HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/10/26-Minutes-City CouncilCITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS
OCTOBER 26, 2010
Mayor Mike Moncrief
Council Member Salvador Espino, District 2
Council Member W. B. "Zim" Zimmerman, District 3
Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6
Council Member Carter Burdette, District 7
Council Member Kathleen Hicks, District 8
Council Member Joel Burns, District 9
Mayor Pro tem Daniel Scarth, District 4
Council Member Frank Moss, District 5
Staff Present
Tom Higgins, Deputy City Manager
David Yett, City Attorney
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Moncrief called the regular session of the
Fort Worth City Council to order at 10:13 a.m., on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, in the City Council
Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, with
Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss absent.
The invocation was provided by Brother Paul McMullen, Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
1 w.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that the
minutes of the regular meeting of October 19, 2010, be approved. The motion carried
unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council
Member Moss absent.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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There were no items to be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda.
Deputy City Manager Higgins requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17097 be
continued until the December 7, 2010, Council meeting.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that the
Consent Agenda be approved. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0)
nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss absent.
A. General - Consent Items
1. M &C G -17087 - Authorize the City Manager to Initiate Rezoning of Certain Properties in the
1 -35W Corridor from Highway 114 to Meacham Boulevard in Accordance with the
Comprehensive Plan.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Initiate Zoning Changes Along the I -35W Corridor, From Highway 114 to Meacham Boulevard in
Accordance With the Comprehensive Plan.
2. M &C G -17088 - Authorize the Temporary Road Closure of Old Denton Road Between
Golden Triangle Boulevard and Keller -Hicks Road from October 27, 2010, through
December 17, 2010, to Facilitate Reconstruction of Golden Triangle Boulevard.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the Temporary Road
Closure of Old Denton Road Between Golden Triangle Boulevard and Keller -Hicks Road From
October 27, 2010, Through December 17, 2010, to Facilitate Reconstruction of Golden Triangle
3. M &C G -17089 - Authorize the Execution of Interlocal Agreements with Various Tarrant
County Municipalities for the Purpose of Providing Animal and Rabies Control and Rabies
Specimen Shipment During Fiscal Year 2011.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute Interlocal Agreements With Various Tarrant County Municipalities for the Purpose of
Providing Limited Animal and Rabies Control and Rabies Specimen Shipment From October 1, 2010,
Through September 30, 2011.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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4. M &C G -17090 - Authorize the Execution of an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County to
Provide Limited Animal and Rabies Specimen Control in Unincorporated Areas of Tarrant
County from October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2011.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute an Interlocal Agreement With Tarrant County for the Purpose of Providing Limited Animal
and Rabies Control in the Unincorporated Areas of Tarrant County From October 1, 2010, Through
September 30, 2011.
5. M &C G -17091 - Authorize the Execution of Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No.
40440 to Change the Name of the Firm from AECOM USA, Inc., d /b /a AECOM USA Group,
Inc., to AECOM Technical Services, Inc., at Fort Worth Alliance Airport and a Related Consent
of Assignment.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 40440 to Change the Name of the Firm
From AECOM USA, Inc., d /b /a AECOM USA Group, Inc., to AECOM Technical Services, Inc., at
Fort Worth Alliance Airport and a Related Consent of Assignment Document.
6. M &C G -17092 - Authorize Payments for Annual Consolidated Water Quality Fees, for Fiscal
Years 2011 through 2015 in an Amount Not to Exceed $150,000.00 Per Year, to the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality for Treated Effluent Discharge from the Village Creek
Wastewater Treatment Plant Under Discharge Permit WQ0010494013.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing Payments for Fiscal Years
2011 Through 2015 in an Amount Not to Exceed $150,000.00 Per Year, for the Annual Consolidated
Water Quality Assessment Fees to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for Treated
Effluent Discharge From the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Under Discharge Permit
B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items
1. M &C P -11172 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Municipal Water Works Supply, LP,
for Plastic Water Meter Boxes and Cast Iron Lids for the Water Department for an Initial
Amount of $100,000.00.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing a Purchase Agreement
With Municipal Water Works Supply, LP, for Plastic Water Meter Boxes and Cast Iron Lids for the
Water Department for an Initial Amount of $100,000.00.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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2. M &C P -11173 - Authorize the Purchase of a Truck Cab and Chassis from Southwest
International Trucks, Inc., Using a Texas Association of School Boards Cooperative Contract
and the Purchase of a Truck - Mounted Sewer Body from GapVax, Inc., Using a Houston -
Galveston Area Council Cooperative Contract for the Water Department for a Combined Total
Amount of $284,927.00.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the Purchase of a Truck
Cab and Chassis From Southwest International Trucks, Inc., Using a Texas Association of School
Boards Cooperative Contract and the Purchase of a Truck- Mounted Sewer Body From GapVax, Inc.,
Using a Houston - Galveston Area Council Cooperative Contract for the Water Department for a
Combined Total Amount of $284,927.00.
C. Land - Consent Items
1. M &C L -15087 - Authorize the Direct Sale of A Tax - Foreclosed Property Located at 3800
Avenue H to Terry Leggett in the Amount of $4,800.00.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the Direct Sale of a Tax
Foreclosed Property Described as 3800 Avenue H, Lots 1 and 2, Block 49, Polytechnic Heights
Addition, to Terry Leggett in Accordance With Section 34.05 of the Texas Tax Code in the Amount of
$4,800.00; and Authorizing the City Manager, or His Designee, to Execute and Record the Appropriate
Instruments Conveying the Property to Complete the Sale.
E. Award of Contract - Consent Items
1. M &C C -24556 - Authorize an $11,000.00 Increase in Estimated Receipts in Connection with
the Fiscal Year 2010 Agreement with the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation,
which Provides for the Receipt of Reimbursable Costs Incurred by the City in Providing
Resources to Joint Operations/Task Forces and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing an Increase in Estimated
Receipts Associated With the Fiscal Year 2010 Agreement With the Internal Revenue Service,
Criminal Investigation, Entered Into for the Purpose of Receiving Reimbursable Overtime and Travel
Costs Incurred by the City in Providing Resources to a Joint Operations /Task Force; and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance No. 19414 -10 -2010 Increasing the Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in
the Grants Fund in the Amount of $11,000.00, Upon Execution of a Revision to the Fiscal Year 2010
Agreement With the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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2. M &C C -24557 - Authorize an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Fort Worth and
Tarrant County for Funding of the Joint Emergency Operations Center.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to Enter
Into an Interlocal Agreement With Tarrant County for Funding of the Joint Emergency Operations
3. M &C C -24558 - Authorize an Interlocal Agreement Between Tarrant County College District
and the City of Fort Worth for Public Safety Institute Training in an Amount Not to Exceed
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement
With Tarrant County College District for Public Safety Institute Training From October 1, 2010,
Through September 30, 2012, in an Amount Not to Exceed $20,000.00.
4. M &C C -24559 - Authorize the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Aviation
Management Consulting Group, Inc., in the Amount of $77,500.00 Plus Up to $5,000.00 in
Reimbursable Expenses to Develop a Leasing Policy and Update Minimum Standards for the
City of Fort Worth Aviation Department and Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance
Decreasing the Unreserved, Undesignated Cash Balance.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 19415 -10 -2010 Increasing the Estimated Receipts
and Appropriations in the Municipal Airports Fund in the Amount of $82,500.00, and Decreasing the
Unreserved, Undesignated Cash Balance by the Same Amount to Develop a Leasing Policy and
Update Minimum Standards for the Aviation Department; and Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute a Professional Services Agreement With Aviation Management Consulting Group, Inc., in the
Amount of $77,500.00 Plus Up to $5,000.00 in Reimbursable Expenses.
1.00S - 1792 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and /or Injuries
End of Consent Agenda.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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1. Presentation of Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness t
Council Member Hicks presented a Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month to
SafeHaven of Tarrant County Representatives: Lacy Lee Sperry, Sarah McClellan- Brandt, and Reece
Small. She stated that the prevalence of domestic violence affected the entire community, not just the
victim and added that one (1) in three (3) women in the nation would be a victim of domestic violence
in her lifetime. She further stated that SafeHaven of Tarrant County served more than 2,500 women
and children fleeing from abuse annually in its shelters, as well as, thousands more in its transitional
living program and counseling services thus fulfilling its mission to end domestic violence through
safety, support, prevention and social change. She pointed out that in 2009, nearly a quarter of all
domestic violence hotline calls made in Texas were answered by SafeHaven, whose assistance helped
those survivors of domestic violence to create lives of safety for themselves and their children, as no
person should ever have to live in fear. She advised that National Domestic Violence Awareness
Month served to bring the message to all communities that everyone deserved to feel a sense of safety
in their lives and SafeHaven was committed to doing everything it could to deliver that message in
Fort Worth and all of Tarrant County.
Ms. Sperry expressed appreciation to the City Council for the Proclamation and their support of this
important organization. She stated that domestic violence knew no boundaries and could affect
Mayor Moncrief expressed appreciation to SafeHaven of Tarrant County and all of the volunteers for
their important work in and around the community.
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Council Member Burdette announced that the Art Cowsen Trailhead and Trinity Trails to Benbrook
dedication ceremony held on October 23, 2010, at Pecan Valley Park was a great success. He
expressed appreciation to the Streams and Valleys organization, the Parks and Community Services
Department, the City of Benbrook and the Tarrant Regional Water District for their support of the
event. He also announced that the Fort Worth Public Library would celebrate the opening of the
new Northwest Branch with a dedication and ribbon - cutting ceremony on October 30, 2010, at
10:00 a.m., at the library, located on Cromwell Marine Creek Road. He stated that the 13,000- square-
foot Northwest Branch offered the latest library technology services, including 52 public computers
with Internet access, self - checkout stations, an automated media dispenser, free Wi -Fi and laptop
computers for use in the library. He added that the branch also had a computer instruction lab with an
interactive computer white board for presentations, children's literacy computers, video gaming and
Radio Frequency Identification for inventory management. He advised that Library staff would be
stationed around the library to explain the new equipment.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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Council Member Burns expressed appreciation to District 9 Aide Deyra Galvan, former District 9 Aide
Melissa Mitchell, family and friends for their assistance in responding to the 20,000 plus emails he
received in the past two (2) weeks regarding his comments about the recent suicide of teens and young
adults after they had been bullied for being gay or perceived as being gay. He also requested that the
Council meeting be adjourned in memory of Ms. June O' Quinn, who passed away at age 84 on
October 20, 2010. He stated she graduated from University of Texas, Austin, and served as the
Environmental Protection Agency's Public Participation Officer over a five (5) state area in the
Northwest. He also stated that she was a research analyst for the Texas Land Office where she worked
on coastal legislation and the state cabinet management program. He advised that her daughter,
Brandy O'Quinn, was also a long time District 9 resident.
Council Member Zimmerman requested that the Council Meeting be adjourned in memory of Mr.
Hunter Barrett, who passed away at age 84 on October 20, 2010. He advised that Mr. Barrett was born
in Fort Worth and was a world traveler from the time he signed on as a Seaman aboard a British
merchant ship at age 14. He further advised that Mr. Barrett went on to serve as the youngest Third
Mate ever commissioned by the United States Maritime Service. He retired from the Maritime Service
as a Second Mate, Lieutenant SG, Navy Reserve, having served in every ocean war zone. He stated
that Mr. Barrett served as President of the National Commercial Real Estate Brokers, Downtown Fort
Worth Association and served on the boards of many civic and business corporations throughout the
nation. He further stated that Mr. Barrett was one (1) of the founders of All Saints Episcopal Church
and Trinity Valley School of Fort Worth. He also announced that the 2010 Fort Worth Alliance Air
Show presented by Bell Helicopter would be held October 30 through 31, 2010, in North Texas. He
stated that the United States Navy Blue Angels, the United States Air Force F -22 Raptor and the
United States Army Golden Knights would be featured in a full day of dynamic aviation performances,
static display, interactive booths, Kids Zone and more. He advised that admission was free but there
was a $20.00 fee for parking. He stated that gates would be open from 9:00 am, to 5:00 pm., daily.
Council Member Espino advised that the Near Northside Economic Development Workshop was held
last week. He expressed appreciation to Assistant City Manager Fernando Costa, the Fort Worth
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Amon Carter Foundation, Wells Fargo and the Planning and
Development and the Housing and Economic Development staff for making the event a success and
for realizing the importance of revitalization, economic development and preservation of the unique
community in the Northside area. He stated that the Council Members would receive a briefing in the
coming weeks about the interesting ideas from the workshop and advised that he was excited about
moving forward with some of the recommendations by the consultants.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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Council Member Hicks encouraged District 8 residents to save the date for the 6th Annual City Hall
Comes to District 8 Town Hall Meeting on November 18, 2010, at Morningside Elementary School
and advised that more information would be available in the future. She encouraged those interested to
call her office at 817 - 392 -8808 for more information. She also announced the Eugene McCray Park
Cleanup and recognized Mrs. Mary McCray, widow of former Mayor Pro tem and District 8 Member
Eugene McCray and Mr. Jay Johnson to provide more information about the event.
Mr. Johnson, 6009 Maceo Lane, advised that the Eugene McCray Park Cleanup would be held on
October 30, 2010, from 9:00 a.m., to 12:00 p.m., at the intersection of Quail Road and Elizabeth Road.
He provided an overview of the history of the park and stated that former Mr. McCray worked very
hard to cleanup the park and rid the area of gang activity during his tenure on the City Council. He
stated that he hoped this event would revitalize the park and advised that members of Parks and
Community Services and Code Compliance Departments staff would be attending the event.
Council Member Jordan announced that after an extensive month long facelift, the Wedgwood Branch
Library reopened on October 18, 2010. He stated that this was the most used library by neighborhood
per square foot in the City and that library visitors would find that the facility had been dramatically
improved. He also announced that the dedication ceremony for The Prairie Wind at C.P. Hadley Park,
a public art project, and numerous other capital improvement projects would be held on
November 13, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. He encouraged all District 6 residents to attend the dedication
ceremony and added that this was a major accomplishment in roadways, parks and public art. He
congratulated Mayor Moncrief and the citizens of Fort Worth for the work on the Tower 55 Project. He
also advised that on October 28, 2010, the Texas Transportation Committee would vote on the
Interstate 35 Loop 820 Project and added that the results of the vote would be available as soon as
Mayor Moncrief advised that the City continued to receive good news about addressing the City's
transportation issues both locally and at the federal and state level. He stated that the current projects
that were moving forward were indicative of the kind of progress that was being made. He pointed out
that the progress was a result of teamwork and partnerships that were formed with various entities that
were all working toward a common result. He also announced that November 4 through 7, 2010, was
NASCAR race weekend. He stated that the Fire Department would be at Texas Motor Speedway
showing their support of the fight against breast cancer with the pink fire trucks and wearing the pink
shirts in support of the "Cares Enough to Wear Pink" campaign. He stated the proceeds raised during
this campaign would be donated to the Joan Katz Breast Center at All Saints in Fort Worth.
2. BgL2gnition of Citizens
There were no citizens recognized at this time.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that the
following individuals be appointed or reappointed to Place 8 on boards and commissions as
indicated effective October 26, 2010, with terms expiring October 1, 2012.
Ms. Shirley Bryant, Board of Adjustment — Residential
Ms. Erma Bonner - Platte, Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission
Mr. Ramon Romero, Jr., City Zoning Commission and Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning
The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and
Council Member Moss absent.
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There were no presentations and /or communications from boards, commissions and /or City Council
1. A Allocation
American Act of 2009.
Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that
Resolution No. 3929 -10 -2010 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes
to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss absent.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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B. General
1117 1 .
1 1
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Second
Renewal of a Professional Services Agreement With Hudson Financial Solutions, a Division of
Hudson Global Resources Management, Inc., in the Amount of $300,862.00 to Provide Backfill
Staffing in the Human Resources Department During the Completion of the Enterprise Resource
Planning Project, Phase One.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. G -17093 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
2. MSC G -17094 - AdoR the LongmRange Public Art Plan for the 2008 Capital Improverrient
Pro2ram, as Recommended bv the Fort Worth Art Commission.
The recommendation was that the City Council Adopt the Long -Range Public Art Plan for the 2008
Capital Improvement Program, as Recommended by the Fort Worth Art Commission.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. G -17094 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
3. M&C G -17095 - Adopt the Long -Ranee Public Art Plan for the Critical Canital Needs
Program as Recommended by the Fort Worth Art Commission.
The recommendation was that the City Council Adopt the Long -Range Public Art Plan for the Critical
Capital Needs Program, as Recommended by the Fort Worth Art Commission.
Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17095 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council
Member Moss absent.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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OCTOBER 26, 2010
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F. Award tract
1. MSC C -24560 - Authorize Rejection of All Prop sals Received for Fleet Maintenance
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the Rejection of All Proposals Received for
Fleet Maintenance Services.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. C -24560 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council
Member Moss absent.
c c
Feet Freestanding 1 1 I
Building. and Medical Office
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Economic
Development Program Agreement With Hospital Corporation of America, North Hills Hospital or an
Affiliate Thereof, for the Construction of a 10,500 Square Feet Freestanding Emergency Department
and the Future Development of a 60 -Bed Hospital and Medical Office Building.
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hicks, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C -24561 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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(C -24562 Continued)
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the Execution of a Local Project Advance
Funding Agreement (LPAFA) With the Texas Department of Transportation in the Amount of
$1,762,681.00 for Design, Right -of -Way, Utilities and Construction of the Berry /Vaughn Intersection
Project on US Highway 287 (Southbound Frontage Road); Authorize the Acceptance of a
$1,250,848.00 Grant From the North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG) in
Accordance With a Sustainable Development Infrastructure Agreement With the NCTCOG in the
Amount of $1,563,561.00 ($1,250,848.00 NCTCOG Grant Plus 20 Percent Local Match of
$312,713.00); Authorize Execution of the Sustainable Development Infrastructure Agreement With
NCTCOG; Authorize Execution of an Amendment to Advanced Funding Agreement With
Renaissance Square, LLC, (City Secretary Contract No. 40550) for Receipt of $312,713.00 Payment
From Renaissance Square, LLC, in Order to Restructure the Funding Commitments for This
Project; Authorize the Transfer of $312,713.00 Received From Renaissance Square, LLC, Under the
Advance Funding Agreement From the General Fund to the Grant Fund for the Payment of the
Required 20 Percent Local Match Under the Sustainable Development Infrastructure Agreement With
NCTCOG; Authorize the Transfer of $199,120.00 From the General Fund to the Grant Fund for Partial
Payment of This Project by the City; Adopt an Appropriation Ordinance Increasing the Estimated
Receipts and Appropriations in the Grants Fund in Amount of $1,762,681.00 From Available Funds
for the Purpose of Funding the Design, Right -of -Way, Utilities and Construction for the Berry /Vaughn
Intersection Project on US Highway 287; and Authorize an Initial Payment to the Texas Department of
Transportation in the Amount of $187,627.00 in Accordance With the LPAFA.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C -24562 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No.
19417 -10 -2010 be adopted with appreciation to staff. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
Council Member Hicks expressed appreciation to the Housing and Economic Development
Department staff, the Texas Department of Transportation and all of the developers for their hard work
on this project. She advised that the Berry /Vaughn exit ramp was a very difficult exit off of Martin
Luther King, Jr., Freeway and pointed out that this redesign would help the $75M 200 -acre
redevelopment of the site at the southwest corner of Highway 287 and East Berry.
1. Mr. Joe Don Brandon, P. O. Box 1155, City Council Meeting Speaker Cards - Time and Use of
City Secretary Hendrix advised that Mr. Brandon would not attend the meeting.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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Other Citizen Presentations:
Ms. Mary Ellen Blakemore, 1306 Illinois, appeared before Council relative to her chain link fence that
was in violation of City Code. She displayed photographs of her property and the chain link fence and
advised that there were at least 10 properties that had the same fences on her street and the owners had
not been issued a citation. She added that the fence bordered her court approved property line and
should have been grandfathered since it had been there for 50 years. She pointed out that the fence was
extended up to her porch in 2005 and she was told this extension was not compliant. She stated that
Code Compliance Officer who issued the citation used aggressive language and did not display good
customer service skills. She also advised that she reported these issues to Mr. Brandon Bennett, Code
Compliance Director. She stated that it was not fair for her to remove her fence because of the
violation when the other fences in the neighborhood were still standing.
Mr. Bennett advised that many of the fences on Ms. Blakemore's street were constructed before the
Zoning Ordinance was adopted, which made the fences legal non - conforming. He stated the original
fence on Ms. Blakemore's property was not in violation but the extension to the porch was in violation
of City Code. He further stated Ms. Blakemore had corrected the issue and the fence was now in
compliance. He also advised that the Code Compliance Department was working with the other
homeowners on the street to remove any fences that were non - compliant.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m., in memory of Ms. June
O'Quinn, who passed away at age 84 on October 20, 2010. The Council Meeting was also adjourned in
memory of Mr. Hunter Barrett, who passed away at age 84 on October 20, 2010.
These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 9th day of November, 2010.
Marty Hendrix Michael J. Moncrief
City Secretary Mayor
OCTOBER 26, 2010
Mayor Mike Moncrief
Council Member Salvador Espino, District 2
Council Member W. B. "Zim" Zimmerman, District 3
Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6
Council Member Carter Burdette, District 7
Council Member Kathleen Hicks, District 8
Council Member Joel Burns, District 9
Mayor Pro tem Daniel Scarth, District 4
Council Member Frank Moss, District 5
Staff Present
Tom Higgins, Deputy City Manager
David Yett, City Attorney
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Moncrief called the regular session of the
Fort Worth City Council to order at 10:13 a.m., on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, in the City Council
Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, with
Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss absent.
The invocation was provided by Brother Paul McMullen, Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
1 w.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that the
minutes of the regular meeting of October 19, 2010, be approved. The motion carried
unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council
Member Moss absent.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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There were no items to be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda.
Deputy City Manager Higgins requested that Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17097 be
continued until the December 7, 2010, Council meeting.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that the
Consent Agenda be approved. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0)
nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss absent.
A. General - Consent Items
1. M &C G -17087 - Authorize the City Manager to Initiate Rezoning of Certain Properties in the
1 -35W Corridor from Highway 114 to Meacham Boulevard in Accordance with the
Comprehensive Plan.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Initiate Zoning Changes Along the I -35W Corridor, From Highway 114 to Meacham Boulevard in
Accordance With the Comprehensive Plan.
2. M &C G -17088 - Authorize the Temporary Road Closure of Old Denton Road Between
Golden Triangle Boulevard and Keller -Hicks Road from October 27, 2010, through
December 17, 2010, to Facilitate Reconstruction of Golden Triangle Boulevard.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the Temporary Road
Closure of Old Denton Road Between Golden Triangle Boulevard and Keller -Hicks Road From
October 27, 2010, Through December 17, 2010, to Facilitate Reconstruction of Golden Triangle
3. M &C G -17089 - Authorize the Execution of Interlocal Agreements with Various Tarrant
County Municipalities for the Purpose of Providing Animal and Rabies Control and Rabies
Specimen Shipment During Fiscal Year 2011.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute Interlocal Agreements With Various Tarrant County Municipalities for the Purpose of
Providing Limited Animal and Rabies Control and Rabies Specimen Shipment From October 1, 2010,
Through September 30, 2011.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
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4. M &C G -17090 - Authorize the Execution of an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County to
Provide Limited Animal and Rabies Specimen Control in Unincorporated Areas of Tarrant
County from October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2011.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute an Interlocal Agreement With Tarrant County for the Purpose of Providing Limited Animal
and Rabies Control in the Unincorporated Areas of Tarrant County From October 1, 2010, Through
September 30, 2011.
5. M &C G -17091 - Authorize the Execution of Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No.
40440 to Change the Name of the Firm from AECOM USA, Inc., d /b /a AECOM USA Group,
Inc., to AECOM Technical Services, Inc., at Fort Worth Alliance Airport and a Related Consent
of Assignment.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 40440 to Change the Name of the Firm
From AECOM USA, Inc., d /b /a AECOM USA Group, Inc., to AECOM Technical Services, Inc., at
Fort Worth Alliance Airport and a Related Consent of Assignment Document.
6. M &C G -17092 - Authorize Payments for Annual Consolidated Water Quality Fees, for Fiscal
Years 2011 through 2015 in an Amount Not to Exceed $150,000.00 Per Year, to the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality for Treated Effluent Discharge from the Village Creek
Wastewater Treatment Plant Under Discharge Permit WQ0010494013.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing Payments for Fiscal Years
2011 Through 2015 in an Amount Not to Exceed $150,000.00 Per Year, for the Annual Consolidated
Water Quality Assessment Fees to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for Treated
Effluent Discharge From the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Under Discharge Permit
B. Purchase of Equipment, Materials, and Services - Consent Items
1. M &C P -11172 - Authorize a Purchase Agreement with Municipal Water Works Supply, LP,
for Plastic Water Meter Boxes and Cast Iron Lids for the Water Department for an Initial
Amount of $100,000.00.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing a Purchase Agreement
With Municipal Water Works Supply, LP, for Plastic Water Meter Boxes and Cast Iron Lids for the
Water Department for an Initial Amount of $100,000.00.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 4 of 14
2. M &C P -11173 - Authorize the Purchase of a Truck Cab and Chassis from Southwest
International Trucks, Inc., Using a Texas Association of School Boards Cooperative Contract
and the Purchase of a Truck - Mounted Sewer Body from GapVax, Inc., Using a Houston -
Galveston Area Council Cooperative Contract for the Water Department for a Combined Total
Amount of $284,927.00.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the Purchase of a Truck
Cab and Chassis From Southwest International Trucks, Inc., Using a Texas Association of School
Boards Cooperative Contract and the Purchase of a Truck- Mounted Sewer Body From GapVax, Inc.,
Using a Houston - Galveston Area Council Cooperative Contract for the Water Department for a
Combined Total Amount of $284,927.00.
C. Land - Consent Items
1. M &C L -15087 - Authorize the Direct Sale of A Tax - Foreclosed Property Located at 3800
Avenue H to Terry Leggett in the Amount of $4,800.00.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the Direct Sale of a Tax
Foreclosed Property Described as 3800 Avenue H, Lots 1 and 2, Block 49, Polytechnic Heights
Addition, to Terry Leggett in Accordance With Section 34.05 of the Texas Tax Code in the Amount of
$4,800.00; and Authorizing the City Manager, or His Designee, to Execute and Record the Appropriate
Instruments Conveying the Property to Complete the Sale.
E. Award of Contract - Consent Items
1. M &C C -24556 - Authorize an $11,000.00 Increase in Estimated Receipts in Connection with
the Fiscal Year 2010 Agreement with the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation,
which Provides for the Receipt of Reimbursable Costs Incurred by the City in Providing
Resources to Joint Operations/Task Forces and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing an Increase in Estimated
Receipts Associated With the Fiscal Year 2010 Agreement With the Internal Revenue Service,
Criminal Investigation, Entered Into for the Purpose of Receiving Reimbursable Overtime and Travel
Costs Incurred by the City in Providing Resources to a Joint Operations /Task Force; and Adopt
Appropriation Ordinance No. 19414 -10 -2010 Increasing the Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in
the Grants Fund in the Amount of $11,000.00, Upon Execution of a Revision to the Fiscal Year 2010
Agreement With the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 5 of 14
2. M &C C -24557 - Authorize an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Fort Worth and
Tarrant County for Funding of the Joint Emergency Operations Center.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to Enter
Into an Interlocal Agreement With Tarrant County for Funding of the Joint Emergency Operations
3. M &C C -24558 - Authorize an Interlocal Agreement Between Tarrant County College District
and the City of Fort Worth for Public Safety Institute Training in an Amount Not to Exceed
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing an Interlocal Agreement
With Tarrant County College District for Public Safety Institute Training From October 1, 2010,
Through September 30, 2012, in an Amount Not to Exceed $20,000.00.
4. M &C C -24559 - Authorize the Execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Aviation
Management Consulting Group, Inc., in the Amount of $77,500.00 Plus Up to $5,000.00 in
Reimbursable Expenses to Develop a Leasing Policy and Update Minimum Standards for the
City of Fort Worth Aviation Department and Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance
Decreasing the Unreserved, Undesignated Cash Balance.
Approved by the City Council as recommended and as follows: Authorizing the City Manager to
Adopt Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 19415 -10 -2010 Increasing the Estimated Receipts
and Appropriations in the Municipal Airports Fund in the Amount of $82,500.00, and Decreasing the
Unreserved, Undesignated Cash Balance by the Same Amount to Develop a Leasing Policy and
Update Minimum Standards for the Aviation Department; and Authorizing the City Manager to
Execute a Professional Services Agreement With Aviation Management Consulting Group, Inc., in the
Amount of $77,500.00 Plus Up to $5,000.00 in Reimbursable Expenses.
1.00S - 1792 - Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages and /or Injuries
End of Consent Agenda.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 6 of 14
1. Presentation of Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness t
Council Member Hicks presented a Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month to
SafeHaven of Tarrant County Representatives: Lacy Lee Sperry, Sarah McClellan- Brandt, and Reece
Small. She stated that the prevalence of domestic violence affected the entire community, not just the
victim and added that one (1) in three (3) women in the nation would be a victim of domestic violence
in her lifetime. She further stated that SafeHaven of Tarrant County served more than 2,500 women
and children fleeing from abuse annually in its shelters, as well as, thousands more in its transitional
living program and counseling services thus fulfilling its mission to end domestic violence through
safety, support, prevention and social change. She pointed out that in 2009, nearly a quarter of all
domestic violence hotline calls made in Texas were answered by SafeHaven, whose assistance helped
those survivors of domestic violence to create lives of safety for themselves and their children, as no
person should ever have to live in fear. She advised that National Domestic Violence Awareness
Month served to bring the message to all communities that everyone deserved to feel a sense of safety
in their lives and SafeHaven was committed to doing everything it could to deliver that message in
Fort Worth and all of Tarrant County.
Ms. Sperry expressed appreciation to the City Council for the Proclamation and their support of this
important organization. She stated that domestic violence knew no boundaries and could affect
Mayor Moncrief expressed appreciation to SafeHaven of Tarrant County and all of the volunteers for
their important work in and around the community.
I: s
MMIPK011 11111111 1 1 � 1 c
Council Member Burdette announced that the Art Cowsen Trailhead and Trinity Trails to Benbrook
dedication ceremony held on October 23, 2010, at Pecan Valley Park was a great success. He
expressed appreciation to the Streams and Valleys organization, the Parks and Community Services
Department, the City of Benbrook and the Tarrant Regional Water District for their support of the
event. He also announced that the Fort Worth Public Library would celebrate the opening of the
new Northwest Branch with a dedication and ribbon - cutting ceremony on October 30, 2010, at
10:00 a.m., at the library, located on Cromwell Marine Creek Road. He stated that the 13,000- square-
foot Northwest Branch offered the latest library technology services, including 52 public computers
with Internet access, self - checkout stations, an automated media dispenser, free Wi -Fi and laptop
computers for use in the library. He added that the branch also had a computer instruction lab with an
interactive computer white board for presentations, children's literacy computers, video gaming and
Radio Frequency Identification for inventory management. He advised that Library staff would be
stationed around the library to explain the new equipment.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 7 of 14
Council Member Burns expressed appreciation to District 9 Aide Deyra Galvan, former District 9 Aide
Melissa Mitchell, family and friends for their assistance in responding to the 20,000 plus emails he
received in the past two (2) weeks regarding his comments about the recent suicide of teens and young
adults after they had been bullied for being gay or perceived as being gay. He also requested that the
Council meeting be adjourned in memory of Ms. June O' Quinn, who passed away at age 84 on
October 20, 2010. He stated she graduated from University of Texas, Austin, and served as the
Environmental Protection Agency's Public Participation Officer over a five (5) state area in the
Northwest. He also stated that she was a research analyst for the Texas Land Office where she worked
on coastal legislation and the state cabinet management program. He advised that her daughter,
Brandy O'Quinn, was also a long time District 9 resident.
Council Member Zimmerman requested that the Council Meeting be adjourned in memory of Mr.
Hunter Barrett, who passed away at age 84 on October 20, 2010. He advised that Mr. Barrett was born
in Fort Worth and was a world traveler from the time he signed on as a Seaman aboard a British
merchant ship at age 14. He further advised that Mr. Barrett went on to serve as the youngest Third
Mate ever commissioned by the United States Maritime Service. He retired from the Maritime Service
as a Second Mate, Lieutenant SG, Navy Reserve, having served in every ocean war zone. He stated
that Mr. Barrett served as President of the National Commercial Real Estate Brokers, Downtown Fort
Worth Association and served on the boards of many civic and business corporations throughout the
nation. He further stated that Mr. Barrett was one (1) of the founders of All Saints Episcopal Church
and Trinity Valley School of Fort Worth. He also announced that the 2010 Fort Worth Alliance Air
Show presented by Bell Helicopter would be held October 30 through 31, 2010, in North Texas. He
stated that the United States Navy Blue Angels, the United States Air Force F -22 Raptor and the
United States Army Golden Knights would be featured in a full day of dynamic aviation performances,
static display, interactive booths, Kids Zone and more. He advised that admission was free but there
was a $20.00 fee for parking. He stated that gates would be open from 9:00 am, to 5:00 pm., daily.
Council Member Espino advised that the Near Northside Economic Development Workshop was held
last week. He expressed appreciation to Assistant City Manager Fernando Costa, the Fort Worth
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Amon Carter Foundation, Wells Fargo and the Planning and
Development and the Housing and Economic Development staff for making the event a success and
for realizing the importance of revitalization, economic development and preservation of the unique
community in the Northside area. He stated that the Council Members would receive a briefing in the
coming weeks about the interesting ideas from the workshop and advised that he was excited about
moving forward with some of the recommendations by the consultants.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 8 of 14
Council Member Hicks encouraged District 8 residents to save the date for the 6th Annual City Hall
Comes to District 8 Town Hall Meeting on November 18, 2010, at Morningside Elementary School
and advised that more information would be available in the future. She encouraged those interested to
call her office at 817 - 392 -8808 for more information. She also announced the Eugene McCray Park
Cleanup and recognized Mrs. Mary McCray, widow of former Mayor Pro tem and District 8 Member
Eugene McCray and Mr. Jay Johnson to provide more information about the event.
Mr. Johnson, 6009 Maceo Lane, advised that the Eugene McCray Park Cleanup would be held on
October 30, 2010, from 9:00 a.m., to 12:00 p.m., at the intersection of Quail Road and Elizabeth Road.
He provided an overview of the history of the park and stated that former Mr. McCray worked very
hard to cleanup the park and rid the area of gang activity during his tenure on the City Council. He
stated that he hoped this event would revitalize the park and advised that members of Parks and
Community Services and Code Compliance Departments staff would be attending the event.
Council Member Jordan announced that after an extensive month long facelift, the Wedgwood Branch
Library reopened on October 18, 2010. He stated that this was the most used library by neighborhood
per square foot in the City and that library visitors would find that the facility had been dramatically
improved. He also announced that the dedication ceremony for The Prairie Wind at C.P. Hadley Park,
a public art project, and numerous other capital improvement projects would be held on
November 13, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. He encouraged all District 6 residents to attend the dedication
ceremony and added that this was a major accomplishment in roadways, parks and public art. He
congratulated Mayor Moncrief and the citizens of Fort Worth for the work on the Tower 55 Project. He
also advised that on October 28, 2010, the Texas Transportation Committee would vote on the
Interstate 35 Loop 820 Project and added that the results of the vote would be available as soon as
Mayor Moncrief advised that the City continued to receive good news about addressing the City's
transportation issues both locally and at the federal and state level. He stated that the current projects
that were moving forward were indicative of the kind of progress that was being made. He pointed out
that the progress was a result of teamwork and partnerships that were formed with various entities that
were all working toward a common result. He also announced that November 4 through 7, 2010, was
NASCAR race weekend. He stated that the Fire Department would be at Texas Motor Speedway
showing their support of the fight against breast cancer with the pink fire trucks and wearing the pink
shirts in support of the "Cares Enough to Wear Pink" campaign. He stated the proceeds raised during
this campaign would be donated to the Joan Katz Breast Center at All Saints in Fort Worth.
2. BgL2gnition of Citizens
There were no citizens recognized at this time.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 9 of 14
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that the
following individuals be appointed or reappointed to Place 8 on boards and commissions as
indicated effective October 26, 2010, with terms expiring October 1, 2012.
Ms. Shirley Bryant, Board of Adjustment — Residential
Ms. Erma Bonner - Platte, Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission
Mr. Ramon Romero, Jr., City Zoning Commission and Fort Worth Alliance Airport Zoning
The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and
Council Member Moss absent.
[111 11 hi 11113,11
........................... .............................. ............................
There were no presentations and /or communications from boards, commissions and /or City Council
1. A Allocation
American Act of 2009.
Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan, that
Resolution No. 3929 -10 -2010 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously seven (7) ayes
to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss absent.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 10 of 14
B. General
1117 1 .
1 1
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Second
Renewal of a Professional Services Agreement With Hudson Financial Solutions, a Division of
Hudson Global Resources Management, Inc., in the Amount of $300,862.00 to Provide Backfill
Staffing in the Human Resources Department During the Completion of the Enterprise Resource
Planning Project, Phase One.
Motion: Council Member Burns made a motion, seconded by Council Member Burdette, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. G -17093 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
2. MSC G -17094 - AdoR the LongmRange Public Art Plan for the 2008 Capital Improverrient
Pro2ram, as Recommended bv the Fort Worth Art Commission.
The recommendation was that the City Council Adopt the Long -Range Public Art Plan for the 2008
Capital Improvement Program, as Recommended by the Fort Worth Art Commission.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. G -17094 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
3. M&C G -17095 - Adopt the Long -Ranee Public Art Plan for the Critical Canital Needs
Program as Recommended by the Fort Worth Art Commission.
The recommendation was that the City Council Adopt the Long -Range Public Art Plan for the Critical
Capital Needs Program, as Recommended by the Fort Worth Art Commission.
Motion: Council Member Burdette made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. G -17095 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council
Member Moss absent.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 11 of 14
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 12 of 14
F. Award tract
1. MSC C -24560 - Authorize Rejection of All Prop sals Received for Fleet Maintenance
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the Rejection of All Proposals Received for
Fleet Maintenance Services.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Zimmerman, that
Mayor and Council Communication No. C -24560 be approved. The motion carried
unanimously seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council
Member Moss absent.
c c
Feet Freestanding 1 1 I
Building. and Medical Office
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Economic
Development Program Agreement With Hospital Corporation of America, North Hills Hospital or an
Affiliate Thereof, for the Construction of a 10,500 Square Feet Freestanding Emergency Department
and the Future Development of a 60 -Bed Hospital and Medical Office Building.
Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hicks, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C -24561 be approved. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 13 of 14
(C -24562 Continued)
The recommendation was that the City Council Authorize the Execution of a Local Project Advance
Funding Agreement (LPAFA) With the Texas Department of Transportation in the Amount of
$1,762,681.00 for Design, Right -of -Way, Utilities and Construction of the Berry /Vaughn Intersection
Project on US Highway 287 (Southbound Frontage Road); Authorize the Acceptance of a
$1,250,848.00 Grant From the North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG) in
Accordance With a Sustainable Development Infrastructure Agreement With the NCTCOG in the
Amount of $1,563,561.00 ($1,250,848.00 NCTCOG Grant Plus 20 Percent Local Match of
$312,713.00); Authorize Execution of the Sustainable Development Infrastructure Agreement With
NCTCOG; Authorize Execution of an Amendment to Advanced Funding Agreement With
Renaissance Square, LLC, (City Secretary Contract No. 40550) for Receipt of $312,713.00 Payment
From Renaissance Square, LLC, in Order to Restructure the Funding Commitments for This
Project; Authorize the Transfer of $312,713.00 Received From Renaissance Square, LLC, Under the
Advance Funding Agreement From the General Fund to the Grant Fund for the Payment of the
Required 20 Percent Local Match Under the Sustainable Development Infrastructure Agreement With
NCTCOG; Authorize the Transfer of $199,120.00 From the General Fund to the Grant Fund for Partial
Payment of This Project by the City; Adopt an Appropriation Ordinance Increasing the Estimated
Receipts and Appropriations in the Grants Fund in Amount of $1,762,681.00 From Available Funds
for the Purpose of Funding the Design, Right -of -Way, Utilities and Construction for the Berry /Vaughn
Intersection Project on US Highway 287; and Authorize an Initial Payment to the Texas Department of
Transportation in the Amount of $187,627.00 in Accordance With the LPAFA.
Motion: Council Member Hicks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor
and Council Communication No. C -24562 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No.
19417 -10 -2010 be adopted with appreciation to staff. The motion carried unanimously
seven (7) ayes to zero (0) nays, with Mayor Pro tem Scarth and Council Member Moss
Council Member Hicks expressed appreciation to the Housing and Economic Development
Department staff, the Texas Department of Transportation and all of the developers for their hard work
on this project. She advised that the Berry /Vaughn exit ramp was a very difficult exit off of Martin
Luther King, Jr., Freeway and pointed out that this redesign would help the $75M 200 -acre
redevelopment of the site at the southwest corner of Highway 287 and East Berry.
1. Mr. Joe Don Brandon, P. O. Box 1155, City Council Meeting Speaker Cards - Time and Use of
City Secretary Hendrix advised that Mr. Brandon would not attend the meeting.
OCTOBER 26, 2010
PAGE 14 of 14
Other Citizen Presentations:
Ms. Mary Ellen Blakemore, 1306 Illinois, appeared before Council relative to her chain link fence that
was in violation of City Code. She displayed photographs of her property and the chain link fence and
advised that there were at least 10 properties that had the same fences on her street and the owners had
not been issued a citation. She added that the fence bordered her court approved property line and
should have been grandfathered since it had been there for 50 years. She pointed out that the fence was
extended up to her porch in 2005 and she was told this extension was not compliant. She stated that
Code Compliance Officer who issued the citation used aggressive language and did not display good
customer service skills. She also advised that she reported these issues to Mr. Brandon Bennett, Code
Compliance Director. She stated that it was not fair for her to remove her fence because of the
violation when the other fences in the neighborhood were still standing.
Mr. Bennett advised that many of the fences on Ms. Blakemore's street were constructed before the
Zoning Ordinance was adopted, which made the fences legal non - conforming. He stated the original
fence on Ms. Blakemore's property was not in violation but the extension to the porch was in violation
of City Code. He further stated Ms. Blakemore had corrected the issue and the fence was now in
compliance. He also advised that the Code Compliance Department was working with the other
homeowners on the street to remove any fences that were non - compliant.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m., in memory of Ms. June
O'Quinn, who passed away at age 84 on October 20, 2010. The Council Meeting was also adjourned in
memory of Mr. Hunter Barrett, who passed away at age 84 on October 20, 2010.
These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 9t' day of November, 2010.
Marty ndrix
City Secretary