollars & t ` Cents per Lump Sum 1�1� TOTAL - UNIT SEVEN $ 2 � ` - h I ' UNITE HT - S BACKSTOP — r' 1. 1 Each Patterson- i Do s Ce Per Sum $ , 1 TOTAL - UNIT EIGHT $ P-4 P This contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant to the provisions of Article 20.04 (F) of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. The Contractor performing this contract may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies, equipment used or consumed in the performance of the contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate complying with State Comptroller's ruling #95-0.07. Any such exemption certificate issued by the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to the provisions of the State Comptroller's ruling #95-0.09 as amended to be effective October 2, 1968. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment and those of any labor organization, subcontractor or employment agency in either furnishing or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance 7278, as amended by City Ordinance 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13-A21 through 13-A-29), prohibiting discrimination in employment prac- tices. The undersigned agrees to complete all work covered by these contract docu- ments within Forty (40) Working Days from and after the date for commencing work as set forth in the written Work Order to be issued by the Owner and r to pay not less than the "Prevailing Wage Rates for Streets, Drainage and Utility Construction" as established by the City of Fort Worth, Texas, ef- fective April 8, 1985, or by the U. S. Department of Labor, as established by this contract , whichever is higher. Within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of acceptance of this bid, the undersigned will execute the formal contract and will deliver an approved Surety Bond for the faithful performance f this contract . The attached deposit check in the sum of $ ­r Dollars ($ ) is to become the property of the City of Fo tt W�Texas, or the attached Bidder's Bond is to be forfeited in the event the contract and bond are not executed within the time set forth, as liquidated damages for delay and additional work caused thereby. Respectfully submitted, Amok By: TV r Addres IMI III ES` P. 0. Box Ii343. F- NUM, EA Z6109 S E A L (if corporation) P-5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK The Contractor shall supply all superintendence and shall perform all work and furnish all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals necessary to fully and properly complete all work as described in the Plans and Specifi- cations. All construction and other work shall be done in accordance with the best engineering and construction practices for the skill or trade in- volved. The work to be accomplished under these Plans and Specifications includes: CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF PARK IMPROVEMENTS IN ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK, PROJECT NOS. 76-206-074-45, AND 76-206-079-30 Rosedale Plaza Park site is located at 5200 East Rosedale. 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Demolition B. Rough and Finish Grading C. Concrete Flatwork D. Asphalt Paving E. Parking Lot Striping F. Group Shelter G. Lighting H. Picnic Units I. Park Equipment J. Irrigation K. Tree Planting These Plans and Specifications were prepared by the Park and Recreation Department. The Transportation/Public Works Survey Crew will set construc- tion and grade stakes for all proposed work. The Transportation/Public Works Department will administer the contract and furnish inspection. The applicable items contained in the "Standard Specifications for Con- struction for the City of Fort Worth, Texas", Transportation/Public Works Department, shall apply to this contract just as though each were incorpor- ated in these documents. Where the provisions or specifications contained in these documents are contrary to the Standard Specifications , these docu- ments shall govern. A copy of the Standard Specifications may be purchased at the office of the Transportation/Public Works Director, 1000 Throck- morton Street, 2nd Floor, Municipal Building, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. The Contractor shall assume the responsibility for obtaining all necessary construction and/or building permits necessary to carry out the work as described in the Plans and Specifications. The Contractor shall be re- quired to pay for all permits, fees, certificates, and inspections or lic- enses. The Contractor shall show evidence of payment of fees and obtain- ment of required permits to the Park and Recreation Department prior to commencement of construction. 01010-1 SECTION 01100 - ALTERNATIVES The City reserves the right to abandon, without obligation to the Contrac- tor, any part of the project, or the entire project, at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work authorized by the City. SECTION 01150 - MEASUREMENT & PAYMENT The price bid per each item as shown on the proposal shall be full payment for all materials, labor, equipment and other miscellaneous items which are necessary to satisfactorily complete the work as described by the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall examine the site and existing condi- tions that may affect work under this contract. No extra shall be allowed for work due to lack of knowledge of existing site conditions. SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTALS It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to furnish the Park and Recreation Department prior to construction a schedule outlining the antic- ipated time each phase of construction will begin and be completed, includ- ing sufficient time being allowed for cleanup. SECTION 01400 - QUALITY CONTROL The Contractor will receive all orders and approvals from the Director of Transportation/Public Works and/or his assigned inspectors. The inspector will be introduced to the Contractor prior to beginning work. Any work done at the direction of any other authority will not be accepted or paid for. Final approval for the finished project shall be given by the Director of Transportation/Public Works, City of Fort Worth. The Contractor or a competent and reliable superintendent shall oversee the work at all times. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to him shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to protect all existing trees, lawns, sidewalks, buildings, vehicles, utilities, etc., in the area where the work is being done. The Contractor shall rebuild, restore and make good at his own expense, all injury and damage to same which may result from work being carried out under this contract . The utility lines and conduits shown on the plans are for information only and are not guaranteed by the Owner to be accurate as to location and depth; they are shown on the Plans as the best information available from 01100-01500 the owners of the utilities involved and from evidences found on the ground. The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities and conduct his work so as to prevent interruption of service or damage to them. SAFETY RESTRICTIONS - WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE LINES The following procedures will be followed regarding the subject item on this contract: A warning sign not less than five inches by seven inches, painted yellow with black letters that are legible at twelve feet shall be placed inside and outside vehicles such as cranes, derricks, power shovel, drilling rigs, pile drivers, hoisting equipment or similar apparatus. The warning sign shall read as follows: "WARNING - UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX FEET OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES." Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have an insulating cage-type guard about the boom or arm, except back hoes or dippers, and insulator links on the lift hook connections. When necessary to work within six feet of high voltage electric lines, notification shall be given to power company (Texas Electric Service Company) who will erect temporary mechanical barriers, de-energize the line, or raise or lower the line. The work done by the power company shall not be at the expense of the City of Fort Worth. The notifying department shall maintain an accurate log of all such calls to Texas Electric Service Company, and shall record action taken in each case. The Contractor is required to make arrangements with the Texas Electric Service Company for the temporary relocation or raising of high voltage lines at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. No person shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protec- tion having been taken as outlined above. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to assure the safety of the park visitors during the construction and clean-up operations. The Contractor shall maintain and keep in good repair the work intended under these Plans and Specifications, etc. , and shall perform all necessary repair, construction and renewal to the date of acceptance by the City of Fort Worth. 01500-2 SECTION 01640 - SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS 1.01 GENERAL A. Send submittals for substitution to: Bill R. Cotten, Landscape Architect Park and Recreation Department 2222 W. Rosedale Fort Worth, Texas 76110 Phone: (817) 870-7092 1.02 PRODUCTS LIST A. Within ten (10) days after date of Contract, submit to Landscape Architect two (2) copies of complete list of all products which are proposed for installation. B. Tabulate list by each specification section. C. For products specified under reference standards, include with listing of each product: 1. Name and address of manufacturer. loft% 2. Trade name. 3. Model or catalog designation. 4. Manufacturer's data. a. Performance and test data. b. Reference standards. 1.03 CONTRACTOR'S OPTIONS A. For products specified only by reference standards, select any product meeting standards, by any manufacturer. B. For products specified by naming several products or manufac- turers, select any product and manufacturer named. C. For products specified by naming one or more products, Contractor must submit request, as required for substitution, for any prod- uct not specifically named. 1 .04 SUBSTITUTIONS A. During bidding, Landscape Architect will consider written re- quests from prime bidders for substitutions, received at least ten (10) days prior to bid date; requests received after that time will not be considered. B. Within thirty (30) days after date of Contract, Landscape Architect will consider formal requests from Contractor for substitution of products in place of those specified. 01640-1 C. Submit two (2) copies of request for substitution. Include in request: 1. Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with Contract Documents. D. In making request for substitution, Bidder/Contractor represents: 1 . He has personally investigated proposed product or method, and determined that it is equal or superior in all respects to that specified. 2. He will provide the same guarantee for substitution as for product or method specified. 3. He will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into work, making such changes as may be required for work to be complete in all respects. 4. He waives all claims for additional costs related to substi- tution which consequently become apparent. E. Substitutions will not be considered if: 1. They are indicated or implied on shop drawings or project data submittals without formal request submitted in accord with Paragraph 1.03C. 2. Acceptance will require substantial revision of Contract Documents. SECTION 01700 - PROJECT CLOSEOUT Cleaning The Contractor shall make final clean-up of the construction area, to the satisfaction of the Park and Recreation Department as soon as construction in that area is completed. Clean-up shall include removal of all construc- tion materials, pieces of concrete, equipment and/or other rubbish. No more than five (5) days shall elapse after the completion of construction before the area is cleaned. Surplus materials shall be disposed of by the Contractor, at his own expense and as directed by the Park and Recreation Department. Cleaning of equipment by Contractor or Subcontractor, such AO=k equipment as cement mixers, ready-mix trucks, tools, etc . , shall take place in an area designated by the Park and Recreation Department. Guarantee The Contractor shall be responsible for defects in this project due to faulty workmanship or materials, or both, for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of this project by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth. The Contractor will be required to replace, at his own expense, any part, or all, of this project which becomes defective due to these causes. END OF SECTION 01640-01700 SECTION 02110 - DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1 .01 WORK INCLUDED A. Remove existing light pole scheduled for relocation. 1 . Remove existing mounting arms and fixtures from both light poles. B. Remove existing irrigation control valve, pipe and sprinkler heads scheduled for relocation. C. Saw cut and remove four by thirty (4' x 30') foot section of existing concrete basketball slab. D. Remove existing basketball posts, goal and backboard. E. Relocate existing swing set in play area. F. Remove forty-four (44') linear feet existing curb and gutter. G. Remove saucer structure from play area. H. Remove softball backstop. 1.02 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protect all adjacent overhead and underground utilities. B. Protect existing trees. C. Protect adjacent property including sign, backstop, drinking fountain, picnic tables and play equipment to remain. D. Protect existing irrigation lines and equipment to remain. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 DEMOLITION A. Execute removal of existing site items as designated. B. Carefully remove light pole to be relocated. 1 . Remove concrete footing to twenty-four (24") inches below finish grade. 2. Rewire electrical distribution line to light at play area through underground junction box as per Section 16100. 02110-1 C. Remove mounting arms, fixtures and pole caps from both light poles. 1. Cap holes where mounting arms are removed. 2. Prepare poles to fit new mounting hardware - see Section 05500. D. Remove existing basketball post, goal and backboard, being care- ful not to damage backboard or goal . E. Remove existing saucer structure from play area. F. Relocate existing swing set in play area as shown on plan. G. Carefully remove existing irrigation control valve, pipes and sprinkler heads from earth berm to be regraded. 1. Relocate valve and two heads as per Section 02750. G. Return lighting equipment, basketball goal and backboard, back- stop and saucer structure to Park and Recreation Department Rolling Hills Compound at 2525 Tappan Road between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays. Return extra irrigation heads to Landscape Architect. H. Saw cut existing curb and gutter and remove forty-four (44') lin- ear feet prior to construction of new driveway apron. 3.02 DISPOSAL A. Remove demolition debris at least once each day in accordance with all applicable laws. B. Do not store or burn materials on site. C. Transport demolition debris to an off-site disposal area. 3.03 CLEARING A. Leave construction areas clean, free of debris of any type, and ^ ready for earthwork. END OF SECTION 02110-2 SECTION 02220 - EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Excavate or fill all areas within the construction limits to the grades or subgrades indicated on plans. B. Backfill behind curbs and concrete drainage structures to within four (4") inches of finish grade. C. Dress all disturbed areas not covered by concrete/asphalt struc- tures with four (4") inches of topsoil. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicable Standard: City of Fort Worth Standard Specifications for Construction, Item 106, "Street Excavation". B. Pay Items: Where grading is a bid item, amount bid shall be total payment for all grading including importing of fill material and topsoil by Contractor, when necessary to conform to grades shown on plans. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to locate a �.� source for fill material and topsoil and arrange for transpor- tation to site. Said fill material and topsoil shall be approved by the Park and Recreation Department before installation. The Park and Recreation Department will not be responsible for pro- viding additional fill material and topsoil should the areas of cut and fill not balance, or if cut material is not suitable for fill. Earthwork will be paid for on a lump sus basis for material in place and compacted to proper density. Quantities shown in the proposal are for informational purposes only. Contractor shall determine exact quantities necessary to bring final grades to the contours and elevations shown on the plans and bid accordingly. No additional payment will be made for fill material imported to the site. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS: A. Site Fill: 1. On-site material obtained from earthwork operations and ap- proved by the Park and Recreation Department. 2. Approved material free from trash, lumber, debris, roots over one 0") inch in diameter, matted roots, rocks over three (3") inches in diameter, topsoil, highly plastic soils or other deleterious material. 02220-1 B. Topsoil: 1. Stockpiled on-site material approved by the Park and Recrea- tion Department. 2. Natural, fertile, friable soils having textural classifica- tion of silt or clay loam possessing characteristics of soils in vicinity which produce heavy growth of crops, grass or other vegetation. Free of subsoil, brush, organic lit- ter, objectionable weeds, clods, shale, stones two (2") inch dimension or larger, stumps, roots, or other materials harm- ful to grading, planting, plant growth, or maintenance oper- ations. C. Cushion Sand: Clean, fine sand, free from clay lumps, rocks or other deleterious material. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROTECTION: A. Carefully maintain bench marks, layout stakes, and other refer- ence points. B. Protect property, including adjoining property and public rights-of-way, from damage by trucks and equipment . C. Protect active utilities to be retained on site, whether shown on drawings or uncovered during excavation operations. If damaged, repair at Contractor's expense. Remove, abandon or cap inactive utilities as directed. Notify utility companies involved in ad- vance of work. D. Protect existing trees and plant material to be retained from damage by trucks and equipment. E. Provide for adequate surface drainage during construction in man- ner to keep site free of surface water without creating nuisance in adjacent areas. Keep excavations free of water. 3.02 SITE PREPARATION: A. Clearing: 1. Strip existing topsoil from areas affected. Stockpile on site for re-use. 2. Remove trash, debris, and other obstructions found at or above existing grade from areas of proposed structures, walks, curbs and paving. 3. Remove existing plant material only as directed by Landscape Architect. 02220-2 r B. Grubbing: 1. Remove stumps, roots over two (2") inches in diameter, mat- ted roots and other obstructions found at or below existing grade from cleared areas. 2. Depths: Grub out obstructions found in following areas to depths indicated: a. Beneath footings and drives: eighteen (18") inches. b. Beneath walks, curbs, gutters, parking and lawn areas: twelve (12") inches. C. Beneath fills: twelve (12") inches. (In case of other construction on fills, use greater depth.) C. Material Disposal: 1. Remove waste daily as it accumulates. 2. Comply with applicable codes and ordinances regarding waste transportation and disposal. 3. Burning and blasting on site will not be permitted. 3.03 EXCAVATION A. Excavate to bring areas to grades and subgrades indicated. Scar- ify excavated areas occurring under concrete to a depth of six (6") inches, then compact to required density. B. Remove and legally dispose of excavated material that is unsuit- able or not required for backfilling. Remove underground ob- structions. Where rock is encountered at subgrade, undercut a minimum of fifteen (15") inches below and backfill with approved fill. 3.04 FILL AND BACKFILL A. Placing: Place material in loose, even successive lifts not to exceed the following depths: 1. Fill below concrete slabs: maximum eight (8") inch high lifts to overall compacted depth as indicated on drawings. 2. Site fill and backfill: maximum twelve (12") inch high lifts. B. Comzaction: Thoroughly and evenly compact each lift to the fol- lowing densities. 1. Fill below concrete slabs: Not less than 95% standard A.A.S.H.O. density to at least four W ) feet outside the edge of the slab. 2. Site Fill: Not less than 90% standard A.A.S.H.O. density. 02220-3 C. Cushion Sand: Provide uniform, smooth, compacted sand layer to two (2") inch depth below site flatwork. Moisten and compact sufficiently to prevent undue displacement during the placement of reinforcing and concrete. D. Moisture Control: When moisture must be added prior to compac- tion, uniformly apply water to surface but do not flood. Free water shall not appear on surface during or after compaction operations. Remove and replace, or scarify and air-dry soil too wet to allow proper compaction. 3.05 GRADING A. Uniformly grade areas, including adjacent transition areas to smooth surface at required grades and elevations. Adjust con- tours to eliminate water ponding and provide positive drainage. B. Concrete Subgrade: Excavate or fill as required to provide finish grade shown on plans. Shape subgrade to true and even lines to provide for uniform thickness of sand cushion. C. Finish Grade Adajacent to Pavement: Cut or fill so that turf and planting areas adjacent to concrete are one 0") inch below said concrete. Slope soil smoothly back to adjacent grade. 3.06 FINISH GRADING A. Fine grade areas to achieve final contours indicated. Leave areas to receive topsoil four (4") inches below final desired grade. B. Provide uniform roundings at top and bottom of slopes and other breaks in grade. Correct irregularities and areas where water will stand. C. Topsoil: 1. Place topsoil to four (4") inch depth over areas modified by work of this contract which are not covered by buildings, walks or paving. 2. Uniformly distribute topsoil to required grades; feather back to where grades remain unchanged. 3. Place and compact topsoil in manner conducive to the growth and maintenance of good turf. 4. Degree of finish shall be that ordinarily obtainable with blade or scraper operations. Remove rubbish, vegetation, _ and rocks over one and one-half (1-1/2") inches in diam- eter. Leave areas smooth and suitable for establishment of lawns and planting. Correct irregularities and areas where water will stand. 02220-4 3.07 MAINTENANCE A. Protect newly graded areas from traffic, construction and weather damage, washing, erosion and rutting, and repair such damage that occurs. B. Correct settlement below established grades to prevent ponding of water. C. Remove excess stockpiled material, debris, waste and other mater- ial from site and leave work in clean finished condition. END OF SECTION 02220-5 SECTION 02221 - TRENCHING, BACRFILLING AND COMPACTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Description of Work: 1 . Trench and backfill for irrigation piping. A. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Division I, General Requirements. 2. Section 02220, Earthwork. 1.02 PROTECTION A. Protection of Existing Utilities: 1. Existing utility lines to be retained that are shown on draw- ings or locations of which are made known to Contractor prior to excavation, as well as all utility lines uncovered during excavation operations, shall be protected from damage during excavation and backfilling. 2. If damaged, repair at Contractor's expense. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Normal Backfill: Earth, loam, sandy clay, sand and gravel , soft shale, or other approved materials free from large clods of earth or stones over two and one-half (2-1/2") inches maximum dimen- sion. B. Compacted Backfill: Granular in nature not containing roots, sod , rubbish, or stones over two and one-half (2-1/2") inches maximum dimension as approved by Owner's Representative. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. The Contractor and a representative of the Park and Recreation Department shall stake out the location of proposed trenching. The system shall be approved by the Park and Recreation Depart- ment before actual installation is started. The Contractor will not be responsible for removing and/or replacing turf. 02221-1 3.02 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: 1. Excavate trench width necessary to properly lay pipe with banks as nearly vertical as practical. 2. Accurately grade trench bottom to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe on undisturbed soil at every point along entire length. 3. Except where rock is encountered, do not excavate below in- dicated depths. 4. Where rock excavation is required, excavate to a minimum overdepth of six (6") inches below trench depths. 5. Backfill rock excavation overdepths and unauthorized over- depths with loose, granular, moist earth and thoroughly tamp. 6. Remove wet or otherwise unstable soil that is incapable of supporting pipe, as determined by Owner's Representative to depth required and backfill trench bottom to grade with coarse sand, fine gravel, or other material as approved. 7. Shape bottom of pipe trenches to give substantial uniform circumferential support to lower third of pipe. i•.� B. Depth of Cover: Excavate trenches for utilities to a depth that will provide the following minimum depths of cover from existing grade or from indicated finish grade, whichever is lower: 1. Minimum depth as shown on drawings. 3.03 BACKFILLING A. Do not perform backfilling of trenches until all required pres- sure and other tests have been performed and utility system is approved. B. Normal Backfill: 1. Where compacted backfill is not specified, carefully Back- fill with excavated materials approved for backfilling. 2. Deposit in six (6") inch layers and carefully ram until pipe has a cover minimum of one (1 ' ) foot . 3. Place remainder of backfill material in trench in one W ) foot layers and tamp. 4. Settling of backfill with water will be permitted. 5. Grade surface to reasonable uniformity and leave mounded over trenches in a uniform and neat condition. 3.04 CLEAN AND ADJUST A. Settlement: 1. Reopen any trenches improperly backfilled or where settle- went occurs to depth required for compaction. 02221-2 2. Refill and compact with surface restored to required grade. 3. Leave in a completed surface condition as specified. END OF SECTION 02221-3 SECTION 02241 - SOIL STABILIZATION LIME TREATMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Stabilize subgrade for parking lot to a depth of six (6") inches. B. Extend stabilization to back of curb and beneath concrete drive- way apron. 1.02 REFERENCE A. City of Fort Worth, Standard Specifications for Construction, Item 210, Lime Treatment, delete measurement and payment . 1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 02220, Earthwork B. Section 02612, Asphalt Concrete Paving END OF SECTION 02241-1 SECTION 02612 - ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. Furnish and install asphalt pavement as indicated on plans. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. City of Fort Worth Standard Specifications for Construction, Item 312, Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete, delete measurement and payment. 1.03 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 02241, Soil Stabilization B. Section 02618, Pavement Markings PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PLACEMENT loom*. A. HMAC placement shall consist of a base course and surface course as shown on the plans. END OF SECTION 02612-1 SECTION 02618 - PAVEMENT MARKING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Mark and paint parking lot stripes and handicap symbols. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 02612, Asphalt Concrete Paving 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit complete manufacturer's product data for marking paint. 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS A. Follow manufacturer's requirements related to temperature and humidity when applying paint. B. Asphalt surface shall be allowed to cure for a period of not less than twenty (20) days before application of markings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MARKING PAINT A. Use a standard manufacturer's paint for traffic marking and striping. B. Fast drying, oil-based alkyd paint: Color - White. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces to remove dirt, sand, oil or other material that would affect the application or adhesive properties of the product. B. Layout: Striping shall be laid out in accordance with the plans by the Contractor. Use guidelines, templates or forms as needed. 3.02 APPLICATION A. Equipment for applying paint shall be pressurized paint machines, capable of painting straight lines at the desired width with a uniform coverage of 105 sq.ft. per gallon. B. Apply striping in straight lines four (4") inches wide. 02618-1 C. Apply handicap symbols by using an approved template or guide. D. Protection: All adjacent roads and turf shall be protected from damage, overspary and staining. 3.03 CLEANING A. Remove any paint spills, drips or oversprays from pavement, turf, or other surfaces not intended to be painted. Use methods re- quired to clean, without damaging surface. END OF SECTION r /\ 02618-2 SECTION 02750 - IRRIGATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. Connections to existing irrigation system. 2. Relocation of one valve and three sprinkler heads. 3. Install new pressure line and quick coupling valves. 4. Installation of emitters with new piping and fittings. 5. All miscellaneous fittings and accessories required to complete and operate system. 6. Excavation and backfill. 7. Testing and adjusting. 8. Power wiring, 120 VAC connection from automatic controller to relocated valve. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. General Requirements, Division 1 2. Section 02221, Trenching, Backfilling and Compacting 3. Section 16100, Basic Materials and Methods 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: 1. The City of Fort Worth Code, Plumbing Ordinance. 2. National Plumbing Code. B. Licenses: 1. Work shall be performed by or under the direct supervision of an irrigator or plumber licensed under the authority of the State of Texas. C. Reference Standards i.� 1 . ASTM D-2241-78. 2. CS 256-63 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Maintenance Materials: At completion of job furnish spare parts and all special tools and equipment required to operate and maintain system. B. Maintenance Data: Furnish two copies of parts list and repair manuals for emitter system. 02750-1 C. Manufacturer's Literature: Submit catalog data indicating perfor- mance weight, size, and function of each item of equipment and material, other than approved products, or as listed below. D. Project Record Documents: Record on a clean set of plans in colored pencil: 1. All piping and wiring, including control wires by dimensions. 2. Locate control valve by dimension from two directions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Equipment and Material Requirements: 1. Standard product of a manufacturer. 2. In-service performance records to verify published capabilities. 3. New and unused, except as indicated on drawing. 2.02 MATERIALS A. PVC Pipe and Fittings: 1. Polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) in accordance with ASTM D-2241-78 made to SDR-PR dimensions, and approved by National Sanitation Foundation. 2. Two (2") inch pipe and smaller: Solvent weld PVC Type "Bell-End" pipe may be used. 3. Two (2") inch pipe fittings and smaller: Solvent weld type as recommended by pipe manufacturer. 4. Do not thread PVC pipe for connections to metal pipe or accessories. Use PVC female adaptor with socket to female thread. 5. Use underground downstream of backflow preventer except swing joints and risers. B. Swing Joints and Fittings: 1. Nipples and Risers: Schedule 80 threaded PVC pipe. 2. Fittings: Schedule 80 threaded PVC elbows. 3. Jointing Material: Teflon tape for threads on PVC pipe. C. Valves: 1. Remote Control Valve: a. Use existing valve scheduled for relocation. 2. Manual Clean-Out Valve: a. Straight type globe valve. b. Size to match pipe or as indicated on drawings. 02750-2 C. Cross handle control wheel. d. Brass or bronze body and parts, Class 150. e. Full floating valve disc with replaceable seat and washers. f. Removable bonnet and stem assembly with packing gland and nut. 3. Quick Coupling Valve: a. Brass or bronze body and parts, to withstand 150 psi without leakage. b. One (1") inch female inlet, IPS. C. One piece, single lug, single key with self-closing cover. d. Approved product: Weathermatic or Toro. D. Valve Boxes: 1. Box for Remote Control Valves: a. Use existing box. 2. Box for Clean-Out Valves: a. Plastic pipe with fitting cover. b. As per drawings. E. Sprinkler Heads: 1 . Use existing sprinkler heads scheduled for relocation. F. Emitter: 1. Pressure compensating and self-flushing. 2. Operating pressure range 10-40 psi. 3. Barbed inlet/outlet . 4. Two (2) gallons per hour capacity. 5. Approved product : Toro No. 700-07. G. Wye Strainer: 1 . 9.6" long; 6.1" between connections. 2. Maximum operating pressure 140 psi. 3. Maximum flow 18 gpm. 4. 140 mesh filter. 5. Manual shut-off valve to allow servicing. 6. Approved product: Toro No. 730-01. H. Accessories: 1. Remote Control Valve Wire: a. Size and type recommended by valve manufacturer. b. No. 14 minimum size, direct burial type. 2. Underground Control Wire Splices: a. Type made for direct burial. b. Approved Products: "Scotchlock" or "Snap Tite". 3. Jointing Material: Teflon tape for threads on PVC pipe. 02750-3 w PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Install all equipment and products in accordance with manufac- turer's recommendations. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. PVC Pipe and Fittings: 1. Handle PVC pipe, couplings and fittings and install in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2. All plastic pipe fittings shall be molded fittings manufac- tured of the same material as the pipe and shall be suitable for solvent weld, slip joint ring tite seal or screwed con- nections. 3. No fittings made of other material shall be used. 4. Space pipe length in jointing and snake to allow for expan- sion and contraction. 5. Thoroughly clean interior of the pipe of all foreign matter before being lowered into trench. Keep clean during laying operations by means of plugs or other approved methods. 6. Do not lay pipe in water, or when trench or weather condi- tions are unsuitable for work. Keep water out of trench until the joints are completed. 7. When work is not in progress, securely close open ends of pipe and fittings so that no trench water, earth or other substance will enter pipes or fittings. 8. Take up and relay any pipe that has the grade or joint dis- turbed after laying. 9. Fittings at bends in the pipe line and at ends of lines shall be firmly wedged against the vertical face of the trench. 10. Make joints in all screwed fittings by applying teflon tape on male threads. 11. Only Schedule 80 pipe may be threaded. B. Valves: 1 . Relocate and install remote control valve as indicated on the plans or as may be required for the proper control of the piping system in which it is incorporated. 2. Bury valve deep enough so that valve box lid will not pro- trude above ground. 3. Set valve vertically. 4. Set control valve to give correct pressure at sprinkler head. 5. Set manual clean-out valves at ends of lateral runs as shown on plans. 02750-4 C. Sprinkler Heads: 1. Relocate existing sprinkler heads as indicated on plans. 2. Install in plumb position at intervals not to exceed those shown and in the approximate location and configuration shown on drawings. 3. Place sprinkler heads on swing joints as before. 4. All nipples shall be minimum length required to allow sprinkler head adjustment without inducing load on the supply pipe. 5. Install sprinkler heads flush with finish grade. D. Emitters: 1. Locate emitter outside tree well within five W) feet of tree as shown on plan. 2. Extend distribution feeder tube into tree well. Keep end of tube two (2") inches below grade. 3. Place iron pin or metal tape near emitter to facilitate location in the field with metal detector. E. Wye Strainer: 1. Install one wye strainer in-line with new PVC lateral pipe at each new tap on existing line (two total). F. Power Wiring: 1. Rewire relocated automatic valve to existing controller. 2. See 2.02 G, Items 1 and 2. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Leak Test: 1. When the main line or sections of the main line, e.g. , loops, with swing joints and valves have been installed, the system (or section) will be thoroughly flushed. The system (or section) will then be pressurized during a six (6) hour period to the operating pressure indicated on the drawings. The pressure will be maintained for a 24-hour leak test per- iod. Allowable leakage in the piping system is to be deter- mined by the formula: L = .54 x 10-3 ND (P) L = allowable leakage in gallons per hour. N = number of joints in the length of pipe test. D = nominal diameter of pipe in inches. P = average test pressure during leak test in psi gauge. 02750-5 2. Excessive leakage will be repaired and retested as outlined above. 3. Any leaks developing during the first year under normal operating pressures due to improper installation shall be repaired by the Contractor at no expense to the owner. B. Cleaning and Flushing System: 1 . After pipe, fittings, and valves have been installed and connections made to water source, flush pipes until free of all rock, dirt, trash, pipe shavings, or debris before installing heads. 2. After heads have been installed, use system several times before final inspection. 3. Immediately before final inspection, check rotary heads and emitters for stoppage. Clean if necessary. 4. Remove emitters and pop-up heads. Flush pipes. Clean and replace heads before final inspection. 3.04 CLEANUP A. Make final cleanup of all parts of work before final acceptance. B. Remove all construction materials and equipment . C. Prepare site in an orderly and finished appearance. D. Remove from site any rock or extra dirt that resulted from this work and restore site to its original condition. END OF SECTION 02750-6 SECTION 02830 - TREE PLANTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Scope: Furnish and install fifteen (15) trees in Rosedale Plaza Park. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. General Requirements, Division I 2. Section 01640, Substitutions and Product Options. 3. Section 02221, Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting. 4. Section 02750, Irrigation 1 .02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor Qualifications: Minimum of three (3) years experience on projects of similar characteristics and size. B. Reference Standards: 1. Nomenclature in accordance with Hortus III, 1978 Edition. 2. American Association of Nurserymen: American Standard for Nursery Stock, 1980 Edition. C. Substitutions: 1. Substitutions accepted only upon written approval of Landscape Architect. 2. Submit substitutions possessing same characteristics as indicated on plans and specifications. D. Inspection and Testing: 1 . The project Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect and tag plants at place of growth with the Contractor. 2. Inspection at place of growth does not preclude right of rejection due to improper digging or handling. 3. Owner's representative reserves the right to request soil analysis of topsoil and planting mixture. Remove or correct unacceptable soil. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Certificates: 1. Submit state and federal certificates of inspection with invoice. 02830-1 2. File certificates with Owner's Representative prior to material acceptance. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Preparation of Delivery: 1. Balled and Burlapped (BB) plants: a. Dig and prepare for shipment in manner that will not damage roots, branches, shape, and future development after replanting. b. Ball with firm, natural ball of soil, wrapped tightly with burlap covering entire ball. C. Ball size and ratios: Conform to American Standard for Nursery Stock, 1980 Edition. 2. Pack plant material to protect against climatic, seasonal and breakage injuries during transit. 3. Securely cover plant tops with tarpaulin or canvas to mini- mize wind-whipping and drying in transit. 4. Pack and ventilate to prevent sweating of plants during transit. Give special attention to insure prompt delivery and careful handling to point of delivery at plant job site. ."� B. Delivery: 1. Deliver fertilizer, fertilizer tablets, mulch, and amendment materials to site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and conformance to state law. 2. Deliver plants with legible identification and size labels on example plants. 3. Protect during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves. 4. Notify Owner's Representative of delivery schedule in ad- vance so plant material may be inspected upon arrival at job site. 5. Deliver plants to job site only when areas are prepared. C. Storage: 1 . Protect roots of plant material from drying or other pos- sible injury with wetted soil or acceptable material. 2. Protect from weather. 3. Maintain and protect plant material not to be planted immed- iately upon delivery. D. Handling: 1. Do not drop plants. 2. Do not damage ball, trunk or crown. 3. Lift and handle balled plants from bottom of ball . 02830-2 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Planting Season: Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordance with locally accepted practices. B. Protection: Before excavations are made, take precautionary meas- ures to protect areas trucked over and where soil is temporarily stacked. 1.06 GUARANTEE A. Guarantee new plant material for one year after acceptance of final installation. B. Make replacement, one per plant, during one-year guarantee period at appropriate season with original size and planting mixture. C. Repair damage to other plants or turf during plant replacements at no cost to Owner. D. Use only plant replacements of indicated size and plant . E. Maintain after each item is planted and continue until installa- Jon%, tion is completed and acceptable: 1 . Weeding 2. Watering 3. Pruning 4. Spraying 5. Fertilizing 6. Mulching 7. Mowing PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Plant Materials: 1. Hardy under climatic conditions similar to locality of proj- ect. 2. True to botanical and common name variety. 3. Sound, healthy and vigorous, well-branched and densely foli- ated when in leaf and have healthy well-developed root sys- tems. 4. Free from disease, insects, and defects such as knots, sun- scald, windburn, injuries, abrasion or disfigurement. 5. Conform to American Standard for Nursery Stock, 1980 Edi- tion. 6. Conform to measurements indicated after pruning with branches in normal positions. 02830-3 7. Trees: a. Single straight trunks. C. Trees with weak, thin trunks or branching structure not capable of support will not be accepted. 8. Container-grown plants. 9. Method Options: a. Container-grown in lieu of balled and burlapped. b. Nursery-grown only. B. Topsoil: 1. Site soil excavated from planting pits may be substituted for imported topsoil: a. If suitable (see 3 and 4 below) . b. If approved by the Landscape Architect prior to mixing. 2. Natural, fertile, friable soils having textural classifica- tion of silt or clay loam possessing characteristics of soils in vicinity which produce heavy growth of crops, grass, or other vegetation. 3. Free of subsoil, brush, organic litter, objectionable weeds, clods, shale, stones two inch (2") minimum dimension or larger, stumps, roots, or other material harmful to grading, planting, plant growth, or maintenance operations. 4. Presence of vegetative parts of Bermuda grass, Johnson a grass, nut grass (Cyperus rotundus) , and other hard to erad- icate weeds or grass will be cause for rejection of topsoil. C. Mulch: 1. Pine Bark: a. Natural product of shredded southern pine bark. b. Free from weed seed, soil, plant diseases, and insects. C. Nitrogen enriched and composted. d. Minimum one-quarter to one-half inch (1/4"-1/2") diam- eter. D. Water: 1. Free of oil, acid, alkali, salts, and other substances harm- ful to plant growth. 2. Furnish temporary hoses and connections. 3. May use on-site, City furnished water. E. Sand: Washed builders sand. F. Antidesiccant: "Wilt-proof" or equal. 2.02 MIXES A. Planting Mixture: 1. One part topsoil . 02830-4 t 2. One part pine bark mulch. 3. One part sand. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION: A. Inspect plants for injury, insect infestation and pruning prior to planting. Do not prune except at the direction of the Landscape Architect. B. Inspect site to verify suitable job conditions. 3.02 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Location of all trees and shrubs to be staked in the field by the Landscape Architect with the Contractor prior to planting. 3.03 EXCAVATION FOR PLANTING A. Pits: 1 . Shape: a. Vertical hand scarified sides and flat bottom. b. Plant pits to be square or circular. 2. Size for trees: Two feet (2' ) wider and six inches (611) deeper than ball. B. Obstructions Below Ground: 1. Remove rock or underground obstructions to depth necessary to permit planting. 2. If underground obstructions cannot be removed, notify Owner's Representative for new instructions. 3. Avoid damaging underground utility lines. 4. Repair damage to existing utilities at no expense to Owner. C. Excess Soil: Dispose of unacceptable or unused excess soil away from the project site at Contractor's expense. ,..� 3.04 PLANTING MIX A. Mix topsoil, pine bark mulch and sand thoroughly prior to back- filling tree pits. 3.05 PLANTING A. General: 1. Set plants two inches (29 higher than surrounding grade. 2. Set plants plumb and rigidly braced in position until planting mixture has been tamped solidly around ball. 02830-5 3. Thoroughly settle by water-jetting and tamping planting soil in six (6") inch lifts. 4. Prepare four (4' ) foot diameter, four (4") inch dish after planting, with inside of dish at top of ball after settling. 5. Thoroughly water trees. 6. Stake trees as indicated on plans. 7. Apply antidesiccant according to manufacturer's instruc- tions. 8. Apply four (4") inch mulch to planting beds. B. Balled Plants: 1. Place in pit on planting mixture that has been hand-tamped prior to placing plant. 2. Place with burlap intact to ground line. Top of ball to be two (2") inches above surrounding soil. 3. Remove binding at top of ball and cut top one-third (1/3) of burlap back. 4. Do not pull wrapping from under ball, but cut all binding cord. 5. Do not plant if ball is cracked or broken before or during planting process or if stem or trunk is loose. 6. Backfill with planting mixture in six (6") inch lifts. C. Container Grown Plants: 1. Place in pit on planting mixture that has been hand-tamped prior to placing plant. 2. Cut cans on two sides with an acceptable can cutter, and remove any plastic or metal can. 3. Do not injure root ball. 4. Carefully remove plants without injury or damage to root balls. 5. Backfill with planting mixture in six (6") inch lifts. D. Mulching: 1. Cover planting bed evenly with four (49 inches of mulch. 2. Water immediately after mulching. 3. Hose down planting area with fine spray to wash leaves of plants. E. Pruning: 1. Do not prune before trees are inspected by Landscape Architect. 2. Prune minimum necessary to remove injured twigs and branches, deadwood, and suckers. Maintain normal tree shape. 3. Make cuts flush leaving no stubs. 4. Paint cuts over three-quarter (3/4") inch diameter with approved tree-wound paint. 02830-6 3.06 CLEAN UP A. Sweep and wash paved surfaces. B. Remove planting and construction debris including rocks, trash and other materials from project site. END OF SECTION 02830-7 SECTION 03300 - CONCRETE FLATWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Specifications: The work under this division of the Specifications shall conform generally to the requirements of Item 314, "Concrete Pavement", of the City of Fort Worth's Standard Specifications for Construction, except as otherwise specified. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.01 FORMS A. Forms shall be of ample strength, adequately braced, joined neat- ly and tightly and set exactly to established line and grade. 2.02 REINFORCING MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bars: Reinforcing bars shall be round deformed bars meeting the requirements of the current standard Specifications for Intermediate Grade Billet Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bars of the ASTM Designation A-615. Reinforcing bars at the time the concrete is placed shall be free from rust, scale or other coat- ings that will destroy or reduce the bond. General reinforcing bars shall be No. 3 bars spaced eighteen (18") inches on center in walks and twelve (12") inches in slabs as shown on plans. 2.03 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Cement: Portland cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM Specifications Designation C-150 and shall be Type 1. B. Aggregates: Concrete aggregates shall consist of gravel or crushed stone and shall be free from any excess amount of salt, alkali, vegetative matter or other objectionable materials. The aggregate shall be well graded from fine to coarse and the maxi- mum size shall be one (1") inch. Fine aggregate shall consist of sand and it shall be clean, hard, durable and free of lumps. C. Water: Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkalies, vegetative matter or organic material. The concrete shall be mixed in an approved batch mixer. The mixing time shall be not less than one (1) minute after all the batch materials are in the mixer. Cement content shall be not less than five (5) sacks per cubic yard of concrete and shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. 03300-1 D. Mixing: Transit mixed concrete shall meet all the requirements for concrete as specified above. Sufficient transit mix equip- ment shall be assigned exclusively to the project as required for continuous pours at regular intervals without stopping or inter- rupting. Concrete shall not be placed on the job after a period of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours after the cement has been placed in the mixer. 2.04 RELATED MATERIALS A. Expansion Joints: Expansion joint filler shall be preformed asphaltic composition filler, three-fourths (3/4") inch thick, of the size and shape shown on plan. B. Dowels: Dowels for expansion joints shall be No. 5 smooth round steel bars with expansion tubes as shown on Plans. Dowels shall be placed eighteen (18") inches on center or as shown on plans. C. Curing Compound: The membranous curing compound shall comply with the requirements of ASTM Designation C-309, Type 2, white pig- mented. D. PVC Sleeves: The Contractor shall furnish and install four (4") inch Class 200 PVC pipe sleeves under concrete walk as shown on plans and details. 2.05 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN AND CONTROL A. Mix Design: The concrete shall contain not less than five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard. Total water shall not exceed seven (7) gallons per sack of cement. The mix shall be uniform and workable. The amount of coarse aggregate (dry-loose volume) shall not be more than eighty-five (85%) percent per cubic yard of concrete. The net amount of water will be the amount added at the mixer plus the free water in the aggregate or minus the amount of water needed to compensate for absorption by the aggregates. Free water or absorption determinations will be based on the condition of the aggregates at the time used. The absorption test will be based on a thirty (30) minute absorption period. No water allow- ance will be made for evaporation after batching. B. Slump: When gauged by the standard slump test, the settlement of the concrete shall be not less than one and one-half (1-1/2") inches nor more than five (5") inches. C. Quality: The concrete shall be designed for a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi at the age of 28 days. 03300-2 D. Control-Submittal: Within a period of not less than ten (10) days prior to the start of concreting operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a design of the concrete mix he proposes to use together with samples of all materials to be incorporated into the mix and a full description of the source of supply of each material component. The design of the concrete mix shall conform with the provisions and limitation requirements of these specifications. All material samples submitted to the Engineer shall be sufficiently large to permit laboratory batching for the construction of test beams to check the adequacy of the design. When the design mix has been approved by the Engineer, there shall be no change or deviation from the proportions thereof or sources of supply except as hereinafter provided. No concrete may be placed on the job site until the mix design has been ap- proved by the Engineer in writing to the Contractor. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 REINFORCING A. Metal reinforcing shall be accurately placed in accordance with the Plans and shall be adequately secured in position by con- crete, metal, or plastic chairs and spacers. Bar splices shall overlap at least twelve (12") inches. The reinforcing bars shall be bent cold. 3.02 JOINTS A. Expansion Joints: Expansion joint materials shall be installed perpendicular to the surface. The bottom edge of the material shall extend to or slightly below the bottom edge of the slab and the top edge shall be held approximately one-half (1/2") inch below the surface of the slab. The edge of joints shall be tooled with edging tool having one-fourth (1/4") inch radius. B. Construction Joints: Construction joints shall be installed in all concrete work at the locations shown on the plans. Construc- tion joints formed at the close of each day's work shall be located at any of the control joints designated on the plans. Joints may be constructed by use of wood or preformed metal bulk- heads set true to the section of the finished concrete and cleaned and oiled. Surplus concrete on the subgrade shall be re- moved before resuming concreting operations. 3.03 PLACING CONCRETE A. Placement of Concrete: The concrete shall be rapidly deposited on the subgrade immediately after mixing is completed. Subgrade and forms shall be dampened prior to placement of the concrete. The concrete shall be transported, placed and spread in such a manner as to prevent segregation of the aggregate or an excess amount of 03300-3 water and fine materials to be brought to the surface. No con- crete shall be placed when the air temperature is less than forty degrees Fahrenheit (40°F.) nor when the temperature of the con- crete is eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit (850F.) or higher, with- out approval of Public Works Inspector. Placement shall be carried on at such a rate that the concrete is at all times plastic and flows readily into the space between the bars. No concrete that has partially hardened or that has been contaminated by foreign material shall be deposited in the work nor shall retempered concrete by used. Each section of pavement between expansion and construction joints shall be placed mono- lithically. All concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by suitable means dur- ing the operation of placing and shall be thoroughly worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into the corners of the forms. Special care shall be taken to prevent voids and honeycombing. The concrete shall then be struck off and bull- floated to the grade shown on the plans before bleed water has an opportunity to collect on the surface. 3.04 FINISHING A. Finishing Concrete: All concrete shall be finished by experienc- ed, qualified concrete finishers. All concrete shall have a neat, rounded edge. Edging and jointing (radius described on plans) shall be accomplished with care so as not to leave deep impressions in the concrete surface adjacent to edges and joints. After the concrete has been floated and has set suffici- ently to support the weight of cement finishers, a smooth steel trowel will be used to produce a hard surface. The entire sur- face will then be brushed with a stiff bristle broom to produce a uniform textured finish. All edges and sides of concrete exposed to view shall be free of warp and blemishes with a uniform tex- ture and smoothness as described in the plans. 3.05 CURING A. Curing Compound: Immediately after the finishing operations, the concrete shall be completely covered with a curing compound. The concrete surface shall be kept moist between finishing operations and the application of the curing compound. The curing compound shall be applied under pressure by means of a spray nozzle at a rate not to exceed two hundred square feet (200 sq.ft.) per gallon. A minimum of seventy-two (72) hours curing time will be required. END OF SECTION 03300-4 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1 . Weld plates for picnic tables. 2. Column-to-beam connectors for park shelter. 3. Double fixture mounting arms and attachment hardware for light poles. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Item 428, Metal for Structures, and Item 432, Structural Bolting, Standard Specifications for Construction, City of Fort Worth, Texas. 2. Section 03300, Concrete Flatwork. 3. Section 06100, Rough Carpentry. 4. Section 09900, Painting. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Standards & Codes: 1. American Welding Society Standard Code. 1 .03 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with other trades where their work is affected by miscellaneous metals and metal fabrications. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Miscellaneous Structural Steel: ASTM/A-36. B. Steel Pipe: ASTM A-53 Grade B, Schedule 40, free of pits & abrasions. C. Shop Paint: Red oxide metal primer. D. Boston Oxford Brown Enamel, by Sterling. 2.02 FABRICATION - GENERAL A. Fabricate work true to shape, size and tolerances, as detailed, with straight lines, square corners or smooth bends; uniformly spaced and in true alignment; free from twists, kinks, warps, dents or other imperfections. 05500-1 B. Grind and dress edges and ends of metal smooth, with no sharp edges and with corners slightly rounded. C. Perform welding in accordance with AWS D1 .1 and Drawings. Neatly miter corner connections and fully weld. D. Grind welds smooth. At sight exposed items, polish to uniform surface or radius. E. Construct connections and joints exposed to weather to exclude water. F. Provide sufficient type, quantity and size of anchors for proper fastening of items. 2.03 FABRICATED PRODUCTS A. Weld Plates. B. Column-to-Beam Connectors. C. Mounting Arms-to-Post Attachments. 2.04 CATALOG PRODUCTS A. The Contractor may select a prefabricated product for attachment of light fixtures to existing poles, subject to approval by the Landscape Architect. 2.05 FINISHES A. Shop Paint: Apply one coat of specified rust inhibitive primer in shop, 2.0 mils minimum dry film thickness. B. Enamel Finish: 1. Two coats, exterior semi-gloss, alkyd enamel . 2. Light poles and mounting arms - black. 3. Shelter metal surfaces - Boston Oxford Brown by Sterling. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION AND PREPARATION A. Verification and Field Measurement : 1. Field measure related work and openings as required for proper fit. 2. Verify dimensions and take measurements at site before fabrication. 3. Approval of shop drawings shall not relieve supplier of responsibility for proper fit. 05500-2 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install items in accordance with approved drawings and manufac- turer's instructions. B. Install plumb and level, anchored rigid and secure, and in true alignment with related and adjoining work. C. Field weld members in accordance with AWS D1. 1. Grind exposed welds smooth. Polish at sight exposed surfaces. D. Provide anchoring devices and fasteners as required for properly installing items. E. Upon completion, re-examine work and correct to insure that in- stallation is firm, tight, anchored, in true alignment with neat fits, without distortions, unsightly fastenings, raw edges or protrusions. F. Touch up welded areas with shop paint. Use galvanized touch-up on galvanized items. END OF SECTION 05500-3 SECTION 06100 - ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Furnish all materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals for construction of park shelter; including columns and footings, beams, roof deck, roofing, paint and stain, and all miscellaneous items. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 03300, Concrete Flatwork. B. Section 05500, Metal Fabrications. C. Section 09900, Painting. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Factory-mark each piece of lumber and plywood in type, grade, mill and grading agency. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Wood Treatment Data: Submit copies of chemical treatment manufacturers instructions for proper use of each type of treated material. B. Pressure Treatment: For each type specified, include certificate by treating plant stating chemicals and process used, net amount of salts retained and conformance with applicable standards. C. For water-borne preservatives, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to a maximum of 5% prior to shipment to project site. 1.05 PRODUCT DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Keep materials dry during delivery and storage. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber and plywood, providing air circulation within stacks. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Coordination: Fit carpentry work to other work; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of nailers, blocking and similar supports to allow proper attachment of other work. 06100-1 a PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Lumber, General: Nominal sizes are indicated on drawings, except as shown by detail dimensions. 1. Provide dressed lumber: S4S, unless otherwise shown or specified. 2. Provide seasoned lumber with 15% maximum moisture content at time of dressing. B. Framing Lumber: 1. For structural framing, provide #2 kiln-dried S.Y.P. , M.G. grade lumber, species Southern Pine (SPIB). 2. For roof decking, provide 2 x 6 tongue and groove kiln dried #2 or better southern yellow pine. C. Laminated Wood Beams: 1 . Waterproof adhesive, Military Specs. MIL-A-3978. 2. Stress graded, kiln dried southern pine, nominal lamination thickness two (2") inches. 3. American Institute of Timber Construction Certified, Premium Finish. 4. Approved manufacturer: Koppers Co. D. Roofing: 1. Fiberglass Self Sealing Shingles, 300#. 2. 15 lbs. Asphaltic felt. 3. Hot dip galvanized drip edge. 4. Approved product: Johns-Manville "Woodlands" - Shakewood Blend. E. Columns: 1. 3/16" x 5" x 6" steel tubing as shown on plans. F. Fasteners and Anchorages: Provide size and type as shown on drawings or as applicable standards, complying with applicable Federal Specifications for nails, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and anchoring devices. 1 . All hardware shall be corrosion resistant. 2.02 WOOD TREATMENT A. Preservative Treatment: Comply with the applicable requirement of the American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA). Mark each treated item or lot to comply with the AWPA Quality Mark requirements for the specified requirements. 06100-2 SECTION 09900 - PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. "Paint" as used herein means all coating system materials includ- ing primers, emulsions, enamels, sealers and fillers and other applied materials whether used as prime, intermediate or finish coats. B. Paint all exposed surfaces as designated on the drawings and/or schedules as a surface to be painted. If color finish is not designated, the Landscape Architect will select these from stand- ard colors available for materials systems as specified. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Provide selection chart and technical data for approval by Land- scape Architect. Include paint analysis and application instruc- tions. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE Alm" A. Approved product manfacturers. Olympic Sterling 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS A. Do not apply paint when: 1. High wind or dusty conditions. 2. Temperature is below 45° F. 3. In rain, snow, mist or inclement weather. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL QUALITY A. Provide the best quality grade of the various types of coatings as regularly manufactured by approved paint material manufac- turers. Materials not displaying the manufacturer's identifica- tion as a standard, best-grade product will not be acceptable. B. Provide undercoat paint produced by the same manufacturer as the finish coats. Use only thinners approved by the paint manufac- turer, and use only within recommended limits. 09900-1 l C. Paint colors shall be selected by the Park and Recreation Depart- ment. Surface treatments and finishes are indicated in the painting schedule, under Execution. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Surface shall be clean and free of all foreign matter. B. Wood surfaces will be smoothly sanded unless otherwise noted. C. Metal Surfaces: 1 . Remove all corrosive deposits to achieve bright, clean sur- face. 2. Clean galvanized surfaces with naptha. 3.02 MATERIALS PREPARATION A. Mix and prepare painting materials in accordance with manufac- turer's directions. B. Store materials not in actual use in tightly covered containers. Maintain containers used in storage, mixing and application of paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and resi- due. C. Stir materials before application to produce a mixture of uniform density, and stir as required during the application of the materials. Do not stir surface film into the materials. Remove the film and if necessary, strain the material before using. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Apply paint in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for the type of mater- ial being applied. B. Apply additional coats when undercoats, stains, or other condi- tions show through the final coat of paint, until the paint film is of uniform finish, color and appearance. 3.04 CLEAN-UP PROTECTION A. Clean-Up: During the progress of the work, remove from the proj- ect daily all discarded paint materials, rubbish, cans, and rags. Upon completion of painting work, clean all window glass and other paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by proper methods of washing and scraping, using care not to scratch or otherwise damage finished surfaces. 09900-2 B. Protection: Protect work of other trades, whether to be painted or not, against damage by painting and finishing work. Provide "Wet Paint" signs as required to protect newly painted finishes. 3.05 PAINTING SCHEDULES SURFACE STAGE MATERIAL Ferrous or 1 prime coat Rust inhibitive Primer galvanized metal 2 finish coats Exterior Semi-gloss alkyd enamel Wood, exterior Prime coat Sealer Olympic Semi-Transparent exposed and protected. Stain No. 708. Finish Coat Olympic Semi-Transparent Stain No. 708. END OF SECTION 4 09900-3 SECTION 11510 - PARK EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Furnish and supply all labor, equipment, materials, and incidentals necessary to assemble, install and otherwise construct park equipment as listed under products. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1 . General Requirements, Division I. 2. Section 01640, Substitutions and Product Options. 3. Section 03300, Concrete. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Safety: 1. All equipment shall be free of sharp edges and corners, or extremely rough surfaces. 2. Wood shall be pressure treated with a non-toxic preservative. B. Allowable Tolerances: 1. Wood shall be structurally sound and free of heart centers. 2. Wood shall not be noticeably warped or bowed and shall be free of large checks, splinters and wanes. 3. Metal shall be straight or at design radii or bends, without kinks, being bent, crimps, and shall be true to shape. 4. All metal parts and hardware shall be hot dip galvanized, have electrostatically bonded colors, or have an approved corrosion-resistant coating. 1.03 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protect from inclement weather; wet, damp, extreme heat or cold. B. Store wood in a manner to prevent warpage and/or bowing. C. Keep manufacturers' labels and installation instructions. 1 .04 JOB CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall, be responsible for protection of unfinished work and shall be responsible for the safety of park users utilizing unfinished equipment. 11510-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PARK EQUIPMENT A. General: All equipment and materials shall be new, unused, and the standard product of a manufacturer. B. Three Picnic Tables (8 feet long) : 1. Frame fabricated of two and three-eighths (2-3/8") inch gal- vanized pipe. 2. All bends to be on a four and thirteen-sixteenths (4-13/16") inch inside radius. 3. Table top and seat mounting brackets to be three-sixteenths by two by three and one-half (3/16" x 2" x 3-1/2") inch angle iron. 4. Cross braces to be one and five-sixteenths (1-5/16") inch O.D. galvanized pipe. 5. One only one and one-half by one-half by twenty-six and one-half (1-1/2" x 1/2" x 26-1/2") inch center channel per table. 6. Seat and top boards to be two by ten inch by eight foot (2" x 10" x 8' ) S4S No. 1 southern yellow pine, pressure treated kiln-dired before and after treatment. 7. All metal parts hot dipped galvanized after fabrication. 8. Approved product: Iron Mountain Forge Model No. 238-8PG. C. Three Group Picnic Tables (12 feet long) 1. Frame fabricated of two and three-eighths (2-3/8") inch O.D. galvanized pipe. 2. All bends to be on a four and thirteen-sixteenths (4-13/16") inch inside radius. 3. Table top and seat mounting brackets to be three-sixteenths by two by three and one-half (3/16" x 2" x 3-1/2") inch angle iron. 4. Cross braces to be one and five-sixteenths (1-5/16") inch O.D. galvanized pipe. 5. One only one and one-half by one-half by one-eighth by twenty-six and one-half (1-1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8" x 26-1/2") inch center channel per table. 6. Seat and top boards two by 10 inch by twelve foot (2" x 10" x 12' ) S4S No. 1 southern yellow pine, pressure treated kiln dried before and after treatment. 7. All metal parts hot dipped galvanized after fabrication. 8. Approved product: Iron Mountain Forge - custom built. D. Three Heavy Duty Park Stoves: 1. Fire box: Eleven high by nineteen by eighteen by three- sixteenths (11" high x 19" x 18" x 3/16") inch steel plate. 11510-2 2. Grille: Eighteen by sixteen by one-fourth (18" x 16" x 1/4") inch walkway grate, adjustable four, six, eight or ten (4", 6", 8", 10") inches above fire with two and one-half (2-1/2") inch round forming handles. 3. Two and three-eighths (2-3/8") inch O.D. pipe permanently connected to fire box. 4. Non toxic, heat resistant paint. 5. Approved product: Sturdisteel Pedestal Grille #53. E. One Heavy Duty Group Cooker: 1. Fire box: Ten high by twenty-eight by thirty-six by three- sixteenths (10" high x 28" x 36" x 3/16") inch steel plate. 2. Each unit to have two (2) individually adjustable cooking grates with four (4) adjustments from three and one-fourth to eight and one-fourth (3-1/4" to 8-1/4") inches above fire bed. Grate handles with non-conductive spring grips. 3. Pedestal to be four by four (4" x 4") inch square steel pipe permanently connected to fire box and with ten by ten by three-eighths (10" x 10" x 3/8") inch anchor plate welded to bottom. 4. Utility shelf: Eight by thirty by three-sixteenths (8" x 30" x 3/16") inch steel plate permanently mounted to fire box. 5. Finish: Heat resistant black enamel. 6. Approved product : Iron Mountain Forge Model No. 510-S. F. Two Basketball Post, Goal and Backboard Units: 1 . Four and one-half (4-1/2") inch O.D. post with four (4' ) foot offset. 2. Welded "H" frame backboard support. 3. Fan shaped 12 gauge steel backboard. 4. Heavy duty double rim goal with chain net . 5. Approved product: Mexico Forge Model No. 904-200. G. One Softball Backstop: 1. Front opening seventeen and one-half by thirty-four feet (17-1/2' x 34' ) ; rear panel ten by twenty feet (10' x 20' ). 2. Vertical posts: Three and one-half (3-1/2") inch O.D. ; top rail one and seven-eighths (1-7/8") inch O.D. ; horizontal rails one and five-eighths (1-5/8") inch O.D. 3. Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe; two (2") inch by 9 gauge hot dipped galvanized chain link mesh. 4. All exposed ends capped. 5. Approved product: Patterson-Williams Model No. 1240, without hood. 11510-3 H. Play Structure: 1 . Posts: Five (5") inch O.D. steel tubing with 11 gauge wall thickness eleven (11 ' ) foot length. 2. Railings: One and five-sixteenths (1-5/16") Schedule 40 pipe. 3. Vinyl coated chain. 4. Decks: Four by six (4" x 6") inch construction grade, all heart redwood predrilled for rail supports. 5. Hardware: Hot dipped galvanized, vandal resistant. 6. All metal parts electrostatically coated with polyester powder. 7. Color: Blue and orange. 8. Approved product: Mexico Forge Play Booster Model 1380, modified. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Fasteners: All nuts and bolts shall be upset to prevent disas- sembly. B. Footings: All concrete footings shall be in the subgrade; foot- ings for play structure shall be twelve (12") inches below grade of existing concrete mow strip. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: The Contractor shall follow the manufacturer's installation instructions unless other- wise stated. END OF SECTION 11510-4 a LIST OF MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS (For Bidding Purposes Only) 1 . BJ's Park and Recreation Products c/o Jack Freeman 917 Appletree Court Irving, Texas 75061 Phone: (214) 438-4873 Product: Mexico Forge 2. Paul E. Allen Co. , Inc . P. 0. Box 22643 Houston, Texas 77027 Phone: (713) 782-8693 Product: Patterson-Williams 3. Sports Facilities, Inc. 113 Indiana Laredo, Texas 78041 Phone: (512) 724-7761 ,�•� Product: Iron Mountain Forge 4. Sturdisteel P. 0. Drawer 949 Waco, Texas 76703 Phone: (817) 756-2121 5. Holophane Lighting 3317 Finley Road, Suite 126 Irving, Texas 75062 Phone: (214) 256-1360 (Metro) 6. Koppers P. 0. Box 850357 Amok Richardson, Texas 75085-035 Phone: (214) 699-0511 SECTION 16100 - BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. Provide all materials, labor, and incidentals necessary for complete installation of general park lighting. 2. New equipment and system shall be coordinated to operate correctly with existing system. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. General Provisions - Division I 2. Section 02221 - Trenching and Backfilling 3. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications 4. Section 09900 - Painting 5. Section 16500 - Lighting 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All work and equipment shall meet the following requirements: 1. National Electrical Code. 2. City of Fort Worth Electrical Code. 3. Underwriters Laboratories. 4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). B. The Contractor shall obtain a City of Fort Worth building per- mit. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all required permits, fees, certificates, and inspections or licenses. C. The Contractor shall show evidence of compliance with Item 1 .02 B. to the Park and Recreation Department before beginning the work. 1.03 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Follow the manufacturer's directions completely in delivery, storage and handling of equipment and materials. B. Tightly cover and protect equipment and materials against dirt , water, chemical or mechanical injury, and theft. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Wire and Cable: 1. Direct burial , branch circuits and feeders, code type UF, USE, or THHW 310. 16100-1 i 2. Wire and cable color coding: In accordance with National Electrical Code, Article 210-5. Use colored tape on #6 or larger conductors. 3. Branch circuits and feeders, other than direct burial: Type TW or THW copper. B. Wire and Cable Connections: 1. Connections for Branch Circuits: a. Make with wire joints, one piece nylon, self-insulated. b. Water-tight connectors for direct burial, as specif- ically designed for that purpose. 2. Connections for Feeders: a. Connectors to suit condition. b. Smooth joint with insulation compound and insulate with two (2) layers of one quarter (1/4) lapped plastic tape. C. Water-tight connectors for direct burial. C. Conduit : 1. Hot Dipped Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit : a. Underground conduit shall be the approved type for direct burial. b. Bushings shall be used at ends of all underground con- duit. D. Junction and Pull Boxes: 1. Where shown, or required, provide junction or pull boxes to facilitate pulling, splicing, taping or nesting of conduc- tors. 2. Adequately sized to suit purpose. 3. Construction in accordance with National Electrical Code. 4. Securely fasten to structure independent of conduit. 5. Boxes shall be accessible. 6. Exterior or underground boxes: Cast, water-tight. 7. Boxes for use with galvanized steel conduit: Steel galvan- ized inside and outside. E. Circuit Breakers: 1. Arrange circuits to maintain designed phase balance. 2. Minimum interrupting capacity: 10,000 RMS symmetrical amperes at 120 volts. E. Equipment Accessories: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all equipment accessories, con- nections and incidental items necessary to complete work, ready for use and operation by Owner. 2. Provide additional motors, controllers, fittings, and other equipment as required. 16100-2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 COORDINATION OF WORK A. General : 1. Install electrical work in cooperation with other trades installing interrelated work. 2. Before installation, make proper provision to avoid inter- ferences. Changes required in the work of the Contractor caused by his neglect to do so shall be made by him at his own expense. 3. Insure that items furnished fit space available with ade- quate room for proper operation and maintenance. 4. Make field measurements to ascertain space requirements, including those for connections. 5. Furnish and install such sizes and shapes of equipment that, in final installation, will suit true intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications. 6. Coordinate proper location of rough-in and connections by other trades. B. Utilities, Regulations, Meters: . � 1. Locations and elevations of utilities have been obtained from utility maps or other sources and are offered as a gen- eral guide only, without guarantee as to accuracy. 2. Arrange with authorities and utility companies for service connections; verify locations and arrangements; pay all charges, including arrangements for cutting and patching pavements, sidewalks, etc. C. Interferences: 1. Adjust locations of conduit , equipment and fixtures to ac- commodate work to interferences anticipated or encountered. 2. Determine exact route and location of each conduit prior to installation. 3. Right-of-Way: Lines which pitch shall have right-of-way over those which do not pitch. For example, condensate and plumbing drains shall normally have right-of-way. 4. Lines whose elevations cannot be changed shall have the right-of-way over lines whose elevations can be changed. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Install all equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Equipment shall bear ASME, UL or other specified labels. 16100-3 3. Support work and equipment plumb, rigid and true to line. 4. Provide foundations, bolts, inserts, stands, hangers, brackets and accessories for proper support whether or not shown on drawings. B. Branch Circuits: Do not install branch circuit with wire smaller than No. 12. C. Grounding: Effectively and permanently ground all conduit work, and other electrical equipment wired for and connected by the Electrical Contractor in strict accordance with the National Electrical Code. D. Conduit: Extend conduits as shown on drawings. Bond circuits to form continuous circuit. 1. Install conduit vertically or horizontally and parallel to structure or pole lines. 2. Make field bends and offsets uniform and symmetrical without flattening. All field bends shall be code radius. 3. Use factory elbows where possible. 4. All underground conduit shall be water-tight. 5. Join with couplings and fittings. Where a water-tight joint is required, apply red lead to male thread. 6. Cut conduits with a hacksaw. Remove burrs and sharp edges. 7. Do not use running threads. 000""` 8. In damp locations, install conduit, fittings and cast boxes to prevent moisture from entering conduit system. 9. Cap or plug conduit ends during construction. 10. Clean conduits after installation with a mandrell and wire brush prior to pulling conductors. 11. Leave two hundred pound (200 lb.) test nylon pull wire in empty conduits. 12. Provide plastic insulating brushing on all conduits and in all tubing connections. 13. Connectors and Couplings: a. Concrete tight set screw type EMT box connectors and couplings. b. Connectors shall have insulated throats. 14. Install Rigid Conduit: a. In concrete walls. b. In or under concrete slabs or grades. 15. Provide two (2) locknuts where two (2") inch or larger conduits join switchboards, panelboards or equipment. 16. Neatly tie all wiring in panels and junction boxes with nylon cable ties. 17. Minimum Conduit Size: One-half inch (1/2") unless otherwise noted. E. Miscellaneous Devices: Flush mount and paint to match surrounding finish - starters, pilot lights, controllers, pushbuttons and similar devices located in finished spaces. 16100-4 F. Circuit Breakers: 1. Install circuit breakers in existing panelboard and remote circuits as shown on plans. 2. Size as necessary. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection: 1. Owner's representative will inspect all systems when each is ready for testing. 2. Notify Owner's representative twenty-four (24) hours prior to this time. 3. Make corrective action before systems are concealed. B. Equipment Start-Up and Testing: 1. Instruct Owner's operating personnel during start-up and separate operating tests of each major item of equipment. 2. Prove operation of each item of equipment to the satisfac- tion of Owner's representative. 3.04 CLEAN AND ADJUST A. Restore damaged painted surfaces of electrical equipment to its original condition. B. At the completion of the work, thoroughly clean and polish fix- tures, equipment, and materials and turn over in a condition satisfactory to Owner's representative. END OF SECTION 16100-5 SECTION 16500 - LIGHTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: Furnish and install general park lighting includ- ing (but not limited to) fixtures, footings, wiring and circuitry to provide a complete and workable system. B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1 . Division I, General Provisions 2. Section 03300, Concrete Flatwork 3. Section 05500, Metal Fabrications 4. Section 09900, Painting 5. Section 16100, Basic Materials and Methods PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Lighting Fixtures: 1. 240 volt, 400 watt metal halide. 2. Polycarbonate lens shields. N.N& 3. Holophane vectorflood model V-FLD 40OMH 2463 PA-R. 4. Contractor shall provide one additional lens and one addi- tional polycarbonate shield per fixture. B. Photo Cells. C. Lamps: 1 . 400 watt metal halide. 2. Approved product: General Electric or Westinghouse. D. Double Fixture Mounting Arms: May be supplied by a vendor if Con- tractor can locate an acceptable product. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Wiring Connections: 1. Use approved solderless connectors in making connections in wiring within fixtures or in connecting fixture wiring to wiring of circuit breakers or clock. 2. Light circuits shall be wired through the photo cells and clock timer as shown on drawings. 16500-1 B. Lighting Fixture Installation: 1. Install fixture as recommended by manufacturer's instruc- tions. 2. Mount at heights and spacings as indicated on drawings. 3. Aiming: a. The Contractor shall aim the fixtures at the points shown on the plan in the presence of the Landscape Architect and the Inspector to the satisfaction of the Park and Recreation Department. 3.02 CLEANING A. Clean all fixtures prior to final inspection. END OF SECTION 16500-2 RU5 H, ' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TOt CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS Date 10•-22-85 Const. and Install. of Park Improve. I NAME OF PROJECT: in Rosedale Plaza Park PROJECT NUMBER: 76-206074-45; 76-206079-30 I THli 15 TO CERTIFY THAT Architectural Utilities, Inc. , P.O. Box 11343, Ft. Worth, (Name and Address of Inure Tx. 76109 1s, at the date of this certificates Insured by this Company With respect to the business operations hereinafter describedg for the type of Insurance and In accordance a"ith the provtsjcrs of t�e standard policies used by this Companyq and further hereinafter described. Exceptions to stir,care, 'policy noted on reverse side hereof. JYPE OF INSURANCE i w.. -rim,�. 1 ■. 1 1 :=.4'I *► arkerl, Compernal on Comprehentive 0ner Bodily njuty: suability Imurance Ea. Occurrence, $500,000 w+c � ty) 1626-00- 4-i-85 4-i-86 prOplr?y Damage:093026 Ea. Occufrence: 250,000 laston .10 i:i7VFRA E La. currerfce: olJap:: o! uitdir�: or structures adjacent 1626-00- 4-1-85 4-1-86 Ea. Occurrences. $250� ,000 "' e�rcaystiaale . 093026 4-nage to Urldergraza 1626-00- 4-1-85 4-1-86 Utilities 093026 Ea. Occurrcncli 250.000 Bodily Injuryt Comprehensive 1626-02- 4-1-85 4-1-86 Ea. Person $300,000 Automobile 093026 Ea. Occurrence s�0,000 - liability Ptopertir Damage: Ea. Occurrence• 300,000 ` dolly Injurryt Contractural LiabIlity 1626-00- 4-1-85 4-1-86 Ea. Occurrence $500� ,00000 093026 Property Damage: i. Cufr#I'fC � i f ner I locations eovereds all locations of named insured Description of operation; Co1►erediAll operations of named insured. The above policies either in the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement provide that they may not be changed or cancelled b the insurer In less than five (3) days after the insures has receives written notice of such cNnelK cancellation. LWhere applicable local laws or regulations require more than live (S) days actual notice oI change or cancellation to be assurede the above policies contain such special requirementso either in the Ibody thereof or by appropriate endorsement thereto attached. Atln[v �� Wausau Insurance Comnanv Fort Worth Atent b a d 'I M eLcL mod_ Qirl:f Title Countersigning Agent 11-1-85 SEE OVER Aer- oxrer This is to certify that the insurance policies (described below by a policy number) written on forms in use by the company have been issued. This certificate is not a policy or a binder of insurance and does not in any way alter, amend or extend the coverage afforded by any policy referred to herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policy (policies) described above is subject to all of the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policy (policies) during the term(s) thereof. I I 1 i i l I l I 1 RU5 H, CERTIFICATE OF IKSURANCE TO: CITY OF FORT WORM. TEXAS Date 11=8-85: Const. and Install. of Park Improve. " NAME OF PROJECTt -in Rosedale Plaza Park PROJECT NUMBERi 76-206074-45; 76-206079-30 THIS 1STO CERTIFY THAT Architectural Utilities, Inc. , P.O. Box 11343, Ft. Worth, and Address-of-lmured Tx. 61�9"'""'� Is$ at the date of this certificate. Insured by this Company with respect to the business operations hereinafter described, for the type of Insurance and In accordance with the prov.s,crs of t-,e standard policies used by this Company, and further hereinafter described. Exceptions to stir'car:: policy noted on reverse side hereof. JYPE OF INSURANFF. Pali:•• No. Effective Expires Limits of LiaS:lit • orkcrs om rsation 1616-00-093 6 4-1-85 4- - 500/500/1-,000,000 Comprehensive General Bodily nlury: Liability Insurance 1626-00-093 6 4-1-85 4-1-86 Ea. Occurrences $ 50A,000&Af (Public Liability) Property Damage: Ea. Occurrence: S 250,000&Af low. lastin a. currence: Collapse of buildings or structures adjacent FAL Occurrences S to excavations . a-nage to Underground Utilities Ea. Occurrences bviller's Bodily Injury: Comprehensive 1626-02-093 6 4-1-85 4-1-86 Ea. Person S 300,000 Automobile Ea. Occurrence 5500,000 Liability Property Damage: Ea. Occurrence: S 300,000 oady Injuryi Centractu al LlabUlty Ea. Occurrence S Property Damage: Ea. Occurrence: her Um re la 1636-00-0930 6 4-1-85 5,00.0,000 Each Occ/A i► - - Locations covered: All Insured's Locations Description of operations covered: All Insured's Operations The above policies either In the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement provide that the% ma% not be chanted or cancelled b the insurer In less than live (S) days after the insurea has receive written notice of such change7or cancellation. Where applicable local laws or regulations require more than five (5) days actual notice of change or cancellation to be assured, the above policies contain such special requirements, either in the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement thereto attached. Agency Wausau Insurance Companies Fort North Atent D Address P.O. Box 152800, Irving, Tx. 75015 Title Authorized Company Representar;.�P "Notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described above is subject to all of the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies during the term thereof." This is to certify that the insurance policies (described by a policy number) written on forms in use by the company have been issued. This certificate is not a policy or a binder of insurance and does not in any way alter, amend or extend the coverage afforded by any policy referred to herein. PERFORMANCE BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF TARRANT X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (1) Architectural Utilitiea, Inc. a (2) Cori), of T xac hereinafter called Principal, and (3) u �.��.'d7� •%LG. ..kLTdWA1ft,& . 144 oration organized and existing under the laws of the State and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called Owner, in the penal sum of: Seventy Five Thousand Three Hundred' Thirty & no/100 ($ 75,330.00 ) Dollars in lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that Whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the City of Fort Worth, the Owner, dated the 22ndday of Oct. , A.D. 19 RS , a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the construction of: Construction and Installation of Park Improve, in Rosedale Plaza Park, Unit I, Unit II, Unit III, Unit IV and Unit VII designated as Project Number 76-206079-3 0 a copy of which contract is hereto attached, referred to, and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copieg at length herein, such project and construction being hereinafter referred to as the "work". NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal shall well, truly and faithfully perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documents during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by the Owner, with or without notice to the Surety, and if he shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such contract, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner from all costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the Owner all outlay and ex- pense which the Owner may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect, PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed upon this bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, State of Texas. AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the speci- fications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. Two IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed in s#�L-counterparts each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the 22nd day of Oct. A.D.. 19 P RI L (4 ATTEST: BY: UA Doug Alumbau h Vice fresident incipal) Secretary Pain:_ _.' (00onald P.O. Box 11343, Ft. Worth. Tx. (Address) (SEAL) P.O. Bo;tj1343, Ft. Worth, Texas �1 (Address) . e t y ATTEST: BY: s 0 (Attorney-in-f ct) (5) (Surety) Secretary NOTE: Date of Bond waist not be prior to date of Contract (S E A L) (1) Correct name of Contractor (2) A Corporation, a Partnership or an Individual, as case may be Witness as to S ety (3) Correct name of Surety (4) If Contractor is Partnership all Partners should execute bond (5) A true copy of Power of Attorney shall be srtached to bond by Attorney-in-Fact. PAYMENT BOND THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT ! KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (1) Architectural UTILITIES, Inc. , a (2) Corp. of Texas hereinafter called Principal, and (31�,,,,�,•�,,,", �,�,,!•,,,..,,/ �a►..��"IVICorporation organized and existing under the laws of the State and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a - municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called Owner, and unto all persons, firms, and cor- porations who may furnish materials for, or perform labor upon, the building or improvements hereinafter referred to in the penal sum of: Seventy Five Thousand Three Hundred Thirty & no/100 ($ 75,330.00 ) Dollars in lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointly and severally, firmly by these -presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that Whereas, the Principal entered into a certain contract with the City of Fort Worth, the Owner, dated the 22nd day of Oct. A. D. , 19 85 , a copy of .. which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, for the construction of: Construction and Installation of Park ,Im rove. in Rosedale Plaza Park, Unit I, Unit rf, Unit III, Unit TV and Unit "VII 5 desi gnate d as Project Number 76-206079•-30 a copy of which contract is hereto att ac he d, referred to, and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein, such project and construction being hereinafter referred to as the "work". NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as defined in Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in said Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. THIS BOND IS MADE AND ENTERED into solely for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work provided for in said Contract, as claimants are defined in said Article 5160, and all such claimants shall have a direct right of action under the bond as provided in Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes. PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed upon this bond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, State of Texas, and that the said Surety, for value rceived, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to -- the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. �- PROVIDED FURTHER, that no final settlement bet wee n the Owner and the Contractor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder whose claim may be unsatisfied. Two IN WITNESS WHEREOF., this instrument is executed in sirx counter- parts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this the 22nd day of 85 Oct. A. D. 19 Architectural Utilities Inc Principal 4 ATTEST: BY rinci pal) Secret ary -'Ann M. ,rrionald (S EA ✓ Doug Alumbaugh, vice President itness as to Principal (Address) P.O. Box 11343, Ft. Worth., Tx, ' (Address! ATTEST: 01 uret ySecret ar y S uret y By Zgaa2�,C�� Att or ne y-i n-Fact 5 (SEAL) 701 U1MAR (Address) NOTE: Date of Bond must not be prior fitness as to S y to date of Contract. (I ) Correct name of Contractor (2) A Corporation, a Partnership Ir or an individual, as case may 701LAMAR be 41 (3) Correct name of Surety (Adaress) (4) If Contractor is Partnership, all partners should execute bond, (5) A true copy of Power of Attorney shall be attached to -A bond by Attorney-in-Fact. City of Fort Worth, Texas /�47d4g-- Mayor and Council Communication DATE REFERENCE SUBJECT: FINAL PAYMENT PAGE NUMBER ROSEDALE PLAZA PARK (5200 E. ROSEDA E) lof^ 1 7-8-86 **FP-2173 PARK IMPROVEMENTS RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council : (1) accept for final payment Rosedale Plaza Park; and, (2) authorize final payment in the amount of $7,533 to Architectural Utilities, Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Name: Rosedale Plaza Park (5200 E. Rosedale) Park Improvements Project No. : 76-206074-45 76-206079-30 Contract Number: 147 Contractor: Architectural Utilities, Inc. Contract Awarded: October 22, 1985 (M&C C-9302) Work Order Dated: November 18, 1985 Work Order Effective On or Before: December 2, 1985 Work Began: November 25, 1985 Contract Time Began: November 25, 1985 Project Substantially Complete and Final Inspection Made: April 8, 1986 Punch List Completed: May 16, 1986 Contract Time Provided: 40 Working Days Contract Time Charged: 40 Working Days PROJECT COST Original Bid Price: $75,330 Final Contract Price: $75,330 Payments Previously Made: 5 Amount of Previous Payments: $67,797 Final Payment Due: $ 7,533 FINANCING Final payment is to be made from Fund 76, Retainage Account 205014733. COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS The project has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the contract. DAI:db SUBMITTED FOR IHt CITY MANAGER'S DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL: PROCESSED BY OFFICE BY: L APPROVED ORIGINATING [ OTHER (DESCRIBE) DEPARTMENT HEAD: Gary Santerre CITY SECRETARY FOR ADDITIONAL INFURM TION CONTACT: iN. Ala s sey 7815 DATE